List of SAP T-Codes objects containing

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Index of SAP T-Codes Objects | Begining with F

FINB_ACCO - Activation of All Configuration

FINB_ACINST_CHANGE - Change/Set Accounting Instance

FINB_CCD_ADD - Classes for Customizing Dispatcher

FINB_CONF_AFTER_NOTE - Rework after SAP Note Implementation

FINB_CONF_START_IMG - Define Configuration (SAP)

FINB_CONF_WB - Maintain Configuration Aspect

FINB_GN_TRACE - Activate Generator Trace

FINB_MSG_LG1 - Analyze Application Log

FINB_PR_SHOW - Display Persistence Objects

FINB_TR_CAT - Catalog of Transport Objects

FINB_TR_CATA - Attributes of Transport Objects

FINB_TR_CATAL - Local Attributes

FINB_TR_CCM - Client Copy - Protection

FINB_TR_CCM1 - Client Copy - Administration

FINB_TR_CCO - Client Copy - Object Status

FINB_TR_CC_CD - Copy Transaction Data

FINB_TR_CC_LOG - Client Copy-Postprocessing Log

FINB_TR_CUST - FINB Transport Tool: Customizing

FINB_TR_DEST - Destination for Transport Methods

FINB_TR_DISPLAY - Transport Container Display

FINB_TR_EXEC_AI - Postprocessing of Client Copy

FINB_TR_IMG - Transport Tool - Development

FINB_TR_REORG - Transport Container Reorganization

FINB_TR_TCATO - Obsolete Transport Objects

FINB_TR_U1 - Copy a Transport Request

FINB_TR_U2 - Prepare Delivery

FINB_TR_WZ - RFC Connection Wizard

FINB_VIEW_TO_CONFIG - Connection to Configuration

FINCS_ADDLFLD_DEF - Additional Field Definition

FINCS_ADDLFLD_SEL_A - Add Cons. Master Data Fields

FINCS_ADDLFLD_SEL_D - Display Additional Field Selection

FINCS_ADDLFLD_SEL_U - Define Cons. Master Data Fields

FINCS_ASSIGN_LEDGER - Helper: Assign Ledger to group

FINCS_BCF_EXEC - Carry Forward Balances

FINCS_BUNID_NR - Doc Bundle: Number Range Maintenance

FINCS_CHECK_LEDGER - Consistency Check - Version / Ledger

FINCS_COI_EHA_LIST - Equity Holdings Adjustments

FINCS_COI_EQU_LIST - Changes in Investee Equity

FINCS_COI_EXEC - Consolidation of Investments

FINCS_COI_GSH_POST - Posting of Group Shares

FINCS_COI_GWA_LIST - Amortization of Goodwill

FINCS_COI_INV_LIST - Changes in Investment

FINCS_CONSLDR_FIX01 - Fix Consolidation Ledger in TF200


FINCS_CTR_EXEC - Group Reporting Currency Translation

FINCS_CUST_CM - Custom Tasks for Cons. Monitor

FINCS_CUST_DM - Custom Tasks for Data Monitor

FINCS_DOC_LIST - Database List of Journal Entries

FINCS_DOC_LIST_RL - DB List of Jrnl Entries - Cons Logic

FINCS_EPUC_GL - Define Settings for Posting to G/L

FINCS_EPUC_GS - Define General Settings

FINCS_EPUC_PI - Define Posting Items for EPU

FINCS_EPU_EXEC - Group Reporting - Equity Pickup

FINCS_FSI_DEF_UPLOAD - Upload FS Item Definition


FINCS_FSI_HIER_UPLD - Upload FS Item Hierarchies

FINCS_FSI_MAPPG_UPLD - FS Item Mapping Upload

FINCS_FSI_REPLICATOR - Data Conversion for FS Items

FINCS_IU - Define IU Reconciliation Thresholds

FINCS_JER_REP - Journal Entry Report

FINCS_MAP_RLDNR_U - Define GroupRep Preparation Ledger


FINCS_PCC_EXEC - Preparation of Cons. Group Changes

FINCS_RCL_EXEC - Reclassification

FINCS_REAF_NR - Realign F: Number Range Maintenance

