List of SAP T-Codes objects containing

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Index of SAP T-Codes Objects


B1B2 - Create Magnetic Media files


BA01 - Table T005BU
BA10 - Subsystem Configuration
BA11 - Config. Transceiver / Upload Files
BALA - ALE Application menu
BALD - ALE Development
BALE - Area Menu for Administration
BALM - ALE Master data
BALV - Batch List Viewer
BANKT_PAR_DETAIL_Y - Par.Process. Item Postings: Detail
BANKT_PAR_MODE_Y - Par.Process. Item Postings: General
BANKT_PAR_REALLOC_Y - Program to Create Interval Table
BANK_CUS_CHDOC - Customer Setting Change Doc. Tool
BANK_CUS_CHDOC_DEV - Developer Setting Change Doc. Tool BAN...

BAPI - BAPI Explorer
BAPI45 - BAPI Browser
BAPIPPLAN - Test Tool for Payment Plan BAPIs
BAPIW - BAPI Explorer
BARNO - Number range editing: FSH_BATCH
BASIS_CL01 - Call CL01 (if it exists)
BASIS_CL02 - Call CL02 (if it exists)
BASIS_O1CL - Call O1CL (if it exists)
BATCH - Reports collection for BG processing
BATCHMAN - Transfer of External CO Data
BATCHMT - Translation Memory Analysis Service
BATCH_DET_FLD_CAT_IM - Batch Determ. Field Catalog for IM
BATCH_DET_FLD_CAT_PO - Batch Det. Field Catalog for Prod.
BATCH_DET_FLD_CAT_SD - Batch Determ. Field Catalog for SD BAT...

BAUP - Bank Data Transfer


BBC1 - Procurement Card Company
BBC2 - PCard Company: Company Codes
BBC3 - Procurement Card: Blocking Reasons
BBM1 - Create Procurement Card Master
BBM2 - Change Procurement Card Master
BBM3 - Display Procurement Card Master
BBNU - Number Range Maintenance REQREQ
BBP0 - Start Menu for SAP B2B Procurement
BBPADDREXT - Maintain Vendor Address - External
BBPADDRINTC - Maintain Addresses for Own Company
BBPADDRINTV - Maintain Vendor Address (Internal)
BBPAPPL - Define EBP Applications
BBPAPPL_DISP - Define EBP Applications BBP...


BC01 - Business Partner: Form of Address
BC03 - Business Partner: Marital Status
BC04 - Business Partner: Property Regime
BC05 - Business Partner: Employee Group
BC06 - Business Partner: Rating
BC07 - Business Partner: Cred. Rat. Instit. BC0...

BC10 - Business Partner: Loan to Manager
BC11 - Business Partner: Employment Status
BC12 - Business Partner: GBA Information
BC13 - Business Partner: Partner Grouping
BC14 - Business Partner: Address ID
BC15 - No. Range Maint.: BP_PARTNR Partner BC1...

BC20 - Business Partner: Salutation
BC401_BOOD - Demonstration: 00 Transactions
BC401_CALD_CRE_CUST - Demonstration: New Table Entry
BC401_CALD_CTA_U - Demonstration: Transaction Call
BC401_TABD_SORT - Demonstration: Sorted Table
BC401_TABD_STAND - Demonstration: Standard Table
BC402_CALD_CONN - Demonstration: Program Calls BC4...

BC50 - Business Partner: Role Type
BC51 - Business Partner: Role Category
BC52 - Business Partner: BP View
BC53 - Business Partner: Relationship Cat.
BC54 - Business Partner: Screen
BC55 - Business Partner:Screen-View Assign. BC5...

BC60 - Business Partner: Role Category View
BC61 - Business Partner: Application
BC62 - Business Partner: Applicat.Role Cat.
BC63 - Business Partner: Phonetic Search
BC64 - Business Partner: Role Csat. Text ID
BC65 - Business Partner: Field Groups BC6...

