SAP Tables | Basis Components | Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) SAP BC

SAP BC Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables (BC-FES)

SAP Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables BC-FES

ALSHUFFCAT_WAO - Shuffler Selections Description (Web Add-On)
ALSHUFFDAT_WAO - Shuffler Selection Data (Web Add-On)
ALSHUFFMSG_WAO - Info about Shuffler Text and General Settings (Web Add-On)
ALV_S_FILT_WAO - Filter Criteria (for LVC and for KKBLO)
ALV_S_LAYO_WAO - ALV Control: Layout Structure (Web Add-On)
ALV_S_SORT_WAO - Sorting Criteria (for Both LVC and KKBLO) (Web Add-On)
FLOW_ALV_WAO - Interface Structure for FM Flow_logic_mini_alv_call (WAO)
LVC_S_COL2_WAO - ALV Control: Numeric Column ID (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_DATA_WAO - ALV control: Data transfer structure
LVC_S_FC2_WAO - ALV Control: Field Catalog II (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_FIEL_WAO - MiniALV: Field List (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_FILT_WAO - ALV Control: Filter Structure (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_HYPE_WAO - ALV Control: Hyperlinks (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_INFO_WAO - ALV control: Data information structure
LVC_S_L001_WAO - ALV Control: General Display Options (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_L002_WAO - ALV Control: Grid Customizing (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_L003_WAO - ALV Control: Totals Options (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_L004_WAO - ALV Control: Exceptions (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_L005_WAO - ALV Control: Interaction Control (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_L006_WAO - ALV Control: Colors (Web Add-On)

LVC_S_L008_WAO - ALV Control: Web Options (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_LAY2_WAO - ALV Control: Layout II (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_LAYO_WAO - ALV Control: Layout Structure (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_SORT_WAO - ALV Control: Sorting (Web Add-On)
LVC_S_TABL_WAO - MiniALV: Data Table (Web Add-On)
W3HTML_WAO - Contains HTML for WWW Client (Web Add-On)
W3MIME_WAO - Contains MIME Data for WWW Client (Web Add-On)
W3PARAM_WAO - Parameter Definitions for Various Function Modules
W3QUERY_WAO - Query String for WWW Server

SAP Netweaver Business Client Tables BC-FES-BUS

NWBC_CFG - NetWeaver Business Client Configuration
NWBC_CFG_GUI_TAG - Definition of SAPGUI Tags which can be linked to Chips
NWBC_CFG_SAP - NetWeaver Business Client Configuration
NWBC_C_GUI_TAG - Definition of SAPGUI Tags by Customer
NWBC_C_GUI_TAG_T - Text table for Custom defined Tags for Dynpros
NWBC_NAV_TREE - NWBC Cache Table (Cluster Table)
NWBC_OBN_PARAM - NWBC OBN Cache Table (Cluster Table)
NWBC_S_COMPARE_ROLE_ENTRY - UI Structure to display one Entry
NWBC_S_COMPARE_ROLE_RESULT - Result of Role comparison
NWBC_S_COMPARE_ROLE_SELECTION - Information about the role to compare
NWBC_S_GUI_TAG_T - Text table for SAP delivered Tags for Dynpros

SAP SAP GUI for Windows Controls Tables BC-FES-CTL

BDSCHKF14 - BDS: File Name for Last Check-Out
BDSCHKO14 - BDS: Check Out Data for Physical Information Object
BDSCONT14 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO14 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT14 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR14 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE14 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI14 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF14 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR14 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO14 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM14 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR14 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE14 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI14 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE14 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR14 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDS_CONN14 - BDS: Client-Specific Link Tables

SCET_TEST - Table for the Test Report for Controls: SAP_CONTROLS_TEST
SHE_ACTION - User-Defined HTML Source
SHT_OBJECT - Data Provider Object for HTML Viewer
STB_BTNMNU - Assignment of Toolbar Button to Context Menu
STB_BUTTON - Toolbar Button
STB_BUTTON_EX - Toolbar Button Ex
TCDIR - Control Directory
TREE_S - Control info tree structure for use of tree control

