SAP Help Information and source code for developing ABAP email functionality to send emails to external email address

Send external email from within ABAP program

The code below demonstrates how to send an email to an external email address(test@SAP Development)

*& Report  ZSENDEMAIL                                        *
*&                                                           *
*& Example of sending external email via SAPCONNECT          *
*& Produced by www.SAP Development                              *
REPORT  zsendemail                    .

PARAMETERS: psubject(40) type c default  'Hello',
            p_email(40)   type c default 'test@SAP Development' .

data:   it_packing_list like sopcklsti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        it_contents like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        it_receivers like somlreci1 occurs 0 with header line,
        it_attachment like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        gd_cnt type i,
        gd_sent_all(1) type c,
        gd_doc_data like sodocchgi1,
        gd_error type sy-subrc.

data:   it_message type standard table of SOLISTI1 initial size 0
                with header line.


Perform populate_message_table.

*Send email message, although is not sent from SAP until mail send
*program has been executed(rsconn01)
PERFORM send_email_message.

*Instructs mail send program for SAPCONNECT to send email(rsconn01)
perform initiate_mail_execute_program.



*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Adds text to email text table *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* form populate_message_table. Append 'Email line 1' to it_message. Append 'Email line 2' to it_message. Append 'Email line 3' to it_message. Append 'Email line 4' to it_message. endform. " POPULATE_MESSAGE_TABLE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Send email message *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* form send_email_message. * Fill the document data. gd_doc_data-doc_size = 1. * Populate the subject/generic message attributes gd_doc_data-obj_langu = sy-langu. gd_doc_data-obj_name = 'SAPRPT'. gd_doc_data-obj_descr = psubject. gd_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'. * Describe the body of the message clear it_packing_list. refresh it_packing_list. it_packing_list-transf_bin = space. it_packing_list-head_start = 1. it_packing_list-head_num = 0. it_packing_list-body_start = 1. describe table it_message lines it_packing_list-body_num. it_packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'. append it_packing_list. * Add the recipients email address clear it_receivers. refresh it_receivers. it_receivers-receiver = p_email. it_receivers-rec_type = 'U'. it_receivers-com_type = 'INT'. it_receivers-notif_del = 'X'. it_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'. append it_receivers. * Call the FM to post the message to SAPMAIL **Removed because code does not seem to work in current version of SAP but may work in older versions * call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1' * exporting * document_data = gd_doc_data * put_in_outbox = 'X' ** call function 'SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' exporting document_data = gd_doc_data put_in_outbox = 'X' sender_address = '[email protected]' sender_address_type = 'INT' commit_work = 'X' importing sent_to_all = gd_sent_all tables packing_list = it_packing_list contents_txt = it_message receivers = it_receivers exceptions too_many_receivers = 1 document_not_sent = 2 document_type_not_exist = 3 operation_no_authorization = 4 parameter_error = 5 x_error = 6 enqueue_error = 7 others = 8. * Store function module return code gd_error = sy-subrc. * Get it_receivers return code loop at it_receivers. endloop. endform. " SEND_EMAIL_MESSAGE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Instructs mail send program for SAPCONNECT to send email. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* form initiate_mail_execute_program. wait up to 2 seconds. if gd_error eq 0. submit rsconn01 with mode = 'INT' with output = 'X' and return. endif. endform. " INITIATE_MAIL_EXECUTE_PROGRAM

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