List of SAP T-Codes objects containing

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Index of SAP T-Codes Objects | Begining with /

/XFT/AHS_C01 - Application help: general

/XFT/APPLCREP - Application Layer -> Content Rep.

/XFT/APPLLAYDE - Application layer: Definition

/XFT/APPLLAYRFC - Application layer: RFC destination

/XFT/BOR_CUSTOMIZING - Customizing Application Files (BOR)

/XFT/CAC_ADM02 - XFT Administration Center (Change)

/XFT/CAC_ADM03 - XFT Administration Center (display)

/XFT/CAC_C01 - Local Settings

/XFT/CAC_CUS02 - XFT Customizing Center (change)

/XFT/CAC_CUS03 - XFT Customizing Center (display)

/XFT/CAC_ENTRY - XFT Customizing Administration C.

/XFT/CM_C000 - Contract management general

/XFT/CM_C001 - Contract type general

/XFT/CM_C001_E1 - Define header data subscreen

/XFT/CM_C002 - Contract type role visibility

/XFT/CM_C004 - Contract type - contract state

/XFT/CM_C006 - Contract type - autom. notification

/XFT/CM_C010 - Contract End

/XFT/CM_C011 - Expiration of contract - Cont. type

/XFT/CM_C012 - Exp. of contract - Cancel. Period

/XFT/CM_C015 - Cancel. period with exp. of contract

/XFT/CM_C017 - Notice period without exp. of contr.

/XFT/CM_C018 - Notice per. without exp. and c-type

/XFT/CM_C020 - Contract number profile

/XFT/CM_C040 - Automatic deadline monitoring

/XFT/CM_C045 - CM Organizer Switchbar Description

/XFT/CM_C050 - CM Organizer F-Codes for node

/XFT/CM_C100 - Contract type - toolbar activities

/XFT/CM_START - Contract Management

/XFT/COMMAILC00 - Maintenance of Mail Type

/XFT/COMMAILC01 - Maintenance of Mail File Extensions

/XFT/DDSMIGTC01 - Customizing Migration Type

/XFT/DDSMIGTC02 - Migration Type - Allowed Mime Types

/XFT/DDSMIGTC03 - Migration Type - Allowed DREP IDs

/XFT/DDSMIGTC04 - Migration Type - Mandatory Folders

/XFT/DDSMIGTC05 - Mig. Type - Excl. Resource Pattern

/XFT/DDS_MIG_TASK_01 - Create Migration Request

/XFT/DDS_MIG_TASK_02 - Find and Change Migration Request

/XFT/DDS_MIG_TASK_03 - Find and Display Migration Request

/XFT/DDS_SRMC00 - Type Definition

/XFT/DDS_SRMC01 - Mime Type Dependant Activities

/XFT/DIO_ARL_CON_IN - Demo ArchiveLink Connection Insert

/XFT/DIO_ARL_PRREG - Registration of AL Process User Exit

/XFT/DIO_DEMO_02 - Customizing Workflow Functions

/XFT/DIO_DEMO_AL1 - Test Program DIO Document Entry

/XFT/DIO_DEMO_FABS - Leave Request

/XFT/DS_TYPEC00 - Digital Signature: Signature Type

/XFT/EPAB_AKTART - Maintain Index Long Texts

/XFT/EPAB_INDDEF - Maintenance Indexes

/XFT/EPAB_RFAKTA - Maintenance of File Type Determin.