SAP Use BC-FES-CTL (SAP Note 835896) Tables BC-FES-CTL-F4

F4EXTACC - Authorization for external use of search help
MCSELOPTF - Fields of matchcode selection options
MCTBC_CMSG - Used for transporting text elements to a control
MCTBC_COLN - Mapping between field names and short exts
MCTBC_CTRL - Description of the TAB control (OCX)
MCTBC_DI - Description of a Tab Dialog Box for Matchcode OCX
MCTBC_DP - Description of the tab dialog for matchcode OCX
MCTBC_EXPO - Table used to transfer data to the frontend
MCTBC_HI - History selection matchcode OCX
MCTBC_HISD - Store the selections done using the matchcode OCX
MCTBC_HIST - Structure used to transport history data to the frontend
MCTBC_TBFN - Structure defining a field - table combination

SAP Graphic Tables BC-FES-GRA

BARC_SET - Bar chart settings
BCBOXES - Boxes in Gantt chart
BCCALENDAR - Calendar in Gantt chart
BCCHART - Chart in Gantt chart
BCCMDINFO - Info structure for user command in Gantt chart
BCCOLORSET - Possible Color Settings in a Bar Chart
BCCOLUMN - Columns in Bar Chart
BCCOLUMWDT - Width of columns in Gantt chart
BCCURVAXIS - Value range of Y-axis for curves in the bar chart
BCCURVE - Curves in the bar chart
BCCURVVALS - Attributes for curves in the bar chart
BCDATLIN - Date lines for Gantt chart
BCDELETE - Table for deleting objects from Gantt chart
BCDPCUVALS - Attributes for Curves in the Bar Chart
BCDRGDRP - Drag & Drop in Bar Chart
BCFMTVALS - Attributes of formats in Gantt chart
BCGCHARTS - Charts in SAPLBARC (internal use)
BCGRIDS - Grids in bar chart
BCHORLINE - Structure for Setting Row lines in the Bar Chart

