SAP Tables | Basis Components | Use Subcomponents SAP BC

SAP BC Use Subcomponents Tables (BC-CCM)

SAP Archive Development Kit Tables BC-CCM-ADK

ADMI_APPLI - Application archive file information table
ADMI_AR_PEXT - Created Archive Routing Path Extension
ADMI_EXAMP - Archiving object EXAMPLE archive file info table
ADMI_FILEN - Archive File: Key, Number of Objects, phys. Name with Path
ADMI_FILES - Archive Files of Archive Sessions
ADMI_FILE_DAVLNK - Link Between the Archive File and the WebDAV Ressource
ADMI_FILE_RULES - IRM Rules Applied for Archive Files
ADMI_FILST - Archive Files: Header Information, Jobs, and Status
ADMI_HOME_PATH - History of Home Paths for Archiving Object
ADMI_JOBS - Archive Jobs
ADMI_OPTIO - Display Options of Archive Administration
ADMI_ORIGINS - Collection Properties
ADMI_PROPI - Property Indexes
ADMI_RJOBS - Read program jobs
ADMI_RUN - Archive Runs Header Data
ADMI_RUNST - Archiving Runs: Header Information, Jobs, and Status
ADMI_SBOOK - Archive file - info table for archiving object BC_SBOOK
ADMI_SKIP - Address of data objects to be skipped
ADMI_SLJOB - Job Information on Archiving Run or Archiving File
ADMI_STATS - Archiving sessions: Statistics

ADMI_STRUC - Structure of Required Fields in Archive Administration
ADMI_STRUX - Archive Administration Structure
ADMI_S_IN - Name of a Property Index
ADMI_S_IND - Definition of Properties in a Property Index
ADMI_S_PA - Archive Path Structure
ADMI_S_PRO - Properties Structure
ADMI_S_RES - Resource or Collection Structure
ADMI_S_URI - URIs of Resources or Collections
ADMI_S_WEBDAV_PROP - WebDAV Properties Structure
ADMI_URIS - Alternative Paths for Archive Files
ADMI_VARIA - Contents of the Variant for the Archiving Program
ADMI_XDOCS - Resources
ADMI_XRUN - Archiving Session for XML Archiving Objects
ADMX_FILST - Additional Technical Data for Resources
ADMX_RUNST - Additional Technical Data for Archiving Sessions
ARCDEL_DEL_STAT - Delete Statistics Data
ARCDEL_OBJ - Control Table for Archiving / Deletion
ARCDEL_S_FUNC - Archiving / Deleting
ARCDEL_S_FUNC_WV - Function for BOR Type
ARCDEL_S_OBJECT - Central Transfer Structure for Application Checks
ARCDEL_S_OBJGUID - Transfer Strukture for Check Function Module
ARCDEL_S_STATISTIC - Delete/Archive Aggregated Data
ARCHIV_KEY - Key for Archive File
ARCH_APPL_LOG_CONTEXT - Archiving: Context Information of an Application Log
ARCH_APPL_LOG_CONTEXT_HDR - Archiving: Context Information of an Application Log
ARCH_APPL_LOG_CONTEXT_MSG_DET - Archiving: Application Log - Context Info. of a Message
ARCH_APPL_LOG_CONTEXT_MSG_SUM - Archiving: Application Log - Context Info. of a Message
ARCH_APPL_LOG_EXTNUMBER - Archiving: Identification Fields of an Application Log
ARCH_CHECK_EXC - Archiving - Standard Checks: Exceptions
ARCH_CHECK_STANDARD_RESULTS - Archiving - Standard Checks: Results
ARCH_CHECK_STND_RESULTS_INFO - Archiving - Standard Checks: Results and Explanations
ARCH_CHECK_STND_RESULT_INFO - Archiving - Standard Checks: Results and Explanation
ARCH_CLASS - Classes of integrated objects
ARCH_CLS - Archiving Class
ARCH_CP - Code Page for Displaying Archived Data
ARCH_CTXT - Texts for Archiving Classes
ARCH_DAS - Configuration of the Data Archiving Service
ARCH_DDIC - Structure of Table Type from DDIC
ARCH_DEF - Definition of archive object

ARCH_DELE - Objects with tables from which entries are deleted
ARCH_DELG - Archiving Generator (Tables Data To Be Deleted From)
ARCH_ENQUE - Lock objects for archiving and reorganization
ARCH_ETXT - Description for lock objects of archiving
ARCH_EVENT - ABAP/4 events for archiving generation program
ARCH_EXITS - Structure for Archiving Generation Program
ARCH_FILE - Archive File: Properties, Jobs and Status
ARCH_FILES - Key fields of archive files in archive administration
ARCH_FLAGS - Structure with Indicators for Archiving
ARCH_GENER - Definition of Events for Archiving Generation Program
ARCH_IDX - Index table for data object selection
ARCH_IDX_S - Index Table for Archiving Demo with BC_SBOOK
ARCH_IENQ - Change documents for archiving lock objects
ARCH_ILM_CONV_OTP - Technical Options for ILM Conversion
ARCH_INT - Reference Fields for Archiving
ARCH_NET - Table with archiving objects for network display
ARCH_NUM - Cross-client Number Assignment for Archive Run
ARCH_OBJ - Objects for archiving and reorganization
ARCH_OBJECT_RANGE - Archiving Object - Range
ARCH_OCLAS - Assign classes to archive object
ARCH_OFFS - Archive File Key and Offset of Data Object
ARCH_PACKA - Structure of package in class (compressed)
ARCH_PARAM - Cross-Object Customizing Data Archiving
ARCH_PROCESSING_OPTIONS - Archiving: Processing Options for Write/Delete Program
ARCH_REPOW - Reporting and Read Programs for Archive Files
ARCH_ROUT_COND - Archive Routing: Header Per Archiving Object
ARCH_ROUT_CONDITION - Archive Routnig: Condition
ARCH_ROUT_CUSTFIELD - Archive Routing: Cutomizing Fields
ARCH_ROUT_CUST_DIALOG - Archive Routing: Customizing Dialog Structure
ARCH_ROUT_HEAD - Archive Routing: Header Per Archiving Object
ARCH_ROUT_RULE - Archive Routing: Header Per Archiving Object
ARCH_RPRG - Archiving objects with associated read programs
ARCH_RUN - Archiving Session: Properties, Jobs and Status
ARCH_SERV - Data Archiving Server Selection (Obsolete from Release 6.10)
ARCH_SESSN - Archiving Session Number (Structure for Tables)
ARCH_STAT - Transfer of statistics data to archiving
ARCH_STATI - Table of Statistics Data of an Archive Run
ARCH_STRUC - Structure for Archiving Generation Program
ARCH_S_COND - IRM Condition for Archive File

ARCH_S_NAMETAB - Field List for Archived Name Tab of a Structure
ARCH_S_RULE - IRM Rule for File
ARCH_S_SESSION - Archiving Session Information
ARCH_S_STRUCT_DEF - Extension of the Structure Definition in Archiving
ARCH_TCODE - Application Customizing Transactions
ARCH_TXT - Description of archive objects
ARCH_USR - Customizing Table for Archiving
ARCH_XHOME - Customizing of Home Paths
ARC_ALSTAT - Transfer Structure for Statistics of Attachments/Print Lists
ARC_ALTRAN - Transfer Structure for Line Type of AL Documents
ARC_BUFFER - Archive record structure
ARC_BUFOLD - Archive record structure
ARC_CREP - Definition of CREP for Transfer from Legacy Systems
ARC_CREPHT - Definition of CREP_HTTP for Transfer from Legacy Systems
ARC_HEAD - Header per archive record
ARC_S_SN_FCAT - Structure for Virtual Field Catalog for SN Objects
CLASS_DEF - Definition of an archiving class
CLASS_DELE - Archiving class with tables from which entries are deleted
CLASS_INCL - Archiving class which contains other archiving class
CRG_ARCDEL_RULES - Structure Checking Rules for Delete / Archive
CRG_PROT_CONTEXT - CRM Archiving Application Log: Context Information
CRM_OBJECTS_CHECK - Structure for Deletion and Archiving Methods
DESCR_TXT - Description text input in various languages
HEADA - Header Type A Reorg.
HEADAOLD - Header Type A Reorg.
HEADB - Header Type B Reorg.
HEADBOLD - Header Type B Reorg.
HEADN - Header type N for archiving (name table)
HEADNOLD - Header type N for archiving (name table)
KEY_BC_DEMO - Transfer Structure for Archiving Class BC_DEMO
KEY_BC_DEMO_SFLIGHT - Transfer Structure for Data Destruction Using BC_DEMO
KREO - Fields for reorg. transaction
OBJECT_TAB - Archiving object structure
OBJTAB_TAB - Archiving object structure
RADIO_ARCH - Archiving radio button structure
RADK_CCMS_OBJECT - Archiving Objects for Database Table - Flat, Remote
RNG_ARCHIV - Ranking table for archive file
RNG_CLIENT - Ranking table for client field
RNG_DATE - Ranking table for date field
RNG_OBJECT - Range Table for Archiving Object Field
RNG_RELEAS - Ranking table for release field
RNG_RUN - Ranking table for archiving sessions
RNG_SYSID - Range Table for the System ID Field
RNG_USER - Range Table for Field with Name of User
TR01 - Archiving basis table
TRK00 - Reorg objects: Characteristics
TRK10 - Table for reorg structure
TRK1E - Table of exits for archiving
TRK1S - Fields for reorg statistics per object
TRK1T - Reorg. object names

SAP Archive Information System Tables BC-CCM-ADK-AS

AIND_ARKEY - SAP AS: Reference Structure for Archive Key/Archiveofs
AIND_CONN - Database Connection for Archive Information System
AIND_CONN_STR - Database Connection for an Infostructure
AIND_CONN_STR_UI - Dynpro Structure
AIND_FILES - AS: Archive Indexing
AIND_STATU - Status management of archive information structures
AIND_STR1 - Archive Info Structures
AIND_STR10 - Technical Attributes of Archive Information Structures
AIND_STR1T - Text of archive information structure
AIND_STR2 - Archive information structure: system information
AIND_STR3 - Archive information structure: field catalog
AIND_STR4 - Achive information structure: field catalog, further fields
AIND_STR5 - AS: Function Modules for Application-Dependent Reporting
AIND_STR5T - AS: Texts of Application-Dependent Data Object Display
AIND_STR6 - AS, Field Catalog: Additional Info on Fields
AIND_STR7 - SAP AS: Virtual Field Catalogs
AIND_STR8 - Archive Information System: indexes, fields
AIND_STR9 - SAP AS: Authorization checks
ASADLINE - AS: Aims of the Administration
ASAFBALLRECORDS - Archive File Browser: General Table Row
ASAFBCLUSTER - ArchiveFileBrowser: General Temporary Storage
ASAFBFIELDS - Archive File Browser: Different Fields for GUI etc.
ASAFBLINE - ArchiveFileBrowser: Navigation Row
ASAFBMSGCONTEXT - AFB: Context for Log Output
ASDATASRC1 - AS: Settings for Choosing the Data Source
ASFVALUE - SAP AS: Individual Field Value for an Infostructure Record
ASGENFCFLD - AS: Field Catalog Fields for Generation
ASGENFCHD - AS: Field Catalog Header for Generation
ASGENISFLD - AS: Info Structure Fields for Generation
ASGENISHD - AS: Info Structure Header for Generation
ASGENISIDX - AS: Secondary Index Fields for Generation
ASIX_INVALID_RUN - AS: BC_ASIS Archiving Sessions That Are Not To Be Read
ASIX_SETTINGS - AS: Meta Index Customizing
ASPART_ACT - ArchiveInfoSys: Actual Partitioning
ASPART_CONF - ArchivInfoSys: Partitioning Configuration
ASPART_DB - Archive Information System: Fixed Table Exists on Remote DB
ASPART_FILES - ArchivInfoSys: Information per File
ASTABLEBUFFER - AS: Table Buffer with Type
ASTABLEBUFFER - AS: Table Buffer with Type

SAP eXternal Management Interface Framework Tables BC-CCM-API-CSI-XMI

ARCMASK - Bapi xbp all archive_parameters mask
BAPIARCOBJECTS - Input Help: Archive Objects for XBP
BAPIARCPAR - ImageLink structure
BAPIDLI - Information About Distribution List
BAPIPRIPAR - BAPI structure for transferring print parameters
BAPITFACD - Factory calendar definition
BAPITFACS - Factory Calendar (Details)
BAPITHOCD - Public holiday definitions
BAPITHOCS - Public Holiday Calendar
BAPIVARINFO - Information About a Report Variant
BAPIVARINFO_L - Information About a Report Variant
BAPIXMARCH - BAPI XBP: Archive parameters from ext. view
BAPIXMAUX - BAPI XBP: Ref. type for functn mod. params
BAPIXMBOOL - BAPI XMI: Representation of Boolean values as character
BAPIXMCNT - Counter for the max. level of a structure (BAPI of sy-dbcnt)
BAPIXMCRES - BAPI XBP:Information on currently available batch resources
BAPIXMDESC - BAPI XMI: Interface long text (background processing API)
BAPIXMJOB - BAPI XBP: Structure to transfer job header data
BAPIXMJOBLOG - Job Log Attributes
BAPIXMJOBS - BAPI XBP: Structure to transfer job header data
BAPIXMJSEL - BAPI XBP: Structure to transfer parameters for job selectn
BAPIXMLOGR - BAPI XMI: Logon information on actions of external mgt tools
BAPIXMLOGX - BAPI XMI: Deliver 1 XMI log message to an ext. sys. mgt tool
BAPIXMMSG - BAPI XMI: External format to transfer messages to XMI
BAPIXMPRIPAREXT - Structure for Extended Print Parameters of Type Name - Value
BAPIXMPRNT - BAPI XBP: Print parameters
BAPIXMPROT - BAPI XBP: Job log entries in list format
BAPIXMRECIP - Structure for Spool List Recipients
BAPIXMREP - BAPI XBI: Reports and variants
BAPIXMRES - BAPI XBP: Information on background resources at spec. date
BAPIXMSLCT - BAPI XMI: Log administration: Selection of entries
BAPIXMSPOO - BAPI XBP: Lines in a spool list
BAPIXMSPOOLID - Parameters of a Spool Request
BAPIXMSPOP - BAPI XBP: Line of a Wide Spool List (1024 Characters)
BAPIXMSPOW - BAPI XBP: Line of a Wide Spool List
BAPIXMSTEP - BAPI XBP: Description of step values
BAPIXMVAR - BAPI XBP: Transfer structure for report and variant names
BAPIXMVERS - BAPI XMI: for transport between XMI FMs and external client
BAPI_APPLOG_MESSAGE - Application Log Message
BAPI_SELSCREEN_INFO - Information About the Selection Screen of a Report
BP20HEAD - job head structure with all paremeters for XBP
BP20HMSK - job header mask for XBP
BP20JOB - job structure with all paremeters for XBP 2.0
BP20STEP - job step structure with all paremeters for XBP 2.0
BP30JOB - Job information
BPICPINFO - Information about an intercepted job
BPXMINFO - Some Information on a Job: Status and Child Flag
LOGREORG - Log Management: Reorganization Selection
LOGSELECT - Log Management: Entry Selection
PRIMASK - Bapi xbp all print_parameters mask
SRVLISTNMS - List of Server and Host Names of Mssg Server
SRVLISTNUM - Internet No. (4 Numbers) plus Port No. in Appl. Server List
SXMIBOOL - Representation of Boolean Values as Characters
SXMIDESC - Long Text of Interface (E.g. Background Proc. API)
SXMILOGADM - Log Entry: Administration Part
SXMILOGEXT - For Transporting an XMI Log Message to an Ext. Sys.Mgmt Tool
SXMIMAJMIN - XMI Version in Form of Individual Components
SXMIMSG - External Format for Transferring Messages in XMI
SXMIMSGEXT - Message Part of an External (Translated) Message
SXMIMSGRAW - Actual Message Part of an XMI Log Message (Text, Arg.)
SXMIREORG - Log Management: Reorganization Selection
SXMISELECT - Log Management: Entry Selection
SXMIVERS - For Transport Between XMI FMs and an External Client
SXOPM_ACTIVE_OPMODE - Active Operation Mode and Work Processes of a Server
SXOPM_DEFINED_OPMODES - Defined Operation Modes
SXOPM_INSTANCE_DETAIL_DEF - Detailed Instance Definition for Operation Modes
TBCICPT - Table with intercept conditions for batch jobs
TXMILOG - Log Information on Actions of External Management Tools
TXMILOGRAW - Log Information on Actions of External Management Tools
TXMIMSG - Table for Lang.-Depend. Message Texts in XMI Log
TXMIREORG - Criteria for Reorganizing XMI Log
WPLISTNMS - List of Work Processes for an Appl. Server
XMISELECT - Log Entry Selection Through External Management Tools

SAP Background Processing Tables BC-CCM-BTC

APR_MASK - Mask for archive parameters
AVAILABLE_SERVERS - structure of available servers at bp_srv_grp
BAE_S_PARAMETER_TYPE - BAE: Type Description
BPABAPJOB - Background job table for ABAP jobs
BPCLIENTUSER - Structure with Client/User for EPP
BPCLSTBL - Longer Name for Job Classification
BPCTRLFLAG - Background external job control flag
BPDTRG - JAPI: Background Date/Time trigger table
BPDTTRG - Table for date / time triggers
BPETRG - JAPI: Background event trigger table
BPEVTRG - Table for event triggers
BPEXCLJOBS - Output exceptions when descheduling jobs for upgrade
BPGRP0101 - Structure for Assignment Dialog: Instance-Group
BPICPINF1 - Extended info for intercepted jobs
BPJOB - Structure for background jobs
BPJOBHEAD - bp job head structure with all paremeters
BPJOBHMSK - job header mask
BPJOBSTEP - for new BP functions: step data for a job
BPJOBSTEP_EXT - for new BP functions: step data for a job
BPJOBS_OF_EPP_CONNECTIONID - Structure: Jobs of an EPP Connection ID
BPJOBS_OF_EPP_ROOTCONTEXT - Structure: Jobs of an EPP Root Context ID
BPJOBS_OF_EPP_TRANSID - Structure: Jobs of an EPP Transaction ID
BPJOBS_OF_EPP_USER - Structure: Jobs of an EPP User
BPJTRG - JAPI: Background after job trigger table
BPOTRG - JAPI: Background operation mode switch trigger table
BPSRVGRPI - Server Groups Entry
BPSRVLINE - A Line in the Server Groups Set
BPSTEPPRIPAR - Description of the Job Step and Associated TPRI_PAR Key
BPTASK - Structure for background tasks
BPTASKID - ID for background task
BPTRGTYP - Background trigger type reference
BPXCMDJOB - Background job table for external command jobs
BPXPRGJOB - Background job table for external command jobs
BTC1011 - Dummy Table
BTCCALHTBL - Help table for F4 factory calendar ID
BTCCLNHTBL - Help Table for F4 Client Help
BTCCLSHTBL - Help table for F4 job class display
BTCCTL - Control table for background processing
BTCCTLHTBL - Table for PF4 help: Background processing control objects
BTCCURRES - Information on background resources currently available
BTCD1N1040 - Information on job log partition
BTCD2N0130 - Dummy Table
BTCD2N1030 - Batch job execution date after release
BTCD3N0100 - Program to be scheduled
BTCD4N1000 - Job status
BTCD5N0101 - Time interval for job planning table display
BTCDELAY - Directory of delayed system log messages for batch scheduler
BTCDELJOBS - output structure for rsbtcdel2
BTCDTTMRES - Information on background resources on a particular date
BTCEVC - Dummy Table due to Inconsistent TADIR Entries
BTCEVTGUIDS - Background Processing Events: GUID of an Event
BTCEVTHISTORY - Event History: History of Background Processing Events
BTCEVTHTBL - Help table for F4 handling of event IDs (screen 1010)
BTCEVTINFO - Event Information for SM62
BTCEVTJOB - List of jobs waiting for events
BTCH0000 - Fields used as ref. types for function module parameters
BTCH1000 - Batch job statuses from the system menu
BTCH1010 - Display/Edit start date and period values
BTCH1011 - Screen 1011: Display/edit 'on workday' start date
BTCH1030 - Editing screen for BTCTTL table entry
BTCH1040 - Screen 1040 with time stamp of a BTCCTL object
BTCH1050 - Initial screen for display/maintenance of table BTCCTL
BTCH1060 - Screen 1060 for period value input/display
BTCH1070 - Initial Screen for Event ID Maintenance / Display
BTCH1080 - Initial Screen for Event ID Maintenance / Display
BTCH1090 - Screen 1090: Edit/display event ID/comment
BTCH1100 - Screen 1100: Display action log for event ID
BTCH1120 - Screen 1120: Display/edit step details
BTCH1140 - Screen 1140: Display/edit job data
BTCH1141 - Structure for Storing Job Data
BTCH1142 - Structure for Fields from Screen 1142
BTCH1150 - Screen 1150: Display job detail data
BTCH1160 - Screen for control flags for external programs
BTCH1170 - Job selection
BTCH1180 - Screen 1180: Specify the name of copied job (BP_JOB_COPY)
BTCH1190 - Screen 1190: Display/edit period values
BTCH1230 - Screen 1230: Display Jobs
BTCH1250 - Screen 1250: Trigger Event
BTCH1260 - Screen: Period Behavior of a Job on Non-Workdays
BTCH1270 - Screen 1270: Moving jobs to another computer
BTCH1280 - Screen 1280: Find programs in jobs
BTCH2000 - Initial screen fields of batch BI-API test environment
BTCH2010 - Fields in screen 2010, batch BI-API test environment (start)
BTCH2020 - Fields for screen 2020 (BI-API test envir.): Event ID check
BTCH2030 - Screen 2030 (BI-API test envir.): Edit step values (raw)
BTCH2040 - Screen 2040: Display/edit/create jobs
BTCH2050 - Dummy Table due to Inconsistent TADIR Entries
BTCH2060 - Screen 2060: Test environment for BP_JOB_COPY
BTCH2080 - Screen 2080: Test environment for BP_JOBLOG_SHOW
BTCH2090 - Screen 2090: Test environment for BP_JOBLIST_PROCESSOR
BTCH2100 - Screen 2100: Test environment for BP_JOB_MAINTENANCE
BTCH2110 - Screen 2110: Test environment for BP_JOB_DELETE
BTCH2120 - Screen 2120: Test environment for BP_JOBLOG_READ
BTCH2130 - Screen 2130: Test environment for BP_JOB_SELECT
BTCH2170 - Job Selection
BTCH3000 - Screen 3000: Start date data 'Date/time' of a job
BTCH3001 - Screen 3001 for entry/display of period values
BTCH3002 - Screen 3002 for entry/display of expl. period values
BTCH3003 - Screen: Period Behavior of a Job on Non-Workdays
BTCH3010 - Screen 3010: Start date data 'Start immed.' of a job
BTCH3020 - Screen 3020: Start date 'for event' of a job
BTCH3030 - Screen 3030: Start date data 'after job' of a job
BTCH3040 - Screen 3040: Start date data 'on workday' of a job
BTCH3050 - Screen 3050: Start date 'for operation mode' of a job
BTCH3060 - Screen 3060: Top level start date editor for jobs
BTCH3070 - Job Selection
BTCH3071 - subscreen for 3070: start condition selection
BTCH3072 - subscreen for 3070: entering active time selection
BTCH3073 - subscreen for 3070: leaving active status selection
BTCH3074 - subscreen for 3070: being active time selection
BTCH3075 - subscreen for 3070: status selection
BTCH3076 - subscreen for 3070: periodicity selection
BTCH3077 - subsrcreen for 3070: abap step selection
BTCH3090 - User-defined Job Selection Name
BTCH4100 - General information screen elements for SM36_wizard
BTCH4200 - step definition subscreen
BTCH4210 - ABAP program step definition
BTCH4220 - External program step definition
BTCH4230 - External command step definition
BTCH4300 - send spool list definition
BTCH4400 - start condition definition
BTCH4410 - Start immediately definition
BTCH4420 - Start date and time definition
BTCH4430 - After job definition
BTCH4440 - After event definition
BTCH4450 - At opmode switch
BTCH4460 - Workday Related Start Condition
BTCH4470 - distinguish multiple jobs with same name
BTCH4480 - Screen: Period Behavior of a Job on Non-Workdays
BTCH4490 - factory calendar
BTCH4500 - Periodicity definition
BTCH4510 - Other Period Definition
BTCH4900 - Structure for a Screen that Queries System and Client
BTCHHLPDM - Dummy structure for handling help requests in SM36/SM37
BTCHWIZALL - Collected information on job definition
BTCJN - Table of the Job Name for Background Processing
BTCJOBCTXT - Structure for Transferring Job References to the Background
BTCJOBEPP - Assignment: Extended Passport to Background Job
BTCJOBHTBL - Help table for jobname in TBTCO
BTCJSTAT - Run-time statistics for background jobs
BTCLNGHTBL - Auxiliary table for PF4-handling of system languages
BTCLOGDCOD - Job log entries in flexible (file) format with date/time
BTCLOG_COD - Job log entries in flexible (file) format without date/time
BTCOMSDL - Control table for operation type scheduler
BTCOMSET - Definition of operation type sets and exception op. modes
BTCOPTIONS - Table with options for batch control
BTCOUT - Other output fields for job analysis
BTCREMTCLN - BTC server for which a remote clean-up is executed
BTCSED - Description of system event IDs for background processing
BTCSELDAYS - selection date structure for different job classes
BTCSELECT - Structure for parameter passing for job selection
BTCSELECTP - Powerful job selection criterias
BTCSELEX - btch extended selection structure
BTCSELMODE - selection mode
BTCSEV - Table for system event IDs for background processing
BTCSRVHTBL - Help Table for F4, Server Name (sm65)
BTCSYSHTBL - Help Table for F4 System Help
BTCSYSLOG - Structure for inclusion of system log entry
BTCTACHTBL - Help Table for F4 Transaction Code Help
BTCTGTHTBL - Table of all currently active batch systems (host names)
BTCTGTITBL - Table of currently active batch systems (host + instance)
BTCTGTSRVR - List of instance names that are considered as BTC servers
BTCTL1 - T100-type entries in general log file
BTCTLE - General log entries (no format)
BTCTLP - Parameters of T100-type log entry (long form)
BTCTSTPROT - Test Log for Background Test Suite
BTCUED - Description of user event IDs for background processing
BTCUEV - User event IDs for background processing
BTCUSRHTBL - Help structure for PF4 handling of user names
BTCVARHTBL - variant F4 help value display
BTCVARHTBLT - Value Display as Input Help for Variant
BTCXP1 - Message to start an external program from a job
BTCXP2 - Status message after starting an external program
BTCXP3 - Scheduling message after termination of external program
BTCXPGENEX - Export parameters of the ext. RFC function SAPXPG_END_XPG
BTCXPGLOG - Log message of an external program (RFC-SAPXPG)
BTCXPGPROX - Parameters of the substitute at the start of ext. programs
BTCXPGSPEX - Export parametrs of the substitute at start of ext. programs
BTCXPGSTEX - Export parameters of external RFC function SAPXPG_START_XPG
BTCXPGSTIM - Import parameters of external RFC function SAPXPG_START_XPG
BTCXPM - Log message from external program to calling program
BTC_CRITERIA - Selection Criteria: Criteria
BTC_CRITNODES - Selection Criteria: Criteria
BTC_CRITPROFILES - Selection Criteria: Selection Profiles
BTC_CRITTYPES - Selection Criteria: Criteria Fields
BTC_F4_BATCHTARGET - Bkgrnd Proc.: Struct. for F4 Help for Target Srvr + Srvr Grp
BTC_JOB_1 - General Job Structure for Grid Display
BTC_S_APPRC - Application Log Handle Structure
BTC_S_CRITERIA_DISP - Selection Criteria: Selection
BTC_S_CRITERIA_RAW - Selection Criteria: Selection
BTC_S_CRITERION - Selection Criteria: Selection
BTC_S_CRITERION_DISP - Selection Criteria: Selection
BTC_S_CRITTYPE_DISP - Selection Criteria: Definition
BTC_S_CRITTYPE_RAW - Selection Criteria: Definition
BTC_S_EVTHISTORY - Event History: Event History Entry
BTC_S_EVTHISTORY_SEL - Event History: Selection
BTC_S_EVTHISTORY_SEL_DISP - Event History: UI for Specifying Selection
BTC_S_EVTHIST_REORG_DISP - Event History Reorganization
BTC_S_EVTHIST_REO_SEL_D - Event History: Reorganization
BTC_S_EVTINFO - Background Processing Events: Description of an Event
BTC_S_EVT_AUTH_DISP - Background Processing Events: Authorizations for
BTC_S_EVT_DISP - Background Processing Event: UI for Background Proc. Events
BTC_S_EVT_PARAM - Background Processing Events: Event ID and Event Parameters
BTC_S_EVT_RAISE_BAPI_DISP - Backgr. Proc. Events: Triggering of an Event Using XBP (GUI)
BTC_S_EVT_RAISE_LOCAL_DISP - Background Proc. Events: Local Triggering of an Event (GUI)
BTC_S_EVT_RAISE_SAPEVT_D - Backgr. Proc. Events: Triggering of Event Using sapevt (GUI)
BTC_S_EXT_APPLICATION - ExtSdl: Description of an External Application
BTC_S_EXT_APPL_INC - ExtSdl: Description of an External Application
BTC_S_EXT_APP_LOG - ExtSdl: Application Log
BTC_S_EXT_CALLBACK - ExtSdl: Description of a Callback
BTC_S_EXT_CONTEXT - ExtSdl: Description of an External Context
BTC_S_EXT_DEF - ExtSdl: Description of an External Job Definition
BTC_S_EXT_EVENT - External Scheduler: Description of an External Event
BTC_S_EXT_EVENT_DEF - ExtSdl: Description of an External Event
BTC_S_EXT_ISOL_GROUP - ExtSdl: Description of a Group
BTC_S_EXT_JOB - ExtSdl: Description of an External Job
BTC_S_EXT_JOB_CHANGE - External Scheduler: Changed Jobs
BTC_S_EXT_JOB_DEF_TYPE - ExtSdl: Description of an External Job Definition Type
BTC_S_EXT_JOB_FILTER - ExtSdl: Description of an External Job Filter
BTC_S_EXT_JOB_NOTE - ExtSdl: Description of a Note for an External Job
BTC_S_EXT_JOB_OUTPUT_INFO - ExtSdl: Line of External Job Output Information
BTC_S_EXT_JOB_SORT - ExtSdl: Description of an External Job Sort
BTC_S_EXT_JOB_STATUS - ExtSdl: Description of an External Job Status
BTC_S_EXT_OPERATOR_MESSAGE - ExtSdl: Description of an Operator Message
BTC_S_EXT_PAR - ExtSdl: Description of an External Parameter
BTC_S_EXT_PAR_DETAILS - External Scheduler: Description of an External Parameter
BTC_S_EXT_PAR_MAPPING - ExtSdl: Assignment of an External Parameter
BTC_S_EXT_PAR_VALUES - External Scheduler: F4 Help for an External Parameter
BTC_S_EXT_QUEUE - ExtSdl: Description of an External Queue
BTC_S_EXT_RAISE_EVENT - ExtSdl: Description of an External Event
BTC_S_EXT_SDL_F4 - ExtSdl: F4 Help
BTC_S_EXT_SYSTEM - ExtSdl: Description of an External System
BTC_S_EXT_SYSTEM_CON - ExtSdl: Description of an External SAP Connection
BTC_S_EXT_WAIT_EVENT - ExtSdl: Description of an External Event
BTC_S_FILE - Background Processing: File
BTC_S_LOGHANDLE - Application Log Handle Structure
BTC_S_NODESTREE - Selection Criteria: Node Tree
BTC_S_NODESTREE_DISP - Selection Criteria: Node Tree
BTC_S_PROFILE_DISP - Selection Criteria: Selection Profiles
BTC_S_PROFILE_RAW - Selection Criteria: Selection Profiles
BTC_S_RETURN - ExtSdl: Description of an External Error
BTC_S_SAPEVT_EXEC - sapevt: Parameters for sapxpg
BTC_S_SAPEVT_INPUT - sapevt: Command Line Parameters
BTC_S_SAPEVT_OUTPUT - Background Processing Events: Output Parameters of sapevt
BTC_S_SAPEVT_PROFILE_DISP - Background Processing Events: sapevt's Profile
BTC_S_SAPEVT_TRACE_DISP - Background Processing Events: sapevt Trace (dev_evt)
BTC_S_SELOPTION - Selection Criteria: Selection
BTC_S_STATDATA - Job statistics
BTC_S_STATISTIC - Job List Statistics
BTC_S_TYPEFIELD - Selection Criteria: Field as Structure
BTC_TYPEFIELDS - Selection Criteria: Types
CJRANGE - range for job count
COBJ_DISPL - Control Object - what is visible in the monitor
COBJ_INTRN - Control table for background processing (intern rep.)
COBJ_KEYT - The key structure for the control object database
COBJ_KEYTX - External key for ctrl objects
EVT_ARG - TCS Interface Data Type
FAVSELS - User-Specific Favorite Selection Criteria
FVSELHTBL - Help table for user defined job selection
NJRANGE - Batch selection range for job name
OMSOPMHTBL - Help table for F4 operation modes (screen 1020)
OPSYS_GRPS - Syntax groups of operating systems
OUTPUT_SMX - Structure for Transaction SMX
PBTFUNCMON - Monitoring (CSA): Info on the last FM called
PBTMONIDIR - Contents of the monitor data in CSA
PBTPGMMON - Monitoring (CSA): Info on application program
PBTRESOURC - Control table for parallel background tasks
PBTRESTMON - Resource table in monitor display in CSA
PERFBTCST - Structure of output list (job performance analysis)
PPR_MASK - Mask for print parameters
REORGJOBS - Reorganization Jobs for Shortcut in SM36
RJOJ - Display Specific Job Information
RJSTA1 - Structure for Storing Job Data
RJSTA2 - Structure for Storing Job Data
SBPT1010 - Screen 1010: Additional analyses for background processing
SBPT1020 - Screen 1020 : Entry to background processing analysis tool
SELECTVIEW - Work area for selection criterion for performance analysis
SJRANGE - range for job status
SOMS1020 - Screen 1020: Specify an operation mode
SOMS1030 - Screen 1030: Activation date of operation mode set
SOMS1040 - Screen 1040: Display/maintain operation mode sets
SPBT1010 - Screen 1010: Test environment parallel background task FM
SPBT1020 - Initial screen of PBT monitor (transaction SPBM)
STEP_WIZ - job step list
STR_JOB - Structure for lock objects for job tables
STR_TRG - Structure for lock object for trigger tables
SXPGBTCINF - Who will get the data of an asynchronous command execution
SXPGCODEF - Short description of a logical command
SXPGCOLIST - Short description of a logical command
SXPGCOSTAB - Definition of logical OS commands(customer table)
SXPGCOTABE - Definition of logical operating system commands(SAP table)
SXPGHISTOR - History of Logical Commands
SXPGSTRUCT - Help Structure for Interface Data Types
TBCICPT1 - Table with intercept conditions for batch jobs
TBTC0 - Batch log entries (generic format)
TBTC1 - Batch log entries (coded format)
TBTC2 - Batch log entries (coded format) w/o date/time
TBTC3 - Batch log entries (free text format)
TBTC4 - Batch log entries (free text format) w/o date/time
TBTC5 - Job Log Entries in List Format
TBTCA - Subsequent relationship in batch job scheduling
TBTCB - Preceding relationship in batch job scheduling
TBTCCNTXT - Information for Assignment of Jobs to Components/Creators
TBTCCTXTT - Description of Reference Types for Background Jobs
TBTCCTXTTP - Check Table: Valid Job Reference Types
TBTCD - Job log directory
TBTCDK - User-specific part of job log partition key
TBTCI - Usage counter for the job's internal report
TBTCJMONI - Job Data Sent to Monitoring
TBTCJOB - Structure for Transferring Job Header Data (BI-API)
TBTCJOB_BK - TBTCJOB adding some more fields for SM37B/C
TBTCJOB_S - Structure for Transferring Job Header Data (BI-API)
TBTCJSTEP - Background Job Step Overview
TBTCK - Key for job log directory or batch job table
TBTCL - Job status entry link with job log
TBTCM - Run-time information on batch job
TBTCO - Job Status Overview Table
TBTCP - Background Job Step Overview
TBTCPERI - Description of the job period values (BI-API)
TBTCPK - Key for step overview table for batch job
TBTCR - Batch scheduler execution time
TBTCS - Background Processing: Time Schedule Table
TBTCSTEP - Description of step values (BI-API)
TBTCSTRT - Start data description / Repetition period of background job
TBTCT - Compare values for batch job selection
TBTCU - Selection Values for Job Table Entry Selection
TBTCV - Selection Values for Job Table Entry Selection
TBTC_EXT_SDL - ExtSdl: Registration Table: External Schedulers
TBTC_SPOOLID - Background Processing Spool IDs Table
TCAFTJTRG - Table for after job triggers
TCDATETRG - Table for date time triggers
TCEVNTTRG - Table for event triggers
TCNETTASK - Table for net tasks
TCNTASKREL - Net task and sub task with relations
TCOPMDTRG - Table for opmode switch trigger
TCTASK - Structure for task
TCTRG - General information on task control trigger
TCTRGID - Task control trigger ID (guid)
TCWDAYTRG - Table for on-workday triggers
TGTDISPL - For Displaying Execution Target for Job
TSRVGRP - Server Groups in Background Processing
TSRVLST - Contents of Background Processing Server Groups
TXJIARCPAR - Archive params XJI-API (connection of ext. job mgmt systems)
TXJIPRIPAR - Print params XJI-API (connection of ext. job mgmt systems)
TXMISPOROW - Line in spool list
UNRANGE - Batch selection range for user name
WPSTAT_ST - Structure of specifications for a work process
WS2_BAE_S_DEF_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BAE_S_KEYVALUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BAE_S_OBJECT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BAE_S_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BAE_T_DEF_PARAMETERS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BAE_T_PARAMETERS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_APPLICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_APPL_INC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_CONTEXT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_DEF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_EVENT_DEF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_ISOL_GROUP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_JOB - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_JOB_DEF_TYPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_JOB_FILTER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_JOB_NOTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_JOB_OUTPUT_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_JOB_SORT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_JOB_STATUS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_OPERATOR_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_PAR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_PAR_DETAILS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_PAR_VALUES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_QUEUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_RAISE_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_SYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_SYSTEM_CON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_EXT_WAIT_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_S_RETURN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_APPLICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_CONTEXT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_DEF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_EVENT_DEF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_ISOL_GROUP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_JOB - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_JOB_DEF_TYPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_JOB_FILTER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_JOB_NOTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_JOB_OUTPUT_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_JOB_SORT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_JOB_STATUS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_OPERATOR_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_PAR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_PAR_DETAILS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_PAR_VALUES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_QUEUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_RAISE_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_SYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_SYSTEM_CON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_BTC_T_EXT_WAIT_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_CLOSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_CLOSERESPO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_CREATE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_CREATERESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_SEARCH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_SEARCHRESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_STATUS_GE1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CONTEXT_STATUS_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CREATE_APPLICATIO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CREATE_APPLICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CREATE_EVENT_DEF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_CREATE_EVENT_DEFRE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_DELETE_APPLICATIO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_DELETE_APPLICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_DELETE_EVENT_DEF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_DELETE_EVENT_DEFRE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_EVENT_CONTROL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_EVENT_CONTROLRESPO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_EVENT_STATUS_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_EVENT_STATUS_GETRE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_APPLICATIONS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_APPLICATIONSRE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_EVENTS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_EVENTSRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_EVENT_DEFS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_EVENT_DEFSRESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_ISOL_GROUPS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_ISOL_GROUPSRES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOBS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOBSRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEFS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEFSRESPON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEF_PARAM1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEF_PARAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEF_PAR_V1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEF_PAR_VA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEF_TYPES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_DEF_TYPESR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_FILTERS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_JOB_FILTERSRES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_OPERATOR_MESS1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_OPERATOR_MESSA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_QUEUES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_QUEUESRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_SAP_SYSTEMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_SAP_SYSTEMSRES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_SAP_SYSTEM_DE1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_SAP_SYSTEM_DET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_START_OPTIONS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_START_OPTIONSR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_START_OPT_VAL1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_GET_START_OPT_VALU - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_INFO_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_INFO_GETRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_CONTROL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_CONTROLRESPONS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_DETAILS_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_DETAILS_GETRES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_NOTE_ADD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_NOTE_ADDRESPON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_OUTPUT_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_OUTPUT_GETRESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_OUTPUT_INFO_G1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_OUTPUT_INFO_GE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_PARAMS_ADD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_PARAMS_ADDRESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_PARAMS_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_PARAMS_GETRESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_SCHEDULE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_SCHEDULERESPON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_STATUS_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_STATUS_GETRESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_STATUS_NOTIFI1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_STATUS_NOTIFIC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_USER_GET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_JOB_USER_GETRESPON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_LOGOFF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_LOGOFFRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_LOGON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_LOGONRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_OPERATOR_MESSAGE_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_OPERATOR_MESSAGE_2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_OPERATOR_MESSAGE_C - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_OPERATOR_MESSAGE_D - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_SELECT_JOBS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_SELECT_JOBSRESPONS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_SESSION_CHECK - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_SESSION_CHECKRESPO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_USER_CHECK_AUTH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WS2_EXT_SDL_USER_CHECK_AUTHRES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
XLDB1N0103 - Fields for period duration selection for periodical jobs
XLDB2N0100 - Display job scheduling data

