SAP Tables | Environment, Health and Safety | Product Safety SAP EHS

SAP EHS Product Safety Tables (EHS-SAF)

SAP Product Safety Tables EHS-SAF

ADDR_ALE - EHS: ALE - Structure for Address Conversion
BAPI107707 - EHS: BAPI Structure Transport Approval
BAPI10770B - EHS: BAPI structure for packaging code approval
BAPI10770D - EHS: BAPI structure for risk classification
BAPI10770F - EHS: BAPI structure for transport classification
BAPI1077APPLSCP - EHS: BAPI Structure Specification Scope of Application
BAPI1077CARR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
BAPI1077CARRX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
BAPI1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment User-Defined Texts
BAPI1077DR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
BAPI1077DS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Source
BAPI1077DU - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Usage
BAPI1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. - Val. Assmt UD Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
BAPI1077GR - EHS: BAPI Structure Inheritance Templates
BAPI1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts)
BAPI1077MJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Specification-Material Assignment
BAPI1077PACK - EHS: BAPI Structure Packaging Data
BAPI1077PACKX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Packaging Data
BAPI1077PR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Val. Assgnmt Data (Char. Val. Ass.)
BAPI1077RH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Header Data

BAPI1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers
BAPI1077RL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance List Assignment
BAPI1077RR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Spec.-Reference Spec. Assignment
BAPI1077SPROV - EHS: BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
BAPI1077SPROVX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
BAPI1077TPLREL - EHS: BAPI Structure - Inheritance Relationships
BAPI1077VA - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments
BAPI1077VF - EHS: BAPI Structure Value Asst Components - Numerical Values
BAPI1077VH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments Header
BAPI1077VP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Components
BAPI1091PH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Header
BAPI1091PJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set-Phrase Header Assignment
BAPI1091PL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phr. Long Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
BAPI1091PO - EHS: BAPI Structure for Original Phrase
BAPI1091PP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Item
BAPI1091PS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set
BAPI1091PT - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set Texts
BAPI1092DCS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure
BAPI1092DCSP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure Parameters
BAPI1092DH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Header
BAPI1092DJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment
BAPI1092DL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbols
BAPI1092DLC - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbol Conditions
BAPIKEYSTD - EHS: Standard structure for key fields
BAPIPHREX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
BAPIPHREX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
BAPIPHRPHA - EHS: Copy of structure BAPI1091PH for ALE interface
BAPIPHRPHX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Header
BAPIPHRPJX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
BAPIPHRPLX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Phr. Long Txt (SAPscript-Long Txt) Struc.
BAPIPHRPOX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Original Phrase
BAPIPHRPPX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Item
BAPIPHRPSX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
BAPIPHRPTX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Set Texts
BAPIPHR_01 - EHS: Phrase Keys and Phrase Items
BAPIPHR_02 - EHS: Phrase Sets
BAPIRECSPL - EHS: Structure for Storing Record Splits for ALE
BAPIREPDHX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Report Header
BAPIREPDJX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment

BAPIREPEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
BAPIREPEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
BAPIREP_01 - EHS: Report Key
BAPISTDTYP - EH&S: Standard Reference Fields for the BAPI Interface
BAPISUB07X - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure Transport Approval
BAPISUB0BX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Packaging Code Approval
BAPISUB0DX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Risk Classification
BAPISUB0FX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Transport Classification
BAPISUBAPPLSCPX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Specificat. Scope of Application
BAPISUBDFX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Val Assgmnt User.Def.Texts
BAPISUBDRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
BAPISUBDSX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Source
BAPISUBDUX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Usage
BAPISUBEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
BAPISUBEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
BAPISUBFLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Struct. for ValAssgt UD Txts (SAPscript-L
BAPISUBILX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Identifiers
BAPISUBMJX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Material Assignment
BAPISUBPRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Data
BAPISUBRHA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RH for ALE Interface
BAPISUBRHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Stucture for Substance Header
BAPISUBRIA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RI for ALE Interface
BAPISUBRIX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance Identifiers
BAPISUBRLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance List Assignment
BAPISUBRRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Ref. Subs. Assignment
BAPISUBTPLRELX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Inheritance Relationship
BAPISUBVAX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignments
BAPISUBVHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Header
BAPISUBVPX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Components
BAPISUB_01 - EHS: Substance keys and identifiers
BAPISUB_02 - EHS: Extended error return structure for BAPIs
BAPISUB_03 - EHS: Structure for data definitions of characteristics
BAPISUB_04 - EHS: Struct. for data definitions of numerical char. values
BAPISUB_05 - EHS: Characteristics table
BAPISUB_06 - EHS: Value set of characteristic
BAPISUB_07 - EHS: Structure definition of values from tables
BAPISUB_08 - EHS: Value set of phrase long texts

CCGLC_DEF_CTY - EHS: Standard Countries for a Plant
CCGLC_DEF_SHIP - EHS: Standard Modes of Transport for a Plant
CCGLC_DGPHRREL - EHS: GHS/Dangerous Goods: Phrase Assignment
CCGLC_GVFILT - EHS: Filter for Print Requests
CCGLC_LABTY - EHS: Label Categories
CCGLC_LODEST - EHS: RFC Destinations to Logistics Systems
CCGLC_LSSIZE - EHS: Size of Label Stock
CCGLC_MPD - EHS: Manual Print Dialog
CCGLC_MPDD - EHS: Manual Print Dialog - Language-Dependent Description
CCGLC_MPDD_NEW - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for Print Request Description
CCGLC_MPDP - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for User Entry
CCGLC_MPDP_NEW - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for User Entry for Print Request
CCGLC_MPD_NEW - EHS: Manual Print Dialog for Print Request
CCGLC_PLANT_EPA - EHS: EPA Number for a Plant
CCGLC_PREORH - EHS: Header Data for Print Request
CCGLC_PRN - EHS: GLM System Printer
CCGLC_PRNSTN - EHS: Print Station for Print Requests
CCGLC_PRNSTT - EHS: Print Station for Print Requests - Text
CCGLC_PRNTR - EHS: Printer at a Print Station
CCGLC_PRNTRT - EHS: Printer at a Print Station - Text
CCGLC_PRNWST - EHS: Print Destination
CCGLC_PRN_DRIVER - EHS: GLM System Printer Driver
CCGLC_PUOM - EHS: Packaging Unit
CCGLC_SCEN - EHS: Labeling Scenarios - Header Table
CCGLC_SCEND - EHS: Labeling Scenarios - Destinations
CCGLC_SCENGRP - EHS: Labeling Scenario Groups
CCGLC_SCENT - EHS: GLM Scenarios - Text
CCGLC_SCEN_APPL - EHS: Output Control for Labeling Scenarios
CCGLC_SECC - EHS: Sec. Value Determination for Report Symbols - Rules
CCGLC_SECF - EHS: Secondary Value Determin. for Report Symbols - Methods
CCGLC_SEQLST - EHS: List of Sequential Data
CCGLC_SERD - EHS: Sequential Numbering
CCGLC_SERIAL - EHS: Set Default Sequential Numbering
CCGLC_SERV - EHS: Values of Serial Numbers
CCGLC_TABLES - EHS: Tables for Extended Check
CCGLC_THRESH - EHS: Additional Labels
CCGLC_TRCHK - EHS: Rules for Print Requests of Process Orders
CCGLC_TRCHKE - EHS: Additional Rules for Print Requests of Process Orders
CCGLC_UOMLBL - EHS: Assignment of Label Categories to Packaging Units
CCGLC_USERACTIOT - EHS: User Actions - Text
CCGLC_WBC_BPT - EHS: LWB Function Description
CCGLC_WBC_ETDT - EHS: LWB Activity Description
CCGLC_WBC_PAR - EHS: Basic Data for Function Workbench
CCGLC_WBC_QC - EHS: LWB Search Criteria of a Function
CCGLC_WBC_QCT - EHS: LWB Descriptions of Search Criteria for a Function
CCGLC_WBC_STBT - EHS: LWB Subtab Description
CCGLC_WBC_STSC - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Field Names
CCGLC_WBC_STSF - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Filter Field Value Output
CCGLC_WBC_STSO - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Field Properties
CCGLC_WBC_TABT - EHS: LWB Tab Description
CCGLC_WBC_TSDT - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Description
CCGLC_WBC_TSO - EHS: LWB Tab Screen - Field Properties
CCGLC_WBC_TSOC - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Field Names
CCGLC_WBC_TSOF - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Filter Field Value Output
CCGLC_WWIPRN - EHS: Activate WWI Printer
CCGLC_WWISRV - EHS: Configure WWI Server for Print Request Creation
CCGLC_WWISRVT - EHS: WWI Server for GLM - Text
CCGLS_APILSDE - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Language-Dependent Desc.
