SAP Help Adding images and pictures to SAP screens
Insert image onto SAP screen
This is very simple to do, first create a dialog program with one screen (any number i.e. 0100) and create a custom control called 'CUST_CONTROL'. Now use the below sections of code to create a top include and a PBO module/process. And then finally create a transaction code for it. Click here to return to 4.7 version, but to be fair all the 4.7 one does is use a method to call the same function module.
CONSTANTS: CNTL_TRUE TYPE I VALUE 1, CNTL_FALSE type i value 0. data: h_picture type ref to cl_gui_picture, h_pic_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container. * h_tree type ref to cl_gui_list_tree, * h_docking type ref to cl_gui_docking_container, * h_application type ref to lcl_application. data: graphic_url(255), graphic_refresh(1), g_result like cntl_true. data: begin of graphic_table occurs 0, line(255) type x, end of graphic_table. data: graphic_size type i.
data: g_stxbitmaps type STXBITMAPS, l_bytecount type i, l_content TYPE standard table of bapiconten initial size 0. g_stxbitmaps-tdobject = 'GRAPHICS'. g_stxbitmaps-tdname = 'ENJOY'. g_stxbitmaps-tdid = 'BMAP'. g_stxbitmaps-tdbtype = 'BMON'. "(BMON = black&white, BCOL = colour) call function 'SAPSCRIPT_GET_GRAPHIC_BDS' exporting i_object = g_stxbitmaps-tdobject i_name = g_stxbitmaps-tdname i_id = g_stxbitmaps-tdid i_btype = g_stxbitmaps-tdbtype importing e_bytecount = l_bytecount tables content = l_content exceptions not_found = 1 bds_get_failed = 2 bds_no_content = 3 others = 4. call function 'SAPSCRIPT_CONVERT_BITMAP' exporting old_format = 'BDS' new_format = 'BMP' bitmap_file_bytecount_in = l_bytecount importing bitmap_file_bytecount = graphic_size tables bds_bitmap_file = l_content bitmap_file = graphic_table exceptions others = 1. call function 'DP_CREATE_URL' exporting type = 'image' "#EC NOTEXT subtype = cndp_sap_tab_unknown size = graphic_size lifetime = cndp_lifetime_transaction tables data = graphic_table changing url = graphic_url exceptions others = 4 . create object h_pic_container exporting container_name = 'CUST_CONTROL'. create object h_picture exporting parent = h_pic_container. call method h_picture->set_display_mode exporting display_mode = cl_gui_picture=>display_mode_normal. call method h_picture->load_picture_from_url exporting url = graphic_url importing result = g_result. endmodule. " STATUS_0100 OUTPUT
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