SAP Tables | Cross-Application Components | Generic IAM Engine SAP CA

SAP CA Generic IAM Engine Tables (CA-IAM)

SAP Generic IAM Engine Tables CA-IAM-ENG

/IAM/CD_ATF_DO - /BOBF/D_ATF_DO - for Change Doc Obj of IAM BOs
/IAM/CD_ATF_RT - /BOBF/D_ATF_RT - for Change Doc Obj of IAM BOs
/IAM/CD_TXCCON - /BOBF/D_TXCCON - for Change Doc Obj of IAM BOs
/IAM/CD_TXCROOT - /BOBF/D_TXCROOT - for Change Doc Obj of IAM BOs
/IAM/CD_TXCTXT - /BOBF/D_TXCTXT - for Change Doc Obj of IAM BOs
/IAM/C_ACTIVTYP - Activity Template
/IAM/C_ACTIVTYPT - Activity Template Description
/IAM/C_ACTPTY - Control Parties per Activity Type
/IAM/C_ACTTYPE - Activity Type
/IAM/C_ACTTYPE_T - Activity Type Text Table
/IAM/C_ACT_ACT - Activity Templates for Activity Templates
/IAM/C_ACT_CAT - Customizing settings for Activity Category
/IAM/C_ACT_CDGR - Code Group Table for Activity Templates
/IAM/C_ACT_DS - Digital signature
/IAM/C_ACT_PARA - Parameter for Follow-Up Action assigned to activity template
/IAM/C_ACT_REFOB - Reference Object Type Table for Activity Templates
/IAM/C_AUTHGR - Authorization Group
/IAM/C_AUTHGR_T - Authorization Group
/IAM/C_CAT - Category of Issue and Activity Engine
/IAM/C_CATALOG - Catalog

/IAM/C_CATALOG_T - Catalog for Codes : Text
/IAM/C_CATCODREL - Catalog - Code Relation
/IAM/C_CATMAP - Node Mapping of IAM Objects
/IAM/C_CATMAPSYS - System-Dependent Node Mapping of IAM Objects
/IAM/C_CATMAP_T - Node Mapping Description of IAM Objects
/IAM/C_CAT_SYS - Category System Connection
/IAM/C_CAT_T - Category Description of Issue and Activity Engine
/IAM/C_CODE - Code
/IAM/C_CODEGR - Code Group
/IAM/C_CODEGR_T - Code Group: Text
/IAM/C_CODE_REL - Codegroup - Code Relation
/IAM/C_CODE_T - Code - Text
/IAM/C_CODGR_REL - Codegroup - Codegroup Relation
/IAM/C_CRIT - Criticality
/IAM/C_CRIT_T - Criticality
/IAM/C_DOCSCM - Document Schema
/IAM/C_DOCSCM_T - Document Schema
/IAM/C_DOCTYPE - Document Type
/IAM/C_DOCTYPE_T - Document Type
/IAM/C_DOC_DOC - Document Types for Document Schemas
/IAM/C_DOC_MIME - MIME Types for Document Types
/IAM/C_DS_RMRK - Remarks for Digital Signature
/IAM/C_DS_RMRK_T - Remarks for Digital Signature
/IAM/C_DURATION - IAM Duration of Issue and Activity
/IAM/C_DURATIONT - Description Table of Duration for Issue and Activity
/IAM/C_FOLLUPSYS - System for follow up actions
/IAM/C_ISSTYP_DS - Digital Signature settings for issue types
/IAM/C_ISSUETYP - Issue Type
/IAM/C_ISSUETYPT - Issue Type Description
/IAM/C_ISS_ACT - Activity Templates for Issue Types
/IAM/C_ISS_CAT - Customizing table for issue category
/IAM/C_ISS_CDGR - Code Group Table for Issue Types
/IAM/C_ISS_DS - Digital signature
/IAM/C_ISS_PARTY - Default Party Table for Issue (Customizing)
/IAM/C_ISS_REFOB - Reference Object Type Table for Issue Types
/IAM/C_ISS_SISS - Subordinate Issue Types
/IAM/C_PRIO - Priority
/IAM/C_PRIO_T - Priority Description
/IAM/C_ROLE_CD - Partner Role Code

/IAM/C_ROLE_CD_T - Partner Role Code Text Table
/IAM/C_TEXTCAT - Settings for text type
/IAM/C_TYPE - Object Type Settings
/IAM/D_ACTPTY_MD - Default Party Table for Activities
/IAM/D_ACT_ATT - Attachment of Activities
/IAM/D_ACT_DESC - Description
/IAM/D_ACT_DTXT - Description Text
/IAM/D_ACT_FOA - Follow Up Action
/IAM/D_ACT_FOA_P - Follow Up Action Parameter
/IAM/D_ACT_OBJRF - Object reference
/IAM/D_ACT_OR_DT - Language dependant description texts
/IAM/D_ACT_QTY - Activity Quantity
/IAM/D_DSIG_ACT - Digital Signature for Activity
/IAM/D_DSIG_ISS - Digital Signature for Issue
/IAM/D_ISS_PARTY - Default Party Table for Issue (Master Data)
/IAM/D_I_ATT - Attachment
/IAM/D_I_DATE - Date
/IAM/D_I_DESC - Description node DB table
/IAM/D_I_DESC_TX - Language dependant description texts node DB table
/IAM/D_I_OBJ_REF - Issue reference node DB table
/IAM/D_I_OREF_DT - Language dependant reference desc. texts node DB table
/IAM/D_I_PARTY - Party node DB table
/IAM/D_I_QTY - Quantity
/IAM/D_I_ROOT - Root node DB table
/IAM/D_ROLE_CD - Partner Role Code
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_ATT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity attachment node extension include str.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_ATT_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity attachment node tr. ext. include str.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_CHANGE_LOG - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity Change log node ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_DATE - BO /IAM/Activity date node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_DATE_TR - BO /IAM/Activity date node tr. extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_DESC - BO /IAM/Activity descript. node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_DESCTXT - BO /IAM/Activity Descript. Text node extension structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_DESCTXT_TR - BO /IAM/Activity Descript. Text node tr. extension structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_DESC_TR - BO /IAM/Activity descript. node tr. ext. include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_FOA - BO /IAM/Activity follow up act. node ext. include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_FOA_PARAM - BO /IAM/Activity follow up act. param. node ext. incl.struc.