CCGLS_APILSHD - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Header
CCGLS_APILSLT - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Label Category
CCGLS_APILSRV - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Validity Areas
CCGLS_APILSTG - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbols
CCGLS_ARESB - EHS: Reservation/Dependent Requirement - Old
CCGLS_BARCODE_TRIGGER - EHS: Structure for Display on Bar-Code Scan Screen
CCGLS_CLBLIOT - EHS: IOTAB Customer-Specific Label Data
CCGLS_CLBL_LOCK - EHS: Lock Structure Around CCGLT_CLBL at Customer Level
CCGLS_CL_TABSTRIP_DEF - EHS: Structure for Customer-Specific Label Tabs
CCGLS_COUNTRYIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for F4 Help Countries
CCGLS_COUNTRY_TAB - EHS: Structure for Countries
CCGLS_DGPHRREL - EHS: Phrase Assignment for Danger Label
CCGLS_DMSKEYS_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Files for Generation (WWI)
CCGLS_EXTNUMBER - EHS: External Identification
CCGLS_G00 - EHS: Seq. No. as Bar Code/Text
CCGLS_G01 - EHS: Parameter Structure - Material Data
CCGLS_G02 - EHS: Parameter Structure Process Data
CCGLS_G05 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Batch Data
CCGLS_G06 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Dangerous Goods Data
CCGLS_G07 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Plant Data
CCGLS_G08 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Address of Goods Recipient
CCGLS_G09 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Address of Sold-To Party
CCGLS_G10 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Address of Plant
CCGLS_G11 - EHS: Parameter Structure for Specification Data
CCGLS_LABEL - EHS: Label Information
CCGLS_LABELSTOCK_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Label Information (WWI)
CCGLS_LABEL_DET - EHS: Structure with Data Required for Label Determination
CCGLS_LANGUAGE - EHS: Language Definition
CCGLS_LBLINF_SCR - Values for Label Info Subscreen
CCGLS_LDH - EHS: Label Data - Header Data
CCGLS_LDKEY - EHS: Logical Key for Labeling Specification
CCGLS_LD_TABSTRIP_DEF - EHS: Structure for Labeling Specification Tab
CCGLS_LOCK_ENTRY - EHS: Structure for Print Request Lock
CCGLS_LSDEBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Language-Dependent Descriptions
CCGLS_LSDEIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Language-Dependent Descriptions
CCGLS_LSHDBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock
CCGLS_LSHDIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Header
CCGLS_LSHDTM - EHS: Master Tab Structure for Label Stock
CCGLS_LSHDTS - EHS: Slave Tab Structure for Label Stock
CCGLS_LSHD_LABELFORMAT - EHS: Output Structure for Label Stock - Search Help
CCGLS_LSKPATH - EHS: "Key-Path" Label Stock for Function Module Call
CCGLS_LSLTBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Assigned Label Categories
CCGLS_LSLTIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Assigned Label Categories
CCGLS_LSRVBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Assigned Validity Areas
CCGLS_LSRVIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Assigned Validity Areas
CCGLS_LSSEL - EHS: Initial Screen Label Stock
CCGLS_LSTGBUF - EHS: Buffering Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbols
CCGLS_LSTGIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbol Groups
CCGLS_LVIOT - EHS: Dialog Structure for Restriction of Validity Areas
CCGLS_MATERIAL - EHS: Structure for Material
CCGLS_MATPOS - EHS: Structure for Material Item
CCGLS_MPD - EHS: Data Structure for Manual Print Dialog
CCGLS_MPD_LABELS - EHS: Structure for Displaying Label Tree
CCGLS_MPD_LABELS_NODE - EHS: Structure for Displaying Label Tree
CCGLS_MPD_TABSTRIP_DEF - EHS: Structure for Tabstrip Definition
CCGLS_MSG - Notifications
CCGLS_MTLSIOT - EHS: IOTAB Labeling Specification
CCGLS_MTLSV - EHS: Display Structure for Label Data Incl. Validity Area
CCGLS_MTLVIOT - EHS: IOTAB Label Data Validity Areas
CCGLS_OEDLIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for User Entries Layout
CCGLS_OEDSYM - EHS: Symbol Structure for Value Determination of User Entry
CCGLS_PACK_HIERARCHY - EHS: Packaging Hierarchy
CCGLS_PARAM_TAB - EHS: Structure for Report Generation
CCGLS_PLANT - EHS: Structure for Plant
CCGLS_PRNTRY_READ - EHS: Structure for Reading Installed Printer Trays
CCGLS_PRNTR_SCR - Values for Printer Subscreen
CCGLS_PRN_READ - EHS: Structure for Reading Installed Printer on Gen. Server
CCGLS_PRN_SPOOL_READ - EHS: Structure for Reading the SAP Spool Printer
CCGLS_PRTREQ_CONTENT - EHS: Content of a Print Request (Image)
CCGLS_PRTREQ_DET_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request Spool Messages (WWI)
CCGLS_PRTREQ_ERROR - EHS: Print Request Error Assignment
CCGLS_PRTREQ_HDR_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request Header (WWI)
CCGLS_PRTREQ_OUT - EHS: Structure for Print Request Output
CCGLS_PRTREQ_SLS_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Sequential Data
CCGLS_PRTREQ_SNO_RWWIC - EHS: Print Request - Sequence Numbers
CCGLS_PRTREQ_STATUS - EHS: Print Request Status
CCGLS_PUOM_SELECT - EHS: Structure for Packaging Unit
CCGLS_SCREEN_ELEM_DEF - EHS: Screen Element Definition
CCGLS_SERDEF - EHS: Serial Number Values
CCGLS_SERDEF_SHORT - EHS: Values of Serial Numbers (Interface Structure)
CCGLS_SERIOT - EHS: Serial Number Values
CCGLS_SERLIST - EHS: Values of Serial Lists
CCGLS_SHIPPINGIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for F4 Help Modes of Transport
CCGLS_SHIPPING_MODES - EHS: Structure for Modes of Transport
CCGLS_STATUS_NEW - System status - new
CCGLS_STATUS_OLD - System status - old
CCGLS_SYMBOL - EHS: Report Symbols
CCGLS_TABSTRIP_DEF_TAB - EHS: Structure for Tabstrip Control
CCGLS_VALIDITY_AREAS - EHS: Structure for Validity Areas
CCGLS_VARIANT_SELECT - EHS: Structure for Help - Report Generation Variants
CCGLS_VAR_DET - EHS: Variant Determination
CCGLS_WB_ALV_STRUC_DETHEAD - EHS: LWB ALV Output Structure for Detail Header Data Display
CCGLS_WB_ALV_STRUC_EXECUTE - EHS: LWB ALV Output Structure for Activities
CCGLS_WB_ALV_STRUC_GEN_AXIS - EHS: LWB ALV Output Structure for Output on Swapped Axes
CCGLS_WB_AUTHORITY - EHS: LWB Authorization Check
CCGLS_WB_BP_DEF - EHS: LWB Function Definition
CCGLS_WB_BP_OBJECT - EHS: LWB Functions Definition Object
CCGLS_WB_BP_VIEW_CONTAINER - EHS: LWB Container of a Function View
CCGLS_WB_BP_VIEW_OBJECTS - EHS: LWB Objects of a Function View Screen
CCGLS_WB_EXEC_TYPE_DEF - EHS: LWB Activity Definition
CCGLS_WB_QUERY_CRITERIA_DEF - EHS: LWB Search Criteria Definition
CCGLS_WB_QUERY_CRIT_VR_TAB - EHS: LWB Search Criterion Value Range
CCGLS_WB_SHLP_FIELDNAME - EHS: LWB Search Help Structure for Field Names
CCGLS_WB_SHLP_QUERY_CRIT - EHS: LWB Search Help Structure for Search Criteria
CCGLS_WB_SHLP_REP_GENVAR - EHS: LWB Search Help Structure for Report Generation Variant
CCGLS_WB_STNID_PRNID_DISPLAY - EHS: Struct. for Print Station Display - Printer with Descr.
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_DEF - EHS: LWB Subtab Definition
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_SCREEN_DEF - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Definition
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_SCRPROP_DEF - EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Field Properties
CCGLS_WB_SUBTAB_SCR_FILTER_DEF - EHS: LWB Filter for Field Value Output on Subtab Screens
CCGLS_WB_TAB_DEF - EHS: LWB Tab Definition
CCGLS_WB_TAB_SCRPROP_DEF - EHS: LWB Tab Screen - Field Properties
CCGLS_WB_TAB_SCRPROP_D_DEF - EHS: LWB Tab Screen Fields - Names
CCGLS_WB_TAB_SCR_FILTER_DEF - EHS: LWB Filter for Field Values on Tab Screens
CCGLS_WB_VALUE_DESC - EHS: LWB Value Description
CCGLS_WI_LOG_MESSAGES - EHS: LWB Log Detail Data - Messages
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_DET - EHS: Print Request Spool Messages (WWI)
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_HDR - EHS: Display Structure for Print Request Header
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_PAR - EHS: Display Structure for Parameter Values
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_SLS - EHS: Display Structure for Sequence Number
CCGLS_WI_PRTREQ_SNO - EHS: Display Structure for Sequence Number
CCGLS_WI_REPORT_SYMBOL - EHS: Structure for Language-Dependent Report Symbols
CCGLS_WWICALL_MESSAGE - EHS: Print Request - WWI Codes and Messages
CCGLT_AUDH - EHS: Audit Data Header Entry
CCGLT_AUDI - EHS: Audit Icon/Parameter Values
CCGLT_AUDS - EHS: Audit Data for Serial Numbers
CCGLT_CLBL - EHS: Customer-Specific Labels
CCGLT_LIC_AUDIT - EHS: License Audit
CCGLT_LSDE - EHS: Label Stock - Language-Dependent Descriptions
CCGLT_LSHD - EHS: Label Stock Header Table
CCGLT_LSLT - EHS: Label Stock - Assigned Label Categories
CCGLT_LSRV - EHS: Label Stock - Assigned Validity Area
CCGLT_LSTG - EHS: Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbol Groups
CCGLT_MTLD - EHS: Labeling Data for a Material
CCGLT_MTLS - EHS: Label Definition for a Material
CCGLT_MTLV - EHS: Label Definition - Validity Areas
CCGLT_OEDL - EHS: User Entry for Label Data Layout
CCGLT_PRTREQ_DET - EHS: Print Request Spool Messages
CCGLT_PRTREQ_HDR - EHS: Print Request Header Table
CCGLT_PRTREQ_PAR - EHS: Print Request Parameters
CCGLT_PRTREQ_SLS - EHS: Print Request Sequential Data
CCGLT_PRTREQ_SNO - EHS: Print Request Sequence Numbers
CCGLT_PR_HDR_UT2 - EHS: Print Request Header Table Test Data for Unit Test
CCGLT_PR_PAR_UT - EHS: Print Request Parameters Test Data for Unit Tests
CCGLT_PR_SLS_UT - EHS: Print Request Sequential Data Test Data for Unit Tests
CCGLT_PR_SNO_UT - EHS: Print Request Sequence Numbers Test Data for Unit Tests
CCRCC_BW - EHS: Maintenance of Bonded Warehouses
CCRCC_BW_CONF - EHS: Function Modules for the Bonded Warehouse Functionality
CCRCC_CD - EHS: Rules for Country Determination
CCRCC_CHCK_ON - EHS: Online Checks for Regulation/Scenario/Scenario Category
CCRCC_CHCK_SALES - EHS: Activate Check of Sales Orders
CCRCC_DET - EHS: Data Determination Modules per Regulation/Scenario
CCRCC_DETDOCTYPE - EHS: Modules for Regulation/Scenario/Scenario Category
CCRCC_ERRMAIL - EHS: Specify Recipients for Error Messages
CCRCC_ERRORMAIL - EHS: RegCheck: Specify Recipients for Error Messages
CCRCC_EXCHG - EHS: Data Transfer from and to EH&S
CCRCC_FILTER - EHS: Data Filtering
CCRCC_LIMITG - EHS: General Quantity Restriction
CCRCC_LIMITS - EHS: Relative Quantity Restriction
CCRCC_MISDATACND - EHS: Condition Table: Behavior If Data Missing
CCRCC_MON - EHS: Monitoring Settings
CCRCC_PERIOD - EHS: Period Definition
CCRCC_POL - EHS: Polymer Labeling and Monomer Composition per Regulation
CCRCC_SCENTYPE - EHS: Scenario-to-Scenario-Category Assignment
CCRCC_SDCONDTAB - EHS: Condition Table Locked in SD by Notification Check
CCRCS_BALMI - Message Structure
CCRCS_BW_BD_DATA_IOT - Structure for Bonded Warehouse
CCRCS_CHK - Quantity Check Data
CCRCS_CHK_AMOUNT - Minimum Logical Key for Tracking Tables
CCRCS_CHK_RESULT - Result for Quantity Check
CCRCS_COLO_APIDATA - Reference to Confirmed Consumed Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_COMP_TREE - Structure for Component Tree
CCRCS_COND - Dynamic WHERE Condition
CCRCS_CULI_DATA_FILTER - Filter Criteria for Customer List
CCRCS_CULI_OUT - Output Fields for Customer List (Header Data)
CCRCS_CULI_OUT_DVS - Customer List for Storage of the CSV File in DMS
CCRCS_CULI_OUT_POS - Output Fields of the Customer List (Item Data)
CCRCS_CU_LIST - Structure for Customer List
CCRCS_CU_LIST_HEADER - Structure: Customer List Header Data
CCRCS_CU_LIST_POS - Struture Customer List Item Data
CCRCS_DET_DATA - Output Structure for the Detail Data (Validation Data)
