List of SAP T-Codes objects containing

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Index of SAP T-Codes Objects | Begining with f

FN-1 - No.range: FVVD_RANL (Loan number)

FN-4 - Number range maintenance: FVVD_PNNR

FN-5 - Number range maintenance: FVVD_SNBNR

FN-6 - Number range maintenance: FVVD_RPNR

FN09 - Create Borrower's Note Order

FN11 - Change borrower's note order

FN12 - Display borrower's note order

FN13 - Delete borrower's note order

FN15 - Create borrower's note contract

FN16 - Change borrower's note contract

FN17 - Display borrower's note contract

FN18 - Payoff borrower's note contract

FN19 - Wthdrw/Red. Borrower's Note Contract

FN1A - Create other loan contract

FN1V - Create other loan contract

FN20 - Create borrower's note offer

FN21 - Change borrower's note offer

FN22 - Display borrower's note offer

FN23 - Delete borrower's note offer

FN24 - Activate borrower's note offer

FN2A - Change other loan application

FN2V - Change other loan contract

FN30 - Create policy interested party

FN31 - Change policy interested party

FN32 - Display policy interested party

FN33 - Delete policy interested party

FN34 - Policy interested party in applic.

FN35 - Policy interested party in contract

FN3A - Display other loan application

FN3V - Display other loan contract

FN40 - Create other loan interested party

FN41 - Change other loan interested party

FN42 - Display other loan interested party

FN43 - Delete other loan interested party

FN44 - Other loan in applic.

FN45 - Other loan interested prty in cntrct

FN4A - Wthdrw/Reduce Other Loan Application

FN4V - Withdraw/Reduce Other Loan Contract

FN5A - Other loan application in contract

FN5V - Payoff other loan contract

FN61 - Create collateral value

FN62 - Change collateral value

FN63 - Display collateral value

FN80 - Enter manual debit position

FN81 - Change manual debit position

FN82 - Display manual debit position

FN83 - DO NOT USE: Create Waiver

FN84 - Change waiver

FN85 - Display Waiver

FN86 - DO NOT USE: Write-Off Deb.Item Enter

FN87 - Change Write-Off Debit Position

FN88 - Display Write-Off Debit Position

FN8A - Manual Entry: Unscheduled Repayment

FN8B - Manual Entry: Other Bus. Operations

FN8C - Enter Single Postings

FN8D - Post Planned Records

FN8X - Business Operations: Workplace

FNA0 - Policy application in contract

FNA1 - Create Mortgage Offer

FNA2 - Change Mortgage Offer

FNA3 - Display Mortgage Loan Offer

FNA4 - Mortgage Offer Withdrawal

FNA5 - Mortgage Offer in Contract

FNA6 - Create Policy Offer

FNA7 - Change Policy Offer

FNA8 - Display Policy Offer

FNA9 - Policy Offer Withdrawal

FNAA - Reactivation of Deleted Mort. Offer

FNAB - Reactivation of Deleted Mort.Applic.

FNAC - Reactivate deleted mortgage contract

FNAD - Reactivation of Deleted Policy Offer

FNAE - Reactivation of Deleted Policy Appl.

FNAG - Reactvtn of Deleted Other Loan Offer

FNAH - Reactivate del. other loan

FNAI - Reactivate deleted other loan cntrct

FNAK - Select File Number

FNAL - Reactivate deleted BNL contract

FNAM - Reactivate deleted policy contract

FNAPPOFF_DISP - Display Loan Application/Offer

FNARCADMIN - Archiving Administration

FNARCANALYZE - Check Whether Docs Can Be Archived

FNARCEXCL - Set /Delete Archiving Lock

FNARCHIVING - Loan Document Archiving

FNARCSTATUS - Display Archiving Status

FNASL - Loans: Account Analysis

FNASSIGN_COND_X - Workplace: Condition Assignment

FNASSIGN_INL_COND_X - Workplace Cond. Assgnmnt Inst. Loan

FNASSIGN_LOC_COND_X - Workplace Condition Assignment (LoC)

