SAP Help Retrieve classification details for a functional location
Functional location classification
Below is the ABAP code which can be used to retrieve the classifiaction details of a functional location. These details are accessed via the functional location master data transaction IL02, Once you have executed the transaction and entered the specific func loc you, need to press enter and then hit the 'classification' button.
data: it_AUSP type STANDARD TABLE OF AUSP, wa_ausp like LINE OF it_ausp, wa_OBJEK type AUSP-OBJEK. wa_OBJEK = FUNCT_LOC. * get func loc classifiaction details CALL FUNCTION 'CLFM_SELECT_AUSP' EXPORTING MAFID = 'O' CLASSTYPE = '003' OBJECT = wa_OBJEK * FEATURE = * CLEAR_BUFFER = ' ' * KEY_DATE = * WITH_CHANGE_NUMBER = ' ' * TABLE = * I_ATZHL_SAME_INI = ' ' * I_AENNR = ' ' TABLES EXP_AUSP = it_AUSP EXCEPTIONS NO_VALUES = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. *Note: Need to replace '0000000550' with code of detail you wish to retrieve loop at it_AUSP into wa_ausp where atinn = '0000000550'. wa_header-LOC_WK_CTR = wa_ausp-atwrt. endloop. ENDIF.