/XFT/EPAB_RMDEF - Maintenance of RM Data

/XFT/EPAB_SYSDEF - Maintenance of System Definitions

/XFT/EPA_APL_C01 - Basic settings applications

/XFT/EPA_APL_C02 - Processes

/XFT/EPA_APL_C03 - Assignment application -> applicant

/XFT/EPA_APPLAY - Application layer RFC destination

/XFT/EPA_APPLAYDE - Maintain Application Layer


/XFT/EPA_BOR_FIND - Find Files

/XFT/EPA_BOR_FIND_2 - Find Records

/XFT/EPA_BOR_RELA - File types - Object types

/XFT/EPA_BOR_SCANARC - Scan and insert into record

/XFT/EPA_BOR_SCAN_DT - Scan and insert into record

/XFT/EPA_BO_CFU - Function Modules Application

/XFT/EPA_CAKTART - Maintaine File Type

/XFT/EPA_CBARCOD - Barcode settings

/XFT/EPA_CDELE - Automatic Deletion of Documents

/XFT/EPA_CDTAL - Document Types: Alias/Visibility

/XFT/EPA_CDTFUN - Functions Workflow Settings

/XFT/EPA_CDTPAR - Assign channels to process types

/XFT/EPA_CDTWFL - Workflow Settings

/XFT/EPA_CEXIT - Exit - Function Modules

/XFT/EPA_CFUBAHR - HR Function Modules

/XFT/EPA_CFUNCT - Maintain Custom Functions

/XFT/EPA_CFUNPRO - Processing of Free Functions

/XFT/EPA_CKPR001 - Functions Element Types Kpro

/XFT/EPA_CKPR002 - File Types - Element Types Kpro

/XFT/EPA_CREATE - Create personnel file

/XFT/EPA_CRMPAR - Basic settings personnel file

/XFT/EPA_CSPF - Service Provider: Functions

/XFT/EPA_CTAF - File Functions Processing

/XFT/EPA_CTCODE - Search Transactions

/XFT/EPA_CTSF - File functions

/XFT/EPA_CUSTOMIZING - Personnel File Customizing

/XFT/EPA_C_NV - Maintenance: Non-Scrollable El.Type

/XFT/EPA_DOC_PROCESS - Process Archived Document

/XFT/EPA_FIND - Find Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_FIND_1 - Find Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_FIND_2 - Find Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_FIND_BARCO - Find open barcodes

/XFT/EPA_LEAN - Lend Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_LEAN_2 - Lend Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_PA20 - Display Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_REC_DELETE - Delete Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_001 - Scan to personnel file

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_002 - Scan to personnel file

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_003 - Scan to personnel file

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_004 - Scan to personnel file

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_005 - Scan to personnel file

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_ARCHIV - Scan to Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_DIALOG - Scan to Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_SCAN_DT - Scan to Personnel File

/XFT/EPA_T0000 - Basic settings xft personnel file

/XFT/EPA_T0000_H - Basic settings

/XFT/EPA_T0001 - Folder visibility

/XFT/EPA_T0002 - Fields file hdr

/XFT/EPA_T0003 - Texts file hdr

/XFT/EPA_T0004 - Log settings

/XFT/EPA_T0005 - Visibility document types infotype

/XFT/EPA_T0006 - Visibility document types roles

/XFT/EPA_T0007 - Barcode settings

/XFT/EPA_T0008 - Dialog settings documents

/XFT/EPA_T0009 - Dialog setting scanning transactions

/XFT/EPA_T0010 - Delete personnel file

/XFT/EPA_T0011 - Process dialog settings

/XFT/EPA_T0012 - Checklist definition

/XFT/EPA_T0013 - Checklists: Visibility

/XFT/EPA_T0014 - Checklists: Visibility roles

/XFT/EPA_T0015 - Migration - Conversion

/XFT/EPA_T0016 - Visibility file roles

/XFT/EPA_T0017 - Visibility file info types

/XFT/EPA_T0018 - Visibility Folder Infotype

/XFT/EPA_T0019 - Visibility file functions roles

/XFT/EPA_T0020 - Visibility doc. functions roles

/XFT/INV_C0 - General Client-Dependent Cust.

/XFT/INV_C1 - Process type customizing

/XFT/INV_C10 - Proxies for remote search help

/XFT/INV_C11 - Proxies for T-Simulation&Execution

/XFT/INV_C12 - Starting FM for workitem

/XFT/INV_C13 - Display of original Doc. via OLE

/XFT/INV_C14 - Line coloring

/XFT/INV_C15 - Line coloring active?

/XFT/INV_C16 - Auto. Posting: Basic Settings

/XFT/INV_C17 - Auto. Posting: Company Codes

/XFT/INV_C18 - Auto. Posting: Tax Codes

/XFT/INV_C19 - Auto. Posting: Item Data Determin.