/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_FOA_PARAM_TR - BO /IAM/Activity follow up act. param node tr.ext. incl.str.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_FOA_TR - BO /IAM/Activity follow up act. node tr. ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_OBJ_REF - BO /IAM/Activity objec ref. node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_OBJ_REF_TR - BO /IAM/Activity objec ref. node tr. ext. include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_OREF_DESCTXT - BO /IAM/Activity Objref desc. text node ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_PARTY - BO /IAM/Activity party node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_PARTY_TR - BO /IAM/Activity party node tr. extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_QUANTITY - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity quantity node extension incl. struc.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_QUANTITY_TR - BO /IAM/Activity quantity node tr. extension incl. struc.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_ROOT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activty root node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ACT_ROOT_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Activty root node transient ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_ISS_PARTY - BO /IAM/Issue party node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_ACT_PROPOSAL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue act.prop node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_ACT_STAT_AGGR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue act. status aggr. node ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_ATT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue attachment node extension include struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_ATT_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue attachment node tr. ext. include struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_CHANGE_LOG - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Change log node ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_DATE - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue date node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_DATE_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue date node tr. extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_DESC - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue desc. node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_DESC_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue desc. node tr. ext. include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_DESC_TXT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue desc. text node extension include struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_DESC_TXT_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue desc. text node tr. ext. include struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_DIG_SIGNATURE - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Digital Signature node ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_EXPERT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue expert node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_OBJREF_DESCTXT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Objref desc. text node ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_OBJ_REF - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue obj ref. node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_OBJ_REF_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue obj ref. node tr. ext. include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_PARTY - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue party node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_PARTY_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue party node tr.extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_PRINT_FORM - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Print form extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_QUANTITY - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue quantity node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_QUANTITY_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue quantity node tr. ext. include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_ROOT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root node extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_ROOT_TR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root node transient ext. incl. struct.
/IAM/INCL_EEW_RESP_VALUE - IAM: BO /IAM/Activ act.prop node extension include structure
/IAM/I_ACT_CAT - Activity Category
/IAM/I_ACT_CAT_T - Activity Category Text
/IAM/I_APPL - Application
/IAM/I_APPL_T - Application Text Table
/IAM/I_A_ACT - Activity status action guid and text
/IAM/I_A_ACT_DS - BOBF actions of /IAM/ACTIVITY for digital signature
/IAM/I_CATEGORY - Key Table for Category
/IAM/I_CLICKED - Special Internal Marker for Field Clicked for Jump to Appl.
/IAM/I_CRIT - Default Criticality (GDT CriticalityCode)
/IAM/I_CRIT_T - Default Criticality Description
/IAM/I_DEPOBA - Dependent Object Access
/IAM/I_DEPOBA_T - Dependent Object Access
/IAM/I_FOLLUP - Follow Up
/IAM/I_FOLLUP_T - Follow Up Text Table
/IAM/I_ISS_CAT - Issue Category
/IAM/I_ISS_CAT_T - Issue Category Text
/IAM/I_I_ACT - Issue status action guid and text
/IAM/I_I_ACT_DS - BOBF actions of /IAM/ISSUE for digital signature
/IAM/I_JUMP - Details for Jump to Linked Applications
/IAM/I_OBJMAP - Definition of Semantical Mapping per Object Type
/IAM/I_POS_ORIGN - Origin of a Position
/IAM/I_POS_O_T - Origin of a Position Text Table
/IAM/I_PRIO - Default Priority
/IAM/I_PRIO_T - Default Priority Description
/IAM/I_QTYRL_CDT - Quantity Role Code Text Table
/IAM/I_QTY_C_USG - Quantity Role Code Usage
/IAM/I_QTY_RL_CD - Quantity Role Code
/IAM/I_REDEF - Redefinition of Semantics of an Application
/IAM/I_REDEFOBJ - Redefinition Objects
/IAM/I_REDEFOTR - Redefinition of Semantics of an OTR Text of Package /IAM/UI*
/IAM/I_REDEF_T - Redefinition of Semantics of an Application
/IAM/I_ROLE_CD - Default Partner Role Code
/IAM/I_ROLE_CD_T - Default Partner Role Code Text Table
/IAM/I_SUBTYPE - Subtype Table
/IAM/I_SUBTYPE_T - Text table - Subtype
/IAM/I_TP_RC_USG - Timepoint Role Code Usage Restrictions
/IAM/I_TP_RL_CD - Timepoint Role Code
/IAM/I_TP_RL_CDT - Timepoint Role Code Text Table
/IAM/I_TYPE - Object Type
/IAM/I_TYPE_T - Object Type Description
/IAM/JUMP_ATTRIBUTE - Internal structure for jump to linked applications
/IAM/JUMP_DESTINATION_DET4ALL - Internal structure for jump: destination details
/IAM/JUMP_DESTINATION_DET4ROLE - Internal structure for jump: destination details
/IAM/JUMP_DESTINATION_DETAIL - Internal structure for jump: destination details
/IAM/JUMP_SOURCE_DETAIL - Internal structure for jump: source details
/IAM/L_BCV_TMP - /IAM/: Temporary Store for Business Context Viewer
/IAM/S_ACTIVITY_CATEGORY - Activity Category
/IAM/S_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE - Activity Template
/IAM/S_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE_TXT - Activity Template Key and Description
/IAM/S_ACT_ADD_ACTIVITY - Action Parameters for adding activity
/IAM/S_ACT_ADD_ATTACHMENT - /IAM/ACTIVITY Attachment parameter structure
/IAM/S_ACT_ADD_ATT_CMN - BO /IAM/ACTIVITY AddAttachm. param.str. common
/IAM/S_ACT_ADD_ATT_FILE - BO /IAM/Activity AddAttachm. param.str. file
/IAM/S_ACT_ADD_ATT_LINK - BO /IAM/ACTIVITY AddAttachm. param.str. link
/IAM/S_ACT_ATT - Attachment
/IAM/S_ACT_ATT_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity attachment node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_ATT_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity attachment node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_CHANGE_LOG - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity Change log node combined structure
/IAM/S_ACT_CHANGE_LOG_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity Change log node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_C_SUB_ACT_FILTER - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity root assoc. sub activ. filter struct.
/IAM/S_ACT_DATE_D - BO /IAM/Activity date node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_DATE_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity date node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_DESC - Description
/IAM/S_ACT_DESCTXT - Description Text
/IAM/S_ACT_DESCTXT_D - Activity Description Text node
/IAM/S_ACT_DESCTXT_DT - Activity Description Text node transient fields
/IAM/S_ACT_DESC_D - BO /IAM/Activity description node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_DESC_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity description node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_DET_BUPA_RR - BRF+ result of BUPA determination for activity
/IAM/S_ACT_FOA - Follow Up Action
/IAM/S_ACT_FOA_D - BO /IAM/Activity follow up action node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_FOA_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity follow up act node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_FOA_PARAM - Follow Up Action Parameter
/IAM/S_ACT_FOA_PARAM_D - BO /IAM/Activity follow up action param node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_FOA_PARAM_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity follow up act param node trans. d.str.
