SAP Tables | Basis Components | Upgrade - General SAP BC

SAP BC Upgrade - General Tables (BC-UPG)

SAP Upgrade - General Tables BC-UPG

ADDONCHECK - Relationship Between Enterprise Add-Ons + Check F. Modules
ADDONUP - Structure for All Add-On Products in the Upgrade
ANONYMIZATION - Defines Anonymizing Table Fields
ANONYMIZATIOND - Status Table for Deanonymization
ANONYMUNDO - RFC Structure for Undoing Anonymization
AVERS - Information About Updates of R/3 Add-On Products
AVMOVES - Add-On Moves (Corresponds to IS_MOVES.LST)
AVMOVES - Add-On Moves (Corresponds to IS_MOVES.LST)
CLEANUP_LOG - Language Clean-Up, Log Table
CLEANUP_STATUS - Clean-Up Status of Tasks
COMPINFO - Release Upgrade Information of a Component
COMPINFO - Release Upgrade Information of a Component
COMP_CP - PUTTBC Handling: Components for Copying
COMP_LAYER - Component Layering
COMP_SYS - EM: Component <-> SAP System Assignment
CONFL_OBJ - Transport Object Triggers Conflict
CVERS - Release Status of Software Components in System
CVERS_ACT - Active Software Components in the System

CVERS_PAST - Parameter Structure for UPG_GET_PAST_COMP_REL
CVERS_REF - Reference Table for CVERS Entries
CVERS_SDU - Structure for Outer Join of CVERS and CVERS_REF
CVERS_TXT - Component Version System Information
DDDTRENUPG - DD: Table for Renaming Data Elements During Upgrade
DDMTF - Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing
DDMTF_ISU - Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing
DDMTF_ISU - Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing
DDMTT - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDMTT_ISU - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDYTF - Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTF)
DDYTFS - Structure for Shadow DDXTF
DDYTT - Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTT)
DDYTTS - Structure for Shadow DDXTT
DX040L - Nametab Header, Database Structure DDNTT
DX041L - Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF
EMCHECK - EM: Object List Checks
EXCHOBJ - Upgrade: Substitution-Relevant Objects
EXP_TABLROWS - tables + contained rows
EXP_TRAN - Directory of All Exported Upgrade Transports
EXP_USASCI - Exception handling non US ASCII keys
EXP_VERS - Export Information for Delivery Systems
EXTMAP - Mapping Between Enterprise Extensions and SW Components
FINDOEXCPT - List of Exceptions for Program RDDFINDO (See Documentation)
GENSETC - Generation Set for ABAP Objects and BSP Applications
GENSETM - Generation Set for Used Machine Types
GEN_HISTORY - History of Number of Objects Generated by RSGENINVLAS
GODIR - Central Object Directory (Contains All Known Objects)
GODIRLOCK - Synchronization for Reports that Fill GODIR
GSAUS_PA - Interface Parameter FUGR SAUS
GSUGI_PA - Parameter Description for Function Group SUGI
GSUGR_PA - Parameter Structures of the Function Group SUGR

GTODIR - Exchange: List of Objects Delivered to Customers
HOTIEXPERT - Experts for Interface Changes
LANGBUFENT - Buffer Entry for Language Import in the Upgrade
LANGTRKORR - Languages/Requests/Components (in the Upgrade)
LOGTABLE_S - Structure for Log Table of Enterprise Add-On Check Modules
LTODIR - Object List for Switch
MERGECLIL - Command File Input for Merger
MERGECLIL_CHK - Command File Input for Merger - Exceptions
MERGEDIR - Merge - Control Table
MERGEH - Request List of the Transport Merger (Header)
MERGEHRESULT - merge result
MERGEMAPS - Header Information for Merge Maps
MERGENEGL - Merger Exclusion Objects
MERGENEGLN - Exclusion Objects Merger Central Maintenance Table
MERGENEGLX - Exclusion Objects Merger Central Maintenance Table
MERGEOBJ - Collection Table of Problem Objects
MERGEPARAM - Parameter description for function group S2EM
MERGETA - Transports Included in the Merger
MIGTRIGGER - Trigger during DMO (database migration option)
NAVERS - UPG: Information About Updates of R/3 Add-On Products
NAVERS2 - additional information about Addons in Upgrades/Updates
NAVERS_EXT - UPG: Additional Information for Software Comp. (in AVERS)
NCVERS - Table of Software Components in the Shadow Repository
NCVERS - Table of Software Components in the Shadow Repository
NCVERS_I - Copy of NCVERS with 3.0D Data Elements
NCVERS_I - Copy of NCVERS with 3.0D Data Elements
NCVERS_I - Copy of NCVERS with 3.0D Data Elements
NPUT - IS: SAP R/3 Add-On Release Information
NPUT - IS: SAP R/3 Add-On Release Information
NPUT - IS: SAP R/3 Add-On Release Information
NPUT - IS: SAP R/3 Add-On Release Information
OLC_ERROR_KEY - EM: erroneous key in OLC
OLC_ERROR_KEY_STR - EM: erroneous string-type key in OLC
OLC_ERROR_OBJECT - EM: erroneous object in OLC
OLC_RESULT - EM: result of OLC
PATCHLIST - Request List for Queue Calculator/Missing Support Packages
PATCHQSEQ - Return Structure of the Support Package Sequence
PATCHQSEQ2 - Return Structure of the Support Package Sequence
PTBSHD_INC - Control Table for Shadow Import During the Upgrade

PUTTABNAME - SL136: Structure to Define an Upgrade Command File List
PUTTB - Substituted Tables of a Release