CCRCS_DET_DB_DATA - Structure for the Detail Data (Validation Data)
CCRCS_EHS_ADD_DATA - Additional Data from EH&S
CCRCS_EHS_SVT_MAP - Mapping Data from EHS to SVT
CCRCS_ERRMAIL - Messages per Mail
CCRCS_ESTCAT - Value Assignment Types
CCRCS_INTERVAL - Structure for Read Interval
CCRCS_LIMITG_L - Structure for Quantity Restrictions
CCRCS_LKEY - Logical Key for Tracking Tables
CCRCS_LOCK - Blocked Documents
CCRCS_LOCK_KEY - Block Parameter for Table CCRCT_LOCK
CCRCS_MAIL_RESULT - Result for Quantity Check with Messages
CCRCS_MON_DATA_FILTER - Filter Criteria for Monitoring
CCRCS_MSG - Structure for Message Log
CCRCS_OBJKEY - Key to Source Data
CCRCS_OR - Structure for Only Representative Data
CCRCS_OR_BD_APIDATA - Structure for OR Basic Data
CCRCS_OR_BD_DATA - Structure for OR Basic Data
CCRCS_OR_BD_DATA_IOT - Structure for OR Basic Data
CCRCS_PARAM - Parameter Structure for Substance Volume Checks
CCRCS_POLYMONO_COMP - List of Polymers/Monomers
CCRCS_PRLO_APIDATA - Reference to Confirmed Produced Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_PULO_APIDATA - Reference to Confirmed Purchased Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_REG - Minimum Logical Key for Check
CCRCS_REGCHECK_COMPONENT - Components for Regulation Check
CCRCS_REGCHECK_LOG - Output Structure for Regulation Check Log
CCRCS_REG_CTRY - Valid Countries for Regulation
CCRCS_REG_TCG81 - Regulations of a Higher-Level Regulation (NOTICHECK)
CCRCS_REL_SUBS - Relevant Substances Per Company Code
CCRCS_RULE_CTRY - Valid Countries for Rule in Country Determination
CCRCS_SELOPT - Interface: Selection criteria
CCRCS_SOLO_APIDATA - Reference for Confirmed Sold Quantities (API Structure)
CCRCS_STD_FIELDS - Standard Fields for Monitoring Tables
CCRCS_TABDOC - Tables for Scenario Category
CCRCS_TSCA12B_EK - Transfer Structure for Relevant Purchase Order Data
CCRCS_TSCA12B_SD - Transfer Structure for Relevant Sales Data
CCRCS_TSCA12B_WRITE - Output Structure for TSCA 12B - Report
CCRCS_TSCA12B_WRITE_LT - Output Structure for TSCA 12B - Long Text
CCRCS_TSCA12B_WRITE_ST - Output Structure for TSCA 12B Short Texts
CCRCS_VM_CO - Confirmed Quantities
CCRCS_VM_OUT - Output Fields
CCRCS_VM_PL - Planned Quantities
CCRCT_CALC - EHS: Calculated Average
CCRCT_CO - EHS: Confirmed Consumed Quantities
CCRCT_COLO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Consumed Quantities
CCRCT_COPL - EHS: Planned Consumed Quantities
CCRCT_CU - EHS: Customer List - Header Data
CCRCT_CUPOS - EHS: Customer List - Item Data
CCRCT_DOCTYPE - EHS: Scenario Categories
CCRCT_DOCTYPET - EHS: Text Table for Scenario Category
CCRCT_EHS_COMP - EHS: Composition (EH&S Data)
CCRCT_EHS_REG - EHS: Registration Status (EH&S Data)
CCRCT_EHS_SLIMIT - EHS: Limit Values in Substance (EH&S Data)
CCRCT_EHS_WL - EHS: Worklist of Changed Materials
CCRCT_LOCK - EHS: Blocked Documents
CCRCT_OR - Material Business Partner Only Representative Assignment
CCRCT_PR - EHS: Confirmed Produced Quantities
CCRCT_PRLO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Produced Quantities
CCRCT_PRPL - EHS: Planned Produced Quantities
CCRCT_PU - EHS: Confirmed Purchased Quantities
CCRCT_PULO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Purchased Quantities
CCRCT_PUPL - EHS: Planned Purchased Quantities
CCRCT_RUN - Time stamp of Tracking and Filling Runs
CCRCT_SCEN - EHS: Scenarios
CCRCT_SCENT - EHS: Text Table for Scenarios (System Table)
CCRCT_SO - EHS: Confirmed Sold Quantities
CCRCT_SOLO - EHS: Reference to Confirmed Sold Quantities (CCRCT_SO)
CCRCT_SOPL - EHS: Planned Sold Quantities
CCUNTCARR - Provisions for Carriage
CCUNTPACK - Packing Requirements
CCUNTSPROV - Special Packing Provisions
CVCBN - EHS: Business process - language-dependent label
CVCCN - EHS: Language-dependent label for communication
CVCCO - EHS: Communication
CVCEC - DDS: Error handler - valid error codes
CVCER - DDS: Error handler - recipient allocation (situation, error)
CVCET - EHS: Error handler - language-dependent error texts
CVCHD - EHS: Assignment table for default printer
CVCHE - EHS: Event buffer for report shipping
CVCHP - EHS: Assignment table for cover sheet and ack. of receipt
CVCHS - EHS: Assignment table for shipping elements
CVCHU - EHS: User exit - synonym allocation
CVCRC - EHS: Assignment table for communication
CVCRCAT - EHS: Cause Type
CVCRH - EHS: Allowed values for structure CVDREASON
CVCRN - EHS: Business Process Type - Language-Dependent Description
CVCRP - EHS: Parameter values to be saved
CVCRT - EHS: Origin Category
CVCSH - EHS: Shipping elements
CVCSN - EHS: Language-dependent label of shipping element
CVDACL - EHS: Report shipping flow trace - log structure
CVDACLHITS - EHS: Report shipping flow trace - slave structure
CVDACLHITT - EHS: Report shipping flow trace - master structure -
CVDACLIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Report Shipping Logs
CVDAPICS - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure
CVDAPICSP - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure Parameters
CVDAPIDH - EHS: API structure report shipping order (header)
CVDAPIDP - EHS: API structure report shipping (parameter values)
CVDCOMM - EHS: Communication
CVDCSBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure
CVDCSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure (ESTDCS)
CVDCSPBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure Parameters
CVDCSPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure Parameters (ESTDCSP)
CVDDCS - EHS: Control Structure (Report Shipping)
CVDDCSP - EHS: Control Structure Parameters (Report Shipping)
CVDDDHITM - EHS: Report shipping - detail values - master structure
CVDDH - EHS: Report shipping orders
CVDDHBUF - EHS: Buffer report shipping - header
CVDDHHITM - EHS: Report shipping hit list - master structure
CVDDHHITMS - EHS: Structure for Report Shipping Hit List
CVDDHHITS - EHS: Report shipping hit list - slave structure
CVDDHHITT - EHS: Report shipping hit list - help structure
CVDDHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report shipping
CVDDHSCR - EHS: Header Data for Report Shipping Orders (for Display)
CVDDISTSEL - EHS: Fields on the report shipping selection screen
CVDDMSCR - EHS: Material data for shipping orders (for display)
CVDDOCKEY - DDS: DMS document key
CVDDOCKEYH - EHS: DDS document key for a cover sheet
CVDDOCSCR - EHS: DMS Document Key Data with Description
CVDDP - EHS: Parameter Values for Report Shipping
CVDDPBUF - EHS: Buffer report shipping - parameter values
CVDDPHITM - EHS: Report shipping parameter values - master structure -
CVDDPHITMS - EHS: Structure for Report Shipping Parameters
CVDDPHITS - EHS: Report shipping parameter values - slave structure -
CVDDPHITT - EHS: Report shipping parameter values - help structure -
CVDDPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for parameter values (report shipping)
CVDDRSCR - EHS: Report data for shipping orders (for display)
CVDDSSCR - EHS: SD document data for shipping orders (for display)
CVDESIOT - EHS:Choosing the extended search function on initial screen
CVDEXPSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Exposure Scenario Search Screen
CVDFINDOC - DDS: Collective structure of the 4 DMS key components
CVDFINHDOC - DDS: Collective structure of the 4 DMS key components
CVDMANSEL - EHS: Fields on the Manual Report Shipping Selection Screen
CVDMAT - EHS: Material structure
CVDMESSAGE - DDS: Message information
CVDPACKAGE - EHS: Material names from order package
CVDPACKREC - EHS: Information on subs. rep. ship. ord. package recipient
CVDPH - DDS: OBSOLETE !! DDOC log, header record
CVDPRSEL - DDS: Selection criteria for log
CVDREASON - DDS: Reason/origin of delivery order
CVDRECADRC - EHS: Address data for recipient (company)
CVDRECADRP - EHS: Address data for recipient (person)
CVDRECEIV - DDS: Information on recipient
CVDRECINFO - EHS: Recipient information relevant to shipping
CVDREPEXP - EH&S: Structure for Export
CVDREPINFO - EHS: Sequence data in a report
CVDREPORT - EHS: Report data
CVDSADRL - EHS: Address Management: Company Data
CVDSENADRC - EHS: Address data for initiator (sales organization)
CVDSENADRP - EHS: Address data of sender (user)
CVDTLINE - DDS: Single-column text table (132 characters per line)
E1ADDR_ALE - EHS: ALE - Structure for Address Conversion
E1BP107707 - EHS: BAPI Structure Transport Approval
E1BP10770B - EHS: BAPI Structure for Packaging Code Approval
E1BP10770D - EHS: BAPI Structure for Risk Classification
E1BP10770F - EHS: BAPI Structure for Transport Classification
E1BP1077APPLSCP - EHS: BAPI Structure Specification Scope of Application
E1BP1077CARR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
E1BP1077CARRX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Provisions for Carriage
E1BP1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment User-Defined Texts
E1BP1077DR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
E1BP1077DS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Source
E1BP1077DU - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Usage
E1BP1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. - Val. Assmt UD Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
E1BP1077GR - EHS: BAPI Structure Inheritance Templates
E1BP1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts)
E1BP1077MJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Specification-Material Assignment
E1BP1077PACK - EHS: BAPI Structure Packaging Data
E1BP1077PACKX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Packaging Data
E1BP1077PR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Val. Assgnmt Data (Char. Val. Ass.)
E1BP1077RH - EHS: BAPI - Structure for Header Data
E1BP1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure for Identifiers
E1BP1077RL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance List Assignment
E1BP1077RR - EHS: BAPI Structure for Spec.-Reference Spec. Assignment
E1BP1077SPROV - EHS: BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
E1BP1077SPROVX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Special Packing Provisions
E1BP1077TPLREL - EHS: BAPI Structure - Inheritance Relationships
E1BP1077VA - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments
E1BP1077VH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignments Header
E1BP1077VP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Value Assignment Components
E1BP1091PH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Header
E1BP1091PJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set-Phrase Header Assignment
E1BP1091PL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phr. Long Texts (SAPscript-Lngtxts)
E1BP1091PO - EHS: BAPI Structure for Original Phrase
E1BP1091PP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Item
E1BP1091PS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set
E1BP1091PT - EHS: BAPI Structure for Phrase Set Texts
E1BP1092DCS - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure
E1BP1092DCSP - EHS: BAPI Structure for Control Structure Parameters
E1BP1092DH - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Header
E1BP1092DJ - EHS: BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment
E1BP1092DL - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbols
E1BP1092DLC - EHS: BAPI Structure for Report Template Symbol Conditions
E1BPPHREX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
E1BPPHREX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
E1BPPHRPHX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Header
E1BPPHRPJX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
E1BPPHRPLX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Phr. Long Txt (SAPscript-Long Txt) Struc.
