SAP Tables | Environment, Health and Safety | Environment, Health and Safety SAP EHS

SAP EHS Environment, Health and Safety Tables (EHS)

SAP Environment, Health and Safety Tables EHS

/TDAG/CPA_ICH4 - Chapter 4 Data
/TDAG/CPA_ICH4AD - Chapter4: OrgID dependent data
/TDAG/CPA_ICH4MP - UNUSED: Chapter 4: Multiple part entries
/TDAG/CPA_ICH4TX - Chapter 4: Text table for Chapter 4 data
/TDAG/CPA_IRES - Result files waiting to be imported
/TDAG/CPC_ACTVT - CP: Definition of task activities
/TDAG/CPC_ACTVTD - CP: Description of task activities
/TDAG/CPC_ADRPFT - CP: Contact function priority
/TDAG/CPC_ADRPVW - CP: Adress partner function priority
/TDAG/CPC_CHECK - CP: Substance regulation
/TDAG/CPC_CHECKD - CP: Substance regulation
/TDAG/CPC_CHKG - CP: Check Group
/TDAG/CPC_CHKGA - CP: Check Group -> Check Assignment
/TDAG/CPC_CHKGD - CP: Check Group Description
/TDAG/CPC_CHKREA - Specify Reason of Check Result
/TDAG/CPC_CKCRIT - CP: Definition of Check Criteria
/TDAG/CPC_CKCRTD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Check Criteria
/TDAG/CPC_CKMAT - CP: Define material types to be processed within a check

/TDAG/CPC_CKTASK - CP: Link of Tasks to Check Criteria
/TDAG/CPC_CLASS - CP: Additional classification for specifications
/TDAG/CPC_CLASSD - Additional classification - language dependend describtion
/TDAG/CPC_CLMC - CP: Assignment Classification <-> MATCAT's
/TDAG/CPC_COMP - CP: Module or Component in CfP
/TDAG/CPC_COMPD - CP: Description of module or component in CfP
/TDAG/CPC_CPIMTP - CP: Content Providers - import types
/TDAG/CPC_CPROV - CP: Content Providers
/TDAG/CPC_CPROVD - CP: Content Provider descriptions
/TDAG/CPC_DECL - CP: Definition of declaration types
/TDAG/CPC_DISCAT - Specify Disassembly Categories (RSRC)
/TDAG/CPC_DLTYPD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Download Types
/TDAG/CPC_DLTYPE - CP: IMDS Download Types
/TDAG/CPC_DOCAPP - CP: Definition of Document Applications
/TDAG/CPC_DOCTYD - CP: Description for document types
/TDAG/CPC_DOCTYP - CP: Document types
/TDAG/CPC_EC1MAP - CP: Map Valuation Categories
/TDAG/CPC_EC1VAL - CP: Map Valuation Categories - Value List
/TDAG/CPC_EC2MAP - CP: Map Characteristics
/TDAG/CPC_EC2VAL - CP: Map Characteristics - Value List
/TDAG/CPC_EMLA - CP: Assign eMails to categories, types and partner roles
/TDAG/CPC_EMLC - CP: eMail Category
/TDAG/CPC_EMLCD - CP: eMail Category Description
/TDAG/CPC_EMLD - CP: eMail Definition
/TDAG/CPC_EMLDD - CP: eMail Description
/TDAG/CPC_EMLT - CP: eMail Type
/TDAG/CPC_EMLTD - CP: eMail Type Description
/TDAG/CPC_ENV - CP: General environment parameter
/TDAG/CPC_ENVD - CP: language dependent description of environment parameter
/TDAG/CPC_ESCRSN - CP: Escalation reasons
/TDAG/CPC_ESRSND - CP: Escalation reasons descriptions
/TDAG/CPC_EXCHK - CP: Specify checks for export categories
/TDAG/CPC_EXFO - CP: Export format
/TDAG/CPC_EXFONA - Import type description
/TDAG/CPC_EXIMDD - CP: language dep. descriptor for IMDS MDS variables
/TDAG/CPC_EXMAP - CP: Export Mapping
/TDAG/CPC_EXPL - CP: BOS-Explosion configuration
/TDAG/CPC_EXPLD - CP: Language dependend composition group description

/TDAG/CPC_EXPL_P - CP: BOS-Explosion configuration composition priorities
/TDAG/CPC_EXPL_V - CP: Assignment of Variants to Composition groups
/TDAG/CPC_GENCHK - CP: Specify checks for generation variants
/TDAG/CPC_IMCIXM - CP: XML Import Conversion of Identifiers
/TDAG/CPC_IMCXML - CP: XML Import Conversion of Classes/Characteristics
/TDAG/CPC_IMFO - CP: Import format
/TDAG/CPC_IMFONA - Import type description
/TDAG/CPC_IMID - CP: Import identification
/TDAG/CPC_IMIDNA - CP: Import identification description
/TDAG/CPC_IMMAP - Mapping table
/TDAG/CPC_IMPRES - Restrictions for import MDS data
/TDAG/CPC_IMSEG - Import segment
/TDAG/CPC_IMSEGF - Import segment fields
/TDAG/CPC_IMSEGN - Segment description
/TDAG/CPC_IMUMOD - Update mode
/TDAG/CPC_IPC001 - CP: Specify declaration classes according to IPC 1752
/TDAG/CPC_MATCAN - Material type description
/TDAG/CPC_MATCAT - Import material type
/TDAG/CPC_MATDES - Specify Material Designations (RSRC)
/TDAG/CPC_MGRSC - CP: Configuration of Tab Pages in Compliance Workbench
/TDAG/CPC_MGRSCD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Workbench Tab Pages
/TDAG/CPC_NOR - CP: Define normalization variants
/TDAG/CPC_NORD - CP: Define normalization variant descriptions
/TDAG/CPC_NORIG - CP: Origins of Standards
/TDAG/CPC_NORM - CP: Industry Standards
/TDAG/CPC_NORMD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Industry Standards
/TDAG/CPC_NORP - CP: Define normalization variant additional parameters
/TDAG/CPC_PDM - Specify PDM Systems
/TDAG/CPC_PROP - CP: definition of properties and characteristics
/TDAG/CPC_PROPH - CP: Definition of Property Mapping
/TDAG/CPC_PROPI - CP: Definition of Characteristic Mapping
/TDAG/CPC_REA01 - CP: Response Code/ Result Determination
/TDAG/CPC_REA02 - CP: Response Code/ Result Determination - Priority
/TDAG/CPC_RECAT - Specify Recycling Categories (RSRC)
/TDAG/CPC_RENORD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Recycling Standards
/TDAG/CPC_RENORM - CP: Recycling Standards
/TDAG/CPC_REP001 - CP: Define report format
/TDAG/CPC_REP002 - CP: Define report format description

/TDAG/CPC_REP003 - CP: Define elements for report
/TDAG/CPC_REP004 - CP: Define element names for report
/TDAG/CPC_REP005 - CP: Define attributes for element
/TDAG/CPC_REP006 - CP: Define XML type attribute values mapping
/TDAG/CPC_REP011 - CP: Define hierarchy for report format
/TDAG/CPC_REP012 - CP: Define unit conversion for report format
/TDAG/CPC_REP013 - CP: Specify function modules for report generation variant
/TDAG/CPC_REQ - CP: Request Definition
/TDAG/CPC_REQD - CP: Request Description
/TDAG/CPC_SCNOR - CP: Normalization variants for compliance scenarios
/TDAG/CPC_SPTYPE - Import material type
/TDAG/CPC_SREG - CP: Substance regulation
/TDAG/CPC_SREGD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Substance Regulation
/TDAG/CPC_SREGEX - Exemptions
/TDAG/CPC_STANET - CP: Definition of Status Network
/TDAG/CPC_STATD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Task Status
/TDAG/CPC_STATUS - CP: Definition of Task Status
/TDAG/CPC_SVICON - CP: Severity descriptions and icons
/TDAG/CPC_TBPAG - CP: Tab page
/TDAG/CPC_TBPAGD - CP: Description of tab page
/TDAG/CPC_TBSTR - CP: Tabstrip
/TDAG/CPC_TBSTRD - CP: Description of Tabstrip
/TDAG/CPC_TCAT - CP: Definition of Task Categories
/TDAG/CPC_TCATD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Task Categories
/TDAG/CPC_TCMSG - CP: Assign task messages to task categories
/TDAG/CPC_TCMSGS - Specify status for task message execution
/TDAG/CPC_TCUSR - Obsolete: CP: Link User to Task Categories
/TDAG/CPC_TMTPCX - CP: Task management - customization context for tab pages
/TDAG/CPC_UEEN - Specify User Exit Parameters
/TDAG/CPC_UEFU - CP: Link User-Exits with Function Modules
/TDAG/CPC_UEFUNA - CP: Description user exit name
/TDAG/CPC_UETY - CP: user exit type
/TDAG/CPC_UOMCNV - CfP: table with units for CfP import
/TDAG/CPC_UPLCAN - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Upload Types
/TDAG/CPC_UPLCAT - EHS: table uploadtype
/TDAG/CPC_VACP - CP: Validity area category priorities
/TDAG/CPC_VACPD - CP: Val. area cat. priorities - lang.-dep. descriptions
/TDAG/CPC_VWR001 - CP: Specify viewer for generated Documents
/TDAG/CPC_VWR002 - CP: Specify short description for document viewer
/TDAG/CPC_WLCONF - CP: Configuration for work list objects
/TDAG/CPC_WLNAME - CP: possible work list names
/TDAG/CPC_WLPARM - CP: Parameter table for CfP Worklist Management
/TDAG/CPC_WLSTAT - CP: work list status (possible values)
/TDAG/CPS_ACTVTD - CP: Structure for activity descriptions
/TDAG/CPS_ADDED_NODE - CP: Structure containing info for added XML elements
/TDAG/CPS_ADDR_COMPANY - CP: Company address
/TDAG/CPS_ADDR_COMPANY_EXT - CP: Extended company address
/TDAG/CPS_ADDR_PERSON - CP: Personal address
/TDAG/CPS_ADDR_PERSON_EXT - CP: Extended Personal address
/TDAG/CPS_ADDR_PRSNR - CP: Suchhilfe f�r Ansprechpartner
/TDAG/CPS_ADD_REP_DATA - CP: Definition of additional data to from EH&S DB
/TDAG/CPS_ADRD - CP: expanded data for business partner
/TDAG/CPS_ADRPD - CP: expanded data for personal partner
/TDAG/CPS_ADRPRS - CP: address number and personal partner
/TDAG/CPS_AIAGREV - Revision Information AIAG Export
/TDAG/CPS_ALV01 - CP: ALV - Icons
/TDAG/CPS_ALV02 - CP: IO-Struktur zur Darstellung von Spezifikationsdaten
/TDAG/CPS_ALV03 - CP: IO structure to display multiple inst. of property data
/TDAG/CPS_ALVADM - CP: Administration fields of ALV IO structure
/TDAG/CPS_ALVKEY - CP: Key value fields of ALV IO structure
/TDAG/CPS_ALVVALUES - CP: Value fields of ALV IO structure
/TDAG/CPS_APISTD - CP: Standard fields for API structures
/TDAG/CPS_API_ERROR_TASKH - CP: API-Struktur f�r Pr�fen der Fremdsch�sselwerte
/TDAG/CPS_API_TASKATT - CP: API structure for attachments of task items
/TDAG/CPS_API_TASKD - CP: Structure for key information of item attachments
/TDAG/CPS_API_TASKH - CP: API for task headers
/TDAG/CPS_API_TASKI - CP: Structure of task items
/TDAG/CPS_API_TASKTXT - CP: API Structure for task texts (notes)
/TDAG/CPS_API_USE - CP: Structure for the API: REACh Use
/TDAG/CPS_APPLCODE - Applikation Codes
/TDAG/CPS_APPLLOG_NODES - CP: application log nodes (reference to objects)
/TDAG/CPS_ATNAM_MULT_USED - Multiple used characteristic (value assignment types)
/TDAG/CPS_ATT2IMF2BDY - CP: Attachment data, header and body
/TDAG/CPS_BASE_RANGE - CP: Structure for ranges that can be used in Abap OO
/TDAG/CPS_BC_MESSAGE - CP: Struktur f�r eine Nachricht vom Batch-Client
/TDAG/CPS_BOMBOS_OUTPUT - CP: Structure for output of BOMBOS results
/TDAG/CPS_BOMBOS_OUTPUT_SIM - CP: Struktur f�r Ausgabe der BOMBOS Ergebnisse (Simulation)
/TDAG/CPS_BOSSZEN - CP: BOS-Explosion Szenario
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_COMP - CP: BOS explosion
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_COMP_UCOV_ADD - CP: Structure for additional information for coverage check
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_COMP_WITH_MODE - CP: BOS_COMP structure with mode field
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_INDEX_FLAGS - CP: Flags for used BOS index tables
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_INDEX_KEY - CP: BOS index table for field KEY
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_INDEX_MATCAT - CP: BOS index table for field MATCAT
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_INDEX_SUBID - CP: BOS index table for field SUBID
/TDAG/CPS_BOS_SPLIT - CP: Line type for BOS split by product category
/TDAG/CPS_BUFFER_ENTRY_STATUS - CP: Status fields for a buffer entry
/TDAG/CPS_BUFFER_MOD - CP: Modified buffers with additional data
/TDAG/CPS_BUFFER_MOD_ADD_DATA - CP: Additional data to modified buffers
/TDAG/CPS_BUS_PARTNER - CP: Business and contact person
/TDAG/CPS_CACHED_DECLARABLES - CP: Line type for cached declarables
/TDAG/CPS_CACHED_IDENTS - CP: Line type for cached indentifier values
/TDAG/CPS_CD_OLD_NEW - CP: Structure containing old and new values by field
/TDAG/CPS_CD_TAB_FIELD_MAPPING - CP: Mapping for change doc handling: constant - tab - field
/TDAG/CPS_CHAR_DEF - CP: Line type for characteristic definitions
/TDAG/CPS_CHAR_DESCR - CP: Description of a characteristic
/TDAG/CPS_CHAR_FIELD_MAPPING - CP: Maps a characteristic to a field
/TDAG/CPS_CHAR_FIELD_MAP_EXT - CP: Extended mapping between characteristic and field
/TDAG/CPS_CHECKCTRL - CP: Struktur zur Zuordn. eines Contr.-Obj. zu einem Szenario
/TDAG/CPS_CHECKGRP_CHK - CP: Check Group <--> Check
/TDAG/CPS_CHECKS - CP: Pr�fungen
/TDAG/CPS_CHECKS_RESULT - CP: Struktur mit Pr�fung und Pr�fergebnis
/TDAG/CPS_CHECKS_RESULT_EXT - CP: Struktur mit Pr�fung, Ergebnis und Zusatzinfos
/TDAG/CPS_CHECK_100PERC - CP: Summe der Bestandteile einer Spez. abh�ngig vom Werk
/TDAG/CPS_CHECK_ACTIVATION - Check activation display structure
/TDAG/CPS_CHECK_RESULT - CP: Struktur f�r Pr�fergebnis
/TDAG/CPS_CHINA_XO_TABLE - CP: X / O table for China-RoHS
/TDAG/CPS_CHKENTAPI - CP: API table for check entries
/TDAG/CPS_CHKENTBUF - CP: Buffer structure for check entries
/TDAG/CPS_CHKENTIOT - CP: IO-Table for check entries
/TDAG/CPS_CHKRES_COMPL - CP: Check result value and if it is set by compliance status
/TDAG/CPS_CHK_PROP - CP: Property structure
/TDAG/CPS_CHK_SUB - CP: Table of substances and its properties
/TDAG/CPS_CKCRIT_EX - CP: Check criteria
/TDAG/CPS_CLASS_TO_MATCAT - CP: Assignment class to MATCAT
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_CABN - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CABN 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_CABNT - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CABNT 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_CABN_KEY - CP: Schl�sselinformationen CABN
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_CABN_TRANS - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CABN 4.6C) Transportstruktur
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_CAWN - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CAWN 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_CAWNT - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CAWNT 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_CAWN_TRANS - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CAWN 4.6C) Transportstruktur
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_KLAH - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KLAH 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_KLAT - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KLAT 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_KSML - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KSML 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_KSML_TRANS - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KSML 4.6C) Transportstruktur
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_SWOR - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle SWOR 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_CLS_TCME - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle TCME 4.6C)
/TDAG/CPS_COMM - CP: Communication informations
/TDAG/CPS_COMM_EXT - CP: Extended communication data
/TDAG/CPS_COMM_FILE - DMS Keys for IMDS Communication File
/TDAG/CPS_COMPIOSTR - CP: IO-Struktur zur Darstellung der Zusammensetzung
/TDAG/CPS_COMPLSTATUS - CP: Structure of a compliance status
/TDAG/CPS_COMPL_CAT - CP: Kategorisierung des Compliance-Status
/TDAG/CPS_COMPL_CONTAINER - CP: Container for compliance data
/TDAG/CPS_COMPONENTCHANGED - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung einer ge�nderten Komponente
/TDAG/CPS_COMPOSITIONCHANGED - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung einer ge�nderten Zusammens.
/TDAG/CPS_COMP_GRP - CP: Composition group
/TDAG/CPS_CONTAINER_SIZE - CP: Size of a GUI container
/TDAG/CPS_CONTENT_PROVIDER - Structure for content provider number and name
/TDAG/CPS_CONTPROV_ALV - CP: Content provider grid screen structure
/TDAG/CPS_CONTPROV_DATA - CP: Content provider - data storage structure
/TDAG/CPS_CONTPROV_EDIT - CP: Content provider query data structure
/TDAG/CPS_CONTPROV_MATCH - CP: Content provider - match structure
/TDAG/CPS_CONTPROV_TASKH - CP: Content provider processing structure
/TDAG/CPS_CUSTOMER - CP: Structure for customer number and name
/TDAG/CPS_CUSTPART - CP: Customer Part Header Data
/TDAG/CPS_CUSTPARTD - CP: Customer Part Header Data - lang. dependent description
/TDAG/CPS_DATACHANGED - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung ge�nderter Werte eines Objekte
/TDAG/CPS_DATAIOSTR - CP: IO-Struktur zur Darstellung von Spezifikationsdaten
/TDAG/CPS_DATA_HANDLER_REF - CP: BOS data handler references
/TDAG/CPS_DCT_DEFINITIONS - CP: Exemption definitions
/TDAG/CPS_DCT_EXEMPTIONS - CP: Assignment of exemptions to pure substance/group
/TDAG/CPS_DCT_SUBLIST - CP: Struktur um Reinstoffdaten ins DCT zu laden
/TDAG/CPS_DECFIELDS - CP: Declarable database table fields
/TDAG/CPS_DECFIELDS_DEP - CP: Dependent declarable database table fields
/TDAG/CPS_DECFIELDS_IND - CP: Independent declarable database table fields
/TDAG/CPS_DECFIELDS_IN_DE - CP: database table fields that are used independent and dep.
/TDAG/CPS_DECLARABLECHANGED - CP: Structure to describe a changed declarables entry
/TDAG/CPS_DECL_PROP_VALUES - CP: Proportion values of a declarable
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUB - CP: Buffer structure for declareable substances
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUBDEL - CfP: Declarable Substances to be deleted
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUB_ADD_FIELDS - CP: Additional fields for declarable structures
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUB_DEP - CP: Buffer structure for declareable substances, dependent
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUB_ERROR - CP: Declarable substances with error information
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUB_LST - CP: IO structure to display the list of declarable substance
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUB_NORM - CP: Normalized weight and proportion values of a declarable
/TDAG/CPS_DECSUB_REG - CP: Declarables with regulation information
/TDAG/CPS_DEFAULT_CONTEXT - CP: Defaultbelegung der Kontextstruktur f�r Meldungen
/TDAG/CPS_DIFFERENCE - CP: Differences between two data objects
/TDAG/CPS_DOC2CNT2ATT - CP: E-mail data, content and attachment list
/TDAG/CPS_DOCAPP - CP: Definitionen der Dokumentenanwendung
/TDAG/CPS_DOC_INFO - CP: XML Documentinformation
/TDAG/CPS_DOC_REQUEST - CP: XML Document Request
/TDAG/CPS_DOC_REQUESTOR - CP: XML Document Requestor
/TDAG/CPS_DOC_RESPONDER - CP: XML Document Responder
/TDAG/CPS_DOC_SOURCE - CP: XML Document Source
/TDAG/CPS_DOMVT - CP: Structure for fixed domain values and texts
/TDAG/CPS_DPR_COMPANY - Dynpro Structure for Company Data
/TDAG/CPS_DPR_ORG_PERSON - Dynpro Structure for Company Contact Person
/TDAG/CPS_DPR_ORG_UNIT - Dynpro Structure for Org Unit Data
/TDAG/CPS_DPR_REQUEST - Dynpro Structure for Request data
/TDAG/CPS_DVS_DATA - CP: DMS-Key + Task data
/TDAG/CPS_EMAILLOG_FCAT - CP: Field catalog entries for e-mail processing log report
/TDAG/CPS_EMAILPROC_CONTEXT - CP: Application log context for e-mail processing
/TDAG/CPS_EMAILREC_ALV - CP: ALV structure for email recipients
/TDAG/CPS_EMAIL_SCR - CP: Screen structure for e-mail processing
/TDAG/CPS_ESECRDAT_RANGE - CP: Structure for range of ESECRDAT used in Abap OO
/TDAG/CPS_ESECRNAM_RANGE - CP: Structure for range of ESECRNAM used in Abap OO
/TDAG/CPS_ESERECN_RANGE - CP: Structure for range of ESERECN used in Abap OO
/TDAG/CPS_ESEUPDDATE_RANGE - CP: Structure for range of /TDAG/CPS_ESEUPD used in Abap
/TDAG/CPS_ESTCAT_COMPGRP - CP: ESTCAT to composition group
/TDAG/CPS_EST_CHANGE_DOCS - CP: Structure of est_change_docs
/TDAG/CPS_EXEMLI - CP: Exemption assignment to substances
/TDAG/CPS_EXEMPTION_PHR - CP: Exemption (Phrase)
/TDAG/CPS_EXEMPTION_SHOW - CP: Struktur f�r die Anzeige von Ausnahmen
/TDAG/CPS_EXEMPT_F4 - CP: Datenstruktur f�r die Ausnahmen F4-Hilfe
/TDAG/CPS_EXEMPT_PHRTXT - CP: Phrasetext for Exemption
/TDAG/CPS_EXIMDS_KEY - CP: Log. key of the IMDS protocl table /TDAG/CPT_EXIMDS
/TDAG/CPS_EXIMDS_LOCK - CP: Lockstructure for IMDS protocol table /TDAG/CPT_EXIMDS
/TDAG/CPS_EXPALV - Export ALV parameter
/TDAG/CPS_EXPL_CONFIG - CP: BOS-Explosion configuration
/TDAG/CPS_EXPL_CONFIG_PARAM - CP: Parameters for the BOS-Explosion configuration
/TDAG/CPS_EXPL_CONFIG_PRIO - CP: BOS-Explosion config. composition priorities
/TDAG/CPS_EXPNODE_PATH - CP: Path to a node in product structure tree, with length
/TDAG/CPS_EXUPLALV - CfP: ALV - Struktur Anwendungstabelle IMDS Upload
/TDAG/CPS_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR - CP: Structure to describe a dialog field
/TDAG/CPS_FILEAPPLS - CP: Dateien vom Applikationsserver
/TDAG/CPS_FILEINFO - CP: File properties
/TDAG/CPS_FILENAM - CP: file name - !do not use this structure!
/TDAG/CPS_FILE_CHK_RES - CP: Structure of the file check result
/TDAG/CPS_FLAG_FIELD_CHANGE - CP: Tracker - Flag: Feld�ndrung erlaubt?
/TDAG/CPS_GENCHK - CP: Structure for checks for generation variants
/TDAG/CPS_GENERIC_REP_DATA - CP: Generic (regulation dependend) additional data
/TDAG/CPS_GENVAR - CP: Structure for generation variants
/TDAG/CPS_GRIDCELL - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung einer ALV-Grid-Zelle
/TDAG/CPS_GUID_SPECID - Connection between GUID and SPECID
/TDAG/CPS_HDRNO - CP: Struktur f�r Feld HDRNO
/TDAG/CPS_HEADERIOSTR - CP: IO-Struktur zur Darstellung der Kopfdaten
/TDAG/CPS_HEADERIOSTR_EXT - CP: IO-Structure for header data
/TDAG/CPS_HEUR_CALC - CP: Line type for the heuristic calculations table
/TDAG/CPS_HISENTAPI - CP: API table for Compliance History entries
/TDAG/CPS_HISENTBUF - CP: Buffer structure for Compl. History entries
/TDAG/CPS_HISENTIOT - CP: IO-Table for Compliance History
/TDAG/CPS_ICH4 - Structure for Chapter 4 data
/TDAG/CPS_ICH4AD - Structure for Chapter 4 Company specific data
/TDAG/CPS_ICH4MP - Structure for Chapter 4 Multiple Parts data
/TDAG/CPS_ICH4TX - Structure for Chapter 4 Text data
/TDAG/CPS_ICMDS - Structure for Customer MDS
/TDAG/CPS_ICMDS_BUF - Buffer structure for Customer MDS
/TDAG/CPS_ICON - CP: Struktur f�r ein Icon und dessen Bezeichner
/TDAG/CPS_IDENT - CP: Structure for identifiers
/TDAG/CPS_IDS - CP: Line type for IDs table
/TDAG/CPS_IMALVAPPLS - CP: ALV - Struktur / Import vom Applikationsserver
/TDAG/CPS_IMATTACH - Import Attachments
/TDAG/CPS_IMDECSUB - Import Declareable Substances
/TDAG/CPS_IMDENTAPI - CP: API table for IMDS entries
/TDAG/CPS_IMDENTBUF - CP: Buffer structure for IMDS entries
/TDAG/CPS_IMDENTIOT - CP: IO-Table for IMDS entries
/TDAG/CPS_IMDS_APPL_CODE - Application code structure
/TDAG/CPS_IMDS_ENTITY_KEY - Identifies an Entity (MDS/Request) and a Recipient (Chap 4)
/TDAG/CPS_IMDS_NORM - Norm Name and Code
/TDAG/CPS_IMDS_RESULT_CONT - IMDS Result file content
/TDAG/CPS_IMDS_RES_MARK - Entry for result download marker
/TDAG/CPS_IMDS_STREAML_INFO - IMDS Streamline information
/TDAG/CPS_IMDS_XML_STRUCT - XML File Structure Structure
/TDAG/CPS_IMERROR - Error structure
/TDAG/CPS_IMLINKID - Import Verweis auf ein anderes Objekt
/TDAG/CPS_IMP2DOCTYP - CP: Structure for mapping of import and document types
/TDAG/CPS_IMPALV - CP: ALV-Struktur Import Objekte
/TDAG/CPS_IMPCOMP - Component fields
/TDAG/CPS_IMPDATA - Import data fields
/TDAG/CPS_IMPDISP - CP: Import-Dialog
/TDAG/CPS_IMPDISP_IMDSMODUL - CP: Importdialog IMDS zus�tzliche Felder
/TDAG/CPS_IMPFILE - File structure
/TDAG/CPS_IMPFILE1000 - File structure C1000
/TDAG/CPS_IMPOBJ - Identification objects
/TDAG/CPS_IMPRES - Restrictions for Import MDS data
/TDAG/CPS_IMSEGDATL - CP: Import Tool Segment Data Line
/TDAG/CPS_IMSOURCE - CP: Import Source
/TDAG/CPS_IMXMLTREE - CP: Import XML Tree Structure
/TDAG/CPS_INPCHK_V - Structure to handle events of view /tdag/rcsv_inpck
/TDAG/CPS_INPUT_CHECK - Result of input check
/TDAG/CPS_INP_CHA_KEY_LTEXT - CP: Longtext structure for characteristics
/TDAG/CPS_INP_KEY_VALUE - CP: Structure of Key - Value pair
/TDAG/CPS_INP_VALUE - CP: Structure of possible input value for characteristic
/TDAG/CPS_INTERNAL_VALUE - CP: Structure for internal value of dialog field
/TDAG/CPS_IPCPARAMS_DLG - CP: IPC parameter dialog structure
/TDAG/CPS_ISMDS - Structure for Supplier MDS
/TDAG/CPS_ISMDS_BUF - Buffer structure for Supplier MDS
/TDAG/CPS_KUNNR_EXT - CP: Extended customer data to select partner functions
/TDAG/CPS_LIFNR_EXT - CP: Extended vendor data to select partner functions
/TDAG/CPS_LOGHANDLE - CP: Log handle structure
/TDAG/CPS_LONGTEXT - CP: Line type for long text value record
/TDAG/CPS_MAP_ATNAM - CP: Mapping of characteristics
/TDAG/CPS_MASTB - CP: Extended Material-BOM-Assignment
/TDAG/CPS_MATCAT - CP: Materialtypen und Spezifikationsarten
/TDAG/CPS_MATCAT_TO_CHECK - CP: List of material types to be processed by a check
/TDAG/CPS_MATERIAL_EXT - CP: Material number - extended structure
/TDAG/CPS_MATERIAL_NO - Structure for Material Number
/TDAG/CPS_MATTYPECONF - CP: Struktur f�r die Konfiguration einer Materialart
/TDAG/CPS_MAT_ADDINF - CP: Additional Material Information
/TDAG/CPS_MAT_CLASS - CP: API structure for Material classification values
/TDAG/CPS_MDOCDATA - CP: Structure for table of binary data on multiple files
/TDAG/CPS_MDS_KEY - MDS Key Structure
/TDAG/CPS_MENUENTRY - CP: Struktur eines Men�eintrags in einer Werkzeugleiste
/TDAG/CPS_MESSAGE - CP: Struktur f�r Meldungen
/TDAG/CPS_MESSAGE_DEF - CP: Structure to define a message
/TDAG/CPS_MULTIMATCH_SCR - CP: Content provider - multimatch selection screen structure
/TDAG/CPS_NODE_PATH_FIELDS - CP: Fields for path to a node
/TDAG/CPS_NODE_VALUE - CP: Structure containing value and context for node
/TDAG/CPS_NOR - CP: Structure of normalization
/TDAG/CPS_NORMA_INPUT_FIELDS - CP: Normalization key fields for identification
/TDAG/CPS_NORMA_KEY_FIELDS - CP: Normalization key fields for identification (internal)
/TDAG/CPS_ONLY_NODE_KEY - CP: Structure for field key of a BOS explosion data set
/TDAG/CPS_ONLY_REP_DATA - Only Representative Data
/TDAG/CPS_ORGIDS - Structure for IMDS Org. Data
/TDAG/CPS_ORGPER - Structure for IMDS Contact Person Data
/TDAG/CPS_PART - CP: Structure for a part
/TDAG/CPS_PART_LIST - CP: List of parts
/TDAG/CPS_PERFORMANCE - CP: Struktur Performance Test
/TDAG/CPS_PREF_HANDLING - CP: Structure for preferred handling
/TDAG/CPS_PRODUCT - CP: Product Header Data from Specification
/TDAG/CPS_PRODUCTD - CP: Product Header Data from Specification - lang. descripti
/TDAG/CPS_PRODVAR - CP: Usages used for product variant support
/TDAG/CPS_PRODVAR_CONF - CP: Product variant configuration
/TDAG/CPS_PROD_COMPL - CP: Compliancedaten f�r Produkte oder Produktteile
/TDAG/CPS_PROD_COMPL_IO - CP: IO structure for product compliance data
/TDAG/CPS_PROD_MASS - CP: Gewichtsdaten f�r Produkte und Teile
/TDAG/CPS_PROD_VARIANT - CP: Product variant data
/TDAG/CPS_PSTRDATA - CP: Struktur eines Knotens der Produktstruktur-Daten
/TDAG/CPS_PSTRVIEWITEM - CP: Struktur f�r zus�tzliche Spalten in der Produktstruktur
/TDAG/CPS_PS_AND_PGRP - CfP: Pure substance to pure substance group
/TDAG/CPS_PURE - CP: Structure to read pure substance data (identifiers)
/TDAG/CPS_PURE_COMP - CP: Reinstoffzusammensetzung von Produkten
/TDAG/CPS_PURE_DECL - CP: Deklarationsinformationen zu Reinstoffen
/TDAG/CPS_PURE_IDENT - CP: Identifiers for pure substances/substance groups
/TDAG/CPS_PURE_RECN - CP: RECNs aller Reinstoffe
/TDAG/CPS_PURE_VIOLATE - CP: Kritische Reinstoffe
/TDAG/CPS_R32NW_ICON_MAP - CP: Mapping between icon names in R/3 and Netweaver
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_CHECK_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Check Status
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_COMM_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Communication Status
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_COMP_GRP - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld CRDATE
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_CRDATE - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld CRDATE
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_CREATIONDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Creation Date
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_DATASH_TYPE - IMDS: Range Structure for Datasheet Type
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_DELIVERYSLIPNO - IMDS: Range Structure for Bill of Delivery Number
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_DEVSMPLREP - IMDS: Range Structure for Development Sample Report
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_DRAWING_CHG_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Drawing Change Level
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_DRAWING_DATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Drawing Date
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_DRAWING_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Drawing Number
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_EXTID - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld EXTID
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_GUID - IMDS: Range Structure for GUID
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_IMPORT_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Import Status
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_KEY - CP: Range table for field KEY
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MATNR - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld MATNR
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MCODE - CP: range structure for match codes
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MDSSTATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for MDS Status
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MDSTYPE - IMDS: Range Structure for MDS Type
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MODULEID - IMDS: Range structure for Module ID
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MODULEVERS - IMDS: Range Structure for Module Version
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MSGID - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld MSGID
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MSGNO - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld MSGNO
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_MTART - CP: Range structure for material types
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_NAME - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld NAME
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_NODEID - Range structure for NodeId
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_ORDER_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Purchase Order No
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_OWNCONTPERS - IMDS: Range Structure for Own Contact Person
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_OWNORGID - IMDS: Range Structure for Own OrgID
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_PARTNAME - IMDS: Range Structure for Part Name
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_PARTNO - IMDS: Range Structure for Part Number
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_PLANT - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld PLANT
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_RECORGID - IMDS: Range Structure for Recipient OrgID
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_RECSTATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Recipient Status
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_REC_PARTNAME - IMDS: Range Structure for Part Name
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_REQ_CHNGDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Change Date
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_REQ_DUEDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Due Date
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_REQ_ID - IMDS: Range Structure for Request ID
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_REQ_PROJ_NAME - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Project Name
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_REQ_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Status
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_RESPONSIBLE - CP: Range structure for field responsible person
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_SAMPLE_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Sample Report Number
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_STATUS - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld STATUS
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_STATUS_CHANGE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Status Change Date
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_STLAN - CP: Range structure for BOM usage
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_SUPP_CODE - IMDS: Range Structure for Supplier Code
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_SUPP_ORG_ID - IMDS: Range Structure for Supplier Org Unit
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_TRANSM_DATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Upload
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_TREE_NODES - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Baum-Knoten-Schl�ssel
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_UPDATE - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld UPDATE
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_UPDDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Update
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_UPLDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Upload
/TDAG/CPS_RANGE_USERA - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld USERA
/TDAG/CPS_RCGAPIDD - CP: Document data of a report (ASCII or binary)
/TDAG/CPS_RCGAPIMJ - EHS: API Structure Substance Material Allocation
/TDAG/CPS_RCGAPPLOBJ_VENIOT - CP: Struktur f�r Anwendungsobjekt Lieferant
/TDAG/CPS_RCGBGSEL_MANDT - CP: Interface structure for the report generation
/TDAG/CPS_RCGMJBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance - material allocation
/TDAG/CPS_RCGMJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance - material allocation
/TDAG/CPS_RCGUKEY - Key Information for Substance-API Tables
/TDAG/CPS_RCG_SUBID - CP: Structure for the RCG_SUBID
/TDAG/CPS_RCG_SUBID_CHKRES - CP: Structure of SUBID to checkresults
/TDAG/CPS_RCG_SUBID_ERR - CP: Structure of /tdag/cpy_rcg_subid with err flg
/TDAG/CPS_RCMATBAS - CP: Material Assessment
/TDAG/CPS_RCMATBAS_API - Material Assesment
/TDAG/CPS_RCMATBAS_API_MAT - CP: Material Assesment API structure for material data
/TDAG/CPS_RCMATBAS_API_SUB - CP: Material Assesment API structure for substance data
/TDAG/CPS_RCMATBAS_EXEMPTION - CP: Structure Material Exemption
/TDAG/CPS_RCMATBAS_MAT - CP: Material Assessment data from Material Master
/TDAG/CPS_RCMATBAS_SUB - CP: Material Assessment data from Substance
/TDAG/CPS_RECN - CP: Liste mit RECNs
/TDAG/CPS_RECN_SPECID - CP: Structure containing recn and specid
/TDAG/CPS_RECN_SUBCAT - CP: RECN's with associated SUBCAT's
/TDAG/CPS_REFRESH_OBJECTS - CP: BOS-EXPLOSION buffer objects for refresh
/TDAG/CPS_REGSTATUS - CP: Structure of a registration status
/TDAG/CPS_REGSTATUS_PRIO - Prirority of registration status
/TDAG/CPS_REJECT_REASON - Structure linking chapter 4 guid and rejection reason
/TDAG/CPS_REPADRC - CP: Firma - Adressdaten
/TDAG/CPS_REPADRP - CP: Personen Adressdaten
/TDAG/CPS_REPR - CP: Representative of vendor (Read)
/TDAG/CPS_REPR_UPD - CP: Representative of vendor (Update)
/TDAG/CPS_REP_COMPLINF_ALV - CP: Complianceinformationen zu Produkten (ALV-Struktur)
/TDAG/CPS_REP_COMPL_STATUS_ALV - CP: Compliance Status Ausgabe (ALV-Struktur)
/TDAG/CPS_REP_PLIST_ALV - CP: ALV Liste der Produktdaten
/TDAG/CPS_REP_SUBLIST_ALV - CP: ALV Liste der Stoffdaten
/TDAG/CPS_REQUEST - Structure for Request data
/TDAG/CPS_REQ_FILE - DMS Keys for Request File
/TDAG/CPS_RESULTLIST - CP: Ein Eintrag der Trefferliste
/TDAG/CPS_RESULT_FILE - DMS Keys for Source File
/TDAG/CPS_REVENTAPI - CP: API structure for revision
/TDAG/CPS_REVENTBUF - CP: Buffer structure for revision
/TDAG/CPS_REVENTIOT - CP: IO-Table for revision
/TDAG/CPS_ROWNUMBER - Structure of COL and EXP row numbers (Use Assessment)
/TDAG/CPS_SCREENFIELD - CP: Screenfield structure
/TDAG/CPS_SELSCR - CP: Suchkriterien
/TDAG/CPS_SELSCR_ADD - CP: Additonal search criteria
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_ADD_FIELD_DEF - CP: Struktur f�r die Definition der zus�tzlichen Spalten
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_ALGR_MAP - CP: Struktur beinhaltet die Zuordnung der Alternativen
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_COMPA_OUT_STRUCT - CP: Ausgabestruktur f�r den simulierten Vergleich
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_COMPA_PRO_STRUCT - CP: Ausgabestruktur f�r die Vergleichsproduktstruktur (Sim)
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_FCT_SET - CP: Struktur f�r die �nderungen am Feldkatalog
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_HOTSP_FUNCT - CP: Auszuf�hrende Methode f�r Hotspot
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_KEY_MAP - CP: Mapping-Struktur f�r Keys
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_OUTPUT_MSG - CP: Ausgabestruktur f�r die Details (Simulation)
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_OUT_STRUCT - CP: Ausgabestruktur des simulierten Vergleichs zweier Prod.
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_PLANT_NODEKEY - CP: Struktur enth�lt zu einem Werk den Nodekey der Prod.str.
/TDAG/CPS_SIM_PRO_STRUCT - CP: Produktstruktur (Simulation)
/TDAG/CPS_SLIS_CELL_COLOR - CP: DDIC structure for cell coloring of dynamic SLIS ALV
/TDAG/CPS_SLIS_COLOR - CP: Structure for cell coloring of dynamic SLIS ALV grid
/TDAG/CPS_SLIS_SPECIALCOL_ALV - CP: Structure for cell coloring of dynamic SLIS ALV grid
/TDAG/CPS_SOATTLIST1_TASK - CP: SAP Office structure of attachments with task assignment
/TDAG/CPS_SOOBJID - CP: Structure - SAPoffice object id
/TDAG/CPS_SOURCE_FILE - DMS Keys for Result File
/TDAG/CPS_SPECCHECKRES - CP: Struktur zur Zuordnung eines Pr�fergebn. zu einer Spez.
/TDAG/CPS_SPECCHECKS - CP: Struktur zur Zuordnung von Pr�fungen zu einer Spez.
/TDAG/CPS_SPEC_CHECK - CP: Struktur f�r Pr�ffunktion
/TDAG/CPS_SPEC_COMPL_COMPLETE - CP: Compliance container including next lower level
/TDAG/CPS_SPEC_COMPL_CONTAINER - CP: Container for Compliance Check interface
/TDAG/CPS_SPEC_LOGIST - CP: Specification logistics structure
/TDAG/CPS_STACK_NODE - CP: Stack node structure
/TDAG/CPS_STPOB - CP: Extended BOM position
/TDAG/CPS_SUBID - CP: Spezifikation
/TDAG/CPS_SUBMAT - Substance and materials
/TDAG/CPS_SUB_CHKRES - CP: Pr�fergebnisse zu Stoffen
/TDAG/CPS_SUB_CHKRES_IO - CP: IO structure with check results for specifications
/TDAG/CPS_SUPPLIER - CP: Struktur f�r Lieferantennummer und -Name
/TDAG/CPS_SUPPLIER_ID - CP: structure for the supplier id
/TDAG/CPS_SUPPLIER_NO - Structure for Supplier Number
/TDAG/CPS_SUPPL_ADDR - CP: Structure of the supplier address data
/TDAG/CPS_SUPPL_DATA - CP: Structur of supplier data
/TDAG/CPS_SUPPL_PART - CP: Supplier Part Header Data
/TDAG/CPS_SUPPL_PARTD - CP: Supplier Part Header Data - lang. dependent description
/TDAG/CPS_TABCONTROLLER - CP: Struktur zur Zuordnung von Controller-Objekt zu Dynpro
/TDAG/CPS_TABIDXROWIDS - CP: Struktur f�r die Zuordn. von Tabellenindex zu Zeilen-ID
/TDAG/CPS_TABSTRIPADM - CP: Struktur zur Verwaltung eines Tab-Reiters
/TDAG/CPS_TABSTRIPDEFEXT - CP: Erweiterte Def. der Tab-Reiter f�r Tabstrip-Bibliothek
/TDAG/CPS_TASK2ATT2IMF2BDY - Attachment assignment to tasks
/TDAG/CPS_TASKATT - CP: Structure for task attachments
/TDAG/CPS_TASKATTHEAD - CP: Struktur f�r Dokumenten-Kopfs�tze
/TDAG/CPS_TASKD - CP: Struktur f�r Dokumentenschl�ssel zu Aufgabenpositionen
/TDAG/CPS_TASKD_ATTRIB - CP: Struktur f�r Dokumenten-Attribute
/TDAG/CPS_TASKD_SCR - Screen structure for documents tab page in TM
/TDAG/CPS_TASKH - CP: Structure for task headers
/TDAG/CPS_TASKHD - CP: Struktur der sprachabh. Bezeichner des Aufgabenkopfs
/TDAG/CPS_TASKH_ATTRIB - CP: Structure of the task header
/TDAG/CPS_TASKH_DESCR1 - CP: Structure for language depend. descrs. of task headers
/TDAG/CPS_TASKH_DESCR2 - CP: Struktur der sprachabh. Bezeichner des Aufgabenkopf
/TDAG/CPS_TASKH_OBJECT - CP: Structure of logical key fields
/TDAG/CPS_TASKH_SELCOND - Structure containing the conditions for selecting tasks
/TDAG/CPS_TASKI - CP: Structure for task items
/TDAG/CPS_TASKI_ATTRIB - CP: Struktur der Aufgabenpositionen
/TDAG/CPS_TASKI_DESCR - CP: Struktur der sprachabh. Bezeichner der Aufgabenposition
/TDAG/CPS_TASKMSG - CP: Task message id
/TDAG/CPS_TASKTXT - CP: Structure for task texts (notes)
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_ALV - CP: Display structure for tasks
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_ASSIGN_DLG - Task assign dialog screen structure
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_CHECK_MSGS - CP: Messages for tasks created by the checks
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_CREATE_DLG - CP: Structure for Task creation (Dialogue)
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_EDIT_ALV - CP: Display structure for tasks with editable fields
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_ESCALATE_DLG - CP: Task escalation dialog screen structure
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_HEAD - Obsolete - CP: Task Header Data
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_OBJECT - CP: Struktur der logischen Schl�sselfelder
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_REJECT_DLG - Screen structure for reject dialog in TM
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_REVOKE_DLG - CP: Screen structure for task revokation dialog
/TDAG/CPS_TASK_STD - CP: Standardfeldern f�r Strukturen
/TDAG/CPS_TDLINE - CP: Structure for a TDLINE
/TDAG/CPS_TEMP_WORKLIST - CP: Temporary work list structure
/TDAG/CPS_TEST_ISUPLINE - CfP: Spec. Import line
/TDAG/CPS_TEXT_SYMBOL - CP: Structure for Text Symbols
/TDAG/CPS_TM_ATTINFO - CP: Attachment properties (E-Mail Request generation)
/TDAG/CPS_TM_TABCONTROLLER - CP: Struktur zur Zuordnung von Controller-Objekt zu Dynpro
/TDAG/CPS_TM_TASKD_CACHE - CP: Task management structure for doc data object's cache
/TDAG/CPS_TM_TASKI - CP: Task items in task management
/TDAG/CPS_TM_TASKI_CACHE - Task management: structure for item data object's cache
/TDAG/CPS_TM_TBSTR_ADM - CP: TM - Structure for tabstrip management at runtime
/TDAG/CPS_TM_TBSTR_CONF - CP: TM - Tabstrip configuration structure
/TDAG/CPS_TOOLBARENTRY - CP: Struktur eines Eintrags in einer Werkzeugleiste
/TDAG/CPS_TRACKER_DESC - CP: Description of Tracker Objects
/TDAG/CPS_TRACKER_DOCU - CP: �bergabe der Dokumenten
/TDAG/CPS_TRACKER_DOCULINE - CP: Tracker - Dokumentenzeile
/TDAG/CPS_TRACKER_DOCU_RESULT - CP: Tracker/Supplier Coll. - Ergebnis f�r Dokument�bergabe
/TDAG/CPS_TRACKER_MSG_ITEM - Obsolete - CP: Structure of task item data
/TDAG/CPS_TRACKER_TEXT - CP: �bergabe der Langtexte
/TDAG/CPS_TRACKER_TEXTLINE - CP: Tracker - Textzeile
/TDAG/CPS_TRAC_MESS - CP: Struktur Tracker (ohne Datum- und Zeitfelder)
/TDAG/CPS_TRAC_OBJ_KEY - CP: Objektschl�ssel Tracker
/TDAG/CPS_TREE_COL_WIDTH - CP: Width of a column in a column tree
/TDAG/CPS_USE - Use Structure
/TDAG/CPS_USEAPI - Use API Structure
/TDAG/CPS_USEAPI_ROW - Use API Structure with row number (dialog processing)
/TDAG/CPS_USEDISPLAY - Use Display Structure
/TDAG/CPS_USEEXP - Additional or aggregated fields of use and exposure scenario
/TDAG/CPS_USELINK - Use Link Structure
/TDAG/CPS_USEPRINT - CP: Use data for printing (REACh)
/TDAG/CPS_USER_EXT - CP: Extended structure of users
/TDAG/CPS_USES_TASKHD - CP: Task Header Information for Use Dialog
/TDAG/CPS_USE_MV - Phrasekey for multible use descriptors
/TDAG/CPS_VALUECHANGED - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung eines ge�nderten Wertes
/TDAG/CPS_VA_IDENT - CP: Informations to identify the right valuation
/TDAG/CPS_VCT_FUNC_CODE - View Controller Function Code
/TDAG/CPS_VDM_CH4 - View data model for Chapter4 data
/TDAG/CPS_VDM_CH4ADDETAIL - Dynpro Structure for Company Specific Chapter 4 data
/TDAG/CPS_VDM_CH4DETAIL - Dynpro Structure for Chapter 4 Data
/TDAG/CPS_VDM_CUSC - View data model structure for Customer MDS Center
/TDAG/CPS_VDM_CUSC_REF - Structure to describe a reference to a data model record
/TDAG/CPS_VDM_SUPC - View data model structure for Supplier MDS Center
/TDAG/CPS_VDM_SUPC_REF - Structure to describe a reference to supplier MDS record
/TDAG/CPS_WHERUSED_PURE_IO - CP: IO structure for pure substance where-used list
/TDAG/CPS_WL_CG02_SEARCH - CP: WL CG02/Worklist search help
/TDAG/CPS_WL_CONFIG - CP: Work list configuration
/TDAG/CPS_WL_CONST_PROP_CHAR - CP: Structure of the IMG const - prop-char representation
/TDAG/CPS_WL_ENTRY_CONTAINER - CP: Container cont. worklist entries with corr. worklist
/TDAG/CPS_WL_GLOBAL - CP: global worklist (global work list handler)
/TDAG/CPS_WL_HANDLER - CP: worklist handler references
/TDAG/CPS_WL_INTERFACE - CP: work list structure (used by interfaces)
/TDAG/CPS_WL_INTERFACE_API - CP: API table for Worklists
/TDAG/CPS_WL_INTERFACE_BUF - CP: Buffer structure for Worklists
/TDAG/CPS_WL_INTERFACE_IOT - CP: IO-Table for Worklists
/TDAG/CPS_WL_REFERENCE - CP: reference to interface work list handler
/TDAG/CPS_WL_USER - CP: User that works with the CfP Worklist Management
/TDAG/CPS_WORKLIST - CP: Structure for work list (include for work list tables)
/TDAG/CPS_WORKLIST_DISPLAY - CP: Container for viewing the worklist
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_COMP - CP: Structure for Output of WWI Component Data
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_DECL - CP: structure for output of declarables in WWI
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_IMDS - CP: Parameter f�r IMDS
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_IMDS_ADMIN - CP: Parameterstruktur f�r IMDS Administration
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_IMDS_ATTR - CP: Parameter IMDS Attribute
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_RECEIVC - CP: Adressdaten zur Firma des Empf�ngers
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_RECEIVP - CP: Adressdaten zur empfangenden Person
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_RESPONSIBLEC - CP: Adressdaten zur Firma der verantwortlichen Person
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_RESPONSIBLEP - CP: Adressdaten zur verantwortlichen Person
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_SENDC - CP: Adressdaten zur Firma der ausstellenden Person
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_SENDER - CP: Logistikdaten der sendenden Stelle
/TDAG/CPS_WWI_SENDP - CP: Adressdaten zur ausstellenden Person
/TDAG/CPS_XML - CP: Line type for CfPXML table
/TDAG/CPS_XMLERRORCONTEXT - CP: Context for XML parse errors
/TDAG/CPS_XML_DATA - CP: Structure for XML generation data
/TDAG/CPS_XML_IDX1 - CP: Line type for XML table index (ID)
/TDAG/CPS_XML_IDX2 - CP: Line type for XML table index (Parent ID, Type, Name)
/TDAG/CPS_XML_IDX3 - CP: Line type for XML Table index (Parent ID, Name)
/TDAG/CPS_XML_LONGTEXT - CP: Line type for CfPXML long text table
/TDAG/CPS_XML_MAPPING_DATA - CP: Structure for XML generation data
/TDAG/CPS_XML_PARAM - CP: CfP XML parameters
/TDAG/CPS_ZIP_FILE - CP: ABAP ZIP file structure type
/TDAG/CPS_ZIP_SPLICE_ENTRY - CP: ABAP ZIP splice entry structure type
/TDAG/CPT_ADRD - CP: expanded data for business partner
/TDAG/CPT_ADRPD - CP: expanded data for personal partner
/TDAG/CPT_CHKENT - CP: Check entries
/TDAG/CPT_DECSUB - CP: Declarable Substances
/TDAG/CPT_DEC_DE - CP: Declarable Substances, Dependent attributes
/TDAG/CPT_DEC_IN - CP: Declarable Substances, Independent attributes
/TDAG/CPT_DEFSCL - CP: Cluster table for user defaults
/TDAG/CPT_ESTMJ - EHS: Substance - material - allocation
/TDAG/CPT_EXEMLI - CP: Exemption Limits
/TDAG/CPT_EXIMDS - Available Search Criteria
/TDAG/CPT_EXUPL - CP: Application Table f�r IMDS Uplolad
/TDAG/CPT_GMAT - Global Product Number (without material master)
/TDAG/CPT_HCUST - CP: Harmonization Customers
/TDAG/CPT_HISENT - CP: Worklist entries for Compliance History
/TDAG/CPT_HMAT - CP: Harmonization Materials
/TDAG/CPT_HMFR - CP: Harmonization Manufacturer/Supplier
/TDAG/CPT_ORGIDS - IMDS Organisation
/TDAG/CPT_PERF - CP: Performance Tests
/TDAG/CPT_PERFCO - CP: Performance Configuration
/TDAG/CPT_PUREGR - CfP: Pure groups pure substance assignment
/TDAG/CPT_REAENT - CP: Reach entries
/TDAG/CPT_REVENT - CP: Revision entries
/TDAG/CPT_STATUS - CP: Tracker - Values for Status
/TDAG/CPT_STRULE - Regelung f�r Status�nderungen
/TDAG/CPT_TASKD - CP: Dokumente zu Aufgabenpositionen
/TDAG/CPT_TASKDA - CP: Dokumente zu Aufgabenpositionen / Archiv
/TDAG/CPT_TASKH - Header data for tasks
/TDAG/CPT_TASKHA - CP: Kopfdaten f�r Aufgaben / Archiv
/TDAG/CPT_TASKI - CP: Positionsdaten f�r Aufgaben
/TDAG/CPT_TASKIA - CP: Positionsdaten f�r Aufgaben / Archiv
/TDAG/CPT_TEMPWL - CP: Temporary work list
/TDAG/CPT_TEST - CP: Contains test data
/TDAG/CPT_TESTD - CP: Tests' description
/TDAG/CPT_TESTF - CP: Objects for the testframework
/TDAG/CPT_TESTFD - CP: Description for objects of the testframe
/TDAG/CPT_TESTIO - CP: Table for storing test input and output data
/TDAG/CPT_TESTR - CP: Test run data
/TDAG/CPT_TRCKH - Obsolete - CP: Tracker - Kopfdaten
/TDAG/CPT_TRCKHA - Obsolete - CP: Tracker - Kopfdaten / Archiv
/TDAG/CPT_TRCKI - Obsolete - CP: Tracker - Positionsdaten
/TDAG/CPT_TRCKIA - Obsolete - CP: Tracker - Positionsdaten / Archiv
/TDAG/CPT_TSTIOD - CP: Test IO data description
/TDAG/EHFNDC_PER - WFF: Customizing: Relation between TBO class and persister
/TDAG/EHFNDC_VAR - WFF: Customizing: Process variant of a TBO
/TDAG/EHFNDD_GEN - WFF: Stored generic data of the TBO instances of the system
/TDAG/EHFNDS_FW_ADS_DOCPARAMS - Form Parameters for Form Processing
/TDAG/EHFNDS_XCEL_DASHBOARD - Structure containing the Xcelsius dashboard configuration
/TDAG/EHFNDS_XCEL_DB_KEY - Key fields of the Xcelsius configuration
/TDAG/EHFNDS_XCEL_DB_VARS - Variable of a Xcelsius configuration (Flash Variables)
/TDAG/EHFND_FW_S_ADMIN - Administrative data needed for all WFF tables
/TDAG/EHFND_FW_S_KEY - Key fields for persistency tables of the TBOs
/TDAG/EHFND_FW_S_PARAMETER_TAB - Passing of parameters to object methods via RFC
/TDAG/EHFND_FW_S_STATISTIC - Statistical data concerning the workflow execution of a TBO
/TDAG/EHFND_FW_S_STATUS_MESH - One line of a status-mesh definition
/TDAG/EHFND_FW_S_TBO_BASE - Administrative data for all TBO tables
/TDAG/EHSRCD_MA - Table for persisting TBOs of type /TDAG/CL_TBO_MA
/TDAG/EHSRCD_MIL - Table for persisting TBOs of type /TDAG/CL_TBO_MIL
/TDAG/EHSRCD_RP - Table for persisting TBOs of type /TDAG/CL_TBO_RP
/TDAG/EHSRCD_SP - Table for persisting TBOs of type /TDAG/CL_TBO_SP
/TDAG/EHSRCS_RP_MILESTONE_INFO - Project Milestone Information
/TDAG/EHSRCS_RP_PROJECT_INFO - Registration Project Information
/TDAG/EHXC_DBKEY - Configuration of Xcelsius dashboards (key information)
/TDAG/EHXC_DBNAM - Language dependent description of the key fields
/TDAG/EHXC_DBVAR - Variables for the Xcelsius dashboards
/TDAG/RCSA_CAHDR - Campaign header data
/TDAG/RCSA_CAHDT - Campaign header text data
/TDAG/RCSA_CAPOS - Campaign position data
/TDAG/RCSA_CAPOS - Campaign position data
/TDAG/RCSA_CREQA - OBSOLETE: Assignment of Study Object to Specification Instan
/TDAG/RCSA_DATAW - OBSOLETE: Data Waiving (for REACH-Compliance)
/TDAG/RCSA_DOCGA - Document group - Document assignment
/TDAG/RCSA_EPCHA - Endpoint chapters
/TDAG/RCSA_EPDOC - Endpoint Guidance Document
/TDAG/RCSA_EPREC - Endpoint data records
/TDAG/RCSA_IUCSU - Substance data for IUCLID synchronization
/TDAG/RCSA_LEOA - OBSOLETE: Letter of Access
/TDAG/RCSA_LGENT - Legal Entity
/TDAG/RCSA_LOA - Letters of access
/TDAG/RCSA_MILES - Project milestones
/TDAG/RCSA_OLHDR - Object List Header
/TDAG/RCSA_OLHDT - Language-Dependent Object List Header Text
/TDAG/RCSA_OLPOS - Object List Item
/TDAG/RCSA_STDEP - OBSOLETE: Study Endpoint Assignment
/TDAG/RCSA_STUDY - OBSOLETE: Studies (for REACH-Compliance)
/TDAG/RCSA_TPL - obsolete
/TDAG/RCSA_TSTPR - OBSOLETE: Testing proposals
/TDAG/RCSC_ALTYT - OBSOLETE: Text Table for Alternative Type
/TDAG/RCSC_CMPN - Campaign Type Name
/TDAG/RCSC_CMPT - Campaign Type
/TDAG/RCSC_DOCGA - Document group - Document assignment
/TDAG/RCSC_DOCGN - Document Group Description
/TDAG/RCSC_DOCGP - Document groups
/TDAG/RCSC_DOKAR - REACH-Relevant Document Types
/TDAG/RCSC_EMLA - Email configuration - partner role assignment
/TDAG/RCSC_EMLC - Communication Definition
/TDAG/RCSC_EMLCN - Communication Definition Description
/TDAG/RCSC_EMLGA - Email group - Email assignment
/TDAG/RCSC_EMLGN - Email Group Description
/TDAG/RCSC_EMLGP - Email groups
/TDAG/RCSC_ENDPT - Text Table for Endpoint
/TDAG/RCSC_ENV - EHS: General Environment Parameters
/TDAG/RCSC_ENVNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Environment Parameters
/TDAG/RCSC_INPCK - Definition of input check rules
/TDAG/RCSC_INTPL - Incoming Template
/TDAG/RCSC_LEGSL - Legislation
/TDAG/RCSC_LEGST - Text Table for Legislation
/TDAG/RCSC_MILED - Project milestone definition
/TDAG/RCSC_MILET - Text table for project milestone definition
/TDAG/RCSC_NROBJ - Number Ranges
/TDAG/RCSC_OLGRA - Assignment of Object List categories to Object List Groups
/TDAG/RCSC_OLGRP - Object List Group
/TDAG/RCSC_OLGRT - Text Table for Object List Group
/TDAG/RCSC_ORGUN - Organizational Unit
/TDAG/RCSC_ORGUT - Text Table for Organizational Unit
/TDAG/RCSC_OUTLL - Outgoing Template - Language / Country assignment
/TDAG/RCSC_OUTPL - Outgoing Template
/TDAG/RCSC_PHMAP - Mapping of Phrases to Technical Phrase Keys
/TDAG/RCSC_PHTID - Technical Phrase Keys
/TDAG/RCSC_PNAV - OBSOLETE: Portal Navigation Configuration
/TDAG/RCSC_REGTY - Registration type settings
/TDAG/RCSC_RQMNT - Legal Requirement
/TDAG/RCSC_SLORG - SRC: Assign organizational unit to authorization group
/TDAG/RCSC_SROLE - Stakeholder Role
/TDAG/RCSC_SROLT - Text Table for Stakeholder Role
/TDAG/RCSC_SSREP - Spreadsheet reports
/TDAG/RCSC_SSRET - Spreadsheet report description
/TDAG/RCSC_SSRTH - Spreadsheet report thresholds/settings
/TDAG/RCSC_TEMPL - Template Definition
/TDAG/RCSC_TEMPN - Template Definition Description
/TDAG/RCSC_TOBND - Tonnage Band
/TDAG/RCSC_TOBNT - Text Table for Tonnage Band
/TDAG/RCSC_TPL - Template
/TDAG/RCSC_TPLG - Template groups
/TDAG/RCSC_TPLGA - Template group / template assignment
/TDAG/RCSC_TPLGN - Template group description
/TDAG/RCSC_TPLL - Template - Language / Country assignment
/TDAG/RCSC_TPLN - Template description
/TDAG/RCSL_BGR - Import/export report parameter for background processing
/TDAG/RCSS_ADMIN - Admin data for data base tables
/TDAG/RCSS_ALTRN - OBSOLETE: Fields for Alternativs (REACH-Compliance)
/TDAG/RCSS_ALTRN_CREQA - OBSOLETE: Fields for Alternatives + Link to Creqa
/TDAG/RCSS_ALTRN_DATA - OBSOLETE: Fields for Alternativs (REACH-Compliance)
/TDAG/RCSS_ALTYP - OBSOLETE: Type of alternative
/TDAG/RCSS_ALTYT - OBSOLETE: Type of alternative text
/TDAG/RCSS_ALTYT - OBSOLETE: Type of alternative text
/TDAG/RCSS_BP_CODES - Business partner codes
/TDAG/RCSS_BP_NAME - Business partner name
/TDAG/RCSS_BUKRS - Company code
/TDAG/RCSS_BUKRS - Company code
/TDAG/RCSS_BUKRS_LGENT - Legal entities
/TDAG/RCSS_BUKRS_LGENT - Legal entities
/TDAG/RCSS_BUPA - Business Partner
/TDAG/RCSS_BUPA_ADDR - Business Partner Address
/TDAG/RCSS_BUTTON_CHARAC - Definition of dialog button characteristic
/TDAG/RCSS_BUTTON_CHARAC - Definition of dialog button characteristic
/TDAG/RCSS_BUTTON_CHARAC - Definition of dialog button characteristic
/TDAG/RCSS_COST_DATA - Cost Monitoring (only data)
/TDAG/RCSS_COST_DATA_BAPI - Cost Monitoring (only data - BAPI)
/TDAG/RCSS_COST_DATA_BAPI - Cost Monitoring (only data - BAPI)
/TDAG/RCSS_CREQA - OBSOLETE: Link study to specification valuation instance
/TDAG/RCSS_CREQA - OBSOLETE: Link study to specification valuation instance
/TDAG/RCSS_CUST_INFO - Customer Purchasing Info Record
/TDAG/RCSS_CUST_MAT - Customer information from logistic
/TDAG/RCSS_DATAW - OBSOLETE: Data Waiving (REACH-Compliance)
/TDAG/RCSS_DATAW_CREQA - OBSOLETE: Data Waiving (REACH-Compliance) + Link zum Creqa
/TDAG/RCSS_DATAW_DATA - OBSOLETE: Data Waiving (only data fields)
/TDAG/RCSS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
/TDAG/RCSS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
/TDAG/RCSS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
/TDAG/RCSS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
/TDAG/RCSS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
/TDAG/RCSS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
/TDAG/RCSS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
/TDAG/RCSS_DMS_RETURN - Return parameter
/TDAG/RCSS_DOKAR - Document Type with Description
/TDAG/RCSS_DOMAIN_VALUE - Fixed Value and Text for a Domain
/TDAG/RCSS_EPCODE - Endpoint chapter code
/TDAG/RCSS_EPCODE - Endpoint chapter code
/TDAG/RCSS_EPOBJ_ALTRN - OBSOLETE: Endpoint object alternatives
/TDAG/RCSS_EPOBJ_ALTRN - OBSOLETE: Endpoint object alternatives
/TDAG/RCSS_EPOBJ_DATAW - OBSOLETE: Endpoint object data waiving
/TDAG/RCSS_EPOBJ_DATAW - OBSOLETE: Endpoint object data waiving
/TDAG/RCSS_EPOBJ_LITER - OBSOLETE: Endpoint object literature
/TDAG/RCSS_EPOBJ_STUDY - OBSOLETE: Endpoint object study
/TDAG/RCSS_EPOBJ_TSTPR - OBSOLETE: Endpoint study testing proposal
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_CHAPTER_CODE - Endpoint chapter code
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPCHA - Endpoint chapter
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPCHA_BAPI - Endpoint chapter for external use (RFC)
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPCHA_DATA - Endpoint chapter data
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPCHA_DATA_BAPI - Endpoint chapter data for external use (RFC)
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPCHA_KEY - Endpoint chapter key
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPCHT_BAPI - Text for endpoint chapter definition (external)
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPREC - Endpoint data record
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPREC_BAPI - Endpoint data record for external use (RFC)
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPREC_DATA - Endpoint data record data
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_EPREC_DATA_BAPI - Endpoint data record data for external use (RFC)
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_LOA - Letter of access
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_LOA_BAPI - Letter of access for external use (RFC)
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_LOA_DATA - Letter of access data
/TDAG/RCSS_EP_LOA_DATA_BAPI - Letter of access data for external use (RFC)
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_BASDAT - Export structure for substance base data
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_BASDAT_EXEM - Export structure for exemptions
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_BASDAT_SVHC - Export structure for SVHC data
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_CATMEM - Export structure for category members
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_CLASS - Export structure for classifications
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_CVRGREQ - Export structure for REACH coverage requirements
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_EPDATA - Export structure for endpoint data
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_GHS - Export structure for GHS classifications
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_LEGBAS - Export structure for legal base data
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_LEGENT - Export structure for legal entities
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_LEGENT_ROL - Export structure for stakeholders of legal entities
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_LEGINT - Export structure for intermediates
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_LEGPRE - Export structure for pre-registrations
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_LEGTOL - Export structure for tolling
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_LTRSRCH - Export structure for literature search
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_MATERIAL - Export structure for materials
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_MEMCAT - Export structure for categories
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_ORGUNIT - Export structure for organizational units
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_ORGUNIT_ROL - Export structure for stakeholders of organizational units
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_PROQUAN - Export structure for produced quantities
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_PURQUAN - Export structure for purchased quantities
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_REG - Export structure for internal registration projects
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_SOLDQUAN - Export structure for sold quantities
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_STUDY - OBSOLETE: Export structure for study
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_SUBPROF - Export structure for substance profile
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ALL_USE - Export structure for uses and exposures
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_COST - Export structure for costs
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_EP_COV_CHECK - Export structure for endpoint coverage check
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_EP_GAP - Export structure for endpoint gap matrix
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_EP_GAP_CHAPTER - Export structure for chapters in endpoint gap matrix
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_EP_INFO - Export structure for endpoint information
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_FILTER_EXP_ALL - Filter for export of all substance data
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_FILTER_REG_STAT - Filter for status for export of registration projects
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ORG - Export structure for organization data
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_PRIO - Export structure for priorities
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_RECN - Substance key
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_REG - Export structure for legal registrations
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_ROLE_VOL - Export structure for actors / representatives and volumes
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_SIEF - Export structure for SIEF projects
/TDAG/RCSS_EXP_SUB - Export structure for substance identifiers
/TDAG/RCSS_IDDEF - ID Type description of Identification listing
/TDAG/RCSS_IDDEF_TEXT - ID Type description of Identification listing
/TDAG/RCSS_IDDEF_TEXT - ID Type description of Identification listing
/TDAG/RCSS_IDENT_VAL - Identifier value
/TDAG/RCSS_IDLID - Identification listing
/TDAG/RCSS_IDLID_LIST - Identification listing
/TDAG/RCSS_IDLID_TLIST - ID Type description of Identification listing
/TDAG/RCSS_IDLID_TLIST - ID Type description of Identification listing
/TDAG/RCSS_IUCLID_INST_WSLP - Structure for IUCLID instances
/TDAG/RCSS_IUCLID_INST_WSLP_EX - Structure for IUCLID Instances extended (with SUBID)
/TDAG/RCSS_IUCLID_SUB - Substance data for IUCLID synchronization
/TDAG/RCSS_IUCLID_SUB_DATA - Data structure for substance data for IUCLID synchronization
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY - Key fields
/TDAG/RCSS_KEYDATE - RCS: Definition of Key Date
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ALEGBAS_LEGENT - Key structure for legal base data - legal entity data
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ALEGBAS_LEGPRE - Key structure for legal base data - pre-registrations
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ALEGBAS_ROLE - Key structure for legal base data - actors / representatives
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ALL_REG - Key structure for internal registration projects
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ALL_VOL - Key structure for volumes
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_AORG_LEGENT - Key structure for organization - legal entity
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_AORG_ORGUNIT - Key structure for organization - organizational unit
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_BASDAT_EXEM - Key structure for substance base data - exemptions
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_BASDAT_MATERIAL - Key structure for substance base data - materials
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_BASDAT_SVHC - Key structure for substance base data - SVHC
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_CATMEM - Key structure for category members
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_CLASS_BASDAT - Key structure for classification - base data
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_CLASS_PHRASE - Key structure for classification - phrases
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_COST - Key structure for costs
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_CVRGREQ - Key structure for REACH coverage requirements
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EPDATA - Export structure for endpoint data
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EP_CHAPTER - Key structure for endpoint chapter
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EP_COV_CHAPTER - Key structure for endpoint information
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EP_COV_CHECK - Key structure for endpoint information
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EP_GAP_CHAPTER - Key structure for endpoint gap matrix chapters
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EP_GAP_ENDPOINT - Key structure for endpoint gap matrix
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EP_INFO - Key structure for endpoint information
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_EXP - Key structure for export in general
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_LEGENT - Key structure for legal entities
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_LEGINT - Key structure for legal intermediates
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_LEGPRE - Key structure for pre-registrations
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_LEGTOL - Key structure for legal toll manufacturing
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_LTRSRCH - Key structure for literature search
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_MAPPING - Key structure for REACH coverage requirements mapping
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_MEMCAT - Key structure for categories
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ORG_LEGENT - Key structure for organization - legal entities
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ORG_LEGSTK - Key structure for organization - stakeholders of leg. ent.
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ORG_ORGSTK - Key structure for organization - stakeholders of org. units
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ORG_SUBGEN - Key structure for organization - lead. leg. ent., org. unit
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ORG_SUBORG - Key structure for organization - organization units
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ORG_SUBPRO - Key structure for organization - internal reg. projects
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_PHRASES - Key structure for phrases
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_PRIO_LEGREG - Key structure for priorities - registrations
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_PRIO_PHRASE - Key structure for priorities - R phrases
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_PRIO_SUBGEN - Key structure for priorities - general substance data
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_PRIO_SUBPRO - Key structure for priorities - internal registration project
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_REG_LEGREG - Key structure for legal registrations
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_ROLE - Key structure for roles
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_SIEF - Export structure for SIEF projects
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_STUDY - OBSOLETE: Key structure for study
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_SUB - Key structure for substance identifiers
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_SUBPROF - Keystructure for substance data - substance profile
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_USE - Key structure for use & exposure
/TDAG/RCSS_KEY_VOL - Key structure for volumes
/TDAG/RCSS_KUNNR - Customer number
/TDAG/RCSS_KUNNR - Customer number
/TDAG/RCSS_LAND1 - Country Key
/TDAG/RCSS_LAND1 - Country Key
/TDAG/RCSS_LEGSL - Legislation
/TDAG/RCSS_LEGST - Legislation Text
/TDAG/RCSS_LEOA - OBSOLETE: Letter of access
/TDAG/RCSS_LEOA_DATA - OBSOLETE: Letter of access data
/TDAG/RCSS_LEOA_DATA_BAPI - OBSOLETE: Letter of access bapi data
/TDAG/RCSS_LEOA_REC - OBSOLETE: Letter of access
/TDAG/RCSS_LGENT - Legal Entity Details
/TDAG/RCSS_LGENT - Legal Entity Details
/TDAG/RCSS_LGENT_LEGSL - Assignment of Legal Entity to Legislation
/TDAG/RCSS_LIFNR - Supplier number
/TDAG/RCSS_LITERA_DATA - OBSOLETE: Literature (only data fields)
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_COM_STATUS - Communication Status
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_CUST_MATINFO - Customer material information
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_CUST_USEINFO - Customer use information
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_MATNR_KUNNR - Assignment of material and customer
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_MATNR_LIFNR - Assignment of material and supplier
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_MATNR_RECN - Assignment of material and real substance
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_MATNR_RECN_E - Assignment of material and supplier specification
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_CMPCUST - Scope for customer within campaign management
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_CMPMAT - Scope for material within campaign management
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_CMPSUP - Scope for supplier within campaign management
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_CUSTMAT - Scope for customer material
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_OBJCUST - Scope for customer
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_OBJMAT - Scope for material
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_OBJSUP - Scope for supplier
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SCOPE_SUPMAT - Scope for supplier material
/TDAG/RCSS_LOG_SUP_MATINFO - Supplier material information
/TDAG/RCSS_MATNR - Material number
/TDAG/RCSS_MATNR_MAKTX - RCS: Material and Material Description
/TDAG/RCSS_MESSAGE - Message Information
/TDAG/RCSS_MILED - Project milestone definition
/TDAG/RCSS_MILES_QUERY - Project milestone query
/TDAG/RCSS_MILET - Text structure for project milestone definition
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_AUTHORITY - Object List Authorization
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_CUSTOMER_MATINFO - Customer Material Information
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_CUSTOMER_USEINFO - Information about Customer Uses
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_HDR - Object List Header (Including Key)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_HDR_DATA - Object List Header Data (Without Key)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_HDT - Language-Dependent Object List Header Data (Including Key)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_HDT_DATA - Language-Dependent Object List Header Data (Without Key)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_HDT_LINEMODE - Language-Dependent Object List Header Data (Incl. Line Mode)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_MATERIAL_REALSUB - Material-Real Sustance Data
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_MATERIAL_TEXT - Language-Dependent Material Data
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_OLGRA - Assignment of Object List categories to Object List Groups
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_OLGRP - Object List Group
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_OLGRT - Language-Dependent Object List Header Text
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_POS - Object List Item (Including Key)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_POS_DATA - Object List Item (Without Key)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_POS_LINEMODE - Object List Item (Incl. Line Mode)
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_SSTRING - Object List Search String
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_SUBSTANCE_DETAIL - Substance Detailed Data
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_SUBSTANCE_IDENT - Substance Identifiers
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_SUPPLIER_MATINFO - Supplier Material Information
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_SUPPLIER_SPEC - Key of a Supplier Specification
/TDAG/RCSS_OL_SUPPLIER_USEINFO - Information about Supplier Uses
/TDAG/RCSS_OUTPL - Outgoing Template Structure
/TDAG/RCSS_OUTPL_EXT - Outgoing templates (extended structure)
/TDAG/RCSS_PERS_ADR - Person Address
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_BGR - Parameters for read module for background processing
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_EPTYPE - Type of endpoint data record
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_EXP_DB_BGR - Structure for database exchange in background mode
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_MAIL_ATTHEAD - Email attachment header
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_MAIL_BODYPARAM - Email text parameter and values
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_MAIL_TEXT_SYM - Email text symbols
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_RFC_BGR - Return parameter for background mode Java RFC Server
/TDAG/RCSS_PFR_RFC_BGR - Return parameter for background mode Java RFC Server
/TDAG/RCSS_PHRASECAT_DISPLAY - RCS: Structure for display of phrases of phrase catalogue
/TDAG/RCSS_PHRASECAT_DISPLAY - RCS: Structure for display of phrases of phrase catalogue
/TDAG/RCSS_PHRASE_TECHKEY - Mapping for technical phrase key
/TDAG/RCSS_PHRASE_TEXT - Structure for phrases exchange with Java
/TDAG/RCSS_PHRSET - RCS: RFC structure for phrase set request
/TDAG/RCSS_PHRSET_REQ - RCS: Structure for phrase set request and read
/TDAG/RCSS_PROPTREE_DISPLAY - RCS: Structure for display of property tree in ALV
/TDAG/RCSS_PROP_MAP - Property and characteristic mapping
/TDAG/RCSS_PURCHASING_ORG - Purchasing Organization
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_ATTYP - Range for material categories
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_BUKRS - Range for company codes
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_DATE - Query range for dates
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_EKORG - Range for purchasing organisations
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_IDENT - Range for identifiers
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_KUNNR - Range for customer numbers
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_LAND - Range for country codes
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_LEGENT - Range for legal entities
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_LIFNR - Range for supplier numbers
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_MAKTX - Range for material descriptions
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_MATKL - Range for material groups
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_MATNR - Range for material numbers
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_MCDD1 - Range for match codes
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_MTART - Range for material types
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_NAME_GP - Range for supplier/customer names
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_ORT_GP - Range for supplier/customer cities
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_PHRKEY - Range for phrase keys
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_PRIO - Range for business prioritites
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_PROJECT_NO - Query range for project number
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_RECN - Range for Sequential Number of Data Record
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_SUBID - Range for substance IDs
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_TOBAND - Range for tonnage bands
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_VKGRP - Range for sales groups
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_VKORG - Range for sales organisations
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_VTWEG - Range for distribution channels
/TDAG/RCSS_RANGE_WERKS - Range for plants
/TDAG/RCSS_RECN - Sequential Number of Data Record
/TDAG/RCSS_RECN_SUBCAT - Specifiation and Specification Type
/TDAG/RCSS_REGLIST - Regulated substance list
/TDAG/RCSS_REGTY - Registration type settings
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_CHART_DATA - Structure of the data for a chart
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_DEADLINE_TYPE - Structure of timelines
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_KPI_STATUS - KPI values for status diagram
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_LEGENT - Structure of legal entities for the reporting
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_MILES - Project milestone
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_MILES_DATA - Project milestone data
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_PROJECT - Registration project information
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_PROJECT_INFO - Registration project information with substance Info
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_PROJECT_MON - Registration Project Structure for Monitoring
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_STATUS - Structure of status in the reporting
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_TIMELINE - Structure for a date
/TDAG/RCSS_REG_TIMELINE - Structure for a date
/TDAG/RCSS_RQMNT - Legal requirements
/TDAG/RCSS_RSAG - RSAG (authorization group)
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_AUTH - Authorization for subtstance
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_HAZARD - Hazardousness
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_MA_ASSM_STATUS - Assessment Status
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_MA_IDENT - Identifiers
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_MA_MATNR - Material Information
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_MA_MATNR_RECN - Material Substance Assignment
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_MA_PHRASES - Phrase Information
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_MA_SUB - Substance information
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_NO_AUTH - No Authorization for Substance
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_POLYMER - Polymer status of a real substance
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_PURE - Pure Substances
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_REALSUB - Real substance data
/TDAG/RCSS_RS_SCOPE_OBJSUB - Scope for real substance
/TDAG/RCSS_SALES_ORG - Sales Organization
/TDAG/RCSS_SIEF_PROJECT - SIEF project information
/TDAG/RCSS_SLAG_AUTH - Structure for authority check of SLAGs
/TDAG/RCSS_SLAG_AUTH - Structure for authority check of SLAGs
/TDAG/RCSS_SORT_MVS - Structure for multi value sets for phrases
/TDAG/RCSS_SPECIFICATION_CAT - Material categories and specification types
/TDAG/RCSS_SPECIFICATION_CAT_T - Descr. for Specification Types
/TDAG/RCSS_SPECIFICATION_CAT_T - Descr. for Specification Types
/TDAG/RCSS_SPECIFICATION_CAT_T - Descr. for Specification Types
/TDAG/RCSS_STDEP - OBSOLETE: link study to endpoint
/TDAG/RCSS_STUDY_BAPI_CREQA - OBSOLETE: Fields of Studies + Link to Creqa (BAPI Compatible
/TDAG/RCSS_SUBID_CHECK - Structure for Checking Substance Key
/TDAG/RCSS_SUBID_CHECK_RESULT - Structure for Result for Substance Key Check
/TDAG/RCSS_SUB_MATJOIN - Relationship between Substance and Material
/TDAG/RCSS_SUB_MATJOINX - Relationship between Substance and Material Change Flags
/TDAG/RCSS_SUP_INFO - Structure for Purchasing Info Record
/TDAG/RCSS_SUP_MAT - Supplier Information from Logistics
/TDAG/RCSS_SVT_SUB_MAP - SVT-Struktur f�r stoffabh�ngiges Mapping
/TDAG/RCSS_TAB2048 - Table with a 2048 byte field
/TDAG/RCSS_TASKH_TEMPL - Task Header and Outgoing Templates
/TDAG/RCSS_TASKH_TEMPL - Task Header and Outgoing Templates
/TDAG/RCSS_TEXT_VALUE - Text IDs and Texts for Text Elements
/TDAG/RCSS_TEXT_VALUE - Text IDs and Texts for Text Elements
/TDAG/RCSS_TEXT_VALUE - Text IDs and Texts for Text Elements
/TDAG/RCSS_TSTPR - OBSOLETE: Testing proposals
/TDAG/RCSS_TSTPR_CREQA - OBSOLETE: Fields of Testing Proposals + Link to Creqa
/TDAG/RCSS_TSTPR_DATA - OBSOLETE: Testing proposals data
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_ATT - AIF attachment without binary data
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_ATT_DOC - Document-Attachment-Link
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_BUPA - Data of the business partner
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_COMPANY - Data of a company
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_COMPOSITION - Substance container for AIF
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_CONTACT_OR - Contact information of the Only Representative
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_EXEMPTION - Exemption of the material for AIF
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_INTERFACE1 - Interface 1 for Adobe Interactive Forms integration
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_INTERFACE20 - Interface 1 for Adobe Interactive Forms integration
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_META - Meta information of the interface
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_OR_INFORM - Information of the only representative
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_RP_INTERM - Responsible person for intermediates
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_USE - Use of REACH substances
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_USE20 - Use of REACH substances
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_USE_CONT - Container of uses
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_USE_CONT20 - Container of uses
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_VS - Structure for the value help in the AIF interface
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_VS_CONT - Container for value sets
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_AIF_VS_CONT20 - Container for value sets
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_ALV_TPL1 - ALV template selection
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_HDR - Campaign header
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_HDR_DATA - Campaign header data
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_HDT - Campaign header text
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_HDT_DATA - Campaign header text data
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_HDT_LINEM - Campaign header text with linemode
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_KPI_STATUS - Kampagnen status KPI Werte
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_KPI_ST_PER - Campaign status as percentage
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_POS_ADD - Campaign Item Data (additional fields)
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_POS_DB - Campaign Item Data (database fields)
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_POS_INFO - Information of a campaign postion data
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_POS_LINEM - Campaign item data with linemode
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_POS_STAT - Campaign Position data with check status
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_TEMPL - Email Attachment and Email Template
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_CAMP_TYPE_DESC - Campaign type description
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_DOC1 - Document Type Structure
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_EMAIL_ATT - Email attachment
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_EMAIL_CF_ASSIGN - Email configuration - partner role assignment
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_EMAIL_CONF - Email Configuration
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_EMAIL_GR_ASSIGN - Email group - email assignment
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_EMLC_ENH - E-mail configuration (enhanced)
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_FILES - Files with binary document
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_LIFNR_EKORG - Supplier/purchasing data
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_LIFNR_OR - Supplier/only representative data
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_SEL_CUSTOMER - Selection Dialog - Customer
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_SEL_MATSUB_DESC - Selection Dialog - Material and Specification Descriptions
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_SEL_OR - Selection Dialog - Only Representative
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_SEL_PERSON - Selection Dialog - Person
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_SEL_PROPERTIES - Selection Dialog- Shared Properties
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_SEL_SUPPLIER - Selection Dialog - Supplier
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_TPL1 - Template-choice
/TDAG/RCSS_UEC_TPL2 - Template-choice
/TDAG/RCSS_UOM - Unit of Measure
/TDAG/RCSS_VAREA - Material Type
/TDAG/RCSS_VAREA - Material Type
/TDAG/RCSW_EPCHD - Endpoint chapter definition
/TDAG/RCSW_EPCHT - Text table for endpoint chapter definition
/TDAG/RCSW_MSG - Messages REACH Compliance
/TDAG/RCSW_PAWM - Phrase Set <-> characteristics check table for filling TCG66
/TDAG/RCSW_PHSET - Phrase sets REACH Compliance
/TDAG/RCS_PRP_EXCEL_EX_PARAM - RCS: Excel export parameters for Pre-Registration
CCHRS_ABKRS_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Payroll Area (ABKRS)
CCHRS_ABS - EHS-INT: Interface Structure for HR Absence Records
CCHRS_BTRTL_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Personnel Subarea (BTRTL)
CCHRS_BUKRS_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Company Code (BUKRS)
CCHRS_COND - EHS-INT: Condition Table for Search Modules
CCHRS_FAMST_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Marital Status (FAMST)
CCHRS_GBDAT_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Date of Birth (GBDAT)
CCHRS_GBLND_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Country of Birth (GBLND)
CCHRS_GESCH_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Gender Key (GESCH)
CCHRS_GSBER_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Business Area (GSBER)
CCHRS_KOSTL_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Cost Center (KOSTL)
CCHRS_MSTBR_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Supervisor Area (MSTBR)
CCHRS_NATSL_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Nationality (NATSL)
CCHRS_ORGDATA - EHS-INT: HR Data - Organizational Assignment
CCHRS_ORGEH_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Organizational Unit (ORGEH)
CCHRS_PARTNERDATA - EHS-INT: Business Partner Data - General Data
CCHRS_PARTNERNR - EHS-INT: Business Partner Numbers
CCHRS_PARTNERNRROLE - EHS-INT: Business Partner Numbers and Roles
CCHRS_PERNR_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Personnel Number (PERNR_D)
CCHRS_PERSA_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Personnel Area (PERSA)
CCHRS_PERSDATA - EHS-INT: HR Data - Data on Person
CCHRS_PERSG_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Employee Group (PERSG)
CCHRS_PERSK_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Employee Subgroup (PERSK)
CCHRS_PERSNRROLE - EHS-INT: Personnel Number and Role ('A' or 'B')
CCHRS_PLANS_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Position (PLANS)
CCHRS_RESERVE - EHS-INT: Reserve Structure to Link into Other Structures
CCHRS_SMNAM_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Name of Employee (SMNAM)
CCHRS_SPRAS_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Language Key (SPRAS)
CCHRS_STAT2_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Employment Status (STAT2)
CCHRS_STELL_RANGE - EHS-INT: Ranges Structure for Job (STELL)
CCIFS_ACTIONIHPM - EHS-INT: Link IHS Safety Measures with PM Tasks
CCIFS_ACTIONLTXT - EHS-INT: Long Texts for Safety Measures
CCIFS_COUNTRY_TAB - EHS-INT: Transfer Structure for Countries
CCIFS_EHS_MARA - EHS-INT: Enhancement Fields MARA
CCIFS_EHS_VEKP - EHS-INT: Enhancement Fields VEKP
CCIFS_NOTI_RFC - EHS-INT: Transfer Structure Notifications EHS to PM
CCIFS_QMSM_RFC - EHS-INT: RFC Transfer Structure for QMSM
CCIFS_SHIPPING_MODES - EHS-INT: Transfer Structure for Modes of Transport
CCIFS_TPLNR_RANGE_RFC - EHS-INT: RFC Transfer Structure for Data Element TPLNR
CCIFS_TQ80_RFC - EHS-INT: Transfer Structure for Customizing PM to EHS
CCIFS_WQMSM_RFC - EHS-INT: RFC Transfer Structure for WQMSM
CCIHS_EPRA - Structure: Agent Type, Name, Description
CCIHS_WARA - Structure: Work Area, Work Area Description
CVCBP - EHS: Business process - valid business process IDs
DGINFOCUBE - DG: Structure for Dangerous Goods Fld in Transport InfoCube
DGMS2 - DG: Dangerous Goods Document Table (Appendix Table)
DGMSD - DG: Dangerous Goods Document Table DGMSD
DGMSDVB - Reference Structure for X_DGMSD_TAB / Y_DGMSD_TAB
DGTEXCCNTRIES - Exceptions to Dangerous Goods Regulations: Countries
DGTEXCEPT - Exceptions to DG Regulations - Header Table
DGTEXCTEXTS - Exceptions to DG Regulations: Texts and Documents
DGTEXCUNNO - Exceptions to DG Regulations: UN Numbers
DGTMD_LKEY - DG: Dummy Table for Lock Object on Log. Key for DGTMD
DGTPK - DG: Packing Requirement
EHQMSAPIM1 - EH&S-QM: API Structure Inspection Plan - Initial Screen
EHQMSAPIM2 - EH&S-QM: API Structure Inspection Plan - Characteristic
EHQMSCHBUF - EHS: Buffer for Inspection Plan
EHQMSCHIOT - EH&S-QM: Structure for Inspection Plan - Characteristic
EHQMSCPBUF - EHS: Buffer for Inspection Plan
EHQMSCPIOT - EH&S-QM: Structure for Inspection Plan - Initial Screen
EHQMSHITL - EH&S-QM: Structure of Hit List
EHQMSLOG - EH&S-QM: Structure for Log
EHQMSSEL - EH&S-QM: Selection Screen
EHQMT_BASIC_DATA - EH&S-QM: Basic Data for Inspection Plans
EHQMT_CHARTYPE - EH&S-QM: Types of Characteristics
EHQMT_CHARTYPET - EH&S-QM: Descriptions of Types of Characteristics
EHQMT_CODE - EH&S-QM: Assignment of Phrases to Codes
EHQMT_CODE2 - EH&S-QM: Assignment of Characteristic Values to Codes
EHQMT_GRP - EH&S-QM: Assignment of Phrase Groups to Code Groups
EHQMT_IP_MEMORY - EH&S-QM: Memorize Created Inspection Plans
EHQMT_MAIN1 - EH&S-QM: Subs. Value Assignmt Types for Insp. Plan Creation
EHQMT_MAIN2 - EH&S-QM: Characteristics for Inspection Plan Creation
EHS00QEDITOR - EH&S: Structure of Text Editor Input and Output Fields
EHS00QEDITORT - EH&S: Text Editor Translation Structure
EHS00QTEXTFIELDS - Text Fields for Specific Questionnaire
EHS00QTEXTVARIBLE - Text Variable for the Questionnaire
EHS00QUESTEDIT - Text Editor for the Questionnaire
EHS00SHLPANSWTYP - Structure for Answer Type
EHS00S_STATUST - Language-Specific Text Table for Status
EHS00_ATYPE_RANGE - Answer Type Range
EHS00_QCATALOG_RANGE - Structure of a Range Table for Question Catalog Number
EHS00_QGROUP_RANGE - Structure of a Range Table for the Catalog Group
EHS00_QREL_HLP - Help Structure for Search Help for FM Assignment
EHS00_QTYPE_RANGE - Catalog Entry Type Range
EHS00_QUESTID_RANGE - Structure of a Range Table for the Catalog Entry Number
EHSBS_APPL_SCOPE_API - EHS: API Structure for General Scope of Application
EHSBS_APPL_SCOPE_BUF - EHS: BUFTAB Structure for General Scope of Application
EHSBS_APPL_SCOPE_IOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for General Scope of Application
EHSBS_ASCP_DYNP - EHS: Icon Container Structure for Pushbutton History
EHSBS_DIALOG_OBJECTS - EHS: Dialog Objects (Copy of Structure RCGKPATH)
EHSBS_RECN - EHS: RECN Values in GUID Format
EHSBS_REP_USEX_APPL_SCOPE - CBST: Structure f. User Exit for Repeat.Grp Applicatn Scope
EHSBT_APPL_SCOPE - EHS: General Scope of Application
EHSWAS_APPQUANT - Output Structure: Waste Quantities in Approval for MiniApp
EHSWAS_APPQUANT_EXTENDED - Extended Output Structure: Waste Qty in Approval (MiniApp)
EHS_TDG83 - Categories of Package
HREHS00QCATALOG - Data Fields in Question Catalog
HREHS00QUEST - Questionnaire Structure
HSMC_BDA - Activation of Extended Hazardous Substance Checks
LGEF1 - For Data Transfer from Substance Database to MGEF
LGEF2 - Substance Number and Its Character Name and Value
LGEF3 - Character Value and Its Transferred Value
LIPSDG - Appendix Table for Dangerous Goods Data
LIPSDGAP - DG: Appendix Table for LIPSDG
LIPSDGVB - Reference structure for X_LIPSDG_TAB/Y_LIPSDG_TAB
MCCOMVTSP_DG - EHS: Communication Structure Transport for Dangerous Goods
RCBDUCARRPRINT - EHS: Relevant Output Fields of Table CCDUTCARR
RCGBALMI - EHS: Output Structure for SD Interface
RCGCUSDATA - EHS: Debtor Data: Country-Region-Language
RDGCHANGE - DG: Structure for Material Exchange and Mult. Comp. Explos.
RDGCHKM - DG-CK: Reference structure for processing DG checks
RDGDNACT - DG-CK: Input for activation check dangerous goods checks
RDGENHINTEGR - DG: Structure for Enhanced Dangerous Goods Master Model
RDGEXCEPTADM - EHS: Administrative Data for Exceptions to DG Regulations
RDGEXCEPTKEY - EHS: Logical Key for Exceptions to DG Regulations
RDGEXCEPTTEXTS - DG: Structure of Texts for Exception to DG Regulations
RDGEXCIDKEY - DG: Exceptions to DG Regulations
RDGFPAP - DGM: For transfer of indicators DG checks to DG documents
RDGINFOCUBE - Help Structure for Filling the Transport InfoCube
RDGLIPSDG - DG: Structure for Dangerous Goods Data in LIPSDG
RDGLKPRO - DG-PR: Structure for transferring DG data to document
RDGM6_DGSUPPL_TRANSIND - Structure for Indicators for Transport in DG Supplement
RDGM6_DGSUPPL_TRANSIND_MAN_CHK - Structure for Indicating Indicators for Transport (Supplemt)
RDGM6_TRANSIND_DESC - Structure for Descriptors of Indicators for Transport
RDGMA - DG: Complete structure for DGTMD and DGTM2
RDGMD - DG: Include Structure for Dangerous Goods Data (Table DGTMD)
RDGMDREP_P - DG: Field for display in report (items)
RDGPRINT - Structure for Printing DG Data
RDGSCDG - Transfer structure: Dangerous goods found in section
RDGSDIOT - Input and Output Structure
RDGSDPROF - DG-PR: SD data for DG documents/checks
RDGTPMA - Dangerous Goods Fields in Table DGTMD
RDGTPMAT - DG: Template Material Indicator
RDGTXTEDI - DG: SAPscript Keys for Dangerous Goods Texts EDI
RDGTXTPRT - DG: SAPscript Key for Dangerous Goods Texts
RDGUCADM - DG: Structure for Incompleteness in Shipping
RDGVBEPDG - DG: Structure for Dangerous Goods Data in VBEPDG
STR_TCG11_I - EHS: Enhancement Struct. for Value Assgmt Type (Table TCG11)
STR_TCG56_I - EHS: Enhancement Structure for Data Origin (Table TCG56)
STR_TCG81_I - EHS: Enhancement Regulatory List (TCG81)
T7EHS00_ANSWTYP - Unique Number of Answer Type
T7EHS00_ANSWTYPT - Language-Dependent Text Table for Table t7ehs00_answtyp
T7EHS00_CATALOG - Question Catalog
T7EHS00_CATALOGT - Language-Specific Text Table for Table T7ehs00_catalog
T7EHS00_FKATALOG - Administration Data EH&S Question Catalog
T7EHS00_FORMTYP - Form Type
T7EHS00_FORMTYPT - Text Table Form Type
T7EHS00_QAGEN - General Answer Type
T7EHS00_QAGENT - General Answer Type
T7EHS00_QASPC - Answer Type Application Components
T7EHS00_QASPCT - Answer Type Application Component
T7EHS00_QCATFORM - Question Catalog: Assign Form and Program
T7EHS00_QCRIT - Criterion Text EH&S Question Catalog (Language-Specific)
T7EHS00_QCUSREX - Registered User Exit Function Module for Question Catalog
T7EHS00_QEDITOR - Question Text EH&S Question Catalog (Language-Specific)
T7EHS00_QFORM - Specific Questionnaire: Assign Form and Program
T7EHS00_QFORMSPC - General Questionnaire: Assign Form and Program
T7EHS00_QGROUP - Unique Number of Catalog Group
T7EHS00_QGROUPT - Language-Dependent Text Table for Catalog Group
T7EHS00_QREL - Questionnaire Assignment
T7EHS00_QRELTYP - Object Type for Questionnaire Assignment
T7EHS00_QRELTYPT - Text Table for Object Type for Assigning a Function Module
T7EHS00_QSCANP - File Path for the Scanner ASCII File
T7EHS00_QTFIELDG - Text Fields for the General Questionnaire
T7EHS00_QTFIELDS - Text Fields for Specific Questionnaire
T7EHS00_QTOPIC - Subject Area of Questionnaire (General)
T7EHS00_QTOPICT - Subject Area of Questionnaire (General) Text Table
T7EHS00_QTOP_REL - Subject Area Assignment of Questionnaire
T7EHS00_QTYPE - Catalog entry category
T7EHS00_QTYPET - Description Catalog Entry Type
T7EHS00_QUEST - Questionnaire Definition
T7EHS00_QUESTQ - Individual Questions in Questionnaire
T7EHS00_QUESTT - Language-Dependent Text Table for Table T7EHS00_QUEST
T7EHS00_QUSREX - Registered User Exit Function Modules for Questionnaire
T7EHS00_STATUS - Status
T7EHS00_STATUST - Language-Specific Text Table for Status
TCG01 - EHS: Specification Value Assignment Category (System Table)
TCG02 - EHS: Description - Specification Value Assignment Category
TCG31 - EHS: Specification Type
TCG36 - EHS: Specification Authorization Object
TCG51 - EHS: Property Tree
TCG52 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Property Tree
TCG76 - EHS: Component category
TCG86 - EHS: Characteristic rating
TCG96 - EHS: Usage profile
TCGC3 - EHS: Exchange profile
TCGL1 - EHS: Report types
TCGL3 - EHS: Report Applications
TDG101 - Dangerous Goods Packaging Status
TDG102 - Dangerous Goods Packaging Status Descriptions
TDG41 - DG: DG Indicator Profiles for Material Master
TDG85 - Exceptions to DG Regulations: Assignment Profiles
TDG86 - Exceptions to DG Regulations: Assgmt Profile Descriptions
TDG87 - Exceptions to DG Regulations: Assgmt Objects to Assgmt Prof.
TDG95 - DG: Define Level of Dangerous Goods Packaging
TDG96 - DG: Text Table for Level of Dangerous Goods Packaging
TDGA1 - DG: Activating Dangerous Goods Checks
TDGC5 - DG: Dangerous Goods Management Profile for SD Documents
TDGC6 - Text table for DG indicator profiles in the delivery header
TDGD1 - DG: Definition of a Regulation Profile
TDGD2 - DG: Description Regulation Profile
TDGD5 - DG: Definition of an Indicator Category
TDGD7 - DG: Assignment Indicator Category / Regulation Profile
THM071 - DG: Risk Potential
THM072 - Risk Potential Description
TREEHEADER_CNTR - Header Structure of Tree Control
TREEITEM_CNTR - Item Structure of Tree Control
TREENODE_CNTR - Node Structure of the Question Catalog Tree Control
TREENODE_QUEST - Node Structure EH&S Questionnaire
VBEPDG - Appendix Table for Dangerous Goods Data
VEDG - DG: Supplement Table for DG Data (Handling Unit)