SAP Job Scheduling and Monitoring Tables BC-CCM-BTC-JOB

/JCS/BA_CVPM_PROCESSES - FS: Banking CVPM processes
/JCS/BA_CVPM_PROCESSES_TXT - FS: Banking CVPM process description
/JCS/BC_BASE_DATA - FS: Base SAP System information
/JCS/BC_BDC_MAPS - FS: BDC Map for one Transaction
/JCS/BC_BDC_QID - FS: Return Table with BI_MAPS id's
/JCS/BC_BDC_STATUS - FS: Return status of BDC processes
/JCS/BC_BDC_STATUS_LOG - FS: Return BDC Status Log
/JCS/BC_FIELDS - FS: Field Parameters
/JCS/BC_FIELD_VALUES - FS: Field/Value pairs table
/JCS/BC_TVARV - FS: TVARV structure
/JCS/BC_USERS - FS: List with users
/JCS/BC_USERS_DETAILS - FS: List with user details
/JCS/CKML_S_SUMSTATUS - Structure of ckmlmv011f with Status Information
/JCS/DDR_REPORTS - FS: Drill Down Reporting - Reports
/JCS/DDR_TRANSACTIONS - FS : Drill Down Reporting - Transactions
/JCS/FCC_ACTIONS - FCc: Notification actions to perform
/JCS/FCC_DEFPARM - FCc: Default Parameters (by Orgstructure)
/JCS/FCC_DOCUMENTS - FS: FCc Documents of Task List or Template
/JCS/FCC_EVENTS - FS: FCc Event details of Task List
/JCS/FCC_FACTORY_CALENDARS - FCc: List with Factory Calendars involved in TaskList
/JCS/FCC_IHTTPNVP - HTTP Framework (iHTTP) Name/Value Pair
/JCS/FCC_JOBS - FS: FCc Jobs of Task List
/JCS/FCC_PARMS - FCc: Parameters defined
/JCS/FCC_ROLES - FCc: List with Roles involved in TaskList
/JCS/FCC_TSK_HDR - Header Inf on Status Admin for Fast Close (TFC_INST_HDR)
/JCS/FCC_TSK_ITEM - Administration of a Job (TFC_INST_ITEM)
/JCS/FCC_TSK_ORG - Organizational Structure: Fast Close (TFC_INST_ORG)
/JCS/FCC_USERS - FCc: List with users involved in TaskList
/JCS/FCC_USERS_PERS - FCc: List with users involved in TaskList
/JCS/RW_GROUP - FS: Report Writer Group
/JCS/RW_LIBRARY - FS: Report Writer/Painter library
/JCS/RW_REPORT - FS: Report Painter reports
/JCS/SCMA_SEQUENCE - FS: Schedule Manager Sequence
/SCJS/XBP_JOBLIST - Redwood Structure for Monitor Function
/SCJS/XBP_PRINTERLIST - Redwood Structure for printer definitions
/SCJS/XBP_PRINT_PARAMETERS - Redwood Sctruture for extra print parameters
/SCJS/XBP_RECIP - Structure for Spool List Recipient
/SCJS/XBP_RECLIST - Redwood Structure for job recipients
/SCJS/XBP_T_EVTINFO - Background Processing Events: Description of an Event
/SCJS/XBP_VARINFO - Redwood structure for variant info
/SCJS/XBP_VARINFO_L - Redwood structure for variant info (long values)
/SCJS/XBP_VERSION - Redwood Transport version information

SAP Workload Balancing and Group Management Tables BC-CCM-CNF-GRP

ALESUMMARY - Structure of alert sum record
ARFCQUOTAS - Quotas for asynchronous RFC
BAPIRGBASC - RG: Resource Group Basic Info
BAPIRGDTLS - RG: Detail Part of the Resource Group
BAPIRGKEY - RG: Name/Purpose of the Resource Group
BAPIRGMEM - RG: Name of the Member of a Resource Group
EMCONTEXT - Extended Memory: Active Contexts
EMUTILIZE - Extended Memory: Utilization per Server
RGDEFDB - Main Table for Resource Group Definitions
RGDETAILS - Detailed Resource Group Info and Properties
RGLISTMEM - Resource Group: Assignments/Definition of Member's List Type
RGPARAM - Parameters Associated with the Resource Group Quality
RSTUN01 - Server Name - Work Process ID
RSTUN02 - Work Process/Database Status
RSTUN03 - SQL Statement List
RSTUN04 - Database Status of Work Process
RZLLIAPSRV - Instance names of logon/server groups
RZLLICLASS - Logon Group List
RZLLIGROUP - Name of login group
RZLLIMODGP - Organizational Structure for Modif. Logon Group for Ext. RFC
RZLLIMODIF - Org.Structure for Changes to Login Group<->Instance Alloc.
RZLLITAB - Assignments of Logon/Server Groups to Instances
RZLT1010 - Dynpro 1010: Cross-System Work Process Overview (General)
RZLT1020 - Dynpro 1020: Cross-System Work Process Overview (Detailed)
SALABERR - ABAP/4 error, which triggers an alert
SALABSQERR - SQL error, which triggers an alert
SALABVBERR - Update termination, which triggers an alert
SALBFF - Structure of buffer statistics record at alert trigger
SALCOM - Structure of alert header
SALCOMOP - General operation on alerts
SALDB6AL - DB2 Database Alert Threshold
SALDIAG - General dialog fields for alerts
SALDPQU - Structure of dispatcher queue for alerts
SALENQU - Structure of enqueue record for alert trigger
SALFILE - Structure for File Description
SALFLDIR - Directory of Files
SALFLLINES - Line of a File
SALGENP - Structure of multi-purpose alert
SALINFAL - INFORMIX Database Alert Threshold
SALLANMEM - Alert Threshold Structure for OS LAN and Memory
SALNET - Network Alert Thresholds
SALNETALLS - Alert Thresholds for Network Monitor for All Segments
SALNETPERS - Alert Thresholds for Network Monitor Per Segment
SALORAAL - Oracle Database Alert Threshold
SALOSCO - Structure of OS collector record for alert trigger
SALOSLD1 - New OSCO structure for CPU Load, same as salosld, new load1
SALPERF - Structure of performance record for alert trigger
SALRECORD - Unspecified alert communications record
SALRLPG - Structure of roll file and paging file alert record
SALSLFR - Structure of alert source, system log frequency
SALSLID - Structure of alert source system log ID
SALSLOG - Structure for system log filter definitions
SALSTINTG - CCMS-AL-Storage Entry of Type '10 Integer Values'
SALSTLTXT - CCMS-AL-Storage Entry of Type 'Long Text'
SALSTTEXT - CCMS-AL-Storage Entry of Type 'Short Text'
SALSUM - Structure of alert sum record
SALSUMMARY - Structure of alert sum record
SALTOOL - Analysis tool for alert
SALTRSW - Structure of trace switch alert
SMLG3004 - Subscreen for 3004: Group Attributes
SPFBA1 - Screen Fields for Maintaining the Operating Mode
TALIM - Alert Thresholds and Parameters

SAP Maintain Profile Tables BC-CCM-CNF-PFL

EASY_HELP - DDIC fields for EASY maintenance
EASY_STRUC - Table structure for parameter maintenance
HTAB - Profile header, administration data for profiles in DB
MSPFD - Internal Profile Maintenance Data
OPMODE_EXT_TOOL - Operation Mode Control Using an External Tool (SXOPM)
PARMVALUES - Structure for substituted/unsubstituted parameter values
PFECHKPROT - Line in log of profile parameter check
PFEPARSTRU - Structure for parameter description
PFFILEHTBL - PF4 Help 'Profiles in global profile directory'
PFLCPHTBL - Help structure for F4 Help code pages (profile maintenance)
PFLLNGHTBL - F4 Help 'Logon language'
PFLSRVHTBL - PF4 Help 'Reference host' for shared memory pools
PFLSRVTBL - Server table for functions within profile maintenance
PFLVRSHTBL - PF4 Help 'Version numbers of a profile'
PFL_UP - Dummy for Upload and Delete
PFNAMEHTBL - PF4 Help: 'Name of a profile'
PROFHLPTBL - Help table for F4, profiles (Screen 2000)
SALOSFL - Structure of OS Collector Records for File System
SALOSLD - Structure of OS Collector Records for CPU-LOAD
SALOSPG - Structure of OS Collector Records for Paging
SALOSSW - Structure of OS Collectore Records for SWAP Space
SPF00 - General Reference Fields for FM Parameters
SPFBA - SAP System operation mode
SPFDTAB - Table of profile parameters
SPFGENPUR - Multi-purpose fields for Computing Ctr. Mgmt. Syst./Admin.
SPFHD - Profile header, administration data for profiles in DB
SPFID - Static description of SAP instance
SPFID2 - Static Description of an SAP Instance (Version 2)
SPFIS - Runtime status of SAP instance
SPFL1010 - Screen 1010: Basic screen of editor for profile maintenance
SPFL1020 - Screen 1020: Header data of a profile
SPFL1030 - Screen 1030: Easy mode maintenance, WPs and buffer
SPFL1040 - Screen 1040: Easy mode maintenance, directories
SPFL1050 - Screen 1050: Easy mode maintenance, default profiles
SPFL1060 - Screen 1060: Easy mode maintenance, start profiles
SPFL1070 - Screen 1070: Import profiles
SPFL1090 - Screen 1090: Copying a system profile
SPFL1100 - Screen 1100: Easymode values languages
SPFL1120 - Screen 1120: Memory management 'Extended memory' - Part 1
SPFL1130 - Screen 1130: Memory management 'Extended memory' - Part 2
SPFL1140 - Screen 1140: Memory management 'Conventional roll'
SPFLIST - Result list for remote program start
SPFL_ENVIRONMENT_LIST - List of All Environment Variables
SPFL_PARAMETER_LIST - List of All Profile Parameters
SPFL_PARAMETER_METADATA - Metadata for a Profile Parameter
SPFL_SUB_PARAMETER_METADATA - Metadata of a Profile Subparameter
SPFNAMVAL - Name and value of profile parameter
SPFPARLIST - List of profile parameters
SPFPFLPAR - List of profile parameters
SPFYTAB - System parameters: Buffer, memory, processes
TPF02 - Profile Table Parameter Names from sapparam.c
TPF03 - Field Names Profile Parameters in TPF01, TPF02
TPFBA - SAP System operation mode
TPFCKPROT - Log entry for profile parameter check
TPFES - Prototype: Table for profile parameters
TPFET - Table of profile parameters
TPFHS - Prototype: Profile header, administration data for profiles
TPFHT - Profile header, administration data for profiles in DB
TPFID - Description of SAP instance
TPFRDPROT - Error log (reading of a profile by file)
TPFYDFL - Easy mode values for default profile of an SAP instance
TPFYDIR - Easy mode values for work directories of SAP System
TPFYDOC - Parameter documentation
TPFYINDEX - Index of profile parameters within a TPFET table
TPFYLANGU - Easy mode values for language configuration instance prof.
TPFYPAR - Structure for C_SAPGPARAM parameter
TPFYPROPTY - Parameter attributes
TPFYROLL - Easy mode values for 'old' roll or extended memory
TPFYSTRT - Easy mode values for start profile of an SAP instance
TPFYSTRUCT - Structure of a profile parameter
TPFYVALUE - Structure for parameter values
TPFYWPBUF - Easy mode values for profile of an SAP instance

SAP Platform-Independent File Names Tables BC-CCM-FIL

FILEALIAS - Aliases for Validation of Logical File Names
FILENAME - Table for Converting Internal File Names into External Names
FILENAMECI - Platform-Independent File Names, Cross-Client
FILEPATH - Logical File Path Definition
FILESYS - Definition of File Description Syntax Groups
FILETEXT - File Name Description
FILETEXTCI - File Name Description
FILE_VAL_ALIAS_SHLP - Value Help for Logical File Names and Aliases
FSYSTXT - Name of File Description Syntax
OPSYSTEM - Operating Systems of Application and Presentation Servers
OPTEXT - Operating System Names
PARAMVALUE - Runtime Variables for Platform-Independent File Names
PATH - Definition of Physical File Paths for Each Syntax
PATHTEXT - Logical File Path Names