/IAM/S_ACT_LOCAL_DATE - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root AddActivity; Local date and time
/IAM/S_ACT_OBJREF_DESCTXT - Language dependant description texts
/IAM/S_ACT_OBJREF_DESCTXT_D - Language dependant description texts of reference objects
/IAM/S_ACT_OBJ_REF - Object reference
/IAM/S_ACT_OBJ_REF_D - BO /IAM/Activity object reference node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_OBJ_REF_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity obj. ref. node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_PARTY_D - BO /IAM/Activity party node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_PARTY_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity party node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_QUANTITY - Quantity combined data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_QUANTITY_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity quantity node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_QUANTITY_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity quantity node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_OREF_EXTRAC - IAM: /IAM/Activity- object reference attributes f. extractor
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELBYELROO_EXTRAC - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity Query by El. - Root Attr. f. Extractor
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELBYEL_DATE_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic query - date attributes
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELBYEL_DESC_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic query - description attributes
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELBYEL_OREF_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic query - obj. ref. attributes
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELBYEL_PTY_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic query - party attributes
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELBYEL_ROOT_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic query - root attributes
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELECT_BY_EL - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic query - main structure
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SELECT_BY_EL_COMP - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic composite query - main structure
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SEL_BY_EL_RESULT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity query by elements result structure
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SEL_BY_I_ROOT_EL - IAM: /IAM/Activity, generic query - Issue ROOT elements
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_SEL_BY_ROOT_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root node query by elements structure
/IAM/S_ACT_RESPONSIBLE_PARTY - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root AddActivity; Responsible Party
/IAM/S_ACT_RESP_VALUE - Response Value of activity
/IAM/S_ACT_RESP_VALUE_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Actvity Response value node transient data
/IAM/S_ACT_ROOT_ATTR - IAM: BO /IAM/Activty root node attribute structure
/IAM/S_ACT_ROOT_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Activty root node data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_ROOT_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity root node transient data str.
/IAM/S_ACT_ROOT_DT_CUSTDATA - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity root transient data - customizing
/IAM/S_ACT_ROOT_DT_UIDATA - IAM: BO /IAM/Activ. root transient data - UI (access mode)
/IAM/S_ACT_STATUS_ROOT - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity root node status include structure
/IAM/S_ACT_TEMPLATE_KEY - Structure for activity template code
/IAM/S_ACT_TEMPL_ATTR - Activity Template Fields
/IAM/S_ACT_TEMPL_REFOBJ - Ref. Object Type created for a template (with FOA)
/IAM/S_ACT_TYPE_TXT - Activity Type Keys and Description
/IAM/S_A_A_SIGN_START - Activity: parameter structure for action SIGN_START
/IAM/S_A_DATE_ASSOC_PARAM - /IAM/Issue Assoc. ROOT-DATE param. structure
/IAM/S_A_DESC_ASSOC_PARAM - Description type for description node
/IAM/S_A_DESC_TEXT_ASSOC_PARAM - Description type for description text node
/IAM/S_A_Q_DATE_MAP_EXTRAC - IAM Activity - Dates for Mapping for Extraction
/IAM/S_A_Q_DESC_TXT_MAP_EXTRAC - IAM Activity - Descriptions/Longtexts Mapping f. Extraction
/IAM/S_A_Q_OREF_MAP_EXTRAC - IAM Activity - object references for extraction-mapping
/IAM/S_A_Q_PARTY_MAP_EXTRAC - IAM Activity - Parties for Mapping for Extraction
/IAM/S_BAPIBATCH - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch
/IAM/S_BAPIBATCHATT - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Attribute
/IAM/S_BAPIBATCHSTATUS - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Status
/IAM/S_BAPICHARG1 - Transfer structure for batches (without stock)
/IAM/S_BAPIDLVHDR - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog LIKP
/IAM/S_BAPIDLVITEM - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog LIPS
/IAM/S_BAPIEKKOL - Transfer Structure: Display/List: PO Header with Vendor Name
/IAM/S_BAPIEKPOC - Transfer Structure: Create/List - PO Item
/IAM/S_BAPI_DOC_RESULT - Result Structure from Document BAPI
/IAM/S_BAPI_ITOB - BAPI Communication Struc.: ITOB Data
/IAM/S_BAPI_ITOB_EQ_SEL_RESULT - BAPI Communication Struc.: ResultList for EQUI GetList (IAM)
/IAM/S_BAPI_ITOB_FL_SEL_RESULT - BAPI Communication Struc.: ResultList for FunctLoc Get List
/IAM/S_BAPI_PMNTF_QUERY_RESULT - BAPI Communication Struc.: Result List for Maint. Notif.
/IAM/S_BAPI_PMNTF_RESULT - BAPI Communication Struc.: Result List for Maint. Notif.
/IAM/S_BAPI_PMORD_RESULT - BAPI Communication Struc.: Result List for Maintenance Order
/IAM/S_CATEGORY - Category with Type
/IAM/S_CATEGORY_LOGSYS - Assignment of IAM Category to Logical System
/IAM/S_CATEGORY_LOGSYS_MAPPING - Assignment of /IAM/ Objects to Logical Systems and Mapping
/IAM/S_CATMAP - Map IAM Object Node
/IAM/S_CAT_LOGSYSTAB - Category with Logical Systems
/IAM/S_CHANGE_LOG_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Iss. Activ. Change log node transient data str.
/IAM/S_CHA_ATTRIBUTE - Batch Attribute Structure
/IAM/S_CHA_CREATE - Batch Create Structure
/IAM/S_CHA_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Batch in ERP
/IAM/S_CHA_KEY - Batch Key Structure
/IAM/S_CHA_SEARCH - Batch Search Structure
/IAM/S_CODE - Codes with description
/IAM/S_CODEGROUP_RELATION - Codegroup relations
/IAM/S_CODEGROUP_RR - Rule result structure for code group determination
/IAM/S_CODEGROUP_TEXT - Codegroup text
/IAM/S_COUNTRY_DESC - Country descriptions
/IAM/S_CRITICALITY - Criticality
/IAM/S_CUS_ATTRIBUTE - IAM - Attributes for Customer
/IAM/S_CUS_ATTRIBUTE_DETAIL - Customer with all details
/IAM/S_CUS_CREATE - IAM - Create Structure for Customer (BOL-obligatory)
/IAM/S_CUS_DETAIL - Details for BO Customer
/IAM/S_CUS_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Customer in ERP
/IAM/S_CUS_ERP_SEARCH_ADDRESS - Search result fields for customer address in ERP
/IAM/S_CUS_KEY - IAM - Key structure for Customer
/IAM/S_CUS_KEY4DETAIL - IAM - Key structure for Customer
/IAM/S_CUS_SALESORG_DETAIL - Sales Organization Detail for Customer
/IAM/S_CUS_SEARCH - Search Fields for Customer
/IAM/S_C_ACT_DS - Activity - Digital Signature Customizing data
/IAM/S_C_ISSTYPE_DEF_PTY - Issue Type Customzing Default Party Assignment
/IAM/S_C_ISSUE_DS - Issue - Digital Signature Customizing data
/IAM/S_C_ROLE_CD - Structure for Partner Role Code
/IAM/S_DETAIL_PARTNER - IAM: Details Partner
/IAM/S_DETAIL_PARTNER_ADR - IAM: Details Partner Address
/IAM/S_DLI_ATTRIBUTE - Delivery Item Attribute Structure
/IAM/S_DLI_CREATE - Delivery Item Create Structure
/IAM/S_DLI_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Outbound Delivery Item in ERP
/IAM/S_DLI_KEY - Delivery Item Key Structure
/IAM/S_DLI_SEARCH - Delivery Item Search Structure
/IAM/S_DLV_ATTRIBUTE - Delivery Attribute Structure
/IAM/S_DLV_CREATE - Delivery Create Structure