E1BPPHRPOX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Original Phrase
E1BPPHRPPX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Item
E1BPPHRPSX - EHS: ChangeBAPI - Struc. for Phr. Set - Phr. Header Asgnmnt
E1BPPHRPTX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Phrase Set Texts
E1BPPHR_01 - EHS: Phrase Keys and Phrase Items
E1BPRECSPL - EHS: Structure for Storing Record Splits for ALE
E1BPREPDHX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Report Header
E1BPREPDJX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure for Substance-Report Assignment
E1BPREPEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
E1BPREPEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
E1BPSUB07X - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure Transport Approval
E1BPSUB0BX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Packaging Code Approval
E1BPSUB0DX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Risk Classification
E1BPSUB0FX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Transport Classification
E1BPSUBAPPLSCPX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Specificat. Scope of Application
E1BPSUBDFX - EHS: Change-BAPI - Structure for Val Assgmnt User.Def.Texts
E1BPSUBDRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Assessment
E1BPSUBDSX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Source
E1BPSUBDUX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Usage
E1BPSUBEX1 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 1
E1BPSUBEX2 - BFA: Container for Customer Exit Parameter 2
E1BPSUBFLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Struct. for ValAssgt UD Txts (SAPscript-L
E1BPSUBILX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Identifiers
E1BPSUBMJX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Material Assignment
E1BPSUBPRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Data
E1BPSUBRHA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RH for ALE Interface
E1BPSUBRHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Stucture for Substance Header
E1BPSUBRIA - EHS: Copy of Structure BAPI1077RI for ALE Interface
E1BPSUBRIX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance Identifiers
E1BPSUBRLX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Substance List Assignment
E1BPSUBRRX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Subs.-Ref. Subs. Assignment
E1BPSUBTPLRELX - EHS: Change BAPI Structure Inheritance Relationship
E1BPSUBVAX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignments
E1BPSUBVHX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Header
E1BPSUBVPX - EHS: Change BAPI - Structure for Value Assignment Components
E1EHSLSADM - EHS-BAS: Settings for Language Support (ALE)
E1ESTALE - EHS: ALE - reference to originals
E1ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E1ESTVA - EHS: Substance value assignment
E1ESTVH - EHS: substance-characteristic category assignment
E1PHRMAS - Header Segment
E1REPMAS - Header Segment
E1REPMAS01 - Header Segment
E1SUBMAS - Header Segment
E2ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E2ESTVA - EHS: Substance value assignment
E2ESTVH - EHS: substance-characteristic category assignment
E3ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E3ESTVA - EHS: Substance value assignment
E3ESTVH - EHS: substance-characteristic category assignment
EHCSMD_SPC_UT - CBUI_BO Unit Test Helper DB Table
EHCSMS_SPC_ACCESS_DETAILS - Structure containing relevant access information
EHCSMS_SPC_ACTIONS_FOR_PROFILE - Profile for actions belonging to a profile ID
EHCSMS_SPC_ADM_TRANSIENT_DATA - Transient data for specification related admin data
EHCSMS_SPC_AENNR - Change numbers
EHCSMS_SPC_API_INIT_SCREEN - Structure containing relevant information for initial screen
EHCSMS_SPC_AUTHGRP - Authorization Groups
EHCSMS_SPC_CHARACT_DETAILS - Characteristic details
EHCSMS_SPC_COMPOSITION_TYPE - Language-dependent description of spec component type
EHCSMS_SPC_COMP_CAT_VALUE - Component Category
EHCSMS_SPC_COMP_EXC_VALUE - Exception Value of a Component
EHCSMS_SPC_ECM_OBJ - Objects of Change Number
EHCSMS_SPC_HDR_KEY - Specification Header Key
EHCSMS_SPC_HEADER - Specification Header Structure
EHCSMS_SPC_IDENT - Listing related identifiers
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN - Specification Identifier Structure
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN_LTX - Specification Identifier Longtext
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN_REG_LIST - Specification Identifier Regulatory List Assignment Struct
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN_TRANS - Specification Identifier - transient data
EHCSMS_SPC_KEY - Specification key identifying specification related data
EHCSMS_SPC_KEY_INDEX - Structure with keys and line index
EHCSMS_SPC_MAT_ASSIGNMENT - Specification - Material Assignment
EHCSMS_SPC_MSG - Message Structure
EHCSMS_SPC_MSG_RESULT - Specification: Result of specification related messages
EHCSMS_SPC_NATURE - Language-Dependent Description of Substance Nature
EHCSMS_SPC_PHRASE_STATE - Phrase key and state
EHCSMS_SPC_PROFILE_ID_BY_INST - Profile ID with specficiation instance information
EHCSMS_SPC_PROPERTY_TREE - Property tree node
EHCSMS_SPC_PROPERTY_TREE_INFO - Specification property tree info (TCG51)
EHCSMS_SPC_RATING_DESC - Specification Rating Description
EHCSMS_SPC_REF - Specification reference assignment between two specs
EHCSMS_SPC_REG_LIST - Regulatory List Details
EHCSMS_SPC_REL - Specification relationship
EHCSMS_SPC_REL_BUFFER - Specification Relationship Buffer
EHCSMS_SPC_REL_TMP - Specification Relationship Template
EHCSMS_SPC_REL_TMP_GROUP - Specification Relationship Template Group
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_DATA - Document Data for a Report
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_HDR_DETAIL - Report Header Transient Details
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_KEY - Report key with object assignment
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_PARAM_VALUE - Parameter Values for Reports
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_SPC_REF - Report - Specification Reference
EHCSMS_SPC_REPORT_VARIANT - Report variant details
EHCSMS_SPC_REP_DEFAULT_KEYS - Report default keys
EHCSMS_SPC_SOURCE - Language-Dependent Description for Source
EHCSMS_SPC_SOURCE_TYPE - Specification Source Types
EHCSMS_SPC_SPECTYPE_DETAILS - EHS: Specification Type Details
EHCSMS_SPC_STATUS - Specification Status
EHCSMS_SPC_SUBID - Spec ification IDs
EHCSMS_SPC_SUBID_ALLOWED - Specification IDs with Allowed Indicator
EHCSMS_SPC_UOM_PROFILE - Unit of Measurement (UoM) profile
EHCSMS_SPC_UOM_PROFILE_DETAILS - Assignments of UoM Profile to Dimension/Standard UoM
EHCSMS_SPC_USAGE - Specification Usage
EHCSMS_SPC_USAGE_FILTER - Specification Usage Filter
EHCSMS_SPC_USG_KEY - Specification key identifying specification usages
EHCSMS_SPC_USG_PROF_DETAILS - Usage profile details
EHCSMS_SPC_UT - Unit Test Helper
EHCSMS_SPC_VALIDITY_AREA_DESC - Specification validity area descriptions
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_AREA_CAT_DESC - Specification validity area category descriptions
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_ASMNT_DETAIL - Detail about a assessment for a value assignment
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_ASSESSMENT - Value Assignment Assessment
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_ASSIGNMENT - Value Assignment UI related data
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_CHAR_DATA - Valuation characteristics data
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_CHAR_LANGU_DATA - Valuation Valuation characteristics data - lang. dependent
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_COMP - Valuation composition
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_HEADER - Valuation Assignment Type Assignment (VAL Header)
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_INST - Valuation instance
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_LTX - Valuation long texts
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_SOURCE - Valuation source
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_TXT_DOC - Valuation user defined texts
EHCSMS_SPC_VAL_TXT_TYPE - User defined text type for value assignments
EHCSMS_SPC_VAT_CUST - Value Assignment Type Customizing (TCG11)
EHCSMS_SPC_VAT_PURE - Value Assignment Type
EHCSMS_SPC_WWI_GEN_PC_DETAILS - Definition of Servers used for WWI document generation
EHCSMS_SPC_WWI_REP_APPL_OBJECT - WWI Final Report Preview application objects
EHSBT_REL02 - EHS: Control Table for Local Overwrite of Inheritance
EHSB_TS_VAICOLID - EHS-BAS: Structure for Column ID
EHSB_TS_VAI_SORT_DEC - Internal Structure for Sorting Output Table
EHSB_TS_VAI_SORT_NUMC - Internal Structure for Sorting Output Table
EHSB_TS_VALIOT_BUF - EHS-BAS: Buffer Structure
EHSLSADM - EHS-BAS: Settings for Language Support (ALE)
EHSSXS_IUCLIDCHSUB_POSTMAPPING - Post map. struc. for IUCLID Vw ChSub ERP ReplicationRq
EHSSX_AUTHORISATIONGROUPCODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_CHEMICAL_SUBSTANCE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_CODE - Code is a character string of letters, numbers, special char
EHSSX_ENGINEERINGCHGORDERID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_IUCLID_CH_SUB_ERPREPRQ - IntntnlUnifmVwChmclSubstERPReplicationRequest
EHSSX_LEN10ADDINFORMATIONTEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_PRPTYDEFCLASSID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_SMALLINTEGER_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
EHSSX_USER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
ESRCGCHDCSADM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
EST07 - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Transport Approval
EST0B - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Packaging Code Approval
EST0D - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Risk Classification
EST0F - EHS: Dangerous Goods Management - Transport Classification
ESTAH - EHS: Application-dependent data for report generation
ESTALE - EHS: ALE - reference to originals
ESTAUSP - EHS: Shadow table for AUSP
ESTBBGRP - EHS: Header of Building Block Group
ESTBBGRPD - EHS: Description of a Building Block Group (Language-Dep.)
ESTBBLK - EHS: Administration Data of Building Block
ESTBBLKD - EHS: Description of Building Block (Language-Dependent)
ESTDCS - EHS: Control Structure (Report Body)
ESTDCSP - EHS: Parameter Control Structure
ESTDF - Additional Information - User-Defined Text
ESTDH - EHS: Report Header
ESTDJ - EHS: Assignment of Specifications to Reports
ESTDO - EHS: Report application objects
ESTDR - EHS: Additional Information: Value Assignment Assessment
ESTDS - EHS: Additional Information: Value Assignment Source
ESTDSCS - EHS: eSDS Control Structure
ESTDU - EHS: Additional Information: Value Assignment Usage
ESTLN - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Report Template
ESTLP - EHS: Report Variant
ESTLR - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Report Variant
ESTLS - EHS: Report Template Symbol
ESTLS_COND - EHS: Control Symbol Conditions for IF Repeating Group
ESTLU - EHS: Report Variant Rating
ESTLV - EHS: Report Variant Language (Labels Only)
ESTMJ - EHS: Specification-Material Assignment
ESTOCC - EHS: OCC: Table for Saving Import Information
ESTOCCADDINFO - EHS: OCC: Information About Additional Tables Loaded
ESTOH - EHS: WWI generation / print jobs
ESTRH - EHS: Specification Header
ESTRI - EHS: Identifier (Numbers, Names, Chemical Formulas)
ESTRL - EHS: Identifier - Regulatory List Assignment
ESTRR - EHS: Reference
ESTST - EHS: Specification Status Assignment
ESTSVC - EHS: Key Objects for Service Administration
ESTTEMPLSET - EHS: WWI Table for Template-Specific Settings
ESTUSRTEMPLSET - EHS: WWI Table for Template and User Settings
ESTVA - EHS: Value Assignment
ESTVH - EHS: Specification - Value Assignment Type Assignment
ESTVP - EHS: Value Assignment Item
ESTWL - EHS: BOMBOS - Worklist Table
ESTWO - EHS: Print jobs
EST_CHANGE_DOCS - EHS: Change Documents in the EH&S System
EST_CHANGE_DOCS - EHS: Change Documents in the EH&S System
KOMGVEH - EHS: Comm. structure for variant determ. via condit. tech.
