List of SAP Tables objects containing

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with w

WIC_BASKET - Screen structure IAC product catalog: Shopping basket

WIC_CCARD - Screen structure IAC online store: payment method

WIC_CCARD_H - Screen structure IAC online store: credit card type, help

WIC_CHILD - Dynpro structure IAC product catalog: variants, components

WIC_CUSTOMER - Screen Structure IAC Online Store: Customer (Address Data)

WIC_CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_H - Screen structure IAC online store: Country help

WIC_CUSTOMER_LOGIN - Screen structure IAC online store: Customer (login data)

WIC_CUSTOMER_REGION_H - Screen structure IAC online store: Country help

WIC_CUSTOMER_SHIP_TO - Screen Structure IAC Online Store: Customer (Address Data)

WIC_CUSTOMER_TITLE_H - Screen structure IAC online store: Title help

WIC_DETAIL - Screen Structure IAC Product Catalog: Product Details

WIC_DETAIL_CHILD - Screen Structure IAC Product Catalog: Product Details

WIC_DOCUMENT - Screen Structure IAC Product Catalog: Requstd Delivery Date

WIC_OSTORE - Screen structure IAC online store: Online store

WIC_PAYTYPE - Screen structure IAC online store: Payment types supported

WIC_PRODUCT - Screen structure IAC product catalog: Products

WIC_REQDATE - Screen Structure IAC Product Catalog: Requstd Delivery Date

WIC_SEARCHCRITERIA - IAC product catalog: Search criteria

WIC_SEARCHHIT - IAC product catalog: Hits for product search

WIC_TREXP - Display Product Group Hierarchy

WIDTH - Width of the lead column

WIN1_DATS - Date Range for Determining Valid Conditions

WINC_RETAILINCENTIVERPLCTNBKRQ - RetailIncentiveERPStoreOfferReplicationBulkRequest Message

WINC_RTLINCENTIVERPLCTNBKRQ_V1 - RetailIncentiveERPStoreOfferReplicationBulkRequest Message

WINC_S_LRD_FILTER_STRUCTURE - Structure for logical receiver determination filter

WIND - Document Index: Conditions for Automatic Document Adjustment

WINDVB - Document Index: Structure for Posting Worklist

WIND_DOCUMENT_COUNT - Processed Documents and Items

WIND_KOTABNR_RAN - Range Table for Condition Table

WIND_LOG_TREE_STRUCT - Structure for Display of Messages in WIND Tool

WIND_MIGRATION - WIND Migration, Fields for References

WIND_STA_RAN - Range Table for the Variable Key

WIND_VAI_RAN - Range Table for WIND VAR Field


WINT_AKABG - Definitions for promotion comparison (orders / POs)

WINT_ALLAS - Central admin. structure for assortment <-> mat. maintenance

WINT_ASL - Assortment list for material

WINT_AUS1 - Transfer structure: classification check for assortments

WINT_BETR - INTTAB plants (diverse uses)

WINT_BWTAR - Transfer structure, (allowed) movement type determination

WINT_CARRA - Department data for assortment / detail

WINT_CARRH - Assortment header data/overall view (incl. data from plant)

WINT_CARRL - Supplying plant data for assortments / detail

WINT_CARRS - Key data, assortment

WINT_CARRW - Material group data, assortments

WINT_CL_RE - Comparison of result: Classification, material - plant

WINT_COPY - Int. table with contents of dynpro 142 for SAPMWSO3

WINT_DEF1 - Definitions Assortments IS-R

WINT_DSL - Distribution chain for materials

WINT_ERR - Copy listing errors Assortments IS-R

WINT_EXME - Transfer structure Un for exclusion

WINT_EXPR - Log structure, exclusion Un.

WINT_EXWRK - Transfer structure: assortments for exclusion

WINT_FDEF - Assortment owners allowed for listing / plants

WINT_FERR - Transfer structure, errors during listing check

WINT_FIL - Store list (internal transfer) per material

WINT_FILLER - Structure for the optical separation of complex structures

WINT_G1 - Classes / groups

WINT_INTNR - Transfer 'preliminary (ALTMN)' -> real (NEUMN)' mat. no.

