SAP Tables | Basis Components | Internationalization (I18N) SAP BC

SAP BC Internationalization (I18N) Tables (BC-I18)

SAP Internationalization (I18N) Tables BC-I18

BIDT_S_ALL - structure for bidi flags testing
BIDT_S_FLAT - flat structure for testing bidi flags
BIDT_S_FLAT_FK - flat structure for testing bidi flags
BIDT_T_ALL - table for testing bidi flags
BIDT_T_CHBIDI - bidi flags test
BIDT_T_CHLTR - bidi flags tests
BIDT_T_DECLTR - bidi flags tests
BIDT_T_DECN - bidi flags tests
BIDT_T_INTLTR - bidi flags tests
BIDT_T_INTN - bidi flags tests
CALEND_LINE1 - on line of calendar in ALV
CCONTAINER - Find Container C C
CFONT_CHAR_WIDTH - I18N: Cascading font, unicode and its width for a font
CFONT_INFO - I18N: Cascading fonts and related info
CFONT_MAINLOG - I18N:Cascading font, log table
CFONT_MAPPING - I18N:Cascading font, mapping between SAPfont and other fonts
CFONT_TEMP_FILE - I18N:cascading font, temp uploaded file
CFS_CFONT_INFO_DISPLAY - I18N:cascading font, the displayed cfont_info
CFS_CHAR08 - I18N:cascading font, devicetype
CFS_CHAR_WIDTH - I18N:Cascading font, Unicode codepoint and its width

CFS_DEVICE_FONT - I18N:cascading font, device and fontname as search key
CFS_FONT_ATTR - I18N:Cascading font, fontname and attribute
CFS_FONT_ATTR_MORE - I18N:Cascading font, fontname and attribute
CFS_FONT_CHAR_WIDTH - I18N:Cascading font, char and width for a font
CFS_FONT_FIELD_TOTAL - I18N:Cascading font, total font field
CFS_MAINLOG - I18N:cascading font, display main log
CFS_OFFSET_FONT - Cascading font, offset of font shifting
CFS_SAPFONT_DETAIL - I18n:cascading font, sapfont detail for F4 help
CFS_SUBFONT - I18N:Cascading font, infomation for cascading font
CFS_UNICODEAREA_SCRIPT - i18n:cascading font, script<>unicodearea
CFUNICODE_BLOCK - I18N: Cascading font, unicode area and its block
CMML_S_A - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22:
CMML_S_ASSIGNMENTS - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22:
CMML_S_CHARACTERMAPPING - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22:
CMML_S_FBU - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22:
CMML_S_FUB - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22: CMML_S_MODIFIED - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22:
CMML_S_RANGE - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22:
CMML_S_STATE - CharMapML: Unicode Technical Report 22:
CODEPAGES - A character set (or a list in an internal table)
CPLANGTAB_ROW - Table Row: Language, CPlocal, CPremote
CPS_CHCOND - Condition for Fields
CPS_CHEXCP - Exception List for Database Changes with cl_scp_change_db
CPS_COUNT - Codepage Statistics
CPS_CPERR - Error Messages for Consistency Check
CPS_CPERRA - Error Messages for Consistency Check
CPS_GAP - Desired Gaps in a Range Specification
CPS_RPT - Rule-Based Structures
CPS_SEGSEL - Selection for Display of Code Page Segments
CPS_SEGTRE - Structure for Display of Code Page Segments
CPS_SEG_CNTL - Segment, Subsegment, and CNTLKIND of a Character Set
CPS_SEG_USE_RESULT - Codepage Segment and Name
CPS_SOCHA - Select Options for Character IDs
CPS_SOCOD - Select Options for Binary Codes
CPS_SOCP - Select Options for Code Pages
CPS_SOMBLE - Select Options for Multi-Byte Length

CPS_SOSEG - Select Options for Code Page Segments