SAP Monitoring Tables BC-CCM-MON

ADINFO - Information About Files in Agent Directory
ADINFO - Information About Files in Agent Directory
ALACVALAID - Alert: global AID of actual value (to be used in MTypedefval
ALAGENTINFO - Information About CCMS Agents
ALAGENTRFCDEST - Details of a CCMS Agent RFC Destination
ALAGGCTRC - Control Data of an Aggregate Request for Performance DB
ALAGGDATA - Result of Aggregate per Time Slot in Performance Database
ALAGGREQ - Request Structure for Aggregate in Performance Database
ALAIDALSTA - Alert: Structure for Alert Status Changes
ALAIDCKEY - Alert Cache: Key Fields
ALAIDKEY - Alert: Global Alert Identifier: Key Structure
ALAIDMARK - Alert: Global Alert Identifier and Selected Indicator
ALAIDMN - Alerts: AID and MTE Name
ALAIDTIDMN - Alerts: AID + Short TID + MTE-Name + Parameters of MTE
ALALERTALV - Mon. Arch.: Contains Alert Parameters for ALV Display
ALALERTDB - Alert: alert database (general alert structure, raw message)
ALALERTRAW - Alert: general alert structure (raw message Text)
ALALERTRC - Alert: general alert structure plus RC
ALALERTX - CCMS Monitoring: Cache for Alerts Already Read
ALALRAWRC - Alert: general alert structure (raw message line)plus RC
ALALRTGUID - GUIDs for CCMS Alert IDs (for Alert Framework)
ALALRWR40C - Alert: gen. alert structure (raw message line) plus RC (40C)
ALAPSRVALV - Mon.Arch.: ALV Display Structure for Appl.Server Information
ALATGRF4 - Alerts: Structure for F4 Processing of Attribute Groups
ALAVALSYSTEMS - Monitoring Structure for Configuring Central Autoreaction
ALAVCNTRL - Control Structure for Configuring Availability Monitoring
ALAVLAGENT - Combine CCMSPING Agents into Groups
ALAVLCNTL - CCMS: Control Structure for Availability Configuration
ALAVLCTRL - CCMSPING Push Technology: Current State of Worklists
ALAVLGCNTL - CCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group
ALAVLGRP - Logon Groups Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING
ALAVLGRPG - Logon Groups Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING
ALAVLGRPNM - CCMS: Name of a Monitored Logon Group
ALAVLGRP_C - CCMS: Control Table for RFC_PING Check of Logon Groups
ALAVLGUID - CCMSPING: Mapping Table GUID <-> Monitored System
ALAVLINSTG - CCMSPING: Return Table for ABAP Application Servers
ALAVLJ2EE - Structure for CCMSPING J2EE Engine Availability Monitoring
ALAVLJ2EEG - Structure for CCMSPING J2EE Engine Availability Monitoring
ALAVLJ630CL - CCMS: J2EE 6.30 Cluster Data
ALAVLJ630LO - CCMS: J2EE 6.30 Local Data (JCMON)
ALAVLPTRC - Control Table for RFC_PING - CCMS Availability Monitoring
ALAVLSRVNM - CCMS: Name of a Monitored Application Server
ALAVLSRVR - App. Servers Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING
ALAVLSRVRG - App. Servers Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING
ALAVLSYSAS - Work Structure for CCMS Server Availability Monitoring
ALAVLWORK - CCMS: Dummy Table for Config. Table Controls
ALBACHDA - Alert: Data for the Bar Chart MiniApp
ALBTCMON - Table for Batch Monitoring
ALCACHECNF - Configuration of the SALC Cache
ALCAIDKEY - Alert: Current AID: Key Structure
ALCCMCUST - Customizing settings for CCMS
ALCCMCUSTP - Value table for CCMS Customizing Parameters
ALCCMCUSTT - Text table for customizing settings
ALCCMCUSTV - Value table for possible values of parameters
ALCCMSPING_TRACE - CCMSPING-Trace-Tabelle - �ber ALAVLCTRL angeschaltet
ALCCTIDAID - Alert: Global TID plus Global AID
ALCENINFO - CCMS: Agent Information About a Central System (CEN)
ALCLASS - Alert: Name of MTE Class (CUSGRPNAME)
ALCLASTOOL - Alert: Assignment of tools to object class
ALCLUSKEY - Structure of Database Key of Cluster in ALPERFDB
ALCONSEG - Alert: Context/segment assignment
ALCONSG45B - Version of the ALCONSEG Used up to 4.5B
ALCSMCONF - Configuration for CCMS Agents
ALCSMCONF_LOC - User/Client Info for Local CSMCONF for J2EE Add-Ins
ALCUSGRPRC - Alert: customizing group name and returncode
ALCUSRECOM - Alert: MT Customize Recommendation
ALCUSTGRP - Alert: only Customizing group name
ALCUSTSET - Alert: Monitoring Properties Variants
ALDAENTB - Alerts: Output Structure for the Data Environment
ALDBSCTX - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Contexts
ALDBSMSEG - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Segments
ALDBSMTE - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: General MTE Data
ALDBSPERF - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Performance MTE
ALDBSSMES - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Status AttributeMTE
ALDBSTOOL - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: MTE Method Data
ALDENVCO - Alerts: The Column Description in the Data Environment
ALDENVRO - Alerts: The Row Description in the Data Environment
ALDESTIREQ - CCMS Monitoring: Table Destination ==> Requests
ALDTSCACHE - SDTS: Current/Next Downtimes for CCMS Systems/Instances
ALDTSCTRL - Control Table for CCMS Evaluated Data Service
ALDTSMAP - SDTS: Cache Table for CCMS Downtime Mapping
ALDWNTIME - Downtime of systems for availability calculations
ALEMNOTIF - CCMS Mon. Arch.: Type for Table of MarketSet Specto Events
ALEMRESULT - CCMS Mon. Architecture: SPECTO Single Result (ALMSRESULTS)
ALEVENT - Alert: Event Type
ALEVTREG - Alert: Event Registration
ALF1DEFLT - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Default Description Texts
ALGAIDRC - Alert: Global Aid plus RC (Return Code)
ALGENALERT - Alert: general alert structure (expanded message text)
ALGLOBAID - Alert: Global Alert Identifier
ALGLOBEID - Alert: Global Event ID
ALGLOBSYSLGFIL - Central System Log Filter Definition
ALGLOBTID - Alert: global monitoring type identifier
ALGPARAM - Alerts: Global Parameter + Monitor Value
ALGRLGND - Alerts: Legend Entry for Performance Graphic
ALGRPCUSGE - Alert: General Customizing for MTE classes
ALGRPCUSMC - Alert: Message container Customizing for Cust. groups
ALGRPCUSMG - Alert: Group Customizing data single message class
ALGRPCUSPF - Alert: Group Customizing data performance class
ALGRPMCFIL - Alert: Message container filter for Cust. groups
ALGRPSEL - Alert: Cust. group, set name, class (e.g. for list select)
ALGTID3RC - Alert: Glob. TID plus ObjName plus AttrName plus MTE plus RC
ALGTIDGAID - Alert: Global TID plus Global AID
ALGTIDLNRC - Alert: Global Tid plus Long Name plus RC
ALGTIDRC - Alert: Global TID plus RC (ReturnCode)
ALGTIDSMO - Alert: Global Tid plus ALPERFSMO plus RC
ALGTIDSTAT - Alert: Global TID plus MT Status: WarmingUp, Enabled,Disable
ALGTIDTLRC - Alert: Global Tid + WhichTool + RC (ReturnCode)
ALGTIDWHTL - Alert: Global Tid + WhichTool
ALHIALINFO - Information describing a High alert
ALIMCDATA - Alerts: ABAP-Shared-Buffer for IMC Communication
ALIMCDTKEY - Alerts: Data Keys for IMC Communication
ALIMCRR - Alerts: IMC Request/Response Headers
ALITSINPUT - Input init. of ITS perf matrix
ALITSOUT - output ITS perf matrix tids and attributename
ALLINKTID - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: TID of Linked MTE
ALLNAMERC - Alert: Long Name plus RC
ALLONGJOB_CTRL - Control Table for CCMS Monitoring of Jobs by Runtime
ALMATTRIBS - Alerts: Monitor Display Attributes
ALMATTRROW - Alerts: Generate Storage Location for Monitor Attribute
ALMBCADM - CCMS Monitoring Cache: Administration of "MTEs of one Class"
ALMBCDATA - CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for "MTEs of one Class"
ALMBCREQST - CCMS Monitoring Cache: MTEs of one Class: Query Structure
ALMBCRESLT - CCMS Monitoring Cache: MTEs of one Class: Result Structure
ALMBRDATA - CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for "MTEs of one Class"
ALMBRDATA_TS - Structure whose only element is a table, ALMBRDATA_T
ALMCCREAT2 - Alert: Monitoring Context: Create Structure (Second Version)
ALMCCREATE - Alert: Monitoring Context: Create
ALMCDEST - Alert: Table of Context destinations
ALMCNAMESY - Alert: Table of SysId and Moni. Ctxt Names (key of alconseg)
ALMCRESULT - Alert: Monitoring Ctxt: gen. result (MCName, TID, Owner, RC)
ALMDCPR - Alerts: Log Entry for Check of an XML Monitor Definition
ALMDEDFLGS - Alerts: Control Indicators for Monitor Definition Editor
ALMDEFNODE - Alerts: Nodes of a Monitor Definition
ALMDFV1 - Alerts: Monitor Definition Node 4.6D for XML Upload/Download
ALMDRLDSC - Alerts: Language-dependent rule description
ALMDRULES - Alerts: Rules for rule nodes of a monitor definition
ALMENUENT - Alerts: Menu Entry
ALMKMTE - Alerts: Selected Monitor MTEs (TIDs)
ALMNDSPLC - Alerts: Display Options of a Monitor
ALMONCTX - Alert: Monitoring context (Root ID + owner)
ALMONCTX2 - Alert: Monitoring Context (Second Extended Version)
ALMONCTX3 - Alert: Monitoring Context (Third Extended Version)
ALMONDEF - Alerts: Definition of a 5.0A Monitor
ALMONIDEF - Alerts: Description of Monitor Definition Nodes
ALMONINAME - Alert: Full Name of Monitor
ALMONISETS - Alerts: Monitor sets of the CCMS monitoring infrastructure
ALMONITOR - Alerts: Monitor Description (Release >= 5.0)
ALMONITORS - Alerts: Monitors and Corresponding Default Values
ALMONSE40B - Alert: Monitoring segment (from Release 4.0B)
ALMONSEG - Alert: Monitoring Segment
ALMONSTREE - Alerts: Monitor Subtree Description
ALMPRNODE - Alerts: Monitor Presentation Nodes (Release > 4.6C)
ALMRLPARAM - Alerts: Rule Parameter Description
ALMRULES - Alerts: Rule Descriptions for Monitor Definitions (V3)
ALMSCALV - Alerts: Output Table for Log Viewer in Visual Framework
ALMSCCUS - Alert: Message container Customizing
ALMSCCUSW - Alert: Message container write Customizing
ALMSCFILTR - Alert: Message container filter definition
ALMSCLINE - Alert: Message container line, raw + expanded message line
ALMSCLINRD - Alert: Message container: input table for read cache lines
ALMSCLNRAW - Alert: Message container line (raw XMI message data)
ALMSCRAWT - Alert: Message container type (raw XMI message data) + Rc
ALMSCRRC - Alert: Message Container: Report Message Lines: Return Struc
ALMSCRVAL - Alert: Message container: Report one message line + value
ALMSCSELEC - Alert: Message Container: Selection of MSC Cache Lines
ALMSCTIDFL - Alert: Message container TID + one filter line
ALMSCTIDML - Alert: Message container TID + one message container line
ALMSCTIDRL - Alert: Message container TID + one raw message cont. line
ALMSCTINTV - Alerts: Interval for Data of a Log MTE
ALMSCTYPE - Alert: Message container type + Rc
ALMSCVAL - Alert: Message container value part
ALMSCVALRA - Alert: Message container value part (raw XMI message data)
ALMSCVPROT - Alerts: Log Entry for Conversion of Monitor Sets
ALMSDIRNOD - Alerts: Directory Entry for Monitor Sets
ALMSETS - Alerts: Monitor Sets and Corresponding Attributes
ALMSETSV2 - Alerts: Copy of Monitor Sets From Database Version 2
ALMSNAME - Alert: Monitor Set Name
ALMSNOTIF - CCMS Mon. Arch.: SPECTO Notification XML from MarketSet
ALMSRESULTS - CCMS Mon. Architecture: SPECTO Results XML from MarketSet
ALMTALINFO - High alert and current status information of an MT
ALMTATVAL - Alert: structure to hold MT tree, attribute current value
ALMTCREATE - Alert: Structure for MT Create (Parent, Numrange, uid, name)
ALMTCRERES - Alert: Structure for MT Create Result
ALMTCUSGEN - Alert: MT-specific Customizing Class-independent
ALMTCUSMSC - Alert: MTE-specific Customizing: message container
ALMTCUSPER - Alert: MT-specific Customizing Performance-Class
ALMTCUSSMG - Alert: MT-specific Customizing: Single Message Class
ALMTCUST - Alert: MT Type Def Customization part
ALMTCUSTWR - Alert: MT Type Def Customization: Write (Tid + almtcust)
ALMTDATA - MT Information: Basic Data/Alerts/MT-Specific Data
ALMTDATSEL - Alerts: Selection Details for MTE Data
ALMTECL - Alerts: Containing a TID and Subclass TIDs
ALMTECLS - CCMS Monitorarchitektur: nur MTEClass
ALMTECLSET - Alert: MTEClass setting of the Monitoring Architecture
ALMTECLSRC - CCMS: Row with MTE Class, SYSID, and Return Code
ALMTECSTID - CCMS: Row with MTE Class, SYSID, Client, and TID
ALMTEDATA - Alerts: Container with MTE Data
ALMTEDSOPT - Alerts: Display Options for MTE Template Node
ALMTEHLP - Alerts: Structure for F4 Help MTE manes on screen 2120
ALMTEINFO - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: General MTE Information
ALMTEI_RC - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: ALMTEINFO and Return Code
ALMTETYPEDEF - CCMS: Complete MTE Type Definition of a Monitoring Object
ALMTEXPNMREL - Expanded Full name of TIDs or Long Names
ALMTLTREE - Alert: structure to hold MT tree, typedef and RC
ALMTMPLNOD - Alerts: Nodes of a Monitor Template
ALMTMSCFIL - Alert: MTE-Specific Message Container Filter
ALMTNAME_L - Alert: Table of long names for monitoring types
ALMTTRE40B - Alert: structure to hold MT tree, typedef and RC
ALMTTREE - Alert: structure to hold MT tree, typedef and RC
ALMTTRNODE - MT tree node with additional information for visualization
ALMTTRVINF - MT tree node info. to visualize an MT tree
ALMTVALUE - Alert: MT Type Definition Value Part
ALMTYPEDEF - Alert: MT Type Def
ALNAMEDUSERS - Customizing Settings for CCMS Named Used Data Collector
ALNAMESPLT - Alert: Structure for ALNGiNameSplit
ALNODEKEY - MTEKEY to node mapping
ALOBJMETH - Alert: Object and Method (for '...GET_POSSIBLE_METHODS')
ALPARAMS - Alert: Dummy structure to hold parameter definitions
ALPARENTID - Alert: for MT Create Parents global TID
ALPCUSRECM - Alert: Performance MT Write Customization
ALPDBSYS - Name of actual system or logical system group
ALPDBTRULE - PFDB: Abstract rule or representation for date range
ALPDBUIALV - For ALV specific display (ALV out table)
ALPDBUIJOB - PFDB: UI structure to collect job periodicity
ALPDBUIRST - PFDB: Overall result and request information from UI display
ALPDBUIRVE - Report Variant Editor Displayed fields (IO fields)
ALPDBUIRVR - UI presentation of a RVAR rule to be edited.
ALPDBVADM - PFDB: Administration data for variant report
ALPDBVDEF - PFDB: Content definition for variant report
ALPDBVMISC - PFDB: Various Performance Report Information
ALPDBVNAM - PFDB: Name/description for a variant report
ALPDBVSET - PFDB: General settings for the whole variant report
ALPERFCL - Monitoring Architecture: Perf. DB: Cluster Structure: FMRepr
ALPERFCL_D - Mon. Arch.: PerfDB Cluster for Day Average of ONE Day
ALPERFCL_I - Monitoring Arch.: Perf. DB: Cluster Structure in ALPERFDB
ALPERFCL_M - Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for minute average of ONE day
ALPERFCL_Q - Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for quarter hour avg of ONE day
ALPERFCO - Mon. Arch.: Perf. DB Object: Part for Perf. DB Entry
ALPERFCT - Mon. Arch.: Perf. DB Control: Part of Perf. DB (as Copy)
ALPERFCUS - Alert: Performance MTE Customization
ALPERFCUST - Mon. Arch.: Performance DB Reorg. Customizing Param. Values
ALPERFCUSW - Alert: Performance MT Write Customization
ALPERFDA - Mon. Arch.: Performance DB Structure (FM Repr. of Rec.)
ALPERFDB - Alert: Performance database
ALPERFDBOC - Shortened ALPERFDB Structure (Without Cluster)
ALPERFDB_C - Alert: Performance Database
ALPERFDC - Mon.Arch. Perf. DB Structure FM Rep. Control and Object Part
ALPERFHIS - Mon. Arch.: Contains All Possible Performance History Data
ALPERFHTID - Mon. Arch.: Contains Perf. Hist. Data and Corresponding TID
ALPERFMIN - Moni. Arch.: minute average data for cluster in PerfDB
ALPERFOB - Alert: Performance Database Object Part
ALPERFQTHR - Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for quarter hour of ONE day
ALPERFRVAL - Alert: Performance MT Report Value
ALPERFSMO - Alert: Performance MT: Smooth Values
ALPERFTYPE - Alert: Performance Type
ALPERFVAL - Alert: Performance MT specific value part
ALPERSKEY - Alerts: Key for Personalization Data
ALPERSONEL - Alerts: Personalized Data of Monitoring Architecture
ALPFASSIGN - Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (New Version)
ALPFASSIGNSHRT - Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (Short Vers.)
ALPFASSIGN_UI - Structure for PerfDB Reorganization Schema Assignment
ALPFAUTOREPORT - List of PerfDB Report to Be Executed Automatically
ALPFCAST - Data Structure to Pass Performance Forecast Data
ALPFCOLLREORGSCH - Collection/Reorganization Schemata for PerfDB
ALPFCOLLSYS - Systems from Which the CPH Collects Data
ALPFCOLLTID - TID List Created from ALPFREORG:Objects to Collect in PerfDB
ALPFDBVAR - PFDB: Report Variants
ALPFDBVARI - PFDB: Additional Performance History Report Information
ALPFDBVDES - PFDB: Language-dependent report variant description
ALPFDB_AV_DATA_OVRVW - Availability of Data in PerfDB
ALPFDB_SEL_DATA_LIST - Selection for performance database data display
ALPFDB_SEL_OBJ_LIST - TID + Object Name + Attribute Name + MTE Class
ALPFPOLICY - Alert: Performance DB Schema (Reorg/Coll)
ALPFREORG - Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE
ALPFREORSCHEMSTR - Structure for PerfDB Reorganization Information
ALPFREPDEF - Table for Report Definitions
ALPFREPORTDEF - Table for PerfDB Report Definitions
ALPFREP_CAT - PerfDB Reporting Catalog
ALPFREP_DAT - Table for PerfDB Report Data
ALPFSFTPLY - Table for Performance Database Shift Aggregate Schema
ALPFTHRHIST - Performance Threshold History
ALPFTHRHIST_DP - Performance Threshold History: ALV Structure for Display
ALPFTHRHIST_RWS - Performance Threshold History: Number of Records
ALPFTHRHIST_TB - Performance Threshold History
ALPFTIDAGG - PFDB: Hold one agg data row per TID
ALPFUTIL_DATAAVLEXTR - Structure for Exporting List of Data Available in CPH
ALPFUTIL_DATAEXTR - Structure for CPH Data Export
ALPFUTIL_MONPARAM - Monitoring Parameters
ALPFUTIL_REPDBAVLEXTR - Structure for Exporting List of CPH Reports Available in DB
ALPFUTIL_REPDEFAVLEXTR - Structure for Exporting List of Available CPH Report Defints
ALPFUTIL_REPORTDBEXTR - Structure for Exporting CPH Reports from Report DB (RZ23)
ALPFUTIL_REPORTEXTR - Structure for Exporting CPH Reports
ALPFWSCHEM - Weighting Schemata for PerfDB Reorganizations
ALPF_DATA_MANIP_PARAM - Structure for Test Prog. to Gen. and Manipulate Test Data
ALPF_OUTTABS - PerfDB Output Data for Multiple TIDs
ALPF_OUTTAB_STR - Structure of Output Table for PerfDB Reading
ALPF_PARAMLIST - parameter list
ALPF_PARAMLIST_STRING - Parameter with Value
ALPF_REPORT_OBJ_LIST - PerfDB Reporting: List of Objects to Be Displayed
ALPF_TESTDATA - Repository for Test Data
ALPF_TESTDATADEF - CPH test data definition
ALPF_TESTDATADEF_E - CPH test data definition for export
ALPINGDEST - RFC Destinations for CCMSPING Agents
ALPRALDATA - Alerts: Alert Data for a Monitor Node (Release > 4.6C)
ALPRCVDATA - Alerts: Current Status Data of Monitor Node
ALPRGENDAT - Alerts: General Data of a Monitor Node (Release > 4.6C)
ALPROTROW - Alerts: Line of Error Log
ALPRTLDATA - Alerts: Tool Data for Monitor Presentation Node
ALPSCTX - Alerts: Sample Context for Performance MTEs
ALPSDAT - Alerts: Sample Description of a Performance MTE
ALPSVAL - Alerts: Sample Performance MTE
ALPTIDKEY - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Global Parents (Short/Key) TID
ALQRFCMON - Define Additional Message Container for qRFC Queue Mon.
ALQRFCMONA - Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs
ALQRFCMONO - Owner of the Active Queue Group Settings for RZ20
ALQRFCMONQ - Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs
ALQRFCMTC - List of CCMS Monitoring Architecture MTE Classes (QRFC Mon)
ALQRFCQOUT - Duplicate of QSENDDEST for Compatibility with Older qRFCs
ALRCTABLE - Alert: Common Table of return codes for Monitoring Infrastr.
ALREQDESTI - CCMS Monitoring RFC Destination and Some Flags
ALREQTARGET - CCMS Monitoring: Request Target: SIDs and Flags
ALREQUESTCUC - CCMS Monitoring: Request for Class Under Class
ALRESULTCUC - CCMS Monitoring: Request for Class Under Class
ALRFCAID - Alert: RFC Destination plus global Aid plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCALSTA - Alert: RFC destination plus ALAIDALSTA plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCERRORS - Table with RFC Errors During Processing of Monitors
ALRFCLNAME - Alert: RFC destination plus long name plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCMCCRE - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMCCREATE
ALRFCMSCCR - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCACHER plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCMSCFC - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCTIDFL plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCMSCRM - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCRVAL plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCMSCWC - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCCUSW plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCMTCRE - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMCtREATE plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCMTCUS - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMTCUSTWR plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCPCUSW - Alert: RFC destination plus ALPERFCUSW plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCPRVAL - Alert: RFC destination plus ALPERFRVAL plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCRC40B - Alert: Global TID and RFC Destination and RC in 4.0B Format
ALRFCSCUSW - Alert: RFC destination plus ALSMSGCUSW plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCSRVAL - Alert: RFC destination plus ALSMSGRVAL plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCTACRE - Alert: RFC destination plus ALTACREATE plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCTID - Alert: RFC destination plus global Tid plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCTIDMV - Alert: RFC destination plus ALTIDMAXLV plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCTIDRC - Alert: Global Tid + RFC-Destination + RC
ALRFCTIDST - Alert: RFC destination plus ALGTIDSTAT (Tid plus MT Status)
ALRFCTIDU - Alert: RFC destination plus global Tid + User + ALCONSEG
ALRFCTLCHS - Alert: RFC destination plus ALTOOLCHST plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCTMVCS - Alert: RFC destination plus ALTIDMAXLV plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCTOOLA - Alert: RFC destination plus ALTOOLASSG plus ALCONSEG
ALRLPARDSC - Alerts: Rule Parameter Description (Visual Format)
ALRLPARF4 - Alerts: Structure for F4 processing of rule parameters
ALRLPARROW - Rule Parameter With Corresponding Value
ALRLPDROW - Alerts: Rule Parameter Description (Database Format)
ALRLRSNODE - Alerts: Result Nodes of Rule
ALRSLTCUC_L - CCMS Monitoring: Result for CLASS UNDER CLASS (Long Version)
ALRULE - Alerts: Rule Description (Runtime Format)
ALRULEPAR - Alert: Contains Name/Value Pair for Rule Parameters
ALRULEPARS - Alert: Contains Name/Value Pair for Rule Parameters
ALRVARATS0 - PFDB: Attribute with individual setting info (version 0)
ALRVARATSE - PFDB: Attribute with individual setting info included
ALRVARATT0 - PFDB: Information of an attribute (version 0)
ALRVARATTR - PFDB: Information of an attrib. in a report variant
ALRVARCDE0 - PFDB: Content Definition of a report variant
ALRVARCDEF - PFDB: Content Definition of a report variant
ALRVARCLSE - PFDB: class aggregation and associated setting information
ALRVARCONT - PFDB: Content of an attribute setting of a report variant
ALRVARDATA - PFDB: Specific historical data of an attribute setting
ALRVARISET - PFDB: Individual setting for each node/rule in a rep. var.
ALRVARRULE - PFDB: Components of abstract rule of a report variant
ALRVARRUS0 - PFDB: Abstract Rule with setting information defined
ALRVARRUSE - PFDB: Abstract Rule with setting information defined
ALSCUSRECM - Alert: Single Message Type Customize Recommendation
ALSEGINFO - Alerts: Information About a Monitoring Segment
ALSELITEM - Alerts: Describes a Selected Item
ALSFTAGGRE - Stru. returning sft aggre. + return code
ALSFTPOLID - PFDB: ID name & description of shift policy
ALSHTRCU - Alert: Configuration MT tree/detail display (version 1)
ALSHTRCUV2 - Alert: Configuration of MTE tree/detailed display (version2)
ALSHUFFCAT - Shuffler Selection Description
ALSHUFFDAT - Shuffler Selection Data
ALSHUFFGRP - Parameter Groups in Personal Dialog
ALSHUFFMSG - Information on Shuffler Text and General Settings
ALSLDCTRL - CCMS Access to Standard SLD - X Not Possible, 0 Possible
ALSLDUPD - CCMS SCR SLD Comparison: Delet. and DSR Registration Actions
ALSLOGMAP - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Syslog mapping to cat. and val
ALSMESALV - Monit. Arch. Contains Status Message Parameter for ALV Disp.
ALSMSGCUS - Alert: Single Message Type Customization
ALSMSGCUSW - Alert: Single Message Type Write Customization
ALSMSGRAWT - Alert: Single Message Type (wirh raw xmi message) + Rc
ALSMSGRAWV - Alert: Single Message Type Value (raw XMI message data)
ALSMSGRVAL - Alert: Single Message Type Report Value
ALSMSGTYPE - Alert: Single Message Type + Rc
ALSMSGVAL - Alert: Single Message Type Value
ALSMSGVALR - SALR Result Structures: Status Message Current Value
ALSTREF - Alerts: Reference to Child Node of Monitor Subtree
ALSYINFALV - Monitoring Arch. Contains System Status Info for ALV Display
ALSYSAL - Instance Table for BOR Object SYALERT (for Use with WFs)
ALSYSCTX - Alert: Monitor System ID and Context
ALSYSDEST - Monitoring Architecture: System ID and RFC destination
ALSYSGRPC - Monitoring Arch.: Defines a System Group / System Pair
ALSYSGRPS - Alerts: Definition of R/3 System Groups
ALSYSID - CCMS monitoring architecture: SYSID only
ALSYSMC - CCMS Alerts: System ID (Monitored System) and Mon. Context
ALSYSSEGM - CCMS: Row with SYSID and Segment
ALSYSTEMS - CCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed Systems
ALTACREATE - MonI: Structure for Txt.attr ceate: MO, name, text, NR, uid
ALTASKLIST - CCMS Monitoring: Task Management for Asynchronous RFC
ALTDEFRC - Alert: MT Type Def plus RC (ReturnCode)
ALTEMPLND - Alert: Describes a Node in a Monitor Template
ALTEXTASSIGN - Assignments of Text collection schemas to MTE classes
ALTEXTATTR - Alert: Text Attribute type + Rc
ALTEXTDB - History Database for text, status, and message nodes
ALTEXTSCHEMA - Definition of Schemas for Text History
ALTHRESHOLDS - CCMS: Threshold Values for a Performance Attribute
ALTIDAIDRC - Monitoring Architecture: TID + RC + TID/AID Table
ALTIDCVAL - TID and Current Value (SALR)
ALTIDGDA - Monitoring Architecture: General Data for MTW + RC
ALTIDKEY - Alert: global TID as key (w/o INDEX fields)
ALTIDMAXLV - Alert: TID + MaxLevel + VisibleOnUserLevel
ALTIDMN - Alerts: Short TID + MTE Name + Rule Parameter
ALTIDMN2 - Alerts: Short TID + MTE Name + Rule Parameter
ALTIDMTE - TID and MTE Assignment in the Performance Database
ALTIDNUMRC - Alert: Global TID plus RC (ReturnCode)
ALTIDPAADA - Monitoring Architecture: TID + Perf. Prop. and Current Value
ALTIDPACVA - Mon. Arch.: TID + Performance Current Value + RC
ALTIDPAPRP - Monitoring Architecture: TID + Performance Properties + RC
ALTIDPHRC - Alerts: TID Plus Performance History Values Plus RC
ALTIDSTATS - Alert: Global TID + RFC Destination + Some Statistics
ALTIDTOOL - Alert: Assignment of tools to Tid
ALTIDUSER - Alert: Tid + User
ALTID_NUM - Alert: Global TID plus RC (ReturnCode)
ALTIMESTMP - Alert: timestamp
ALTLDESCR - Alert: Method Description - Language-Dependent
ALTLDPENQ - Alerts: Lock Argument for Locks from Method Dispatcher Runs
ALTLDPNM - Alert: Name of a tool dispatcher
ALTLEXDESC - Alert: Description of a tool instance to be executed
ALTLPARAMS - Alert: Parameter definition for a TOOL
ALTMPLNDIF - Alerts: General Info. Container (F1 Help, Error Info.)
ALTOLEXDEF - Alert: TOOLS technical definition of tool executable
ALTOOL - Alert: Tool
ALTOOLASSG - Alert: set Tool (Tid + Toolname + ToolDisp. + new status)
ALTOOLCHEK - Alert: Tools that have been checked as usable
ALTOOLCHST - Alert: Tool Change Status (Tid + WhichTool + New Status)
ALTOOLCTRL - Alert: Tool Control (Tool + Tid + Aid)
ALTOOLDEF - Alert: Tool Definition
ALTOOLDP - Alert: Name of tool dispatchers
ALTOOLDPRC - Alert: tool dispatcher plus RC
ALTOOLEFRC - Alert: Global Tid + Effective Tool Def. + RC (ReturnCode)
ALTOOLEXEC - Alert: Tool definition (executable, dispatcher and so on)
ALTOOLRUND - Alert: Tool Control + ALTOOLEXEC + ....
ALTR40BRC - Row Structure for SALC Tree Table
ALTRAMONI - Monitoring Arch.: Table for Transaction-Specific Monitoring
ALTREEINFO - Alerts: TID + Long Name + Corresponding MTE Subtree
ALTSTLOD - Monitoring Arch.: For Report to Measure a Standard Load
ALTXTLCREA - Mon. Arch.: Structure for Test/Link Attribute Create/Attach
ALTXTLNKAT - Alert: Text Attribute Type (Including Link Subtype) + RC
ALTXTPROP - Alert: Text Attribute Properties
ALTYPES - Alert: Data types for use in RFC funct. module
ALVFOBMO - Alerts: Association Between Object Type and Monitor Set
ALVFOBTY - Alerts: List of Supported Object Types
ALXMBALERT - Persistence Table for XMB Alert IDs
ALXMBEMAIL - CCMS: Registration of E-Mail Recipients for Alerts
ALXMBINHERITKEY - Inheritance Hierarchy for XI Monitor Nodes
ALXMBMGUID_ENTRY - CCMS: XMB Message Key Entry for Analysis Tool
ALXMBPFALERT - Exchange Infrastructure: Performance Alerts for XI Messages
ALXMBPFMSGPROC - Exchange Infrastructure: Message Processing Times
ALXMIRAW - Alerts: Message Part of an XMI Log Message (Text, Arg)
ALXMLELM - DTD Element Specifications for CCMS DataSupplierDTD
ALXMLMTE - CCMS: Structure for Generic XML Monitoring Data
ALXMLTOOL - CCMS: Structure for Generic XML Monitoring Data
ALXML_IN - BAPI XALREPORT - Rows in XML Data Collector Message
AMDTI - Appication Monitor for Selections, Output
AMON70 - Structure for Selection Screen of Report RSAMON70
ARCH_OHEAD - Archive File Overhead
ASOUTPUT - SAP Workload: Output structure for application statistic
ASTAT_CONU - Numeric Fields for Summarized Application Statistics
ASTAT_LIST - List structure for application-triggered statistics
ASTAT_OKDF - Definition of OPENKEYS for Application-Triggered Statistics
ASTAT_OKTX - Short Texts for SAP Functions for Appl.-Triggered Statistics
ASTAT_OTX2 - Texts and Types for Cross-Type OPENKEYS
ASTAT_OTX3 - Texts and Types for Cross-Type OPENKEYS
ASTAT_OTX3 - Texts and Types for Cross-Type OPENKEYS
ASTAT_RECO - Basis record for application-triggered statistics
ASTAT_SFLD - Statistics: Display Single Record Information
ASTAT_SFNC - Statistics: Display Single Record Information
ASTAT_SHDR - Header for Single Records
ASTAT_SPRO - Statistics: Display Single Record Information
ASTAT_TYP1 - Types of I/Okeys
ASTAT_TYP2 - Customer specific activation of application statistics
ASTAT_TYPT - Text for types of application statistics
ASTAT_WKLK - Process Hierarchy
BAPIAID - BAPI: ID for "System Alert" BAPI Object
BAPIAID_RC - Extension of BAPIAID Structure by Returncode
BAPIALDATA - BAPI: General Data for an Alert (Value, Severity)
BAPIALDATE - BAPI: Time stamp Definition (Date, Time)
BAPIALERT - BAPI: Details for "System Alert" BAPI
BAPIALEXT - BAPI: Contains All Alert Data for a (Flat) Structure
BAPIMLCVAL - BAPI: Current Value of a Log Attribute
BAPIMLFLT - BAPI: Filter Definition for a Log Attribute
BAPIMLPROP - BAPI: Specific Properties of a Log Attribute
BAPIMNNAME - BAPI: Monitor and Monitor Set Name
BAPIMNPROP - BAPI: (Display) Properties of a System Monitor
BAPIMSNAME - BAPI: Name of a Monitor Set
BAPIMSPROP - BAPI: Configuration of MTE Tree / Detail Display
BAPIMTEGEN - BAPI: General Data for a MTE
BAPIMTEPRP - BAPI: General Properties of a MTE
BAPIMTEVAL - BAPI: General Values of a MTE
BAPIPACVAL - BAPI: Current Values of a Performance Attribute
BAPIPACVAX - BAPI: TID plus Perf. Current Value plus RC
BAPIPAHIS - BAPI: Contains All Possible Performance History Data
BAPIPAPROP - BAPI: Specific Properties of a Performance Attribute
BAPIPARAMS - BAPI: Parameter Definitions
BAPIPARENT - BAPI: Information about a Parent of a MTE
BAPIPAREQ - BAPI: Allows the Definition of the Desired History Date
BAPISERVIC - BAPI: Contains a List of All Available Servers and Services
BAPISMCVAL - BAPI: Current Values of a Status Attribute
BAPISMPROP - BAPI: Specific Properties of a Status Attribute
BAPITID - BAPI: ID for BAPI Object SystemMonitorTreeElement
BAPITLDEF - BAPI: Method Definition
BAPITLRUN - BAPI: Method Runtime Information
BAPITMPLND - BAPI: Defines a Node for a Monitor Template
BAPITNDEXT - BAPI: Contains All Node Data
BAPITNDEXT2 - BAPI: Contains All Node Data
BAPITREEND - BAPI: Contains All Relevant Data for a Tree Node
BAPITXTPRP - BAPI: Contains Specific Properties of a Text Attribute
BAPIVARINT - BAPI: Definition of Data for a Variant
BAPIXMIEXT - BAPI: The Message Part of an External (Translated) Message
BAPIXMIRAW - BAPI: The Message Part of a XMI Log Message (Text, Arg)
CCMCTLBIN - Structure for Transferring Bytes
CCMCTLTXT - Structure for Transferring Lines
CCMEXTPROG - List of Logical Commands of a CCMS Agent
CCMSBIDATA - Time-Dependent General MTE Data
CCMSBIMETH - Time-Dependent MTE Reaction Methods
CCMSBITHRH - Time-Dependent MTE Threshold Values
CCMSBI_DOWNTIME_S - Downtime Struktur im Basis-System
CCMSBI_MTE_DATA - Time-Dependent General MTE Data
CCMSBI_MTE_METH - Time-Dependent MTE Reaction Methods
CCMSBI_MTE_THRH - Time-Dependent MTE Threshold Values
CCMSBI_WAST_TEST_SETTINGS - Range for Random Number Generation
CCMS_CENTRAL_MTES_FOR_MGD_SEGM - MTEs in CEN that semantically belong to monitored segment
CCMS_DOWNTIME_SEGM - Downtime Information for a CCMS Instance
CCMS_INSTANCE - Description of an SAP Instance
CCMS_INSTANCE_RFC - Description of an SAP Instance
CCMS_LP - CCMS Logical Port and Its Status
CCMS_PORTTYPE - Description of a CCMS Port Type
CCMS_SYSTEM_PORTS - SAP System and Logical Ports (sapstartsrv)
CCMS_SYSTEM_PORTS - SAP System and Logical Ports (sapstartsrv)
CCM_TEXTDB_CUST - Customizing of Text History for OS Collector Nodes
CPH_TRACE - Table for CPH Log Information
CSM4XAGENT - AL: 4x Agent
CSMABBREVNAME - Monitoring: Short and Long Names of MTEs
CSMAGENT - AL: Agent for MTS Data Manager
CSMALERTDATA - Monitoring: Alerts of an MTE (WebAdmin Format)
CSMASCMAP - CCMS Repository Assoc in Which Object Class Participates
CSMAUFBINF - Formatted Info from CCMS System Component Repository
CSMAUFPRP - Formatted Attribute for CSMAUFBINF (Formatted Info)
CSMBK - Fact Table for CCMS System Repository
CSMBKRCCL - Compare Properties of an Object
CSMBK_AS2 - CSM_BK: Association with Arity of 2
CSMBK_ASC - Associations in CCMS System Repository
CSMBK_CL - Class Definitions in CCMS Repository
CSMBK_CL2 - Class Definitions in CCMS Repository
CSMBK_CLAS - Classes in CCMS Repository
CSMBK_CLST - Translation Table for CCMS CSM Class Names
CSMBK_INP - Structure for Entering Data in the CCMS CSM Repository
CSMBK_INPT - Enter Default Texts in the CCMS CSM Translation Tables
CSMBK_OB2 - New Object Table for SCR from SAP Web AS 6.10
CSMBK_OBJ - Object Repository in CCMS System Repository
CSMBK_PROT - Translation Table for CCMS CSM Provider Names
CSMBK_SEM - CSM_BK: Semantic and Token Definitions
CSMBK_SEMT - Translation Table for CCMS CSM Semantic Names
CSMBK_TFER - Transfer Format for Data for CCMS CSM Repository
CSMBK_TK - Token Definition in CCMS Repository
CSMBK_TK2 - Token Definition in CCMS Repository
CSMBK_TOK - Properties of CCMS Classes
CSMBK_TOKT - Translation Table for CCMS CSM Token Names
CSMCENTOOL - CCMS Monitoring: Container for Methods Started Centrally
CSMCHAR - Where Conditions for CCMS CSM SALRECVR Function Modules
CSMCLDISPT - Display Properties for SCR Classes
CSMCLGUID2 - Mapping Table: GUIDs/SCR Classes and Properties
CSMCLINHL2 - CCMS System Repository: Class Derivation Rel. Table Row
CSMCLKEY - ID for Accessing Classes in an ABAP Data Cluster
CSMCLSGUID - Mapping Table: GUIDs/SCR Classes and Properties
CSMCLSINH2 - CCMS System Comp Repository: Class Derivation Relationships
CSMCLSMAP - Directory of CSM Classes for Fasr Access
CSMCLSMAP2 - Directory of CSM Classes for Fasr Access
CSMCLS_INP - Format for Transferring CCMS Class Definitions
CSMCONNSTATUS - Connection Status of Segment
CSMCONTX - CCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed Contexts
CSMDESTATT - AL: Destination-Dependent Attribute
CSMDIRENTR - Information about a File in a Directory
CSMDSRCOMP - DSR Components in System Component Repository
CSMEXTRCCL - Synchronization Structure for SCR Extended Values CSM_EXTVAL
CSMEXTVALK - Structure for Extended Key Values for SCR Objects
CSMEXTVALL - Structure for Extended Key Values for SCR Objects
CSMGENCUST - Monitoring: General Customizing and Method Assignment
CSMLASTCHG - Last Changed On/By
CSMLNAMETIDC - Monitoring: LongName and TID as CHAR String
CSMLOCCTXT - Local Contexts for Topology Browser
CSMLOCSEGM - Local System Segments
CSMLOGDIR - Parameter Values for a Logical Directory Name
CSMMETHSTA - Monitoring: Method Runtime Status for a Monitoring Node
CSMMSLOGCUS - Monitoring: MessageLog Customizing
CSMMSLOGVAL - Monitoring: MessageLog Values
CSMMTVALUE - Monitoring: MT Type Definition: Value Part with Timestamps
CSMNAMETREE - Monitoring: Monitoring Tree with DisplayName and LongName
CSMNIPINGCFG - CCMS : Configuration Table for NI PING Availability
CSMNODEALERTS - Monitoring: All Alerts of a Node and Below (WebAdmin Format)
CSMNODEDATA - Monitoring: Current Data (Alerts/Values) of an MTE
CSMNSDIC - CCMS CSM: Central Name Server Directory
CSMNUDATA - CSM CEN CCMS Data to be Processed
CSMNUMETH - Update Method Assignments for CCMS CSM Tables
CSMOBJRCCL - Transfer of CCMS Repository Objects During Repository Comp.
CSMPERF24HVAL - Monitoring: 24 Hours Smoothed Values for a Performance Node
CSMPERFCUS - Monitoring: Performance Customizing and Thresholds
CSMPERFVAL - Monitoring: Performance Values
CSMPRINHL2 - SCR Properties: Key and Inheritance
CSMPRPINH2 - Mapping Table: Property Inheritance of CCMS SCR Classes
CSMRFCCONN - AL: Structure for RFC Connection
CSMSCRMETH - Intrinsic Methods of CCMS System Component Repository
CSMSEGM - CCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed Segments
CSMSEGMENT - AL: Segment for MTS Data Manager
CSMSEGMX - CCMS: Cache for Administration of Monitored Segments
CSMSMESCUS - Monitoring: Status Message Customizing
CSMSMESVAL - Monitoring: Status Message Values
CSMSYS - Central Table of Known Systems
CSMSYSAS - Central CCMS: List of SAP System Instances
CSMSYSMTECLASS - Monitoring: System ID and MTE Class
CSMSYST - AL: Structure for System Properties of Topology Browser
CSMSYSTEM - AL: Structure for System List of Topology Browser
CSMTEXTVAL - Monitoring: Text Attribute Values
CSMTIDLONGNAME - Monitoring: Global TID plus Long Name(Complete Path of Node)
CSMTKKEY - Access to CCMS Repository Tokens in ABAP Data Cluster
CSMTOOLASG - CCMS Monitoring: Assignment of Methods Started Centrally
CSM_ABO - Subscriptions to Intrinsic SCR Events
CSM_ABOSCR - Subscription to Intrinsic Events in CCMS SCR
CSM_ASC - Associations in SCR (from SAP Web AS 6.10)
CSM_CLASS - Class Definition for CSMBK_MDATA_IN (CCMS SCR)
CSM_CLDEFK - Short Forms of Class Definitions for Storage in Prg Context
CSM_CLDISP - Display Properties for SCR Class
CSM_CLDPRU - Display Properties for Runtime
CSM_CLGUID - Mapping Table: GUID to Class or SCR Property
CSM_CLINHL - CCMS System Repository: Class Derivation Rel. Table Row
CSM_CLSINH - CCMS System Comp Repository: Class Derivation Relationships
CSM_CLST - Translation Table for CCMS CSM Class Names
CSM_CNTXT - Contexts for Executing Asynchronous SCR Methods
CSM_CTREE - Class Tree Element
CSM_EVENTS - Intrinsic Events in CCSM System Component Repository
CSM_EVNTST - Descriptions of Intrinsic CCMS SCR Events
CSM_EXTVAL - Extended Keys for SCR Objects
CSM_INVALS - Table with Attribute Values for System Component Repository
CSM_NFC - For Node Context Menu: Function Code and Subscreen
CSM_OASS - Structure for Association Instance Between Two Objects
CSM_OBJ - Objects in System Component Repository from SAP Web AS 6.10
CSM_OREF - Object Reference of System Component Repository
CSM_OTREE - System Component Repository Tree Structure
CSM_PRINHL - SCR Properties: Key and Inheritance
CSM_PRPINH - Mapping Table: Property Inheritance of CCMS SCR Classes
CSM_PRPVAL - Input Structure for CCMS System Repository Qualifier
CSM_Q - Qualifier Value for Class or Properties
CSM_Q_INP - Input Structure for CCMS System Repository Qualifier
CSM_RFCSI - Externalize System Data
CSM_SYS_CS - CCMS: Lines with Sysid, segments and monitor contexts
CSM_TEXT - Short Texts for Classes and Properties of CCMS SCR
CSM_TEXTS - Translation Table for SCR Classes and Other Texts
CSM_TEXTS2 - Translation Table for SCR Classes and Other Texts
CSM_TOKEN - Property Definition for CSMBK_MDATA_IN (CCMS SCR)
CSM_TOKT - Translation Table for CCMS CSM Token Names
CSM_UPD_A - CSM Routing: ALSYSTEMS Plus a Few Fields
CSM_UPD_C - CSM Routing: ALCONSEG Plus a Few Fields
CSM_UPD_S - CSM Routing: CSMSEGM Plus a Few Fields
CSM_VIEW - View Description (Header)
CUST1000 - Alert: Screen 1000 - Customizing Entry Screen
CUST1100 - Alert: Screen 1100 - Custom. Group General Values
CUST1110 - Alert: Screen 1110 - Custom. Group Performance Values
CUST1120 - Alert: Screen 1120 - TID-Specific Performance Values
CUST1130 - Alert: Screen 1130 - TID-Specific General Values
CUST1140 - Alert: Screen 1140 - Custom.Group Single Messages
CUST1150 - Alert: Screen 1150 - TID-Specific Single Messages
CUST1160 - Alert: Screen 1160 - Create new Customizing Set
CUST1170 - Alert: Screen 1170 - Edit ALCONSEG
CUST1200 - Alert: Dialog box 1200 - Activate Customizing Values
CUST1210 - Alert: Dialog box 1210 - Assign Tid to group
CUST1220 - Alert: Dialog box 1220 - Selection for group creation
CUST1230 - Alert: Dialog box 1230 - Activate a Custom. set
DOCULINK - Link to SAP Script Documentation
DSR_WS_ACTIVE_COMPONENT - Structure of a DSR Component
DSR_WS_LINKED_SYSTEM - Associated System
DSR_WS_RECORD_CALL - Call Subrecord Type 1
DSR_WS_RECORD_CALL2 - Call Subrecord Type 2
DSR_WS_RECORD_CERT - Client Info Subrecord
DSR_WS_RECORD_MAIN - DSR WS - Structure for Main Statistics Record
DSR_WS_STAT_DATA - DSR Statistics Record
EDS_VERI_TEST - Testdaten f�r Evaluated Data Service Veri-Test SCSM_EDS_OQT
EWAGG - Statistics, hierarchy of devclasses and applications
EWEXC - Statistics, exceptions for EWAGG
EWREL - Statistics, relations in hierarchy
EWTXT - Statistics, text for applications and exceptions in EWEXC
GRMG_AWS_CTRL - Control Flags: Transaction GRMG, GRMG ABAP Web Services UI
GRMG_COMPONENTS - GRMG: table for components
GRMG_COMPONENT_OBJECT - CCMS GRMG: Component Object References
GRMG_COMPONENT_T - GRMG: table for components
GRMG_CONTROL - GRMG: Table for application control
GRMG_CUSTOMIZING_WA - GRMG: Line type for customizing
GRMG_ERROR_LOG - GRMG: Table for error log
GRMG_HTML_TAGS - HTML tags the GRMG takes into account for resolving Web pgs
GRMG_MESSAGES - GRMG: Table for messages
GRMG_MESSAGE_WA - GRMG: Line type for message
GRMG_PROPERTIES - GRMG: Table for properties
GRMG_PROPERTIES_CTRL - Work Table for TX GRMG Properties Control (Screen 1100)
GRMG_PROPERTIES_WA - CCMS GRMG: Properties in the Request
GRMG_PROPERTY_OBJECT - CCMS GRMG: Property Object Reference
GRMG_RESPONSE_WA - GRMG: Line type for response line
GRMG_RUN_LOG - GRMG: Table for run log
GRMG_SCENARIOS - GRMG: Table for scenario descriptions
GRMG_SCENARIO_T - GRMG: Table for scenario descriptions
GRMG_SCENMANAGE_WA - Structure for Table Control in Transaction GRMG
GRMG_TEST_PARAMETERS - CCMS GRMG: Parameter Interface for Test Function Module
GRMG_WSIL_ABAP_SERVICES_WD - GRMG Fields from the WSIL PortType Type
GRMG_WSIL_ENDPOINTURL - GRMG Fields for Port Name and Endpoint URL of a Web Service
GRMG_WSIL_ENDPOINTURL_WD - GRMG Fields for Port Name and Endpoint URL of a Web Service
GRMG_WSIL_PORTTYPE_TYPE - GRMG Fields from the WSIL PortType Type
GRMG_WSIL_PORTTYPE_TYPE_WD - GRMG Fields from the WSIL PortType Type
GRMG_WSIL_ST - Receiving Structure for WSIL -> GRMG XSLT ST
GRMG_WS_MESSAGES - Web Dynpro Message Container for GRMG
GRMG_WS_SYSTEM_LIST - GRMG: List of ABAP Systems for WS Monitoring
GRMG_WS_SYSTEM_LIST_FOR_WD - GRMG: List of ABAP Systems for WS Monitoring
GTY_DETAIL_ADM - Detail Structure for ADM Message Subrecord
GTY_DETAIL_DATA - Detail Structure for Transferred Data
GTY_DETAIL_DB - Detailed Structure for Database Details
GTY_DETAIL_DBP - Detailed Structure for DB Procedure Subrecord
GTY_DETAIL_ESF - Detail Structure for ESF
GTY_DETAIL_ESFCHG - Row of ESF Change Detail Structure
GTY_DETAIL_ESF_LINE - Line of the ESF Detailed Structure
GTY_DETAIL_HTTP - Detail Structure for HTTP Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_HTTP_CL_CALLS - Detailed Structure for HTTP Client Calls
GTY_DETAIL_HTTP_CL_CONNS - Detailed Structure for HTTP Client Connections
GTY_DETAIL_HTTP_SV_CALLS - Detailed Structure for HTTP Server Calls
GTY_DETAIL_HTTP_SV_CONNS - Detailed Structure for HTTP Server Connections
GTY_DETAIL_ITEM_BYTEARRAY - Detailed Structure for EP Item Byte Array
GTY_DETAIL_ITEM_INT - Detailed Structure for EP Item Integer
GTY_DETAIL_ITEM_STRING - Detailed Structure for EP Item String
GTY_DETAIL_ITEM_UUID - Detailed Structure for EP Item UUID
GTY_DETAIL_PASS - Detailed Structure for Extended Passport
GTY_DETAIL_RFC - Detailed Structure for RFC Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_RFC_CALLS - Detailed Structure for RFC Calls
GTY_DETAIL_RFC_CL_CONNS - Detailed Structure for RFC Client Connections
GTY_DETAIL_RFC_SV_CONNS - Detailed Structure for RFC Server Connections
GTY_DETAIL_SMTP - Detail Structure for HTTP Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_SMTP_CL_CALLS - Detailed Structure for SMTP Client Calls
GTY_DETAIL_SMTP_CL_CONNS - Detailed Structure for SMTP Client Connections
GTY_DETAIL_SMTP_SV_CALLS - Detailed Structure for SMTP Server Calls
GTY_DETAIL_SMTP_SV_CONNS - Detailed Structure for SMTP Server Connections
GTY_DETAIL_SPOOL - Detailed Structure for Spool Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_SPOOL_ACT - Detailed Structure for Spool Activity Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_SPOOL_PRI - Detailed Structure for Spool Print Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_TABLE - Detailed Structure for Table Access Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_TASK - Detailed Structure for Task Information
GTY_DETAIL_TIME - Detailed View for Time Analysis
GTY_DETAIL_TIMEINT - Detailed Structure for RFC Time Intervals
GTY_DETAIL_TIMEINT_LINE - Detailed Structure for RFC Time Intervals
GTY_DETAIL_VMC - Detailed Structure for Totaling of VMC Subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_VMC_CLASSLOAD - Detailed Structure for VMC Class Load Data
GTY_DETAIL_VMC_CODEGEN - Detailed Structure for VMC Code Generation Data
GTY_DETAIL_VMC_FRAMEWORK - Detailed Structure for VMC Framework Data
GTY_DETAIL_VMC_IO - Detailed Structure for VMC I/O Data
GTY_DETAIL_VMC_JAVAMEM - Detailed Structure for VMC Java Memory Data
GTY_DETAIL_VMC_MISC - Detailed Structure for Other VMC Data
GTY_DETAIL_WEBSERVICE - detail structure for web service subrecords
GTY_DETAIL_WEBSERVICESUM - detail structure for web service sum subrecord
GTY_STATMAINTREE - Display Structure for Main Screen
GTY_STATMAINVIEW - Display Structure for Main Screen
GTY_STATRECS - Structure Type with Instance Name and Statistics Records
HTTP_DEST - Elementary Data for an HTTP Destination
HTTP_DEST - Elementary Data for an HTTP Destination
ITSMATRIX - Table to inport ITS performance Matrix nodes