/IAM/S_DLV_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Outbound Delivery in ERP
/IAM/S_DLV_KEY - Delivery Key Structure
/IAM/S_DLV_SEARCH - Delivery Search Structure
/IAM/S_DOC_ATTRIBUTE - IAM - Attributes for Documents
/IAM/S_DOC_KEY - Document Key Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_DOC_SEARCH - Document Structure for Search Help
/IAM/S_DOC_TYPE - Document Type Description Text
/IAM/S_DOC_TYPE_DETAILS - Details for document type
/IAM/S_DSIG_ACT_LOG - Digital Signature Log for Activity
/IAM/S_DSIG_ISS_LOG - Digital Signature Log for Issue
/IAM/S_DURATION - Duration
/IAM/S_EHSM_RAR_ATTRIBUTE - Attributes for EHSM Risk Assessment Request
/IAM/S_EHSM_RAR_KEY - EHSM Risk Assessment Request Key Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_EQ_ATTRIBUTE - Equipment Attribute Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_EQ_CREATE - Equipment Create Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_EQ_ERP_SEARCH - Structure for Equipment Search Help
/IAM/S_EQ_KEY - Equipment Key Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_EQ_SEARCH - Equipment Search Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_ERP_MAT_PLANT_DETAIL - Material plant level detail for ERP
/IAM/S_ESO_ATT - Attachment Extraction
/IAM/S_ESO_ATT_T - Attachment Extraction - Text
/IAM/S_ESO_I_DESC - Issue Description Extraction
/IAM/S_ESO_I_OREF - Issue Object Reference with Description
/IAM/S_ESO_I_PARTY - Issue Partner Extraction
/IAM/S_ESO_I_QUANTITY - Issue Quantity Extraction
/IAM/S_ESO_I_ROOT - Issue Header Extraction
/IAM/S_EXPERT_RR - Rule result structure for expert determination
/IAM/S_FL_ATTRIBUTE - Functional Location Attribute Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_FL_CREATE - Functional Location Create Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_FL_ERP_SEARCH - Structure for Functional Location Search Help
/IAM/S_FL_KEY - Functional Location Key Structure
/IAM/S_FL_SEARCH - Functional Location Search Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_FOLLOW_UP_ACT_DESC - Follow up action description
/IAM/S_GENIL_OBJ_INST - Object Instance with Success Indicator
/IAM/S_GENOBJ_ATTRIBUTE - IAM - Attributes for External Reference Object
/IAM/S_GENOBJ_CREATE - IAM - Create Struct. f. External Ref. Object (BOL-obligat.)
/IAM/S_GENOBJ_KEY - IAM - Key structure for External Reference Object
/IAM/S_GENOBJ_SEARCH - Search Fields for External Reference Object
/IAM/S_ISSUETYP - Issue Type fields
/IAM/S_ISSUE_CATEGORY - Issue Category
/IAM/S_ISSUE_GAF_EVT_PARAM - FPM event param. structure: IAM GAF Issue
/IAM/S_ISSUE_PRINTDATA_LBL - Issue printdata labels
/IAM/S_ISSUE_PRINTDATA_VAL - Issue printdata values
/IAM/S_ISSUE_TYPE - Issue Type
/IAM/S_ISSUE_TYPE_INIT - UI Structure: Issue Type Init
/IAM/S_ISSUE_TYPE_TXT - Issue Type Keys and Description
/IAM/S_ISS_ACTIVITY_RR - Rule result structure for activity determination
/IAM/S_ISS_ACT_KEY - Issue and Activity Key Structure
/IAM/S_ISS_PARTY - Issue Default Partner Assignment
/IAM/S_ISS_PARTY_D - BO /IAM/Issue party node data structure
/IAM/S_ISS_PARTY_ROLE_ASSOC - Party role association parameter structure
/IAM/S_I_ACTIVITY_ASSOC_PARAM - Activity type filter value
/IAM/S_I_ACT_PROPOSAL - Activity Proposal combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_ACT_PROPOSAL_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue act. proposal node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_ACT_STAT_AGGR - Activity Status Aggregation combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_ACT_STAT_AGGR_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue obj. reference node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_ATT - Attachment
/IAM/S_I_ATT_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue attachment node data structure
/IAM/S_I_ATT_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue attachment node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_ATT_D_MAIN - Attachment node data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_A_ADD_ATTACHMENT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action AddAttachm. parameter struct.
/IAM/S_I_A_ADD_ATT_CMN - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action AddAttachm. param.str. common
/IAM/S_I_A_ADD_ATT_FILE - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action AddAttachm. param.str. file
/IAM/S_I_A_ADD_ATT_LINK - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action AddAttachm. param.str. link
/IAM/S_I_A_DELETE_ACTIVITY - Issue structure for action delete activity
/IAM/S_I_A_DEL_ATTACHMENT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action DelAttachm. parameter struct.
/IAM/S_I_A_DET_ACTIVITY_RB - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action DetermineActvityRB parm. str.
/IAM/S_I_A_DET_CODE_RB - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action DeterminePartyRB parm. str.
/IAM/S_I_A_DET_DATE_TIME_RB - Date and Time for determinations with BRF+
/IAM/S_I_A_DET_PARTY_RB - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Action DeterminePartyRB parm. str.
/IAM/S_I_A_SIGN_START - Issue: parameter structure for action SIGN_START
/IAM/S_I_CHANGE_LOG - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Change log node combined structure
/IAM/S_I_CHANGE_LOG_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Change log node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_CODE - /IAM/: BO /IAM/Issue code include structure
/IAM/S_I_CREATOR_OBJECT - BO Issue: Creator object combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_CREATOR_OBJECT_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Business Object which created this issue
/IAM/S_I_C_SUB_ISSUE_FILTER - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root assoc. sub issues filter structure
/IAM/S_I_DATE - Date combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_DATE_ASSOC_PARAM - /IAM/Issue Assoc. ROOT-DATE param. structure
/IAM/S_I_DATE_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue date node data structure
/IAM/S_I_DATE_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue date node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_DATE_D_MAIN - Date combined data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_DATE_Q_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Date Node Query by Elements Structure
/IAM/S_I_DESC - Description combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_DESCTXT_Q_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Desc. Text Node Query by Elements Struct.
/IAM/S_I_DESC_ASSOC_PARAM - Description type for description node
/IAM/S_I_DESC_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue description node data structure
/IAM/S_I_DESC_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue description node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_DESC_D_MAIN - Description node data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_DESC_Q_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Desc. Node Query by Elements Structure
/IAM/S_I_DESC_TEXT_ASSOC_PARAM - Description type for description text node
/IAM/S_I_DESC_TXT - Language dependant description texts combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_DESC_TXT_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue description text node data structure
/IAM/S_I_DESC_TXT_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue description text node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_DESC_TXT_D_MAIN - Description text node data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_DIG_SIGNATURE - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Digital Signature node combined structure
/IAM/S_I_DIG_SIGNATURE_D - Digital Signature Data structure
/IAM/S_I_EXPERT - Expert combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_EXPERT_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue expert node data structure
/IAM/S_I_OBJREF_ASSOC_PARAM - Object reference node with object type
/IAM/S_I_OBJREF_DESC_TXT - Language dependant reference desc. texts comb. data struct.
