List of SAP T-Codes objects containing

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Index of SAP T-Codes Objects | Begining with n

N10B - IS-H*MED: Maintain work station org.

N10C - IS-H*MED: Maint. asnmt WrkCntr-TMkr

N10D - IS-H*MED: Maint. plan.object classes

N10E - IS-H*MED: Maint. svc-based resources

N10F - IS-H*MED: Displ. svc-based resources

N10G - IS-H*MED: Display table N1NURSHIFT

N10H - IS-H*MED: Maintain table N1NURSHIFT

N10I - IS-H*MED: Maintain roll assignment

N10J - IS-H*MED: Maintain OR-service split

N10K - IS-H*MED: Display proc. instructions

N10L - IS-H*MED: Maintain proc.instructions

N10M - IS-H*MED: Maintain transfer times

N10N - IS-H*MED: Display transfer times

N10O - IS-H: Maintain Symbols for WP IDs

N10V - IS-H: Display Work Env-to-User Asgmt

N10W - IS-H: Maintain Work Env-to-User Asgt

N1A0 - IS-H*MED: Create position/task

N1A1 - IS-H*MED: Change position/task

N1A2 - IS-H*MED: Display position/task

N1A3 - IS-H*MED: Create collective entry

N1A4 - IS-H*MED: Change collective entry

N1A5 - IS-H*MED: Display collective entry

N1A6 - IS-H*MED: Maintain employees inv.

N1A7 - IS-H*MED: Display employees inv.

N1AA - IS-H*MED: Service Details

N1AB - IS-H*MED: Service Details

N1AC - IS-H*MED: Change service code

N1AD - IS-H*MED: Display service code

N1AE - IS-H*MED: Create Request Category

N1AEN - IS-H*MED: Create Request Category

N1AF - IS-H*MED: Change Request Category

N1AFN - IS-H*MED: Change Request Category

N1AG - IS-H*MED: Display Request Category

N1AGN - IS-H*MED: Display Request Category

N1ALDEF - AppLog: Configure Definitions

N1ALEVAL - AppLog: Evaluate Logs

N1AT - IS-H*MED: No.range req. categories

N1AU - IS-H*MED: Request Overview

N1B0 - IS-H*MED: Create Visit Sequence

N1B1 - IS-H*MED: Change org.assignment

N1B2 - IS-H*MED: Display org.assignment

N1B4 - IS-H*MED: Create task qualification

N1B5 - IS-H*MED: Change task qualification

N1B6 - IS-H*MED: Display task qualification

N1B7 - IS-H*MED: Maintain nurs.profile

N1B8 - IS-H*MED: Display nurs.profile

N1BA - IS-H*MED: Create service request

N1BB - IS-H*MED: Change service request

N1BC - IS-H*MED: Display service request

N1BCCATDEF - Manage Basic Catalogs


N1BCEXP - Execute Basic Catalog Export

N1BCEXPCFG_DEF - Manage Basic Catalog Export Config.

N1BCEXPCFG_DIS - Display Basic Catalog Export Config.

N1BCIMP - Execute Basic Catalog Import

N1BCIMPCFG_DEF - Manage Basic Catalog Import Config.

N1BCIMPCFG_DIS - Display Basic Catalog Import Config.

N1BCSETDEF - Manage Basic Catalog Sets


N1BE - IS-H*MED: Enter requests received

N1C0 - IS-H*MED: Create employee position

N1C1 - IS-H*MED: Change employee position

N1C2 - IS-H*MED: Display employee position

N1C4 - IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption

N1C5 - IS-H*MED: Display mat. consumption

N1COMPCON - IS-H: Maintain Component Configurat.

N1CORD - IS-H: Create Clinical Order

N1COS - CORD - Status Definitions

N1COT - IS-H: Set Up Clinical Order Types

N1COTPL - CORD: Manage Order Tempaltes

N1CT - IS-H: Define Context Types

N1CTX - Function for the Context Menu

N1CUSTIDS - IS-H*MED: Customer-Spec. Class Types

N1D1 - IS-H*MED: Maint.printer f.each inst.

N1D2 - IS-H*MED: Dsply.printer f.each inst.