BCIDLIST - Menu list for bar chart
BCINTERVAL - Time interval in Gantt chart
BCLINKS - Links for Representing Linked Nodes
BCMAKRO - Macros in Gantt chart
BCMAXOBJS - Maximum number of objects in Gantt chart
BCMEDIVALS - Attributes (Short) for Non-Chart-Specific Objs in Bar Chart
BCMEDNVALS - Node Attributes in the Bar Chart
BCMEDVALS - Attributes of Chart-Independent Objects in Gantt Chart
BCNODES - Gantt chart node
BCNVALS - Node Attributes in the Bar Chart
BCOPENEDIT - Structure for opening the bar chart entry window
BCOPTS1 - Options in the bar chart that can be customized (part 1)
BCOPTS2 - Options for window positions in bar chart (part 2)
BCOPTS3 - Options in the bar chart that cannot be customized (Part 3)
BCPOSITION - Positions (lines) of boxes and nodes in the Gantt chart
BCPRNTCOLT - Color table for converting RGB values for the printout
BCPROFILE - Graphics profile in the Gantt chart
BCPROTO - Prototypes for Gantt chart
BCRIBBON - Ribbons for the time axis sections in the Gantt chart
BCRIBTEXTS - Texts for ribbons
BCROWWDT - Height of lines in bar chart
BCSECTION - Section of the time axis in Gantt chart
BCSEGMENTS - Segments in the bar chart graphic
BCSHRTVALS - Attributes (Short) for Non-Chart-Specific Objs in Bar Chart
BCTIMEOBJ - Time objects for Gantt chart
BCTIMEPROF - Time profiles for Gantt chart graphics
BCUFVALS - User defined form attributes in the bar chart
BCUHVALS - User defined color attributes in the bar chart
BCVALS - Attributes of Chart-Independent Objects in Gantt Chart
CHG_INODES - Hierarchy Graphics: Node from Node Area
CHG_NODES - Nodes in hierarchy graphics
CNG9_PARAM - Parameter for CNG9
CNG_CLUSTR - Clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
CNG_INODES - Network Graphics: Node from Node Area
CNG_LEGEND - Legend for Network/Hierarchy Graphics
CNG_LINES - Edges in network graphics
CNG_NODES - Nodes in network graphics
CNG_PNODES - Stacking node in network graphic
COLORSEXC - Excel Colors
COLXXL_T - Row for Color
DEMO_STR_COST - Test Structure with Three char25 Fields
DEMO_STR_PSP - Test Structure with Two char25 Fields
GFWCUAX - GFW Customizing: Axis
GFWCUAXU - GFW Customizing: Axis (Customer Data)
GFWCUCOS - GFW: Context Information Within an Attribute Bundle
GFWCUDA - GFW Customizing: Plot Area
GFWCUDAU - GFW Customizing: Plot Area (Customer Data)
GFWCUDBS - GFW: Customizing Data from Database Table
GFWCUDC - GFW Customizing: Display Context
GFWCUDCU - GFW Customizing: Display Context (Customer Data)
GFWCUDGS - GFW: Customizing Database Information
GFWCUDI - GFW Customizing: Chart
GFWCUDIU - GFW Customizing: Chart (Customer Data)
GFWCUDPS - GFW: Data Exchange Between Attribute Bundles and Front End
GFWCUDS - GFW Customizing: Data sheet
GFWCUDSU - GFW Customizing: Data Table (Customer Data)
GFWCUDUS - GFW: Customizing Database Information (User Values)
GFWCUGR - GFW Customizing: Grid
GFWCUGRU - GFW Customizing: Grid (Customer Data)
GFWCUIT - GFW Customizing: Item
GFWCUITU - GFW Customizing: Item (Customer Data)
GFWCUPO - GFW Customizing: Point
GFWCUPOU - GFW Customizing: Point (Customer Data)
GFWCUS - GFW: Attribute Value of an Attribute Bundle
GFWCUSC - GFW Customizing: Scale
GFWCUSCU - GFW Customizing: Scale (Customer Data)
GFWCUVA - GFW Customizing: Value Series
GFWCUVAU - GFW Customizing: Value Series (Customer Data)
GFWDCHIER - GFW: Data Storage in Standard Data Container for HIER
GFWDCMTA - GFW: Data Storage in Data Container/Milestone Trend Analysis
GFWDCPRES - GFW: Data Storage in Standard Data Container for PRES
GFWDCPREST - GFW: Data in DC. Bus. Graphic with Group ID, X Label
GGABA - SAP Gantt Chart: Return Table Structure
GGAEL - SAP Gantt Chart: Element Structure
GGAEL_COM - SAP Gantt Chart: Confirm/Command Structure for ELEM
GGAIT - SAP Gantt Chart: Item Structure
GGAIT_COM - SAP Gantt Chart: Confirm/Command Structure for ITEM
GGAMI - SAP Gantt Chart: Milestone Structure
GGAMI_COM - SAP Gantt Chart: Confirm/Command Structure for MIST
GPOAREA - Area definition for Portfolio Graphics
GPOAXIS - Definition of the axes for Portfolio Graphics
GPOLINE - Line definition for portfolio graphic
GPOOBJT - Portfolio Graphics: object description
GPOPSNUM - Data structure for GRAPH_POPUP / SNUM_TAB
GPRTXT - GFW: Business Graphics Function Module/Column Texts
GPRTXTLA - GFW: business graphics function module, labels
GPRVAL - GFW: Business Graphics Function Module/Row Texts and Values
GRAPH - Data Types for SAP Graphics
GSUDISP - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table
GSUMENU - SAP Structural Graphics: Menu Table
GSUOBJC - SAP Structural Graphics: Object Table
GSUPROF - SAP Structural Graphics: Profile Table
GSUX - SAP Structural Graphics: General Interface Reference Struct.
GXXLT_F - XXL interface: fields for screen display
GXXLT_H - XXL interface: horizontal features
GXXLT_O - XXL_interface: texts for online display
GXXLT_P - XXL interface: texts for printing a list
GXXLT_R - XXL interface: contents of a folder in SAPoffice (excerpt)
GXXLT_S - XXL interface: structure of the semantics table
GXXLT_V - XXL interface: vertical features
IGS_DATA - Data for Internet Graphics Server
IGS_EXT - Extension for Internet Graphics Server
IGS_LABEL - Long label for Internet Graphics Server
IGS_VR - Internet Graphics Server: Value Range
MSGTABSTR - Message Table
NETLGNDFMT - Legend format for network/hierarchy graphics
NET_ARPOS - Field items in graphical cluster editor
NET_BOXES - Boxes in network/hierarchy graphics
NET_BO_MOD - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Types of Graphical Objects