FINCS_RECON_PL30 - Compare Group Journal Entries

FINCS_REF_VERS_FIX - SAP Support Utility

FINCS_REVERS_ACDOCU - Revers and transport records

FINCS_RIASSG - Assignment for Reporting Items

FINCS_RRLVS - Assign Reporting Rule Versions

FINCS_RRULE - Define Reporting Rules

FINCS_SELECTION - Define Selections

FINCS_SELECTION_DIS - Display Selections

FINCS_TOT_LIST - Database List of Totals

FINCS_TOT_LIST_RL - DB List of Totals - Cons. Logic

FINCS_UPL_EXEC - Upload Reported Financial Data

FINDR0 - ParameterTransaction Derivation Tool

FINF - Info System Events

FINL_9000_SHOW - Display

FINOC_CHDOC_INFO - Org. Change: Change Doc. Information

FINOC_CUST_AUTOPOST - OrgChange Customizing auto Postings

FINOC_CUST_BLART - OrgChange Customizing Doc Type

FINOC_CUST_TRANSTYPE - OrgChange Customizing Trans Type

FINOC_SPLG - OC: Generate document splitting

FINOC_SPLR - OC: Reconstruction of splitting info

FINOC_SPLR_LOG - OChg: Results of document splitting

FINP - Info System Processes

FINR3_CPROJECTS_CUST - cProjects IMG in Plug-In for ERP

FINSC_BTTYPE - Maintain Business Transaction Types

FINSC_COGS_SPLIT - Maintain Cost Splitting Profile

FINSC_CO_CD_TEMPLATE - Set Company Code Template Indicator

FINSC_CURRENCY_NOC - Maintain Univ. Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_CURR_CHNGE_DSP - Task: Assign CCde to COAr

FINSC_CURR_CHNGE_UPD - Task: Assign CCde to COAr

FINSC_FAGL2SEMTA - Map Hierarchy Node to Semantic Tag

FINSC_LEDGER - Maintain Univ. Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_LEDGER_NOC - Maintain Univ. Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_LEDGER_T - Maintn ledger incl template

FINSC_LEDGER_TEMPLTE - Maintain Univ. Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_PDIF_SPLIT - Maintain Price Difference Profiles

FINSC_SEM_TAG - Maintain Semantic Tags

FINSC_SEM_TAG_G - Maintain Semantic Tag Group

FINSTF_MIG_BKBP - Mapping Bank to Business Partner

FINSTF_MIG_CLEAR_USR - Clear User of Migration Customizing

FINSTF_MIG_COCODE - SD-FT and TRM company code mapping

FINSTF_MIG_CUST_CHCK - Check Trade Finance Mig. Customizing

FINSTF_MIG_FINISH - Set TF mig. status to 'Completed'

FINSTF_MIG_POST_ACT - Post processes of TF migration

FINSTF_MIG_RECON_RCD - Reconcile Risk Check Decisions

FINSV_LD_CMP_COV - Assign Ledgers to CO Versions

FINS_ACDOC_REPAIR_01 - SAP note 2217438: data corrections

FINS_ACDOC_REPAIR_02 - SAP note 2204899: data corrections

FINS_ACDOC_REPAIR_03 - SAP note 2396440: data corrections

FINS_ACDOC_REPAIR_04 - Data corrections cust. proj. curr.

FINS_ACDOC_REPAIR_05 - Data correction EBRR: set KFSL to 0

FINS_ACDOC_REPAIR_06 - Correct sales doc.curr. in acdoa


FINS_ACTIVATE_XLGCLR - Activation of Ldg.-Specific Clearing

FINS_ACTIVATE_XUJCLR - Activate Extended Open Item Manageme

FINS_ADAPT_CTP - Adapt transactional data new curtp

FINS_ADP_MONITOR_CTP - Show status transact. data new curtp

FINS_ALLOC_CC_A1 - CC Alloc: Create Act. Overhead Cycl.

FINS_ALLOC_CC_C1 - CC Alloc: Create Act. Ico. Cycle

FINS_ALLOC_PA_A1 - PA Alloc: Create Act. Overhead Cycl.

