SAP Tables | Basis Components | Business Configuration Tools: Runtime SAP BC

SAP BC Business Configuration Tools: Runtime Tables (BC-CFG)

SAP Business Configuration Tools: Runtime Tables BC-CFG-RT

CC2SNAMTAB - Control Block Structure Table Fields for C2 Server
CC2SWHERETAB - Structure for dynamic selection conditions (WHERETAB)
CC2S_BUFFER - Structure for Buffer Table
CC2S_BUFFER_DATA - Semantic Key + Data Reference in C2 Server
CC2S_C2GUID_TYPE - Structure with Guids for Customizing
CC2S_CLNT - C2 Server (Internal): Client for C2 Tables
CC2S_CONSTRAINTS - C2-Server: Constraints
CC2S_CONSTRAINTS_ERROR_TYPE - C2 Server: Error of Constraints Data
CC2S_CONSTRAINTS_OBJECT_TYPE - C2 Srerver: Object Definition of Constraints
CC2S_CONSTRAINTS_RANGE_TYPE - C2 Server: Structure for Constraint Rangfes
CC2S_CUSMDATA - C2 Server: Constraints for Central Customizing Objects
CC2S_CUSTOBJECT_TYPE - C2_Server: Key of a central Customizingobject
CC2S_DEPLOY_TYPE - Description of a dataset for deployment in c2 server
CC2S_DISTRIBUTE_RESULTS_TYPE - Get results from Distribution of Customizing in other system
CC2S_ESI_ID - C2 Include for ESI-ID
CC2S_FIELD_LIST - Field List Include for the C2 Server
CC2S_KEY - Semantic Key in C2 Server
CC2S_LANGU - C2 Server (Internal): Key Extension for Text Tables
CC2S_LANG_DEP_DATA - Language-Dependent Data of a Node
CC2S_LOCK_PARAMS - Lock Parameter

CC2S_MESSAGE_TYPE - Messages in C2 Framework
CC2S_METADATAS - Meatadata for the C2 Server
CC2S_META_BUFFER - Structure for Buffer Table
CC2S_META_DISTRIBUTE_TYPE - Table Entries to be distributed into Sytems
CC2S_META_FILL_TYPE - New Table Entries to be inserted into Customizing Table
CC2S_MGMNT_DATA - C2 Server (Internal): Data Part Extension
CC2S_MGMNT_DATA_EXT - C2 Server (External): Extension of Data Part
CC2S_MGMNT_KEY - C2 Table Key Extension
CC2S_MGMNT_KEY_EXT - Key Extension for Configuration Data (External)
CC2S_QUERY_PARAMETER_TYPE - Parameter Types of a Query Method
CC2S_REF_KEY - C2 Server (Internal): Reference to Other Entry
CC2S_RESULT - Structure for the Results List in the C2 Server
CC2S_RES_EXT - C2 Server Configuration Data (External Format)
CC2S_SELECT_PARAMETER_TYPE - Parameter Type of a Select Method
CC2S_SELLIST - Selection Area for C2 Server
CC2S_SELVALUE - Selection Condition in C2 Server
CC2S_SEL_PARAM - Selection Parameter
CC2S_TDEP - C2 Server Tables: Time-Dependency Fields
SC2REP_CONFDATA - (Preliminary) Configuration Repository for C2 Repository
SC2TEFB889BB4AE_EXTINCL - Enhancement Include Structure
SC2_AP_CO_HEADER - C2 Server: Business Configuration Object in Applicatn System
SC2_AP_CO_HEAD_T - C2 Server: Business Configuration Object in Applicatn System
SC2_AP_IDE_PAR - Parameter for IDE in Application System
SC2_AP_IDE_PHEAD - Check and Activation Log Repository
SC2_AP_IDE_POCOL - Check and Activation Log Repository
SC2_AP_IDE_P_CON - Check and Activation Log Context Repository
SC2_BCO_ASSOC_F - C2 Server: Association Field Links (Inactive)
SC2_BCO_EXIT - Configuration Object Exits
SC2_BCO_EXIT_DF - C2 Server: Configuration Object Exits (Definition)
SC2_BCO_EXIT_DFT - C2 Server: Configuration Object Exit Texts
SC2_BCO_EXIT_FIELD_VALUE - Configuration Object Exits
SC2_BCO_EXIT_VALUE - Configuration Object Exits
SC2_BCO_FIELD_ASSOC - C2 Server: Field Assignments to Associations
SC2_BCO_HEADER - C2 Server: Meta-Repository: Business Configuration Object
SC2_BCO_NODE - C2 Server: Meta-Repository: Nodes

