SAP Help Using the ABAP DESCRIBE statement get information such as number of lines in a table

ABAP DESCRIBE statement keyword to get information about tables and fields

Use the DESCRIBE statement to get information about an internal table such as number of lines in an itab. This statement captures several properties of an internal table and assigns them to the specified variables, such LINES, KIND, OCCURS.

data: it_ekko type STANDARD TABLE OF ekko,
           wa_ekko like line of it_ekko,
           ld_lines type i.

DESCRIBE TABLE it_ekko LINES ld_lines
                       KIND ld_kind     "T = standard, "S" = sorted, "H" = hashed
                       OCCURS ld_occurs "initial memory requirement.

Use the DESCRIBE command to get information about a field
This statement captures several properties of a field and assigns them to the specified variables. Properties that can be captured include LENGTH, TYPE, OUTPUT-LENGTH, DECIMALS, HELP-ID, EDIT MASK

data: it_ekko type STANDARD TABLE OF ekko,
      wa_ekko like line of it_ekko,
      ld_len  type string,
      ld_type type string,
      ld_ol   type string,
      ld_dec  type string,
      ld_hlp  type string,
      ld_msk  type string.

DESCRIBE field wa_ekko-ebeln LENGTH ld_len IN CHARACTER MODE
                             TYPE ld_type
                             OUTPUT-LENGTH ld_ol
                             DECIMALS ld_dec
                             HELP-ID ld_hlp
                             EDIT MASK ld_msk.