KONDV - Conditions: Data part for certificates
KONDVVB - EHS: Conditions: Update Structure Variants Data Part
OTH_LOGSYS_STRU - Structure for displaying recipient systems (ALE)
RCBUN07IOT - EHS: IOTAB for UN-Listed Substance Transport Approval
RCBUN0DIOT - EHS: IOTAB for UN-Listed Substance Risk Classification
RCBUNAPICARR - EHS: API Structure Provisions for Carriage
RCBUNAPIPACK - EHS: API Structure Packing Requirement
RCBUNAPISP - EHS: API Structure Special Packing Provisions
RCBUNCARRBUF - EHS: Buffer for Provisions for Carriage
RCBUNCARRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Provisions for Carriage
RCBUNPACKBUF - EHS: Buffer for Packing Requirement
RCBUNPACKIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Packing Requirement
RCBUNSPBUF - EHS: Buffer for Special Packing Provisions
RCBUNSPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Special Packing Provisions
RCBUN_DG_SELFIELDS - EHS: Structure for Dangerous Goods Search Fields (Dynpro)
RCG07BUF - EHS: Buffer for transport approval (DGM)
RCG07IOT - EHS: IOTAB for transport approval (DGM)
RCG0BBUF - EHS: Buffer for packaging code approval (DGM)
RCG0BIOT - EHS: IOTAB for packaging code approval (DGM)
RCG0DBUF - EHS: Buffer for risk classification (DGM)
RCG0DIOT - EHS: IOTAB for risk classification (DGM)
RCG0FBUF - EHS: Buffer for transport classification
RCG0FIOT - EHS: IOTAB for dangerous goods classification
RCG11F4 - EHS: Structure for F4 Help for Value Assgmts (ESTCAT)
RCG11IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Value Assignment Types
RCG29EXT - EHS: Structure TCG29 enhanced by one field for char. value
RCG66IOT - EHS: IOTAB for maintenance of TCG66
RCGADCOVSYM - Address Data for Sender and Recipient on Cover Sheet
RCGADDINF - EHS: Additional Information for Function Module Calls
RCGADDVAL - EHS: Data - application-dependent objects
RCGADMBUF - EHS: Administration Fields for Buffer in the EHS System
RCGADMIO - EH&S Administration Fields for I/O Tables in EH&S System
RCGADMIO2 - EH&S Administration Fields for I/O Tables in EH&S System
RCGADMTAB - EHS: Administration Fields for Tables in the EHS System
RCGALVHIT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for ALV-Grid Hit List
RCGAPI07 - EHS: API Structure Transport Approval
RCGAPI0B - EHS: API Structure Packaging Code Approval
RCGAPI0D - EHS: API Structure Risk Classification
RCGAPI0F - EHS: API Structure Transport Classification
RCGAPI61 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Libraries
RCGAPI62 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Library Description
RCGAPI63 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Groups
RCGAPI64 - EHS: API Structure Phrase Group Description
RCGAPICHARAC - EHS: API structure - characteristic values for document
RCGAPICL - EHS: API Structure Value Assignments
RCGAPICLASS - EHS: API structure - classifications for document
RCGAPICS - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure
RCGAPICSCP - EHS: Control Structure Instance - With Parameter Values
RCGAPICSP - EHS: API Structure - Control Structure Parameters
RCGAPIDD - EHS: API Structure Document Data for a Report
RCGAPIDF - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment User-Defined Texts
RCGAPIDH - EHS: API Structure Report Header
RCGAPIDI - EHS: API Structure Document Information for a Report
RCGAPIDJ - EHS: API Structure Report-Substance Assignment
RCGAPIDO - EHS: API Structure Report Applications
RCGAPIDP - EHS: API Structure Status Log for a Report
RCGAPIDR - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Assessment
RCGAPIDRAD - EHS: API structure - document object link
RCGAPIDRAO - EHS: API Structure Document File
RCGAPIDRAP - EHS: API structure - document status log
RCGAPIDRAT - EHS: API structure - document description
RCGAPIDRAW - EHS: API Structure Document
RCGAPIDS - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Source
RCGAPIDU - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Usage
RCGAPIFL - EHS: API Structure ValAsst U-Def Txt (SAPscript Long Texts)
RCGAPIIL - EHS: API Structure Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts)
RCGAPILP - EHS: API Structure SRGV Header
RCGAPILR - EHS: API Structure for SRGV Ratings
RCGAPILU - EHS: API Structure SRGV Ratings
RCGAPILV - EHS: API Structure SRGV Validity Area Tuple
RCGAPIMJ - EHS: API Structure Substance-Material Assignment
RCGAPIMJ_PRO - EHS: Structure Subst.-Material Assignment with Proportion
RCGAPIPDO - EHS: Usage Structure for Phrases in Document Templates
RCGAPIPH - EHS: API Structure Phrase Headers
RCGAPIPIHS - EHS: Usage Structure for Phrases in Ind. Hygiene and Safety
RCGAPIPJ - EHS: API Structure Assignment Phrases to Phrase Sets
RCGAPIPL - EHS: API Structure Phrase Long Texts (SAPscript Long Texts)
RCGAPIPO - EHS: API Structure Phrase References
RCGAPIPP - EHS: API Structure Phrase Item
RCGAPIPR - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Data (Char. Values)
RCGAPIPS - EHS: API structure for phrase sets
RCGAPIPSU - EHS: Usage Structure for Phrases in Value Assignments
RCGAPIPT - EHS: API structure for phrase set texts
RCGAPIRH - EHS: API Structure Substance Header
RCGAPIRI - EHS: API Structure Substance Identifiers
RCGAPIRL - EHS: API Structure Substance List Assignment
RCGAPIRR - EHS: API Structure Substance-Reference Substance Assignment
RCGAPIST - EHS: (Obsolete) API Structure for Status Assignment
RCGAPISTD - EHS: Standard Fields for EHS API Structures
RCGAPITPLREL - EHS: API Structure for Inheritance Relationships
RCGAPIVA - EHS: API Structure Value Assignments
RCGAPIVH - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Header
RCGAPIVP - EHS: API Structure Value Assignment Components
RCGAPIWL - EHS: API Structure for Worklist Table
RCGAPPLINFO - EHS: Application information for substance database
RCGAPPLOBJ - EHS: Structure for report application objects
RCGAPPLOBJ_APPIOT - EHS: Structure for Application Object Waste Approvals
RCGAPPLOBJ_FALIOT - EHS: Structure for Injury/Illness Log Application Object
RCGAPPLOBJ_IALIOT - EHS: Structure for Injury/Illness Log Application Object
RCGAPPLOBJ_IAP - EHS: Key Struct. for Appl. Object 'Person Who Had Accident'
RCGAPPLOBJ_MATIOT - EHS: Structure for material application objects
RCGAPPLOBJ_SUBIOT - EHS: Structure for substance application objects
RCGAPPLOBJ_WAMIOT - EHS: Structure for Disposal Document Application Object
RCGAPPLOBJ_WRKIOT - EHS: Structure for work area application objects
RCGAPPLPARAM - EHS: Structure - Parameter Data for Application Objects
RCGATF4PHR - EHS: Phrase data for characteristics F4 help
RCGBGSEL - EHS: Data structure for report generation selection screen
RCGBHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List SRGV
RCGBHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Hit List SRGV
RCGBHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for List Output
RCGBOMHEAD - EHS: BOMBOS - Structure for Bill of Material Header Data
RCGBOMPOS - EHS: BOMBOS - BOM Items and Substance Assignment
RCGBOMPOSWL - EHS: BOMBOS - BOM Items with Worklist Assignment
RCGBUFLOAD - EHS: Buffer Load Table - Structure (Obsolete)
RCGBVSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen (access) rep. var.
RCGC0RECN - EH&S: Structure for Lock Object to Field RECN for Tab. TCGC0
RCGC160OBJ - EHS: ... Copy template for objects ...
RCGCALLT - EHs: Structure for API Calls Already Made
RCGCCUNTCARRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Provisions for Carriage
RCGCCUNTPACKIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Packing Requirements
RCGCDCHDCCH - EHS: Change Document Structure for EH&S Characteristics
RCGCDESTDU - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTDU
RCGCDESTMJ - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTMJ
RCGCDESTRH - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTRH
RCGCDESTRI - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTRI
RCGCDESTRL - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTRL
RCGCDESTVA - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTVA
RCGCDESTVH - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTVH
RCGCDESTVP - EHS: Change Document Structure ESTVP
RCGCHARIOT - EHS: Display of Characteristics
RCGCHBUF - EHS: Buffering of Characteristic Values (for CreCha Docs.)
RCGCHDCCH - EHS: Structure for Change Docs. Creation for Characteristics
RCGCHDCSADM - EHS: Change Doc. for Server Service Administration (CGSADM)
RCGCHGPHRID - EHS: Output of Change Document for Phrases
RCGCHGSUBID - EHS: Output Change Documents Specification
RCGCHIOT - EHS: Dummy IOTAB for Char. Values (RCGCHDCCH) (Change Doc.)
RCGCHSEL - EHS: Characteristics for substance search
RCGCLASSES - EHS: Structure used to communicate with SAP class. system
RCGCLBUF - EHS: Characteristic Value Buffering
RCGCLDEF - EHS: Structure for Change Docs. Creation for Characteristics
RCGCLIOT - EHS: Dummy IOTAB for Characteristic Values
RCGCLKEY - EHS: Structure for Key Information for Classification System
RCGCLTAB - EHS: Structure for Change Docs. Creation for Characteristics
RCGCMRS_APPLCONTEXT - EHS: Context for Application Log (Call of Multiple RS)
RCGCNVRECN - Conversion of internal object numbers into substance numbers
RCGCOMSTXT - Texts for Process Messages (with Characteristic Number)
RCGCOMWIOT - EH&S: Expert Data Exchange Structure for COMW (Char.)
RCGCOMWWRAP - EHS: Container for COMW to Avoid Ambiguity in RCGCOMWIOT
RCGCPFLAGS - EHS: Flag that specifies the information to be copied
RCGCS - EHS: eSDS Control Structure
RCGCSBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure
RCGCSESTVA - EHS: eSDS Control Structure - Instance Data
RCGCSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure (ESTDCS)
RCGCSP - EHS: eSDS Control Structure: Parameter Values
RCGCSPBUF - EHS: Buffering of Control Structure Parameters
RCGCSPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Control Structure Parameters (ESTDCSP)
RCGCSSTA - State of Cut Symbol During Template Check
RCGCVDDOCKEY - EHS: DMS Document Key Independent of Version
RCGDATERANGE - EHS: Struct. for searching via time frame (historical data)
RCGDBLRECN - EHS: Structure consisting of two ESDRECN fields
RCGDCINFO - EHS: Dialog - inspection data
RCGDEL_CHHDR - EHS: Deleted Change Documents
RCGDFBUF - EHS: Buffer for user-defined texts
RCGDFIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - user-defined texts
RCGDGDATA - EHS: Dangerous Goods Details
RCGDGHEAD - EHS: Header information for DG supplementary data (GGA)
RCGDGSTDIO - EHS: Standard information for legal data (dangerous goods)
RCGDHBUF - EHS: Buffer for report headers
RCGDHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report headers (ESTDH)
RCGDIALCTR - EHS: Dialog control structure
RCGDJBUF - EHS: Buffer for report-substance assignment
RCGDJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report-substance assignment (ESTDJ)
RCGDLRIOT - EHS: Data structure for IOTAB language-dependent labels
RCGDOBUF - EHS: Buffer for report applications
RCGDOCFILE - Structure for Transferring Original Documents with Key
RCGDOCFILEKEY - Structure for Transferring Key Data of Document Files
RCGDOCFILEKEY_ORG - Structure for Transferring Key Data of Document Files
RCGDOCIOT - EHS: IOTAB structure for DMS reports
RCGDOCOBL - EHS: DMS object link definition (object, object key)
RCGDOCSEL - EHS: Selection structure for DMS reports
RCGDOIOT - EHS: IOTAB for report applications (ESTDO)
RCGDOKKEY - EHS: Structure for key of document info record
RCGDRBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance characteristic assessment
RCGDRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - subs. char. assess.
RCGDSBUF - EHS: Buffer for sources
RCGDSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for sources
RCGDSLIST - Source index of a report
RCGDSSCR - EHS: Additional information - source data
RCGDUBUF - EHS: Buffer for additional information - usage
RCGDUIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - usage
RCGDVIOT - EHS: IOTAB for additional information - validation
RCGEEMAINIOT - EHS: IOTAB - Easy Expert Main Screen
RCGESSELIO - EHS:Deselection of Extended Search Functions on Entry Screen
RCGESTWL - EHS: BOMBOS - Structure for Worklist Entries
RCGEVTLOG - EHS: Message from Windows Event Log
RCGEVTLOGF - EHS: Filter for Event Logging
RCGEVTLOGT - EHS: Message Long Text from Event Log
RCGEXITPAR - EHS: Structure for Storing Parameters for User Exits
RCGEXPDIAL - EHS: Dialog Structure for EH&S Expert
RCGEXPERROR - EHS: Error Structure for EH&S Expert Communication
RCGEXPGLOBAL - EHS: Global Expert Registry Parameters
RCGEXPINIT - EHS: Information for Initializing the Expert Cache
RCGEXPINSTANCE - EHS: Properties of an Expert Set of Rules (Instance)
RCGEXPMAPFILE - EHS: Expert Stucture for Binary Mapping Data
RCGEXPRUL - EH&S: Easy Expert Text Table with Sets of Rules
RCGEXPRULFILE - EHS: Expert Structure for Binary Sets of Rules
RCGEXP_RSLT - EHS: Changes to Expert Data after Expert is Called
RCGEXP_XRSLT - EHS: Changes to Expert Data after Expert is Called
RCGEXTERROR - EHS: General Error Structure
RCGEXTERRORGUID - EHS: General Error Structure
RCGFALSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Inj./Ill. Log Entry Selection Screen
RCGFILEINFO - EHS: File Properties
RCGFILETR - EHS: File Transfer Application Server <=> Frontend
RCGFLGUSAGE - EHS: Parameters for Where-Used List
RCGFTXTINF - EHS: Information on user-defined texts
RCGGENCRG - EHS: Struct. for User Exit for Transp. Classif. Repeat. Grps
RCGGENEDAT - EHS: Structure for data transfer for final report generation
RCGGENFRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit User-Def. Text Repeating Groups
RCGGENMICPRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit of MIC:POS Repeating Group
RCGGENMRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Main Repeating Groups
RCGGENPDAT - EHS: Structure for data transfer for report print jobs
RCGGENPOSDRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Rec. Item Repeating Groups
RCGGENPOSRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Item Repeating Groups
RCGGENPRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Parameter Repeating Groups
RCGGENRDAT - EHS: Structure for data transfer to draft report generation
RCGGENSRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Source Repeating Groups
RCGGENURG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Usage Repeating Groups
RCGGENVRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Validity Repeating Groups
RCGGRPDESCRI - EHS: Short description of a group object
RCGGRPDESKEY - EHS: Key fields for lang.-dependent descr. of a group object
RCGGRPINF - EHS: Group Tree, Group Information
RCGGRPLEAF - EHS: Group tree, node data
RCGGRPOBJADM - EHS: Administration Fields for Group Objects
RCGGRPOBJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for group objects in group tree
RCGGRPOBJKEY - EHS: General object key for group objects
RCGGRPOBJOUTVARIOT - EHS: IOTAB for output variants in group tree
RCGGRPOBJTXTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for group object descriptions
RCGGRPPOSKEY - EHS: Key fields for group object items
RCGHEXBAPI1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure Value Assignment User-Defined Texts Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. User-Def. Txts (SAPscript Long Texts) Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts) Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure Identifiers (Hexadecimal)
RCGHEXBAPIRET2 - EHS: (Still Unused) Return Parameters (Hexadecimal)
RCGHEXBAPISUB_01 - EHS: Specification Keys and Identifiers (Hexadecimal)
RCGHEXEXPERROR - EHS: (Still Unused) Error Struc. for EH&S Expert Comm.(Hex.)