CPS_SOVAL - Select Options for General Values
DBSSHEXSTR - Hexadecimal Representation of a text
DBSSLOG - Main Log for I18N_SEARCH
DBSSOCLIENTS - Select Options for Clients
DBSSODATE - Select options for date
DBSSODEVCLASSES - Select Options for Development Classes
DBSSOFIELDNAME - Select options for fieldnames
DBSSOFLAG - Selection Options for a Flag
DBSSOFLDLEN - Select Options for field length
DBSSOLANGS - Select Options for Languages
DBSSOPTIONS - Options of an I18N_SEARCH analysis
DBSSOSTATUS - Select options for worklist status
DBSSOTABLES - Select Options for Tables
DBSSOTEXTS - Select options for texts
DBSSOTIME - Select options for date
DBSSRESD - Detailed Results of an I18N_SEARCH analysis (Search)
DBSSRESDU - Detailed Results of an I18N_SEARCH analysis (Update)
DBSSRESG - Global Results (Search) of an I18N_SEARCH analysis
DBSSRESGU - Global Results (Update) of an I18N_SEARCH analysis
DBSSRESK - Foreign Key Result of an I18N_SEARCH analysis
DBSSRESKEY - Key for result table I18NSRHRES
DBSSSRHKEY - Key for I18N_SEARCH analysis
DBSSSUBST - Character/Byte Substitution
I18NSNAMEFLAGS - I18n: Dataelement name and flags
I18NSODLEN - I18n: Data length select-option
I18NSODTYP - I18n: Datatype select-option
I18NSOSERTYP - Search type
I18NSRHGR - Global Results (Search) of an I18N_SEARCH analysis
I18NSRHGRU - Global Result (Update) of an I18N_SEARCH analysis
I18NSRHLOG - Main Log for the Report I18N_SEARCH and the Worker Jobs
I18NSRHRES - Results of an I18N_SEARCH analysis
I18NSRHWL - Worklist for I18N_SEARCH
I18_S_LANGUAGES - Languages
ICONB - Bidi Control of Icons
INS_CACHE_PARAMETER - Parameters for Cache Info
INS_CACHE_PARAMETERS - Parameters for Cache Info

LDERA - Local date: Local era
LDSPT - Local date: Separator
NLS_SOCOUN - select option structure for TCP0C country
NLS_SOLANG - select option structure for TCP0C language for
NLS_SOMODI - Select Option Structure for TCP0C Modifier for
NLS_SOPLAT - select option structure for TCP0C platform for
NLS_SS0CKE - structure for TCP0C key fields
NLS_SSCHCO - Structure for TCP0C Key Fields and Charco
OXS_CONTENT_TYPE_DEFAULT - Default Content Type Table for File Extensions
OXS_CONTENT_TYPE_OVERRIDE - Override Content Type Table for Part Names
OXS_OPC_RELATIONSHIP - Relationship to another Part
OXS_XPS_DOCREF - XPS Fixed Document Sequence Document Reference
OXS_XPS_LINKTARGET - XPS FixedDocument PageContent LinkTarget
OXS_XPS_PAGECONTENT - XPS Fixed Document PageContents
PUMK - SAPscript: punctuation mark
RPPRINTFONTCONF - 18N:repast, printer fonts configration
RSCPTYPE - Types for function modules for character sets
RSCPTYPE_630 - Enhancements of Types for Function Modules of Codepages
SCONTAINER - Find Container C C
SCONTEXCL - Container Source Scan Exceptions
SCONTIDENT - Container Source Scan: Identified Containers
SCONTNOSTRUC - Container Source Scan: No Structure Field Info Expected
SCPCHANGE - Changes in a chracter format definition
SCPCHANGE2 - Changes to a character definition (unicode enabled)
SCPCHANGE3 - Changes to a Character Definition (LEN > 9)
SCPDBCNT - Counter for database operations (for code pages)
SCPPARLIST - List of profile parameters
SCPPARVAL - Profile parameters names and values (default and user def.)
SCPPARVAL_240 - Profile parameters names and values (default and user def.)
