SAP Help The Mini SAP Web Application Server is a full SAP basis system for your home PC
SAP minisap installation on your local pc to allow ABAP development for free
-----Network Configuration
The Mini SAP Basis System must be installed in a functioning network where the host is able to answer to the ping command.
If there is no network adapter (NIC) installed on your computer (Control Panel: Network -> Adapters) check out the Network Configuration
link on the minisap installation file(mini.htm), this will open up the nwcfg.htm file.
Step 1 - download SQL server 2000 installation file
Go to the following link on the microsoft site.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and download sql2kdesksp3.exe
Step 2 - Check PC name
First Need to make sure your PC name is less than 9 chars long, Start->Settings->Control Panel->system->Computer Name(tab)->Change(button)
-----Install SQL server 2000
Before following these next steps please read them all first including Step 4 on installing the SAP database and repository as removing any current
installation of MS SQL server 2000 and then re-installing using the following setup command may save you a bit of time, you could then go straight to step 4.
C:\sql2ksp3\MSDE\setup.exe BLANKSAPWD=1 securityMode=SQL COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_Cp850_BIN"
Having said that following the steps from step 3 may
help you understand the installation proccess a bit more, what these setup parameters mean and give you the knowledge to attempt to fix any additional errors that are not specifically covered in this
-----Is this starting to look a bit complicated
If so check out these video training guides on how to install an SAP trial system
Step 3 - Run SQL server 2000 setup file
First try just running the setup.exe file i.e. C:\sql2ksp3\MSDE\setup.exe but you may get the following error message 'The instance name specified is invalid'
Next try adding the following parameters to the setup.exe file either via the windows run command or via the DOS command promt 'C:\sql2ksp3\MSDE\setup.exe /upgradesp sqlrun'. This may also cause the following error 'password is set to blank , either use sp_password to change it or set BLANKSAPWD=1'
Next try adding the following parameters to the setup.exe file 'C:\sql2ksp3\MSDE\setup.exe /upgradesp sqlrun BLANKSAPWD=1 securityMode=SQL'.
Just for information and to maybe help with any error not mentioned above here is the full syntax for the MS SQL server setup.exe file
setup [/?] [ [ /i package_file [ /settings ini_file ] | [ [ ALLOWXDBCHAINING=1 ] [ BLANKSAPWD=1 ] [ CALLBACK=Dllname!CallbackFunctionName ] [ COLLATION="collation_name" ] [ DATADIR="data_folder_path" ] [ DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=n ] [ INSTANCENAME="instance_name" ] [ SAPWD="sa_password" ] [ SECURITYMODE=SQL ] [ TARGETDIR="executable_folder_path" ] [ UPGRADE=1 ] [ UPGRADEUSER=admin_login ] [ UPGRADEPWD=admin_password ] ] ] [ /L*v [filename] ] [ /upgradesp { SQLRUN |SQLRunnn.msi} ] [ /qn | /qb ] [ /x package_name ] ]
Step 4 - Install SAP Database + SAP Repository
On the minisap installation page press the 'Start Installation' button and follow the onscreen options, as well as reading the instructions on the installation page.
At about 31% you may get the following error:
Error: DBCOMMONDBENV_IND_MSS InternalInstallationDo You have a wrong configured MS SQL Server! The actual charset of MS SQL Server is iso_1. Please re-install MS SQL Server using charset cp850 Error:DBCOMMONDBENV_IND_MSS InternalInstallationDO You have a wrong configured MS SQL Server! The actual sortorder of MS SQL Server is nocase_iso. Please re-install MS SQL Server using the sortorder cp850. ...
In this instance you will need to re-install MS SQL server 2000 with the appropriate charset/sortorder. This is done by using the
COLLATION setup parameter. I set it to "SQL_Latin1_General_Cp850_BIN" which worked fine for me but see here for other SQL Collate entries and the meanings of the characters that make up the name.
To try and upgrade your current SQL server instance try using the following line command C:\sql2ksp3\MSDE\setup.exe /upgradesp sqlrun BLANKSAPWD=1 securityMode=SQL COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_Cp850_BIN"
But if this doesn't work(it didn't for me) you might need to remove MS SQL server 2000 using windows 'add remove programs' and then re-install using the following command:
C:\sql2ksp3\MSDE\setup.exe BLANKSAPWD=1 securityMode=SQL COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_Cp850_BIN"
Step 5 - Install SAP Gui frontend
In-order to install the SAP gui simply inset cd1 and click on the 'Install Frontend' button on the startup htm page(mini.htm). ALso see installation page for how to start and stop the SAP system(double click 'start SAP MBS' on desktop) and how to create logon icon.(Start->Programs->SAP Frontend->Create SAPgui Icon. Application server field entry is the name of your pc, press install)
Logon details are as follows but this is all explain in the install page
SAP System name: MBS
System number: 00
Login: BCUSER / minisap
DDIC / minisap
SAP* / pass