NET_CLUSTR - Clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
NET_CVALS - Values for clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
NET_DELETE - Graphical Objects for Deletion
NET_FIELD - Values of Fields in Graphical Objects
NET_FMT - Form Attributes for Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_FRAMES - Frames in graphical cluster editor
NET_GRAPH - Parameters for graphics selection
NET_HLT - Color Attributes Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_INODES - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Node in Node Area
NET_LABELS - Table for Labels in Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_LINES - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Edges
NET_LVALS - Values for Edges in Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_NODES - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Nodes
NET_NVALS - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Values for Nodes
NET_POS - Positions of nodes in network graphics
NET_PROFIL - Profile for network/hierarchy graphics
NET_SET - Settings in network/hierarchy graphics
PIGDATA - Data types used in function group SPIG
PIGDESCR - PIGFarm: Description of content table
PIG_DATA - Data types used in function group SGRAPHICS
RLGRAP - Program Fields/Screen Fields for SAPLGRAP
SGRCEXCLUD - Exclude Table for Function Code
TBCA - Chart types in bar chart
TBCAT - Text on Chart Types in the Bar Chart
TBCC - Color types in bar chart
TBCCT - Text on Color Types in the Bar Chart
TBCF - Form types in Gantt chart
TBCFT - Texts on form types in the bar chart
TBCG - Graphics profile of bar chart
TBCGT - Texts on graphics profiles of the bar chart
TBCL - Layer types in bar chart
TBCLT - Texts on Layer Types in Bar Chart
TBCO - Options in bar chart
TBCOT - Texts on options for bar chart
TBCR - Ribbon Attributes Generated with Time Scale Wizard
TCNC - Profiles for clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
TCNCT - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts on Frame Profiles
TCNG - Network/hierarchy graphics: graphics profile
TCNGT - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Profiles
TCNL - Network/hierarchy graphics: profile for links
TCNLT - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Link Profiles
TCNN - Network/hierarchy graphics: profiles for nodes
TCNNT - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Node Profiles
TCNO - Network/hierarchy graphics: options profile
TCNOT - Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Options Profiles
TFAT - Field Attributes in VarChart Graphics
TFATT - VarChart Graphics: Texts for Field Attributes
TFMT - Format attributes in VarChart graphics
TFMTT - VarChart Graphics: Format Attribute Texts
TFRPT - VarChart Graphics: Texts on Frame Form
TFRSP - Frame Form in VarChart
TFTBT - VarChart Graphics: Texts on Font Type
TFTBY - Font Type in VarChart
TGMF - Files for Inclusion as Symbol
TGMFT - Texts for GMF File for Logo
TGPM - Graphic control: Platform-specific product control
TGPMT - Product management for graphic control: Name
TGPN - Graphic control: Platform-specific product control
TGPNT - Name in product management for graphic control
TGSU0 - SAP Structural Graphics: Log Description
TGSU1 - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Export Filter
TGSU2 - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table Page Sizes
TGSU3 - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Postscript Fonts
TGSU4 - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Screen Fonts
TGSU5 - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Colors
TGSU6 - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Forms
TGSU7 - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Line Types
TGSUF - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Forms
TGSUI - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table Reserved Toolbox Entr.
TGSUO - SAP Structural Graphics: User-Specific Settings
TGSUS - SAP Structural Graphics: User-Specific Task Sizes
TGSUT - SAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for Separators
TGSUV - SAP Structural Graphics: User-Specific Settings
TGSUX - SAP Structural Graphics: User-Specific Task Sizes
TGTY - Graphic types
TGTYT - Graphic types: Name
THLT - VarChart Graphics: Color Attributes
THLTT - VarChart Graphics: Texts for Color Attributes
TLSU1 - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Export Filter
TLSU2 - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Page Size
TLSU3 - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Postscript Fonts
TLSU4 - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Screen Fonts
TLSU5 - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Colors
TLSU6 - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table for Forms
TLSU7 - SAP Structural Graphics: Line Types
TLSUF - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Forms
TLSUI - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Reserved Toolbox Entries
TLSUT - SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table for Separators
TLTYP - Line types in VarChart Graphics
TLTYT - VarChart Graphics: Texts on Line Types
TPATT - Pattern type in VarChart
TPTTT - VarChart graphics: texts on patterns
TSTRK - VarChart Graphics: Strike-Through-Type
TSTRT - VarChart graphics: texts on strikethrough types
TWCOL - Possible colors (W lib)
TWCOT - Texts on Colors
VCT_FMT - Format attributes
VCT_HLT - Color Attributes
VCT_VALS - VarChart Graphics: Color, Format, Field Attributes