SCPSLCTXT - Locale Check Log Text
SCPSLOC - Structure for Locale Names Repository
SSPUMK - SAPscript: punctuation mark
SXDS_S_LOCALE - XDS: local structure
T002TX - Language Key Texts for ISO language keys
T002X - Language Key in Hexadecimal Format
T002XT - Texts for Two-Digit Language Key
TCP00 - SAP code page catalog
TCP00A - Code Page Attributes
TCP00_4N - TCP00 Extract with 1+3 Names
TCP01 - SAP Character Catalog
TCP02 - Character Set Definitions (Simple Hex Codes)
TCP03 - Character Set Definitions (Multiple Hex Codes)
TCP04 - Translation Table for Uppercase Letters
TCP05 - Manufacturer Identifications
TCP06 - Character Replacements
TCP07 - Code page definitions (very long codes)
TCP08 - Character description
TCP09 - Correspondence between language and character set
TCP0A - Don't Use: Adjustment Betw. Language & Char. Set (Internal)
TCP0C - Locale names for setting up C-libraries
TCP0D - Localizing the database
TCP0F - Relationship Between System Codepage and Frontend Codepage
TCP0G - Relationship Between Language Key and ICU Locale Name
TCP0H - Preferred Codepage for Language Key
TCP0I - Parameter table for i18n system configuration
TCP0IA - Valid parameter names and values for TCP0I
TCP11 - List of all characters
TCPCHARSET - Character Sets
TCPDB - Code page used in this database
TCPFILREAD - List of Function Modules for Importing Mapping Sets
TCPSATTR - Code Page Segment Attributes
TCPSBUILD - Iterative Structure of Code Page Segments
TCPSCHEMA - Encoding Schema
TCPSEG - List of Code Page Segments
TCPSPTL - Code Points (Up to 126 Bytes long)
TCPSPTS - Code Points (up to 4 Bytes Long)
TCPSRULE - Code Page Segment Special Rules
TCPT1 - Code pages: Table 1 for tests and messages
TCPT2 - Code Page Texts: Help Table 2
TCPUC - List of All Unicode Characters (and SAPICONS/DINGS)
TCPUCATTR - Character Attributes
TEST932DUP - Test table for code page 8000 duplicates (MS932, NEC UDA)
TESTCH1 - Test1
TESTCH2 - Test2
TISLCAL - Islamic Calendar customizing
TISLCAL_EXT - Islamic Calendar customizing
UNS_APPL - Results in the Application Check in UCCHECK
UNS_UNSC01 - Results of RSUNISCAN_FINAL (with Long Texts)
UNS_UNSCAN - Results of Scan: Unicode Syntax Check
UPLOERR - Interface for Connecting TOUPPER/LOWER to SLIN
VICYTY - Implicit substructure for the container field t52c5-vinfo

SAP I18N BiDi Tables BC-I18-BID

LST_DDIC_METADATA - Metadata of DDIC texts for LST
LST_OTR_METADATA - OTR texts metadata for LST.
LST_WDA_DDIC_REP - LST repository for DDIC texts
LST_WDA_LANG - Language per application
LST_WDA_OTR_REP - LST repository for OTR texts

SAP I18N Unicode Tables BC-I18-UNI

CONTAINERINFO - Collection of all Container Fields
CTS_INFOKEY - Key of Info Table for Container Search
DDCIAPINEW - Contains char tables with non-char Appends/CI-/SI-Incl.
EWCIAPCLCU - Results for Appends and Customer Includes (Customer)
EWCIAPINCU - Early Watch: Customer Inc/Append Number of Install. Customer
EWCIAPSECU - Early Watch Results for Appends and Customer Incl.
ICUTRANSID - Transformation IDs
ICU_S_LOCALE - Transfer Structure to Specify an ICU Locale
ICU_S_OTHER_ERROR - General ICU Error Message
ICU_S_PARSE_ERROR - Error while parsing a string
TECHED02_NUMBERS - Numbers names
TECHED02_UNICODE - Demo texts for TECHED 2002 Unicode and ABAP lists
TECHED03_COLORS - Multilangual demo data
TECHED03_RESULT1 - Result table for Unicode outside communication exercises
TECHED03_RESULT2 - Result table for Unicode outside communication exercises
TECHED03_UTEXT - Some Example texts
TESTCIAEW - Early Watch: Test Customer Includes, Appends
TESTCIAEWF - Early Watch: Test Customer Includes, Appends
TESTCIAEWZ - Early Watch: Test Customer Includes, Appends
UM4BATTAB - Infos about running batchjobs
UM4CCTL - SUMG + SPUMG: Codepage conversion control table
UM4CHKP - SPUMG: Checkpoint Management
UM4COMCHAR - Common charsets
