List of SAP Tables objects containing

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects


Q000 - Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $
Q0000 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0000
Q0001 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
Q0002 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
Q0002AE - Screen Fields: Infotype 0002 UAE (Personal Data)
Q0002HK - Q0002HK for ESS Hong Kong Personal data Q00...

Q0102 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0102 (Grievances - NA)
Q0103 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases - NA)
Q0104 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations - NA)
Q0106 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0106 (Related Persons - NA)
Q0107 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B)
Q0108 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B) Q01...

Q0200 - HR DK Display Texts for Garnishments, IT 200
Q0201 - Screen Fields Infotype 0201 (Basic Pension Amounts)
Q0202 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0202 (Entitlements)
Q0204 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics Denmark)
Q0205 - Screen Fields Tax Infotype Finland (IT0205)
Q0206 - Finnish Social Insurance Infotype, Q-structure Q02...

Q0302 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0000
Q0303 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0303
Q0305 - HR Master Record: Infotype Previous Employer 0305 (Italy)
Q0306 - Supplementary structure for view 306 (I0021)
Q0307 - Auxiliary structure to P0307
Q0308 - Q03...

Q0400 - HRMS-VE: Additional fields in SSO infotype (IT0400)
Q0401 - HRMS-VE: Additional Fields in Sever. Pay. Infotype (IT0401)
Q0405 - Screen Fields for Infotype 'Absence Events'
Q0406 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0406 (Pension Information)
Q0408 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0408 (CBS - NL)
Q0409 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0409 (Ind. Ins. Boards - NL) Q04...

Q0502 - Structure for letter of appointment
Q0503 - Special Rules - Infotype P0503
Q0505 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0505 (Holiday Pay BE)
Q0507 - HR-AU-PS: Superannuation
Q0508 - HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Prior Service)
Q0509 - HR-AU-PS: Higher duty allowance Q05...

Q0601 -
Q0602 - Screen fields for infotype 0602 (pension scheme cumulations)
Q0603 - Structure for tax data
Q0605 - Additional Fields in Working age SI
Q0613 - Screen field for IT0613
Q0614 - Screen fields of infotype 614 Q06...

Q0700 - Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0700 (Electronic Data Exchange)
Q0700_DBBG - Screen Fields for Infotype 0700, Subtype DBBG
Q0700_DBGZ - Screen Fields for Infotype 0700, Subtype DBGZ
Q0703 - Fields for infotype 0703
Q0704 - Fields for infotype 0704
Q0706 - Structure for Compensation Package Table Q07...

Q0806 - Display Fields for Table Control IT0806
Q0809 - Screen fields : infotype 0809
Q0812 - Screen fields : infotype 0812
Q0812_ESS - Medical ExpenseTypes
Q0815 - MC: Structure of Grouping Table Control
Q0817 - Temp Struc: Income Tax Wihholding Variations(Australia) Q08...

Q0904 - Screen Fields - Seizable Amount
Q0908 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0908 (Default Annual Income)
Q0909 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0909(US claims)
Q0935 - Contract Elemets
Q0937 - Previous employers
Q0938 - Income from previous/others employers Q09...

Q0PDU - Screen Fields for Function Group 0PDU
Q0PDV - Screen Fields for Function Modules for Group 0PDC
Q0PDVVA - PEP: Structure for View Fields
Q0PDW - Screen Fields for Function Modules for Group 0PDW
Q0PDWA - Screen Fields for Function Modules in Group 0PDWA
Q0PDWC - Screen Fields for Function Modules in Group 0PDWA Q0P...


Q1000 - Screen Field Infotype 1000 (Object Name)
Q1001 - Screen Field Infotype 1001 (Relationships w/o Application)
Q1001_EXT - Screen Fields Infotype 1001 for Relationships
Q1002 - Screen Field Infotype 1002 (Description)
Q1003 - Screen Field Infotype 1003 (Staff / Department)
Q1005 - Screen Fields Infotype 1005: Planned Compensation Q10...

Q1208 - Fields for Displaying Infotype 1208
Q1217 - Screen Fields Infotype 1217
Q1502 - Screen Fields Infotype 1502: Allowances (PSG)
Q1513 - Infotype 1513: Job Title
Q1601 - Screen Fields for Infotype 1601 (France)
Q1643 - Screen Fields Infotype 1643: Job Classification
Q1654 -
Q1660 - Screen Fields: Infotype 1660 (US Federal Position Attribute)
Q1676 - Screen Fields: Legal information for Portuguese PS
Q1680 - Screen fields : Infotype 1680 - Training Need Status Q16...

Q1701 - Display Structure for Infotype 1701 for Special Use
Q1702 - Screen Fields for Infotype 1702 (Personal Data)
Q1703 - Screen Fields for Infotype 1703 (Challenge)
Q1704 - Screen Fields for Infotype 1704 (Additional Personal Data)
Q1705 - Display Structure for Infotype 1705 for Special Use
Q1706 - Screen fields for Infotype 1706 (Student fee calc. data) Q17...

Q1952 - Screen Fields for Structure P1952
Q1990 - Screen Display for IT-1990 - NATO Information


Q2000 - Screen Fields: Module Pool MP200000
Q2003 - Screen Fields: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)
Q2006S - Entry Screen: Absence Quota Compensation
Q2007S - Entry Screen: Absence Quota Compensation
Q2010 - Screen Fields: Infotypes 2002, 2010 and 2052
Q2052 - Fields for Weekly Calendar Q20...