PUTTBC - Exchange Tables for Each SAP Release and Component
PUTTBCEXCP - PUTTB Consistency Check Exceptions (Report PUTTBCHK)
PUTTBEXCPT - PUTTB Consistency Check Exceptions (Report PUTTBCHK)
PUTTBH - History of PUTTB Generation (from PUTTBC)
PUTTBX - Extension of Puttb
PUTTBXS - Extension of Puttb (Include)
PUTTB_SHD - Control Table for Shadow Import During the Upgrade
PUTTB_SHD - Control Table for Shadow Import During the Upgrade
PUTTB_SHD - Control Table for Shadow Import During the Upgrade
PUTTB_SHD_KEY - Structure for Maintaining PUTTB_SHD, Keys
PUTTB_SHD_MNT - Structure for Maintaining PUTTB_SHD, Data
PUTTB_SHD_MNT - Structure for Maintaining PUTTB_SHD, Data
PUTTB_SHD_MNT - Structure for Maintaining PUTTB_SHD, Data
PUTTB_SHD_MNT - Structure for Maintaining PUTTB_SHD, Data
RELCOMPMAP - Extend Table RELEASEMAP by Components
RELEASEMAP - Mapping Table for Bit Field: (G)TODIR-RELMAP
RS40FIELDS - Upgrade: Extended Fields in Release 4.0
RS40_DDXTT - This structure must always look like DDXTT
RS40_TADIR - 4.0 TADIR Structure for 4.0 Upgrade
RSFILLST - Structure for Function Module SUBST_GET_FILE_LIST
RSJOBTAB - Table for Background Job Control Data (Auto Rescheduling)
RSJOBTABM - Table for Background Job Control Data
RSMRGSTR - Structure for Function Module SUBST_MERGE_LIST
RSTODIRD - Table for Storing the Results of Report RSTODIRD
RSUPGLST - Structure for Output List (Results from RSUPGTAS/RSUPGTAB)
RSUPGSTC - Structure as a Reference for FB UPGRADE_READ_TABLE_SIZES
RSUPGSTR - Structure for Upgrade Utilities
RSUPGTALST - Return Structure for Function Module PUT_READ_RSUPGTAS_DATA
SAUS_DPARA - Repository Switch: Definitions for FM Interfaces
SAUS_TABNM - List of Table Names
SERVTYPE - Application Servers Selected for Parallel Generation
SERVTYPEM - Application Servers Selected for Parallel Generation
SEXP_TRKORR_RANGE - Range for Transport Request
SGEN_JOB_UI_S - UI Structure for Job Overview
SGEN_MESSAGE_S - SGEN Message Structure
SHADOW - Table for shadow system (during upgrade) exclusively
SHADOW - Table for shadow system (during upgrade) exclusively
SUBST_UPGEV_HDR - Upgrade Evaluation (Customer Side) Header Table
SUBST_UPGEV_POS - Upgrade Evaluation (Customer Side) Position Table
SUGB_FPARA - Transfer Parameter for FUGR SUGB
SUGB_PARA - Atomic Data Types for FUGR SUGB
SUGE_DISTT - Subst.: Frequency Distribution of Domains, Data Elements
SUGE_FPARA - Interface Parameter FUGR SUGE
SUGI_FPARA - Data Structures for FUGR SUGI
SUGI_PAE - Export Parameter for Function Group SUGI
SUGI_SRUM - Structure for Database Request (Used in R3up)
SUGI_TBTAB - Internal Structure for FUGR SUGI
SUGI_TLINE - Substitution: Structure for SUBST_START_REPORT (Tab. Par.)
SUGI_TSTAT - Status Table for List Processing Function Modules
SUGI_TSTAT - Status Table for List Processing Function Modules
SUGN_FPARI - Substitution Upgrade: Interface Structure for FUGR SUGN
SUGRS - Job Log Entries in List Format
SUGRS3 - Text Table with 256 Characters per Line
SUGS_FPARA - Reference Fields for Function Modules for Funct. Group SUGS
SUGU_PARA - Parameter Types for Function Group SUGU
SUGX_DISTT - Subst.: Frequency Distribution of Domains, Data Elements
SUGX_FPARA - Interface Parameter for FUGR SUGX
SUGX_HIST - Substitution: Transfer Structure for TODIR_HISTORY
SUGX_TNAME - List of Table Names
SUPGERROR - Uprade Tools Error Messages
SUPG_MESSAGE_S - Upgrade Tools Message Structure
TAREF - Table References of the Transportable Object Types
TAREF - Table References of the Transportable Object Types
TAREF - Table References of the Transportable Object Types
TAREF - Table References of the Transportable Object Types
TAREF - Table References of the Transportable Object Types
TAREF - Table References of the Transportable Object Types
TAREF - Table References of the Transportable Object Types
TCUSDAT_SV - Structure for TCUSDAT Values
TODIR - Object List for Switch
TODIR - Object List for Switch
TRIGTAB - Table Containing All Tables
TTODIR - Object List for Switch
UM4STATUS - Status Information for Upgrade and Unicode Conversion
UMODHDR - Upgrade Modification Information
UMODMCOD - Matchcodes Modified by Customer
UMODOBJ - Upgrade Modification Information: Objects
UMODREL - Conversion Table Release (R3up <=> SPDD)
UPGLOCSIZE - Structure of the Freespace Requirements on the DB in Upgrade
UPGLUW_S - Status of open LUW`s
UPGPARAM - Upgrade Parameters
UPGSTR_ADA - ADABAS D: Table Information
UPGTATAF - Control Table for Creating Indexes in Advance
UPGTBATG - Control Table for Creating Indexes in Advance
UPGTRINFO - list of requests, objects and their components
UPGTRMES - messages for transport requests
UPGXPRA - Upg: Log Table for RSXPRAUP
UPGXPRA - Upg: Log Table for RSXPRAUP
UPG_COUNTER - Upgrade: Current counter positions for number creation
UPG_COUNTER - Upgrade: Current counter positions for number creation
UPG_COUNTER - Upgrade: Current counter positions for number creation
UVERS - Upgrade Information
UVERS_HIST - Upgrade Information - History
UXCLIST - List of Tables to Be Converted Externally with Exp./Imp.
