SAP Tables | Auto-ID Infrastructure | Auto-ID Infrastructure SAP AII

SAP AII Auto-ID Infrastructure Tables (AII)

SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure Tables AII

/AIN/ACTIVITY_AOBJ_DITM_STR - Action Object to Document Item mapping
/AIN/ACTIVITY_AOBJ_DOBJ_STR - Action Object to Document Object mapping
/AIN/ACTIVITY_COND_PARAM_STR - Condition parameters
/AIN/ACTIVITY_CTX_EPC_STR - Activity Context EPC list
/AIN/ACTIVITY_DOC_HEAD_STR - Header Structur for mapping Message Str to Doc Str.
/AIN/ACTIVITY_DOC_ITM_STR - Document-item table
/AIN/ACTIVITY_DOC_OBIT_STR - Document-object item table
/AIN/ACTIVITY_DOC_OBJ_MSG_STR - Document-object table
/AIN/ACTIVITY_DOC_OBJ_STR - Document-object table
/AIN/ACTIVITY_DOC_STR - Document Header
/AIN/ACTIVITY_EMSG_CONF_STR - Event Message: Confirmation
/AIN/ACTIVITY_EMSG_FURREF_STR - Event Message: Further Refrence
/AIN/ACTIVITY_EMSG_LOC_STR - Event Message: Location

/AIN/ACTIVITY_EMSG_MEA_STR - Event Message: Measurement
/AIN/ACTIVITY_EMSG_PARAM_STR - Event Message: Parameter
/AIN/ACTIVITY_EMSG_TS_STR - TIme Stamp Structure
/AIN/ACTIVITY_EPCHIERARCHY_STR - Hierarchy information
/AIN/ACTIVITY_LOC_STR - Location structure.
/AIN/ACTIVITY_MSG_CMD_STR - Command Message structure
/AIN/ACTIVITY_MSG_COMPLETE_STR - Complete (document) message structure
/AIN/ACTIVITY_MSG_EVTMSG_STR - Event Message Structure
/AIN/ACTIVITY_MSG_MOBILE_STR - Mobile message structure
/AIN/ACTIVITY_PARAMETERS - Activity parameters
/AIN/ACTIVITY_PROCESS_EPC - Structure for processing one EPC
/AIN/ACTIVITY_PROD_STR - Product and Unit of measure
/AIN/ACTIVITY_TAGFLD_STR - Structure for Field List
/AIN/ACTIVITY_TAG_STR - Structure for Tag
/AIN/ACTTYPE - Action Type
/AIN/ACTTYPEBP - Relation of Action Type to Business Process, Device Role
/AIN/ACTTYPET - Action Type description text table
/AIN/ACT_CFG_TAG_FILTER_STR - ConfigureTagFilter Command Structure
/AIN/ACT_FC_RULE_STR - FilteringCommand Rule Structure
/AIN/ACT_FC_STR - Filtering Command Structure
/AIN/ACT_FR_RULE_STR - Filtering Rule - Rule structure
/AIN/ACT_FR_STR - Filtering Rule Structure
/AIN/ACT_FR_TAG_MASK_STR - Filtering Rule Tag Mask structure
/AIN/ACT_FR_TAG_RANGE_STR - Filtering Rule Tag Range structure
/AIN/ACT_FR_TAG_STR - Filtering Rule tag structure
/AIN/ACT_PACKLEV - Customized Pack Levels
/AIN/ACT_PCKLEVS - Default Pack Levels
/AIN/ACT_PUB_MSG_STR - BAPI: Event Message
/AIN/ACT_PUB_OBJ_DOBJ_STR - BAPI: Match of Object to Document object
/AIN/ACT_PUB_OBJ_ITM_STR - BAPI: Match of Object to Document item
/AIN/ACT_PUB_OBJ_STR - BAPI: Object properties
/AIN/ACT_PUB_OBSERVATION_STR - BAPI: Observation on Device / Device Group Level
/AIN/ACT_PUB_OBSFLD_STR - BAPI: Observation Data

/AIN/ACT_PUB_PROD_STR - BADI: Product and Unit of measure
/AIN/ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ADDRESS_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ADDRESS_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ADDRESS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ADDRESS_TELEPHONE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ADDRESS_WEB - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/APPLI_STR - Barcode Application
/AIN/ARRAY_OF_STRING - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/BATCH_ISSUE_TAGS_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/BATCH_ISSUE_TAGS_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_DEVCTR - AII: Extraction structure for master data: device controller
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_DEVCTR_T - AII: Extraction structure for texts: device contoller
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_DEVGRP - AII: Extraction structure for master data: device group
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_DEVGRP_T - AII: Extraction structure for texts: device group
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_DEVICE - AII: Extraction structure for master data: device
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_DEVICE_T - AII: Extraction structure for texts: device
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_LOCATION - AII: Extraction structure for master data: location
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_LOCATION_T - AII: Extraction structure for texts: location
/AIN/BWEX_0AII_TRAN - AII: Extraction structure for the transactional data
/AIN/BWEX_9AII_FF - Extraction structure standalone solution RFID (ext. data)
/AIN/BWEX_9AII_INT - Extraction structure standalone solution RFID (int. data)
/AIN/BWEX_SETUPIDS - ID assign. structure for Setup tables in reconstruction
/AIN/BW_SETUP_I - Setup table for initial data upload to BW for internal data
/AIN/CCMS_ERROR_STR - Structure used to store the CCMS params in the right order.
/AIN/DANGEROUS_GOODS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DATE_TIME_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEFINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEFINE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEFINE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELHU_LOAD_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELHU_LOAD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_BATCH_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_OUT_STR - Delivery Electronic Label Response
/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_QU_HU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_QU_IN_STR - Delivery Electronic Label Query
/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_QU_ITM_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)

/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_QU_LOAD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_QU_LOWHU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_EL_QU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_EXEC_CO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_EXEC_OUT_CO - Delivery Execution Confirmation
/AIN/DELIVERY_EXEC_RQ_IN_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_ITEM_BATCH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_ITEM_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_ITEM_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_ITEM_VARIANCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DELIVERY_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_ACTUAL_EXEC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_EL_QU_HU_LOAD_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_HU_ADDPACK_PROD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_HU_ADDPACK_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_HU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_LOWHU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_PLANNED_EXEC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_SHIP_FROM_LOC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_SHIP_TO_LOC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEL_TRANSSHIP_LOC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESPATCHED_DELIVERY_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DELIVERY_NO_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DELIVERY_PROD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_ADDPACK_PROD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_ADDPACK_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_BATCH_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_BUYER_PARTY_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_HU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_ITEM_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_LDC_PROD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_LLOC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_LOAD_CARR_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_LOAD_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_LOAD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_LOWHU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_SHIPFROM_LOC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_SHIPTO_LOC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DESP_DEL_TRANSHIP_LOC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DEVICE_STATUS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/DM_ACTION_BUFSTR - Structure for buffering the action data.