/IAM/S_I_OBJREF_DESC_TXT_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue obj.ref description text node data struc.
/IAM/S_I_OBJREF_DESC_TXT_D_M - Obj.ref desc. text node data struc.- main data
/IAM/S_I_OBJ_REF - Reference combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_OBJ_REF_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue reference node data structure
/IAM/S_I_OBJ_REF_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue obj. reference node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_OBJ_REF_D_MAIN - Reference node data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_OREFDESC_Q_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Obj.Ref.Desc. Node Query by El. Structure
/IAM/S_I_OREF_Q_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Obj.Ref. Node Query by Elements Structure
/IAM/S_I_PARTY - Party combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_PARTY_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue party node data structure
/IAM/S_I_PARTY_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue party node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_PARTY_D_MAIN - Party node data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_PARTY_Q_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Party Node Query by Elements Structure
/IAM/S_I_PRINT_FORM - Date combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_PRINT_FORM_D - Print Form Data structure
/IAM/S_I_QTY_Q_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Quantity Node Query by Elements Structure
/IAM/S_I_QUANTITY - Quantity combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_QUANTITY_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue quantity node data structure
/IAM/S_I_QUANTITY_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue quantity node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_QUANTITY_D_MAIN - Quantity node data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_Q_ATTACHMENTS_EXTRAC - IAM: Issue - attachments, files and images for extractor
/IAM/S_I_Q_ATTACHM_SEL_BY_EL - IAM: /IAM/Issue, Generic Query - Attachment Structure
/IAM/S_I_Q_DATE_MAP_EXTRAC - IAM Issue - Dates for Mapping for Extraction
/IAM/S_I_Q_DESC_TXT_MAP_EXTRAC - IAM Issue - Descriptions /Longtexts f. Mapping f. Extraction
/IAM/S_I_Q_OREF_EXTRAC - IAM: /IAM/Issue - object reference attributes f. extractor
/IAM/S_I_Q_PARTY_MAP_EXTRAC - IAM Issue - Parties for Mapping for Extraction
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELBYEL_DATE_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Issue, generic query - date attributes
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELBYEL_DESC_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Issue, generic query - description attributes
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELBYEL_OREF_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Issue, generic query - object reference attributes
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELBYEL_PARTY_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Issue, generic query - party attributes
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELBYEL_ROOT_ATTR - IAM: /IAM/Issue, generic query - root attributes
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELBYEL_ROOT_EXTRAC - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Query by El. - Root Attrib. f. Extractor
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELBYEL_R_ROOT_ATTR - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue query by elements result - root attr.
/IAM/S_I_Q_SELECT_BY_ELEMENTS - IAM: /IAM/Issue, generic query - main structure
/IAM/S_I_Q_SEL_BY_EL_AGGREGAT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Query by Elements Aggregated Structure
/IAM/S_I_Q_SEL_BY_EL_GROUPFD - Group Fields for Aggregate
/IAM/S_I_Q_SEL_BY_EL_GROUPFD1 - Group Fields of Issue Root for Aggregate
/IAM/S_I_Q_SEL_BY_EL_KPI - Key Performance Indicators for Issue Selections
/IAM/S_I_Q_SEL_BY_EL_RESULT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue query by elements result structure
/IAM/S_I_Q_SEL_BY_ROOT_EL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Node Query by Elements Structure
/IAM/S_I_ROOT - Root combined data structure
/IAM/S_I_ROOT_D - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root node data structure
/IAM/S_I_ROOT_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root node transient data str.
/IAM/S_I_ROOT_DT_CUSTDATA - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root transient data - customizing
/IAM/S_I_ROOT_DT_UIDATA - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root transient data - UI (access mode)
/IAM/S_I_ROOT_D_MAIN - Root node data structure - main data
/IAM/S_I_STATUS_ROOT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue root node status include structure
/IAM/S_I_TYPE_KEY - Issue Type key structure
/IAM/S_LANGDEP_TEXT_STR - Character string with optional language spec. (CDT text)
/IAM/S_LOGSYS - IAM - Logical System
/IAM/S_LONGTEXT - Longtext
/IAM/S_LONGTEXT_KEY - Longtext Key
/IAM/S_LTXT_ICON - UI Structure: Longtext Icon
/IAM/S_MAIL_ATTACHMENT - Mail attachment
/IAM/S_MAT_ATTRIBUTE - IAM - Attributes for Material
/IAM/S_MAT_ATTRIBUTE_DETAIL - Material with all details
/IAM/S_MAT_CREATE - IAM - Create Structure for Material (BOL-obligatory)
/IAM/S_MAT_DETAIL - Details for BO Material
/IAM/S_MAT_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Material in ERP
/IAM/S_MAT_KEY - IAM - Key structure for Material
/IAM/S_MAT_KEY4DETAIL - IAM - Key structure for Material
/IAM/S_MAT_NW_SEARCH - Search Fields for Material in NW
/IAM/S_MAT_PLANT_DETAIL - Plant detail for BO Material
/IAM/S_MAT_SEARCH - Search Fields for Material
/IAM/S_MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER - Message Identification structure
/IAM/S_NAME_VALUE_PAIR - Parameter as Name-Value Pair
/IAM/S_NAVOBJECT - /IAM/: Object Navigation Structure (for /IAM/OBJCT)
/IAM/S_NODE_PROP - Property for whole node
/IAM/S_NW_MAT_DETAIL - Detail Data for a product of type material
/IAM/S_OBJECT_REF_CREATE - Structure for Creation of object references
/IAM/S_OBJREF_WITH_SUBTYPE - Internal structure for reference objects with subtype data
/IAM/S_PARTY_RR - Rule result structure for party determination
/IAM/S_PLANT_ATTRIBUTE - Plant Attribute Structure (AIM)
/IAM/S_PLANT_CREATE - Plant Attribute Structure (AIM)
/IAM/S_PLANT_ERP_SEARCH - Search Fields for Plant in ERP
/IAM/S_PLANT_KEY - Plant Key Structure
/IAM/S_PLANT_SEARCH - Plant Search Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_PMNTF_ATTRIBUTE - IAM - Attributes for Maintenance Notification
/IAM/S_PMNTF_CREATE - Create Structure for Maintenance Notification (IAM)
/IAM/S_PMNTF_KEY - Key Structure of Maintenance Notification (IAM)
/IAM/S_PMNTF_SEARCH_BY_EQUI - Structure to Search Maintenance Notification by Equipment
/IAM/S_PMNTF_SEARCH_BY_FL - Structure to Search Notification by Functional Location
/IAM/S_PMORD_ATTRIBUTE - Attributes for Maintenance Order (IAM)
/IAM/S_PMORD_CREATE - Maintenance Order Create Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_PMORD_KEY - Maintenance 0rder Key Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_PMORD_SEARCH - Maintenance Order Search Structure (IAM)
/IAM/S_POI_ATTRIBUTE - Purchase Order Item Attribute Structure
/IAM/S_POI_CREATE - Purchase Order Item Create Structure
/IAM/S_POI_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Purchase Order Item in ERP
/IAM/S_POI_KEY - Purchase Order Item Key Structure
/IAM/S_POI_SEARCH - Purchase Order Item Search Structure
/IAM/S_POSITION_TXT - Position and Description Structure
/IAM/S_PO_ATTRIBUTE - Purchase Order Attribute Structure
/IAM/S_PO_CREATE - Purchase Order Create Structure
/IAM/S_PO_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Purchase Order in ERP