V4TRKLIST - List with Transport Requests, Format > 4.0

SAP Upgrade Add-On Components (IS) Tables BC-UPG-ADDON

TSYSDEF - Information on Industry Switch
TSYSTSTC - Transactions not Blocked in SAP Retail
WDELVERS - Valid Avers Components

SAP SAP Note Assistant Tables BC-UPG-NA

ANSTRS38T_LIM2 - Runtime Analysis: Measurement Restriction Statements
ANSTSE30LIM0WA - Runtime Analysis: Program Parts of Meas. Restriction Variant
ANST_CUST_OBJ - Objects Customizing
ANST_NOTE_SEA - Trace Notes Search Header
ANST_NOTE_SEA_P - Trace Notes Search Item
ANST_SELECT_TRACES - Select traces
ANST_SETT_VALUE - Settings values
ANST_S_SERVER_REQID - Server and Trace Request I
ANST_TRACES_TRACE - Data for selected traces
ANST_TRACES_TRACES - Tbom for selected traces
ANST_TRACE_ENQ - BPCA Primary Table for Shared SQL/Buffer Trace Lock
ANTS_TRACE_DATA - Data from Trace customer code
BAO6163 - Copy of V_BAO6163 from CSD
CCOMS - WDYC: Event Handler with Source
CWBBLOC - Correction Workbench: source code delta - code block
CWBBLOCDE - Correction Workbench: source code delta - code block delta
CWBBLOCID - Correction Workbench: source code delta - code block ID
CWBCIATTR - Attributes of correction instructions
CWBCICATTR - Attributes set by customer for correction instructions
CWBCICATTS - Attributes set by customer for correction instructions
CWBCICIOBJKEY - Correction Instruction: Key with Object Version
CWBCICONFIRMLOC - Correction Instruction: Confirmation Non-Transportable Act.
CWBCIDATA - Compressed data on correction instructions
CWBCIDATAOBJ - Compressed data on correction instructions
CWBCIDPNDC - Dependencies of correction instructions
CWBCIFIXED - Delivery event processed correction instructions
CWBCIHEAD - Header data for correction instructions
CWBCIINVLD - Release interval for which corr. instructions are invalid
CWBCIKEY - Key of Correction Instructions (Without Version Number)
CWBCIKEYVS - Key of Correction Instructions (with Version Number)
CWBCIKEYVSOBJ - Key Correction Instruction and Object
CWBCIOBJ - Object list of correction instructions with TADIR key
CWBCIOBJDELTA - Object Data of Correction Instruction (XML Transformation)
CWBCIOBJKEY - Correction Instruction: Object Key for Note Assistant
CWBCIOBJVERSION - Correction Instruction: Object Versions
CWBCISUBOBJINDEX - Correction Instruction: Obj. Versions wit Index for Subobj.
CWBCIVALID - Validity table for correction instructions
CWBCI_CIOBJINDEX - Correction Instruction: Index with Key
CWBCI_CONTENT_INDEX - Correction Instruction: Index for Data Container
CWBCMLAST - Software component last update
CWBCMPNT - Software components
CWBCMSREXT - Corrective Measure with Short Text
CWBCMTEXT - Software components short text
CWBDATA - Data table for SAP Note assembler
CWBDEATTR - Attribute of a delivery event
CWBDEEQUIV - Equivalent delivery events (a is included in b)
CWBDEHEAD - Delivery event (release/Support Package)
CWBDEKEY - Key structure for arranged delivery events
CWBDEPRDC - Predecessor of a delivery event
CWBDETEXT - Key structure for defined deliveries with text
CWBDETRACK - Delivery track
CWBGENATTR - Any Attribute
CWBMODILOG - Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects
CWBNTATTR - Note attribute
CWBNTCATTR - Customer attribute of a Note
CWBNTCI - Assignment of Note to correction instructions
CWBNTCONT - Data container for release data on the SAP Note
CWBNTCUST - Customer attribute for Note
CWBNTDATA - Compressed data for OSS Notes
CWBNTFIXED - SAP Note completed by delivery event
CWBNTGATTR - Table for Any Note Attributes
CWBNTHEAD - Header table for OSS Notes in customer systems
CWBNTINT - Interval
CWBNTKEY - Key for SAP Notes in Customer Systems
CWBNTKEYLG - Key for OSS Notes with language key
CWBNTKEYST - Note and Result of Implementation Test
CWBNTKEYVS - Key of a Note with Version Number
CWBNTLOG - Assignment to log file
CWBNTMSG - SAP Notes Message Log
CWBNTSTATT - Texts: Processing Status of SAP Notes
CWBNTSTATV - Fixed Values for Processing Status
CWBNTSTXT - Short text for a Note
CWBNTVALID - Validity table for Notes
CWBOBJHD - Correction Workbench: source code delta - object header
CWBPATNTCI - Structure of Buffer for Support Package Attributes
CWBPRSTATT - Texts Implementation Status
CWBPRSTATV - Implementation Status of SAP Notes
CWBRFCCACH - Cache for Request Data from Remote Systems
CWBRFCUSR - Overwrite RFC Connection for Certain Users
CWBSCDELT - Correction Workbench: source code delta - header
CWBSLFINTF - Interface to SLF
CWBSTPATT - Correction Workbench: source code delta -statement patterns
CWBSTRDESC - Structure Description
CWBTRKEY - Key for a Delivery Track