SAP Basic Data and Tools Tables EHS-BD

EHFNDC_CI_IP - Table contains the configuration of the integration points
EHFNDC_CI_IPCHAR - configuration of characteristics for integration point
EHFNDD_CI_USRDEF - Cluster table for user specific settings
EHFNDI_CI_IPID - Table defines the IDs for the integration points
EHFNDS_CI_CHAR_CONFIG - Structure for integration points configured characteristics
EHFNDS_CI_CONTEXT - Structure for context data
EHFNDS_CI_KEY_VALUE - structure for key/value pairs
EHSBC_BUF_PROT - EHS-BAS: Object Change Log (see Documentation)
EHSBC_LS01 - EHS: **OBSOLETE** Front End Op. Sys. Code Page Assignments
EHSBC_LS03 - EHS-BAS: **OBSOLETE** Basic Settings for Language Support
EHSBC_ST01 - EHS-BAS: Assignment: Status Profile to Object Type
EHSBC_ST02 - EHS-BAS: System Status Profiles
EHSBC_ST03 - EHS-BAS: Illegal Transitions to the System Status Profiles
EHSBC_ST04 - EHS-BAS: Insert Transition for User Status in System Status
EHSBC_TMSTMP - EHS-BAS: Time Stamp of Last Possible Change (See Doc.)
EHSBC_VAI_AC - EHS-BAS: Definition of Application Area
EHSBC_VAI_AC_NAM - EHS-BAS: Language-Specific Name of Application Area
EHSBC_VAI_USEX - EHS-BAS: Application-Area-Dependent Implementations
EHSBS_ADMIOT - EHS: Data for DMS Interface Functions
EHSBS_API_VAI_ALVOUT_TECH - EHS-BAS: ALV Data Output (Technical Fields)
EHSBS_API_VAI_CHKEY - EHS-BAS: Key: Value Assignment Type/Characteristic
EHSBS_API_VAI_CLASS_CHAR - EHS-BAS: TBVA-Relevant Characteristic Attributes
EHSBS_API_VAI_CLASS_DEF - EHS-BAS: Class Definition of the Value Assignment Instance
EHSBS_API_VAI_CLS_DEF - EHS-BAS: General TBVA Class Definition
EHSBS_API_VAI_DATA_EXT - EHS-BAS: ALV Data (Extended Structure)
EHSBS_API_VAI_DFKEY - EHS-BAS: User-Defined Text Key
EHSBS_API_VAI_ESTCAT - EHS-BAS: Value Assignment Type Key
EHSBS_API_VAI_ESTCAT_CLASS - EHS-BAS: Classes of Value Assignment Type
EHSBS_API_VAI_EXKEY - EHS-BAS: Key for Value Assignment Instance Incl. Recnroot
EHSBS_API_VAI_KEY - EHS-BAS: Key for Value Assignment Instance
EHSBS_API_VAI_STYLE - EHS-BAS: ALV Cell Style As Function of Value Assignment Type
EHSBS_DDMSIMP - EHS: Import Document from Front End to DMS
EHSBS_DFFILTER - Structure for Filtering User-Defined Text Dialog
EHSBS_DFIOT - EHS: Structure for Document and User-Defined Text Link
EHSBS_LOGMSGTYPEFLAGS - EHS: Indicators for Message Types in Log
EHSBS_LOGPARAMBAPI - EHS: Additional Parameters for (B)API Messages
EHSBS_LSADM - EHS-BAS: Settings for language support
EHSBS_LTXTKEY - EHS: Object key, sub-object key for long text entries
EHSBS_LTXTKEY_FRTO - EHS: Structure Time Interval for Long Texts (RECN32)
EHSBS_OBJKEY - EHS: Structure for Object Link
EHSBS_PP_OUT - EHS-BAS: Output Structure for Columns
EHSBS_SELRANGE - EHS: Selection Criteria
EHSBS_STAT - EHS-BAS: Structure for Status Management
EHSBS_STDRECN - EHS: Minimum Key for FB Call Interface
EHSBS_STPRBUF - EHS: Buffer Structure for Status Log Table
EHSBS_TEXTCATF4 - Structure for F4-Help Value Assignment Text Type
EHSBS_TREE_COLUMN - EHS-BAS: ActiveX Tree Control - Column Description
EHSBS_TREE_HEADER - EHS-BAS: ActiveX Tree Control - Header Description
EHSBS_TREE_ITEM - EHS-BAS: ActiveX Tree Control - Item Description
EHSBS_TREE_NODE - EHS-BAS: ActiveX Tree Control - Node Description
EHSBS_TXTFIELDS - EHS: Interface Fields, Word Processing
EHSBS_UADM_AENR_D - EHS: Dummy for Engineering Change Management Fields
EHSBS_UADM_GUID - EHS: Structure for general administrative information
EHSBS_UADM_GUID_OAENR - EHS: Gen. Admin. Information without Engineering Change Mgmt
EHSBS_UKEY_GUID - EHS: Structure for Standard Key Fields in Master Data
EHSBS_UKEY_GUID_OAENR - EHS: Standard Key Fields without Engin. Change Mgmt (ACTN)
EHSBT_PHRNO - Flag Table for Phrase ID in First Database
EHSBT_STPR - EHS-BAS: Central status log
EHSB_TS_VAIDATA_ADDINF1 - EHS-BAS: ALV Data (Extended Structure)
EHSB_TS_VAI_USEX - EHS-BAS: Defining Class
EHSKE_ESEOHSTAT_RANGE - Ranges Structure for ESEOHSTAT Data Element
EHSKS_ER_REPRASEL - Report Start - Risk Assessment with Main Rating
EHSKS_GENSERVERS - Structure for Key Figure on WWI Generation Server
EHSKS_J_STATUS_RANGE - Ranges Structure for J_STATUS Data Element
EHSKS_KPI_ACT_STAT - Structure for Key Figure on Tasks
EHSKS_KPI_ASSPERSPROT - Structure for Key Fig. on Assignment of Persons to Med HSP
EHSKS_KPI_ER - Structure for Key Figure on Risk Assessment
EHSKS_KPI_IA - Structure for Key Figure on Incident/Accident Log Entries
EHSKS_KPI_REP_REQ - Structure for Key Figure on Report Requests
RCPS_WBO_PARAM - RMS-RCP: WBO - Structure for Object Key Fields
RMSAS_GLOBPARAM - RMS-ATL: Global Parameters for RMS
RMSAS_INFOSYS - RMS-ATL: Description of Info System
RMSAS_MENID_DESCR - RMS-ATL: Description of Property Tree
RMSAS_TRANSL_GUID - RMS-ATL: GUID Assignment Structure for iPPE Objects
RMSDX - RMS: Data Repository for User Settings
RMSTS_ALVLAYOUT - RMS-TLS: Additional Settings for ALV
RMSTS_DDBEHAVE - RMS-TLS: Drag and Drop Behavior for ALV
RMSTS_F4HLP - RMS-TLS: Structure with Values from Input Help
RMWBA_80 - RMS-WB: Structure for Favorites
RMWBA_81 - RMS-WB: Object Key for Favorites
RMWBC_10 - RMS-WB: Object Type Management
RMWBC_15 - RMS-WB: Behavior for Data Element - Object Type
RMWBC_20 - RMS-WB: Registration of a Service Group
RMWBC_20T - RMS-WB: Registration of a Service Group
RMWBC_21 - RMS-WB: Registration of a Service Group
RMWBC_22 - Toolbars for a Service Group
RMWBC_25 - RMS-WB: Assignment Between Service Group and a Transaction
RMWBC_40 - RMS-WB: Tree Format Layout
RMWBC_40T - RMS-WB: Tree Format Layout
RMWBC_41 - RMS-WB: Layout Hierarchy
RMWBS_SELECTED_NODE - Data for a Node Selected in the Workbench
RMWBS_SUBCAT - Structure for Specification Type
RMWBS_SUBCATESTCAT - Structure for Assignmt of a Default Property per Spec. Type
RMWBS_USCOL - RMS-WB: User Settings - Column Selection
RMWBS_USCOLSEQ - RMS-WB: User Settings - Sort Order + Width
RMWBS_USCOLSORT - RMS-WB: Sort Columns of a Workbench Object Category
RMWBS_USFAV - RMS-WB: User Settings - Favorites Repository
RMWBS_USWBTLYT - RMS-WB: User Settings - Structure Layouts
RMWBS_USWBTOP - RMS-WB: General Settings
RMWBS_WBDD - RMS-WB: Drag and Drop Data
RMWBS_WBDEPEND - RMS-WB: Object Dependencies
RMWBS_WBOCOL - RMS-WB: Available Columns in Tree
RMWBS_WBODEF - RMS-WB: Object Type Management
RMWBS_WBOEDGE - RMS-WB: Available Edges of an Object Type
RMWBS_WBOSET - RMS-WB: Various WBO Settings
RMWBS_WBO_CNVOKCODE - RMS-WB: Translation of Workbench OK Codes
RMWBS_WBTLYTD - RMS-WB: Layout Definition
RMWBS_WBTLYTH - RMS-WB: Layout Header Information
RMWBS_WBTLYTH_POPUP - RMS-WB: Layout Header Information
RMWBS_WBUID - RMS-WB: Object Assignment
TCG06 - EHS: Assignment Table

SAP Compliance Check Tables EHS-BD-CCK

EHCSMS_CCK_FIPARAM_DESC - Filter Parameter and Description for Selecting Constraints
EHCSMS_CCK_FIPARAM_VAL_DESC - Filter Parameter Value and Description
EHCSMS_CCK_TECH_PARAM_VAL_DESC - Technical Parameter Values and Descriptions
EHSBC_RC_ADPARA - EHS: Composition Parameters
EHSBC_RC_ADPARAT - EHS: Text Table for Composition Parameters
EHSBC_RC_COMTYP - EHS: Composition Type
EHSBC_RC_COMTYPS - EHS: Specification Types of Composition Type
EHSBC_RC_COMTYPT - EHS: Text Table of Composition Type
EHSBC_RC_CONSTR - EHS: Definition of Constraints
EHSBC_RC_FIPARA - EHS: Parameters for Selecting Constraints
EHSBC_RC_PARA - EHS: Technical Parameters
EHSBS_RC_ADDITIONAL_PARAM - EHS: Additional Parameters (Including Item Number)
EHSBS_RC_ADD_PARAM - EHS: Additional Parameters
EHSBS_RC_ADPARA - EHS: Customizing - Additional Parameters
EHSBS_RC_ADPARAT - EHS: Customizing - Text for Additional Parameters
EHSBS_RC_ALV_OUTTAB_COMPTYP - EHS: ALV Grid Output Structure f. Filter Criterion Comp.Type
EHSBS_RC_ALV_OUTTAB_FIPARAMS - EHS: ALV Grid Output Structure for Filter Parameters
EHSBS_RC_ALV_OUTTAB_PARAMS - EHS: ALV Grid Output Structure for Additional Parameters
EHSBS_RC_ATNAM_RESULT - EHS: Characteristics for Result
EHSBS_RC_COMPTYP_PARAM - EHS: Composition Type Parameters
EHSBS_RC_COMTYP - EHS: Customizing - Composition Type Definitions
EHSBS_RC_COMTYPS - EHS: Customizing - Spec. - Composition Type Assignment Table
EHSBS_RC_COMTYPT - EHS: Customizing - Text Table Composition Type Definitions
EHSBS_RC_DYNP_CONSTR_USAGE - EHS: Screen - Filter Parameter: Usage
EHSBS_RC_DYNP_PROCESS_MODE - EHS: Screen - Filter Criterion Process Mode
EHSBS_RC_DYNP_SHLP_CHARACT - EHS: Screen - Display Structure for Phrase-Enabled Characs
EHSBS_RC_DYNP_TECH_PARAM - EHS: Screen - Technical Parameters for Calling Expert
EHSBS_RC_ESTCAT_RESULT - EHS: Value Assignment Type for Result
EHSBS_RC_EXPERT_TECH_PARAM - EHS: Technical Parameters for Calling EH&S Expert
EHSBS_RC_EXPLBUF - EHS: Explosion Buffer
EHSBS_RC_EXPLBUF_EXT - EHS: Explosion Buffer (Internal)
EHSBS_RC_FILTER_PARAM - EHS: Filter Parameters
EHSBS_RC_FIPARA - EHS: Customizing - Filter Parameters
EHSBS_RC_FI_PARAM - EHS: Filter Parameters
EHSBS_RC_GROUP_BUF - EHS: Buffer for Search Result of Substance Groups
EHSBS_RC_LEADING_OBJECT - EHS: Leading Object (Including Additional Information)
EHSBS_RC_LEAD_OBJECT_INFO - EHS: Customer-Specific Substance Information in Result
EHSBS_RC_OBJECT_FOUND - EHS: Object Found in the Substance Search
EHSBS_RC_PARA - EHS: Customizing - Technical Parameter
EHSBS_RC_PARAM_TAB - EHS: Line Type for Table Type PARAM_TAB
EHSBS_RC_RECN_ACTN - EHS: Structure with RECN and ACTN
EHSBS_RC_RESBUF - EHS: Buffer for Search Result of EHSB_RC02_REG_SUBST_FIND
EHSBS_RC_RESULT_ADD_INFO - EHS: RM Additional Information for Overall Result
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_ALV_OUTTAB_USAGE - EHS: Display Structure for Usage
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_CONSTR_VALID - EHS: Parameters for Constraint Validity
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_MASS_HDR - EHS: Overall Result: Header
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_MASS_LST - EHS: Overall Result: List
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_MASS_STMT - EHS: Overall Result: List: Statement
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_PARAM_ADD - EHS: Additional Parameters
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_PARAM_TECH - EHS: Technical Parameters
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_SNGL_FILTER - EHS: Individual Result: List: Filter
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_SNGL_LST - EHS: Individual Result: List
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_SNGL_STMT - EHS: Individual Result: List: Statement
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_SNGL_USAGE - EHS: Individual Result: List: Usage
EHSBS_RC_RSLT_SUMMARY - EHS: Result of Check: Overview
EHSBS_RC_TCG66 - EHS: Value Assignment Type Class Characteristic
EHSBS_RC_TCGSGP - EHS: User-Specific Parameters
EHSBS_RC_UNIT_CONVERSION - EHS: Units from T006 with Conversion Factors
EHSBS_RC_USAGE_PARAM - EHS: Filter Parameters for Constraint Usage
EHSBS_RC_VAT_VALUES - EHS: Value Assignment Type and Its Characteristics
EHSBS_RC_XML_RSLT_PARAM - EHS: XML Output Structure for Parameters
EHSBS_RC_XML_RSLT_PARAM_ADD - Parameters for Composition
EHSBS_RC_XML_RSLT_PARAM_FILT - Additional Parameter Values for Constraint Validity
EHSBS_RC_XML_RSLT_PARAM_FILTER - Parameters for Constraint Validity
EHSBS_RC_XML_RSLT_PARAM_TECH - Technical Parameters
EHSBS_RC_XML_RSLT_PARA_COMPT - Composition Type(s) Used
EHSBT_RC_ESTRHSH - EHS: Table f. Storing Substs w. Constraints in Shared Memory
EHSBT_RC_EXPLSHM - EHS: Table for Storing Explosion Result in Shared Memory
EHSBT_RC_GRPSHM - EHS: Table for Storing Substance Group in Shared Memory

SAP Specification Management Tables EHS-BD-SPE

ENHES_RCGCOMP - EC - Compositions
ENHES_RCGCONSPARAM - EC - Consumption Parameters
ENHES_RCGDIM - EC - Dimensions
ENHES_RCGIDENT - EC - Identifier
ENHES_RCGSUBOUTPUT - EC - Output for Report Unit
ENHES_RCGSUBPROP - EC - Characteristic of a Value Assignment Type
ENHES_RCGSUBS - EC - Specification ID
ENHES_RCGSUBVAL - EC - Characteristic of a Value Assignment Type
ENHES_RCGUNITOUTPUT - EC - Output for Report Unit

SAP Dangerous Goods Management Tables EHS-DGP

BAPI1078_ADDINFORMATION - Parameters for Additional Information
BAPI1078_DANGERGOODDATAX - Dangerous Goods Master (Header): Checkbox Structure
BAPI1078_DANGERGOODPACKX - Dangerous Goods Packing Requirements: Checkbox Structure
BAPI1078_DANGEROUSGOODDATA - Parameters for Dangerous Goods Master (Header)
BAPI1078_DANGEROUSGOODPACK - Parameters for dangerous goods packaging requirements
BAPI1078_LOGKEYSEL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Logical Key Selection
BAPI1078_MATSEL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Material Selection
BAPI1078_PACK_REQUIREMENT - BAPI Structure Dangerous Goods Packing Requirement
BAPI1078_PACK_REQUIREMENTX - Checkbox Structure Dangerous Goods Packing Requirement
BAPI1078_PRODUCT_RELEASE - BAPI Structure Dangerous Goods Product Release
BAPI1078_PRODUCT_RELEASEX - Checkbox Structure for Dangerous Goods Product Release
BAPI1078_PROV_CARRIAGE - BAPI Structure Transport Regulations
BAPI1078_PROV_CARRIAGEX - Checkbox Structure for Provisions for Carriage
BAPI1078_RANGE - Structure for ranges table (dangerous goods)
BAPI1078_RECIPIENTS - Structure for target systems for distribution (DG)
BAPI1078_REGSEL - EHS: BAPI Structure for DG Regulations Selection
BAPI1078_SENDER - Parameters for target system for distribution (DG)
BAPI1078_SPEC_PACK_PROV - BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
BAPI1078_SPEC_PACK_PROVX - Checkbox Structure Special Packing Provisions
BAPI1078_TRANSP_APPROVAL - BAPI Structure Transport Restrictions
BAPI1078_TRANSP_APPROVALX - Checkbox Structure for Transport Restrictions
BAPI1279_DGEXCCHKMETH - DG: Parameters for Excptns to DG Regulations (Check Methods)
BAPI1279_DGEXCCHKMETHX - Exceptions to DG Reg. (Check Methods): Checkbox Structure
BAPI1279_DGEXCCNTRIES - DG: Parameters for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Country)
BAPI1279_DGEXCCNTRIESX - DG: Excptns to DG Regulations (Country): Checkbox Structure
BAPI1279_DGEXCEPT - DG: Parameters for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Header)
BAPI1279_DGEXCEPTX - DG: Exceptions to DG Regulations (Hdr): Checkbox Structure
BAPI1279_DGEXCLTEXTS - DG: Parameters for Excpts to DG Reg. (SAPscript Long Texts)
BAPI1279_DGEXCLTEXTSX - DG: Excptns to DG Reg. (SAPscript Long Txts): Chkbox Struct.
BAPI1279_DGEXCTEXTS - DG: Parameters for Exceptions to DG Reg. (Texts and Docs)
BAPI1279_DGEXCTEXTSX - DG: Excptns to DG Reg. (Texts and Docs): Checkbox Structure
BAPI1279_DGEXCUNNO - DG: Parameter(s) for Excptns to DG Regulations (UN Number)
BAPI1279_DGEXCUNNOX - DG: Excptns to DG Reg. (UN Number): Checkbox Structure
BAPI1279_RECIPIENTS - DG: Structure for Target Systems for Distribution (DGP)
BAPI_1279_IMPORT_PARAM - EHS: Import Parameters for ALE Object
BAPI_TE_CCDUTCARRX - Checkbox Structure
BAPI_TE_CCDUTDGRELX - Checkbox Structure BAPI Extension to Table CCDUTDGREL
BAPI_TE_CCDUTPACKX - Checkbox Structure BAPI Extension to Table CCDUTPACK
BAPI_TE_CCDUTSPROVX - Checkbox Structure BAPI Extension to Table CCDUTSPROV
BAPI_TE_CCDUTTRAPPRX - Checkbox Structure BAPI Extension to Table CCDUTTRAPPR
BAPI_TE_DGTM2 - BAPI Table Extension for Table DGTM2
CCDUTDGRELLKEY - DG: Dummy Table for Lock Obj. on Log. Key for CCDUTDGREL
DGREL_LOCK_KEY - Dangerous Goods: Lock Table for CCDUTDGREL
DGTCPD - DG: Last Change Pointer Evaluation (Specification)
DGTEXCCHKMETH - Exceptions to Dangerous Goods Regulations: Check Methods
DGTMD_MATNR - DG: Dummy Table for Lock Obj. on MATNR and DGTMD
DGUPS_KEY - Dangerous Goods Master Object Key in UPS
E1BP1078_DANGERGOODDATAX - Dangerous Goods Master (Header): Checkbox Structure
E1BP1078_DANGERGOODPACKX - Dangerous Goods Packing Requirements: Checkbox Structure
E1BP1078_DANGEROUSGOODDATA - Parameters for dangerous goods master
E1BP1078_DANGEROUSGOODDATA1 - Parameters for Dangerous Goods Master
E1BP1078_DANGEROUSGOODDATA2 - Parameters for dangerous goods master
E1BP1078_DANGEROUSGOODDATA3 - Parameters for Dangerous Goods Master (Header)
E1BP1078_DANGEROUSGOODDATA4 - Parameters for Dangerous Goods Master (Header)
E1BP1078_DANGEROUSGOODPACK - Parameters for dangerous goods packaging requirements
E1BP1078_PACK_REQUIREMENT - BAPI Structure Dangerous Goods Packing Requirement
E1BP1078_PACK_REQUIREMENTX - Checkbox Structure Dangerous Goods Packing Requirement
E1BP1078_PRODUCT_RELEASE - BAPI Structure Dangerous Goods Product Release
E1BP1078_PRODUCT_RELEASEX - Checkbox Structure for Dangerous Goods Product Release
E1BP1078_PROV_CARRIAGE - BAPI Structure Transport Regulations
E1BP1078_PROV_CARRIAGEX - Checkbox Structure for Provisions for Carriage
E1BP1078_RANGE - Structure for ranges table (dangerous goods)
E1BP1078_SENDER - Parameters for target system for distribution (DG)
E1BP1078_SPEC_PACK_PROV - BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
E1BP1078_SPEC_PACK_PROVX - Checkbox Structure Special Packing Provisions
E1BP1078_TRANSP_APPROVAL - BAPI Structure Transport Restrictions
E1BP1078_TRANSP_APPROVALX - Checkbox Structure for Transport Restrictions
E1BP1279_DGEXCCHKMETH - DG: Parameters for Excptns to DG Regulations (Check Methods)
E1BP1279_DGEXCCHKMETHX - Exceptions to DG Reg. (Check Methods): Checkbox Structure
E1BP1279_DGEXCCNTRIES - DG: Parameters for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Country)
E1BP1279_DGEXCCNTRIESX - DG: Excptns to DG Regulations (Country): Checkbox Structure
E1BP1279_DGEXCEPT - DG: Parameters for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Header)
E1BP1279_DGEXCEPTX - DG: Exceptions to DG Regulations (Hdr): Checkbox Structure
E1BP1279_DGEXCTEXTS - DG: Parameters for Exceptions to DG Reg. (Texts and Docs)
E1BP1279_DGEXCTEXTSX - DG: Excptns to DG Reg. (Texts and Docs): Checkbox Structure
E1BP1279_DGEXCUNNO - DG: Parameter(s) for Excptns to DG Regulations (UN Number)
E1BP1279_DGEXCUNNOX - DG: Excptns to DG Reg. (UN Number): Checkbox Structure
E1BP_UPSLINK_ADDON - BAPI Ref. Structure for Ref. Object to Superord. UPS - ADDON
E1DG_EXCEPTION - Header Segment
EHS_RDGSELSCR_INSTRENCL_T - EHS-DG: IO Table Structure for Instruction for Enclosure
EHS_RDGSELSCR_PACOD_T - EHS-DG: IO Table Structure for Packaging Code Selection
EHS_RDGSELSCR_TRANSTYPE_T - EHS-DG: IO Table Structure for DG Transport Type Selection
EHS_RDG_DETAIL_GEN_KEYS_T - DG: Generic Keys for Detail Tables
ET001 - Conversion of Phrases in Table Fields (Field: Translation)
ET002 - Conversion of Phrases in Table Fields (Contents:Translation)
RCBDP_DLHDIOT - EHS-DG: IOTAB Packaging Development
RCBDP_LSKPATH - EHS-DG: Dialog Control Structure Material Selection
RCBDP_LWDGSELIOT - EHS-DG: IOTAB Regulation Selection for Product Release
RCBDP_SELSCR - EHS-DG: IO Table Structure for Substance Selection
RCBDUAPICARR - EHS: API Structure Provisions for Carriage
RCBDUAPIDGREL - EHS: API Structure Product Release
RCBDUAPIDGRELAPPL - EHS: API Application Structure for Product Release
RCBDUAPIPACK - EHS: API Structure Packing Requirements
RCBDUAPISP - EHS: API Structure Special Provisions
RCBDUAPITRAPPR - EHS: API Structure for Transport Restrictions
RCBDUCARRBUF - EHS: Buffer for Provisions for Carriage
RCBDUCARR_PRINT - EHS: Relevant Output Fields of Table CCDUTCARR
RCBDUDGHEAD - EHS: Header Information for Dangerous Goods Data
RCBDUDGRELAPPL - Application Structure for Dangerous Goods Product Release
RCBDUDGRELBUF - EHS: Buffer for Product Release
RCBDUDGRELCOP - Product Release: IO Table Structure for Copy Dialog
RCBDUDGRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Product Release
RCBDUPACKBUF - EHS: Buffer for Packing Requirement
RCBDUPACKIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Packing Requirement
RCBDUSPBUF - EHS: Buffer for Special Provisions
RCBDUSPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Special Provisions
RCBDUTRAPPRBUF - EHS: Buffer for Transport Restrictions
RCBDUTRAPPRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Transport Restrictions
RCBDU_CARR_FILL - EHS: Structure for Provisions for Carriage
RCBDU_DGRELKEY - EHS: Selection Structure for Product Release
RCBDU_DG_MASTER_KEY - Dangerous goods: Structure for retaining keys
RCBDU_DG_PACK_KEY - Dangerous Goods: Structure for Keys of Packaging Data
RCBDU_ICON_DEF - EHS: Icon Structure for Product Release
RCBDU_LWDGSELIOT - EHS-DG: IOTAB Regulation Selection for Product Release
RCBDU_PACK_FILL - EHS: Structure for Packaging Code Approval
RCBDU_SPROV_FILL - EHS: Structure for Special Provisions
RDG39_RNG - Range for Release Status
RDG41 - DGM: Reference structure DG profile in the material master
RDG41A - DGM: Reference structure DG profile in the material master
RDG41_RNG - Range for Dangerous Goods Indicator Profile
RDGAPIEXCCHKMETH - EHS: API Structure for Excptns to DG Reg. (Check Methods)
RDGAPIEXCCNTRIES - EHS: API Structure for Exceptions to DG Reg. (Countries)
RDGAPIEXCEPT - EHS: API Structure for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Header)
RDGAPIEXCTEXTS - EHS: API Structure for Excptns to DG Reg. (Texts and Docs)
RDGAPIEXCUNNO - EHS: API Structure f. Excptns to DG Regulations (UU Numbers)
RDGAPIPK - DG: API Structure for DGTPK
RDGCCUNC115 - DG: Structure CCUNC115
RDGCHKDIV - DG-PR: For collection of information for log entries
RDGCHKR - DG-PR: Reference structure reaction processing DG checks
RDGCKBOX - DG-PR: Reaction DG checks - structure for dialog box
RDGCKXR - DG-PR: Document items checked with reaction type X
RDGCOUNTRYREGLANG - Mat.-Selection Date-Regulation-Country-Language Combinations
RDGDATAC - DG-PR: Reference structure for the expected delivery unit
RDGDBSEL - DG: Input Fields on Entry Screen (DB Structure)
RDGDGMARA - DG: Structure for Dangerous Goods Data from MARA Table
RDGDYNCHANGE - DG: Structure for Material Exchange
RDGDYNCLASSIOT - DG: Input/Output Structure of Dynamic Classification
RDGDYNPRO_FIELDS - DG: Line Type for Changes to Screen Field Attributes
RDGDYN_LSKPATH - DG: Dialog Control Structure f. Dynamic Classification
RDGENHDAT - EHS DG: Collect Enhanced Dangerous Goods Master Data
RDGEXCCHKMETHAPI - Exceptions to Dangerous Goods Regulations:
RDGEXCCHKMETHIOT - DG: IOTAB for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Check Methods)
RDGEXCCNTRIESAPI - Exceptions to DG Regulations: Countries API Structure
RDGEXCCNTRIESIOT - DG: IOTAB for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Countries)
RDGEXCEPTAPI - Exceptions to DG Regulations: Header Data API Structure
RDGEXCEPTCHECKKEY - DG: Structure for Handling Unit Exceptions
RDGEXCEPTIOT - DG: IOTAB for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Header)
RDGEXCEPTSELCRIT - Selection Criteria for Exceptions Search Help
RDGEXCEPTUSED - Describes Assignment of an Exception to DG Regulations
RDGEXCEPT_ASSIGN - Assignments of Exceptions to Dangerous Goods Regulations
RDGEXCHLPHITLIST - Structure for Exceptions Hit List Table
RDGEXCTEXTID - DG Exception Text and Document Table Key Structure
RDGEXCTEXTSAPI - Exceptions to DG Regulations: Texts API Structure
RDGEXCTEXTSIOT - DG: IOTAB for Exceptions to DG Regulations (Texts and Docs)
RDGEXCUNNOAPI - Exceptions to Dangerous Goods Regulations: UN API Structure
RDGEXCUNNOIOT - DG: IOTAB for Exceptions to DG Regulations (UN Numbers)
RDGFLAGS - DG-PR: Transfer indicators to DG documents
RDGHEADEXT - DG-Mat: Enhancement for header data
RDGHOLD - Dangerous goods: Structure for retaining keys
RDGHUPROPACKMAT - DG: Proposed Packing Materials
RDGHUPROPACOD - DG: Proposed Packaging Codes
RDGHUPROVEKPVB - DG: Structure for HU Header for Packing Proposals
RDGHUPROVEPOVB - DG: Structure for HU Items for Packing Proposals
RDGHU_DL01_PATH - GG: Dialog Control Structure - DG Data for HU
RDGKEYDSCR - DG-Mat: Fields for display in report (header)
RDGLFA - DG: Reference structure for deliveries: types: texts
RDGMATEXCEPTIOT - EHS-DG: Dialog Structure for DG Master Material Exceptions
RDGMATKEY - DG: Key Mat.No. Regulation
RDGMDBUF - DG: Buffer Table
RDGMDCOP - DG: IO table structure for copy dialog
RDGMDDES - DG: Structure for all descriptions for DGTMD/DGTM2 fields
RDGMDDNA - DG-MAT: Dynamic label for user-defined texts
RDGMDEXP - DG-MAT: Structure for expanded validity areas
RDGMDIOT - DG: Structure for IO table
RDGMDKEY - Key for Lock Object
RDGMDPATH - DG: Structure for Retaining Dangerous Goods Information
RDGMDPRE - DG: Structure for substance data for material
RDGMDPSU - DG: Usage Structure for Phrases in Dangerous Goods
RDGMDPSUSD - DG: Usage Structure for Phrases in Dangerous Goods Doc. (SD)
RDGMDREP - All fields required for reporting
RDGMDREP_H - DG-Mat: Fields for display in report (header)
RDGMDRNG - Structure for ranges table (selection dangerous goods)
RDGMDSED - DG: Structure for all descriptions in selection
RDGMDSEL - DG: Input fields on initial screen
RDGPACODKEY - DG: Key Structure - Packaging Code Determination
RDGPKBUF - DG-Pack: Buffer table
RDGPKCOP - DG-Pack: IO table structure for copy dialog (pack data)
RDGPKIOT - DG-Pack: Structure of IO tab.
RDGPKKEY - DG-Pack: Structure for logical key for packing data
RDGPKNEWREP_H - DG-Pack: Fields for display in report (header)
RDGPKNEWREP_P - DG-Pack: Fields for display in report (items)
RDGPKNEWSEL - DG: Input fields on initial screen
RDGPKREP_H - DG-Pack: Fields for display in report (header)
RDGPKREP_P - DG-Pack: Fields for display in report (items)
RDGPKSEL - DG: Input fields on initial screen
RDGPRTLANGU - Outputting languages
RDGTPOSPSET - EHS: Assignment Text Item to Phrase Set
RDGTREE - DG: Structures for Trees in Dangerous Goods Master
RDGVBDPL - DG: Enhanced Document Item View Delivery Note
RDGVEDGIOT - EHS-DG: Dialog Structure of DG Exceptions for HU (Tab. VEDG)
RDGVEKPIOT - GG: Dialog Structure for HU Header Data (Table VEKP)
RDGVEPOIOT - GG: Dialog Structure for Table VEPO
RDG_DGTMD_FILL - DG: Gather Information for Filling (DGTMD)
RDG_DGTPK_FILL - DG: Gather information for filling (DGTPK)
RDG_LOGKEY - EHS: Structure for Key Info (MATNR/LWDG)
RDG_LWDG - EHS: Structure for Selection by DG Regulation
RDG_MATNR - EHS: Structure for Selection by Material
RDG_MODEOFTRANS - EHS: Structure f. Selection by DG Mode-of-Transport Category
RDG_TABKEY - EHS: Structure for Key Info (RECN/ACTN)
RHMRMESG - Structure for Collecting API Messages
RSSCEGG - Screen fields for SAPMSSCE
RSSCEHZ - Screen fields for SAPMSSCE
TDG03 - DG: Specify Transport Type
TDG04 - DG: Short Description for Transport Type
TDG09 - DG: Define dangerous goods classes
TDG10 - DG: Label for dangerous goods classes
TDG11 - DG: Define Classification Code (Risk Potential)
TDG111 - Profiles for Additional Information for Danger Label
TDG112 - Description of Profiles for Additional Information
TDG12 - DG: Description for Classification Code
TDG17 - DG: Define danger label
TDG18 - DG: Description for danger label number
TDG21 - DG: Link table to text IDs
TDG22 - DG: Description for user-defined texts
TDG27 - DG: Hazard notes
TDG28 - Descriptions for hazard notes
TDG31 - DG: Hazard Identification Numbers
TDG32 - Text table for hazard identification numbers
TDG33 - DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances
TDG34 - DG: Description for hazard-inducing substances
TDG39 - DG: Processing status for DG master data
TDG40 - DG: Description for processing status
TDG42 - DG: Desc. DG indicator profiles for material master
TDG43 - DG: Selection date for DG documents and DG checks
TDG47 - DG: Text names for DG material-master independent texts
TDG48 - DG: Description for DG material-independent texts
TDG49 - DG: Permitted Primary Languages
TDG51 - DG: Derivation of Secondary Language
TDG61 - DG: Regulations
TDG63 - DG: Derivation of Regulations
TDG65 - DG: Dangerous goods mode of transport category (dummy)
TDG66 - DG: Text Table for Mode of Transport Categories
TDG67 - DG: Define UN numbers (new)
TDG68 - DG: Text table for UN number (new)
TDG69 - DG: Define Checkbox Structure for Filling/Distribution
TDG70 - DG: Checkbox Structure Description for Filling/Distribution
TDG71 - DG: Define Checkbox Struct. for Filling/Distribution (Pack.)
TDG72 - DG: Checkbox Structure Desc. for Filling/Distrib. (Packag.)
TDG75 - DG: Hide Messages when Writing Log
TDG77 - DG: Priorities for Validity Areas per Regulation
TDG79 - DG: Making Filling More Flexible: Assignment Table
TDG81 - Dynamic Tab Titles for Dangerous Goods Master
TDG82 - Descriptions for Dynamic Tab Titles
TDG93 - Assign Text Pattern Profile to Output Types
TDG97 - DG: Approval Code Types
TDG98 - GG: Text Table for Approval Code Types
TDGA11 - DG: Relevant Dangerous Goods Master Tables for SD Process
TDGA3 - DG: Dangerous goods - check schema - determination routine
TDGA5 - DG: Dangerous goods - check methods
TDGA6 - DG: Labels for dangerous goods check routines
TDGA7 - DG: Usage profile for dangerous goods check routines
TDGA9 - DG: Check Schema Determination Routines for Shipment Docs
TDGB1 - DG: Defining dangerous goods check schema
TDGB2 - DG: Description for dangerous goods check schema
TDGB3 - DG: Assignment DG check schema/DG check methods/reaction
TDGB5 - DG: Assign DG Check Schemas for Shipping Documents
TDGB7 - DG: Assign DG check schemata for transport documents
TDGB9 - DG: Assign Dangerous Goods Check Schemas for Sales Documents
TDGC1 - DG: Output Conditions for Material Master Fields
TDGC3 - DG: Output Conditions for DG-Independent Texts
TDGC7 - DG: Controlling EDI Processing
TDGD11 - EHS: Determ. Routine for Templ. Proc. in Shipping and Sales
TDGD13 - EHS: Validity Template Processing for Sales Documents
TDGD15 - EHS: Validity Template Processing for Shipping Documents
TDGD17 - EHS: Determ. Routine for Template Processing in Shipment
TDGD19 - EHS: Validity Template Processing for Shipment Documents
TDGD3 - DG: Assignment Regulation to Regulation Profile
TDGD6 - DG: Description Indicator Category
TDGD9 - DG: Specify Checkbox Struct. for Temp./One-Time Mat. Maint.
TDGS1 - DG: Table fields for long texts in DGTMD
TDGS2 - DG: Field Names for DGTMD and DGTM2 (DG Master)
TDGS3 - DG: Field Names for DGTPK (Packing Requirement)
TDGT1 - DG: Alloc. route, dep. country, dest. country a. RoRo ind.
TDGT2 - DG: Transit countries, leg indicator, indicator sea/air
THM081 - EHS: Hazard Inducer Types
THM082 - EHS DGM: Description for Hazard Inducer Types
THM083 - EHS: Hazard Inducer Types
THM093 - DG: Segregation Rules for Mixed Loading Checks
THM095 - DG: Determination of Response for Mixed Loading Checks
THM096 - DG: Description of Response
THM105 - DG: Decision Matrix for Enterpr.-Spec. Mixed Loading Groups
THMST3 - OBS: DG: Struct. for Rec. Fields MOSC and MOSD (132 Long)
THMST63 - OBSOLETE: DG: Dangerous Goods Regulation
THMST71 - DG: Risk Potential
THMST73 - OBSOLETE: DG: Packaging Code Specific to Dangerous Goods
VBEPDGAP - DG: Appendix Table for VBEPDG
VBEPDGVB - Reference structure for X_VBEPDG_TAB/Y_VBEPDG_TAB
VBEPDGVB - Reference structure for X_VBEPDG_TAB/Y_VBEPDG_TAB
VBEPDGVB - Reference structure for X_VBEPDG_TAB/Y_VBEPDG_TAB
VBEPDGVB - Reference structure for X_VBEPDG_TAB/Y_VBEPDG_TAB
VBEPDGVB - Reference structure for X_VBEPDG_TAB/Y_VBEPDG_TAB
VBEPDGVB - Reference structure for X_VBEPDG_TAB/Y_VBEPDG_TAB
VDGTM2 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VDGTMD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VDGTPK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Occupational Health Tables EHS-HEA

EHS00ANALYSIS - I/O fields 'Evaluations' selection screen
EHS00CUSTEXEVAL - Customer Exit Interface: Data Overviews in Medical Service
EHS00DIAGEDIT - EH&S: Structure for input/output fields for diagnosis table
EHS00FBPERSDAT - EHS: Structure for Subscreen for Personal Data from HR
EHS00OBJEC - Work Area for Database PCH
EHS00PERNR - Personnel Number
EHS00PERNR_NEU - Persons
EHS00PERSPROT - Proposal: Person <-> Health Surv. Protocol
EHS00PERSRELPROT - Proposal List: Assignment Person and Health Surv. Protocol
EHS00SELOPTIONLDB - Logical Database Selection Options
EHS00SHLPBYHANDFLAG - Structure: Contents of List Box for Performing a Protocol
EHS00S_1403 - EHS: Info Category 1403 Extended
EHS00S_1404 - EHS: Info Category 1404 Extended
EHS00S_ADM - EHS: Structure for Administration Fields
EHS00S_AGENT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Agent
EHS00S_AGENT_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Agent
EHS00S_ALV_HIDE001 - EHS: Structure for List Output Using ALV (PERMEDCENT1)
EHS00S_ALV_HIDE003 - EHS: Structure for List Output Using ALV (LOAD_QANSWER)
EHS00S_ALV_HIDE004 - EHS: Structure for List Output Using ALV (PERSMEDALL00)
EHS00S_ALV_MASTER001 - EHS: Master Structure for List Output Using ALV(PERMEDCENT1)
EHS00S_ALV_MASTER002 - EHS: Master Structure for List Output Using ALV (Log)
EHS00S_ALV_MASTER003 - EHS: Master Structure f. List Output Using ALV -LOAD_QANSWER
EHS00S_ALV_MASTER004 - EHS: Master Structure f. List Output Using ALV -PERSMEDALL00
EHS00S_ALV_MASTER005 - EHS: Master Structure f. List Output Using ALV -REHSPERMED2
EHS00S_ALV_SHOW001 - EHS: SHOW Structure for List Output Using ALV (PERMEDCENT1)
EHS00S_ALV_SHOW002 - EHS: SHOW Structure for List Output Using ALV (Log)
EHS00S_ALV_SHOW003 - EHS: SHOW Structure for List Output Using ALV (LOAD_QANSWER9
EHS00S_ALV_SHOW004 - EHS: SHOW Structure for List Output Using ALV (PERSMEDALL00)
EHS00S_ALV_SHOW005 - EHS: SHOW Structure for List Output Using ALV (REHSPERMED2)
EHS00S_ALV_TECH001 - EHS: Structure for List Output Using ALV (PERMEDCENT1)
EHS00S_ALV_TECH002 - EHS: Structure for List Output Using ALV (Log)
EHS00S_ALV_TECH004 - EHS: Structure for List Output Using ALV (PERSMEDALL00)
EHS00S_ALV_TECH005 - EHS: Structure for List Output Using ALV (REHSPERMED2)
EHS00S_AMBPERSUE - EHS: Table for User Exits in Health Center Services (Person)
EHS00S_ANA_HEAD_IOT - EHS: IO Structure - Case History of Person
EHS00S_ANA_TEXT_IOT - EHS: IO Structure - Text for Case History of Person
EHS00S_APISTD - EHS: Standard Fields for EHS-OH API Structures
EHS00S_BRCO - EHS: Brief Consultation Category
EHS00S_BRCOH_IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Brief Consultations
EHS00S_BRCOH_KEYPATH - EHS: Key Path Brief Consultation
EHS00S_CAF4 - EHS: F4 Help for Selection of a Calendar
EHS00S_CAL_OWNER - EHS: Data on Calendar Owner and Assigned Physician
EHS00S_CAL_PHYS_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure for Assgmt of Calendar Owner to Physician
EHS00S_CHECKLIST - Checklist for ALV Selection Screen
EHS00S_COPY - EH&S: Form Type/Copy (Print Form)
EHS00S_DATE_RANGE - EHS: Structure of a Range Table for a Date
EHS00S_DIAGSL - Diagnosis Key: Structure for ALV
EHS00S_DOC_NAME - EHS: Data on Physician (Print Form)
EHS00S_EXAM_IMP_KEY_VALUES - EHS: Key Fields for Import of Medical Data (Exam. Results)
EHS00S_EXAM_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Examination
EHS00S_EXAM_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Examination
EHS00S_EXAM_TXT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Regulation
EHS00S_EXAM_TXT_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Examination
EHS00S_EXA_AUD - Structure: Audiogram
EHS00S_EXA_AUD_IMP - EHS: Import Structure for Examination Results: Audiogram
EHS00S_EXA_LAB - Structure: Examination Results of Lab. Tests
EHS00S_EXA_LAB_IMP - EHS: Import Structure for Exam. Results: Laboratory Test
EHS00S_EXA_PHY - Structure: Examination Results of Physical Tests
EHS00S_EXA_PUL - Structure: Examination Results of Pulmonary Function Test
EHS00S_EXA_PUL_IMP - EHS: Import Structure for Exam. Results: Pulm. Function Test
EHS00S_EXPOSURE - EH&S: Exposures (Print Form)
EHS00S_EXPSTE - EHS: Exposure (STE)
EHS00S_EXTRACT - EHS: Catalog Entry Line
EHS00S_FIRMDAT - EHS: Company Data (Print Form)
EHS00S_FREQ_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Protocol Frequency
EHS00S_FREQ_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Protocol Frequency
EHS00S_IT_SCHED_U - Examination
EHS00S_IT_SCHED_VU - Health Surveillance Protocol
EHS00S_IT_SRV_PROT - Structure: Internal Table for Med. Service / List
EHS00S_MASSNAHMEN - Measures and Descriptions
EHS00S_MED_DATA_SEL - EHS: Selection Structure via Medical Data
EHS00S_MPC_ALV_IOT - EHS: Struct. for Service ALV Grid in Med. Practice Calendar
EHS00S_MPC_LOCK - EHS: Structure for Lock on Medical Practice Calendar
EHS00S_OCCUPAT - EHS: Occupation / Task / Work Center (Print Form)
EHS00S_PCP_DETAIL_IOT - EHS: Detail List for Planning Cockpit
EHS00S_PCP_HITLIST_IOT - EHS: Hit List for Planning Cockpit
EHS00S_PCP_SEL - EHS: Selection Structure for Planning Cockpit
EHS00S_PERNR_SRVNR - Result from HSP Where-Used List in Services/Persons
EHS00S_PERNR_SRVNR_IOT - Input/Output Structure for HSP Where-Used List
EHS00S_PERSDAT_EXT - EHS: Personal Data from HR (Print Form)
EHS00S_PERSDAT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure for Person Data (EHS00FBPERSDAT)
EHS00S_PERSONNEL - EHS: Personnel Structure
EHS00S_PERS_SEL - EHS: Data Structure for Person Selection
EHS00S_PROTGRP_HLP - EHS: Protocol Category (Search Help Exit)
EHS00S_PROTOCOLS - EHS: Health Surveillance Protocols in Medical Service
EHS00S_PROTPRNT - EHS: Health Surveillance Protocols for Med. Service (Print)
EHS00S_PROTREG - EHS: Determination of Health Surveillance Protocols
EHS00S_PROT_BD_SEL - EHS: Selection Criteria for Displaying HSPs
EHS00S_PROT_DEL - Delete Logs for Medical Data Import
EHS00S_PROT_EHSM - Proposal for Health Surveillance Protocol from EHSM
EHS00S_PROT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Health Surv. Protocol
EHS00S_PROT_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Health Surv. Protocol
EHS00S_PROT_TXT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Health Surv. Protocol
EHS00S_PROT_TXT_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Health Surv. Protocol
EHS00S_QCAT_HEADER - EHS: Header Data of a Question Catalog (Print Form)
EHS00S_QCRIT_CODE - EHS: Criterion Text for Question Cat. (Lang.-Dep.) w/ScanNo.
EHS00S_QEDITOR - EHS: Question Text for Question Catalog (Language-Specific)
EHS00S_QREL_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure - Protocol Assignment to Questionnaire
EHS00S_REG_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Regulation
EHS00S_REG_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Regulation
EHS00S_SELOPTION_RANGE - General Selection Options (Ranges)
EHS00S_SELOPT_RANGE - EHS: Structure of a Range Table for a Selection Option
EHS00S_SERVICE - Structure: Medical Service
EHS00S_SRVDIAG_USRLONGTXT - EHS: User-Defined Long Text for Diagnoses
EHS00S_SRVDIATXT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure for Diagnosis Comment Lines Med. Service
EHS00S_SRVDIA_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure for Diagnoses for a Person
EHS00S_SRVHEA - EHS: Service Number with Medical Center
EHS00S_SRVNR - Structure for Service Number
EHS00S_SRVPROT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure for Protocol (T7EHS00_SRV_PROT)
EHS00S_SRV_BEF - Structure: Test Results for Person (T7EHS00_SRV_BEF)
EHS00S_SRV_BER - Screen Structure: Consultation in Med. Service
EHS00S_SRV_DIA - Structure: Diagnoses for a Person (T7EHS00_SRV_DIA)
EHS00S_SRV_EXA - Structure: Individual Examinations for the Medical Service
EHS00S_SRV_LIM - Structure: Restrictions of Medical Service
EHS00S_SRV_MAS - Screen Structure: Medical Service Measures
EHS00S_SRV_OP1 - Open Medical Service - Complete Selection
EHS00S_SRV_OP2 - Medical Service - Display Protocols
EHS00S_SRV_PROT - Structure: Health Surveillance Protocols in the Med. Service
EHS00S_SRV_PROT_EXT - EHS: Protocols in Medical Service (Print Form)
EHS00S_SRV_SCR - Structure: Subscreen for Service Data
EHS00S_SRV_SELCT - Structure: Selection Criteria for Displaying Med. Service
EHS00S_STD_IOT - EHS: Standard Fields for IO Tables
EHS00S_T5D1K - EHS: Branch Offices
EHS00S_TCL - Structure for Table Control
EHS00S_TERM_OP1 - Create Date of Medical Service
EHS00S_TERM_OP2 - Create Medical Service Appointment - TC1
EHS00S_TERM_SELCT - Structure: Selection Criteria for Displaying Med. Service
EHS00S_TLAB_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Laboratory Test
EHS00S_TLAB_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Laboratory Test
EHS00S_TLAB_TXT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Laboratory Test
EHS00S_TLAB_TXT_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Laboratory Test
EHS00S_TLINE_MOD - EHS: TLINE Format Changed
EHS00S_TPHY_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Physical Test
EHS00S_TPHY_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Physical Test
EHS00S_TPHY_TXT_IOT - EHS: I/O Structure of Basic Data - Physical Test
EHS00S_TPHY_TXT_KEY - EHS: Key Structure of Physical Test
EHS00S_VACCH_API - EHS: API Structure Vaccination Header
EHS00S_VACCH_BUF - EHS: Buffer Structure for Vaccination
EHS00S_VACCH_IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Vaccination (7EHS00_VACCH)
EHS00S_VACCH_KEYPATH - EHS: Key Path Vaccinations
EHS00S_VUPERSG - Structure: Assignment Protocol to Person
EHS00TREEITM_OBJEC - Tree Control Item for Report saptrev*
EHS00TREEV_NODE_OBJEC - Tree Control: Node Description
EHS00_ASSIGNLOG - Structure for the Assignment of Inc./Acc. or Inj./Illn. Log
EHS00_BYHA_RANGE - Range of Execution Category for Determining Protocols
EHS00_CRITERIA1 - Structure for Question Criteria
EHS00_CRITERIA2 - Structure for Question Criteria
EHS00_EVALUATION - Structure for Question Evaluation
EHS00_EVALUATION_FB - Structure for Question Eval. with Language Field
EHS00_F4_QGROUP - Structure for Search Help Output
EHS00_F4_QID - Structure for Search Help Output
EHS00_PROTKEY - Key Structure for Protocol
EHS00_QID_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for No. of General Questionnaire
EHS00_QRANGE - Structure of Range Table for a Concat Key
EHS00_QUESTKEY - EHS: Questionnaire
EHS00_SPRAS_RANGE - Structure of a Range Table for the Language
EHS00_SRVNR - Structure for Service Number
EHS00_SRVNUM_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for No. of General Questionnaire
EHS00_STRUCANSW - EHS: Structure of Completed Questionnaires
EHS00_STRUCQUEST - EHS: Questionnaire
EHS00_TCL - Structure for Table Control
EHS_EXA_AUD - Examination Results: Audiogram
EHS_EXA_LAB - Examination Results: Lab. Tests
EHS_EXA_PHY - Examination Results: Physical Tests
EHS_EXA_PUL - Examination Results: Pulmonary Function Tests
EHS_IHORG_EG_ADJ_VARIABLES - Variable for Assignment Report (Dialog)
EHS_PERNR - Personnel Data
EHS_PERPROSC - Assign Person-Health Surv. Protocol
EHS_PERPRSCD - Assign Person - Prot.
EHS_SCAN_INTERFACE - Interface for importing questionnaires
EHS_SERVICE - Medical Service
EHS_SRV_DIA - Diagnoses for Persons
EHS_SRV_DIAS - Medical Service: Diagnoses
EHS_SRV_EXA - Medical Service: Examinations
EHS_SRV_LIM - Restrictions for Persons
EHS_SRV_LIMS - Medical Service: Restrictions
EHS_SRV_PROT - Medical Service: Health Surveillance Protocols
EHS_SRV_SCH - Scheduling
EHS_SRV_SERVA - Enhanced Structure for SERVA
HREHS00RATING - Direct output fields for EHS
HRI1403 - Exposure group -> Long-term average (LTA)
HRI1404 - Exposure group -> Task-related exposure
HRP1403 - DB table for infotype 1403
HRP1404 - DB table for infotype 1404
NODE_CNTR - Node Structure of a List Tree
P1403 - Infotype 1403
P1404 - Infotype 1404: Task-related exposures
T7EHS00RA - Long-Term Average Rating A - E
T7EHS00RAT - Long-Term Average Rating: A - E -> Language-Dependent Texts
T7EHS00RN - Exposure Frequency Rating
T7EHS00RNT - Exposure Frequency Rating -> Language-Dependent Texts
T7EHS00RVB - Exposure Measurement Basis
T7EHS00RVBT - Exposure Measurement Basis -> Language-Dependent Texts
T7EHS00RVS - Reference Value Source (Obsolete)
T7EHS00RVST - Reference Value Source -> Language-Dep. Texts (Obsolete)
T7EHS00_AGENT - Agents (Obsolete)
T7EHS00_AGENTREF - Reference Values for Agent (Obsolete)
T7EHS00_AGENTREG - Laws/Regulations for Agent (Obsolete)
T7EHS00_AGENTT - Agent Text Table
T7EHS00_ANATYPE - EHS: Case History Type
T7EHS00_ANATYPET - EHS: Case History Type - Language-Dependent Descriptions
T7EHS00_ANA_DET - EHS: Case History of Person - Description
T7EHS00_ANA_HEAD - EHS: Case History of Person
T7EHS00_ANA_TXT - Case History of Person
T7EHS00_ATYPE - Agent Types
T7EHS00_ATYPET - Text Table for Agent Types
T7EHS00_AUD_COR - Audiogram: Adjustment Data
T7EHS00_AUD_IND - Audiogram: Baseline Status
T7EHS00_AUD_INDT - Audiogram: Baseline Status (Text Table)
T7EHS00_BEFUKT - Results Catalog Categories
T7EHS00_BEFUKTT - Results Catalog Categories (Text Table)
T7EHS00_BEFUSL - Result Code
T7EHS00_BEFUSLT - Result Code (Match Code and Text Table)
T7EHS00_BEFU_GR - Results Grouping
T7EHS00_BEFU_GRT - Results Grouping (Text Table)
T7EHS00_BEFU_PR - Priority for Results Selection
T7EHS00_BEFU_PRT - Priority for Results Selection (Text Table)
T7EHS00_BEFU_TY - Result Code Category
T7EHS00_BEFU_TYT - Result Code Category (Text Table)
T7EHS00_BEF_SRC - Source of Result
T7EHS00_BEF_SRCT - Source of Result (Text Table)
T7EHS00_BEF_TXT - Comment Lines for Results in Med. Service
T7EHS00_CAL_FAV - EHS: Medical Practice Calendar Favorites
T7EHS00_CAL_PHYS - Assgmt of MP Calendar Owner to Physician for Service Appt
T7EHS00_CAL_PROX - EHS: Medical Practice Calendar - Substitutes for Org. Units
T7EHS00_COMMENPR - Comments at Start/End of a Protocol Assignment
T7EHS00_COMMENSC - Comments on Assignment of a Protocol to the Person
T7EHS00_DIAGKT - Diagnosis Catalog Categories
T7EHS00_DIAGKTT - Diagnosis Catalog Categories (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIAGNGR - Diagnosis Groups
T7EHS00_DIAGNGRT - Diagnosis Groups (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIAGNPR - Priority for Selecting Diagnosis
T7EHS00_DIAGNPRT - Priority for Selecting Diagnosis (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIAGNTY - Diagnosis Key Category
T7EHS00_DIAGNTYT - Diagnosis Key Category (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIAGSL - Diagnosis Key
T7EHS00_DIAGSLT - Diagnosis Key (Matchcode Table)
T7EHS00_DIA_CAT - Diagnosis Types
T7EHS00_DIA_CATT - Diagnosis Types (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIA_CHA - Cause of Diagnosed Illness
T7EHS00_DIA_CHAT - Cause of Diagnosed Illness (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIA_EFF - Effects of the Diagnosis
T7EHS00_DIA_EFFT - Effects of the Diagnosis (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIA_PRI - Diagnosis Rating
T7EHS00_DIA_PRIT - Diagnosis Rating (Text Table)
T7EHS00_DIA_SRC - Source of Diagnosis
T7EHS00_DIA_SRCT - Source of Diagnosis
T7EHS00_DIA_TXT - Diagnosis Comment Lines in the Medical Service
T7EHS00_EGROUP - Examination Category
T7EHS00_EGROUPT - Text Table for Examination Categories
T7EHS00_EXAM - Examinations
T7EHS00_EXAMLAB - Assignments of Examination to Lab. Tests
T7EHS00_EXAMPHY - Assignments of Examination to Physical Tests
T7EHS00_EXAMT - Examinations (Text Table)
T7EHS00_EXA_AUD - Examination Results: Audiogram
T7EHS00_EXA_LAB - Examination Results: Lab. Tests
T7EHS00_EXA_PHY - Examination Results: Physical Tests
T7EHS00_EXA_PUL - Examination Results: Pulmonary Function Test
T7EHS00_EXA_RES - Examination Results in the Medical Service
T7EHS00_EXA_REST - Examination Results in the Medical Service (Text Table)
T7EHS00_EXA_TXT - Examination Comment Lines in Medical Service
T7EHS00_FREQTYP - Examination Type / Frequency Type
T7EHS00_FREQTYPT - Text Table for Examination Type / Frequency Type
T7EHS00_LABTEST - Tests for Laboratory Examinations
T7EHS00_LABTESTG - Gender-Dependent Upper and Lower Reference Values
T7EHS00_LABTESTT - Possible Tests for Laboratory Examinations
T7EHS00_LABTSTGT - Text Table for t7ehs00_labtestg
T7EHS00_LAB_TXT - Comment about Test Results in Medical Service
T7EHS00_LIMFORM - Form: Restrictions
T7EHS00_LIMIT - Restrictions / Incapacity to Work
T7EHS00_LIMITT - Restrictions / Incapacity to Work (Text Table)
T7EHS00_LIM_TXT - Comment Lines for Restrictions in Medical Service
T7EHS00_MAPPERNR - Conversion Table: BP Number/HR PersNo to Internal Number
T7EHS00_MCFORM - Form: Medical Certificate
T7EHS00_MCFORMT - Texts for Medical Certificate
T7EHS00_OBJECT - EHS: Occupational Health Objects
T7EHS00_OBJECTT - EHS: Occupational Health Objects
T7EHS00_OP - Table for Storing Operations
T7EHS00_PCP_ALV - EHS: Planning Cockpit: Field Output Def. for Detail Dialog
T7EHS00_PERHEAL - Assignment Person / Health Center
T7EHS00_PERPROSC - Assign Persons -> Protocols
T7EHS00_PERPRSCD - Enter Validity of Protocol with Respect to Person
T7EHS00_PERS_TXT - Comments on Person
T7EHS00_PGROUP - Protocol Categories
T7EHS00_PGROUPT - Text Table for Protocol Categories
T7EHS00_PHYTEST - Tests for Physical Examinations
T7EHS00_PHYTESTT - Possible Tests for Physical Examinations
T7EHS00_POWNER - Protocol Owner
T7EHS00_POWNERT - Protocol Owner Name
T7EHS00_PREGANA - Table for Comment Field: Protocol_Regulation-analysis_text
T7EHS00_PREGDES - Table for Comment Field: Protocol_Regulation-description
T7EHS00_PREGFOL - Table for Comment Field: Protocol_Regulation-follow_up
T7EHS00_PREGPRO - Table for Comment Field: Protocol_Regulation-procedure_text
T7EHS00_PROT - Health Surveillance Protocols
T7EHS00_PROTAGNT - Agents for Protocol
T7EHS00_PROTEHSM - Proposed Health Surveillance Protocols from EHSM
T7EHS00_PROTEXAM - Examinations for Protocol
T7EHS00_PROTFREQ - Frequency of Protocol
T7EHS00_PROTJOB - Task Assignment Health Surv. Protocol
T7EHS00_PROTMEM - Table for Comment Field: Protocol Description
T7EHS00_PROTREG - Regulations for Protocol
T7EHS00_PROTT - Protocol Text Table
T7EHS00_PRO_TXT - Comment Lines for Protocols in Medical Service
T7EHS00_QCATALOG - Question Catalog
T7EHS00_RESPCRIT - Criteria for Corresponding Questions t7ehs00_resquest
T7EHS00_RESQINFO - Header Information for Questionnaires
T7EHS00_RESQUEST - Table for Questions Answered
T7EHS00_RVTYP - Ref. Value Category
T7EHS00_RVTYPT - Text Table for Ref. Value Category
T7EHS00_SCHED - Health Surveillance Protocol Type
T7EHS00_SCHEDT - Text Table for Health Surveillance Protocol Type
T7EHS00_SERVA - Table for Storing Other Medical Service Properties
T7EHS00_SERVICE - Medical Service (Main Table)
T7EHS00_SRV_BEA - Application: Consultations in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_BEAT - Application: Comments on Consultations in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_BEF - Test Results for a Person
T7EHS00_SRV_BER - Customizing: Consultations in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_BERT - Customizing: Texts for Consultations in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_DIA - Diagnoses for Person
T7EHS00_SRV_EXA - Individual Examinations in a Medical Service
T7EHS00_SRV_FOL - Follow-Up Activities Resulting from Medical Service
T7EHS00_SRV_FOLT - Follow-Up Activities Resulting from Med. Serv. (Text Table)
T7EHS00_SRV_LIM - Restrictions of Medical Service
T7EHS00_SRV_MS - Customizing: Medical Measures in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_MSA - Application: Medical Measures in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_MSAT - Application: Comments on Medical Measures in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_MSC - Customizing: Medical Measure Categories
T7EHS00_SRV_MSCT - Customizing: Texts for Medical Measure Categories
T7EHS00_SRV_MST - Customizing: Texts for Medical Measures in Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_MSZ - Customizing: Assigning Med. Measures/Med. Measure Categories
T7EHS00_SRV_PRE - Reservations About Health Acc. to Protocol
T7EHS00_SRV_PRET - Reservations About Health Acc. to Protocol (Text Table)
T7EHS00_SRV_PROT - Health Surv. Protocols for a Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_REOT - Comment Lines for Reopening of Medical Service
T7EHS00_SRV_REV - Check Medical Service
T7EHS00_SRV_REVT - Check Medical Service (Text Table)
T7EHS00_SRV_SCH - Appointments for Medical Service
T7EHS00_SRV_SCHS - Status: Scheduling Med. Service
T7EHS00_SRV_SCHT - Status: Scheduling Med. Service (Text Table)
T7EHS00_SRV_STA - Medical Service Status
T7EHS00_SRV_STAT - Medical Service Status (Text Table)
T7EHS00_SRV_TXT - Comment Lines for Medical Service
T7EHS00_SRV_TYP - Medical Service Appointment Type
T7EHS00_SRV_TYPT - Medical Service Appointment Type (Text Table)
T7EHS00_STATPR - Health Surveillance Protocol Assignment Status
T7EHS00_STATPRT - Status for Protocol Assignment (Text Table)
T7EHS00_SUBOP - Table for Storing Suboperations
T7EHS00_SUGGPERS - Proposal: Assign Person to Health Surveillance Protocol
T7EHS00_TCG41 - EHS: User-Defined Text Type - Object Type Assignment
T7EHS00_TESTAB1 - Reason for Significant Result
T7EHS00_TESTAB1T - Reason for Abnormality (Text Table)
T7EHS00_TESTRES - Value Assignment of Results of Medical Tests
T7EHS00_TESTREST - Value Assignment of Results of Medical Tests (Text Table)
T7EHS00_TGROUP - EHS: Test Types
T7EHS00_TGROUPT - EHS: Text Table for Test Types
T7EHS00_TRSTAT - Status of Test Results
T7EHS00_TRSTATT - Status of Test Results (Text Table)
T7EHS00_UPLID - ID for Medical Data Import
T7EHS00_UPLIDT - Text Table: ID for Medical Data Upload
T7EHS00_UPLREF - Reference to Medical Data Import
T7EHS00_VACCH - EHS: Vaccination Data Header Information
T7EHS00_VSFORM - Form: Protocol Log
T7EHS00_WORKCT - Text Table for Work Center
T7EHS00_WRITFORM - Invitations and Correspondence Forms and Programs