WINT_ITEM - List of materials for processing assortments

WINT_K1 - Customer transfer structure (simple)

WINT_KNA1 - Excerpt KNA1 (Assortments)

WINT_KOPI1 - Internal structure for dynpro 142 (SAPMWSO3)

WINT_LAY - Transfer structure layout groups for materials

WINT_LAYGR - Transfer structure read LAYGR per assortment

WINT_LISTG - Listing conditions for material/Un - transfer of result

WINT_LOC - List assortments (internal transfer) per material

WINT_LOCLB - Transfer structure Delivering plants

WINT_MARA - INTTAB for transferring MARA data for assortments

WINT_MARC - Transfer: MARCs to be created

WINT_MARM - Excerpt MARM (Assortments)

WINT_MATNR - List of material numbers and Un.

WINT_ME - Transfer Un to be excluded

WINT_MVKE - Excerpt from MVKE for assortment maint.

WINT_MVKE2 - Transfer structure : which MVKE segments are required


WINT_MX - Inclusion / exclusion Un

WINT_POS - Transfer assortment items to maint. functions

WINT_POS1 - Module items with material group

WINT_PP1 - Transfer assortment grade chains

WINT_PRICE - Internal SP transfer, Assortments IS-R

WINT_RULES - Transfer several assortments for listing check

WINT_SL - Transfer data per dist. chain, mat. maint. -> astmts IS-R

WINT_SORTR - Assortments - complete access data

WINT_T001W - Excerpt from T001W (Assortments)

WINT_TEXTE - Symbols and texts for Assortments, SAP Retail

WINT_TIME - Transfer periods / assortments (IS-R)

WINT_V1 - Distribution chain transfer structure

WINT_VBAP - Transfer structure: order item RWSORTA1

WINT_WAM1 - Excerpt MARA and MAW1 for assortment transfer

WINT_WLK2 - Transfer structure, maint. WLK2

WINT_WRF1 - Excerpt WRF1 (Assortments)

WINT_XME - Transfer Un (Inclusion/ Exclusion)

WINT_ZUO - Transfer structure WSOF changes

WINVESTBUY - Structure: Price Information for Optimized Load Building

WIPBATCH_FUNC - WIP Batch - Global Customizing Switch

WIPRT - PM internal print work area - for use in SAPSCRIPT print

WIPRT_JC_FLAGS - Flags for Selecting Content Blocks in a Job Card

WISO_ADDR - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Address Data Screen Fields

WISO_ADDR_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Field Attributes for WISO_ADDR

WISO_ADRPRT - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Print Formatting Address

WISO_BAIT - SAP Ret.Store: IAC Cons. order as per fields BASKET and ITEM

WISO_BAIT_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_BAIT Append

WISO_BASK - SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order Subscreen, Item Data

WISO_BASK_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_BASK Append

WISO_BASK_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Item Ready for Input

WISO_BILLHD - SAP Retail Store Consumer Order: Billing Document Header

WISO_BILLHD_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On to WISO_BILLHD

WISO_BILLIT - SAP Retail Store Consumer Order: Billing Document Items

WISO_BILLIT_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_BILLIT Append

WISO_BILLIT_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Attribute Bar WISO_BILLIT

WISO_BUTTON - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Buttons Aktive/Inactive

WISO_BUTTON_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_BUTTON Append

WISO_CCARD - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Credit Card

WISO_CCARD_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_CCARD Append

WISO_CDYN - SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Screen Container Control

WISO_CHLOG - SAP Retail Store: Display of Change Process of Documents

WISO_CNDITM - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order Condition Items

WISO_CNDSUM - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order Condition Totals

WISO_COND - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order Condition Data

WISO_CONDTYP_F4 - SAP Retail Store: F4 Help for Condition Types

WISO_COND_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Append to WISO_COND

WISO_COND_INP - SAP Retail Store: Input Fields for Conditions

WISO_COND_INP_DATA - SAP Retail Store: Input Fields for Conditions

WISO_COND_PRT - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Condition Printing