FINS_ALLOC_PA_T5 - Execute Top-Down Distribution

FINS_ALLOC_PC_D1 - PC Alloc: Create act. dist. cycle

FINS_ALLOC_PC_D7 - PC Alloc: Create pla. dist. cycle

FINS_AR1 - CO Archiving Preparation Compression

FINS_AR1_ANALYZE - Analyze CO for FI Compression

FINS_AR1_MONITOR - CO Archiving Prep. Compress. Monitor

FINS_ARC - Journal Entry Compression

FINS_ARC_ANALYZE - Analyse Journal Entry Compression

FINS_ARC_MONITOR - Status Journal Entry Compression

FINS_BACKSYNC - Analyze Backsync

FINS_BCF_MIG - Enrichment of Balances

FINS_BCF_MIG_MONITOR - Display Status of Balance Enrichment


FINS_BCF_REC - Reconciliation of Balance Enrichment

FINS_BCF_REC_MONITOR - Status of Reconc. Bal. Enrich. Disp.

FINS_BT_NUM - Number Ranges for Budget Documents

FINS_BT_NUM_DRAFT - Number Ranges for Draft Documents

FINS_BUKRS_TO_KOKRS - Update Postings in table ACDOCA

FINS_CCD2COA_COCKPIT - Update Postings: Assign CCde to COAr

FINS_CD2CA_COMPLETE - Complete Project

FINS_CD2CA_STAT_OVW - Overview: Mass Data Project Status

FINS_CFIN_ACT_CLR - Activate Clearing Transfer

FINS_CFIN_AIF_ERR - Monitoring and Error Handling

FINS_CFIN_AIF_ERRWEB - Monitoring and Error Handling (Web)

FINS_CFIN_AIF_IFMON - Interface Monitor

FINS_CFIN_AIF_SETUP - AIF Setup for Central Finance

FINS_CFIN_AR_REPL - Replicate Activity Rates Manually

FINS_CFIN_AR_RL_CHK - CFIN: AR transfer rule overlap check

FINS_CFIN_AR_VAL_ATV - CFIN:Transfer Rule Activation for AR

FINS_CFIN_AVL_DEL - Accounting View Deletion Report

FINS_CFIN_CC - CFIN:Configuration Consistency Check

FINS_CFIN_CJ4 - Central FIN Simulate Mapping

FINS_CFIN_CJ5 - Central FIN Simulate Posting

FINS_CFIN_CO_DEL_LOG - Log for Deletion of CO Initial Load

FINS_CFIN_CO_DEL_SRC - Undo Preparation of CO Initial Load




FINS_CFIN_CPAY_MIGOC - CPAY: Outgoing Check Migration

FINS_CFIN_CREV - Central Reversal with Reposting

FINS_CFIN_DEACT_CLR - Deactivate Clearing Transfer

FINS_CFIN_DECACCDET - CFIN: Maintain Account Determination

FINS_CFIN_DEFTAX - Postprocess Deferred Tax Data

FINS_CFIN_DELSRC_LOG - Log for Initial Load Source Deletion

FINS_CFIN_DEL_MIGOC - Outgoing Check Migration Deletion

FINS_CFIN_DEL_SRC - Deletion of Initial Load in Source

FINS_CFIN_DFV_AV_CI - Comparison of Billing Doc. in AVL

FINS_CFIN_DFV_AV_PO - Comparison of Purchasing Doc. in AVL

FINS_CFIN_DFV_AV_SI - Comparison of SupplierInvoice in AVL

FINS_CFIN_DFV_AV_SO - Comparison of Sales Document in AVL

FINS_CFIN_DFV_CLR - Comparison of FI Clearing Status

FINS_CFIN_DFV_CMTDOC - Comparison of Commitment Line Items

FINS_CFIN_DFV_CMTNUM - Comparison of Commitment Line Count

FINS_CFIN_DFV_CO_BAL - Comparison of CO Balances

FINS_CFIN_DFV_CO_DOC - Comparison of CO Line Items

FINS_CFIN_DFV_CO_NUM - Comparison of CO Document Headers

FINS_CFIN_DFV_FI_BAL - Comparison of FI Balances

FINS_CFIN_DFV_FI_DOC - Comparison of FI Line Items

FINS_CFIN_DFV_FI_NUM - Comparison of FI Document Headers

FINS_CFIN_DFV_PCA_BA - Comparison of PCA Balances

FINS_CFIN_DFV_PCA_CN - Comparison of PCA Document Counts

FINS_CFIN_DIS_PO - CFIN: Display AVL Purchasing Doc.