SAP Hazardous Substance Management Tables EHS-HSM

BAPI_1119_DN - EHS: Hazardous Substance Additional Data 2 (Numeric Type)
BAPI_1119_DNX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_DN
BAPI_1119_DT - EHS: Hazardous Substance Additional Data 1 (Text Type)
BAPI_1119_DTX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_DT
BAPI_1119_IMPORT_PARAM - EHS: Import Parameters for ALE Object
BAPI_1119_MD - EHS: Hazardous Substance Basic Data
BAPI_1119_MDX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_MD
BAPI_1119_RECEIVER - EHS: Logical System
BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_DN - EHS: Extension to Table HSMT_DN
BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_DNX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_DN
BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_DT - EHS: Extension to Table HSMT_MT
BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_DTX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_DT
BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_MD - EHS: Extension to Table HSMT_MD
BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_MDX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_TE_HSMT_MD
E1BP_1119_DN - EHS: Hazardous Substance Additional Data 2 (Numeric Type)
E1BP_1119_DNX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_DN
E1BP_1119_DT - EHS: Hazardous Substance Additional Data 1 (Text Type)
E1BP_1119_DTX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_DT
E1BP_1119_MD - EHS: Hazardous Substance Basic Data
E1BP_1119_MDX - EHS: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_1119_MD
E1BP_1119_RECEIVER - EHS: Logical System
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_DATA - Structure for Hazardous Material Data
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_DOC - Structure for Documents
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_DOCDATA - Structure for Document Information Data
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_DOCDATA_IMP - Structure for Documents import data
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_NAMPROD - Structure for Product Name
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_SALESORG - Structure for Sales Organization Data
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_VALUATION - Structure for Hazardous Material Valuation
EHSHSM_S_HAZMAT_VENDOR - Structure for Vendor Data
EHSHSM_S_HZDSMATL001QU_MT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EHSHSM_S_HZDSMATL001RP_MT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EHSHSM_S_HZDSMTL001QU_PROCGC - Structure for HzdsMatlByElementsQuery Processing Conditions
EHSHSM_S_HZDSMTL001QU_SEL - Selection structure for HazardousMaterialByElementsQuery
EHSHSM_S_HZDSMTL001RP_DATA - Structure for HazadousMaterialByElementsReponse
EHSHSM_S_HZDSMTL001RP_PROCGC - Structure for HzdsMatlByElementsRP Processing Conditions
EHSHSM_S_HZDSMTL001_DATA - Structure for HazardousMaterialByElements Data
EHSHSM_S_SELDOC - Structure for SelectionByComplianceDocument
EHSHSM_S_SELHAZMAT - Structure for SelectionByHazardousMaterial
EHSHSM_S_SELMATNR - Structure for Material node
HSMC_021 - EHS: Customizing Priority of Validity Area per Cntry/Region
HSMC_023 - EHS: Customizing Warehouse Nos with Country/Region Assignmt
HSMC_025 - EHS: Assignment Source Object to Target Object
HSMC_027 - EHS: Assignment Source Value to Target Value
HSMC_100 - Check Schema
HSMC_101 - Check Schema Descriptor
HSMC_102 - Check Methods
HSMC_103 - Check Methods Descriptor
HSMC_104 - Check Schema/Check Method Assignment
HSMC_105 - Check Schema/WM Objects Assignment
HSMC_110 - Segregation Regulations
HSMC_111 - Descriptions of Segregation Regulations
HSMC_112 - Segregation Rules
HSMC_113 - Responses for Segregation Rule Check
HSMS_1119_RANGE - EHS: Selection Range for ALE Distribution
HSMS_CHKFUNC - Hazardous Substance Check Modules
HSMS_COUNTRYREGION - EHS: Country-Region Combination
HSMS_CTLSEL - EHS: Control Structure with Data from Selection Dialog
HSMS_DISVAR - EHS: Layout for ALV Grid Control
HSMS_DNAPI - EHS: API Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 2 (Numeric Type)
HSMS_DNBUF - EHS: Buffer Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 2 (Numeric Type)
HSMS_DNIO - EHS: I/O Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 2 (Numeric Type)
HSMS_DTAPI - EHS: API Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 1 (Text Type)
HSMS_DTBUF - EHS: Buffer Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 1 (Text Type)
HSMS_DTIO - EHS: Hazardous Substance Additional Data 1 (Text Type)
HSMS_HSMAPI - EHS: Hazardous Substance Nested Data
HSMS_KEYERP - EHS: Logical Key for Hazardous Substance
HSMS_MAT_SUB - EHS: Assignment Material to Specification
HSMS_MD - EHS: Hazardous Substance Basic Data (MARA-MATNR)
HSMS_MDAPI - EHS: API Hazardous Substance Basic Data
HSMS_MDBUF - EHS: Buffer Hazardous Substance Basic Data
HSMS_MDIO - EHS: I/O Hazardous Substance Basic Data
HSMS_NUMTYPE - EHS: Numeric Type in Hazardous Subs. Master (Whole Table)
HSMS_SELVAR - EHS: Selection Variant
HSMS_SRCOBJECT - EHS: Source Object (Identifier/Property)
HSMS_STOCAT - EHS: Structure for Storage Hazard Type
HSMS_STOCATKEY - EHS: Structure for Hazard Rating
HSMS_TEXTTYPE - EHS: Text Type in Hazardous Substance Master (Whole Table)
UPS_HSMS_KEY - UPS Key for Hazardous Substance
VHSMT_DN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VHSMT_DT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VHSMT_MD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Industrial Hygiene and Safety Tables EHS-IHS

BAPI1240_ACH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for IHS Safety Measures
BAPI1240_ACHX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for IHS Safety Measures
BAPI1240_ACH_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for IHS Safety Measures Long Texts
BAPI1240_ACH_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for IHS Measures Long Texts
BAPI1240_ADDR_ALE - EHS: BAPI - ALE - Structure for Address Conversion
BAPI1240_AFFE_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for AFP External Long Texts
BAPI1240_AFFE_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for AFP External Long Texts
BAPI1240_AFFI_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for AFP Internal Long Texts
BAPI1240_AFFI_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for AFP Internal Long Texts
BAPI1240_DFT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for User-Defined Texts/Documents
BAPI1240_DFTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure f. User-Defined Texts/Documents
BAPI1240_DFT_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for User-Defined Long Texts
BAPI1240_DFT_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Structure for User-Defined Long Texts
BAPI1240_ESTALE - EHS: BAPI - ALE - References to Originals
BAPI1240_IALH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for I/A Log Entry Header Data
BAPI1240_IALHX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for I/A Log Header
BAPI1240_IALLIST - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Object Key List
BAPI1240_IASEL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for I/A Log Selection Header
BAPI1240_IA_IHPR - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Properties in Class System (IA)
BAPI1240_IA_IHPRX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Properties Class System(IA)
BAPI1240_IA_IHVAL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Value Assign. in Class System (IA)
BAPI1240_IA_IHVALX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Value Assign. in Class.(IA)
BAPI1240_IHPR - EHS: BAPI - Structure f. Properties in Classification System
BAPI1240_IHPRX - EHS:BAPI - Change Structure f. Properties in Classif. System
BAPI1240_IHVAL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Value Assignments in Class System
BAPI1240_IHVALX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Value Assignments in Class.
BAPI1240_INJSEL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Selection of Injuries to Persons
BAPI1240_IP - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Persons Affected Header Records
BAPI1240_IPABSS - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Absences of Persons Affected
BAPI1240_IPABSSX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Absences
BAPI1240_IPEVA - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Persons Affected - Event Data
BAPI1240_IPEVALIM - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Restrictions of Persons Affected
BAPI1240_IPEVALIMX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Restrictions
BAPI1240_IPEVAX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structures for Event Data f. Persons Aff.
BAPI1240_IPEVINJ - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Injuries
BAPI1240_IPEVINJX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Injuries
BAPI1240_IPX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Persons Affected
BAPI1240_IP_IHPR - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Properties in Class System (IP)
BAPI1240_IP_IHPRX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Properties Class Sys. (IP)
BAPI1240_IP_IHVAL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Value Assignmts in Class Sys. (IP)
BAPI1240_IP_IHVALX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Value Ass. in Class. (IP)
BAPI1240_IP_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Persons Affected Long Text
BAPI1240_IP_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Persons Affected Long Text
BAPI1240_LIM_OH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for OH Restrictions
BAPI1240_LIM_OHX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for OH Restrictions
BAPI1240_LOGSYS - EHS: BAPI - ALE - Transfer Structure for Logical Systems
BAPI1240_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Inc./Acc. Log Entry Long Text
BAPI1240_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Long Texts
BAPI1240_RC - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Accident Causes
BAPI1240_RCX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Accident Causes
BAPI1240_RS_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Result Long Text
BAPI1240_RS_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Result Long Text
BAPI1240_TE_CCIHT_ACH - EHS: Enhancements for Table CCIHT_ACH
BAPI1240_TE_CCIHT_IAL - EHS: Enhancements for Table CCIHT_IAL
BAPI1240_TE_CCIHT_IP - EHS: Enhancements for Table CCIHT_IP
BAPI1240_TE_CCIHT_IPABSS - EHS: Enhancements for Table CCIHT_IPASS
BAPI1240_TE_CCIHT_IPEVA - EHS: Enhancements for Table CCIHT_IPEVA
BAPI1240_TE_CCIHT_RC - EHS: Enhancements for Table CCIHT_RC
BAPI1240_TE_T7EHS00_SRV_LIM - EHS: Enhancements for Table T7EHS00_SRV_LIM
BAPI1240_WASEL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Selection by Work Area Data
CCHRS_PARTNERDATASEL - EHS: Data Structure for Selec. Screen (Initial) Partner Data
CCHRS_PERSDATASEL - EHS: Data Structure for Selec. Screen (Initial) HR Data
CCHRS_PERSDATASEL2 - EHS: Data Structure for Applicant Data Sel. Screen (Initial)
CCIHC_AC01 - EHS: Safety Measure Types
CCIHC_AC02 - EHS: Safety Measure Type - Language-Dependent Name
CCIHC_AC03 - EHS: Priorities for Safety Measures
CCIHC_AC04 - EHS: Priorities - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_AC05 - EHS: Effectiveness of a Safety Measure
CCIHC_AC06 - EHS: Effectiveness - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_AC07 - EHS: IHS Safety Measure Category
CCIHC_AC08 - EHS: IHS Safety Measure Category - Language-Dependent Descr.
CCIHC_AC09 - EHS: Safety Measure Category-Safety Measure Type Assignment
CCIHC_AY01 - EHS: Control Table for Analysis Methods
CCIHC_AY02 - EHS: Analysis Methods - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_AY03 - EHS: Assignment Table Analysis Method - Agent Type
CCIHC_AY04 - EHS: Assignment Question Catalog - Agent Type
CCIHC_AY05 - EHS: Assignment Risk to Rating
CCIHC_AY06 - EHS: Analysis Method Questionnaire - Rating
CCIHC_DETTYPE - EHS: Determination Types
CCIHC_DETTYPETXT - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Determination Type
CCIHC_DVTYPE - EHS: Measuring Device Type
CCIHC_DVTYPETXT - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Device Type
CCIHC_EPI01 - EHS: --Obsolete-- Origin of an Exposure Profile Entry
CCIHC_EPTYPE_FC - EHS: Assignment of Functions to Agent Type
CCIHC_FALOC - EHS: Entry Location
CCIHC_FALOCTXT - EHS: Entry Location --> Language-Dependent Texts
CCIHC_FATRMT - EHS: Type of Aid Given
CCIHC_FATRMTTXT - EHS: Type of Aid Given -> Language-Dependent Texts
CCIHC_FATYPE - EHS: Category of Injury/Illness Log Entry
CCIHC_FATYPETXT - EHS: Categ. of Injury/Illness Log Entry -> Lang.-Dep. Texts
CCIHC_IALPCAT - EHS: Accident Category
CCIHC_IALPCATABS - EHS: Assignment Grp Absence Type - Accident Category
CCIHC_IALPCATTXT - EHS: Accident Category
CCIHC_IAOBJ - EHS: Object Types in Industrial Hygiene and Safety
CCIHC_IATYPE - EHS: Type of Incident/Accident Log Entry
CCIHC_IATYPETXT - EHS: Type of I/A Log Entry -> Language-Dependent Texts
CCIHC_IH01 - EHS: Value Assignment Types for Objects in IHS
CCIHC_IH02 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Value Assignmt Type (IHS)
CCIHC_IH03 - EHS: Exposure Value Assignment (Obsolete)
CCIHC_IH04 - EHS: Exposure Value Assignment - Language-Dependent Name
CCIHC_IH05 - EHS: Assignment Display Field to Agent Characteristic
CCIHC_IH06 - EHS: Exposure Rating Category
CCIHC_IH07 - EHS: Exposure Rating
CCIHC_IH08 - EHS: Description of Exposure Rating Category
CCIHC_IH09 - EHS: Categorized Exposure Rating
CCIHC_IH10 - EHS: Categ. Exposure Rating - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_IHAWM - EHS: Object Type - Object Subtype - Phrase Set Assignment
CCIHC_IHOBJ - EHS: Value Assignment Type - Object Type Assignment
CCIHC_IHTAB - EHS: Tabs in Industrial Hygiene and Safety
CCIHC_IHTABNAM - EHS: Tabs in IHS - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_IHTYPE - EHS: Object Type - Object Subtype Assignment
CCIHC_IHTYPE1 - EHS: Object Type - Object Subtype Assignment
CCIHC_IPTYPE - EHS: Role of Person Involved
CCIHC_IPTYPEOBJ - EHS: Exclusion of Person's Role for Object Type
CCIHC_IPTYPETXT - EHS: Role of Person Involved -> Language-Dependent Texts
CCIHC_IS01 - EHS: Assignment of Information Trees to IHS
CCIHC_LOCMETHOD - EHS: Assignment Location to Measurement Method
CCIHC_LOCPLANT - EHS: Assignment Plant to Location
CCIHC_LT01 - EHS: Measurement Value Category/Reference Value Category
CCIHC_LT02 - EHS: Meas./Ref. Value Category - Language-Dependent Name
CCIHC_METDVTYPE - EHS: Assignment Measurement Method to Device Type
CCIHC_METHOD - EHS: Measurement Method
CCIHC_METHODTXT - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Measurement Method
CCIHC_MJCAT - EHS: Sampling Type
CCIHC_MJCATTXT - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Sampling Type
CCIHC_MPLEVEL - EHS: Assignment Level Measurement Project
CCIHC_MPLEVELRPT - EHS: Assignment Measurement Project Level - Report Category
CCIHC_MPLEVELTXT - EHS: Lang.-Dependent Desc. for Assgmt Level MP to Work Area
CCIHC_MPREG - EHS: Control Table for Evaluation Objects
CCIHC_MPREGTXT - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Evaluation Objects
CCIHC_MPTYPCAT - EHS: Assignment Measurement Project Type to Sampling Type
CCIHC_MPTYPE - EHS: Measurement Project Type
CCIHC_MPTYPETXT - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Project Type
CCIHC_MPWATYPE - EHS: Assignment Level Measurement Project to Work Area Type
CCIHC_MSOURCE - EHS: Sampling Locations
CCIHC_MSOURCETXT - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Sampling Locations
CCIHC_OBJ - EHS: Object Types for Industrial Hygiene and Safety
CCIHC_OBJNAM - EHS: Description for the Object Types
CCIHC_OBJTYPE - EHS: Object Type - Object Subtype
CCIHC_OC01 - EHS: Operation Status
CCIHC_OC02 - EHS: Operation Status - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_PB - EHS: Probability of Risk
CCIHC_PBTXT - EHS: Probability of Risk - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_QT01 - EHS: Category of Exposure Amount
CCIHC_QT02 - EHS: Exposure Amount Categ. - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_QT04 - EHS: Assignment Table Amount Category - Meas. Value Category
CCIHC_QT05 - EHS: Assignment Table Agent Type/Amount Category
CCIHC_QT06 - EHS: Assignment Measured Value-Reference Value and Rating
CCIHC_QUALPROT - EHS: Quality of Protection
CCIHC_QUALPROTXT - EHS: Quality of Protection - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_RAR - EHS: Reason for Risk Assessment
CCIHC_RARTXT - EHS: Reason for Risk Assessment - Language-Dependent Desc.
CCIHC_RCNODE - Causes and Root Causes
CCIHC_RCNODETXT - Texts for Causes and Root Causes
CCIHC_RCNTYPE - Node Categories for Causes and Root Causes
CCIHC_RCNTYPETXT - Texts for Node Categories
CCIHC_RCTREE - Cause Hierarchy Tree
CCIHC_RCTREEID - Cause Analysis Trees
CCIHC_RCTREEIDTX - Descriptions for Trees in Cause Analysis
CCIHC_REP_RANGES - Specify Intervals for Reports
CCIHC_REP_UNITS - SARA Reporting: Specify Units and Measured Value Categories
CCIHC_SV - EHS: Severity of Risk
CCIHC_SVTXT - EHS: Severity of Risk - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_TCG41 - EHS: User-Defined Text Type - Object Type Assignment
CCIHC_WA01 - EHS: Work Area Types
CCIHC_WA02 - EHS: Work Area Type - Language-Dependent Name
CCIHC_WA07 - EHS: Control Table for Integration Objects
CCIHC_WA08 - EHS: Integration Objects - Language-Dependent Description
CCIHC_WA11 - EHS: Authorization Groups for Work Areas
CCIHC_WA12 - EHS: Language-Dependent Name for Auth. Groups in Work Area
CCIHS_ACCAT - EHS: Active Safety Measure Category
CCIHS_ACCAT_RANGE - EHS: Range Structure for Data Element CCIHE_ACCAT
CCIHS_ACCIDENT_REPORT - EHS: Additional Data for Accident Report
CCIHS_ACHAPI - EHS: API Structure for Corrective Actions (Header Data)
CCIHS_ACHBUF - EHS: Buffer for Corrective Actions (Header Data)
CCIHS_ACHCOMPLAPI - EHS: API Structure for Measures (with Long Text)
CCIHS_ACHREPHITM - EHS: Output Structure for Safety Measure Report (ALV)
CCIHS_ACHREPHITS - EHS: Output Structure for Safety Measure Report (ALV)
CCIHS_ACHREPHITS_OFF - EHS: Output Stucture for Safety Measure Report (Old)
CCIHS_ACH_INFO - EHS: WWI Symbol Structure for Work Area Safety Measures
CCIHS_ACPMIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Safety Measure/Task Link to Plant Maint.
CCIHS_ACREFOBJKPATH - EHS: "Key Path" Reference Object for List of Safety Measures
CCIHS_AD08API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 08 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD08BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 08 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD08IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 08 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD09API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 09 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD09BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 09 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD09IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 09 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD10API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 10 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD10BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 10 Detail Data
CCIHS_AD10IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 10 Detail Data
CCIHS_AFFPERSAPI - EHS: API Structure for Persons Affected Data
CCIHS_AM01API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 01
CCIHS_AM01BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 01
CCIHS_AM01IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 01
CCIHS_AM02API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 02
CCIHS_AM02BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 02
CCIHS_AM02IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 02
CCIHS_AM03API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 03
CCIHS_AM03BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 03
CCIHS_AM03IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 03
CCIHS_AM04API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 04
CCIHS_AM04BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 04
CCIHS_AM04IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 04
CCIHS_AM05API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 05
CCIHS_AM05BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 05
CCIHS_AM05IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 05
CCIHS_AM06API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 06
CCIHS_AM06BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 06
CCIHS_AM06IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 06
CCIHS_AM07API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 07
CCIHS_AM07BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 07
CCIHS_AM07IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 07
CCIHS_AM08API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 08
CCIHS_AM08BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 08
CCIHS_AM08IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 08
CCIHS_AM09API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 09
CCIHS_AM09BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 09
CCIHS_AM09IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 09
CCIHS_AM10API - EHS: API Structure Customer Analysis Method 10
CCIHS_AM10BUF - EHS: Buffering of Customer Analysis Method 10
CCIHS_AM10IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Customer Analysis Method 10
CCIHS_ANALYSIS - EHS: Basic Structure for Analysis Methods
CCIHS_ANMLAPI - EHS: API Structure Analysis Method Comp. Meas./Ref. Value
CCIHS_ANMLBUF - EHS: Buffering of Analysis Method Comp. Meas./Ref. Value
CCIHS_ANNCAPI - EHS: API Structure Analysis Method Standardized Criteria
CCIHS_ANNCBUF - EHS: Buffering of Analysis Method Standardized Criteria
CCIHS_ANQSAPI - EHS: API Structure Analysis Method Questionnaire
CCIHS_ANQSBUF - EHS: Buffering of Analysis Method Questionnaire
CCIHS_ANQSGEN - EHS: Analysis Method Questionnaire
CCIHS_ANQSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Analysis Method Questionnaire
CCIHS_ANQSRELAPI - EHS: API Struct. Analysis Method Questionn. - Rel. Questions
CCIHS_ANQSRELBUF - EHS: Buffering Analysis Method Questionnaire - Rel. Questns
CCIHS_ANQSRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB Analysis Mthd Questionnaire - Relevant Questions
CCIHS_ANSCAPI - EHS: API Structure Analysis Method Summated Rating
CCIHS_ANSCBUF - EHS: Buffering of Analysis Method Summated Rating
CCIHS_ANSEAPI - EHS: API Structure Analysis Method Summated Rating (Details)
CCIHS_ANSEBUF - EHS: Buffering of Analysis Method Summated Rating (Details)
CCIHS_APPLOBJ_IAREP - EHS: Structure for Appl. Obj. Period-Based Accident Reports
CCIHS_APPLOBJ_MJHIOT - EHS: Structure for Application Object Measurement
CCIHS_APPLOBJ_MPHIOT - EHS: Structure for Application Object Measurement Project
CCIHS_APPLOBJ_MPWIOT - EHS: Structure for Application Object Measurement Project
CCIHS_BW_ACAT_TXT - EHS: BW: Texts for Safety Measure Category
CCIHS_BW_ACTN_MD - EHS: BW: Master Data for Safety Measures Taken
CCIHS_BW_ACTN_TXT - EHS: BW: Texts for Safety Measure
CCIHS_BW_ACTP_TXT - EHS: BW: Texts for Safety Measure Type
CCIHS_BW_ALOC_TXT - EHS: BW: Texts for Accident Location
CCIHS_BW_ERQ_TD - EHS: BW: Agents for Hazardous Substance Inventory
CCIHS_BW_IACA_TXT - EHS: BW: Texts for Accident Category
CCIHS_BW_IAL_MD - EHS: BW: Master Data for Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_BW_IAL_TD - EHS: BW: Transaction Data for Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_BW_IATP_TXT - EHS: BW: Texts for Incident/Accident Log Entry Type
CCIHS_BW_IP_MD - EHS: BW: Master Data for Person Involved in Accident
CCIHS_BW_WAID_TXT - EHS: BW: Texts for Work Area
CCIHS_CHANGENO - EHS: Structure for Change Numbers
CCIHS_COND - EHS-INT: Condition Table for Search Modules
CCIHS_DFIOT - EHS: Structure for Document and User-Defined Text Link
CCIHS_DVTYPEMST - EHS: Master Structure Device Types for Printing
CCIHS_ENVCSCR - EHS: Structure for Advanced Search via Facilities
CCIHS_EPIAPI - EHS: API Structure for Exposure Profile Entries
CCIHS_EPIBUF - EHS: Buffer for Exposure Profile Elements
CCIHS_EPID_RANGE - EHS: Ranges Structure for Data Element CCIHE_EPID
CCIHS_EPIIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Exposure Profile Entries (CCIHT_EPI)
CCIHS_EPI_INFO - EHS: WWI Symbol Structure for Exposure Profile
CCIHS_EPLIMITIOT - EHS: Input/Output Structure for Exposure Reference Value
CCIHS_EPTYPE_RANGE - EHS: Ranges Table Type for Data Element CCIHE_EPTYPE
CCIHS_EREVHITM - EHS: Master Structure, Exposure View of Exposure Log
CCIHS_EREVHITS - EHS: Slave Structure, Exposure View of Exposure Log
CCIHS_EREVHITVERS - EHS: Slave Structure, Exposure View of Exposure Log - Vers.
CCIHS_ERHAPI - EHS: API Structure for Exposure Log - Header
CCIHS_ERHBUF - EHS: Buffer for Exposure Log Header Data
CCIHS_ERHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Exposure Log Hit List
CCIHS_ERHSCR - EHS: Exposure Log Data for Display in Screen Header
CCIHS_ERID - EHS: Structure for Locking the Unique Exposure Log Key
CCIHS_ERIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for Exposure Assignment
CCIHS_ERKPATH - EHS: "Key Path" Exposure Log for FM Call
CCIHS_ERQTAPI - EHS: API Structure Exposure Log - Exposure Amounts
CCIHS_ERQTBUF - EHS: Buffer Structure Exposure Log - Exposure Amounts
CCIHS_ERQTCUSTOM01 - EHS: Struct. for Customer Exit Warehouse Stock (Quantities)
CCIHS_ERQTHITM - EHS: Master Structure, Exposure View of Amounts
CCIHS_ERQTHITS - EHS: Slave Structure, Exposure View of Amounts
CCIHS_ERQTIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure Exposure Log - Exposure Amounts
CCIHS_ERQTSEL - EHS: Data Structure, Sel. Screen (Initial) Agent Info System
CCIHS_ERQTWSHITM - EHS: Master Structure, Exposure View of Amounts
CCIHS_ERQTWSHITS - EHS: Slave Structure, Exposure View of Amounts
CCIHS_ERQTWSHITT - EHS: Technical Structure to Hide Fields in List
CCIHS_ERQTWSSEL - EHS: Data Structure, Selec. Screen (Initial) Worklist
CCIHS_ERRAAPI - EHS: API Structure Risk Assessment
CCIHS_ERRABUF - EHS: Buffer Structure Risk Assessment
CCIHS_ERSEL - EHS: Data Structure, Sel. Screen (Initial) Exposure Log
CCIHS_ERSTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Status Selection for Exposure Log
CCIHS_ERWVHITM - EHS: Master Structure, Work Area View of Exposure Log
CCIHS_ERWVHITS - EHS: Slave Structure, Work Area View of Exposure Log
CCIHS_ERWVHITS_OFF - EHS: Slave Structure, Work Area Overview for Exp. Cat.(old)
CCIHS_ERWVHITVERM - EHS: Master Structure, Work Area View of Exposure Log Vers.
CCIHS_ERWVHITVERS - EHS: Slave Structure, Work Area View of Exposure Log - Vers.
CCIHS_EV - EHS: Event Data
CCIHS_EXPO_LIMIT - EHS: Attributes of an Exposure Reference Value
CCIHS_EXTERROR - EHS: General Error Structure
CCIHS_F4VAL - EHS: Line Type F4 Help Value List
CCIHS_FAF4 - EHS: F4 Help for Injury/Illness Log Key
CCIHS_FAHEADSEL - EHS: Injury/Illness Log - Search via Header Data
CCIHS_FAHITM - EHS: Master Structure for the Hit List Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FAHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for the Hit List Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FAHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Hit List Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FAHITVERM - EHS: Master Structure for the Hit List Inj./Illn. Log Vers.
CCIHS_FAHITVERS - EHS: Slave Structure for the Hit List Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FAHITVERT - EHS: Technical Structure for Hit List Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FAHSCR - EHS: Header Data Injury/Illness Log Entry for Display
CCIHS_FAID - EHS: Structure for Locking the Injury/Illness Log ID (FAID)
CCIHS_FAKPATH - EHS: "Key Path" Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FALHAPI - EHS: API Structure Injury/Illness Log - Header
CCIHS_FALHBUF - EHS: Buffer Structure for Injury/Illness Log Entry
CCIHS_FALHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Injury/Illness Log Entry (CCIHT_FAL)
CCIHS_FALMAAPI - EHS: API Structure for I/I Log - Medical Measures
CCIHS_FALMABUF - EHS: Buffer Structure I/I Log - Medical Measures
CCIHS_FALMAIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Injury/Illness Log - Medical Measures
CCIHS_FASEL - EHS: Data Structure for Sel. Screen (Initial) Inj./Illn. Log
CCIHS_FATRANS - EHS: Table for Proposal List for Data Transfer
CCIHS_FATRANSM - EHS: Proposal List Master Table for Data Transfer
CCIHS_FATRANSS - EHS: Proposal List Slave Table for Data Transfer
CCIHS_FATRANST - EHS: Proposal List Fields Not For Display Data Transfer
CCIHS_FIRSTAIDLOG_EVENT - Event Data Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FIRSTAIDLOG_FOLLOW_UP - Help and Follow-Up Information for Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FIRSTAIDLOG_HEAD - Injury/Illness Log Header Data
CCIHS_FIRSTAIDLOG_INJURIES - Injury Data for Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FIRSTAIDLOG_INVOLVED - Data on Persons Involved for Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FIRSTAIDLOG_TREATMENT - Treatment Location Information for Injury/Illness Log
CCIHS_FREETEXTAPI - EHS: API Structure for User-Def. Texts/Document Connection
CCIHS_HAZAMOUNT_APPLCONTEXT - EHS: Context for Application Log (SARA Reporting)
CCIHS_HAZAMOUNT_APPLOG - EHS: Structure for Data Application Log
CCIHS_HAZAMOUNT_MATNR - EHS: Determine Hazardous Substance Quantities Material Level
CCIHS_HAZAMOUNT_SUBSTANCE - EHS: Determine Hazardous Substance Quantities Components
CCIHS_HAZARD_FLD_VAL - EHS: Assignment of a Value to an Agent Field
CCIHS_HAZARD_FLD_VAL_NEW - EHS: Assignment of a Value to an Agent Field
CCIHS_HAZKEY - EHS: Structure for Agent Key
CCIHS_HAZLOGWAHITM - EHS: Master Structure - Haz. Subs. Register Work Area View
CCIHS_HAZLOGWAHITS - EHS: Slave Structure - Haz. Subs. Register Work Area View
CCIHS_HAZLOGWASTAT - EHS: Haz. Subs. Inv. - Statistics No. Haz. Subs./Work Area
CCIHS_HAZSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Selection Screen Agents
CCIHS_HAZWKA_AUTH - EHS: Structure for Comb. Auth. Check Work Area Exposure
CCIHS_IAHITM - EHS: Master Structure for the Hit List Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_IAHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for the Hit List Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_IAHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Hit List Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_IAHITVERM - EHS: Master Struct. for the Hit List Inc./Acc. Log Versions
CCIHS_IAHITVERS - EHS: Slave Struct. for the Hit List Inc./Acc. Log Versions
CCIHS_IAHITVERT - EHS: Technical Struct. for Hit List Inc./Acc. Log Versions
CCIHS_IAHSCR - EHS: Header Data Incident/Accident Log for Display
CCIHS_IAKPATH - EHS: "Key Path" Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_IALAPI - EHS: API Structure for Incident/Accident Log (with Details)
CCIHS_IALEXPORT - EHS: Export Structure for Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_IALEXPORT_TXT - EHS: Export Structure for Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_IALHAPI - EHS: API Structure for Incident/Accident Log Header
CCIHS_IALHBUF - EHS: Buffer Structure for Incident/Accident Log Header
CCIHS_IALHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Incident/Accident Log (CCIHT_IAL)
CCIHS_IALID - EHS: Structure for Locking the Inc./Acc. Log ID (IALID)
CCIHS_IALOG_HEAD - EHS: WWI Symbol Structure for Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_IALOG_INVOLVED - EHS: WWI Symbol Structure for Inc./Acc. Log - Persons Invlvd
CCIHS_IAPKEY - EHS: Key structure for 'Person �who had accident'
CCIHS_IAREPALL - EHS: Period-Based Accident Reports (All Data)
CCIHS_IAREPCASE - EHS: Period-Based Accident Reports (Cases)
CCIHS_IAREPSEL - EHS: Data Struc. for Sel. Screen (Init.) Per.-Based Acc.Reps
CCIHS_IASEL - EHS: Data Structure for Sel. Screen (Initial) Inc./Acc. Log
CCIHS_IHPRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Classification System Value Assignments
CCIHS_IHVALAPI - EHS: API Struct. for Value Assignment Instances (CCIHT_IHVA)
CCIHS_IHVALBUF - EHS: Buffer Struct. for Value Assgmt Instances (CCIHT_IHVA)
CCIHS_IHVALCOMPLAPI - EHS: API Structure for Assignment of Value Assignment Type
CCIHS_IHVALIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Value Assignment Instances (CCIHT_IHVA)
CCIHS_IOBJ_INFO - EHS: WWI Symbol Structure for Integr. Objects in Work Area
CCIHS_IPABS - EHS: Absence Person Affected
CCIHS_IPABSDET - EHS: Absence Person Affected (Derived Data)
CCIHS_IPABSEV - EHS: Absence Person Affected (Event Data)
CCIHS_IPABSIOT - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Absence Person Affected
CCIHS_IPABSSAPI - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Absences for Person Affected
CCIHS_IPABSSBUF - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Absences for Person Affected
CCIHS_IPABSSIOT - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Absences for Person Affected
CCIHS_IPAPI - EHS: API Structure List of Persons Involved
CCIHS_IPBUF - EHS: Buffer Structure List of Persons Involved
CCIHS_IPCOMPLAPI - EHS: API Structure for Persons Involved (with Details)
CCIHS_IPEV - EHS: Event Data for Person Affected
CCIHS_IPEVAAPI - EHS: Inc./Acc. Log - Data for Person Affected (Event)
CCIHS_IPEVABUF - EHS: Inc./Acc. Log - Data for Person Affected (Event)
CCIHS_IPEVAHITM - EHS: Master Table Hit List Persons Affected
CCIHS_IPEVAIOT - EHS: Inc./Acc. Log - Data for Person Affected (Event)
CCIHS_IPEVINJALL - EHS: All Injuries for Person Affected
CCIHS_IPEVINJAPI - EHS: Injuries to Person Affected
CCIHS_IPEVINJBUF - EHS: Injuries to Person Affected
CCIHS_IPEVINJIOT - EHS: Injuries to Person Affected
CCIHS_IPEVINJSEL - EHS: Data Structure Extended Search via Injuries
CCIHS_IPIOT - EHS: IOTAB List of Persons Involved (CCIHT_IP)
CCIHS_IPRESTRIOT - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Restrictions for Pers. Affected
CCIHS_IPWT - EHS: Working Time Data Person Affected
CCIHS_IPWTPLAN - EHS: Work Schedule Person Affected
CCIHS_ISF4 - EHS: F4 Help for Information Tree
CCIHS_ISSEL - EHS: Selection Structure for the Information System
CCIHS_LIM_OH - Restrictions for Person Affected
CCIHS_LOG_ENTRY - EHS: Structure to Check Assignment to Health Center Service
CCIHS_LONGTEXTAPI - EHS: API Structure for Long Texts in IHS (SAPscript)
CCIHS_MEAS - EHS: Measurement Structure
CCIHS_MEASIOT - EHS: Input/Output Structure of Measurement
CCIHS_MEASITM - EHS: Master Structure for Measurement Selection Hit List
CCIHS_MEASITM2 - EHS: Master Structure for Measurement Selection Hit List
CCIHS_MEASITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Measurement Selection Hit List
CCIHS_MEASSCR - EHS: Dialog Structure for Measurement
CCIHS_MEASSCR2 - EHS: Dialog Structure - Measurements Summated Rating
CCIHS_MHQHIT - EHS: 1,000,000-Hour Quota - Hit List
CCIHS_MISSACCREPHIT - EHS: Output Structure for Recordable Accident Report (ALV)
CCIHS_MJ - EHS: Structure for Measurements
CCIHS_MJAPI - EHS: API Structure Measurement Job
CCIHS_MJBUF - EHS: Buffer for Measurement Job Data
CCIHS_MJHITKEY - EHS: Key Table Measurement for Hit List
CCIHS_MJHSCR - EHS: Measurement Header Data for Display
CCIHS_MJID - EHS: Structure to Lock Measurement Job ID (MJID)
CCIHS_MJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Measurements (CCIHT_MJ)
CCIHS_MJSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Value Help - Measurement
CCIHS_MJVA - EHS: Structure for Measured Values
CCIHS_MJVAAPI - EHS: API Structure Measured Values
CCIHS_MJVABUF - EHS: Buffer for Measured Value Data
CCIHS_MJWAAPI - EHS: API Structure Assignment Meas. Job to Work Area
CCIHS_MJWABUF - EHS: Buffer for Assignment Data Meas. Job to Work Area
CCIHS_MJWAIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Work Areas in Measurement (CCIHT_MJWA)
CCIHS_MPAPI - EHS: API Structure Measurement Project
CCIHS_MPBUF - EHS: Buffer for Measurement Project Data
CCIHS_MPCOPY - EHS: Copy Structure Measurement Project
CCIHS_MPDVAPI - EHS: API Structure Measurement Project Devices
CCIHS_MPDVBUF - EHS: Buffer for Measurement Project Device Data
CCIHS_MPDVIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Measurement Project Devices (CCIHT_MPDV)
CCIHS_MPHITKEY - EHS: Key Table Measurement Project for Hit List
CCIHS_MPHSCR - EHS: Measurement Project Header Data for Display
CCIHS_MPID - EHS: Structure to Lock Measurement Project ID (MPID)
CCIHS_MPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Measurement Projects (CCIHT_MP)
CCIHS_MPLEVELRPTM - EHS: Master Structure - Selection of Report Categories
CCIHS_MPLEVELRPTS - EHS: Slave Structure - Selection of Report Categories
CCIHS_MPMTAPI - EHS: API Structure Measurement Plan - Measurement Method
CCIHS_MPMTBUF - EHS: Buffering Data Measurement Plan - Measurement Method
CCIHS_MPMTIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure Measurement Plan - Meas. Method
CCIHS_MPPLAPI - EHS: API Structure Project Plan
CCIHS_MPPLBUF - EHS: Buffer for Project Plan Data
CCIHS_MPSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Selection Screen (Initial) MM
CCIHS_MPWAAPI - EHS: API Structure Assignment Meas. Project - Work Area
CCIHS_MPWABUF - EHS: Buffer for Assignment Data Meas. Project-Work Area
CCIHS_MPWAHITKEY - EHS: Key Table Work Areas for Hit List
CCIHS_MPWAIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Assignmt Meas. Project-Work Area (CCIHT_MPWA)
CCIHS_MPWASEL - EHS: Data Structure for Input Help - Log Sheet
CCIHS_MPWA_PLANT - EHS: Reference to Work Area and Meas. Project - Plant
CCIHS_NOTIIHPM - EHS: Transfer Notification Data EHS - PM
CCIHS_NRADSEL - EHS: Data Structure Extended Search for Next Risk Assessment
CCIHS_OBJPATH - EHS: "Key Path" Incident/Accident Log
CCIHS_PARTNERDATA - EHS-INT: Business Partner Data - General Data
CCIHS_PARTNERNR - EHS-INT: Business Partner Numbers
CCIHS_PARTNERNRROLE - EHS-INT: Business Partner Numbers and Roles
CCIHS_PDATFU - EHS: Personal Data Full Information (Int./Ext. Person)
CCIHS_PDATFUIOT - EHS: Personal Data Full Info (IOTAB)
CCIHS_PDATSI - EHS: Personal Data Short Information (Int./Ext. Person)
CCIHS_PDATSIIOT - EHS: Personal Data Short Info (IOTAB)
CCIHS_PERSFLGS - EHS: Flags for Selecting One or More Groups of Persons
CCIHS_PERSGRP_RANGE - EHS: Ranges Structure for Data Element CCIHE_PERSGRP
CCIHS_PERSON_RANGE - EHS: Ranges Structure for Data Element CCIHE_PERSON
CCIHS_PERS_WAH - Person for Work Area
CCIHS_PEXPLOGSEL - EHS: Data Structure Report Access - Personal Exposure Log
CCIHS_PEXPLOG_EXPQTY - EHS: Agents and Amounts in Personal Exposure Log
CCIHS_PEXPLOG_PERS - EHS: Person in Personal Exposure Log
CCIHS_PEXPLOG_PROBAND - Data Structure for Personal Exposure Log
CCIHS_PEXPLOG_QTY - Amounts in Personal Exposure Log
CCIHS_PEXPLOG_WAH - EHS: Work Area in Personal Exposure Log
CCIHS_PLANT - EHS: Data for Plant
CCIHS_PO_ACTION_CAT - EHS: Portal: Safety Measure Category
CCIHS_PO_EXP_QTY - EHS: Portal: Structure for Modeling Amounts
CCIHS_PO_TMQ - EHS: Portal: Structure for 1000-Employee Quota Chart
CCIHS_PO_WA_SEARCH_CR - EHS: Portal: Search Criteria for Work Area Search
CCIHS_PO_WA_SEARCH_RESULT - EHS: Portal: Search Result for Work Area Search
CCIHS_PRAPI - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Data (Char. Values)
CCIHS_PTCPAPI - EHS: API Structure for Pattern-Collective Pattern Assignment
CCIHS_PTCPBUF - EHS: BUFTAB for Pattern-Collective Pattern Assignment
CCIHS_PTCPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Pattern-Collective Pattern Assignment
CCIHS_PTHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Pattern Hit List
CCIHS_PTHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Pattern Hit List
CCIHS_PTHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Pattern Hit List
CCIHS_PTSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Pattern Selection Screen
CCIHS_PTWAIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Pattern-Work Area Assignment (CCIHT_PTWA)
CCIHS_RAKPATH - EHS: "Key Path" Risk Assessment
CCIHS_RANAMJMST - EHS: Master Structure for Measurements with Analysis Values
CCIHS_RANAMJSLV - EHS: Slave Structure for Measurements with Analysis Values
CCIHS_RASSEXPORT - EHS: Export Structure Risk Assessment
CCIHS_RASSEXPORT_TXT - EHS: Export Structure Risk Assessment (EXCEL)
CCIHS_RBLDMVAMST - EHS: Master Structure - Building with Exposures to Agent
CCIHS_RBLDMVASLV - EHS: Slave Structure - Building with Exposures to Agent
CCIHS_RCAPI - EHS: Accident Causes (Root Causes) API Structure
CCIHS_RCBUF - EHS: Accident Causes (Root Causes) Buffer Structure
CCIHS_RCIOT - EHS: Accident Causes (Root Causes) I/O Structure
CCIHS_RCNODEINFO - EHS: Node Information on Cause Hierarchy
CCIHS_RCTMPMST - EHS: Master Structure for Monitoring Dates in Meas. Projects
CCIHS_RCTMPSLV - EHS: Slave Structure for Monitoring Dates in Meas. Projects
CCIHS_RCTREEIOT - EHS: IO Structure for Hierarchy Tree
CCIHS_REFOBJKEY - EHS: Key Fields of the Reference Object
CCIHS_REGERRMJIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Faulty Samples
CCIHS_REGLIMMJ8HIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Reference Value Overrun 8-Hr Shift Average
CCIHS_REGLIMMJIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Reference Value Overrun
CCIHS_REGLIMMJSHIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Reference Value Overrun Short-Time Values
CCIHS_REGMJ8HIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - 8-Hr Shift Average
CCIHS_REGMJIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Agent Measurement
CCIHS_REGMJSHIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Short-Time Values
CCIHS_REGSUMGRPIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Exposure Group
CCIHS_REGSUMMJIOT - EHS: Log Sheet - Summated Values
CCIHS_REPHSLSEL - EHS: Data Structure, Initial Report Screen - Haz. Subs. List
CCIHS_REPIDWMVAMST - EHS: Master Structure for Agents with Exposures
CCIHS_REPIDWMVASLV - EHS: Slave Structure for Agents with Exposures
CCIHS_REPPERSWMVAMST - EHS: Master Structure for Persons with Exposures
CCIHS_REPPERSWMVASEL - EHS: Selection Structure for Persons with Exposures
CCIHS_REPPERSWMVASLV - EHS: Slave Structure for Persons with Exposures
CCIHS_REPRASEL - EHS: Data Structure, Report Initial Screen - Risk Assessment
CCIHS_REPVERSHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Version Report
CCIHS_REPVERSHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Version Report
CCIHS_REPVERSHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Version Report
CCIHS_RESERVE - EHS-INT: Reserve Structure to Link into Other Structures
CCIHS_RFMJAPI - EHS: API Structure Reference Measurement
CCIHS_RFMJBUF - EHS: Buffer for Reference Measurement Data
CCIHS_RFMJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Reference Measurements (CCIHT_RFMJ)
CCIHS_RMJMVAMST - EHS: Master Structure for Measurements with Exposures
CCIHS_RMJMVASLV - EHS: Slave Structure for Measurements with Exposures
CCIHS_RMVADETMST - EHS: Master Structure for Measured Value Details
CCIHS_SARA_MASTER - EHS: Header Line of SARA Output List (Program REHS_SARA31X)
CCIHS_SARA_SLAVE - EHS: Item Line of SARA Output List 311 and 312 Tier II
CCIHS_SARA_SLAVE2 - EHS: Item Line of SARA Output List 312 Tier I
CCIHS_STATUSINFO - EHS: Output Structure for Defined Statuses
CCIHS_STPRAPI - EHS: API Structure Status Log
CCIHS_TMQHIT - EHS: 1000-Employee Quota Hit List
CCIHS_TMQHITM - EHS: 1000-E Quota/1000000-Hour Quota - Master Table Hit List
CCIHS_WAAAPI - EHS: API Structure for Accident Locations
CCIHS_WAABUF - EHS: BUFTAB for Accident Locations
CCIHS_WAADAPI - EHS: API Structure for Lang.-Dep. Description of Accid. Locs
CCIHS_WAADBUF - EHS: BUFTAB for Accident Location Descriptions
CCIHS_WAADIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Accident Location Desriptions
CCIHS_WAAIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Accident Locations
CCIHS_WABLDIOT - EHS: Integration Object Building
CCIHS_WADOAPI - EHS: API Structure Work Area - Integration Objects
CCIHS_WADOBUF - EHS: Buffer for Info Data Objects for the Work Area
CCIHS_WADOHLP - EHS: Integration Object for Work Area (Search Help Exit)
CCIHS_WADOIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Integration Objects (CCIHT_WADO)
CCIHS_WADOSCR - EHS: Integration Object at Work Area for Display
CCIHS_WAEGIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for the Exposure Group
CCIHS_WAENVCSCR - EHS: Structure for Advanced Search via Facilities
CCIHS_WAEXPSCR - EHS: Exposure Data for Work Areas (for Display)
CCIHS_WAF4 - EHS: F4 Help for Work Areas
CCIHS_WAFLIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for Functional Location
CCIHS_WAHAPI - EHS: API Structure Work Area Header
CCIHS_WAHBUF - EHS: Buffer for Work Area Header Data
CCIHS_WAHCPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Copying Work Areas
CCIHS_WAHITM - EHS: Master Structure for the Hit List for Work Areas
CCIHS_WAHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for the Hit List for Work Areas
CCIHS_WAHITT - EHS: Technical Structure Hit List for Work Areas
CCIHS_WAHITVERM - EHS: Master Structure for the Hit List for Work Area Vers.
CCIHS_WAHITVERS - EHS: Slave Structure for the Hit List for Work Area Versions
CCIHS_WAHITVERT - EHS: Technical Structure Hit List for Work Areas
CCIHS_WAHSCR - EHS: Header Data Work Area for Display
CCIHS_WAH_INFO - EHS: WWI Symbol Structure for Work Area Header
CCIHS_WAID - EHS: Structure for Locking the WAID
CCIHS_WAID_RANGE - EHS: Ranges Structure for Data Element CCIHE_WAID
CCIHS_WAKPATH - EHS: "Key Path" Work Area for FM Call
CCIHS_WALDAPI - EHS: API Structure for Language-Dependent Name of Work Area
CCIHS_WALDBUF - EHS: Buffer for Language-Dependent Name for Work Area
CCIHS_WALDIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Lang.-Dep. Name of Work Area (CCIHT_WALD)
CCIHS_WAPEIOT - EHS: IO Structure for Integration Object - Contacts
CCIHS_WAPERM - EHS: Master Structure for Persons in a Work Area
CCIHS_WAPLANT_RANGE - EHS: Ranges Structure for Data Element CCIHE_WAPLANT
CCIHS_WAPTAPI - EHS: API Structure Work Area-Pattern Assignment
CCIHS_WAPTBUF - EHS: BUFTAB for Work Area-Pattern Assignment
CCIHS_WAPTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Work Area-Pattern Assignment (CCIHT_WAPT)
CCIHS_WAQSAPI - EHS: API Struct. Work Area Assignment Specific Questionnaire
CCIHS_WAQSBUF - EHS: BUFTAB Work Area Assignment Specific Questionnaire
CCIHS_WAQSIOT - EHS: IOTAB Work Area Assignment Specific Questionnaire
CCIHS_WARIMEAM - EHS: Master Structure Agents and Safety Meas. of a Work Area
CCIHS_WARIMEAS - EHS: Slave Structure Agents and Safety Meas. of a Work Area
CCIHS_WASEL - EHS: Data Struct. for Sel. Screen (Initial) Work Area Admin.
CCIHS_WASTIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for Storage Location
CCIHS_WATREE - EHS: Structure for Tree Display of Work Areas
CCIHS_WATREEINF - EHS: Structure for Displaying the Work Area Hierarchy
CCIHS_WATYPE_RANGE - EHS: Ranges Structure for Data Element CCIHE_WATYPE
CCIHS_WAWCIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for Workplace
CCIHS_WORK_AREA_SELECTION - EHS: Structure for Selecting a Work Area
CCIHS_XTITEM - EHS: ActiveX Tree Control - Item Structure
CCIHT_ACH - EHS: Safety Measures - Header
CCIHT_AD08 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 08 Detail Data
CCIHT_AD09 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 09 Detail Data
CCIHT_AD10 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 10 Detail Data
CCIHT_AM01 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 01
CCIHT_AM02 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 02
CCIHT_AM03 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 03
CCIHT_AM04 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 04
CCIHT_AM05 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 05
CCIHT_AM06 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 06
CCIHT_AM07 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 07
CCIHT_AM08 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 08
CCIHT_AM09 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 09
CCIHT_AM10 - EHS: Customer Analysis Method 10
CCIHT_ANML - EHS: Analysis Method - Meas. Value - Ref. Value Comparison
CCIHT_ANNC - EHS: Analysis Method - Standardized Criteria
CCIHT_ANQS - EHS: Analysis Method Questionnaire
CCIHT_ANQSREL - EHS: Analysis Method Questionnaire - Relevant Questions
CCIHT_ANSC - EHS: Analysis Method - Summated Rating (Header)
CCIHT_ANSE - EHS: Analysis Method - Summated Rating (Details)
CCIHT_EPI - EHS: Exposure Profile Entry
CCIHT_ERAI - EHS: Exposure Log - Additional Information
CCIHT_ERH - EHS: Risk Assessment - Header
CCIHT_ERQT - EHS: Exposure Assignment - Exposure Amounts
CCIHT_ERRA - EHS: - Obsolete - Exposure Assignment - Risk Assessment
CCIHT_FAL - EHS: Injury/Illness Log
CCIHT_FALMA - EHS: Medical Measures
CCIHT_FAVA - EHS: Obsolete - Inj./Illn. Log Addit. Info. (Classif. Sys.)
CCIHT_HAZ_AMOUNT - Inventory Data Hazardous Substances
CCIHT_IAL - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Header
CCIHT_IAREP - EHS: Period-Based Accident Reports
CCIHT_IAVA - EHS: Obsolete - Inc./Acc. Log - Addit. Info. (Classif. Sys.)
CCIHT_IHVA - EHS: Value Assignment Data Records for Classific. System
CCIHT_IP - EHS: List of Persons Involved
CCIHT_IPABSS - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Absences for Person Affected
CCIHT_IPEVA - EHS: Inc./Acc. Log - Data for Person Affected (Event)
CCIHT_IPEVALIM - EHS: Incident/Accident Log - Link Accident to Restrictions
CCIHT_IPEVINJ - EHS: Injuries to Person Affected
CCIHT_IPVA - EHS: Obsolete -IAL, Person Aff. - Addit. Info. (Class. Sys.)
CCIHT_MJ - EHS: Measurement
CCIHT_MJIMPORT - EHS: Pooled Table for Imported Measurements
CCIHT_MJVA - EHS: Measured Values
CCIHT_MJVAIMP - EHS: Imported Measured Values
CCIHT_MJVAQT - EHS: Table Temporary Data from Measured Values to Amounts
CCIHT_MJWA - EHS: Assignment of Work Area to Measurement Job
CCIHT_MP - EHS: Measurement Project
CCIHT_MPDV - EHS: Devices Required for Measurement Project
CCIHT_MPMT - EHS: Measurement Plan - Measurement Method
CCIHT_MPPL - EHS: Project Plan
CCIHT_MPWA - EHS: Assignment of Work Area to Measurement Project
CCIHT_PTCP - EHS: Pattern to Collective Pattern Assignment
CCIHT_RC - EHS: Accident Causes (Root Causes)
CCIHT_RFMJ - EHS: Reference Measurement
CCIHT_WAA - EHS: Accident Location
CCIHT_WAAD - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Accident Location
CCIHT_WADO - EHS: Work Area - Links to Info Objects
CCIHT_WAH - EHS: Work Area - Header
CCIHT_WAIH - EHS: Work Area - Industrial Hygiene and Safety Data
CCIHT_WALD - EHS: Language-Dependent Name and Descr. of Work Area
CCIHT_WAPT - EHS: Assignment of Template to Work Area
CCIHT_WAQS - EHS: Work Area - Specific Questionnaire Assignment
E1BP1240_ACH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for IHS Safety Measures
E1BP1240_ACHX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for IHS Safety Measures
E1BP1240_ACH_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Safety Measures Long Texts
E1BP1240_ACH_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Safety Measures Long Texts
E1BP1240_ADDR_ALE - EHS: BAPI - ALE - Structure for Address Conversion
E1BP1240_AFFE_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for AFP External Long Texts
E1BP1240_AFFE_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for AFP External Long Texts
E1BP1240_AFFI_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for AFP Internal Long Texts
E1BP1240_AFFI_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for AFP Internal Long Texts
E1BP1240_DFT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for User-Defined Texts/Documents
E1BP1240_DFTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure f. User-Defined Texts/Documents
E1BP1240_DFT_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for User-Defined Long Texts
E1BP1240_DFT_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for User-Defined Long Texts
E1BP1240_ESTALE - EHS: BAPI - ALE - References to Originals
E1BP1240_IALH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for I/A Log Entry Header Data
E1BP1240_IALHX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for I/A Log Header
E1BP1240_IA_IHPR - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Properties in Classif. System (IA)
E1BP1240_IA_IHPRX - EHS: BAPI - Change Struct. f. Properties in Class. Sys. (IA)
E1BP1240_IA_IHVAL - EHS: BAPI - Structure f. Value Assgmts in Class. System (IA)
E1BP1240_IA_IHVALX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Val. Assgmts in Class. (IA)
E1BP1240_IHPR - EHS: BAPI - Structure f. Properties in Classification System
E1BP1240_IHPRX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Properties in Class. Sys.
E1BP1240_IHVAL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Value Assignments in Class. System
E1BP1240_IHVALX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Value Assgmts in Class.Sys.
E1BP1240_IP - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Persons Affected Header Records
E1BP1240_IPABSS - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Absences of Persons Affected
E1BP1240_IPABSSX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Absences
E1BP1240_IPEVA - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Persons Affected - Event Data
E1BP1240_IPEVALIM - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Restrictions on Persons Affected
E1BP1240_IPEVALIMX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Restrictions
E1BP1240_IPEVAX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structures for Event Data f. Persons Aff.
E1BP1240_IPEVINJ - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Injuries
E1BP1240_IPEVINJX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Injuries
E1BP1240_IPX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Persons Affected
E1BP1240_IP_IHPR - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Properties in Class. System (IP)
E1BP1240_IP_IHPRX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Properties in Class. (IP)
E1BP1240_IP_IHVAL - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Value Assgmts in Class. Sys. (IP)
E1BP1240_IP_IHVALX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for VA in Classification (IP)
E1BP1240_IP_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Persons Affected Long Texts
E1BP1240_IP_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Persons Affected Long Texts
E1BP1240_LIM_OH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for OH Restrictions
E1BP1240_LIM_OHX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for OH Restrictions
E1BP1240_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for I/A Log Entry Long Texts
E1BP1240_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Long Texts
E1BP1240_RC - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Causes of Accidents
E1BP1240_RCX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Causes of Accidents
E1BP1240_RS_LTXT - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Result Long Texts
E1BP1240_RS_LTXTX - EHS: BAPI - Change Structure for Event Long Texts
E1INCIDENT - Header Segment
EHSIHS_OCCINCIDENTERPCRTCOMT_S - OccupationalIncidentERPCreateConfirmation_sync
EHSIHS_OCCINCIDENTERPCRTRQMT_S - OccupationalIncidentERPCreateRequest_sync
EHSMPAUTHA - EHS: Fields for EH&S Measurement Mgmt for Table AUTHA
VCCIHT_ACH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AD08 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AD09 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AD10 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM01 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM02 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM03 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM04 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM05 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM06 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM07 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM08 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM09 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AM10 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ANML - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ANNC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ANQS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ANQSREL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ANSC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ANSE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_EPI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ERH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ERQT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_FAL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_FALMA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_IAL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_IHVA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_IP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_IPABSS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_IPEVA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_IPEVALIM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_IPEVINJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_PTCP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_RC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_WAA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_WAAD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_WADO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_WAH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_WALD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_WAPT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_WAQS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Work Area Management Tables EHS-IHS-WA

ENHIS_ENVCSCR - Advanced Search via Environmental Compliance Facility Data
ENHIS_EPIIOT - Output Structure Web Dynpro Exposure Profile Entries
ENHIS_FAC_CONTACTS_DISP - Facility Contact Data for Display
ENHIS_FAC_DETAIL - Facility Detail Data for Display with Description
ENHIS_FAC_DETAIL_DISP - Facility Detail Data for Display
ENHIS_FAC_HEADER_DISP - Facility Header Data for Display
ENHIS_WAENVCSCR - Structure for Adv. Search via Work Area with Facility Data

SAP SAP EHS Management Tables EHS-MGM

EHFND_OD_ABSTRACT_BO_NODE_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_ABSTRACT_BO_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_ABSTRACT_COMPANY_PRO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_ATTACHMENT_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_BUSINESS_OBJECT_UUIDD - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_COMMENT_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_COMPANY_ADDRESS_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_COMPANY_PROFILE_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_COMPLIANCE_DECLARATIO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_COMPONENT_DECLARATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_DECLARABLE_LIST_VERSI - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_FIND_ATTACHMENT_BY_U1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_FIND_ATTACHMENT_BY_U2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_FIND_ATTACHMENT_BY_U3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_FIND_ATTACHMENT_BY_UU - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_ATTACHMENT_CONTE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_ATTACHMENT_CONTE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_ATTACHMENT_CONTE3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_ATTACHMENT_CONTEN - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLAR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLAR2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLAR3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLAR4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLAR5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLAR6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLAR7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_COMPONENT_DECLARA - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_DECLARATION_BY_U1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_DECLARATION_BY_U2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_DECLARATION_BY_U3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_DECLARATION_BY_UU - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_EXTERNAL_PAGE_UR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_EXTERNAL_PAGE_UR2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_EXTERNAL_PAGE_UR3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_EXTERNAL_PAGE_URL - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATI - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATI2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATI3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATIONS_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATIONS_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATIONS_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_GET_MY_DECLARATIONS_P - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_MESSAGE_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_PAGE_URLMAP_WSTO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_PAGE_URLMAP_WSTO_ENTR - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_PAGE_URLMAP_WSTO_PAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_PRODUCT_DECLARATION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_PRODUCT_DECLARATION_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_PRODUCT_DECLARATION_W - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_SUBSTANCE_DECLARATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_SUBSTANCE_EXEMPTION_W - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLA2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLA3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLA4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLA5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLA6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLA7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_OD_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_DECLAR - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSSC_TAB_MIGR - Tables to migrate
EHHSSS_PHRASES - Structure for Output
EHHSSS_TM_PROCESS - HSS Specific Process Search Result
EHHSSS_TM_SEARCH_STRUCT - Search fields for HSS Task Management
EHHSSS_TM_SPEC_FIELDS - HSS specific fields for Task Management field catalogue
EHHSSS_TM_TASK - Task Structure for Health and Safety

