SAP Tables | Cross-Application Components | Bank SAP CA

SAP CA Bank Tables (CA-BK)

SAP Bank Tables CA-BK

ACCT_DET_BF - General fields for account determination interfaces
ACCT_DET_C_C_BF - Account determination for co.code clearing: Results fields
ATBNKA - Transfer structure for Austrian bank tape
BANKAT2_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Austria (OENB)
BANKAT_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Austria
BANKCA_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Canada
BANKCH2_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Switzerland (tele rate 2)
BANKCH3_BF - Work area for file to be input: Swiss Telekurs 2000
BANKCH_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Switzerland (tele rate 1)
BANKDE_BF - Record layout bank no.s-complete group (DE, unpacked field5)
BANKDK_BF - Work are for file to be imported: Denmark
BANKES1_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Spain (Type 00)
BANKES2_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Spain (Type 01)
BANKES3_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Spain (type 99)
BANKGB_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Great Britain
BANKIT1_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Italy (type 11)
BANKIT2_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Italy (type 21)
BANKIT3_BF - Work area for file to be imported: Italy (type 31)
BANKPDE_BF - Record layout bank #-entire group (Germany, packed field 5)
BANKUS1_BF - Work area for file to be imported: USA (TFP)

BANKZA_BF - Work area for file to be imported: South Africa
BANK_BIC - Structure for transferring bank data
BANK_BIC_ALL - Work area for BIC file to be imported: Database export
BANK_BIC_QUERY - Work area for BIC file to be imported: Query export
BANK_CHANGES - Help structure for the change documents: Banks
BAPI0002_1 - Transfer Structure for Object 0002: Company Code Get List
BAPI0002_2 - Transfer Structure for Object 0002: Company Code Get Detail
BAPI0002_3 - Include structure with name attributes of the ADRC address
BAPI0002_4 - Reference structure: Period/fiscal year
BAPI0003_1 - Transfer Structure for Object 0003: Business Area
BAPI0003_2 - Transfer Structure for Object 0003: Business Area Get Detail
BAPI0003_3 - Transfer Structure for Object 0003: Import Structure
BAPI1007 - Structure for business object customer
BAPI1007_4 - Transfer structure 1007/GetDetail/General data
BAPI1007_5 - Transfer structure 1007/GetDetail/Company code data
BAPI1007_6 - Transfer structure 1007/GetDetail/Bank data
BAPI1007_7 - Transfer structure 1007/find/search terms
BAPI1007_8 - Transfer structure 1007/find/search results
BAPI1007_9 - Transfer structure 1007/find/search terms
BAPI1008 - Structure for business object supplier
BAPI1008_4 - Transfer structure 1008/GetDetail/General data
BAPI1008_5 - Transfer structure 1008/GetDetail/Company code data
BAPI1008_6 - Transfer structure 1008/GetDetail/Bank data_
BAPI1008_7 - Transfer structure 1008/find/search terms
BAPI1008_8 - Transfer structure 1008/find/search results
BAPI1008_9 - Transfer structure 1008/find/search results
BAPI1011_ADDRESS - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank address
BAPI1011_ADDRESSX - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank
BAPI1011_DETAIL - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank detail
BAPI1011_DETAILX - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank detail
BAPI1011_KEY - Transfer structure object bank: Individual fields
BAPI1011_LIST - Transfer structue object bank: List
BAPI1013_DETAIL - Transfer Structure for Object 1013: IBAN Detail
BAPI1013_DETAILX - Change Information for Object 1013: IBAN Detail
BAPI1013_KEY - Transfer Structure for IBAN Object: Single Fields
BAPI1022_1 - BUS1022 (Fixed asset): Key
BAPI1022_2 - BUS1022 (Fixed asset): General data
BAPI1022_3 - BUS1022 (Fixed asset): Alloc. to org. struct. and CO objects
BAPI1022_4 - BUS1022 (Fixed asset): Evaluation groups / Allocations

BAPI1022_5 - BUS1022 (Fixed asset): Composite struct. for individ. fields
BAPI2021_ACCOUNTS - BAPI Payment Request: Accounts
BAPI2021_ADDRESS - Payment Request: Address Data
BAPI2021_AMOUNTS - BAPI Payment Request: Amounts and Currencies
BAPI2021_BANK - BAPI Payment Request: Bank Data
BAPI2021_CENTRALBANKREP - BAPI Payment Request: Reporting Data
BAPI2021_CORRDOC - BAPI Payment Request: Corresponding Accounting Document
BAPI2021_DATES - BAPI Payment Request: Data
BAPI2021_HELP - BAPI Payment Request: Other Fields
BAPI2021_INSTRUCTIONS - BAPI Payment Request: Instruction Key
BAPI2021_KEYNO - BAPI Payment Request: Key Number
BAPI2021_LIST - BAPI Payment Request: Transfer Structure for GetList BAPI
BAPI2021_ORGANISATIONS - BAPI Payment Request: Organizations
BAPI2021_ORIGIN - BAPI Payment Request: Origin
BAPI2021_PAY - Structure for BAPI (Payment)
BAPI2021_PAYMENTCTRL - BAPI Payment Request: Payment Control
BAPI2021_REFERENCES - BAPI Payment Request: Reference Data
BAPI2021_REFTEXT - BAPI Payment Request: Note to Payee Texts
BAPI2021_REPORTS - Reports and Variants for Scheduling Payment Program
BAPI2021_REV - BAPI Payment Request: Cancel
BAPI2021_SELACDOCNO - Selection Number of the Corresponding Document
BAPI2021_SELCLRDOCNO - Selection of Clearing Document Number
BAPI2021_SELCOMPCODE - Selection of Company Code
BAPI2021_SELFISCYEAR - Selection of Corresponding Document Fiscal Year
BAPI2021_SELITEMNUM - Selection of Row in Corresponding Document
BAPI2021_SELLOGSYST - Selection of Logical System
BAPI2021_SELOBJKEY - Selection of Reference Key
BAPI2021_SELOBJTYPE - Selection of Reference Transaction
BAPI2021_SELORI - Origin Selection
BAPI2021_SELREQUESTID - Payment Request Key Numbers as Range
BAPI2021_STA - BAPI Payment Request: Status
BAPI3006_0 - Object 3006 Transfer Structure: Import Structure
BAPI3006_1 - Object 3006 Transfer Structure: G/L Account GetList
BAPI3006_2 - Object 3006 Transfer Structure: G/L Account GetDetail
BAPI3006_5 - Object 3006 Transfer Structure: Import Structure
BAPI4499_5 - Transfer Structure Object 4499: Account Statement Key
BAPIACAP06 - Posting to Accounting: Payroll (Vendor)
BAPIACAR05 - Posting to Accounting: Payroll (Customer)
BAPIACCR04 - Posting in Accounting: Payroll accounting (currency fields)

BAPIACCRPO - Posting in FI/CO: Commitments (currency fields)
BAPIACGL04 - Posting in accounting: General Ledger HR (Item)
BAPIACGL05 - Posting in accounting: General Ledger HR-AR (item)
BAPIACGL06 - Posting in Accounting: General Ledger HR-AP (item)