MIXEDTAB - Structure for mixed table
OSTATUS - Object status
PARSTAT - Workload statistics: Customizing parameter
R3QSNTSRFC - Transfer Structure for Width of Tables
RS07A - Application monitor - In/output text quantity structure
RS07A1 - Application monitor quantity structure I/O fields
RS07B - Application monitor SAPMS07A output fields
RS07C - Parameters for application monitor SAPMS07A
RS07D - Application monitor DB memory allocation: I/O cursor cache
RSALTFER - Data Transfer for CSM Updates in Monitoring Architecture
RSAVITEM - Item Table for Availability Configurator (Mon. Arch.)
RSAVITEM_U - Update Items in Availability Configurator
SALEPARAMS - Parameters for the SALE Function Modules
SALKINILOG - Initialization of Log Attribute for the tRFC Data Collector
SALKINIOBJ - Initialization of Monitoring Object for tRFC Data Collector
SALKINIPRF - Initialization of Perf. Attribute for tRFC Data Collector
SALKINISMS - Status Attribute for Initialization of SALK
SALKKDATA - Kernel Information for Function Group SALK (Mon. Arch.)
SALKLOGMSG - Initialization of Log Attribute for tRFC Data Collector
SALKQRFC - TRFC with Output Queues: Monitoring Data
SALKQRFCR - Data Records That Represent qRFC Calls
SALKSTTMSG - Status Attribute Pattern for SALK Function Modules
SALKTRFC - Add a "New" Marker and Out Queue to TRFCSSTATE Records
SALM2000 - Configuration of MT detail display in the visual MT tree
SALM2010 - Screen 2010: Input of an instrument name
SALM2050 - Screen 2050: Querying Alert Generation Status
SALM2060 - Screen 2060: Attributes of a Monitor Set
SALM2070 - Screen 2070: Enter an MT class name
SALM2080 - Screen 2080: Copying a Monitor
SALM2090 - Screen 2090: Copying a Monitor Set
SALM2101 - Configuration of the MT tree (display alert text and so on)
SALM2102 - Screen 2102: Configuration of the MT detail data display
SALM2103 - Screen 2103: General MTE tree display options
SALM2110 - Alerts: Displaying an MT description text
SALM2120 - Alerts: Data for a Monitor Definition Node
SALM2121 - Alerts: Data for a rule node of a monitor definition
SALM2130 - Alerts: Initial Screen: Create a Monitor Definition Node
SALM2131 - Alerts: Data for a virtual node of a monitor definition
SALM2132 - Alerts: Rule nodes for a monitor definition (basic data)
SALM2133 - Alerts: Rule nodes for a monitor definition (parameter)
SALM2134 - Alerts: Display options for real MTE (MD editor)
SALM2140 - Alerts: Input for a Time Interval
SALM2150 - Alerts: Screen for Creating a Status Attribute (Test)
SALM2151 - Alerts: Screen for Creating Performance Values (Test)
SALM2152 - Alerts: Screen for Creating Log Attribute Data (Test)
SALM2160 - Alert: Set Selection Behavior in the MTE Tree
SALM2180 - Alerts: Create a Monitor or Monitor Set
SALM2200 - Alerts: Enter Time Interval for Alert Display
SALM2220 - Alerts: Entry of an Attribute Group and Input Variable
SALM3000 - Alerts: Rule Description Editor (Initial Screen)
SALM3001 - Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Administration Data
SALM3002 - Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Control Data
SALO_ALM_CCMS_CONT - Structure for ALM Container CCMS_CONT
SALP0100 - Screen Attributes to Prompt Day Range for Aggreg to PerfDB
SALRALERT - Function group SALR: Alert structure
SALRMONCTX - Function group SALR: Monitoring context
SALRMTECUS - Function group SALR: MTE general Customizing
SALRMTEGEN - Function group SALR: General data for an MTE
SALRMTEVAL - Function group SALR: MTE general values
SALRPARAMS - CCMS Monitoring architecture: SALR parameter definitions
SALRPARENT - Function Group SALR: Information about an MTE Parent
SALRTLDEF - Function group SALR: Tool definition
SALRTLRUN - Function group SALR: Tool runtime information
SALRUL2000 - Screen 2010: Input of a Monitor Name
SALRUL2010 - Alerts: Screen 2010: Rule Selection
SALRUL2011 - Alerts: Display Options for Real MTEs (Monitor Def. Editor)
SALRUL2020 - Alerts: Screen 2020: Display / Edit Global Parameters
SALRUL2030 - Alerts: Screen 2030: Set a Rule Parameter
SALRUL2040 - Alerts: Screen 2040: Delete a Rule Parameter
SALRUL2060 - Screen 2060: Attributes of a Monitor Set
SALRUL3000 - Alerts: Rule Description Editor (Initial Screen)
SALRUL3001 - Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Administration Data
SALRUL3002 - Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Control Data
SALSPARAMS - Function Group SALS: Parameter
SALU1235 - Alert: Screen 1235 (Copy Properties Variant)
SALU1300 - Screen 1300 (Method Assignment to TID with Effective Meth.)
SALU1400 - Dynpro 1400: Technical tool definition
SALU1410 - Screen 1410: Tool release
SALU1420 - Alert: Screen 1420 (Copy Method Definition)
SALU1500 - Screen 1500 (tool assignment to MT class)
SALU2000 - Screen - General Customizing screen and tab strip init. scrn
SALU2004 - Screen 2004 (Effective tools ) in tab strip
SALU2006 - Screen - Customizing Log Attribute
SALUSERCOM - SALU user command and CUA functions
SALUSLGFIL - Screen struc. for MSC filter: SYSLOG format messages
SALUT10FIL - Screen structure for PSC filter: format T100 messages
SALUTDINVA - TID Information / MTE Name / Variant
SALUTIDINF - TID specific information (TID, Objectname, shrtname, MTname)
SALUXMIFIL - Screen structure for MSC filter: std. XMI message format
SALVIS2101 - Screen 2101: Monitor Display Attributes
SALVIS2102 - Screen 2102: Configuration Data for Monitor Display
SALVIS2103 - Screen 2103: Monitor Display Attributes
SALVIS2200 - Alerts: Enter Time Interval for Alert Display
SAPBWPRFLS - BW Workload: Relation of Workload Profile and Class Names
SAPWLACCT - SAP Workload: Workload: Client-specific user stats. (ext.)
SAPWLACCTD - SAP Workload: Workload/Acc.exit: Table of conts. avail. data
SAPWLACCTP - SAP Workload: Accounting exit: Funct. mod. parameters
SAPWLACCTS - SAP Workload: Accounting exit: System utilization of Account
SAPWLAGGRP - SAP Workload: Collector Parameters, Data to Aggregate
SAPWLAPPB2 - SAP Workload: Application Statistics: All Data
SAPWLAPPB2 - SAP Workload: Application Statistics: All Data
SAPWLAPPB2 - SAP Workload: Application Statistics: All Data
SAPWLBPLI - SAP Workload: List of Business Processes
SAPWLBYTES - SAP Workload: Core structure for transferred Bytes
SAPWLCOLPA - SAP Workload: Parameters for Workload and Collector Control
SAPWLCTTIM - SAP Workload: Workload: Include structure times & counters
SAPWLDBINC - SAP Workload: Database Include
SAPWLDBPR - SAP Workload: DB Procedure Statistics
SAPWLDBPR - SAP Workload: DB Procedure Statistics
SAPWLDIR - SAP Workload: Workload: Table of contents of available data
SAPWLDIRNK - SAP Workload: Table for Node Key WL Dir.
SAPWLDMTH - SAP Workload: ST03N Dynamically-Called Methods (Key Struc.)
SAPWLDMTHD - SAP Workload: Dynamically-Called Method for Events
SAPWLDTTC1 - SAP Workload: Transaction Detail Analysis
SAPWLEWTC0 - SAP Workload: EarlyWatch TCode Profile: Times, Tab 1
SAPWLEWTC1 - SAP Workload: EarlyWatch TCode Profile: Database, Tab 2
SAPWLEWTC2 - SAP Workload: EarlyWatch TCode Profile: Times, Tab 3
SAPWLEWTCX - SAP Workload: EWTCODE. SAPWLUSTCX Without TType and Account
SAPWLEWTDB - SAP Workload: Database Include EarlyWatch Profile
SAPWLEWTX1 - SAP Workload: EarlyWatch TCode Profile: Database, Tab 2
SAPWLEWTX2 - SAP Workload: EarlyWatch TCode Profile: Times, Tab 3
SAPWLEXSYS - SAP Workload: Load from External Systems
SAPWLFCODE - SAP Workload: Workload: Function code statistics
SAPWLFUNCN - SAP Workload: Name of function modules
SAPWLGCOMP - SAP Workload: ST03G Component Parameters
SAPWLGDIR - SAP Workload: Workload: Table of contents of available data
SAPWLGLGSY - SAP Workload: ST03G Logically Associated Systems
SAPWLGPAR - SAP Workload: N3 Workload Analysis Selection Parameter
SAPWLGTCTRL - Control Table: Dialog Response Times Without GUI Time
SAPWLGUIT - SAP Workload: Include With GUI Times
SAPWLHITL - SAP Workload: Workload: Hit list record
SAPWLHITL2 - SAP Workload: Standard Hit List Statistics (All Data)
SAPWLHLINC - SAP Workload: Include for Hit Lists
SAPWLHNDB - SAP Workload: Standard Hit List Statistics (Database Data)
SAPWLHNDT20 - Background Subrecord
SAPWLHNTD0 - SAP Workload: Hit Lists, Details #1
SAPWLHNTD1 - SAP Workload: Hit Lists, Details #2, Database Requests
SAPWLHNTD10 - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Client Statistics Record
SAPWLHNTD11 - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Client Destin. Stats Record
SAPWLHNTD12 - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 ADM Message Subrecord
SAPWLHNTD2 - SAP Workload: Hit Lists, Details #4, Table Accesses
SAPWLHNTD2T - SAP Workload: Stattrace, Details#4, Table Accesses
SAPWLHNTD3 - SAP Workload: STATTRACE Client Info
SAPWLHNTD4 - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Spool Print Information Statrec
SAPWLHNTD5 - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Server Statistics Record
SAPWLHNTD6 - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Server Dest. Stats Record
SAPWLHNTD7 - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 HTTP Statistics Record
SAPWLHNTD8 - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stat. Rec.: HTTP Client Subrec.
SAPWLHNTD9 - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stat. Rec.: HTTP Client Dest
SAPWLHN_HTTPC - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stat. Rec.: HTTP Client Subrec.
SAPWLHN_HTTPCD - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stat. Rec.: HTTP Client Dest
SAPWLHN_HTTPS - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: HTTP Server Subrec.
SAPWLHN_HTTPSD - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: HTTP Server Dest.
SAPWLHN_INCHTTPC - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: HTTP Client Include
SAPWLHN_INCHTTPDEST - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec: HTTP Dest. Include
SAPWLHN_INCSMTPC - SAP Workoad: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: SMTP Client Include
SAPWLHN_INCSMTPDEST - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec: HTTP Dest. Include
SAPWLHN_SMTPC - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: SMTP Client Subrec.
SAPWLHN_SMTPCD - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: SMTP Client Dest.
SAPWLHN_SMTPS - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: SMTP Server Subrec.
SAPWLHN_SMTPSD - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stats Rec.: SMTP Server Dest.
SAPWLHN_VMC - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Statistics Record: VMC
SAPWLHN_VMCMEM - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Statistics REcord: VMC Memory
SAPWLHSTIL - SAP Workload: Instance List with Available History Data (SD)
SAPWLHSTIL - SAP Workload: Instance List with Available History Data (SD)
SAPWLHTTPC - SAP Workload: HTTP: Client Statistics Profile
SAPWLHTTPCD - SAP Workload: HTTP: Client Destination Statistics Profile
SAPWLHTTPCD - SAP Workload: HTTP: Client Destination Statistics Profile
SAPWLINCRFCD - RFC Destination Include
SAPWLINCRFCD - RFC Destination Include
SAPWLINST - SAP Workload: Workload: Instance list
SAPWLINSTP - SAP Workload: Instances and Their Online stat Parameters
SAPWLLMINL - SAP Workload: Last Minutes Load, Input Parameters
SAPWLMEM - SAP Workload: Workload: Memory use statistics
SAPWLMEMO - SAP Workload: Transaction Profile
SAPWLMEMRY - SAP Workload: Workload: General memory statistics
SAPWLMINUT - SAP Workload: Workload: Minutes for single rec. statistics
SAPWLMINUT - SAP Workload: Workload: Minutes for single rec. statistics
SAPWLMONID - SAP Workload: Structure for Describing MONI Entries
SAPWLNATIM - SAP Workload: Native Timestamps im Statistical Record
SAPWLNAVI - N3 Workload: Availability
SAPWLNDBCON - SAP Workload: Database Connections
SAPWLNEXT - N3 Workload: External Systems Profile: Totals
SAPWLNHTRS - N3 Workload: Hit Lists Response Time: Totals
SAPWLNODE - SAP Workload: Tree Node Structure
SAPWLNODED - SAP Workload: Data Part of Tree Node Structure
SAPWLNODEK - SAP Workload: Key for Tree Node Structure
SAPWLNRFC - N3 Workload: Client Statistics
SAPWLNRTD - N3 Workload: Response Time Distribution
SAPWLNSUM - N3 Workload: Summary
SAPWLNUMAS - SAP Workload: Compressed application stat. num. fields
SAPWLNUSR - N3 Workload: User Profile: Totals
SAPWLOBJCT - SAP Workload: Workload: Objects
SAPWLONLPR - SAP Workload: ST03N; Change Online Statistics Parameters
SAPWLOVERV - SAP Workload: ST03N; Instances/Last Record/Type Overview
SAPWLPARAM - SAP Workload: Workload: Statistics organization parameters
SAPWLPARNS - SAP Workload: Structure with Parameter Names
SAPWLPARNS - SAP Workload: Structure with Parameter Names
SAPWLPFAS - SAP Workload: Stat. Record: Application statistics record
SAPWLPFBTC - SAP Workload: Stat. record: Batch: Statistical record
SAPWLPFBTH - SAP Workload: Workload: Extended BTC statistics rec, Ver. 2
SAPWLPFCIF - SAP Workload: Stat.Record: Client Info Subrecord (Passport)
SAPWLPFCIF - SAP Workload: Stat.Record: Client Info Subrecord (Passport)
SAPWLPFHTP - SAP Workload: Stat. Record: HTTP Statistical Record
SAPWLPFIDX - SAP Workload: Workload: Index record
SAPWLPFNRH - SAP Workload: Workload: Extended normal stats. rec, Ver. 2
SAPWLPFNRM - SAP Workload: Stat. record: Main statistical record
SAPWLPFRC - SAP Workload: Stat. record: RFC: Client statistical record
SAPWLPFRCD - SAP Workload: Stat. record: RFC: Client dest. statistics
SAPWLPFRS - SAP Workload: Stat. record: RFC: Server statistical record
SAPWLPFRSD - SAP Workload: Stat. record: RFC: Server dest. stat. record
SAPWLPFSPA - SAP Workload: Stat. record: Spool: Actions
SAPWLPFSPP - SAP Workload: Stat. record: Spool: Print information
SAPWLPFTAB - SAP Workload: Workload: Table statistical record
SAPWLPFTAB - SAP Workload: Workload: Table statistical record
SAPWLPFTAB - SAP Workload: Workload: Table statistical record
SAPWLRFC - SAP Workload: Workload: General RFC statistics
SAPWLRFCC - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC client statistics
SAPWLRFCC1 - SAP Workload: RFC: Client Statistics Profile
SAPWLRFCCD - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC client destination statistics
SAPWLRFCD1 - SAP Workload: RFC Client Destination Statistics
SAPWLRFCS - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC server statistics
SAPWLRFCS1 - SAP Workload: RFC: Server Statistics Profile
SAPWLRFCSD - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC server destination statistics
SAPWLRFCSM - SAP Workload: Workload: Summation structure for RFC subrecs
SAPWLRFC_B - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC rump structure
SAPWLRFC_H - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC header structure
SAPWLRFSD1 - SAP Workload: RFC Server Destination Statistics
SAPWLROLE - SAP Workload: Structure for Saving User to Role Assignment
SAPWLROLED - SAP Workload: Storage of User-Specific ST03N Role
SAPWLROLEG - SAP Workload: Structure for User-Specific Parameters
SAPWLROLES - SAP Workload: Table for User-Specific Parameters
SAPWLRSDTI - SAP Workload: Retention Time Structure for Performance DB
SAPWLRTDIS - SAP Workload: Workload: response time distribution
SAPWLRUNTP - SAP Workload: Parameters that can be changed at runtime
SAPWLSCPR2 - SAP Workload: Statistic collector: Log
SAPWLSCPRO - SAP Workload: Statistic collector: Log
SAPWLSCPRO - SAP Workload: Statistic collector: Log
SAPWLSFIDX - SAP Workload: Stats. record: index for statistics files
SAPWLSFIHD - SAP Workload: stat. record: starts of the statistics files
SAPWLSFRER - SAP Workload: Workload: Statistic file read errors
SAPWLSFRER - SAP Workload: Workload: Statistic file read errors
SAPWLSH1SH - SAP Workload: Workload: Header, normal/bckgrd recs, Ver. 2
SAPWLSH1ST - SAP Workload: Workload: Header, normal/bckgrd recs, Ver. 2
SAPWLSHEAD - SAP Workload: Workload: Gen. header statistics rec., Ver. 2
SAPWLSLINS - SAP Workload: ST03N; For Table Control to Select Instances
SAPWLSOLLI - SAP Workload: List of Solutions
SAPWLSPACT - SAP Workload: Spool Statistics
SAPWLSPOAC - SAP Workload: Workload: Spool: Actions
SAPWLSPOPR - SAP Workload: Workload: Spool: Print information
SAPWLSPPRN - SAP Workload: Workload: Spool: Print information
SAPWLSRCIX - SAP Workload: Stat. record: record indexing for sub-records
SAPWLSRVEX - SAP Workload: Server Statistics for Load thr. External Calls
SAPWLSRVEX - SAP Workload: Server Statistics for Load thr. External Calls
SAPWLSTATC - SAP Workload: Workload: Extension of STAT_CUML structure
SAPWLSTATH - SAP Workload: Workload: Extended statistics rec., Version 1
SAPWLSTATR - SAP Workload: Workload: Extended statistics rec., Version 1
SAPWLSTATS - SAP Workload: Workload: Single record statistic summs lev. 0
SAPWLSTATS - SAP Workload: Workload: Single record statistic summs lev. 0
SAPWLSTJBH - SAP Workload: Workload: Summary Dialog and Batch
SAPWLSUBRFCCD - RFC Client Destination Subrecord
SAPWLSUBRFCSD - RFC Server Destination Subrecord
SAPWLSUMM4 - SAP Workload: Workload Summary: All Data, Tab 5
SAPWLSUMRY - SAP Workload: Workload: Summary, task type dependent
SAPWLSYSLOAD - SAP Workload: Structure for Load Hist. and Instance Comparsn
SAPWLTABTR - SAP Workload: Workload: Table accesses per transact./report
SAPWLTABTR - SAP Workload: Workload: Table accesses per transact./report
SAPWLTABTR - SAP Workload: Workload: Table accesses per transact./report
SAPWLTCOD0 - SAP Workload: User Profile
SAPWLTCOD1 - SAP Workload: Single Value Transaction Profile
SAPWLTCS - SAP Workload: Workload: Table accesses per transact./report
SAPWLTCS1 - SAP Workload: Workload: Table Accesses
SAPWLTERM - SAP Workload: Workload: Data volumes app.server<->pres.srv.
SAPWLTIMCT - SAP Workload: Core structure for times & counters
SAPWLTIME0 - SAP Workload: Time Profile: Times, Tab 1
SAPWLTIME1 - SAP Workload: Time Profile: Database, Tab 2
SAPWLTIME2 - SAP Workload: Time Profile: All Data, Tab 4
SAPWLTIME3 - SAP Workload: Time Profile: Times in Percent, Tab 3
SAPWLTIME4 - SAP Workload: Time Profile: GUI Times
SAPWLTIMES - SAP Workload: Workload: Time statistics
SAPWLTMBYT - SAP Workload: Workload: Data volumes app.server<->pres.srv.
SAPWLTREE - SAP Workload: Structure for All ST03 Nodes (SAPWLTREED)
SAPWLTREEG - SAP Workload: Nodes for ST03G Tree Controls
SAPWLTREEN - SAP Workload: Standard Structure for Node Table (Trees)
SAPWLTREET - SAP Workload: Text Field for ST03G Trees
SAPWLTREEU - SAP Workload: Structure to Update ST03N Nodes
SAPWLTREX - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX
SAPWLTSK - SAP Workload: Workload: Task type/time statistics
SAPWLTSKD - SAP Workload: Workload: Task type/time statistics
SAPWLTSKPK - SAP Workload: Workload: Task type/time statistics
SAPWLTSKTI - SAP Workload: Workload: Task type/time statistics
SAPWLUCATG - SAP Workload: Include for Hit Lists
SAPWLUENTI - SAP Workload: Workload: User of transactions & reports
SAPWLUSTC - SAP Workload: User<->Tcode relation (simple)
SAPWLUSTCX - SAP Workload: Workload: User statistics
SAPWLUSWL - SAP Workload: Workload: Client-specific user statistics
SAPWLUSWLX - SAP Workload: Workload: Client-specific user stats. (ext.)
SAPWLVDAS - SAP Workload: Workload: Summarized application statistics
SAPWLVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VMC
SAPWLVMINC - SAP Workload: VMC Include
SAPWLWAMAI - Table to dynam. output fields in Trans. STAD - main list
SAPWLWASP - SAP Workload: Selection Parameter of Workload Analysis
SAPWLWLSTP - SAP Workload: Parameters for Collector and stat Retention
SAPWL_WEBCLNT - SAP Workload: Client Statistics Profile for Web Protocols
SAPWL_WEBDEST - SAP Workload: Dest. Statistics Profile for Web Protocols
SCAG_QS_I - SCAG_QS: Transfer Structure
SCMC_AM_GUID - Relation Between ObjectName and GUI
SCMC_CACHE_ACC - Last Cache Access to Data of a Monitor
SCMC_CACHE_CHG - Logging of All Deleted/New Cache Entries
SCMC_CACHE_PRC - Synchronization Table for the Cache Update Processes
SCMC_CACHE_UPD - CCMS Monitoring Console Cache Update Information
SCMC_FVRS - CCMS MC Favorites Objects Table
SCMC_LANDSCAPES - Landscapes in CCMS Monitoring Console
SCMC_LNDKEY - Key Table for Instance Names of SAP Landscapes
SCMC_NODE - Basic Data of Executed Monitors
SCMC_NODE_MSC - Additional Attributes for Message Container Nodes
SCMC_NODE_PERF - Additional Attributes for Performance Nodes
SCMC_NODE_SMES - Additional Attributes for Log Nodes
SCMC_SETUP - Settings and Parameters
SCMC_SYSTEMS - Systems in CCMS Monitoring Console
SCMLP - SMOI_WS: Configuration of Logical Ports for SAPSTARTSRV
SCSM_AGENT_ERROR - Agent Connection Error Check
SCSM_AGENT_INFO_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Agent Information
SCSM_AGENT_STATUS_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Agent Connection Status
SCSM_ARMSWRONG_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Incorrect Method Assignment
SCSM_ARMS_NOTASS_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Undistributed ARMs
SCSM_BTCJOB_CHECK - Job Check Result
SCSM_BTCJOB_CHECK_DISP - Display Structure for BTC Job Check
SCSM_CCMSPING_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Availability Monitoring
SCSM_CEN_CONFIG_DISPLAY - Display Structure for CEN Configuration Check
SCSM_CHECK_CUST - Customizing of CCMS Checks
SCSM_CHECK_DCODE - RZ50: Dynamic Coding
SCSM_CHECK_INFO - Metainformation for Check
SCSM_CHECK_ITF - Mapping Table: Adobe Forms ITF <-> RZ50 Checks
SCSM_CHECK_LOG - Log for Consistency Check
SCSM_CHECK_MAIL - Standard Link Between Check Object and Text Object
SCSM_CHECK_MLCUS - Customer Link Between Check Object and Text Object
SCSM_CHECK_RELAT - Configuration of the Available Standard Checks
SCSM_CHECK_RFCSYSINFO - System Information by RFC
SCSM_CHECK_RLCUS - Configuration of the Customer Checks
SCSM_CHECK_SEL - Metainformation for Check
SCSM_CHECK_SET - Configured Check Sets
SCSM_CHECK_USR - Customizing Table for Checking Locked Users
SCSM_DTP_NEXT - Display Structure for Next Downtime
SCSM_DTP_NEXT_BUF - Buffer Structure for DT
SCSM_EMAIL_OVERVIEW - Transfer Structure for Overview Page
SCSM_GEN_INFO - General Information
SCSM_LOG_DISP - Display Structure Check Log
SCSM_MISSING_ARMINFO - Missing Auto-Reaction Methods for Satellite Systems
SCSM_OVERVIEW - Technical View for Overview
SCSM_OVERVIEW_DISPLAY - Overview of Checks
SCSM_RANGE - Range for SAP Release
SCSM_RANGE_DBNAME - Range for Database Name
SCSM_RANGE_DBREL - Database Releases Range
SCSM_RANGE_OPMODE - Range: Operation Modes
SCSM_RANGE_SAPREL - Range for SAP Release
SCSM_RFCDEST_DISPLAY - Structure for RFC Connection Check
SCSM_SEGMSTAT_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Remote Segment Status
SCSM_SYSCHECK_INFO - CEN Check System Information
SCSM_SYSTEM_INFO - System Information from CCMS
SCSM_S_ALBTCMON - RZ50: Job Monitoring
SCSM_S_ALTRAMONI - Transaction Monitoring
SCSM_S_CHECK_TREE - Check Tree Structure
SCSM_THRESHWRONG_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Incorrect Method Assignment
SCSM_THRESH_WRONG - Structure for Incorrect Threshold Values
SCSM_TOOLDEF_WRONG - Structure for Incorrect Tool Definition
SCSM_TOOLSTATERR_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Obsolete Method Status
SCSM_TOOLSTAT_OLD - Structure for Obsolete Tool Status
SCSM_TOOLSTAT_OLD_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Obsolete Method Status
SCSM_TOOLSWRONG_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Incorrect Method Assignment
SERVERNAME - For selecting during 'Delete one server' in RSSTAT50
SGLDESTREC - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Dest/Main Rec.Index/Return Info
SGLHTPINF - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Include Structure for HTTP Info
SGLPFHTPCD - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stat. Rec.: HTTP Client Dest
SGLPFHTPCL - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Stat. Rec.: HTTP Client Subrec.
SGLST_CUML - Globaler R/3 Cumulated Workload Statistics
SGLSYSID - SAP Workload: System ID for Selection
SGLSYSSERV - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Sys ID and Server Name for Sel.
SGLTRANSID - SAP-Workload: SAP R/3 Global Transids
SGLWLACCTD - SAP Workload: Global/Accntng Exit: Conts Tab for Avail. Data
SGLWLALDIR - SAP Workload: All Directories
SGLWLASHIT - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Record for a App.Stats HitList
SGLWLBYTES - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Core Structure for Transf.Bytes
SGLWLCTTIM - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Include Struct. Times+Counters
SGLWLCUST1 - User Parameters for Workload Transactions
SGLWLDBPRO - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Database Procedure Statistics
SGLWLDIR - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Table of Contents: Avail. Data
SGLWLFCODE - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Function Code Statistics
SGLWLHITL - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Record for a Hit List
SGLWLHTPCD - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 HTTP Client Dest. Subrecord
SGLWLHTPCL - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 HTTP Client Subrecord
SGLWLINST - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Instance Lists
SGLWLMEM - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Memory Usage Statistics
SGLWLNATIM - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Native Timestamps in Stats Rec.
SGLWLNUMAS - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Aggregated App.Stats: Num.Flds
SGLWLPFADM - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 ADM Message Subrecord
SGLWLPFAS - SAP Workload: Global Stat. Record: Application Stats Record
SGLWLPFBTC - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Batch Step Stats Record
SGLWLPFBTCKB - SAP Workload: Background Statistics Record MEM Values in KB
SGLWLPFCIF - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Client Info Subrec. (Passport)
SGLWLPFDBP - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 DB Proc. Subrec. (LiveCache)
SGLWLPFHTP - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 HTTP Statistics Record
SGLWLPFNRM - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Main Statistics Record
SGLWLPFNRMKB - SAP Workload: Main/Normal Statistics Record MEM Values in KB
SGLWLPFRC - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Client Statistics Record
SGLWLPFRCD - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Client Destin. Stats Record
SGLWLPFRS - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Server Statistics Record
SGLWLPFRSD - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Server Dest. Stats Record
SGLWLPFSPA - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Spool Actions Statistics Record
SGLWLPFSPP - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Spool Print Info. Stats Record
SGLWLPFTAB - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Table Statistics Record
SGLWLPFTII - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 RFC Time Interval Stats Record
SGLWLPOP - Structure for Pop Up ST03G and STATTRACE
SGLWLPOPN - Structure for Pop Up ST03G and STATTRACE
SGLWLPRFLS - SAP Workload: Profile Codes and Class Names
SGLWLRCINF - SAP Workload: SAP R/3 Global Dest./Main Rec.Index/Returninfo
SGLWLRFCC - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: RFC Client Statistics
SGLWLRFCCD - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: RFC Client Destination Stats
SGLWLRFCS - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: RFC Server Statistics
SGLWLRFCSD - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: RFC Server Destination Stats
SGLWLRFC_B - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: RFC Body Structure
SGLWLRFC_H - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: RFC Header Structure
SGLWLRTDIS - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Response Time Distribution
SGLWLSCTID - SAP Workload: Stat. collector: table of last read trans IDs
SGLWLSH1ST - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Normal/Backgrnd Recs, Vers. 2
SGLWLSLIST - SAP Workload: User-Specific System List for Global Analysis
SGLWLSPOAC - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Spool: Actions
SGLWLSPOPR - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Spool: Print Information
SGLWLSRCIX - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Record Indexing for Subrecords
SGLWLSRVEX - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Srvr Stats: Load from Ext.Calls
SGLWLSUMRY - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Summary, Task Type-Dependent
SGLWLTABTR - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Table Size per Transact./Rec.
SGLWLTCDET - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Transaction Detail Statistics
SGLWLTIMES - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Time Statistics
SGLWLTMBYT - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Data Vol.:App.Srvr<->Pres.Srvr
SGLWLTSKTI - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Task Type/Time Statistics
SGLWLUENTI - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Users of Transacts & Reports
SGLWLUSTCX - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: User Statistics
SGLWLUSWL - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Client-Specific User Stats
SGLWLUSWLX - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Client-Spec. User Stats (Ext.)
SGLWLVDAS - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3: Aggregated Application Stats
SGLWLWASP - SAP Workload: Selection Parameter of Workload Analysis
SNWAS_MANAGED_OBJECT - Structure for "managedObjectSelection" Part of the NWA URL
SNWAS_UIPROPERTY - Structure for "uiProperties" Part of the NWA URL
SNWAS_URLPARAMETER - Structure for Additional Parameters in the NWA URL
SQLRRELE - SAP R/3 Releases
SQLRSTA2 - Display Structure for SQL Trace Interpreter
SQLRTAB - Customizing Table for SQL Trace Interpreter
SQLRTABLES - Select Options for Table Names
SQLRTEXT1 - Text Table for Groups for SQL Trace Interpreter
SQLRTEXT2 - Text Table for Function for SQL Trace Interpreter
SQLRUSER - Customizing Table for SQL Trace Interpreter
SQLRUSER1 - User Table for Groups for SQL Trace Interpreter
SQLRUSER2 - User Table for Function for SQL Trace Interpreter
STA1 - Statistics: Structure for statistics information display
STA2 - Statistics: Display single record information
STADSTA2 - SAP Workload: STAD: Display Structure for Output
STAD_HILEV - Individual Additional Data for "Higher Display Level"
STAD_HTPSM - Total Structure for HTTP Subrecords
STAD_OUTPUT - Display Structure for Statistics Data Output
STAD_RFCSM - Totals Structure for RFC Subrecords
STAD_SELECTION - Structure for Selection of Statistics Records
STAD_SM - Total Structure for RFC, HTTP, and SMTP Subrecords
STAD_SMTPSM - Total Structure for SMTP Subrecords
STAD_STATREC - Structure for One Compl. Rec. Incl. Output, Main and Subrecs
STAD_SUBDB - Extended Structure for DB Subrecord
STAD_VMCSM - Total Structure for VMC Subrecords
STATB - Statistics: Structure of raw table record (from stats file)
STATC - Statistics: Servers and statistics availability
STATCERTIF - SAP Workload: Certificate/Passport for Statistics Records
STATCTREPL - SAP Workload: Reply for Certificate/Passport
STATL - Statistics: Selection of individual statistics records
STATP - Statistics: Selection of statistical period
STATR - Statistics: Raw record (from seq. stats file)
STATRDEFLT - SAP Workload: Main Statistics Record for "Non-R/3" Systems
STATSS - SAP Workload - STATTRACE Selection Structure
STATSUBREC - SAP Workload: Statistics Subrecord for "Non-R/3" Systems
STATS_CUML - Cumulated Workload Statistics
STATT - Statistics: Available table call statistics
STATUSMIME - Mime for Status Display
STRLNTRREC - Trace Record Line
SUMMTAB - Summary for SQL Trace Interpreter
SWGN3STDIR - Non-SAP R/3 Statistics: Directory of Available Statistics
SWLALLRECS - SAP Workload: All Statistical Records for a Main Record
SWLCSMDESTREC - SAP Workload: Global SAP R/3 Dest/Main Rec.Index/Return Info
SWLCSMGLOBREC - SAP Workload: Statistics Records for Systems/Servers
SWLDESTREC - SAP Workload: Destination/Main Record Index/Return Info.
SWLGLOBREC - SAP Workload: Statistics Records for Systems/Servers
SWLGLRCINF - SAP Workload: Destination/Main Record Index/Return Info.
SWLHTPINF - SAP Workload: Include Structure for HTTP Info.
SWLN3ACAGG - Non-R/3 Statistic: (Pre-)Summarization for "Action Profile"
SWLN3ACAGK - Non-R/3 Statistic: Key for Summarization of Action Profile
SWLN3C1AGA - Non-R/3 Statistic: Aggregated Values, Call Type 1 (Agent)
SWLN3C1AGG - Non-R/3 Statistic: Aggregated Values of Call Records, Type 1
SWLN3C1AGK - Non-R/3 Statistic: Key for Summarization of Call Type 1
SWLN3CLAGG - Non-R/3 Statistic: (Pre-)Summarization, "Calltype1 Records"
SWLN3CLINR - Non-R/3 Statistic: Client Information Record
SWLN3CMPIF - Non-R/3 Statistic: Action Type and Service Type Information
SWLN3CMPIT - Non-R/3 Statistic: Action Type and Service Type Information
SWLN3COLRI - Non-R/3 Statistic: Return Info, Collector Presummarizations
SWLN3CT1R - Non-R/3 Statistic: Call Subrecord Type 1
SWLN3CT1R - Non-R/3 Statistic: Call Subrecord Type 1
SWLN3DBTIV - Non-R/3 Statistic: Availability Periods, Statistic Data
SWLN3DRDRI - Non-R/3 Statistic: Return Info on Single Records Read
SWLN3ESAGG - Non-R/3 Statistic: (Pre-)Summarization: Load f. Ext. Systems
SWLN3ESAGK - Non-R/3 Statistic: Key for Summarization,"Load Ext. Systems"
SWLN3HLIDX - Non-R/3 Statistic: Index for Hit Lists
SWLN3HLRSP - Non-R/3 Statistic: Hit List "Response Time" for Service
SWLN3HLWTT - Non-R/3 Statistic: Hit List "Wait Time" for Service
SWLN3MAINR - Non-R/3 Statistic: Main Record
SWLN3MOIDX - Non-R/3 Statistic: Index of Existing Aggregates
SWLN3MRAGA - Non-R/3 Statistic: Aggregated Values, Main Records (Agent)
SWLN3MRAGG - Non-R/3 Statistic: Aggregated Values of Main Records
SWLN3PAG1A - Non-R/3 Statistic: Presummarization of Main Records (Agent)
SWLN3PAG2A - Non-R/3 Statistic:Presummarization "Load Ext.Systems"(Agent)
SWLN3PAG3A - Non-R/3 Statistic: Presummarization Call Rec. Type 1 (Agent)
SWLN3PARAM - Non-R/3 Statistic: Control Parameters
SWLN3PARCO - Non- SAP R/3 Statistics: Parameters for Control and Units
SWLN3PARMS - Non-R/3 Statistic: Parameter Structure with All Values
SWLN3PARRC - Non-R/3 Statistic: Parameter Structure with Return Codes
SWLN3PARUP - Non-R/3 Statistic: Parameter Structure for Update of Values
SWLN3PDEFL - Non-R/3 Statistic: Parameter Default Values
SWLN3RINDX - Non-R/3 Statistic: Index for Native Statistic Data of Agent
SWLN3RTAGA - Non-R/3 Statistic: Response Time Distribution (Agent)
SWLN3RTAGG - Non-R/3 Statistic: Summarization "Response Time Distrib."
SWLN3RTCTS - Non-R/3 Statistic: Categories of Response Time Distribution
SWLN3RWCAR - Non-R/3 Statistic: Call Subrecord in Raw Format
SWLN3RWCLR - Non-R/3 Statistic: Client Info Record in Raw Format
SWLN3RWMNR - Non-R/3 Statistic: Main Record in Raw Format
SWLN3SNCMI - Non-R/3 Statistic: Component Info for TOTAL Snapshot
SWLN3STATR - Non-R/3 Statistic: Main Record with Corresp. Subrecords
SWLN3STATR - Non-R/3 Statistic: Main Record with Corresp. Subrecords
SWLN3STDIR - Non-SAP R/3 Statistics: Directory of Available Statistics
SWLN3SYAGG - Non-R/3 Statistic: Summarization "System Load Overview"
SWLN3TCMPAV - Non-R/3 Statistic: TOTAL Availability of a Component
SWLN3TCMPAV - Non-R/3 Statistic: TOTAL Availability of a Component
SWLN3TCMPAV - Non-R/3 Statistic: TOTAL Availability of a Component
SWLN3TCMPAV - Non-R/3 Statistic: TOTAL Availability of a Component
SWLN3WLDBI - Non-R/3 Statistic: Index Fields in SWLN3WORKL Cluster Table
SWLN3WORKL - Non-R/3 Statistic: Summarized Statistic Data (Aggregates)
SWLPFHTPCD - SAP Workload: Stat.Record: HTTP Client Destination Subrecord
SWLPFHTPCL - SAP Workload: Stat.Record: HTTP Client Subrecord
SWLSYSDEST - SAP Workload: System ID / Destination
SWLSYSID - SAP Workload: System ID for Selection
SWLSYSSERV - SAP Workload: System ID and Server Name for Selection
SWLTRANSID - SAP Workload: Transport IDs
SWNCAGGAPPSTAT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics
SWNCAGGCOMPHIER - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy
SWNCAGGDBC - SAP Workload NW Collector: DB Connections
SWNCAGGDBPROCS - SAP Workload NW Collector: DB Procedures
SWNCAGGENTRYID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Type, Entry ID, User
SWNCAGGEXTSYSTEM - SAP Workload NW Collector: External Systems Workload
SWNCAGGFRONTEND - SAP Workload NW Collector: Front End
SWNCAGGHTTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client
SWNCAGGHTTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Destination
SWNCAGGHTTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server
SWNCAGGHTTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Destination
SWNCAGGINSTANCE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Instances
SWNCAGGMEMORY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Memory Usage
SWNCAGGOBJ - SAP Workload NW Collector: Aggregates Structure
SWNCAGGORGUNIT - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units
SWNCAGGRFCCLNT - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Client
SWNCAGGRFCCLNTDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Client Destination
SWNCAGGRFCSRVR - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server
SWNCAGGRFCSRVRDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server Destination
SWNCAGGSMTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client
SWNCAGGSMTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client Destination
SWNCAGGSMTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server
SWNCAGGSMTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server Destination
SWNCAGGSPOOL - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool
SWNCAGGSPOOLACT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool Activity
SWNCAGGTABLEREC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Table Record
SWNCAGGTASKTIMES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types, Time-Dependent
SWNCAGGTASKTYPE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types
SWNCAGGTCDET - SAP Workload NW Collector: Function Code Details
SWNCAGGTIMES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types: Time-/Prog.-Dependent
SWNCAGGTREX - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX
SWNCAGGUSERTCODE - SAP Workload NW Collector: User, TCode, ...
SWNCAGGUSERWORKLOAD - SAP Workload NW Collector: User, Workload, ...
SWNCAGGVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VMC
SWNCAGGWEBCLNT - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Single Call
SWNCAGGWEBDEST - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Destination
SWNCASTATREC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics Main Rec.
SWNCCOLLCOMPRESS - SAP Workload NW Collector: Aggregate Compression Parameters
SWNCCOLLPACKSIZE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Automatic Package Sizes
SWNCCOLLPARAM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Parameters
SWNCCOLLPATXT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Parameters
SWNCCOLLPERF - Performance Data of the Workload Collector
SWNCCOLLPERFAGG - SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Performance Aggregation
SWNCCOLLPERFTOT - Performance Data of the Workload Collector
SWNCCOMMON - SAP Workload NW Collector: Common Part of Statistics Records
SWNCCOMPHIERTEXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy
SWNCCOMPHIERTXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy
SWNCCOMPRESS - Structure for Compression of Aggregates
SWNCEXCEPTIONSTR - Exception Structure
SWNCGLAGGAPPSTAT - Aggregate Structure for Application Statistics
SWNCGLAGGDBC - Aggregate Structure for DB Connections
SWNCGLAGGDBPROCS - Aggregate Structure for DB Procedures
SWNCGLAGGEXTSYSTEM - Aggregate Structure for Workload of External Systems
SWNCGLAGGFRONTEND - Aggregate Structure for Frontend
SWNCGLAGGHTTPC - Aggregate Structure for HTTP Client
SWNCGLAGGHTTPCD - Aggregate Structure for HTTP Client Destination
SWNCGLAGGMEMORY - Aggregate Structure for Memory Usage
SWNCGLAGGRFCCLNT - Aggregate Structure for RFC Client
SWNCGLAGGRFCCLNTDEST - Aggregate Structure for RFC Client Destination
SWNCGLAGGRFCSRVR - Aggregate Structure for RFC Server
SWNCGLAGGRFCSRVRDEST - Aggregate Structure for RFC Server Destination
SWNCGLAGGSPOOL - Aggregate Structure for Spool Print
SWNCGLAGGSPOOLACT - Aggregate Structure for Spool Activity
SWNCGLAGGTABLEREC - Aggregate Structure for Table Records
SWNCGLAGGTASKTIMES - Aggregate Structure for Task Types (Time-Dependent)
SWNCGLAGGTASKTYPE - Aggregate Structure for Task Type
SWNCGLAGGTCDET - Aggregate Structure for Function Code Details
SWNCGLAGGTIMES - Aggregate Structure for Task Types (Time-/Program-Dependent)
SWNCGLAGGUSERTCODE - Aggregate Structure for User, Tcode, and so on
SWNCGLAGGUSERWORKLOAD - Aggregate Structure for User, Workload, and so on
SWNCGLAGGVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VMC
SWNCGLAGGWEBCLNT - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Single Call
SWNCGLAGGWEBDEST - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Destination
SWNCGLALLCOMPHIER - Table with Component Hierarchies for each System ID
SWNCGLALLDIR - Statsitics Tables of Contents for Different Systems
SWNCGLALLORGUNITS - Table with Assignments of Users to Organizational Units
SWNCGLALLRECS - Single Statistics Records for Each System and Instance
SWNCGLCOMPHIERTAB - Component Hierarchy: Level and Key
SWNCGLCOMPHIERTEXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy
SWNCGLCOMPHIERTXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy
SWNCGLDEST - RFC Destination with List of Instances for Other RFCs
SWNCGLDESTCAT - Destination with System Category
SWNCGLDIR - Fields of a Table of Contents of Workload Statistics
SWNCGLEXTESIREC - ESI Subrecord Extension
SWNCGLEXTESIRECS - Extension of ESI Statistics Subrecs for each System and Inst
SWNCGLEXTPASSPORTREC - Passport Subrecord Extension
SWNCGLEXTPASSPORTRECS - Extended Passport Subrecords for Each System and Instance
SWNCGLHITINCDB - Include DB Data for Hitlists
SWNCGLHITINCMEM - Include Memory Usage for Hitlists
SWNCGLHITINCRFC - Include RFC for Hitlists
SWNCGLHITINCROLL - Include Roll for Hitlists
SWNCGLHITINCTAB - Include Tables for Hitlists
SWNCGLHITLIST - Hit Lists Standard Statistics
SWNCGLHITLISTAPPL - Application Statistics Hit Lists
SWNCGLINCDUBESCOUNT - Include Counters for Dia, Update, and so on
SWNCGLINCHTTPB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body
SWNCGLINCHTTPH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header
SWNCGLINCPERF - Include Performance
SWNCGLINCRESPTIME - Include Response Times
SWNCGLINCRESPTIMEADV - Include Response Times (Extended)
SWNCGLINCRESPTIMEDBP - Include Response Times for DB Procedures
SWNCGLINCRESPTIMEDIST - Include Response Time Distribution
SWNCGLINCSUBHTTP - Common Part of HTTP Single Calls
SWNCGLINCSUBHTTPDEST - Common Part of HTTP Client Server Destinations
SWNCGLINCSUBRFC - RFC Single Calls Common Part
SWNCGLINCSUBRFCDEST - RFC Connection (Destination) Common Part
SWNCGLINCSUBSMTP - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Include
SWNCGLINCSUBSMTPDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Destination Include
SWNCGLINCTRANSBYTES - Include Transferred Bytes
SWNCGLINCVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include VMC
SWNCGLINCWEB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header
SWNCGLINCWEBDATA - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body
SWNCGLOBDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: GLOB_STAT RFC Destinations
SWNCGLORGUNIT - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units
SWNCGLORGUNITSINGLE - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units
SWNCGLRCINF - Error Message when Reading the Workload Statistics
SWNCGLSTATREC - Statistics Record (Main Record and Tables with Subrecords)
SWNCGLSUBADM - Admin Messages Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBASTAT - Application Statistics Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBBTC - Background Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBCIF - Client Info (Passport) Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBDBP - DB Procedures Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBESI - SAP Workload NW Collector: ESI Statistics Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBESISUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Total of All ESI Actions
SWNCGLSUBHTTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBHTTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Destination Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBHTTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBHTTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Destination Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBITEMBYTEARRAY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Byte Array Stats Subrc
SWNCGLSUBITEMINT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Int. Stats Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBITEMSTRING - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. String Stats Subrec.
SWNCGLSUBITEMUUID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. UUID Stats Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBPASSPORT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Passport Stats Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBRFCC - RFC Client Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBRFCCD - RFC Client Destination Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBRFCS - RFC Server Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBRFCSD - RFC Server Destination Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBSMTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client
SWNCGLSUBSMTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client Destination
SWNCGLSUBSMTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server
SWNCGLSUBSMTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server Destination
SWNCGLSUBSPOA - Spool Activity Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBSPOP - Spool-Print Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBTAB - Tables Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBTREX - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBTREXSUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord Totals
SWNCGLSUBVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VM Container
SWNCGLSUBWEBSERVICE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Statistics Subrecord
SWNCGLSUBWEBSERVICESUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Totals Stats Subrec.
SWNCGLSYSCOMP - Component Hierarchies for Each System
SWNCGLTREXREC - TREX Subrecord Extension
SWNCGLTREXRECS - Extension of TREX Subrecords for Each System & Instance
SWNCGLWEBSERVICEREC - Web Service Subrecord Extension
SWNCGLWEBSERVICERECS - Extension of Web Service Subrecs for Each System & Instance
SWNCHITINCDB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include DB Data
SWNCHITINCMEM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include Memory Usage
SWNCHITINCRFC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include RFC
SWNCHITINCROLL - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include Roll
SWNCHITINCTAB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include Tables
SWNCHITLIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists
SWNCHITLISTAPPL - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics Hitlist
SWNCINCDBREAD - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include DB Data
SWNCINCDUBESCOUNT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Dia, Upd, ... Counters
SWNCINCHTTPB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body
SWNCINCHTTPH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header
SWNCINCRESPTIME - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Response Times
SWNCINCRESPTIMEADV - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Advanced Time
SWNCINCRESPTIMEDBP - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Resp. Times for DBP
SWNCINCRESPTIMEDIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Response Time Distr.
SWNCINCRFCB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include RFC Body
SWNCINCRFCH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include RFC Header
SWNCINCSUBHTTP - Common Part of HTTP Single Calls
SWNCINCSUBHTTPDEST - Common Part of HTTP Client Server Destinations
SWNCINCSUBRFC - Common Part of RFC Single Calls
SWNCINCSUBRFCDEST - Common Part of RFC Connections (Destinations)
SWNCINCSUBSMTP - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Include
SWNCINCSUBSMTPDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Destination Include
SWNCINCTRANSBYTES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Transferred Bytes
SWNCINCVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include VMC
SWNCINCWEB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header
SWNCINCWEBDATA - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body
SWNCINFORESPTIMEDIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Limit Value of Resp. Time Dist.
SWNCMAINREC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Main Statistics Record
SWNCMONI - SAP Workload NW Collector: Data Clusters
SWNCMONIINDEX - SAP Workload NW Collector: Data Cluster Index Table
SWNCMONIINDEXSHORT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Key of Data Cluster
SWNCMONIKEY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Key of Data Cluster
SWNCMONIKEYDIFF - SAP Workload NW Collector: Diffs Betw. Contents + Cluster
SWNCMONIKEYRELID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Key of Data Cluster
SWNCMONITOCDIFF - SAP Workload NW Collector: Compare Contents Table - Cluster
SWNCMONIZOMBIES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Bad Entries in SWNCMONI
SWNCORGUNIT - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units
SWNCPERF - Include Performance
SWNCPERFTOTAL - Total Collector Performance
SWNCREADER - Reader + Last Record
SWNCSTADSELC12 - Selection Table for CHAR12
SWNCSTADSELC64 - Selection Table for CHAR64
SWNCSTATINDEX - SAP Workload: Stat. Record: Record Indexing for Subrecords
SWNCSTATREC - Statistics Record (Deep Structure: Main+Subrecords)
SWNCSUBADM - SAP Workload NW Collector: ADM Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBASTAT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBBTC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Background Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBCLI - SAP Workload NW Collector: Client Info Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBDB - SAP Workload NW Collector: DB Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBDBP - DB Procedures Subrecord
SWNCSUBESI - SAP Workload NW Collector: ESI Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBESICHG - SAP Workload NW Collector: ESI Changes Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBESISUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Total of All ESI Actions
SWNCSUBHTTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Subrecord
SWNCSUBHTTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Destination Subrecord
SWNCSUBHTTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Subrecord
SWNCSUBHTTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Destination Subrecord
SWNCSUBITEMBYTEARRAY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Byte Array Stats Subrc
SWNCSUBITEMINT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Int. Stats Subrecord
SWNCSUBITEMSTRING - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. String Stats Subrec.
SWNCSUBITEMUUID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. UUID Stats Subrecord
SWNCSUBPASSPORT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Passport Stats Subrecord
SWNCSUBRFCC - RFC Client Subrecord
SWNCSUBRFCCD - RFC Client Destination Subrecord
SWNCSUBRFCS - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server Subrecord
SWNCSUBRFCSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server Destination Subrecord
SWNCSUBSMTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client
SWNCSUBSMTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client Destination
SWNCSUBSMTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server
SWNCSUBSMTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server Destination
SWNCSUBSPO - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBSPOA - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool Activity Stats Subrecord
SWNCSUBTAB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Table Statistics Subrecords
SWNCSUBTIINT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Time Interval Stats Subrecord
SWNCSUBTREX - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBTREXSUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord Totals
SWNCSUBVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VM Container
SWNCSUBWEBSERVICE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Statistics Subrecord
SWNCSUBWEBSERVICESUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Totals Stats Subrec.
SWNCSYSLOAD - SAP Workload NW Collector: System Load Collector
SXMB_MON_CCMS_COMP - Exchange Infrastructure. Monitoring Status of Components
SXMB_MON_SYSRFC - Exchange Infrastructure: Monitoring System with RFC Attribs
SXMB_MON_SYSTEM - Exchange Infrastructure: System of Monitoring Landscape
TAM0T - Application Monitor: Texts
TEST_ALDTSMAP - Test Results: SDTS Downtime Management Key Conversion
TEST_CENMTEMAP - Test Results: SDTS Downtime Management Key Conversion
TRACETAB - Table Structure for SQL Trace
TRACETABLE - Trace Table for SQL Trace Interpreter
TRACETEXT - Text of SQL Statements
WLBIDTPDPID - BI Workload: DTP Runtime Statistics- Request ID
WLBIDTPRQ0 - BI Workload: DTP - Request
WLBIDTPRQ0A - BI Workload: DTP - Request (Including Administration Data)
WLBIDTPRQT - BI Workload: DTP Runtime Statistics- Request ID
WLBIDTPSC0 - BI Workload: DTP - Source System
WLBIDTPSRC - BI Workload: DTP Runtime Statistics - Source System
WLBIDTPSY0 - BI Workload: DTP - Source System
WLBIDTPSYS - BI Workload: DTP Runtime Statistics - Source System
WLBIDTPTG0 - BI Workload: DTP - Target Object
WLBIDTPTGT - BI Workload: DTP Runtime Statistics - Target Object
WLBIDTP_ALL - BI Workload: All Data for DTP Runtime Statistics
WLBIQRYSTATLEV - BI Workload - Details: Queries per Statistics Level
WLBITEMPLATE - BI Workload: Structure for WEB Templates' Data Transfer
WLBI_BAPI6111AXD - BI MDX Selection: Dimensions of an Axis
WLBI_BAPI6111AXI - BI MDX Selection: MD_COMMAND Axes Info
WLBI_BAPI6111CD - BI MDX Selection: Data of a Cell of a Dataset
WLBI_BAPI6111MDX - BI MDX Selection: MDX Statement
WLBI_BAPI6111MPP - BI MDX Selection: Default Properties of a Member
WLBI_BAPIRET2 - BI MDX: Return Parameter
WLBI_S_CONFIG - BI workload - MDX analysis: Configuration structure
WLBI_S_CUBE_IOBJ - BI Workload: InfoObjects in InfoCubes
WLBI_S_FIELD_DEF - BI workload: general field definition structure
WLBI_S_MC01_DATA - BI Workload: Input Data from MultiCube 0TCT_MC01
WLBI_S_MDX_CELLS - BI workload - MDX analysis: general cell container
WLBI_S_MDX_CHARS - BI workload - MDX analysis: all characteristics
WLBI_S_MDX_PRPTYS - BI Workload: MDX Properties (similar to bapi6111mpp)
WLBI_S_MDX_RECORDS - BI workload - MDX analysis: store result set
WLBI_S_RANGE - BW Data Manager: Range (Copy of RSDRI_S_RANGE)
WLBI_S_RANGE_SEL - BI workload: Range definition for MDX selections
WLBI_S_SFC - BW Data Manager: Characteristic (Copy of RSDRI_S_SFC)
WLBI_S_SFK - BW Data Manager: Key Figure (Copy of RSDRI_S_SFK)
WLBWAGRDET - BW Workload: Input Help for Detailed Display of Aggregates
WLBWCORR - BW Workload: Correlation InfoCube - Query
WLBWDETAG0 - BW Workload: Aggregates - Overview
WLBWDETAG1 - BW Workload: Aggregate - Indiv. Profiles (Detailed Display)
WLBWDETAG4 - BW Workload: Aggregates - All Data (Detailed Analysis)
WLBWDETAGR - BW Workload: Reporting & Aggregates
WLBWDETGT0 - BW Workload: Upload- Details for Targ. Obj. (Runtime Shares)
WLBWDETGT1 - BW Workload. Upload - Details for Target Object (Throughput)
WLBWDETGT2 - BW Workload: Upload - Details for Target Object (Average)
WLBWDETGT3 - BW Workload: Upload - Details for Target Objects
WLBWDETIS0 - BW Workload: Upload - Details for ISource (Runtime Shares)
WLBWDETIS1 - BW Workload: Upload - Details for InfoSource (Throughput)
WLBWDETIS2 - BW Workload: Upload - Details for InfoSource (Average Times)
WLBWDETIS3 - BW Workload: Upload - Details for InfoSources
WLBWDETREQ - BW Workload: Upload - Details for Requests
WLBWEXIC0 - BW Workload: Reporting - InfoCube Level (Runtime Share)
WLBWEXIC1 - BW Workload: Reporting - InfoCube Level (Average Time)
WLBWEXIC2 - BW Workload: Reporting
WLBWEXIS0 - BW Workload: Upload - InfoSource Level (Runtime Shares)
WLBWEXIS1 - BW Workload: Upload - InfoSource Level (Throughput)
WLBWEXIS2 - BW Workload: Upload - InfoSource Level (Average Times)
WLBWEXIS3 - BW Workload: Upload - InfoSource Level (All Data)
WLBWEXPAG0 - BW Workload: Aggregates - Overview
WLBWEXPAG1 - BW Workload: Aggregates - Individual Profiles
WLBWEXPAGR - BW Workload: Aggregates - All Data
WLBWEXPIC - BW Workload: Reporting - InfoCube Level (All Data)
WLBWEXPQR1 - BW Workload: Reporting - InfoCube Level (Detailed Display)
WLBWEXPQRY - BW Workload: Reporting - InfoCube Level (Detailed Display)
WLBWEXPREP - BW Workload: All Data
WLBWEXPSR - BW Workload: Reporting - Display of Individual Records
WLBWEXPTMP - BW Workload: Reporting - WEB Template Level (All Data)
WLBWEXPUPL - BW Workload: All Data for Upload
WLBWEXQRY - BW Workload: Reporting - Query Level (All Data)
WLBWEXQRY0 - BW Workload: Reporting - Query Level (Runtime Share)
WLBWEXQRY1 - BW Workload: Reporting - Query Level (Average Times)
WLBWEXQRY2 - BW Workload: Reporting
WLBWEXREQ0 - BW Workload: Upload - Request Level (Runtime Shares)
WLBWEXREQ1 - BW Workload: Upload - Request Level (Throughput)
WLBWEXREQ2 - BW Workload: Upload - Request Level (Average Times)
WLBWEXREQ3 - BW Workload: Upload - Request Level (All Data)
WLBWEXTGT0 - BW Workload: Upload - Target Object Level (Runtime Shares)
WLBWEXTGT1 - BW Workload: Upload - Target Object Level (Throughput)
WLBWEXTGT2 - BW Workload: Upload - Target Object Level (Average Times)
WLBWEXTGT3 - BW Workload: Upload - Target Object Level (All Data)
WLBWEXTIM0 - BW Workload: Reporting - Time Profile (Overview)
WLBWEXTIM1 - BW Workload: Reporting - Time Profile (All Details)
WLBWEXTMP0 - BW Workload: Reporting - WEB Template Level (Runtime Shares)
WLBWEXTMP1 - BW Workload: Reporting - WEB Template Level (Average Time)
WLBWEXUPL0 - BW Workload: All Data for Reporting & Aggregates
WLBWHTLREP - BW Worklaod: Hit Lists Reporting Table
WLBWOVFR - BW Workload: Reporting - Overview of Front End Distribution
WLBWOVOC - BW Workload: Reporting - Overview of Front End Distribution
WLBWPCDATA - BW Process Chains: All Data
WLBWPCDETAILS - BW Process Chains: All Data
WLBWQUSR - BW Workload: Reporting - User Profile
WLBWQUSR1E - BW Workload: Reporting- User Profile (Navigation Steps/User)
WLBWQUSR1F - BW Workload: Reporting - User Categorization
WLBWQUSR1G - BW Workload: Reporting . All User Profile Data
WLBWREPA1 - BW Statistics: Reporting Data - Administration Information
WLBWREPD1 - BW Statistics: Reporting Data - Part I
WLBWREPDAT - BW Workload: All Data
WLBWRPTOT - BW Statistics: Reporting Data Extraction from RSDDSTAT
WLBWSUMREP - BW Workload: Reporting Summation
WLBWTYPE - BW Workload: Type Definitions
WLBWUSGAGR - BW Statistics: Roll Up... Aggregates per InfoCube
WLBWUSGIC - BW Workload: Statistics per InfoCube (as in RSDDSTATUSAGEIC)
WLBWUSGQRY - BW Workload: Statistics per Query (as in RSDDSTATUSAGEQUERY)
WLBWUSGRT - BW Workload: Single Record Statistics(as in RSDDSTATUSAGERT)
WLBWUSGWHM - Statistics Data: BW for Warehouse Management
WSABAPACKNOWLEDGE_ALERTS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSABAPACKNOWLEDGE_ALERTS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSABAPGET_WPTABLE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSABAPGET_WPTABLE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSABAPREAD_RAW_SYSLOG_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSABAPREAD_RAW_SYSLOG_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSABAPREAD_SYSLOG_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSABAPREAD_SYSLOG_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSACCESS_CHECK_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSACCESS_CHECK_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSACCESS_POINT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSACTIVE_COMPONENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSAGENT_CONFIG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALAIDALSTA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALALRAWRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALCCTIDAID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALCUSTGRP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALERT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALERT_NODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGAIDRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGLOBAID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGLOBTID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGTIDLNRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGTIDRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGTIDSMO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGTIDSTAT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGTIDTLRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALGTIDWHTL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMONCTX2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMONCTX3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMONSEG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMSCCUSW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMSCRAWT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMSCSELEC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMSCTIDFL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMSCTIDRL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMTCUST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMTCUSTWR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMTEIRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMTNAMEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALMTTREE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALPERFCUS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALPERFCUSW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALPERFTYPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALPERFVAL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALREQUESTCUC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALRESULTCUC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALRSLTCUCL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALSMSGCUSW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALSMSGRAWT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTDEFRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTEXTATTR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTIDMAXLV - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTIDUSER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTLDPNM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTOOL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTOOLASSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTOOLCHST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTOOLCTRL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTOOLDPRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTOOLEFRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSALTXTLNKAT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSANALYSE_LOG_FILES_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSANALYSE_LOG_FILES_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ACCESS_POINT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ACTIVE_COMPONENTS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALAIDALSTA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALALRAWRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALCCTIDAID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALCUSTGRP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALERT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALERT_NODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGAIDRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGLOBAID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGLOBTID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGTIDLNRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGTIDRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGTIDSMO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGTIDSTAT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGTIDTLRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALGTIDWHTL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMONCTX2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMONCTX3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMONSEG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMSCCUSW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMSCRAWT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMSCSELEC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMSCTIDFL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMSCTIDRL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMTCUSTWR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMTEIRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMTNAMEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALMTTREE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALPERFCUSW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALPERFTYPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALREQUESTCUC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALRESULTCUC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALRSLTCUCL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALSMSGCUSW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALSMSGRAWT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTDEFRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTEXTATTR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTIDMAXLV - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTIDUSER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTLDPNM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTOOLASSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTOOLCHST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTOOLCTRL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTOOLDPRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTOOLEFRC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ALTXTLNKAT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_AS400POOL_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_AS400POOL_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_CCMS_LOG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_CEN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_COMPONENT_TYPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_CPU - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_CPUHISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_DIR_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_DISK - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_DISK_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ENQ_LOCK - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_FILESYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_FILESYSTEM_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_GCINFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_GCINFO2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_HEAP_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ICMCACHE_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ICMCONNECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ICMPROXY_CONNECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_ICMTHREAD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_INST_VERSION_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_INT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EEAPPL_ALIAS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EECACHE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EECACHE2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EECLUSTER_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EECOMPONENT_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EEEJBSESSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EEPROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EEPROCESS2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EEREMOTE_OBJECT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EESESSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EESHARED_TAB_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EETHREAD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EETHREAD2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_J2EEWEB_SESSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_LAN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_LANHISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_LINKED_SYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_LOG_FILE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_MEMORY_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390ADDRESS_SPACE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390COLL_DETAILS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390CPUPAGING_ACT1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390CPUPAGING_HIST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390STORAGE_RESOU1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390STOR_RSRCE_HIS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390WLMENCLAVES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390WLMMAP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390WLMPOLICY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390WLMRESP_TIME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390WLMSERVICE_CL1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OS390WLMSERV_CL_PER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OSPARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OSPROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_OSPROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_PROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_PROCESS_PATTERN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_PROFILE_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_PROFILE_PARAMETER1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_RAW_SYSLOG_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_RECORD_CALL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_RECORD_CALL2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_RECORD_CERT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_RECORD_MAIN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_SAPINSTANCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_SET_PROFILE_PARAM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_STAT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_STRING - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_SUB_PROFILE_PARAM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_SYSLOG_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_TASK_HANDLER_QUEUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_TRACE_FILE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_TRACE_PATH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_TRACE_PATTERN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSARRAY_OF_WORK_PROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSAS400POOL_ALL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSAS400POOL_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSAS400POOL_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCCMS_ARRAY_OF_STRING - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCCMS_LOG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCEN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCENTRAL_SYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCLIENT_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCOMPONENT_TYPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCPU - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCPUCONSUMPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSCPUHISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSDIR_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSDISK - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSDISK_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_GET_LOCK_TABLE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_GET_LOCK_TABLE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_GET_STATISTIC_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_LOCK - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_REMOVE_LOCKS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_REMOVE_LOCKS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_STATISTIC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSENQ_STATISTIC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSFILESYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSFILESYSTEM_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSFILE_CONTENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGCINFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGCINFO2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ACCESS_POINT_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ACCESS_POINT_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ACTIVE_COMPONENTS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ACTIVE_COMPONENTS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_AGENT_CONFIG_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ALERTS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ALERTS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ALERT_TREE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ALERT_TREE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_AS400POOL_ALL_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_AS400POOL_ALL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_AS400POOL_DATA_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_AS400POOL_DATA_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_AS400POOL_HISTORY_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_AS400POOL_HISTORY_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_CONFIGURATION_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_CPU_CONSUMPTION_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_CPU_CONSUMPTION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_CPU_HISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_CPU_HISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_DISK_HISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_DISK_HISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_DISK_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_DISK_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ENVIRONMENT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_ENVIRONMENT_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_HIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_HIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_FILESYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_LANHISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_LANHISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_LANREQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_LANRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_LIST_OF_MA_BY_CUS_GRP_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_LIST_OF_MA_BY_CUS_GRP_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MC_IN_LOCAL_MS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MC_IN_LOCAL_MS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MEMORY_HISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MEMORY_HISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MEMORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MEMORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MTES_BY_REQUEST_TABLE_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MTES_BY_REQUEST_TABLE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MT_LIST_BY_MTCLASS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_MT_LIST_BY_MTCLASS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_NETWORK_ID_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_NETWORK_ID_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390ADDRESS_SPACE_RESO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390ADDR_SPACE_RSRCE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390COLLECTOR_DETAILS_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390COLLECTOR_DETAIL_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTVTY_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390STORAGE_RESOURCE_H1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390STORAGE_RESOURCE_R1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390STOR_RESOURCE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390STOR_RSRCE_HIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390WLMDATA_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390WLMDATA_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390WLMDATA_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_OS390WLMDATA_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_PROCESS_LIST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_PROCESS_LIST_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_PROCESS_PARAMETER_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_PROCESS_PARAMETER_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_PROC_PATTERN_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_PROC_PATTERN_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_QUEUE_STATISTIC_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_QUEUE_STATISTIC_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_RESULT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_RESULT_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_SEC_NETWORK_ID_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_SEC_NETWORK_ID_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_SINGLE_CPU_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_SINGLE_CPU_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_START_PROFILE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_START_PROFILE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_SYSTEM_INSTANCE_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_SYSTEM_INSTANCE_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_TOP_CPUPROCESSES_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_TOP_CPUPROCESSES_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_TRACE_FILE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_TRACE_FILE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_VERSION_INFO_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_VERSION_INFO_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_VERSION_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSGET_VERSION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSHEAP_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMCACHE_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMCONNECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_CACHE_ENTRIES_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_CACHE_ENTRIES_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_CONNECTION_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_CONNECTION_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_PROXY_CONN_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_PROXY_CONN_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_THREAD_LIST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMGET_THREAD_LIST_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMPROXY_CONNECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSICMTHREAD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSINFO_GET_TREE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSINFO_GET_TREE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSINSTANCE_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSINSTANCE_VERSION_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEAPPLICATION_ALIAS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EECACHE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EECACHE2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EECLUSTER_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EECOMPONENT_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EECONTROL_PROCESS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EECONTROL_PROCESS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEDISABLE_DBG_SESSION_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEDISABLE_DBG_SESSION_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEEJBSESSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEENABLE_DBG_SESSION_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEENABLE_DBG_SESSION_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_APPL_ALIAS_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_APPL_ALIAS_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_CACHE_STATISTIC2RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_CACHE_STATISTIC2RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_CACHE_STATISTIC_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_CACHE_STATISTIC_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_CLUSTER_MSG_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_CLUSTER_MSG_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_COMPONENT_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_COMPONENT_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_EJBSESSION_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_EJBSESSION_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_PROCESS_LIST2REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_PROCESS_LIST2RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_PROCESS_LIST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_PROCESS_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_REMOTE_OBJ_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_REMOTE_OBJ_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_SESSION_LIST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_SESSION_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_SHARED_TABLE_INFO_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_SHARED_TABLE_INFO_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_CALL_STACK_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_CALL_STACK_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_LIST2REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_LIST2RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_LIST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_LIST_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_TASK_STACK_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_THREAD_TASK_STACK_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_VMGCHISTORY2REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_VMGCHISTORY2RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_VMGCHISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_VMGCHISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_VMHEAP_INFO_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_VMHEAP_INFO_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_WEB_SESSION_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEGET_WEB_SESSION_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEPROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEPROCESS2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEREMOTE_OBJECT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EESESSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EESHARED_TABLE_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EETHREAD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EETHREAD2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSJ2EEWEB_SESSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLAN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLANHISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLINKED_SYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLIST_DEVELOPER_TRACES_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLIST_DEVELOPER_TRACES_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLIST_LOG_FILES_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLIST_LOG_FILES_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSLOG_FILE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMEMORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMEMORY_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMSC_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMSC_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMSC_DELETE_LINES_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMSC_DELETE_LINES_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMSC_READ_CACHE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMSC_READ_CACHE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMS_GET_LOCAL_MS_INFO_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMS_GET_LOCAL_MS_INFO_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMS_GET_MTECLS_IN_LOCAL_MS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMS_GET_MTECLS_IN_LOCAL_MS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMTE_GET_BY_TOOL_RUNSTATUS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMTE_GET_BY_TOOL_RUNSTATUS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_CHANGE_STATUS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_CHANGE_STATUS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_DBSET_TO_WPSET_BY_TID_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_DBSET_TO_WPSET_BY_TID_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_DESTROY_MARK_NTRY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_DESTROY_MARK_NTRY_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_ALL_TOOLS_TO_SET_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_ALL_TOOLS_TO_SET_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_ALL_TO_CUST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_ALL_TO_CUST_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_MTEINFO_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_MTEINFO_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_TID_BY_NAME_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_GET_TID_BY_NAME_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_READ_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_READ_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_RESET_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSMT_RESET_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390ADDRESS_SPACE_RESOURCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390COLLECTOR_DETAILS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY_HIST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390STORAGE_RESOURCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390STORAGE_RESOURCE_HIST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390WLMENCLAVES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390WLMMAP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390WLMPOLICY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390WLMRESP_TIME_DISTRIB - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390WLMSERVICE_CLASS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOS390WLMSERVICE_CL_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOSEXECUTE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOSEXECUTE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOSPARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOSPROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSOSPROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPARAMETER_RESTRICTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPARAMETER_VALUE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPARAMETER_VALUE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPERF_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPERF_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPERF_READ_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPERF_READ_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPERF_READ_SMOOTH_DATA_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPERF_READ_SMOOTH_DATA_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPROCESS_PATTERN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPROFILE_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSPROFILE_PARAMETER1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_CCMS_LOG_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_DEVELOPER_TRACE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_DEVELOPER_TRACE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_DIRECTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_DIRECTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_DSR_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_FILE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_FILE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_LOG_FILE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_LOG_FILE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_PROFILE_PARAMETERS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_PROFILE_PARAMETERS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_STAT_DATA_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREAD_STAT_DATA_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRECORD_CALL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRECORD_CALL2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRECORD_CERT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRECORD_MAIN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREFERENCE_READ_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREFERENCE_READ_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREGISTER_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREGISTER_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSREGISTRATION_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRESTART_INSTANCE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRESTART_INSTANCE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRESTART_SERVICE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRESTART_SERVICE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRESTART_SYSTEM_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSRESTART_SYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSAPINSTANCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSEND_REQUEST_ASYNC_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSEND_REQUEST_ASYNC_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSEND_REQUEST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSEND_REQUEST_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSEND_SIGNAL_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSEND_SIGNAL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSET_ADMIN_PARAMETER_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSET_ADMIN_PARAMETER_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSET_PROCESS_PARAMETER_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSET_PROCESS_PARAMETER_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSET_PROFILE_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSHM_DETACH_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSHM_DETACH_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSHUTDOWN_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSHUTDOWN_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSNGLMGS_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSNGLMGS_CUSTOMIZE_WRITE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTART_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTART_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTART_SYSTEM_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTART_SYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTAT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTOP_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTOP_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTOP_SERVICE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTOP_SERVICE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTOP_SYSTEM_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSTOP_SYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSUB_PROFILE_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSXMIMSGRAW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSYSLOG_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSYSTEM_OBJECT_SET_VALUE_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSSYSTEM_OBJECT_SET_VALUE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTASK_HANDLER_QUEUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTEXT_ATTR_READ_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTEXT_ATTR_READ_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTOOL_GET_EFFECTIVE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTOOL_GET_EFFECTIVE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTOOL_SET_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTOOL_SET_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTOOL_SET_RUNTIME_STATUS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTOOL_SET_RUNTIME_STATUS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTRACE_FILE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTRACE_PATH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTRACE_PATTERN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTRIGGER_DATA_COLLECTION_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSTRIGGER_DATA_COLLECTION_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUNREGISTER_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUNREGISTER_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_AL_CHANGE_STATUS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_AL_CHANGE_STATUS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_MT_GET_AID_BY_TID_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_MT_GET_AID_BY_TID_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_MT_GET_TREE_LOCAL_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_MT_GET_TREE_LOCAL_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_MT_READ_ALL_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_MT_READ_ALL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_READ_RAWALERT_BY_AID_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_READ_RAWALERT_BY_AID_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_SNGLMSG_READ_RAWDATA_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSUTIL_SNGLMSG_READ_RAWDATA_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
WSWORK_PROCESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SAP Oracle Database Monitors Tables BC-CCM-MON-ORA