RCGHITINFO - EHS: Additional Information for Data Records
RCGI5EXP1 - EHS: EC IUCLID 5 Interface: Char. Data
RCGIAPSEL - EHS: Data Struct. for Sel. Screen for Person Who Had Accid.
RCGIBDDAT - EHS: key data for inbound reports
RCGIBDKEYF - EHS: KEY file contents for inbound reports
RCGICCSI - EHS: Control Structure Instance
RCGICCSP - EHS: Control Structure Parameter
RCGICLINF - EHS: Information Record of Instance Control
RCGICPOS - EHS: Instance Logic - Entry in Position Table
RCGIDCHANGE - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Characteristics
RCGIDCHANGEIOT - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Ident
RCGIDENT - EHS: Structure for substance search and identifier selection
RCGIDSEL - EHS: Identifiers for substance search
RCGIDTITLE - EHS: Structure for substance hit list headers
RCGIEDATA - EHS: Import/export - interface to parser
RCGIEDB - EHS: Import/export - Entries to be imported from database
RCGIEDIAL - EHS: Dialog fields for import
RCGIEFILE - EHS: Import/export - Entries to be imported from file
RCGIEID - EHS: Import/export - key in transfer file
RCGIEKEYS - EHS: Structure of all Key Fields for Export Generator
RCGIELINE - EHS: Line structure for EHS import format
RCGIEPARS - EHS: Interface to parser
RCGIERH - EHS: Import/export: List of substances in exchange file
RCGIERI - EHS: Import/export: Interface for identifiers
RCGIESYMB - EHS: structure for symbol conversion source - destination
RCGINFIOT - EHS: IOTAB for status log for a report
RCGINITCACHEIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Cache Initialization Dialog
RCGKLAH - EHS: Container for Class Header Data
RCGKPATH - EHS: "Key" path substance/list/property for FM call
RCGLASIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Language Selection
RCGLDEPID - EHS: Structure for locking of LDEPID
RCGLGSEL - EHS: Phrase languages
RCGLHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List Layout (SBV, etc.)
RCGLHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Hit List Layout (SBV, etc.)
RCGLHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Hit List Layout
RCGLPBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance report variants
RCGLPCOPY - EHS: Structure for Copying SRGV
RCGLPF4 - EHS: Input Help for Report Generation Variants
RCGLPHRDAT - EHS: Structure for Storing Relevant Phrase Infos in the VFG
RCGLPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance report variants
RCGLRBUF - EHS: Buffer for lang.-dep. variant labels
RCGLRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for lang-dep. variant labels
RCGLSBUF - EHS: Buffer for subs. report template symbols
RCGLSCSSTR - Structure for identification of control symbol elements
RCGLSELDAT - EHS: Structure for Storing Selection Criteria for Phrases
RCGLSF4 - EHS: F4-help for report symbols
RCGLSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance report template symbols
RCGLSIOTX - EHS: IOTAB for substance report template symbols
RCGLSSTACK - Stack structure for control symbol hierarchy
RCGLSTRUCTSYM - EHS: Structure File and Accompanying Symbol Definitions
RCGLSVFILE - EHS: Value file structure
RCGLSVSSTR - Structure for identification of value symbol elements
RCGLSYKEY - EHS: Key Fields for Symbols
RCGLSYMDAT - EHS: Structure for Storing Symbol Properties for Phrases
RCGLSYRVAL - Structure for transfer of symbol values
RCGLSYSELC - EHS: Selection criteria for symbol values
RCGLSYTXT - EHS: Par. Value Determination - Pre-text for Dyn. Screen
RCGLSYVAL - Structure for transfer of symbol values
RCGLS_CONDBUF - EHS: Buffering of Conditions for IF Repeating Group
RCGLS_CONDIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Conditions of IF Repeating Group
RCGLTXTKEY - EHS: Object key, sub-object key for long text entries
RCGLUBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance report variant usage
RCGLUIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Substance Report Variant Usage
RCGLVBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance report variant language
RCGLVIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance report variant language
RCGLXIOT - EHS: IOTAB for property tree (lists and properties)
RCGLXSCR - EHS: Properties info (lists and property labels)
RCGMATTAB - EHS: Assignment report - material number and material name
RCGMCDOKDEL - EHS: Structure for Documents with Deletion Flag
RCGMCHANGE - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Characteristics
RCGMCHANGEIOT - EHS: Changes to Easy Expert Characteristics
RCGMJBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance - material allocation
RCGMJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance - material assignment
RCGMMJIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Material-Specification Assignment
RCGOBJINFO - EHS: Object information for substance database
RCGOBJIOT - EHS: Selection Structure for Specification Category
RCGOCC - EHS: OCC: Import Information
RCGOCCADDINFO - EHS: OCC: Information About Additional Tables Loaded
RCGOCCSPEC - EHS: Structure for OCC Provider Substances
RCGOHBUF - EHS: Buffer for identifiers
RCGOHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for WWI generation jobs
RCGPARSTRUCT - EHS: Structure Data for Parameter Hierarchies
RCGPAWM - EHS: structure for phrase sets
RCGPHBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase header
RCGPHCOPY - EHS: Structure for copying phrases
RCGPHF4 - EHS: F4 help for phrases
RCGPHIDERR - EHS: Invalid Phrases in Value Assignments
RCGPHITM - EHS: Master structure for phrase hit list
RCGPHITM1 - OBSOLETE: EHS: Structure for Hit List of Phrases
RCGPHITMS - EHS: Master structure for phrase hit list
RCGPHITS - EHS: Slave structure for phrase hit list
RCGPHITT - EHS: Technical structure
RCGPHRGRP - EHS: Structure for phrase groups
RCGPHRKEY - EHS: Phrase Key with Phrase Library
RCGPHRPATH - EHS: Phrase data (for display)
RCGPHSCR - EHS: Phrase data (for display)
RCGPHUE1 - EHS: Structure for searching for changed/created phrases
RCGPJBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase - phrase set allocation
RCGPJIOT - EHS: IOT for phrase - phrase set assignment (ESTPJ)
RCGPMSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen (access) phr. mgmt
RCGPMSEL_RANGES - EHS: Data Structure for Multiple Selection of Phrases
RCGPOBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase original
RCGPOCOMPTREE - EHS: Portal: Entry in Composition Tree
RCGPOIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase original (ESTPO)
RCGPOPROPCAT - EHS: Portal: Value Assignment Types
RCGPOPROPDATA - EHS: Portal: Data Record for Substance Data
RCGPOPROPUSAGE - EHS: Portal: Data Record for a Usage
RCGPOREPRESOBJ - Result Structure Report Objects
RCGPOREPRESULT - Result Structure Report Search
RCGPOREPSCRIT - EHS: Portal: Search Criteria for Report Search
RCGPOSUBIDENT - EHS: Portal: Substance Identifiers
RCGPOSUBRSLT - EHS: Portal: Search Result Substance Search
RCGPOSUBSEARCH - EHS: Portal: Search Criteria for Spec. in Portal
RCGPPBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase items
RCGPPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase items (ESTPP)
RCGPRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for EHS substance characteristic data
RCGPROPT - EHS: Structure for Structure File Substance Val. Asgt Types
RCGPSBUF - EHS: Buffer for phrase set
RCGPSF4 - EHS: F4 Help for Phrase Set
RCGPSIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase set (ESTPS)
RCGPSITM - EHS: Master structure for phrase set hit list
RCGPSSCR - EHS: Phrase set data (for display)
RCGPTBUF - EHS: Buffer for lang.-dep. text table phrase sets
RCGPTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for lang.-dep. label of phrase set (ESTPT)
RCGPXIOT - EHS: IOTAB for phrase item history
RCGQUEOUT - EHS: Query - Output Method Assignment
RCGRADMSEL - EHS: Data Structure for Selection Screen - Rep. Management
RCGRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance characteristic assessment (dialog)
RCGRELWLIST - EHS: Structure for Worklist Table in Inheritance Process
RCGREPFILC - EHS: Structure for reports in ASC format
RCGREPFILE - EHS: Structure of document file
RCGREPFLGS - EHS: Boolean Fields for Checkboxes and Selection Buttons
RCGREPID - EHS: Report Key
RCGREPLOCK - EHS: Structure to Lock ABAP Reports as Client-Specific
RCGREPTAB - EHS: Report hit list with several identifiers
RCGRESEL - EHS: Report infos for report search
RCGRESEPA - EHS: Data for SRGV and report selection
RCGRHBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance header
RCGRHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance header (ESTRH)
RCGRHSCR - EHS: Substance header data (for display)
RCGRHSCR_SIMPLE - EHS: Slim Version of RCGRHSCR for Excel Output
RCGRIBUF - EHS: Buffer for identifiers
RCGRIIOT - EHS: IOTAB for identifiers (ESTRI)
RCGRLBUF - EHS: Buffer for subs. ID - subs. list allocations
RCGRLIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Substance ID Assignment - Subs. List (ESTRL)
RCGRNGTIME - EHS: Range Table for Time of Archive File
RCGRRBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance references
RCGRRIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance references
RCGRRISIOT - EHS: I/O Table for Substance Reference Include Subscreen
RCGRSSEL - EHS: R phrase codes and corresponding RECNROOT number
RCGRSTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for status selection for reports
RCGRULIOT - EHS: Expert, IO Table for TCGRUL
RCGSBVCOPY - EHS: Stucture for Copying of Report Templates
RCGSBVIOT - EHS: Data structure subs. report template for IOTAB
RCGSBVSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen - report templates
RCGSDDOC - EHS: Document information
RCGSDERROR - EHS: Data for Error Messages for SD - EHS Interface
RCGSDSCNT - EHS: Instance Logic Control Structure, Admin. Information
RCGSDSTRS - Structure for Definition of SDS Table Symbols
RCGSELFLAG - EH&S: Aux. Structure for Physically Deleting Substances?
RCGSELRPVW - EHS: Data Structure f. Subscreen "Report View" Initial Scr.
RCGSELSCR - EHS: Data structure for sel. screen (access) subs. proc.