BAPIACHE04 - Posting in Accounting: Payroll (header)
BAPIACHE05 - Posting in Accounting: HR settlement with AR (header)
BAPIACHE06 - Posting in Accounting: HR settlement with AP (header)
BAPIACHE07 - Posting in FI/CO: Purchase order (header)
BAPIACKECR - Posting in Accounting: CO-PA Acct Assignment Characteristics
BAPIACKECR2 - Posting in Accounting: CO-PA 2 Account Assignment Chars
BAPIACTR00 - Posting in Accounting: Trips (line item)
BAPIACTX01 - Posting to FI Accounting: Tax (item)
BAPIBRANCH - Structure of BAPIs for reading J_1BBRANCH
BAPICUSTOMER_02 - BAPI Interface Structure/GetDetail/Bank Data
BAPICUSTOMER_04 - BAPI Interface Structure/GetDetail/General Data
BAPICUSTOMER_05 - Transfer structure 1007/GetDetail/Company Code Data
BAPICUSTOMER_ID - Customer Number of an Existing Customer
BAPIKNA110 - Transfer Structure KNA1/Search Terms
BAPIKNA111 - Transfer Structure KNA1/Search Results
BAPIKNA112 - Transfer Structure KNA1/Search Terms
BAPISECCODE - Structure for BAPIs for Reading SECCODE
BAPIVENDOR_01 - BAPI Interface Structure: Number Range for Vendors
BAPIVENDOR_04 - Transfer Structure 1008/GetDetail/General Data
BAPIVENDOR_05 - Transfer Structure 1008/GetDetail/Company Code Data
BAPIVENDOR_06 - Transfer Structure 1008/GetDetail/Bank Data
BAPIVENDOR_10 - Transfer Structure LFA1/Search Terms
BAPIVENDOR_11 - Transfer Structure LFA1/Search Results
BAPIVENDOR_12 - Transfer Structure LFA1/Search Results
BAPI_S_SEPA_MANDATE_APPEND - SEPA: BAPI Structure - Additional Data
BAPI_S_SEPA_MANDATE_CHANGE - SEPA: BAPI Structure for Changing a Mandate
BAPI_S_SEPA_MANDATE_COMMON - SEPA: BAPI Structure - Common Part of Several Structures
BAPI_S_SEPA_MANDATE_CREATE - SEPA: BAPI Structure for Creating a Mandate
BAPI_S_SEPA_MANDATE_DATA - SEPA: BAPI Structure - All Relevant Fields
BAPI_S_SEPA_MANDATE_ID - SEPA: BAPI Structure for Identifying a Mandate
BAPI_S_SEPA_MANDATE_SELECTION - SEPA: BAPI Structure for Selection Criteria
BNKA - Bank master record
BNKAIN - Bank Master (Additional Fields for BNKA)
BNKA_BF - Bank data (neutral communications structure)
BNKT - Conversion of temporary to internal bank keys
E1BANK_CHANGE - Header segment
E1BANK_CREATE - Header segment
E1BANK_SAVEREPLICA - Header segment
E1BP1011_ADDRESS - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank address
E1BP1011_ADDRESSX - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank
E1BP1011_DETAIL - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank detail
E1BP1011_DETAILX - Transfer structure object 1011: Bank detail
E1BP1013_DETAIL - Transfer Structure for Object 1013: IBAN Detail
E1BP1013_DETAILX - Transfer Structure for Object 1013: IBAN Detail
E1BP_S_BF_FLAG - Switch
E1BP_S_SEPA_MANDATE_APPEND - SEPA: BAPI Structure - Additional Data
E1BP_S_SEPA_MANDATE_COMMON - SEPA: BAPI Structure - Common Part of Several Structures
E1BP_S_SEPA_MANDATE_COMMON1 - SEPA: BAPI Structure - Common Part of Several Structures
E1BP_S_SEPA_MANDATE_ID - SEPA: BAPI Structure for Identifying a Mandate
E1IBAN_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1IBAN_CREATE - Header Segment
FAGL_ACC_S_SAPF163_LIST1 - Structure for ALV Conversion SAPF163
FAGL_S_ACC_DET_CC - Account Determination Clearing of Additional G/L Character.