N1DEFVT - Prereg.Type Definition - Master Data

N1DI - IS-H*MED: Pat.Transport - Dispatcher

N1E0 - IS-H*MED: Create nursing cycle

N1E1 - IS-H*MED: Change nursing cycle

N1E2 - IS-H*MED: Display nursing cycle

N1E3 - IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization

N1E4 - IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization

N1EC - IS-H*Med: Extra services

N1EVDEF - Event Mgmt: Configure Definitions

N1EVSETTINGS - Event Mgmt: Settings

N1EXTENDTEXTEDITOR - Activate Long Text Editor for CORD

N1G1 - IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt

N1GENPROC - IS-H*MED: Generate Procedures

N1GS - IS-H*MED: Menu care unit mgmt

N1IMSU - Customizing Transfer Manager

N1IS1 - IS-H*MED: Internet Service

N1K1 - IS-H*MED: Maintain quota planning

N1K2 - IS-H*MED: Display quota planning

N1K3 - IS-H*MED: Display OUs involved

N1K4 - IS-H*MED: Maintain OUs involved

N1K7 - IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot

N1K8 - IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot

N1KA - IS-H*MED: Medical Record Management

N1KH - IS-H*MED: hsptl structure

N1L1 - IS-H*MED: Task by position

N1L2 - IS-H*MED: Qualifications by task

N1L3 - IS-H*MED: List task by service

N1L4 - IS-H*MED: Qualifications by person

N1L5 - IS-H*MED: List employee position

N1L6 - IS-H*MED: Requestable org. unit

N1L7 - IS-H*MED: Service range list

N1L8 - IS-H*MED: Qualif.-task-employee

N1LA - IS-H*MED: Material proposal

N1LP - IS-H*MED: Nursing Worklist

N1LU - IS-H*MED: Worklist

N1LU01 - IS-H*MED: Standard Worklist

N1LU02 - IS-H*MED: Worklist Variant Selection

N1LUT1 - IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o init. scrn.

N1LUT2 - IS-H*MED: Worklist w/ Initial Screen

N1LUV1 - IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o In.Scrn

N1LUV2 - IS-H*MED: Work list w/ init. screen

N1M0 - IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry

N1M1 - IS-H*MED: Display subseq.srvc entry

N1M2 - IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry

N1M3 - IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry

N1MA - IS-H*MED: Maintain Material Asgnmnt.

N1MATV - IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption

N1MCI_AUTO_RESTART - Repeat Message Processing


N1MCI_CONFIG - Configure Communication Process


N1MCI_MSG_DELETE - Delete Message Log

N1MCI_MSG_RECEIVER - Execute Message Receipt

N1ME - Medication Evaluations

N1MEAM - IS-H*MED: Manage Active Ingredients

N1MEAM1 - IS-H*MED: Maintain All Agents

N1MEDS88000001 -

N1MEDS88000002 -

N1MEDS88000003 -

N1MEDS88000004 -

N1MEDS88000005 -

N1MEDS88000006 -

N1MEDS88000007 -

N1MEDS88000008 -

N1MEDS88000009 -

N1MEDS88000010 -

N1MEDS88000011 -

N1MEDSRV - IS-H*MED: Med. Service Entry

N1MEDS_CALL_USRFAV - Medication: Maintain User Favorites

N1MEDS_IMG_USRPREF - Medication: User-Spec. Presettings

N1MEDS_USERPREF - Medication: User-Spec. Presettings

N1MEFLS - Scrap Posting f. Care Unit Store

N1MEFM - IS-H*MED: Maintain Formulary

N1MEPI - IS-H*MED: Fill List - Pick List

N1ME_AHEVT - Create Ad Hoc Event

N1ME_CO - Create Medication Order


N1ME_EVT_END - End Events

N1ME_EVT_GEN - Event Generation


N1ME_IMPORT - Import Drug Information

N1ME_LTYP - IS-H*MED: Maintain Table TN1LINTYP

N1ME_MELOC - IS-H*MED: Maintain Table TN1MELOC

N1ME_N1TPOU - Template / Group - OU Assignment

N1ME_N1TPUSER - Assign Template/Group to User

N1ME_N1TPUSER_ALL - Assign Template/Group to User

N1ME_OAPROC - Process Order Activities

N1ME_OPRI - IS-H*MED: Maintain Table N1MEOPRI


N1ME_OTYPE - IS-H*MED: Maintain Table TN1OTYPE

N1ME_TMPA - Medickation: Template Assignments

N1ME_TMPL - IS-H*MED:Medication; Create Template

N1ME_TPDIA - Templates - Diagnoses Assignment

N1ME_UNIT - IS-H*MED: Maintain Table TN1MEUNIT

N1ME_UPLOAD - Load External Drug XML File

N1ML - IS-H*MED: Medical unit list

N1MO - IS-H*MED Basic Data: Surgery System

N1MP - IS-H*MED: Nursing

N1MS - IS-H*MED: Basic data srvc processing

N1MZ - IS-H*MED: Display Material Assignmnt

N1N1 - IS-H: Display scoring table NASCO

N1N2 - IS-H: Maintain scoring table NASCO

N1NK - IS-H*MED: Number Ranges

N1OBN - OBN Navigation

N1OT - IS-H: Define Object Types

N1P0 - IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry

N1P1 - IS-H*MED: Display service entry

N1P2 - IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry

N1P3 - IS-H*MED: Display service entry

N1P4 - IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Maintain

N1P5 - IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Display

N1P6 - IS-H*MED: Create req. profile

N1P7 - IS-H*MED: Change req. profile

N1P8 - IS-H*MED: Display req. profile

N1PA - IS-H*MED: Display Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asnmt

N1PATORG - IS-H*MED: Call Patient Organizer

N1PC - IS-H: File transfers PC - SAP


N1PDNK - Number Range Interval Births

N1PE - IS-H: File Transfer PC --> R3

N1PF - IS-H*MED: Call nursing plan

N1PG - IS-H*MED: OR Schedule (OLD)

N1PH - IS-H*MED: Patient History

N1PK - IS-H*MED: Worklist f. Nursing Svcs.