BC70 - BP: Field Modification Activated
BC71 - Business Partner: Field Mod.Role Cat
BC72 - Business Partner: Notes (Role)
BC73 - Business Partner: Notes (general)
BCA0 - BP: Business Partner - Applic.Cust.
BCA_CONDIND_REL01 - Customizing Release Procedure
BCA_CONDSTD_REL01 - Customizing Release Procedure
BCA_CUS_AK - Determine Rate Type - Currency Swap
BCA_CUS_CC - Determine Rate Cat. - Currency Swap
BCA_CUS_REL_PROC - Customizing Release Procedure BCA...

BCG0 - Bar chart: Maintain field definition
BCG1 - Bar chart: Maintain form definition
BCG2 - Bar chart: Maintain graphic profile
BCG3 - Bar chart: Maintain form assignment
BCG4 - Bar chart: Maintain option profile
BCG5 - Bar chart: Maintain color assignment BCG...

BCMK - Maintain employee sub-group
BCT0 - Create Contact
BCT1 - Change Contact
BCT2 - Display Contact
BCTM - Business Partner Contacts
BCTNUM - Number Range Maintenance: BCONTACT
BCTOOLS_CUST - BC Tools Feature Control Registry BCT...

BC_DATA_GEN - Create Data for Flight Data Model


BD10 - Send Material
BD100 - IDoc display object channel view
BD101 - Consistency check
BD102 - Outbound registry
BD102_EOIO - Registry Outbound EOIO
BD103 - Inbound registry BD1...

BD20 - IDoc passed to application
BD21 - Select change pointer
BD22 - Delete change pointers
BD23 - Delete serialization data
BD24 - Send Cost Elements
BD25 - Send Activity Type BD2...

BD30 - Distribute material object list
BD31 - Distribute document object list
BD32 - Distribute plant allocations(matBOM)
BD33 - Distribute material variants (ALE)
BD34 - Distribute order BOM
BD35 - Send Business Process Groups BD3...

BD40 - Read change pointer for group
BD41 - Dispatch IDocs for group
BD42 - Check IDocs for group
BD43 - Post IDocs for group
BD44 - Assign Message Types to Serlz. Group
BD47 - Dependencies between methods BD4...

BD50 - Activate Change Ptrs for Mess. Type
BD51 - Maintain function modules (inbound)
BD52 - Activ.change pointer per
BD53 - Reduction of Message Types
BD54 - Maintaining Logical Systems
BD55 - Maintain IDoc Conversion BD5...

BD60 - Additional data for message type
BD61 - Activate Change Pointers - Generally
BD62 - Define Segment Conversion Rule
BD62OLD - Define Segment Conversion Rule
BD63 - Transport ALE Tables of Message Type
BD64 - Maintenance of Distribution Model BD6...

BD70 - Synchronize Number Ranges
BD71 - Define FM for dependent bus. object
BD72 - Activate Events
BD73 - Reposting of IDocs (ALE)
BD75 - Convert IDoc Status
BD77 - Distribution of control data BD7...

BD81 - Filter objects parameter filtering
BD82 - Generate Partner Profiles
BD83 - Send IDocs after an ALE error
BD84 - Post IDocs after ALE error
BD85 - Consistency check for transfer
BD86 - Consistency check for sales BD8...

BD90 - Batch Master Record Initial Transfer
BD91 - Send Characteristic
BD92 - Send Class
BD93 - Send Classification
BD95 - Specify ALE object types
BD96 - filter objects of receiver determin. BD9...

BDA4 - Specify ALE object types
BDA5 - Distribute documents
BDBG - Create ALE Interface for BAPI
BDBP - Hierarchy maintenance of BAPI param.
BDBR - Register BAPI for Data Transfer
BDBS - Generate coding for mapping
BDC5 - Consistency of Customizing Data
BDCCC - Check Center: ALE Basis Cust. Data
BDCCV - Maintain Items
BDCONTACTS - Comments created in Biller Direct
BDCP - Number Range Maintenance: ALE_CP
BDCPMIG - Migrate Change Pointers BDC...