RCGSELSCRADDINF - EHS: Addit. info. for subs. proc. selection screen (entry)
RCGSELSCRD - EHS: Data structure for "Search term" initial screen
RCGSELSCRH - EHS: Data structure for "Substance header" initial screen
RCGSELSCRS - EHS: Data structure for selection type
RCGSHIPSTAT - EHS: Portal: Number and Status of Shipping Orders
RCGSHITM - EHS: Master structure for substance hit list
RCGSHITS - EHS: Slave structure for substance hit list
RCGSLHITM - EHS: Master structure for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLHITM2 - EHS: Master structure 2 for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLHITS - EHS: Slave structure for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLHITS2 - EHS: Slave structure 2 for outputting subs. list assignment
RCGSLTECH - EHS: Exception fields for output of substance list assgmnt
RCGSRC_OWN - EH&S: Source of Source and Data Provider
RCGSRRIOT - EHS: Data structure for IOTAB - draft report
RCGSRRLMA - EHS: Master structure for list display of report bodies
RCGSRRLSL - EHS: Slave structure for list display of report bodies
RCGSRRLT - EHS: Exception structure for list display of report bodies
RCGSRRSEL - EHS: Data structure for selection screen - draft report
RCGSSPATH - EHS: Phrase Set Data (for Display)
RCGSTBUF - EHS: (Obsolete) Buffering for Status Assignments - ESTST
RCGSTDADM - EHS: Adminstrative Information
RCGSTDBUF - EHS: Standard fields for buffer table
RCGSTDGUID - EHS: Minimum Key for FM Call Interface
RCGSTDIOT - EHS: Standard fields for IOTABs (step loop library)
RCGSTDPARAM - EHS: Standard Parameter Structure
RCGSTDRECN - EHS: Minimum Key for FM Call Interface
RCGSTDRECNID - EHS: Specification Key and ID
RCGSTEPADM - EHS: Administrative fields for query steps
RCGSTEPDESKEY - EHS: Key fields for lang.-dependent descr. of a query step
RCGSTEPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for query steps
RCGSTEPKEY - EHS: General object keys for query steps
RCGSTEPPOSKEY - EHS: Key fields for query step items
RCGSTEPTREEHIDE - EHS: Hide area of nodes in step overview
RCGSTEPTXTIOT - EHS: IOTAB for query step descriptions
RCGSTF4 - EHS: F4 possible entries for document status
RCGSTIOT - EHS: IOTAB Structure for Status Entries (for Customer Exits)
RCGSUBBYRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB - Extended Substance Search Via Inherit. Reltnshp
RCGSUBCOPY - EHS: Structure for entering data for 'Copy substance'
RCGSUBCOPY_TMP - EHS: Structure for 'Copy Substance'
RCGSUBIDERR - Structure for Substance Keys with Error Indicator
RCGSUBREP - EHS: Substance ID and report RECN
RCGSVC - EHS: Properties of a Server Service
RCGSVCCTL - EHS: Service Control Structure
RCGSVCHEAD - EHS: Header Information of a Service
RCGSVCINSTALL - EHS: Installation Parameters for a Service
RCGSVCREGPARAM - EHS: Registry Parameters for a Service
RCGSVRSTATISTIC - EHS: Up-Time and Request Statistics for a Server
RCGSYMBIOT - EHS: IOTAB for symbol matchup
RCGSYMESTCAT - EHS: Report Symbols for Value Assignment Types
RCGSYMTREE - EHS: Structure for transferring symbol tree to WWI
RCGSYPH - EHS: Structure for Outputting a String for Missing Phrases
RCGTABLT - EHS: Structure for Structure File Substance Val. Asgt Types
RCGTABREG_DEF_TAB - EHS: Tab Pages in Value Assignment Screen
RCGTABSCRST - EHS: Tabscreen status
RCGTABSTRIPDATA - EHS: Structure for Tab Data
RCGTABSTRIPDEF - EHS: Structure for Tab Definition
RCGTCLPAR - EHS: Structure to Store Parameters for S:CLASS Rep. Group
RCGTEMPUSAGEIOT - EHS: Where-Used List for Building Blocks
RCGTEXTKEY - EHS: Key Fields for SAPscript Texts
RCGTEXTSCR - EHS: SAPscript Key Data with Short Description
RCGTHM071IOT - EHS: Structure for THM071, DG Risk Potential
RCGTHM072IOT - EHS: Structure for THM072, DG Risk Potential Description
RCGTHM073IOT - EHS: Structure for THM073, DG Packaging Code
RCGTHM074IOT - EHS: Structure for THM074, DG Packaging Code Description
RCGTHM075IOT - EHS: Structure for THM075, DG Packing Instruction
RCGTHM076IOT - EHS: Structure for THM076, DG Packing Instruction Desc.
RCGTPLH - EHS: Structure for Template Header Including Description
RCGTPLHDIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Short Descriptions of Templates
RCGTPLIIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Template Definition - Identifiers
RCGTPLPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Template Definition - Properties
RCGTPLREL - EHS: Key for Inheritance Relationships (Lock Logic)
RCGTPLRELIOT - EHS: IOTAB - Inheritance Relationships
RCGTPLUIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Template Definition - Usages
RCGTREEADM - EHS: object tree, tree data administration fields
RCGTREEDAT - Tree (leaves) test data
RCGTREEFRM - EHS: object tree, hierarchy and field formats
RCGTREEHIDE - EHS: Hide area for tree nodes
RCGTREEHRC - EHS: object tree, hierarchical key fields
RCGTREENOD - EHS: object tree, tree node data
RCGTREEPHR - EHS: Structure for Tree Display of Phrase Usages
RCGTREEPRT - EHS: Structure to Display Differences in Subs. Char. Cat.
RCGTREEREP - EHS: Structure to Display the Report Tree
RCGTSDEF - EHS: Definitions for tabstrip library
RCGUCIOT - EHS: Structure for Converting Units of Measurement
RCGUKEYINF - EHS: Key Structure + Info Field
RCGUSAGEIOT - EHS: Structure for Where-Used List
RCGUSAGESTR - EHS: Concatenated String for a Usage
RCGUSERSET - EHS: User settings for decimal separator and date format
RCGUSESEL - EHS: Report Display for Use/Exposure Scenarios
RCGUSEXLIST - Structure for the List of UEs of the Same Type
RCGVABUF - EHS: Buffer for characteristics
RCGVAIOT - EHS: IOTAB for value assignments
RCGVALIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Value Assignment Dialog
RCGVALPAR - EHS: Structure for Storing Parameters for Val. Repeat. Grps
RCGVARFFUNC - EHS: Structure FM for Variable Input Fields
RCGVARFIOT - EHS: Structure for variable input fields
RCGVHBUF - EHS: Buffer for characteristics header
RCGVHIOT - EHS: IOTAB for value assignment header
RCGVPBUF - EHS: Buffer for substance characteristic items
RCGVPIOT - EHS: IOTAB for substance value assignment items
RCGWHITM - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWHITMS - EHS: Master Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWHITS - EHS: Slave Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWHITT - EHS: Technical Structure for Hit List WWI Server
RCGWLBUF - EHS: Buffering the Worklist Table
RCGWLIOT - EHS: IOTAB for Worklist Table
RCGWOBUF - EHS: Buffer for print jobs
RCGWSRIOT - EHS: Data Structure WWI Server for IOTAB
RCGWWIBBKC - EHS: Parameter Transfer for Building Block Catalog
RCGWWIBLANKCOMP - EHS: Structure for WWI Blank Compression
RCGWWIBLANKGRID - EHS: Structure for Blank Compression GRIDS
RCGWWICHKDIGIT - Structure for Check Digit Values
RCGWWICOLLTABLE - EHS: Structure for Collection Table
RCGWWICONFIG - EHS: Structure for WWI Settings
RCGWWIDIALOG - EHS: Structure for WWI Dialogs
RCGWWIFORMULA - EHS: Structure for RMS Formula
RCGWWIGRIDPHRASE - EHS: Structure Grid Phrases
RCGWWIGROUP - EHS: WWI Structure for Repeating Groups
RCGWWIIF - EHS: WWI: Condition for Conditional Output
RCGWWIIFCOND - EHS: WWI: Conditional Output
RCGWWIINCL - EHS: WWI: Include Document
RCGWWIMESSAGES - EHS: Structure for WWI Messages
RCGWWIORD - EHS: Fields (not connected) for WWI/report selection
RCGWWIPARASETTING - EHS: Structure for WWI Parameter "Settings"
RCGWWIPATH - Contains all variants for access paths in WWI system
RCGWWIPHRASE - EHS: Structure for WWI Phrases
RCGWWIPRINT - EHS: Structure WWI Report Header Data for Printing
RCGWWISEQ - EHS: Parameter Settings for Sequence Numbers
RCGWWISYMBOL - EHS: Parameter Settings for Symbols
RCGWWISYMTREE - EHS: Structure for WWI Symbol Tree
RCGWWITREEITEMS - EHS: Structure for Nodes of Simple Tree View
RCGWWIVERINFO - EHS: Structure for WWI Version Info
RCGWWIWIZARD - EHS: Structure for WWI Wizard
RCGWWIWIZARDGRID - EHS: Structure for Wizard Grid
RCGWWI_PARAM_GRID_IO - Structure for Data Exchange with Parameter Grid
RCG_BW_PHRASE_MD - EHS: BW: Master Data Phrases
RCG_BW_SPEC_MAT - EHS: BW: Mapping Specification-Material
RCG_BW_SPEC_MD - EHS: BW: Master Data Specification
RCG_BW_SPEC_TXT - EHS: BW: Identifiers for Specification
RCG_CODING_POS - EHS: Source Text Position Information
RCG_ERRORFIELD_CHANGED - EHS: Structure for Highlighting Changed Error Fields
RCG_ESO_S_ALV_OUTTAB - EHS: Enterprise Search Advanced - Structure for ALV Display
RCG_ESO_S_ATTRIBUTES - EHS: Attributes for Enterprise Search Advanced
RCG_ESO_S_CCUNTCARR - EHS: Enterprise Search - Regulations for Transport
RCG_ESO_S_CCUNTPACK - EHS: Enterprise Search - Packing Requirements
RCG_ESO_S_CCUNTSPROV - EHS: Enterprise Search - Special Provisions
RCG_ESO_S_CHARACT - EHS: Enterprise Search - Characteristic Values
RCG_ESO_S_EST07 - EHS: Enterprise Search - Transport Approvals
RCG_ESO_S_EST0B - EHS: Enterprise Search - Packaging Code Approvals
RCG_ESO_S_EST0D - EHS: Enterprise Search - Risk Classifications
RCG_ESO_S_EST0F - EHS: Enterprise Search - Transport Classifications
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDF - EHS: Enterprise Search - User-Defined Texts
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDR - EHS: Enterprise Search - Assessments
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDS - EHS: Enterprise Search - Sources
RCG_ESO_S_ESTDU - EHS: Enterprise Search - Usages
RCG_ESO_S_ESTMJ - EHS: Enterprise Search - Material Assignment
RCG_ESO_S_ESTPH - EHS: Enterprise Search Phrase Header
RCG_ESO_S_ESTPP - EHS: Enterprise Search Phrase Position
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Specification Header
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRI - EHS: Enterprise Search - Identifiers
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRL - EHS: Enterprise Search - Regulatory List
RCG_ESO_S_ESTRR - EHS: Enterprise Search - References
RCG_ESO_S_ESTVA - EHS: Enterprise Search - Value Assignment Instances
RCG_ESO_S_ESTVH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Value Assignment Types
RCG_ESO_S_ESTVP - EHS: Enterprise Search - Components
RCG_ESO_S_IDENT - EHS: Enterprise Search - Identifiers in the Hit List
RCG_ESO_S_INH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Relations
RCG_ESO_S_PHRKEY - EHS: Enterprise Search Phrase Key
RCG_ESO_S_REQUEST - EHS: Enterprise Search Request
RCG_ESO_S_SELSCR - EHS: Selection Attributes for Enterprise Search
RCG_ESO_S_SELSCR_ATTRIBUTES - EHS: Selection Attribute for Enterprise Search Advanced
RCG_ESO_S_SELSCR_QUERY - EHS: Selection Attributes for Enterprise Search
RCG_ESO_S_SPECCAT_AUTH - EHS: Enterprise Search - Authority Check w/ Envir. Parameter
RCG_ESO_S_SPECKEY - EHS: Enterprise Search - Specification Key
RCG_ESO_S_STAT - EHS: Enterprise Search - Status/Scopes of Application
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG23_OBJ - EHS: Join of ID Type, ID Category, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG36_OBJ - EHS: Join of SubCat, AuthGrp, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG41_OBJ - EHS: Join of TCG31-TCG46OBJ User-Def.Text Type SpecCat Assmt
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG76_OBJ - EHS: Join of SubCat, CompCat, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCG31_TCG81_OBJ - EHS: Join von SubCat, LegList, and Object Type
RCG_ESO_S_TCGES01 - EHS: Enterprise Search Strukture for TCGES01 - Worklist
RCG_ESO_S_VAP - EHS: Enterprise Search - Spec., Properties, Restriction
RCG_EST07 - EHS: Structure for EST07
RCG_EST0B - EHS: Structure for EST0B
RCG_EST0D - EHS: Structure for EST0D
RCG_EST0F - EHS: Structure for EST0F
RCG_ESTCAT - EHS: Value Assignment Type
RCG_ESTCAT_CHARAC - EHS: Value Assignment Type, Characteristic
RCG_ESTDF - EHS: Structure for ESTDF
RCG_ESTDR - EHS: Structure for ESTDR
RCG_ESTDS - EHS: Structure for ESTDS
RCG_ESTDU - EHS: Structure for ESTDU
RCG_ESTMJ - EHS: Structure for ESTMJ
RCG_ESTRH - EHS: Structure for ESTRH
RCG_ESTRI - EHS: Structure for ESTRI
RCG_ESTRL - EHS: Structure for ESTRL
RCG_ESTRR - EHS: Structure for ESTRR
RCG_ESTVA - EHS: Structure for ESTVA
RCG_ESTVH - EHS: Structure for ESTVH
RCG_ESTVP - EHS: Structure for ESTVP
RCG_GRPID_OBJID - EHS: Structure for group object key (lock logic)
RCG_INSP_METHOD - EHS: Structure for QM Inspection Method
RCG_LDEPID - EHS: Structure for locking of LDEPID
RCG_MATNR_RANGE - Multiple Selection - Material Number
RCG_NON_EXCLUDED_CHAR - EHS: Non-Excluded Characteristics
RCG_OBJECT_RANGE_DATA - EHS: Data Structure for Multiple Selection Objects
RCG_OWNID - EHS: Data Provider
RCG_PHRID - EHS: Structure for phrase key (blocking logic, workflow,...)