/AIN/DM_ACTION_OBJ_BUFSTR - Structure for buffering action object data.
/AIN/DM_ACTION_OBJ_STR - Action object structure
/AIN/DM_ACTION_STATUS_STR - Structure: Action status
/AIN/DM_ACTION_STR - Action structure
/AIN/DM_ACTION_TYPE_RSTR - Action type ranges structure
/AIN/DM_ACT_OBJ - Action object
/AIN/DM_ACT_OBJ_KEY_GUID_STR - Structure for action and object guid.
/AIN/DM_AOBJ_CTX - Action Object Context (tag data history)
/AIN/DM_AOBJ_CTX_BUFSTR - Action object context buffer structure
/AIN/DM_AOBJ_CTX_STR - Action object context structure
/AIN/DM_ARCH_TIMESTAMP_RANGE - Time stamp range for archiving
/AIN/DM_ATBP - Relation of Action Type to Business Process
/AIN/DM_ATBP_STR - Action Type - Business Process relation
/AIN/DM_ATDGR - Relation of Action Type to Device Group Role
/AIN/DM_ATDGR_STR - Action Type - Device Group Role relation
/AIN/DM_BARCODE_AITYP_RSTR - Application Identifier Type Range Structure
/AIN/DM_BU_PARTNER_RSTR - Business partner range
/AIN/DM_CHAR40_RSTR - Action type ranges structure
/AIN/DM_DATE_RSTR - Action type ranges structure
/AIN/DM_DEV - Device table
/AIN/DM_DEVCS - Device Common Susbcription table
/AIN/DM_DEVCS_AT - Attribute List of Common Subscription table
/AIN/DM_DEVCS_DG - Device Group List of Common Susbcription table
/AIN/DM_DEVCS_EV - Event List of Common Subscription table
/AIN/DM_DEVCS_FI - Filter List of Common Subscription
/AIN/DM_DEVCTR - Device-controller table
/AIN/DM_DEVCTRT - Device-controller text table
/AIN/DM_DEVCTR_BUFSTR - Device controller buffer structure
/AIN/DM_DEVCTR_RSTR - Device-contoller ID range
/AIN/DM_DEVCTR_STR - Device controller
/AIN/DM_DEVCTR_TYPE_RSTR - Device-contoller type range
/AIN/DM_DEVGRP - Device group table
/AIN/DM_DEVGRPT - Device-group text table
/AIN/DM_DEVGRP_BUFSTR - Device group buffer structure
/AIN/DM_DEVGRP_ID_RSTR - Device group ID range
/AIN/DM_DEVGRP_ROLE_RSTR - Device group type range
/AIN/DM_DEVGRP_STR - Device group
/AIN/DM_DEVGRP_TYPE_RSTR - Device group role range
/AIN/DM_DEVT - Device text table
/AIN/DM_DEV_BUFSTR - Device buffer structure
/AIN/DM_DEV_ID_RSTR - Device ID range
/AIN/DM_DEV_STR - Device
/AIN/DM_DOBJ_ID_RSTR - Action type ranges structure
/AIN/DM_DOC - Table with Document information.
/AIN/DM_DOC_BUFSTR - Document-buffer structure
/AIN/DM_DOC_CTX - Document Context Table
/AIN/DM_DOC_CTX_BUFSTR - Document Context Buffer Structure
/AIN/DM_DOC_CTX_STR - Document Context Structure
/AIN/DM_DOC_ID_RSTR - Document ID range
/AIN/DM_DOC_ID_TYPE_STR - Structure of document ID and type
/AIN/DM_DOC_ITM - Document-item table
/AIN/DM_DOC_ITM_SNL_STR - Single document item
/AIN/DM_DOC_ITM_STR - Document item
/AIN/DM_DOC_LOCK_STR - Locking structure to lock documents
/AIN/DM_DOC_OBIT - Document-object items
/AIN/DM_DOC_OBIT_STR - Document-object item
/AIN/DM_DOC_OBJ - Document object information
/AIN/DM_DOC_OBJ_SNL_STR - Single document object
/AIN/DM_DOC_OBJ_STR - Document object
/AIN/DM_DOC_SHLP - Structure for search help handlig for documents
/AIN/DM_DOC_STA - Document status
/AIN/DM_DOC_STATUS_RSTR - Document-status range
/AIN/DM_DOC_STATUS_STR - Document status structure
/AIN/DM_DOC_STA_BUFSTR - Document status buffer structure
/AIN/DM_DOC_STA_STR - Document Status
/AIN/DM_DOC_STR - Document
/AIN/DM_DOC_TYPE_RSTR - Action type ranges structure
/AIN/DM_DOC_TYPE_STR - Document type
/AIN/DM_EPC_LOCK_STR - Locking structure to lock EPCs
/AIN/DM_EPC_STR - EPC structure
/AIN/DM_EPC_VERSION_RSTR - ID version range
/AIN/DM_EXTLOC_STR - External Location ID
/AIN/DM_FIELDVALUE_RSTR - Field value range
/AIN/DM_GTIN_BUFSTR - GTIN-buffer structure
/AIN/DM_GTIN_STR - Structure: GTIN
/AIN/DM_GUID_STR - Guid structure
/AIN/DM_LOC - Location table
/AIN/DM_LOCMAP - Auto-ID: Location Mapping
/AIN/DM_LOCT - Locations description
/AIN/DM_LOCT_STR - Location description structure
/AIN/DM_LOC_BUFSTR - Location buffer string
/AIN/DM_LOC_CODE - Company prefix and issue agency table
/AIN/DM_LOC_CODE_BUFSTR - Buffer Str. for location code (issue agency & com. prefix)
/AIN/DM_LOC_CODE_STR - Structure for location code (issue agency & company prefix)
/AIN/DM_LOC_DATA_STR - Nested structure for location data.