CWBVDBSCFG - Note Impl. Test: Configuration for Version Database System
CWB_ACCESS_TOKEN - Access token
CWB_COMPONENT_RELATION - Relation Table Between Master Comp./Subcomp. for CLC SP
CWB_DISPLAY_FIELD - Field to be displayed in merge display of CWB/NA
CWB_DISPLAY_STRUC_REF - Reference Fields for Merge Editor
CWB_HIST_D - Correction Workbench: History Data
CWB_HIST_H - Correction Workbench: History Header
CWB_HIST_K - Correction Workbench: Key of an Object History Entry
CWB_HIST_O - Correction Workbench: History Object Data
CWB_LINE_COUNT - Number of lines changed
CWB_MERGE_EDITOR_LINE - Rows in Merge Editor for Source Code
CWB_NOTE_TEXT - Note text
CWB_SP_WOV - Support Package without Version
CWB_VAL - ALEID and PAKID with Text
D020X - Screen Header from Correction Workbench View
D021S_PROP - Screen Element Properties from Correction Workbench View
D021X - Screen Element List from Correction Workbench View
HOTPACKWRN - Logging Confirmed Hotpackrul Warnings
SCWBCREQEX - Data from Correction Requests and Corrective Measures
SCWBENTR - Fields for Initial Screen of SCWB
SCWBINDXVS - Dummy Table for Packing Data
SCWBTRKORR - Request Number with Original System
SCWB_API_COMP_VECTOR - API Note Assistant: Component Vector
SCWB_API_CORRECTION_INSTR - API Note Assistant: Correction Instruction
SCWB_API_CORRECTION_INSTR_TEXT - API Note Assistant: Correction Instruction
SCWB_API_CTS_OBJECT - Note Assistant: CTS Object Keys with Selection
SCWB_API_FILENAME - API Note Assistant: File Names
SCWB_API_MSG - API Note Assistant: Message Description
SCWB_API_NOTENUMBER - API Note Assistant: Note Number
SCWB_CINST - Correction Instructions: Header Data
SCWB_CODE_BLOCK - Modularization Unit
SCWB_C_REQ - Data from Correction Requests and Corrective Measures
SCWB_DELIV - Delivery Event Key
SCWB_DELTA_HEADER - CWB: Delta Header Old/New
SCWB_DELVS - Key of a Delivery Event with Version
SCWB_DHEAD - Documentation Header with Request Number
SCWB_DLINE - Documentation Line with Request Number
SCWB_E070 - E070 from Release 4.0 for RFC Interfaces
SCWB_E070A - Copy of E070A from Release 4.5 for RFC Interfaces
SCWB_E070C - E070C from Release 4.0 for RFC Interfaces
SCWB_E070M - E070M from Release 4.0 for RFC Interfaces
SCWB_E071 - Copy of E071
SCWB_E071K - E071K from Release 4.0 for RFC Interfaces
SCWB_E07T - E07T from Release 4.0 for RFC Interfaces
SCWB_ELEMENTARY_DELTA - CWB: Elementary Code Delta
SCWB_HIST - History of Delta Copies in the Correction Workbench
SCWB_INDX - Dummy Table for Packing Data
SCWB_NOEX - Correction Workbench: Send Objects
SCWB_NOIN - Correction Workbench: Object Help Structure for SAP Notes
SCWB_NOTE - Note Header Data
SCWB_PUSH_SYSTEM - System for CWB push
SCWB_RFC_GEN_EXC - SIDs where automatic RFC destination generation is disabled
SCWB_RSYST - Destination for System
SCWB_SC_DELTAS - Note Assistant: Reference Field and SC Delta
SCWB_SC_DELTAS_REF - Note Assistant: Reference Field and SC Delta
SCWB_SC_DELTA_DATA - Note Assistant: Packed Lists of Source Code Deltas
SCWB_SC_DELTA_DATA_REF - Note Assistant: Packed Lists of Source Code Deltas
SCWB_SEOADDITION - Additional Information for Classes/Interfaces
SCWB_SEOADDITION_CLAS - Additional SCWB Information for a Class
SCWB_SEOADDITION_INTF - Additional SCWB Information for a Class
SCWB_STRUCTURED_CODE - Include Split into Modularization Units
SCWB_SUB_SUB_DELTAS - Note Assistant: Binary Packed Fields and SC Deltas
SCWB_SUB_SUB_DELTAS_REF - Note Assistant: Binary Packed Fields and SC Deltas
SCWB_S_FORM_NOTE - Note Assistant: Noe Data for Adobe Interactive Form
SCWB_S_FORM_NOTE_COMPONENT - Note Assistant: Software Component with Releases
SCWB_S_FORM_NOTE_PACKAGE - Note Assistant: Release and Support Package
SCWB_S_FORM_NOTE_PACKAGE_LINK - Note Assistant: Link to Support Packages
SCWB_S_FORM_NOTE_RELEASE - Note Assistant: Release Name
SCWB_S_FORM_NOTE_SIDE - Note Assistant: Note Number with Short Text
SCWB_S_MESSAGE_DATA - Note Assistant: Message Log
SCWB_S_NODE_DESCR - Note Assistant: Description of a Node
SCWB_S_NOTE_MESSAGE_DATA - Note Assistant: Messages with Note Number
SCWB_S_RES_MTXT - Display for manual activities
SCWB_S_RES_NOTE - Note Assistant: Implemented or Deimplemented Note
SCWB_S_RES_OBJECT - Note Assistant: Display of Implementation Status for Objects
SCWB_S_SCREEN_CIKEY_TXT - Note Assistant: Key Correction Instruction with Text
SCWB_S_SCREEN_CORR_INSTR - Note: Correction Instruction
SCWB_S_SCREEN_DSP_STR_FUNC - Note Assistant: Display Structure Data Function Module
SCWB_S_SCREEN_DSP_STR_REPS - Note Assistant: Display Structure Data Reports
SCWB_S_SCREEN_DSP_STR_SMIM - Note Assistant: Display Structure Data SMIM