Q3140 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3140
Q3140_ATT - Screen Fields: Attachments
Q3140_CHILD - Screen structure for Child Information
Q3140_CLB - Screen structure for Child-care Leave Benefit Form Info
Q3140_CLN - Screen structure for Child-care Leave Notification Form Info
Q3140_DEP - Screen structure for Dependent Information Q31...

Q3200 - Screen Fields Infotype 3200 (Flex Benefit Plans)
Q3203LI - Liquidation Items
Q3203_ALLOW - Screen structure for Retirement Allowance
Q3204 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3204 (Retirement Allowance JP)
Q3207 - Screen fields infotype additional payments Belcotax (3207)
Q3209 - Infotype Structure 3209 Q32...

Q3301 - Display Fields for Infotype 3301 Qatar Social Insurance
Q3307 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3307 (Qccupational Hazard)
Q3309 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3309 (Sanction QA)
Q3311 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3311 (Pension in KSA)
Q3312 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3312 (Occupational Hazard in KSA)
Q3316 - QFields for FR infotype view Q3316 Q33...

Q3529 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3529
Q3530 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3530
Q3531 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3531 Qualification Certificate (CN)
Q3532 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3532 (Supplementary Insurance)
Q3533 - Q Struture for Infotype 3533
Q3534 - Screen Fields: Infotype 3534 Off Position (CN) Q35...

Q3743 - HR IN PS: Disciplinary Actions
Q3893 - Dynpro Fields Infotype 3893 (Time Account Status)


Q4000 - Screen fields for P4000, Applicant Events
Q4001 - Selection fields for receipt of application


Q5006 - Auxiliary Structure for Infotype 5006
Q5045 - Additional Fields for Infotype 5045
Q5046 - Additional Fields for Infotype 5046
Q5049 - Auxiliary Structure for Infotype 5049
Q504R - Screen Fields for Table T504R Q50...

Q510A_APBS - Comparison Pay Scale Type (Dynpro 2303 Infotype 0008)
Q510G_APBS - Comparison Pay Scale Areas
Q510N - Screen Fields: Table T510N
Q510S - Screen Field T510S
Q511 - Utility Fields for T511
Q512W - Screen Fields: View V_512W_D Q51...

Q5221 - Screen Fields Infotype 5521: Job Classification
Q525A - HR Time Interval Evaluations
Q525E - Screen Fields for View V_T525E (Rounding Rule)
Q525K - Definition of Infotype Selection Condition
Q525L - Structure View V_T525O_A
Q525MC - Screen Fields for View V_T525MC Q52...

Q533 - Automatic Leave Generation
Q538 - Screen Fields: Time Unit Indicator
Q550X - Utility Structure for View of Table T550X
Q554C - Screen Fields: Table T554C, Screen 1010
Q554R - View Fields: Table T554R
Q554Y - Structure for Displaying Table T554Y
Q555J - Screen Fields for Tables T555J, T555K and T555L
Q556A - Absence Quota Types Q55...

Q582L - Screen Fields for Table T528L
Q582Z - Help Structure View Maintenance T582Z
Q588A - Screen Fields:T588*
Q588M - Modifiers for Screen Painter Fields
Q596A - HR: Structure of screen fields for T596A
Q596M - Text Fields for V_T596M
Q599C - Structure for screen T599C
Q599X - Screen Fields: T599X
Q5A4Q - Characteristics of Attendance/Absence Categories
Q5A4S - Type of Heavy Labor According to Sec. 5, Regulation of FMSSG
Q5A4S_EX - Transfer Structure for BAdI HRPAYAT_RPTSWAA0_Z1
Q5CABREHADR - Payroll Unit Address
Q5CABREHKONT - HR-CH: Payroll units - contact persons
Q5CABREHVERS - HR-CH: Payroll units - insurers
Q5CABREHVERS_ELM - HR-CH: Payroll Units - Insurer ELM
Q5CS7 - HR-CH: Radio buttons for V_T5CS7
Q5CS9 - HR-CH: Radio Buttons for V_T5CS9 Q5C...

Q5FBN_T5UB3_1 - Q-Fields for View V_FBN_T5UB3_1
Q5FPBS5Q - Q5F...

Q5G10 - Screen Fields: Table T5G10
Q5G15 - Screen Fields: Table T5G15
Q5ITQI - Additional fields for T5ITQI table update dialogue
Q5JSC - HR SI Grade of standard compensation JP
Q5KTA - Dynpro fields for V_T5KTA
Q5N00 - Screen Fields for Table T5N00 (NL)
Q5N6E - Display Fields for View V_T5N6E
Q5N6F - Display Fields for View V_T5N6E
Q5N6G - Display Fields for View V_T5N6E
Q5P1R - HR-PT: Screen fields for table T5P1R
Q5PLA - HR-PT: Screen Fields for T5PLA
Q5PP2 - HR-PT: Screen Fields for T5PP2
Q5QPBS2D - Q-structure for T5QPBS2D
Q5QPBS2I - Q-structure for T5QPBS2I
Q5QPBS5A - HR AU PS:Structure for T5QPBS5A
Q5U00 - Screen Fields for HR North America
Q5U0E - Screen Fields for EEO Evaluations
Q5U13 - Screen Fields for Table T5U13
Q5UB0 - Benefit screen rields for view maintenance
Q5UEEO - Screen Fields for EEO Evaluations


Q710A - Screen Fields for Table T710A
Q71C02 - Screen Fields for View V_T710C02
Q71C5 - Screen Fields for Compensation Eligibility Rule
Q71CA - Screen Fields for Compensation Adjustments
Q71E0 - Screen Fields Table T71E0
Q71GT - Screen Fields for Compensation Matrices Q71...

