SAP Help Example program to demonstrates how to create an SAP ABAP dropdown list box
SAP dropdown list box for an ABAP report selection screen
The ABAP code below is a simple program which selects entries from the SAP table EKKO and displays them as a report dropdown listbox, for the user to select from.
*............................................................. *: Report: ZRESTRICT_SELOPT : *: : *: Author: : *: : *: Date : 2009 : *: : *: Description: Demonstrates how to display values as an SAP : *: dropdown listbox : *: : *:...........................................................: REPORT ZLISTBOX. types: begin of t_ekko, ebeln type ekko-ebeln, end of t_ekko. data: it_ekko TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko, wa_ekko like line of it_ekko. TYPE-POOLS: VRM. DATA: NAME TYPE VRM_ID, LIST TYPE VRM_VALUES, VALUE LIKE LINE OF LIST. PARAMETERS: P_PARM(10) AS LISTBOX VISIBLE LENGTH 10. ********************************************************* *AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. SELECT ebeln up to 10 rows from ekko into table it_ekko. loop at it_ekko into wa_ekko. VALUE-KEY = wa_ekko-ebeln. VALUE-TEXT = wa_ekko-ebeln. APPEND VALUE TO LIST. endloop. NAME = 'P_PARM'. CALL FUNCTION 'VRM_SET_VALUES' EXPORTING ID = NAME VALUES = LIST. ******************************************************** *START-OF-SELECTION. START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: / 'SELECTED VALUE KEY:', P_PARM.
Also see Trigger user command from listbox