SCWB_S_SCREEN_DSP_STR_WAPP_PGS - Note Assistant: Display Structure Data BSP
SCWB_S_SCREEN_FIELD_STATUS - Note Assistant: Field Status
SCWB_S_SCREEN_GRID - Note Assistant: Instances Grid Control
SCWB_S_SCREEN_GRID_INFO - Note Assistant: Information for ALV Grid
SCWB_S_SCREEN_GRID_PROFILE - Note Assistant: Configure ALV Grid
SCWB_S_SCREEN_NOTE - Note: Properties
SCWB_S_SCREEN_OBJECT - Note Assistant: Object of Correction Instruction
SCWB_S_SCREEN_OUTPUT_TEXT - Note Assistant: Any Output Text
SCWB_S_SCREEN_SETTINGS - Note Editor: Settings for a Screen
SCWB_S_SCREEN_SPLITTER_ROW - Note Assistant: Details of Height in Splitter Control
SCWB_S_SCREEN_VALIDITY_TXT - Note Assistant: Validities (Text Output)
SCWB_S_SCREEN_VERS_OBJECT - Version Management: Object Attributes for Display
SCWB_S_STATUS - Customer attribute of a Note
SCWB_TEXTLINES_SP - Note Assistant: Manual Activities with Language Key
SCWB_VERSION_HEADER - CWB: Version Header for Delta
SMODILOG_S - Include: Log for Modifications to ABAP Workbench Objects
SMODISTAT - Modification Adjustment/Processing Status Screen
SMODIUSER - Processor of Customer Modifications
SPROCSTAT - Processor of Customer Modifications Status Screen
SRESETLOG2 - Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects
STABULOG - Log of Customer Modifications of Table Entries
SVRS_CLASSDESCR - Description of Configuration Classes
SVRS_SOBJ_DEF - (Internal) SOBJ Definition for SVRS
SVRS_S_MISSINGOBJECTS - Missing objects for Correction Workbench Copy
SVRS_TLOGO_IFIELDS - Ignore Fields (Not Subobject/Tabname)
SVRS_VCNT_DATA - Data table for TLogo test objects with variable content
SVRS_VCNT_HEAD - Header table for TLogo test objects
SVRS_VCNT_LANG - Data table for TLogo test objects with language dependency
SVRS_VCNT_PACKED - Packed structure for TLogo test object
SVRS_VCNT_UNPACKED - Unpacked structure for TLogo test objects
VRSDELTA_H - Header Information for an Object Delta
VRSDEL_H46 - Header Information for an Object Delta
VRSDEL_H62 - Header Information for an Object Delta
VXSEOATTRSRC - Complex Attributes in Class Sections
VXSEOTYPESRC - Complex Types in Class Sections
VXT100 - Delta for T100
VXT100A - Delta for T100
VXT100O - Delta for T100
VXT100T - Delta for T100
VXT100U - Delta for T100
VXT100X - Delta for T100

SAP Online Correction Support (Support Package and Add-On Tools) Tables BC-UPG-OCS

ADDON_ATTR - Attributes for Add-On Patches and CRTs
ADDON_CONF - Structure of Conflicts Between Patches and Add-Ons
AVERS_EXT - Additional Information for Software components (in AVERS)
BAD_PATCH - Description of Patch that Makes Queue Inconsistent
CLNT_CVERS - Information on Installing a PCS
CLNT_CVERS - Information on Installing a PCS
CLNT_CVERS - Information on Installing a PCS
CVERS_SUB - Relationship of Master Components to Subcomponents
DBGLOBINFO - Global Information from Database
DBSAPINFO - Statistical Information from Database and SAP Components
EQUIV_CONJ - Prerequisite Set of EQUIVALENCE Prerequisite
HOTPACKETS - Hot Package Structure for Function Modules
HOTPACKETS - Hot Package Structure for Function Modules
HOTPACKETS - Hot Package Structure for Function Modules
INSTSWFEAT - Information About Installed Software Features (Instances)
INSTSWFEAT - Information About Installed Software Features (Instances)
INSTSWPROD - Information About Installed Software Products
INSTSWPROD - Information About Installed Software Products
INSTSWPROD - Information About Installed Software Products
INSTSWPROD - Information About Installed Software Products
INSTSWPROD - Information About Installed Software Products
LAY0700 - Layout of screen SAPOCS_UI 0700
LAY108 - Layout of Screen SAPLSPAM 0108
LAY150MDRQ - Layout of Modification Transport Table Control
LAY300COMP - Layout of the Package Auswahl Table Control
LAY300PACK - Layout of the Package Queue Table Control
NEU_HIST - EarlyWatch Alert: SNAP Histogram
NEU_LONG - EarlyWatch Alert: Long SNAP Structure
NEU_SHORT - EarlyWatch Alert: Short SNAP Structure
NEU_SHORT - EarlyWatch Alert: Short SNAP Structure
OCSALEPAT - Delivery Event for a Support Package
OCSAPI_PA - Parameter Descriptions for FUGR OCS_API
OCSAPI_PA - Parameter Descriptions for FUGR OCS_API
OCSCMPLOBJ - Complete Information for Objects (with TADIR and Lock Key)
OCSCOMPLVL - Software Components with Support Package Level
OCSCOMPLVL - Software Components with Support Package Level
OCSI_AGR - EarlyWatch Alert: Statistics Over Roles
OCSI_MOD - Histogram: Modified Objects
OCSNTCI - Note Data from Support Packages
OCSOBJINFO - Additional Information on Transport Object (TADIR, Lock Key)
OCSPATNTCI - Buffer for Support Package Attributes for Note Admin.