SC2_BCO_NODE_TAB - C2 Server: Node Attributes when Saving Tables
SC2_BCO_PROPERTY - Configuration Object Attributes
SC2_BCO_PROPERTY_FIELD_VALUE - Configuration Object Attributes
SC2_BCO_PROPERTY_VALUE - Configuration Object Attributes
SC2_BCO_PROP_DF - C2 Server: Configuration Object Attributes (Definition)
SC2_BCO_PROP_DFT - C2 Server: Configuration Object Attribute Texts
SC2_BCO_QUERY - C2 Server: Query for Generated Proxy Method
SC2_BO_ASSOC - C2 Server: Associations in Active Configuration Object
SC2_BO_ASSOC_F - C2 Server: Field Links of Associations (Active)
SC2_BO_BCSIF_REG - Registration of Created BC Service Interfaces
SC2_BO_EXIT - Exits in Active Configuration Objects
SC2_BO_FLD_MAP - C2 Server: Short Field Names (from Last Activation)
SC2_BO_HEADER - C2 Server: Business Object at Last Activation
SC2_BO_NODE - C2 Server: Nodes at Last Activation
SC2_BO_NODE_TAB - C2 Server: Nodes at Last Activation
SC2_BO_PROPERTY - Attributes of Active Configuration Objects
SC2_CFG_ASSEMBLY - Assemble Configuration Data
SC2_CHANGE_INFORMATION - C2 Server: Change Data
SC2_CHNG_CONTEXT - C2 Server: Change Context
SC2_DATA_CONTEXT - Change Context: Configuration Data Assignment
SC2_IDE_APP_SYS_FIELD_MAPPING - Mapping Data ALV Display Fields
SC2_IDE_APP_SYS_PERS_DATA - Personalization Object Data
SC2_IDE_ATTRIBUTES - C2 Object Attributes
SC2_IDE_C2_DIRECTORY_DB_TABLE - C2-IDE: Tables in C2 Directory
SC2_IDE_EXITS - C2 Object Exits
SC2_IDE_HEADER_DATA - C2 IDE: C2 Object Header Data
SC2_IDE_KEY_VALUE - Key Value Structure
SC2_IDE_PAR - Central C2 Server IDE Parameters
SC2_IDE_PERS_DATA - Personalization Object Data
SC2_IDE_PROTHEAD - Check and Activation Log Repository
SC2_IDE_PROTOCOL - Check and Activation Log Repository
SC2_IDE_PROT_CON - Check and Activation Log Context Repository
SC2_IDE_PROXY_PARAMS - Method Parameters
SC2_IDE_PROXY_QUERY - Proxy: Query Definition

SC2_IDE_TREE_DATA - Data Structure for Object Tree Display
SC2_IDE_XCHG_EEW_TYPES - Exchange Structure for Extension Structures
SC2_IDE_XCHG_FIELDS - Exchange Structure Field Information
SC2_IDE_XCHG_METHOD - Method Exchange Structure
SC2_IDE_XCHG_METHOD_TEXT - Method Text Exchange Structure
SC2_IPG_ACCESS - C2: Implementation of Access Interface (Inactive)
SC2_IPG_METHOD - C2: Generated Proxy Method (Inactive)
SC2_IPG_METHODT - C2: Inactive Generation Method Texts
SC2_IPG_NODE - C2: Inactive Node Generation Details
SC2_IPG_PARAM - C2: Inactive Method Parameters
SC2_IPG_PARAMT - C2: Inactive Description of Method Parameters
SC2_IPG_QUERY - C2: Inactive Generaed Proxy Method
SC2_PGL_ACCESS - C2 Server: Implementation of Access Interface (old)
SC2_PGL_FLDMAP - C2 Server: Field Names
SC2_PGL_METHODS - Object Node Methods
SC2_PGL_METHODST - Method Texts
SC2_PGL_NODE - C2 Server: (Old) Node Generation Details (Interface)
SC2_PGL_NODE_TAB - C2 Server: Table Assignment to Node (Old)
SC2_PG_ACCESS - C2 Server: Access Interface Implementation
SC2_PG_METHOD - C2 Server: Generated Proxy Method
SC2_PG_METHODT - C2 Server: Node Generation Details
SC2_PG_NODE - C2 Server: Node Generation Details
SC2_PG_PARAM - C2 Server: Method Parameters
SC2_PG_PARAMT - C2 Server: Method Parameter Description
SC2_PG_QUERY - C2 Server: Generated Proxy Method Range Table for Query
SC2_PG_QUERYC - C2 Server: Generated Proxy Method Compiled Range Table
SC2_SAPI_NAMEOBJECT_S - Name Object Structure
SC2_SAPI_NAMEVALUE_S - Name Value Structure
SC2_SPROT_U - Log Generation Interface
SC2_USR_CONTEXT - C2 Server: Change Context
SCODE_CONTEXT - Codelist Registry: Codelist Contexts
SCODE_REGISTRY - Code Type Registry: Code Type <=> IMG Table or Search Help
SCODE_S_CONTEXT_FLDS - GCLP: Assignment of Context Structur Fld to IMG Table Field