SAP Graphical User Interface Tables BC-FES-GUI

ALOB - Structure for ALOB (Ascii Large OBject)
BLOB - Administration of components as BLOBS (Binary Large OBjects)
CFW_LINK - CFW: Link Info of a Container
CNTLREM - remarks to controls --> see table CNTLWARN
CNTLSTRASC - Administration of components, A-LOBS (Ascii Large OBjectS)
CNTLSTREAM - Administration of components, BLOBS (Binary Large OBjectS)
CNTLSTRINF - Attributes of a stream
CNTLSTRLIS - Control stream list
CNTLWARN - Table containing information about control restrictions
CONTROLS - Setting: Display control status
DPPROPS - General property structure for data provider
FILEFILTER - Table structure for file filter
FILEFM - File format
FILE_INFO - Info structure of file
FILE_TABLE - file_table
FVERSIONDB - Cache for file information
UIATTENTRY - Context Menu: Function Attributes Header
UIMENU - Context Menu: Submenu

SAP Internet Graphics Service Tables BC-FES-IGS

GEOBORDER - Geographic border in WGS84 coordinates
GEOPOSITION - Geographic position in WGS84 coordinates

SAP SAP Internet Transaction Server Tables BC-FES-ITS

IACABFR1 - Queries in Transaction SIAC1 (Program SIAC_TREE)
IACATTRIBUTES - Key Fields for IAC Objects (R/3 Side)
IACCIO - Field Definition for IACOBJINFO (Checkin/-out)
IACCIOOBJ - Field Definition for IACOBJINFO (Checkin/-out)
IACCIOUSER - Field Definition for IACOBJINFO (Checkin/-out)
IACCOMMON - Common Data of IAC Objects
IACEKEYM - Structure of External ID of IAC MIME Object
IACEKEYR - Structure of External ID of IAC Language Resource
IACEKEYS - Structure of External ID for IAC Service
IACEKEYT - Structure of External Object ID of IAC Template
IACERR - Errors when Editing IAC Objects
IACFL - Feature in ITS Plug-In
IACFLOW - INDX file for HTML templates (cross-language)
IACHTML - Obsolete:INDX File for HTML Templates (Language-Independent)
IACHTMLL - Obsolete: INDX File for HTML Templates (Language-Dependent)
IACHTMLLP - Obsolete: Parameters for HTML Template Program Name
IACHTMLP - Obsolete: Parameters for HTML Template Program Name
IACHTRC - Obsolete: Language Resources for Internet Applications
IACHTRCL - Obsolete: Language Resources for Internet Applications
IACHTRCP - Obsolete: Entries for Language Resources
IACIKEYJ - Structure of Internal Key JavaScript Data
IACIKEYM - structure of Internal Key MIME Data (language-independent)
IACIKEYML - structure of Internal Key MIME Data (language-dependent)
IACIKEYR - Structure of internal key for language resources
IACIKEYRO - Structure of internal name language resource
IACIKEYT - Structure of Internal Key Template (language-independent)
IACIKEYTL - Structure of Internal Key Template (language-dependent)
IACJSCR - Obsolete: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Independent)
IACKEYCOLD - Obsolete: IAC: Conversion of Long Keys into Short Keys
IACKEYCONV - Obsolete: IAC: Conversion of Long Keys into Short Keys
IACMIME - Obsolete: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Independent)
IACMIMEL - Obsolete: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Dependent)
IACMIMELP - Obsolete: Parameters for MIME Objects File & Rel. Path
IACMIMEP - Obsolete: Parameters for MIME Objects File & Rel. Path
IACML - Parameters for MIME Objects (Language-Specific) File & Rel.
IACML_C - Content of MIME Objects (Language-Independent)
IACMTXTEND - Extensions Indicate a Text-Type MIME Object
IACMU - Parameters for MIME Objects (Non-Lang.-Specific) File & Rel.
IACMUT - WAB: Texts for MIME Objects
IACMU_C - Content of MIME Objects (Language-Independent)
IACOBJ - Key Fields for IAC Objects (R/3 Side)
IACOBJADD - General Information on IAC Objects
IACOBJECT - Field Definitions for Web Objects
IACOBJINFO - General Information on IAC Objects
IACOBJLONG - Long Variants of Name Components of IAC Objects
IACOBJMSG - Messages when Editing IAC Objects
IACOBJ_SELSCREEN - Usage on Selection Screens
IACOBJ_SELSCREEN_4X - Usage on Selection Screens
IACORDES - RFC Destinations for IACOR
IACORDEST - Texts for RFC Destinations for IACOR
IACORSITE - Sites for IACOR Destinations
IACPARAM - Standard parameters of Web Objects
IACR - Language Resources for Internet Applications (Service, Theme
IACRFC_SCREEN_INFO - Information About Dynpros with HTML Templates
IACRT - WAB: Texts for Themes
IACR_C - Entries for language resources
IACS - Internet Application Components with ITS
IACSEARCH_RESULT_INFO - Find in IAC Objects, Result