SAP Foundation for EHS Management Tables EHS-MGM-FND

CDOEHFNDD_CHM_HCLSS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_CHM_HING - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_CHM_HSTMT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_CHM_MAT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_CHM_NAME - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LISU_GRPR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LISU_SUBR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_REGL_EXEM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_REGL_EXSR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_REGL_PCDS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
EHFNDC_CHCLASS - Classification of Chemicals
EHFNDC_CHCLASS_T - Classification of Chemicals
EHFNDC_CHCOLOR - Colors of Chemicals
EHFNDC_CHCOLOR_T - Colors of Chemicals
EHFNDC_CHFORM - Forms of Chemicals
EHFNDC_CHFORM_T - Forms of Chemicals
EHFNDC_CHM_FILL - Configuration for Chemical Fill Report
EHFNDC_CHODOR - Odor of Chemicals
EHFNDC_CHODOR_T - Odor of Chemicals
EHFNDC_EXP_CFG - General Configuration for File Based Reportig
EHFNDC_EXP_DS - Data Selections
EHFNDC_EXP_DS_T - Description of Data Selection
EHFNDC_EXP_FFM - File Formats of Export Files
EHFNDC_EXP_FFM_T - Descriptions of File Formats of Export Files
EHFNDC_EXP_FLD - Fields of Data Selection
EHFNDC_EXP_FLD_T - Field Description
EHFNDC_EXP_NOD - Node Structure of Data Selection
EHFNDC_EXP_PDS - Data Selections of Export Profile
EHFNDC_EXP_PROF - Export Profiles
EHFNDC_EXP_PROFF - Template File of Export Profile
EHFNDC_EXP_PROFT - Description of Export Profile
EHFNDC_FW_BI_CDT - Tables for Change Document Evaluation
EHFNDC_FW_BI_EXT - Configuration of BI Extractors
EHFNDC_HAZSTM - Hazard Statements
EHFNDC_HAZSTM_T - Hazard Statements
EHFNDC_OELREGL - Regulatory List
EHFNDC_REGLIST - Regulatory List
EHFNDC_REGLIST_T - Regulatory List
EHFNDC_REGL_CR - Regulatory Lists - Country and Region
EHFNDC_REGL_EXIT - User Exits for saving Regulatory Lists or Listed Substances
EHFNDC_REGL_FILL - Configuration for Regulatory List and List Sub Fill Report
EHFNDC_SREG - Regulatory lists for declarable substances (PRC)
EHFNDD_CHM_BINFO - Chemical - Basic Info
EHFNDD_CHM_HCLSS - Chemical - Hazard Classificationi
EHFNDD_CHM_HING - Chemical - Hazardous Ingredients
EHFNDD_CHM_HSTMT - Chemical - Hazard Statement
EHFNDD_CHM_MAT - Chemical - Material
EHFNDD_CHM_NAME - Chemical - Name
EHFNDD_CHM_ROOT - Chemical - Root
EHFNDD_LISU_GRPR - Listed Substance Group Relation
EHFNDD_LISU_NAME - Listed Substance Name
EHFNDD_LISU_ROOT - Listed Substance
EHFNDD_LISU_SUBR - Substance Relation
EHFNDD_REGL_EXEM - Exemption List
EHFNDD_REGL_EXSR - List of Exemptions for Substance
EHFNDD_REGL_OEL - Occupational Exposure Limits
EHFNDD_REGL_PCDS - Declarable Substance
EHFNDD_REGL_ROOT - Regulatory List Revision
EHFNDD_RL_C_EX - Result of compared exemptions
EHFNDD_RL_C_EXSU - Result of compared 'assigned exemption'
EHFNDD_RL_C_LS - Result of compare 'listed substances'
EHFNDD_RL_C_LSGR - Result of compared 'assigned group subs'
EHFNDD_RL_C_LSSU - Result of compared 'assigned pure subs'
EHFNDD_RL_C_ROOT - Regulatory List Revision Compare Root
EHFNDI_ATC_EXCL - EHSM ATC exclude Objects
EHFNDI_ATC_FDRCL - EHS Mgmt Feeder Check Super Classes
EHFNDI_ATC_LT_EX - EHSM Label Text check Exception
EHFNDI_AUTHSTART - Registration of the TADIR Start Authorizations
EHFNDI_LISU_GRPR - Delivery of Listed Substance Group Relations
EHFNDI_LISU_NAME - Delivery of Listed Substance Names
EHFNDI_LISU_ROOT - Delivery of Listed Substances
EHFNDS_ADDAUTH - Additional Authorizations
EHFNDS_ATC_EXCL - EHSM ATC exclude Objects
EHFNDS_ATF_DOC_UI - Node UI Structure for attachment folder DO
EHFNDS_BOL_FEEDER_PARAMETER - BOL Feeder parameter structure
EHFNDS_CHK_WFT - EHSM Workflow Template Structur
EHFNDS_CHM_BASIC_INFO - Chemical - Basic Information
EHFNDS_CHM_BASIC_INFO_D - Chemical - Basic Information
EHFNDS_CHM_BASIC_INFO_DT - Chemical - Basic Information (Transient)
EHFNDS_CHM_HAZ_CLASS - Chemical - Hazard Classification
EHFNDS_CHM_HAZ_CLASS_D - Chemical - Hazard Classification
EHFNDS_CHM_HAZ_INGRED - Chemical - Hazardous Ingredients
EHFNDS_CHM_HAZ_INGRED_D - Chemical - Hazardous Ingredient
EHFNDS_CHM_HAZ_INGRED_DT - Chemical - Hazardous Ingredient (Transient)
EHFNDS_CHM_HAZ_STMT - Chemical - Hazard Statement
EHFNDS_CHM_HAZ_STMT_D - Chemical - Hazard Statement
EHFNDS_CHM_MATERIAL - Chemical - Material
EHFNDS_CHM_MATERIAL_D - Chemical - Material
EHFNDS_CHM_MATERIAL_DT - Chemical - Material (Transient)
EHFNDS_CHM_NAME_TEXT - Chemical - Name
EHFNDS_CHM_ROOT - Chemical - Root
EHFNDS_CHM_ROOT_D - Chemical - Root
EHFNDS_CHM_ROOT_DT - Chemical - Root (Transient)
EHFNDS_CHM_TEXT_NODE_D - Chemical Text Node Data Structure
EHFNDS_CONF_TXC_DATA - Translate configuration data for the text collections
EHFNDS_CONF_TXN_DATA - Translate Configuration Data for Text Nodes
EHFNDS_EXPORT_EMAIL - E-Mail of the user who receives the exported file
EHFNDS_EXP_DATA_SEL_DESCR - Data Selection Description
EHFNDS_EXP_FIELD - Field to export
EHFNDS_EXP_FIELD_DESCR - Field descriptions
EHFNDS_EXP_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR - Metadata describing a field
EHFNDS_EXP_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_XT - Metadata describing a field and its substructure
EHFNDS_EXP_NODE - Node to export
EHFNDS_EXP_NODE_ASSOC - Nodes and their associations
EHFNDS_EXP_NODE_DESCRIPTOR - Metadata describing a node in the hierarchical data
EHFNDS_EXP_PROFILE_CFG - Configured Export Profile
EHFNDS_EXP_SHEET - XLSX sheet identification
EHFNDS_FAV_FDR_PARAMS - Favourites feeder params.
EHFNDS_FBI_CUIBB_LST_PARAMS - Design Time Params for Generic Feeder for Custom List
EHFNDS_FBI_FDR_ACP_PARAMS_DT - EHSM enhanced FBI 2.0 parameters for the Action Parameter
EHFNDS_FBI_FDR_FRM_PARAMS_DT - EHSM enhanced FBI 2.0 parameters
EHFNDS_FBI_FDR_LST_PARAMS_DT - EHSM enhanced FBI 2.0 parameters
EHFNDS_FBI_FDR_TREE_PARAMS_DT - EHSM enhanced FBI 2.0 parameters
EHFNDS_FBI_GEN_FEED_PARAMS - Design Time Parameters for Generic Feeder
EHFNDS_FBI_GUIBB_ENA_PARAMS - Design time params for the ENA Feeder
EHFNDS_FBI_IMPLICID_ACTION - Implicit FBI Action (Open Translation...)
EHFNDS_FBI_SORT_DATA - Sorting data for nodes
EHFNDS_FEEDERS - EHSM Feeder Class Structure
EHFNDS_FIELD_LABEL - Contains the label for each UI field
EHFNDS_FPMGB_EXT_MESSAGE - FPM extended message structure
EHFNDS_FPM_APP_CONFIG - EHFND FPM Application Configuration
EHFNDS_FPM_LABEL_VALUE - Structure Label and Value Pais
EHFNDS_FW_BI_ADMIN - Administration Fields for BI Extractor Structures
EHFNDS_GUIBB_OTR_PARAMS_DT - Parameters for generic OTR feeder
EHFNDS_GUIBB_OTR_TEXT - Parameters for generic OTR feeder
EHFNDS_LABTXT - EHSM Label Text Structure
EHFNDS_LABTXT_SEL_OPT - EHSM Label Text Select Option Structure
EHFNDS_LACC_FDR_PARAMS - Feeder Parameters Last Accessed
EHFNDS_LISU_FRM_FDR_PARAMS - Extended Feeder Parameters for Listed Substance Form View
EHFNDS_LISU_GROUPREL - Listed Substance Group Relation
EHFNDS_LISU_GROUPREL_D - Listed Substance Group Relation
EHFNDS_LISU_GROUPREL_DIFF - RegList Revision: result of compare 'assigned listed subs'
EHFNDS_LISU_GROUPREL_DT - Listed Substance Group Relation (transient)
EHFNDS_LISU_IDENTIFIER - Obsolete - Listed Substance Identifier
EHFNDS_LISU_IDENTIFIER_D - Obsolete - Listed Substance Identifiers
EHFNDS_LISU_IDENTIFIER_DT - Obsolete - Listed Substance Identifiers (transient)
EHFNDS_LISU_NAME_TEXT - Listed Substance Name
EHFNDS_LISU_PURESUB_MAPPING - Mapping between Listed Substance and Pure Substance
EHFNDS_LISU_ROOT - Listed Substance
EHFNDS_LISU_ROOT_D - Listed Substance Root
EHFNDS_LISU_ROOT_DELIVERY - Delivery of Listed Sunstances
EHFNDS_LISU_ROOT_DT - Listed Substance Root (transient)
EHFNDS_LISU_ROOT_KEY_PARAM - Parameter structure with the root key
EHFNDS_LISU_SEARCH_RESULT - Listed Substance search result structure
EHFNDS_LISU_SUBREL - Substance Relation
EHFNDS_LISU_SUBREL_D - Substance Relation
EHFNDS_LISU_SUBREL_DIFF - RegList Revision: result of compare 'assigned pure subs'
EHFNDS_LISU_SUBREL_DT - Substance Relation (transient)
EHFNDS_LISU_SUB_ID_ROOT_KEY - Alternative Key structure for Substance ID
EHFNDS_LISU_SUB_KEY_ROOT_KEY - Alternative Key structure for Substance Key
EHFNDS_REGLIST_ITM - Regulatory List (Intermediate Structure)
EHFNDS_REGLIST_OEL_CHNG_CRIT - Search Criteria for OEL Changes
EHFNDS_REGLIST_OEL_SRCH_CRIT - OEL List Revision - Search Criteria
EHFNDS_REGLIST_OEL_SRCH_RESULT - OEL List Revision - Search Result
EHFNDS_REGLIST_Q_PCDECL_PUR_CR - Regulatory List Query Search by Pure Substance Criteria
EHFNDS_REGL_ACTIVE_REVISION - Data structure for active Reg. List Revision
EHFNDS_REGL_BI_EXEMPT_DESC - RegList - BI Extractor Exemption Descriptions
EHFNDS_REGL_BI_EXEMPT_DESC_D - RegList - BI Extractor Exemption Descriptions
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_EXEMPT - Result of compared exemptions
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_EXEMPT_D - Result of compared exemptions
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_EXSUBREL - Result of compared 'assigned exemption'
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_EXSUBRE_D - Result of compared 'assigned exemption' - Data
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_LISTSUB - Result of compare 'listed substances'
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_LISTSUB_D - Result of compare 'listed substances' - Data
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_LSGRPREL - Result of compared 'assigned group subs'
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_LSGRPRE_D - Result of compared 'assigned group listed subs' - Data
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_LSSUBREL - Result of compared 'assigned pure subs'
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_LSSUBRE_D - Result of compared 'assigned pure subs' - Data
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_ROOT - Regulatory List Revision Compare Root
EHFNDS_REGL_COMP_RES_ROOT_D - Regulatory List Revision Compare Root Data
EHFNDS_REGL_DECLSUB_RECN - Declarable Substance with RECN
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEMPTION_DT - Exemption (transient)
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEMSUBREL - List of Exemptions for Substance
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEMSUBREL_D - Exemption Substance Relation
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEMSUBREL_DIFF - RegList Revision: compare 'rel. assigned exemption' fields
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEMSUBREL_DIFF_CB - RegList Revision: result of compare 'assigned exemption'
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEMSUBREL_DT - Exemption Substance Relation (transient)
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEMSUBREL_IMPORT - RegList Revision: to import Exemption - Listed Sub. relation
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEM_DIFF - RegList Revision: result of compare exemptions
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEM_DIFF_CB - RegList Revision: result of compare exemptions + old values
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEM_ID_KEY - Alternative Key structure for Exemtion ID
EHFNDS_REGL_EXEM_ID_PARENT_KEY - Alternative Key structure for Exemtion ID
EHFNDS_REGL_LISTSUB_ID_KEY - Alternative Key structure for Listsub ID
EHFNDS_REGL_OELIMIT - Occupational Exposure Limit
EHFNDS_REGL_OELIMIT_D - Occupational Exposure Limit
EHFNDS_REGL_OELIMIT_DT - Occupational Exposure Limit (transient)
EHFNDS_REGL_PCDECLSUB - Declarable Substance
EHFNDS_REGL_PCDECLSUB_D - Declarable Substance for DI
EHFNDS_REGL_PCDECLSUB_DIFF_CB - RegList Revision: result of compare 'listed substances'
EHFNDS_REGL_PCDECLSUB_DT - Declarable Substance for DI (transient)
EHFNDS_REGL_PCDECLSUB_FIELDS - Data structure for Listed Substances
EHFNDS_REGL_PCDECLSUB_LISU1 - Declarable Substance & Listed Substance
EHFNDS_REGL_ROOT - Regulatory List Revision
EHFNDS_REGL_ROOT_D - Data structure Reg. List ROOT
EHFNDS_REGL_ROOT_DT - Regulatory List Root (transient)
EHFNDS_REGL_UI_ID_FIELDS - Data structure for HSS specific Reglist ID
EHFNDS_SRVCLI - EHSM Server/Client Option Structure
EHFNDS_T100 - EHSM T100 Structure
EHFNDS_TABBED_FBI_CFG_APPCC - FBI Tabbed App. Controller Configuration
EHFND_XI_ANATOMICAL_LOC_CODE_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_ATTACHMENT_FOLDER_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_ATTACHMENT_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_BINARY_OBJECT_S - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char
EHFND_XI_BUS_DOC_MES_HPCP_S - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
EHFND_XI_BUS_DOC_MES_HP_S - General information about a party that is responsible for se
EHFND_XI_BUS_DOC_MES_H_S - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl
EHFND_XI_BUS_DOC_MES_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_BUS_SCOPE_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_BUS_SCOPE_INST_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_BUS_SCOPE_S - Environment from which a message is sent
EHFND_XI_BUS_SCOPE_TYP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_CONTACT_PERS_INT_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_DATE_TIME_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_DESCRIPTION_S - Natural Language Text
EHFND_XI_DOCUMENT_PROP_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_DOCUMENT_PROP_VALUE_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_DOCUMENT_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_EMAIL_URI_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_EXC_FAULT_DATA_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_EXC_LOG_DATA_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_INCIDENT_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_INC_GROUP_CODE_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_INC_LEG_REC_CRI_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_INJ_BODY_PART_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_INJ_ILL_CAT_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_INJ_ILL_TYP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_LAND_OWN_TYP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_LOG_ITEM_CAT_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_LOG_ITEM_NOTE_PS_LI_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_LOG_ITEM_S - protocol message issued by an application
EHFND_XI_LOG_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_MAT_PHY_STA_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_MEASURE_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_MEDIUM_NAME_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_NAMESPACE_URI_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_NEAR_MISS_GRP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_OCC_ACC_CAT_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_PARTY_INT_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_PARTY_STD_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_PER_COM_REL_TYP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_PHONE_NUMBER_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_PLANT_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_PRODUCT_INT_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_QUANTITY_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_REGION_CODE_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_REL_AFF_ENV_TYP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_RISK_LEVEL_CODE_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_SAF_OBS_GRP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_SHORT_DESC_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_SYS_ADMIN_DATA_S - SystemAdministrativeData
EHFND_XI_TEXT_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_TXC_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_TXC_TEXT_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_TXC_TXT_TYP_COD_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_URI_S - URI is a unique digital address that is represented by the U
EHFND_XI_USER_ACCOUNT_ID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_XI_UUID_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_BASINFO_D - Chemical - Basic Information (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_BASINFO_DT - Chemical - Basic Information (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_HAZCLASS_D - Chemical - Hazard Classification (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_HAZINGR_D - Chemical - Hazardous Ingredients (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_HAZINGR_DT - Chemical - Hazardous Ingredients (Transient Extension Incl.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_HAZSTMT_D - Chemical - Hazard Statement (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_MATERIAL_D - Chemical - Material (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_MATERIAL_DT - Chemical - Material (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_NAMETEXT_D - Chemical - Name Text (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_ROOT_D - Chemical - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CHM_ROOT_DT - Chemical - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_GRPREL_D - Listed Substance Group Relation Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_GRPREL_DT - Listed Substance Group Relation Extension (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_IDENT_D - Obsolete - Listed Substance Identifier Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_IDENT_DT - Obsolete - Listed Substance Identifier Extension (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_ROOT_D - Listed Substance Root Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_ROOT_DT - Listed Substance Root Extension (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_SUBREL_D - Substance Relation Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LISU_SUBREL_DT - Substance Relation Extension (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_BI_EXDES_D - Extension Include: RegList - BI Extractor Exemption Descr
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_EXEM_D - Exemption Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_EXEM_DT - Exemption Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_EXSREL_D - Exemption Substance Relation Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_EXSREL_DT - Exemption Substance Relation Extension (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_OEL_D - Occupational Exposure Limit - Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_OEL_DT - Occupational Exposure Limit - Extension (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_PCDECLS_D - Declarable Substance for DI Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_PCDECLS_DT - Declarable Substance for DI Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_ROOT_D - Regulatory List Root Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_REGL_ROOT_DT - Regulatory List Root Extension (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RL_CMP_RES_ES_D - Result of compared 'assigned exemption' - Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RL_CMP_RES_EX_D - Result of compared exemptions - Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RL_CMP_RES_LG_D - Result of compared 'assigned group listed subs' - Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RL_CMP_RES_LR_D - Result of compared 'assigned pure subs' - Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RL_CMP_RES_LS_D - Result of compare 'listed substances' - Extension
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RL_CMP_RES_R_D - Regulatory List Revision Compare Root Extension

SAP Business Objects, Common Components Tables EHS-MGM-FND-BOC

BAPI_EHFNDS_CONTROL_TXTCONT - Control Text Collection Content
BAPI_EHFNDS_CTRL_HEADER_INPUT - Control Hedaer Input Structure for Import
BAPI_EHFNDS_CTRL_ROOT - Control Root Structure for Import
BAPI_EHFNDS_CTRL_TITLE_TXTCONT - Control Root Title Text Content Structure for Import
BAPI_EHFNDS_CTRL_TXTC - Control Text Collection Content
BAPI_EHFNDS_LONG_TEXT - Text Collections
CDOEHDMOD_ADR_ATF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHDMOD_ADR_PHONE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHDMOD_ADR_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_AMN_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_DTS_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_PSE_ASGNE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_PSE_LOG - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_PSE_NAME - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_PSE_RECUR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_PSE_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
E1BP_EHFNDS_CTRL_HEADER_INP - Control Hedaer Input Structure for Import
E1BP_EHFNDS_CTRL_ROOT - Control Root Structure for Import
E1BP_EHFNDS_CTRL_TITLE_TXTC - Control Root Title Text Content Structure for Import
E1BP_EHFNDS_CTRL_TXTC - Control Text Collection Content
EHDMOC_ADR_DST - Customizing Table for District
EHDMOC_ADR_DST_T - Customizing Table for District
EHDMOC_ADR_FLR - Customizing Table for Floor
EHDMOC_ADR_FLR_T - Customizing Table for Floor
EHDMOD_ADR_ATF - Address - Attached Document
EHDMOD_ADR_PHONE - Address - Contacts
EHDMOD_ADR_ROOT - Address - Root
EHDMOS_ADR_ATT_DOCUMENT - Address - Attached Document
EHDMOS_ADR_ATT_DOCUMENT_D - Address - Attached Document
EHDMOS_ADR_CTRL - Communication structure, used by the BOFU's field control
EHDMOS_ADR_PHONE - Address - Contacts
EHDMOS_ADR_PHONE_D - Address - Contacts
EHDMOS_ADR_PHONE_DT - Address - Contacts
EHDMOS_ADR_ROOT - Address - Root
EHDMOS_ADR_ROOT_D - Address - Root
EHDMOS_ADR_ROOT_DT - Address - Root
EHDMOS_BO_NODE_RELATION - Business Object Node Relation
EHFNDC_ACTEFF - Action Effectivity Code
EHFNDC_ACTEFF_T - Action Effectivity Code Description
EHFNDC_ACTEXTPRI - Action Priority Mapping to Notifications
EHFNDC_ACTPDM - Action Priority Due Date Mapping
EHFNDC_ACTPRTG - Action Protection Goal Code
EHFNDC_ACTPRTG_T - Action Protection Goal Code Description
EHFNDC_ACTSUB - Subtypes - Dependent on Type
EHFNDC_ACTSUB_T - Subtypes - Dependent on Type
EHFNDC_ACTTMPL - Action Template Code
EHFNDC_ACTTMPL_T - Action template Description
EHFNDC_ACTTYPE - Action Type - Depending on Safety Measure Category
EHFNDC_ACTTYPE_T - Action Type Code Description
EHFNDC_AMN_CAT - Amount Categories
EHFNDC_AMN_CAT_T - Amount Categories
EHFNDC_AUTHENT - Authorization Entity
EHFNDC_AUTHENT_T - Authorization Entity description
EHFNDC_BO - Business Objects relevant for EHSM
EHFNDC_BONODE - Authorization Entity BO Nodes
EHFNDC_BO_IMP_MA - BO Import Mapping for Side by Side migration
EHFNDC_BO_IMP_MP - BO Import Mapping
EHFNDC_BO_IMP_P - BO Import Profile
EHFNDC_BO_ND_DET - Describes a node of a bo in a human readable way
EHFNDC_BO_OBN - Object-Based Navigation for EHSM Business Objects
EHFNDC_CONFIG - General Configuration
EHFNDC_CTRLEFF - Control Effectiveness
EHFNDC_CTRLEFF_T - Control Effectiveness Descriptions
EHFNDC_CTRL_CONF - OBSOLETE Controls Configuration Usage
EHFNDC_DTS_ST - Sampling Types
EHFNDC_DTS_ST_T - Sampling Types
EHFNDC_EXP - Time Intervals for Exposure
EHFNDC_EXPDR - Time Units for Exposure
EHFNDC_EXPDR_T - Time Units for Exposure
EHFNDC_EXP_T - Time Intervals for Exposure
EHFNDC_FC_BO_P - Field Control BO Profile
EHFNDC_FC_ND - Field Control BO Node
EHFNDC_FC_NDP_AC - Field Control BO Node Profile: Action Property
EHFNDC_FC_NDP_AS - Field Control BO Node Profile: Association Property
EHFNDC_FC_NDP_AT - Field Control BO Node Profile: Attribute Property
EHFNDC_FC_NDP_ND - Field Control BO Node Profile: BO Node Property
EHFNDC_FC_ND_P - Field Control BO Node Profile
EHFNDC_FC_ND_P_T - Field Control BO Node Profile (Description)
EHFNDC_IOTEMPL - Template Definition
EHFNDC_IOTEMPL_T - Template Definition Description
EHFNDC_LANGUAGES - Active Languages for Translation Fields
EHFNDC_MAINVIEWS - Authorization Entity Main Views
EHFNDC_PSE_STA - Steps Assignment
EHFNDC_REG - Regulation
EHFNDC_REG_BO - OBSOLETE - Business Object the Regulation is relevant for
EHFNDC_REG_T - Regulation Description
EHFNDC_TABUIBB - Authorization Entity tabbed UIBBs
EHFNDC_TEMPL - Table Template for CODE-Phrase-Attributes
EHFNDC_TEMPL_T - Table Template for CODE-Phrase-Attributes Description
EHFNDC_TPL_NOD - Table Template for CODE-Phrase-Attributes
EHFNDC_TPL_NOD_T - Table Template for CODE-Phrase-Attributes Description
EHFNDD_ACTT_ROOT - Template for Action - Root
EHFNDD_ACTT_TITL - Template Title for Action
EHFNDD_ACTT_TMPL - Template for Action
EHFNDD_AMN_ROOT - Data Series for Amounts - Root
EHFNDD_CTRL_ACTT - Control - Template for Action
EHFNDD_CTRL_REF - Control - Reference
EHFNDD_CTRL_ROOT - Control - Register
EHFNDD_DOCDET - Document Details
EHFNDD_DTS_ROOT - Data Series - Root
EHFNDD_FAVORITES - Table of Favorites for BO ROOT Node
EHFNDD_INT_PARAM - EHSM - Internal Parameters (only for internal use!!!)
EHFNDD_LASTACCES - Last accessed nodes of the BOs
EHFNDD_MAP_BOPAT - Path of Mapped BO Node
EHFNDD_MAP_DPCOD - Source Code for Data Provider
EHFNDD_MAP_DPROV - Generated Data Provider for Mapping
EHFNDD_MAP_ROOT - Mapping Root
EHFNDD_PAM_AMTS - Specific Data for Amounts
EHFNDD_PAM_ATT - Storage for Additional WF Attachment Info
EHFNDD_PAM_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHFNDD_PSE_EXEC - Technical Node for Scheduler Execution
EHFNDD_PSE_LOG - Process Setup - Log
EHFNDD_PSE_NAME - Text node for the NAME attr. of the ROOT
EHFNDD_PSE_RECUR - Process Setup - Recurrence
EHFNDD_PSE_ROOT - Process Setup - Root
EHFNDI_BO_TESTD - Table for BO test data (XML)
EHFNDI_POWL_CONF - POWL Feeder class input configuration
EHFNDI_POWL_EASY - POWL feeder class easy search configuration
EHFNDI_POWL_RES - POWL feeder class result layout view configuration
EHFNDI_PURPOSE - Purposes for EHS Management Processes
EHFNDI_PURPOSE_T - Purposes for EHS Management Processes
EHFNDI_TIMESTAMP - General Purpose Timestamp Table
EHFNDS_ACTION_NAME - Field Control Action Name
EHFNDS_ACTT_ROOT - Template for Action - Root
EHFNDS_ACTT_ROOT_D - Template for Action - Root
EHFNDS_ACTT_TEMPLATE - Template for Action - Template
EHFNDS_ACTT_TEMPLATE_D - Template for Action - Template
EHFNDS_ACTT_TEMPLATE_DT - Template for Action - Template (Transient)
EHFNDS_ACTT_TITLE_TEXT - Template for Action - Title
EHFNDS_ACT_ALT_KEY_DEF - Alternative key on child hierarchy
EHFNDS_ACT_ATT_DOCUMENT - Action - Parameter structure - Add/Delete Att. Document
EHFNDS_ACT_EXT_PRIO_MAPPING - Priority Mapping to external Notifications
EHFNDS_ACT_ROOT - Action - Root
EHFNDS_ACT_ROOT_D - Action - Root
EHFNDS_ACT_ROOT_DT - Action - Root (Transient)
EHFNDS_ACT_TMPL - Action Template
EHFNDS_AMN_ADMIN_DATA - Custom Admin Data to be included
EHFNDS_AMN_DTS_KEY_REF - Amounts: Data Series Alternative key
EHFNDS_AMN_ID - Data Amount Alt. Key structure
EHFNDS_AMN_PARTY_COMBINE - Party Combined Data Structure
EHFNDS_AMN_ROOT - DataSeriesAmount - Root
EHFNDS_AMN_ROOT_D - Data Series for Amounts - Root
EHFNDS_AMN_ROOT_DT - DataSeries Amount- Root
EHFNDS_ASSOC_NAME - Field Control Association Name
EHFNDS_ATF_A_CREATE_FILE - Action parameter for create folder
EHFNDS_ATT_DOCUMENT_DT - Attached Document Transient structure
EHFNDS_AUTH_BUFFER - Buffer for Auth Checks
EHFNDS_AUTH_CHECK_AFTER_LOAD - Authorization Check Result for After Loading
EHFNDS_AUTH_CHECK_FIELD_VALUE - Authorization Check Field Value Assignment
EHFNDS_AUTH_CHECK_RESULT - Authorization Check Result
EHFNDS_AUTH_ENTITY - Authorization Entity
EHFNDS_AUTH_FIELD - Authorization Field
EHFNDS_AUTH_FIELD_VALUE - Authorization Field Value
EHFNDS_AUTOSAVE_ACTION - Cover Action Parameters for Autosave
EHFNDS_BOOLEAN - Boolean structure
EHFNDS_BO_ACTION_NAME - Business Object Action Name
EHFNDS_BO_ASSOC_NAME - Business Object Association Name
EHFNDS_BO_CONF_KEY - Business Object Instance key
EHFNDS_BO_IMP_MA - BO Import Mapping structure for Side by Side migration
EHFNDS_BO_IMP_MP - BO Import Mapping structure
EHFNDS_BO_KEY - Business Object key
EHFNDS_BO_NAME - Business Object Name
EHFNDS_BO_NODE_ATTR_NAME - Business Object Node Attribute
EHFNDS_BO_NODE_ATTR_VALUE - Business Object Node Attribute Value
EHFNDS_BO_NODE_NAME - Business Object Node Name
EHFNDS_BO_NODE_REFERENCE - Business Object Node Reference
EHFNDS_BO_OBN_DATA - OBN Data structure
EHFNDS_BO_REFERENCE - Business Object Reference
EHFNDS_BO_REF_CONTAINER - Container for returning Full BO references from BOPF Actions
EHFNDS_CODE_L - Structure for common codes
EHFNDS_CONTROL_EXPORT_ALL - Structure for all exported Control data
EHFNDS_CONTROL_ROOT_TITLE_TXT - Control Root Title Text Content
EHFNDS_CONTROL_TXTCONT - Control Text Collection Content
EHFNDS_CONTROL_TXT_CONTENT - Control Text Collection Content
EHFNDS_CTRL_ACTION_TEMPLATE - Control - Template for Action
EHFNDS_CTRL_ACTION_TEMPLATE_D - Control - Template for Action
EHFNDS_CTRL_CONF - Control Configuration Usage
EHFNDS_CTRL_REFERENCE - Control - Reference
EHFNDS_CTRL_REFERENCE_D - Control - Reference
EHFNDS_CTRL_REFERENCE_DT - Control - Reference (Transient)
EHFNDS_CTRL_REF_ACT_TMPL_D - Control - Reference to Action Template
EHFNDS_CTRL_ROOT_D - Control - Root
EHFNDS_CTRL_ROOT_DT - Control register (Transient)
EHFNDS_CTRL_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Search Criteria for Controls
EHFNDS_CTRL_SEARCH_RESULT - Control Search Result structure
EHFNDS_CTRL_TITLE_TEXT_KEY - Control Name - Alternative Key
EHFNDS_CUSTOMIZING_COMN - Common Customizing Fields
EHFNDS_CUSTOMIZING_COMN_TXT - Common Customizing Fields for Text Tables
EHFNDS_DOC_DETAILS - Document Details
EHFNDS_DOC_DETAILS_D - Document Details
EHFNDS_DTS_ID - Data Series ID
EHFNDS_DTS_ROOT - Data Series - Root
EHFNDS_DTS_ROOT_D - Data Series - Root
EHFNDS_DTS_ROOT_DT - Data Series - Root (Transient)
EHFNDS_DUMMY - Dummy Structure
EHFNDS_EHS_SPC_KEY - Specifciation Key
EHFNDS_ENA_NODELIST - Line Item for one Buffered Node
EHFNDS_FAVOURITES - Favorites Structure
EHFNDS_FC_ACTION_PROPERTY - Field Control BO Node Profile: Action Property
EHFNDS_FC_ASSOC_PROPERTY - Field Control BO Node Profile: Assoc Property
EHFNDS_FC_BO_METADATA - Field Control BO Metadata
EHFNDS_FC_BO_NODE_METADATA - Field Control BO Node Metadata
EHFNDS_FC_BO_PROFILE_REF - Profiles, which will be invalidated
EHFNDS_FC_CTX_NODE_PROF_FUNC - Interface structure for the Node Profile Function
EHFNDS_FC_FACTORY - Field Control Area Handle
EHFNDS_FC_NODE_PROFILE - Field Control Node Profile
EHFNDS_FC_NODE_PROFILES - Field Control Node Profiles
EHFNDS_FC_NODE_PROFILES_REF - Field Control Node Profiles Reference
EHFNDS_FC_NODE_PROFILE_DATA - Field Control Node Profile Data
EHFNDS_FC_NODE_PROFILE_FILTER - Field Control Node Profile Filter
EHFNDS_FC_PROF_FUNC_RESULT - Result of the node profile function
EHFNDS_FC_PROPAG_ASSOC_BUF - Propagated associations buffer line
EHFNDS_FC_PROPAG_ND_PROPS_BUF - Node properties buffer line type
EHFNDS_FC_SUBTREE_CONSIDER - Field Control Sub Tree Consideration
EHFNDS_FW_LOG_NODE - Logger node
EHFNDS_INT_PARAM - EHSM - Internal Parameter (only for internal use!!!)
EHFNDS_KEY_MAP - Mapping Structure for keys
EHFNDS_LANGU - Language Key
EHFNDS_LANGUAGE_TEXT - Language with Text
EHFNDS_LASTACCESS - BO Last accessed structure
EHFNDS_LONG_TEXT - Text Collections
EHFNDS_LONG_TEXT_NODE_D - Long Text Node Data Structure
EHFNDS_MAIL_ATTACHMENT - Mail attachment structure
EHFNDS_MWB_BOM_NODE_PATH - BOM node path structure
EHFNDS_MWB_BO_NODE_PATH - Path of the mapped BO node
EHFNDS_MWB_BO_NODE_PATH_D - BOM node path structure
EHFNDS_MWB_BO_NODE_PATH_EXT - Extended BO Node Path for Mapping Workbench
EHFNDS_MWB_CODE - Generated Data Provider Code
EHFNDS_MWB_CODE_D - Structure for saving abap code
EHFNDS_MWB_DATA_PROV - Generated Data Provider for Mapping
EHFNDS_MWB_DATA_PROV_D - Structure to store meta information
EHFNDS_MWB_ELEM_PAR - Element/Parent Pair
EHFNDS_MWB_MAPPING_QUERY - Structure for query
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_BOM_NODE - Node for the Business Object Model
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_BOM_NODE_D - Structure for a Row of the Business Object Model
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_FCTX_NODE - Hierarchical nodes of the form context
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_FCTX_NODE_D - Structure for Form Context Node
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_FCTX_PATH - Path in form context
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_MAPPING_D - Structure for a Mapping Line
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_MAPPING_EXT - Mapping structure with bo node path table
EHFNDS_MWB_MAP_ROOT_D - Mapping Structure
EHFNDS_MWB_NODE_ASSOC - Combination of bopf node and association
EHFNDS_MWB_ROOT_QUERY - Structure for query
EHFNDS_MWB_TABLE_PATH_CMP_TYPE - Structure for saving path of a table, component and linetype
EHFNDS_NODEKEY_ROOTKEY - Mapping Structure Node Key to Root Key
EHFNDS_PAM_AMOUNTS - Specific Data for Amounts
EHFNDS_PAM_AMOUNTS_D - Amounts - Data Structure
EHFNDS_PAM_AMOUNTS_DT - Amounts - Transient fields
EHFNDS_PARAMETER_SET - Structure for value sets including text
EHFNDS_PRG_LOCK_WITH_CLIENT - Generic lock for executing an abap program (with client)
EHFNDS_PSE_ACT_BO_REF - Reference to actual Business Object instance
EHFNDS_PSE_ASSIGNEE_D - Process Setup - Assignee
EHFNDS_PSE_ASSIGNEE_DT - Process Setup - Assignee
EHFNDS_PSE_CTRL - Communication structure for the EHFND Process Setup BO
EHFNDS_PSE_EXECUTION - Technical Node for Scheduler Execution
EHFNDS_PSE_EXECUTION_D - Runtime data of the Process Setup
EHFNDS_PSE_EXECUTION_DT - Transient fields for the Execution node
EHFNDS_PSE_ID - Unique Id of the PSE Record.
EHFNDS_PSE_LOG - Process Setup - Log
EHFNDS_PSE_LOG_D - Process Setup - Schedule Log
EHFNDS_PSE_LOG_DT - Process Setup - Schedule Log
EHFNDS_PSE_RECURRENCE - Process Setup - Recurrence
EHFNDS_PSE_RECURRENCE_D - Process Setup - Recurrence
EHFNDS_PSE_RECURRENCE_DT - Process Setup - Recurrence (transient)
EHFNDS_PSE_RKR - Unique Id of the PSE Record.
EHFNDS_PSE_ROOT - Root structure
EHFNDS_PSE_ROOT_D - Process Setup Root Node
EHFNDS_PSE_ROOT_DT - Process Setup - Root
EHFNDS_PSE_ROOT_NAME_TEXT - Text node for the NAME attr. of the ROOT
EHFNDS_PSE_ROOT_NAME_TEXT_D - Process setup name text node structure
EHFNDS_PSE_ROOT_NAME_TEXT_DT - Process setup name text node structure (Trans.)
EHFNDS_PSE_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Process Setup Search Criteria
EHFNDS_PSE_SEARCH_RESULT - Process setup search result structure
EHFNDS_RANGE - Selection options for value selection with search help
EHFNDS_REC_CC - Structure for CC Recipients
EHFNDS_REVISION_D - Common Structure for Revisions
EHFNDS_REVISION_INCL_D - Include for Revision Nodes
EHFNDS_SEAHLPRES - Search help result structure
EHFNDS_SHLP_SELECTION_OPTION - Search Help Selection Option
EHFNDS_STATUS_CODE - Structure for generic status codes
EHFNDS_SUBTREE_CONSIDERATION - Field Control Sub Tree Consideration
EHFNDS_TEXT_CONTENT - Incident - Text Collection Content
EHFNDS_TEXT_NODE_ALTKEY - Alternative Key for Text Node
EHFNDS_TEXT_NODE_D - Text Node Data Structure
EHFNDS_TRI_STATE - Tri state description table for ES
EHFNDS_TXT_COLLECTION - Text Collection DO structure
EHFNDS_URL_PARTS - WF Reporting URL structure
EHFNDS_UUID_VALUE - Structure of a UUID and a value
EHFNDS_VALUE_SET - Structure for value sets including text
EHFNDS_WHERE_USED - Where-Used List Entry
EHFNDS_XMLRPC_FAULT - An XML-RPC error description
EHFNDS_XSDDATETIME_STRING - String of XSD Time (UTC): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ [ext.]
EHFNDS_XSDDATETIME_TIMESTAMP - XSD Time (UTC): yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ [ext.]
INCL_EEW_ADR_ATT_DOCUMENT_D - Extension Include: Address Demo - Att Document
INCL_EEW_EHFND_ACTT_ROOT_D - Template for Action - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_ACTT_TMPL_D - Template for Action - Template (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_ACTT_TMPL_DT - Template for Action - Template (Tr. Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_ACT_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Action - Root
INCL_EEW_EHFND_ACT_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Action - Root (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_ADR_ATT_DOC_DT - Extension Include: Address Demo - Attachment Doc (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_AMN_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Amounts - Root
INCL_EEW_EHFND_AMN_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Amounts - Root (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CTRL_ACTT_D - Control - Template for Action (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CTRL_REFACTMP_D - Control - Reference to Action Template (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CTRL_REF_D - Control - Reference (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CTRL_REF_DT - Control - Reference (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CTRL_ROOT_D - Control - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_CTRL_ROOT_DT - Control - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_DOC_DETAILS_D - Document Details Extension Include
INCL_EEW_EHFND_DTS_ROOT_D - Extension Include: DataSeries - Root
INCL_EEW_EHFND_DTS_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: DataSeries- Root (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LONG_TXT_NODE_D - Extension Include: Long Text Nodes
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PAM_AMOUNTS_D - Extension Include for Amounts PCBO
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PAM_AMOUNTS_DT - Extension Include for Amounts PCBO (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_ASSIGNE_D - Extension Include: Process Setup - Assignee
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_ASSIGNE_DT - Extension Include: Process Setup - Assignee (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_LOG_D - Extension Include: Process Setup - Log
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_LOG_DT - Extension Include: Process Setup - Log (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_REC_D - Extension Include: Process Setup - Recurrence
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_REC_DT - Extension Include: Process Setup - Recurrence (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_RNAME_D - Extension Include: Process Setup - Root Name Text
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_RNAME_DT - Extension Include: Process Setup - Root Name Text (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Process Setup - Root
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PSE_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Process Setup - Root
VEHFNDD_CTRL_ACTT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Print Forms and Interactive Forms Tables EHS-MGM-FND-FRM

EHFNDC_ADS_FG - Form Groups
EHFNDC_ADS_FGFA - Assignment of Forms to Form Group
EHFNDC_ADS_FG_T - Description of Form Groups
EHFNDC_ADS_FORM - Definition of forms
EHFNDC_ADS_F_T - Form description
EHFNDS_ADS_AIF_FILE - File of form
EHFNDS_FW_ADS_CONTEXT - General form context
EHFNDS_FW_ADS_CONTEXT_BOPF - BOPF based form context
EHFNDS_FW_ADS_CONTEXT_V2 - General form context
EHFNDS_FW_ADS_FORM - Definition of a form
EHFNDS_FW_ADS_LANGU - Structure of language
EHFNDS_FW_ADS_META - Meta data of an Adobe Interactive Form

SAP Integration Objects Tables EHS-MGM-FND-INT

EHFNDC_ABS_SUBTY - Relevant Subtypes for Party Absences
EHFNDC_EQU_TYP - Asset Involved - Equipment Type Code
EHFNDC_EQU_TYP_T - Asset Involved - Equipment Type Code Description
EHFNDC_INT_DEST - Configuration for Integration Destination
EHFNDC_LOC_EVL - Evaluation Path for Position
EHFNDC_LOC_EVL_T - Evaluation Path for Position
EHFNDC_MOC_INT - MoC Integration
EHFNDC_NOTIF_TYP - Notification Type
EHFNDC_PERCTRREL - Person Involved Contract Relationship for Reporting
EHFNDC_PERGRP - Person Group
EHFNDC_PERGRP_T - Person Group text
EHFNDC_PTY_SUBTY - Relevant Subtype for a Party Infotype
EHFNDC_PTY_TYP - Asset Involved - Property Type Code
EHFNDC_PTY_TYP_T - Asset Involved - Property Type Code Description
EHFNDC_SM_TYPE - PM Safety Measure Type
EHFNDC_SM_TYPE_T - PM Safety Measure Type
EHFNDC_VEH_TYP - Asset Involved - Vehicle Type Code
EHFNDC_VEH_TYP_T - Asset Involved - Vehicle Type Code Description
EHFNDI_PM_SM - PM Safety Measure Table (EAMWS_SAFETY)
EHFNDI_SOAVERS - SOA Service Versions
EHFNDI_SOAVERS_T - Description for SOA Service Versions
EHFNDS_BAPIMATDOA - Material detail data
EHFNDS_BAPIMATLST - Material Number and Description
EHFNDS_COMPANY_CODE - Company Code and Description
EHFNDS_CONTR_AREA - Controlling Area
EHFNDS_CVAPI_DOC_FILE - DMS: Originals of a Document
EHFNDS_DRAO - Originals for documents
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment User-Defined Texts
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077DR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077DS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Source
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077DU - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Usage
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. - Val. Assmt UD Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts)
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077MJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Specification-Material Assignment
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077PR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Val. Assgnmt Data (Char. Val. Ass.)
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077RH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Header Data
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077RL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance List Assignment
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077RR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Spec.-Reference Spec. Assignment
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077TPLREL - EHS: BAPI Structure - Inheritance Relationships
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077VA - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077VH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments Header
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPI1077VP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Components
EHFNDS_EHS_BAPISTDTYP - EH&S: Standard Reference Fields for the BAPI Interface
EHFNDS_EHS_HITPOS - EHS: Set of Hit items
EHFNDS_EHS_RCGADDINF - EHS: Additional Information for Function Module Calls
EHFNDS_EQUIPMENT_SEARCH_RESULT - Search Result for Equipment Search
EHFNDS_EQUIPMENT_SHLP - Equipment Search Help
EHFNDS_EQUP_ID - Alternative Key Structure for Equipment ID
EHFNDS_EQU_DESC - Description of an equipment
EHFNDS_EQU_ID - Equipment ID
EHFNDS_EQU_TYPE_CODE_SHLP - Equipment Type Code Search Help
EHFNDS_EQU_TYP_T - Equipment Type Description
EHFNDS_EXT_NOTIF_CAT - External Notification Category
EHFNDS_EXT_NOTIF_HEADER - External notification header
EHFNDS_EXT_NOTIF_HEAD_PM_BAPI - Ext. notific.PM header (with incl. BAPI struct. + add. data)
EHFNDS_EXT_NOTIF_HEAD_QM_BAPI - Ext. notific.QM header (with incl. BAPI struct. + add. data)
EHFNDS_EXT_NOTIF_ID - Structure of an external notification id
EHFNDS_EXT_NOTIF_TYPE - External Notification Type with Description
EHFNDS_FUNCT_LOC_DESC - Functional Location Description
EHFNDS_FUNCT_LOC_LABEL - Functional Location Label
EHFNDS_FUNC_LOC_SEARCH_RESULT - Search Result for Functional Location Search
EHFNDS_FUNC_LOC_SHLP - Functional Location Search Help
EHFNDS_HROBJECT - Concatenated Identification (Type and ID) of Org. Objects
EHFNDS_HSP_DATA - Health Surveillance Protocols
EHFNDS_HSP_DESC_DATA - Descriptions for Health Surveillance Protocols
EHFNDS_HSP_PROPOSALS - Health Surveillance Protocol Proposal
EHFNDS_HSP_TYPES_DATA - Health Surveillance Protocol Types
EHFNDS_HSP_TYPE_DESC_DATA - Descriptions for Health Surveillance Protocol Types
EHFNDS_IDENTIFICATION_LISTINGS - EHS: Definition of identification listings
EHFNDS_INC_GRC_DATA - Structure for GRC Integration from EHSM Incident
EHFNDS_INT_DEST - Remote access configuration data
EHFNDS_INT_ORD_HEADER_CREATE - Internal Order Header - Create Data
EHFNDS_INT_ORD_HEADER_READ - Internal Order Header - Read Data
EHFNDS_INT_ORD_SEARCH_RESULT - Search Result for Internal Order
EHFNDS_INT_ORD_TYPE - Internal Order
EHFNDS_KEY_RECN - Key RECN (Substance)
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORDER - Maintenance Order Dialog Create Structure
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORD_COSTS_DETAILS - Details of Maintenance Order Costs
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORD_COSTS_SUM - Sum of Maintenance Order Costs
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORD_HEADER - Maintenance Order Header Data
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORD_NOTIF - Maintenance Order to Notification Assignment
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORD_OPERATION - Maintenance Order Operation
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORD_SEARCH_RESULT - Search Result for Maintenance Order
EHFNDS_MAINT_ORD_TYPE - Maintenance Order Type
EHFNDS_MAINT_PLANT_SEARCH - Search Structure for Maintenance Planning Plant
EHFNDS_MATNR - Material number
EHFNDS_MOC_BP - Business Partner
EHFNDS_MOC_CR_TYPE - Change Request Type
EHFNDS_NOTIF_CAT - Notification Category
EHFNDS_NOTIF_TYPE - Notification Type
EHFNDS_OBJ_ADDR - Object address
EHFNDS_OBJ_GEOLOC - Object Geo Location
EHFNDS_OBJ_TYPE - Object type and description
EHFNDS_ORG_MAN_OBJ - Organizational Management Object
EHFNDS_ORG_MAN_OBJ_ID - Organizational Management Object Type and Identifier
EHFNDS_ORG_MAN_STRUCT - Organizational Management Structure Element
EHFNDS_ORG_MGMT_ALL_PEOPLE - Display All People Assigned
EHFNDS_ORG_MGMT_POS_EVAL_PATH - Position Evaluation Path
EHFNDS_PARTY_ABS_CONDTAB - Party Absence Find Condition Table
EHFNDS_PARTY_ABS_DATA - Party Absence Data
EHFNDS_PARTY_ABS_KEY - Party Absence Keys (enhanced)
EHFNDS_PARTY_ABS_SUBTYPE_DESC - Absence Subtype with Description
EHFNDS_PARTY_BUPA_ROLE - Party Business Partner Role
EHFNDS_PARTY_BUPA_ROLE_SHLP - Business Partner Role Search Help Structure
EHFNDS_PARTY_COMPLETE - Complete Data of the Party
EHFNDS_PARTY_KEY - Party Key (for Business Partner, Employee, Applicant)
EHFNDS_PARTY_MARITAL_STATUS - Party Marital Status with Description
EHFNDS_PARTY_PERGRP_EMPBP_SHLP - Person Group Employee/Business Partner Search Help Structure
EHFNDS_PARTY_SEARCH - Party Search criteria
EHFNDS_PLANT - Plant ID and Plant Description
EHFNDS_POS_FOR_ORG - Search help Structure Positions for OrgUnits
EHFNDS_PROP_ID - Property ID Structure
EHFNDS_PROT_EHSM - Recommended Protocols
EHFNDS_PTY_TYP_T - Property Type Description
EHFNDS_RIHEQUI - Structure with Equipment Data
EHFNDS_RIHIFLO - Table with Functional Location Data
EHFNDS_RISK_REL_OBJ_ID - EAM Worker Safety Risk Relevance
EHFNDS_SELOPT - SELOPT structure with longer fields CHAR40 instead of CHAR24
EHFNDS_SERVICE_ORDER - Service Order Dialog Create Structure
EHFNDS_SERVICE_ORD_NOTIF - Service Order to Notification Assignment
EHFNDS_SERVICE_PLANT_SEARCH - Search Structure for Service Planning Plant
EHFNDS_SHIFT_INFORMATION - Shift Plan and Shift Group information
EHFNDS_SHLP_MAT - Search help material
EHFNDS_SM_TYPE - PM Safety Measure Type
EHFNDS_SM_TYP_T - Safety Measure Type Description
EHFNDS_SUBSTANCE_IDENTIFIER - Substance ID with Identifier
EHFNDS_T370K_T - EAM Equipment Type Code Search Help
EHFNDS_TO_HIERARCHY - Technical Object Structure Element
EHFNDS_TO_SEARCH_RESULT - Search Result for Equipment Search
EHFNDS_VEHICLE_ID - Alternative Key Structure for Vehicle ID
EHFNDS_VEHICLE_SHLP - Vehicle Search Help
EHFNDS_VEH_TYP_T - Vehicle Type Description
EHFNDS_WO_AREA_DESC - Work Area Description (Language Dependent)
EHFNDS_WO_AREA_HEAD - Work Area Head Structure
EHFNDS_WO_AREA_REF_ID - Work Area Reference ID (RECN)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_QUERY_R1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_QUERY_R2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_QUERY_R3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_QUERY_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_VERSION1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_VERSION2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_VERSION3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_VERSION4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_DECLARABLE_LIST_VERSION6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHFND_PSNWS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSSC_EAM_INT - Risk Assessment Integration

SAP Locations / Location Structure Tables EHS-MGM-FND-LOC

BAPI_EHFNDS_LHR_REVISION - BAPI Import Structure for Location Hierarchy Revision
BAPI_EHFNDS_LHR_ROOT - BAPI Import Structure for Location Hierarchy
BAPI_EHFNDS_LHR_STRUCTURE - BAPI Import Location Structure
BAPI_EHFNDS_LOC_PARTNER - Location - Partner
BAPI_EHFNDS_LOC_POSITION - Location - Position
BAPI_EHFNDS_LOC_REVISION - Location - Revision
BAPI_EHFNDS_LOC_REV_NAME_TEXT - Short Text Collections
BAPI_EHFNDS_LOC_ROOT - BAPI Import Structure for Locations
CDOEHFNDD_LHR_HIER - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LHR_REV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LHR_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LOC_PARTN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LOC_POS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LOC_REV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LOC_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHFNDD_LOC_TEXT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
E1BP_EHFNDS_LHR_REVISION - BAPI Import Structure for Location Hierarchy Revision
E1BP_EHFNDS_LHR_ROOT - BAPI Import Structure for Location Hierarchy
E1BP_EHFNDS_LHR_STRUCTURE - BAPI Import Location Structure
E1BP_EHFNDS_LOC_PARTNER - Location - Partner
E1BP_EHFNDS_LOC_POSITION - Location - Position
E1BP_EHFNDS_LOC_REVISION - Location - Revision
E1BP_EHFNDS_LOC_REV_NAME_TE - Short Text Collections
E1BP_EHFNDS_LOC_ROOT - BAPI Import Structure for Locations
EHFNDC_LOC_AUT - Location Auth. Group Configuration Table
EHFNDC_LOC_AUT_T - Location Auth. Group Text Table
EHFNDC_LOC_EAM - Enable / Disable PM Integration
EHFNDC_LOC_TYP - Location Type Customizing table
EHFNDC_LOC_TYP_T - Location Type Code Text Table
EHFNDD_LHR_HIER - Hierarchy Location - Hierarchy
EHFNDD_LHR_REV - Hierarchy Location - Revisions
EHFNDD_LHR_ROOT - Hierarchy Location - Root
EHFNDD_LOC_PARTN - Location - Partners
EHFNDD_LOC_POS - Location - Positions
EHFNDD_LOC_REV - Location - Revisions
EHFNDD_LOC_ROOT - Location - Root
EHFNDD_LOC_TEXT - Location - Text Name
EHFNDS_A_0EH_LOCATIN - Location Master Data Extractor Structure
EHFNDS_GUIBB_TREE - Tree structure
EHFNDS_HD_0EH_LOCATIN - Location Extractor Structure
EHFNDS_LHR_ALT_KEY_CHILD_HIER - Alternative key on child hierarchy
EHFNDS_LHR_ALT_KEY_PAR_HIER - Alternative key on parent hierarchy
EHFNDS_LHR_HIERARCHY - Hierarchy Location - Hierarchy
EHFNDS_LHR_HIERARCHY_D - Hierarchy Location - Hierarchy
EHFNDS_LHR_REVISION - Hierarchy Location - Revisions
EHFNDS_LHR_ROOT - Hierarchy Location - Root
EHFNDS_LHR_ROOT_D - Hierarchy Location - Root
EHFNDS_LHR_ROOT_DT - Location Structure - Root - OBSOLETE
EHFNDS_LHR_TREE - Tree Structure For Location Hierarchy
EHFNDS_LOCATION_COMPLETE - Complete Location for Reporting
EHFNDS_LOCATION_KEY_RANGE - Range for Location Keys
EHFNDS_LOC_ADDRESS - Location Address
EHFNDS_LOC_ADDRESS_D - Location - Address
EHFNDS_LOC_ALL_PEOPLE - Display All People Assigned
EHFNDS_LOC_BI_LOCATION - Location - BI Extractor Location Master Data
EHFNDS_LOC_BI_LOCATION_D - Location - BI Extractor Location Master Data
EHFNDS_LOC_CTRL - Communication structure for the Location BO
EHFNDS_LOC_EVL - Position Evaluation Path
EHFNDS_LOC_PARTNER - Location - Partners
EHFNDS_LOC_PARTNER_D - Location - Partners
EHFNDS_LOC_PARTNER_DT - Location - Partner (Transient)
EHFNDS_LOC_POSITION - Location - Positions, Persons, Business Partners
EHFNDS_LOC_POSITION_D - Location - Positions, Persons, Business Partner
EHFNDS_LOC_POSITION_DT - Location - Positions, Persons, Business Partners
EHFNDS_LOC_POS_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Location Position search structure
EHFNDS_LOC_POS_SEARCH_RESULT - Location Position search structure
EHFNDS_LOC_REVISION - Location - Revisions
EHFNDS_LOC_REVISION_D - Location - Revisions
EHFNDS_LOC_REVISION_DT - Location - Revisions
EHFNDS_LOC_REVISION_LANGUAGE - Alt. Key for Unique Language Code by Revision
EHFNDS_LOC_REVISION_NAMETEXT_D - Location - Revision Name Text
EHFNDS_LOC_ROOT - Location - Root
EHFNDS_LOC_ROOT_D - Location - Root
EHFNDS_LOC_ROOT_DT - Location - Root (Transient)
EHFNDS_LOC_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Location object search structure
EHFNDS_LOC_SEARCH_RESULT - Location search result structure
EHFNDS_LOC_STRUCT_CHIP_PORT - CHIP: Location Structure Port Parameters
EHFNDS_LOC_SYNC_EAM - Options for EAM Synchronization
EHFNDS_LOC_TYPE_RANGE - Range structure for Location Types
EHFNDS_T_0EH_LOCATIN - Location Text Extractor Structure
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_ADDRESS_D - Extension Include: Location - Address
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_BI_LOC_D - Extension Include: Location - BI Extractor Location
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_PARTNER_D - Location - Partner (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_PARTNER_DT - Location - Partner (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_POSITION_D - Extension Include: Location - Position
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_POSITION_DT - Extension Include: Location - Position (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_REVISION_D - Extension Include: Location - Revision
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_REVISION_DT - Extension Include: Location - Revision (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_ROOT_D - Location - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_LOC_ROOT_DT - Location - Root (Transient Extension Include)

SAP User Interface, Common Components Tables EHS-MGM-FND-UI

EHFNDS_UI_CTRL_UI - Control Register UI Structure

SAP Process Foundation Tables EHS-MGM-FND-WF

EHFNDC_NTFTPL - Templates for Task Notifications
EHFNDC_NTFTPL_PA - Assignment of Templates to Processes
EHFNDC_NTFTPL_T - Templates for Task Notifications
EHFNDC_PROCDEF - Process Definitions (Processes and PCOs)
EHFNDC_PROCDEF_T - Translatable Table for Process Definition Descriptions
EHFNDD_DEBUG - Temporary Settings for class CL_EHFND_WFF_DEBUGGING
EHFNDD_EVENT_HUB - Storage for temp. data used by CL_EHFND_WFF_PCO_EVENT_HUB
EHFNDS_APPROVE_PCO_PARAM - Parameters for the call of actions on the approval node
EHFNDS_CHRONVIEW_BUFFER - Structure for Buffering Chronview Headers
EHFNDS_CH_ASSIGNEE_FIELDS - Structure for the Change Assignee Dialog
EHFNDS_DEF_GUID_RANGE - Range of Workitem definition GUIDs
EHFNDS_FDR_PARAMS_DT - Change Assignee Feeder Parameters
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_ANA - WF Reporting/Analytics (Analyzing) structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_MON - WF Reporting/Analytics (Monitoring) structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_PROCS - WF Reporting configured Processes Structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_PROC_INST - WF Reporting Process Instances Structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_STEPS - WF Reporting configured Steps Structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_STEP_INST - WF Reporting Step Instances Structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_TEXTS - WF Reporting (Monitoring/Analytics) Texts Structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_URL - WF Reporting URL structure
EHFNDS_FW_WFF_REP_WFD_INTERN - Intern structure for Template - Process Defintion relation
EHFNDS_INQU_DTO_PARAMS - Parameters for data take over in inquiries
EHFNDS_ITO_BOOT_PARAMS - Feeder Parameters for Diff Feeder
EHFNDS_ITO_DIFF_PARAMS - Feeder Parameters for Diff Feeder
EHFNDS_ITO_FORM_DATA - Form Data for Inquiry Take Over
EHFNDS_PAC_SET_IN_PR_PARAMS - Parameter structure to set an external notification in progr
EHFNDS_PCA_APPROVAL - Process Control - Approval
EHFNDS_PCA_APPROVAL_DT - Approval (Transient)
EHFNDS_PCI_INQUIRY - Process Control - Inquiry
EHFNDS_PCI_INQUIRY_D - Process Control - Inquiry
EHFNDS_PCI_INQUIRY_DT - Process Control - Inquiry (Transient)
EHFNDS_PCN_NOTIFICATION - Process Control - Notification
EHFNDS_PCN_NOTIFICATION_DT - Notification (Transient)
EHFNDS_PCR_REPORT - Process Control - Report
EHFNDS_PCR_REPORT_D - Process Control - Report
EHFNDS_PCR_REPORT_DT - Process Control - Report (Transient)
EHFNDS_PRC_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHFNDS_PRC_ATT_D - Persistent Fields of the Process Control Attachment Node
EHFNDS_PRC_ATT_DT - Transient Fields of the PCBO Attachment Node
EHFNDS_PRC_BO_REF - Reference to business object instance (where do I belong to)
EHFNDS_PRC_DATA_REF - Reference to data object instance (which data to I maintain)
EHFNDS_PRC_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHFNDS_PRC_ROOT_D - Process Control - Root
EHFNDS_PRC_ROOT_DT - Process Control - Root (transient)
EHFNDS_PRC_TASK_ID - Structure containing a task ID and Workitem ID
EHFNDS_PROCESS_DEFINITION - Structure for Process Definitions
EHFNDS_PSE_FORECAST - Used in the forecast component controller
EHFNDS_REPORT_PCO_PARAM - Parameters for the call of actions on report node
EHFNDS_TASK_ID_RANGE - Range of task id
EHFNDS_TIMESTAMP - Just a structure to transport a timestamp
EHFNDS_TMG_CHDUE_COMMENT - Comment structure for the Change Due Date Application
EHFNDS_TMG_CHDUE_DIALOG - UI Structure for the Set Due Date for all Dialog
EHFNDS_TMG_CHDUE_TASK - UI Structure for a Task in the Change Due Date Application
EHFNDS_TMG_DATA_EXCHANGE - The data to be stored from POWL for Notify Person
EHFNDS_TMG_EMPTY - Empty structure for the feeder
EHFNDS_TM_CRITERIA - Search Criteria for Task Management
EHFNDS_TM_CRITERIA_INTERNAL - Internal Search Criteria for Task Management
EHFNDS_TM_PRCDEF_WFID - Workflow Instance Ids that might be found in a Process
EHFNDS_TM_PROCESS - EHSM Process structure
EHFNDS_TM_PROCESS_CONF - Process Configuration
EHFNDS_TM_PROCESS_KEYS_QUERIED - Process Keys with Query status
EHFNDS_TM_PROC_CRITERIA - Search Criteria for Task Management
EHFNDS_TM_PROC_CRITERIA_INTL - Internal Process Search Criteria
EHFNDS_TM_RLV_NODES - Relevant Workflow Template Node for Task Management
EHFNDS_TM_SEARCHFIELDS - Search Fields for the POWL Selection Criteria
EHFNDS_TM_TASK - Structure of a Task
EHFNDS_TM_TASK_INTERNAL - Internal part of the EHSM Task structure
EHFNDS_TM_TASK_PRIORITY_RANGE - Range for Task Priorities
EHFNDS_TM_TASK_UI - EHSM Task Structure with additional fields for the UI
EHFNDS_TM_VAR_AVAILABLE - Available Variables
EHFNDS_TM_VAR_VALUE - Variable Values
EHFNDS_T_EH_DESCRS - BI Texts for Steps
EHFNDS_UNAME_PARTY - Mapping of Uname to Party ID
EHFNDS_USER_RANGE - Range of users
EHFNDS_WFF_ATTACHMENT - Attachment in Workitem
EHFNDS_WFF_ATTACHMENT_DATA - A structure containing information about an WF Attachment
EHFNDS_WFF_CANCEL_WF_PARAMS - Parameter Structure to cancel Workflows
EHFNDS_WFF_CHECK_RANGE - Range of Checks (Compliance Requirement)
EHFNDS_WFF_COMMENT - Structure for Workflow comments
EHFNDS_WFF_COMMENT_DATA - Data of a Workflow Comment
EHFNDS_WFF_DECISION_DATA - Data for the decision UIBB
EHFNDS_WFF_END_PROC_PARAMS - Parameter Structure for End-Processing of the Workflow
EHFNDS_WFF_EVT_CNT_PARAM - Event Container Parameter Consisting of Key and Value
EHFNDS_WFF_INBOX_WORKITEM - Result Structure of EHSM Workflow Inbox
EHFNDS_WFF_INSTANCE_ID_LPOR - Workflow instance and LPOR
EHFNDS_WFF_INST_TEMPL_ID - Workflow instance and template ID
EHFNDS_WFF_NTFTPL - Notification Templates
EHFNDS_WFF_OVERDUE_BUFFER - Buffer structure for overdue information
EHFNDS_WFF_PCBO_REFERENCES - Accumulates all the references a PCBO contains
EHFNDS_WFF_PCO_BASE - Administrative Data for all PCBO Tables
EHFNDS_WFF_PCO_KEY - Key Fields for Persistency Tables of the TBOs
EHFNDS_WFF_POWL_ATYP_RANGE - Range of POWL Application Types
EHFNDS_WFF_PRCDEFC_WFD_MAP - Mapping between combined Process Definition and Workflow Def
EHFNDS_WFF_PROCDEF_COMB_RANGE - Range of Combined Process Definition Key
EHFNDS_WFF_PROCDEF_KEY_COMB - Process with combined key fields
EHFNDS_WFF_PROCESS_LOG - Line Structure for the Process Log
EHFNDS_WFF_PROCESS_LOG_PARAMS - Parameters for the Process Log
EHFNDS_WFF_PROCSTAT_RANGE - Range of Process Status
EHFNDS_WFF_PROCSTAT_TXT_RANGE - Range of Process Status Text (Short Text)
EHFNDS_WFF_PROC_DEF_KEY - Key of a Process Definition
EHFNDS_WFF_PROC_DEF_PCBO_KEY - Structure containing Process Definition and PCBO key
EHFNDS_WFF_PROGRESS_LOG - A Data Row of the Progress Log GUIBB
EHFNDS_WFF_SEND_MAIL_PARAM - Parameter structure to send the Workitem as mail
EHFNDS_WFF_START_PROC_PARAM - Parameters for call to Start Processing Action of the PCBO
EHFNDS_WFF_STATUS_MESH - One Row in a Status-Net-Definition
EHFNDS_WFF_STEP_DETAILS - A Line of the Step Details Table
EHFNDS_WFF_STEP_DETAILS_PARAMS - Parameters for the Step Details Application
EHFNDS_WFF_SYSTEM_CHKS - System check results
EHFNDS_WFF_TASK_ID_RANGE - Range of Combined Workflow Standard Task IDs
EHFNDS_WFF_TASK_ROLE - Agent Assignment specification for Tasks
EHFNDS_WFF_TASK_STATUS_RANGE - Range of Combined Task Status
EHFNDS_WFF_TEMPLATE_TASK - Assignment between Workflow Template and Standard Task
EHFNDS_WFF_TSTMP_RANGE - Range of timestamps
EHFNDS_WFF_URL_PARTS - WF Reporting URL structure
EHFNDS_WFF_WFT_INFO_ROW - A Row in a Workflow Tools Information tree / table
EHFNDS_WF_CFG_ACTION_INFO - holds info about actions in inbox
EHFNDS_WF_CFG_INBOX_PARAM - holds parameters for customizing of l inbox
EHFNDS_WF_CFG_TASK_INFO - Info about a task and its dynamic attributes
EHFNDS_WF_STATISTIC - Statistical Data concerning the Workflow Execution of a PCO
EHFNDS_WF_TA_P_TY - Association of workflow task id to powl type
INCL_EEW_EHFND_APPROVAL_D - Extension Include: Approval
INCL_EEW_EHFND_APPROVAL_DT - Extension Include: Approval (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_INQUIRY_D - Extension Include: Inquiry
INCL_EEW_EHFND_INQUIRY_DT - Extension Include: Inquiry (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_NOTIFIC_D - Extension Include: Notification
INCL_EEW_EHFND_NOTIFIC_DT - Extension Include: Notification (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCA_APPROVAL_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Approval
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCA_APPROVAL_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Approval (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCI_INQUIRY_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Inquiry
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCI_INQUIRY_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Inquiry (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCN_NOTIFICA_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Notification
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCN_NOTIFICA_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Notification (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCR_REPORT_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Report
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PCR_REPORT_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Report (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PRC_ATT_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Attachment
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PRC_ATT_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Attachment (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PRC_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Root
INCL_EEW_EHFND_PRC_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Root (Transient)

SAP Incident Management Tables EHS-MGM-INC

EHHSSS_A_INCIDENT - BI Incident Master Data
EHHSSS_BI_EXTIME - Last extraction time
EHHSSS_BI_HROBJ_MANAGER - Convert HR Object to Full Name of person
EHHSSS_BI_RCAUSE_TREE - Root cause element from tree
EHHSSS_D_ACTIONS - BI Incident Action
EHHSSS_D_FINANCIAL - BI Finansial Transactions DS
EHHSSS_D_INCIDENTS - BI Incident Transactional Data line
EHHSSS_D_INJURIES - BI Injuries data DS02
EHHSSS_D_VIOLATIONS - Incident violation notice
EHHSSS_T_0EH_IPMAR - BI Texts for Marital Status
EHHSSS_T_ASSET_TYPE - BI Texts for Asset Types
EHHSS_XI_INC_ATF_CRTCO_MSG_S - Message for a confirmation of an attachment folder to create
EHHSS_XI_INC_ATF_CRTCO_MT_S - A confirmation of an attachment folder to create a release o
EHHSS_XI_INC_ATF_CRTCO_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_ATF_CRTRQ_MSG_S - Message for a request to create an attachment folder of an E
EHHSS_XI_INC_ATF_CRTRQ_MT_S - A request to create an attachment folder of an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_ATF_CRTRQ_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTCO_MSG_S - Message for a confirmation of a request to create an EHS inc
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTCO_MT_S - A confirmation of a request to create an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTCO_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTRQ_BASIC_INF_S - The basic information for an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTRQ_MSG_S - Message for a request to create an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTRQ_MT_S - A request to create an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTRQ_NM_INF_S - The information about the near miss. A near miss is an unpla
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTRQ_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_CRTRQ_SO_INF_S - The information about the safety observation. The safety obs
EHHSS_XI_INC_FICRTCO_MSG_S - Message for a confirmation of a request to finalise the init
EHHSS_XI_INC_FICRTCO_MT_S - A confirmation of a request to finalise the initial creation
EHHSS_XI_INC_FICRTCO_S - A confirmation of a request to finalise the initial creation
EHHSS_XI_INC_FICRTRQ_MSG_S - Message for a request to finalise the initial creation of an
EHHSS_XI_INC_FICRTRQ_MT_S - A request to finalise the initial creation of an EHS inciden
EHHSS_XI_INC_FICRTRQ_S - A request to finalise the initial creation of an EHS inciden
EHHSS_XI_INC_GROUP_S - A classification of the EHS incident based on whether it inv
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTCO_MSG_S - Message for a confirmation of a request to create an involve
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTCO_MT_S - A confirmation to a request to create an involved party for
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTCO_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTRQ_II_INF_S - The additional information about the injured or ill party.
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTRQ_II_S - The information about the injury or illness of the injured p
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTRQ_MSG_S - Message for a request to create an involved party of an EHS
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTRQ_MT_S - A request to create an involved party for an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTRQ_PI_S - A natural person, another organization, or a group that is i
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTRQ_PI_STA_S - A statement from a party that was recorded after the EHS inc
EHHSS_XI_INC_IP_CRTRQ_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_PARTY_INF_S - Information about a party related to an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_PARTY_INI_REC_S - The initial information recorded for a party.
EHHSS_XI_INC_PARTY_ROLE_S - The role of the party in the EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTCO_MSG_S - Message for a confirmation of a request to create a release
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTCO_MT_S - A confirmation for a request to create a release for an EHS
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTCO_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTRQ_INF_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTRQ_MAT_S - The information about the material involved in the release.
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTRQ_MSG_S - Message for a request to create a release of an EHS incident
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTRQ_MT_S - A request to create a release for an EHS incident.
EHHSS_XI_INC_REL_CRTRQ_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SAP Incident Interactive Forms and Print Forms Tables EHS-MGM-INC-FRM

EHFNDS_RPT_MSG - Messages returned from report generation
EHFNDS_RPT_MSG_D - Report Messages
EHFNDS_RPT_ROOT - Report - Root
EHFNDS_RPT_ROOT_D - Report - Root
EHFNDS_RPT_ROOT_DT - Report - Root (Transient)
EHHSSC_INC_FORM - related objects and checks
EHHSSC_INC_F_REG - Incident Report Form Regulation Configuration Table
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ASSETS_INVOLVED - Involved assets for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ASSET_INVOLVED - Involved Assets for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ATTACHMENTS - Attachment for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_BASIC_INFO_ALL - Basic Information all for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_BUPA - Business Partner for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_CONTEXT - Context of an Incident form
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_DAMAGE - Damage for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_DATE_TIME - Date time for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_DMG_FORM_ITEMS - Items for dropdowns in damage information form
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_EQUIPMENT - Incident equipment for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_FINANCIAL - Incident Financial for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_FURTHER_INJ_INF - Further injury information for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_FURTH_PERS_INFO - Further person information for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_GROUPS - EHS Incident Group description
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_HCM_DATA - HCM Data for OSHA Summary Reports
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_H_AND_S_INFO - H and S info for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INC_OVERVIEW - Incident overview for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INC_OV_W_PERSON - Incident overview with involved persons for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INC_TIME_DATA - Time date for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INFL_ITEMS - Interface Structure Containing all Influencing Factor Items
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INJIL_TREATMENT - Interface Structure for Injury/Illness Treatment Quest.
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INJURED_PERSON - Injured Person for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INJURY_ILLNESS - Injury / Illness for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INJURY_ITEMS - Items for dropdowns in Injury/Illness form
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INJURY_SUMMARY - Injury summary for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INJ_PERS_INFO - Further injured person info
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INJ_PERS_WO_INC - Injured Person without incident for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERFACE_Q - Interface Structure for Questionnaires
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERFACE_R - Interface Structure for Reporting Forms
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_ACT_EV - Interface Structure for Actual Event Report
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_BG - Interface Structure for BG Incident Report
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_DAM_Q - Interface Structure for Damages Questionnaire
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_HS_Q - Interface Structure for Health and Safety Questionnaires
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_INC_INQ - Interface Structure for Incident Offline reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_NM_INQ - Interface Structure for Near Miss Incident Inquiry
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_NM_R - Interface Structure for Near Miss Summary Report
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_OSHA300 - Interface Structure for OSHA 300 Report
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_OSHA300A - Interface Structure for OSHA 300a Report
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_OSHA301 - Interface Structure for OSHA 301 Report
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_SO_INQ - Interface Structure for Near Miss Incident Inquiry
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_SO_R - Interface Structure for Safety Observation Summary Report
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INTERF_WITN_Q - Interface Structue for Witness Questionnaire
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INVSTG_LEAD - Investigation Lead Contact Data
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INV_PERSONS - Involved Persons of an Incident for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INV_PERS_BY_INC - Involved Person by Incident for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INV_PERS_SUMM - Involved Person summary for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INV_RELEASE_EXC - Inv. Release exc. for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_INV_RESULT - Investigation result for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_NM_FORM_ITEMS - Value sets for near miss dropdown items
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_OBJECT_BY_INC - Objects by incident
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERSONS - Person involved by an incident
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERSON_DETAIL - Person detail for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERSON_INITIAL - Person initial for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERSON_INVOLVED - Involved Person for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERSON_ROLE - Role of a person for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERSON_STATEMEN - Person statement for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERS_BY_INC - Persons by incident
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERS_INV_WO_INC - Person Involved for Reporting without incident
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PERS_SUM_WO_INC - Involved Person summary for Reporting without incident
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_PROPERTY - Property for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_RELEASE_CLEANUP - Release Cleanup for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_RELEASE_MAT - Release Material for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_RESTRICTED_DUTY - Restricted duty for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_RISK_ASSESSMENT - Risk assessment for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_RISK_ASSM_TYPE - Risk assessment type for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ROOT_CAUSE - Root cause for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_DESC - Root cause for Reporting level 1
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_DSC2 - Root cause for Reporting level 2
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_DSC3 - Root cause for Reporting level 3
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_DTMN - Investigation form for root cause determination
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_REP - Root causes used in the investigation summary report form
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_SAFETY_MEASURE - Immediate Action for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_SUMMARY_NUMBERS - Summary of Numbers for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_SUMMARY_REPORT - Investigation form for root cause determination
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_VALUESET - Value Set for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_VALUESETS - Value Sets for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_VALUESET_DEP - Value set for forms with dependency
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_VEHICLE - Vehicle for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_VIOL_NOTICE - Violation Notice for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_WITNESS - Witness for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_INC_WITNESS_WO_INC - Witness without incident for Reporting
EHHSSS_INC_INV_STEP_CTRL_FAIL - Investigation steps containing control failure analysis
EHHSSS_INC_INV_STEP_RT_CAUSES - Investigation steps containing root causes
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RPT_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Report - Root
INCL_EEW_EHFND_RPT_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Report - Root (Transient)