BDD5 - Application Consistency Check
BDFDF - Request Fund
BDFDS - Send fund
BDFG - ALE Interfaces from Function Module
BDLR - Registration of transfer program
BDLS - Convert Logical System Names
BDLSC - Objects for Special Treatment
BDLSM - Definition of Conversion Matrix
BDLSMATRIX - Create Conversion Matrix
BDLSS - Conversion of Logical System Names BDL...

BDM2 - Monitoring: IDocs in Receiving Sys.
BDM5 - Technical Consistency Check
BDM6 - Monitor: Check input workflow
BDM7 - ALE Audit: statistical analyses
BDM8 - ALE Audit: Sending the confirmations
BDM9 - Reorganizing the audit database BDM...

BDR1 - Display application log for recovery
BDR2 - Reorganization of recovery data
BDRC - ALE: Determine Recovery Objects
BDRL - ALE: Process recovery objects
BDSEGGEN - Regenerate Segments
BDTP - Business Process- Maintain Templates
BDT_COMPARE - Compare Control Table Entries
BDWE02 - Call we02
BDWE02_2 - Empty Input Field in SE38
BDXA - Distribution of Distribution Groups
BDXD - Import of ALE Requests
BDXE - Generation of ALE Requests
BDXI - Model Display (Specific)
BDXJ - Maintenance of Distribution Groups
BDXK - Convert CONDAT Objects in Dist.Group BDX...

BD_GEN_GRCP - General Recipe Distribution
BD_GEN_SRCP - Replicate Site Recipe


BEH_CONFIG - Config Report
BEH_EVENT_SYNC - Migrate events data from annotations
BEH_LOG_ACTIVE - Activate/Deactivate Process Logging
BEI_RECORD_NR - Maintain Number Range Interval
BEL_ACTIVE - Activate Business Event Logging
BEL_ASSOC_BROWSER - Association Browser
BERE - Business Event Repository
BERP - Business Processes
BERPC - Business Processes


BF01 - P&S BTEs
BF02 - Bus. Events: Assignment of app.comp.
BF03 - Business Event Repository: Overview
BF05 - Process BTEs
BF06 - Processes: Allocation of appl.comp.
BF07 - Process Interfaces: Overview BF0...

BF11 - BTE Evaluation Criteria
BF12 - Partners
BF21 - SAP Application Products
BF22 - Business Framework: Partner Products
BF23 - Activate Partner Products
BF24 - Customer Products
BF31 - Application modules per Event
BF32 - Partner Modules per Event
BF34 - Customer Modules per Event
BF41 - Application Modules per Process
BF42 - Partner Modules per Process
BF44 - Customer Modules per Process
BFST - Attibutes for Selection of Events
BFTR - Maintain Business Feature


BG00 - Number Range Maintenance: BGMK_NR
BGM1 - Create Master Warranty
BGM2 - Change Master Warranty
BGM3 - Display Master Warranty
BGM6 - Warranty Entry for Technical Object
BGMN - Warranty Processing


BH05 - Maiantain personnel area


BIBS - Examples of User Interface Design
BIC - Transfer Bank Data from BIC Database
BIC2 - Transfer BIC Data
BIC2S - Transfer BIC Data
BICBH03 - Display Batch History


BKDR - Maintain transfer rules
BKDS - Sender Structure Maintenance
BKK_ACCNT_REACTN - Account Reactivation
BKK_ARC_PRENOTE_CUST - Object specific customizing -PRENOTE
BKK_ARC_PRENOTE_DISP - Display archived prenotes
BKK_CLOS_REL01 - Release tool cust for Accnt closure
BKK_CLS_PRENOTIF - Account Closure Prenotification
BKK_CORR_LOG - Application log: mature report BKK...