FNB1 - Transfer to a Loan

FNB2 - Transfer from a Loan

FNB3 - Document Reversal - Loans

FNB8 - BAV Information

FNB9 - BAV transfer

FNBD - Loans-Automatic bal.sheet transfer

FNBG - Guarantee charges list

FNBT - Balance Sheet Transfer

FNBTS - Bal. Sheet Transf. (Single Contract)

FNBU - DARWIN- Loans accounting menu

FNCD - Transfer Customizing for Dunning

FNCL - Consumer Loan

FNCL_ADMIN - Consumer Loan Administration

FNCL_DISB_MIG - Migration of Old Disbursement Data

FNCL_DISPLAY - Display Consumer Loan

FNCL_EDIT - Change Consumer Loan

FNCNCL - Delete Rescission Indicator

FNCOLLATE_DISP - Display Collaterals from Archive

FNCOLOBJ_DISP - Display Col. Objects from Archive

FNCONTRACT_DISP - Display Loan Contracts

FNCOT_CHNG - Change Condition Table

FNCOT_CREA - Create Condition Table

FNCOT_DELE - Delete Condition Table

FNCOT_DISP - Display Condition Table

FNCOT_INL_CHNG - Change Condition Table

FNCOT_INL_CREA - Create Condition Table

FNCOT_INL_DISP - Display Condition Table

FNCOT_LOC_CHNG - Change Condition Table

FNCOT_LOC_CREA - Create Condition Table

FNCOT_LOC_DISP - Display Condition Table

FNCOT_LOS_CHNG - Change Condition Table

FNCOT_LOS_CREA - Create Condition Table

FNCOT_LOS_DELE - Delete Condition Table

FNCOT_LOS_DISP - Display Condition Table

FNCP1 - Generate Change Pointers Manually

FNCP3 - Display change pointers

FNCP4 - Reorganize change pointers

FNCW1 - Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment

FNCW2 - Administrative Responsibility

FNCW3 - Assign Agents to Tasks

FNCW4 - Activate/Deactivate Workflow

FNDD - Convert Dunning Data in Dunn.History

FNDD_CREATE - Transaction for drawdown creation

FNDEF_PAST_DUE - Display Open Items After Due Date

FNDEI_AHC - Automatic Help Configuration

FNDIP - Differentiated Incoming Payment

FNDOCSSHOW - Display Individual Documents

FNEN - Create Loan

FNENALG - Create General Loan

FNENHYP - Create Mortgage Loan

FNENPOL - Create Policy Loan

FNENSSD - Create Borrower's Note Loan

FNESRIN01 - CML: Invoice Printing

FNESRNRR - Number Range Maint.: FVVD_ESRIN

FNESRTDT049E - CML Corr.: Posting Area - Part. No.