IACSEARCH_RESULT_INFO_LINE - Results Line in Search in IAC Objects
IACSEARCH_RESULT_INFO_ONE_OBJ - Search in IAC Objects, Result for Object
IACSERVICE - Obsolete: Internet Application Components with ITS
IACSERVP - Obsolete: Parameters for Service Description
IACST - Short Text for Internet Services
IACS_C - Parameters for service description
IACTL - Parameters for HTML Templates (Non-Lang.-Spec.) Prog. Name
IACTL_C - Content of HTML Templates (Language-Dependent)
IACTL_C1 - Content of HTML Templates (Language-Dependent)
IACTL_C_TEMP - HTML Templates (Lang-Dep.), Temporary for Version Management
IACTU - Parameters for HTML Templates (Non-Lang.-Spec.) Prog. Name
IACTUT - WAB: Texts for HTML Files
IACTU_C - HTML Templates (Language-Independent) for Version Management
IACTU_C1 - Content of HTML Templates (Language-Independent)
IACTU_C_TEMP - HTML Templates (Lang-Indep.), Temporary for Version Managemt
IACTU_REGENERATE_ALV - ITS, HTML Templates, Regenerate, ALV Fields for Selection
IACXMLPROPERTYINFO - Details of XML Properties of Elements
IACXU - XML Templates for HTML Templates
IACXUT - WAB: Texts for XML Templates for HTML Templates
IACXU_C1 - Contents of Templates
IACXU_C_TEMP - XML Templates, Temporary for Version Management
IAC_PARAMETER - Parameter for Service or Language Resource
IAC_PARAMETER_2010 - Parameter for Service or Language Resource
IAC_RANGE_LONGNAME_LINE - Range Line for Names of Internet Service Objects
IAC_RANGE_PACKAGE_LINE - Range Line for Packages
IAC_RANGE_SCREEN_LINE - Range Line for Dynpros of HTML Templates
IAC_RANGE_SERVICE_LINE - Range Line for Internet Service
IAC_RANGE_THEME_LINE - Range Line for Themes of Internet Services
IAMU_SOURCE_CORR_WORKBENCH - Source Structure for Correction Workbench
IATU_SOURCE_CORR_WORKBENCH - Source Structure for Correction Workbench
ITSEUSETTINGSPUBLISH - Screen Fields, ITS Settings, Workbench, Publish
ITSEUSETTINGSSERVER - Screen Fields, ITS Server Settings, Workbench
ITSMTXSTATLINE - Mutex Locks for ITS Plug-In
ITSPPPTPROPS - Properties of PPT Entry
ITSP_FUNCSTAT - BHTML Function statistics
ITSP_PPTSTATLINE - State of the Pre-Parsed Tree
ITSTEST - ITS Test: Who has carried out which transaction
ITSTESTMOB - ITS Mobile Test Screens
ITSTESTMOBART - ITS Test: Test Application ITMOBILE, Test Data Table
ITSTESTRBX - ITS Test: Who has carried out which transaction
ITS_BOX_P - contains box-properties for css
ITS_CHECK - contains checkbox attributes for style
ITS_CLASS - contains classification-properties for css
ITS_COLBCK - contains color&background-properties
ITS_CSS - contains cascading style sheets (css) for generator
ITS_ELEMEN - element list of a dynpro
ITS_ELEMEN_2006 - element list of a dynpro
ITS_FONT - contains font-properties for css
ITS_FRAMES - contains possible framesetstyles for generator
ITS_F_LIST - contains possible framesetstyles for generator
ITS_POS - contains position values, e.g. left, center...
ITS_PUSH - contains pushbutton attributes for a style
ITS_RADIO - contains radiobutton-attributes for a style
ITS_SCREEN - contains screen attributes for a style
ITS_SHOW - contains all created css
ITS_STYLES - contains different styles for generator
ITS_SUB - contains subscreen attributes for a style
ITS_TABLE - contains table attributes for a style
ITS_TAGS - html-tags container
ITS_TEMP - contains template-attributes for a style
ITS_TEXT - contains text attributes for a style
ITS_TEXT_P - contains text-properties for css
SAVWCTXT - ALE/Web (ITS) Context - Format
SAVWMPMIME - Info structure multipart MIME type
SITSFEATLIST - Availability Description of Feature in ITS Plug-In
SITSICONUPLOADALV - ITS: Spaces for ICON Upload, Display in ALV
SITSICONUPLOADALVHELP - ITS: Help for ICON Upload, Generation for ALV Field Catalog
SITSPROF - ITS Profile Parameter
SITSSESSMEMSTAT - Memory Usage for ITS Plug-In Session
SITSSYNC - Synchronization Structure for Internet Application Component
SITSWPMEMSTAT - Memory and Other Resources for WP Used by ITS Plug-In
SITS_AWRT_DEBUG - Debugging Entries for Function Group AWRT
SITS_KERNEL_LOG - Log Entries for Kernel
SITS_KERNEL_LOGN - Log Entries for Kernel: Numbers Used
SITS_SERVICE_PAR - ITS: Valid Parameters of Service
W3GENSTYLES - W3: Generation Styles for HTML Templates
W3GENSTYLESTEXT - ITS: Generation Style with Description
W3HTMLT - WAB: Texts for HTML Files
W3HTRCT - WAB: Texts for Themes
W3JSCRT - WAB: Texts for JavaScript Files
W3MIMET - WAB: Texts for MIME Objects