BLOG - Overview of BRE Run


BM00 - Batch Management
BMA1 - Maintain Prop./Prod. Units
BMA2 - Percentage proportion calculation
BMA3 - Prop./prod. quant. from base quant.
BMA4 - Base quant. from prop./prod. quant.
BMAA - Batch Archiving Runs
BMBC - Batch Information Cockpit
BMC1 - Create Class (Class Type 'BATCH')
BMC2 - Change Class (Class type 'BATCH')
BMC3 - Display Class (Class Type 'BATCH')
BMCC - Integrity Check for Batch Classif.
BMCHCL - Batch Class Conversion
BMOBPRO - Original Batches in Production
BMOBPUR - Original Batches in Procurement
BMSM - Update the standard features
BMUW - Assign Worklist Folder
BMUWT - Maintain Worklist Cat. f. Batches
BMV0 - Manage Data Transfers
BMVN - Number Range Maintenance: DI_JOBID


BNK_APP - Approve Payments
BNK_BATCH - Create Batches
BNK_BNK_COM_REL01 - Assign Release Object to Release Pro
BNK_BNK_INI_REL01 - Payment approval-First step
BNK_INCMNG_MSG_MONI - Incoming status message monitor
BNK_LG_SGN - Digital Signature Logs for Approval BNK...

BNR - Number Range Maintenance: ISU_DBRE


BOB - Business Object Builder
BOBF - BOPF: Business Object Configuration
BOBLIB - Bug or Blip - Library
BOBRUN - Bug or Blip - Runtime Configuration
BOBT - Business Object Builder - Test
BOBX - BOPF: Business Object Configuration BOB...

BOE_COCD_EXPAND - Company Code Expansion in BoE
BOE_NUM_NR - Number Range Maintenance: BOE_NUM
BOPF_EWB - BOPF Enhancement Workbench
BOPF_GENERATE_CI - Generate BOPF Constants Interface
BORC1 - Maintenance of User Groups
BORGR - GR Automotive
BORGR_B - GR Automotive: Posting
BORGR_C - GR Automotive: Clearing
BORGR_V - GR Automotive: Preliminary Entry
BOS02 - SD: Service Entry - Web Transaction
BOS02_WAP - Service Entry Sheet: WAP Transaction
BOSECP - Costing: Costs -> Conditions
BOSMM - Subcontractor/Vendor Processing
BOSPR - Create Subcontractor Pur. Req.
BOSPS01 - BOS: Project Cost Transfer Program BOS...


BP - Maintain Business Partner
BP0 - Business Partner, Initial Screen
BPACC - Line derivation budgeting documents
BPACCR - Acc Derivation Budget Entry Document
BPAR_ARCH - Business Partner: Conversion to CBP
BPAR_ARCHW - Fin. transaction: Create archive
BPAR_ARCH_W - Business Partner: Create Archive
BPB1 - Evaluation of Business Partner/Roles
BPB2 - Evaluation of Business Parter Data
BPB4 - Evaluation of Partner Relationships
BPC1 - Create Business Partner
BPC2 - Change Business Partner
BPC3 - Display Business Partner
BPC4 - Create Bus. Partner Using Reference
BPC5 - Change Business Partner - Copy
BPCA - Partner:Change Documents - Addresses BPC...

BPF_MODEL - Maintain Process Flow Data
BPH - Business Partner Group Hierarchy
BPH_TYPE - Maintain Hierarchy Categories
BPMD - Master Data Tab
BPMDCS - Master Data Tab
BPMDFI - Customer Company Code Master Data
BPMDGD - Master Data Tab
BPMDSD - Customer Company Code Master Data
BPOMEAS - BPO Application Measurement
BPS0 - Business Planning
BPSHOW00 - Analysis report: Bdgting/Overall pl.
BPS_DOWN - Load Model Files to PC
BPS_EXCEL - Excel Interface Builder
BPS_INFO - Hidden
BPS_RM - Reminder Report STS BPS...