UM4COND - SPUMG+SUMG Hint Management: Condition
UM4CONTAIN - Container field definitions for Unicode conversions
UM4EXCEP - SPUMG: Exception table to UMGCCTL
UM4ICLUST - Results of the C-Check for initial records in table cluste
UM4INDX - INDX Log Entries
UM4IPOOL - Results of the C-Check for incorrect records in table pool
UM4LANGCP - SPUMG: Language <-> Codepage Assignments
UM4LNOCP - SPUMG: Langs that are not assigned to a single unique CP
UM4LOCK - Table for Synchronization of Worker Jobs
UM4MAINLOG - SPUMG: Main Log table
UM4PLERR - Invalid language keys
UM4PMBAT - Info on Running Background Jobs
UM4PMCNV - Reprocess Log Entries
UM4PMCOLL - Table for Storing Collisions
UM4PMDIC - SPUMG dictionary
UM4PMDII - Additional Information for UMGPMIC
UM4PMDIT - Export / Import Table for SPUMG System Vocabulary
UM4PMIG - Worklist for Scan Levels
UM4PMST - Statistics of tables
UM4POCNV - Table Pools which should be converted
UM4SCCTL - dummy structure for deletion of devclass sumig46
UM4SEP - Word separators
UM4SEPCP - Codepages used generating entries in UMGSEP and UMGCOMCHAR
UM4SIDXKEY - dummy structure for deletion of devclass sumig46
UM4SRES - dummy structure for deletion of devclass sumig46
UM4STAT - Statistics of tables
UM4TXFLAG - SPUMG: Field information and status of text flag.
UM4VASSIGN - SPUMG: The classes for assigning vocabulary
UM4WLIST - SPUMG Hint Management: Word list
UMGBATTAB - Infos about running batchjobs
UMGCCTL - SUMG + SPUMG: Codepage conversion control table
UMGCHAR1STAT - Character statistics for different languages
UMGCHAR1STATR - Character statistics for different languages
UMGCHAR2STAT - SPUMG character pair statistic for different language
UMGCHAR2STATR - SPUMG character pair statistic for different language
UMGCHAR3STAT - SPUMG character triple statistic for different language
UMGCHAR3STATR - SPUMG character triple statistic for different language
UMGCHAR4STAT - SPUMG character statistic for different language
UMGCHAR4STATR - SPUMG character statistic for different language
UMGCHARCOUNT - Character statistics for different languages
UMGCHARCOUNT1 - Character statistics for different languages
UMGCHARCOUNTR - Character statistics for different languages
UMGCHARSTATLOG - Lists tables that were used for updating character statistic
UMGCHKP - SPUMG: Checkpoint Management
UMGCOMCHAR - Common charsets
UMGCON - Results Table for Container Search
UMGCONDITION - SPUMG+SUMG Hint Management: Condition
UMGCONTAINER - Container field definitions for Unicode conversions
UMGEXCEP - SPUMG: Exception table to UMGCCTL
UMGEXCEPTIONS - SPUMG exceptions for tables and packages
UMGHISTORY - Data used for the Unicode migration of the system
UMGINDX - INDX Log Entries
UMGINFO - General information about SPUMG status
UMGINITCLUST - Results of the C-Check for initial records in table cluster
UMGINITPOOL - Results of the C-Check for incorrect records in table pool
UMGJOBROWINFO - SPUMG: Info for rows process by a batch job
UMGLANGCP - SPUMG: Language <-> Codepage Assignments
UMGLNOCP - SPUMG: Languages that are not assigned to a single unique CP
UMGLOCK - Table for Synchronization of Worker Jobs
UMGMAINLOG - SPUMG: Main Log table
UMGNTCD6 - List of offsets and lengths
UMGPLERR - Invalid language keys
UMGPMBAT - Info on Running Background Jobs
UMGPMCNV - Reprocess Log Entries
UMGPMCOLL - Table for Storing Collisions
UMGPMDIC - SPUMG dictionary
UMGPMDII - Additional Information for UMGPMIC
UMGPMDIT - Export / Import Table for SPUMG System Vocabulary
UMGPMIG - Worklist for Scan Levels
UMGPMST - Statistics of tables: obsolete 09/2005
UMGPOCNV - Table Pools which should be converted
UMGR3LLOG - r3load log for sumg
UMGR3LLOGINFO - SUMG: used for error handling during R3load log upload
UMGRTCP - Cache for Codepages which can be used as Default or Fallback
UMGS21 - Test structure for container-in-container problem