/AIN/DM_LOC_ID_RSTR - Location id ranges structure
/AIN/DM_LOC_INFO_STR - Nested structure for location data.
/AIN/DM_LOC_STATUS_STR - Structure for location status
/AIN/DM_LOC_STR - Location structure.
/AIN/DM_LOC_TYPE_RSTR - Action type ranges structure
/AIN/DM_LOC_TYPE_STR - Structure for location type
/AIN/DM_OBJECT_BUFSTR - Object buffer structure
/AIN/DM_OBJECT_STR - Object structure
/AIN/DM_OBJ_CTX - Object Context (object user data)
/AIN/DM_OBJ_CTX_BUFSTR - Object context buffer structure
/AIN/DM_OBJ_CTX_STR - Object context structure
/AIN/DM_OBJ_STATUS_RSTR - Object status range
/AIN/DM_PRODT_STR - Structure for product description
/AIN/DM_PROD_BUFSTR - Product-buffer structure
/AIN/DM_PROD_CATEGORY_BUFSTR - Product category buffer structure
/AIN/DM_PROD_CATEGORY_STR - Structure for Product Category
/AIN/DM_PROD_DESCR_BUFSTR - Product description buffer structure
/AIN/DM_PROD_DESCR_STR - Structure for product description
/AIN/DM_PROD_MSG_STR - Product message structure
/AIN/DM_PROD_STR - Product
/AIN/DM_PROD_UOM_STR - Product UOM structure
/AIN/DM_TIMESTAMP_RSTR - Timestamp range
/AIN/DM_UE_NOTE - Annotation for unexpected events
/AIN/DM_UE_NOTE_BUFSTR - Unexpected Event Note buffer structure
/AIN/DM_UE_NOTE_REASON_RSTR - UE note reason range
/AIN/DM_UE_NOTE_REASON_STR - Structure: UE Note Reason
/AIN/DM_UE_NOTE_STR - Unexpected Event Note
/AIN/DM_UE_NOTE_TYPE_RSTR - UE note type range
/AIN/DM_UE_NOTE_TYPE_STR - Structure: UE Note Type
/AIN/DOD1_NRRANG_STR - GIAI Nmber Range Data Structure
/AIN/DUPLICATE_NAME_EXCEPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/DUPLICATE_SUBSCRIPTION_EX - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECBOUNDARY_SPEC - Specifies the beginning and end of event cycles.
/AIN/ECBOUNDARY_SPEC_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECEXCLUDE_PATTERNS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECFILTER_SPEC - Specifies what EPCs are to be returned.
/AIN/ECFILTER_SPEC_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECGROUP_SPEC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECINCLUDE_PATTERNS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECLOGICAL_READERS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORTS - Represents the output from an event cycle.
/AIN/ECREPORTS_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP_COUNT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP_COUNT_EXTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP_LIST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP_LIST_EXTEN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP_LIST_MEMB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_GROUP_LIST_MEMBE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_LIST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_OUTPUT_SPEC - Specifies how the EPCs are to be reported.
/AIN/ECREPORT_OUTPUT_SPEC_EXTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_SET_SPEC - Specifies which EPCs are to be returned.
/AIN/ECREPORT_SPEC - Specifies one report to be returned.
/AIN/ECREPORT_SPECS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECREPORT_SPEC_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECSPEC - Describes an event cycle and its associated reports.
/AIN/ECSPEC_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECSPEC_VALIDATION_EX - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ECTIME - Specifies a time duration in physical units.
/AIN/ECTRIGGER - URI specifying a start or stop trigger for an event cycle.
/AIN/ELECTRONIC_LABEL_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/EMAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/EMPTY_PARMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/EPC1 - EPC represents the Electronic Product Code
/AIN/EPC_DTL_STR - EPC List from Mobile Reader
/AIN/EPC_MSG_REQOBJ_STR - Request Number Range Data Structure
/AIN/EPC_NRRANG_DYN - GTIN Number Range Data Structure
/AIN/EPC_NRRANG_STR - GTIN Number Range Data Structure
/AIN/EPC_OBJVAR_RSTR - Range Structure for EPC Number Range Object Variant
/AIN/EPC_OBJ_RSTR - Range Structure for EPC Number Range Object
/AIN/EPC_PREFIX_RSTR - Structure SSCC range
/AIN/EPC_PREFIX_STR - Company Prefix
/AIN/EPC_TYPE_RSTR - Range Structure for EPC Type
/AIN/EPC_TYPE_STR - EPC Type: Header Value and URI Format
/AIN/ES_DECODED_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ES_ENCODED_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/EXTENSION_COMMAND_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/EXTENSION_COMMAND_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/FIELD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_ACTIVE_DATA_MODEL_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_ACTIVE_DATA_MODEL_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_ECSPEC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_ECSPEC_NAMES_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_ECSPEC_NAMES_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_ECSPEC_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_ECSPEC_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE_IN_EX - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE_IN_FIELD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE_IN_NBR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE_IN_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE_IN_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE_IN_VTR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/GET_NUMBER_RANGE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_STANDARD_VERSION_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_STANDARD_VERSION_RES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_SUBSCRIBERS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_SUBSCRIBERS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_SUBSCRIBERS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_VENDOR_VERSION_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GET_VENDOR_VERSION_RES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GIAI_NRRANG_STR - GIAI Nmber Range Data Structure
/AIN/GOODS_TRANS_CNF_MSG_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GOODS_TRANS_CNF_STR - GoodsTransferPostingConfirmation
/AIN/GOODS_TRANS_REQ_ITM_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GOODS_TRANS_REQ_MSG_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/GOODS_TRANS_REQ_STR - GoodsTransferPostingRequest
/AIN/GRAI_NRRANG_STR - GRAI Nmber Range Data Structure
/AIN/GRAI_RSTR - Range table for Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI)
/AIN/GTIN_NRRANG_STR - GTIN Nmber Range Data Structure