OCSSFWCOMP - Structure with Layout of Table SFW_COMPONENT (from 7.00)
OCSSWFSTAT - Software Component with Switch Framework Status
OCS_ALLTABS_INFO - Test of CHECK_FREESP. under Informix (Info for all Tables)
OCS_APIMSG - Message Description
OCS_APIMSG - Message Description
OCS_APIMSG - Message Description
OCS_APIMSG - Message Description
OCS_APIMSG - Message Description
OCS_APIMSG - Message Description
OCS_BTCCTL - Control Data for Scheduling OCS Batch Jobs
OCS_C100 - Interface Structure for OCS Modules (Length 100)
OCS_C200 - Interface Structure for OCS Modules (Length 200)
OCS_C300 - Interface Structure for OCS Modules (Length 300)
OCS_CAR - Output from CAR/SAPCAR
OCS_CAR - Output from CAR/SAPCAR
OCS_CLIST - Structure for a Component List
OCS_CONFL - Conflicts Between Object Lists (Including Conflict Objects)
OCS_DB_SPACES_TO_BE_EXTENDED - Required DB Space Extensions for Freespace Check
OCS_DB_SPACES_TO_BE_EXTENDED - Required DB Space Extensions for Freespace Check
OCS_FILE - Reads attributes of a file from file system
OCS_F_DATA - Data row of a file
OCS_F_INFO - Information about a file
OCS_F_MGMT - Data element for file management
OCS_IMPMSG - Import Error Messages for OCS Packages
OCS_IMPMSG - Import Error Messages for OCS Packages
OCS_IMPMSG - Import Error Messages for OCS Packages
OCS_MSGARG - Message Parameters (Name-Value Pair)
OCS_NEW_TABLE_ENTRIES - New table entries that are probably imported by OCS queue
OCS_NEW_TABLE_ENTRIES - New table entries that are probably imported by OCS queue
OCS_NEW_TABLE_ENTRIES - New table entries that are probably imported by OCS queue
OCS_NEW_TABLE_ENTRIES - New table entries that are probably imported by OCS queue
OCS_PLIST - Structure for a Support Package List
OCS_PLIST - Structure for a Support Package List
OCS_SOFTWARE_COMPONENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
OCS_SWCOMP_SIMPLE_BY_ELEM_QMT - Query message for retrieval of software components
OCS_SWCOMP_SIMPLE_BY_ELEM_QRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
OCS_SWCOMP_SIMPLE_BY_ELEM_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
OCS_SWCOMP_SIMPLE_BY_ELEM_RMT - Reponse message for retrieval of software components
OCS_SWCOMP_SIMPLE_SEL_BY_ELEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
OCS_SWCOMP_SIMPLE_SEL_BY_ELEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
OCS_TABLE - Table with 6 info fields
OCS_TADIR - Tadir Key for Transport Object
OCS_TESTFREE_INF - Table for testing CHECK_FREESPACE under Informix
OCS_TESTFREE_INF - Table for testing CHECK_FREESPACE under Informix
PAD03 - Registered Patches
PAD71 - Patch Contents
PAD71K - Keys of Table Entries Contained in a Patch
PARCL_HDR - SPAM Parcel Header (First 25 Characters)
PAT00 - Patch Steps
PAT01 - Patch Status
PAT02 - Conflicts Between Patches and Add-Ons
PAT03 - Patch Directory
PAT03_ATTR - Patch Attributes (Release, Operating System, Database...)
PAT03_ATTR - Patch Attributes (Release, Operating System, Database...)
PAT03_SDA - PAT03 for standalone Disassembler
PAT04 - Patch Add-On ID (PAOID)
PAT05 - SAP Patch Manager Settings
PAT06 - Component-Specific Patches
PAT07 - Support Package Prerequisites
PAT07_ACP - Import Prerequisites for Packages Referenced by ACP
PAT07_SDA - Support Package Prerequisites
PAT08 - Extended Support Package Attributes
PAT08_ACP - Extended Attributes for Packages Referenced by ACP
PAT08_SDA - Extended Support Package Attributes
PAT09 - Patch History
PAT10 - OCS Semaphore
PAT100 - I/O Fields for Screen SAPMSPAM 0100
PAT100_F4 - Help Table for F4 on Field SAPMSPAM 0100 Patch
PAT106 - I/O Fields for Screen SAPLSPAM 0106
PAT10B - OCS Semaphore Extension for Batch Operation
PAT11 - Linking Master and Sub-Support Packages (Compound Sup. Pkgs)
PAT11_SDA - PAT11 for Stand-Alone Support Package Disassembler
PAT13 - Description of OCS File Sections
PAT13_SDA - Description of OCS File Sections - TOOLIMPORT
PAT206 - I/O Fields for Screen SAPLSPAM 0106
PATACP - List of Packages with Attribuets Changed by ACP
PATCHECK - (Application-Specific) Checks in SPAM/SAINT
PATCONFL - Conflicts Between OCS Packages and Add-Ons (with Objects)
PATCONT - Breakpoint Activities when Importing using SPAM/SAINT
PATEXCPT - Exception Objects for Conflict Check
PATHISTORY - History of Imported SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATHISTQ - History of SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATLOG - Logging Table for Transaction SPAM/SAINT
PATLOG3 - New Logging Table for TA SPAM/SAINT
PATPRDVRS - Product Versions Installed in SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATPRDVRS - Product Versions Installed in SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATPRDVRS - Product Versions Installed in SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATPRDVRS - Product Versions Installed in SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATPRDVRS - Product Versions Installed in SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATSTOP - Buffer of Breakpoints During Import with SPAM/SAINT