WISO_COND_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Condition Ready for Input

WISO_COND_SC_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On to WISO_COND_SC

WISO_COND_USE - SAP Retail Store: Usage of Condition Types

WISO_COND_USE_ADD - SAP Retail Store: Usage of Condition Types

WISO_CSTKEY - SAP Store: Key for IAC Customizing

WISO_CUSAREA - SAP Retail Store: consumer order: sales area customer

WISO_CUST - SAP Ret. Store : IAC Cons. Order.Subscreen, Cust Header Data

WISO_CUST_ADD - SAP Retail/Online Store: Append to WISO_CUST

WISO_CUST_OP - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: View Operative Customer Data

WISO_CUST_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Custmr Ready for Input/Output


WISO_DEBI - SAP Ret.Store: General Customer Structure

WISO_DLGCALL - SAP Retail Store: Interface for Document Dialog

WISO_DLVHD - SAP Retail Store Consumer Order:

WISO_DLVHD_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On for WISO_DLVHD

WISO_DLVITM - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, Delivery Items

WISO_DLVITM_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On for WISO_DLVITM

WISO_DLVP - IAC consumer order: supplying plant

WISO_DOC_TYPE - SAP Retail Store: Sales Document Type

WISO_DP_SUM - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Down Payment Totals Fields

WISO_ERRCC - SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Credit card error flag

WISO_ERRCU - SAP Store order entry: Error flags for customer

WISO_ERRH - SAP Retail Store Order Entry: Error Flag Header

WISO_ERRH_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On Structure for WISO_ERRH

WISO_ERRST - SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Dif. dlvy address error

WISO_F4BILTYP - SAP Retail Store Consumer Order: Billing Types Texts

WISO_F4CCTYPE - SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: F4 credit card types

WISO_F4CNTRY - SAP Retail/OnLine Store: F4 help - Countries

WISO_F4CNTRY_ADD - SAP Retail/Online Store: Append to WISO_F4CNTRY

WISO_F4DLVBLK - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order F4 Delivery Blocks

WISO_F4DLVCHN - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, F4 for Delivery Channels

WISO_F4DOCTYP - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, F4 for Order Types

WISO_F4DOCTYP_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On for WISO_F4DOCTYP

WISO_F4INCO - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: F4 Incoterms

WISO_F4REAREJ - SAP Retail Store: F4 Help Reasons for Rejection

WISO_F4SAREA - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Sales Area

WISO_FEND - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order: Initial Screen

WISO_FIELD - SAP Reatil Store: Tab Name, Field Name

WISO_FLOWHD - SAP Retail Store Document Flow Header Data

WISO_FLOWITM - SAP Retail Store Document Flow Item Data

WISO_FLOWSQ - SAP Retail Store: Sequence of Documents in Document Flow

WISO_HD_STAT - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Status Fields Header

WISO_HEAD - SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order Subscreen Header Data

WISO_HEADST - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Header Status

WISO_HEADST_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On for WISO_HEADST

WISO_HEAD_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_HEAD Append

WISO_HEAD_APP - SAP Retail Store: Append Structure for WISO_HEAD

WISO_HEAD_SC - SAP Retail Store: Header Data Ready for Input

WISO_HEAD_SC_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_HEAD_SC Append

WISO_HEAD_SC_APP - SAP Retail Store: Append Structure for WISO_HEAD_SC

WISO_HNDL - SAP Retail Store Order Entry: Individual Screen Fields

WISO_HNDL_ADD - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order WISO_HNDL Append

WISO_ISUM - SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order, Subscreen Item Totals

WISO_ISUM_ADD - SAP Retail Store SO: Add-On Append for WISO_ISUM

WISO_ITALL - SAP Retail Store PO: Requirements for Item Data

WISO_ITEM - SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order. Subscr. Item Display

WISO_ITEMST - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Item Status

WISO_ITEMST_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Item Status Field Attribute