/AIN/GTIN_RSTR - Range table for Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
/AIN/ID_ALT_STR - IDs in alternative format
/AIN/ID_BINARY_STR - Binary Array
/AIN/ID_COMP_STR - Compornent of Elements
/AIN/ID_DATA_STR - ID Detailed Structure
/AIN/ID_FIL_TXT_STR - Filter Value and its description
/AIN/ID_ISSUE_RSTR - Range table for Issuing Agency
/AIN/ID_ISSUE_TXT_STR - Issue Agency and its text
/AIN/ID_NRRANG_STR - Generic number range structure
/AIN/ID_OBJGEN_DYN - Dynamic Value: Object Generation
/AIN/ID_STR - structure containing ID
/AIN/ID_URI_STR - Structure containing URI Format of ID
/AIN/ID_VER_TXT_STR - ID Version and text
/AIN/IFCS_ALE_SUB_STR - ALE Subscription Str
/AIN/IFCS_ATT_STR - CS Attribute str
/AIN/IFCS_DEVCS_STR - Device Common Subscription Structure
/AIN/IFCS_EVENT_N_STR - Event Name Structure
/AIN/IFCS_INF_SUB_STR - INFINEON Subscription Structure
/AIN/IFCS_RULE_STR - Rule for Symbol command
/AIN/IFX_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IFX_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_CODE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_CODE_IDDESC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_DCMSGMAP - Device Controller Message Mapping Information
/AIN/IF_DCMSGMAP_EXT_KEY - Device Controller message mapping external key
/AIN/IF_DCMSGMAP_KEY - Device Controller Message Mapping Key
/AIN/IF_DEVCTR_INF_STR - Device controller Info
/AIN/IF_DEVCTR_TYPE_STR - Device controller type and description
/AIN/IF_DEVGRP_ROLE_STR - Device group role and description
/AIN/IF_DEVGRP_TYPE_STR - Device group type and description
/AIN/IF_DOCASSIGN_STR - Document to device group assignments
/AIN/IF_DOC_STR - Document info
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_CONTROL - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_EXP_EVENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_HEADER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_INFO - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_MEASUREMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_QUERY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EHANDLER_TRACKING_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_EMSG_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_EMSG_FURTHER_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_EMSG_HEADER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_EMSG_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_EMSG_MEASUREMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_EMSG_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_EPCINFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_EVENT - Message Type: Event Message Input
/AIN/IF_EVENT_HANDLER_MSG_TYPE - Message Type: Post Event Handler
/AIN/IF_EVENT_MESSAGE_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_IDDATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IF_INTMSG_STR - Internal Message Container
/AIN/IF_LOCATION_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_LOCATION_STAND_ID_STR - Proxy Data Element (generated)
/AIN/IF_MATERIAL - Material Master Message Type
/AIN/IF_MATERIAL_DATA_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_MATERIAL_DESCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_MATERIAL_GEN_INFO - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_MATERIAL_GTIN - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_MATERIAL_UOM - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_MSG_SENSOR_STR - Sensor Message Structure
/AIN/IF_NUMBER_RANGE_DATA_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_NUMRNG - Number Range Message Type
/AIN/IF_NUMRNGREQ - Request Message Type
/AIN/IF_OBSERVATION_STR - RFID Fixed Device Observation
/AIN/IF_OPERAT - Operational Message Type
/AIN/IF_OPERATIONAL_DATA_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_OPERAT_EXEC_DETAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_OPERAT_HEADER - Document Header
/AIN/IF_OPERAT_OBJ_LOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_OPERAT_OBJ_STRUC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_REQUEST_DATA_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IF_SERIALIZEMSG_STR - Serializing information
/AIN/IF_TC_UI_STR - UI Structure for the Test Client application
/AIN/IF_TEST_MSG - Test Message database table
/AIN/IF_TEST_MSG_STR - Structure used to temporarily store Test Messages
/AIN/IF_TIME_STAMP - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/IMMEDIATE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IMMEDIATE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IMMEDIATE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/IMPLEMENTATION_EX - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/INCOTERMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/INVALID_URIEXCEPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/ISSUE_TAG_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/ISSUE_TAG_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/KANBAN_CARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/KILL_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/KILL_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/LOAD_CARR_PROD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/LOAD_CARR_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/LOCATION_INTERNAL_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/LOG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/LOG_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MESSAGE_HEADER_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MESSAGE_HEADER_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MSG_DELIVERY_EL_QU_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MSG_DELIVERY_EL_RP_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MSG_DELIVERY_EXEC_RQ_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MSG_DESP_DELIVERY_NO_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MSG_HEAD_PARTY_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/MSG_REC_DEL_INFO_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_ERROR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_ERROR_IN_EX - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_ERROR_IN_FIELD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_ERROR_IN_FIELD_VTR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_ERROR_IN_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_ERROR_IN_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_ERROR_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXTENSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXTENSION_IN_EVENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXTENSION_IN_FIELD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXTENSION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXT_IN_EVENT_VTR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXT_IN_EX - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXT_IN_FIELD_VTR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXT_IN_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXT_IN_PARAM_VTR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXT_IN_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_EXT_IN_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_EX - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_FIELD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_OBS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_TAG_OBS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_VTR_OF_FLD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_VTR_OF_OBS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_VTR_OF_PAR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_IN_VTR_OF_TAG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/NOTIFY_TAGS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NO_SUCH_NAME_EXCEPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER_EX - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/NUMBER_RANGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/OBSERVATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/PARTY_INTERNAL_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/PARTY_STANDARD_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/PHYS_ITM_PROD_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/PHYS_ITM_REF_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/POLL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/POLL_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/POLL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/PRF_ATTRVALUE_STR - Atributes and their values
/AIN/PRF_ELEMENTSET_STR - Structure for element list
/AIN/PRF_ELEMENTVAL_STR - Element and its value
/AIN/PRF_ELEMENT_STR - Structure for element list
/AIN/PRF_PRFTYPE_ELEMUSE - Structure for element list
/AIN/PRF_PROF_FULL_STR - Profile with element sets
/AIN/PRF_PROF_STR - Profile Structure
/AIN/PRF_PUB_ATTRVALUE_STR - BADI: Atributes and their values
/AIN/PRF_PUB_ELEMENTVAL_STR - Element and its value
/AIN/PRF_PUB_ELEMVAL_STR - Element and its value
/AIN/PRF_USE_ESET_STR - element sets of a profile
/AIN/PRN_DEV_PRT - Device group associations between devices and printers
/AIN/PRN_FORMAT_RET_STR - Parameter for searching format
/AIN/PRN_FORMAT_SRCH_STR - Parameter for searching format
/AIN/PRN_PROF_RETURN_STR - Search result for assigned profile
/AIN/PRN_PROF_SEARCH_STR - Search parameters for profile assignment
/AIN/PRODUCT_INTERNAL_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/PUB_BTD_EXTID_STR - Business Transaction Document External ID
/AIN/PUB_BTD_EXTID_TYPE_STR - Business Transaction Document External ID and Type
/AIN/PUB_BTD_HEADER_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Header
/AIN/PUB_BTD_HEADER_STR - Business Transaction Document Header
/AIN/PUB_BTD_INTID_IDTYPE_STR - Business Transaction Document Int.ID, Ext.ID and Type
/AIN/PUB_BTD_INTID_STR - Business Transaction Document Internal ID
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_ACT_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Item Actual
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_ACT_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Item Actual Key
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_ACT_STR - Business Transaction Document Item Actual
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Item
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_EXP_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Item Expected
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_EXP_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Item Expected Key
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_EXP_STR - Business Transaction Document Item Expected
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Item Key
/AIN/PUB_BTD_ITM_STR - Business Transaction Document Item
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBIT_ACT_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Item Actual Key
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBIT_ACT_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Item Actual
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBIT_EXP_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Item Expected
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBIT_EXP_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Item Expected Key
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBIT_EXP_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Item Expected
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBJ_ACT_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Actual
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBJ_ACT_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Actual
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBJ_ACT_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Actual
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBJ_EXP_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Expected
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBJ_EXP_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Expected Key
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OBJ_EXP_STR - Business Transaction Document Object Expected
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OTHATTR_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Other Attributes
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OTHATTR_KEY_STR - Business Transaction Document Other Attributes Key
/AIN/PUB_BTD_OTHATTR_STR - Business Transaction Document Other Attributes
/AIN/PUB_BTD_POBJ_LINK_STR - Business Transaction Document and Physical Object Int. ID
/AIN/PUB_BTD_STATUS_CRE_STR - Business Transaction Document Status
/AIN/PUB_BTD_STATUS_STR - Business Transaction Document Status
/AIN/PUB_DEVCOM_PRNT_FLD_STR - Fields to be printed
/AIN/PUB_DEVCOM_PRNT_PARAM_STR - Parameters for determining field and label frmt for printing
/AIN/PUB_DEVCOM_PRN_LBLQTY_STR - Label format and quantities of label to be printed
/AIN/PUB_DEVGRP_EXTID_STR - Device group external ID
/AIN/PUB_DEVGRP_INTID_STR - Device group internal ID
/AIN/PUB_DEVGRP_STR - Device group
/AIN/PUB_ID_ALT_STR - IDs in alternative format
/AIN/PUB_ID_COMP_STR - ID Components
/AIN/PUB_ID_ENCODING_TYPE_STR - ID Version, ID and its encoding type
/AIN/PUB_ID_ENC_TYPE_STR - Group number, ID Version and encoding type