AWR_SYS_WAIT_EVT - AWR System Wait Event
AWR_SYS_WAIT_EVT_TOP9 - AWR System Wait Event
AWR_TIME_STAT - AWR System Wait Event
BLK_SHIP_CR - Oracle monitors: Block shipping for current Blocks.
BSCR_BLK - Oracle monitors: Block shipping for CR Blocks.
CACHE_BUF_CHAINS - Latch Monitoring
COLUMNS_ST - DB02: dba_tab_columns (Oracle)
COMPARAM - ORACLE Database Parameters structure.
CPUSID_USR - Information about CPU per USER per SID from V$SESSTAT
CRITIC_F - Space Critical Objects
CRIT_NR_S - Number of Space-Critical Objects
CRIT_OBJ - Space Critical Objects
DATE_TIME - Date and Time of MONI Entry
DB02N_ADCOMO - Oracle monitoring: DDIC ADCOMO
DB02N_ADCOOV - Oracle monitoring: DDIC ADCOOV
DB02N_ADDFIELDS - Oracle monitoring: Additional fields for Oracle 11
DB02N_AGGLO - Oracle monitoring: DDIC AGGLO
DB02N_AGGPA - Oracle monitoring: DDIC AGGPA
DB02N_AGGRO - Oracle monitoring: DDIC AGGRO
DB02N_ANA - Detailed analyses in ST04N
DB02N_ANAT - Detailed analyses in ST04N (Node names)
DB02N_BWOBJ - Oracle monitoring: DDIC BWOBJ
DB02N_BWOBJEXT - Oracle monitoring: DDIC BWOBJEXT
DB02N_BWOV - Oracle monitoring: DDIC BWOV
DB02N_BWOV_COL - Oracle monitoring: DDIC BWOV
DB02N_DATA - Data to be displayed in new DB02N.
DB02N_DBGEMD - Oracle Monitoring: DDIC DB-GE-MD
DB02N_SEGEEC - Oracle monitoring: DDIC SEGESC
DB02N_SEGEMD - Oracle monitoring: DDIC SEGEMD
DB02N_SEGESC - Oracle monitoring: DDIC SEGESC
DB02N_SEGETOP - Oracle monitoring: DDIC segetop
DB02N_SEGETOPG - Oracle monitoring: DDIC segetop
DB02N_SEGETOPP - Oracle monitoring: DDIC segetop
DB02N_SEIND - Oracle monitoring: DDIC SEIND
DB02N_SELOB - Oracle monitoring: DDIC SELOB
DB02N_TSGEFI - Oracle monitoring: DDIC TSGEFI
DB02N_TSGEFO - Oracle monitoring: DDIC TSGEFO
DB02N_TSGEFR - Oracle monitoring: DDIC TSGEFR
DB02N_TSGEMD - Oracle monitoring: DDIC TSGEMD
DB02N_TSGESM - Oracle monitoring. DDIC TSGESM
DB02N_TYGEHI - Oracle monitoring: DDIC TYSPHI
DB02N_TYGEMD - Oracle monitoring: DDIC TYGEMD
DB02N_TYSPHI - Oracle monitoring: DDIC TYSPHI
DB02N_USGEMD - Oracle moniotoring: DDIC USGEMD
DB02_CAL - Oracle monitoring: calendar weeks
DB02_COLL_LOG - Oracle monitoring: DB02 collector log
DB02_COLL_PLAN - Oracle monitoring: List of coll. functions for DB02
DB02_ROOT_LIST - Oracle monitoring: roots
DB02_SE_LIST - Oracle monitoring: segments
DB02_TS_LIST - Oracle monitoring: tablespaces
DB02_US_LIST - Oracle monitoring: user selection
DBASE_HIST - Oracle monitoring: database history
DBASE_HIST_AVG - Oracle monitoring: database history
DBA_TABLES_TAB - Oracle monitoring: Display DBA Tables.
DBCHECK_COND - dbcheckora with field active button
DBCHECK_RESULTS - Oracle: results of dbcheck runs
DBFLAGS - Flags and Other Input Parameters for DB_ORA Modules
DBRELEASE - Database Release
DML_TIMESTAMP - Oracle monitoring: DML timestamp.
ENQSTAT - Structure for storing (g)v$enqueue_stat data
ENQSTAT_MON - Structure for storing (g)v$enqueue_stat data
EXTENTS_ST - DB02: dba_extents (Oracle)
EXTENTS_TI - Extents of Tables and Indexes
FID_ORA - Function ID of sdba functions
FILESYSREQS - V$Filestat Monitoring
FLSREQUEST - Statistics for Physical Access to ORACLE Database
FLSYSRQST - Statistics for Physical Access to ORACLE Database
FPW_RATIO - Oracle monitors: Fusion to Physical Writes Ratio .
FREE_SP_S - dba_free_space (Oracle): Freespace in Tablespaces
GCC_BLKS_REC - Oracle monitors: Global Cache CR Blocks received.
GCC_BLKS_RECEIVE - Oracle monitors: Global Cache Current Blocks receive.
GCC_BLK_SND - Oracle monitors: Global Cache CR Block send.
GCF_BLK_HITR - Oracle monitors: Global Cache Fusion Block Hit Ratio.
GCGES_CVRT - Oracle monitors: Global Cache GES Convert.
GCG_HITR - Oracle monitors: Global Cache Fusion Block Hit Ratio.
GCH_GCS_GETS - Oracle monitors: Global Cache GCS Gets.
GLB_CACHE - Global Cache Hit Ratio
GLB_CACHE_CR_BLK - Global Cache CR Block Hit Ratio
GLB_CACHE_DEFER - Global Cache Defer Ratio
GLB_CH_BLK_FLUSH - Global Cache Flushes to Redo's
GLB_CH_CR_BLK_SD - Global Cache Current Blocks Send
GLB_CH_CUR_BLK_HITRAT - Oracle: Global Cache Current Block Hit Ratio
GLB_CH_GES_LK_GT - Global Cache GES Lock Gets
GORADETAILPAR_DBC - Parameter for display of details of a stement
GORASESSION_DBC - Basis List "Oracle Session" Structure for the ALV
GORAVSQLAR_DBC - Restictions on Display of Cursor Cache Statistical Data
GPG_TR_PGAADV - PGA Monitoring: (g)v$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE table
GPG_TR_PGASTA - PGA Monitoring: (g)v$SGA table
GPG_TR_PROCES - PGA Monitoring: (g)v$PROCESS table
GPG_TR_SQLOMP - PGA Monitoring: (g)v$SQL_WORKAREA table
GPG_TR_SQLTEXT - PGA Monitoring: (g)v$SQLTEXT table
GPG_TR_SQLWOA - PGA Monitoring: (g)v$SQL_WORKAREA table
GPG_TR_WOAEXE - PGA Monitoring: (g)v$SQL (g)v$YSSTAT table
GVD_CURR_BLKSRV - copy of gv$current_block_server
GVD_INSTANCE_STRUC - Structure for parts of GVD_INSTANCE
GVD_MANGD_STANBY - copy of GV$MANAGED_STANDBY (currently not provided w. snaps)
HIST - Tablespace History
HISTTABLES - Table History (Transaction DB02)
HISTTIMES - Timestamps for all Histories in DB02
HOT_BLOCKS - Latch Monitoring
INDEXES_ST - DB02: dba_indexes (Oracle)
INDEX_STAT - index_stats Cache: Result of VALIDATE Index (Oracle)
INST_ORA - Segment statistics
LATCH - Latch Monitoring
LATCH_CHILDREN - Latch Monitoring
LATCH_HOLDER - Latch Monitoring
LATCH_HOLDER_SQL - Latch Monitoring
LISTE_30 - Structure with 30 Character Field
LOGBUCH - Logbook: Statistical Information
LOG_HISTORY_ORA - ORA: Backup Log history
LTC_PROTEC_STMT1 - Latch Monitoring
LTC_PROTEC_STMT2 - Latch Monitoring
MONIKEY - Oracle monitoring: monikey
NRANALYZED - Oracle: Number of Analyzed Tables
OPS_STAT - Oracle monitors: Overview System Statistics.
ORAADDIN80 - ST04 (Oracle8): Additional Info for Exclusive Lock Waits
ORAALOGCLS - Oracle monitoring: Alert log classification structure
ORAALOGOUTS - Oracle monitoring: Alert log structure
ORACC_ACTION_ASH - Data for action "active session history" (oracle monitor)
ORACC_ACTION_MET_FL - All system MEtrics type definitions
ORACC_ACTION_MET_SS - All System Summary Metrics definitions
ORACC_ACTION_MET_SYS - All System Metrics type definitions
ORACC_ACTION_MET_WT - All system MEtrics type definitions
ORACLE_RELEASE - Oracle release
ORAEVENTS - Oracle: Wait Events (V$System_Event, V$Session_Event)
ORAINDINFO - Information About the Storage Quality of the Indexes
ORAIOPATH - Oracle I/O Statistics per Device
ORAIOSUM - Oracle I/O Statistics per Data File, Total By Device
ORAISQCTRL - RSORAISQ Index Storage Quality Maintenance Control Table
ORASESS - Oracle: Sessions
ORASTATS_TTYPE - Structure for Oracle System Statistics
ORASYSTABH - Oracle System Table (V$ table)
ORATABCOLS - Oracle: Dates of Table Analysis
ORATSPINFO - Tablespace Information
ORA_ADD_IN - ST04 (Oracle): Additional Info for Exclusive Lock Waits
ORA_ASHGSET - Oracle ASH monitor graphic settings
ORA_ASHGSETID - Oracle ASH monitor graphic settings
ORA_ASHR_REPORT - Oracle monitoring: data for AWR/ASH report
ORA_AWR_ASH_REPORT - Oracle monitoring: data for AWR and ASH reports
ORA_AWR_REPORT - Oracle monitoring: data for AWR report
ORA_BUFF_BUSY_WAIT_MON - Structure for use in the Buffer Busy Wait Monitor
ORA_CHECKPOINT_STRUCTURE - Oracle Checkpoint Structure for Submonitor Checkpoint.
ORA_COL_USAGE - Oracle-Monitor: Structure for COL_USAGE-Monitor
ORA_DBA_TCOL - Oracle monitoring: Transparent table for table columns
ORA_DBA_TCOLUMNS - Oracle monitoring: Transparent table for table columns
ORA_DBH_CONFIG - Oracle DBH Settings
ORA_DBMS_STAT_TABLE_CHAR_STR - Structure of type stat-table. submonitor system statistics
ORA_DBMS_STAT_TABLE_STRUCTURE - Structure of type stat-table. submonitor system statistics
ORA_EVENT_STRUC - Oralce Event Structure
ORA_FEAT_USED - ORA: Used Oracle Features for DBACockpit
ORA_FIELD_CATALOG - ORA: Basic element of a ALV field catalog
ORA_IND_QLTY - Oracle monitoring: Index storage quality
ORA_INSTANCE_S - Structure for the lock monitor
ORA_ISQ_DETAIL - Index Storage Quality - Objects of a Workingset
ORA_ISQ_HEADER - Index Storage Quality - Header of a Workingset
ORA_ISQ_HISTORY - Index Storage Quality - Objectshistory Data
ORA_ISQ_PARAM - Index Storage Quality - Parameters
ORA_JSEL_STAT - Runtime + other statistics line for ORA arbitrary join mon.
ORA_JSEL_STMT - Oracle 'arbitrary join select monitor' statement
ORA_JSEL_STMTID - Oracle 'arbitrary join select monitor' statement IDs
ORA_LCK - Structure for the lock monitor
ORA_LCK_2 - Structure for the lock monitor (scripts 1 & 2)
ORA_LIST - Oracle monitoring: Oracle list
ORA_LK_INSTANCE - SDD - Oracle lock monitor: instance list
ORA_LK_LOCKS - SDD - Oracle lock monitor: lock summary
ORA_LK_OBJECTS - SDD - Oracle lock monitor: list of loced objects
ORA_LK_PROCESS - SDD - Oracle lock monitor: process list
ORA_MISS - Export Structure for Module DB_ORA_MISSING_INDICES
ORA_MON_DBCON - Oracle monitoring: list of external Oracle connections
ORA_OBJ - DBA Cockpit: Structure for the lock monitor
ORA_ORANET_STRUC - ORA: Oracle Net Output Structure
ORA_PERFORMANCE_DB_STRUCTURE - Oracle Structure for Sub-Monitor Performance Database
ORA_PG_PEROPT - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PEROPT
ORA_PG_PGAADV - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PGAADV
ORA_PG_PGAHIS - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PGAHIS
ORA_PG_PGASTA - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PGASTA
ORA_PG_SQLHIS - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: SQLHIS
ORA_PG_SQLOMP - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: SQLOMP
ORA_PG_SQLWOA - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: SQLWOA
ORA_PG_WOAACT - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: WOAACT
ORA_PG_WOAEXE - SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: WOAEXE
ORA_PROCESSROW - Oracle Monitoring: Processes-row type
ORA_PROCESS_S - Structure for the lock monitor
ORA_PX_DETAIL_STRUCTURE - Parallel Query Detail Process Infos
ORA_PX_PROC_INFO_VIEW - Show physical infos about a parallel query process
ORA_SEM_BWSUM - SDD - Oracle system event monitor: busy wait summary
ORA_SEM_BWSUM_STRUC - SDD - Oracle system event monitor: busy wait summary
ORA_SEM_SEDT - SDD - Oracle system event monitor: s. event details
ORA_SEM_SEDT_STRUC - SDD - Oracle system event monitor: s. event details
ORA_SEM_SYSEV - SDD - Oracle system event monitor: system events
ORA_SEM_SYSEV_STRUC - SDD - Oracle system event monitor: system events
ORA_SERVERLISTROW - Oracle Monitoring : Serverlist Row
ORA_SESSION_LCK - Structure for the lock monitor
ORA_SG_BPS - SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: BPS
ORA_SG_CRO - SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: CRO
ORA_SG_DCA - SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: DCA
ORA_SG_SDC - SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SDC
ORA_SG_SGA - SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SGA
ORA_SG_SPA - SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SPA
ORA_SG_SRO - SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SRO
ORA_SM_SESSIONS - SDD - Oracle session monitor: session list
ORA_SNAP_MAILRCV - Oracle snapshot: log mail receiver
ORA_SQLC_DATA - ORA: SQL Command Editor Data Table
ORA_SQLC_HEAD - ORA: SQL Command Editor Header Table
ORA_SQLC_STMT - Table with statements used by the SQL Command Editor
ORA_SQLTEXTROW - Oracle Monitoring - SQL TEXT row
ORA_SQLTEXT_S - Structure for the lock monitor
ORA_STT_DATA - DBACockpit: Data table for RSORASTT
ORA_STT_HEAD - DBACockpit: Header table for RSORASTT
ORA_SYSEVT_STRUC - Oracle montor: System events
ORA_SYSTEM_EVENT_HISTORY - Oracle Structure for Sub-Monitor GV$SYSTEM_EVENT History
ORA_SYSTEM_EVENT_HISTORY_2 - Oracle Structure for Sub-Monitor GV$SYSTEM_EVENT History
ORA_S_ASHR_SEL_DATE - Oracle monitoring: Select structure for history data for ASH
ORA_S_ASH_BLOCKLIST - Oracle monitoring: List of blocks accessed (ASH monitor)
ORA_S_ASH_GENERAL_SELECTION - General selections / settings for Oracle Ash Monitor
ORA_S_ASH_GRAPHDATA - ASH graphic data
ORA_S_ASH_GRAPH_SELECTION1 - Selections / Settings for Oracle ASH Monitor graphic (flds)
ORA_S_ASH_GRAPH_SELECTION2 - Selections / Settings for Oracle ASH Monitor graphic (table)
ORA_S_ASH_SELECTION - Selections / Settings for Oracle ASH Monitor
ORA_S_ASH_SQLTSTAMP - Oracle monitoring: List of timestamps (ASH monitor)
ORA_S_AWR_SEL_SNAPID - Oracle monitoring: Select structure for SQL IDs
ORA_S_AWR_SEL_SNAPID_SUB - Oracle monitoring: Select structure for SQL IDs
ORA_S_AWR_SEL_SQLID - Oracle monitoring: Select structure for history snapshots
ORA_S_CBO_SELECTION - Screen Selection for CBO Special Statistics
ORA_S_DBA_FILE_NAME - filename and tablespacename for file metric selection
ORA_S_DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME - Oracle Monitoring: Structure for DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME
ORA_S_DG_DATABASE - ORA: Dataguard Database Structure
ORA_S_DG_INFO - ORA: Dataguard Info Structure
ORA_S_DG_MNG - ORA: Dataguard Managed Standby Structure
ORA_S_DG_OVERVIEW - ORA_ Dataguard Overview Structure
ORA_S_DML_TIMESTAMP - TimeStamp for DML Locks
ORA_S_DNFS_CHANNELS - Oracle DNFS channels
ORA_S_DNFS_CHANNSUM - Oracle DNFS channels with sums
ORA_S_DNFS_SERVER - Oracle DNFS servers
ORA_S_EM_CG - Structure for ConsistentGets
ORA_S_EM_CHAINEDROWS - Structure for ChainedRows
ORA_S_EM_CPU - Structure for CPU
ORA_S_EM_DBWR - Structure for DBWR
ORA_S_EM_DR - Structure for DiskReads
ORA_S_EM_FTSCAN - Structure for FullTableScans
ORA_S_EM_GENERAL - General Selections/ Settings for EventMetrics Tabs
ORA_S_EM_KEYF - Structure for KeyFigures
ORA_S_EM_KS - Structure for KeySysmetrics
ORA_S_EM_MVPMI - Structure for MetricValuePerMetrciInterval
ORA_S_EM_MVPMI_AGGR - General Selections/ Settings for MVPMI
ORA_S_EM_NW - Structure for Network
ORA_S_EM_PE - Structure for ParallelExecutions
ORA_S_EM_PRSNG - Structure for Parsing
ORA_S_EM_RW - Structure for RedoWrites
ORA_S_EM_SQLWA - Structure for SQL WorkAreas
ORA_S_EM_SVPAWRI - Structure for StaticValuePerAWRI
ORA_S_EM_SYSMETRICS - General selections / settings for Key System Metrics
ORA_S_EVENT_HISTOGRAM - Structure for Timed Events, event histograms
ORA_S_EVENT_HISTOGRAM_PER_AWR - Structure for event histogram, per AWR interval
ORA_S_EVENT_INFO - Oracle Event Details
ORA_S_EVENT_LIST - ORA: Oracle wait event with special number
ORA_S_EXT_STAT - Structure to Display Existing Extended Statistics
ORA_S_FILEMETRIC - Database Metrics:structure for filemetric_history
ORA_S_FILE_INFO - Oracle file statistics, mainly from gv$filestat (ASHmonitor)
ORA_S_GV_ACTIVE_SESSION_HIS - Oracle View: gv$active_session_history
ORA_S_GV_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER - structure for gv_current_block_server table
ORA_S_GV_SQL - Oracle Monitoring: GV$SQL
ORA_S_GV_SYSMETRICS - Database Metrics:structure for sysmetric
ORA_S_IOACT - Structure for IO Activities
ORA_S_IOACT_GENERAL_SELECTION - General selections / settings for IO Activities Monitor
ORA_S_IOREDO - Structure for IO Redo Logs Per Hour
ORA_S_IOREDO_SELECTION - Screen Selection area for Min and Max sec between Log Switch
ORA_S_KEYF - Oracle: Header Line for Performance Overview
ORA_S_LOCK_MISS - ORA: Locked/Missing Table Statistics
ORA_S_MET_FL_SELECTION - General selections / settings for File Metrics Monitor
ORA_S_MET_SS_SELECTION - General selections / Settings System Summary Metrics Monitr
ORA_S_MET_SYS_SELECTION - General selections / settings for System Metrics Monitor
ORA_S_MET_WT_SELECTION - General selections / settings for Wait Class Metrics Monitor
ORA_S_PARALDEGACT - Structure for Parallel Degree Active
ORA_S_PARALSESS - Structure for Parallel Execution Sessions
ORA_S_PATCH - Structure for the Configutration Patches
ORA_S_RESTART - Restart information of an oracle instance
ORA_S_RMO - SGA - structure for resources memory overview
ORA_S_SEGMENT_SELECTION - Storing selection criteria for Oracle Segments
ORA_S_SEL_WAITEVCLS - ASH graphic selected wait event classes
ORA_S_SEL_WAITEVENTS - ASH graphic selected wait events (structure)
ORA_S_SESSION_BLOCKGRAPH - DBACockpit: Lock-Monitor: Blocking Graph
ORA_S_SPL_STAT - Structure to Display Special Statistics
ORA_S_SQLC_RESULT - ORA: Structure defining the result of SQLC-Monitor
ORA_S_SQL_INFO - Oracle Monitoring: SQL Information
ORA_S_ST04_MAIN_DATA - DBACockpit: Oracle Performance Main Data
ORA_S_STRING - Oracle monitoring: Structure with string (text)
ORA_S_STT_DATA - DBACockpit: Structure for data table for RSORASTT
ORA_S_STT_HEAD - DBACockpit: Structure for header table for RSORASTT
ORA_S_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY - Database Metrics:structure for sysmetric summary
ORA_S_TABLE_ANALYZED - ORA: Tablename and last analyzed date
ORA_S_TE_GENERAL_SELECTION - General selections / settings for Oracle Timed Event Monitor
ORA_S_TOP_SEGMENTS - Strcuture for Top Segments per Segment Statistics
ORA_S_TOP_SEGMENTS_DATA - Structure for Top Segments per Segment Statistics from DB
ORA_S_TOP_SEGMENTS_SELECTION - Screen Selection for top segments
ORA_S_TOP_SEGMENTS_SQL - Structure to capture details about selected Segment Name
ORA_S_TOP_SEGMENTS_STATS - Structure for quering statistics for selected table
ORA_S_TOP_SEGMENTS_TABLE - Structure containing info related to selected table
ORA_S_VIEWS - Dispalying views data
ORA_S_V_EVENT_NAME - Oracle View: v$event_name
ORA_S_WAITCLASSMETRIC - Database Metrics:structure for waitclassmetric_history
ORA_S_WAITEVCLASS - Oracle wait event class (structure)
ORA_S_WAITEVENT - Oracle wait event (structure)
ORA_TABACCESS - Oracle Table Access Monitor Structure
ORA_TABLE_ACCESS - Structure for the table access monitor
ORA_TA_SEGSTAT - Relevant Segment Statistics for the Table Access Monitor
ORA_TA_TABSEGSTAT - Structure for the Table Access Monitor
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW - Oracle Monitoring: WP information: row
OVERVW_LIB_CACHE - Overview Library Cache
RAC_NODE_ORA - rac node oracle
REC_REPORT_ORA - ORA: Recovery Report Texttable
REDEF_TABS - Oracle monitoring: Online redefinition tables.
ROOT_HIST - Oracle monitoring: Root history
ROOT_HIST_AVG - Oracle monitoring: root history
ROW_CACHE - Statistics for Data Dictionary Activities
SDBADI_ORA - ORA: Log Backup Details
SDBAH_ORA - sdbah helper structure for dbacockpit
SEGMENTS_F - DB02: dba_segments (Oracle)
SEGMENTS_S - DB02: dba_segments (Oracle)
SEGM_HIST - Oracle monitoring: segment history
SEGM_HIST_AVG - Oracle monitoring: segment history
SEGSTAT - Segment statistics
SEGSTAT_4 - Segment statistics
SEGSTAT_F - Segment statistics
SESS_EVNT - Information from V$SESSION_EVENT
SETUP_DBCHECK_ORA - Setup for dbcheck (new DB16)
SNAPPARAM - For the Oracle parameters' history in DBA_HIST_PARAM
SQL_SESS - Information from V$SQL and V$SESSTAT Combined
SQL_STRUC - Structure of Table SQL_TAB
SSQLPCOL - Structure: columns within a parsed sql statement
SSQLPTABLE - Structure: tables / views within a parsed sql statmt (obsol)
SSQLPTABLES - Structure: tables / views within a parsed sql statement
ST04N_CHAR - Data to be displayed in new ST04N - characteristics
ST04N_DATA - Data to be displayed in new ST04N
ST04N_DATABUFFER - DBA Cockpit : additional infos for Perf Overview Monitor
ST04N_GICO - Data to be displayed in new ST04N - general icons (non-inst)
ST04N_INSTICO - Data to be displayed in new ST04N - instance specific icons
ST04N_KYF - Data to be displayed in new ST04N - key figures
ST04N_LIGHTS - Data to be displayed in new ST04N - lights (yellow, red, ...
STIMEDEVENTS - Table to determine the order and the name of the event
STI_BGPROCESS - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$BGPROCESS.
STI_BUFR_POOL_ST - Oracle monitoring: Buffer pool stats.
STI_DATAFILE - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$datafile.
STI_DATAGUARD_ST - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$DATAGUARD_STATUS.
STI_ENQUEUE_STAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$ENQUEUE_STAT.
STI_FILESTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$FILESTAT.
STI_INSTANCE - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$INSTANCE.
STI_LATCH - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LATCH.
STI_LATCHCHILDS - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LATCH_CHILDREN.
STI_LATCH_MISSES - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LATCH_MISSES.
STI_LIBRARY - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LIBRARYCACHE.
STI_LOCK - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOCK.
STI_LOCKED_OBJEC - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOCKED_OBJECT.
STI_LOCK_ACTIVIT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOCK_ACTIVITY.
STI_LOGFILE - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOGFILE.
STI_OBJEC_DEPEN - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY.
STI_PARAMETER - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$PARAMETER.
STI_PGASTAT - Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PGASTAT.
STI_PGA_TARGET_A - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE.
STI_PGA_TARGET_H - Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTO..
STI_PROCESS - Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PROCESS.
STI_PX_SESSION - Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PX_SESSION.
STI_ROWCACHE - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$ROWCACHE.
STI_SEGSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SEGSTAT.
STI_SESSION - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SESSION.
STI_SESSION_EVT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SESSION_EVENT.
STI_SESSION_WAIT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SESSION_WAIT.
STI_SGA - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA.
STI_SGACURRRESIZ - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS.
STI_SGADYNCOMP - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS.
STI_SGARESIZEOPS - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA_RESIZE_OPS.
STI_SGASTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGASTAT.
STI_SHAR_P_ADV - Oracle monitoring: structure for Gv$shared_pool_advice.
STI_SPPARAMETER - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SPPARAMETER.
STI_SQL_WA_ACTIV - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE.
STI_SQL_WA_HISTO - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM.
STI_SQL_WORKAREA - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SQL_WORKAREA.
STI_SYSSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SYSTAT.
STI_SYSTEM_EVENT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SYSTEM_EVENT.
STI_TEMPFILE - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$TEMPFILE.
STI_UNDOSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$UNDOSTAT.
STI_WAITSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$WAITSTAT.
STR_BGPROCESS - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$BGPROCESS.
STR_BUFR_POOL_ST - Oracle monitoring: Buffer pool stats.
STR_DATAFILE - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$datafile.
STR_DATAGUARD_ST - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$DATAGUARD_STATUS.
STR_ENQUEUE_STAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$ENQUEUE_STAT.
STR_FILESTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$FILESTAT.
STR_INSTANCE - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$INSTANCE.
STR_LATCH - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LATCH.
STR_LATCHCHILDS - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LATCH_CHILDREN.
STR_LATCH_MISSES - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LATCH_MISSES.
STR_LIBRARY - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LIBRARYCACHE.
STR_LOCK - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOCK.
STR_LOCKED_OBJEC - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOCKED_OBJECT.
STR_LOCK_ACTIVIT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOCK_ACTIVITY.
STR_LOCK_ACTIVITY - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$datafile.
STR_LOGFILE - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOGFILE.
STR_OBJEC_DEPEN - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY.
STR_PARAMETER - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$PARAMETER.
STR_PGASTAT - Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PGASTAT.
STR_PGA_TARGET_A - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE.
STR_PGA_TARGET_H - Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTOGR.
STR_PROCESS - Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PROCESS.
STR_PX_SESSION - Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PX_SESSION.
STR_ROWCACHE - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$ROWCACHE.
STR_SEGMENT_STAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SEGMENT_STATISTICS.
STR_SEGSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SEGSTAT.
STR_SESSION - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SESSION.
STR_SESSION_EVT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SESSION_EVENT.
STR_SESSION_WAIT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SESSION_WAIT.
STR_SGA - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA.
STR_SGACURRRESIZ - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS.
STR_SGADYNCOMP - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS.
STR_SGARESIZEOPS - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS.
STR_SGASTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGASTAT.
STR_SHAR_P_ADV - Oracle monitoring: structure for v$shared_pool_advice.
STR_SPPARAMETER - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SPPARAMETER.
STR_SQL_WA_ACTIV - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE.
STR_SQL_WA_HISTO - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM.
STR_SQL_WORKAREA - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SQL_WORKAREA.
STR_SYSSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SYSTAT.
STR_SYSTEM_EVENT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SYSTEM_EVENT.
STR_TEMPFILE - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$TEMPFILE.
STR_UNDOSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$UNDOSTAT.
STR_UNDOSTAT_CALC - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$UNDOSTAT.
STR_UNDOSTAT_SS - Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$UNDOSTAT - stats display
STR_UNDO_CONS - Oracle monitoring: structure for Undo Stats max consumption.
STR_WAITSTAT - Oracle monitoring: structure for V$WAITSTAT.
SUM1 - Summary of Tablespace History
SUMTABGROW - Summary of Critical Table Growth in the Last 28 Days
SUMTABLAST - Summary: Table History in Last Month (for Critical Growth)
SUMTABLES - Summary: Table History in Transaction DB02
SWNCAGGTIMES_AWR - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types: Time-/Prog.-Dependent
SYS_EVENT - Information from v$system_event and v$session_event(oracle)
TABLEASSM - Tablespace with Automatic Segment Space Management
TABLESPACE_ASSM - Tablespace with Automatic Segment Space Management
TABLES_STR - DB02: dba_tables (Oracle)
TABLE_SPC - Tablespace: Current Sizes and Status
TAB_RCG_HITR - Oracle monitors: Real Cache Get Hit Ratio.
TCS_GSETID - TimeChartSimple: IDs of stored graphic settings (customizg)
TCS_GSETTING - TimeChartSimple: Graphic settings
TCS_S_CUSTOMIZING - Time chart simple: Customizing structure
TCS_S_DATA - Time chart simple: Data structure
TCS_S_DFILTER - Time chart simple: Data filter structure
TD110_STRU - Table TD110: Structure (DB02 Main Screen)
TIME_STAT_AWR - Temporary table for AWR Graphics monitor
TSPC_CHECK - Storage Check
TSPC_HIST - Oracle monitoring: tablespace history
TSPC_HIST_AVG - Oracle monitoring: tablespace history
TST04HELP - Oracle Performance Monitor (ST04/DB02): Fields
TYUS_GEMD2 - For DBACockpit-Users-General
UNSTTAB - structure representing the db view V$UNDOSTAT.
UNSTTAB_GV - structure representing the db view GV$UNDOSTAT.
USER_HIST - Oracle monitoring: user history
USER_HIST_AVG - Oracle monitoring: user history (average)
VIEWS_TAB - Oracle monitoring: Display V$/GV$ views.