FAGL_S_ACT_CC - Splitter Information for Company Codes
FAGL_S_BALDIM - G/L Characteristics of Document Split in New General Ledger
FEBAPPL_BF - Account statement/lockbox: Data from other applications
FEBCL_BF - Clearing data for an electronic bank statement line item
FEBDOC_BF - Statement/lockbox line item - posted documents
FEBEPIN_BF - Statement/lockbox line item - internal information
FEBEPXT_BF - Statement/lockbox line item - external information
FEBKOIN_BF - Statement/lockbox header - internal information
FEBKOXT_BF - Statement/lockbox header - external information
FEBPI_BF - Account Balance: Line Item Information
FEBRE_BF - Reference record for electronic bank statement line item
FIINTERFACE - Fields for interfaces in function modules
HRXBLNR - Special fields for HR when creating payment carrier
IBAN_BUS_PARTNR - CBP: Partner Numbers for IBAN
IBAN_CHANGES - Help Structure for Change Documents: IBAN
IBNKA - Table of bank addresses
IBNKAS - Structure for Search Help
ITEM_TEXT_BF - General fields for determining segment text
ITIBAN - Help Structure for Table TIBAN
KNA1_BF - Help structure for KNA1 for decoupling
KNBK_BF - Customer master (bank details)
MLDADR_ABA - External Reporting: Address Data Fields (ABA)
NBNK - Number range for banks
PAYR_FI - PAYR transfer structure to FI
PNBK_FI - Prenotification (neutral communication structure)
QSTRE_BF - Fields from FI table QSTRE required by HR
R005 - Help fields for maintaining table T005
REGUH_BF - Payment Data (Neutral Communication Structure)
REGUH_CORE_D - Payment Data (Neutral Communication Structure)
REGUP_BF - Paid items (neutral communication structure)
REGUP_CORE_D - Paid Items (Neutral Communication Structure)
REGUV_BF - Payment run identification (neutral communication structure)
RF02A - Work fields for SAPMF02A
RF02B - Work fields for SAPMF02B / SAPLBANK
RFCU1_BF - Customizing: Screen fields
RFPDO_BF - Report-specific parameter document: Transfer of bank data
RFSEPA_CTR - SEPA Mandate Management: Control Fields
RFSEPA_DYN - SEPA Mandate Management: Dynpro Fields
RFSEPA_IDS - SEPA Mandate Management: Generic IDs
RFSEPA_INTKEY - SEPA Mandate Management: Internal Key
RFSEPA_LOCK - SEPA Mandate Management: Dynpro Fields for Global Locks
RFSEPA_LUW - SEPA Mandate: Interface for Displaying in New LUW
RFSEPA_PARA - SEPA: Parameters for Mandate Management
RFSEPA_SEL - SEPA Mandate Management: Dypro Fields for Selection
RFSEPA_TABSTRIP - SEPA Mandate Management: Tabs Administration
RFSEPA_USE - SEPA Mandate: Usages
RFSEPA_WA - SEPA Mandate Management: Work Area
RTAX1U38 - Tax records and amounts for several codes
SEPAR_OBJTYP - Range Structure for Object Type
SEPAR_TYPEID - Ranges Structure for Object Key
SEPA_CI_PROC - SEPA CI Limits and CI Whitelist
SEPA_CI_PROC_ENQ - SEPA CI Limit: Auxilliary Table for ENQUEUE
SEPA_CI_PROC_HIS - SEPA CI Limits and CI Whitelist
SEPA_CTRL - SEPA Mandate Management: System Control
SEPA_CTRLT - SEPA Mandate Management: System Control
SEPA_CUST - SEPA Mandate Management: Customizing
SEPA_FIELDS - SEPA Mandate Management: Modifiable Fields
SEPA_GET_CRITERIA_MANDATE - Selection Criteria for SEPA Mandates
SEPA_MANDATE_ARCIDX - SEPA Mandate (Archive Index)
SEPA_MANDATE_DATA - SEPA Mandate: Standard Fields (Cannot be Enhanced)
SEPA_MANDATE_ENQ - SEPA Mandate: Internal Table for ENQUEUE
SEPA_MANDATE_LCH - SEPA Administration: Global Locks (History)
SEPA_MANDATE_LCK - SEPA Mandate Management: Global Locks
SEPA_MANDATE_USE - SEPA Mandate Management: Usages
SEPA_MDTENQ_MULT - SEPA Mandate: Auxilliary Table for Multiple Enqueue
SEPA_PARAMS - Additional Parameters for the Management of SEPA Mandates
SEPA_RC_CUST - SEPA Mandate: Customizing for Reason Code
SEPA_RC_CUST_TXT - SEPA Mandate: Text table for Reason Code
SEPA_SFIELDS - SEPA Mandate Management: Modifiable Fields
SEPA_SPARAMS - Additional Parameters for the Management of SEPA Mandates