SAP Incident Recording Tables EHS-MGM-INC-REC

BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_ABSENCE - Incident - Absences
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_ACTION - Incident - Action
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_ACTION_TXT - Incident - Action Longtext
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_BASIC_INFO_ALL - Incident - Basic Information All
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_CLASSIFICATION - Incident - Classification data
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_DAMAGE - Incident - Damage
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_ASINV - Incident - Asset Involved
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_BINFA - Incident - Basic Information All
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_DOC - Incident - Documents
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_ENHANCE - Incident - Enhancement Field Data
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_FIN - Incident - Financial
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_HEALTHSAF - Incident - Health and Safety Info
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INIT_PERS - Incident - Person Initial
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INJI_PERS - Incident - Person Injured Info
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INJURYILL - Incident - Injury Illness
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_CEFF - Incident - Investigation Control Effectiveness
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_FRTXT - Incident - Investigation Freetext Step
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_GUIDE - Incident - Investigation Guideline
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_RC - Incident - Investigation Root Cause
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_RES - Incident - Investigation Result
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_STEP - Incident - Investigation Step
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_SUMRE - Incident - Investigation Summary Report
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_LINKI - BAPI Link Incident Structure for Import
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_NODE_ENH - Incident - Enhancement Node Data
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_PERS_INV - Incident - Person Involved
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_PERS_STAT - Incident - Person Statement
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RA - Incident - Risk Assesment
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RA_TYP - Incident - Risk Assesment Type
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_REGUL - Incident - Regulation
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RELCLEAN - Incident Release Cleanup
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RELEA - Incident - Release Exceptional
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RELMAT - Incident Release Material
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RESTR_DUT - Incident - Restricted duty
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_SAF_OBS - Incident - Safety Observation
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_SYS_INPUT - BAPI System Imput Structure for Import
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_TEXTCONT - Incident - Text Collection Content
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_TRA - Incident - Transaction
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_VIOLATN - Incident - Violation Notice
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EQUIPMENT - Incident - Equipment
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EXTENSION - Incident - Extension
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_EXT_TEXT_PINJ - Incident - Text Collections
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_FREETEXT - Incident - Document Structure
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_FREETEXT_TEXT - Incident - Freetext Text
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_HEAL_SAFE_INFO - Incident - Health and Safety Information
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_INJ_ILLNESS - Incident - Injury Illness
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_INT_TEXT_PINJ - Incident - Text Collections
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIG_TXT - Incident - Investigation Longtext
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_LONG_TEXT - Incident - Text Collections
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INJ_INF - Incident - Person Injured Information
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_ROLE - Incident - Person Role
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_PERS_INVOLVED - Incident - Person Involved
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_PERS_STATEMENT - Incident - Person Statement
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_RESTRICTION - Incident - Restrictions
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_ROOT - Incident - Root
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_CAUSE - Root Cause structure for Incident Import
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_STATEMENT_TXT - INcident - Text Collections
BAPI_EHHSSS_INC_TIME_DATA - Incident - Time Data
BAPI_EHHSSS_ROOT_CAUSE - Root Cause Hierarchy structure
BAPI_EHHSSS_ROOT_CAUSE_HEADER - Root Cause Hierarchy structure
CDOEHHSSD_INC_ASINV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_ATDOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_BINFA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_DAM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_EQU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_FIN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_FREET - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_FTRAN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_H_S - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_INCGR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_INJIL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_INRES - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_INSTP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_INVGU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_INVSR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_LINKI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_NRMSS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_PASS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_PINIT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_PINJI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_PINV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_PROLE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_PROP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_PSTAT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_RCAUS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_REGUL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_RELCU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_RELEX - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_RELMA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_RESDU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_RIASS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_RIAST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_SAFOB - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_TIDAT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_VEHIC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_INC_VIOLN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_ABSENCE - Incident - Absences
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_ACTION - Incident - Action
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_ACTION_TXT - Incident - Action Longtext
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_BASIC_INFO - Incident - Basic Information All
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_DAMAGE - Incident - Damage
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_ASINV - Incident - Asset Involved
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_BINFA - Incident - Basic Information All
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_DOC - Incident - Documents
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_ENHANC - Incident - Enhancement Field Data
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_EQUIPM - Incident - Equipment
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_FIN - Incident - Financial
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_HEALTH - Incident - Health and Safety Info
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INIT_P - Incident - Person Initial
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INJI_P - Incident - Person Injured Info
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INJURY - Incident - Injury Illness
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_CE - Incident - Investigation Control Effectiveness
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_FR - Incident - Investigation Freetext Step
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_GU - Incident - Investigation Guideline
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_RC - Incident - Investigation Root Cause
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_RE - Incident - Investigation Result
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_ST - Incident - Investigation Step
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_INV_SU - Incident - Investigation Summary Report
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_LINKI - BAPI Link Incident Structure for Import
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_NEAR_M - Incident - Near Miss
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_NODE_E - Incident - Enhancement Node Data
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_PASSEN - Incident - Passenger
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_PERS_I - Incident - Person Involved
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_PERS_R - Incident - Person Role
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_PERS_S - Incident - Person Statement
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_PROPER - Incident - Property
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RA - Incident - Risk Assesment
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RA_TYP - Incident - Risk Assesment Type
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_REGUL - Incident - Regulation
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RELCLE - Incident Release Cleanup
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RELEA - Incident - Release Exceptional
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RELMAT - Incident Release Material
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_RESTR - Incident - Restricted duty
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_SAF_OB - Incident - Safety Observation
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_SYS_IN - BAPI System Imput Structure for Import
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_TEXTCO - Incident - Text Collection Content
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_TIME_D - Incident - Time Data
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_TRA - Incident - Transaction
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_VEHICL - Incident - Vehicle
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EHSM_VIOLAT - Incident - Violation Notice
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EQUIPMENT - Incident - Equipment
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EXTENSION - Incident - Extension
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_EXT_TEXT_PI - Incident - Text Collections
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_FREETEXT - Incident - Document Structure
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_FREETEXT_TE - Incident - Freetext Text
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_HEAL_SAFE_I - Incident - Health and Safety Information
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_INJ_ILLNESS - Incident - Injury Illness
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_INT_TEXT_PI - Incident - Text Collections
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIG_TX - Incident - Investigation Longtext
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INJ - Incident - Person Injured Information
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_ROLE - Incident - Person Role
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_PERS_INVOLV - Incident - Person Involved
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_PERS_STATEM - Incident - Person Statement
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_RESTRICTION - Incident - Restrictions
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_CAUSE - Root Cause structure for Incident Import
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_STATEMENT_T - INcident - Text Collections
E1BP_EHHSSS_INC_TIME_DATA - Incident - Time Data
E1BP_EHHSSS_ROOT_CAUSE - Root Cause Hierarchy structure
E1BP_EHHSSS_ROOT_CAUSE_HEAD - Root Cause Hierarchy structure
EHHSSC_AFFLAND - Affected Land Type
EHHSSC_AFFLAND_T - Affected Land Type Description
EHHSSC_BDYPART_T - Body Part Code Description
EHHSSC_BDYSIDE_T - Body Side Code Description
EHHSSC_CLUPMTH - Cleanup Method Code
EHHSSC_CLUPMTH_T - Cleanup Method Code Description
EHHSSC_CONF_INJ - Enable / Disable Protect Injured Person Name by conf.flag
EHHSSC_CSEODTH - Cause of Death
EHHSSC_CSEODTH_T - Cause of Death Description
EHHSSC_DAMTYPE_T - Damage Type Description
EHHSSC_EST_RSK - Estimated Risk
EHHSSC_EST_RSK_T - Estimated Risk Description
EHHSSC_FINCAT - Financial Tracking Categories
EHHSSC_FINCAT_T - Financial Tracking Categories (Trans)
EHHSSC_GRC_CAGR - Incident Category and Group for GRC Integration
EHHSSC_GRC_CRIT - Selektion Criteria for GRC Integration
EHHSSC_GRC_RISK - Risk Values for GRC Integration
EHHSSC_IMMACT - Immediate Action Code
EHHSSC_IMMACT_T - Immediate Action Code Description
EHHSSC_INCAUSE - Incident Cause
EHHSSC_INCAUSE_T - Incident Cause Description
EHHSSC_INCCOBJ - Incident-Causing Object
EHHSSC_INCCOBJ_T - Incident-Causing Object Description
EHHSSC_INCCOBM - Movement of Incident-Causing Object
EHHSSC_INCCOBM_T - Movement of Incident-Causing Object Description
EHHSSC_INCXTIN - Incident External Influence Code
EHHSSC_INCXTIN_T - Incident External Influence Code Description
EHHSSC_INC_ASP - Incident Aspect Type Code
EHHSSC_INC_ASP_T - Incident Aspect Type Code Description
EHHSSC_INC_DUC - Incident Duration Classification Code
EHHSSC_INC_DUC_T - Incident Duration Classification Code Description
EHHSSC_INC_FRE - Incident Frequency Code
EHHSSC_INC_FRE_T - Incident Frequency Code Description
EHHSSC_INC_GRP - Incident Group Code
EHHSSC_INC_GRP_T - Incident Group Code Description
EHHSSC_INC_IRG - Incident Initial Report Generation Configuration
EHHSSC_INC_LIK - Incident Likelihood Code
EHHSSC_INC_LIK_T - Incident Likelihood Code Description
EHHSSC_INC_REG - Incident Regulation
EHHSSC_INC_RIT - Incident Risk Type Code
EHHSSC_INC_RIT_T - Incident Risk Type Code Description
EHHSSC_INC_SEV - Incident Severity Code
EHHSSC_INC_SEV_T - Incident Severity Code Description
EHHSSC_INJIL - Injury / Illness Code
EHHSSC_INJILTP - Injury / Illness Type Code
EHHSSC_INJILTP_T - Injury / Illness Type Code Description
EHHSSC_INJIL_T - Injury / Illness Code Description
EHHSSC_INVGUID - Investigation Guidelines
EHHSSC_INVGUID_F - Investigation Guidelines File
EHHSSC_INVGUID_T - Investigation Guideline Description
EHHSSC_INV_TMPL - Investigation Template
EHHSSC_LOCAT - Location Classification
EHHSSC_LOCAT_T - Location Classification Description
EHHSSC_LOCODTH - Location of Death
EHHSSC_LOCODTH_T - Location of Death Description
EHHSSC_MATDSPM - Disposal Method Code
EHHSSC_MATDSPM_T - Disposal Method Code Description
EHHSSC_MATDSPR - Material Recovery Method Code
EHHSSC_MATDSPR_T - Material Recovery Method Code Description
EHHSSC_MATDSPS - Disposal Site Code
EHHSSC_MATDSPS_T - Disposal Site Code Description
EHHSSC_MATSTAT - Material State Code
EHHSSC_MATSTAT_T - Material State Code Description
EHHSSC_MATWAST - Material Waste Type Code
EHHSSC_MATWAST_T - Material Waste Type Code Description
EHHSSC_NM_GRP - Near Miss Group Code
EHHSSC_NM_GRP_T - Near Miss Group Code Description
EHHSSC_OCC_TYP - Occupational Incident Type Code
EHHSSC_OCC_TYP_T - Occupational Incident Type Code Description
EHHSSC_PERACTY - Activity of Injured Person Code
EHHSSC_PERACTY_T - Activity of Injured Person Code Description
EHHSSC_PERMOVE - Movement of Injured Person Code
EHHSSC_PERMOVE_T - Movement of Injured Person Code Description
EHHSSC_PERPEQ - Personal Protective Equipment Code
EHHSSC_PERPEQ_T - Personal Protective Equipment Code Description
EHHSSC_PER_ROL - Person Role Code
EHHSSC_PER_ROL_T - Person Role Code Description
EHHSSC_PT_INT - Personnel Time Management (PT) Integration
EHHSSC_RCNODE - Causes and Root Causes
EHHSSC_RCNODE_T - Texts for Causes and Root Causes
EHHSSC_RCTYPE - Root Cause Type
EHHSSC_RCTYPE_T - Root Cause Type Description
EHHSSC_REL_SIZ - Release Size Code
EHHSSC_REL_SIZ_T - Release Size Code Description
EHHSSC_REL_TYP - Release Type Code
EHHSSC_REL_TYP_T - Release Type Code Description
EHHSSC_REPCRIT - Reporting Criteria (OSHA) Code
EHHSSC_REPCRIT_T - Reporting Criteria (OSHA) Code Description
EHHSSC_RES_TYP - Restriction Type Code
EHHSSC_RES_TYP_T - Restriction Type Code Description
EHHSSC_SO_GRP - Safety Observation Group Code
EHHSSC_SO_GRP_T - Safety Observation Group Code Description
EHHSSC_STEPCAT - Incident Investigation - Step Category
EHHSSC_STEPCAT_T - Investigation Step Category Description
EHHSSC_STEP_AIF - Investigation Template - Steps
EHHSSC_STEP_RC - Investigation Step - Root Cause Type
EHHSSC_STEP_TMPL - Investigation Template - Steps
EHHSSC_ST_CODE - Incident Investigation - Step Code
EHHSSC_ST_CODE_F - Investigation Step File source
EHHSSC_ST_CODE_T - Incident Investigation - Step Code Description
EHHSSC_TAB_ACLVL - Assignment of Incident tabs and tab ids to Access level
EHHSSC_TCSADEV - Technical Safety Device Code
EHHSSC_TCSADEV_T - Technical Safety Device Code Description
EHHSSC_TR2FAID - Transport to First Aid Code
EHHSSC_TR2FAID_T - Transport to First Aid Code Description
EHHSSC_TRFURT - Further Transport Code
EHHSSC_TRFURT_T - Further Transport Code Description
EHHSSC_VIOCAT - Violation Category
EHHSSC_VIOCAT_T - Violation Category Description
EHHSSC_VIOSRCE - Violation Notice Source
EHHSSC_VIOSRCE_T - Violation Notice Source Description
EHHSSC_VIOTYPE - Violation Type
EHHSSC_VIOTYPE_T - Violation Type Code Description
EHHSSC_WNDDREC - Wind Direction Code
EHHSSC_WNDDREC_T - Wind Direction Code Description
EHHSSC_XSLT_TL - Filters for Extraction to XML File
EHHSSC_XSLT_TL_T - Filters for Extraction to XML File
EHHSSD_INC_ARCHP - Incident Archiving - Indexing Person Names
EHHSSD_INC_ASINV - Incident - Asset Involved
EHHSSD_INC_ATDOC - Incident - Attached Document
EHHSSD_INC_BINFA - Incident - Basic Information All
EHHSSD_INC_DAM - Incident - Damage
EHHSSD_INC_EQU - Incident - Equipment
EHHSSD_INC_FCTRL - Investigation Control Effectiveness
EHHSSD_INC_FIN - Incident - Financial
EHHSSD_INC_FREET - Investigation Freetext step
EHHSSD_INC_FTRAN - Incident - Financial Transaction
EHHSSD_INC_H_S - Health and Safety database table
EHHSSD_INC_INCGR - Incident - Group
EHHSSD_INC_INJIL - Incident - Injury / Illness
EHHSSD_INC_INRES - Incident - Investigation Result
EHHSSD_INC_INSTP - Investigation Step
EHHSSD_INC_INVGU - Incident Investigation guideline
EHHSSD_INC_INVSR - Investigation Summary Report
EHHSSD_INC_LINKI - Incident - Linked Incidents
EHHSSD_INC_NRMSS - Near Miss of an incident
EHHSSD_INC_PASS - Incident - Vehicle Passenger
EHHSSD_INC_PINIT - Incident - Person Initial Recording
EHHSSD_INC_PINJI - Incident - Person Injured Information
EHHSSD_INC_PINV - Incident - Person Involved
EHHSSD_INC_PROLE - Incident - Person Role
EHHSSD_INC_PROP - Incident - Property
EHHSSD_INC_PSTAT - Incident - Person Statement
EHHSSD_INC_RCAUS - Incident - Root Cause
EHHSSD_INC_RELCU - Incident - Release Cleanup
EHHSSD_INC_RELEX - Incident - Release Exceptional
EHHSSD_INC_RELMA - Incident - Release Material
EHHSSD_INC_RESDU - Incident Restricted Duty database table
EHHSSD_INC_RIASS - Incident - Risk Assessment
EHHSSD_INC_RIAST - Incident - Risk Assessment Type
EHHSSD_INC_ROOT - Incident - Root
EHHSSD_INC_SAFOB - Safety Observation
EHHSSD_INC_SNAPS - Incident Snapshot for Form Generation
EHHSSD_INC_TIDAT - Incident - Time Data
EHHSSD_INC_VEHIC - Incident - Vehicle
EHHSSD_INC_VIOLN - Incident - Violation Notice
EHHSSS_ABSENCE_ACTION - Structure for assign Incident Absence radio button
EHHSSS_ARCHIVE_SEARCH - Line Result of Search of Archived Incidents
EHHSSS_CONFIG - Structure of the general configuration table of EHS
EHHSSS_D_HCM_DATA - BI HCM Transaction Data
EHHSSS_EST_RSK_DESCR - EHS Estimated Risk description
EHHSSS_FIN_CAT_DESCR - Financial Transaction Category
EHHSSS_GUIBB_TREE_PARAMS - Feeder Parameter Stucture for Tree UIBB
EHHSSS_INC_ACT_PROPERTIES - Incident: Action Properties
EHHSSS_INC_ASSET_INVOLVED_D - Incident - Asset Involved
EHHSSS_INC_ASSET_INVOLVED_DT - Incident - Asset Involved (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_ASSET_INVOLVED_ESO - Incident - Asset Involved (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_ATF_SEARCH_RESULT - Incidetn attachment search result list
EHHSSS_INC_ATT_DOCUMENT_D - Incident - Attached Document
EHHSSS_INC_ATT_DOCUMENT_DT - Incident - attached Document transient data
EHHSSS_INC_ATT_DOC_PARAM - Incident - Attachment Document Parameters
EHHSSS_INC_ATT_DOC_SRC_BY_FILE - Search parameters for documents by file key
EHHSSS_INC_AUTH_FORM_NAME - Has Authority to Form Name
EHHSSS_INC_BASIC_INFO_ALL - Basic Information All
EHHSSS_INC_BASIC_INFO_ALL_D - Incident - Basic Information All
EHHSSS_INC_BASIC_INFO_ALL_DT - Incident - Basic Information All (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_BASIC_INFO_ALL_ESO - Incident - Basic Information All (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_CAT_GROUP_CODE - Incident Group for Incident Category
EHHSSS_INC_CAT_VAL_IND - Validity Indicators for Incident Categories
EHHSSS_INC_CHANGE_CAT_ACT_PAR - Change Incident Category - Action Parameter Structure
EHHSSS_INC_CHANGE_CAT_GROUP - Change Category: Group structure
EHHSSS_INC_CHANGE_CAT_HDR_TXT - Change Category: Header text
EHHSSS_INC_CHANGE_CAT_PER_INV - Change Category: Person Involved structure
EHHSSS_INC_CHANGE_CAT_PER_ROLE - Change Category: Person Role structure
EHHSSS_INC_CHANGE_CAT_REGULATI - Change Category: Regulation structure
EHHSSS_INC_CHANGE_CAT_REG_HDR - Change Category: Header text
EHHSSS_INC_DAMAGE_D - Incident - Damage
EHHSSS_INC_DAMAGE_DT - Incident - Damage (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_DAMAGE_ESO - Incident - Damage (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D - Incident - Restricted Duty
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_DT - Transient Structure of Restricted Duty Node for Incident
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_ESO - Incident - Restricted Duty (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_EQUIPMENT_D - Incident - Equipment
EHHSSS_INC_EQUIPMENT_DT - Incident - Equipment (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_EQUIPMENT_ESO - Incident - Equipment (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_FINANCIAL_D - Incident - Financial
EHHSSS_INC_FINANCIAL_DT - Incident - Financial (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_FINANCIAL_ESO - Incident - Financial (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_FINANCIAL_TRAN - Financial Transaction
EHHSSS_INC_FINANCIAL_TRAN_D - Incident - Financial Transaction
EHHSSS_INC_FINANCIAL_TRAN_DT - Incident - Financial transaction (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_FINANCIAL_TRAN_ESO - Incident - Financial Transaction (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_FIN_INF_INV_PARAM - Email creation action parameter structure
EHHSSS_INC_FIN_INT_ORDER - Financial Internal Order
EHHSSS_INC_FIN_OVERVIEW - Financial overview
EHHSSS_INC_GROUP_D - Incident - Group
EHHSSS_INC_GROUP_DESCR - EHS Incident Group description
EHHSSS_INC_GROUP_DESCR_LONG - EHS Incident Group description long
EHHSSS_INC_GROUP_DT - Incident - Group (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_GROUP_ESO - Incident - Group (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_HCM_DATA - HCM Data for OSHA Summary Reports
EHHSSS_INC_HEALTH_SAFE_INFO - Health and Safety Information
EHHSSS_INC_HEALTH_SAFE_INFO_D - Incident - Health and Safety Information
EHHSSS_INC_HEALTH_SAFE_INFO_DT - Incident - Health and Safety Information
EHHSSS_INC_HEALTH_SAFE_INF_ESO - Incident - Health and Safety Information (Enterprise Search)
EHHSSS_INC_HR_ABSENCE - Structure for absences and timedata from the HR for a person
EHHSSS_INC_INJURY_ILLNESS_D - Incident - Injury/Illness
EHHSSS_INC_INJURY_ILLNESS_DT - Incident - Injury / Illness (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_INJURY_ILLNESS_ESO - Incident - Injury / Illness (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_INQUIRY - Incident Inquiry
EHHSSS_INC_INQUIRY_PARAM - Inquiry creation action parameter structure
EHHSSS_INC_INT_REPORT - Incident Internal Report
EHHSSS_INC_INT_REPORT_D - Incident Internal Report
EHHSSS_INC_INT_REPORT_DT - Incident Internal Reports (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIGATION_D - Incident - Investigation Result
EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIGATION_DT - Incident - Investigation Result (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIGATION_ESO - Incident - Investigation Result (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIG_RES - Incident - Investigation Result
EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIG_RES_D - Incident - Investigation Result
EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIG_RES_DT - Incident - Investigation Result (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_INVESTIG_RES_ESO - Incident - Investigation Result (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_INV_FCTRL - Investigation Control effectiveness
EHHSSS_INC_INV_FCTRL_D - Persistent Structure for Control effectiveness
EHHSSS_INC_INV_FCTRL_DT - Transient Structure for Control effectiveness
EHHSSS_INC_INV_FREETEXT - Investigation Freetext Step
EHHSSS_INC_INV_FREETEXT_D - Persistent Structure for Step Freetext
EHHSSS_INC_INV_FREETEXT_DT - Transient Structure for Step Freetext
EHHSSS_INC_INV_FREETEXT_ESO - Freetext step combined structure (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_INV_GUIDELINE - Investigation Guideline
EHHSSS_INC_INV_GUIDELINE_D - Persistent Structure for Incident Investigation Guidelines
EHHSSS_INC_INV_GUIDELINE_DT - Transient Structure for Incident Investigation Guidelines
EHHSSS_INC_INV_GUIDELINE_ESO - Incident Investigation Guideline combined structure
EHHSSS_INC_INV_MULTI_STEP - Multiple Selection of offline and online Investigation Steps
EHHSSS_INC_INV_STEP - Investigation Step
EHHSSS_INC_INV_STEP_D - Persistent Structure for Investigation Steps
EHHSSS_INC_INV_STEP_DT - Investigation step transient structure
EHHSSS_INC_INV_STEP_ESO - Investigation Step (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_INV_STEP_SEND_PARAM - Action Parameters - Investigation Step Send Inquiry
EHHSSS_INC_INV_SUMM_REPORT - Investigation Summary Report
EHHSSS_INC_INV_SUMM_REPORT_D - Incident Investigation Summary Report persist. structure
EHHSSS_INC_INV_SUMM_REPORT_DT - Incident Investigation Summary Report trans. structure
EHHSSS_INC_INV_SUMM_REPORT_ESO - Incident Investigation Summary Report (Enterprise Search )
EHHSSS_INC_IRG_CONFIG - Initial Report Configuration
EHHSSS_INC_LINK_INCIDENT - Reference to related Incidents
EHHSSS_INC_LINK_INCIDENT_D - Incident - Linked Incidents
EHHSSS_INC_LINK_INCIDENT_DT - Incident - Linked Incidents (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_LINK_INCIDENT_ESO - Incident - Linked Incidents (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_NEAR_MISS_D - Incident - Near Miss
EHHSSS_INC_NEAR_MISS_DT - Incident - Near Miss (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_NEAR_MISS_ESO - Incident - Near Miss (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_OSHA_CRIT - OSHA Summary Report Selection Criteria
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_DETAIL_D - Incident - Person Involved Detail
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_ID - Alt Key for Person Id
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INITIAL - Person Initial Recording
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INITIAL_D - Incident - Person Initial Recording
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INITIAL_DT - Incident - Person Initial Recording (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INJ_INFO - Person Injured Information
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INJ_INFO_D - Incident - Person Injured Information
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INJ_INFO_DT - Incident - Person Injured Information (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INJ_INFO_ESO - Incident - Person Injured Information (Enterprise Search)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INVOLVED_D - Incident - Person Involved
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INVOLVED_DT - Incident - Person Involved (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_INVOLVED_ESO - Incident - Person Involved (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_ROLE_D - Incident - Person Role
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_ROLE_DT - Incident - Person Role (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_ROLE_ESO - Incident - Person Role (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_STATEMENT_D - Incident - Person Statement
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_STATEMENT_DT - Incident - Person Statement (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_PERSON_STATEMEN_ESO - Incident - Person Statement (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_PROPERTY_D - Incident - Property
EHHSSS_INC_PROPERTY_DT - Incident - Property (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_PROPERTY_ESO - Incident - Property (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_PROPERTY_PROFILE - Incident - Unittest - property profiles
EHHSSS_INC_REGULATION_D - Incident - Regulation
EHHSSS_INC_REGULATION_DESC - Regulation description
EHHSSS_INC_REGULATION_DT - Incident - Regulation (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_REGULATION_ESO - Incident - Regulation (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_REG_CODES - Regulation codes, passed to the action, determining the regs
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_CLEANUP_D - Incident - Release Cleanup
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_CLEANUP_DT - Incident - Release Cleanup (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_CLEANUP_ESO - Incident - Release Cleanup (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_EXCEPT_D - Incident - Release Exceptional
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_EXCEPT_DT - Incident - Release Exceptional (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_EXCEPT_ESO - Incident - Release Exceptional (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_MATERIAL_D - Incident - Release Material
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_MATERIAL_DT - Incident - Release Material (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_RELEASE_MATERIA_ESO - Incident - Release Material (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_REPORT - Incident Report
EHHSSS_INC_REPORT_ADDING - Incident Report adding
EHHSSS_INC_RESDU_Q_BY_ABS_RES - Incident - Restricted Duty Query by Absence - Result
EHHSSS_INC_RISK_ASSESS - Incident - Risk Assessment
EHHSSS_INC_RISK_ASSESS_D - Incident - Risk Assessment
EHHSSS_INC_RISK_ASSESS_DT - Incident - Risk Assessment (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_RISK_ASSESS_ESO - Incident - Risk Assessment (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_RISK_ASSESS_TYPE_D - Incident - Risk Assessment Type
EHHSSS_INC_RISK_ASSESS_TYPE_DT - Incident - Risk Assessment Type (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_RISK_ASSESS_TYP_ESO - Incident - Risk Assessment Type (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_ROLE_DESCR - Table type for personal roles
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT - Incident Root
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_BASIC_INFO - Structure used for filtering dates and status in Osha forms
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_D - Incident - Root Cause
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_DT - Root cause transient structure
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_CAUSE_ESO - Incident - Root Cause (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_D - Incident - Root
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_DT - Incident - Root (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_ROOT_ESO - Incident - Root (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_SAF_OBS - Safety Observation
EHHSSS_INC_SAF_OBS_D - Incident - Safety Observation
EHHSSS_INC_SAF_OBS_DT - Incident - Safety Observation (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_SAF_OBS_ESO - Incident - Safety Observation (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Incident Search Criteria
EHHSSS_INC_SEARCH_RESULT - Generic Search Result List for Incidents
EHHSSS_INC_SNAPSHOT - Incident Snapshot for Form Generation
EHHSSS_INC_SNAPSHOT_D - Incident Snapshot Node (Persistent fields)
EHHSSS_INC_SNAPSHOT_DT - Transient fields for Incident Snapshot Node
EHHSSS_INC_SNAPSHOT_PARAMS - Parameters for Incident Snapshot Creation
EHHSSS_INC_TASK - Incident - Task tab
EHHSSS_INC_TIME_DATA_D - Incident - Time Data
EHHSSS_INC_TIME_DATA_DT - Incident - Time Data (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_TIME_DATA_ESO - Incident - Time Data (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_VEHICLE_D - Incident - Vehicle
EHHSSS_INC_VEHICLE_DT - Incident - Vehicle (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_VEHICLE_ESO - Incident - Vehicle (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INC_VEHICLE_PASS - Incident - Passenger
EHHSSS_INC_VEHICLE_PASS_D - Incident - Vehicle Passenger
EHHSSS_INC_VEHICLE_PASS_DT - Incident - Vehicle Passenger (Tr.)
EHHSSS_INC_VIOLATION_NOTICE_D - Incident - Violation Notice
EHHSSS_INC_VIOLATION_NOTICE_DT - Incident - Incident External Influence (Transient)
EHHSSS_INC_VIOLATION_NOTIC_ESO - Incident - Violation Notice (Enterprise Search Object)
EHHSSS_INV_GUIDE_UPLOAD_IO - Input/Output structure for File upload
EHHSSS_INV_ROOT_CAUSE_TREE - Root Cause tree hierarchy
EHHSSS_INV_STEP_CATEGORY_CONF - Investigation Step Category Configuration structure
EHHSSS_MIGRATION_REF - References during migration
EHHSSS_MIGR_ENHAN - Migration enhancement
EHHSSS_NM_GROUP_DESCR - EHS Near Miss Group description
EHHSSS_NM_GROUP_DESCR_LONG - EHS Near Miss Group description long
EHHSSS_NODE_INF - Node Configuration Information
EHHSSS_OVS_HS_INFLUENCE - Fields for Influence OVS
EHHSSS_PARAMETER_SET - Structure for value sets including text
EHHSSS_PROPOSED_INCIDENTS - Structure of Incidents Proposed for an Absence
EHHSSS_RES_TYP_T - Structure of Configuration Table for Restriction Type Desc.
EHHSSS_SO_GROUP_DESCR - Safety Observation Group Description
EHHSSS_SO_GROUP_DESCR_LONG - EHS Safety Observation Group description long
EHHSSS_STEP_TMPL - Investigation Step Template
EHHSSS_TXT_COLLECTION - Text Collection DO structure
EHHSSS_UI_INV_CTRL - Investigation controls
EHHSSS_VALUE_SET - Structure for value sets including text
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_ASINV_D - Extension Include: Incident - Asset Involved
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_ASINV_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Asset Involved (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_ATDOC_D - Extension Include: Incident - Attachment Document
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_ATDOC_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Attachment Document Transient
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_BINFA_D - Extension Include: Incident - Basic Information All
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_BINFA_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Basic Information All (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_DAM_D - Extension Include: Incident - Damage
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_DAM_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Damage (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_EQU_D - Extension Include: Incident - Equipment (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_EQU_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Equipment
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FCTRL_D - Extension Include: Incident - Control Effectiveness
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FCTRL_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Control Effectivn (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FIN_D - Extension Include: Incident - Financial
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FIN_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Financial (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FREET_D - Extension Include: Incident - Freetext step
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FREET_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Freetext step (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FTRAN_D - Extension Include: Incident - Financial Transaction
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_FTRAN_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Financial Transaction (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_HASIN_D - Extension Include: Incident - Health and Safety Information
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_HASIN_DT - Extension (trans.): Incident - Health and Safety Information
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INCGR_D - Extension Include: Incident - Group
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INCGR_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Group (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INJIL_D - Extension Include: Incident - Injury / Illness
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INJIL_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Injury / Illness (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INRES_D - Extension Include: Incident - Investigation Result
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INRES_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Invest. Result (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INSTP_D - Extension Include: Incident - Investigation Step
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INSTP_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Invest. Step (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INVGUIDE_D - Extension Include: Incident - Investigation Guideline
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INVGUIDE_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Invest. Guideline (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INVSR_D - Extension Include: Incident - Invest. Guideline
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_INVSR_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Inv. Summ. Report (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_LINKI_D - Extension Include: Incident - Linked Incidents
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_LINKI_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Linked Incidents (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_LINK_D - Extension Include: Incident - Linked Incidents / RAs
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_LINK_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Linked Incidnts/RA (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_NRMSS_D - Extension Include: Incident - Near Miss
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_NRMSS_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Near Miss (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PASS_D - Extension Include: Incident - Passenger
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PASS_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Passenger(Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PDET_D - Extension Include: Incident - Person Detail
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PINIT_D - Extension Include: Incident - Person Initial Recording
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PINIT_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Person Initial Recording (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PINJI_D - Extension Include: Incident - Person Injured Information
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PINJI_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Person Injured Info. (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PINV_D - Extension Include: Incident - Person Involved
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PINV_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Person Involved (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PROLE_D - Extension Include: Incident - Person Role
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PROLE_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Person Role (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PROP_D - Extension Include: Incident - Property
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PROP_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Property (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PSTAT_D - Extension Include: Incident - Person Statement
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_PSTAT_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Person Statement (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RCAUS_D - Extension Include: Incident - Root Cause
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RCAUS_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Root Cause (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_REGUL_D - Extension Include: Incident - Regulation
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_REGUL_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Regulation (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RELCU_D - Extension Include: Incident - Release Cleanup
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RELCU_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Release Cleanup (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RELEX_D - Extension Include: Incident - Release Exceptional
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RELEX_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Release Exceptional (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RELMA_D - Extension Include: Incident - Release Material
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RELMA_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Release Material (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RIASS_D - Extension Include: Incident - Risk Assessment
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RIASS_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Risk Assessment (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RIAST_D - Extension Include: Incident - Risk Assessment Typ
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RIAST_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Risk Assessment Typ (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Incident - Root
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Root (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RPRT_D - Extension Include: Incident - Internal Report Document
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RPRT_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Internal Report Transient
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RSTDY_D - Extension Include: Incident - Restricted Duty
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_RSTDY_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Restricted Duty (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_SAFOB_D - Extension Include: Incident - Safety Observation
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_SAFOB_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Safety Observation (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_SNAPSH_D - Extension Include for the Incident Snapshot Node
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_SNAPSH_DT - Extension Include for Incident Snapshot Node (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_TIDAT_D - Extension Include: Incident - Time Data (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_TIDAT_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Time Data
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_TSDEV_D - Extension Include: Incident - Technical Safety Device
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_TSDEV_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Technical Safety Device (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_VEHIC_D - Extension Include: Incident - Vehicle
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_VEHIC_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Vehicle (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_VIOLN_D - Extension Include: Incident - Violation Notice
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_INC_VIOLN_DT - Extension Include: Incident - Violation Notice (Transient)

SAP Incident Reporting Tables EHS-MGM-INC-REP

CDOEHHSSD_IRT_MSG - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_IRT_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_IRT_RPT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
EHHSSD_IRT_CCREC - Report Cc Receivers
EHHSSD_IRT_MSG - Messages returned from report generation
EHHSSD_IRT_ROOT - Report - Root
EHHSSD_ISR_MSG - Messages returned from report generation
EHHSSD_ISR_ROOT - Report - Root
EHHSSD_ISR_SURPT - Incident Report - Summary Report
EHHSSS_IRT_CCRECEIVER_D - Incident Report - Cc Report Receivers
EHHSSS_IRT_CCRECEIVER_DT - Report Cc Receivers (Transient)
EHHSSS_IRT_REPORT_D - Incident Report - Report
EHHSSS_ISR_SUMMARY_REPORT - Incident Report - Summary Report
EHHSSS_ISR_SUMMARY_REPORT_D - Incident Report - Summary Report
EHHSSS_ISR_SUMMARY_REPORT_DT - Incident Report - Summary Report (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_IRT_CCREC_D - Extension Include: Report - Cc Receivers
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_IRT_CCREC_DT - Extension Include: Report - Cc Receivers (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_IRT_REPORT_D - Extension Include: Incident Report - Report
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_ISR_SUM_REP_D - Extension Include: Incident Summary - Summary Report
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_ISR_SUM_REP_DT - Extension Include: Incident Summary Report (Trans.)

SAP Incident Workflow and Tasks Tables EHS-MGM-INC-WF

CDOEHHSSD_IAC_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
EHHSSD_IAC_ROOT - Action - Root
EHHSSD_IIL_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_IIL_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_IIS_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_IIS_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PGI_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHHSSD_PGI_GRCFL - Process Control: GRC Reporting
EHHSSD_PGI_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PIA_APPR - Process Control - Approval
EHHSSD_PIA_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PIA_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PIC_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PIC_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PIH_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PIH_HRABS - Process Control: HR Absence
EHHSSD_PIH_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PII_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PII_INQUI - Process Control - Inquiry
EHHSSD_PII_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PIL_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PIL_INCLC - Process Control - Incident Lifecycle
EHHSSD_PIL_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PIN_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PIN_NOTIF - Process Control - Notification
EHHSSD_PIN_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PIR_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PIR_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PIR_RPT - Process Control - Report
EHHSSS_IIL_INVEST_LC - Incident Investigation Lifecycle
EHHSSS_IIL_INVEST_LC_D - Incident Investigation Lifecycle (Transient)
EHHSSS_IIS_INVEST_STEP - Incident Investigation Step
EHHSSS_IIS_INVEST_STEP_D - Inc. Investigation Step (Transient)
EHHSSS_PIH_A_PARAM - Parameters Structure if absence was assigned
EHHSSS_PIH_HR_ABSENCE_DT - HR Absence (Transient)
EHHSSS_PIH_INC_DATA - HR Absence: Incident data
EHHSSS_PIH_INC_DATA_D - HR Absence: Incident data (Transient)
EHHSSS_PIL_INCIDENT_LC - Incident Lifecycle
EHHSSS_PIL_INCIDENT_LC_D - Incident Lifecycle
EHHSSS_PIL_INCIDENT_LC_DT - Incident Lifecycle (Transient)
EHHSSS_PIR_INCIDENT_D - Incident Report (Transient)
EHHSSS_PIR_P_SEND_REP_COPIES - Parameter structure for the SEND_REPORT_COPIES Action
EHHSSS_PIR_Q_ROOT_LATEST - Query Parameter Struc. for Finding Most Recent Sent Report
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_IIL_INVEST_LC_D - Extension Include: Inc. Investigation Lifecycle
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_IIS_INV_STEP_D - Extension Include: Inc. Investigation Step
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PIH_HR_ABS_D - Extension Include: HR Absence
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PIH_HR_ABS_DT - Extension Include: HR Absence (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PIH_INC_DATA_D - Extension Include: Incident data for HR
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PIL_INC_LC_D - Extension Include: Incident Lifecycle
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PIL_INC_LC_DT - Extension Include: Incident Lifecycle (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PIR_INCIDENT_D - Extension Include: Incident Report