Q74_FBN00 - Flexible benefit screen rields for view maintenance
Q750C - Screen field table for T750C
Q751E - Utility fields for screens in table T751E
Q777IBO - IPA: Texts for Table T777IBO
Q777N - IPA: Texts for Table T777N
Q778G - Screen Fields for Table Maintenance T778G
Q778P - Screen Fields for Table T778P (Plan Versions)
Q779W - IPA: Texts for Table T779W
Q779X - IPA: Texts for Table T779X Q77...

Q78NR - Display Structure for Table T78NR
Q7AR61 - Family allowance wage type generation rules
Q7AR69 - Leave provision: Wage types for its calculation
Q7CCE_GPASG - Display Fields for the T7CCE_GPASG View
Q7CCE_GPREASON - Display Fields for the T7CCE_GPREASON View
Q7CCE_GPRULE - Display Fields for the T7CCE_GPRULE View
Q7KRSC - Screen field of maintenance view for table T7KRSC
Q7PBSDEC_COSTS - Screen fields for view V_T7PBSDEC_COSTS
Q7XAS3 - Claims Processing Screen Fields for View Maintenance


QABWR - Interface table with data for valuation procedures
QABWR_EX - Export structure for valuation procedure
QADBCYCLES - Cycle Selection
QADBHIER - Reference Hierarchy Transfer Structure to QADB
QADBSEL - Search Results Selection
QAEEA - Interface table for input data
QAERR - Interface table for error message list for characteristic
QAES - Sample unit table
QAESR - Sample unit table
QAICA - Inspection catalog data for download to QM subsystem
QAILS - Requirement for downloading an inspLot operation header rec.
QAIMR - Structure for Uploading Charac. Results from QM Subsystem
QAIMR1 - Upload characteristic results from QM subsystem (version 1)
QAIMR3 - Structure for Uploading Charac. Results from QM Subsystem
QAIMR_O1 - Structure for Uploading Charac. Results from QM Subsystem QAI...

QAKEY - Interface table for key fields sample no., indiv.result no.
QAKL - Results table for value classes
QAKLR - Results record for the results value class
QALS - Inspection lot record
QALSVB - QALS structure and update indicator
QALSVE_V1 - Generated Table for View
QALS_ADDON - PLM ADDON for Inspection Lot
QALS_BAL_AUTO_VE - QM: Application Log for Automatic Usage Decision
QALS_BAL_WIED_PRUEF - QM: Application Log for Recurring Inspection QAL...

QAMANAGER - Question & Answer Manager
QAMAS_ACTIVITY_MAP - Quality Activity - Structure for Mapping to QIM
QAMAS_ACTIVITY_SEARCH_MAP - Selection Fields for Activities
QAMAS_FMEA_AUDIT_MAP - Audit or FMEA Structure for Mapping (QIM)
QAMAS_NOTIF_MAP_46C - Quality Activity - Structure for Mapping
QAMAS_NOTIF_VIQMSM - Quality Activity - VIQMSM View Structure for Mapping QAM...

QAOBJMS - Multiple Specifications - Objects
QAOPERATION - Relation between Keyfields of PP and QM
QAPMV - Characteristic specifications for inspection point
QAPMVRMS - Insp. Specs/Valuation for MS for Insp. Point, Sample
QAPO - Inspection operation records
QAPP - Inspection point
QAPPD - Structure for QAPP
QAPPHIST - Inspection point: inspection interval control QAP...

QAQEE - Fields for inspection results recording
QAQEE1 - Fields for Inspection Results Recording
QAREL - Assignment table for dependent characteristics
QAS1 - Classed sample results for the characteristic
QAS2 - Sample Results (Single Values)
QASDRI_SPECDET - Specification Determination Rule
QASDRI_SPECDET_T - Text Table for Specification Determination Rule
QASDRV_SPECDET - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
QASDR_QPMK_CI - Customer Fields for MIC for Specification Determination QAS...

QAVE - Inspection processing: Usage decision
QAVEVB - QAVE structure + Update control
QAVE_TKEY - TEXT key for texts for usage decision record
QAVO - Usage Decision for Operation
QAVP - Usage decision for the inspection lot
QAVT - Usage decision for partial lot QAV...


QBAA - Internal structure for control in report RQBAAM10
QBAAL - Line in list for report RQBAAM10
QBBP - Generated Table for View
QBEFU - View for Stock Posting from the Usage Decision
QBEW - Project Stock Valuation
QBEWH - Valuation of Project Stock: History
QBEWHU - Generated Table for View QBEWHU
QBEW_EXT - Stock Fields Not in MBEW
QBL_BDOCS_S - List of BDocs
QBL_EXTN - Qblocker Extension for Info Agents
QBL_EXTN_S - Mobile client queue blockers info extension to Info Agents
QBL_FILTER - Personal Filter Criteria for Queue Blocker Viewer
QBL_FLDS - Queue Blocker handler - All Fields.
QBL_HDR_S - Header for Queue Blocker Handler - INFHDR and EXTN QBL...