PATSWFEATR - SW Features/Instances Installed in SPAM/SAINT Queues
PATSWFEATR - SW Features/Instances Installed in SPAM/SAINT Queues
PAT_31ATTR - Patch Attributes (Release 3.1)
PAT_31ATTR - Patch Attributes (Release 3.1)
PAT_ATTLAY - PAT03 ATTribute LAYout of the EPS Parcel Attribute Record
PAT_E070 - Old E070 Structure (10 Character Request Number)
PAT_E071 - Old E071 Structure (10 Character Request Number)
PAT_E07T - Old E07T Structure (10 Character Request Number)
PAT_OBJ - Help Table for Patch Object List
PAT_OBJECT - Object of a Patch with Origin
PAT_OBJLST - VRSO Structure with Patch
PAT_PARL4 - Parameter Structure for Release 4 (Copy of PAT_PARLAY)
PAT_PARLAY - EPS Parcel Attribute Record Layout (SPAM)
PAT_PATCH - 10 Character Long Patch
PAT_Q - Line Structure for PAT_QTAB
PAT_Q2 - Structure of OCS Package Queue in Queue Calculation
PAT_QUEUE - Layout of Patch Queue
PAT_Q_SDA - Copy of PAT_Q for Upgrade Tool Import
PAT_Q_TRC - Row Type for Trace Table in Queue Calculation
PAT_RREQ - Cross-system Support Package requirements
PAT_SPROT - Log Interface to OCS Log
PAT_TASKS - List of Command File Pairs for Conflict Check
PAT_UL_SDA - Description of uploaded EPS parcels (copy of PAT_UPLOAD)
PAT_UPLOAD - Structure of Uploaded EPS Parcels
POPUP_TEXT - Texts for General Dialog Box
PRDVERS - Information About Installed Product Versions
PRDVERS - Information About Installed Product Versions
SPAM_CLAYR - Structure of the Table of Component Layers
SPAM_CVERS - Compat. Structure CVERS + Add. Info (See CVERS_SDU from 4.6)
SPAM_CVRS2 - SPAM_CVERS+Hierarchy (OCS internal only!)
SPAM_FPDEF - Function Parameter Layout (Development Class SPAM)
SPAM_PARCL - Structure of an EPS Parcel (.PAT)
SPAM_PHEAD - Structure of the Block Header in an EPS Package
SPAM_PRCL4 - SAPM parcel in Release 4 (copy of SPAM_PARCL)
SPAM_PRECB - Structure of the Binary Data Record in an EPS Package
SPAM_PRECC - Structure of Character-Type Data Records in EPS Package
SPAM_PRECC - Structure of Character-Type Data Records in EPS Package
SPAM_UVERS - Release-independent UVERS for SPAM
STACKCOMPS - Software Components in Software (SP) Stack
STACKHEADR - Information About Imported Software (SP) Stacks
SWFEATURE - Information About Installed Software Features (Instances)
SWFEATURE - Information About Installed Software Features (Instances)
TABINFOS - Table Information from Patch (tp getspacerequirements )
TABINFOS - Table Information from Patch (tp getspacerequirements )
TFDIR_INIM - Assignment of Function Module for Inactive Source Import
TFDIR_INIM - Assignment of Function Module for Inactive Source Import
TFDIR_INIM - Assignment of Function Module for Inactive Source Import
VEU_SHORT - EarlyWatch Alert: Short VBHDR Structure

SAP Upgrade Tools Tables BC-UPG-TLS

ABORTSTR - SPAM: Termination message
CNVPROCPAR - DD: Parameters for conversion process
CNVSTATES - Collection of conversion states
CRR4TABLES - Metadata for table based CRR
CRRERROR - CRR Error Messages
CRRPARATEST - Test table for CRR parallelisation test
CRRREPLAYCHECK - CRR Replay Check Information
CRRREPLAYTRACK - CRR Replay Track Information
CRRRTI - CRR runtime information
CRRRTIT - CRR runtime information
CRRSCENARIOS - Supported CRR scenarios with corresponding factories
CRRTASKCOUNT - CRR Runtime Information of transfered lines
CRRTASKHIST - CRR Runtime Information of processed tasks
CRRTASKINFO - CRR task information
CRR_ACCESS_PLAN - Package delimitation for initial transfer
CRR_CONTROL_UI_S - CRR Control UI Structure
CRR_CONTROL_UI_S - CRR Control UI Structure
CRR_DELIM_FIELD - assignment of delimitation fields to tables
CRR_ERROR_S - CRR Error Message
CRR_IPM_TEST_UI_S - Structure for IPM Test UI
CRR_IPM_TEST_UI_S - Structure for IPM Test UI
CRR_MDS_SOBJK - CRR IUU: dyn maint event saving of e071k for logical w/o aim
CRR_MDS_TRANSP - All trkorr belonging to a maintenance event - no mainimp.buf
CRR_MESSAGE_S - CRR Message Structure
CRR_MESSAGE_S_TFW - CRR Message Structure.
CRR_MESSAGE_UI_S - CRR Message UI Structure
CRR_OPERATION_UI_S - CRR Operation UI Structure
CRR_OVERVIEW_UI_S - CRR Status Overview
CRR_PARAMONITOR_UI_S - UI Struktur for Parallelisation Monitor
CRR_SSRC_ERROR_IN_TGT - Pair of source and target tabname
CRR_SSRC_GEN_DEF_TAB - Table Definition for Generation
CRR_SSRC_GEN_DEF_TAB_CONFIG - Pair of source and target tabname
CRR_SSRC_TAB_FOR_UPG - Structure of Tabname
CRR_SSRC_TGT_TABNAME - Pair of source and target tabname
CRR_SSRC_TYPE_CONFIG - Structure of start configuration of all relevant test types
CRR_TASKCOUNT_UI_S - CRR Taskcount UI Structure
CRR_TASKHIST_DET_UI_S - CRR Task History Details
CRR_TFWS_01 - Structure for DB Table.