/AIN/PUB_ID_GRP_COMP_STR - Grouped ID Components
/AIN/PUB_ID_GRP_INVALID_STR - Group number that contains invalid components
/AIN/PUB_ID_GRP_STR - IDs and their format
/AIN/PUB_ID_UDATA_STR - User Memory Data of ID
/AIN/PUB_INTID_STR - Internal ID for Business Object Instances
/AIN/PUB_LOC_COMP_PREFIX_STR - Location company prefix
/AIN/PUB_LOC_DESCR_STR - Location description
/AIN/PUB_LOC_EXTID_TYPE_STR - Location external ID and type structure
/AIN/PUB_LOC_INTID_STR - Location internal ID
/AIN/PUB_LOC_STR - Location
/AIN/PUB_OBS_HEADER_CRE_STR - Observation header structure
/AIN/PUB_OBS_HEADER_STR - Observation header structure
/AIN/PUB_OBS_INTID_STR - Observation internal ID structure
/AIN/PUB_OBS_LOC_LINK_STR - Observation internal ID - Location INTID structure
/AIN/PUB_OBS_OBJ_ATTR_CRE_STR - Observation physical object other attributes
/AIN/PUB_OBS_OBJ_CRE_STR - Observation - Objects structure
/AIN/PUB_OBS_OBJ_OTHATTR_STR - Observation physical object other attributes
/AIN/PUB_OBS_OBJ_STR - Observation - Objects structure
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_EXTID_LINK_STR - Link of Physical Object Internal and external IDs
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_EXTID_STR - Physical Object External ID
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_HEADER_CRE_STR - Physical Object Header
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_HEADER_STR - Physical Object Header
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_ID_CRE_STR - Physical Object External ID
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_ID_STR - Physical Object External ID
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_INTID_STR - Physical Object External ID
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_LOC_LINK_STR - Link of Physical Object and Location internal ID
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_OTHATTR_CRE_STR - Additional Attributes of Physical Object
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_OTHATTR_STR - Additional Attributes of Physical Object
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_PRT_LINK_STR - Link of Parent and Child Physical Objects
/AIN/PUB_POBJ_QTY_STR - Physical Object Quantity
/AIN/PUB_PROD_CATEGORY_STR - Product category structure
/AIN/PUB_PROD_DESCR_STR - Product Description
/AIN/PUB_PROD_EXTID_INTID_STR - Product External ID and internal ID
/AIN/PUB_PROD_EXTID_STR - External ID of Product
/AIN/PUB_PROD_HEADER_STR - Product Header Structure
/AIN/PUB_PROD_INTID_STR - Product Internal ID
/AIN/PUB_PROD_STDID_INTID_STR - Product Standard and Internal ID
/AIN/PUB_PROD_STDID_STR - Product Standard IDs like GTIN, GRAI
/AIN/PUB_TAGFLD_STR - Tag field name / value
/AIN/RAW_READ_IDS_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/RAW_READ_IDS_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/READ_DATA_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/READ_DATA_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/RECEIVED_DEL_INFO_OUT_STR - Received Delivery Information
/AIN/RECEIVED_QTY_ACC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/REF_PO_ID_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/RFID_EXCEPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/RP_CONDITION_TABLES - Condition tables
/AIN/RP_COND_PARAMETERS - Condition parameters
/AIN/RP_RULE_ACTIVITIES - Rule activities
/AIN/SBC_AIASSG - UI: Assignment of Application Identifier Type
/AIN/SECURITY_EXCEPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/SERVER_STATUS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/SET_ACTIVE_DATA_MODEL_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/SET_ACTIVE_DATA_MODEL_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/SHIPPED_QTY_ACC_STR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/SSCC_NRRANG_STR - SSCC Nmber Range Data Structure
/AIN/SSCC_RSTR - Range table for Serialized Shipping Container Code (SSCC)
/AIN/SSCC_STR - Structure: SSCC
/AIN/STATUS_PING1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_CMD_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_CMD_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_ERROR_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_EXC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_IN_FIELD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/STATUS_PING_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/SUBSCRIBE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/SUBSCRIBE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/SUBSCRIBE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/TACTIVITY - Activity table
/AIN/TACTIVITYT - Activity text table
/AIN/TACT_PARDEF - Activity parameter defintion
/AIN/TACT_PART - Activity parameter text table
/AIN/TACT_PARVAL - Rule activity parameter values
/AIN/TACT_PAR_AV - Table for allowed values for activity parameters
/AIN/TAG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/TAG_OBSERVATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/TAPPL_LOG - Message Type Application log enabling
/AIN/TBC_AIASSG - Barcode Customizing: Assignment of Applic. Identifier Type
/AIN/TBC_AIDEF - Barcode Customizing: Definition of Application Identifier
/AIN/TBC_AIDEFT - Descriptions of the AI Definition
/AIN/TBC_AITYDEF - Barcode Customizing: Definition of Applic. Identifier Type
/AIN/TBW_URL - BI Query URL links
/AIN/TCCMS_LOG - Message Type CCMS log enabling
/AIN/TCONDBM - Condition table for Backend Messages
/AIN/TCONDBMS - Condition table for Backend Messages
/AIN/TCONDFRM - Condition table for RFID Device Messages
/AIN/TCONDMM - Condition table for Mobile Messages
/AIN/TCONDMMS - Condition table for Mobile Messages
/AIN/TCONDMMT - Text table for Mobile Message condition table
/AIN/TCONDMMTS - Text table for Mobile Message condition table
/AIN/TCONDTMP - Template for condition tables
/AIN/TDCMSGMAP - Device Controller message mapping
/AIN/TDCMSGSER - Device Controller message serializing
/AIN/TDCTYPE - Device Controller Type
/AIN/TDCTYPET - Device Controller type
/AIN/TDEV_EVENT - Device Event for Subscription
/AIN/TDEV_EVENTT - Device Event Text
/AIN/TDGROLE - Values for Business Role of a Device Group
/AIN/TDGROLET - Values for Business Role of a Device Group
/AIN/TDGTYPE - Values for Device-group Types
/AIN/TDGTYPET - Values for Device-group Types
/AIN/TDOCASSIGN - Table for document <-> device group assignments
/AIN/TDOD1_NRRAN - DOD Tag Data Construct #1 Number Range
/AIN/TEPC_ACTVER - EPC Tag Data Standards Active Version Table
/AIN/TEPC_PREFIX - Company Prefix
/AIN/TEPC_PRTTN - Partitions
/AIN/TEPC_TYPE - Header and URI Format