SAP Operating System Monitors Tables BC-CCM-MON-OS

AS4_POOL - Data for AS/400 pool performance data
AS4_POOL_A - Data for overall pool performance information for AS/400
CCM_CPU_SINGLE - Snapshot of CPU Utilization
CCM_DISK_SINGLE - Snapshot of Memory Utilization
CCM_FSYS_SINGLE - Snapshot of File Systems
CCM_HISTORY - History Display
CCM_LAN_SINGLE - Snapshot of LAN Utilization
CCM_MEM_ALL - Snapshot of Memory Utilization
CCM_OS_DEST_DISP - Customizing of CCMS used in OS Monitor
CCM_OS_GEN - transfer structure for general info of SAPOSCOLs CCMS tree
CCM_OS_MSC - transfer structure for message cont. of SAPOSCOLs CCMS tree
CCM_OS_PARA_EXT - transfer structure for parameters o mesg SAPOSCOLs CCMS tree
CCM_OS_PERF - transfer structure for perf attributesof SAPOSCOLs CCMS tree
CCM_OS_STA - transfer structure for status message of SAPOSCOLs CCMS tree
CCM_OS_TEXT - transfer structure for text nodes of SAPOSCOLs CCMS tree
CCM_OS_TEXT_EXT - transfer structure for text extention of SAPOSCOLs CCMS tree
CCM_OS_ZSERIES - Z-Series Metrics
CCM_PERF - Display SAPOSCOL Performance Data
CCM_PERFDB_CUST - Customizing of CPH for OS Collector Nodes
CCM_PERF_FULL_NAME - Display SAPOSCOL Performance Data
CCM_PERF_SNGL_NAME - Display SAPOSCOL Performance Data
CCM_PRC_SINGLE - Overview of Monitored Processes
CCM_RSHOST10_01_ALV - Structure 1 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_02_ALV - Structure 2 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_03_ALV - Structure 3 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_04_ALV - Structure 4 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_05_ALV - Structure 5 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_06_ALV - Structure 6 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_07_ALV - Structure 7 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_08_ALV - Structure 8 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_09_ALV - Structure 9 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_10_ALV - Structure 10 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_11_ALV - Structure 11 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_12_ALV - Overview of Monitored Processes - RSHOST10 Structure 12
CCM_RSHOST10_13_ALV - Structure 13 for RSHOST10
CCM_RSHOST10_14_ALV - Structure for RSHOST10 - Display System Info
CCM_RSHOST10_15_ALV - Structure for RSHOST10 - To Display lparameters
CCM_RSHOST14_02_ALV - Structure for RSHOST14 - LAN Check by Ping
CCM_RSHOST14_ALV_01 - Structure for RSHOST14 ( Ping Details )
CCM_SNAP_ALL - Snapshot of SAPOSCOL Data
CCM_SYS_CONFIG - System Configuration Snapshot
CCM_TOP_SINGLE - Top CPU Processes
CCM_ZOS - SID to Sysplex LPRA mapping
CONFIG_CHR - Recording data for each special record (config_def w/char20)
CONFIG_DEF - Recording data for each special record
CPU_ALL - Global data for CPU
CPU_SINGLE - Data for single CPU
CPU_SUM - Global data of cpu
CPU_SUM_EX - Global CPU Data, Extended
CPU_VIRT_AIX - Global Data for CPU Virtualization AIX
CST_RSWATCH01_ALV - Structure 1 for ALV Report RSWATCH0
CST_RSWATCH02_ALV - Structure 2 for ALV Report RSWATCH0
CST_RSWATCH03_ALV - Structure 3 for ALV Report RSWATCH0
CST_RSWATCH04_ALV - Structure 4 for ALV Report RSWATCH0
CST_RSWATCH05_ALV - Structure 5 for ALV Report RSWATCH0
DAY_OF_H - Day of Hour; DAY Stamp for OS collector interpretation
DEF_PAR_FU - Table for parameter definition in function modules
DSK_SINGLE - Data for each disk
DSK_SUM - Data for each disk
DSK_SUM_EX - Data for Each Disk, Extended
FSY_SINGLE - Recording data for each file system
FSY_SUM - Recording data for each file system
HOUR_OK - Information about each hour ('X' or 'Y' ==> O.K.)
LAN_SINGLE - Accumulated data for each LAN
LAN_SUM - Accumulated data for each LAN
LAN_SUM_EX - Accumulated Data for Each LAN, Extended
LOGDST2 - "Logical Destinations for ST06" with Agent Indicator
LOGDSTHTBL - PF4 help: 'Logical destinations for ST06'
LOGIC_DEST - Table for logical destination
MEM_ALL - Accumulated data for each memory
MEM_SUM - Accumulated data for each memory
MEM_SUM_EX - Accumulated Data for Each Memory, Extended
MVS_ARD_A - OS/390 Performance Data (Used in SMON)
MVS_SPAG_A - MVS performance data (used in SMON)
MVS_SPAG_S - MVS performance data (used in SMON)
MVS_STOR_A - MVS performance data (used in SMON)
MVS_STOR_S - MVS performance data (used in SMON)
OSMON - Operating system monitoring data
OSMON_INT - Internal Table to Display Help Info on 1st Screen of st06
PERFTABDEF - saposcol result table
PRC_SINGLE - Information About Special Processes
SHWODESCR - One line of a hardware object description ( ST06 )
SMON_TEXT - Line of Length 132
SPE_SINGLE - Recording data for each special record
SPE_SUM - Recording data for each special record
SPE_SUM_EX - Recording Data for Each Special Record, Extended.
SYST_CONF - Global data of cpu
TOP_SINGLE - Recording data for each special record
VALID_REC - Global data of cpu
VIRT_CONFIG - Global Data for Virtualization Configuration
VIRT_METRICS - Global Data for Virtualization Metrics

SAP IMS: Agents and related topics Tables BC-CCM-MON-SHM

CCM_PXACONTENT64_ALV - Content of ABAP Program Buffer (PXA)
CCM_RSCOLL20_01_ALV - Structure 1 for RSCOLL20
CCM_RSCOLL20_02_ALV - Structure 2 for RSCOLL20
CCM_RSEXPOBUF_ALV - Table Buffer Statistics Object Structure
CCM_RSORA110_01_ALV - Operating System Parameter Changes
CCM_RSORA110_02_ALV - Parameter History - Structure 2 for RSORA110
CCM_RSORA110_03_ALV - Active Parameters List - Structure 3 for RSORA110
CCM_RSSTAT15_ALV - Structure for RSSTAT15
CCM_RSSTAT40_ALV - Structure for RSSTAT40 & RSSTAT70
CCM_RSSTAT50_01_ALV - Structure 1 for RSSTAT50
CCM_RSSTAT50_02_ALV - Structure 2 for RSSTAT50
CCM_RSSTAT50_03_ALV - Structure 3 for RSSTAT50
CCM_RSTUNE50_01_ALV - Structure 1 for RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE50_02_ALV - Structure 2 for RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE50_03_ALV - Structure 3 for RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE50_04_ALV - Structure 4 RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE50_05_ALV - Structure 5 for RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE50_06_ALV - Structure 6 for RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE50_07_ALV - Structure 7 for RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE50_08_ALV - Structure 8 for RSTUNE50
CCM_RSTUNE51_ALV - Structure for RSTUNE51 - Buffer Display
CCM_RSTUNE56_01_ALV - Header Structure for RSTUNE56
CCM_RSTUNE56_02_ALV - Structure 2 for RSTUNE56 - Item
CCM_RSTUNE56_03_ALV - Structure 3 for RSTUNE56 - Item
CCM_RSTUNE56_04_ALV - Structure 4 for RSTUNE56 - Item
CCM_RSTUNE56_05_ALV - Structure 5 for RSTUNE56 - Item
CCM_RSTUNE56_06_ALV - Structure 6 for RSTUNE56 - Item
CCM_RSTUNE57_ALV - Structure for RSTUNE57
CCM_RSTUNE58_01_ALV - Stucture for RSTUNE58 - Item Data
CCM_RSTUNE58_02_ALV - Structure for RSTUNE58 - Header Data
CCM_RSTUNE60_ALV - Structure for RSTUNE60
CCM_RSTUNE61_01_ALV - Structure for Number Range Statistics - RSTUNE61
CCM_RSTUNE61_02_ALV - Structure for Number Range Buffer Statistics
CCM_RSUSR000_01_ALV - User Information in AL08
CCM_RSUSR000_02_ALV - Structure for Host List - ALV
CCM_TCOLL_ALV - Configuration: Data Collection for Performance Monitoring
CCM_WPTOTLINFO_ALV - Detailed Work Process Information for Each Instance

SAP SAP System Log Tables BC-CCM-MON-SLG

IBD_RSLG0003_ALV - Stucture for RSLG0003
IBD_RSLG0011_ALV - Structure for RSLG0011
IBD_SAPMSM2101_ALV - Strcture for SAPMSM21
IBD_SAPMSM2102_ALV - Strcture for SAPMSM21
IBD_SAPMSM2103_ALV - Structure for SAPMSM21
IBD_SAPMSM2104_ALV - Structure for SAPMSM21
IBD_SAPMSM2105_ALV - Structure for SAPMSM21
IBD_SAPMSM2106_ALV - Structure for SAPMSM21
RSLGABDATA - SysLog: Message from ABAP processor (1st part)
RSLGADDATA - SysLog: Message with time
RSLGAXDATA - SysLog: Message from ABAP processor (2nd part)
RSLGCENT - SysLog: Central SysLog file(s) record structure
RSLGCENT_NEW - SysLog: Central SysLog file(s) record structure
RSLGCFDATA - SysLog: (internal) entry via file number
RSLGDBIDAT - SysLog: Database administration message
RSLGDDDATA - SysLog: Data Dictionary message
RSLGDODATA - SysLog: Program end message
RSLGEDDATA - SysLog: Error message
RSLGELDATA - SysLog: Error message (old form)
RSLGENTR - SysLog entry
RSLGENTRY - Output format for syslog entries.
RSLGENTR_NEW - SysLog entry
RSLGEPDATA - SysLog: Error message (old form)
RSLGERDATA - SysLog: Operating system call message
RSLGETAB - SysLog: Extract from SysLog file(s)
RSLGETAB_NEW - SysLog: Extract from SysLog file(s)
RSLGETYP - SysLog: Principal identifier of an entry
RSLGEXDATA - SysLog: Transaction termination message
RSLGFILINF - SysLog: Centrale SysLog information
RSLGFINFO - SysLog: File name and position information
RSLGIBDATA - SysLog: Buffer and memory space message
RSLGLAYOUT - SysLog: Analysis layouts control parameters
RSLGPARTAB - List of parameters
RSLGPID - SysLog: Process ID
RSLGPRDATA - SysLog: Background program problem message
RSLGRECCNT - SysLog: Selection procedure record counter
RSLGSEL - SysLog: Selection criteria
RSLGSNDINF - SysLog: SysLog entry sender information
RSLGSQLDAT - SysLog: Database administration message
RSLGSTATISTIC - structure for syslog statistics data
RSLGS_NO_ACCESS - Instance with no access
RSLGTCACHE - SysLog: Extracts from TSL1D, TSL1T, TDEVC,...
RSLGTYPE - System log data types for screens and FM parameters
RSLGUPDATA - SysLog: Program start message
RSLG_SO_DATE - Select option date
RSLG_SO_TIME - Select option time
RSLG_S_F4_MSG - Output Structure for Input Help
RSLG_S_KEY - Key for a Mesage (Area, Sub ID)
RSLG_S_R_RSLGNO - Selection Option for System Log Message
SLGSK - System Log Statistics by Log Type
SLGSM - System Log Statistics by Message
SLGSR - System Log Statistics by Reports
SLGST - System Log Statistics by Transaction
SLGSY - System Log Statistics by Time Stamp
SLO1_DYNP_1250 - Screen Elements SAPLSLO1 (1250)
SLO1_DYNP_1251 - Screen Elements for SAPLSL01 (1251)
SLO1_S_MSGLIST - Output Structure for SE92 Message List
SM23PARM - Unused: Screen Fields SM23 (SysLog Analysis)
TSL1D - System Log Message (Formerly 100S or TSL01)
TSL1T - System Log: Message texts (Formerly T100S, TSL01)
TSL2D - System Log: Classification ID for Messages
TSL2T - System Log: Message Class Names
TSL3D - System Log Entry Types
TSL3T - System Log: Log Entry Types
TSL4T - SYSLOG Monitoring Categories
TSL5D - System Log Filter Settings Used
TSL7T - Syslog new assessment for monitoring
TSLE1 - Platform
TSLE2 - Errno numbers
TSLE3 - Errno values description
TSLE4 - Instances operating systems