CRR_TFW_CONF_DT - CRR, Test Framework, Log
CRR_TFW_CONF_DTN - CRR, Test Framework, Log
CRR_TFW_CONF_ID - CRR, Test Framework, Log
CRR_TFW_CONF_RD - CRR, Test Framework, Log
CRR_TFW_CONF_ST - CRR, Test Framework, Log
CRR_TFW_CSWITCH - CRR, Test Framework, Continue Check
CRR_TFW_LOG - CRR, Test Framework, Log
CRR_TRACKHDR_S - CRR Replay Tracking HDR Data
CRR_TRACKHDR_UI_S - CRR Replay Tracking HDR Data
CRR_TRANSITION_UI_S - CRR Transition UI Structure
DCRTOBDEF - DD: Origin of the runtime object at conversion
DCTMPCRE - DD: Control structure for creating temporary tables
DCTRIGCRE - Control structure for creating logging triggers
DCUNITGET - Control structure for DD_TABL_UNI_GET
DDALIAS - DD: Second name for accessing tables
DDCCOND - Conditions for Status Switch during Conversion
DDCCURRSTA - DD: Conversion, statistics, intermediate values
DDCDIM - DD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCNODE - DD: Nodes in Status Graphs of Conversion
DDCNVBODY - DD: Definition of conversion steps - local attribute
DDCNVBODY - DD: Definition of conversion steps - local attribute
DDCNVCTRL - DD: Structure for parameters of ICNV
DDCNVDEFS - DD: Definition of Conversion Steps
DDCNVEXIT - DD: External conversion methods
DDCNVKEY - Definition of Conversion Scenario - Key
DDCNVREF - DD: Reference structure for conversion requirements
DDCNVRESS - DD: Structure for results of FB DD_ICNV_UPGRADE
DDCNVSTAT - DD: Statistical Data for Conversion
DDCNVTABL - DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component
DDCNVTIMES - DD: Exclusion times for conversion
DDCNVUPGR - DD: Control structure for ICNV steps during upgrade
DDCNVUSR - DD: Exception table of converter
DDCPRO - DD: Conversion projects
DDCPROGRES - DD: Conversion, statistics, intermediate values
DDCPROT - DD: Text on conversion projects
DDCPROTAB - DD: Table for conversion projects
DDCPYSTAT - DD: Statistics data for table copy
DDCQUEUE - DD: Queue for CNV Operations
DDCSCANSTA - DD: Conversion, scan history
DDCSTA - DD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCSTAT - DD: Statistics table for conversions
DDCURSOR - DD: Reference structure for cursor area
DDCVERTIC - Link of Status Graph of Conversion Program
DDDBOPERA - Virtual table of outstanding DB operations
DDDBOPERA - Virtual table of outstanding DB operations
DDICNVCHE - DD: Condition variables for incremental conversion
DDICNVCTRL - Control String for Transaction ICNV
DDICNVDAYS - DD: Days of Week
DDICNVDIST - Distribution of data records of base tables
DDICNVENQ - DD: Structure to lock the ICNV
DDICNVENQ - DD: Structure to lock the ICNV
DDICNVFLDS - Structure for Incremental Conversion Fields
DDICNVLST - Contains information on converter exits
DDICNVMON - DD: Structure for ICNV monitor
DDICNVPREP - DD: Control Structure for ICNV in Upgrade
DDICNVPROS - Process information for incremental conversion
DDICNVREF - Reference structure for interfaces of ICNV
DDICNVRES - DD: Results of ICNV Checks in Upgrade
DDICNVUPGR - DD: ICNV Control for Upgrade Phase PREPARE
DDIMIGRFC - Structure for RFC Check at Incremental Migration
DDIMIGRFC - Structure for RFC Check at Incremental Migration
DDIM_X030L - Nametab Header, Database Structure DDNTT for IMIG Before 5.0
DDIM_X031L - Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF for IMIG < 5.0
DDIREL - Relation Source and Target Tables in the ICNV
DDSTATHIST - DD: Statistical Data for Conversion
DDTCCT - DD: Cluster Tables -> Table Clsuter - Assignment
DDTCCT - DD: Cluster Tables -> Table Clsuter - Assignment
DDTRKORR - DD: Structure for Transport Requests
ICNV30L - Nametabs for Incremental Conversion
ICNV31L - Nametab for Incremental Conversion
ICNV31L - Nametab for Incremental Conversion
ICNVCANDY - DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component
IFRAME - Frame for Nametabs of Incremental Conversion
ITABPROG - Progress Per Table
SCRRADDFIELDS - CRR Generic Additional Fields
SCRRCOMPONENT - Structure with component
SCRRCOUNTDISTINCT - CRR: Result of a Distinct Count
SCRRESTATE - CRR error information
SCRRSPARAMETER - CRR parameter with corresponding scenario
SCRRSRCTGT - Source-Target table pair
SCRRSTATE - States of framework components
SCRRTASKEINFO - CRR task error information
SCRRTRANSITION - Transition states
STPSQL_TEST_UI_S - SQL Template Test Definition
STPSQL_USER - Default directory for specific user
STRANS_STATES - Transition states
TICNV - DD: Status of Incremental Conversions
TICNVDB4 - AS/400: Defined Trigger for Tables
TICNVKEY - Key for table TICNV
TICNVPTABS - UMIG Tables and their Problem Tables
TPSQL_DB_SID - Table for SQL Template Test
TPSQL_DB_SID_LOG - Logtable Template for SQL Template Test
TPSQL_IMPORT - Imported classes
TPSQL_MESSAGE_S - TPSQL: Message structure
TPSQL_MESSAGE_S_TFW - TPSQL: Message structure
TPSQL_UPL_TPL_UI_S - UI Structure for Template Upload Report
UPG_DD12L - ICNV: Secondary Indexes - Header
UPG_DD17S - ICNV: Secondary Indexes - Fields