FINS_CFIN_DOC_DELETE - Central Finance: Delete Documents

FINS_CFIN_FCCR - CPAY: Payment Card Evaluation

FINS_CFIN_HISOI_PRC - CPAY: Historical OIs Processing

FINS_CFIN_IDR_MASTER - Execute Initial Load by Load Group

FINS_CFIN_IDR_MONITO - Copying within IDR System

FINS_CFIN_INI_POSYS - Initialization report for PO logsys

FINS_CFIN_INT_ANLYZR - Init load simulation and trace tool

FINS_CFIN_KM_AUDIT - Central Finance: Key Mapping Audit

FINS_CFIN_LICENSE - License Measurement User List

FINS_CFIN_LOAD1 - Central FIN Initial Load - Extract

FINS_CFIN_LOAD2 - Central FIN Initial Load - Post


FINS_CFIN_LOAD_DEL - Delete Initial Load Data

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_GRP_E - Execute Initial Load by Load Group

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_GRP_M - Monitor Initial Load by Load Group

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_MON1 - Initial Load: Extraction Status

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_MON2 - Initial Load: Posting Status

FINS_CFIN_LOG_DEL - Delete Application Log List

FINS_CFIN_MAN_REPL - Manage Replication

FINS_CFIN_MAP_LOG - Central Finance: Manage Mappings Log

FINS_CFIN_MAP_MANAGE - Central Finance: Manage Mappings

FINS_CFIN_MAP_REL - Display Mapping Relationships

FINS_CFIN_MCE_REPL - Replicate Material Cost Estimate

FINS_CFIN_MONI_CJ4 - Initial Load: Simulate Mapping

FINS_CFIN_MONI_CJ5 - Initial Load: Simulate Posting

FINS_CFIN_MONI_MIGOC - CPAY: Monitor Outgoing Check Migr

FINS_CFIN_MR_DEL - Map Reduce Deletion Report

FINS_CFIN_PCA_DEL - Central Finance: EC-PCA Deletion

FINS_CFIN_PCA_LOAD - EC-PCA Initial Load Transfer

FINS_CFIN_PCA_SIMU - Central Finance: EC-PCA Simulation

FINS_CFIN_PO_TRS_CLR - Clean up PO History Transfer Data

FINS_CFIN_SDDPLG_UPD - Update SD Down Payment Log Table

FINS_CFIN_SHOW_DRBO - Display Related Document

FINS_CFIN_SHOW_SDOC - Display Sender Document

FINS_CFIN_SO_UPDATE - Update Sales Order Information

FINS_CFIN_SPLIT_CUST - Transfer Document Splitting Cust

FINS_CFIN_SP_AIF - Call AIF Monitor for FI Document

FINS_CFIN_TECH_CLR - Set Technically Cleared



FINS_CHECK_FSV - Check financial statement version

FINS_CHECK_NRIV - check NRIV consistency

FINS_CONF_UTIL_START - Generic utility app

FINS_CO_RECONCILE - Reconciliation of CO-Documents

FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK - Check ledger customizing settings

FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK_P - Run customizing check like posting

FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK_Q - Run posting customizing chk quietly

FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK_T - Check also country template settings

