SAP Tables | Customer Relationship Management | People-Centric CRM (CRM Portal Content) SAP CRM

SAP CRM People-Centric CRM (CRM Portal Content) Tables (CRM-PCC)

SAP People-Centric CRM (CRM Portal Content) Tables CRM-PCC

CRMS_FACTSHEET_ACC_ADDR_PRNT - Line of address for printing form
CRMT_BUPA_CENTRALDATAPERS_DESC - Description of field values
CRMT_BUPA_COM_SEARCH_RESULT - Transfer Structure: iView for Search
CRMT_BUPA_CONTACT_DETAIL - Contact Person: Detailed Data
CRMT_BUPA_RELATIONS - Relationships of Organization
CRMT_BUPA_RELATIONTYPES - Available Relationship Types
CRMT_BUPA_SEARCH_RESULT - Transfer Structure: iView for Search
CRMT_ISU_PCT_BUHI - Business Partner Tree Hierarchy GUID
CRMT_ISU_PCT_BUHI_BP_NODE - Tree Node of Business Partner
CRMT_ISU_PCT_BUHI_DETAIL - Detail Information to Business Partner Group Hierarchy
CRMT_ISU_PCT_BUHI_TREE_DESCRPT - Header Data to Business Partner Group Hierarchy
CRMT_ISU_PCT_BUHI_TREE_HEADER - Header Data to Business Partner Group Hierarchy
CRMT_LIST - .display structure fro the portal
CRMT_PORTAL_APP_RULE_TABLE - Table with appointment rule
CRMT_PORTAL_BUHI_BP - Business Partner for a Group Hierarchy Node
CRMT_PORTAL_BUPA_CONTACT_KEY - Objekt-Description Contact
CRMT_PORTAL_COMPLAINT_HEADER - CRM: Complaint Header Structure

CRMT_PORTAL_COMPLAINT_ITEM - CRM: Complaint Item Structure
CRMT_PORTAL_CONFIRMATION_HEADR - CRM Service Portal: Confirmations Header Structure
CRMT_PORTAL_CONFIRMATION_ITEM - CRM Service Portal : Confirmations Item Structure
CRMT_PORTAL_CONTRACTS_ITEM - CRM Service Portal : Item Structure for Contracts
CRMT_PORTAL_DOCFLOW - Dic Flow for Portals
CRMT_PORTAL_DOCFLOW_HEADER - CRM: Docflow Header Structure
CRMT_PORTAL_FIELD_LABELS - Table with field labels
CRMT_PORTAL_GUID - GUID in 32 character display
CRMT_PORTAL_LIST_BUSINESSACT - Hit List with Bus. Activities
CRMT_PORTAL_LIST_OPPORTUNITIES - Hit List with Bus. Activities
CRMT_PORTAL_LIST_ORDQUOTCONT - Hit List with Bus. Activities
CRMT_PORTAL_OBJECTID - Structure for the guid
CRMT_PORTAL_PARTNER_ADDRESS - Partner Segment with Address
CRMT_PORTAL_PARTNER_STR - BO BusProcessND: Process Partner, Method GetDetail()
CRMT_PORTAL_PROCESSES_HEADER - CRM Service Portal: Processes Header Structure
CRMT_PORTAL_PROCESSES_ITEM - CRM Service Portal : Processes Item Structure
CRMT_PORTAL_RESULTLIST - Result list for the portal
CRMT_PORTAL_SEARCH_BUSINESSACT - Contains Search Parameters for Bus. Activities in Portal
CRMT_PORTAL_SEARCH_CONT - Contains Search Parameters for Bus. Activities in Portal
CRMT_PORTAL_SEARCH_OPPORTUNITY - Contains Search Parameters for Bus. Activities in Portal
CRMT_PORTAL_SEARCH_ORDQUOTCONT - Contains Search Parameters for Bus. Activities in Portal
CRMT_PORTAL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_H - Header detail structure for the contract. for portal
CRMT_PORTAL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_I - Display structure for contract item for portal
CRMT_PORTAL_SERVICE_SEARCH - Structure for the import parameter of the search FM
CRMT_PORTAL_ST - For Status Search Help
CRMT_PRT_KEY_VALUE - a simple property value structure
CRMT_SALES_PORTALS_LABELS - To get the field label from dataelement
CRM_ISU_GENERAL - Storage of Flags for Different iViews
CRM_PORTAL_FIELD_VALUES - Field Values for JSP Combo Boxes
CRM_PRT_PAGEDISP - Assignment of Portal Page for Object Type and Role
CRM_PRT_ROLE - Portal Roles