SAP Read SAP Note 836653 Tables BC-FES-MOB

PUSHLOG - WAP Push Logging
PUSHTPL - WAP Push Templates

SAP Use BC-FES-CTL (see SAP Note 842824) Tables BC-FES-OAC

CALLSTACK - structure for abap callstack (do not use as include in dbtb)
OBJ_RECORD - Structure of types OLE2_OBJECT
OLELOAD - OLE type Information load
OLE_OBJECT - Structure for collecting active OLE objects
OLE_PA - Parameter table of an OLE call
OLE_PARAM - Structur of an OLE parameter
OLE_TINFOL - Load form of OLE type information
OLE_VERBS - Verb table in OLE call
PARCONT - Parameter container
TOLE - OLE Applications
TOLET - Workflow Object Types: Texts OLE Applications
TYPEINFO - OLE type information

SAP SAP Desktop Office Integration Tables BC-FES-OFF

TYPEINFO - OLE type information


PRSNAS_ACTIVE - Personas: active flavor for a user
PRSNAS_ASSGNMNTS - Personas: Assignments of flavors to users
PRSNAS_CACHE - Personas: cache of current settings computed for XML out
PRSNAS_FLAVORS - Personas: Flavors
PRSNAS_SETTINGS - Personas: Settings stored globally, for user or for flavor
PRSNAS_THEMES - Personas: Themes

SAP See Note 539477 Tables BC-FES-WSW

LONGFIELD - Field line
RFC_DB_FLD - RFC Table Read: Description of Fields to Retrieve
RFC_DB_OPT - RFC Table Read: Select Options / WHERE Clause
SMXMS - SAPoffice: RFC interface for MS windows applications