SAP Help Access a free version of the SAP Web IDE (formally River RDE), which is a browser based development platform for SAPUI5

SAP Web IDE (formally River RDE) is a Browser based development environment

SAP Web IDE, formally called the River RDE is a browser based development environment which lets you design, build, and deploy SAPUI5/Fiori web applications. It is also part of the SAP HANA cloud trial so you can access a demo system for free and have a bit of a play.

The Web IDE has many benefits including no installation effort, code templates and best practices to build apps in the most efficient way. Not only can applications be built rapidly the Web IDE offers integrated preview features and deployment functionality.

The code editor also has extensive features built in such as WYSIWIG design, SAPUI5 code completion and template wizard to provide a step by step process for automatically generation code and files. Follow simple steps below to gain access to the free SAP trial system which is part of the open SAP course 'Build Your Own SAP Fiori App in the Cloud'.

Step 1 - Access the HANA cloud demo system
Go to URL while logged in, add any additional data required and accept the extra terms and conditions.

Step 2 - Register for SAP Value Prototyping
Next register for SAP Value Prototyping by going to the following URL while logged in, add any additional data required and accept the extra terms and conditions. This will send you an new username an password via email.

Step 3 - Setup destination
The destination enables you to connect with a remote backend systems (i.e. odata). Click on the destinations link from the left hand column and click the 'New Destination...'link.

Now enter the following destination details. Note the user name and password will be the one that you have just been sent via email.
Description SAP Gateway Demo
Proxy Type Internet
Cloud Connector version 2
Authentication BasicAuthentication
User <Your Username> Created in step 2
Password <Your Password> Created in step 2

TrustAll true
WebIDEEnabled true
WebIDESystem ES1
WebIDEUsage odata_abap,ui5_execute_abap,dev_abap

The destination details should look like this

Press save and your new destination should be created

Step 4 - Login and go to subscriptions
Select the subscription link from the left hand column

Step 5 - Access the Web IDE application
Now click on the webide application link

Followed by the Application URL on the resultant page

You should then be presented with the SAP Web IDE

Step 6 - Create your first Fiori application
See here for a simple step by step tutorial on Creating your first SAP Web IDE app

SAP Fiori Intro

Install a local copy of the SAP Web IDE