WISO_ITEM_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_ITEM Append

WISO_ITEM_APP - SAP Retail Store: Append Structure for WISO_ITEM

WISO_ITEM_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Item Ready for Input

WISO_ITEM_SC_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_ITEM_SC Add-On

WISO_ITEM_SC_APP - SAP Retail Store: Append Structure for WISO_ITEM_SC

WISO_ITM - SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order, Key Fields Item

WISO_ITMCAT_F4 - F4 Help for Item Categories

WISO_ITMNO - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Linking Between Items

WISO_ITM_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: WISO_ITM Append

WISO_ITM_STAT - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Items Status Field

WISO_LINK - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Link Between Two Objects

WISO_PLADDR - Plant number and address

WISO_PREQ - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Purchase Requisition

WISO_PREQ_APP - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Append Hook for WISO_PREQ

WISO_PREQ_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Attribute Structure WISO_PREQ

WISO_PREQ_SC_APP - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Append Hook WISO_PREQ_SC

WISO_RADIO_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Field Attirbutes - Radiobutton

WISO_REGION_F4 - SAP Retail Store: F4 Help: Regions

WISO_RETURN - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order: Return Structure

WISO_RETURN_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On for WISO_RETURN

WISO_SAREA - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Sales Area

WISO_SCCU - SAP Retail Store: Search Help, Customer Search Criteria

WISO_SCDL - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, Delivery Items

WISO_SCDL_ADD - Add-On Structure for WISO_SCDL

WISO_SCDL_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Schedule Lines Ready for Input

WISO_SCMA - SAP Retail Store: Search Help for Materials

WISO_SCREEN - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Screen Control

WISO_SD_DOC_CAT - SAP Retail Store: Sales Document Category

WISO_SD_DOC_CAT_F4 - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Texts for Sales Document Cats

WISO_SHCU - SAP Retail Store: Customer Search Help

WISO_SHCU1 - SAP Retail Store: Results Table Customer Search Help

WISO_SHCU1_ADD - SAP Retail Store: Add-On for WISO_SHCU1

WISO_SHCU_CR - SAP Retail Store Customer Search - Search Criteria

WISO_SHCU_CR_SC - Field Attributes for WISO_SHCU_CR

WISO_SHDOC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Document Search

WISO_SHIP - Store WB: Consumer Order, Shipping Header Data

WISO_SHIPTO - SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Different delivery address

WISO_SHIPTO_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On for WISO_SHIPTO

WISO_SHIPTO_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Field log diff. dlvy address

WISO_SHIPTO_SC_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On to WISO_SHIPTO_SC

WISO_SHITEM - Document Flow Item Data

WISO_SHMA - SAP Retail Store: Search Help for Material or EAN

WISO_SHVE - SAP Retail Store: Customer Search Help

WISO_SLCT - SAP Retail Store: Selection Fields for Enhancements VW10

WISO_TAB1 - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Title Element Active/Inactive

WISO_TAB2 - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Title Element Active/Inactive

WISO_TASK - SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Program Tasks

WISO_TASK_ADD - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Add-On WISO_TASK

WISO_TEXT - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Texts

WISO_TEXT_INP - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order: Texts Input Fields

WISO_TEXT_KEY - SAP Retail Store: Text Key

WISO_TEXT_SC - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Texts Ready for Input

WISO_TITLE_F4 - Internet Sales: Selection Box for Title

WISO_UNIT_F4 - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: F4 Units of Measure