UMGS24 - Test Structure for container-in-container problem
UMGS3LOG - SUMG: structure for r3load log entries
UMGS3LOG_3 - SUMG: structure for r3load log entries of version 3
UMGSBATNM - Workarea for names of batchservers
UMGSBATTAB - Infos about running batchjobs
UMGSBJOB - Description of a batch job
UMGSCHECKRESULT - Results of a SPUMG status check
UMGSCLUSTSTMP - Decoded Timestamp of a Cluster record
UMGSCONDITION - SUMG + SPUMG: structure for storing conditions
UMGSCONKEY - Key of Info Table for Container Search
UMGSCONTCACHE - Structure for caching known offset informations
UMGSCONTINF - Container info
UMGSCONTINFOFFLEN - Container info (offset length values)
UMGSDATS - Unicode Conversion Date
UMGSDDNTT - Nametab structure
UMGSDICWRD - SPUMG: Select option structure for WORD in vocabulary
UMGSEP - Word separators
UMGSEPCP - Codepages used generating entries in UMGSEP and UMGCOMCHAR
UMGSETT - SPUMG/SUMG old settings table
UMGSETTING - Unicode conversion Tool: Settings (obsolete)
UMGSFILTER - Filter Buffer
UMGSFLDNM - Fieldnames
UMGSFLDPOS - Fieldpositions
UMGSFLDST - Statistics for table fields
UMGSFLTE - Filter element
UMGSFLTKEY - Hint Management: Filter Primary key
UMGSFLTL - Wordlist ID
UMGSINDX - Codepage Information for Entries in an INDX Table
UMGSINVLANG - Status of Invalid Language Keys
UMGSIUUC1 - Test structure for SPUMG/SUMG and IUUC
UMGSKEY - SUMG + SPUMG: Structure for Log Entry (Key)
UMGSKEYE - Log Entry (key fields)
UMGSKEYE_3 - Log Entry (key fields), R3load log version 3
UMGSLANCNT - Number of language keys
UMGSLANGCP - Language Codepage Mapping
UMGSLANGTXT - SUMG: Language text for F4 help
UMGSLCAT - SUMG: Selection, Log Category
UMGSLEVELSTATUS - Scan Level Status Information
UMGSLNOCP - Structure for database table UMGLNOCP
UMGSLOG - Log entries
UMGSLOGCON - SPUMG: Text Representation of a Log Entry
UMGSLOGE - Reprocess Log Entries
UMGSMAINLOG - SPUMG: Main log structure for display in ALV Grid
UMGSMANREP - SUMG: Display of tables for manual repair
UMGSMETHODLIST - Method list structure
UMGSMISSREP - Missing reports in the list of UMG_ADD_PREP_STEP
UMGSMONITOR - Global Monitor
UMGSNAFLD - Fieldnames, which contains non 7BIT ASCII characters
UMGSNAMTABEXELOG - SPUMG: Nametab execution log
UMGSOCAT - Select options: table category
UMGSOCP - Select options: Codepages
UMGSODATE - SPUMG: select-options for date
UMGSOERRT - Select option for Error type
UMGSOFFLEN - Offset and length
UMGSOFFLENNAM - Offset length and fieldname
UMGSOFIBY - Select options: FILLEDBY flag
UMGSOFLDID - Select options: field position
UMGSOFLG - Select options: general flag
UMGSOHINTID - Select options: hintid
UMGSOKEYVAL - Select options for key value (repair log)
UMGSOLANG - Selection options structure for languages
UMGSOLEV - Select options: scan level
UMGSOPANM - Select options: development classes
UMGSORATING - Select options: Vocabulary Rating
UMGSOSTAT - Select options: status
UMGSOTABID - Select options: table identifier
UMGSOTABNM - Select options: table names
UMGSOTEXT - Select option for text_data (repair log)
UMGSOTIME - SPUMG: select-options for time
UMGSOTSKST - Select options: task queue status
UMGSOUSER - SPUMG: select-options for date
UMGSOWNCP - Select option for field why_no_codepage (repair log)
UMGSPMBAT - Starting parameters for batch jobs
UMGSPMSKEY - Repair Log key fields
UMGSPROBLEM - SUMG: problem row structure
UMGSPROPERTIES - parameter value pair for properties
UMGSR3LLOGROW - SUMG: structure of R3load log row
UMGSR3LLOGTABLE - SUMG: structure of R3load log table
UMGSR3LLOGTABLEV2 - SUMG: structure of R3load log problem table version2
UMGSREINPRET - reinterpret result structure
UMGSRES - Scan Results
UMGSSETT - Unicode conversion Tool: structure for settings (obsolete)
UMGSSETTINGS - Unicode conversion tool: structure for settings
UMGSSETTOLD - SUMG: Structure for storing settings.
