SAP Help The Mini SAP Web Application Server 6

minisap installation on your local pc to allow ABAP development, your own local SE80

The Mini SAP Web Application Server 6.10 is a full SAP basis system, but without application areas such as HR, SD, MM etc. Because it does have standard SAP development tools such as the development workbench(SE80) you are able to develop and test new custom functionality including reports, transactions, Business Server Pages and ABAP Objects on your home PC. It has Full ABAP Stack functionality of mySAP Technology SAP Server, GUI and SAPDB database.

How do you get the Mini SAP System?
In order to get the free Mini SAP, you need to buy one of the following books which come with the SAPWeb Application Server(WAS) 6.10 on two CDs.

Installing MiniSAP System?
Here are the instructions on how to Install minisap. It is a fairly straight forward process as long as you follow the installation instructions provided with the software. Most of the errors I came across where to do with the installation of SQL server 2000, which are also answered in the Installing minisap on your PC guide.

Since the days of the Mini SAP Web Application Server 6.10 things have got a little bit more complicated so if the installation instructions dont work or you requuire a more upto dated version of SAP check out these step by step video guides for installing SAP trial software including IDES, HANA, BW/BI on you home or local PC. These are also constantly updated to take into account the lastest information.

-->Install guides

Also see here to Download miniSAP from SAP (you will need and Snumber login)

Instant access to a full ready to use SAP system
Alternativaly you may want full blown SAP system access installed onto a dedicated SAP server, as it would be for any company running SAP. If this is the case then there are a number of online services that provides access to an SAP system for your own use.

ABAP Objects
ABAP Objects
by Horst Keller (Author), Sascha Kruger (Author)

The only book available to focus on the new object-oriented generation of SAP's ABAP programming language. Written in and approved by SAP's ABAP language group, the book also carries two CDs containing a FULLY-OPERATIONAL SAP BASIS SYSTEM.

Includes Mini SAP 6.10