WISO_WARN - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Warnings

WISO_XLINE - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Selection Bar

WISP_AP_HIER_ASORT - Planning Hierarchy: Store Groups for an Assortment

WISP_AP_HIER_ASORTFILGRP - Planning Hierarchy: Store Groups for an Assortment

WISP_AP_HIER_ASORTM - Planning Hierarchy: Listed Materials for an Assortment

WISP_AP_HIER_ASORTMATNR - Planning Hierarchy: Listed Materials for an Assortment

WISP_AP_HIER_ASORT_2 - Planning Hierarchy: Store Groups for an Assortment

WISP_AP_HIER_CDT1 - Planning Hierarchy: Assortments for a Category

WISP_AP_HIER_CDT1_ASORT - Planning Hierarchy: Assortments for a Category

WISP_AP_HIER_MATKL - Planning Hierarchy: Assortments for a Material Group

WISP_AP_HIER_MATKLASORT - Planning Hierarchy: Assortments for a Material Group

WISP_AP_HIER_SAISO - Planning Hierarchy: Listed Materials for a Season

WISP_AP_HIER_SAISOMATNR - Planning Hierarchy: Listed Materials for a Season

WISP_AP_HIER_SAISOSAITY - Planning Hierarchy: Rollouts for a Season

WISP_AP_HIER_SAITY - Planning Hierarchy: Listed Materials of a Season/Season Type

WISP_AP_HIER_WGRU2 - Planning Hierarchy: Material Group Hierarchy from WGRU2

WISP_AP_HIER_WGRU2MATKL - Planning Hierarchy: Material Group Hierarchy from WGRU2

WISP_AP_HIER_WGRUHIER - Planning Hierarchy: Complete Material Group Hierarchy

WISP_ASFC - MAP: Assortment Planning

WISP_ATTRIBUTES - MAP: Listing Attributes

WISP_ATTR_LOC - Structure for Total Row Attribute is Locked

WISP_AVGRT - MAP: Average Price

WISP_BAPI6100SL - Copy of BAPI6100SL

WISP_BAPI6108L - Copy of BAPI6108L

WISP_BAPI6108SL - Copy of BAPI6108SL

WISP_BREAKD_RESULT - Break-Down Result

WISP_CMFC - Structure for Category Management Field Catalog

WISP_CM_CDT2_2_CDT4 - Retail Planning: CDT Levels CDT2 To CDT4

WISP_CM_CDT5_2_MATNR - Retail Planning: CDT Level CDT5 To MATNR

WISP_CM_CONTEXT_4_REGIO - MAP: Context Structure for REGIO For 1_CM

WISP_CM_DEPENDSTRUC_1_CM - Retail Planning:Name of DDIC Structure fr 1_CM

WISP_CM_HIER_ID_2_CDT1 - Retail Planning: CDT Levels HIER_ID To CDT1

WISP_CM_HIER_ID_2_CDT4 - Retail Planning: CDT Levels HIER_ID To CDT4

WISP_CM_HIESTRUC_1_CM - Name of DDIC Structure for Master Data Hierarchy for 1_CM

WISP_CM_HIETAB_1_CM_PM_1 - Hierarchy Table Structure For PLSZN 1_CM, PLSCH 1_CM_PM_1

WISP_CM_HIETAB_1_CM_PM_2 - Hierarchy Table Structure For PLSZN 1_CM, PLSCH 1_CM_PM_2

WISP_CM_HIETAB_1_CM_PM_3 - Hierarchy Table Structure For PLSZN 1_CM, PLSCH 1_CM_PM_3

WISP_CM_HIETAB_1_CM_PM_4 - Hierarchy Table Structure For PLSZN 1_CM, PLSCH 1_CM_PM_4

WISP_CM_HIETAB_1_CM_TA_2 - Hierarchy Table Structure For PLSZN 1_CM, PLSCH 1_CM_TA_3

WISP_CM_HIETAB_1_CM_TA_3 - Hierarchy Table Structure For PLSZN 1_CM, PLSCH 1_CM_TA_2


WISP_CUBEDI - Copy of BAPI6112DI (Infocube - Dimensions)

WISP_CUBEDIO - Copy of BAPI6112DIO (Infocube: Info Objects in Dimension)

WISP_CUBEIO - Copy of BAPI6112IO (Infocube - Info Objects)