UMGSSHOWNTAB - Inconsistent Nametab Objects
UMGSSOURCE - SUMG: struct. for dynpro source and report source
UMGSSPLITCOND - Condition for table splitting in SPUMG
UMGSSTATS - Holds the probability statistics for each language tested
UMGSSTATUS - Status Information
UMGSSTEPPARAMS - Parameters of an preparation step
UMGSTABCAT - SUMG: tabname and category
UMGSTABMAPPING - Table Mapping used in MDS
UMGSTABST - Worklist entries
UMGSTAT - Statistics of tables
UMGSTDESC - Description of tables fields
UMGSTESTLOG - Test log entries of test driver
UMGSTRGFIELD - IUUC: Unicode converted contents of a table field
UMGSTRGKEYS - IUUC: Unicode converted contents of a record(key components)
UMGSUPKEY - Key components for vocabulary package
UMGSVOC - Vocabulary Structure Without Table Name
UMGSVOCFLD - Vocabulary Structure with Field Name
UMGSVOCPACKAGE - Vocabulary Package
UMGSVOCRATING - Rating for automatic assign method CL_UMG_AL_N/A_CHARSTAT
UMGSVPASSIGN - Vocabulary package assignments
UMGSWORD - SPUMG word in system vocbulary
UMGSWORDCNT - Number of words in table
UMGSXMLFILES - SUMG: XML files structure for display in ALV Grid
UMGTESTCASE - Unicode conversion tests
UMGTESTER - Current tester
UMGTSKQ - SUMG: Worklist
UMGTWININDX - Log for INDX changes
UMGTWINPOOL - Log for changes on pool tables
UMGTXFLAG - SPUMG: Field information and status of text flag.
UMGTXFLAG2 - SPUMG: Field information and status of text flag for rel 620
UMGVOCABASSIGN - SPUMG: The classes for assigning vocabulary
UMGWORDLIST - SPUMG Hint Management: Word list
UMGXMLFILES - SUMG: R3load log names
UMG_LONGKEYS - A structure with very long key fields
UMG_S0 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S1 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S10 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S11 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S12 - Container test: NUMC, DATS, TIMS, CLNT
UMG_S13 - Container test: NUMC, DATS, TIMS, CLNT
UMG_S14 - Container test for binary data
UMG_S15 - Container test for binary data
UMG_S16 - Container test for container type 'J'
UMG_S17 - Container test for container type 'J'
UMG_S18 - Test structure for scenario CONTAINER2
UMG_S19 - Test structure for scenario CONTAINER2
UMG_S2 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S20 - Test structure for scenario CONTAINER2
UMG_S22 - Test structure for container-in-container
UMG_S23 - Test structure for container-in-container
UMG_S3 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S4 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S5 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S6 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S7 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S8 - Structure for container tests
UMG_S9 - Structure for container tests
UMG_TEST_1 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_10 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_11 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_12 - data->string converstion test table
UMG_TEST_13 - Unicode conversion testtable
UMG_TEST_14 - test int
UMG_TEST_15 - UMG test table to test CDHDR,CDPOS
UMG_TEST_2 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_3 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_4 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_5 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_6 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_6 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_7 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_8 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_9 - Multilangual demo data
UMG_TEST_A - data->string converstion test table
UMG_TEST_B - data->string converstion test table
UMG_TEST_D - Unicode conversion test table
UMG_TEST_G - Test table
UMG_TEST_INDX1 - Test table for SPUMG
UMG_TEST_MODE - Testmode on or off
UMG_TEST_Q - Test table
UMG_TEST_R - Test table
UMG_TEST_T - Unicode Conversion: Table for Testing in short Pool
UMG_TEST_U - Unicode Conversion: Table for Testing safely in short Pool
UNI_S_RFC_CONTAINER_LANG - Unstructured data container with language key
UNI_S_RFC_CONTAINER_NO_LANG - Unstructured data container