SAP Help Information and source code for developing ABAP reports using advanced list viewer (ALV_GRID)
Add Footer functionality to ALVgrid report
In order to add a footer which is always displayed on screen to an ALV grid report you need to perform
the steps below. Please note this will not be displayed in the printed output
Step 1. Update 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' FM call to include parameter 'i_callback_html_end_of_list'
Step 2. Create new FORM 'END_OF_LIST_HTML' for building footer
call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = gd_repid i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE' i_callback_html_end_of_list = 'END_OF_LIST_HTML' is_layout = gd_layout it_fieldcat = fieldcatalog[] i_save = 'X' tables t_outtab = it_ekko exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2.
*&-----------------------------------------------------------**& Form end of list html
*&-----------------------------------------------------------* * output at the end of the list - not in printed output* *&-----------------------------------------------------------* FORM end_of_list_html USING end TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document. DATA: ls_text TYPE sdydo_text_element, l_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, f(14) TYPE c VALUE 'SET_ROW_HEIGHT'. ls_text = 'Footer title'. * adds and icon (red triangle) CALL METHOD end->add_icon EXPORTING sap_icon = 'ICON_MESSAGE_ERROR_SMALL'. * adds test (via variable) CALL METHOD end->add_text EXPORTING text = ls_text sap_emphasis = 'strong'. * adds new line (start new line) CALL METHOD end->new_line. * display text(bold) CALL METHOD end->add_text EXPORTING text = 'Bold text' sap_emphasis = 'strong'. * adds new line (start new line) CALL METHOD end->new_line. * display text(normal) CALL METHOD end->add_text EXPORTING text = 'Normal text'. * adds new line (start new line) CALL METHOD end->new_line. * display text(bold) CALL METHOD end->add_text EXPORTING text = 'Yellow triangle' sap_emphasis = 'strong'. * adds and icon (yellow triangle) CALL METHOD end->add_icon EXPORTING sap_icon = 'ICON_LED_YELLOW'. * display text(normal) CALL METHOD end->add_text EXPORTING text = 'More text'. *set height of this section CALL FUNCTION 'GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR' IMPORTING e_grid = l_grid. CALL METHOD l_grid->parent->parent->(f) EXPORTING id = 3 height = 14. ENDFORM. "end_of_list_html.