SAP Fact Sheet Tables CRM-PCC-FCT

CRMC_FS_ADDCX - Additional context of view
CRMC_FS_BASE - Basic properties of views
CRMC_FS_BASE_T - Text table for CRMC_FS_BASE
CRMC_FS_EL_GRP - Element Group Table
CRMC_FS_EL_GRP_T - Description of Element Groups
CRMC_FS_LAYOUT - Description of view layout
CRMC_FS_LAYOUT_T - Description of view layout

CRMC_FS_MAINCX - Main context of view
CRMS_FSBP_FS_CAMPAIGNS - FSBP Account Fact Sheet: Structure for Campaigns
CRMS_FSBP_FS_LEADS - FSBP Account Fact Sheet: Structure for Leads
CRMS_FSBP_FS_OFFERS - FSBP Account Fact Sheet: Structure for Offers
CRMS_FSCO_FS_BPS - FS Fact Sheet: Partners
CRMS_FSCO_FS_COLLATERALS - FS Fact Sheet: 1O Collaterals
CRMS_FSCO_FS_COVERAGE - FS Fact Sheet: 1O Coverage
CRMS_FSCO_FS_FINANCING - FS Fact Sheet: Financing Structure
CRMS_FSCO_FS_PRODUCTS - FS Fact Sheet: 1O Products
CRMS_FSCO_FS_SCORING - FS Fact Sheet: 1O Scoring
CRMS_FS_ADDITIONAL_CONTEXT - Additional parameter (name and value) for current obj type
CRMS_FS_ADDITIONAL_DATA - Additional data for one field (tooltip, label, ...)
CRMS_FS_ADDIT_DATA_LINE_KEY - Additional data for one field with line key
CRMS_FS_BASE - Base table entry
CRMS_FS_DEMO_SBOOK - Demo: Single Flight Booking structure
CRMS_FS_DURATION - FS Fact Sheet: Duration
CRMS_FS_LAYOUT - Laout customizng data
CRMS_FS_MAIN_CONTEXT - Current object type and ID
CRMS_FS_SCORING - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Activities
CRMS_FS_SIMPLE_TREE - Structure to transport one node of a simple hierarchy tree
CRMS_FS_TR_FIELD_ADD_METADATA - Transport of metada of factsheet iView fields to portal
CRMS_FS_TR_FIELD_METADATA - Transport of metada of factsheet iView fields to portal
CRMS_FS_TR_FORM_ADD_DATA - Transport of additional data of factsheet iView fields
CRMS_FS_TR_FORM_DATA - Line of form data transport table
CRMS_FS_TR_LIST_ADD_DATA - Transport of additional list data
CRMS_FS_TR_LIST_DATA - Line of list data transport table
CRMS_FS_TR_MESSAGES - Structure to transport bapiret2 messages to portal
CRMS_FS_URL_GEN_DATA - All data required to generate an object link for one field
CRMS_FS_URL_GEN_DATA_LINE_KEY - All data for object link for one field (with line key)
CRMS_FS_URL_PARAMS_LINE_KEY - Parameter Set URL Parameter Entry (line key)
CRMS_FS_VIEW_KEY_PART - Part of key of tables for view
CRMS_OBJ_FS_CONTACT - Structure with IBase / iObject contact person information
CRMS_OBJ_FS_CONTRACTS - Structure with Contracts for an IBase / iObject
CRMS_OBJ_FS_COUNTERS - Structure for objects fact sheet - assigned counter/s
CRMS_OBJ_FS_IBASE_DETAILS - Structure with IBase details to be displayed
CRMS_OBJ_FS_IOBJ_DETAILS - Structure for object fact sheet - details iObject
CRMS_OBJ_FS_LASTSRVO - Structure with last N Service Orders of an IBase / iObject
CRMS_OBJ_FS_LOCATION - Structure with IBase / iObject address information