FNESRTDTZB0A - CML Corr.: Seq. Invoice Printing

FNETSCA2 - Customer: Change Address

FNETSCB1 - Customer: Create Bank Details

FNETSCB2 - Customer: Change Bank Details

FNETSCB6 - Customer: Delete Bank Details

FNETSVA2 - Vendor: Change Address

FNETSVB1 - Vendor: Create Bank Details

FNETSVB2 - Vendor: Change Bank Details

FNETSVB6 - Vendor: Delete Bank Details

FNEXP - Export Interface Loans

FNEXP_DET_DATA - CML: Loans Pooling for Fund Mgmt

FNF1 - Rollover: Create file

FNF2 - Rollover: Change file

FNF3 - Rollover: Display file

FNF4 - Rollover: Fill file

FNF9 - Rollover: Evaluations

FNFO - ISIS: Create file

FNFP - ISIS: Change file

FNFQ - ISIS: Display file

FNFR - ISIS: Fill file

FNFT - Rollover: File evaluation

FNFU - Rollover: Update file

FNG2 - Total Loan Commitment

FNG3 - Loan Commitment

FNGEN_PRODUCT_ATTR - Processing Attrib. for Loans General

FNGEN_PRODUCT_CHNG - Changing Products for Loans General

FNGEN_PRODUCT_CREA - Creating Products for Loans in Genrl

FNI1 - Create mortgage application

FNI2 - Change mortgage application

FNI3 - Display Mortgage Loan Application

FNI4 - Mortgage Application Withdrawal

FNI5 - Mortgage application to offer

FNI6 - Mortgage application in contract

FNIA - Create inquiry

FNIB - Change inquiry

FNIC - Display Inquiry

FNID - Deactivate Interested Party

FNIE - Reactivate Interested Party

FNIH - Decision-making

FNIJ - Create credit standing

FNIK - Change Credit Standing

FNIL - Display Credit Standing

FNIN - Create collateral value

FNINL - Edit Installment Loan

FNINL_DISPLAY - Display Installment Loan

FNINL_EDIT - Change Installment Loan

FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR - Process Attribs for Install. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D - Display Attributes for Inst. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_CHNG - Changing Products for Instllmt Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP - Compare Products for Install. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP_C - Comp. Products Instlmt Loans by Clnt

FNINL_PRODUCT_CREA - Create Products for Install. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_DEL - Delete Installment Loan Products

FNINL_PRODUCT_DISP - Display Products for Install. Loans

FNINV_ACC_DISP - Display Investor Contract

FNIO - Change collateral value

FNIP - Display collateral value

FNK0 - Multimillion Loan Display (GBA14)

FNK1 - Loans to Managers (GBA15)

FNKO - Cond.types - Cond.groups allocation

FNKWGFLAG - Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator

FNKWGRAT - Maintain Debtor Ratings

FNL1 - Rollover: Create Main File

FNL2 - Rollover: Change Main File

FNL3 - Rollover: Displ. Main File Structure

FNL4 - New business

FNL5 - New business

FNL6 - New business

FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR - Process Attributes for LoC

FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR_D - Display Attributes for LoC

FNLOC_PRODUCT_CHNG - Change Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP - Compare Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP_C - Compare Products - LoC Using Client

FNLOC_PRODUCT_CREA - Create Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_DEL - Delete Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_DISP - Display Products for Lines of Credit

FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR - Proc. of Attrs for Aquisition Syst.

FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR_D - No. of Attrib. for Aquisition System

FNLOS_PRODUCT_CHNG - Change Products for Aquisition Syst.

FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP - Compare Products for Aquisition Syst

FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP_C - Compare Prod. for Aqu. Using Client

FNLOS_PRODUCT_CREA - Create Products for Aquisition Syst.

FNLOS_PRODUCT_DEL - Delete Products in Aquisition System

FNLOS_PRODUCT_DISP - No. of Products for Aquisition Syst.

FNLS_ACTM - Set Status Actual Completed

FNLS_ACT_RESET - Reset Act. Compl. to Planned Comp.

FNLS_CONTS - Reset Planned Completed to Contract

FNLS_PLANM - Set Status Planned Completed

FNLS_PLANS - Set Status Planned Completed

FNM1 - Automatic Posting

FNM1P - Automatic Posting (parallelized)

