SAP Help Function Modules to retrieve fiscal year and period
DETERMINE_PERIOD FM to Retrieve fiscal year and period
The below ABAP code shows how to use function modules BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GET_PERIOD and DETERMINE_PERIOD to retrieve fiscal year and fiscal period for a specific date.
*.......................................................... *: Report: ZFISCALYR : *: : *: Author: : *: : *: Date : 2004 : *: : *: Demonstrates how to return the corresponding fiscal : *: year and posting period for a company code and posting : *: date or posting date and fiscal year variant. : *:........................................................: REPORT zfiscalyr NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. TABLES: ekko. PARAMETERS: p_bukrs TYPE ekko-bukrs, p_bedat TYPE ekko-bedat. DATA: gd_fiscalyr TYPE bapi0002_4-fiscal_year, gd_fiscalp TYPE bapi0002_4-fiscal_period. DATA: gd_fiscalyr2 TYPE T009B-BDATJ, gd_fiscalp2 TYPE bapi0002_4-fiscal_period. DATA: gd_periv TYPE t009-periv. ************************************************************************ *START-OF-SELECTION. START-OF-SELECTION. * get fiscal year and period - (requires date and company code) CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GET_PERIOD' EXPORTING companycodeid = p_bukrs posting_date = p_bedat IMPORTING fiscal_year = gd_fiscalyr fiscal_period = gd_fiscalp. * Alternative fiscal year function module * - (requires date and fiscal year variant code from T009 table) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * gets first entry in fiscal year variant table (will need to choose * correct one from table rather than just using first entry) SELECT SINGLE periv FROM t009 INTO gd_periv. * get fiscal year and period CALL FUNCTION 'DETERMINE_PERIOD' EXPORTING date = p_bedat * PERIOD_IN = '000' version = gd_periv IMPORTING period = gd_fiscalp2 year = gd_fiscalyr2 EXCEPTIONS period_in_not_valid = 1 period_not_assigned = 2 version_undefined = 3 OTHERS = 4. ************************************************************************ *END-OF-SELECTION. END-OF-SELECTION. WRITE:/ 'From function module: BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GET_PERIOD', / 'Fiscal year is:', gd_fiscalyr, / 'Fiscal period is:', gd_fiscalp. SKIP. WRITE:/ 'From function module: DETERMINE_PERIOD', / 'Fiscal year is:', gd_fiscalyr2, / 'Fiscal period is:', gd_fiscalp2.