QBUS000_ADR - CM: Text table fields of BP address


QCAPFODE - Screen Fields for ESS Capital Formation
QCAT_STRU - Transfer Structure of Qualification Catalog
QCDINFO - Additional QM info for displaying change documents
QCDINFO2 - Additional QM info for displaying change documents: Tables
QCDOCINFO - Certificate document information for data selection
QCEM - Mapping of Inspection Characteristic Identifiers
QCEP - Partner-Related Settings for Characteristic Mapping
QCERT_DATA - Certificate Data for IDoc Creation
QCERT_MIGO - Transfer Certificate Data MIGO <-> QBCK
QCERT_TS_BATCH - Quality Certificate Data at Batch Level
QCERT_TS_BATCH_PDF - Quality Certificate Data at Batch Level PDF QCE...

QCFIELD - Field for Configuration of Characteristics Field
QCFREEAD - Freely defined address for creating certificates
QCL_SCALE - Structure for Classification and Scale
QCONFIRM - TIDs for Deletion Confirmed by ...CONFIRM_NEXT
QCPARTYPE - Address types for certificate recipient
QCPR - QM quality certificates in procurement
QCPRD - QM: Certificates in procurement - dialog fields
QCPRP - Update table QCPR
QCPRS - QM quality certificates in procurement selection
QCRES - Certificates: Characteristic values
QCRES_MV - Quality Certificate: Result Output
QCRES_PDF - Certificates: Characteristic values for PDF
QCRG01 - Ranges for certificate profile (data element QVORLNR)
QCRG02 - Ranges for certificate type (data element QZGTYP)
QCRG03 - Ranges for certif. profile versions (data element QCVERSION) QCR...

QCSPEC - Certificates: Characteristic specifications
QCTEXT - Certificates: characteristic short text for layout set
QCVK - Certificate profile header
QCVKEA - Dialog table for certificate profile: Header level
QCVM - Certificate profile characteristic level
QCVME - Certificate profile charac. level: Extended information
QCVMEA - Certificate profile dialog table: Characteristic level
QCVMEATXT - QM certificate profile: Short text for charac. detail screen QCV...

QCWWW - QM: Quality Certificates on the World Wide Web
QCWWW_DELIVERY_ENTRY - Input Fields for Internet Certificate for Delivery
QCWWW_DELIVERY_LIST - List of Expected or Retrieved Certificates for Internet


QDAT - Table For Storing Received Queue Data
QDBM - Valuation mode
QDBMT - Valuation Mode: Texts
QDDR - Dynamic modification rule (header)
QDDRT - Dynamic modification rule: texts
QDDYN - Help structure for dynamic modification criteria from TQ39
QDEB - Allwd. Relationships: Sampling Procedures/Dynamic Mod. Rules
QDEBT - Allowed combinations of procedures/dynamic mod. rules: texts
QDEP - Allowed inspection severities
QDEPT - Allowed Inspection Severities: Texts
QDFB - Function modules for the individual procedure categories
QDFBT - Function Modules for Procedure: Texts
QDFM - Function modules for valuation mode
QDFMT - Function Modules for Valuation Mode: Texts
QDIST001 - tRFC Queue Description (Outbound Queue)
QDIST002 - tRFC Queue Description (Outbound Queue)
QDIST003 - tRFC Queue Description (Outbound Queue)
QDIST004 - tRFC Queue Description (Outbound Queue)
QDIST005 - tRFC Queue Description (Outbound Queue)
QDIST006 - tRFC Queue Description (Outbound Queue) QDI...

QDMKR - Internal structure for the 'allowed relationships' check
QDPA - Sampling scheme-instructions
QDPAB - Document table for sampling scheme-instructions
QDPAD - Online table for sampling scheme-instructions
QDPK - Sampling scheme header
QDPKT - Sampling scheme: texts
QDPP - Sampling scheme item QDP...

QDQL - Quality level
QDQLD - Dialog table for the quality level
QDQLHIS - Output structure of dynamic modification history
QDQLPOS - Fields for quality level memory for item changes
QDQLSEL - Table for quality level selection
QDQLV - Update table for the quality level QDQ...

QDRSF - QM: Formula Parameter Sample Calculation
QDSA - Sampling type
QDSAT - Sampling Type: Texts
QDSE - Internal structure for sample determination
QDSPR - Principal parameters for sampling plan
QDSV - Sampling procedure
QDSVT - Sampling Procedure: Texts QDS...

QDWL - Internal structure for QDQL
QDWP - Internal structure for QDPK/QDPP/QDPA
QDWR - Internal structure for QDDR/QDPS
QDWV - Internal structure for QDSV
QDYNKRIT - Dynamic modification indicator: include structure


QECA - Catalog Entries
QECCHAR_RESULT - Summarized Result
QECHNGKEY - Change Type Keys for QE Subjects (Framework)
QECSAMPLE_REF - Reference to Sample Result
QECSINGLE_RESULT - Single result
QEC_RESULT - Characteristic Structure for Copy Insp. Results Function QEC...

QEIFTQ15T - Inspection catalog type data for download to QM subsystem
QEIFTQ32T - Inspection lot origin data for download to QM subsystem
QEIF_TQ30T - Insp. type data for downlowd to QM subsystem
QELOS - Information: Inspection Lot with Subcomponent
QELSINFO - Information for Inspection Lot
QEMKINFO - Information for Inspection Characteristic
QENQAVO - External operation data for blocking an operation
QEOBJKEY - Object Key for Communication (Framework)
QEPOINFO - Information: Inspection Point Level
QEPPUNKT - Information: Inspection Point Level
QEREC - Receiver of protocol mail
QERGATTRIBUT - Ranges for Attribute in Results Recording
QETBCELLS - Toolbox field description
QETBPROT - Toolbox log
QETB_LOCK - Lock arguments for save operation in QM toolbox
QETLINFO - Information: Partial Lot Level
QETREEINFO - QM: Inspection Lot Information in Tree
QETREEINFO_ADD_FIELDS_CHA - QM: Inspection Lot Information in Tree - Characteristic QET...