FINS_CUST_CONS_REP - Repair customizing settings for JE


FINS_DDLS_TO_REQUEST - Put DDL-Sources into corr. request

FINS_DEFSUM_COCKPIT - Cockpit: Inv. Deferred Summarization

FINS_DEFSUM_CTRLC - Inv. Def. Sum.: Number of Jobs

FINS_DEFSUM_PREPARE - Cockpit: Inv. Def. Sum. Preparation

FINS_DEL_GL_ACC_EXP - Remove GL account from Expense type

FINS_DIS - Post Discounting of Long-Term A&L


FINS_FCT - call maintenance view for fieldcat

FINS_FCT_BCF_BS - call maint. view for fieldcat BCF_BS

FINS_FCT_BCF_PL - call maint. view for fieldcat BCF_PL

FINS_FCT_GL_BAL_VAL - call maint. view fldcat GL_BAL_VAL

FINS_FCT_GL_REP - call maint. view for fieldcat GL_REP

FINS_FCT_GL_TOT - call maint. view for fieldcat GL_TOT

FINS_FCT_UTIL - Utilities for the ACDOC fieldcatalog

FINS_FSV_DELETE - Delete fin. statement versn template

FINS_FXV - Advanced Foreign Currency Valuation

FINS_IC_CUST - IC: Customizing

FINS_IC_HKONT - G/L Accounts for Rounding Difference

FINS_IMPAIRMENT - Post Credit-Risk-Based Impairment

FINS_IR - Inception Run

FINS_LEDGER_MAP - Mapping of Ledgers (NewGL-UDoc.)

FINS_MASSF_CUST - MDF: Sets, Steps, and Factories

FINS_MASS_LOG_DRIVER - Mass Data Framework: Log Driver

FINS_MASS_LOG_SHOW - Mass Data Framework: Show Log

FINS_MIGRATION - Migrate and Enrich Documents

FINS_MIG_AFA - Initial Depreciation Calculation

FINS_MIG_BSEG_HWAER - Migrate document lines local curr

FINS_MIG_CHECK_GCM - Check consistency GL acct/Cost elem

FINS_MIG_CHECK_MK3 - Reconcile Documented CreditDecisions

FINS_MIG_CJ1 - Central FIN Initial Load - Extract

FINS_MIG_CJ2 - Central FIN Initial Load - Post

FINS_MIG_CJ3 - Central FIN Re-Open Tech Clearings

FINS_MIG_COB - Company Code in CO Tables

FINS_MIG_CREDIT_CHCK - Check Credit Mgmt Customizing

FINS_MIG_CREDIT_CUST - Migrate Credit Mgmt Customizing

FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 - Make Legacy Data Transfer Settings

FINS_MIG_DAA - Default Assignment Cost Elements

FINS_MIG_DLT - Data Migration UJ: Aggregate Deltas

FINS_MIG_DLT_RESET - SAP AC: Reset Migration of Balances

FINS_MIG_DUE - Fill Due Dates in FI Documents

FINS_MIG_FINISH - Set migration status to 'FINISHED'

FINS_MIG_FYV - Reconcile fiscal year variant CO and

FINS_MIG_GCM - G/L Acc. and Cost Elem. Merge

FINS_MIG_GKONT - Fill Offsetting Account

FINS_MIG_GL_ALLOC - Migration of GL Allocations

FINS_MIG_GL_AL_MIG - GL Allocation Migration

FINS_MIG_INIT_COLD - Transfer Data to Cold DB Area

FINS_MIG_KNKK_CUST - Settings for Credit Migration

FINS_MIG_LEDGER_CUST - Migration of Ledger Customizing

FINS_MIG_LINK - Set Link between CO and FI Documents

FINS_MIG_M10 - Material Ledger Master Data Migr.

FINS_MIG_M11 - Material Ledger Order History Migr.

FINS_MIG_M20 - Check ML Master Data Migration

FINS_MIG_M21 - Check ML Order History Migration

FINS_MIG_MK1 - Credit Mgmnt Master Data Migration

FINS_MIG_MK2 - Credit Mgmnt Exposure Migration

FINS_MIG_MK3 - Initialize Credit Management DCDs

FINS_MIG_MONITOR - AC on HANA: Data Migration Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_AAA - Monitor Asset Accounting Activation

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_AFA - Monitor Initial Depreciation Calcul.