/XFT/INV_C2 - Registration type

/XFT/INV_C3 - Outbound and inbound proxies

/XFT/INV_C30 - Cycle Settings

/XFT/INV_C4 - Possible user state

/XFT/INV_C5 - D.-type A-Link without aspects

/XFT/INV_C5_1 - D.-type A-Link with aspects

/XFT/INV_C6 - Proxies for transaction calls

/XFT/INV_C7 - Detail data retr.: appl. document

/XFT/INV_C8 - Workflow assignment

/XFT/INV_C9 - Proxies for hit list additional data

/XFT/INV_C99 - Single field customizing

/XFT/INV_DEMO_001 - Create Invoice

/XFT/INV_DEMO_GEN - Generate XFT INV Demo Data

/XFT/INV_MONITOR - Invoice receipt: Monitor

/XFT/INV_RE_TYP - Invoice Categories

/XFT/INV_TEST_VIEWER - Test viewer

/XFT/LO_PS_C01 - PS Basic Settings

/XFT/MAIL - Send an Internet Mail

/XFT/MB_START - Starts MenuBuilder

/XFT/MB_START_DB - Starts MenuBuilder

/XFT/MIG_C001 - Service Provider: Functions

/XFT/MIG_CUST1 - StorageLink WebService

/XFT/MIG_CUST2 - StorageLink Centera Service


/XFT/MIME - Maintenance of Mime Types

/XFT/PREVC01 - Define Preview Type

/XFT/PREVC02 - Define Preview Converter

/XFT/QMPPAP01 - Create Sampling

/XFT/QMPPAP02 - Change Sampling

/XFT/QMPPAP03 - Display Sampling

/XFT/QMPPAP04 - Sampling via Material BOM

/XFT/QMPPAP05 - Gen. Search for Sampling

/XFT/QMPPAPTC01 - Sampling Type

/XFT/QMPPAPTC02 - Sampling Standard

/XFT/QMPPAPTC03 - Sampling Submission Levels

/XFT/QMPPAPTC04 - Relationship Standard -> Submiss.Lvl

/XFT/QMPPAPTC05 - Standard Requirements - Subm. Level

/XFT/QMPPAPTC06 - Relationship Standard - InspectionTy

/XFT/QMPPAPTC07 - Sampling Number Profile

/XFT/QMPPAPTC10 - DMS Docs Import Std - Submiss.Level

/XFT/QMPPAPTCM00 - Sampling Master Customizing

/XFT/QUEUEMANAGER - xft queue manager

/XFT/QUEUEMANAGER_A - xft Queue Manager Archive Monitor

/XFT/QUEUEMANAGER_AM - xft Queue Manager - Process Job

/XFT/QUEUEMANAGER_JP - xft Queue Manager - Process Job

/XFT/REGISTRY - xft registry

/XFT/RULELANG - Rule order language resolution

/XFT/SOP_C000 - SOP general

/XFT/SOP_C001 - SOP Type - definition

/XFT/SOP_C001_E1 - SOP Type - specific sub screens

/XFT/SOP_C002 - SOP Type - role visibility

/XFT/SOP_C006 - SOP Type - node type

/XFT/SOP_C010 - SOP Document Template

/XFT/SOP_C011 - SOP Type - Document Template

/XFT/SOP_C015 - SOP Type- SCOPE Node SPS IDs

/XFT/SOP_C017 - SOP Type - Appendix Node SPS IDs

/XFT/SOP_C020 - SOP Number Profile

/XFT/SOP_C030 - SOP Automatic Notification

/XFT/SOP_C040 - SOP Organizer F-Codes for Node

/XFT/SOP_C045 - SOP Organizer Nav.Area Description

/XFT/SOP_C076 - Element type


/XFT/SRMAREC05 - Help texts for record types

/XFT/SRMAREC10 - Previews for file types

/XFT/SRMCCAN01 - Maint. of Component Structure Type

/XFT/SRMCREC00 - Global Settings

/XFT/SRMCREC01 - Context Menu Text for 'Object'

/XFT/SRMCREC02 - Element Type (Node Type)

/XFT/SRMCREC20 - General Task Element Type (Rec.Type)

/XFT/SRMCREC21 - Element role

/XFT/SRMCREC26 - TM Elem. - Element Role

/XFT/SRMCREC27 - TM Elem. - Element Type

/XFT/SRMCREC30 - TM Elem.-Element Type - Element Role

/XFT/SRMCREC35 - TM elem.-Node alias

/XFT/SRMCREC40 - Clipboard -> Copy Task Allowed

/XFT/SRMCREC50 - Customizing: Status Profile

/XFT/SRMCREC51 - Application Status

/XFT/SRMCREC52 - Status Transitions

/XFT/SRMCREC53 - Maint: Log.Prof. -> Derived Prof.

