SAP Help Instructions on how to implement function module which calls report from managers desktop
SAP Function module to call ABAP report from managers desktop(MDT)
Function module code to allow reports to be executed from managers desktop. The below example actually retrieves all employees within selected org unit and passes them to desired report. An alternative way would be to simply pass actual org unit code(act_objid). Just depends on customer requirements! I believe a small amount of config will also need doing to link this function module with MDT (i.e. So that it is fired off when the user selects a report from MDT).
*Loop around infotype data (similar to select/endselect). function z_mdt_execute_report. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(ACT_FCODE) TYPE MWB_FCODE *" VALUE(ACT_PLVAR) TYPE PLVAR *" VALUE(ACT_OTYPE) TYPE OTYPE *" VALUE(ACT_OBJID) TYPE REALO *" VALUE(ACT_BEGDA) TYPE BEGDATUM DEFAULT SY-DATUM *" VALUE(ACT_ENDDA) TYPE ENDDATUM DEFAULT '99991231' *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(ACT_PROGNAME) LIKE SY-REPID *" VALUE(ACT_SCREEN_NO) LIKE SY-DYNNR *" TABLES *" ACT_OBJECTS STRUCTURE HRSOBID *" EXCEPTIONS *" FCODE_NOT_VALID *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- * FM is used to submit PNP logical database reports for org units * selected from Managers Desktop. To do this it first drills down the * org structure to get the persons in the selected org unit based on the * dates from the MDT screen. It then submits the report as defined for * the MDT function which submitted this function module in table * T77MWBFCD. * The report selection screen is then displayed. * ************************************************************************ * Set org unit parameter ID * Can be used in report to find out which org unit was selected on MDT set parameter id 'P0N' field act_objid. * Ensure that only a single org unit is selected if act_objid is initial. read table act_objects index 2 transporting no fields. if sy-subrc = 0. message i011(pq). exit. endif. read table act_objects with key otype = act_otype. if sy-subrc = 0. act_objid = act_objects-sobid. endif. endif. * drill down the org structure for the org unit selected in * Manager Desktop using evaluation path SBESX refresh objec_tab. call function 'RH_PM_GET_STRUCTURE' exporting plvar = act_plvar otype = act_otype objid = act_objid begda = act_begda endda = act_endda status = '1' wegid = 'SBESX' 77aw_int = ' ' tables objec_tab = objec_tab exceptions not_found = 1 ppway_not_found = 2 others = 3. clear: seltab, seltab_wa. refresh: seltab. seltab_wa-selname = 'PNPPERNR'. seltab_wa-sign = 'I'. seltab_wa-option = 'EQ'. * load each personnel number accessed from the structure into * parameters to be used in the report loop at objec_tab where otype = 'P'. seltab_wa-low = objec_tab-objid. append seltab_wa to seltab. endloop. * get information about the MDT function....... select single * from t77mwbfcd where fcode eq act_fcode. * order to get the program name to be submitted report = t77mwbfcd-progname. * ...and to determine whether itis to be submitted with a variant if t77mwbfcd-variant is initial. submit (report) with selection-table seltab via selection-screen with pnpbegda eq act_begda with pnpendda eq act_endda with pnpbegps eq act_begda with pnpendps eq act_endda and return. else. submit (report) with selection-table seltab via selection-screen using selection-set t77mwbfcd-variant with pnpbegda eq act_begda with pnpendda eq act_endda with pnpbegps eq act_begda with pnpendps eq act_endda and return. endif. endfunction.