FNM1S - Automatic Posting - Single

FNM1S_NODD - Automatic Posting - Single

FNM1_NODD - Automatic Posting

FNM2 - Balance sheet transfer

FNM3 - Loans reversal module

FNM4 - Undisclosed assignment

FNM5 - Automatic debit position simulation

FNM6 - Post Interest on Arrears

FNMA - Partner data: Settings menu

FNMD - Submenu General Loans

FNME - Loans management menu

FNMEC - Loans Management Menu

FNMH - Loans management menu

FNMI - Loans information system

FNMO - Loans Menu Policy Loans

FNMODELCALCSHOW - Display Archived Model Calculations

FNMP - Rollover

FNMS - Loans Menu Borrower's Notes

FNMULTIARC - Archive Document Data

FNN4 - Display General File

FNN5 - Edit general file

FNN6 - Display general main file

FNN7 - Edit general main file

FNN8 - Display general main file

FNN9 - Edit general overall file

FNO1 - Create Object

FNO2 - Change Object

FNO3 - Display Object

FNO5 - Create collateral

FNO6 - Change collateral

FNO7 - Display collateral

FNO8 - Create Objects from File

FNO9 - Create Collateral from File

FNP0 - Edit rollover manually

FNP4 - Rollover: Display file

FNP5 - Rollover: Edit File

FNP6 - Rollover: Display main file

FNP7 - Rollover: Edit main file

FNP8 - Rollover: Display overall file

FNP9 - Rollover: Edit overall file

FNPAD - Prepare New Auto Debit

FNQ2 - New Business Statistics

FNQ5 - Transact.type - Acct determinat.adj.

FNQ6 - Compare Flow Type/Account Determin.

FNQ7 - Generate flow type

FNQ8 - Automatic Clearing for Overpayments

FNQ9 - Int. adjustment run

FNQF - Swiss interest adjustment run

FNQG - Swiss special interest run

FNR0 - Loans: Posting Journal

FNR6 - Insur.prtfolio trends - NEW

FNR7 - Totals and Balance List

FNR8 - Account Statement

FNR9 - Planning List

FNRA - Other accruals/deferrals

FNRAP - parallel calculation of accruals

FNRB - Planned Record Update

FNRBP - Planned Record Update (parallelized)

FNRB_FAC_PREP_FLOWS - Generation of Plnnd Recs for Facil.

FNRB_WORKLIST - Update Planned Records from Worklist

FNRC - Accruals/deferrals reset

FNRD - Display incoming payments

FNRE - DO NOT USE:Reverse Incoming Payments

FNRELOADING - Reload Archived Documents

FNRI - Portfolio Analysis Discount/Premium

FNRLZ - Statement of Remaining Terms

FNRS - Reversal Accrual/Deferral

FNS1 - Collateral number range

FNSA - Foreign currency valuation

FNSARACUST - Customizing Loan Archiving CML

FNSB - Master data summary

FNSFP - Contracts for the Finance Project

FNSIM_CORR - Simulate Backdated Condition Change

FNSL - Balance reconciliation list

FNSTA - Processing Characteristics

FNT0 - Loan correspondence (Switzerland)