SAP Product Compliance Tables EHS-MGM-PRC

CDOEHPRCD_CMP_POS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_BASM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_CHKR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_DEC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_MAT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_REQR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_SPEC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COD_SUPL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_COST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_EPCHA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_EPREC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_LOA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_MILES - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHPRCD_OBL_ITEM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
EHPRCC_ADRPFT - CP: Contact function priority
EHPRCC_ADRPVW - CP: Adress partner function priority
EHPRCC_CDCSPC - Complince Data Category to Spec. Type
EHPRCC_CHECK - Compliance requirement check
EHPRCC_CHECKD - CP: Substance regulation
EHPRCC_CKCRIT - CP: Definition of Check Criteria
EHPRCC_CKCRTD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Check Criteria
EHPRCC_CKDOCIN - CP: Define document types to be processed within a check
EHPRCC_CKDOCOUT - CP: Define document types to be processed within a check
EHPRCC_CKMAT - CP: Define material types to be processed within a check
EHPRCC_CLASS - CP: Additional classification for specifications
EHPRCC_CLASSD - Additional classification - language dependend describtion
EHPRCC_CLMC - CP: Assignment Classification <-> MATCAT's
EHPRCC_CMPN - Campaign Type Name
EHPRCC_CMPT - Campaign Type
EHPRCC_CMP_LEV - Possible product levels for campaigns
EHPRCC_COMM_CH - Communication Channel
EHPRCC_COMM_CH_T - Communication Channel
EHPRCC_DISCAT - Specify Disassembly Categories (RSRC)
EHPRCC_DLTYPD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Download Types
EHPRCC_DOCGA - Document group - Document assignment
EHPRCC_DOCGA_T - Document group - Document assignment Description
EHPRCC_DOCGN - Document Group Description
EHPRCC_DOCGP - Document groups
EHPRCC_DOCTYD - CP: Description for document types
EHPRCC_DOCTYP - CP: Document types
EHPRCC_DOC_IN - CP: Define document types to be processed for a CDO
EHPRCC_DOC_OUT - CP: Define document types to be processed for a CDO
EHPRCC_DOKAR - REACH-Relevant Document Types
EHPRCC_EC1MAP - CP: Map Valuation Categories
EHPRCC_EC2MAP - CP: Map Characteristics
EHPRCC_EMLA - Campaign type - partner role assignment
EHPRCC_EMLC - Communication Definition
EHPRCC_EMLCN - Communication Definition Description
EHPRCC_EMLD - CP: eMail Definition
EHPRCC_EMLDD - CP: eMail Description
EHPRCC_EMLGA - E-Mail Group - E-Mail Assignment
EHPRCC_EMLGN - Email Group Description
EHPRCC_EMLGP - Email groups
EHPRCC_ENV - EHS: General Environment Parameters
EHPRCC_ENVD - CP: language dependent description of environment parameter
EHPRCC_ENVT - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Environment Parameters
EHPRCC_ENV_CP - CP: General environment parameter
EHPRCC_EXCHK - CP: Specify checks for export categories
EHPRCC_EXIMDD - CP: language dep. descriptor for IMDS MDS variables
EHPRCC_EXM_MAP - Exemption mapping table for migration (old to new exemption)
EHPRCC_EXPL - CP: BOS-Explosion configuration
EHPRCC_EXPLD - CP: Language dependend composition group description
EHPRCC_EXPL_P - CP: BOS-Explosion configuration composition priorities
EHPRCC_EXPL_V - CP: Assignment of Variants to Composition groups
EHPRCC_EXUCONV - PRC: Define unit conversion for template
EHPRCC_FUREASON - Follow-Up reason code definitions
EHPRCC_FUREASOND - Follow-Up reason definitions
EHPRCC_FUREASONT - text table Follow-Up reason definitions
EHPRCC_FU_MILED - Follow-Up Milestones
EHPRCC_IMCIXM - CP: XML Import Conversion of Identifiers
EHPRCC_IMCXML - CP: XML Import Conversion of Classes/Characteristics
EHPRCC_IMID - CP: Import identification
EHPRCC_IMIDNA - CP: Import identification description
EHPRCC_IMMAP - Mapping table
EHPRCC_IMPRES - Restrictions for import MDS data
EHPRCC_IMSEG - Import segment
EHPRCC_IMSEGF - Import segment fields
EHPRCC_IMSEGN - Segment description
EHPRCC_IMUMOD - Update mode
EHPRCC_INPCHK - Definition of input check rules
EHPRCC_INTPL - Incoming Template
EHPRCC_IPC001 - CP: Specify declaration classes according to IPC 1752
EHPRCC_LEGSL - Legislation
EHPRCC_LGENT - Legal Entity
EHPRCC_MATCDC - Material Category to the Compliance Data Category
EHPRCC_MATDES - Specify Material Designations (RSRC)
EHPRCC_MILECD - Milestone code definition
EHPRCC_MILED - Project milestone definition
EHPRCC_MILEDT - Text table for project milestone definition
EHPRCC_NOR - CP: Define normalization variants
EHPRCC_NORD - CP: Define normalization variant descriptions
EHPRCC_NORIG - CP: Origins of Standards
EHPRCC_NORM - CP: Industry Standards
EHPRCC_NORMD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Industry Standards
EHPRCC_NORP - CP: Define normalization variant additional parameters
EHPRCC_OLGRA - Assignment of Object List categories to Object List Groups
EHPRCC_OLGRP - Object List Group
EHPRCC_OLGRPT - Text Table for Object List Group
EHPRCC_ORGUN - Organizational Unit
EHPRCC_ORGUNT - Text Table for Organizational Unit
EHPRCC_OUTPL - Outgoing Template
EHPRCC_PDM - Specify PDM Systems
EHPRCC_PHMAP - Mapping of Phrases to Technical Phrase Keys
EHPRCC_PROP - CP: definition of properties and characteristics
EHPRCC_RECAT - Specify Recycling Categories (RSRC)
EHPRCC_REGTY - Registration type settings
EHPRCC_RENORD - CP: Language Dependent Identifiers of Recycling Standards
EHPRCC_RENORM - CP: Recycling Standards
EHPRCC_REQVIEW - Requirement Tab Assignments
EHPRCC_RLSREL - Release Relevant Levels
EHPRCC_RLSREL_T - Release Relevant Levels
EHPRCC_RQMNT - Legal Requirement
EHPRCC_SCNOR - CP: Normalization variants for compliance scenarios
EHPRCC_SLORG - SRC: Assign organizational unit to authorization group
EHPRCC_SROLE - Stakeholder Role
EHPRCC_SROLET - Text Table for Stakeholder Role
EHPRCC_SSRTH - Spreadsheet report thresholds/settings
EHPRCC_TPLG - Template groups
EHPRCC_TPLGA - Template group / template assignment
EHPRCC_TPLGN - Template group description
EHPRCC_UEFU - CP: Link User-Exits with Function Modules
EHPRCC_UEFUNA - CP: Description user exit name
EHPRCC_UOMCNV - CfP: table with units for CfP import
EHPRCC_VACP - CP: Validity area category priorities
EHPRCC_VACPD - CP: Val. area cat. priorities - lang.-dep. descriptions
EHPRCD_ACHG_ROOT - ACP Relevant Change - Root
EHPRCD_ACPC_ROOT - Completed ACP Entry - Root
EHPRCD_ADRD - CP: expanded data for business partner
EHPRCD_ADRPD - CP: expanded data for personal partner
EHPRCD_BBT_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_BGR - Import/export report parameter for background processing
EHPRCD_CMP_POS - Campaign Position
EHPRCD_CMP_ROOT - Campaign Root
EHPRCD_COD_BASM - Basic Material Composition
EHPRCD_COD_BOM - BOM Information
EHPRCD_COD_CHKR - Check Result
EHPRCD_COD_DEC - Declarable Substance Information
EHPRCD_COD_DIR - Document Info Record
EHPRCD_COD_NAME - Compliance Data Name
EHPRCD_COD_REQR - Requirement Revision
EHPRCD_COD_ROOT - Compliance Data Object : Root
EHPRCD_COD_SPEC - Specification Data
EHPRCD_COD_SUPL - Supplier Listing
EHPRCD_COST - Cost Monitoring
EHPRCD_DEC_DE - Obsolete
EHPRCD_DEC_IN - Obsolete
EHPRCD_DOCGA - Document group - Document assignment
EHPRCD_EPCHA - Endpoint chapter data
EHPRCD_EPREC - Endpoint Data Record data
EHPRCD_EXIMDS - Available Search Criteria
EHPRCD_GMAT - Global Product Number (without material master)
EHPRCD_HCUST - CP: Harmonization Customers
EHPRCD_HMAT - CP: Harmonization Materials
EHPRCD_HMFR - CP: Harmonization Manufacturer/Supplier
EHPRCD_ICH4 - Chapter 4 Data
EHPRCD_ICH4AD - Chapter4: OrgID dependent data
EHPRCD_ICH4MP - UNUSED: Chapter 4: Multiple part entries
EHPRCD_ICH4TX - Chapter 4: Text table for Chapter 4 data
EHPRCD_IMDSEXEMP - Mapping between MDS and Exemption
EHPRCD_IMDSSY - CP: IMDS System Configuration
EHPRCD_IRES - Result files waiting to be imported
EHPRCD_IUCSU - Substance data for IUCLID synchronization
EHPRCD_LOA - Letters of access data
EHPRCD_MILES - Project milestones
EHPRCD_OBL_ITEM - Object List Item
EHPRCD_OBL_ROOT - Object List Root
EHPRCD_ORGIDS - Organisation
EHPRCD_PBB_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PBB_BM_RQ - Requested BiOMs
EHPRCD_PBB_CR_RQ - Requested + ass. relevant Comp. Requirem
EHPRCD_PBB_GEN - General Workflow information
EHPRCD_PBB_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PBB_RQ - Compliance Request
EHPRCD_PBB_TRSF - Process Control - BomBos Transfer
EHPRCD_PCA_ATTA - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PCA_COASS - Compliance Assessment data
EHPRCD_PCA_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PCR_ATTA - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PCR_CDO - Aggregated CDO Info
EHPRCD_PCR_COMPL - Compliance Check Result
EHPRCD_PCR_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PERF - CP: Performance Tests
EHPRCD_PMS_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PMS_MS - MIlestones Node
EHPRCD_PMS_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PRP_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PRP_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PRP_RP - DB Table for Registration Project Node
EHPRCD_PRP_SP - DB Table for SEIF Project Node
EHPRCD_PSA_ATTA - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PSA_MAIL - Received E-Mail
EHPRCD_PSA_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PSI_ATTA - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PSI_COMM - Communication Definition Settings
EHPRCD_PSI_CREQ - Compliance Requirements
EHPRCD_PSI_INQUI - Process Control - Inquiry
EHPRCD_PSI_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PSP_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_PSP_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_PUREGR - CfP: Pure groups pure substance assignment
EHPRCD_REGWF_MIG - Registration Management Workflow to Workflow Migration tabe
EHPRCD_RFU_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHPRCD_RFU_FU - Registration Follow Up
EHPRCD_RFU_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHPRCD_STRU_IMG - Product Structure Expanded Image
EHPRCD_TASK_MIG - Task to Workflow Migration table
EHPRCD_TEST - CP: Contains test data
EHPRCD_TESTD - CP: Tests' description
EHPRCD_TESTF - CP: Objects for the testframework
EHPRCD_TESTFD - CP: Description for objects of the testframe
EHPRCD_TESTIO - CP: Table for storing test input and output data
EHPRCD_TESTR - CP: Test run data
EHPRCD_TSTIOD - CP: Test IO data description
EHPRCD_USR_OBJ - Favorite, recent, changed objects for user
EHPRCD_WL_CA_E - Compl. Assmnt. Worklist - Worklist entry
EHPRCD_WL_CA_ER - Compl. Assmnt. Worklist - ROOT Extention
EHPRCD_WL_CA_RA - Compl. Assmnt. Worklist - Assigend Requirements
EHPRCD_WL_E_RC_C - Entry - Regulatory Change Workist
EHPRCI_CHK_CODE - Check Result Code
EHPRCI_CMPLC - Compliance Status
EHPRCI_CMPLC_T - Compliance Status Code - translated
EHPRCI_COPYMAP - Copy Substance (maping table for copy data and vat)
EHPRCI_EC1VAL - CP: Map Valuation Categories - Value List
EHPRCI_EC2VAL - CP: Map Characteristics - Value List
EHPRCI_EPCHD - Endpoint chapter definition
EHPRCI_EPCHT - Text table for endpoint chapter definition
EHPRCI_FUACTION - System table Follow-Up action definition
EHPRCI_FUACTIONT - System Text table Follow-Up action definition
EHPRCI_IPR_MAP - IPR Data components mapping against Preregistration prop.
EHPRCI_MATCAT - Material Categories
EHPRCI_MATCATT - Material Category Descriptions
EHPRCI_MIGRATE - Definition of data migration (source table -> dest table)
EHPRCI_PAWM - Phrase Set <-> characteristics check table for filling TCG66
EHPRCI_PERFCO - CP: Performance Configuration
EHPRCI_PHSET - Phrase sets REACH Compliance
EHPRCI_PHTID - Technical Phrase Keys
EHPRCI_SSREP - Spreadsheet reports
EHPRCI_SSREPT - Spreadsheet report description
EHPRCI_TOBND - Tonnage Band
EHPRCI_TOBNDT - Text Table for Tonnage Band
EHPRCI_UETY - CP: user exit type
EHPRCS_ACP_ADD_CHANGE_INFO - Additional information for relevant ACP change
EHPRCS_ACP_CHANGE_ROOT - ACP Relevant Change - Root
EHPRCS_ACP_CHANGE_ROOT_D - ACP Relevant Change - Root
EHPRCS_ACP_CHANGE_ROOT_DT - ACP Relevant Change - Root (Transient)
EHPRCS_ACP_ENTRY - ACP entry for execution
EHPRCS_ACP_ENTRYC_ROOT - Completed ACP Entry - Root
EHPRCS_ACP_ENTRYC_ROOT_D - Completed ACP Entry - Root
EHPRCS_ACP_ENTRYC_ROOT_DT - Completed ACP Entry - Root (Transient)
EHPRCS_ACP_ENTRY_ROOT_DT - ACP Entry - Root (Transient)
EHPRCS_ADDED_NODE - CP: Structure containing info for added XML elements
EHPRCS_ADDRESS_DETAILS - Company/Person address and contacts
EHPRCS_ADDR_COMPANY - CP: Company address
EHPRCS_ADDR_COMPANY_EXT - CP: Extended company address
EHPRCS_ADDR_PERSON - CP: Personal address
EHPRCS_ADDR_PERSON_EXT - CP: Extended Personal address
EHPRCS_ADDR_PRSNR - CP: Suchhilfe f�r Ansprechpartner
EHPRCS_ADMIN - Admin data for data base tables
EHPRCS_ADRD - CP: expanded data for business partner
EHPRCS_ADRPD - CP: expanded data for personal partner
EHPRCS_ADRPRS - CP: address number and personal partner
EHPRCS_AIF_COC_COMPLIANCE - Compliance information in COC PDF form (PRC)
EHPRCS_AIF_COC_FORM_CONTENT - Content structure of COC form (PRC)
EHPRCS_AIF_COC_INTF - Interface Structure for Certificate of Compliance Form
EHPRCS_AIF_COC_REQ_EXEMPTIONS - Requirement exemptions in COC PDF form
EHPRCS_AIF_CONTACT_INFO - Contact information in PDF forms of PRC
EHPRCS_AIF_CONTEXT - Context of Certificate Of Compliance AIForm
EHPRCS_AIF_DECL_NEW_INTF - Interface Structure for Certificate of Compliance Form
EHPRCS_AIF_DEC_INTF - Interface Structure for Certificate of Compliance Form
EHPRCS_AIF_HEADER_INFO - Contact information in PDF forms of PRC
EHPRCS_AIF_PRODUCT_HEADER_INFO - Product header information in PDF forms of PRC
EHPRCS_AIF_REQR_DECL_DETAILS - Structure containing all requirement details
EHPRCS_AISYS_RESULT - Archive Infosystem Result Structure
EHPRCS_ALV01 - CP: ALV - Icons
EHPRCS_ALV02 - CP: IO-Struktur zur Darstellung von Spezifikationsdaten
EHPRCS_ALV03 - CP: IO structure to display multiple inst. of property data
EHPRCS_ALVADM - CP: Administration fields of ALV IO structure
EHPRCS_ALVKEY - CP: Key value fields of ALV IO structure
EHPRCS_ALVVALUES - CP: Value fields of ALV IO structure
EHPRCS_AMPL_VALID - AMPL structure with extra validity information
EHPRCS_APPLCODE - Applikation Codes
EHPRCS_APPLLOG_NODES - CP: application log nodes (reference to objects)
EHPRCS_ARCH_MDS_DOC - MDS Document archivability
EHPRCS_ATNAM_MULT_USED - Multiple used characteristic (value assignment types)
EHPRCS_ATT2IMF2BDY - CP: Attachment data, header and body
EHPRCS_ATTR_PROPERTY_PAIR - Genil Attribute Property Pair
EHPRCS_ATWRT - Characteristic Values
EHPRCS_AUTH_CHK - Authorization for Objects
EHPRCS_A_0EH_CDO - Extractor Structure for CDO Master Data
EHPRCS_BAL_MESSAGE - Application Log Message
EHPRCS_BAL_MESSAGE_KEY - Key for Appl. Log Message
EHPRCS_BASE_RANGE - CP: Structure for ranges that can be used in Abap OO
EHPRCS_BASMAT_COMP_UI - Basic Material Compositions UI
EHPRCS_BCV_INPUT - Input structure for Business Context Viewer
EHPRCS_BC_MESSAGE - CP: Struktur f�r eine Nachricht vom Batch-Client
EHPRCS_BOL_EXECUTION_RESULT - Used to get the result of a method-execution in BOL
EHPRCS_BOMBOS_OUTPUT - CP: Structure for output of BOMBOS results
EHPRCS_BOMBOS_OUTPUT_SIM - CP: Struktur f�r Ausgabe der BOMBOS Ergebnisse (Simulation)
EHPRCS_BOSSZEN - CP: BOS-Explosion Szenario
EHPRCS_BOS_CDBO_BUF - CP: Compliance Data buffer structure for BOS explosion
EHPRCS_BOS_COMP_CD - CP: Compliance Data extension for BOS Composition structure
EHPRCS_BOS_COMP_UCOV_ADD - CP: Structure for additional information for coverage check
EHPRCS_BOS_COMP_WITH_MODE - CP: BOS_COMP structure with mode field
EHPRCS_BOS_EXPL - BOS explosion structure
EHPRCS_BOS_EXPLOSION_REF - Key and reference of BOS explosion handler
EHPRCS_BOS_EXPL_CHK - BOS explosion structure for check
EHPRCS_BOS_INDEX_FLAGS - CP: Flags for used BOS index tables
EHPRCS_BOS_INDEX_KEY - CP: BOS index table for field KEY
EHPRCS_BOS_INDEX_MATCAT - CP: BOS index table for field MATCAT
EHPRCS_BOS_INDEX_SUBID - CP: BOS index table for field SUBID
EHPRCS_BOS_SPLIT - CP: Line type for BOS split by product category
EHPRCS_BOS_TEST_REVISION_DATA - Unit Test Structure Data for the revision BOS handler
EHPRCS_BOS_TEST_REV_XML_DATA - Revision History XML data
EHPRCS_BOS_USAGE_ID - ID for a Usage (key)
EHPRCS_BOS_USAGE_KEY - Usage Key fields
EHPRCS_BOS_WEIGHT_ABS - Absolute weight of a component in an explosion
EHPRCS_BOS_WEIGHT_PROP - Weight proportion of component of explosion
EHPRCS_BO_ID - Business Object ID
EHPRCS_BP_CODES - Business partner codes
EHPRCS_BP_NAME - Business partner name
EHPRCS_BUFFER_ENTRY_STATUS - CP: Status fields for a buffer entry
EHPRCS_BUFFER_MOD - CP: Modified buffers with additional data
EHPRCS_BUFFER_MOD_ADD_DATA - CP: Additional data to modified buffers
EHPRCS_BUKRS - Company code
EHPRCS_BUKRS_LGENT - Legal entities
EHPRCS_BUKRS_WERKS - Plants for Company Code
EHPRCS_BUPA - Business Partner
EHPRCS_BUPA_ADDR - Business Partner Address
EHPRCS_BUS_PARTNER - CP: Business and contact person
EHPRCS_BUTTON_CHARAC - Definition of dialog button characteristic
EHPRCS_CACHED_DECLARABLES - CP: Line type for cached declarables
EHPRCS_CACHED_IDENTS - CP: Line type for cached indentifier values
EHPRCS_CBM_DETAILS_UI - Create Basic Material - details
EHPRCS_CD_OLD_NEW - CP: Structure containing old and new values by field
EHPRCS_CHAR_DEF - CP: Line type for characteristic definitions
EHPRCS_CHAR_DESCR - CP: Description of a characteristic
EHPRCS_CHAR_FIELD_MAPPING - CP: Maps a characteristic to a field
EHPRCS_CHAR_FIELD_MAP_EXT - CP: Extended mapping between characteristic and field
EHPRCS_CHECK - Compliance Requirement Check Structure
EHPRCS_CHECKGRP_CHK - CP: Check Group <--> Check
EHPRCS_CHECKS_RESULT - CP: Struktur mit Pr�fung und Pr�fergebnis
EHPRCS_CHECKS_RESULT_EXT - CP: Struktur mit Pr�fung, Ergebnis und Zusatzinfos
EHPRCS_CHECK_100PERC - CP: Summe der Bestandteile einer Spez. abh�ngig vom Werk
EHPRCS_CHECK_COMPL_DATA - All compliance data needed for executing a compliance check
EHPRCS_CHECK_COMPL_INFO - Compliance Info needed for executing a compliance check
EHPRCS_CHECK_COMPL_INFO_UPPER - Compliance Info needed for executing a compl. check (upper)
EHPRCS_CHECK_DECL_DATA - Declarables data needed for executing a compliance check
EHPRCS_CHECK_DECL_DATA_ENH - Declarables with reglist dependent information
EHPRCS_CHECK_DECL_PROH_INFO - Info that are necessary for calculating the compl. status
EHPRCS_CHECK_DOCUMENT_INFO - Document template information for the check
EHPRCS_CHECK_EXEC_MESSAGE - Messages of a single check execution
EHPRCS_CHECK_MASS_INFO - Mass Information needed for consistency check
EHPRCS_CHECK_MESSAGES - Message/Criteria data for executing a check
EHPRCS_CHECK_RESULT - CP: Struktur f�r Pr�fergebnis
EHPRCS_CHECK_SEQUENCE - Configured sequence of compliance requirements
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_CHECK_EXEMPT - Needed for test container for testing validity of exemptions
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_COMPLETENESS - Needed for test container for checking completeness (MANUAL)
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_COMPL_CALC - Needed for test container for checking completeness (CALC.)
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_COMPL_STATUS - Needed for test container for testing compliance status
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_DECLARABLES - Needed for test container for declarabl/prohibited status
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_DECL_SUM_GR - Structure for Compliance Check Unit Tests (Decl Sum / Group)
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_EXPLOSION - Needed for explosion test container for check unit tests
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_RESULT_CALC - Structure for Unit Test: Test the calc of check results
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_REVISION - Test Container for revision handling
EHPRCS_CHECK_TEST_SCENARIO - Scenarion ID that is used in Unit Tests
EHPRCS_CHKRES_COMPL - CP: Check result value and if it is set by compliance status
EHPRCS_CHK_PROP - CP: Property structure
EHPRCS_CHK_SUB - CP: Table of substances and its properties
EHPRCS_CKCRIT_EX - CP: Check criteria
EHPRCS_CLASSIFICATION_DATA - Classification value and description
EHPRCS_CLS_CABN - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CABN 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_CABNT - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CABNT 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_CABN_KEY - CP: Schl�sselinformationen CABN
EHPRCS_CLS_CABN_TRANS - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CABN 4.6C) Transportstruktur
EHPRCS_CLS_CAWN - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CAWN 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_CAWNT - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CAWNT 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_CAWN_TRANS - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle CAWN 4.6C) Transportstruktur
EHPRCS_CLS_KLAH - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KLAH 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_KLAT - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KLAT 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_KSML - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KSML 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_KSML_TRANS - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle KSML 4.6C) Transportstruktur
EHPRCS_CLS_SWOR - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle SWOR 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CLS_TCME - CP: Klassensystem (Tabelle TCME 4.6C)
EHPRCS_CMA_IND_SCOPE - Compliance Mass Assessment: Indicator scope
EHPRCS_CMP_ADDR_DATA - Detailed Address data for Int/Ext Recipients
EHPRCS_CMP_A_ADDRESSES_SEARCH - Action Parameter for Address Search
EHPRCS_CMP_A_CUSTOMER_SEARCH - Action Parameter for Customer Search
EHPRCS_CMP_A_MATERIAL_SEARCH - Action Parameter for Material Search
EHPRCS_CMP_A_SEL_ADDR_IDX - Index of selected lines
EHPRCS_CMP_A_SUPPLIER_SEARCH - Action Parameter for Customer Search
EHPRCS_CMP_BI_CAMPAIGN - Campaign: BI Extractor for Campaign Master Data
EHPRCS_CMP_BI_CAMPAIGN_D - Campaign: BI Extractor for Campaign Master Data
EHPRCS_CMP_BI_POSITION - Campaign: BI Extractor for Postions
EHPRCS_CMP_BI_POSITION_D - Campaign: BI Extractor for Positions
EHPRCS_CMP_CMPL_INFO - Compliance information for campaigns
EHPRCS_CMP_COMM_STATUSES - Communication Statuses count Structure
EHPRCS_CMP_COMM_STAT_COUNT - Communication statuses count
EHPRCS_CMP_CONFIRMATION_TEXTS - Texts for the Confimation Step
EHPRCS_CMP_CUSTOMER_DET_FILTER - Campaign Customer Details Search
EHPRCS_CMP_CUSTOMER_MAT_FILTER - Campaign Customer and Material Search Combination
EHPRCS_CMP_FDR_PARAMS_LST_DT - EHPRC enhanced params. Base feeder to work with structures
EHPRCS_CMP_IMPORT_OBJ_FILTER - Filter criteria for import objects
EHPRCS_CMP_IMPORT_OBJ_WARNING - Records with invalid idenifier values
EHPRCS_CMP_INEXT - Transient data for Internal/External recipients
EHPRCS_CMP_INEXT_DT - Transient data for Internal/External Recipients
EHPRCS_CMP_INITIAL_SELECT - Start Campaign Start Selection With and By
EHPRCS_CMP_LIST_FDR_PARAMS_DT - EHPRC enhanced Parameters for the List Feeders
EHPRCS_CMP_MATERIAL_SUBST_ART - Campaign Material Search (Substance and Articles)
EHPRCS_CMP_POS - Campaign Position
EHPRCS_CMP_POS_D - Campaign Position
EHPRCS_CMP_POS_DESC - Campaign Positions Description Fields
EHPRCS_CMP_POS_DT - Campaign Position (Transient)
EHPRCS_CMP_POS_MONITOR_WF - Campaign Position Monitoring Values from BuPa Process
EHPRCS_CMP_POS_UI_EXTENSION - campaign position extension for UI
EHPRCS_CMP_RANGE_ADDRGRP - Range Structure for address group
EHPRCS_CMP_RANGE_SEARCHTERM - Range Structure for search term
EHPRCS_CMP_ROOT - Campaign Root
EHPRCS_CMP_ROOT_D - Campaign Root
EHPRCS_CMP_ROOT_DT - Campaign - Root (Transient)
EHPRCS_CMP_ROOT_FILTERING - Campaign Root Filtering
EHPRCS_CMP_ROOT_KEYS - Table of Campaign Root keys
EHPRCS_CMP_SCC_CUST_PARAMS - Action Parameter for SCC Customizing
EHPRCS_CMP_SUPPLIER_DET_FILTER - Campaign Supplier Details Search
EHPRCS_CMP_SUPPLIER_MAT_FILTER - Campaign Supplier and Material Search Combination
EHPRCS_COC_AIF_CONTEXT - Context of Certificate Of Compliance AIForm
EHPRCS_COD_ASSIGN_REQR_PARAM - Assign Requirement Parameter Structure for CDO
EHPRCS_COD_ASSOC_PARAM_NORMVAR - Association Filter Parameter: Normalization Variant
EHPRCS_COD_BASMAT - Basic Material Composition
EHPRCS_COD_BASMAT_ALTERN - Compliance Data: Alternative Basic Materials
EHPRCS_COD_BASMAT_ALTERN_DT - Compliance Data: Alternative Basic Materials
EHPRCS_COD_BASMAT_D - Compliance Data - Basic Material Composition
EHPRCS_COD_BASMAT_DT - Compliance Data - Basic Material Comp. (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_BI_COMPL_DATA - Compliance Data: BI Extractor Compliance Data
EHPRCS_COD_BI_COMPL_DATA_D - Compliance Data: BI Extractor Compliance Data
EHPRCS_COD_BOM - BOM Information
EHPRCS_COD_BOM_D - Compliance Data Object : Bill Of Material
EHPRCS_COD_BOM_DT - Compliance Data: Bill Of Material (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_CHKL_DT - Check Log (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_CHKR - Check Result
EHPRCS_COD_CHKR_D - Compliance Data: Check Result
EHPRCS_COD_CHKR_DT - Compliance Data: Check Result (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_COMPL_EXEMPTIONS - Compliance information exemptions
EHPRCS_COD_COMPL_FIELDS - Fields for compliance info
EHPRCS_COD_COMPL_INFO - Compliance information header and revision data for BCV
EHPRCS_COD_COMPL_INFO_DATA - compliance information data structure
EHPRCS_COD_COMPL_INFO_HEADER - compli. object header info for compliance info service api
EHPRCS_COD_COMP_QUANTITY - Compliance Data Compositions Quantity
EHPRCS_COD_DECLTYPE - Compliance data object and declarable type
EHPRCS_COD_DECSUB - Declarable Substance Information
EHPRCS_COD_DECSUB_D - Compliance Data- Declarable Substance
EHPRCS_COD_DECSUB_DT - Compliance Data - Declarable Substance (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_DIR - Document Info Record
EHPRCS_COD_DIR_D - Compliance Data: DIR
EHPRCS_COD_IMDS - Compliance Data: IMDS
EHPRCS_COD_IMDS_DT - Compliance Data: IMDS
EHPRCS_COD_INPUTCOMP - Input Composition
EHPRCS_COD_INPUTCOMP_DT - Compliance Data - Input Composition
EHPRCS_COD_IPCMSG - Input Check Message
EHPRCS_COD_IPCMSG_DT - Compliance Data: Input Check Message
EHPRCS_COD_MATASSINFO - REACH Material assessment attributes
EHPRCS_COD_MAT_D - Compliance Data: Material
EHPRCS_COD_MAT_DT - Compliance Data: Material (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_NAME_TEXT - Compliance Data Name
EHPRCS_COD_NAME_TEXT_D - Compliance Data Name
EHPRCS_COD_NORMVAR_INPUT - Normmalization Variant Input Fields
EHPRCS_COD_REF_KEY - Compliance object in basmat - Alternate Key
EHPRCS_COD_REL_DOC_INFO - Information on released documents
EHPRCS_COD_REQR - Requirement Revision
EHPRCS_COD_REQREV_KEY_COMPARE - Requirement Revision Compare Key
EHPRCS_COD_REQR_CREATE_PARAM - Create new revision parameter structure
EHPRCS_COD_REQR_D - Compliance Data: Requirement Revision
EHPRCS_COD_REQR_DT - Compliance Data: Requirement Revision (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_ROOT - Compliance Data Object: Root
EHPRCS_COD_ROOT_ALTKEY - Compliance Data Root Alternative Key
EHPRCS_COD_ROOT_D - Compliance Data: Root (Data)
EHPRCS_COD_ROOT_DT - Compliance Data: Root (Transient)
EHPRCS_COD_ROOT_KEY - Compliance object in structure - Alternate Key
EHPRCS_COD_ROOT_Q_BASMAT_RES - Root Basic Material Query result structure
EHPRCS_COD_ROOT_Q_BASMAT_SRCH - Root Basic Material Query search structure
EHPRCS_COD_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Compliance Data: Search Criteria
EHPRCS_COD_SEARCH_RESULT - Compliance Data: Search Result
EHPRCS_COD_SPEC - Specification Data
EHPRCS_COD_SPEC_D - Compliance Data: Specification Data
EHPRCS_COD_SPEC_DT - Compliance Data: Specification Transient Data
EHPRCS_COD_STANDARDCOMP - Standard Composition
EHPRCS_COD_STANDARDCOMP_DT - Compliance Data - Standard Composition
EHPRCS_COD_STRUCT - Product Structure
EHPRCS_COD_STRUCT_DT - Compliance Data: Structure
EHPRCS_COD_STRU_Q_PROD_RES - Product structure search by product result structure
EHPRCS_COD_STRU_Q_PROD_SRCH - Product structure serach by product criteria
EHPRCS_COD_SUPLST - Supplier Listing
EHPRCS_COD_SUPLST_D - Compliance Data - Supplier Listings
EHPRCS_COD_UI_EXTENSION - Extension structure for UI
EHPRCS_COD_USE - Use collection
EHPRCS_COD_USELINK_DT - Compliance Data: Use Link
EHPRCS_COD_USE_DT - Compliance Data: Use
EHPRCS_COD_USE_MVP - Process Category
EHPRCS_COD_USE_MVP_DT - Multiple Value Phrase
EHPRCS_COMM - CP: Communication informations
EHPRCS_COMM_DEF_REJECT_PARAM - Parameter structure for the inquiry response reject
EHPRCS_COMM_DEF_SENTMAIL_PARAM - Parameter structure for the Event that E-Mail was sent
EHPRCS_COMM_DEF_STORE_WI_PARAM - Parameter structure to store the Workitem Id
EHPRCS_COMM_EXT - CP: Extended communication data
EHPRCS_COMM_FILE - DMS Keys for IMDS Communication File
EHPRCS_COMPIOSTR - CP: IO-Struktur zur Darstellung der Zusammensetzung
EHPRCS_COMPL_CONTAINER - CP: Container for compliance data
EHPRCS_COMPL_INF_API_EXEMPT - Compliance info api exemptions
EHPRCS_COMPL_INF_CDO_DOC - Compliance info api compliance object documents info
EHPRCS_COMPL_INF_DOC_CONT - Document content structure
EHPRCS_COMPL_INF_DOC_UI_STRUCT - UI Compliance Information structure
EHPRCS_COMPL_INF_REQR_UI - UI Compliance Info Released Revision UI structure
EHPRCS_COMPL_INF_REQ_DOC - Compliance info api requirements documents info
EHPRCS_COMPONENTCHANGED - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung einer ge�nderten Komponente
EHPRCS_COMPOSITION - UI composition structure
EHPRCS_COMP_GRP - CP: Composition group
EHPRCS_COMP_WIRE_PARAMS - Compositions wire parameters
EHPRCS_CONFIRM - Structure for Confirmation Dialog
EHPRCS_CONTACT - General business partner contact data
EHPRCS_CONTACT_CUSTOMER - Customer contact data
EHPRCS_CONTACT_VENDOR - Vendor contact data
EHPRCS_COPYMAP - Copy Substance (maping table for copy data and vat)
EHPRCS_COST - Cost Monitoring
EHPRCS_COST_BAPI - Cost Monitoring
EHPRCS_COST_DATA - Cost Monitoring (only data)
EHPRCS_COST_DATA_BAPI - Cost Monitoring (only data - BAPI)
EHPRCS_COST_KEY - Key structure for Costs
EHPRCS_COST_TRANSIENT_DATA - Structure for transient data for costs
EHPRCS_CP_ISR_ADDINFO - Additional Information for the import of BP response
EHPRCS_CUSTOMER - CP: Structure for customer number and name
EHPRCS_CUSTOMER_SEARCH - Supplier search data
EHPRCS_CUSTPART - CP: Customer Part Header Data
EHPRCS_CUSTPARTD - CP: Customer Part Header Data - lang. dependent description
EHPRCS_CUST_INFO - Customer Purchasing Info Record
EHPRCS_CUST_MAT - Customer information from logistic
EHPRCS_CUST_SUPP_MAT - Customer and Supplier Material Information from Logistics
EHPRCS_DATACHANGED - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung ge�nderter Werte eines Objekte
EHPRCS_DATA_HANDLER_REF - CP: BOS data handler references
EHPRCS_DECFIELDS - CP: Declarable database table fields
EHPRCS_DECFIELDS_DEP - CP: Dependent declarable database table fields
EHPRCS_DECFIELDS_IND - CP: Independent declarable database table fields
EHPRCS_DECFIELDS_IN_DE - CP: database table fields that are used independent and dep.
EHPRCS_DECLARABLECHANGED - CP: Structure to describe a changed declarables entry
EHPRCS_DECL_PROP_VALUES - CP: Proportion values of a declarable
EHPRCS_DECL_UI - UI structure for the declarables
EHPRCS_DECSUB - CP: Buffer structure for declareable substances
EHPRCS_DECSUBDEL - CfP: Declarable Substances to be deleted
EHPRCS_DECSUB_ADD_FIELDS - CP: Additional fields for declarable structures
EHPRCS_DECSUB_DEP - CP: Buffer structure for declareable substances, dependent
EHPRCS_DECSUB_ERROR - CP: Declarable substances with error information
EHPRCS_DECSUB_LST - CP: IO structure to display the list of declarable substance
EHPRCS_DECSUB_NORM - Normalized weight and proportion values of a declarable
EHPRCS_DECSUB_REG - CP: Declarables with regulation information
EHPRCS_DEC_ALLOC_SUBST_AIF - Structure containing the declarable substances for AIF
EHPRCS_DEC_SUBST_AIF - Structure containing the declarable substances for AIF
EHPRCS_DEFAULT_CONTEXT - CP: Defaultbelegung der Kontextstruktur f�r Meldungen
EHPRCS_DIFFERENCE - CP: Differences between two data objects
EHPRCS_DIST_CHANNEL - Distribution Channel
EHPRCS_DMS_ATTACHMENT - Dokument Attachment
EHPRCS_DMS_CREATE - DMS Create Parameters
EHPRCS_DMS_DOC_TYPE - PRC relevant document type
EHPRCS_DMS_SEARCH - DMS Search Parameters
EHPRCS_DOC2CNT2ATT - CP: E-mail data, content and attachment list
EHPRCS_DOC_INF - Document information
EHPRCS_DOC_INFO - CP: XML Documentinformation
EHPRCS_DOC_NUMBER - Dokument number attributes structure
EHPRCS_DOMAIN_VALUE - Fixed Value and Text for a Domain
EHPRCS_DPR_COMPANY - Dynpro Structure for Company Data
EHPRCS_DPR_ORG_PERSON - Dynpro Structure for Company Contact Person
EHPRCS_DPR_ORG_UNIT - Dynpro Structure for Org Unit Data
EHPRCS_DPR_REQUEST - Dynpro Structure for Request data
EHPRCS_DVS_DATA - CP: DMS-Key + Task data
EHPRCS_D_COMPLIANCE_STATUS - Extractor Structure for Compliance Status Data
EHPRCS_ECD_BUPA - Attributes for Enter Contact Data - Business Partners
EHPRCS_ECD_CONTACT - Attributes for Enter Contact Data - Contact
EHPRCS_ECD_KEY - Key for Enter Contact Data
EHPRCS_EINA_VALID - EINA structure with extra validity information
EHPRCS_EMAILREC_ALV - CP: ALV structure for email recipients
EHPRCS_ENV_PARAM_DETAILS - PRC Environment Parameter Details
EHPRCS_EORD_VALID - EORD structure with extra validity information
EHPRCS_EPCODE - Endpoint chapter code
EHPRCS_EPM_CHAPTER_SELECT - Endpoint chapters for the select chapter uibb in Sync UI
EHPRCS_EPM_ENQUEUE - Lock structure for the endpoint management buffer
EHPRCS_EPM_EPCHA_BO_D - Endpoint Chapter BO
EHPRCS_EPM_EPCHA_BO_DT - Endpoint Chapter BO (Transient)
EHPRCS_EPM_EPREC_BO_D - GenIL PRCEPM: Endpoint Record Data Structure
EHPRCS_EPM_EPREC_BO_DT - GenIL PRCEPM: Endpoint Record Transient Structure
EHPRCS_EPM_LOA_PURCH_BO_D - Purchased Letter of Access BO
EHPRCS_EPM_LOA_PURCH_BO_DT - Purchased Letter of Access BO - Transient
EHPRCS_EPM_LOA_SOLD_BO_D - Sold Letter of Access BO
EHPRCS_EPM_LOA_SOLD_BO_DT - Sold Letter of Access BO - Transient
EHPRCS_EPM_ROOT_BO_D - PRC Substance Details - Root Attribute Structure
EHPRCS_EPM_ROOT_BO_DT - Root Attribute Structure (Transient)
EHPRCS_EP_CHAPTER_CODE - Endpoint chapter code
EHPRCS_EP_CHAP_DEF - Endpoint Chapter Definition
EHPRCS_EP_CHAP_DEF_LEVEL_1 - Endpoint Chapter Definition Level 1
EHPRCS_EP_CHAP_DEF_LEVEL_2 - Endpoint Chapter Definition Level 2
EHPRCS_EP_CHAP_DEF_LEVEL_3 - Endpoint Chapter Definition Level 3
EHPRCS_EP_EPCHA - Endpoint Chapter
EHPRCS_EP_EPCHA_DATA - Endpoint chapter data
EHPRCS_EP_EPCHA_DATA_TRANS - Transient Endpoint chapter Data
EHPRCS_EP_EPCHA_KEY - Endpoint chapter key
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC - Endpoint data record
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_BAPI - Endpoint data record for external use (RFC)
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_COPY_ATTR - GeniL attribute structure for the Copy of Endpoint Records
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_COPY_KEY - GeniL key ucture for the Copy of Endpoint Records
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_DATA - Endpoint data record data
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_DATA_BAPI - Endpoint data record data for external use (RFC)
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_IUCLD_UNLINKED - Enpoint datarecords in PRC which are not yet linked
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_KEY - Endpoint data record key
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_PRC_UNLINKED - Enpoint datarecords in PRC which are not yet linked
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_TO_BE_LINKED - Enpoint datarecords which are about to be linked
EHPRCS_EP_EPREC_TRANS - Transient endpoint record structure
EHPRCS_EP_EP_IUCLID_REC_KEY - Endpoint PRC and IUCLID data record key
EHPRCS_EP_EXPERT_DECISION - Expert Decision required for Endpoint Chapter coverage?
EHPRCS_EP_LOA - Letter of access
EHPRCS_EP_LOA_BAPI - Letter of access for external use (RFC)
EHPRCS_EP_LOA_DATA - Letter of access data
EHPRCS_EP_LOA_DATA_BAPI - Letter of access data for external use (RFC)
EHPRCS_EP_LOA_KEY - Letter Of access key
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_COMPGRP - CP: ESTCAT to composition group
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGENT - Subtance in legal enitity Genil Node Structure
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGENT_TRANSIENT - Transient data structure for the Substance in Legal entity
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGPRE - Legal preregistration structure
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGPRE_TRANSIENT - Legal preregistration structure
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGREG - REACH Legal Registration Structure
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGSTK - Substance in Legal Entity Stakeholders
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGSTK_TRANSIENT - Transient data structure for stakeholders in legal entity
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_ORGSTK - Organizational Unit Stakeholder
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_ORGSTK_TRANSIENT - Transient attributes for organizational unit stakeholder
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBEXM - Substance Exemption Structure
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBGEN - Substance Profile Structure
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBGEN_TRANSIENT - Transient attributes for substance profile
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBLTR - Literature Search
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBLTR_TRANSIENT - Transient attributes for literature search
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBORG - Organizational Unit
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBORG_TRANSIENT - Transient attributes for organizational unit
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBUSE - Use structure for Use Collection
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SUBUSE_TRANS - Structure for transient data for Use Collection
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SVTPRO - Purchased Quantities
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SVTPUR - Purchased Quantities
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SVTPUR_TRANSIENT - Transient structure for purchased quantities
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SVTSOLD - Purchased Quantities
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SVTSOLD_TRANSIEN - Transient structure for sold quantities
EHPRCS_ESTCAT_SVT_COMMON_TRANS - Transient common structure for SVT
EHPRCS_EST_CHANGE_DOCS - CP: Structure of est_change_docs
EHPRCS_EXEMPTIONS - Structure with exemption ids and descriptions
EHPRCS_EXEMPTION_PHR - CP: Exemption (Phrase)
EHPRCS_EXEMPTION_UI - Exemption Exit UI Structure
EHPRCS_EXEMPT_F4 - CP: Datenstruktur f�r die Ausnahmen F4-Hilfe
EHPRCS_EXEMPT_PHRTXT - CP: Phrasetext for Exemption
EHPRCS_EXIMDS_KEY - CP: Log. key of the IMDS protocl table EHPRCD_EXIMDS
EHPRCS_EXIMDS_LOCK - CP: Lockstructure for IMDS protocol table EHPRCD_EXIMDS
EHPRCS_EXM_MAP - Exemption mapping
EHPRCS_EXPDOC - Uses and its exposure document
EHPRCS_EXPL_CONFIG - CP: BOS-Explosion configuration
EHPRCS_EXPL_CONFIG_PARAM - CP: Parameters for the BOS-Explosion configuration
EHPRCS_EXPL_CONFIG_PRIO - CP: BOS-Explosion config. composition priorities
EHPRCS_EXPNODE_PATH - CP: Path to a node in product structure tree, with length
EHPRCS_EXPSCE_BUPAREPLY_IDR - Structure for the IDR for business partner reply
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_BASDAT - Export structure for substance base data
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_BASDAT_EXEM - Export structure for exemptions
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_BASDAT_SVHC - Export structure for SVHC data
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_CATMEM - Export structure for category members
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_CLASS - Export structure for classifications
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_CVRGREQ - Export structure for REACH coverage requirements
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_EPDATA - Export structure for endpoint data
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_GHS - Export structure for GHS classifications
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_LEGBAS - Export structure for legal base data
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_LEGENT - Export structure for legal entities
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_LEGENT_ROL - Export structure for stakeholders of legal entities
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_LEGINT - Export structure for intermediates
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_LEGPRE - Export structure for pre-registrations
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_LEGTOL - Export structure for tolling
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_LTRSRCH - Export structure for literature search
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_MATERIAL - Export structure for materials
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_MEMCAT - Export structure for categories
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_ORGUNIT - Export structure for organizational units
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_ORGUNIT_ROL - Export structure for stakeholders of organizational units
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_PROQUAN - Export structure for produced quantities
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_PURQUAN - Export structure for purchased quantities
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_REG - Export structure for internal registration projects
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_SOLDQUAN - Export structure for sold quantities
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_SUBPROF - Export structure for substance profile
EHPRCS_EXP_ALL_USE - Export structure for uses and exposures
EHPRCS_EXP_COST - Export structure for costs
EHPRCS_EXP_EP_COV_CHECK - Export structure for endpoint coverage check
EHPRCS_EXP_EP_GAP - Export structure for endpoint gap matrix
EHPRCS_EXP_EP_GAP_CHAPTER - Export structure for chapters in endpoint gap matrix
EHPRCS_EXP_EP_INFO - Export structure for endpoint information
EHPRCS_EXP_FILTER_EXP_ALL - Filter for export of all substance data
EHPRCS_EXP_FILTER_REG_STAT - Filter for status for export of registration projects
EHPRCS_EXP_ORG - Export structure for organization data
EHPRCS_EXP_PRIO - Export structure for priorities
EHPRCS_EXP_RECN - Substance key
EHPRCS_EXP_REG - Export structure for legal registrations
EHPRCS_EXP_ROLE_VOL - Export structure for actors / representatives and volumes
EHPRCS_EXP_SIEF - Export structure for SIEF projects
EHPRCS_EXP_SUB - Export structure for substance identifiers
EHPRCS_EXP_SUM_VOL - Export structure for summarized volumes
EHPRCS_EXUPLALV - CfP: ALV - Struktur Anwendungstabelle IMDS Upload
EHPRCS_EX_CMP_POS - Extractor Structure for Campaign Positions
EHPRCS_EX_CMP_ROOT - Extractor Structure for Campaigns
EHPRCS_FAILED_KEYS - Structure containing failed keys and reasons
EHPRCS_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR - CP: Structure to describe a dialog field
EHPRCS_FILEAPPLS - CP: Dateien vom Applikationsserver
EHPRCS_FILEINFO - CP: File properties
EHPRCS_FILENAM - CP: file name - !do not use this structure!
EHPRCS_FU_ACTION - Follow-Up Action
EHPRCS_FU_MILED - follow-up milestones definitions
EHPRCS_FU_REASON - Follow-Up Reason
EHPRCS_GENCHK - CP: Structure for checks for generation variants
EHPRCS_GUID_SPECID - Connection between GUID and SPECID
EHPRCS_HDRNO - CP: Struktur f�r Feld HDRNO
EHPRCS_HEUR_CALC - CP: Line type for the heuristic calculations table
EHPRCS_I5_EP_REC_SCIENT_PART - Endpoint Data Record - Scientific Part
EHPRCS_ICH4 - Structure for Chapter 4 data
EHPRCS_ICH4AD - Structure for Chapter 4 Company specific data
EHPRCS_ICH4MP - Structure for Chapter 4 Multiple Parts data
EHPRCS_ICH4TX - Structure for Chapter 4 Text data
EHPRCS_ICMDS - Structure for Customer MDS
EHPRCS_ICMDS_BUF - Buffer structure for Customer MDS
EHPRCS_IDCAT - Identifier Type
EHPRCS_IDDEF - ID Type description of Identification listing
EHPRCS_IDDEF_TEXT - ID Type description of Identification listing
EHPRCS_IDENT - Identifier
EHPRCS_IDENTIFIERS - Substance identifiers Structure
EHPRCS_IDENT_VAL - Identifier value
EHPRCS_IDLID - Identification listing
EHPRCS_IDLID_LIST - Identification listing
EHPRCS_IDLID_TLIST - ID Type description of Identification listing
EHPRCS_IDS - CP: Line type for IDs table
EHPRCS_IMALVAPPLS - CP: ALV - Struktur / Import vom Applikationsserver
EHPRCS_IMATTACH - Import Attachments
EHPRCS_IMDECSUB - Import Declareable Substances
EHPRCS_IMDSEXEMP - Mapping between MDS and Exemption
EHPRCS_IMDSSY - IMDS System Configuration
EHPRCS_IMDS_APPL_CODE - Application code structure
EHPRCS_IMDS_ENTITY_KEY - Identifies an Entity (MDS/Request) and a Recipient (Chap 4)
EHPRCS_IMDS_NORM - Norm Name and Code
EHPRCS_IMDS_RESULT_CONT - IMDS Result file content
EHPRCS_IMDS_RES_MARK - Entry for result download marker
EHPRCS_IMDS_STREAML_INFO - IMDS Streamline information
EHPRCS_IMDS_XML_STRUCT - XML File Structure Structure
EHPRCS_IMERROR - Error structure
EHPRCS_IMLINKID - Import Verweis auf ein anderes Objekt
EHPRCS_IMPALV - CP: ALV-Struktur Import Objekte
EHPRCS_IMPARAM - CP: Import Parameter (Key/Value)
EHPRCS_IMPCOMP - Component fields
EHPRCS_IMPDATA - Import data fields
EHPRCS_IMPDISP - CP: Import-Dialog
EHPRCS_IMPERR_MESSAGE - Application Log Message
EHPRCS_IMPERR_MESSAGE_KEY - Key for Appl. Log Message
EHPRCS_IMPFILE - File structure
EHPRCS_IMPFILE1000 - File structure C1000
EHPRCS_IMPOBJ - Identification objects
EHPRCS_IMPOBJ_REGLIST - Identification object regulatroy list
EHPRCS_IMPRES - Restrictions for Import MDS data
EHPRCS_IMSEGDATL - CP: Import Tool Segment Data Line
EHPRCS_IMXMLTREE - CP: Import XML Tree Structure
EHPRCS_INPCHK_V - Structure to handle events of view ehprcv_inpchk
EHPRCS_INPUT_CHECK - Result of input check
EHPRCS_INP_CHA_KEY_LTEXT - CP: Longtext structure for characteristics
EHPRCS_INP_KEY_VALUE - CP: Structure of Key - Value pair
EHPRCS_INP_VALUE - CP: Structure of possible input value for characteristic
EHPRCS_INQUIRY_CRE_EMAIL_PARAM - Parameter structure for creating E-Mail and Attachments
EHPRCS_INQUIRY_DET_SE_RE_PARAM - Parameter structure for the det. of sender and recipient
EHPRCS_INQUIRY_STORE_ATT_PARAM - Store attachments action parameters
EHPRCS_INQ_ATTACHMENT_UI - transient Node for Attachments
EHPRCS_INST_SHORT - Value Assignment Instance (Short Text)
EHPRCS_INTERNAL_VALUE - CP: Structure for internal value of dialog field
EHPRCS_IPCPARAMS_DLG - CP: IPC parameter dialog structure
EHPRCS_IPCX_BUSINESS_INFO - Business info element in IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPCX_INCLUDE - Include element in IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPCX_ITEM - Item structure for IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPCX_MAIN_DECLARATION - Main declaration element in IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPCX_PRODUCT - Product element in IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPCX_RESPONSE - Response element in IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPCX_SECTIONAL - Sectional structure in IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPCX_SUBSECTIONAL - Subsectional recursive structure in IPC XML
EHPRCS_IPR_CSV_FILE - Structure for parsed csv file for preregistration
EHPRCS_IPR_DATA - Data Structure for Import PreReg
EHPRCS_IPR_DATA_PROP_MAPPING - Data properties mapping for status determination
EHPRCS_IPR_KEY - Key structure for Import PreReg
EHPRCS_IPR_LOAD_FILE - File Load for Import Preregistration
EHPRCS_IPR_MAPPED_DATA - Structure for IPR mapped data
EHPRCS_ISMDS - Structure for Supplier MDS
EHPRCS_ISMDS_BUF - Buffer structure for Supplier MDS
EHPRCS_IUCLID_DATA_CANDIDATES - Structure for suitable IUCLID Substance Canditate
EHPRCS_IUCLID_DATA_REFERENCE - IUCLID Data Object (Document) Reference
EHPRCS_IUCLID_INST_WSLP - Structure for IUCLID instances
EHPRCS_IUCLID_INST_WSLP_EX - Structure for IUCLID Instances extended (with SUBID)
EHPRCS_IUCLID_LEG_ENT - IUCLID Data - Owner Legal Entity
EHPRCS_IUCLID_LOGIN - IUCLID Credentials informatio
EHPRCS_IUCLID_REG_PURPOSE - IUCLID Legislation / Regulatory Purpose
EHPRCS_IUCLID_SUB - PRC Substance - IUCLID Substance Link
EHPRCS_IUCLID_SUB_DATA - Data structure for substance data for IUCLID synchronization
EHPRCS_KEY - Key fields
EHPRCS_KEYDATE - RCS: Definition of Key Date
EHPRCS_KEY_ALEGBAS_LEGENT - Key structure for legal base data - legal entity data
EHPRCS_KEY_ALEGBAS_LEGPRE - Key structure for legal base data - pre-registrations
EHPRCS_KEY_ALEGBAS_ROLE - Key structure for legal base data - actors / representatives
EHPRCS_KEY_ALL_REG - Key structure for internal registration projects
EHPRCS_KEY_ALL_VOL - Key structure for volumes
EHPRCS_KEY_AORG_LEGENT - Key structure for organization - legal entity
EHPRCS_KEY_AORG_ORGUNIT - Key structure for organization - organizational unit
EHPRCS_KEY_BASDAT_EXEM - Key structure for substance base data - exemptions
EHPRCS_KEY_BASDAT_MATERIAL - Key structure for substance base data - materials
EHPRCS_KEY_BASDAT_SVHC - Key structure for substance base data - SVHC
EHPRCS_KEY_CATMEM - Key structure for category members
EHPRCS_KEY_CLASS_BASDAT - Key structure for classification - base data
EHPRCS_KEY_CLASS_PHRASE - Key structure for classification - phrases
EHPRCS_KEY_COST - Key structure for costs
EHPRCS_KEY_CVRGREQ - Key structure for REACH coverage requirements
EHPRCS_KEY_EPDATA - Export structure for endpoint data
EHPRCS_KEY_EP_CHAPTER - Key structure for endpoint chapter
EHPRCS_KEY_EP_COV_CHAPTER - Key structure for endpoint information
EHPRCS_KEY_EP_COV_CHECK - Key structure for endpoint information
EHPRCS_KEY_EP_GAP_CHAPTER - Key structure for endpoint gap matrix chapters
EHPRCS_KEY_EP_GAP_ENDPOINT - Key structure for endpoint gap matrix
EHPRCS_KEY_EP_INFO - Key structure for endpoint information
EHPRCS_KEY_EXP - Key structure for export in general
EHPRCS_KEY_LEGENT - Key structure for legal entities
EHPRCS_KEY_LEGINT - Key structure for legal intermediates
EHPRCS_KEY_LEGPRE - Key structure for pre-registrations
EHPRCS_KEY_LEGTOL - Key structure for legal toll manufacturing
EHPRCS_KEY_LTRSRCH - Key structure for literature search
EHPRCS_KEY_MAPPING - Key structure for REACH coverage requirements mapping
EHPRCS_KEY_MEMCAT - Key structure for categories
EHPRCS_KEY_ORG_LEGENT - Key structure for organization - legal entities
EHPRCS_KEY_ORG_LEGSTK - Key structure for organization - stakeholders of leg. ent.
EHPRCS_KEY_ORG_ORGSTK - Key structure for organization - stakeholders of org. units
EHPRCS_KEY_ORG_SUBGEN - Key structure for organization - lead. leg. ent., org. unit
EHPRCS_KEY_ORG_SUBORG - Key structure for organization - organization units
EHPRCS_KEY_ORG_SUBPRO - Key structure for organization - internal reg. projects
EHPRCS_KEY_PHRASES - Key structure for phrases
EHPRCS_KEY_PRIO_LEGREG - Key structure for priorities - registrations
EHPRCS_KEY_PRIO_PHRASE - Key structure for priorities - R phrases
EHPRCS_KEY_PRIO_SUBGEN - Key structure for priorities - general substance data
EHPRCS_KEY_PRIO_SUBPRO - Key structure for priorities - internal registration project
EHPRCS_KEY_REG_LEGREG - Key structure for legal registrations
EHPRCS_KEY_ROLE - Key structure for roles
EHPRCS_KEY_SIEF - Export structure for SIEF projects
EHPRCS_KEY_SUB - Key structure for substance identifiers
EHPRCS_KEY_SUBPROF - Keystructure for substance data - substance profile
EHPRCS_KEY_USE - Key structure for use & exposure
EHPRCS_KEY_VOL - Key structure for volumes
EHPRCS_KUNNR - Customer number
EHPRCS_KUNNR_EXT - CP: Extended customer data to select partner functions
EHPRCS_LAND1 - Country Key
EHPRCS_LEGENT_CREATE_PARAM - Parameter structure for Create method of Legal Ent. for Subs
EHPRCS_LEGREG_MILESTONES - milestones data with transient fields
EHPRCS_LEGSL - Legislation
EHPRCS_LEGST - Legislation Text
EHPRCS_LGENT - Legal Entity Details
EHPRCS_LGENT_LEGSL - Assignment of Legal Entity to Legislation
EHPRCS_LIFNR - Supplier number
EHPRCS_LIFNR_EXT - CP: Extended vendor data to select partner functions
EHPRCS_LOCK_INFO - Information about the current locking status of a property
EHPRCS_LOG_COM_STATUS - Communication Status
EHPRCS_LOG_CUST_MATINFO - Customer material information
EHPRCS_LOG_CUST_USEINFO - Customer use information
EHPRCS_LOG_MATNR_KUNNR - Assignment of material and customer
EHPRCS_LOG_MATNR_LIFNR - Assignment of material and supplier
EHPRCS_LOG_MATNR_RECN - Assignment of material and real substance
EHPRCS_LOG_MATNR_RECN_E - Assignment of material and supplier specification
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_CMPCUST - Scope for customer within campaign management
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_CMPMAT - Scope for material within campaign management
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_CMPSUP - Scope for supplier within campaign management
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_CUSTMAT - Scope for customer material
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_OBJCUST - Scope for customer
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_OBJMAT - Scope for material
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_OBJSUP - Scope for supplier
EHPRCS_LOG_SCOPE_SUPMAT - Scope for supplier material
EHPRCS_LOG_SUP_MATINFO - Supplier material information
EHPRCS_LONGTEXT - CP: Line type for long text value record
EHPRCS_MAIL - Mail Defiinition
EHPRCS_MASTB - CP: Extended Material-BOM-Assignment
EHPRCS_MATCAT - CP: Materialtypen und Spezifikationsarten
EHPRCS_MATCAT_TO_CHECK - CP: List of material types to be processed by a check
EHPRCS_MATERIAL_EXT - CP: Material number - extended structure
EHPRCS_MATERIAL_NO - Structure for Material Number
EHPRCS_MATNR - Material number
EHPRCS_MATNR_MAKTX - RCS: Material and Material Description
EHPRCS_MATTYPECONF - CP: Struktur f�r die Konfiguration einer Materialart
EHPRCS_MAT_ADDINF - CP: Additional Material Information
EHPRCS_MAT_CDO_COMBINATION - Material ID / Compliance BO Root Instance Combination
EHPRCS_MAT_CLASS - CP: API structure for Material classification values
EHPRCS_MAT_KEY - Key for material
EHPRCS_MDOCDATA - CP: Structure for table of binary data on multiple files
EHPRCS_MDS_KEY - MDS Key Structure
EHPRCS_MENUENTRY - CP: Struktur eines Men�eintrags in einer Werkzeugleiste
EHPRCS_MESSAGE_CP - CP: Struktur f�r Meldungen
EHPRCS_MILED - Project milestone definition
EHPRCS_MILES_QUERY - Project milestone query
EHPRCS_MILET - Text structure for project milestone definition
EHPRCS_MODIFY_IDN_INFO - Information about the processing of identifier modifications
EHPRCS_MODIFY_VAL_INFO - Information about the processing of valuation modifications
EHPRCS_MRP_MILESTONES_SRCH_CRT - Structre for Milestones Search Criteria for Mon. Reg. Projec
EHPRCS_MRP_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Structure for search criteria for Monitor Registr. Project
EHPRCS_MRP_SEARCH_RESULT - Structure for Monitor Reg. Projects Result
EHPRCS_MSG_LTX - Long text for messages (GenIL attribute structure)
EHPRCS_MY_REG_PROJ_POWL - My Registration Projects POWL fields
EHPRCS_NODE_PATH_FIELDS - CP: Fields for path to a node
EHPRCS_NODE_VALUE - CP: Structure containing value and context for node
EHPRCS_NOR - CP: Structure of normalization
EHPRCS_NORMA_INPUT_FIELDS - CP: Normalization key fields for identification
EHPRCS_NORMA_KEY_FIELDS - CP: Normalization key fields for identification (internal)
EHPRCS_OBL_ITEM - Object List Item
EHPRCS_OBL_ITEM_D - Object list item
EHPRCS_OBL_ROOT - Object List Root
EHPRCS_OBL_ROOT_DT - Object List Root Transient Fields
EHPRCS_OBL_SEARCH - Object List Search parameters
EHPRCS_OL_AUTHORITY - Object List Authorization
EHPRCS_OL_CUSTOMER_MATINFO - Customer Material Information
EHPRCS_OL_CUSTOMER_USEINFO - Information about Customer Uses
EHPRCS_OL_HDR - Object List Header (Including Key)
EHPRCS_OL_HDR_DATA - Object List Header Data (Without Key)
EHPRCS_OL_HDT - Language-Dependent Object List Header Data (Including Key)
EHPRCS_OL_HDT_DATA - Language-Dependent Object List Header Data (Without Key)
EHPRCS_OL_HDT_LINEMODE - Language-Dependent Object List Header Data (Incl. Line Mode)
EHPRCS_OL_MATERIAL_REALSUB - Material-Real Sustance Data
EHPRCS_OL_MATERIAL_TEXT - Language-Dependent Material Data
EHPRCS_OL_OLGRA - Assignment of Object List categories to Object List Groups
EHPRCS_OL_OLGRP - Object List Group
EHPRCS_OL_OLGRT - Language-Dependent Object List Header Text
EHPRCS_OL_POS - Object List Item (Including Key)
EHPRCS_OL_POS_DATA - Object List Item (Without Key)
EHPRCS_OL_POS_LINEMODE - Object List Item (Incl. Line Mode)
EHPRCS_OL_SSTRING - Object List Search String
EHPRCS_OL_SUBSTANCE_DETAIL - Substance Detailed Data
EHPRCS_OL_SUBSTANCE_IDENT - Substance Identifiers
EHPRCS_OL_SUPPLIER_MATINFO - Supplier Material Information
EHPRCS_OL_SUPPLIER_SPEC - Key of a Supplier Specification
EHPRCS_OL_SUPPLIER_USEINFO - Information about Supplier Uses
EHPRCS_ONLY_NODE_KEY - CP: Structure for field key of a BOS explosion data set
EHPRCS_ONLY_REP_DATA - Only Representative Data
EHPRCS_ONLY_REP_DATA_KEY - Key structure for OR data
EHPRCS_ORGIDS - Structure for IMDS Org. Data
EHPRCS_ORGPER - Structure for IMDS Contact Person Data
EHPRCS_ORGUN - Organizational Unit
EHPRCS_ORGUN_EXTER - Substance Exemption Structure
EHPRCS_ORGUN_EXTER_KEY - Key structure for External Organizational Units
EHPRCS_ORGUN_EXTER_TRANS - Substance Exemption Structure
EHPRCS_ORGUN_INTER - Substance Exemption Structure
EHPRCS_ORGUN_INTER_KEY - Key structure for Internal Organization Unit
EHPRCS_ORGUN_PLANT - Substance Exemption Structure
EHPRCS_ORGUN_PLANT_KEY - Key structure for External Organizational Units
EHPRCS_ORGUT - Text for Organizational Unit
EHPRCS_OUTPL - Outgoing Template Structure
EHPRCS_OUTPL_EXT - Outgoing templates (extended structure)
EHPRCS_PART - CP: Structure for a part
EHPRCS_PBB_A_PARAM - Parameters Structure for BOMBOS peformed event
EHPRCS_PBB_BOM_REQ - BomBos: Compliance Request - Requested BOMs
EHPRCS_PBB_BOM_REQ_D - BomBos: Compliance Request - Requested BOMs (persistent)
EHPRCS_PBB_COMP_REQ_UI - Verify Compliance Requirements UI
EHPRCS_PBB_COMP_REQ_UI_DT - Verify Compliance Requirement UI (transient)
EHPRCS_PBB_CR_REQ - BomBos: Req. + ass. relevant Comp. Requirements
EHPRCS_PBB_CR_REQ_D - BomBos: Req. + ass. relevant Comp. Requirements (persistent)
EHPRCS_PBB_GENERAL - General Workflow information
EHPRCS_PBB_GENERAL_D - BomBos: General Information
EHPRCS_PBB_GENERAL_DT - BomBos: General Information
EHPRCS_PBB_REQUEST - BomBos: Compliance Request
EHPRCS_PBB_REQUEST_D - Process Control - BomBos: Compliance Request (persistent)
EHPRCS_PBB_REQUEST_DT - Process Control - BomBos: Compliance Request (transient)
EHPRCS_PBB_REQ_A_PARAMS - Parameters for REQUEST Node Actions
EHPRCS_PBB_REQ_BOM - Requested Bill of Materials
EHPRCS_PBB_REQ_REQUIREMENT - Requested Compliance Requirement
EHPRCS_PBB_TRANSFER - Process Control - BomBos Transfer
EHPRCS_PBB_TRANSFER_D - Persistent data of the TRANSFER subnode
EHPRCS_PBB_TRANSFER_DT - Transient Data of the TRANSFER subnode
EHPRCS_PCA_COMPLASSMNT - Compliance Assessment data
EHPRCS_PCA_COMPLASSMNT_D - Compliance Assessment Data
EHPRCS_PCA_COMPLASSMNT_DT - Compliance Assessment Data (Transient)
EHPRCS_PCR_CDOINFO_D - Compliance Data Object Information (Aggregated)
EHPRCS_PCR_CDOINFO_DT - Compliance Check Result (Transient)
EHPRCS_PCR_COMPCHK - Compliance Check Result
EHPRCS_PCR_COMPCHK_D - Compliance Check Result
EHPRCS_PCR_COMPCHK_DT - Compliance Check Result (Transient)
EHPRCS_PCR_ROOT_COMPCHK - Includes Root and Table of Compliance Check Result
EHPRCS_PCR_ROOT_COMPCHK_TASKH - Includes Root and Table of Compliance Check Result and Tasks
EHPRCS_PERFORMANCE - CP: Struktur Performance Test
EHPRCS_PERS_ADR - Person Address
EHPRCS_PFR_BGR - Parameters for read module for background processing
EHPRCS_PFR_EPTYPE - Type of endpoint data record
EHPRCS_PFR_EXP_DB_BGR - Structure for database exchange in background mode
EHPRCS_PFR_MAIL_ATTHEAD - Email attachment header
EHPRCS_PFR_MAIL_BODYPARAM - Email text parameter and values
EHPRCS_PFR_MAIL_TEXT_SYM - Email text symbols
EHPRCS_PFR_RFC_BGR - Return parameter for background mode Java RFC Server
EHPRCS_PFR_SHOW_ALL - Export All Substance Data Labels
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_ACT_VOL - Actors and Volumes GenIL Query Attribute Structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_ALL - All Substance Data GenIL Query attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_COMMON - Common Reporting GenIL Query Attributes
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_COSTS - Costs GenIL Query attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_EP_COVERAGE - Endpoint Coverage Check GenIL Query attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_EP_GAP_MATRIX - Endpoint GAP Matrix GenIL Query attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_EP_INFO - Endpoint Information GenIL Query attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_LEG_REG - Legal Registration GenIL Query attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_ORG - Export organization filter attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_PRIORITIES - Export organization filter attribute structure
EHPRCS_PFR_SR_ROOT - Reporting Root GenIL Object Attributes
EHPRCS_PHRASECAT_DISPLAY - RCS: Structure for display of phrases of phrase catalogue
EHPRCS_PHRASE_TECHKEY - Mapping for technical phrase key
EHPRCS_PHRASE_TEXT - Structure for phrases exchange with Java
EHPRCS_PHRSET - RCS: RFC structure for phrase set request
EHPRCS_PHRSET_REQ - RCS: Structure for phrase set request and read
EHPRCS_PHR_KEY_TEXT - Phrase Key/Text Pair
EHPRCS_POWL_SELCRIT_SORTED - POWL selection criteria structure with custom sort order
EHPRCS_PRC_ATT_EXT - Additional Info for WF Attachment (extended)
EHPRCS_PREF_HANDLING - CP: Structure for preferred handling
EHPRCS_PRODUCT - CP: Product Header Data from Specification
EHPRCS_PRODUCTD - CP: Product Header Data from Specification - lang. descripti
EHPRCS_PRODVAR - CP: Usages used for product variant support
EHPRCS_PRODVAR_CONF - CP: Product variant configuration
EHPRCS_PROD_COMPL - CP: Compliancedaten f�r Produkte oder Produktteile
EHPRCS_PROD_MASS - CP: Gewichtsdaten f�r Produkte und Teile
EHPRCS_PROD_VARIANT - CP: Product variant data
EHPRCS_PROPTREE_DISPLAY - RCS: Structure for display of property tree in ALV
EHPRCS_PROP_MAP - Property and characteristic mapping
EHPRCS_PRP_MILESTONES_DT - MIlstones - Transient Data
EHPRCS_PRP_MS_A_SET_DUE_DATE - Parameter structure for 'SET_DUE_DATE' action
EHPRCS_PRP_REG_PROJECT - Registration Project
EHPRCS_PRP_REG_PROJECT_D - Registration Project
EHPRCS_PRP_REG_PROJECT_DT - Registration Project - Transient Data
EHPRCS_PRP_RP_A_SET_DUE_DATE - Parameter structure for 'SET_PROJECT_DUE_DATE' action
EHPRCS_PRP_SEIF_PROJECT_DT - SEIF Project - Transient Data
EHPRCS_PRP_SP_A_SET_DUE_DATE - Parameter structure for 'SET_PROJECT_DUE_DATE' action
EHPRCS_PSA_MAILDEF_D - Reveived E-Mail Object from SAPOffice
EHPRCS_PSA_MAILDEF_DT - Received E-Mail Object from SAPOffice (Transient)
EHPRCS_PSI_COMPL_REQ - Compliance Requirements
EHPRCS_PSI_COMPL_REQ_D - Compliance Requirements
EHPRCS_PSI_COMPL_REQ_DT - Compliance Requirements (Transient)
EHPRCS_PSI_COM_DEF - Communication Definition Settings
EHPRCS_PSI_COM_DEF_D - Communication Definition
EHPRCS_PSI_COM_DEF_DT - Communication Definition (Transient)
EHPRCS_PSI_DOC - Transient data for attachment popups
EHPRCS_PSI_DOC_D - Transient data for attachment popups
EHPRCS_PSI_ROOT_COMDEF - Includes Root and Table of Communication Def. (for BP)
EHPRCS_PSI_ROOT_COMDEF_TASKH - Includes Root and Table of Communication Def. and Tasks
EHPRCS_PSTRDATA - CP: Struktur eines Knotens der Produktstruktur-Daten
EHPRCS_PS_AND_PGRP - CfP: Pure substance to pure substance group
EHPRCS_PURCHASING_ORG - Purchasing Organization
EHPRCS_PURE - CP: Structure to read pure substance data (identifiers)
EHPRCS_PURE_COMP - CP: Reinstoffzusammensetzung von Produkten
EHPRCS_PURE_DECL - CP: Deklarationsinformationen zu Reinstoffen
EHPRCS_PURE_IDENT - CP: Identifiers for pure substances/substance groups
EHPRCS_PURE_RECN - CP: RECNs aller Reinstoffe
EHPRCS_PURE_SUB_COMP - Pure substance composition: Parent and child substance
EHPRCS_PURE_SUB_RS_LIST - Result list for pure substances
EHPRCS_PURE_VIOLATE - CP: Kritische Reinstoffe
EHPRCS_QUERY_SUB_ADVANCED - Query structure for advanced search
EHPRCS_QUERY_SUB_ADV_REG - Query structure for adv. search with leg. ent. and reg. data
EHPRCS_QUERY_SUB_ADV_SUB - Query structure for advanced search with sub criteria
EHPRCS_QUERY_SUB_IDENT - Structure for basic search
EHPRCS_QUERY_USER_OBJECTS - Structure for query for favorites, recent, changed user obj.
EHPRCS_RANGE_ATFLV - Range for characteristic float values
EHPRCS_RANGE_ATTYP - Range for material categories
EHPRCS_RANGE_ATWRT - Range for characteristic values
EHPRCS_RANGE_BUKRS - Range for company codes
EHPRCS_RANGE_CHECK_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Check Status
EHPRCS_RANGE_COMM_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Communication Status
EHPRCS_RANGE_COMP_GRP - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld CRDATE
EHPRCS_RANGE_CREATIONDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Creation Date
EHPRCS_RANGE_DATASH_TYPE - IMDS: Range Structure for Datasheet Type
EHPRCS_RANGE_DATE - Query range for dates
EHPRCS_RANGE_DELIVERYSLIPNO - IMDS: Range Structure for Bill of Delivery Number
EHPRCS_RANGE_DEVSMPLREP - IMDS: Range Structure for Development Sample Report
EHPRCS_RANGE_DRAWING_CHG_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Drawing Change Level
EHPRCS_RANGE_DRAWING_DATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Drawing Date
EHPRCS_RANGE_DRAWING_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Drawing Number
EHPRCS_RANGE_EKORG - Range for purchasing organisations
EHPRCS_RANGE_GUID - IMDS: Range Structure for GUID
EHPRCS_RANGE_IDENT - Range for identifiers
EHPRCS_RANGE_IMPORT_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Import Status
EHPRCS_RANGE_ISHIDDEN - IMDS: Range Structure for IS Hidden flag
EHPRCS_RANGE_KEY - CP: Range table for field KEY
EHPRCS_RANGE_KUNNR - Range for customer numbers
EHPRCS_RANGE_LAND - Range for country codes
EHPRCS_RANGE_LANGU - Range for languages
EHPRCS_RANGE_LEGENT - Range for legal entities
EHPRCS_RANGE_LIFNR - Range for supplier numbers
EHPRCS_RANGE_MAKTX - Range for material descriptions
EHPRCS_RANGE_MATKL - Range for material groups
EHPRCS_RANGE_MATNR - Range for material numbers
EHPRCS_RANGE_MATNR_CP - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld MATNR
EHPRCS_RANGE_MCDD1 - Range for match codes
EHPRCS_RANGE_MCODE - CP: range structure for match codes
EHPRCS_RANGE_MDSSTATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for MDS Status
EHPRCS_RANGE_MDSTYPE - IMDS: Range Structure for MDS Type
EHPRCS_RANGE_MODULEID - IMDS: Range structure for Module ID
EHPRCS_RANGE_MODULEVERS - IMDS: Range Structure for Module Version
EHPRCS_RANGE_MSGID - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld MSGID
EHPRCS_RANGE_MSGNO - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld MSGNO
EHPRCS_RANGE_MTART - Range for material types
EHPRCS_RANGE_MTART_CP - CP: Range structure for material types
EHPRCS_RANGE_NAME - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld NAME
EHPRCS_RANGE_NAME_GP - Range for supplier/customer names
EHPRCS_RANGE_NODEID - Range structure for NodeId
EHPRCS_RANGE_ORDER_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Purchase Order No
EHPRCS_RANGE_ORT_GP - Range for supplier/customer cities
EHPRCS_RANGE_OWNCONTPERS - IMDS: Range Structure for Own Contact Person
EHPRCS_RANGE_OWNORGID - IMDS: Range Structure for Own OrgID
EHPRCS_RANGE_PARTNAME - IMDS: Range Structure for Part Name
EHPRCS_RANGE_PARTNO - IMDS: Range Structure for Part Number
EHPRCS_RANGE_PHRKEY - Range for phrase keys
EHPRCS_RANGE_PLANT - CP: Range-Struktur f�r Feld PLANT
EHPRCS_RANGE_PRIO - Range for business prioritites
EHPRCS_RANGE_PROJECT_NO - Query range for project number
EHPRCS_RANGE_RECN - Range for Sequential Number of Data Record
EHPRCS_RANGE_RECORGID - IMDS: Range Structure for Recipient OrgID
EHPRCS_RANGE_RECSTATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Recipient Status
EHPRCS_RANGE_REC_PARTNAME - IMDS: Range Structure for Part Name
EHPRCS_RANGE_REQ_CHNGDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Change Date
EHPRCS_RANGE_REQ_DUEDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Due Date
EHPRCS_RANGE_REQ_ID - IMDS: Range Structure for Request ID
EHPRCS_RANGE_REQ_PROJ_NAME - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Project Name
EHPRCS_RANGE_REQ_STATUS - IMDS: Range Structure for Request Status
EHPRCS_RANGE_SAMPLE_NO - IMDS: Range Structure for Sample Report Number
EHPRCS_RANGE_STATUS_CHANGE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Status Change Date
EHPRCS_RANGE_STLAN - CP: Range structure for BOM usage
EHPRCS_RANGE_SUBID - Range for substance IDs
EHPRCS_RANGE_SUPP_CODE - IMDS: Range Structure for Supplier Code
EHPRCS_RANGE_SUPP_ORG_ID - IMDS: Range Structure for Supplier Org Unit
EHPRCS_RANGE_TOBAND - Range for tonnage bands
EHPRCS_RANGE_TRANSM_DATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Upload
EHPRCS_RANGE_UPDDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Update
EHPRCS_RANGE_UPLDATE - IMDS: Range Structure for Last Upload
EHPRCS_RANGE_VKGRP - Range for sales groups
EHPRCS_RANGE_VKORG - Range for sales organisations
EHPRCS_RANGE_VTWEG - Range for distribution channels
EHPRCS_RANGE_WERKS - Range for plants
EHPRCS_RCA_DETAILS_UI - Request Compliance Assessment - Request Details
EHPRCS_RCA_REQUIREMENTS_UI - Request Compliance Assessment - Requirements
EHPRCS_RCGAPIDD - CP: Document data of a report (ASCII or binary)
EHPRCS_RCGUKEY - Key Information for Substance-API Tables
EHPRCS_RCG_SUBID - CP: Structure for the RCG_SUBID
EHPRCS_RCG_SUBID_CHKRES - CP: Structure of SUBID to checkresults
EHPRCS_RCG_SUBID_ERR - CP: Structure of ehprct_rcg_subid with err flgd
EHPRCS_RCMATBAS - CP: Material Assessment
EHPRCS_RCMATBAS_API - Material Assesment
EHPRCS_RCMATBAS_API_MAT - CP: Material Assesment API structure for material data
EHPRCS_RCMATBAS_API_SUB - CP: Material Assesment API structure for substance data
EHPRCS_RCMATBAS_EXEMPTION - CP: Structure Material Exemption
EHPRCS_RCMATBAS_MAT - CP: Material Assessment data from Material Master
EHPRCS_RCMATBAS_SUB - CP: Material Assessment data from Substance
EHPRCS_RECEIVED_ATTACHMENT - Attachment received from business partner
EHPRCS_RECN - Sequential Number of Data Record
EHPRCS_RECN_SCDOKEY - Structure pairing RECN and CDO key
EHPRCS_RECN_SPECID - CP: Structure containing recn and specid
EHPRCS_RECN_SUBCAT - Specifiation and Specification Type
EHPRCS_REFRESH_OBJECTS - CP: BOS-EXPLOSION buffer objects for refresh
EHPRCS_REF_INH_COMBINED_INFO - tells if data is referenced,inherited,overwritten,original
EHPRCS_REGLIST - Regulated substance list
EHPRCS_REGSTATUS - Structure of a registration status
EHPRCS_REGSTATUS_PRIO_MONO - Includes the prio of the monovalent uses
EHPRCS_REGTY - Registration type settings
EHPRCS_REG_CHART_DATA - Structure of the data for a chart
EHPRCS_REG_DEADLINE_TYPE - Structure of timelines
EHPRCS_REG_KPI_STATUS - KPI values for status diagram
EHPRCS_REG_LEAD_DATA - Structure for leading registration data
EHPRCS_REG_LEGAL_ENTITY - Structure for Legal Entity
EHPRCS_REG_LEGAL_ENTITY_TRANS - TransientStructure for Legal Entity
EHPRCS_REG_LEGENT - Structure of legal entities for the reporting
EHPRCS_REG_LEGENT_INT - Legal entity intermediates attribute structure
EHPRCS_REG_LEGENT_INT_TRANS - Transient structure for legal entity intermediates
EHPRCS_REG_LEGENT_TOLL - Legal entity intermediates attribute structure
EHPRCS_REG_LEGENT_TOLL_TRANS - Transient structure for legal entity toll manufacturing
EHPRCS_REG_LE_BASE_DATA - Base data attribute structure
EHPRCS_REG_LE_BASE_DATA_TRANS - Transient Structure for legal entity base data
EHPRCS_REG_LE_SVT_BUFFER - Buffer Structure for Summarized Volumes
EHPRCS_REG_MILES - Project milestone
EHPRCS_REG_MILES_DATA - Project milestone data
EHPRCS_REG_MILES_DATA_TRANS - transient data for milestones
EHPRCS_REG_MILES_KEY - Key structure for milestones
EHPRCS_REG_PROJECT - Registration project information
EHPRCS_REG_PROJECT_INFO - Registration project information with substance Info
EHPRCS_REG_PROJECT_MON - Registration Project Structure for Monitoring
EHPRCS_REG_STATUS - Structure of status in the reporting
EHPRCS_REG_TIMELINE - Structure for a date
EHPRCS_REG_VOLUME_TRACKING - Transient structure for sumamrized volumes
EHPRCS_REJECT_REASON - Structure linking chapter 4 guid and rejection reason
EHPRCS_REPR - CP: Representative of vendor (Read)
EHPRCS_REPR_UPD - CP: Representative of vendor (Update)
EHPRCS_REQR_REG_UI - Compliance Requierement Revision UI and Regulation
EHPRCS_REQR_SET_STATUS_PARAM - Set requierement revision status parameters
EHPRCS_REQR_UI - Compliance Requierement Revision UI structure
EHPRCS_REQUEST - Structure for Request data
EHPRCS_REQ_FILE - DMS Keys for Request File
EHPRCS_RESULT_FILE - DMS Keys for Source File
EHPRCS_RFU_REG_FOLLOW_UP - Registration Follow Up
EHPRCS_RFU_REG_FOLLOW_UP_D - Registration Project Follow Up
EHPRCS_RFU_REG_FOLLOW_UP_DT - Registration Project Follow Up - Transient Data
EHPRCS_RLIST - Regulatory List
EHPRCS_RM_ESTCAT_LEGREG - REACH Legal Registration Structure for Registration Mgmt
EHPRCS_RM_ESTCAT_LEGREG_FU - REACH Legal Registration Structure for Registration Mgmt
EHPRCS_RM_ESTCAT_LEGREG_LEGENT - data from legal entitys for registration project
EHPRCS_RM_ESTCAT_LEGREG_LEGPRE - data from legal pre registration for registration project
EHPRCS_RM_ESTCAT_LEGREG_LEGSTK - Include for profile data which is displayed in legstk
EHPRCS_RM_ESTCAT_LEGREG_SUBGEN - Include for profile data which is displayed in legreg
EHPRCS_RM_ESTCAT_LEGREG_TRANS - Structure for Legal Registration Project transient
EHPRCS_ROOT_UI - Compliance Object root ui structure
EHPRCS_RP_MILESTONE_INFO - Project Milestone Information
EHPRCS_RP_PROJECT_INFO - Registration Project Information
EHPRCS_RQMNT - Legal requirements
EHPRCS_RREQ_UNIQUE_KEY - Rer. Revision Unique key
EHPRCS_RSAG - RSAG (authorization group)
EHPRCS_RS_AUTH - Authorization for subtstance
EHPRCS_RS_HAZARD - Hazardousness
EHPRCS_RS_MA_ASSM_STATUS - Assessment Status
EHPRCS_RS_MA_IDENT - Identifiers
EHPRCS_RS_MA_MATNR - Material Information
EHPRCS_RS_MA_MATNR_RECN - Material Substance Assignment
EHPRCS_RS_MA_PHRASES - Phrase Information
EHPRCS_RS_MA_SUB - Substance information
EHPRCS_RS_NO_AUTH - No Authorization for Substance
EHPRCS_RS_POLYMER - Polymer status of a real substance
EHPRCS_RS_PURE - Pure Substances
EHPRCS_RS_REALSUB - Real substance data
EHPRCS_RS_SCOPE_OBJSUB - Scope for real substance
EHPRCS_SALES_ORG - Sales Organization
EHPRCS_SBR_ADDINFO - Basic additional Information for the reply data
EHPRCS_SBR_ADDINFO_KEY - Key for aditional information for the cust. / supplier resp.
EHPRCS_SBR_USE - Customer Use Response
EHPRCS_SBR_USE_BADI - Use structure for customer response with customer action
EHPRCS_SBR_USE_KEY - Key for SCC Customer Reply
EHPRCS_SCC_AD_IDR - IDR structure for supply chain article data request
EHPRCS_SCC_AD_RESP_ATTIMP_PARM - Param. structure for BOPF actions for article data response
EHPRCS_SCC_AD_RESP_IMP_ATT - Attachments info as parameters for import
EHPRCS_SCC_AD_RESP_REJ - Reject Reason for the Article Data Response Processing
EHPRCS_SCC_ATTACHMENT_KEY - Supplier Attachment Document Key
EHPRCS_SCC_BP - SCC Business Partner Structure
EHPRCS_SCR_ADDINFO - Additional Information for the customer reply data
EHPRCS_SCR_USE - Customer Response - Uses
EHPRCS_SEARCH_ACT_PARAMS - Action Parameter Structure for the Search action in tree
EHPRCS_SET_CRITERION_PARAM - Parameters for Compliance Requirement Checks Actions
EHPRCS_SIEF_PROJECT - SIEF project information
EHPRCS_SIEF_URL_PARAM - parameter structure for genil method to delete url
EHPRCS_SIM_ADD_FIELD_DEF - CP: Struktur f�r die Definition der zus�tzlichen Spalten
EHPRCS_SIM_ALGR_MAP - CP: Struktur beinhaltet die Zuordnung der Alternativen
EHPRCS_SIM_COMPA_OUT_STRUCT - CP: Ausgabestruktur f�r den simulierten Vergleich
EHPRCS_SIM_COMPA_PRO_STRUCT - CP: Ausgabestruktur f�r die Vergleichsproduktstruktur (Sim)
EHPRCS_SIM_FCT_SET - CP: Struktur f�r die �nderungen am Feldkatalog
EHPRCS_SIM_HOTSP_FUNCT - CP: Auszuf�hrende Methode f�r Hotspot
EHPRCS_SIM_KEY_MAP - CP: Mapping-Struktur f�r Keys
EHPRCS_SIM_OUTPUT_MSG - CP: Ausgabestruktur f�r die Details (Simulation)
EHPRCS_SIM_OUT_STRUCT - CP: Ausgabestruktur des simulierten Vergleichs zweier Prod.
EHPRCS_SIM_PLANT_NODEKEY - CP: Struktur enth�lt zu einem Werk den Nodekey der Prod.str.
EHPRCS_SIM_PRO_STRUCT - CP: Produktstruktur (Simulation)
EHPRCS_SLAG_AUTH - Structure for authority check of SLAGs
EHPRCS_SLAG_ORGUNIT - Subst. LE and Org. Unit
EHPRCS_SM_COPY_D - GeniL attribute structure for the Copy From Substance
EHPRCS_SM_CTRL_DATA_TRANSIENT - Control data for substance management
EHPRCS_SNE_ADDINFO - Additional Information for the supplier non eu response
EHPRCS_SNE_COMP_DATA - Pure Substance Composition Entry
EHPRCS_SNE_COMP_DATA_KEY - Key for Pure Substance Composition
EHPRCS_SOATTLIST1_TASK - CP: SAP Office structure of attachments with task assignment
EHPRCS_SORT_MVS - Structure for multi value sets for phrases
EHPRCS_SOURCE_FILE - DMS Keys for Result File
EHPRCS_SPC_CHARACTERISTIC_KEY - Key identifying a characteristic
EHPRCS_SPC_MULTI_VALUE_CHARACT - Multi Value characteristic
EHPRCS_SPECCHECKRES - CP: Struktur zur Zuordnung eines Pr�fergebn. zu einer Spez.
EHPRCS_SPECCHECKS - CP: Struktur zur Zuordnung von Pr�fungen zu einer Spez.
EHPRCS_SPECIFICATION_CAT - Material categories and specification types
EHPRCS_SPECIFICATION_CAT_T - Descr. for Specification Types
EHPRCS_SPEC_COMPL_COMPLETE - CP: Compliance container including next lower level
EHPRCS_SPEC_COMPL_CONTAINER - CP: Container for Compliance Check interface
EHPRCS_SPEC_LOGIST - CP: Specification logistics structure
EHPRCS_SROLE - Stakeholder Role
EHPRCS_SROLT - Text Stakeholder Roles
EHPRCS_SSR_ADDINFO - Supplier Response additional information
EHPRCS_SSR_USE - Supplier Response - Uses
EHPRCS_STACK_NODE - CP: Stack node structure
EHPRCS_STDVAI - Standard VAI fields
EHPRCS_STPOB - CP: Extended BOM position
EHPRCS_STRUCTURE_UI - Compliance Product Structure UI structure
EHPRCS_SUBCAT - Specification Type (Range)
EHPRCS_SUBID - Substance Identifier SUBID
EHPRCS_SUBID_CHECK - Structure for Checking Substance Key
EHPRCS_SUBID_CHECK_RESULT - Structure for Result for Substance Key Check
EHPRCS_SUBID_CP - CP: Spezifikation
EHPRCS_SUBID_OR_IDENT_RANGE - Range for substance ID or identifier
EHPRCS_SUBMAT - Substance and materials
EHPRCS_SUB_CDO_GENIL_KEYS - GenIL keys structure for CDO objects
EHPRCS_SUB_CDO_GENIL_QUERY - Query Structure for CDO reporting
EHPRCS_SUB_CDO_GENIL_RESULT - Result object for GenIL CDO queries
EHPRCS_SUB_CHKRES - CP: Pr�fergebnisse zu Stoffen
EHPRCS_SUB_COLUMN_IDENT_MAP - Substance - UI Column - Ident Listing Mapping
EHPRCS_SUB_MATJOIN - Relationship between Substance and Material
EHPRCS_SUB_MATJOINX - Relationship between Substance and Material Change Flags
EHPRCS_SUCCESS_KEYS - Structure containing successfull keys and requirements
EHPRCS_SUPPLIER - CP: Struktur f�r Lieferantennummer und -Name
EHPRCS_SUPPLIER_ID - CP: structure for the supplier id
EHPRCS_SUPPLIER_NO - Structure for Supplier Number
EHPRCS_SUPPLIER_SEARCH - Supplier search data
EHPRCS_SUPPL_ADDR - CP: Structure of the supplier address data
EHPRCS_SUPPL_DATA - CP: Structur of supplier data
EHPRCS_SUPPL_PART - CP: Supplier Part Header Data
EHPRCS_SUPPL_PARTD - CP: Supplier Part Header Data - lang. dependent description
EHPRCS_SUP_INFO - Structure for Purchasing Info Record
EHPRCS_SUP_MAT - Supplier Information from Logistics
EHPRCS_SVT_SUB_MAP - SVT-Struktur f�r stoffabh�ngiges Mapping
EHPRCS_SYNCLB081_PARAMTERS - Sync LB081 parameters
EHPRCS_TAB2048 - Table with a 2048 byte field
EHPRCS_TASKATT - CP: Structure for task attachments
EHPRCS_TASKD - Obsolete: Structure must not be used in new coding
EHPRCS_TASKH - Obsolete: Structure must not be used in new coding
EHPRCS_TASKH_OBJECT - CP: Structure of logical key fields
EHPRCS_TASKH_TEMPL - Task Header and Outgoing Templates
EHPRCS_TASKI - Obsolete: Structure must not be used in new coding
EHPRCS_TASK_CHECK_MSGS - CP: Messages for tasks created by the checks
EHPRCS_TDAG_FW_S_ADMIN - Old TDAG Administrative data needed for all WFF tables
EHPRCS_TDAG_FW_S_KEY - Old TDAG Key fields for persistency tables of the TBOs
EHPRCS_TDAG_FW_S_TBO_BASE - Old TDAG Administrative data for all TBO tables
EHPRCS_TEST_ISUPLINE - CfP: Spec. Import line
EHPRCS_TEXTCHAR - Assignment of Characteristic to User-Defined Text
EHPRCS_TEXT_SYMBOL - CP: Structure for Text Symbols
EHPRCS_TEXT_VALUE - Text IDs and Texts for Text Elements
EHPRCS_TM_ATTINFO - Obsolete: Structure must not be used in new coding
EHPRCS_TM_PROCESS - Result structure for PRC process search
EHPRCS_TM_SEARCHCRIT - Search criteria for PRC task mgmt
EHPRCS_TM_SPEC_FIELDS - Specific fields for PRC Task Management
EHPRCS_TM_TASK - Task structure for PRC
EHPRCS_TOBND - Tonnage Band
EHPRCS_TOBNT - Text: Tonnage Band
EHPRCS_T_0EH_MATCLAS - Extractor Structure for material classification texts
EHPRCS_T_0EH_SUBSTID - Extractor Structure for Specification Texts/Identifiers
EHPRCS_UA_FUNCS - Function buttons for Use Assessment
EHPRCS_UA_RECN_GENIL_ID - Assignment between RECNVA and GenIL object for use assessmnt
EHPRCS_UA_UC_USE - Use Assessment - Use Collection
EHPRCS_UA_UE_USE - Use Assessment - Use and Exposure
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_ATT - AIF attachment without binary data
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_ATT_DOC - Document-Attachment-Link
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_BUPA - Data of the business partner
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_COMPANY - Data of a company
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_COMPOSITION - Substance container for AIF
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_CONTACT_OR - Contact information of the Only Representative
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_EXEMPTION - Exemption of the material for AIF
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_INTERFACE1 - Interface 1 for Adobe Interactive Forms integration
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_INTERFACE20 - Interface 20 for Adobe Interactive Forms integration (old)
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_META - Meta information of the interface
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_RP_INTERM - Responsible person for intermediates
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_USE - Use of REACH substances
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_USE20 - Use of REACH substances
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_USE_CONT - Container of uses
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_USE_CONT20 - Container of uses
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_VS - Structure for the value help in the AIF interface
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_VS_CONT - Container for value sets
EHPRCS_UEC_AIF_VS_CONT20 - Container for value sets
EHPRCS_UEC_ALV_TPL1 - ALV template selection
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_HDR - Campaign header
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_HDR_DATA - Campaign header data
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_HDT - Campaign header text
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_HDT_DATA - Campaign header text data
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_HDT_LINEM - Campaign header text with linemode
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_KPI_STATUS - Kampagnen status KPI Werte
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_KPI_ST_PER - Campaign status as percentage
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_POS_ADD - Campaign Item Data (additional fields)
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_POS_DB - Campaign Item Data (database fields)
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_POS_INFO - Information of a campaign postion data
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_POS_LINEM - Campaign item data with linemode
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_POS_STAT - Campaign Position data with check status
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_TEMPL - Email Attachment and Email Template
EHPRCS_UEC_CAMP_TYPE_DESC - Campaign type description
EHPRCS_UEC_DOC1 - Document Type Structure
EHPRCS_UEC_EMAIL_ATT - E-Mail Attachment
EHPRCS_UEC_EMAIL_CF_ASSIGN - Email configuration - partner role assignment
EHPRCS_UEC_EMAIL_CONF - Email Configuration
EHPRCS_UEC_EMAIL_GR_ASSIGN - Email group - email assignment
EHPRCS_UEC_EMLC_ENH - E-Mail Configuration (Enhanced)
EHPRCS_UEC_FILES - Files with binary document
EHPRCS_UEC_LIFNR_EKORG - Supplier/purchasing data
EHPRCS_UEC_LIFNR_OR - Supplier/only representative data
EHPRCS_UEC_SEL_CUSTOMER - Selection Dialog - Customer
EHPRCS_UEC_SEL_MATSUB_DESC - Selection Dialog - Material and Specification Descriptions
EHPRCS_UEC_SEL_OR - Selection Dialog - Only Representative
EHPRCS_UEC_SEL_PERSON - Selection Dialog - Person
EHPRCS_UEC_SEL_PROPERTIES - Selection Dialog- Shared Properties
EHPRCS_UEC_SEL_SUPPLIER - Selection Dialog - Supplier
EHPRCS_UEC_TPL - Templates Selection
EHPRCS_UEC_TPL1 - Template Choice
EHPRCS_UEC_TPL2 - Template-choice
EHPRCS_USE - Use Structure
EHPRCS_USEAPI_ROW - Use API Structure with row number (dialog processing)
EHPRCS_USEDISPLAY - Use Display Structure
EHPRCS_USEEXP - Additional or aggregated fields of use and exposure scenario
EHPRCS_USELINK - Use Link Structure
EHPRCS_USEPRINT - CP: Use data for printing (REACh)
EHPRCS_USER_OBJECTS - Favorite, recent, changed objects for user
EHPRCS_USE_DESCR - Use descriptors
EHPRCS_USE_DESCR_TOOLTIP - Use descriptor tooltips
EHPRCS_USE_KEY - Key structure for uses
EHPRCS_USE_MV - Phrasekey for multible use descriptors
EHPRCS_VAI_WITH_CHAR - VAI key with all characteristics associated with it
EHPRCS_VALUECHANGED - CP: Struktur zur Beschreibung eines ge�nderten Wertes
EHPRCS_VAREA - Validity Area
EHPRCS_VCT_FUNC_CODE - View Controller Function Code
EHPRCS_VDM_CH4 - View data model for Chapter4 data
EHPRCS_VDM_CH4ADDETAIL - Dynpro Structure for Company Specific Chapter 4 data
EHPRCS_VDM_CH4DETAIL - Dynpro Structure for Chapter 4 Data
EHPRCS_VDM_CUSC - View data model structure for Customer MDS Center
EHPRCS_VDM_CUSC_REF - Structure to describe a reference to a data model record
EHPRCS_VDM_SUPC - View data model structure for Supplier MDS Center
EHPRCS_VDM_SUPC_REF - Structure to describe a reference to supplier MDS record
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_AR - Compliance Assessment Worklist - All Available Requirements
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_AR_DT - Compliance Assessment Worklist - All Available Requirements
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_ENTRY - Compl. Assmnt. Worklist - Worklist entry
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_ENTRY_D - Compliance Assessment Worklist - Entry/Position
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_ENTRY_DT - Compliance Assessment Worklist - Entry/Position (transient)
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_EXT_ROOT - Compl. Assmnt. Worklist - ROOT Extention
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_EXT_ROOT_D - Compliance Assessment Worklist: ROOT Extension
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_EXT_ROOT_DT - Compliance Assessment Worklist: ROOT Extension (Transient)
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_RA - Compliance Assessment Worklist - Assigend Requirements
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_RA_D - Compliance Assessment Worklist - Assigned Requirements
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_RA_DT - Compliance Assessment Worklist - Assigned Req. (transient)
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_RE_D - Compl. Assmnt. Worklist - Existing Compliance Requirements
EHPRCS_WL_CMPL_ASS_RE_DT - Compliance Assessment Worklist - Existing (transient)
EHPRCS_WL_COMPLNCE_ROOT_D - Compliance Worklist - Root Data
EHPRCS_WL_COMPLNCE_ROOT_DT - Compliance Data Worklist: Root (Transient)
EHPRCS_WL_ENTRY_MSG - Worklist entries and their messages
EHPRCS_WL_REGCHG_ENTRY_D - Compliance Worklist Regulatory Change Entry - Data
EHPRCS_WL_REGCHG_ENTRY_DT - Compliance Data Worklist: Reg. Change Entry (Transient)
EHPRCS_WL_REGCHG_STATISTICS - Regulatory Change Worklist based Statistics
EHPRCS_WL_REGCHG_TRG_NEW_EX - Working structure for reglist change, trigger new exemption
EHPRCS_WL_USER - User that works with the Worklist Management
EHPRCS_WWI_IMDS - CP: Parameter f�r IMDS
EHPRCS_WWI_IMDS_ADMIN - CP: Parameterstruktur f�r IMDS Administration
EHPRCS_WWI_IMDS_ATTR - CP: Parameter IMDS Attribute
EHPRCS_XML - CP: Line type for CfPXML table
EHPRCS_XML_COMPLIANCE_DETAIL - Compliance detail structure
EHPRCS_XML_COMPL_DECLARATION - Compliance declaration type
EHPRCS_XML_COMPL_DECL_EXEMP - Type structure for compliance declaration exemption
EHPRCS_XML_CONTACT_UNIQUE_ID - Unique ID structure of Contact type
EHPRCS_XML_CONTAINED_SUBSTANCE - Contained Substance structure
EHPRCS_XML_CONTAINED_SUBST_GRP - Contained substance group of attributes
EHPRCS_XML_CS_EXEMPTION - Exemption in ExemptionList attribute group
EHPRCS_XML_CS_THRESHOLD - Threshold structure
EHPRCS_XML_DATA - CP: Structure for XML generation data
EHPRCS_XML_DETAIL_DATA - Detail data in Purpose of the DocumentInformation element
EHPRCS_XML_DOCUMENT_SOURCE - Document source structure
EHPRCS_XML_DOC_INFORMATION - DocumentInformation structure type
EHPRCS_XML_DOC_REQUESTOR - DocumentRequestor structure in DocumentInformation
EHPRCS_XML_DOC_RESPONDER - DocumentResponder structure in DocumentInformation
EHPRCS_XML_DOC_RESPONSE - DocumentResponse structure in DocumentInformation element
EHPRCS_XML_GEN_IDENT - Generic ident type
EHPRCS_XML_GEN_PROPERTY_VALUE - Structure of generic property type
EHPRCS_XML_GEN_SPECIFICATION - Generic specification data
EHPRCS_XML_GEN_TOKEN - Generic token structure
EHPRCS_XML_GEN_TOKEN_VALUE - Abstract structure for Generic token
EHPRCS_XML_IDX1 - CP: Line type for XML table index (ID)
EHPRCS_XML_IDX2 - CP: Line type for XML table index (Parent ID, Type, Name)
EHPRCS_XML_IDX3 - CP: Line type for XML Table index (Parent ID, Name)
EHPRCS_XML_LEGAL_DECLARATION - Legal declaration structure in DetailData
EHPRCS_XML_LONGTEXT - CP: Line type for CfPXML long text table
EHPRCS_XML_MANUFACTURING_DATA - Structure of manufacturing data
EHPRCS_XML_MAPPING_DATA - CP: Structure for XML generation data
EHPRCS_XML_MASS_ATTRIBUTE - Mass attribute type
EHPRCS_XML_MASS_INFORMATION - Type structure of Mass Information
EHPRCS_XML_MASS_INFORM_TYPE - Mass information type
EHPRCS_XML_NEW_COMPLIANT_PART - New compliant part structure
EHPRCS_XML_PC_SUBSTANCE - Substance structure in ProductComponents element
EHPRCS_XML_PC_SUBST_IMDS - IMDS complex type in Substance element
EHPRCS_XML_PRODUCT_DETAIL - Product detail structure
EHPRCS_XML_PURPOSE - Purpose structure in DocumentInformation element (choice)
EHPRCS_XML_PURP_DETAIL_DATA - Structure of DetailData
EHPRCS_XML_PURP_DET_DATA_DTYP - Decl. type structure of DetailData
EHPRCS_XML_PURP_DET_DATA_LIST - List structure of DetailData PRC XML element
EHPRCS_XML_QNAME - Qualified CFP XML element
EHPRCS_XML_REVISION - Revision structure
EHPRCS_XML_ST_XSDANY_ELEMENTS - XSDANY elements for simple transformation
EHPRCS_ZIP_FILE - CP: ABAP ZIP file structure type
EHPRCS_ZIP_SPLICE_ENTRY - CP: ABAP ZIP splice entry structure type
EHPRC_I5BOOLEAN_PARAMETER_VALU - The text parameter is expected if the EHPRC_I5BROADCAST_SHOW_DOCUME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5BROADCAST_SHOW_DOCUMEN - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CLOSE_DOCUMENT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CLOSE_DOCUMENT_RESPONS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COMMIT_DOCUMENT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COMMIT_DOCUMENT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COMPARE_DOCUMENTS_REQU - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COMPARE_DOCUMENTS_RESP - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COPY_ENDPOINTS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COPY_ENDPOINTS_RESPON1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COPY_ENDPOINTS_RESPONS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COPY_ENDPOINT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5COPY_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CREATE_DOCUMENT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CREATE_DOCUMENT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CREATE_NEW_ENDPOINT_R1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CREATE_NEW_ENDPOINT_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CREATE_NEW_ENDPOINT_S1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CREATE_NEW_ENDPOINT_SU - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5CREDENTIALS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DATE_PARAMETER_VALUE - The text parameter is expected if the EHPRC_I5DATE_RANGE_PARAMETER_V - The text parameter is expected if the EHPRC_I5DELETE_DOCUMENT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DELETE_DOCUMENT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DELETE_ENDPOINTS_REQUE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DELETE_ENDPOINTS_RESPO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DELETE_ENDPOINT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DELETE_ENDPOINT_RESPO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DELETE_ENDPOINT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DETACH_ENDPOINT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DETACH_ENDPOINT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DETERMINE_DOCUMENT_TY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DETERMINE_DOCUMENT_TYP - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DOCUMENT_COMPARISON_S1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DOCUMENT_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_PK - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DOCUMENT_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5DOC_REFERENCE_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5ENDPOINT_DOCUMENT_RESP - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5ENDPOINT_REFERENCE_LIS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5ENDPOINT_REFERENCE_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5EXECUTE_QUERY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5EXECUTE_QUERY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5EXISTS_DOCUMENT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5EXISTS_DOCUMENT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5FETCH_DOCUMENT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5FETCH_DOCUMENT_RESPONS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_ALL_QUERY_DEFINIT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_ALL_QUERY_DEFINITI - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_ALL_QUERY_NAMES_R1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_ALL_QUERY_NAMES_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_ALL_QUERY_RESULT_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_ALL_QUERY_RESULT_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_QUERY_DEFINITIONS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_QUERY_DEFINITIONS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_QUERY_DEFINITIONS2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_QUERY_DEFINITIONS3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_QUERY_DEFINITION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5GET_QUERY_DEFINITION_B - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5INTEGER_PARAMETER_VALU - The integer parameter is expected if the EHPRC_I5LOGIN_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5LOGIN_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5LOGOUT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5LOGOUT_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5OPEN_DOCUMENT_FOR_REA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5OPEN_DOCUMENT_FOR_READ - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5OPEN_DOCUMENT_FOR_WRI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5OPEN_DOCUMENT_FOR_WRIT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5PHRASE_VALUE - A Phrase is a single value that is defined through its inte
EHPRC_I5PHRASE_VALUE_LIST - A list of phrase values that could be used for the query cu
EHPRC_I5PICKLIST_PARAMETER_VAL - The picklist parameter is expected if the EHPRC_I5QUERY_DEFINITION - A Query is defined by its list of available parameters
EHPRC_I5QUERY_DEFINITION_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_EXECUTION_DEFINI - Contains the value to define the query exec
EHPRC_I5QUERY_INBOUND_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_INBOUND_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_NAME_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_OUTBOUND_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_OUTBOUND_RESPONS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_PARAMETER - Which parameter element you have to use is defined by the <
EHPRC_I5QUERY_PARAMETER_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_PARAMETER_DEFIN1 - The QueryParameterDefinition defines the meta data of one q
EHPRC_I5QUERY_PARAMETER_DEFINI - Contains a list of Query Parameter Definitions which ar
EHPRC_I5QUERY_PARAMETER_LIST - Contains a list of query parameter defining a key-value
EHPRC_I5QUERY_RESULT_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5QUERY_RESULT_TYPE_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5RECEIVER - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5REFERENCE_ENDPOINTS_R1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5REFERENCE_ENDPOINTS_R2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5REFERENCE_ENDPOINTS_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5REFERENCE_ENDPOINT_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5REFERENCE_ENDPOINT_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5RENAME_ENDPOINT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5RENAME_ENDPOINT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5SESSION - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5TEXT_PARAMETER_VALUE - The text parameter is expected if the EHPRC_I5UPDATE_ENDPOINT_REQUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHPRC_I5UPDATE_ENDPOINT_RESPON - Proxy Structure (generated)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_ACPC_ROOT_D - Completed ACP Entry - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_ACPC_ROOT_DT - Completed ACP Entry - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_ACPE_ROOT_D - ACP Entry - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_ACPE_ROOT_DT - ACP Entry - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_BASE_DATA - Extension Include: Legal Entity Base Data
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_CHANGE_ROOT_D - ACP Relevant Change - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_CHANGE_ROOT_DT - ACP Relevant Change - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGS_D - EI: Legal stakeholders
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_ESTCAT_LEGS_DT - EI: Legal Stakeholders (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_LEGAL_ENTITY - Extension Include: Legal Entity Data
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_LEGENT_INT - Extension Include: Intermediates
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_LEGENT_TOLL - Extension Include: Toll Manufacturing
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_LEGREG_LEGENT - Extension Include: Legal entity data for reg project
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_LEGREG_MILES - Extension Include: Registration Project Milestones
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_PCA_COASMNT_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Compliance Assessment
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_PCA_COASMNT_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Compl Assmnt(Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_REG_LEAD_DATA - Extension Include: Lead registration data
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_SIEF_PROJECT - Extension Include: Sief Project
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_VOL_TRACKING - Extension Include: Volume Tracking
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_AR_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Assessment Worklist - AllAvail
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_ENTRY_D - Extension Include: Compiance Assessment Worklist Entry
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_ENTRY_DT - Extension Include: Compiance Assessment Worklist Entry (t)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_EXTRT_D - Extension Include: Compliance Assessment Worklist - ROOT ext
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_EXTRT_DT - Extension Include: Compiance Assessment Worklist ROOT ext
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_RA_D - Extension Include: Compiance Assessment Worklist Ass Req
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_RA_DT - Extension Include: Compiance Assessment Worklist Ass Req (t)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_CA_RE_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Assessment Worklist - Exist(t)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_COM_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data Worklist - Root
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_COM_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data Worklist-Root(Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_RC_ENTRY_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data Worklist - Reg Chg Entry
INCL_EEW_EHPRCS_WL_RC_ENTRY_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data Worklist-Entry(Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_1023_004 - Extension Include: EU Classification Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_1023_089 - Extension Include: GHS Classification Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ADV_SEARCH - Extension Include: Substance Advanced Search
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_BOS_EXPL - Extension Include: BOS Explosion
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_CMP_BI_CMP_D - Extension Include: Campaign - Master Data Extractor
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_CMP_BI_POS_D - Extension Include: Campaign - Position Extractor
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_CMP_POS_D - Extension Include: Campaign - Position
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_CMP_POS_DT - Extension Include: Campaign - Position (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_CMP_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Campaign - Root
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_CMP_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Campaign - Root (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_BASMAT_A_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Alternative BASMA (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_BASMAT_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Basic Material Comp.
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_BASMAT_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data- Bas. Mat. Comp. (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_BI_COMPL_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - BI Extractor Cmpl. Data
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_BMINFO_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - BASMATINFO (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_BOM_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - BOM
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_BOM_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - BOM (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_CHKL_D - Check Log - Extension Include
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_CHKL_DT - Check Log - Extension Include (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_CHKR_D - EI: Compliance Data - Check Result
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_CHKR_DT - EI: Compliance Data - Check Result (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_DECSUB_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Decl. Substance
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_DECSUB_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Declarable Sub. (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_DIR_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Document Info Record
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_IMDS_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - IMDS (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_INPCOMP_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Basic Material Comp.
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_IPCMSG_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Input Check Message
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_MAINFO_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - MATASSINFO (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_MAT_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Material
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_MAT_DT - EI: Compliance Data - Material (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_REQR_D - EI: Compliance Data - Requirement revision
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_REQR_DT - EI: Compliance Data - Req. revision (Tr.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Root
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Root (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_SPEC_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Specification
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_SPEC_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Specification(TR.)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_STCOMP_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Standard Comp.
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_STRUCT_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Structure
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_SUPLST_D - Extension Include: Compliance Data- Supplier Listings
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_USELINK_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data: Use Link
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_USE_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data - Use
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COD_USE_MVP_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Data: Mulkiple Vaue Phrase
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COMP_REQ_UI_DT - Extension Include: Verify Compliance Requirement UI
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COPY - Extension Include: Copy from substanse
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_COST - Extension Include: Costs
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_CP_ISR_ADDINFO - Extension Include: Add. Info for import of Bupa response
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_DOC_D - Extension Include: Inquiry
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ECD_BUPA - Extension Include: Enter Contact Data - Business Partners
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ECD_CONTACT - Extension Include: Enter Contact Data - Contact
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_EPCHA_D - Ext. Include: Chapter Structure (Transient) - PRC EpMgmt
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_EPCHA_DT - Ext. Include: Chapter Structure - PRC EpMgmt
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_EPREC_D - Ext. Include: Data Recrod Structure - PRC EpMgmt
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_EPREC_DT - Ext. Include: Data Recrod Structure (Transient) - PRC EpMgmt
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_LOA_PUR_D - Extension Include: LOA Purchased Structure
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_LOA_PUR_DT - Extension Include: LOA Purchased Structure (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_LOA_SOLD_D - Extension Include: LOA Sold Structure
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_LOA_SOLD_DT - Extension Include: LOA Sold Structure (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_ROOT_D - Extension Include: PRC Endpoint Mgmt - Root Structure
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_EPM_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: PRC Endpoint Mgmt - Root Structure
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ESTCAT_LEGENT - Extension Include: Subtance in legal enitity
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ESTCAT_LEGPRE - Extension Include: Legal preregistration
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ESTCAT_LEGREG - Extension Include: Legal registration
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ESTRI - Extension Include: Identifiers
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_IMPERR_MESSAGE - Extension Include: Application Error Message
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_INEXT_D - Extension Include: Campaign - Position
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_INQ_ATTACH_UI_D - Extension Include: Inquiry Attachment UI
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_MATERIAL_TEXT - Extension Include: Materials
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_MRP_MILESTONE - Extension Include: Organizational Unit
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_MRP_SRCH_CRITER - Extension Include: Organizational Unit
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_MRP_SRCH_RESULT - Extension Include: Organizational Unit
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_OBL_ITEM_D - Extension Include: Object List Item
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_OBL_ITEM_DT - Extension Include:Object List Itesm (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_OBL_ROOT_D - Extension Include: Object List Root
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_OBL_ROOT_DT - Extension Include: Object List Root (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ORGSTK - Extension Include: Organizational Unit Stakeholder
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_ORGUN - Extension Include: Substance Profile Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_BOM_RQ_D - Extension Requested BOMs Subnode (persistent)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_GEN_D - Extension GENERAL node (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_GEN_DT - Extension GENERAL node (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_REQ_RQ_D - BOMBOS:Extension Req.+assessment relevant Comp. Requirements
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_RQ_D - Extension Compliance Request Node (persistent)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_RQ_DT - Extension Compliance Request Node (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_TRSF_D - Extension data of the Transient node
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PBB_TRSF_DT - Extension Transient Data of the TRANSFER subnode
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PCR_CDOINFO_D - Extension Include: CDO Info
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PCR_CDOINFO_DT - Extension Include: CDO Info (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PCR_COMPCHK_D - Extension Include: Compliance Check Result
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PCR_COMPCHK_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Check Result (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PFR_SAV - Extension Include: Actors and Volumes GenIL Query Attribute
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PFR_SR_ALL_DT - Ext. Include: All Substance Data GenIL Query attribute struc
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PFR_SR_COSTS - Ext. Include: Costs GenIL Query attribute struc
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PFR_SR_EP_COVER - Ext. Include: Endpoint Coverage GenIL Query attribute struc
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PFR_SR_EP_INFO - Ext. Include: Endpoint Info GenIL Query attribute structure
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PRM_MS_D - Extension Include: Milestones
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PRM_MS_DT - Extension Include: Milestones Project
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PRM_RP_PROJ_D - Extension Include: Registration Project
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PRM_RP_PROJ_DT - Extension Include: Registration Project
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PRM_SEIF_PRJ_D - Extension Include: SEIF Project
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PRM_SEIF_PRJ_DT - Extension Include: SEIF Project
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PSA_MAILDEF_D - Extension Include: Mail Definition
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PSA_MAILDEF_DT - Extension Include: Mail Definition (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PSI_COM_DEF_D - Extension Include: Communication Definition
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PSI_COM_DEF_DT - Extension Include: Communication Definition (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PSI_COM_REQ_D - Extension Include: Compliance Requirement
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_PSI_COM_REQ_DT - Extension Include: Compliance Requirement (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_RFU_RP_PROJ_D - Extension Include: Registration Project Follow Up
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_RFU_RP_PROJ_DT - Extension Include: Registration Project FollowUp
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_RM_ESTCAT_LEGRE - Extension Include: Organizational Unit
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SCR_ADDINFO - Extension Include: Additional info for customer reply data
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SCR_USE - Extension Include: EU Classification Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SNE_ADDINFO - Extension Include: Add. info for supplier non EU response
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SSR_ADDINFO - Extension Include: Add. info for supplier response
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SSR_USE - Extension Include: EU Classification Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SUBEXM - Extension Include: Exemptions Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SUBGEN - Extension Include: Substance Profile Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SUBLTR - Extension Include: Substance Literature Search
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SUBORG - Extension Include: Organizational Unit
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SUBUSE - Extension Include: Exemptions Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SVTPRO - Extension Include: Exemptions Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SVTPUR - Extension Include: Exemptions Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_SVTSOLD - Extension Include: Exemptions Value Assignment Type
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_UA_UC_USE - Extension Include: Use Assessment - Use Collection
INCL_EEW_EHPRC_UA_UE_USE - Extension Include: Use Assessment - Use and Exposure