BPU_TECHDESC_CORRECT - Correct Business User Description
BPU_UPD_PERSON_EXTID - BUM: Update Person External ID
BPU_USERNAME_SC_SW - Switch Username special char. check
BPVENDCHECK - BP<->Vendor check transaction
BP_CLEANSE - Edit Data Cleansing Case
BP_CLEANSE_RELEASE - Release Data Cleansing Case
BP_CLEANSE_RESET - Reset Data Cleansing Case
BP_CVI_IMG_CHK - CVI Customizing - Check Report
BP_FMCA_CUSTOMER - Maintain Contract Partner/Customer
BP_FMCA_VENDOR - Maintain Contract Partner/Vendor BP_...


BRECLEAR - BRE: Reorganisation or Deletion
BREE - BRE Execution
BRF - Business Rule Framework - Workbench
BRF+ - BRFplus Workbench
BRFACS01 - BRF: Create Abstract Action
BRFACS02 - BRF: Change Abstract Action
BRFACS03 - BRF: Display Abstract Action
BRFACT01 - BRF: Create Concrete Actions BRF...

BRPL1 - Contract Account Sheet (Norway)


BS02 - Maintain status profiles
BS03 - Display status profiles
BS12 - Maintain object types
BS13 - Display object types
BS22 - Maintain system status
BS23 - Display system status
BS32 - Maintain processes
BS33 - Display processes
BS42 - Maintain Status Selection Profiles
BS43 - Display status selection
BS52 - Maintain authorization key
BS53 - Display authoriztaion key
BSANLY_ACT_BUNDLE - Call Activation Screen
BSANLY_BI_ACTIVATION - Manage BI Content Activation
BSCL_CDS_GENERATE - Classif/Config CDS view creation
BSCL_CDS_GENERATE_PD - predefined scenario
BSMO - Object type control in Mass Change
BSMV - Transaction control in Mass Change
BSP_BUS2000107 - BSP: Reference Transaction (Dummy)
BSP_BUS2000114 - BSP: Reference Transaction (Dummy)
BSP_BUS2000115 - BSP: Reference Transaction (Dummy)
BSP_BUS2000115_QUOT - BSP: Reference Transaction (Dummy)
BSP_BUS2000121 - BSP: Reference Transaction (Dummy)
BSP_CRMDBUS2K112QUOT - Dummy Transaction Contract Quotns BSP...

BSSP_BOR_OBJECT - Display Tx for a Business Object
BSSP_CONTENT - Content Browser
BSSP_DOCFLOW - Fields for Document Rel. Browser
BSSP_DRB_OBJECT - Display Tx for a Business Object

BSV1 - Where-used list for transaction
BSV2 - Where-used list for system status
BSVV - Parameterizable status workflow evnt
BSVW - Linkage Status Update-Workflow Event
BSVX - System Status Events
BSVY - System/User Status Events BSV...

BS_ANLY_CD - Start Chart Designer
BS_ANLY_OIP_MODELER - Operational InfoProvider
BS_ANLY_OP_BIA - BIA for Classic InfoSets
BS_CONTEXT - Context According for Global Context
BS_INOB - Incident Observation
BS_PERIOD_TOOLSET01 - BS Period Toolset - Customizing BS_...



BTREE - Overview of BRE Programs


BUA1 - Create contact person
BUA2 - Change contact person
BUA3 - Display contact person
BUB1 - BuPR: Create BP relationship
BUB2 - BuPR: Change BP relationship
BUB3 - BuPR: Display BP relationship
BUB4 - BuPR: Create BP role definition
BUB5 - BuPR: Change BP role definition
BUB6 - BuPR: Display BP role definition BUB...

BUC0 - BP Cust: Forms of Address
BUC1 - BP Cust: Address Type
BUC2 - BP Cust: Groupings
BUC3 - BP Cust: Data Origin
BUC4 - BP Cust: BP Role->Address Type
BUC5 - BP Cust: Academic Titles BUC...