QEVMCINF - Interface for event and info structure
QEVORGANG - Information: Inspection Operation Level
QEWL - QM Handheld: Worklist for Transfer
QEWLA - QM Handheld: Structure QEWLD + ALV Data
QEWLD - QM Handheld: Structure QEWL + Dialog Data
QEWLL - QM Handheld: Include Structure for Inspection Lot Data
QEWLV - QM Handheld: Structure QEWL + Update Indicator
QEWU - Logon for Results Recording on Web QEW...


QF00 - Interface fields for function groups QFnn
QFAAB - Defect item: basis table definition
QFAAI - Defect item table for defects recording
QFAAI_DET - Include structure for defect item detail
QFAAI_PRF - Insp. point supplement for defect item
QFCATDEF - Defects recording: catalog selection for inspection charac.
QFCNTRL - Screen control string for detail window in defects record.
QFCNTRL_DYN_FIELDS - Screen fields: Field sequence identical to QFCNTRL_FIELDS
QFCNTRL_FIELDS - Screen control bar for fields
QFCNTRL_LINES - Screen control bar for empty lines
QFEARTTXT - Report categories
QFFED - Screen fields for defects recording
QFHDE - Cross-notification reference objects
QFHDE_1 - Cross-notification reference objects
QFKPR - Header record for defects recording
QFLTP - Table with CHAR fields for FLTP values to be displayed
QFMEL - Qual.notification header - interface for defects record.
QFMKR - Interface structure for characteristic (defects recording)
QFMMA - Screen fields for task (defects recording)
QFMUR - Screen fields for cause (defects recording)
QFOB - Assignment objects for defects recording
QFOBE - Dialog-specific objects for defects recording (selection)
QFOBJ - Interface structure for defect record objects
QFOBJM - Interface structure for defect record objects with charac.
QFOBJ_CNT1 - Control structure for defect record objects
QFOBJ_CNTR - Control structure for defect record objects QFO...

QFQALS - Logical lock object for defects recording
QFSCREEN - Field control: Defects recording
QFSER - Serial numbers
QFSERHD - Header for serial numbers
QFVGR - Interface - operations for defects recording


QGEN - Internal Table for Generating Payroll Periods
QGEVAL_BATCH_PAIR - Ordered Pair of Batches
QGEVAL_BATCH_SELECTION - Parameters for the Batch Where-Used List
QGEVAL_CAUSE - QM Evaluation: Data Structure for Causes
QGEVAL_CAUSES_GROUP - Grouping Characteristics for Causes
QGEVAL_CHARACTERISTIC - QM Evaluations: Data Structure for Characteristics QGE...

QGHIS - Results history: Structure for transfer parameter
QGMK - QM: Specifications and results for insp. charac. (GLV)
QGRES - Structure for printing results in the form
QGSE - QM: Results for sample unit (ALV)


QHUPRZ - QM Table Control Row: HU - Assignment of Phys. Samples


QIERR - Error messages that occurred during download
QIERR_O1 - Error Messages That Occurred During Download
QILLE - Illness Records for Infotype 2001 (Absences)
QIMS_ECATT_PART_DET_DSCN_TAB - BRFplus Data for Decision Table Partner Determination
QIMTH - Evaluation methods QM STI interface
QIMTHT - Texts for evaluation methods: QM STI interface
QINF - QM-info record for material and vendor
QINFINSPT - Inspection types for QINF record
QINPPROC_REQ - Input Processing Specifications
QIO100 - Help Structure for Screen 100 Queue
QIO200 - Help Structure for Screen 200 Queue
QIO210 - Help Structure for Screen 210 Queue
QIO220 - Help Structure for Screen 220 Queue
QIO230 - Help Structure for Screen 230 Queue
QIO240 - Help Structure for Screen 240 Queue QIO...

QIPARAM1 - FB parameter GET_ALL_DATA_VALUE as table for import
QISRAPPL - Application for Internet Service Request
QISRCHAR_ADD - Characteristics: Additional Data for Form
QISRCHAR_ADD_T - Characteristic: Additional Data for Form: with Text
QISRCHAR_EVALHLP - Characteristics: Fields for Extended Search Help
QISRCHAR_EVALKEY - Key Fields for Extended Search Help
QISRCONFIG - Internet Service Request: Scenario Configuration (XML) QIS...

QITMS - Screen Fields: Liquidation/Allowance Items (JP)
QIWKTAB - Table of qRFC Inbound Queues to Be Activated Automatically
QIWL - Transfer table for QM subsystems
QIWLR - Structure for transfer table for QM subsystems


QJ147 - Dynpro fields for infotype 0147 (Personal Appraisals JP)


QKAT - Transfer table for QM inspection catalog online module
QKATL - Internal structure for catalog in characteristic


QLIST_PLMK - Transport Structure for Displaying Characteristics in Plan
QLOT_DS - Digital Signature for Inspection Lots
QLOT_DS_LOG_RR - Log Structure: Digital Signature for Inspection Lots
QLOT_DS_LOG_UD - Log Structure: Digital Signature for Inspection Lots
QLXI_ACADEMIC_TITLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
QLXI_BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOC1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
QLXI_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)
QLXI_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
QLXI_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
QLXI_FAMILY_NAME_PREFIX_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated) QLX...


