SAP Help Full code listing for a basic ABAP ALV GRID report using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
ALV grid display (inc. column total)
Below is an example ABAP report/program which will populate a simple internal table(it_ekpo) with data and
then display it using the basic ALV grid functionality (also includes column total). This example details the main
sections of coding required to implement the ALV grid functionality:
Also check out the newer OO based ALV using CL_SALV_TABLE
Data declaration Data retrieval Build fieldcatalog Build layout setup
*&-----------------------------------------------* *& Report ZDEMO_ALVGRID *& *&-----------------------------------------------* *& *& Example of a simple ALV Grid Report *& ................................... *& *& Author: SAP Development *& *& The basic requirement for this demo is to *& display a number of fields from the EKPO *& table *&-----------------------------------------------* REPORT zdemo_alvgrid . TABLES: ekpo. type-pools: slis. "ALV Declarations *Data Declaration *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekpo, ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln, ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp, statu TYPE ekpo-statu, aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat, matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr, menge TYPE ekpo-menge, meins TYPE ekpo-meins, netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr, peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh, END OF t_ekpo. DATA: it_ekpo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekpo INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_ekpo TYPE t_ekpo. *ALV data declarations data: fieldcatalog type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line, gd_tab_group type slis_t_sp_group_alv, gd_layout type slis_layout_alv, gd_repid like sy-repid. ************************************************************************ *Start-of-selection. START-OF-SELECTION. perform data_retrieval. perform build_fieldcatalog. perform build_layout. perform display_alv_report. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD FIELDCATALOG
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* form build_fieldcatalog. * There are a number of ways to create a fieldcat. * For the purpose of this example i will build the fieldcatalog manualy * by populating the internal table fields individually and then * appending the rows. This method can be the most time consuming but can * also allow you more control of the final product. * Beware though, you need to ensure that all fields required are * populated. When using some of functionality available via ALV, such as * total. You may need to provide more information than if you were * simply displaying the result * I.e. Field type may be required in-order for * the 'TOTAL' function to work. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELN'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Purchase Order'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 10. fieldcatalog-emphasize = 'X'. fieldcatalog-key = 'X'. * fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'. * fieldcatalog-no_zero = 'X'. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELP'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'PO Item'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 1. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'STATU'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Status'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 2. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'AEDAT'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Item change date'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 3. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MATNR'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Material Number'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MENGE'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'PO quantity'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 5. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MEINS'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Order Unit'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 6. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'NETPR'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Net Price'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 7. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'. "Display column total fieldcatalog-datatype = 'CURR'. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'PEINH'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Price Unit'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 8. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog. endform. " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD LAYOUT
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build layout for ALV grid report *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* form build_layout. gd_layout-no_input = 'X'. gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. gd_layout-totals_text = 'Totals'(201). * gd_layout-totals_only = 'X'. * gd_layout-f2code = 'DISP'. "Sets fcode for when double * "click(press f2) * gd_layout-zebra = 'X'. * gd_layout-group_change_edit = 'X'. * gd_layout-header_text = 'helllllo'. endform. " BUILD_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DISPLAY ALV REPORT
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Display report using ALV grid *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* form display_alv_report. gd_repid = sy-repid. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = gd_repid* i callback top of page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE' "see FORM
* i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND' * i_grid_title = outtext is_layout = gd_layout it_fieldcat = fieldcatalog[] * it_special_groups = gd_tabgroup * IT_EVENTS = GT_XEVENTS i_save = 'X' * is_variant = z_template tables t_outtab = it_ekpo exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. endif. endform. " DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DATA RETRIEVAL
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Retrieve data form EKPO table and populate itab it ekpo
*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* form data_retrieval. select ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh up to 10 rows from ekpo into table it_ekpo. endform. " DATA_RETRIEVAL
Check out the new CL_SALV_TABLE OO class way of implementing and ALV report.
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