SEPA_STATUS_CUST - SEPA Mandate: Customizing for Status Transition
SEPA_STR_CI_ADMIN - SEPA CI Administrative Data
SEPA_STR_DATA_MANDATE_CHNG - Changable Fields of a Mandate
SEPA_STR_DATA_MANDATE_CHNG_1 - Dynpro Structure for Change to Mandates
SEPA_STR_DATA_MANDATE_DATA - Structure for Mandate Data in the Application Layer
SEPA_STR_MANDATE_ALV - Structure for Listing Mandates in ALV_GRID
SEPA_STR_MANDATE_CREATE - Structure for Creation of Mandate Data
SEPA_STR_MANDATE_KEY - Internal Key for Mandates
SEPA_STR_MANDATE_KEY_EXTERNAL - External Key for Mandates
SEPA_STR_MANDATE_LOCK_DATA - Structure for Mandates Lock Table
SEPA_STR_MANDATE_PAIN_DD - Transfer of Mandate Data to the Payment Medium
SEPA_STR_MANDATE_USE - Structure for Mandate_use. Application Layer
SEPA_STR_PARAMETER - SEPA Mandate Management: Parameter Transfer
SEPA_STR_USE_EXT - SEPA Mandate: Usage Data with External Key
SEPA_S_ADMIN - SEPA Mandate: Management Data
SEPA_S_ADMIN_EXT - SEPA Mandate: Management Data (External Fields)
SEPA_S_ADMIN_INT - SEPA Mandate: Management Data (Internal Data)
SEPA_S_LCK_ADMIN - Administrative Data for Change to Global Locks
SEPA_S_ORG - SEPA Mandate: Internal Organizational Data
SEPA_S_RECEIVER - SEPA Mandate: Recipient Data (Beneficiary Bank Account)
SEPA_S_RECEIVER_DATA - SEPA Mandate: Recipient Data
SEPA_S_RECEIVER_ID - SEPA Mandate: ID of Recipient
SEPA_S_REFERENCE - SEPA Mandate: Data for Referencing to Other Objects
SEPA_S_REFERENCE_DATA - SEPA Mandate: Data of Referenced Object
SEPA_S_REFERENCE_ID - SEPA Mandate: ID of Referenced Object
SEPA_S_SENDER - SEPA Mandate: Sender Data (Debited Bank Account)
SEPA_S_SENDER_DATA - SEPA Mandate: Sender Data
SEPA_S_SENDER_ID - SEPA Mandate: ID of Sender
SEPA_S_USE - SEPA Mandate: Usage Data
SI_005S - Application fields for provincial key
SI_T005ABA - Application base fields for table T005
SPELL - Transfer structure for amounts rendered in words
SUC_AND_ERR_TABS - Structure for Successful and Erroneous Banks
T001R_BF - Rounding of amounts (neutral communication structure)
T001Z_BF - Additional data for company code (neutral structure)
T001_BF - Company code data (neutral communication structure)
T003_BF - Document types (neutral communication structure)
T005BU - Table for Transferring Bank Data
T005BUT - Table for Transferring Bank Data
T005P - Validation of tax keys
T005R_BF - T005R copy for decoupling
T005SEPA - SEPA Country Settings
T005Z - Alternative Reporting Country Codes
T005ZR - Assignment Rules for Alternative Country Codes
T005ZT - Name of Reporting Country Codes
T005_BF - Application fields from the countries table for interfaces
T007B - Tax Processing in Accounting
T012K_BF - Detail data on house bank account
T012K_L_BF - House bank account - list data
T012_BF - Detail data on house bank
T012_D_BF - Extended detail data on house bank
T012_K_BF - Key data on house bank
T012_L_BF - List data on house bank
T015L_D_BF - Detail data on state central bank indicator
T015L_L_BF - List data on state central bank indicator
T015M - Names of the months
T015X - External Reporting: Report Recipient
T015XT - External Reporting: Name of Report Recipient
T015Z - Digits and numbers in words
T016T_BF - Description of industries (neutral communication structure)
T018P - Post office bank branches
T042Z_BF - Detail data on payment method
T042Z_L_BF - List data on payment method
T055 - Field group fields (master data)
T055G - Field groups (master data)
T055T - Field group names
T100C - Message Control by User
T100S - Configurable system messages
T100SA - Application Areas for Configurable Messages
TACC_PRINCIPLE - Accounting Principle
TACC_PRINCIPLET - Accounting Principle
TBDBANK - Table Replaced by TBDBANKC
TBDBANKC - Consolidation System for Bank Data Distribution
TBDIBAN - Define Consolidation System for Distribution of IBAN
TVOID_BF - Reasons for invalidity (neutral communication structure)