/XFT/SRMCREC54 - Status Display Sequence

/XFT/SRMCREC55 - Mapping System- To Applic.Status

/XFT/SRMCREC60 - Define Sort Profile

/XFT/SRMCREC61 - Assign Sort Profile to Parameter

/XFT/SRMCREC65 - Log Categories for Records

/XFT/SRMCREC66 - Log Categories for Record Node

/XFT/SRMCREC68 - Loc Record Processes

/XFT/SRMCREC75 - Cycle Direct Display Element Type

/XFT/SRMCREC76 - Element type

/XFT/SRMCYCLEC1 - Define Cycle Type

/XFT/SRMCYCLEC2 - Define Agent Group

/XFT/SRMCYCLEC3 - Cycle Type - Agent Group

/XFT/SRMCYCLEC5 - Type- Agent Group - D.Profile A.Type

/XFT/SRMCYCLEC6 - Define Decision

/XFT/SRMCYCLEC7 - Define Decision Profile

/XFT/SRMCYCLEC8 - Decision Profile - Decision

/XFT/SRMCYCLECA - System State Icon Description

/XFT/SRMCYCLECB - Node System State Icon Descr.

/XFT/SRMCYCLECHT - Context Menu Add Agent

/XFT/SRMDDSC01 - File System Inte.: Type Definition

/XFT/SRMDDSC02 - File System Inte.: Mime Types

/XFT/SRMDDSC03 - File System Inte.: Patterns Forbidd.

/XFT/SRMDDSC04 - File System Inte.: Node Properties

/XFT/SRMDDSC10 - Mail System Inte.: Type Definition

/XFT/SRMDDSC12 - Mail System Inte.: Mimetypes

/XFT/SRMDDSC14 - Mail System Inte.: Node properties

/XFT/SRMDOCTC00 - Area for Doc. Template Management

/XFT/SRMDOCTC01 - Document Template Profile

/XFT/SRMDOCTC02 - Template Type Settings

/XFT/SRMDOCTC03 - Template: Profile - Template Type

/XFT/SRMDOCTC10 - Maintenance of Version Type: DTM

/XFT/SRMDOCTCM00 - Master Customizing: DTM

/XFT/SRMFOLDC01 - Folder Type Maintenance

/XFT/SRMNOTEC01 - Note Type Maintenance

/XFT/SRMPSC000 - PS Records: Basic Settings

/XFT/SRMPSC000A - PS Records: Project Profiles

/XFT/SRMPSC001 - WBS Element Records Element Types

/XFT/SRMPSC002 - WBS Element Records Toolbar Activ.

/XFT/SRMPSC101 - WBS Records Element Types

/XFT/SRMPSC102 - WBS Records Toolbar Activities

/XFT/SRM_CAN_ADMIN - Administration: Struct. Components

/XFT/SRM_DCO_C01 - Assignment element types - alias

/XFT/SRM_DEMOC09 - Basic settings

/XFT/SRM_DEMOC10 - Patent Type


/XFT/SRM_DEMO_CHMG01 - Create Change Process

/XFT/SRM_DEMO_CHMG02 - Find and Display Change Process

/XFT/SRM_DEMO_CHMG03 - Find/Change Change Process

/XFT/SRM_DEMO_PF_01 - Create Patent Record

/XFT/SRM_DEMO_PF_02 - Patent Record Monitor

/XFT/SRM_DISPLAY_01 - Display record

/XFT/SRM_DOCT_01 - Create Document Template for Record

/XFT/SRM_DOCT_02 - Search for document templates

/XFT/SRM_DYN_REC_WL - Worklist













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