WISP_DATF - Retail Planning: Reference Field Key Figures

WISP_DATF_HIERARCHIE - Retail Planning: Data Part for Planning Hierarchy Tables

WISP_DATF_SAP - Retail Planning: Key Figures for SAP Planning

WISP_DATF_SAP_K01 - Retail Planning: Key Figures for Application 01

WISP_DATF_SAP_K02 - Retail Planning: Key Figures for Application 02

WISP_DATF_SAP_K03 - Retail Planning: Key Figs from Field Catalogs for Applic. 03

WISP_DATF_SAP_K40 - Retail Planning: Key Figures for Application 40

WISP_DATF_SAP_KCU - Retail Planning: SAP Key Figures Generated by Customer

WISP_DATF_SAP_ZKZ - Retail Planning: Additional Planning Key Figures

WISP_DYNPRO - Retail Planning: Screen Fields

WISP_DYNPROB_SC - Screen Fields for New Dialogs in Style/Color Planning

WISP_DYNPRO_ALLOC - Screen Fields for Allocation Table Interfaces

WISP_DYNPRO_BW - Retail Planning: Additional Screen Fields for BW

WISP_DYNPRO_CM - Retail Planning: Additional Screen Fields for CM

WISP_DYNPRO_H - Retail Planning: Screen Fields for Hierarchy Maintenance

WISP_DYNPRO_H_C - Retail Planning: Table Control Fields for Hier. Maintenance

WISP_DYNPRO_H_M - Retail Planning: Screen Fields for Auto. Hier. Maintenance

WISP_DYNPRO_LIST - Screen Fields for Listing

WISP_DYNPRO_PROMO - Screen Fields for Promotion Interfaces

WISP_DYNPRO_SC - New Screen Fields for Article / Color Planning

WISP_DYNPRO_VTL - Retail Planning: Screen Fields for Distribution Key Maint.

WISP_ENQH - Retail Planning: Lock Fields for Hierarchy Maintenance

WISP_ENQ_DFIES - MAP: Structure of Relevant DDIC Infos for Lock Entries

WISP_ENRICHM_ALL - Characteristic Enhancement for MAC (all Comm. Structures)

WISP_FCAT - Retail Planning: Reference Fields for Field Catalogs

WISP_GEN_HIETAB_KEY - MAP: Unstructured Key of a Hierarchy Table

WISP_GRID_CSCHARS - Output Structure for Grid Control: New Characteristic Values

WISP_HIERARCHY_TOPNODE - MAP: Virtual Node on Planning Level 0

WISP_HIERPATH - MAP: Locking Structure for Hierarchy Path

WISP_HIER_PFAD - Retail Planning: Current Drilldown Path for Hier.Maintenance

WISP_INTERFACE_PROMO - MAP: Parameters for Promotions Interface

WISP_KEYS - Retail Planning: Characteristic Catalog

WISP_KEYS_HIERARCHIE - Key Fields for Hierarchy Tables

WISP_KEYS_SAP - Retail Planning: SAP Include for WISP_KEYS

WISP_KEYS_SAP_D01 - Retail Planning: Plng Dates from Field Catalogs for App. 01

WISP_KEYS_SAP_D03 - Retail Planning: Plng Dates from Field Catalogs for App. 03

WISP_KEYS_SAP_D40 - Retail Planning: Plng Dates from Field Catalogs for App. 40

WISP_KEYS_SAP_M00 - Retail Planning: Special Characteristics

WISP_KEYS_SAP_M01 - Retail Planning: Plng Char. from Field Catalogs for App. 01

WISP_KEYS_SAP_M02 - Retail Planning: Plng Char. from Field Catalogs for App. 02

WISP_KEYS_SAP_M03 - Retail Planning: Plng Char. from Field Catalogs for App. 03

WISP_KEYS_SAP_M40 - Retail Planning: Plng Char. from Field Catalogs for App. 40

WISP_KEYS_SAP_MCU - Retail Planning: Customer-generation SAP Characteristics

WISP_KEYS_TEMPLATE - Customer-specific Planning Characteristics (poss. Reference)