BUG1 - Create Business Partner, General
BUG2 - Change Business Partner, General
BUG3 - Display Business Partner, General
BUG4 - Bus. partner general deletion flag
BUI1 - Create Prospect
BUI2 - Change Prospect
BUI3 - Display Prospect
BUI_PST_TRANS - BUI Persistence Service Admin UI
BUKFBATCH - Key Figures - Batch Processing
BUM1 - Create Employee (BP)
BUM2 - Change Employee (BP)
BUM3 - Display Employee (BP)
BUMR - BP Relationships: Config. Menu
BUN2 - Change student (in role grouping)
BUN3 - Display student (in role grouping)
BUNA - Number Range Maintenance: BP_PADRNR
BUP0 - BDT, Multiple Call (Funct. Grp BUSS)
BUP1 - Create Business Partner
BUP2 - Change Business Partner
BUP3 - Display Business Partner
BUPAARCH - Business Partner Archiving
BUPAARCHBDT - BDT Business Partner Archiving BUP...

BUR0 - BuPR: Contact Person Departments
BUR1 - BuPR: Contact Person Functions
BUR2 - BuBR: Contact Person Authority
BUR3 - BuPR: Contact Person VIP Indicator
BUR4 - BP: Marital property regime
BURC_LAYOUT - Custom. Rel.Category -> Log. Group BUR...

BUS0 - BDT: Application Objects
BUS1 - BDT: Applications
BUS10 - BDT: Search Help
BUS11 - BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Group
BUS2 - BDT: Field Groups
BUS23 - BP Tax: Data Sets BUS...

BUT021_INS - Update BUT021 from BUT021_FS
BUTI - Update Without Dialog
BUTJ - Generate Test File (DI)


BV02 - BAV Transfer / Loans Initial Screen
BV03 - BAV Trnsfr / Real Estate Init.Screen
BV11 - BAV Display / Securities Init.Screen
BV12 - BAV Display / Loans Initial Screen
BV13 - BAV Display/ Real Estate Init.Screen


BW01 - Generate FI-SL Extract Structure
BW03 - Assign DataSource/Ledger
BW03MAST - Generate general DataSources
BW03MASTER - Generate summ.table trans. structure
BW07 - BW20PI: Gen. SET Hierarchies for BW
BW09 - BW20PI: Product Hierarchy for SAP BW BW0...

BW10 - BW20PI: Log. Gen. Hierarchy for BW
BWCA - SAPoffice: Internet Calendar
BWCCMS - CCMS Monitor for BW
BWFS_AB_DATUM_SET - Date from Which Data is Read
BWFS_INFOSOURCE_DELT - Maintain InfoSources for Delta Pos.
BWFS_INFOSOURCE_INIT - Maintain InfoSources for Pos. Init.
BWFS_INIT_DATE_SET - Date of Position Initialization
BWFS_PROT - BW Extraction Log
BWFS_TIMESTAMPS_DELA - Deletes Time Stamp Per InfoSource BWF...

BWMSSPROCS - Transaction for MSS SP Maintenance
BWOM01 - BCT-CO: Change Report Row Hierarchy
BWOM02 - BCT-CO: Displ/Check Report Row Hier.
BWP0 - Date: Maintain Key Figure
BWP1 - Date Event
BWP2 - Date Origin
BWP3 - Duration: Maintain Key Figure
BWP4 - Dates: Assgn. of Table to Value Type
BWP5 - Duratn: Assg. of Table to Value Type BWP...

BWS1 - Assign System Status to BW Status
BWS2 - Assign User Status to BW Status
BWSP - SAPoffice: WWW
BWST - Gener. DataSource for BW Status Obj.
BWWF_WI_DECI - Execute User Decisions
BWWI_EXECUTE - Executing a work item (WEBgui)
BW_DATASOURCE_CHECK - DataSource/InfoSource Check
BW_QUERY_ELEM_CHECK - Dev. Classes for Query Elements
BW_WORKBOOK_CHECK - Queries/Workbooks Check


BYPASS - Bypass for All Reservation Systems

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