FNT1 - Automatic Deadline Monitoring

FNT2 - Copy text modules to client

FNTDPRODPROFILE - Assign Profiles to Products

FNUB - Treasury transfer

FNV0 - Payoff policy contract

FNV1 - Create mortgage contract

FNV2 - Change mortgage contract

FNV3 - Display mortgage contract

FNV4 - Contract Full / Partial Recission

FNV5 - Disburse Contract

FNV6 - Create policy contract

FNV7 - Change policy contract

FNV8 - Display policy contract

FNV9 - Policy Contract WIthdrawal

FNVA - Create paid off contracts

FNVCOMPRESSION - Loans: Document Data Summarization

FNVCOMPREXCL - Set /Delete Archiving Lock

FNVD - Disburse Contract

FNVD_REPAY - Loan Payoff

FNVD_TRL - Disburse Contract

FNVI - Loans: General Overview

FNVM - Change Contract

FNVR - Reactivate Contract

FNVS - Display Contract

FNVW - Withdraw or Reduce Contract

FNV_CSPRD - Credit Spread - Loans

FNWF - WF Loans Release: List of Work Items

FNWF_REP - Release Workflow: Synchronization

FNWO - Loans: Fast Processing

FNWS - Housing statistics

FNX1 - Rollover: Create Table

FNX2 - Rollover: Change Table

FNX3 - Rollover: Display Table

FNX6 - Rollover: Delete Table

FNX7 - Rollover: Deactivate Table

FNX8 - Rollover: Print Table

FNXD - TR-EDT: Documentation

FNXG - List of Bus. Partners Transferred

FNXU - List of Imported Loans

FNY1 - New Business: Create Table

FNY2 - New Business: Change Table

FNY3 - New Business: Display Table

FNY6 - New Business: Delete Table

FNY7 - New Business: Deactivate Table

FNY8 - New Business: Print Table

FNZA - Account Determination Customizing

FN_1 - Table maint. transferred loans

FN_2 - Table maintenance transf. partner

FN_ACC_STMT - Reprint of Account Statement

FN_AUTODRAFT_PROCESS - Create Auto Debit Files

FN_BILLNUM - Number Range Maintenance Bill Number

FN_BILL_DISPLAY - Display Bills

FN_BILL_NUM - Number Range Maintenance: FVVD_BILL

FN_BILL_PROCESS - Create Bills


FN_CBR_INFO - Display Files for Credit Bureau

FN_CBR_PROCESS - Create Files for Credit Bureau

FN_CHANGE_SEPA_DATA - Check and Adjust SEPA Data in Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR - Process Attributes: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D - Display Attributes: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_CHNG - Change Products: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP - Compare Products - Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP_C - Comp.Prods.- Cons.Loans Using Client

FN_CL_PRODUCT_CREA - Create Products: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_DEL - Delete Products - Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_DISP - Display Products: Consumer Loans


FN_CORR_MASS - Create Annual Interest Statement

FN_DAILY_ACCRUAL - Daily Interest Accrual Display

FN_DERI_COMPANY_CODE - Derivation Rules for Company Code

FN_DERI_CONDITION - Derivation Rules for Condition Table

FN_DERI_ORIGINATOR - Derivation Rules for Originator

FN_DERI_PRODUCT - Derivation Rules for Product

FN_DERI_SALES_ORG - Derivation Rules for Org. Unit


FN_LOANUNITA_ARC_ADM - Archiving Administration LOANREF_A

FN_LOANUNITV_ARC_ADM - Archiving Administration LOANREF_V

FN_LOANUNIT_ARC - Archive Loan Reference Units

FN_LOANUNIT_RELOAD - Reload Loan Reference Units

FN_MIG_CMS - Deletion of Data After Migration CMS

FN_NEW_AUTO_DEBIT - New Auto Debit (SEPA Direct Debit)

FN_PAY_PROCESS_SUSP - Generate PPO Error Messages

FN_PAY_PROC_PAYOFF - Create Payoff from Overpayment

FN_PAY_STOP - Create Lockbox Stop File

FN_POST_INL - Post Planned Records from Worklist

FN_PPO2 - Edit Postprocessing Order

FN_PPO3 - Display Postprocessing Order

FN_PPO_CUS_VIEWCALL - PPO Customizing with Component

FN_PPO_VIEWCALL - PPO Customizing with Component

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_ATTYP - Assign Attribute Types

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_CUSAT - Table/Struct.Name f.Cust. Attributes

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_PTYP - Options for Supported Product Cats.

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_TAPT - Assign Prod.Cat.& Cond.Type

FN_PRODUCT_KEYP_WORK - Change Key Prefix for Product Key

FN_RULE_COMPANY_CODE - Rule Entries for Company Code

FN_RULE_CONDITION - Rule Entries for Condition Table

FN_RULE_ORIGINATOR - Rule Entries for Loan Originator

FN_RULE_PRODUCT - Rule Entries for Product

FN_RULE_SALES_ORG - Rule Entries for Org. Unit

FN_SEPA_DD_CHECK - Check SEPA Direct Debit Records

FN_STOP_ADMIN - Manage Stops

FN_TRLE_CHECK_CUST - Check Cust. for Parallel Posit. Mgmt

FN_TRLE_CML_TRL - Comp. CML-BO and Parallel Pos. Mgmt

FN_TRLE_INIT_VCLASS - Initialization of General Valn Class

FN_TRLE_TEST_INIT - REP: rfvd_test_distributor_init

FN_UPD_FELDAUSW - Update Program for Field Selection

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