WISP_LAYOUTS - Type References for Network Layout Tables/Dialogs

WISP_MARKED_CELLS - Cells Marked in Output Screen for Function Code Processing

WISP_MD_ATTRS_INFO - MAP: Information for Determining the Master Data Atribs

WISP_MD_LEVINFO - MAP:Planning Lvl Info.for Constructing Plan.Hier frm MstrDta

WISP_MRANGE - Characteristic Range

WISP_NET_CUBEF - Output Structure for Cube Fields

WISP_NET_DELETIONS - Reference Structure for ALV-GC. Network Objects for Deletion

WISP_NET_DOCS - Output Structure for Grid Control: BDS Documents

WISP_NET_LAYOUTS - Output Structure for Grid Control Overview Layout

WISP_NET_LAYOUTS_NOSC - Output Structure for Grid Control of Layout Overview (Old)

WISP_NET_MASCHPL - Output Structure for Grid Control Overview, Auto. Planning

WISP_NET_MDATTR - Output Structure for Grid-Controls: Plan Characteristics

WISP_NET_MERK - Output Structure for Grid-Controls: Plan Characteristics

WISP_NET_MODIFIES - Internal Change Log for Newtork Planning

WISP_NET_ZCUBE - Assignment of IS Field to Cubefield

WISP_NOTFALLOC - Allocation Table Structure: Notify Module

WISP_PLDATA - MAP: Lock Structure for Planning Data

WISP_PLVER_SELECT - Retail Planning: Selection Fields for Listing Links

WISP_REFERRENCE - Retail Planning: General Reference Structure

WISP_SELECTION - Selection of a Value for a Characteristic

WISP_STRUC_MDATTRVAL - MAP:Return Structure for Attributes of a Master Data Hier.

WISP_TASKENTRY_CSCHAR - MAP: Entry in Task Queue for Color Planning

WISP_TASKENTRY_MATNR - MAP: Entry in Task Queue for Articles

WISP_UNSTRUCTAB - Unstructured Table

WISP_VALUES - Table Values with Characteristics

WISP_WORKFLOW - Declarations for couplings to Workflow

WITH_0F61 - Structure for Customizing (Screen Fields)

WITH_CTNCL - Numbering class for withholding tax certificate numbers

WITH_CTNCLT - Numbering class text table for withholding tax certificate

WITH_CTNCO1 - Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 1

WITH_CTNCO2 - Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 2

WITH_CTNCO3 - Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 3

WITH_CTNCOKEY - Withholding tax certificate numbering: Concepts

WITH_CTNCOKEYTXT - Texts: Withholding tax certificate numbering concepts

WITH_CTNGR - Numbering group for withholding tax certificate numbers

WITH_CTNGRT - Numbering group text table for withholding tax certificate

WITH_CTNUM - Allocation of numbering group to numbering class

WITH_DIALG - Structure for withholding tax screens

WITH_EXCL_DERIVE_INTERMEDIATE - Exclusion of Items for Withholding Tax Calculation (Internal

WITH_EXCL_DERIVE_SOURCE - Exclusion of Items for Withholding Tax Calculation (Source)

WITH_EXCL_DERIVE_TARGET - Exclusion of Items for Withholding Tax Calculation (Targets)

WITH_EXCL_DERIVE_USER - WHT Derivation of excluded lines: Additional fields

WITH_EXCL_STR_HD - Derivation Strategies for Exclusion of Lines in Withhold.Tax

WITH_EXCL_STR_T - Derivation Strategies for Exclusion (Texts)

WITH_EXCL_WITHT - Assignment to Withholding Tax Type

WITH_ITEM - Witholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item

WITH_ITEMX - Auxiliary structure for table WITH_ITEM

WITH_ITEM_EXCL - Withholding Tax Info per WTax Type (Exclusion)

WIW_META_STR - Who's Who: Structure for Metadata

WIW_RESULT_STR - Who's Who: Structure for Result

WIW_SELECTION_STR - Who's Who: Structure for Selection

WIW_SORTFIELDS_STR - Who's Who: Structure for Sort Fields

WIZARD_INC - Include for SMOFT-Tables

WIZ_DEF - Definition of Wizard Object

WIZ_MODUL - Function Modules for the Wizard Tool

WIZ_STAT - Wizard Status

WIZ_TEXT - Definition of Wizard Object

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