/IAM/S_PO_KEY - Purchase Order Key Structure
/IAM/S_PO_SEARCH - Purchase Order Search Structure
/IAM/S_PRIORITY - Priority
/IAM/S_QUANTITY - Quantity (CDT Quantity)
/IAM/S_REF_CATEGORY - Category with type and keyfield
/IAM/S_REF_TYPE - Refered type with fieldnames
/IAM/S_RESP_TYPE - Response Type
/IAM/S_ROLE_BUPA - Role and Business Partner Structure
/IAM/S_SET_USER_STATUS - Generic status change structure
/IAM/S_SI_T001W - Plants/branches
/IAM/S_STAT_AGGR_COUNTERS - Base structure for status aggregation node attributes
/IAM/S_SUBTYPE - Subtype
/IAM/S_SUB_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE - Activity Template Structure with Subactivity Information
/IAM/S_T001W_SEL_RESULT - Communication Struc.: ResultList for Plant GetList (IAM)
/IAM/S_TYPE - Object Type
/IAM/S_TYPE_TEXT - Object type and text
/IAM/S_VEN_ATTRIBUTE - Vendor Attribute Structure
/IAM/S_VEN_ATTRIBUTE_DETAIL - Vendor with all details
/IAM/S_VEN_CREATE - Vendor Create Structure
/IAM/S_VEN_DETAIL - Vendor details
/IAM/S_VEN_ERP_SEARCH - Search fields for Vendor in ERP
/IAM/S_VEN_KEY - Vendor Key structure
/IAM/S_VEN_SEARCH - Vendor Search Structure
/IAM/S_VS_TEXT_TYPE - Input structure for BOPF Value Set /iam/cl_i_vs_text_types
/IAM/S_V_DS_RMRK - Digital Signature Remark Text
/IAM/VCD_ATF_DO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VCD_ATF_RT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VCD_TXCCON - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VCD_TXCROOT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VCD_TXCTXT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_DATE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_DESC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_DTXT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_FOA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_FOA_P - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_OBJRF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_OR_DT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_PARTY - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_ACT_QTY - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_I_DATE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_I_DESC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_I_DESC_TX - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_I_OBJ_REF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_I_OREF_DT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_I_PARTY - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/VD_I_QTY - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/IAM/WF_LOCK - Lock table for workflow, will always be empty

SAP SAP Management of Change Tables CA-IAM-MOC

/IAM/INCL_EEW_A_WORKLIST - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity worklist extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_A_WORKLIST_SEL - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity worklist sel. ext. include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_WORKLIST - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue worklist extension include structure
/IAM/INCL_EEW_I_WORKLIST_SEL - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue worklist sel. extension include structure
/IAM/S_ACT_PRINT_FORM - Date combined data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_PRINT_FORM_D - Print Form Data structure
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_MOC_ANLY - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity query for MoC Analytics
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_MOC_ANLY_RESULT - IAM: BO/IAM/Activtiy for MoC Analytics Result
/IAM/S_ACT_Q_MOC_WORKLIST - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity query for MoC Worklist
/IAM/S_A_Q_MOC_WORKLIST_RESULT - Result structure for query on Activity for MoC Worklist
/IAM/S_EMAIL_URL - Action parameter for launching email URL
/IAM/S_I_Q_MOC_ANLY - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue query for MoC Analytics
/IAM/S_I_Q_MOC_ANLY_RESULT - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue query for MoC Analytics Result
/IAM/S_I_Q_MOC_WORKLIST - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue query for MoC Worklist
/IAM/S_I_Q_MOC_WORKLIST_RESULT - Result structure for query on Issue for MoC Worklist
/IAM/S_MOVE_UP_OR_DOWN - Move Object Up or Down
/IAM/S_PDF_FORM - Action parameter for creating PDF form
/MOC/BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_BASIC_M - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG1 - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
/MOC/BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG2 - General information about a party that is responsible for se
/MOC/BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG3 - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl
/MOC/BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent
/MOC/BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/BUSINESS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/BUSINESS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_CO1 - MDT: ChangeRequestCreateConfirmationMessage_sync
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_CO2 - MT: ChangeRequestCreateConfirmationMessage_sync
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_CON - IDT: ChangeRequestCreateConfirmationChangeRequest
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_RE1 - MDT: ChangeRequestCreateRequestMessage_sync
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_RE2 - MT: ChangeRequestCreateRequestMessage_sync
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_RE3 - IDT: ChangeRequestCreateRequestObjectReference
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_RE4 - IDT: ChangeRequestCreateRequestParty
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_CREATE_REQ - IDT: ChangeRequestCreateRequestChangeRequest
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_OBJECT_REF - IDT: ChangeRequestObjectReference
/MOC/CHANGE_REQUEST_PARTY_INIT - IDT: ChangeRequestPartyInitialRecording
/MOC/CONTACT_PERSON_INTERNAL_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/DATA_ORIGIN_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/DATE_TIME - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application
/MOC/LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/LOG_ITEM_NOTE_PLACEHOLDER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/MANAGEMENT_OF_CHANGE_CHA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/MANAGEMENT_OF_CHANGE_CHA2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/MANAGEMENT_OF_CHANGE_CHA4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/MANAGEMENT_OF_CHANGE_OBJ1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/OBJECT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/OBJECT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/POSITION_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/S_ACT_EXTRACT - Extract structure for /MOC/ACTIVITIES
/MOC/S_ACT_Q_MOC_WORKLIST - MoC: BO /IAM/Activity query for MoC Worklist
/MOC/S_ACT_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE - MoC: Activity Template Structure in Customizing
/MOC/S_A_Q_MOC_WORKLIST_RESULT - Result structure for query on Activity for MoC Worklist
/MOC/S_CHG_REQ_INIT - Change Request Initial: UI structure
/MOC/S_ISSUE_TYPE_TXT - Change Request Type Keys and Description
/MOC/S_ISS_ACTIVITY_RR - Rule result structure for activity determination
/MOC/S_ISS_EXTRACT - Extract structure for /MOC/ISSUES
/MOC/S_I_OBJ_REF - Reference combined data structure
/MOC/S_I_Q_MOC_WORKLIST - MoC: BO /IAM/Issue query for MoC Worklist
/MOC/S_I_Q_MOC_WORKLIST_RESULT - Result structure for query on Issue for MoC Worklist
/MOC/S_I_ROOT - Root combined data structure
/MOC/S_I_ROOT_D - Moc: BO /IAM/Change Request Root Node Data Structure
/MOC/S_I_ROOT_DT - IAM: BO /IAM/Change Request Root Node Transient Data Str.