/AIN/TEPC_VER - EPC Tag Data Standards Version Table
/AIN/TEPC_VERT - Text: EPC Tag Data Standards Version Table
/AIN/TID_AGENCY - Issuing Agency
/AIN/TID_AGENCYT - Issuing Agency
/AIN/TID_CONV - Conversion Table: ASCII <-> Binary for Cage Code
/AIN/TID_FILVAL - Filter Value Description
/AIN/TID_FILVALT - Filter Value
/AIN/TID_FRM_HDR - Format Header
/AIN/TID_FRM_TXT - ID Format Text
/AIN/TID_ISSUE - Issueing Agency
/AIN/TID_OBJGEN - Object Generation
/AIN/TID_OBJREF - Object Refrence
/AIN/TID_URN - URN Format of IDs
/AIN/TLOCEXTTYPE - Define External Location Types
/AIN/TLOCEXTTYPT - External Location Types Descriptions
/AIN/TMP_OBS_STR - Temporary structure used to sort the Notify observations
/AIN/TMSG_COND - Condition Type table
/AIN/TMSG_CONDS - Condition Type table
/AIN/TMSG_TYPE - Message Type Table
/AIN/TMSG_TYPET - Message Type text table
/AIN/TPRFATTRB - Attribute of Element
/AIN/TPRFATTRBT - Attribute description
/AIN/TPRFELEMATR - Attribute of element in an elementset
/AIN/TPRFELEMENT - Elements of element set
/AIN/TPRFELESETT - Element Set Text
/AIN/TPRFELMENT - DOES NOT Contain any entry. Only used for namespace check
/AIN/TPRFELMENTT - Description of element
/AIN/TPRFETYPUSE - Element usage and type relationship
/AIN/TPRFPRFESET - Element sets of a profile and their usage
/AIN/TPRFTYP_USE - Profile Type and element set usage relationship
/AIN/TPRF_PROFIL - Profile Definition
/AIN/TPRF_PROFT - Description of profile
/AIN/TPRNFILTER - Condition Table for Tag Comm: Filter Value -> Profile
/AIN/TPRNGRAIFLT - Condition Table for Tag Comm: GRAI, Filter Value -> Profile
/AIN/TPRNGTINFLT - Condition Table for Tag Comm: GTIN, Filter Value -> Profile
/AIN/TPRNGTNFLPR - Profile determination using GTIN and Filter value
/AIN/TPRN_FORMAT - Label format determination based on Printer and profile
/AIN/TRANSPORT_MEANS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/TRANSPORT_TRACKING - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/TRULE_ACT - Rule activities
/AIN/TRULE_ID - Rule Id table
/AIN/TRULE_IDT - Rule ID text table
/AIN/TSAMPLE_UI - Sample UI URL links
/AIN/TUIBUSPGRAI - UI User Data: Business Process, GRAI -> Profile
/AIN/TUIBUSPROC - UI User Data: Business Process -> Profile
/AIN/TUI_URL - Desktop WebUI URL links
/AIN/TU_ENS_ASGN - AutoID Error Namespace Assignment
/AIN/TU_ERROR_MSG_STR - TagUtil: Error message structure
/AIN/TU_ERR_DESC - Auto-ID Tag Error Description Definition
/AIN/TU_ERR_DEST - Auto-ID Tag Error Description Definition
/AIN/TU_ERR_MAP - AutoID Mapping Vendor Specific Error to Namespace
/AIN/TU_ERR_NS - AutoID Error Profile Definition
/AIN/TU_ERR_NST - AutoID ErrorProfile Definition
/AIN/TU_FLD_NAM - Tag field name definition
/AIN/TU_FLD_NAMT - Tag field name text descriptions
/AIN/TU_STR_LIST_ITEM - Describes generic list item
/AIN/TU_STR_OREF - Ref to object
/AIN/TU_TAG_ASGN - AutoID Tag Format Assignment
/AIN/TU_TAG_FLD - AutoID Tag Field Definition
/AIN/TU_TAG_FLDT - AutoID Tag Field Definition
/AIN/TU_TAG_FORM - AutoID Tag Format Definition
/AIN/TU_TAG_FORT - Text table for tag format description
/AIN/TXIMSG - XI Messages and Mapping definition
/AIN/T_BUS_PRO - Business Process
/AIN/T_BUS_PRO_T - Business Process Description
/AIN/T_BUS_PRO_T_STR - Business Process Description Structure
/AIN/T_UE_RSN - Reason Code for Unexpected Event
/AIN/T_UE_RSN_T - Reason Code Text for Unexpected Event
/AIN/T_UE_RSN_T_STR - Unexpected event reason
/AIN/T_UPD_BW - BI update indicators
/AIN/T_UPD_BW_BUFSTR - BW update indicators buffer structure
/AIN/T_UPD_BW_STR - BW update indicators structure
/AIN/T_UPD_CCMS - CCMS update indicators
/AIN/T_UPD_CCMS_BUFSTR - CCMS update indicators buffer structure
/AIN/T_UPD_CCMS_STR - CCMS update indicators structure
/AIN/UIDESKTOP - Desktop application fields
/AIN/UIDS - Texts for the desktop screens
/AIN/UIMOB - Additional Fields in Mobile Computing
/AIN/UIMOB_DEVICE_PROFILE - Mobile device profile
/AIN/UIMOB_IO - Additional input/output fields for mobile screens
/AIN/UIMOB_TAG_HEX_STR - Raw tag data structure
/AIN/UIMOB_TAG_STR - Structure storing data and processing state of tag
/AIN/UIS_ACTION - ALV structure for action entries
/AIN/UIS_DOCITM - ALV structure for internal processing
/AIN/UIS_DOCITM1 - ALV structure for display
/AIN/UIS_DOC_ID - Structure for Popup
/AIN/UI_ACT02 - Structure for action header
/AIN/UI_ACTION - Structure for action header
/AIN/UI_ACTION_OBJ2_STR - Action object
/AIN/UI_ACTION_OBJ_STATUS_STR - UI: Action object Status
/AIN/UI_ACTION_OBJ_STR - Action object
/AIN/UI_AOBJ_CTX_RD_STR - Action object context read structure for Web UI
/AIN/UI_ATTRVALUE_STR - Atributes and their values
/AIN/UI_BP_ADDRESS_STR - UI: BP address structure
/AIN/UI_BP_ADRTY_STR - BP address-type structure
/AIN/UI_BP_ROLE_STR - Business-partner role structure
/AIN/UI_BP_STR - Business-partner structure
/AIN/UI_BP_TITLE_STR - Business-partner title structure
/AIN/UI_BUSPROC_STR - UI: Business process
/AIN/UI_CMDINFO_STR - Device Commands Info Structure
/AIN/UI_COMM_STR - Communication-method structure
/AIN/UI_COUNTRY_STR - Country structure
/AIN/UI_CTX_FLD_NAME_STR - Context field name
/AIN/UI_DEVCTR - UI: Device controller
/AIN/UI_DEVCTR_TYPE_STR - UI: Device controller type and description
/AIN/UI_DEVGRP - UI: Device group
/AIN/UI_DEVGRPINFO_STR - Device Group Info Structure
/AIN/UI_DEVGRP_STR - UI: Device group
/AIN/UI_DEVICE_PROFILE_STR - Mobile device profile
/AIN/UI_DEVINFO_STR - Device Info Structure
/AIN/UI_DOC - Selection structure
/AIN/UI_DOCMAINTAIN_STR - UI: Document maintenance
/AIN/UI_DOCTYPE_STR - UI: Document Type
/AIN/UI_DOC_CTX1_STR - UI: document context for the fields with semantic meaning
/AIN/UI_DOC_CTX2_STR - UI: document context for the fields without semantic meaning
/AIN/UI_DOC_ITEM_STR - UI: Document item
/AIN/UI_DOC_ITEM_TIME_STR - UI: Document item with execution time
/AIN/UI_DOC_ITM_STR - UI: Document item and EPCs
/AIN/UI_DOC_OBJ_STR - UI: Document object
/AIN/UI_DOC_RFC_STR - Document
/AIN/UI_DOC_STATUS_STR - UI: Document Status
/AIN/UI_DOC_STR - UI: Document keys
/AIN/UI_DOD1_RNG - ALV structure
/AIN/UI_ELEMENT_SET_USAGE_STR - UI: element set usage
/AIN/UI_EPC_ACTIVE_FLAG_STR - UI: EPC active flag indicator
/AIN/UI_EPC_STATUS - UI: EPC and write status
/AIN/UI_EPC_STS - UI: EPC and execution status
/AIN/UI_EPC_STS_STR - UI: EPC and execution status
/AIN/UI_EXEC_STATUS_STR - UI: execution status
/AIN/UI_FIELD_ATTR_STR - Field With Attributes
/AIN/UI_FILE - File structure
/AIN/UI_GEN_RNG - Generic number range structure
/AIN/UI_GIAI_RNG - ALV structure
/AIN/UI_GRAI_RNG - ALV structure