RCG_PHRID_RANGE - Multiple Selection Phrase Keys
RCG_PRIV_GRPOBJ - EHS: Structure for Private Group Objects (Lock Logic)
RCG_REFSUBS - EHS: Reference substance assignments
RCG_REPGENVAR_F4 - EHS: Input Help for Report Generation Variants
RCG_REPID - EHS: Structure for locking report ID
RCG_REPVIEW - Report View / Report Application
RCG_SBGVID_RANGE - Multiple Selection for Report Generation Variants
RCG_SELECTION_RANGE - Multiple Selection of Specification/Material
RCG_SELECTION_RANGE_PHRASE - EHS: Structure for Multiple Selection of Phrases
RCG_SEL_FLAGS - EHS: Help structure for physically deleting substances
RCG_SRSID_OWNID - EH&S: Source of Source and Data Provider
RCG_STRING - EHS: Unstructured character string
RCG_SUBID - EHS: Structure for subs. key (blocking logic, workflow, ...)
RCG_SUBID_RANGE - Multiple Selection - Specification
RCG_SUBSTANCE_SET - EHS: Reference structure for subs. quantity in EH&S workflow
RCG_S_BBGRP - EHS: Structure for Header of Building Block Group
RCG_S_BBGRPD - EHS: Structure for Desc. of Building Block Grps (Lang-Dep.)
RCG_S_BBLK - EHS: Structure for Data of Building Block
RCG_S_BBLKD - EHS: Structure for Description of Building Block (Lang-Dep.)
RCG_S_BBLKDAT - EHS: Structure for Data Segments of Building Blocks
RCG_S_BBLKTMP - EHS: Structure for Template of Building Block
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_S_BCTYPEDESC - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
RCG_TABLE - EHS: Structure for client-specific locking of tables
RCG_TLINE_MESSAGE_TYPE - EHS: Structure to Check Report Template with Messages
RCG_USEEXIT_IOREC - EHS: IOTAB Structure for User Exits
RCG_VALH - EHS: Structure for locking of RECNTRH-ESTCAT tuples
RCG_VALUE_FILE_IN_HEX - EHS: Value File in Hexadecimal Form
RCPARF4RNG - EHS: Value Ranges for Input Help of Parameter Dialog
RCPARF4VAL - EHS: Line Structure for Input Help of Parameter Dialog
RFCLINE256 - EHS: Structure for WWI callbacks
SYMB_TABX - test
TCG01TAB - EHS: Permitted Tab Pages for Value Assignment Category
TCG03 - EHS: Table for DDIC Object Names
TCG04 - EHS: Table for Names of Son-Type DDIC Objects
TCG05 - EHS: Table of Names of Table Key Fields
TCG07 - EHS: Assignment of DDIC-Tables Name EHS and ES Object Type
TCG11SET - EHS: Definition of the Sequence of Tab Pages
TCG11TAB - EHS: Permitted Tab Pages for Value Assignment Type
TCG11_LYT - EHS: Assignment Table Value Assgmt Type <-> Workbench Layout
TCG11_VAI - EHS: Table-Based Value Assignment of Specifications
TCG13 - EHS: Value Assignment Type - Specification Type Assignment
TCG21 - EHS: Identification Category
TCG22 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Identification Category
TCG23 - EHS: Identification Type
TCG23OBJ - EHS: Identification Type - Specification Categ. Assignment
TCG24 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Identification Type
TCG28 - EHS: Definition of identification listings
TCG29 - EHS: Override for identification listing definitions
TCG3151 - EHS: Specification Type - Property Tree Assignment
TCG31OBJ - EHS: Relationship Between Specification Type and Category
TCG31REF - EHS: Referencing Between Specification Types
TCG31TABHEAD - EHS: Assignment Specification Type - Tab Page
TCG32 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Specification Type
TCG34 - EHS: Substance Nature
TCG35 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Substance Nature
TCG36OBJ - EHS: Authorization Group - Specification Category Assignment
TCG37 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Spec. Authorization Object
TCG41OBJ - User-Defined Text Type/Specification Category Assignment
TCG46 - EHS: Source
TCG46OBJ - EHS: Source - Specification Category Assignment
TCG47 - EHS: Source type
TCG48 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Source Type
TCG53 - EHS: Property Tree - Value Assignment Type Assignment
TCG66_NONCHR30 - Exclude Characteristics from Phrase Set Assignment
TCG71 - EHS: Value Assignment Assessment
TCG72 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Value Assignmt Assessment
TCG74 - EHS: Reference Quantities for Composition
TCG75 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Reference Values
TCG76OBJ - EHS: Object - Component Type Assignment
TCG76OBJCON - EHS: Object-Parameter-Component Type Assignment
TCG76RVLID - EHS: Assignment of Component Type to Validity Area
TCG77 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Component Type
TCG78 - EHS: Exception Values of a Component
TCG78OBJCON - EHS: Object-Parameter-Exception Value Assignment
TCG79 - EHS: Lang.-Depen. Desc. of Exception Values for Components
TCG81OBJ - EHS: Regulatory List - Specification Category Assignment
TCG87 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Value Assignment Rating
TCG97 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Usage Profile
TCG98 - EHS: Usage profile-rating-validity area assignments
TCGA1 - EHS: Report Symbol Group
TCGA2 - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Report Symbol Group
TCGA6 - EHS: Report Symbol
TCGA7 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Report Symbol
TCGA8 - EHS: Source for symbol generation
TCGA9 - EHS: Limiting criteria for symbol generation source
TCGB1 - EHS: Report Syntax
TCGB3 - EHS: Report environment
TCGB5 - EHS: Definition of Syntax Graph (Environment Transition Gr.)
TCGBA - EHS: BOMBOS - Selection of BOM and BOM Items
TCGC0 - EHS: Import/Export - Key Transfer Table
TCGC1 - EHS: Import/export - cluster table for parameters
TCGC2 - EHS: Import/Export - File - Table
TCGC4 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Exchange Profile
TCGCON - EHS: Context Parameter
TCGCONNAM - EHS: Context Parameter Description
TCGES01 - EHS: Worklist for Enterprise Search PS Background Process
TCGES_ATTRIBUTES - EHS: Search Form - Enterprise Search - Attributes
TCGES_QUERY - EHS: Search Form Enterprise Search
TCGEXT - EHS: External Caller
TCGEXTNAM - EHS: Description of External Caller
TCGGRP - EHS: Groups
TCGGRPME - EHS: Group tree
TCGGRPMENA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Group Tree
TCGGRPNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Group
TCGGRPOBJ - EHS: Relationship of Groups to Specification Category
TCGGRPTREE - EHS: Group tree - group - assignment
TCGGRPTY - EHS: Object group type
TCGGRPTYNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Object Group Type
TCGHIT - EHS: No. of hits
TCGHITNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Sets of Hits
TCGHITPOS - EHS: Set of hit items
TCGK1 - EHS: Namespaces for characteristics
TCGL2 - EHS: Report type - language-dependent label
TCGL4 - EHS: Report application - language-dependent description
TCGLABBCD - EHS: Description of a Bar Code
TCGLABBCPAR - EHS: Assignment Bar Code - Parameter
TCGLABBCT - EHS: Bar Code Type
TCGLABPAR - EHS: Parameter
TCGLABSQN - EHS: Sequence Number
TCGLABSQND - EHS: Description of Sequence Number
TCGLABSQNPAR - EHS: Assignment of Sequence Number - Parameter
TCGOBJCON - EHS: Object-Parameter Assignment
TCGOBJNAM - EHS: Description for the Object Types
TCGOBJNAM_VAI - EHS: Descriptions for Object Types
TCGOBJ_VAI - EHS: Object Types for Value Assignment Types - Table Display
TCGOUTVAR - EHS: Output variants
TCGOUTVARNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Output Variant
TCGOUTVARPOS - EHS: Output variant items
TCGP1 - EHS: Parameter Objects
TCGP2 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Parameter Objects
TCGP3 - EHS: Parameter Hierarchies
TCGP4 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Parameter Hierarchies
TCGP5 - EHS: Definition of Parameter Hierarchies
TCGQUE - EHS: Queries
TCGQUENA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Queries
TCGQUEOUT - EHS: Store for Queries and Output Variants
TCGQUESTEP - EHS: Query steps
TCGQUESTEPNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Query Steps
TCGQUESTEPPOS - EHS: Query step items
TCGR1 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 1
TCGR2 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 2
TCGR3 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 3
TCGR4 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 4
TCGR5 - EHS: Condition Schema for RGV Selection - Table 5
TCGRC - EHS: MSDS distribution - check fct. assign. country, region
TCGREL01 - EHS: Worklist for Inheritance Background Process
TCGREL02 - EHS: Obsolete
TCGREPVIEW - EHS: Entries for Report View Menu
TCGREPVIEWNA - EHS: Report View Menu, Descriptor
TCGRL - EHS: Assignment of languages and lead times to countries
TCGRP - EHS: Key date for report generation and shipping
TCGRUL - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules
TCGRULNA - EHS: Language-Dependent Desc. for Easy Expert Sets of Rules
TCGRULOP - EHS: Expert Operators
TCGRULOPNA - EHS: Multilingual Description for Operators
TCGRULPOSIDCHG - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Ident. Changes
TCGRULPOSMCHANGE - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Changes to Characteristics
TCGRULPOSMREST - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Characteristic Restrictions
TCGRULPOSRUL - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Generated Sets of Rules
TCGRULPOSUR - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Usage Entry for Reading
TCGRULPOSUW - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Usage Entry for Writing
TCGRV - EHS: MSDS shipping - valid key date reference times
TCGS1 - EHS: WWI spool cluster Spool dest. <-> RFC dest.
TCGS2 - EHS: Assignment EHS doc. cat. < > DMS doc. cat.
TCGS3 - EHS: WWI destinations
TCGS4 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for WWI Destinations
TCGS5 - EHS: Assignment of WWI destinations to PCs used for gen.
TCGS6 - EHS: Definition of WWI printer types
TCGS7 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for WWI Printer Types
TCGS8 - EHS: Definition of PCs used for WWI document generation
TCGS9 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for WWI Generation PCs
TCGSGP - EHS: Search parameter (reproduction from SET/GET memory)
TCGST01 - EHS: Control Table for EH&S Status
TCGST02 - EHS: Assignment Value Assignment Type to Status
TCGTAB - EHS: Tab Pages in Value Assignment Screen
TCGTABHEAD - EHS: Tab Pages for Specification Header
TCGTABHEADT - EHS: Tab Pages for Specification Header - Descriptions
TCGTABT - EHS: Tab Pages in Value Assignment Screen - Descriptions
TCGTPLH - EHS: Inheritance Template Header
TCGTPLHD - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Descriptions
TCGTPLI - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Identifiers
TCGTPLP - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Properties
TCGTPLREL - EHS: Inheritance Relationships
TCGTPLU - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Usages
TCGUEENNA - EHS: Obsolete! Lang-dependent desc. for user exit parameters
TCGUP - EHS: Unit of Measurement Profile
TCGUPDEFUNIT - EHS: Asgt - Unit of Meas. Profile to Dimension/Standard UoM
TCGUPNAM - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Unit of Msmt Profile
TCGUSSC - EHS: User-Spec. Parameter (Reproduction from SET/GET Memory)
TCGWF1 - EHS: Start conditions for workflow
TCGWF2 - EHS: Workflow task profile
TCGWF3 - EHS: Event list for start condition
TCGWF4 - EHS: Value Assignment Types for Task Profile
TCGWF5 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Start Condition
TCGWF6 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description of Task Profile
TCGWF7 - EHS: Value Assignment Types for Workflow Start Condition
TCG_LOG_FIELDS - EHS: Customizing: Contexts Fields for Change Doc. Creation
V000 - EHS: Conditions for Variant Matching
VCCGLT_MTLD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEHSBT_APPL_SCOPE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST07 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST0B - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST0D - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEST0F - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTDU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTMJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTPT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTRR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTVA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTVH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VESTVP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VRCGCHDCCH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000