CRMS_OBJ_FS_OPENSRVO - Structure with open Service Items for an IBase / iObject
CRMS_OBJ_FS_PARTNERS - Structure for object fact sheet - assigned business partners
CRMS_OBJ_FS_PSL - Structure with PSLs for an IBase / iObject
CRMS_OBJ_FS_WARRANTIES - Structure with Warranty Information IBase / iObject
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_ACTV - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Activities
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_CASE - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: CRM Cases
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_IB - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Installed Bases
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_IBCO - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Installed Base Components
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_IOBJ - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Individual Objects
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_OPPT - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Opportunities
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_SC - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Service Contracts
CRMS_SERV_FS_CUSTOMER_SRVO - Structure for Account Fact Sheet: Service Orders

SAP Generic Functions Tables CRM-PCC-GEN

CRMC_CS_ATTGRP - Object Attribute Groups for Central Search
CRMC_CS_ATTGRP_T - Texttable for Object Attribute Groups for Central Search
CRMC_CS_OBJATT - Object Attribute Groups for Central Search
CRMC_CS_OBJATT_T - Texttable for Object Attribute Groups for Central Search
CRMC_CS_OBJTYP - Object Type Table for Central Search
CRMC_CS_OBJTYP_T - Text Table for Object Type Table for Central Search
CRMC_QC_OLNK - Object Link Targets in the Quick Create iView
CRMC_QC_OLNK_T - Object Link Targets in the Quick Create iView
CRMS_CS_OBJECTATTR_DATA - Return Structure for Central Search Objectattribute Data
CRMS_CS_OBJECTTYPE_DATA - Return Structure for Central Search Objecttype Data
CRMS_QC_OLKN_DATA - Return Structure for Quick Create Objectlink Data
CRMS_QC_OLNK_DATA - Return Structure for Quick Create Objectlink Data
CRMS_SPRTL0 - Business Objects That Are Released for Drag&Relate
CRMS_SPRTL10 - List of Available Languages
CRMS_SPRTL11 - Input Quantity for Drag&Relate Query
CRMS_SPRTL12 - Return Structure for Objects
CRMS_SPRTL13 - Drag&Relate: Transfer Structure for Service Object Assignmnt
CRMS_SPRTL15 - Function Modules for Data Retrieval
CRMS_SPRTL16 - Data Procurement Function Module: Definition Parameter
CRMS_SPRTL19 - Drag&Relate: Return Structure for Detail Information
CRMS_SPRTL20 - Concatenated Field Names for Drag&Relate Detail Data
CRMS_SPRTL28 - CRM D&R: Language-Dependent Object & Attribute Descriptions
CRMS_SPRTL4 - Drag&Relate Relation Definitions
CRMS_SPRTL6 - Drag&Relate Query: Resulting Quantity
CRMS_SPRTL7 - Drag&Relate Relation
CRMS_SPRTL8 - Drag&Relate Object Definitions
CRMS_SPRTLFIELD - Screen Fields for Drag&Relate
CRMS_WPMNODES - User Menu Nodes
CRMS_WPOBJTCD - Transaction Code: Object Type Assignment

SAP Knowledge Management Tables CRM-PCC-KM

CRMC_PRT_KM_HIER - Definition of WebDAV Hierarchies for CRM Documents
CRMC_PRT_KM_HI_T - Texts for WebDAV Hierarchies for CRM Documents
CRMT_PRT_KM_DAV_BO_INFO - Information about the Folder Representing the BO
CRMT_PRT_KM_DAV_FOLDER_INFO - Info about Folders of BO Hierarchy above BO (WebDAV in KM)
CRMT_PRT_KM_DAV_HIERACHY - DB Table Template for BO Hierarchy Customizing