/AIN/UI_GTIN_RNG - ALV structure
/AIN/UI_GTIN_STR - GTIN number range
/AIN/UI_GUID_RNG - Range structure for GUID
/AIN/UI_ID_COMP_STR - ID components
/AIN/UI_ID_COMP_VAL_STR - Values of ID Components
/AIN/UI_ID_STR - UI: ID component and value
/AIN/UI_LANGUAGE_STR - Language structure
/AIN/UI_LOAD_STATUS_STR - UI: Loading Status
/AIN/UI_LOC - ALV structure
/AIN/UI_LOCK_KEY_STR - UI: Lock object keys
/AIN/UI_LOCMAP - AutoID: Location Mapping UI
/AIN/UI_LOCTYPE_STR - UI: Location type
/AIN/UI_LOC_OBJ_STR - Location of selected object
/AIN/UI_LOC_RFC_STR - Location
/AIN/UI_LOC_STATUS_STR - UI: Location status
/AIN/UI_LOC_STR - UI: Location
/AIN/UI_LOFSYS_STR - Business System
/AIN/UI_LOGGTIN - Log table for Location
/AIN/UI_LOGLOC - Log table for Location
/AIN/UI_OBJECT - AIN UI work structure
/AIN/UI_OBJ_ADV_STR - Object Query Advanced Search
/AIN/UI_OBJ_CTX - Object Context
/AIN/UI_OBJ_CTX_RD_STR - Object context read structure for Web UI
/AIN/UI_OBJ_CTX_STR - Object Context
/AIN/UI_OBJ_CTX_WT_STR - Object context write structure for Web UI
/AIN/UI_OBJ_GUID_RNG - Range structure for object GUID
/AIN/UI_OBJ_HIST2_STR - Object Short Term History
/AIN/UI_OBJ_HIST_STR - Object Short Term History
/AIN/UI_OBJ_NOTE_STR - Object Note of Unexpected Event
/AIN/UI_OBJ_SIM_STR - Object Query Simple Search
/AIN/UI_PARAM - Default user settings
/AIN/UI_PREFIX - UI: Company prefix for location
/AIN/UI_PROD_ACT_QTY_STR - UI: Product and actual quantities by action type
/AIN/UI_PROD_EXP_QTY_STR - UI: Product and expected quantities
/AIN/UI_PROD_OBJ_STR - Product of selected object
/AIN/UI_PROD_POBJ_STR - UI: Product and physical object ID
/AIN/UI_PROD_STR - Product
/AIN/UI_REGION_STR - Region structure
/AIN/UI_SCREEN_ID_STR - UI: Screen name
/AIN/UI_SSCC_RNG - ALV structure
/AIN/UI_SSCC_STR - SSCC number range
/AIN/UI_SUBITEM_STR - Sub-item for RTI packing
/AIN/UI_TAG_ASSIGN - UI: Tag Format Assignment
/AIN/UI_TAG_DATA_STR - Tag Filelds With Attributes and ID
/AIN/UI_TAG_FIELDS_STR - Tag Filelds With Attributes
/AIN/UI_TAG_HEX - Tag Fields in Hexadecimal format
/AIN/UI_TAG_HEX_STR - Tag Fields in Hexadecimal format
/AIN/UI_UE_NOTE_STR - Unexpected Event Note structure for Web UI
/AIN/UI_UNLOAD_STATUS_STR - UI: unloading Status
/AIN/UI_UOM_STR - Unit of Measure
/AIN/UI_USERDATA_STR - User data element and value
/AIN/UNDEFINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/UNDEFINE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/UNDEFINE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/UNSUBSCRIBE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/UNSUBSCRIBE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/UNSUBSCRIBE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_DEVICE_STATUS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_FIELD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_OBSERVATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_PARAMETER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_STRING - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_TAG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/VECTOR_OF_TAG_OBSERVATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/VOID_HOLDER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/AIN/WRITE_DATA_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/WRITE_DATA_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/WRITE_DATA_STATUS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/WRITE_DATA_VECTOR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/WRITE_ID_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/AIN/WRITE_ID_RES - Proxy Structure (generated)
AIN_PROD_ASSET_TYPE_MV_DS - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute AIN_PR
AIN_PROD_ASSET_TYPE_MV_S - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute AIN_PR
AIN_PROD_COMP_PREFIX_MV_DS - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute AIN_PR
AIN_PROD_COMP_PREFIX_MV_S - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute AIN_PR
AIN_PROD_GRAI_MV_DS - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute AIN_PR
AIN_PROD_GRAI_MV_S - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute AIN_PR
AIN_PROD_TGRAI - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAIH - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAIH_DATA - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAIH_KEY - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_DATA - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_DYNP - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_DYNP_AL - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_DYNP_SV - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_KEY - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_MAINT_UI - Structure for Maint. Set Type AIN_PROD_TGRAI
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_MV - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
AIN_PROD_TGRAI_X - Structure with Update Flags for Set Type AIN_PROD_TGRAI
BAPIAII000001DOCKEY - Generic Elements for AII Service
BAPIAII000001GENFIELDS - Generich Elements for AII Service
BAPI_AII_DOCUMENT_ID_STR - Document ID structure
BAPI_AII_DOCUMENT_ITEM_STR - Document-item structure
BAPI_AII_EPC_LIST_STR - EPC data structure
BAPI_AII_EPC_STR - EPC data structure
BAPI_AII_ID_HIER_STR - BAPI: Object hierarchy
BAPI_AII_NUM_RANGE_REQ_STR - Number range request
BAPI_AII_OBSERVATIONS_STR - External Observations
PRDT_BSP_AIN_PROD_TGRAI_SL - GRAI-Global Returnable Asset Identifier
ROXR1D0110 - Device-controller table
ROXR1D0111 - Device-controller text table
ROXR1D0112 - Device-group table
ROXR1D0113 - Device-group text table
ROXR1D0114 - Device table
ROXR1D0115 - Device text table
ROXR1D0116 - Locations description
ROXR1D0117 - Locations description

SAP Auto-ID Activities Tables AII-AC

/AIN/KBNDGR2KST - Kanban: Device Group to Kanban Status Mapping
/AIN/KBNXLOG - XML Application Log
/AIN/KBNXLOGD - XML Application Log
/AIN/KBN_BAL_DETECT_CONTEXT - Kanban Detection Application Log Context
/AIN/KBN_BAL_S_MSGEXC - Element of Application Message
/AIN/KBN_DGR2KST - Device Group to Kanban Status Mapping
/AIN/KBN_KANBAN_DATA - Kanban Main Info
/AIN/KBN_LOC2LPS - Kanban: Assignment between logical port and service to loc.
/AIN/KBN_UI_BAL_DETECT_CONTEXT - Kanban Application Log Info
/AIN/KBN_UI_DGR - Kanban User Interface: Device Group
/AIN/KBN_UI_DGR2KST - Kanban User Interface: Device Group to Kanban Status Mapping
/AIN/KBN_UI_KANBAN_DATA - Kanban Main Info
/AIN/KBN_UI_LOC2LPS - Kanban: Assignment between logical port and service to loc.
/AIN/KBN_XLOG_DATA - XML Application Log
/AIN/KBN_XLOG_HEAD - XML Application Log