SAP Help Send emails from SAP using the cl_bcs ABAP class interface
cl_bcs ABAP class interface to send emails from SAP
The following SAP ABAP code demonstrates how to send a simple email using the new CL_BCS class interface
instead of older function modules such as SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 and SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1
in ever older versions of SAP. Both methods achieve the same result, which is to send an email to an external email address via
SOST but the CL_BCS method is the newer objects based method which is...Well I'll let you judge is it is easier. One think i
will say is if you have not used either way before use this method.
What this example does
The example ABAP program below uses the report parameters detailed below to send an email with a subject, body text and
a basic TXT based attachment.
p_subjct - Subject text
p_bodtxt - Text contained within email body
p_atttxt - Text contained within attachment
p_recip - Email Recipient
*&-----------------------------------------------------------*& Report ZSENDEMAIL *& *&----------------------------------------------------------- *& Example of sending external email via SAPCONNECT using *& ABAP class interface CL_BCS *& Produced by www.SAP Development *&----------------------------------------------------------- REPORT ZSEND_BCSMAIL. *Data Declaration *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: it_contents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soli, wa_contents TYPE soli, it_attachment TYPE solix_tab, wa_receivers TYPE uiys_iusr, ld_subject TYPE so_obj_des, ld_att_size TYPE so_obj_len, ld_att_text TYPE xstring, ld_att_type TYPE so_obj_tp VALUE 'TXT', ld_att_sub TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'Attachment'. DATA: send_email TYPE REF TO cl_bcs, send_request TYPE REF TO cl_send_request_bcs, document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs, recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs. PARAMETERS: p_subjct type string DEFAULT 'Subject', p_bodtxt type string DEFAULT 'main email body text', p_atttxt type string DEFAULT 'attachment text body', p_recip type string DEFAULT 'test@SAP Development'. ************************************************************************ *START-OF-SELECTION START-OF-SELECTION. ld_subject = p_subjct. CONCATENATE '<html><body><p>' p_bodtxt '</p></body></html>' into wa_contents-line. APPEND wa_contents to it_contents. * Create instance of the email class send_email = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). * Create email document inc type, subject and boby text document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type = 'HTM' i_subject = ld_subject i_text = it_contents ). * Convert attachment text to xstring CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING' EXPORTING TEXT = p_atttxt * MIMETYPE = ' ' * ENCODING = IMPORTING BUFFER = ld_att_text EXCEPTIONS FAILED = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Add converted attachment text to the email attachment table it_attachment = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix( ld_att_text ). * Calculate size of attachment ld_att_size = xstrlen( ld_att_text ). * Add the attachment table to the document CALL METHOD document->add_attachment( i_attachment_type = ld_att_type i_attachment_subject = ld_att_sub i_attachment_size = ld_att_size i_att_content_hex = it_attachment ). * Assign document and all its details to the email CALL METHOD send_email->set_document( document ). * Setup email recipient wa_receivers-email = p_recip. recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( wa_receivers-email ). *Assign recipient to email CALL METHOD send_email->add_recipient EXPORTING i_recipient = recipient i_express = 'X'. *Send email CALL METHOD send_email->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ). * Commit work!!! This is important email will not get sent or appear in SOST without this COMMIT WORK.
BCS_EXAMPLE_1 - BCS Use, Example 1
BCS_EXAMPLE_2 - BCS Use, Example 2
BCS_EXAMPLE_3 - BCS Use, Example 3
BCS_EXAMPLE_4 - BCS Use, Example 1
BCS_EXAMPLE_5 - BCS Use, Example 5 (Winword Attachment)
BCS_EXAMPLE_6 - Send PDF Form by E-Mail
BCS_EXAMPLE_7 - BCS: Send E-Mail with Self-Created Excel Attachment (Example
BCS_EXAMPLE_8 - BCS: Send a Spool Request as PDF by E-Mail (Example)
BCS_TEST01 - BCS Test: Various Send Settings
BCS_TEST04 - BCS Test: Send Screen
BCS_TEST05 - BCS Test: Binary Attachment
BCS_TEST06 - BCS Use, Example 1
BCS_TEST09 - BCS Test: Add_Document_As_Attachment
BCS_TEST10 - BCS Test: Various Send Settings and Status Return
BCS_TEST11 - Test: Copy Methods
BCS_TEST12 - BCS Test: Send Several Documents in an LUW
BCS_TEST13 - BCS Test: Direct Sending
BCS_TEST14 - Test: BAdI on Send Screen
BCS_TEST15 - Test: Link with Application Object
BCS_TEST16 - Test for Reorganization: CL_BCS->DELETE
BCS_TEST17 - Simplest Example for Line Break Test
BCS_TEST18 - Reorganization Test: Link to Application Object
BCS_TEST19 - BCS Test: SMS Without Service
BCS_TEST22 - Simplest Example for Line Break Test
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