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CCS - Monitor Customizing Settings Check

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CJ1 - Initial Load: Extraction Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CJ2 - Initial Load: Posting Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CJ3 - Re-Open Technical Clearings

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CLD - Cold DB Area Transfer Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_COB - Company Code in CO Tables Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DAA - Default Assignment Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DLT - Migration Monitor UJ: Aggregate Delt

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DUE - Show Status of Due Dates Migration

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GCC - Monitor G/L Acc. and Cost Elm. Check

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GCM - Monitor G/L Acc. and Cost Elm. Merge

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GKO - Show Status of Offsetting Account

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_LNK - sFin Document Link Migration Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_M10 - Monitor Migrate ML Master Data

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_M11 - Monitor Migrate ML Order History

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_M20 - Monitor Check ML Master Data

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_M21 - Monitor Check ML Order History

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK1 - Credit Mgmnt Master Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK2 - Credit Mgmnt Exposure Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK3 - Display Status of DCD Initialization

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_NZP - Monitor Near Zero Downtime Prep.

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_PRC - Display Status of field Profit Ctr

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC0 - Monitor Analysis of Transact. Data

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC1 - Monitor Reconciliation

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC2 - Monitor Check of Documents

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC3 - Monitor Check of Journal Entry

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC4 - Monitor Check of Balances

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC5 - Monitor check FI-AA Balances (AFAR)

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RGC - Monitor Repair G/L Acc.

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_TF1 - Trd finance Master Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_TF2 - Trd finance Assgmt Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_TF3 - Trd finance RCD Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_UJ - AC on HANA: Migration Monitor UJ

FINS_MIG_MONI_GL_AL - GL Allocation Migration

FINS_MIG_MSG_TRA - Transport Accepted Error Messages

FINS_MIG_PRECHECK - Check Ledger Settings for Migration


FINS_MIG_RGC - Repair G/L Accounts

FINS_MIG_STATUS - Start and Monitor Migration

FINS_MIG_TF1 - L/C Master Data Migration

FINS_MIG_TF2 - Trade Finance Assignment Migration

FINS_MIG_TF3 - Trade Finance RCD Initialization

FINS_MIG_UJ - SAP AC on HANA: Data Migration UJ

FINS_MIG_UJ_RESET - SAP AC: Reset Data Migration UJ

FINS_ML_DAR_ADM - Administration of DAR training runs

FINS_MPROJ_COCKPIT - Cockpit Mass Data Processing

FINS_MPROJ_COCKPI_06 - Cockpit: Impl. of Document Splitting

FINS_MPROJ_COCKPI_40 - Cockpit: Manage Currencies

FINS_MPROJ_COCKPI_GE - Mass Data Cockpit: Gen. Projects

FINS_MPROJ_COCKP_WRP - Wrapper transaction Cockpit

FINS_MPROJ_COMPLETE - Complete Project

FINS_MPROJ_COMPLE_06 - Complete Project

FINS_MPROJ_COMPLE_40 - Complete Project

FINS_MPROJ_COMPL_WRP - Wrapper transaction Complete Project

FINS_MPROJ_FINISH - Confirm Data Transfer

FINS_MPROJ_FINIS_WRP - Wrapper transaction Confirm DT

FINS_MPROJ_RELEASE - Complete Preparations

FINS_MPROJ_RELEAS_06 - Complete Preparations

FINS_MPROJ_RELEAS_40 - Complete Preparations

FINS_MPROJ_RELEA_WRP - Wrapper transaction Complete Prepar.

FINS_MPROJ_STAT_OVW - Overview about project status

FINS_MPROJ_STAT_OVW2 - Mass Data Project Status Overview

FINS_OKBA - Create CO View on Acct. Documents

FINS_ONEALLOC_A7 - Alloc: Create Plan Overhead Alloc.

FINS_ONEALLOC_D7 - Alloc: Create Plan Distribution

FINS_ONEALLOC_T5 - Execute Top-Down Distribution

FINS_ONEALLOC_T7 - Create top-down distribution

FINS_ONEALLOC_T8 - Change top-down distribution

FINS_ONEALLOC_TB - Execute top-down distribution

FINS_PCDSUM_COCKPIT - Cockpit: PC Deferred Summarization

FINS_PCDSUM_CTRLC - PC Def. Sum.: Number of Jobs

FINS_PCDSUM_CUST - Activation of PC Def. Sum

FINS_PCDSUM_PREPARE - Cockpit: PC Def. Sum. Preparation

FINS_PRC - Populate Profit Ctr in CO Line Items

FINS_PRED_INC_SO_ACT - Activate Pred. Acc. for Sales Proc.