SAP Risk Assessment Tables EHS-MGM-RAS

CDOEHHSSD_AGT_LIMIT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_AGT_LREV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_AGT_NAME - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_AGT_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_HSP_REV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_HSP_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_HSP_TCRIT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_HSP_TEXT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAC_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAS_LOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAS_PER - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAS_REGUL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAS_RISK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAS_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAS_RSN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RAS_STEP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_ANLYS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_CTRL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_EFF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_IMP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_OEL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_REGUL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_REV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_RSK_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_SEG_AGT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_SEG_JOB - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_SEG_LOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_SEG_NAME - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_SEG_REV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_SEG_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSD_SEG_TEAM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CDOEHHSSS_CDTXCTXTT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
EHHSSC_ANMASSIGN - Analysis Methods Assignments
EHHSSC_ANMETH - Analysis Methods
EHHSSC_ANMETH_F - Storage of Risk Analysis Method Template
EHHSSC_ANMETH_T - Analysis Methods
EHHSSC_EAM_RSKL - Mapping between EAM Risk Level ID and EHSM Risk Level
EHHSSC_EFFDET - Effectiveness Determination
EHHSSC_EFFDET_T - Effectiveness Determination Descriptions
EHHSSC_ER_CH - Exposure ratings for Chemicals
EHHSSC_ER_CH_T - Exposure ratings for Chemicals
EHHSSC_ER_NCH - Exposure Ratings for Physical Agents
EHHSSC_ER_NCH_T - Exposure ratings for Chemicals
EHHSSC_GOALOBJ - Control Objectives
EHHSSC_GOALOBJ_T - Control Objective Descriptions
EHHSSC_GOALTAR - Control Targets
EHHSSC_GOALTAR_T - Control Target Descriptions
EHHSSC_HAZAMNCAT - Assignment of Amount Categories to Hazards
EHHSSC_HAZANM - Hazard Analysis Methods
EHHSSC_HAZCAT - Hazard Categories
EHHSSC_HAZCAT_T - Hazard Categories
EHHSSC_HAZCTRL - Hazard Controls
EHHSSC_HAZIMP - Hazard Impacts
EHHSSC_HSP_AGE - Health Surveillance Protocol Age Criteria
EHHSSC_IMPTYP - Impact Types
EHHSSC_IMPTYP_T - Impact Types
EHHSSC_JOB_TYP - Job Type Customizing Table
EHHSSC_JOB_TYP_T - Job Type Customizing Table
EHHSSC_MIME_DEF - Risk Assessment Integration
EHHSSC_OPSTAT - Operational Statuses
EHHSSC_OPSTAT_T - Operational Statuses
EHHSSC_PL_LOC - Plant Location Types
EHHSSC_PL_LOC_T - Plant Location Types
EHHSSC_RASIMT - Assignment of Risk Assessment Types to Impact Type
EHHSSC_RASSTEP - Assessment Steps
EHHSSC_RASSTEP_T - Assessment Step Descriptions
EHHSSC_RASTYP - Risk Assessment Types
EHHSSC_RASTYP_T - Risk Assessment Types
EHHSSC_RAS_REG - Risk Assessment Regulations
EHHSSC_RAS_REGCR - Regulations - Country and Region
EHHSSC_RA_EAM - Risk Assessment Type relevant for EAM
EHHSSC_RA_EAM_T - Risk Assessment Type relevant for EAM
EHHSSC_REASON - Reasons for Risk Assessment
EHHSSC_REASON_T - Reasons for Risk Assessment
EHHSSC_REQ_INT - Risk Assessment Request Integration
EHHSSC_RISKDIM - Dimensions of the Risk Matrix
EHHSSC_RISKEVA - Risk Evaluations
EHHSSC_RISKEVA_T - Risk Evaluations
EHHSSC_RISKEVDET - Risk Evaluation - Automatic Determination
EHHSSC_RISKEXP - Exposure Frequency
EHHSSC_RISKEXP_T - Exposure Frequency
EHHSSC_RISKLVLEV - Risk Evaluation - Mapping to Risk Levels
EHHSSC_RTFG - Assignment from Risk Assessment Type to Form Groups
EHHSSC_RTYPSTEP - Assignment of Risk Assessment Types to Steps
EHHSSC_SEGROLE - Team Member Role
EHHSSC_SEGROLE_T - SEG Team Member Role Code
EHHSSD_AGT_LIMIT - Agent - Limit
EHHSSD_AGT_LREV - Agent - Limit Revision
EHHSSD_AGT_LVAL - Agent - Limit Value
EHHSSD_AGT_NAME - Agent - Name
EHHSSD_AGT_ROOT - Agent - Root
EHHSSD_CMA_IMP - Chemical Agent - Impacts
EHHSSD_HSP_REV - Protocol - Triggering Criteria Revision
EHHSSD_HSP_ROOT - Protocol - Root
EHHSSD_HSP_TCRIT - Protocol - Triggering Criteria
EHHSSD_HSP_TEXT - Protocol - Name
EHHSSD_JOB_DESC - Job - Description
EHHSSD_JOB_POS - Job_Positions, Persons, Business Partners
EHHSSD_JOB_ROOT - Job Root Database Table
EHHSSD_PRA_ATT - Additional Info for Process Attachments
EHHSSD_PRA_ROOT - Action PCBO for Risk Assesment
EHHSSD_PRQ_ATT - Additional Info for WF Attachment
EHHSSD_PRQ_OBJ - Process Control - Context Object for RAS Request
EHHSSD_PRQ_REQ - Process Control - RAS Request
EHHSSD_PRQ_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PRQ_TXT - Process Control - Text Collection for RAS Request
EHHSSD_RAC_ROOT - Risk Assesment Actions
EHHSSD_RAS_LOC - Risk Assessment Location
EHHSSD_RAS_PER - Risk Assessment - Person
EHHSSD_RAS_RISK - Risk Assessment - Risk
EHHSSD_RAS_ROOT - Risk Assessment Root
EHHSSD_RAS_STEP - Risk Assessment - Step
EHHSSD_RSK_ANLYS - Risk Analysis
EHHSSD_RSK_COMPL - Risk Completion Status
EHHSSD_RSK_CTRL - Risk - Control
EHHSSD_RSK_EFF - Control Effectiveness
EHHSSD_RSK_HSP - Risk - HS Protocol
EHHSSD_RSK_IMP - Risk - Impact
EHHSSD_RSK_OEL - OEL Comparison Values
EHHSSD_RSK_REGUL - Risk regulation
EHHSSD_RSK_REV - Risk - Revision
EHHSSD_SEG_AGT - Similar Exposure Group - Agent
EHHSSD_SEG_JOB - Similar Exposure Group - Job
EHHSSD_SEG_LOC - Similar Exposure Group - Location
EHHSSD_SEG_NAME - Similar Exposure Group - Name
EHHSSD_SEG_REV - Similar Exposure Group - Revision
EHHSSD_SEG_ROOT - Similar Exposure Group - Root
EHHSSD_SEG_TEAM - Similar Exposure Group - Team Member
EHHSSS_AGENT_KEY_RANGE - Range for Agent Keys
EHHSSS_AGENT_LIMIT_DT - Agent - Limit (Transient)
EHHSSS_AGENT_LIMIT_REVISION_DT - Agent - Limit Revision (Transient)
EHHSSS_AGENT_LIMIT_VALUE_DT - Agent - Limit Value (Transient)
EHHSSS_AGENT_OEL_CHNG_CRITERIA - Search Criteria for OEL Changes
EHHSSS_AGENT_ROOT_DT - Agent - Root (Transient)
EHHSSS_AGT_COMB_SEARCH_RESULT - Combined Agent - Search Result
EHHSSS_AGT_HAZARD_KEY - Agent Hazards Alternative Key
EHHSSS_AGT_LACC_RESULT - Agent - Last accessed result
EHHSSS_AGT_LIMIT_UNIQUE_KEY - Unique Key for Agent Limits
EHHSSS_AGT_LREV_SPLIT_DATE_KEY - Unique Date / Amount Cat. - Alternative Key
EHHSSS_AGT_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Agent - Search Criteria
EHHSSS_AGT_SEARCH_RESULT - Agent - Search Result
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_AMN_AGENT - Agent with all operational status
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_AMN_HAZARD - Hazard with all agents
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_AMN_HAZCAT - Hazard category with all hazards
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_AMN_OPSTATUS - Operation status with all amounts
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_CTX - Form context for Personal Exposure Profile form
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_MAIN - Interface Structure for Personal Exposure Profile
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_RESTR_CRIT - Restriction Criteria
EHHSSS_AIF_PEP_RESTR_LISTS - Structure for seperated restriction criterials of the PEP
EHHSSS_CFA_CTRL_LOC_SRCH_CRTR - Parameters for search criterio on controls by location
EHHSSS_CMA_IMPACT - Chemical Agent - Impacts
EHHSSS_CMA_IMPACT_D - Chemical Agent - Impacts
EHHSSS_CMA_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Chemical Agent - Search Criteria
EHHSSS_CMA_SEARCH_RESULT - Chemical Agent - Search Result
EHHSSS_CONTROL2_CODE_RANGE - Range structure for Controls
EHHSSS_CTRL_LOC_SRCH_CRITERIA - Risk - Control - Location - Search Criteria
EHHSSS_CTRL_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Risk - Control - Search Criteria
EHHSSS_CTRL_SEARCH_RESULT - Risk - Control - Search Result Structure
EHHSSS_HAZARD_CAT_CODE_RANGE - Range for Hazard Category Queries
EHHSSS_HAZARD_CODE_RANGE - Range for Hazard Codes
EHHSSS_HSP_DUPLICATE_PARAMS - Parameter structure for duplicate protocol
EHHSSS_HSP_LOCJOB_PERS - Structure of Location, Job and Persons
EHHSSS_HSP_LOCJOB_RSK - Locations, Jobs and Risks
EHHSSS_HSP_NAME - Protocol Name
EHHSSS_HSP_PROP_AUTOMATIC - Automatic Proposal of Health Surveillance Protocol
EHHSSS_HSP_REVISION - Protocol - Triggering Criteria Revision
EHHSSS_HSP_REVISION_D - Protocol - Triggering Criteria Revision
EHHSSS_HSP_REVISION_DT - Protocol - Triggering Criteria Revision (Transient)
EHHSSS_HSP_ROOT - Protocol - Root
EHHSSS_HSP_ROOT_D - Protocol - Root
EHHSSS_HSP_ROOT_DT - Protocol - Root (Transient)
EHHSSS_HSP_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Protocol master data result structure
EHHSSS_HSP_SEARCH_RESULT - Protocol master data search structure
EHHSSS_HSP_TRIGGERING_CRIT - Protocol - Triggering Criteria
EHHSSS_HSP_TRIGGERING_CRIT_D - Protocol - Triggering Criteria
EHHSSS_HSP_TRIGGERING_CRIT_DT - Protocol - Triggering Criteria (Transient)
EHHSSS_HSP_UNIQUE_KEY - Protocol unique key
EHHSSS_JOB_DESC_TEXT - Job - Description
EHHSSS_JOB_DESC_TEXT_KEY - Job Description - Alternative Key
EHHSSS_JOB_POSITION - Job - Positions, Persons, Business Partner
EHHSSS_JOB_POSITION_D - Job - Positions, Persons, Business Partner
EHHSSS_JOB_POSITION_DT - Job - Positions, Persons, Business Partners
EHHSSS_JOB_ROOT - Job Root Combined Structure
EHHSSS_JOB_ROOT_D - Job - Root Structure
EHHSSS_JOB_ROOT_DT - Job - Root (Transient)
EHHSSS_LOC_KEYS - Location Keys
EHHSSS_PEP_SEL_CRIT - Selection criteria for Personal Exposure Profile
EHHSSS_PEP_SEL_PERSON - Sel. crit. for Person for Personal Exposure Profile
EHHSSS_PL_LOC - Location with Type Plant
EHHSSS_PRQ_CONTEXT_OBJECT - Context Object for RAS Request
EHHSSS_PRQ_CONTEXT_OBJECT_D - Context Object for RAS Request (Persistent)
EHHSSS_PRQ_CONTEXT_OBJECT_DT - Context Object for RAS Request (Transient)
EHHSSS_PRQ_RAS_REQUEST_D - RAS Request (Persistent)
EHHSSS_PRQ_TEXT_COLLECTION - Text Collection for RAS Request Description
EHHSSS_PRQ_TEXT_COLLECTION_D - Text Collection for RAS Request Description (Persistent)
EHHSSS_PRQ_TEXT_COLLECTION_DT - Text Collection for RAS Request Description (Transient)
EHHSSS_RAS_CONTROLS_INTERN - Risk Management System Controls (Responses) Intern
EHHSSS_RAS_COPY_PARAM - Copy parameter structure for Copy Bo action
EHHSSS_RAS_CTRL_SYMBOLS - Risk Management Control Symbols
EHHSSS_RAS_ENTRY_POINT - Risk Identif: Entry Point
EHHSSS_RAS_HAZ_HAZCAT - Risk Identification: Hazard to Hazard Category Mapping
EHHSSS_RAS_ID_RANGE - Risk Assessment ID Range
EHHSSS_RAS_LOCATION_D - Risk Assessment Location
EHHSSS_RAS_LOCATION_KEY - Location in RAS - Alternative Key
EHHSSS_RAS_PER - Person Node
EHHSSS_RAS_REASON - Reasons for Risk Assessment
EHHSSS_RAS_REASON_D - Reasons for Risk Assessment
EHHSSS_RAS_REASON_DESCR - Reason Code Description
EHHSSS_RAS_REASON_DT - Risk Assessment Reason (Transient)
EHHSSS_RAS_REGULATION_D - Risk assessment - Regulation
EHHSSS_RAS_REGULATION_DT - Risk assessment - Regulation (Transient)
EHHSSS_RAS_REQ_NOTIFICATION - Risk Assessment notification UI
EHHSSS_RAS_RESPONSES - Risk Management System Response
EHHSSS_RAS_REV_RISK_KEY - Risk Assessment: Revision Alternative Key
EHHSSS_RAS_RISK - Risk Assessment Risk Node
EHHSSS_RAS_RISKS - Risk Management System Risk
EHHSSS_RAS_RISKS_INTERN - Risk Management System Risks Intern
EHHSSS_RAS_RISK_D - Risk Assessment
EHHSSS_RAS_RISK_REL_OBJ - Risk Assessment Risk Relevant Objects
EHHSSS_RAS_ROOT - Risk Assessment Root
EHHSSS_RAS_ROOT_D - Risk Assessment Root
EHHSSS_RAS_ROOT_DT - Risk Assessment Root (Transient)
EHHSSS_RAS_RTYPSTEP - Analysis Step to Risk type
EHHSSS_RAS_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Risk Assessment - Search Criteria
EHHSSS_RAS_SEARCH_RESULT - Risk Assessment - Search Result
EHHSSS_RAS_SMEAS - Risk Management Safety Measure
EHHSSS_RAS_STEP - Risk Assessment - JHA Step
EHHSSS_RAS_STEP_D - Risk Assessment -Step
EHHSSS_RAS_STEP_DT - Risk Assessment Step (Transient)
EHHSSS_RAS_SYMBOLS - Risk Management Symbols
EHHSSS_RAS_TYPE - Risk Assessment Type
EHHSSS_RISK_IMPACT_CODE - Alternative Key for Risk Impact
EHHSSS_RSK_ANALYSIS_DT - Risk - Analysis (Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_CONTROLS - Risk - BI Extractor Controls
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_CONTROLS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Controls
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_IMPACTS - Risk - BI Extractor Impacts
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_IMPACTS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Impacts
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_LIMITS - Risk - BI Extractor Limits and Amounts
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_LIMITS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Limits and Amounts
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_REGULATIONS - Risk - BI Extractor Regulations
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_REGULATIONS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Regulations
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_RISKS - Risk - BI Extractor Risks
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_RISKS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Risks
EHHSSS_RSK_BI_ROOT - Risk - BI Extractor Risks
EHHSSS_RSK_COMPLETION - Risk Completion Status
EHHSSS_RSK_COMPLETION_D - Risk Completion Status
EHHSSS_RSK_COMPLETION_DT - Risk Completion Status (Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_COMPLETION_PARAMS - Risk Completion Status association parameter structure
EHHSSS_RSK_CONTROL_DT - Risk - Control (Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_EFFECTIVENESS - Control Effectiveness
EHHSSS_RSK_EFFECTIVENESS_DT - Control Effectiveness(Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_HAZ_LOC - Structure for Defining Unique Key by Hazard and Location
EHHSSS_RSK_HSP - Risk - HS Protocol
EHHSSS_RSK_HSP_D - Risk - HS Protocol (Persistent)
EHHSSS_RSK_HSP_DT - Risk - HS Protocol (Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_HSP_REASON - Language dependent Reason text
EHHSSS_RSK_IMPACT_DT - Risk - Impact (Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_OEL_CHNG_CRITERIA - Search Criteria for OEL Changes in the Risk
EHHSSS_RSK_REVISION_DT - Risk - Revision (Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_ROOT_DT - Risk - Root (Transient)
EHHSSS_RSK_ROOT_Q_BY_CTRL - Parameters for search criteria risk on controls and location
EHHSSS_SEG_AGENT - Similar Exposure Group - Agent
EHHSSS_SEG_AGENT_D - Similar Exposure Group - Agent
EHHSSS_SEG_AGENT_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Agent (Transient)
EHHSSS_SEG_CONTEXT - Similar Exposure Group - Context
EHHSSS_SEG_HSP_ASSIGN - Similar Exposure Group - Recommended HSProtocols
EHHSSS_SEG_JOB - Similar Exposure Group - Job
EHHSSS_SEG_JOB_D - Similar Exposure Group - Job
EHHSSS_SEG_JOB_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Job (Transient)
EHHSSS_SEG_LOCATION - Similar Exposure Group - Location
EHHSSS_SEG_LOCATION_D - Similar Exposure Group - Location
EHHSSS_SEG_LOCATION_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Location (Transient)
EHHSSS_SEG_LOC_AGENT - Similar Exposure Group: Location Based Agent List
EHHSSS_SEG_NAME_TEXT - Similar Exposure Group - Name
EHHSSS_SEG_NAME_TEXT_KEY - Similar Exposure Group - Name - Alternative Key
EHHSSS_SEG_REVISION - Similar Exposure Group - Revision
EHHSSS_SEG_REVISION_D - Similar Exposure Group - Revision
EHHSSS_SEG_REVISION_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Revision (Transient)
EHHSSS_SEG_RISK_SEL_CRIT - Selection criteria for a risk
EHHSSS_SEG_ROOT - Similar Exposure Group - Root
EHHSSS_SEG_ROOT_D - Similar Exposure Group - Root
EHHSSS_SEG_ROOT_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Root (Transient)
EHHSSS_SEG_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Similar Exposure Group - Search Criteria
EHHSSS_SEG_SEARCH_RESULT - Similar Exposure Group - Search Result
EHHSSS_SEG_TEAM - Similar Exposure Group - Team Member
EHHSSS_SEG_TEAM_D - Similar Exposure Group - Team Member
EHHSSS_SEG_WORKER - Similar Exposure Group - Worker
EHHSSS_SEG_WORKER_D - Similar Exposure Group - Worker
EHHSSS_SEG_WRKR_ASSIGN - Similar Exposure Group - Worker Assignement
EHHSSS_STEP - Analysis Step
EHHSSS_TRIG_CRIT_UNIQUE_KEY - Triggering Criteria unique key
EHHSSS_UI_SEG_AMN_RSK - Risk for amount
EHHSSS_UI_SEG_LOC - SEG Location list with agents
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_LIMIT_D - Agent - Limit (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_LIMIT_DT - Agent - Limit (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_LIMREV_D - Agent - Limit Revision (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_LIMREV_DT - Agent - Limit Revision (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_LIMVAL_D - Agent - Limit Value (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_LIMVAL_DT - Agent - Limit Value (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_ROOT_D - Agent - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_AGENT_ROOT_DT - Agent - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_CMA_IMPACT_D - Chemical Agent - Impacts (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_HSP_REVISION_D - Protocol - Revision (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_HSP_REVISION_DT - Protocol - Revision Criteria (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_HSP_ROOT_D - Protocol - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_HSP_ROOT_DT - Protocol - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_HSP_TRIGCRIT_D - Protocol - Triggering Criteria (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_HSP_TRIGCRIT_DT - Protocol - Triggering Criteria (Transient Extension Incl.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_JOB_POSITION_D - Extension Include: Location - Position
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_JOB_POSITION_DT - Extension Include: Location - Position (Trans.)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_JOB_ROOT_D - Job Root Extension Include
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_JOB_ROOT_DT - Agent - Job (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PRQ_CONOBJ_D - Extension Include: Context Object (Persistent)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PRQ_CONOBJ_DT - Extension Include: Context Object (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PRQ_RASREQ_D - Extension Include: RAS Request (Persistent)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PRQ_RASREQ_DT - Extension Include: RAS Request (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PRQ_TEXTCOLL_D - Extension Include: Text Collection (Persistent)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_PRQ_TEXTCOLL_DT - Extension Include: Text Collection (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_LOC_D - Risk Assessment - Location (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_PER_D - Risk Assessment - Person (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_REG_D - Risk Assessment - Regulation (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_REG_DT - Risk Assessment - Regulation (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_RISK_D - Risk Assessment - Risk (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_ROOT_D - Risk Assessment - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_ROOT_DT - Risk Assessment - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_RSN_D - Risk Assessment - Reason (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_RSN_DT - Risk Assessment - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_STEP_D - Risk Assessment - Step (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RAS_STEP_DT - Risk Assessment - Step (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_ANALYSIS_D - Risk - Analysis (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_ANALYSIS_DT - Risk - Analysis (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_BI_CNTRLS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Controls (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_BI_IMPCTS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Impacts (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_BI_LIMITS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Limits and Amounts (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_BI_REG_D - Risk - BI Extractor Regulations (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_BI_RISKS_D - Risk - BI Extractor Risks (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_COMPL_D - Risk - Completion Status (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_COMPL_DT - Risk - Completion Status (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_CONTROL_D - Risk - Control (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_CONTROL_DT - Risk - Control (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_EFF_D - Risk - Control Effectiveness (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_EFF_DT - Risk - Control Effectiveness ( Tr. Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_HSP_D - Risk - HS Protocol (Persistent Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_HSP_DT - Risk - HS Protocol (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_IMPACT_D - Risk - Impact (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_IMPACT_DT - Risk - Impact (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_OEL_VAL_D - Risk - OEL Values (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_OEL_VAL_DT - Risk - OEL Values (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_REVISION_D - Risk - Revision (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_REVISION_DT - Risk - Revision (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_ROOT_D - Risk - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RSK_ROOT_DT - Risk - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_AGENT_D - Similar Exposure Group - Agent (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_AGENT_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Agent (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_JOB_D - Similar Exposure Group - Job (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_JOB_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Job (Transient Extention Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_LOCATION_D - Similar Exposure Group - Location (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_LOCATION_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Location (Trans. Ext. Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_REVISION_D - Similar Exposure Group - Revision (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_REVISION_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Revision (Trans. Ext. Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_ROOT_D - Similar Exposure Group - Root (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_ROOT_DT - Similar Exposure Group - Root (Transient Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_TEAM_D - Similar Exposure Group - Team Member (Extension Include)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_SEG_WORKER_D - Similar Exposure Group - Worker (Extension Include)
VEHHSSD_JOB_DESC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEHHSSD_JOB_ROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Risk Analysis and Evaluation Tables EHS-MGM-RAS-AEV

EHHSSS_PCBO_AMN_PARAMS - Structure for dialog params for Request amounts
EHHSSS_RAMN_DLG_PARAMS - Structure for dialog params for Request amounts
EHHSSS_RAS_CRT_RPT_LST - Structure for list in Create Report dialog
EHHSSS_UI_REASON_IMG - Reasons from Customizing
EHHSSS_UI_REASON_LINK - Structure for Dialog Edit Link for Reasons
EHHSSS_UI_REGULATION_IMG - Regulations from Customizing
EHHSSS_UI_RISK_LST - RAS: UI Structure for Risk List

SAP Analytics and Reporting for Risk Assessment Tables EHS-MGM-RAS-ANA

EHHSSS_A_0EH_JOB - Extractor Structure for Job Master Data
EHHSSS_A_0EH_RISKLVL - Extractor Structure for Risk Levels
EHHSSS_D_CONTROLS - Extractor Structure for Controls
EHHSSS_D_IMPACTS - Extractor Structure for Impacts
EHHSSS_D_LIMITS - Extractor Structure for Limits and Amounts
EHHSSS_D_REGULATIONS - Extractor Structure for Regulations
EHHSSS_D_RISKS - Extractor Structure for Risks
EHHSSS_T_0EH_LIMRTNG - Extractor Structure for Texts for the Exposure Rating

SAP Forms and Print Forms for Risk Assessment Tables EHS-MGM-RAS-FRM

EHHSSS_AIF_AGENT - Agent for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_AGENT_CMA_DETAILS - Chemical Agent - Details
EHHSSS_AIF_GRAPHICS - Sructure all graphic data in Risk Assessment summary report
EHHSSS_AIF_LEVEL_DATA - Structure for level data in Risk Assessment Summary report
EHHSSS_AIF_MATRIX_DATA - Risk Matrix data for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_ACT - Action - Root
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_ASSM_TEAM - Person of the Risk Assessment Team
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_CTX - Form context for Risk Assessment summary forms
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_INTERF - Interface structure for Risk Assessment summary report
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_INTERF_JHA - Interface structure for JHA report
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_INTERF_SUMMARY - Interface Structure for Risk Assessment summary reports
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_JHA_HDR - Header data for JHA report
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_PER - Person in Risk Assessment team for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_RISK_CTRL - Risk with corresponding controls for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RISK - Risk for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RISK_DATA - Data for Risks for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RISK_MATRIX_DATA - Structure for risk matrix data in RAS summary report
EHHSSS_AIF_RISK_OEL - Risk evaluation for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RISK_REVISION - Risk Revision for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RSK_ANALYSIS - Risk Analysis for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RSK_CONTROL - Interface Risk Controls structure
EHHSSS_AIF_RSK_CONTROL_C - Interface Risk Controls structure
EHHSSS_AIF_RSK_CONTROL_S - Interface Risk Controls structure
EHHSSS_AIF_RSK_CONTROL_T - Interface Risk Controls structure
EHHSSS_AIF_RSK_HSP - Interface Risk HSP structure
EHHSSS_AIF_RSK_STEP_CTRL - Job Step - Risk Controls
EHHSSS_AIF_SEVERITY_DATA - Risk Matrix data for reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_SUMMARY - Summary structure for Risk Assessment Summary report
EHHSSS_AIF_SUM_RISK - Summary Risk for Reporting

SAP Risk Identification Tables EHS-MGM-RAS-IDN

EHHSSS_RAS_CONTROL - Risk Identification: Controls List
EHHSSS_RAS_HAZARD - Risk Identification: Hazards List
EHHSSS_RAS_HAZ_OPRSTAT - Risk Identification: Operational Status to Hazard Mapping
EHHSSS_RAS_HAZ_OPRSTAT_CTRL - Risk Identification: Status-Hazard-Control Mapping
EHHSSS_RAS_HAZ_OPRSTAT_IMP - Risk Identification: Status-Hazard-Impact Mapping
EHHSSS_RAS_HAZ_OPRSTAT_SUB - Risk Identification: Status-Hazard-Substance Mapping
EHHSSS_RAS_IMPACT - Risk Identification: Impacts List
EHHSSS_RAS_UI_AGENT - Agent UI Structure
EHHSSS_RAS_UI_RISK - Risk Identification: Review List
EHHSSS_RAS_UI_SUBSTANCE - Substance UI Structure
EHHSSS_RSK_REQ_CONTROL - Request Control from the UI

SAP Risk Treatment Tables EHS-MGM-RAS-TMT

EHHSSS_AIF_CTRL_EFF_VALUESET - Value set for Control Effectiveness
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_CONTEXT - Context of an RAS form
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_CONTROL - Control for Reporting
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_CTRL_BY_LOC - Controls that belong to a location
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_CTRL_EVAL_CTX - Form context for "Evaluate Control Effectiveness"
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_CTRL_EVAL_HDR - Header information of the ctrl. effec. eval form
EHHSSS_AIF_RAS_INTERF_CTRL - Interface Structure for Control effectiveness form
EHHSSS_CTRL_DLG_DET - Structure for dialog params for Request control effectivenes
EHHSSS_CTRL_DLG_LST - Structure for list in Request control effectivenes dialog
EHHSSS_RAS_CTRL_CHG - Mass Replace Control
EHHSSS_RAS_CTRL_REPL - I/O Structure for Mass Replace Controls

SAP Workflows and Tasks for Risk Assessment Tables EHS-MGM-RAS-WF

EHHSSC_RAS_FTNR - Free Text Notification Receivers
EHHSSC_RVWRES - Result Code of Risk Assessment Review
EHHSSC_RVWRES_T - Result Code of Risk Assessment Review
EHHSSD_EVL_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHHSSD_EVL_CTRL - Risk Controls
EHHSSD_EVL_FORM - Form Attachments
EHHSSD_EVL_INQUI - Process Control - Inquiry
EHHSSD_EVL_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_EVL_RVW - Node to store result of RAS Review
EHHSSD_PRF_ATT - Storage of Additional WF Attachment Info
EHHSSD_PRF_NOTIF - Process Control - Notification
EHHSSD_PRF_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PRL_ATT - Storage of Additional WF Attachment Info
EHHSSD_PRL_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PRN_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHHSSD_PRN_NOTIF - Process Control - Notification
EHHSSD_PRN_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PRR_ATT - Storage of Additional WF Attachment Info
EHHSSD_PRR_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PRS_ATT - Storage of Additional WF Attachment Info
EHHSSD_PRS_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_PRS_RPT - Process Control - Report
EHHSSD_PRS_TEAM - Process Control - Assessment Team
EHHSSD_PRT_APP - Process Control - Approval
EHHSSD_PRT_ATT - Storage of Additional WF Attachment Info
EHHSSD_PRT_ROOT - Process Control - Root
EHHSSD_RPL_ATT - Holding additional info for WF Attachmen
EHHSSD_RPL_CTRL - Process Control - Controls for Replacement
EHHSSD_RPL_INQUI - Process Control - Mass Replace Controls - Inquiry
EHHSSD_RPL_OPT - Process Control - Replacement Options
EHHSSD_RPL_ROOT - Process Control - Mass Replace Controls - Root
EHHSSS_EVL_CONTROLS_D - Process Control - Controls
EHHSSS_EVL_CONTROLS_DT - Process Control - Controls (Transient)
EHHSSS_EVL_FORMS - Form Attachments
EHHSSS_EVL_FORMS_D - Process Control - Forms
EHHSSS_EVL_FORMS_DT - Process Control - Forms (Transient)
EHHSSS_EVL_REVIEW - Node to store result of RAS Review
EHHSSS_EVL_REVIEW_D - Results of the RAS Review
EHHSSS_EVL_REVIEW_DT - Transient fields for the RAS Review Result
EHHSSS_PRS_P_SET_APPROVED_FLAG - Parameter structure for the SET_APPROVED_FLAG action
EHHSSS_PRS_TEAM - Process Control - Assessment Team
EHHSSS_PRS_TEAM_D - Process Control - Team
EHHSSS_RAS_FTC_NOT_RECEIVER - Recipient of Free-Text Control Notification
EHHSSS_RPL_CONTROLS - Process Control - Controls for Replacement
EHHSSS_RPL_CONTROLS_D - Controls Replacement Information
EHHSSS_RPL_CONTROLS_DT - Process Control - Controls (Transient)
EHHSSS_RPL_OPTIONS - Process Control - Replacement Options
EHHSSS_RPL_OPTIONS_D - Control Replacement Options
EHHSSS_RPL_OPTIONS_DT - Process Control - Replacement Options (transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_EVL_CONTROLS_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Controls
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_EVL_CONTROLS_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Controls (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_EVL_FORMS_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Forms
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_EVL_FORMS_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Forms
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_EVL_REVIEW_D - Extension Include: RAS Review Result
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_EVL_REVIEW_DT - Extension Include: Transient fields for RAS Review
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RPL_CONTROLS_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Controls
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RPL_CONTROLS_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Controls (Transient)
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RPL_OPTIONS_D - Extension Include: Process Control - Replacement Options
INCL_EEW_EHHSS_RPL_OPTIONS_DT - Extension Include: Process Control - Replacement Options tr.