N1PM - PERINAT: Perinatal monitor

N1PMD_MGEN - Mass Generation PMD

N1PN - IS-H*MED: OR Planning List (OLD)


N1PR - IS-H*MED: Maint. Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asgmt

N1PREC_CONFIG - Patient Record, Config.


N1RADCLEANUP - Delete Contents of Radiolog. Table

N1RB - IS-H*MED: Evaluation of visits

N1RECON - Reconciliation Tool

N1RK - IS-H*MED: Patient Transport Service

N1RL - IS-H*MED: Service management

N1RS - IS-H*MED: Basic medical data

N1S1 - IS-H*MED: Display task

N1S2 - IS-H*MED: Maintain task

N1S3 - IS-H*MED: Display position

N1S4 - IS-H*MED: Maintain position

N1S5 - IS-H*MED: Display qualifications

N1S6 - IS-H*MED: Maintain qualifications

N1S7 - IS-H*MED: Display srvc facility type

N1S8 - IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc facil. type

N1S9 - IS-H*MED: Display srvc grouping type

N1SA - IS-H*MED: Maintain

N1SB - IS-H*MED: Display service status

N1SC - IS-H*MED: Maintain service status

N1SD - IS-H*MED: Display srvc task asgnmt

N1SE - IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc task asgnmt

N1SF - IS-H*MED: Display cancel. reasons

N1SG - IS-H*MED: Maintain cancel. reasons

N1SH - IS-H*MED: Display request status

N1SI - IS-H*MED: Maintain request status

N1SJ - IS-H*MED: Display request priority

N1SK - IS-H*MED: Maintain request priority

N1SL - IS-H*MED: Display Req. Type Usage

N1SM - IS-H*MED: Maintain Req. Type Usage

N1SN - IS-H*MED: Display transport types

N1SNPPLANDEF - Manage Standard Nursing Plans


N1SO - IS-H*MED: Maintain transport types

N1SP - IS-H*MED: Display OU-rel.Customizing

N1SPMDUR - Duration Definition of Time Stamps

N1SPMTM - Table for Time Stamps

N1SQ - IS-H*MED: Maint. OU-Rel. Customizing

N1SR - IS-H*MED: Display date interpretat'n

N1SS - IS-H*MED: Maint. date interpretat'n

N1SSWSTM - ISHMED: Time Event Assignment

N1ST - IS-H*MED: Display deg. of infection

N1SU - IS-H*MED: Maint. deg. of infection

N1SV - IS-H*MED: Display

N1SW - IS-H*MED: Maintain

N1SX - IS-H*MED: Maintain planned beds

N1TB - IS-H*MED: Table-Utility INT.USE ONLY

N1TC_CLEARBUFFER - Clear Treatment Authorization Buffer

N1TC_DELEGATE - Delegate Treatment Authorization

N1TC_REPORT - Evaluation for Treatment Contract

N1TC_TEST - Treatment Contract Test

N1TR - IS-H*MED: Transport List

N1TX - IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU

N1TX1 - IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU

N1US - IS-H*MED: Update Desktop Components

N1VE - IS-H: Set Up Preregistration Types

N1VK - IS-H*MED: Preregistration List

N1VL - Insur.Verification/Extension Request

N1VM - IS-H*MED Pre-registration list

N1VPP1 - IS-H*MED: Display Vital Parameters

N1VPP2 - IS-H*MED: Maintain Vital Parameters

N1VPPF41 - IS-H*MED: Vital Parameters Inp. Help

N1VPPF42 - IS-H*MED: Maint. Vital Par. Inp.Help

N1VPPOEZ1 - IS-H*MED: Display Vit. Par. OU Asmnt

N1VPPOEZ2 - IS-H*MED: Maint.Vital Par. OU-Assnmt

N1W1 - IS-H*MED: Task-rel.employeeSrvcList

N1W2 - IS-H*MED: Diagnosis-rel.srvc.eval

N1W3 - IS-H*MED: List Srvc.-patient-employ.

N1W4 - IS-H*MED: Patient-rel.srvc.list

N1WA - IS-H*MED: Waiting list info. funct.

N1WL - IS-H*MED: Follow-up visit list

N1WR - IS-H*MED: Waiting List

N1WSCONFIG - Release Web Services

N1_TEST_PG - Call Planning Grid via Test Report

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