SAP Performance Monitors (TCC) Tables BC-CCM-MON-TUN

ALSTATITEM - Statistical Data About Individual SAP Tables + Host + RC
AMDS - Effective size of tables and indexes in the database
AMDT - Control Table for Application Monitor / DB Storage
AMRH - Application Monitor: Hierarchy acc. to TCODE/REPORT
AMSK - SQL trace header info in application monitor
AMSP - SQL trace position info in application monitor
ARCHOBJTC - Archiving object
ARCHTABTC - Database table
ARCH_CCMS - Screen fields for archiving CCMS link
BUFCHECK - Exception table of tables that cannot be buffered
BUFHISTREC - Buffer history: memory and system information
BUF_H_CONT - SAP buffer history - table of contents
BUF_S_CONT - SAP Buffer History - Table of Contents
CCSTATS - Cursor cache statistics
CCSTATSTTL - SAP cursor cache: total statistics for all work processes
CLASSES - Buffer class selection parameters
COLLLANSEG - Network monitor: Segment information
COLLSEGTOP - Network monitor: Top performer structure
CTABSTAT - Statistical data on individual SAP tables (kernel)
CUACONTENT - Content of the CUA buffer
DB6BPSNAP - DB6: Buffer Pool Snapshot 4.6C
DB6DBSNAP - DB6: Database Snapshot 4.6C
DB6TSPACE - Tablespace Structure
DB6TSSNAP - DB6: Tablespace Snapshot 4.6C
DBCHK - Exceptions for data base checks
DBOPTSTATS - Structure for Optimizer Statistics Check
DBSAPCHECK - type of db/sap consistency check
DBSNP - Database snapshots
DBSTAIHADA - Actual size of indices on the database (history)
DBSTAIHORA - Actual size of indices on the database (history)
DBSTATAM - Read structure of DB statistics data for Application Monitor
DBSTATDEC - Structure table call statistics with dec. fields
DBSTATDEC64 - Structure: Table Call Statistics with Decimal Fields
DBSTATHADA - Actual size of tables on the database (history)
DBSTATHINF - INFORMIX update statistical information
DBSTATHORA - Actual size of tables on the database (history)
DBSTATIADA - Actual size of indices on the database
DBSTATIORA - Actual size of indices on the database
DBSTATITEM - Statistical data for individual SAP tables
DBSTATITEM64 - Statistical Data for Individual SAP Tables
DBSTATTADA - Actual size of tables on the database
DBSTATTINF - INFORMIX update statistical information
DBSTATTORA - Actual size of tables on the database
DBSYS - Database system (ORA,INF, ... etc.)
DBTABSTAT - Table statistics sizes
DBVSE - Table for Oracle DB Snapshots of V$SYSTEM_EVENT
EARLY - Monitor table MONI
EMBLKSTATE - Extended Memory Block Status
EMSTATUSAG - Extended Memory Statistics: utilization data
ENTRY_TAB - Table with Trace File Entries
EWEFATABSZ - Structure of data about table & index sizes (bytes)
EWEFATINFO - Info structure about last table size analysis
EWHIETAB - Experience database; structure for hierarchy table
EWJOBSCHED - Scheduling parameters for EarlyWatch background jobs
EWJOBSIO - Field for input & output of job scheduling data
EWOBJTAB - Experience database; structure for simple object table
EWOSS - Technical settings for transaction OSS1
EWTABB - Table for EarlyWatch Report
EWTSSCHED - Scheduling parameters of table size collector
EXCLLCKWTS - Exclusive lock waiters
FIELD_INFO - FIELD_INFO -> List of Fields for All OracleV$, DBA Views
FILESTAT - Created in the R/3 DDIC to avoid brconnect warnings
FLD_INFO - Information About All Fields (<20) of V$Tables
GRP_INFO - GRP_INFO -> List of Oracle Table Groups (V$, dba, and so on)
GSCDCOSTR - Interface Description for GSCD Function Modules
GSCDMODRE - Structure of Transfer Table I_MODIREP
GSCDSDEVC - Statistics: Number of Modified Objects for Each Package
GSCDSOBTY - Statistics Table: Number of Modified Objects per Obj. Type
GST04 - Statistics: Structure for data base information display
GST04SRVRS - List of all R/3 instances with DB
GVD_BGPROCESS - Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$BGPROCESS
GVD_BUFF_POOL_ST - Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$buffer_pool_statistics
GVD_DATABASE - Copy of GV$DATABASE (currently not provided with snapshots)
GVD_DB_CACHE_ADV - Copy of GV$DB_CACHE_ADVICE (currently not provided w. snaps)
GVD_LATCHHOLDER - Copy of GV$LATCHHOLDER (currently not provided with snapsh)
GVD_LATCHNAME - Copy of GV$LATCHNAME (currently not provided with snapshots)
GVD_LATCH_PARENT - Copy of GV$LATCH_PARENT (currently not provided with snaps)
GVD_LOGFILE - Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$LOGFILE
GVD_OBJECT_DEPEN - Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY
GVD_PARAMETER2 - Copy of GV$PARAMETER2 (currently not provided with snapshot
GVD_PX_SESSION - Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$PX_SESSION
GVD_ROWCACHE - Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$ROWCACHE
GVD_SEGMENT_STAT - Copy of GV$SEGMENT_STATISTICS (curr. not provided w. snaps)
GVD_SEGSTAT - Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SEGSTAT
GVD_SERVERLIST - Oracle Monitoring: Snapshot table for the R/3 serverlist
GVD_SESSION - Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SESSION
GVD_SESSION_EVT - Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$SESSION_EVENT
GVD_SESSION_WAIT - Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SESSION_WAIT
GVD_SESSTAT - Snapshot table for GV$SESSTAT (curr. not provided w. snaps)
GVD_SESS_IO - Copy of GV$SESS_IO (currently not provided with snapshots)
GVD_SGA - Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA
GVD_SGACURRRESIZ - Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE
GVD_SGADYNCOMP - Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPON
GVD_SGADYNFREE - Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_M
GVD_SGASTAT - Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGASTAT
GVD_SHAR_P_ADV - Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$shared_pool_advice
GVD_SQL - Copy of GV$SQL (currently not provided with snapshots)
GVD_SQLAREA - Copy of GV$SQLAREA (currently not provided with snapshots)
GVD_SQLTEXT - Copy of GV$SQLTEXT (currently not provided with snapshots)
GVD_SQL_WORKAREA - Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREA
GVD_UNDOSTAT - Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$UNDOSTAT
GVD_WAITSTAT - Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$WAITSTAT
GVD_WPTOTALINFO - Oracle Monitoring: Workprocess Information snapshot table
HOUR_TAB - Table structure for collector data such as hour_ok
HPSTATUSAG - Heap Memory Statistics: utilization data
KNSAPWLUS - SAP workload - user structure plus user classification
LISTE - List Structure for Transferring Log Information
LPAHI - Work area for parameter history
MEMALLOC - Memory class allocation
MEMHIST - SAP Memory Statistics: History
MEMMODETAB - External and internal modes of a user
MEMPARAMTR - Memory management parameters
MEMPARAMTY - Memory Management Parameter DEC15
MISSOBJ - name of missing object on database/ in SAP dictionary
MONI - Monitor table MONI
MONIGLOBAL - Global Information About RSORADLD to Store in MONI
MONI_CHECK - Number of missing indices/tables in MONI
MSSPFNTOPS - Display MSQSNAP table: Server set
NTABCONTNT - Nametab content
NUMMER - Structure for numbers table
ODBSTATITM - Statistical data for individual SAP Tables (f. Rel. < 3.0)
ORABLKANAL - Detailed Analysis of Oracle Tables
ORAEXPLAIN - Explain Plan for Oracle Statement
ORAEXPLTRE - Oracle: Explain Tree Additional Info. for Hierarchy Nodes
ORAIDXCOL2 - Information About Index Columns
ORAIDXFLDS - ORACLE: Download SQL SE11 Index Fields
ORAIDXHEAD - ORACLE Download SQL SE11 Index Header
ORAIDXINF2 - Statistical Index Information
ORAIDXINFO - Index Information
ORAINDANAL - Detailed Analysis of Oracle Indexes (fr. V.7)
ORAINDXCOL - Columns and Distinct Keys of an Index
ORAJOICOND - Oracle: Download Join Conditions
ORAPHYTABL - ORACLE: Download Physical Tables for Joins
ORASELCOND - Oracle: Download Selection Conditions
ORATABCOL2 - Information About Table Columns
ORATABFLDS - ORACLE: Download SQL SE11 Table Fields
ORATABHEAD - ORACLE: Download SQL SE11 Table Header
ORATABINFO - Statistical Table Information
ORA_083_DBSNP - Structure used by report RSORA083
ORA_DBA_EXTENTS - Copy of DBA_EXTENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)
ORA_DBA_OBJECTS - Copy of DBA_OBJECTS (currently not provided with snapshots)
ORA_DBA_SEGMENTS - Copy of DBA_SEGMENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)
ORA_DBA_TABLES - Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots)
ORA_HISTPAR - Parameter values for oracle history collector
ORA_IDLE_EVENTS - Oracle: Idle events
ORA_RESUMABLE - Oracle monitor: Copy of DBA_RESUMABLE
ORA_SAP_AUXSTATS - Oracle monitor: Copy of SAP_AUXSTATS
ORA_SNAPSHOT - Master data of an oracle monitor snapshot
ORA_STMT - Oracle: SQL Statement and Length
OSDATA - Operating system monitor data (server and time independent)
PAHI - History of system, DB and SAP parameter
PAHI_PARAM_SEL - Select the Parameters to Be recorded
PARAM_TBL - INTTAB for Getting Informix Parameters
PBFCONTENT - Content of presentation buffer (PRES)
PERFDATA - Statistical Record for Performance Window
PFSPOACT - Spool statistical record: Action information
PFSPOPRI - Spool statistical record: Print information
PFSTATIREC - Statistical index record
PROFPARAM - Profile parameter
PROF_HIST - History of a DB, OS or SAP profile
PXACONTENT - Content of ABAP/4 program buffer (PXA)
PXACONTENT64 - Content of ABAP Program Buffer (PXA)
PXAINFO - Special informatino on PXA (program buffer)
PXAINFOS - Selected information for PXA (program buffer)
RFCCALSTUN - General Parameters for RFC Calls in Package STUN
RLPG_STAT - Statistics on SAP roll or paging area
RPHIST - Roll & paging usage: history
RS07S - SQL trace summary - output fields
RST02 - Structure for Documentation ST02
RSTABL - ApplMon; table structure
SAPBUFQUAL - Qualities of SAP buffers
SAPWLD000 - SAP Workload: Workload analysis: Data record for basis table
SAPWLD001 - SAP Workload: Workload: Table statistics data record
SAPWLD002 - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC statistics data record
SAPWLK000 - SAP workload: Key with instance/period/date/type/task
SAPWLK001 - SAP Workload: Key with BTa/Program/Clt.+Ben./Application
SAPWLK002 - SAP workload: Time area/CUA program/function code
SAPWLK004 - SAP Workload: Key for RFC FuMod./Target/Rem.Host/Rol.
SAPWLPSTRC - SAP Workload: Stats. records/workload: func. module param.
SAPWLREORG - SAP Workload: Reorganization control
SAPWLSCTID - SAP Workload: Stat. collector: table of last read trans IDs
SAPWLSERV - SAP Workload: Table of active servers
SAPWLT000 - SAP workload: statistics data
SAPWLT001 - SAP workload: Table statistics
SAPWLT002 - SAP workload: RFC statistics data
SAPWLTABR - SAP Workload: Workload: Table statistical record
SAPWLTADIR - Structure for the table of contents of the table statistics
SAPWLTASTR - Data structures in the table statistics
SAPWLTCDAT - SAP Workload: Time comparison stats.
SAPWLTCHPT - SAP Workload: Time comp. stats.: Host<->Period directory
SAPWLTCPTB - SAP Workload: Time comp. stats.: Periodic table structure
SAPWLTCTIM - SAP Workload: Time comp. stats.: Periodic times
SAPWRFCC - SAP Workload: Workload: RFC client statistical record
SDBAARCH - Oracle: History of redo log files
SDBAIA - Internal table structure for DB alerts
SDBAIDIR - INTTAB for Directory Fill Status Query
SDBAIREP - Structure for returning info on backups/archives
SDBAREQIDL - Request ID list
SDBA_ALINE - Structure to fill archive detail line in SDBAD
SDBA_BLINE - Structure to fill backup detail line in SDBAD
SDBELOGSQL - ADABAS for R/3: Status of Log
SEGTABSTAB - Table units included in the segment
SHMPOOLS - Structure of table shm_pools
SHMTABLE_S - Structure of table shmtable
SIMELD - Internal structure for forecast messages
SIPROG - Structure for forecast module
SPCOM - Interface to forecasting
SQLDSE11IH - SQL Download SE11 Index header
SQLDSE11IP - SQL Download SE11 Index positions
SQLDSE11TH - SQL Download SE11 Table header
SQLDSE11TP - SQL Download SE11 Table columns
SQLD_ABAP - information on ABAP program in SQL trace (ST05)
SQLD_ADMIN - administrative information on the SQL trace (ST05)
SQLD_EXPL - Explain for SQL Trace Download
SQLD_JOIN - Internal Structure for Joins of Views
SQLD_PHT - V-VIEWTABLE: View of Base Tables of a View
SQLD_SEL - View on a Selection Condition
SQLD_SQL - Statement ID / Source Text
SQLD_ST05 - list of identical SQL statements (ST05)
SQLD_WBTC - SAP Workload: Stat. record: Bckgrnd proc: Statistical record
SQLD_WDIA - SAP Workload: Stat. record: Main statistical record
ST02_T1 - Fields of Table Statistics Display ST02 (RSMSS02)
ST04N_ANA - Detailed analyses in ST04N
ST04N_ANAT - Detailed analyses in ST04N (Node names)
ST04N_LIM - Limiting values for lights in oracle main monitor
STATE - Statistics: Display external workload data information
STMTDATA - Data for SCC Download Statement (Oracle)
STUN_HOST - System List Structure
SYNCDSPHLP - Help values for screen entry
SYNCSTAT - Synchronization overview statistics
SYNCTAB - Structure of buffer synchronization telegram
SYNCTABDB2 - Structure of buffer synchronization telegram
SYS_PARAMS - Get DB Parameter
T10_ST02 - ST02: Fields for screen 10
T20_ST02 - ST02: Fields for screens 20, 21, 22, 23
TABBUFQUAL - Table buffer qualities
TABCOLUMNS - Columns of the Table with Information
TABHIST - Table access statistics: history
TABHITRATO - Table statistics: hit rates
TABLLOGACC - Table statistics: logical (ABAP) database accesses
TABLLOGACC64 - Table Statistics: Logical (ABAP) Database Accesses 64 Bit
TABOPERTNS - Table statistics: total number of operations
TABPHYSACC - Table statistics: physical database accesses
TABPHYSACC64 - Table Statistics: Physical Database Accesses
TAME0 - Application Monitor: Table - Event
TCOLL - Configuration: Data collection for performance monitoring
TNETMAC - Maintenance of mac addresses in SAP network monitor
TNETMONINF - Network Monitor:Configuration data and work information
TRS35 - Control Table RSSTAT35 Collector Run
TSEXC - Standard Values for Performance Monitoring
TSHM0 - Name texts for shared memory segments
TSPRF - Standard Values for Performance Monitoring
TST04 - Statistics: Structure for data base information display
TST04INST - ORACLE Parallel Server instances
TST04SQD - SAP DB: Table for Database Summary
TSTAM - Application object tables
TSTAMK - Classification of SAP Tables by Expected Size in Production
TUNE1 - Tune: Maximum Puffer Sizes/Directory Entries Reached
TUNEHD - Statistical data for internal SAP buffers
TUNEHD64 - Statistical Data for Internal SAP Buffers
TUNEHDHIST - History: Statistical data for internal SAP buffers
TUNEHDWQ - Statistical data re. SAP buffer & quality/hit ratios
TUNEHDWQ64 - Statistical Data About SAP Buffer and Quality/Hit Ratios
TUNEOPSGEN - table for generate decision
UNIXLIST - List of strings with results of unix command
USER_DIR - Table used to store user def. directories to be used in al11
VIEW_INFO - VIEW_INFO -> List of Oracle v$, DBA Views, and so on
WPTOTLICER - Description of communications problems
WPTOTLIHLP - Work process info: structure for help texts
WPTOTLINFO - Detailed work process info per instance
WPTOTLIUSR - User settings in global work process overview
WPTOTLIUWP - Work processes used

SAP Print and Output Management Tables BC-CCM-PRN

FRPRLIST - List of Frontend Printers
IBD_RSTS001001_ALV - Structure 1 for RSTS0010
IBD_RSTS001002_ALV - Structure 2 for RSTS0010 (RSLG_SHOW_SAPPARAM)
IBD_RSTS001003_ALV - Structure 3 for RSTS0010 - TemSe Admin. Authorizations
IBD_RSTS0022_ALV - Structure for RSTS0022
IBD_RSTS0030_ALV - Structure for RSTS0030
IBD_TST03M_ALV - Structure for TST03M - ALV
NWOMS_46C_DEVICE - Printer Description for OMS Web Service in 46C
NWOMS_46C_RETURN - Table with Return Codes from RSPO_SXOMS_DEFINE_PRINTER for 4
PJDONE_T - Selection Options for PJFINADONE (Checkbox)
PJERRP_T - Selection Options for PJERRPROT (Checkbox)
PJHERR_T - Selection Options for PJFINAHERR (Checkbox)
PJSERR_T - Selection Options for PJFINASERR (Checkbox)
PJSERV_T - Selection Options for PJSERVER
PJSYST_T - Selection Options for PJSYST
PJTERM_T - Selection Options for TSP02F Terminal
POSS_JOBTICKET - Job ticket structure for spool request
POSS_JOBTICKETINFO - Jobticket Information for user (includes name of option...)
POSS_OPTIONINFO - Information about printer option
POSS_OPTVALINFO - Information on values for print option
POSS_OPTVALSTRUCT - Structure with fields for print options and option values
POSS_OPTVALTEXT - Translated texts for printer option values
POSS_PRINTTICKETINFO - Print ticket name and user/date
RQ0NAM_T - Selection Options for RQ0NAME
RQ1DIS_T - Selection Options for RQ1DISPO
RQ1NAM_T - Selection Options for RQ1NAME
RQ2DIS_T - Selection Options for RQ2DISPO
RQ2NAM_T - Selection Options for RQ2NAME
RQADES_T - Selection Options for RQADES
RQAUTH_T - Select Options for RQAUTH
RQCLIE_T - Selection Options for RQCLIENT
RQCOPI_T - Selection Options for RQCOPIES
RQCRED_T - Selection Options for CREDATE
RQDELD_T - Selection Options for DELDATE
RQDESTL_T - Selection Options for RQDESTL
RQDEST_T - Selection Options for RQDEST
RQDIVI_T - Selection Options for RQDIVISION
RQFIN_T - Selection Options for RQFIN
RQIDEN_T - Selection Options for RQIDENT
RQOWNE_T - Selection Options for RQOWNER
RQPAGE_T - Selection Options for RQPAGE
RQPAPE_T - Selection Options for RQPAPER
RQPJDO_T - Selection Options for RQPJDONE
RQPJHE_T - Selection Options for RQPJHERR
RQPJRE_T - Selection Options for RQPJREQ
RQPJSE_T - Selection Options for RQJSERR
RQPRIO_T - Selection Options for RQPRIO
RQRECE_T - Selection Options for RQRECEIVER
RQSAPT_T - Selection Options for RQSAPT
RQSYST_T - Selection Options for RQSYST
RQSYS_T - Selection Options for System Name
RQTITL_T - Selection Options for RQTITLE
RQTLAN_T - Selection Options for RQTELELAN
RQTNUM_T - Selection Options for RQTELENUM
RQUNXT_T - Selection Options for RQUNXT
RSPOADR_OUTPUT_DUMP - ABAP based PDL drivers: Chunk of output stream
RSPOADR_SRC - ABAP based PDL drivers: source code
RSPOATTR - Spool: Entry for Object Description
RSPOCHANGE - Spool: Spool object last changed by
RSPOCHECK - Internal structure as parameter block, authorization check
RSPODEV - Spool: Entry for Device Description
RSPODEVC - Spool: Entry in device cache
RSPODEVL - Device Description for XBP Input Help
RSPODEVT - Spool: Entry for Device Description
RSPOEGFATT - List Driver: ESC/Page Font Attributes
RSPOEMSG - Spoo: Error Message from Kernel
RSPOGINF - Spool: Group Information for Spool Service
RSPOHNDLR - Spool: Event Handler f�r Spool Requests
RSPOJOBS - Spool: Entry in Job List
RSPOJQUEUE - Spool: Entry in processing queue of the spool work process
RSPOLATTB - Spool: List parameters for spool and print requests
RSPOLATTD - list driver: Document attributes currently unused
RSPOLATTF - LISTDRV: Formatting type attributes for dev. type (TSP06A)
RSPOLATTG - LISTDRV: Attribute for output medium / device (TSP03C)
RSPOLATTJ - List driver: Job attributes, currently unused
RSPOLATTL - Layout information for list drivers
RSPOLATTM - LISTDRV: Formatting type attributes (TSP1D)
RSPOLATTS - Statistical attributes for list drivers
RSPOLATTU - User-defined attributes for list drivers
RSPOLAYOUT - Description of an Implemented Format
RSPOLD - Spooler: Structure for device, type, formatting
RSPOLOVR - Spool: Lock overview
RSPOLPBI - Table for transferring binary data using RFC
RSPOLPRINT - Data Elements for Local Printing
RSPOLPTAB - Table Structure for Data Transfer (Local Printing)
RSPOLS - Spooler: Table with formatting data and page sizes
RSPONTA - Spool: Structure definition (name, type, format)
RSPOOCLASS - Spool: Ticket Name and Description
RSPOPART - Spool: Part Description of a Composite Spool Request
RSPOPCFATT - List driver: Font attributes for PCL-5
RSPOPGCNTL - Data Structure: Control Information for Paging
RSPOPIDEVTYPE - Device type description (extract from TSP0A)
RSPOPRFATT - List driver: PRESCRIBE font attributes
RSPOPSFATT - List driver: PostScript font attributes
RSPORQ - Spool: Information on spool requests
RSPORQINFO - Information about a single spool request
RSPOSCSEL - Spool: Selection Structure for Server Classification
RSPOSEL - Spool: Selection Fields
RSPOSERVER - Spool: Cache lines of a server entry
RSPOSPCTL - Spool: Maintain a Print Control
RSPOSRVINF - Spool: Dynamic server information
RSPOSTRING - General String
RSPOSUBJ - Spool: Output Request for Job Ticket Output Request
RSPOSUBR - Spool: Subrequests for Job Ticket Output Request
RSPOSVIG - Spool: Group Information for TSPSVI
RSPOSWFATT - List Driver: Windows Font Attributes
RSPOTINFO - Spool: Information for feeders of a device
RSPOTOCE - Spool: Entry for a Table of Contents
RSPOTYPE - Spool data types
RSPOUATT - Spool: User attributes for ABAP drivers
RSPOUPE_TYPES - UPE data types for UI
RSPOXTYPE - Spool: Types for Conversion Module
RSPO_DS - Data Set for Data Exchange
RSPO_DS2 - Dataset for data exchange (long lines)
RSPO_DSX - Data Set for Data Exchange
RSPO_DSX2 - Dataset for data exchange (long lines)
RSPO_FREE_PARAMS - Free parameters of a spool request from table TSP02A
RSPO_ID - Request ID for Spool
RSPO_INDEX - Page Index for SP01
RSPO_SAMPLE_TEXT - Example Texts
RSPO_SNMP_INFO - Information neccessary to make SNMP calls to a printer
RSPO_SXOMS_DEVICE - Printer Description for OMS Web Service
RSPO_SXOMS_TRAY_INFO - Tray Information for SXOMS
RSPO_TINFO - Spool: TemSe Information
RSPO_TYPES - Type collection for ABAP Workbench
RSPO_UPESLANGGROUP - UPE: Structure for language Group
RSTSTYPE - TemSe: Reference fields for function module users
RSTS_DIR_LINE - Line for Reading an Object Directly from the File System
SAPPARAM - Cache for SAPPARAM Values
SEXT_CMD_DEF - BC-XOM Extension: OMS command set
SEXT_DATA - Data Table for Data Transmission
SEXT_DEVCF - OMS Device Configuration
SEXT_DEVEV - Format of Event (Device Event)
SEXT_DLIST - Entry in OMS Device Table
SEXT_DSTAT - Status Line of OMS Device
SEXT_DTYPE_DEF - BC-XOM Extension: device type
SEXT_INST - BC-XOM Extension: Application server instance
SEXT_JCNCL - Status Line of Delete Request
SEXT_JOBEV - Format of Event for Print Request
SEXT_JSTAT - Status Line for Jobs of OMS Device
SEXT_JTBLB - Job Table Lines Basis Header (SEXT_JCNCL and SEXT_JSTAT)
SEXT_LCONF - Configuration Structure of R/3 Flag Field for LOMS
SEXT_LFLGS - Structure of R/3 Flag Field for LOMS
SEXT_LOMS_DEF - BC-XOM Extension: LOMS definition
SEXT_PARAM - Spool Parameters to transfer to external tools
SEXT_POPT - BC-XOM Extension: Print Option
SEXT_POPT_INFO - BC-XOM Extension: Information About Print Option
SEXT_POPT_VAL - BC-XOM Extension: Value of a Print Option
SEXT_PQUEU - Status Line for Queue Entries for OMS Device Polling
SEXT_PRINTER_DEF - BC-XOM Extension: Printer definition
SEXT_PRINTER_NAME - Printer Name (Long and Short)
SEXT_QUEUE - Status Line for Queue Entries of OMS Device
SEXT_RC - BX-XOM Extension: Return Code
SEXT_RCONF - Configuration Structure of R/3 Flag Field for ROMS
SEXT_RFLGS - Structure of R/3 Flag Field for ROMS
SEXT_RMGCF - CBG Configuration
SEXT_ROMS_DEF - BC-XOM Extension: ROMS definition
SEXT_SPOO_SERVER - BC-XOM Extension: spool server
SEXT_TRAY_FLAGS - BC-XOM Extension: Tray flags
SEXT_TRAY_INFO - BC-XOM Extension: Tray infomation
SEXT_TYPES - Dummy Table for Bypassing Dummy ABAP/4 Type System
SFONT_CP_TO_WIDTH - Codepoint - Glyph - Width mapping
SFONT_GLYPH_TO_WIDTH - Glyph - Width Mapping
SPCPCS_CPC_OBJECT - CPC Object - structure
SPCPCS_MESSAGE - Icon + text
SPCPC_03D_PULL - Printer definition for device pull
SPCPC_DEVTYPE_INSTALL_STATUS - Device Type Installation Status
SPCPC_DEVTYPE_INSTALL_STATUS_E - Extended Device Type Installation Status
SPCPC_DIST_STATUS - Distribution status
SPCPC_DIST_STATUS_EX - Distribution status
SPCPC_FILTER - Filter expression
SPCPC_MAPPING_FAV - Status for printer client distribution - extended version
SPCPC_MAPPING_STATUS - Status for printer client distribution
SPCPC_MAPPING_STATUS_EX - Status for printer client distribution - extended version
SPCPC_NAME_VALUE - Name value pair
SPCPC_OUTPUT_DEVICE - Output device information
SPCPC_PGROUP_ID - ID for group of central managed printers
SPCPC_PRINTER_ID - CPC managed printer ID
SPCPC_PRINTER_ID_EX - PAL managed printer ID
SPCPC_PULL_DEVICE - SPCP printer to be pulled from target system
SPCPC_PULL_STATUS - Status of pulled PAL printers
SPCPC_TSGROUP_ID - ID for CPC target system group
SPCPC_TS_ID - ID of CPC target system
STSP02F - Spool: Structure for Enqueue for Front-End Printing
SXOM_DEVEV - Format of Event (Device Event)
SXOM_JOBEV - Format of Event for Print Request
T022A - Spool: Indirect printer selection
T022B - Spool allocation for logical/physical destination
T022D - Spool: Print control translation
TCPLANG - DON'T CHANGE - Languages and their classification
TCPLANGGRP - DON'T CHANGE - Language groups and codepage ranges
TFRS_CHAR_SEL - Typeface Repo - Character Selection
TFRS_CODEPOINT_SELECTION - Typeface Repo - Codepoint Selection
TFRS_FAMILY_SUB_NAME - Typeface Repo � Subfamily
TFRS_HISTORY - Usage history
TFRS_INFO - Typeface Repo - Info about one logical Font
TFRS_INFO_EXT - Typeface Repo - Extended Info
TFRS_INFO_HISTORY - TFRS Info and Usage history
TFRS_LANG_INFO - Language Information
TFRS_LOGID - Typeface Repo - Logical Font Identifier
TFRS_NAME - Typeface Repo - Name
TFRT_BLOB - Typeface Repo - Binary Storage
TFRT_HISTORY - Typeface Repo - History
TFRT_INFO - Typeface Repo - Font Info
TFRT_NAME - Typeface Repo - Additional names of fonts
TFRT_SRCH_CHARC - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoints in PS font
TFRT_SRCH_CHARC1 - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoints in PS font
TFRT_SRCH_CHARCG - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoints in PS font
TFRT_SRCH_CHARCM - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoints in PS font
TFRT_SRCH_CHART - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoint in TrueType font
TFRT_SRCH_CHART1 - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoint in TrueType font
TFRT_SRCH_CHARTG - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoint in TrueType font
TFRT_SRCH_CHARTM - Typeface Repo - Search table codepoint in TrueType font
TFRT_SRCH_DATA - Typeface Repo - Data returned after search
TFRT_SRCH_KEY - Typeface Repo - Table of Font key for search
TFRT_USER - Typeface Repo - User settings for name replacements
TRFRS_PREF_NAME - Typeface Repo - Preferred Name
TSP01 - Spool Requests
TSP01P - Spool: Part Table of a Spool Request
TSP01_SP01 - Extended TSP01 for New SP01
TSP01_SP0R - Extended TSP01 for New SP01
TSP02 - Spool: Print requests
TSP02A - Dynamic Attributes for Spool Requests and Output Requests
TSP02F - List of frontend printing to be executed
TSP02FX - List of Front-End Printing to Be Printed (Replaces TSP02F)
TSP02JT - Job ticket data
TSP02L - Spool: List parameters for spool and print requests
TSP02T - Spool: Output Requests Waiting to Be Activated
TSP02W - Spool: Output Requests Waiting for Processing
TSP02_SP0R - Extended TSP02 for New SP01
TSP03 - Spool: Printer declaration
TSP03A - Spool: Device description (new format)
TSP03C - Spool: Device Description Extension
TSP03D - Spool: Device Description (New Format)
TSP03L - Spool: Long device names
TSP03POCCNF - Print option configuration
TSP03POCPRE - Printer option configuration: preselection
TSP03T - Paper format in the device paper tray
TSP04 - Spool: Access to paper types
TSP05 - Spool: Protection rules
TSP06 - Spool: Sequences for handling paper
TSP06A - Spool: Implemented format type of a device type
TSP06POT - Print options texts
TSP06T - Text table: Title texts for print formats
TSP07 - Spool: Paper used by the printer
TSP08 - Spool: Paper formats
TSP09 - Spool: Printer drivers
TSP09A - Spool: ABAP based printer drivers
TSP0A - Spool: Device types
TSP0C - Spool: Change Log
TSP0E - Data for optical archiving
TSP0G - Spool: Number ranges
TSP0H - Printer pools
TSP0I - Assignment of printers to terminals (room assignment)
TSP0K - Print commands for host spooler (link type 'L')
TSP0L - Spool events
TSP0N - Graphical object
TSP0P - Resources for formatting
TSP0Q - Derivation resource
TSP0R - Paper in the paper trays on the device
TSP0S - Name Conventions For Spool Request Authorizations
TSP0T - Assignment of local printer type to terminal
TSP0U - Additional Information for Saved Data Transfer
TSP1D - Spool: Format
TSP1T - Spool: Long Text for Format
TSP2D - Spool: Formats in a paper family/form
TSP2T - Spool: Paper family (form)
TSP3T - Spool: Command to prepare the printer for the paper family
TSP4D - Spool: Check table for print control
TSP4T - Spool: Explanation of the Print Controls
TSP5D - LPQ formats (host spool system)
TSP5T - Text for LPQ format from the spooler
TSP6D - Type of connection to format program
TSP6T - Text Table: Printer Access Method
TSP7D - With or without cover sheet?
TSP7S - With or without cover sheet?
TSP7T - With or without cover sheet?
TSP8D - Graphical object
TSP8T - Description of graphical objects
TSP9D - Resource
TSP9T - Resource
TSPCMDS - Command Line Model for LOMS
TSPCONV - External converter
TSPCPCDS - CPC: Distribution status
TSPCPCDSE - Extended distribution status information
TSPCPCFAV - Target Systems and Target System Groups as Favorite Targets
TSPCPCPGC - CPC: Printer group configuration
TSPCPCPGL - CPC: Printer group list
TSPCPCPL - CPC: List of CPC managed printers on central system
TSPCPCTPR - OBSOLETE CPC: Target system group / printer group relations
TSPCPCTSGC - CPC: Target system group configuration
TSPCPCTSGL - CPC: Target system group list
TSPCPCTSL - CPC: Target system list
TSPDEVCF - Reconfiguration Table for OMS Devices
TSPEVDEV - OMS Events for Devices
TSPEVJOB - OMS Events for Print Requests
TSPJSTAT - Statistical data for output requests
TSPLOMS - Logical Output Management Systems for Access Method 'E'
TSPOPIMAN - Printer manufacturers
TSPOPIP - Printer / device type repations
TSPOPIPRN - Printer / device type relations
TSPOPIPRN_WORK - Printer / device type relations
TSPOPTIONS - Spool Options
TSPPOSSUSER - User-defaults for print options
TSPQSTAT - Statistical data about print queues
TSPRMGCF - Reconfiguration Table for OMS Callback Groups
TSPROMS - Real Output Management Systems for Access Method 'E'
TSPSV - Spool: Server table
TSPSVI - Spool: Server Information (Updated by Spool Work Processes)
TSPUSROPT - Spool: User-specific settings
TSPUSRSEL - Spool: User-Specific Settings
TST01 - TemSe: List of objects and parts
TST02 - TemSe: Protection rules
TST03 - TemSe data
TST05 - TemSe data types
TST06 - Right to use 'rstsmain', 'rspomain'
TST07 - Name conventions for TemSe objects

SAP Spool System Tables BC-CCM-PRN-SPO

ADSFILE - File Description for Part Files
ADSPARTDESC - Complete Description of Part
ADSXDCDESC - Assignment of SAP Device Type to XDC Printer Specification
TSP0B - Spool: Mapping Device Types to XDC Description

SAP System Landscape Directory/Component Repository Tables BC-CCM-SLD

SCCMSDEPLOYED - Names and Versions of Deployed Objects
SCCMSERRORTXT - Error Messages
SCCMSSWCOMPSP - Software Components and Support Packages

SAP Transaction TAANA for Table Analysis Tables BC-CCM-TAN

ARDB_STA3T - Table Analysis: Analysis Variant - Description
ARDB_STA3TN - Table Analysis: Analysis Variant - Description (with TADIR)
ARDB_STA4T - Table Analysis: Description Virtual Field without Data Elem.
ARDB_STAT0 - Table Analysis: Executed Analyses - Header Data
ARDB_STAT1 - Table Analysis: Executed Analyses - Number per Data Set
ARDB_STAT2 - Table Analyses: Executed Analyses - Fields of a Data Set
ARDB_STAT3 - Table Analysis: Analysis Variants
ARDB_STAT3N - Table Analysis: Analysis Variant (with TADIR Connection)
ARDB_STAT4 - Table Analysis: Virtual Fields for Analysis Variants
ARDB_STAT5 - Table Analysis: Source Fields of the Virtual Fields
ARDB_STAT6 - Table Analysis: Reference Fields of the Virtual Fields
ARDB_TABLE_VIRT_FIELD - Table Analysis: Table and Virtual Variant Field
TAAN_DATA - Table Analysis: Executed Analyses - Data
TAAN_FLDS - Table Analysis: Executed Analyses - Fields
TAAN_HEAD - Table Analysis: Executed Analyses - Header Data
TAAN_NAME_VALUE_PAIR - Table Analysis: Field Name-Field Value Pair
TAAN_RESULT_HEADER - Table Analysis: Header Data
TAAN_RESULT_NVP - Table Analysis: Result as Name-Value Pair