QM00 - General control keys for QM
QMALERT - QM Alert for Workplace
QMAT - Inspection type - material parameters
QMATNR - Table with material numbers
QMATTR - KW Attributes for QM Area
QMAT_D01 - Fields to be printed in the QA08
QMBHU - HUM interface between QM and delivery
QMCERT_PDF - Structure for Reminder Certificate Receipt, RQCPRM10
QMCOA_01C1_01_A - Generated Table for View
QMDSV_REMARK - Generated Table for View
QMDS_REMARK - Remark for Digital Signature
QMDS_REMARK_T - Text Table for Remark for Digital Signature
QMDYNTXT - Menu Painter: Dynamic texts for Fcodes for user exits
QMEL - Quality Notification
QMELFE - Generated Table for View
QMEL_ESSENCE - Important Fields of Qmel
QMEL_EXT - Extension Table for Notification
QMEL_EXT_ADDON - Addon-Structure for Extension Table for Notification
QMEL_EXT_ADDON_APPEND_STABI - Additional Fields for Notification (Stability Study) QME...

QMFE - Quality notification - items
QMFECAT - Quality notification - defect item
QMFECLASS - Class of Notification Item
QMFEL - Generated Table for View
QMHU - QM Link Between Inspection Lot and Handling Unit Item
QMHUW - QM managment table for HUM item/insp. lot
QMHU_LOT - Assignment structure: Inspection lot HUM item
QMICON - Field container for icons within QM
QMICONSPEC - Structure for Icons and their Field Control in MSpec/MstrChr
QMIFE - Structure for uploading defect items from QM subsystem
QMIFED - Structure for uploading defect items from QM subsystem
QMIFE_1 - Structure for uploading defect items from QM subsystem
QMIH - Quality message - maintenance data excerpt QMI...

QMKMKTXT - Short Texts for Master Inspection Characteristic
QMKONT - Account assignment fields for QM applications
QMKST - Characteristic control indicators
QMMA - Quality notification - activities
QMMACAT - Quality Notification - Activities
QMMAPCAT - Quality Notification - Activities for Item
QMM_CHKF - QMM: File Name of Last Check-out
QMM_CHKO - QMM: Check-out Data for a Physical Info Object
QMM_CONT1 - QMM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) QMM...

QMNODE - QM: Tree Control Node
QMNUMFE - Interface
QMNUM_ART - Structure for Notifs and Order Creation (Depend. on QMART)
QMNUM_PRE - Preselection Key for Notification Structure
QMNUM_S - Structure of QMNUM
QMNUM_STAT - Structure for Assign/Deassign of Notif. to/from Revision QMN...

QMPARTNER_FUNCTION - Partner Functions
QMRMA - QM: Notifications and inspection lots for RMA order
QMSEG_KEY - Material Document Structure
QMSM - Quality notification - tasks
QMSMCAT - Quality Notification - Tasks
QMSMPCAT - Quality Notification - Tasks for Item
QMSP - QM: material specification
QMSP_15M1_01_A - Generated Table for View QMS...

QMTB - Inspection method master record
QMTBDOC - Inspection Method Key for Document Management
QMTBV - Logical database QTQ (QMTB and QMTT)
QMTT - Inspection Method Texts
QMUITEM - QM: Tree Control Node Update
QMUNODE - QM: Tree Control Node Update
QMUR - Quality notification - causes
QMURCAT - Quality notification - causes
QMWAOALERT - QM Alert for Workplace
QMWAOTEXT - Text Elements for Web Add-On
QM_EPR_01C1_01 - Generated Table for View


QN8D_CAUSES_ST - 8d-report causes for printout
QN8D_CONGRAT_ST - qn8d structure type for congratulating discipline
QN8D_CONT_ACTION_ST - containment actions printout structure type
QN8D_CORR_ACTION_ST - corrective action for printout
QN8D_IF_ST - structure type for qn8d pdf print interface
QN8D_IMPL_ACTION_ST - implemented action structure type for printouts QN8...

QNAME - Qualified Name
QNAME1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
QNAME_TAB - Line Type for Qnames
QNAOC_NTYPE - Linkage of Notification Types to Object Categories
QNAOC_OBJCAT - Object categories
QNAOC_OBJCATT - Object Categories - Text Table QNA...

QNNNNSA - Screen Strcuture for SA
QNOTIF_DS_LOG - Log Structure: Digital Signature for Notifications
QNOTIF_HEADER_DS - Digital Signature for Notifications - Header Level
QNOTIF_TASK_DS - Digital Signature for Notifications - Task Level
QNQMACUST - Customizing for Follow-Up Functions
QNQMAMA0 - Function module output structure for QMMA: Follow-up functs.
QNQMAQMEL0 - Notif. header data output struct. created by follow-up fncts
QNQMASM0 - Function module output structure for QMSM: Follow-up functs.
QNQMATAB - Table for action box table control
QNQMAVORGANG - Structure for F4-Help Operation Follow-up action/ functions QNQ...

