SAP Help Example ABAP code to demonstrate how to update an SAP database table directly using the UPDATE statement
SAP Direct database update within an ABAP report
The following code can be used as a template to produce an ABAP which updates a particular database table field. Also see updating a SAP database table using the ABAP Modify command
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZUPDATE_PRPS * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& Quick report to Update PRPS-FAKKZ database field * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* Report ZUPDATE_PRPS. tables: prps. parameter: p_wbs like prps-pspnr, p_value like prps-fakkz default 'X'. data: wa_fakkz type prps-fakkz. ************************************************************************ *START-OF_SELECTION start-of-selection. call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ABPSP_INPUT' exporting input = p_wbs importing output = p_wbs exceptions not_found = 1 others = 2. select single fakkz into wa_fakkz from prps where pspnr eq p_wbs. if sy-subrc eq 0. update prps set fakkz = p_value where PSPNR eq p_wbs. if p_value is initial. message i999(za) with 'Billing element field has been unchecked'. else. message i999(za) with 'Billing element field has been checked'. endif. else. message i999(za) with 'WBS element not found'. endif.