/MOC/S_I_ROOT_DT_CUSTDATA - MoC: BO /IAM/Issue root transient data - customizing
/MOC/S_I_ROOT_DT_UIDATA - IAM: BO /IAM/Ch.Req Root Transient Data - UI (access mode)
/MOC/S_I_STATUS_ROOT - MoC: BO /IAM/Issue root node status include structure
/MOC/S_UI_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE - UI structure for Activity Template Search
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_DATE - UI structure for Activity - Date
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_DESCRIPTION - UI structure for description of longtext of Change Request
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_DESC_TEXT - UI fields for Activity Description Text
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_OBJREF_DESC_TEXT - UI fields for Object Reference Description Text in Activity
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_OBJ_REF - Reference combined data structure
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_OVERVIEW - UI structure for MoC activity tree
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_PARTY - UI Structure: Activity - Party
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_RESP_VALUE - IAM: BO /IAM/Actvity Response value node transient data
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_ROOT_TREE - UI structure for MoC activity tree
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_ROOT_TREE_PDF - PDF structure for activity tree
/MOC/S_UI_ACT_TREE_PDF - Ui structure for Activity Tree as displayed in PDFs
/MOC/S_UI_ADDR_EMAIL - UI Structure: Address - Email
/MOC/S_UI_ADDR_FORMATTED_ADDR - UI Structure: Address - Formatted Address
/MOC/S_UI_ADDR_ROOT - UI Structure: Address - Root
/MOC/S_UI_ADDR_TELEPHONE - UI Structure: Address - Telephone
/MOC/S_UI_ATF_ROOT_TREE - UI structure for ATF Document node
/MOC/S_UI_ATF_ROOT_TREE_PDF - PDF structure for attachment folder
/MOC/S_UI_BUPA_ADDRESSINFO - UI Structure: Business Partner Address information
/MOC/S_UI_BUPA_ROOT - UI Structure: Business Partner - Root
/MOC/S_UI_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE - Digital Signature (UI structure)
/MOC/S_UI_ISS_DATE - UI structure for Activity - Date
/MOC/S_UI_ISS_DESCRIPTION - UI structure for description of longtext of Change Request
/MOC/S_UI_ISS_DESC_TEXT - UI fields for Change Request Description Text
/MOC/S_UI_ISS_PARTY - UI Structure: Issue - Party
/MOC/S_UI_ISS_ROOT_DEFINITION - UI structure for Change Request root, definition screen
/MOC/S_UI_MAIN_OBJECT - UI fields for Main Object (none in root)
/MOC/S_UI_OBJECT_INFO - UI fields for Object Information and Dates screen
/MOC/S_UI_OBJREF_DESC_TEXT - UI fields for Object Reference Description Text
/MOC/S_UI_OREF_PLANT - UI Structure for Object Reference Plant
/MOC/S_UI_QUESTION - UI structure for MoC activity tree
/MOC/S_UI_QUESTIONAIRE - UI structure for MoC activity tree
/MOC/S_UI_QUESTION_CATALOG - UI structure for MoC activity tree
/MOC/S_UI_QUESTION_TEXT - UI fields for Activity Description Text
/MOC/S_UI_VIEW_RESULT - Result Strucuture for FBI View
/MOC/S_UI_VIEW_RESULT_DSIG - Result Structure for FBI View Data for Digital Signature
/MOC/TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/TEXT_COLLECTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/TEXT_COLLECTION_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/TEXT_COLLECTION_TEXT_TYP1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/TIME_POINT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/TIME_POINT_ROLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/MOC/URI - URI is a unique digital address that is represented by the U
/MOC/UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)

SAP Quality Issue Management Tables CA-IAM-QIM

/IAM/C_ACTTYPRFO - Activity type - Print form Assignment
/IAM/C_ACTTYP_DS - Digital signature for the activity type
/IAM/C_ISSTYPRFO - Issue type - Print form Assignment
/IAM/C_PRINTFO - Print Form
/IAM/C_PRINTFO_T - Print Form - Text table
/IAM/S_ACT_A_CRT_LTXT_INC - IAM: BO /IAM/Activity Root Act. Crt. LText. Incr. par. str.
/IAM/S_ACT_PRINTDATA - Activity printdata
/IAM/S_ACT_PRIN_HEAD - Activity printdata head
/IAM/S_ACT_RETRIEVE - Activities retrieve
/IAM/S_ATTACH_RETRIEVE - Attachment retrieve
/IAM/S_C_ACTTYP_DS - Activity Type - Digital Signature Customizing Data
/IAM/S_DEFECT_RETRIEVE - Issue defects retrieve
/IAM/S_DESCR_HIST - Description history
/IAM/S_ISSUE_BUPA_RETRIEVE - Issue bupa retrieve
/IAM/S_ISSUE_HEAD_RETRIEVE - Issue head retrieve
/IAM/S_ISSUE_OREF_RETRIEVE - Issue oref retrieve
/IAM/S_ISSUE_PRINTDATA - Issue printdata
/IAM/S_ISSUE_RETRIEVE - Issue retrieve
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_ACT - Issue printdata activities
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_ACT_BUNDLE - Activities bundle
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_ACT_OVERVIEW - issue printdata activities overview
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_ACT_PARTY - Activity party
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_ATTACH - Issue printdata attachments
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_BUPA - Issue printdata buss partner
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_CAUSE - Issue printdata cause of defects
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_DEF - issue printdata defects
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_EFFECT - Issue printdata effects of defects
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_HEAD - Issue printdata head
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_OBJ_REF - Issue printdata obj ref all
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_OREF - Issue printdata obj ref part
/IAM/S_ISS_PRIN_RESOLUION - Issue printdata resolution
/IAM/S_I_A_CRT_LTXT_INC - IAM: BO /IAM/Issue Root Act. Crt. LText. Incr. param. struc.