FINS_PRED_MONITOR - Monitor Predictive Accounting

FINS_PRED_PUR_ACT - Activate Pred. Acc. for Pur. Proc.

FINS_PRED_RLDNR - Ledgers for Predictive Accounting

FINS_PRED_SLS_ACT - Activate Pred. Acc. for Sales Proc.

FINS_REC - Reconciliation

FINS_RECONCILE - Reconciliation of FI-Documents

FINS_RECON_RC0 - Analysis of Transactional Data

FINS_RECON_RC1 - Reconciliation of Transactional Data

FINS_RECON_RC2 - Check Migration of Documents

FINS_RECON_RC3 - Check Migration into Journal Entry

FINS_RECON_RC4 - Check Migration of Balances

FINS_RECON_RC5 - Check FI-AA Balances after AFAR

FINS_REC_MONITOR - Reconciliation Monitor

FINS_REC_RESULT - Results Reconciliation UJE

FINS_RFTMPBLU - Converting Held Documents

FINS_RSSNR0S1 - Analysis of Non-Assigned JE IDs

FINS_SIL_CUST - SIL: Customizing

FINS_SIL_LEDGER - SIL: Create ledger

FINS_SIS_BAL_EXCEL - excel download and upload capability

FINS_SIS_BAL_REPOST - Repost Opening Balances

FINS_SIS_CLUSTER - Cluster Journal E. and Simul. Split

FINS_SIS_COCKPIT_RBS - Recon. Balance Sheet for Impl. Spl.

FINS_SIS_CUST - SIS: Customizing

FINS_SIS_MPROJ_REL - Check project settings in advance

FINS_SIS_ORG - Analysis of Profit Center and Segmen

FINS_SIS_SIM_SPL - Simulation of document split in UJ

FINS_SIS_SPL_RESET - Impl. of Doc. Splitting: Delete Spli

FINS_SOC_CUST - Statement of Changes Customizing

FINS_TRR_CUST_SHOW - Display Settings


FINS_UH_FSV_SSCUI - Financial Statement Version SSCUI

FINS_UI_SHADOW_LED - Maintain shadow ledgers


FINT - Item Interest Calculation

FINTAP - Item Interest Calculation Vendors

FINTMASSREVERSE - Mass Reversal Interest Runs

FINTSHOW - Overview of Int. Runs for Item. Int.

FIN_ACCDOCNO_MAINT - Number Ranges for Document Numbers

FIN_ACC_CLERK - Create Accounting Clerks

FIN_CFIN_CB_DELETION - CB: Budget Deletion for Int. Orders

FIN_CFIN_CENTSYS_SET - Setting Central Finance System

FIN_CFIN_CUST_SET - Customizing Key/Value Setting

FIN_CFIN_LOG_DEL - Delete Application Log List

FIN_CFIN_PCA_ACTIVAT - Central Finance: PCA Ongoing Rep.

FIN_CFIN_PCA_RESET - Central Finance: EC-PCA Reset

FIN_CFIN_PCA_SET - Central Finance:PCA Para. Setting

FIN_CFIN_TECH_CLR - Tech Clear Historical Open Items

FIN_CORR_DISPLAY - Display Recon. Result for S/4HANA

FIN_CORR_RESEND_BILL - Resend Billing Document

FIN_FLAGS - Maintenance of Control Parameters

FIN_FLAGS_CD - Display Change Documents

FIN_FLAGS_CUST1 - FIN-FLAGS: Definition of Application

FIN_FLAGS_CUST2 - FIN-FLAGS: Def. Subapplication

FIN_FLAGS_CUST3 - FIN-FLAGS: Definition of Parameters

FIN_GLACCT - Maintain G/L Accounts

FIN_GLTRATYPE - Maintain Transaction Type

FIN_ICA_POST_RULE - Define Posting Rules for ICMR

FIN_PRCVARIANT - Maintain Price Variant

FIN_RE_LOG_DISPLAY - Display appl. log for cloud substn.

FIN_RE_LOG_EVT - SubVal: Maintain appl. log setting

FIN_RE_MAINT - Substitution/Validation maintenance

FIN_UJCS_US - Activate UJCS for US

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