SAP Product Safety Tables EHS-SAF

ADDR_ALE - EHS: ALE - Structure for Address Conversion
BAPI107707 - EHS: BAPI Structure Transport Approval
BAPI10770B - EHS: BAPI structure for packaging code approval
BAPI10770D - EHS: BAPI structure for risk classification
BAPI10770F - EHS: BAPI structure for transport classification
BAPI1077APPLSCP - EHS: BAPI Structure Specification Scope of Application
BAPI1077CARR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
BAPI1077CARRX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
BAPI1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment User-Defined Texts
BAPI1077DR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
BAPI1077DS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Source
BAPI1077DU - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Usage
BAPI1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. - Val. Assmt UD Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
BAPI1077GR - EHS: BAPI Structure Inheritance Templates
BAPI1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts)
BAPI1077MJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Specification-Material Assignment
BAPI1077PACK - EHS: BAPI Structure Packaging Data
BAPI1077PACKX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Packaging Data
BAPI1077PR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Val. Assgnmt Data (Char. Val. Ass.)
BAPI1077RH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Header Data
BAPI1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers
BAPI1077RL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance List Assignment
BAPI1077RR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Spec.-Reference Spec. Assignment
BAPI1077SPROV - EHS: BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
BAPI1077SPROVX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
BAPI1077TPLREL - EHS: BAPI Structure - Inheritance Relationships
BAPI1077VA - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments
BAPI1077VF - EHS: BAPI Structure Value Asst Components - Numerical Values
BAPI1077VH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments Header
BAPI1077VP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Components
BAPI1091PH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Header
BAPI1091PJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set-Phrase Header Assignment
BAPI1091PL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phr. Long Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
BAPI1091PO - EHS: BAPI Structure for Original Phrase
BAPI1091PP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Item
BAPI1091PS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set
BAPI1091PT - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set Texts
BAPI1092DCS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure
BAPI1092DCSP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure Parameters
BAPI1092DH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Header
BAPI1092DJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment
BAPI1092DL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbols
BAPI1092DLC - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbol Conditions
BAPIKEYSTD - EHS: Standard structure for key fields
BAPIPHREX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
BAPIPHREX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
BAPIPHRPHA - EHS: Copy of structure BAPI1091PH for ALE interface
BAPIPHRPHX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Header
BAPIPHRPJX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
BAPIPHRPLX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Phr. Long Txt (SAPscript-Long Txt) Struc.
BAPIPHRPOX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Original Phrase
BAPIPHRPPX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Item
BAPIPHRPSX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
BAPIPHRPTX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Set Texts
BAPIPHR_01 - EHS: Phrase Keys and Phrase Items
BAPIPHR_02 - EHS: Phrase Sets
BAPIRECSPL - EHS: Structure for Storing Record Splits for ALE
BAPIREPDHX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Report Header
BAPIREPDJX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment
BAPIREPEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
BAPIREPEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
BAPIREP_01 - EHS: Report Key
BAPISTDTYP - EH&S: Standard Reference Fields for the BAPI Interface
BAPISUB07X - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure Transport Approval
BAPISUB0BX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Packaging Code Approval
BAPISUB0DX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Risk Classification
BAPISUB0FX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Transport Classification
BAPISUBAPPLSCPX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Specificat. Scope of Application
BAPISUBDFX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Val Assgmnt User.Def.Texts
BAPISUBDRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
BAPISUBDSX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Source
BAPISUBDUX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Usage
BAPISUBEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
BAPISUBEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
BAPISUBFLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Struct. for ValAssgt UD Txts (SAPscript-L
BAPISUBILX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Identifiers
BAPISUBMJX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Material Assignment
BAPISUBPRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Data
BAPISUBRHA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RH for ALE Interface
BAPISUBRHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Stucture for Substance Header
BAPISUBRIA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RI for ALE Interface
BAPISUBRIX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance Identifiers
BAPISUBRLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance List Assignment
BAPISUBRRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Ref. Subs. Assignment
BAPISUBTPLRELX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Inheritance Relationship
BAPISUBVAX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignments
BAPISUBVHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Header
BAPISUBVPX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Components
BAPISUB_01 - EHS: Substance keys and identifiers
BAPISUB_02 - EHS: Extended error return structure for BAPIs
BAPISUB_03 - EHS: Structure for data definitions of characteristics
BAPISUB_04 - EHS: Struct. for data definitions of numerical char. values
BAPISUB_05 - EHS: Characteristics table
BAPISUB_06 - EHS: Value set of characteristic
BAPISUB_07 - EHS: Structure definition of values from tables
BAPISUB_08 - EHS: Value set of phrase long texts
CCGLC_DEF_CTY - EHS: Standard Countries for a Plant
CCGLC_DEF_SHIP - EHS: Standard Modes of Transport for a Plant
CCGLC_DGPHRREL - EHS: GHS/Dangerous Goods: Phrase Assignment
CCGLC_GVFILT - EHS: Filter for Print Requests
CCGLC_LABTY - EHS: Label Categories
CCGLC_LODEST - EHS: RFC Destinations to Logistics Systems
CCGLC_LSSIZE - EHS: Size of Label Stock
CCGLC_MPD - EHS: Manual Print Dialog
CCGLC_MPDD - EHS: Manual Print Dialog - Language-Dependent Description
CCGLC_MPDD_NEW - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for Print Request Description
CCGLC_MPDP - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for User Entry
CCGLC_MPDP_NEW - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for User Entry for Print Request
CCGLC_MPD_NEW - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for Print Request
CCGLC_PLANT_EPA - EHS: EPA Number for a Plant
CCGLC_PREORH - EHS: Header Data for Print Request
CCGLC_PRN - EHS: GLM System Printer
CCGLC_PRNSTN - EHS: Print Station for Print Requests
CCGLC_PRNSTT - EHS: Print Station for Print Requests - Text
CCGLC_PRNTR - EHS: Printer at a Print Station
CCGLC_PRNTRT - EHS: Printer at a Print Station - Text
CCGLC_PRNWST - EHS: Print Destination
CCGLC_PRN_DRIVER - EHS: GLM System Printer Driver
CCGLC_PUOM - EHS: Packaging Unit
CCGLC_SCEN - EHS: Labeling Scenarios - Header Table
CCGLC_SCEND - EHS: Labeling Scenarios - Destinations
CCGLC_SCENGRP - EHS: Labeling Scenario Groups
CCGLC_SCENT - EHS: GLM Scenarios - Text
CCGLC_SCEN_APPL - EHS: Output Control for Labeling Scenarios
CCGLC_SECC - EHS: Sec. Value Determination for Report Symbols - Rules
CCGLC_SECF - EHS: Secondary Value Determin. for Report Symbols - Methods
CCGLC_SEQLST - EHS: List of Sequential Data
CCGLC_SERD - EHS: Sequential Numbering
CCGLC_SERIAL - EHS: Set Default Sequential Numbering
CCGLC_SERV - EHS: Values of Serial Numbers
CCGLC_TABLES - EHS: Tables for Extended Check
CCGLC_THRESH - EHS: Additional Labels
CCGLC_TRCHK - EHS: Rules for Print Requests of Process Orders
CCGLC_TRCHKE - EHS: Additional Rules for Print Requests of Process Orders
CCGLC_UOMLBL - EHS: Assignment of Label Categories to Packaging Units
CCGLC_USERACTIOT - EHS: User Actions - Text
CCGLC_WBC_BPT - EHS: LWB Function Description
CCGLC_WBC_ETDT - EHS: LWB Activity Description
CCGLC_WBC_PAR - EHS: Basic Data for Function Workbench
CCGLC_WBC_QC - EHS: LWB Search Criteria of a Function
CCGLC_WBC_QCT - EHS: LWB Descriptions of Search Criteria for a Function
CCGLC_WBC_STBT - EHS: LWB Subtab Description
CCGLC_WBC_STSC - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Field Names
CCGLC_WBC_STSF - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Filter Field Value Output
CCGLC_WBC_STSO - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Field Properties
CCGLC_WBC_TABT - EHS: LWB Tab Description
CCGLC_WBC_TSDT - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Description
CCGLC_WBC_TSO - EHS: LWB Tab Screen - Field Properties
CCGLC_WBC_TSOC - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Field Names
CCGLC_WBC_TSOF - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Filter Field Value Output
CCGLC_WWIPRN - EHS: Activate WWI Printer
CCGLC_WWISRV - EHS: Configure WWI Server for Print Request Creation
CCGLC_WWISRVT - EHS: WWI Server for GLM - Text
CCGLS_APILSDE - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Language-Dependent Desc.
CCGLS_APILSHD - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Header
CCGLS_APILSLT - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Label Category
CCGLS_APILSRV - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Validity Areas
CCGLS_APILSTG - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbols
CCGLS_ARESB - EHS: Reservation/Dependent Requirement - Old
CCGLS_BARCODE_TRIGGER - EHS: Structure for Display on Bar-Code Scan Screen
CCGLS_CLBLIOT - EHS: IOTAB Customer-Specific Label Data
CCGLS_CLBL_LOCK - EHS: Lock Structure Around CCGLT_CLBL at Customer Level
CCGLS_CL_TABSTRIP_DEF - EHS: Structure for Customer-Specific Label Tabs
CCGLS_COUNTRYIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for F4 Help Countries
CCGLS_COUNTRY_TAB - EHS: Structure for Countries
CCGLS_DGPHRREL - EHS: Phrase Assignment for Danger Label
CCGLS_DMSKEYS_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Files for Generation (WWI)
CCGLS_EXTNUMBER - EHS: External Identification
CCGLS_G00 - EHS: Seq. No. as Bar Code/Text
CCGLS_G01 - EHS: Parameter Structure - Material Data
CCGLS_G02 - EHS: Parameter Structure Process Data
CCGLS_G05 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Batch Data
CCGLS_G06 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Dangerous Goods Data
CCGLS_G07 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Plant Data
CCGLS_G08 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Address of Goods Recipient
CCGLS_G09 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Address of Sold-To Party
CCGLS_G10 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Address of Plant
CCGLS_G11 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Specification Data
CCGLS_LABEL - EHS: Label Information
CCGLS_LABELSTOCK_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Label Information (WWI)
CCGLS_LABEL_DET - EHS: Structure with Data Required for Label Determination
CCGLS_LANGUAGE - EHS: Language Definition
CCGLS_LBLINF_SCR - Values for Label Info Subscreen
CCGLS_LDH - EHS: Label Data - Header Data
CCGLS_LDKEY - EHS: Logical Key for Labeling Specification
CCGLS_LD_TABSTRIP_DEF - EHS: Structure for Labeling Specification Tab
CCGLS_LOCK_ENTRY - EHS: Structure for Print Request Lock
CCGLS_LSDEBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Language-Dependent Descriptions
CCGLS_LSDEIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Language-Dependent Descriptions
CCGLS_LSHDBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock
CCGLS_LSHDIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Header
CCGLS_LSHDTM - EHS: Master Tab Structure for Label Stock
CCGLS_LSHDTS - EHS: Slave Tab Structure for Label Stock
CCGLS_LSHD_LABELFORMAT - EHS: Output Structure for Label Stock - Search Help
CCGLS_LSKPATH - EHS: "Key-Path" Label Stock for Function Module Call
CCGLS_LSLTBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Assigned Label Categories
CCGLS_LSLTIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Assigned Label Categories
CCGLS_LSRVBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Assigned Validity Areas
CCGLS_LSRVIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Assigned Validity Areas
CCGLS_LSSEL - EHS: Initial Screen Label Stock
CCGLS_LSTGBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbols
CCGLS_LSTGIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbol Groups
CCGLS_LVIOT - EHS: Dialog Structure for Restriction of Validity Areas
CCGLS_MATERIAL - EHS: Structure for Material
CCGLS_MATPOS - EHS: Structure for Material Item
CCGLS_MPD - EHS: Data Structure for Manual Print Dialog
CCGLS_MPD_LABELS - EHS: Structure for Displaying Label Tree
CCGLS_MPD_LABELS_NODE - EHS: Structure for Displaying Label Tree
CCGLS_MPD_TABSTRIP_DEF - EHS: Structure for Tabstrip Definition
CCGLS_MSG - Notifications
CCGLS_MTLSIOT - EHS: IOTAB Labeling Specification
CCGLS_MTLSV - EHS: Display Structure for Label Data Incl. Validity Area
CCGLS_MTLVIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Data Validity Areas
CCGLS_OEDLIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for User Entries Layout
CCGLS_OEDSYM - EHS: Symbol Structure for Value Determination of User Entry
CCGLS_PACK_HIERARCHY - EHS: Packaging Hierarchy
CCGLS_PARAM_TAB - EHS: Structure for Report Generation
CCGLS_PLANT - EHS: Structure for Plant
CCGLS_PRNTRY_READ - EHS: Structure for Reading Installed Printer Trays
CCGLS_PRNTR_SCR - Values for Printer Subscreen
CCGLS_PRN_READ - EHS: Structure for Reading Installed Printer on Gen. Server
CCGLS_PRN_SPOOL_READ - EHS: Structure for Reading the SAP Spool Printer
CCGLS_PRTREQ_CONTENT - EHS: Content of a Print Request (Image)
CCGLS_PRTREQ_DET_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request Spool Messages (WWI)
CCGLS_PRTREQ_ERROR - EHS: Print Request Error Assignment
CCGLS_PRTREQ_HDR_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request Header (WWI)
CCGLS_PRTREQ_OUT - EHS: Structure for Print Request Output
CCGLS_PRTREQ_SLS_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Sequential Data
CCGLS_PRTREQ_SNO_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Sequence Numbers
CCGLS_PRTREQ_STATUS - EHS: Print Request Status
CCGLS_PUOM_SELECT - EHS: Structure for Packaging Unit
CCGLS_SCREEN_ELEM_DEF - EHS: Screen Element Definition
CCGLS_SERDEF - EHS: Serial Number Values
CCGLS_SERDEF_SHORT - EHS: Values of Serial Numbers (Interface Structure)
CCGLS_SERIOT - EHS: Serial Number Values
CCGLS_SERLIST - EHS: Values of Serial Lists
CCGLS_SHIPPINGIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for F4 Help Modes of Transport
CCGLS_SHIPPING_MODES - EHS: Structure for Modes of Transport
CCGLS_STATUS_NEW - System status - new
CCGLS_STATUS_OLD - System status - old
CCGLS_SYMBOL - EHS: Report Symbols
CCGLS_TABSTRIP_DEF_TAB - EHS: Structure for Tabstrip Control
CCGLS_VALIDITY_AREAS - EHS: Structure for Validity Areas
CCGLS_VARIANT_SELECT - EHS: Structure for Help - Report Generation Variants
CCGLS_VAR_DET - EHS: Variant Determination
CCGLS_WB_ALV_STRUC_DETHEAD - EHS: LWB ALV Output Structure for Detail Header Data Display
CCGLS_WB_ALV_STRUC_EXECUTE - EHS: LWB ALV Output Structure for Activities
CCGLS_WB_ALV_STRUC_GEN_AXIS - EHS: LWB ALV Output Structure for Output on Swapped Axes
CCGLS_WB_AUTHORITY - EHS: LWB Authorization Check
CCGLS_WB_BP_DEF - EHS: LWB Function Definition
CCGLS_WB_BP_OBJECT - EHS: LWB Functions Definition Object
CCGLS_WB_BP_VIEW_CONTAINER - EHS: LWB Container of a Function View
CCGLS_WB_BP_VIEW_OBJECTS - EHS: LWB Objects of a Function View Screen
CCGLS_WB_EXEC_TYPE_DEF - EHS: LWB Activity Definition
CCGLS_WB_QUERY_CRITERIA_DEF - EHS: LWB Search Criteria Definition
CCGLS_WB_QUERY_CRIT_VR_TAB - EHS: LWB Search Criterion Value Range
CCGLS_WB_SHLP_FIELDNAME - EHS: LWB Search Help Structure for Field Names
CCGLS_WB_SHLP_QUERY_CRIT - EHS: LWB Search Help Structure for Search Criteria
CCGLS_WB_SHLP_REP_GENVAR - EHS: LWB Search Help Structure for Report Generation Variant
CCGLS_WB_STNID_PRNID_DISPLAY - EHS: Struct. for Print Station Display - Printer with Descr.
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_DEF - EHS: LWB Subtab Definition
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_SCREEN_DEF - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Definition
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_SCRPROP_DEF - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Field Properties
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_SCR_FILTER_DEF - EHS: LWB Filter for Field Value Output on Subtab Screens
CCGLS_WB_TAB_DEF - EHS: LWB Tab Definition
CCGLS_WB_TAB_SCRPROP_DEF - EHS: LWB Tab Screen - Field Properties
CCGLS_WB_TAB_SCRPROP_D_DEF - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Fields - Names
CCGLS_WB_TAB_SCR_FILTER_DEF - EHS: LWB Filter for Field Values on Tab Screens
CCGLS_WB_VALUE_DESC - EHS: LWB Value Description
CCGLS_WI_LOG_MESSAGES - EHS: LWB Log Detail Data - Messages
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_DET - EHS: Print Request Spool Messages (WWI)
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_HDR - EHS: Display Structure for Print Request Header
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_PAR - EHS: Display Structure for Parameter Values
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_SLS - EHS: Display Structure for Sequence Number
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_SNO - EHS: Display Structure for Sequence Number
CCGLS_WI_REPORT_SYMBOL - EHS: Structure for Language-Dependent Report Symbols
CCGLS_WWICALL_MESSAGE - EHS: Print Request - WWI Codes and Messages
CCGLT_AUDH - EHS: Audit Data Header Entry
CCGLT_AUDI - EHS: Audit Icon/Parameter Values
CCGLT_AUDS - EHS: Audit Data for Serial Numbers
CCGLT_CLBL - EHS: Customer-Specific Labels
CCGLT_LIC_AUDIT - EHS: License Audit
CCGLT_LSDE - EHS: Label Stock - Language-Dependent Descriptions
CCGLT_LSHD - EHS: Label Stock Header Table
CCGLT_LSLT - EHS: Label Stock - Assigned Label Categories
CCGLT_LSRV - EHS: Label Stock - Assigned Validity Area
CCGLT_LSTG - EHS: Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbol Groups
CCGLT_MTLD - EHS: Labeling Data for a Material
CCGLT_MTLS - EHS: Label Definition for a Material
CCGLT_MTLV - EHS: Label Definition - Validity Areas
CCGLT_OEDL - EHS: User Entry for Label Data Layout
CCGLT_PRTREQ_DET - EHS: Print Request Spool Messages
CCGLT_PRTREQ_HDR - EHS: Print Request Header Table
CCGLT_PRTREQ_PAR - EHS: Print Request Parameters
CCGLT_PRTREQ_SLS - EHS: Print Request Sequential Data
CCGLT_PRTREQ_SNO - EHS: Print Request Sequence Numbers
CCGLT_PR_HDR_UT2 - EHS: Print Request Header Table Test Data for Unit Test
CCGLT_PR_PAR_UT - EHS: Print Request Parameters Test Data for Unit Tests
CCGLT_PR_SLS_UT - EHS: Print Request Sequential Data Test Data for Unit Tests
CCGLT_PR_SNO_UT - EHS: Print Request Sequence Numbers Test Data for Unit Tests
CCRCC_BW - EHS: Maintenance of Bonded Warehouses
CCRCC_BW_CONF - EHS: Function Modules for the Bonded Warehouse Functionality
CCRCC_CD - EHS: Rules for Country Determination
CCRCC_CHCK_ON - EHS: Online Checks for Regulation/Scenario/Scenario Category
CCRCC_CHCK_SALES - EHS: Activate Check of Sales Orders
CCRCC_DET - EHS: Data Determination Modules per Regulation/Scenario
CCRCC_DETDOCTYPE - EHS: Modules for Regulation/Scenario/Scenario Category
CCRCC_ERRMAIL - EHS: Specify Recipients for Error Messages
CCRCC_ERRORMAIL - EHS: RegCheck: Specify Recipients for Error Messages
CCRCC_EXCHG - EHS: Data Transfer from and to EH&S
CCRCC_FILTER - EHS: Data Filtering
CCRCC_LIMITG - EHS: General Quantity Restriction
CCRCC_LIMITS - EHS: Relative Quantity Restriction
CCRCC_MISDATACND - EHS: Condition Table: Behavior If Data Missing
CCRCC_MON - EHS: Monitoring Settings
CCRCC_PERIOD - EHS: Period Definition
CCRCC_POL - EHS: Polymer Labeling and Monomer Composition per Regulation
CCRCC_SCENTYPE - EHS: Scenario-to-Scenario-Category Assignment
CCRCC_SDCONDTAB - EHS: Condition Table Locked in SD by Notification Check
CCRCS_BALMI - Message Structure
CCRCS_BW_BD_DATA_IOT - Structure for Bonded Warehouse
CCRCS_CHK - Quantity Check Data
CCRCS_CHK_AMOUNT - Minimum Logical Key for Tracking Tables
CCRCS_CHK_RESULT - Result for Quantity Check
CCRCS_COLO_APIDATA - Reference to Confirmed Consumed Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_COMP_TREE - Structure for Component Tree
CCRCS_COND - Dynamic WHERE Condition
CCRCS_CULI_DATA_FILTER - Filter Criteria for Customer List
CCRCS_CULI_OUT - Output Fields for Customer List (Header Data)
CCRCS_CULI_OUT_DVS - Customer List for Storage of the CSV File in DMS
CCRCS_CULI_OUT_POS - Output Fields of the Customer List (Item Data)
CCRCS_CU_LIST - Structure for Customer List
CCRCS_CU_LIST_HEADER - Structure: Customer List Header Data
CCRCS_CU_LIST_POS - Struture Customer List Item Data
CCRCS_DET_DATA - Output Structure for the Detail Data (Validation Data)
CCRCS_DET_DB_DATA - Structure for the Detail Data (Validation Data)
CCRCS_EHS_ADD_DATA - Additional Data from EH&S
CCRCS_EHS_SVT_MAP - Mapping Data from EHS to SVT
CCRCS_ERRMAIL - Messages per Mail
CCRCS_ESTCAT - Value Assignment Types
CCRCS_INTERVAL - Structure for Read Interval
CCRCS_LIMITG_L - Structure for Quantity Restrictions
CCRCS_LKEY - Logical Key for Tracking Tables
CCRCS_LOCK - Blocked Documents
CCRCS_LOCK_KEY - Block Parameter for Table CCRCT_LOCK
CCRCS_MAIL_RESULT - Result for Quantity Check with Messages
CCRCS_MON_DATA_FILTER - Filter Criteria for Monitoring
CCRCS_MSG - Structure for Message Log
CCRCS_OBJKEY - Key to Source Data
CCRCS_OR - Structure for Only Representative Data
CCRCS_OR_BD_APIDATA - Structure for OR Basic Data
CCRCS_OR_BD_DATA - Structure for OR Basic Data
CCRCS_OR_BD_DATA_IOT - Structure for OR Basic Data
CCRCS_PARAM - Parameter Structure for Substance Volume Checks
CCRCS_POLYMONO_COMP - List of Polymers/Monomers
CCRCS_PRLO_APIDATA - Reference to Confirmed Produced Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_PULO_APIDATA - Reference to Confirmed Purchased Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_REG - Minimum Logical Key for Check
CCRCS_REGCHECK_COMPONENT - Components for Regulation Check
CCRCS_REGCHECK_LOG - Output Structure for Regulation Check Log
CCRCS_REG_CTRY - Valid Countries for Regulation
CCRCS_REG_TCG81 - Regulations of a Higher-Level Regulation (NOTICHECK)
CCRCS_REL_SUBS - Relevant Substances Per Company Code
CCRCS_RULE_CTRY - Valid Countries for Rule in Country Determination
CCRCS_SELOPT - Interface: Selection criteria
CCRCS_SOLO_APIDATA - Reference for Confirmed Sold Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_STD_FIELDS - Standard Fields for Monitoring Tables
CCRCS_TABDOC - Tables for Scenario Category
CCRCS_TSCA12B_EK - Transfer Structure for Relevant Purchase Order Data
CCRCS_TSCA12B_SD - Transfer Structure for Relevant Sales Data
CCRCS_TSCA12B_WRITE - Output Structure for TSCA 12B - Report
CCRCS_TSCA12B_WRITE_LT - Output Structure for TSCA 12B - Long Text
CCRCS_TSCA12B_WRITE_ST - Output Structure for TSCA 12B Short Texts
CCRCS_VM_CO - Confirmed Quantities
CCRCS_VM_OUT - Output Fields
CCRCS_VM_PL - Planned Quantities
CCRCT_CALC - EHS: Calculated Average
CCRCT_CO - EHS: Confirmed Consumed Quantities
CCRCT_COLO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Consumed Quantities
CCRCT_COPL - EHS: Planned Consumed Quantities
CCRCT_CU - EHS: Customer List - Header Data
CCRCT_CUPOS - EHS: Customer List - Item Data
CCRCT_DOCTYPE - EHS: Scenario Categories
CCRCT_DOCTYPET - EHS: Text Table for Scenario Category
CCRCT_EHS_COMP - EHS: Composition (EH&S Data)
CCRCT_EHS_REG - EHS: Registration Status (EH&S Data)
CCRCT_EHS_SLIMIT - EHS: Limit Values in Substance (EH&S Data)
CCRCT_EHS_WL - EHS: Worklist of Changed Materials
CCRCT_LOCK - EHS: Blocked Documents
CCRCT_OR - Material Business Partner Only Representative Assignment
CCRCT_PR - EHS: Confirmed Produced Quantities
CCRCT_PRLO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Produced Quantities
CCRCT_PRPL - EHS: Planned Produced Quantities
CCRCT_PU - EHS: Confirmed Purchased Quantities
CCRCT_PULO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Purchased Quantities
CCRCT_PUPL - EHS: Planned Purchased Quantities
CCRCT_RUN - Time stamp of Tracking and Filling Runs
CCRCT_SCEN - EHS: Scenarios
CCRCT_SCENT - EHS: Text Table for Scenarios (System Table)
CCRCT_SO - EHS: Confirmed Sold Quantities
CCRCT_SOLO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Sold Quantities (CCRCT_SO)
CCRCT_SOPL - EHS: Planned Sold Quantities
CCUNTCARR - Provisions for Carriage
CCUNTPACK - Packing Requirements
CCUNTSPROV - Special Packing Provisions
CVCBN - EHS: Business process - language-dependent label
CVCCN - EHS: Language-dependent label for communication
CVCCO - EHS: Communication
CVCEC - DDS: Error handler - valid error codes
CVCER - DDS: Error handler - recipient allocation (situation, error)
CVCET - EHS: Error handler - language-dependent error texts
CVCHD - EHS: Assignment table for default printer
CVCHE - EHS: Event buffer for report shipping
CVCHP - EHS: Assignment table for cover sheet and ack. of receipt
CVCHS - EHS: Assignment table for shipping elements
CVCHU - EHS: User exit - synonym allocation
CVCRC - EHS: Assignment table for communication
CVCRCAT - EHS: Cause Type
CVCRH - EHS: Allowed values for structure CVDREASON
CVCRN - EHS: Business Process Type - Language-Dependent Description
CVCRP - EHS: Parameter values to be saved
CVCRT - EHS: Origin Category
CVCSH - EHS: Shipping elements
CVCSN - EHS: Language-dependent label of shipping element
CVDACL - EHS: Report shipping flow trace - log structure
CVDACLHITS - EHS: Report shipping flow trace - slave structure
CVDACLHITT - EHS: Report shipping flow trace - master structure -
CVDACLIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Report Shipping Logs
CVDAPICS - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure
CVDAPICSP - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure Parameters
CVDAPIDH - EHS: API structure report shipping order (header)
CVDAPIDP - EHS: API structure report shipping (parameter values)
CVDCOMM - EHS: Communication
CVDCSBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure
CVDCSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure (ESTDCS)
CVDCSPBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure Parameters
CVDCSPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure Parameters (ESTDCSP)
CVDDCS - EHS: Control Structure (Report Shipping)
CVDDCSP - EHS: Control Structure Parameters (Report Shipping)
CVDDDHITM - EHS: Report shipping - detail values - master structure
CVDDH - EHS: Report shipping orders
CVDDHBUF - EHS: Buffer report shipping - header
CVDDHHITM - EHS: Report shipping hit list - master structure
CVDDHHITMS - EHS: Structure for Report Shipping Hit List
CVDDHHITS - EHS: Report shipping hit list - slave structure
CVDDHHITT - EHS: Report shipping hit list - help structure
CVDDHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report shipping
CVDDHSCR - EHS: Header Data for Report Shipping Orders (for Display)
CVDDISTSEL - EHS: Fields on the report shipping selection screen
CVDDMSCR - EHS: Material data for shipping orders (for display)
CVDDOCKEY - DDS: DMS document key
CVDDOCKEYH - EHS: DDS document key for a cover sheet
CVDDOCSCR - EHS: DMS Document Key Data with Description
CVDDP - EHS: Parameter Values for Report Shipping
CVDDPBUF - EHS: Buffer report shipping - parameter values
CVDDPHITM - EHS: Report shipping parameter values - master structure -
CVDDPHITMS - EHS: Structure for Report Shipping Parameters
CVDDPHITS - EHS: Report shipping parameter values - slave structure -
CVDDPHITT - EHS: Report shipping parameter values - help structure -
CVDDPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for parameter values (report shipping)
CVDDRSCR - EHS: Report data for shipping orders (for display)
CVDDSSCR - EHS: SD document data for shipping orders (for display)
CVDESIOT - EHS:Choosing the extended search function on initial screen
CVDEXPSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Exposure Scenario Search Screen
CVDFINDOC - DDS: Collective structure of the 4 DMS key components
CVDFINHDOC - DDS: Collective structure of the 4 DMS key components
CVDMANSEL - EHS: Fields on the Manual Report Shipping Selection Screen
CVDMAT - EHS: Material structure
CVDMESSAGE - DDS: Message information
CVDPACKAGE - EHS: Material names from order package
CVDPACKREC - EHS: Information on subs. rep. ship. ord. package recipient
CVDPH - DDS: OBSOLETE !! DDOC log, header record
CVDPRSEL - DDS: Selection criteria for log
CVDREASON - DDS: Reason/origin of delivery order
CVDRECADRC - EHS: Address data for recipient (company)
CVDRECADRP - EHS: Address data for recipient (person)
CVDRECEIV - DDS: Information on recipient
CVDRECINFO - EHS: Recipient information relevant to shipping
CVDREPEXP - EH&S: Structure for Export
CVDREPINFO - EHS: Sequence data in a report
CVDREPORT - EHS: Report data
CVDSADRL - EHS: Address Management: Company Data
CVDSENADRC - EHS: Address data for initiator (sales organization)
CVDSENADRP - EHS: Address data of sender (user)
CVDTLINE - DDS: Single-column text table (132 characters per line)
E1ADDR_ALE - EHS: ALE - Structure for Address Conversion
E1BP107707 - EHS: BAPI Structure Transport Approval
E1BP10770B - EHS: BAPI Structure for Packaging Code Approval
E1BP10770D - EHS: BAPI Structure for Risk Classification
E1BP10770F - EHS: BAPI Structure for Transport Classification
E1BP1077APPLSCP - EHS: BAPI Structure Specification Scope of Application
E1BP1077CARR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
E1BP1077CARRX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
E1BP1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment User-Defined Texts
E1BP1077DR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
E1BP1077DS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Source
E1BP1077DU - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Usage
E1BP1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. - Val. Assmt UD Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
E1BP1077GR - EHS: BAPI Structure Inheritance Templates
E1BP1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts)
E1BP1077MJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Specification-Material Assignment
E1BP1077PACK - EHS: BAPI Structure Packaging Data
E1BP1077PACKX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Packaging Data
E1BP1077PR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Val. Assgnmt Data (Char. Val. Ass.)
E1BP1077RH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Header Data
E1BP1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers
E1BP1077RL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance List Assignment
E1BP1077RR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Spec.-Reference Spec. Assignment
E1BP1077SPROV - EHS: BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
E1BP1077SPROVX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
E1BP1077TPLREL - EHS: BAPI Structure - Inheritance Relationships
E1BP1077VA - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments
E1BP1077VH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments Header
E1BP1077VP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Components
E1BP1091PH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Header
E1BP1091PJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set-Phrase Header Assignment
E1BP1091PL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phr. Long Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
E1BP1091PO - EHS: BAPI Structure for Original Phrase
E1BP1091PP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Item
E1BP1091PS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set
E1BP1091PT - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set Texts
E1BP1092DCS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure
E1BP1092DCSP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure Parameters
E1BP1092DH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Header
E1BP1092DJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment
E1BP1092DL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbols
E1BP1092DLC - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbol Conditions
E1BPPHREX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
E1BPPHREX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
E1BPPHRPHX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Header
E1BPPHRPJX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
E1BPPHRPLX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Phr. Long Txt (SAPscript-Long Txt) Struc.
E1BPPHRPOX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Original Phrase
E1BPPHRPPX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Item
E1BPPHRPSX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
E1BPPHRPTX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Set Texts
E1BPPHR_01 - EHS: Phrase Keys and Phrase Items
E1BPRECSPL - EHS: Structure for Storing Record Splits for ALE
E1BPREPDHX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Report Header
E1BPREPDJX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment
E1BPREPEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
E1BPREPEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
E1BPSUB07X - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure Transport Approval
E1BPSUB0BX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Packaging Code Approval
E1BPSUB0DX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Risk Classification
E1BPSUB0FX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Transport Classification
E1BPSUBAPPLSCPX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Specificat. Scope of Application
E1BPSUBDFX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Val Assgmnt User.Def.Texts
E1BPSUBDRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
E1BPSUBDSX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Source
E1BPSUBDUX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Usage
E1BPSUBEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
E1BPSUBEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
E1BPSUBFLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Struct. for ValAssgt UD Txts (SAPscript-L
E1BPSUBILX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Identifiers
E1BPSUBMJX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Material Assignment
E1BPSUBPRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Data
E1BPSUBRHA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RH for ALE Interface
E1BPSUBRHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Stucture for Substance Header
E1BPSUBRIA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RI for ALE Interface
E1BPSUBRIX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance Identifiers
E1BPSUBRLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance List Assignment
E1BPSUBRRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Ref. Subs. Assignment
E1BPSUBTPLRELX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Inheritance Relationship
E1BPSUBVAX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignments
E1BPSUBVHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Header
E1BPSUBVPX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Components
E1EHSLSADM - EHS-BAS: Settings for Language Support (ALE)
E1ESTALE - EHS: ALE - reference to originals
E1ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E1ESTVA - EHS: Substance value assignment
E1ESTVH - EHS: substance-characteristic category assignment
E1PHRMAS - Header Segment
E1REPMAS - Header Segment
E1REPMAS01 - Header Segment
E1SUBMAS - Header Segment
E2ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E2ESTVA - EHS: Substance value assignment
E2ESTVH - EHS: substance-characteristic category assignment
E3ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E3ESTVA - EHS: Substance value assignment
E3ESTVH - EHS: substance-characteristic category assignment
EHCSMD_SPC_UT - CBUI_BO Unit Test Helper DB Table
EHCSMS_SPC_ACCESS_DETAILS - Structure containing relevant access information
EHCSMS_SPC_ACTIONS_FOR_PROFILE - Profile for actions belonging to a profile ID
EHCSMS_SPC_ADM_TRANSIENT_DATA - Transient data for specification related admin data
EHCSMS_SPC_AENNR - Change numbers
EHCSMS_SPC_API_INIT_SCREEN - Structure containing relevant information for initial screen
EHCSMS_SPC_AUTHGRP - Authorization Groups
EHCSMS_SPC_CHARACT_DETAILS - Characteristic details
EHCSMS_SPC_COMPOSITION_TYPE - Language-dependent description of spec component type
EHCSMS_SPC_COMP_CAT_VALUE - Component Category
EHCSMS_SPC_COMP_EXC_VALUE - Exception Value of a Component
EHCSMS_SPC_ECM_OBJ - Objects of Change Number
EHCSMS_SPC_HDR_KEY - Specification Header Key
EHCSMS_SPC_HEADER - Specification Header Structure
EHCSMS_SPC_IDENT - Listing related identifiers
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN - Specification Identifier Structure
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN_LTX - Specification Identifier Longtext
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN_REG_LIST - Specification Identifier Regulatory List Assignment Struct
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN_TRANS - Specification Identifier - transient data
EHCSMS_SPC_KEY - Specification key identifying specification related data
EHCSMS_SPC_KEY_INDEX - Structure with keys and line index
EHCSMS_SPC_MAT_ASSIGNMENT - Specification - Material Assignment
EHCSMS_SPC_MSG - Message Structure
EHCSMS_SPC_MSG_RESULT - Specification: Result of specification related messages
EHCSMS_SPC_NATURE - Language-Dependent Description of Substance Nature
EHCSMS_SPC_PHRASE_STATE - Phrase key and state
EHCSMS_SPC_PROFILE_ID_BY_INST - Profile ID with specficiation instance information
EHCSMS_SPC_PROPERTY_TREE - Property tree node
EHCSMS_SPC_PROPERTY_TREE_INFO - Specification property tree info (TCG51)
EHCSMS_SPC_RATING_DESC - Specification Rating Description
EHCSMS_SPC_REF - Specification reference assignment between two specs
EHCSMS_SPC_REG_LIST - Regulatory List Details
EHCSMS_SPC_REL - Specification relationship
EHCSMS_SPC_REL_BUFFER - Specification Relationship Buffer
EHCSMS_SPC_REL_TMP - Specification Relationship Template
EHCSMS_SPC_REL_TMP_GROUP - Specification Relationship Template Group
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_DATA - Document Data for a Report
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_HDR_DETAIL - Report Header Transient Details
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_KEY - Report key with object assignment
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_PARAM_VALUE - Parameter Values for Reports
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_SPC_REF - Report - Specification Reference
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_VARIANT - Report variant details
EHCSMS_SPC_REP_DEFAULT_KEYS - Report default keys
EHCSMS_SPC_SOURCE - Language-Dependent Description for Source
EHCSMS_SPC_SOURCE_TYPE - Specification Source Types
EHCSMS_SPC_SPECTYPE_DETAILS - EHS: Specification Type Details
EHCSMS_SPC_STATUS - Specification Status
EHCSMS_SPC_SUBID - Spec ification IDs
EHCSMS_SPC_SUBID_ALLOWED - Specification IDs with Allowed Indicator
EHCSMS_SPC_UOM_PROFILE - Unit of Measurement (UoM) profile
EHCSMS_SPC_UOM_PROFILE_DETAILS - Assignments of UoM Profile to Dimension/Standard UoM
EHCSMS_SPC_USAGE - Specification Usage
EHCSMS_SPC_USAGE_FILTER - Specification Usage Filter
EHCSMS_SPC_USG_KEY - Specification key identifying specification usages
EHCSMS_SPC_USG_PROF_DETAILS - Usage profile details
EHCSMS_SPC_UT - Unit Test Helper
EHCSMS_SPC_VALIDITY_AREA_DESC - Specification validity area descriptions
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_AREA_CAT_DESC - Specification validity area category descriptions
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_ASMNT_DETAIL - Detail about a assessment for a value assignment
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_ASSESSMENT - Value Assignment Assessment
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_ASSIGNMENT - Value Assignment UI related data
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_CHAR_DATA - Valuation characteristics data
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_CHAR_LANGU_DATA - Valuation Valuation characteristics data - lang. dependent
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_COMP - Valuation composition
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_HEADER - Valuation Assignment Type Assignment (VAL Header)
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_INST - Valuation instance
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_LTX - Valuation long texts
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_SOURCE - Valuation source
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_TXT_DOC - Valuation user defined texts
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_TXT_TYPE - User defined text type for value assignments
EHCSMS_SPC_VAT_CUST - Value Assignment Type Customizing (TCG11)
EHCSMS_SPC_VAT_PURE - Value Assignment Type
EHCSMS_SPC_WWI_GEN_PC_DETAILS - Definition of Servers used for WWI document generation
EHCSMS_SPC_WWI_REP_APPL_OBJECT - WWI Final Report Preview application objects
EHSBT_REL02 - EHS: Control Table for Local Overwrite of Inheritance
EHSB_TS_VAICOLID - EHS-BAS: Structure for Column ID
EHSB_TS_VAI_SORT_DEC - Internal Structure for Sorting Output Table
EHSB_TS_VAI_SORT_NUMC - Internal Structure for Sorting Output Table
EHSB_TS_VALIOT_BUF - EHS-BAS: Buffer Structure
EHSLSADM - EHS-BAS: Settings for Language Support (ALE)
EHSSXS_IUCLIDCHSUB_POSTMAPPING - Post map. struc. for IUCLID Vw ChSub ERP ReplicationRq
EHSSX_AUTHORISATIONGROUPCODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_CHEMICAL_SUBSTANCE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_CODE - Code is a character string of letters, numbers, special char
EHSSX_ENGINEERINGCHGORDERID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_IUCLID_CH_SUB_ERPREPRQ - IntntnlUnifmVwChmclSubstERPReplicationRequest
EHSSX_LEN10ADDINFORMATIONTEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_PRPTYDEFCLASSID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_SMALLINTEGER_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_USER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
ESRCGCHDCSADM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
EST07 - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Transport Approval
EST0B - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Packaging Code Approval
EST0D - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Risk Classification
EST0F - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Transport Classification
ESTAH - EHS: Application-dependent data for report generation
ESTALE - EHS: ALE - reference to originals
ESTAUSP - EHS: Shadow table for AUSP
ESTBBGRP - EHS: Header of Building Block Group
ESTBBGRPD - EHS: Description of a Building Block Group (Language-Dep.)
ESTBBLK - EHS: Administration Data of Building Block
ESTBBLKD - EHS: Description of Building Block (Language-Dependent)
ESTDCS - EHS: Control Structure (Report Body)
ESTDCSP - EHS: Parameter Control Structure
ESTDF - Additional Information - User-Defined Text
ESTDH - EHS: Report Header
ESTDJ - EHS: Assignment of Specifications to Reports
ESTDO - EHS: Report application objects
ESTDR - EHS: Additional Information: Value Assignment Assessment
ESTDS - EHS: Additional Information: Value Assignment Source
ESTDSCS - EHS: eSDS Control Structure
ESTDU - EHS: Additional Information: Value Assignment Usage
ESTLN - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Report Template
ESTLP - EHS: Report Variant
ESTLR - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Report Variant
ESTLS - EHS: Report Template Symbol
ESTLS_COND - EHS: Control Symbol Conditions for IF Repeating Group
ESTLU - EHS: Report Variant Rating
ESTLV - EHS: Report Variant Language (Labels Only)
ESTMJ - EHS: Specification-Material Assignment
ESTOCC - EHS: OCC: Table for Saving Import Information
ESTOCCADDINFO - EHS: OCC: Information About Additional Tables Loaded
ESTOH - EHS: WWI generation / print jobs
ESTRH - EHS: Specification Header
ESTRI - EHS: Identifier (Numbers, Names, Chemical Formulas)
ESTRL - EHS: Identifier - Regulatory List Assignment
ESTRR - EHS: Reference
ESTST - EHS: Specification Status Assignment
ESTSVC - EHS: Key Objects for Service Administration
ESTTEMPLSET - EHS: WWI Table for Template-Specific Settings
ESTUSRTEMPLSET - EHS: WWI Table for Template and User Settings
ESTVA - EHS: Value Assignment
ESTVH - EHS: Specification - Value Assignment Type Assignment
ESTVP - EHS: Value Assignment Item
ESTWL - EHS: BOMBOS - Worklist Table
ESTWO - EHS: Print jobs
EST_CHANGE_DOCS - EHS: Change Documents in the EH&S System
EST_CHANGE_DOCS - EHS: Change Documents in the EH&S System
KOMGVEH - EHS: Comm. structure for variant determ. via condit. tech.
KONDV - Conditions: Data part for certificates
KONDVVB - EHS: Conditions: Update Structure Variants Data Part
OTH_LOGSYS_STRU - Structure for displaying recipient systems (ALE)
RCBUN07IOT - EHS: IOTAB for UN-Listed Substance Transport Approval
RCBUN0DIOT - EHS: IOTAB for UN-Listed Substance Risk Classification
RCBUNAPICARR - EHS: API Structure Provisions for Carriage
RCBUNAPIPACK - EHS: API Structure Packing Requirement
RCBUNAPISP - EHS: API Structure Special Packing Provisions
RCBUNCARRBUF - EHS: Buffer for Provisions for Carriage
RCBUNCARRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Provisions for Carriage
RCBUNPACKBUF - EHS: Buffer for Packing Requirement
RCBUNPACKIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Packing Requirement
RCBUNSPBUF - EHS: Buffer for Special Packing Provisions
RCBUNSPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Special Packing Provisions
RCBUN_DG_SELFIELDS - EHS: Structure for Dangerous Goods Search Fields (Dynpro)
RCG07BUF - EHS: Buffer for transport approval (DGM)
RCG07IOT - EHS: IOTAB for transport approval (DGM)
RCG0BBUF - EHS: Buffer for packaging code approval (DGM)
RCG0BIOT - EHS: IOTAB for packaging code approval (DGM)
RCG0DBUF - EHS: Buffer for risk classification (DGM)
RCG0DIOT - EHS: IOTAB for risk classification (DGM)
RCG0FBUF - EHS: Buffer for transport classification
RCG0FIOT - EHS: IOTAB for dangerous goods classification
RCG11F4 - EHS: Structure for F4 Help for Value Assgmts (ESTCAT)
RCG11IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Value Assignment Types
RCG29EXT - EHS: Structure TCG29 enhanced by one field for char. value
RCG66IOT - EHS: IOTAB for maintenance of TCG66
RCGADCOVSYM - Address Data for Sender and Recipient on Cover Sheet
RCGADDINF - EHS: Additional Information for Function Module Calls
RCGADDVAL - EHS: Data - application-dependent objects
RCGADMBUF - EHS: Administration Fields for Buffer in the EHS System
RCGADMIO - EH&S Administration Fields for I/O Tables in EH&S System
RCGADMIO2 - EH&S Administration Fields for I/O Tables in EH&S System
RCGADMTAB - EHS: Administration Fields for Tables in the EHS System
RCGALVHIT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for ALV-Grid Hit List
RCGAPI07 - EHS: API Structure Transport Approval
RCGAPI0B - EHS: API Structure Packaging Code Approval
RCGAPI0D - EHS: API Structure Risk Classification
RCGAPI0F - EHS: API Structure Transport Classification
RCGAPI61 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Libraries
RCGAPI62 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Library Description
RCGAPI63 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Groups
RCGAPI64 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Group Description
RCGAPICHARAC - EHS: API structure - characteristic values for document
RCGAPICL - EHS: API Structure Value Assignments
RCGAPICLASS - EHS: API structure - classifications for document
RCGAPICS - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure
RCGAPICSCP - EHS: Control Structure Instance - With Parameter Values
RCGAPICSP - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure Parameters
RCGAPIDD - EHS: API Structure Document Data for a Report
RCGAPIDF - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment User-Defined Texts
RCGAPIDH - EHS: API Structure Report Header
RCGAPIDI - EHS: API Structure Document Information for a Report
RCGAPIDJ - EHS: API Structure Report-Substance Assignment
RCGAPIDO - EHS: API Structure Report Applications
RCGAPIDP - EHS: API Structure Status Log for a Report
RCGAPIDR - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Assessment
RCGAPIDRAD - EHS: API structure - document object link
RCGAPIDRAO - EHS: API Structure Document File
RCGAPIDRAP - EHS: API structure - document status log
RCGAPIDRAT - EHS: API structure - document description
RCGAPIDRAW - EHS: API Structure Document
RCGAPIDS - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Source
RCGAPIDU - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Usage
RCGAPIFL - EHS: API Structure ValAsst U-Def Txt (SAPscript Long Texts)
RCGAPIIL - EHS: API Structure Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts)
RCGAPILP - EHS: API Structure SRGV Header
RCGAPILR - EHS: API Structure for SRGV Ratings
RCGAPILU - EHS: API Structure SRGV Ratings
RCGAPILV - EHS: API Structure SRGV Validity Area Tuple
RCGAPIMJ - EHS: API Structure Substance-Material Assignment
RCGAPIMJ_PRO - EHS: Structure Subst.-Material Assignment with Proportion
RCGAPIPDO - EHS: Usage Structure for Phrases in Document Templates
RCGAPIPH - EHS: API Structure Phrase Headers
RCGAPIPIHS - EHS: Usage Structure for Phrases in Ind. Hygiene and Safety
RCGAPIPJ - EHS: API Structure Assignment Phrases to Phrase Sets
RCGAPIPL - EHS: API Structure Phrase Long Texts (SAPscript Long Texts)
RCGAPIPO - EHS: API Structure Phrase References
RCGAPIPP - EHS: API Structure Phrase Item
RCGAPIPR - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Data (Char. Values)
RCGAPIPS - EHS: API structure for phrase sets
RCGAPIPSU - EHS: Usage Structure for Phrases in Value Assignments
RCGAPIPT - EHS: API structure for phrase set texts
RCGAPIRH - EHS: API Structure Substance Header
RCGAPIRI - EHS: API Structure Substance Identifiers
RCGAPIRL - EHS: API Structure Substance List Assignment
RCGAPIRR - EHS: API Structure Substance-Reference Substance Assignment
RCGAPIST - EHS: (Obsolete) API Structure for Status Assignment
RCGAPISTD - EHS: Standard Fields for EHS API Structures
RCGAPITPLREL - EHS: API Structure for Inheritance Relationships
RCGAPIVA - EHS: API Structure Value Assignments
RCGAPIVH - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Header
RCGAPIVP - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Components
RCGAPIWL - EHS: API Structure for Worklist Table
RCGAPPLINFO - EHS: Application information for substance database
RCGAPPLOBJ - EHS: Structure for report application objects
RCGAPPLOBJ_APPIOT - EHS: Structure for Application Object Waste Approvals
RCGAPPLOBJ_FALIOT - EHS: Structure for Injury/Illness Log Application Object
RCGAPPLOBJ_IALIOT - EHS: Structure for Injury/Illness Log Application Object
RCGAPPLOBJ_IAP - EHS: Key Struct. for Appl. Object 'Person Who Had Accident'
RCGAPPLOBJ_MATIOT - EHS: Structure for material application objects
RCGAPPLOBJ_SUBIOT - EHS: Structure for substance application objects
RCGAPPLOBJ_WAMIOT - EHS: Structure for Disposal Document Application Object
RCGAPPLOBJ_WRKIOT - EHS: Structure for work area application objects
RCGAPPLPARAM - EHS: Structure - Parameter Data for Application Objects
RCGATF4PHR - EHS: Phrase data for characteristics F4 help
RCGBGSEL - EHS: Data structure for report generation selection screen
RCGBHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List SRGV
RCGBHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Hit List SRGV
RCGBHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for List Output
RCGBOMHEAD - EHS: BOMBOS - Structure for Bill of Material Header Data
RCGBOMPOS - EHS: BOMBOS - BOM Items and Substance Assignment
RCGBOMPOSWL - EHS: BOMBOS - BOM Items with Worklist Assignment
RCGBUFLOAD - EHS: Buffer Load Table - Structure (Obsolete)
RCGBVSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen (access) rep. var.
RCGC0RECN - EH&S: Structure for Lock Object to Field RECN for Tab. TCGC0
RCGC160OBJ - EHS: ... Copy template for objects ...
RCGCALLT - EHs: Structure for API Calls Already Made
RCGCCUNTCARRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Provisions for Carriage
RCGCCUNTPACKIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Packing Requirements
RCGCDCHDCCH - EHS: Change Document Structure for EH&S Characteristics
RCGCDESTDU - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTDU
RCGCDESTMJ - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTMJ
RCGCDESTRH - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTRH
RCGCDESTRI - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTRI
RCGCDESTRL - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTRL
RCGCDESTVA - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTVA
RCGCDESTVH - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTVH
RCGCDESTVP - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTVP
RCGCHARIOT - EHS: Display of Characteristics
RCGCHBUF - EHS: Buffering of Characteristic Values (for CreCha Docs.)
RCGCHDCCH - EHS: Structure for Change Docs. Creation for Characteristics
RCGCHDCSADM - EHS: Change Doc. for Server Service Administration (CGSADM)
RCGCHGPHRID - EHS: Output of Change Document for Phrases
RCGCHGSUBID - EHS: Output Change Documents Specification
RCGCHIOT - EHS: Dummy IOTAB for Char. Values (RCGCHDCCH) (Change Doc.)
RCGCHSEL - EHS: Characteristics for substance search
RCGCLASSES - EHS: Structure used to communicate with SAP class. system
RCGCLBUF - EHS: Characteristic Value Buffering
RCGCLDEF - EHS: Structure for Change Docs. Creation for Characteristics
RCGCLIOT - EHS: Dummy IOTAB for Characteristic Values
RCGCLKEY - EHS: Structure for Key Information for Classification System
RCGCLTAB - EHS: Structure for Change Docs. Creation for Characteristics
RCGCMRS_APPLCONTEXT - EHS: Context for Application Log (Call of Multiple RS)
RCGCNVRECN - Conversion of internal object numbers into substance numbers
RCGCOMSTXT - Texts for Process Messages (with Characteristic Number)
RCGCOMWIOT - EH&S: Expert Data Exchange Structure for COMW (Char.)
RCGCOMWWRAP - EHS: Container for COMW to Avoid Ambiguity in RCGCOMWIOT
RCGCPFLAGS - EHS: Flag that specifies the information to be copied
RCGCS - EHS: eSDS Control Structure
RCGCSBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure
RCGCSESTVA - EHS: eSDS Control Structure - Instance Data
RCGCSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure (ESTDCS)
RCGCSP - EHS: eSDS Control Structure: Parameter Values
RCGCSPBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure Parameters
RCGCSPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure Parameters (ESTDCSP)
RCGCSSTA - State of Cut Symbol During Template Check
RCGCVDDOCKEY - EHS: DMS Document Key Independent of Version
RCGDATERANGE - EHS: Struct. for searching via time frame (historical data)
RCGDBLRECN - EHS: Structure consisting of two ESDRECN fields
RCGDCINFO - EHS: Dialog - inspection data
RCGDEL_CHHDR - EHS: Deleted Change Documents
RCGDFBUF - EHS: Buffer for user-defined texts
RCGDFIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - user-defined texts
RCGDGDATA - EHS: Dangerous Goods Details
RCGDGHEAD - EHS: Header information for DG supplementary data (GGA)
RCGDGSTDIO - EHS: Standard information for legal data (dangerous goods)
RCGDHBUF - EHS: Buffer for report headers
RCGDHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report headers (ESTDH)
RCGDIALCTR - EHS: Dialog control structure
RCGDJBUF - EHS: Buffer for report-substance assignment
RCGDJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report-substance assignment (ESTDJ)
RCGDLRIOT - EHS: Data structure for IOTAB language-dependent labels
RCGDOBUF - EHS: Buffer for report applications
RCGDOCFILE - Structure for Transferring Original Documents with Key
RCGDOCFILEKEY - Structure for Transferring Key Data of Document Files
RCGDOCFILEKEY_ORG - Structure for Transferring Key Data of Document Files
RCGDOCIOT - EHS: IOTAB structure for DMS reports
RCGDOCOBL - EHS: DMS object link definition (object, object key)
RCGDOCSEL - EHS: Selection structure for DMS reports
RCGDOIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report applications (ESTDO)
RCGDOKKEY - EHS: Structure for key of document info record
RCGDRBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance characteristic assessment
RCGDRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - subs. char. assess.
RCGDSBUF - EHS: Buffer for sources
RCGDSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for sources
RCGDSLIST - Source index of a report
RCGDSSCR - EHS: Additional information - source data
RCGDUBUF - EHS: Buffer for additional information - usage
RCGDUIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - usage
RCGDVIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - validation
RCGEEMAINIOT - EHS: IOTAB - Easy Expert Main Screen
RCGESSELIO - EHS:Deselection of Extended Search Functions on Entry Screen
RCGESTWL - EHS: BOMBOS - Structure for Worklist Entries
RCGEVTLOG - EHS: Message from Windows Event Log
RCGEVTLOGF - EHS: Filter for Event Logging
RCGEVTLOGT - EHS: Message Long Text from Event Log
RCGEXITPAR - EHS: Structure for Storing Parameters for User Exits
RCGEXPDIAL - EHS: Dialog Structure for EH&S Expert
RCGEXPERROR - EHS: Error Structure for EH&S Expert Communication
RCGEXPGLOBAL - EHS: Global Expert Registry Parameters
RCGEXPINIT - EHS: Information for Initializing the Expert Cache
RCGEXPINSTANCE - EHS: Properties of an Expert Set of Rules (Instance)
RCGEXPMAPFILE - EHS: Expert Stucture for Binary Mapping Data
RCGEXPRUL - EH&S: Easy Expert Text Table with Sets of Rules
RCGEXPRULFILE - EHS: Expert Structure for Binary Sets of Rules
RCGEXP_RSLT - EHS: Changes to Expert Data after Expert is Called
RCGEXP_XRSLT - EHS: Changes to Expert Data after Expert is Called
RCGEXTERROR - EHS: General Error Structure
RCGEXTERRORGUID - EHS: General Error Structure
RCGFALSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Inj./Ill. Log Entry Selection Screen
RCGFILEINFO - EHS: File Properties
RCGFILETR - EHS: File Transfer Application Server <=> Frontend
RCGFLGUSAGE - EHS: Parameters for Where-Used List
RCGFTXTINF - EHS: Information on user-defined texts
RCGGENCRG - EHS: Struct. for User Exit for Transp. Classif. Repeat. Grps
RCGGENEDAT - EHS: Structure for data transfer for final report generation
RCGGENFRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit User-Def. Text Repeating Groups
RCGGENMICPRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit of MIC:POS Repeating Group
RCGGENMRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Main Repeating Groups
RCGGENPDAT - EHS: Structure for data transfer for report print jobs
RCGGENPOSDRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Rec. Item Repeating Groups
RCGGENPOSRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Item Repeating Groups
RCGGENPRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Parameter Repeating Groups
RCGGENRDAT - EHS: Structure for data transfer to draft report generation
RCGGENSRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Source Repeating Groups
RCGGENURG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Usage Repeating Groups
RCGGENVRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Validity Repeating Groups
RCGGRPDESCRI - EHS: Short description of a group object
RCGGRPDESKEY - EHS: Key fields for lang.-dependent descr. of a group object
RCGGRPINF - EHS: Group Tree, Group Information
RCGGRPLEAF - EHS: Group tree, node data
RCGGRPOBJADM - EHS: Administration Fields for Group Objects
RCGGRPOBJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for group objects in group tree
RCGGRPOBJKEY - EHS: General object key for group objects
RCGGRPOBJOUTVARIOT - EHS: IOTAB for output variants in group tree
RCGGRPOBJTXTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for group object descriptions
RCGGRPPOSKEY - EHS: Key fields for group object items
RCGHEXBAPI1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure Value Assignment User-Defined Texts Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. User-Def. Txts (SAPscript Long Texts) Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts) Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure Identifiers (Hexadecimal)
RCGHEXBAPIRET2 - EHS: (Still Unused) Return Parameters (Hexadecimal)
RCGHEXBAPISUB_01 - EHS: Specification Keys and Identifiers (Hexadecimal)
RCGHEXEXPERROR - EHS: (Still Unused) Error Struc. for EH&S Expert Comm.(Hex.)
RCGHITINFO - EHS: Additional Information for Data Records
RCGI5EXP1 - EHS: EC IUCLID 5 Interface: Char. Data
RCGIAPSEL - EHS: Data Struct. for Sel. Screen for Person Who Had Accid.
RCGIBDDAT - EHS: key data for inbound reports
RCGIBDKEYF - EHS: KEY file contents for inbound reports
RCGICCSI - EHS: Control Structure Instance
RCGICCSP - EHS: Control Structure Parameter
RCGICLINF - EHS: Information Record of Instance Control
RCGICPOS - EHS: Instance Logic - Entry in Position Table
RCGIDCHANGE - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Characteristics
RCGIDCHANGEIOT - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Ident
RCGIDENT - EHS: Structure for substance search and identifier selection
RCGIDSEL - EHS: Identifiers for substance search
RCGIDTITLE - EHS: Structure for substance hit list headers
RCGIEDATA - EHS: Import/export - interface to parser
RCGIEDB - EHS: Import/export - Entries to be imported from database
RCGIEDIAL - EHS: Dialog fields for import
RCGIEFILE - EHS: Import/export - Entries to be imported from file
RCGIEID - EHS: Import/export - key in transfer file
RCGIEKEYS - EHS: Structure of all Key Fields for Export Generator
RCGIELINE - EHS: Line structure for EHS import format
RCGIEPARS - EHS: Interface to parser
RCGIERH - EHS: Import/export: List of substances in exchange file
RCGIERI - EHS: Import/export: Interface for identifiers
RCGIESYMB - EHS: structure for symbol conversion source - destination
RCGINFIOT - EHS: IOTAB for status log for a report
RCGINITCACHEIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Cache Initialization Dialog
RCGKLAH - EHS: Container for Class Header Data
RCGKPATH - EHS: "Key" path substance/list/property for FM call
RCGLASIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Language Selection
RCGLDEPID - EHS: Structure for locking of LDEPID
RCGLGSEL - EHS: Phrase languages
RCGLHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List Layout (SBV, etc.)
RCGLHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Hit List Layout (SBV, etc.)
RCGLHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Hit List Layout
RCGLPBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance report variants
RCGLPCOPY - EHS: Structure for Copying SRGV
RCGLPF4 - EHS: Input Help for Report Generation Variants
RCGLPHRDAT - EHS: Structure for Storing Relevant Phrase Infos in the VFG
RCGLPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance report variants
RCGLRBUF - EHS: Buffer for lang.-dep. variant labels
RCGLRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for lang-dep. variant labels
RCGLSBUF - EHS: Buffer for subs. report template symbols
RCGLSCSSTR - Structure for identification of control symbol elements
RCGLSELDAT - EHS: Structure for Storing Selection Criteria for Phrases
RCGLSF4 - EHS: F4-help for report symbols
RCGLSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance report template symbols
RCGLSIOTX - EHS: IOTAB for substance report template symbols
RCGLSSTACK - Stack structure for control symbol hierarchy
RCGLSTRUCTSYM - EHS: Structure File and Accompanying Symbol Definitions
RCGLSVFILE - EHS: Value file structure
RCGLSVSSTR - Structure for identification of value symbol elements
RCGLSYKEY - EHS: Key Fields for Symbols
RCGLSYMDAT - EHS: Structure for Storing Symbol Properties for Phrases
RCGLSYRVAL - Structure for transfer of symbol values
RCGLSYSELC - EHS: Selection criteria for symbol values
RCGLSYTXT - EHS: Par. Value Determination - Pre-text for Dyn. Screen
RCGLSYVAL - Structure for transfer of symbol values
RCGLS_CONDBUF - EHS: Buffering of Conditions for IF Repeating Group
RCGLS_CONDIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Conditions of IF Repeating Group
RCGLTXTKEY - EHS: Object key, sub-object key for long text entries
RCGLUBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance report variant usage
RCGLUIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Substance Report Variant Usage
RCGLVBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance report variant language
RCGLVIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance report variant language
RCGLXIOT - EHS: IOTAB for property tree (lists and properties)
RCGLXSCR - EHS: Properties info (lists and property labels)
RCGMATTAB - EHS: Assignment report - material number and material name
RCGMCDOKDEL - EHS: Structure for Documents with Deletion Flag
RCGMCHANGE - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Characteristics
RCGMCHANGEIOT - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Characteristics
RCGMJBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance - material allocation
RCGMJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance - material assignment
RCGMMJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Material-Specification Assignment
RCGOBJINFO - EHS: Object information for substance database
RCGOBJIOT - EHS: Selection Structure for Specification Category
RCGOCC - EHS: OCC: Import Information
RCGOCCADDINFO - EHS: OCC: Information About Additional Tables Loaded
RCGOCCSPEC - EHS: Structure for OCC Provider Substances
RCGOHBUF - EHS: Buffer for identifiers
RCGOHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for WWI generation jobs
RCGPARSTRUCT - EHS: Structure Data for Parameter Hierarchies
RCGPAWM - EHS: structure for phrase sets
RCGPHBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase header
RCGPHCOPY - EHS: Structure for copying phrases
RCGPHF4 - EHS: F4 help for phrases
RCGPHIDERR - EHS: Invalid Phrases in Value Assignments
RCGPHITM - EHS: Master structure for phrase hit list
RCGPHITM1 - OBSOLETE: EHS: Structure for Hit List of Phrases
RCGPHITMS - EHS: Master structure for phrase hit list
RCGPHITS - EHS: Slave structure for phrase hit list
RCGPHITT - EHS: Technical structure
RCGPHRGRP - EHS: Structure for phrase groups
RCGPHRKEY - EHS: Phrase Key with Phrase Library
RCGPHRPATH - EHS: Phrase data (for display)
RCGPHSCR - EHS: Phrase data (for display)
RCGPHUE1 - EHS: Structure for searching for changed/created phrases
RCGPJBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase - phrase set allocation
RCGPJIOT - EHS: IOT for phrase - phrase set assignment (ESTPJ)
RCGPMSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen (access) phr. mgmt
RCGPMSEL_RANGES - EHS: Data Structure for Multiple Selection of Phrases
RCGPOBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase original
RCGPOCOMPTREE - EHS: Portal: Entry in Composition Tree
RCGPOIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase original (ESTPO)
RCGPOPROPCAT - EHS: Portal: Value Assignment Types
RCGPOPROPDATA - EHS: Portal: Data Record for Substance Data
RCGPOPROPUSAGE - EHS: Portal: Data Record for a Usage
RCGPOREPRESOBJ - Result Structure Report Objects
RCGPOREPRESULT - Result Structure Report Search
RCGPOREPSCRIT - EHS: Portal: Search Criteria for Report Search
RCGPOSUBIDENT - EHS: Portal: Substance Identifiers
RCGPOSUBRSLT - EHS: Portal: Search Result Substance Search
RCGPOSUBSEARCH - EHS: Portal: Search Criteria for Spec. in Portal
RCGPPBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase items
RCGPPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase items (ESTPP)
RCGPRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for EHS substance characteristic data
RCGPROPT - EHS: Structure for Structure File Substance Val. Asgt Types
RCGPSBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase set
RCGPSF4 - EHS: F4 Help for Phrase Set
RCGPSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase set (ESTPS)
RCGPSITM - EHS: Master structure for phrase set hit list
RCGPSSCR - EHS: Phrase set data (for display)
RCGPTBUF - EHS: Buffer for lang.-dep. text table phrase sets
RCGPTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for lang.-dep. label of phrase set (ESTPT)
RCGPXIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase item history
RCGQUEOUT - EHS: Query - Output Method Assignment
RCGRADMSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Selection Screen - Rep. Management
RCGRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance characteristic assessment (dialog)
RCGRELWLIST - EHS: Structure for Worklist Table in Inheritance Process
RCGREPFILC - EHS: Structure for reports in ASC format
RCGREPFILE - EHS: Structure of document file
RCGREPFLGS - EHS: Boolean Fields for Checkboxes and Selection Buttons
RCGREPID - EHS: Report Key
RCGREPLOCK - EHS: Structure to Lock ABAP Reports as Client-Specific
RCGREPTAB - EHS: Report hit list with several identifiers
RCGRESEL - EHS: Report infos for report search
RCGRESEPA - EHS: Data for SRGV and report selection
RCGRHBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance header
RCGRHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance header (ESTRH)
RCGRHSCR - EHS: Substance header data (for display)
RCGRHSCR_SIMPLE - EHS: Slim Version of RCGRHSCR for Excel Output
RCGRIBUF - EHS: Buffer for identifiers
RCGRIIOT - EHS: IOTAB for identifiers (ESTRI)
RCGRLBUF - EHS: Buffer for subs. ID - subs. list allocations
RCGRLIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Substance ID Assignment - Subs. List (ESTRL)
RCGRNGTIME - EHS: Range Table for Time of Archive File
RCGRRBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance references
RCGRRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance references
RCGRRISIOT - EHS: I/O Table for Substance Reference Include Subscreen
RCGRSSEL - EHS: R phrase codes and corresponding RECNROOT number
RCGRSTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for status selection for reports
RCGRULIOT - EHS: Expert, IO Table for TCGRUL
RCGSBVCOPY - EHS: Stucture for Copying of Report Templates
RCGSBVIOT - EHS: Data structure subs. report template for IOTAB
RCGSBVSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen - report templates
RCGSDDOC - EHS: Document information
RCGSDERROR - EHS: Data for Error Messages for SD - EHS Interface
RCGSDSCNT - EHS: Instance Logic Control Structure, Admin. Information
RCGSDSTRS - Structure for Definition of SDS Table Symbols
RCGSELFLAG - EH&S: Aux. Structure for Physically Deleting Substances?
RCGSELRPVW - EHS: Data Structure f. Subscreen "Report View" Initial Scr.
RCGSELSCR - EHS: Data structure for sel. screen (access) subs. proc.
RCGSELSCRADDINF - EHS: Addit. info. for subs. proc. selection screen (entry)
RCGSELSCRD - EHS: Data structure for "Search term" initial screen
RCGSELSCRH - EHS: Data structure for "Substance header" initial screen
RCGSELSCRS - EHS: Data structure for selection type
RCGSHIPSTAT - EHS: Portal: Number and Status of Shipping Orders
RCGSHITM - EHS: Master structure for substance hit list
RCGSHITS - EHS: Slave structure for substance hit list
RCGSLHITM - EHS: Master structure for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLHITM2 - EHS: Master structure 2 for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLHITS - EHS: Slave structure for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLHITS2 - EHS: Slave structure 2 for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLTECH - EHS: Exception fields for output of substance list assgmnt
RCGSRC_OWN - EH&S: Source of Source and Data Provider
RCGSRRIOT - EHS: Data structure for IOTAB - draft report
RCGSRRLMA - EHS: Master structure for list display of report bodies
RCGSRRLSL - EHS: Slave structure for list display of report bodies
RCGSRRLT - EHS: Exception structure for list display of report bodies
RCGSRRSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen - draft report
RCGSSPATH - EHS: Phrase Set Data (for Display)
RCGSTBUF - EHS: (Obsolete) Buffering for Status Assignments - ESTST
RCGSTDADM - EHS: Adminstrative Information
RCGSTDBUF - EHS: Standard fields for buffer table
RCGSTDGUID - EHS: Minimum Key for FM Call Interface
RCGSTDIOT - EHS: Standard fields for IOTABs (step loop library)
RCGSTDPARAM - EHS: Standard Parameter Structure
RCGSTDRECN - EHS: Minimum Key for FM Call Interface
RCGSTDRECNID - EHS: Specification Key and ID
RCGSTEPADM - EHS: Administrative fields for query steps
RCGSTEPDESKEY - EHS: Key fields for lang.-dependent descr. of a query step
RCGSTEPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for query steps
RCGSTEPKEY - EHS: General object keys for query steps
RCGSTEPPOSKEY - EHS: Key fields for query step items
RCGSTEPTREEHIDE - EHS: Hide area of nodes in step overview
RCGSTEPTXTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for query step descriptions
RCGSTF4 - EHS: F4 possible entries for document status
RCGSTIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for Status Entries (for Customer Exits)
RCGSUBBYRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB - Extended Substance Search Via Inherit. Reltnshp
RCGSUBCOPY - EHS: Structure for entering data for 'Copy substance'
RCGSUBCOPY_TMP - EHS: Structure for 'Copy Substance'
RCGSUBIDERR - Structure for Substance Keys with Error Indicator
RCGSUBREP - EHS: Substance ID and report RECN
RCGSVC - EHS: Properties of a Server Service
RCGSVCCTL - EHS: Service Control Structure
RCGSVCHEAD - EHS: Header Information of a Service
RCGSVCINSTALL - EHS: Installation Parameters for a Service
RCGSVCREGPARAM - EHS: Registry Parameters for a Service
RCGSVRSTATISTIC - EHS: Up-Time and Request Statistics for a Server
RCGSYMBIOT - EHS: IOTAB for symbol matchup
RCGSYMESTCAT - EHS: Report Symbols for Value Assignment Types
RCGSYMTREE - EHS: Structure for transferring symbol tree to WWI
RCGSYPH - EHS: Structure for Outputting a String for Missing Phrases
RCGTABLT - EHS: Structure for Structure File Substance Val. Asgt Types
RCGTABREG_DEF_TAB - EHS: Tab Pages in Value Assignment Screen
RCGTABSCRST - EHS: Tabscreen status
RCGTABSTRIPDATA - EHS: Structure for Tab Data
RCGTABSTRIPDEF - EHS: Structure for Tab Definition
RCGTCLPAR - EHS: Structure to Store Parameters for S:CLASS Rep. Group
RCGTEMPUSAGEIOT - EHS: Where-Used List for Building Blocks
RCGTEXTKEY - EHS: Key Fields for SAPscript Texts
RCGTEXTSCR - EHS: SAPscript Key Data with Short Description
RCGTHM071IOT - EHS: Structure for THM071, DG Risk Potential
RCGTHM072IOT - EHS: Structure for THM072, DG Risk Potential Description
RCGTHM073IOT - EHS: Structure for THM073, DG Packaging Code
RCGTHM074IOT - EHS: Structure for THM074, DG Packaging Code Description
RCGTHM075IOT - EHS: Structure for THM075, DG Packing Instruction
RCGTHM076IOT - EHS: Structure for THM076, DG Packing Instruction Desc.
RCGTPLH - EHS: Structure for Template Header Including Description
RCGTPLHDIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Short Descriptions of Templates
RCGTPLIIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Template Definition - Identifiers
RCGTPLPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Template Definition - Properties
RCGTPLREL - EHS: Key for Inheritance Relationships (Lock Logic)
RCGTPLRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB - Inheritance Relationships
RCGTPLUIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Template Definition - Usages
RCGTREEADM - EHS: object tree, tree data administration fields
RCGTREEDAT - Tree (leaves) test data
RCGTREEFRM - EHS: object tree, hierarchy and field formats
RCGTREEHIDE - EHS: Hide area for tree nodes
RCGTREEHRC - EHS: object tree, hierarchical key fields
RCGTREENOD - EHS: object tree, tree node data
RCGTREEPHR - EHS: Structure for Tree Display of Phrase Usages
RCGTREEPRT - EHS: Structure to Display Differences in Subs. Char. Cat.
RCGTREEREP - EHS: Structure to Display the Report Tree
RCGTSDEF - EHS: Definitions for tabstrip library
RCGUCIOT - EHS: Structure for Converting Units of Measurement
RCGUKEYINF - EHS: Key Structure + Info Field
RCGUSAGEIOT - EHS: Structure for Where-Used List
RCGUSAGESTR - EHS: Concatenated String for a Usage
RCGUSERSET - EHS: User settings for decimal separator and date format
RCGUSESEL - EHS: Report Display for Use/Exposure Scenarios
RCGUSEXLIST - Structure for the List of UEs of the Same Type
RCGVABUF - EHS: Buffer for characteristics
RCGVAIOT - EHS: IOTAB for value assignments
RCGVALIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Value Assignment Dialog
RCGVALPAR - EHS: Structure for Storing Parameters for Val. Repeat. Grps
RCGVARFFUNC - EHS: Structure FM for Variable Input Fields
RCGVARFIOT - EHS: Structure for variable input fields
RCGVHBUF - EHS: Buffer for characteristics header
RCGVHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for value assignment header
RCGVPBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance characteristic items
RCGVPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance value assignment items
RCGWHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWHITMS - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWLBUF - EHS: Buffering the Worklist Table
RCGWLIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Worklist Table
RCGWOBUF - EHS: Buffer for print jobs
RCGWSRIOT - EHS: Data Structure WWI Server for IOTAB
RCGWWIBBKC - EHS: Parameter Transfer for Building Block Catalog
RCGWWIBLANKCOMP - EHS: Structure for WWI Blank Compression
RCGWWIBLANKGRID - EHS: Structure for Blank Compression GRIDS
RCGWWICHKDIGIT - Structure for Check Digit Values
RCGWWICOLLTABLE - EHS: Structure for Collection Table
RCGWWICONFIG - EHS: Structure for WWI Settings
RCGWWIDIALOG - EHS: Structure for WWI Dialogs
RCGWWIFORMULA - EHS: Structure for RMS Formula
RCGWWIGRIDPHRASE - EHS: Structure Grid Phrases
RCGWWIGROUP - EHS: WWI Structure for Repeating Groups
RCGWWIIF - EHS: WWI: Condition for Conditional Output
RCGWWIIFCOND - EHS: WWI: Conditional Output
RCGWWIINCL - EHS: WWI: Include Document
RCGWWIMESSAGES - EHS: Structure for WWI Messages
RCGWWIORD - EHS: Fields (not connected) for WWI/report selection
RCGWWIPARASETTING - EHS: Structure for WWI Parameter "Settings"
RCGWWIPATH - Contains all variants for access paths in WWI system
RCGWWIPHRASE - EHS: Structure for WWI Phrases
RCGWWIPRINT - EHS: Structure WWI Report Header Data for Printing
RCGWWISEQ - EHS: Parameter Settings for Sequence Numbers
RCGWWISYMBOL - EHS: Parameter Settings for Symbols
RCGWWISYMTREE - EHS: Structure for WWI Symbol Tree
RCGWWITREEITEMS - EHS: Structure for Nodes of Simple Tree View
RCGWWIVERINFO - EHS: Structure for WWI Version Info
RCGWWIWIZARD - EHS: Structure for WWI Wizard
RCGWWIWIZARDGRID - EHS: Structure for Wizard Grid
RCGWWI_PARAM_GRID_IO - Structure for Data Exchange with Parameter Grid
RCG_BW_PHRASE_MD - EHS: BW: Master Data Phrases
RCG_BW_SPEC_MAT - EHS: BW: Mapping Specification-Material
RCG_BW_SPEC_MD - EHS: BW: Master Data Specification
RCG_BW_SPEC_TXT - EHS: BW: Identifiers for Specification
RCG_CODING_POS - EHS: Source Text Position Information
RCG_ERRORFIELD_CHANGED - EHS: Structure for Highlighting Changed Error Fields
RCG_ESO_S_ALV_OUTTAB - EHS: Enterprise Search Advanced - Structure for ALV Display
RCG_ESO_S_ATTRIBUTES - EHS: Attributes for Enterprise Search Advanced
RCG_ESO_S_CCUNTCARR - EHS: Enterprise Search - Regulations for Transport
RCG_ESO_S_CCUNTPACK - EHS: Enterprise Search - Packing Requirements
RCG_ESO_S_CCUNTSPROV - EHS: Enterprise Search - Special Provisions
RCG_ESO_S_CHARACT - EHS: Enterprise Search - Characteristic Values
RCG_ESO_S_EST07 - EHS: Enterprise Search - Transport Approvals
RCG_ESO_S_EST0B - EHS: Enterprise Search - Packaging Code Approvals
RCG_ESO_S_EST0D - EHS: Enterprise Search - Risk Classifications
RCG_ESO_S_EST0F - EHS: Enterprise Search - Transport Classifications
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDF - EHS: Enterprise Search - User-Defined Texts
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDR - EHS: Enterprise Search - Assessments
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDS - EHS: Enterprise Search - Sources
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDU - EHS: Enterprise Search - Usages
RCG_ESO_S_ESTMJ - EHS: Enterprise Search - Material Assignment
RCG_ESO_S_ESTPH - EHS: Enterprise Search Phrase Header
RCG_ESO_S_ESTPP - EHS: Enterprise Search Phrase Position
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Specification Header
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRI - EHS: Enterprise Search - Identifiers
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRL - EHS: Enterprise Search - Regulatory List
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRR - EHS: Enterprise Search - References
RCG_ESO_S_ESTVA - EHS: Enterprise Search - Value Assignment Instances
RCG_ESO_S_ESTVH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Value Assignment Types
RCG_ESO_S_ESTVP - EHS: Enterprise Search - Components
RCG_ESO_S_IDENT - EHS: Enterprise Search - Identifiers in the Hit List
RCG_ESO_S_INH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Relations
RCG_ESO_S_PHRKEY - EHS: Enterprise Search Phrase Key
RCG_ESO_S_REQUEST - EHS: Enterprise Search Request
RCG_ESO_S_SELSCR - EHS: Selection Attributes for Enterprise Search
RCG_ESO_S_SELSCR_ATTRIBUTES - EHS: Selection Attribute for Enterprise Search Advanced
RCG_ESO_S_SELSCR_QUERY - EHS: Selection Attributes for Enterprise Search
RCG_ESO_S_SPECCAT_AUTH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Authority Check w/ Envir. Parameter
RCG_ESO_S_SPECKEY - EHS: Enterprise Search - Specification Key
RCG_ESO_S_STAT - EHS: Enterprise Search - Status/Scopes of Application
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG23_OBJ - EHS: Join of ID Type, ID Category, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG36_OBJ - EHS: Join of SubCat, AuthGrp, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG41_OBJ - EHS: Join of TCG31-TCG46OBJ User-Def.Text Type SpecCat Assmt
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG76_OBJ - EHS: Join of SubCat, CompCat, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG81_OBJ - EHS: Join von SubCat, LegList, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCGES01 - EHS: Enterprise Search Strukture for TCGES01 - Worklist
RCG_ESO_S_VAP - EHS: Enterprise Search - Spec., Properties, Restriction
RCG_EST07 - EHS: Structure for EST07
RCG_EST0B - EHS: Structure for EST0B
RCG_EST0D - EHS: Structure for EST0D
RCG_EST0F - EHS: Structure for EST0F
RCG_ESTCAT - EHS: Value Assignment Type
RCG_ESTCAT_CHARAC - EHS: Value Assignment Type, Characteristic
RCG_ESTDF - EHS: Structure for ESTDF
RCG_ESTDR - EHS: Structure for ESTDR
RCG_ESTDS - EHS: Structure for ESTDS
RCG_ESTDU - EHS: Structure for ESTDU
RCG_ESTMJ - EHS: Structure for ESTMJ
RCG_ESTRH - EHS: Structure for ESTRH
RCG_ESTRI - EHS: Structure for ESTRI
RCG_ESTRL - EHS: Structure for ESTRL
RCG_ESTRR - EHS: Structure for ESTRR
RCG_ESTVA - EHS: Structure for ESTVA
RCG_ESTVH - EHS: Structure for ESTVH
RCG_ESTVP - EHS: Structure for ESTVP
RCG_GRPID_OBJID - EHS: Structure for group object key (lock logic)
RCG_INSP_METHOD - EHS: Structure for QM Inspection Method
RCG_LDEPID - EHS: Structure for locking of LDEPID
RCG_MATNR_RANGE - Multiple Selection - Material Number
RCG_NON_EXCLUDED_CHAR - EHS: Non-Excluded Characteristics
RCG_OBJECT_RANGE_DATA - EHS: Data Structure for Multiple Selection Objects
RCG_OWNID - EHS: Data Provider
RCG_PHRID - EHS: Structure for phrase key (blocking logic, workflow,...)
RCG_PHRID_RANGE - Multiple Selection Phrase Keys
RCG_PRIV_GRPOBJ - EHS: Structure for Private Group Objects (Lock Logic)
RCG_REFSUBS - EHS: Reference substance assignments
RCG_REPGENVAR_F4 - EHS: Input Help for Report Generation Variants
RCG_REPID - EHS: Structure for locking report ID
RCG_REPVIEW - Report View / Report Application
RCG_SBGVID_RANGE - Multiple Selection for Report Generation Variants
RCG_SELECTION_RANGE - Multiple Selection of Specification/Material
RCG_SELECTION_RANGE_PHRASE - EHS: Structure for Multiple Selection of Phrases
RCG_SEL_FLAGS - EHS: Help structure for physically deleting substances
RCG_SRSID_OWNID - EH&S: Source of Source and Data Provider
RCG_STRING - EHS: Unstructured character string
RCG_SUBID - EHS: Structure for subs. key (blocking logic, workflow, ...)
RCG_SUBID_RANGE - Multiple Selection - Specification
RCG_SUBSTANCE_SET - EHS: Reference structure for subs. quantity in EH&S workflow
RCG_S_BBGRP - EHS: Structure for Header of Building Block Group
RCG_S_BBGRPD - EHS: Structure for Desc. of Building Block Grps (Lang-Dep.)
RCG_S_BBLK - EHS: Structure for Data of Building Block
RCG_S_BBLKD - EHS: Structure for Description of Building Block (Lang-Dep.)
RCG_S_BBLKDAT - EHS: Structure for Data Segments of Building Blocks
RCG_S_BBLKTMP - EHS: Structure for Template of Building Block
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_TABLE - EHS: Structure for client-specific locking of tables
RCG_TLINE_MESSAGE_TYPE - EHS: Structure to Check Report Template with Messages
RCG_USEEXIT_IOREC - EHS: IOTAB Structure for User Exits
RCG_VALH - EHS: Structure for locking of RECNTRH-ESTCAT tuples
RCG_VALUE_FILE_IN_HEX - EHS: Value File in Hexadecimal Form
RCPARF4RNG - EHS: Value Ranges for Input Help of Parameter Dialog
RCPARF4VAL - EHS: Line Structure for Input Help of Parameter Dialog
RFCLINE256 - EHS: Structure for WWI callbacks
SYMB_TABX - test
TCG01TAB - EHS: Permitted Tab Pages for Value Assignment Category
TCG03 - EHS: Table for DDIC Object Names
TCG04 - EHS: Table for Names of Son-Type DDIC Objects
TCG05 - EHS: Table of Names of Table Key Fields
TCG07 - EHS: Assignment of DDIC-Tables Name EHS and ES Object Type
TCG11SET - EHS: Definition of the Sequence of Tab Pages
TCG11TAB - EHS: Permitted Tab Pages for Value Assignment Type
TCG11_LYT - EHS: Assignment Table Value Assgmt Type <-> Workbench Layout
TCG11_VAI - EHS: Table-Based Value Assignment of Specifications
TCG13 - EHS: Value Assignment Type - Specification Type Assignment
TCG21 - EHS: Identification Category
TCG22 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Identification Category
TCG23 - EHS: Identification Type
TCG23OBJ - EHS: Identification Type - Specification Categ. Assignment
TCG24 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Identification Type
TCG28 - EHS: Definition of identification listings
TCG29 - EHS: Override for identification listing definitions
TCG3151 - EHS: Specification Type - Property Tree Assignment
TCG31OBJ - EHS: Relationship Between Specification Type and Category
TCG31REF - EHS: Referencing Between Specification Types
TCG31TABHEAD - EHS: Assignment Specification Type - Tab Page
TCG32 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Specification Type
TCG34 - EHS: Substance Nature
TCG35 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Substance Nature
TCG36OBJ - EHS: Authorization Group - Specification Category Assignment
TCG37 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Spec. Authorization Object
TCG41OBJ - User-Defined Text Type/Specification Category Assignment
TCG46 - EHS: Source
TCG46OBJ - EHS: Source - Specification Category Assignment
TCG47 - EHS: Source type
TCG48 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Source Type
TCG53 - EHS: Property Tree - Value Assignment Type Assignment
TCG66_NONCHR30 - Exclude Characteristics from Phrase Set Assignment
TCG71 - EHS: Value Assignment Assessment
TCG72 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Value Assignmt Assessment
TCG74 - EHS: Reference Quantities for Composition
TCG75 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Reference Values
TCG76OBJ - EHS: Object - Component Type Assignment
TCG76OBJCON - EHS: Object-Parameter-Component Type Assignment
TCG76RVLID - EHS: Assignment of Component Type to Validity Area
TCG77 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Component Type
TCG78 - EHS: Exception Values of a Component
TCG78OBJCON - EHS: Object-Parameter-Exception Value Assignment
TCG79 - EHS: Lang.-Depen. Desc. of Exception Values for Components
TCG81OBJ - EHS: Regulatory List - Specification Category Assignment
TCG87 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Value Assignment Rating
TCG97 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Usage Profile
TCG98 - EHS: Usage profile-rating-validity area assignments
TCGA1 - EHS: Report Symbol Group
TCGA2 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Report Symbol Group
TCGA6 - EHS: Report Symbol
TCGA7 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Report Symbol
TCGA8 - EHS: Source for symbol generation
TCGA9 - EHS: Limiting criteria for symbol generation source
TCGB1 - EHS: Report Syntax
TCGB3 - EHS: Report environment
TCGB5 - EHS: Definition of Syntax Graph (Environment Transition Gr.)
TCGBA - EHS: BOMBOS - Selection of BOM and BOM Items
TCGC0 - EHS: Import/Export - Key Transfer Table
TCGC1 - EHS: Import/export - cluster table for parameters
TCGC2 - EHS: Import/Export - File - Table
TCGC4 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Exchange Profile
TCGCON - EHS: Context Parameter
TCGCONNAM - EHS: Context Parameter Description
TCGES01 - EHS: Worklist for Enterprise Search PS Background Process
TCGES_ATTRIBUTES - EHS: Search Form - Enterprise Search - Attributes
TCGES_QUERY - EHS: Search Form Enterprise Search
TCGEXT - EHS: External Caller
TCGEXTNAM - EHS: Description of External Caller
TCGGRP - EHS: Groups
TCGGRPME - EHS: Group tree
TCGGRPMENA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Group Tree
TCGGRPNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Group
TCGGRPOBJ - EHS: Relationship of Groups to Specification Category
TCGGRPTREE - EHS: Group tree - group - assignment
TCGGRPTY - EHS: Object group type
TCGGRPTYNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Object Group Type
TCGHIT - EHS: No. of hits
TCGHITNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Sets of Hits
TCGHITPOS - EHS: Set of hit items
TCGK1 - EHS: Namespaces for characteristics
TCGL2 - EHS: Report type - language-dependent label
TCGL4 - EHS: Report application - language-dependent description
TCGLABBCD - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
TCGLABBCPAR - EHS: Assignment Bar Code - Parameter
TCGLABBCT - EHS: Bar Code Type
TCGLABPAR - EHS: Parameter
TCGLABSQN - EHS: Sequence Number
TCGLABSQND - EHS: Description of Sequence Number
TCGLABSQNPAR - EHS: Assignment of Sequence Number - Parameter
TCGOBJCON - EHS: Object-Parameter Assignment
TCGOBJNAM - EHS: Description for the Object Types
TCGOBJNAM_VAI - EHS: Descriptions for Object Types
TCGOBJ_VAI - EHS: Object Types for Value Assignment Types - Table Display
TCGOUTVAR - EHS: Output variants
TCGOUTVARNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Output Variant
TCGOUTVARPOS - EHS: Output variant items
TCGP1 - EHS: Parameter Objects
TCGP2 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Parameter Objects
TCGP3 - EHS: Parameter Hierarchies
TCGP4 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Parameter Hierarchies
TCGP5 - EHS: Definition of Parameter Hierarchies
TCGQUE - EHS: Queries
TCGQUENA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Queries
TCGQUEOUT - EHS: Store for Queries and Output Variants
TCGQUESTEP - EHS: Query steps
TCGQUESTEPNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Query Steps
TCGQUESTEPPOS - EHS: Query step items
TCGR1 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 1
TCGR2 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 2
TCGR3 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 3
TCGR4 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 4
TCGR5 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 5
TCGRC - EHS: MSDS distribution - check fct. assign. country, region
TCGREL01 - EHS: Worklist for Inheritance Background Process
TCGREL02 - EHS: Obsolete
TCGREPVIEW - EHS: Entries for Report View Menu
TCGREPVIEWNA - EHS: Report View Menu, Descriptor
TCGRL - EHS: Assignment of languages and lead times to countries
TCGRP - EHS: Key date for report generation and shipping
TCGRUL - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules
TCGRULNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Easy Expert Sets of Rules
TCGRULOP - EHS: Expert Operators
TCGRULOPNA - EHS: Multilingual Description for Operators
TCGRULPOSIDCHG - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Ident. Changes
TCGRULPOSMCHANGE - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Changes to Characteristics
TCGRULPOSMREST - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Characteristic Restrictions
TCGRULPOSRUL - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Generated Sets of Rules
TCGRULPOSUR - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Usage Entry for Reading
TCGRULPOSUW - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Usage Entry for Writing
TCGRV - EHS: MSDS shipping - valid key date reference times
TCGS1 - EHS: WWI spool cluster Spool dest. <-> RFC dest.
TCGS2 - EHS: Assignment EHS doc. cat. < > DMS doc. cat.
TCGS3 - EHS: WWI destinations
TCGS4 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for WWI Destinations
TCGS5 - EHS: Assignment of WWI destinations to PCs used for gen.
TCGS6 - EHS: Definition of WWI printer types
TCGS7 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for WWI Printer Types
TCGS8 - EHS: Definition of PCs used for WWI document generation
TCGS9 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for WWI Generation PCs
TCGSGP - EHS: Search parameter (reproduction from SET/GET memory)
TCGST01 - EHS: Control Table for EH&S Status
TCGST02 - EHS: Assignment Value Assignment Type to Status
TCGTAB - EHS: Tab Pages in Value Assignment Screen
TCGTABHEAD - EHS: Tab Pages for Specification Header
TCGTABHEADT - EHS: Tab Pages for Specification Header - Descriptions
TCGTABT - EHS: Tab Pages in Value Assignment Screen - Descriptions
TCGTPLH - EHS: Inheritance Template Header
TCGTPLHD - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Descriptions
TCGTPLI - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Identifiers
TCGTPLP - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Properties
TCGTPLREL - EHS: Inheritance Relationships
TCGTPLU - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Usages
TCGUEENNA - EHS: Obsolete! Lang-dependent desc. for user exit parameters
TCGUP - EHS: Unit of Measurement Profile
TCGUPDEFUNIT - EHS: Asgt - Unit of Meas. Profile to Dimension/Standard UoM
TCGUPNAM - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Unit of Msmt Profile
TCGUSSC - EHS: User-Spec. Parameter (Reproduction from SET/GET Memory)
TCGWF1 - EHS: Start conditions for workflow
TCGWF2 - EHS: Workflow task profile
TCGWF3 - EHS: Event list for start condition
TCGWF4 - EHS: Value Assignment Types for Task Profile
TCGWF5 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Start Condition
TCGWF6 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Task Profile
TCGWF7 - EHS: Value Assignment Types for Workflow Start Condition
TCG_LOG_FIELDS - EHS: Customizing: Contexts Fields for Change Doc. Creation
V000 - EHS: Conditions for Variant Matching
VCCGLT_MTLD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEHSBT_APPL_SCOPE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST07 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST0B - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST0D - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST0F - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTMJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTVA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTVH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTVP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VRCGCHDCCH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Waste Management Tables EHS-WA

EHSWAC_ACCOBJ - Customizing Account Assignment Objects in Waste Management
EHSWAC_APPCAT - CD: Waste Approval Types
EHSWAC_APPCATBP - Waste Approval Types - Number of Partners Allowed per Role
EHSWAC_APPCATD - CD: Description of the Waste Approval Type
EHSWAC_APPCATMN - CD: Approval Types - Waste Manifest Types
EHSWAC_APPCATWC - Approval Types - Permitted Number of Waste Codes per Catalog
EHSWAC_APSTAT - Waste Approval Processing Status
EHSWAC_APSTATDES - Description of Waste Approval Processing Status
EHSWAC_DUTCAT - CD: Condition Types
EHSWAC_DUTCATD - CD: Description of the Condition Type
EHSWAC_DUTCATROL - CD: Condition Types per Role
EHSWAC_EAFODCAT - Document Categories for Follow-On Document Processing
EHSWAC_EAFODCATD - Text Table for Subsequent Document Categories
EHSWAC_EAFOFCAT - Functions per Document Category in Disposal Processing
EHSWAC_EAIMMCAT - Waste-Relevant Material Types
EHSWAC_EANOCAT - Document Category - Disposal Processing
EHSWAC_EANOCATD - Document Category - Disposal Processing: Description
EHSWAC_EAOPTCAT - Application Functions per Doc. Categ. in Disposal Processing
EHSWAC_EAOPTYPE - Application Functions
EHSWAC_EAOPTYPED - Application Functions: Descriptions
EHSWAC_ENTAMBW - Parameters for Purchasing Management
EHSWAC_ENTAMFOF - Functions for Disposal Processing
EHSWAC_ENTAMFOFD - Functions for Disposal Processing: Texts
EHSWAC_ENTAMMW - Parameters for Inventory Management
EHSWAC_LIZCAT - CD: License Types
EHSWAC_LIZCATD - CD: Description of the License Type
EHSWAC_LIZCATROL - CD: License Types per Role
EHSWAC_MNCAT - Disposal Documents: Types
EHSWAC_MNCATBPRL - Document Type - Number of BP Permitted per Role
EHSWAC_MNCATD - Document Type Description
EHSWAC_MNCATFOF - Assignment of Document Types to Follow-On Functions
EHSWAC_MNCATWC - Disposal Documents: Permitted Number of Waste Codes/Catalog
EHSWAC_MNDYNPRO - Screens for Screen Exit for Disposal Documents
EHSWAC_MNDYNPROD - Language Table for Screens for Screen Exit
EHSWAC_MNFLDCTRL - Customizing: Disposal Documents Field Control
EHSWAC_MNFOF - Functions for Disposal Processing
EHSWAC_MNFOFD - Functions for Disposal Processing: Texts
EHSWAC_MNGRP - Modification Groups for Disposal Documents
EHSWAC_MNGRPD - Modification Groups for Disposal Documents
EHSWAC_MNSTATUS - Customizing Table Status Waste Manifests
EHSWAC_MNSTATUSD - Text Table Status Disposal Documents
EHSWAC_MNTABS - Customizing Tab Pages
EHSWAC_MNTABSD - Texts for Tabstrips
EHSWAC_MN_CATSTA - Document Type and Status Assignment
EHSWAC_MN_STAPRE - Table of Valid Previous Statuses
EHSWAC_OBJART - MD: Integration - Object Types
EHSWAC_OBJARTD - MD: Integration - Object Type Description
EHSWAC_OBJARTROL - MD: Integration - Object Types per Role
EHSWAC_ROLE - Check Table for Disposal Document Roles
EHSWAC_ROLET - BP Roles: Texts
EHSWAC_ROLE_HELP - CD: Role-Dependent Elementary Search Helps
EHSWAC_WABPCAT - CD: Partner Types
EHSWAC_WABPCATD - CD: Partner Type Description
EHSWAC_WABPCATRL - CD: Partner Types per Role WM BP
EHSWAM000_DI - BP: General Data EHSWAT000 (Direct Input)
EHSWAM_DI - BP: Transfer Structure WAMA GESAMT (Direct Input)
EHSWAS000 - MD (BDT): Master Structure for the Waste Mgmt Master Data
EHSWAS001 - MD (BDT): Generator/Disposer/Transporter
EHSWAS001ACCIOT - Master Data: IOTab Partner - Account Assignments
EHSWAS001ACCIOTD - IOTab: Partner - Account Assignment Detail
EHSWAS001ACC_LOG_KEY - Logical Key: Partner - Account Assignment
EHSWAS001_ALV - Only for ALV
EHSWAS001_DI - MD (BDT): Generator/Disposer/Transporter (Direct Input)
EHSWAS002 - MD (BDT): Waste Generation/Disposal/Transport
EHSWAS002D - MD (BDT): Waste Generation/Disposal/Transport - Details
EHSWAS002_LOG_KEY - Logical Key
EHSWAS003 - MD (BDT): Disposal Channel
EHSWAS003D - MD (BDT): Disposal Channel
EHSWAS003_F4 - MD (BDT): Input Help for Disposal Channel
EHSWAS003_LOG_KEY - Disposal Channel Logical Key
EHSWAS0DIINIT - BP: Initial Data (Direct Input)
EHSWAS100 - MD (BDT): Business Partner Roles
EHSWASHDR_DI - BP: Header Data for Application Object WAMA (Direct Input)
EHSWASKOSTADR - Master Data: Cost Center Data (Incl. Address) - Obsolete
EHSWASYST_USAGE - Table Names and Fields for Deletion Where-Used List
EHSWAS_ACCOUNT_OBJECTS - Account Assignment Objects in Waste Management (with Code)
EHSWAS_ACCOUNT_OBJECTS_IOT - IOTab Account Assignment Objects in Waste Management
EHSWAS_ACC_ADD_DATA - Additional Data for Account Assignment
EHSWAS_ACC_CHECK - Fields for Verifying Acct Assignment Objects in Waste Mgmt
EHSWAS_ADKOM - Address - Communication Data
EHSWAS_ADKOM_D - Address - Communication Data for Disposer
EHSWAS_ADKOM_G - Address - Communication Data for Generator
EHSWAS_ADKOM_T - Address - Communication Data for Transporter
EHSWAS_ADRESS_D - Address of Disposer
EHSWAS_ADRESS_G - Address of Generator
EHSWAS_ADRESS_T - Address of Transporter
EHSWAS_APPAMOUNTIOT - Master Data: IOTab Waste Permit - Predicted Quantities
EHSWAS_APPAMOUNTIOTD - Master Data: IOTab Waste Permit - Predicted Qnty - Details
EHSWAS_APPBPCONIOT - Master Data: IOTab Waste Permit - Partner - Contracts
EHSWAS_APPBPCONIOTD - Master Data: IOTab Waste Permit - Partner - Contract Details
EHSWAS_APPBPIOT - Master Data: Waste Approval - Business Partner
EHSWAS_APPBPIOTD - Master Data: IOTab Waste Apprvl - Business Partner - Details
EHSWAS_APPBP_LOG_KEY - Master Data: Waste Approval - Business Partner
EHSWAS_APPROPAHT - Waste Approval: "Key Path" for Function Module Call
EHSWAS_APPROVAL - Structure for Waste Manifest Fields
EHSWAS_APPROVALIOT - Master Data: IOTab Waste Permit
EHSWAS_APPROVALIOTD - Master Data: IOTab Waste Approval - Details
EHSWAS_APPROVALIOT_ALV - Master Data: IOTab Waste Permit
EHSWAS_APPROVALIOT_HEAD - Master Data: Waste Permit Header Information
EHSWAS_APPROVAL_LOG_KEY - Master Data: IOTab Waste Permit
EHSWAS_APPROVAL_SEL - Structure for Waste Manifest Fields
EHSWAS_APPWAKEYIOT - Master Data: IOTab Waste Approval - Waste Code
EHSWAS_APPWAKEYIOTD - Master Data: IOTab Waste Approval - Waste Code - Details
EHSWAS_APPWAKEY_LOG_KEY - Master Data: IOTab Waste Approval - Waste Code
EHSWAS_APP_ALV - Structure for Waste Approval in ALV
EHSWAS_APP_CON_ALV - Structure for Waste Approval - ALV Outline Agreement
EHSWAS_APP_FIND - For Determining Waste Approvals
EHSWAS_APP_SELSCREEN - MD (BDT): Selection Screen for Waste Approval
EHSWAS_BALANCE_ALV - Structure ALV Output Waste Life-Cycle Analysis
EHSWAS_BALANCE_BP - Partner Structure Waste Life-Cycle Analysis
EHSWAS_BALANCE_DOC - Structure for List Disposal Docs Waste Life-Cycle Analysis
EHSWAS_BALANCE_LIC - License Structure Waste Life-Cycle Analysis
EHSWAS_BALANCE_WAKEY - Structure Waste Code Waste Life-Cycle Analysis
EHSWAS_BDT_GENERAL - MD (BDT): Fields Generally Required
EHSWAS_BPDEFINITIOT - Master Data: IOTab Master Data Object Assignment
EHSWAS_BPDEFINITIOTD - Master Data: IOTab Master Data Object Assignment - Details
EHSWAS_BPIDIOT - Master Data: IOTAB Partner Authority-Assigned Numbers
EHSWAS_BPIDIOTD - Master Data: IOTAB Partner Authority-Assigned Nos - Details
EHSWAS_BPID_DATA_SE - Master Data: Partner - Jurisdiction-Dependent Data
EHSWAS_BPLIZIOT - Master Data: IOTab Partner - Licenses
EHSWAS_BPLIZIOTD - Master Data: IOTab Partner Licenses - Details
EHSWAS_BPWAAMIOT - Master Data: Partner/Waste - Quantity Predictions
EHSWAS_BPWAAMIOTD - Master Data: Partner/Waste - Quantity Predictions (Details)
EHSWAS_BPWAAUTNOS - Authority-Assigned Numbers for a Partner
EHSWAS_BPWAKEYIOT - Master Data: Partner - Waste Code
EHSWAS_BPWAKEYIOTD - Master Data: Partner - Waste Code (Details)
EHSWAS_BPWAKEY_LOG_KEY - Master Data: Partner - Waste Code
EHSWAS_BPWAWAKEYIOT - Master Data: Partner/Waste - Waste Code
EHSWAS_BPWAWAKEYIOTD - Master Data: Partner/Waste - Waste Code (Details)
EHSWAS_BPWAWAKEY_LOG_KEY - Master Data: Partner/Waste - Waste Code
EHSWAS_BP_DATA_SE - Master Data: Structure with Business Partner Data
EHSWAS_CONTROL_TAB - DP: Structure for Toolbar Table Control
EHSWAS_DCAPPIOT - Master Data: Waste Approvals - Disposal Channels
EHSWAS_DCAPPIOTD - Master Data: Waste Approvals - Disposal Channels - Details
EHSWAS_DCAPP_LOG_KEY - Master Data: Waste Approvals - Disposal Channels
EHSWAS_DOCCATS - Disposal Document Type/Approval Type
EHSWAS_DOCCATS_EXT - Disposal Document Type/Approval Type-Number of Waste Codes
EHSWAS_DYNPRO_WM_ASSIGN - Dialog (Dynpro Fields) for Disposal Document Assignment
EHSWAS_EACLTFLD - Include for Customer Fields in EHSWAT_ENTAM
EHSWAS_ENACCAPI - DP: API Structure for Account Assignment for Entry Document
EHSWAS_ENACCBUF - DP: Account Assignment Buffering (Table: EHSWAT_ENACC)
EHSWAS_ENACCIOT - DP: IOTAB for Account Assignment (Table: EHSWAT_ENACC)
EHSWAS_ENFODAPI - DP: API Structure for Follow-On Documents
EHSWAS_ENFODBUF - DP: Buffering of Follow-On Doc. Table (Table: EHSWAT_ENFOD)
EHSWAS_ENFODIOT - DP: IOTAB for Follow-On Document Table (Table: EHSWAT_ENFOD)
EHSWAS_ENPRTAPI - DP: API Structure for Disposal Processing Partners
EHSWAS_ENPRTBUF - DP: Partner Assignment Buffering (Table: EHSWAT_ENPRT)
EHSWAS_ENPRTIOT - DP: IOTAB for Partner Assignment (Table: EHSWAT_ENPRT)
EHSWAS_ENTAMAPI - DP: API Structure for Entry Document
EHSWAS_ENTAMBUF - DP: Entry Document Buffering (Table: EHSWAT_ENTAM)
EHSWAS_ENTAMDEVIOT - DP: Structure for Entry Tool (Table: EHSWAT_ENTAMDEV)
EHSWAS_ENTAMDISPOS - DP: Structure I/O Fields Partner Selection/Assignment
EHSWAS_ENTAMEA - DP: Structure I/O Fields Entry Document
EHSWAS_ENTAMNO - DP: Structure Is Used for Locking Document Number
EHSWAS_ENTAMPATH - DP: "Key Path" Entry Document for FM Calls
EHSWAS_ENTAMSCR - Dialog Structure for Disposal Processing (EHSWAT_ENTAM)
EHSWAS_ENTAMSEL - DP: Structure I/O Fields for Selecting Entry Document
EHSWAS_ENTAMSPL - IOTab for Dispsl Procsg Split/Transfer Stock (EHSWAT_ENTAM)
EHSWAS_ENTAMTXT - DP: Description Fields in Entry Document
EHSWAS_ENTAM_BUFTAB_ADD - DP: Fields IOTab for Entry Document in Buffer Table
EHSWAS_ENTAM_OP_REP1 - Disp. Processing: Input Structure Transfer Stock Inv. Mgmt
EHSWAS_ENTAM_OP_TRP1 - Disp. Processing: Input Structure Transfer Stock Whse Mgmt
EHSWAS_ENTAM_TRPOS - Quantity Entry: Structure for Stock Transfer
EHSWAS_ENTAM_WM - I/O Fields Structure for Warehouse Management
EHSWAS_ENXXXIOT - Structure for List Output ALV
EHSWAS_ERROR_TAB - Structure for Message Table
EHSWAS_F4VAL - Line Type for F4 Help Value Lists
EHSWAS_F4WAKEY_TITLE - Structure for the Title Line of the Waste Code Input Help
EHSWAS_F4WASTECODE - Structure Return Values F4 Help Waste Code
EHSWAS_F4_BPID - Input Help: Partners and Authority-Assigned Numbers
EHSWAS_F4_WAKEY - Structure for Selection Help for Waste Codes
EHSWAS_FLAGSTRIP - Indicators for Program Control
EHSWAS_INPUT_NODIALOG - Input Structure for Processing Without Dialog
EHSWAS_LOG_SUCCESSORS - Successor of a Node
EHSWAS_LTXTAPI - API Structure Long Text Description (SAPscript)
EHSWAS_LVSEA - DP: Structure I/O Fields Inventory Mgmt/Warehouse Mgmt
EHSWAS_MATNR - Structure with Material Number
EHSWAS_MATNR_USE_LIST - Where-Used List for Material in Waste Management
EHSWAS_MATNR_VALDAT - Structure for Material and Key Date
EHSWAS_MDINT - Master Data: IOTab Screen Structure Integration
EHSWAS_MDINTD - Master Data: IOTab Screen Structure Integration - Texts
EHSWAS_MDINTO - Master Data: IOTab Screen Structure Integration - Objects
EHSWAS_MD_SELSCREEN - MD (BDT): Selection Screen
EHSWAS_MESSAGE - Message Structure Waste Management
EHSWAS_MN - Waste Manifest: Header Data Structure
EHSWAS_MNAPI - Waste Manifest: API Structure (EHSWAT_MN)
EHSWAS_MNBGS - Structure German Waste Manifest
EHSWAS_MNBGSIOT - Input/Output Structure German Waste Manifest
EHSWAS_MNBP - Waste Manifest: Business Partner Structure
EHSWAS_MNBPAPI - Waste Manifest: API Structure (EHSWAT_MNBP)
EHSWAS_MNBPBUF - Waste Manifest Buffering (EHSWAT_MNBP)
EHSWAS_MNBPIOT - Waste Manifest: IOTab Header Data
EHSWAS_MNBUF - Waste Manifest Buffering (EHSWAT_MN)
EHSWAS_MNDISP1IOT - Structure: Disposer - Header Level
EHSWAS_MNDISPIOT - Waste Manifest: Disposer Structure
EHSWAS_MNEA - Waste Manifest: Structure for I/O Fields
EHSWAS_MNGEN1IOT - Structure: Generator - Header Level
EHSWAS_MNGENIOT - Waste Manifest: Generator Structure
EHSWAS_MNINO - Locking Structure for Logical Number: Disposal Document
EHSWAS_MNIOT - Waste Manifest: IOTab Header Data
EHSWAS_MNNEW - Create New Waste Manifests
EHSWAS_MNNOCTRY - Locking Structure for Authority-Assigned No.: Disposal Doc.
EHSWAS_MNNOST - Locking Structure for Regional Auth.-Assigned No.: Disp.Doc.
EHSWAS_MNPOS - Waste Manifest: Structure - Waste Item Data
EHSWAS_MNPOSAPI - Waste Manifest: API Structure (EHSWAT_MNPOS)
EHSWAS_MNPOSBUF - Waste Manifest Buffering (EHSWAT_MNPOS)
EHSWAS_MNPOSIOT - Waste Manifest: IOTab Header Data
EHSWAS_MNPOS_DATA_SE - Disposal Documents: Complex Structure for Item Data
EHSWAS_MNSELECT - Waste Manifest: Structure for Selection
EHSWAS_MNSTORE1IOT - Structure: Temporary Storage Facility - Header Level
EHSWAS_MNSTOREIOT - Waste Manifest: Structure - Temporary Storage Facility
EHSWAS_MNTOT - Waste Manifest: Total Quantities
EHSWAS_MNTRANS1IOT - Structure: Transporter - Header Level
EHSWAS_MNTRANS2IOT - Waste Manifest: Structure - Transporter 2
EHSWAS_MNTRANS3IOT - Waste Manifest: Structure - Transporter 3
EHSWAS_MNTRANSIOT - Waste Manifest: Business Partner Structure
EHSWAS_MNTXT - Disposal Documents: Structure for SAPScript Texts
EHSWAS_MNWAKEY - Waste Manifest: Waste Code
EHSWAS_MNWAKEY1IOT - Waste Manifest: IOTab Header Data 2
EHSWAS_MNWAKEYIOT - Waste Manifest: IOTab Header Data
EHSWAS_MN_ALV - Waste Manifest: Header Data Structure
EHSWAS_MN_DATA_SE - Disposal Documents: Complex Structure Disposal Document Data
EHSWAS_MN_EXT - Structure Import/Export Parameters Disposal Documents
EHSWAS_MN_MNTCO - Structure for DisposalNoteMaintainConfirmation_sync
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_BP - Data for Partner
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_DISP - Data for Disposer - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_DISP_NA - Data for Disposer - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_GEN - Data for Waste Generator - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_GEN_NA - Data for Waste Generator - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_HEAD - Disposal Document Header Data
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_STORE - Data for Temporary Storage Facility - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_TRANS1 - Data for Transporter 1 - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_TRANS2 - Data for Transporter 2 - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_TRANS3 - Data for Transporter 3 - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_TRANS_NA - Data for Transporter - Obsolete
EHSWAS_MN_PRI_WASTE - Data for Waste
EHSWAS_MN_UPD_EXT - Structure for Update of Disposal Documents
EHSWAS_MN_URLIOT - Disposal Documents: IOTAB Vendor URL of a Document
EHSWAS_MULTACC - Multiple Account Assignment Screen Structure
EHSWAS_MULTACC_DB - Dummy for dbrecord_type
EHSWAS_OBJ_FURTHER_DATA - Further Data for Integration Object
EHSWAS_PARTNER - Structure for the Field 'Partner'
EHSWAS_PARTNER_ID - Structure: Waste Management Business Partner - 10-Digit ID
EHSWAS_PARTNER_RLTYP - Category That Only Contains Partner and Role Category
EHSWAS_PHRFLDTAB - Structure for Text Determination
EHSWAS_PHRUSAGE - EHS: Usage Structure for Phrases in Waste Management
EHSWAS_POS_ALV - Waste Manifest: IOTab Header Data
EHSWAS_PO_ACCO - DP: Structure Determine Procurement Transaction - Acct Assgt
EHSWAS_PO_ITEM - DP: Structure Determine Procurement Transaction - Item
EHSWAS_RECN - DP: Minimum Key for Interface Calling FM - Waste
EHSWAS_RELATED - Table Name, Field Name, and RECN
EHSWAS_RELATED_EXPORT - Table Name, Field Name and RECN for Deletion Where-Used List
EHSWAS_RELATED_IMPORT - Table Name, Field Name for Deletion Where-Used List
EHSWAS_REPORT_SEL - Waste Life-Cycle Analysis Selection Structure
EHSWAS_REP_MN - Structure Set of Hits Waste Life-Cycle Analysis
EHSWAS_REP_MN_HEAD - Structure of Set of Hits: Waste LC Analysis - Header Info
EHSWAS_REP_MN_POS - Structure of Set of Hits: Waste LC Analysis - Item Data
EHSWAS_REP_MN_POS_ALV - ALV - Structre of Set of Hits: Waste LC Analysis - Item Data
EHSWAS_ROLE_HELP - MD (BDT): Structure for Role-Dependent Help
EHSWAS_SELECT - Structure for Selection Tables
EHSWAS_SELOPT_APPNO - Specific Select Options for Authority-Assigned Approval No.
EHSWAS_SELOPT_BPID - Type-Specific Select Options for Auth.-Approved Partner No.
EHSWAS_SELOPT_DATE - Type-Specific Select Options for Selection Date
EHSWAS_SELOPT_MNCAT - Type-Specific Select Options for Disposal Document Type
EHSWAS_SELOPT_MNSTATUS - Type-Specific Select Options for Disposal Document Status
EHSWAS_SUCCESSORS - Successor of a Node
EHSWAS_TEXT - Text for Text Edit Control
EHSWAS_WACODE_CHK_GET - Structure for Checking and Reading Waste Code Data
EHSWAS_WACODE_SUBID - Structure: Waste Code-Specification Assignment
EHSWAS_WASTE - MD: Waste for Table Definition in FM interface
EHSWAS_WASTECODE_DATA - Structure: Data for Waste Code
EHSWAS_WASTE_APP_EXT - Structure for Checking Waste and Waste Approval
EHSWAS_WASTE_DATA - Waste Data for Material and Key Date
EHSWAS_WASTE_DYN - I/O Fields for Screen
EHSWAS_WASTE_HM - DP: Structure of Import Interface for Disposal Document
EHSWAS_WASTE_HME - DP: Structure of Export Interface for Disposal Document
EHSWAS_WASTE_PRT - Partner for Disposal Document
EHSWAS_WASTE_PRTIOT - Partner for Disposal Document
EHSWAS_WA_BALANCE - Waste Life-Cycle Analysis Test Structure
EHSWAS_WA_BALANCE1 - Waste Life-Cycle Analysis, No QUAN Fields
EHSWAS_WMASSIGN_ALV_DISPDOC - Structure of ALV Selection List for Disposal Document Assgmt
EHSWAS_WMTREE - Structure for Node Table for SAPTree Waste Manifests
EHSWAS_XFIELDS - Work Fields for Lists/Reports
EHSWAT000 - MD (BDT): Master Table for the Waste Management Master Data
EHSWAT000_LKEY - MD (BDT): Dummy Table for Partner Lock Concept
EHSWAT001 - MD (BDT): Generator/Disposer/Transporter
EHSWAT001ACC - MD (BDT): Generator/Disposer/Transporter - Accnt Assignment
EHSWAT001_DESCR - MD (BDT): Language-Dependent Data for Partner
EHSWAT002 - MD (BDT): Waste Generation/Disposal/Transport
EHSWAT003 - MD (BDT): Disposal Channel
EHSWAT100 - MD (BDT): Business Partner Roles
EHSWAT_APPAMOUNT - MD: Waste Permit Predicted Quantities
EHSWAT_APPBP - MD: Waste Permit Partner
EHSWAT_APPBPCON - MD: Waste Permit - Partner - Contracts
EHSWAT_APPROVAL - MD: Waste Approval
EHSWAT_APPWAKEY - MD: Waste Permit Waste Code
EHSWAT_APP_LKEY - MD (BDT): Dummy Table for Waste Approval Lock Concept
EHSWAT_BPDEFINIT - MD: Partner Reference to Master Data Objects
EHSWAT_BPID - MD: Partner - Jurisdiction-Dependent Data
EHSWAT_BPLIZ - Licenses for Partner
EHSWAT_BPWAAM - MD: Partner-Waste Quantity Predictions
EHSWAT_BPWAKEY - MD: Partner Waste Codes
EHSWAT_BPWAWAKEY - MD: Partner-Waste Waste Code
EHSWAT_DCAPP - MD: Disposal Channel-Waste Permit
EHSWAT_ENACC - Disposal Processing: Account Assignments for Entry Document
EHSWAT_ENFOD - Disposal Processing: Follow-On Document Table
EHSWAT_ENPRT - Disposal Processing: Partner for Entry Document
EHSWAT_ENTAM - Disposal Processing (Quantity Entry/Planning)
EHSWAT_ENTAMDEV - Disposal Processing: Entry Aids for Each User
EHSWAT_MN - Waste Manifest/Delivery Note: Header Data
EHSWAT_MNACC - Account Assignments for Disposal Document
EHSWAT_MNBP - Waste Manifest/Delivery Note: Partners
EHSWAT_MNPOS - Waste Manifest/Delivery Note: Items
EHSWAT_MNWAKEY - Waste Manifest/Delivery Note: Waste Code
EHSWAT_USER - User-Defined Settings
EHSWX_WASTE_MANAGEMENT_PARTNE1 - Request Waste Management Partner
EHSWX_WASTE_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER - Proxy Structure (generated)