/IAM/S_SUB_RETRIEVE - Subissue retrieve
/IAM/UI_DYNAMIC_TEXT - Structure to output dynamic Text on UI
QAMAS_ACTIVITY_MAP - Quality Activity - Structure for Mapping to QIM
QAMAS_ACTIVITY_SEARCH_MAP - Selection Fields for Activities
QAMAS_FMEA_AUDIT_MAP - Audit or FMEA Structure for Mapping (QIM)
QAMAS_NOTIF_MAP_46C - Quality Activity - Structure for Mapping
QAMAS_NOTIF_VIQMSM - Quality Activity - VIQMSM View Structure for Mapping
QAMAS_TASK_MAP - Quality Activity - Structure for Mapping to QIM
QAMC_GQI_TYPE - Generic Issue Type
QAMC_GQI_TYPE_T - Generic Issue Type - Text Table
QAMC_MAT_SYS - Material and Logical System
QAMIS_BCV_BAPI20783I - QIM: for BCV: BAPI List of Existing Quality Notifications
QAMIS_BCV_BAPI20783T - QIM: for BCV: BAPI List of Existing Quality Notifications
QAMIS_BCV_BAPI2078_NOTHDRE - QIM: BCV - BAPI Work Table Notification Item
QAMIS_BCV_BAPI2078_NOTIF_KEY - QIM: BCV - BAPI for Notifications - Key
QAMIS_BCV_BAPI2078_NOTITEME - QIM: BCV - BAPI Work Table Notification Item
QAMIS_BCV_BAPI_NOTIF - QIM: Structure for Communication BCV with BAPIs About Issues
QAMIS_FMEA_AUDIT_MAP - Audit or FMEA Structure for Mapping (QIM)
QAMIS_ISSUE_MAP - QIM Issue - Structure for Mapping
QAMIS_ISSUE_SEARCH_MAP - Search Structure for Issues
QAMIS_NOTIFIT_MAP - QIM: Quality Issue Item - Structure for Mapping
QAMIS_NOTIF_MAP - Quality Issue - Structure for Mapping
QAMIS_NOTIF_MAP_46C - Quality Issue - Structure for Mapping
QAMIS_NOTIF_VIQMEL - Quality Issue - VIQMEL View Structure for Mapping
QAMI_STATUS_T - Consolidated Status for External Objects
QAMI_TYPE_STATUS - Consolidated Status for External Object Types
QAMI_VALUATE_BO - Table with Filter Values for Monitoring Control of BOs
QAMI_VALUATE_BOT - Text Table for Filter Values for Monitoring Control of BOs
QAMOS_QIT_TQ80_T - Fields for Notification Type
QAMS_CATEGORY_LOGSYS - Assignment QIM Category to Logical System - Detailed
QAMS_CATEGORY_LOGSYS_MAPPING - Assignment QIM Category to Logical System and Mapping
QAMS_CAT_LOGSYSTAB - Category with Logical Systems
QAMS_DETAIL_ITEM - QIM: Item (As Detail)
QAMS_DETAIL_ITEM_W_EXTDKEY - QIM: Item (As Detail) with Extended Key
QAMS_DETAIL_ITEM_W_EXTDKEY_QA - QIM: Item (As Detail) with Extended Key
QAMS_DETAIL_ITEM_W_KEY_QA - QIM: Item (As Detail) for Activity
QAMS_DETAIL_LTEXT_W_EXTDKEY_QA - QIM: Long Text with Extended Key for Activity
QAMS_DETAIL_LTEXT_W_KEY_QA - QIM: Long Text with Key for Activity
QAMS_DETAIL_OBJECT - QIM: Details Object/Component
QAMS_DETAIL_OBJECT_W_EXTDKEY - QIM: Details Object/Component with Extended Key
QAMS_DETAIL_OBJECT_W_KEY - QIM: Details Object/Component
QAMS_DETAIL_OBJ_W_EXTDKEY_QA - QIM: Details Object/Component with Extended Key for Activity
QAMS_DETAIL_OBJ_W_KEY_QA - QIM: Details Object/Component for Activity
QAMS_DETAIL_PARTNER - QIM: Details for Partner
QAMS_DETAIL_PARTNER_W_EXTDKEY - QIM: Details for Partner with Extended Key
QAMS_DETAIL_PARTNER_W_KEY - QIM: Details for Partner
QAMS_DETAIL_PARTN_W_EXTDKEY_QA - QIM: Details for Partner with Extended Key for Activity
QAMS_DETAIL_PARTN_W_KEY_QA - QIM: Details for Partner for Activity
QAMS_DSIG_ACT_LOG - Filter for Digital Signature Application Log for Activity
QAMS_DSIG_ISS_LOG - Filter for Digital Signature Application Log for Issue
QAMS_GQA_ATTRIBUTE - QIM - Attributes for Generic Quality Activity
QAMS_GQA_ATTRIBUTE_INCL_DETAIL - QIM - Attributes for Generic Quality Activity
QAMS_GQA_CREATE - QIM - Creation Structure for Generic Quality Activity
QAMS_GQA_DETAIL_POWL - Detail Structure for POWL for Generic Quality Activities
QAMS_GQA_FPM_PREVIEW - Detail Structure for POWL for Generic Quality Issues
QAMS_GQA_KEY - QIM - Key Structure Generic Quality Activity
QAMS_GQA_KEY_FOR_DETAIL - QIM - Key Structure Generic Quality Activity
QAMS_GQA_METH_SETSTATUS - Method Call Set Status
QAMS_GQA_SEARCH - QIM - Search Structure for Generic Quality Activity
QAMS_GQA_SEARCH_CONTENT - QIM: Search Structure for Quality Activities (Bus. Part)
QAMS_GQI_ATTRIBUTE - QIM - Attributes of Generic Quality Issue
QAMS_GQI_ATTRIBUTE_INCL_DETAIL - QIM - Attributes of Generic Quality Issue with Details
QAMS_GQI_CREATE - QIM - Create Structure for Generic Quality Issue
QAMS_GQI_DETAIL_POWL - Detail Structure for POWL for Generic Quality Issues
QAMS_GQI_FPM_PREVIEW - Detail Structure for POWL for Generic Quality Issues
QAMS_GQI_KEY - QIM - Key Structure Generic Quality Issue
QAMS_GQI_KEY_FOR_DETAIL - QIM - Key Structure Generic Quality Issue
QAMS_GQI_KEY_INCL_DETAIL - QIM - Attributes of Generic Quality Issue with Details
QAMS_GQI_METH_SETRESPONSIBLE - Structure to Set Person Responsible
QAMS_GQI_METH_SETSTATUS - Method Call Set Status
QAMS_GQI_SEARCH - QIM - Search Structure for Generic Quality Issue
QAMS_GQI_SEARCH_CONTENT - QIM: Business Part of Search Struct. for Generic Qual. Issue
QAMS_POWL_DETAIL_PARTNER - QIM: Details for Partner with Extended Key
QAMS_QIT_ATTRIBUTE - Attributes of Issue Type
QAMS_QIT_CREATE - Attributes of Issue Type
QAMS_QIT_KEY - QIM - Key Structure for Issue Type
QAMS_QIT_SEARCH - Search Fields for Issue Type
QAMS_QUANT_UNIT - QIM: Quantity and Unit of Measure
QAMS_REF_CATEGORY - Category with Type
QAMS_RFC_RIQS5 - RFC Structure I/O Data for Notification Creation (RIQS5)
QAMS_RFC_TLINE - RFC Structure Long Texts for Notific. Objects (RFC_TLINE)
QAMS_RFC_VIQMEL - RFC Structure Notification Header (VIQMEL)
QAMS_RFC_VIQMFE - RFC Structure Notification Item (RFC_VIQMFE)
QAMS_TLINE - Text Lines
QAMXS_DETAIL_LONGTEXT_MAP - Structure for Mapping Long Text Details to QIM
QAMXS_DETAIL_OBJECT_MAP - Structure for Mapping Details of Assigned Objects to QIM
QAMXS_DETAIL_PARTNER_MAP - Structure for Mapping Partner Details to QIM
QAM_L_BCV_A - QIM: Temporary Storage Activities f. Business Context Viewer
QAM_L_BCV_I - QIM: Temporary Storage Issues for Business Context Viewer
QIMS_ECATT_PART_DET_DSCN_TAB - BRFplus Data for Decision Table Partner Determination