QNS_ITEM_ODP - Quality Notification Items - Operational Data Provider
QNS_ITEM_ODP_IHPA - Quality Notification - Operational Data Provider
QNS_ITEM_ODP_QMEL - Quality Notification - Operational Data Provider
QNS_ITEM_ODP_QMEL_NO_DB - Quality Notification - ODP - Data to Read (e.g.Short Texts)
QNS_ITEM_ODP_QMFE - Quality Notification - Operational Data Provider
QNS_ITEM_ODP_QMFE_NO_DB - Quality Notification - Operational Data Provider QNS...


QOD_ATTACHMENT_CREATION_INCL_S - Customer extension include
QOD_ATTACHMENT_CREATION_S - QM OData: structure for creation of Attachment Document/File
QOD_ATTACHMENT_INCL_S - Customer extension include
QOD_ATTACHMENT_S - QM OData: structure for creation of Attachment Document/File
QOD_ATT_CONFIG - Attachment Configuration
QOD_ATT_CONF_V - Generated Table for View QOD...

QOPERS_SAMPLE_SIZE - Sample Size for Operation
QOWKTAB - Table of qRFC Outbound Queues to Activate Automatically


QPAC - Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
QPACI - Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
QPACV - Logical data base QAM (QPAC and QPCT)
QPAD940 - QFields for Add. Date for Filter
QPAM - Inspection catalog selected sets
QPAMI - Internal table for posting selected sets QPA...

QPCD - Inspection catalog codes
QPCDI - Internal table for posting codes
QPCDV - Logical data base QKM (QPCD and QPCT)
QPCPC_OBJ - Customizing Table for the Objects
QPCPC_OBJCAT - Object Categories
QPCPC_OBJCATT - Object Categories - Text Table QPC...

QPGR - Inspection catalog code groups
QPGRI - Internal structure of the internal posting table
QPGRV - Logical data base QKM (QPGR and QPGT)
QPGT - Code group texts
QPGTI - Internal table for posting the code group texts
QPK1AC - Transfer structure for code of a selected set with text
QPK1CD - Transfer structure for code of a code group and text
QPK1CODEGRP - Transfer structure - code group identification
QPK1GR - Transfer structure of code group and text
QPK1_TS_NODEDAT - Data for External Fields of Tree for Codes
QPK1_TS_NODEREC - Data for Nodes of Tree for Codes QPK...

QPLDOC_INSPLOT - Document Link to Inspection Lot
QPLEXT_INSP_DECISION - Inspection Decision Data
QPLEXT_INSP_HEADER - External Inspection Document
QPLEXT_INSP_SAMPLE - External Sample Data
QPLEXT_PROP_CODE - Assign Properties QPL...

QPMK - Inspection characteristic master
QPMKKEY - Structure for master inspection characteristic key
QPMKTXT - Short Texts for Inspection Methods/Master Inspection Chars
QPMKV - Logical data base QMM (QPMK and QPMT and QPMZ)
QPMK_ATTR - Attributes of a Master Inspection Characteristic
QPMK_KEY - Master Inspection Characteristic: Key QPM...

QPPNP - Screen Fields in HR LDB PNP
QPR6 - Selection Screen Structure for QPR6 (new PSD with reference)
QPR7 - Selection Screen Fields for QPR7 (Storage Maintenance)
QPRN - Sample drawing of phys. samples
QPROFILE - HRTRAINING: Qualification Profile
QPRS - Master record for phys. samples
QPRSA - Archiving Structure for Physical Samples QPR...

QPSH - Control chart types
QPSHT - Texts for control chart types
QPSP - SPC criterion
QPSPT - Texts for SPC criteria
QPST - Control chart track
QPSTT - Texts for control chart tracks QPS...

QPU20 - Structure for tax reporter interface
QPU21 - Interface for tax reporter filling
QPU22 - Select for already generated tax forms
QPU23 - Range tab structure for tax forms
QPU24 - Structure for manual fill of interface table
QPU25 - Interface for tax reporter filling QPU...


QQ854 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0854 (Life-Course Savings Scheme)
QQM_8DREPORT_LOG_PDF - QQM : Structure for log in 8D_REPORT_SND for PDF
QQM_EAS_PARNR_EXT_SELOPT - Selection Options for Partner Search
QQM_EAS_PARNR_SELOPT - Selection Options for Partners and Partner Role
QQM_EAS_POPUP_FLAGS - Popup Selection Structure for Sending Notification as PDF

QQNQMTYP - Interface structure


QREFTID - Reference TIDs of Receiver List for qRFC
QRETDATA - Confirmation Data of tRFC/qRFC LUWs
QRETSTATE - Confirmation Status of tRFC/qRFC LUWs
QREVIEW - Appraisal structures: Dialog
QRFCCALL - List of All qRFC Calls of Application LUW
QRFCEVENT - Event Control in qRFC
QRFCLOG - Trace Description
QRFCRCV - Structure for qRFC receiver list
QRFCTRACE - Trace Description
QRFC_CFG - QRFC Configuration QRF...

QRG01 - Ranges for the inspection type (data element QPART)
QRG02 - Ranges for purchasing organization (data element EKORG)
QRG03 - Ranges for the domain date (DOMA DATUM)
QRG04 - Ranges for the origin (Domain HERK)
QRG05 - Ranges for the customer (Domain KUNNR)
QRG06 - Ranges for the vendor (Domain LIFNR) QRG...

QRKDY - Screen fields for quality control charts
QRKDY1 - Control Chart Screen Fields: Limits Track1 from 45a
QRKDY2 - Control Chart Screen Fields: Limits Track2 from 45a
QRKDYCUST - Control charts screen fields in Customizing
QRKMCKEY - Control chart master inspection characteristic key
QRKMCKEYEQ - Control chart for the master charac.-lock key when creating QRK...

QRP002 - GUID Table for Account Assignment Objects
QRPDC - Screen Fields for Function Modules for Group RPDC
QRPDW - Screen Fields for Function Modules for Group RPDW
QRP_CPZP - Reporting Points - Total Values per Date
QRP_DOCUMENTS - Line Item Documents for APO Reporting Points
QRP_EXTENSIONS - Enhancements for Development Class DM_QRP QRP...


QSAMPLE_DS - Digital Signature for Samples
QSAMPLE_DS_LOG - Log Structure Digital Signature for Samples
QSAMPTAB - Internal structure: Partial samples in inspection lot
QSCENARIOROLE - Processor Determination
QSENDDEST - Table of Registered tRFC/qRFC Destinations
QSERIAL - Serial number with information on results confirmation
QSICON - Container Fields for Icons Within QM Master Data
QSKDOC_CODE - Document Link to Code
QSMPL_LIST - List of samples to be transferred to toolbox
QSMPL_LIST2 - Work Items for Mobile Results Recording
QSQMAT - QMAT change documents : Copy from XDQMAT due to syntax check
QSS7_TS_SIGN_STATE - Status of the Digitally Signed Characteristic/Sample Results
QSS7_TS_SIGN_VERIFY_STEP - Digital Signature: Verification of Data
QSS_ML - Vendor Evaluation - Transfer Structure QM
QSS_QMART - Interface structure - vendor valuation QM
QSS_QM_ML - Vendor valuation - transfer structure for Q notifications
QST007 - Structure for Report RQSTA007 (Testing Schedule Items List)
QST010000 - QSTABI: Header Data Stabi Samples (QST01, Var. Screens)
QST010100 - QSTABI: Creation of Initial Sample (QST01, Screen 0100)
QST010150 - QSTABI: Changing of Initial Sample (QST01, Screen 0150)
QST010200 - QSTABI:Definition of Storage Conditions (QST01, Screen 0200)
QST010250 - QSTABI: Changing of Storage Conditns (QST01, Screen 0250 ao) QST...

QSYSCOLUMN - iSeries: System Catalog View of Table Fields (SYSCOLUMNS)
QSYSCST - iSeries: System Catalog View of Constraints (SYSCST)
QSYSINDEXS - iSeries: System Catalog View of Tables in SAP Data Library
QSYSKEYCST - iSeries: System Catalog View of Constraints Columns
QSYSKEYS - iSeries: System Catalog View of Constraints Columns
QSYSTABLES - iSeries: System Catalog View of Tables in SAP Data Library QSY...

QSZ558A - Structure for Special Payment selection parameters


QT1681 - QFields for PT1681
QT1684 - Screen fields of infotype 1684 (TNM: Invoice)
QT1686 - Screen fields of infotype 1686 (TNM: Absence/Attendance)
QT588M_ESS - Modifiers for Screen Group 3
QT7JPBP_UPTBL - Screen Field for Value Table in Benefit Poit
QTCH - Product Allocation: Feature Directory
QTCHD - Contingent: Feature Directory, Dynamic
QTCH_KEY - Product Allocation: Characteristic Directory, Key
QTESTCASE - Screen Fields for Infotype Test Case Search Help
QTINFO - Product Allocation, Send: Setup of Info Structure
QTINFOT - Product Allocation, Send: Setup of Info Structure, Texts
QTINFOX - Checklist for QTINFO
QTLSS - Selection table of partial lots in production
QTLSVB - QTLS structure and update indicator
QTMW_TDSUBLA - Short Description Subsets: View Maintenance Fields
QTMW_TD_TSUBLA - Short Description Subsets: Maintenance View Auxiliary Fields
QTPERMIT - Contingent: Confirmation; Results Display
QTPROTO - Log Structure for Generating Absence Quotas
QTREEITM - item table for tree structure
QTSTEP - Contingent: Product Allocation Step; Results Display
QTSUPPLY - Contingent: Quotation Situation; Results Display
QTSYS - Product Allocation: Physical System
QTT190 - Product Allocation, Send: Controlling
QTT190H - Product Allocation, Send: Planning Structure for Step
QTT190HT - Product Allocation, Send: Text for Planning Hierarchy
QTT190HTX - Checklist for QTT190HT
QTT190HX - Checklist for QTT190H
QTT190I - Product Allocation, Send: Controlling QTT...

QTVB - Product Allocation: Allocation used by Customer Order
QTVBD - Contingent: Contingent Reservation through SO, Dynamic
QTVB_KEY - Product Allocation: Product Allocation Contents, Key Columns


QUALF_BW_V - Generated Table for View
QUALI_PROF - Qualifications Profile
QUANTITY14 - Quantity
QUANTITY3 - Quantity ist die nicht-monetäre zahlenmässige Angabe einer M
QUANTITY_GROUP_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
QUANTITY_SCALE - Quantity Interval QUA...

QUERY_TAB - Structure of Query Table
QUERY_TABL_MODEL - Template for Query Processing
QUEUESTATE - Queue, destination status
QUEUE_INFO - Queue Information QUE...

QUFNARV - Structure for table field from document structure
QUM_INSPECTION_BILL_OF_OPERA10 - InspectionBillOfOperationsERPCreateCheckQueryMessage_sync
QUM_INSPECTION_BILL_OF_OPERA11 - InspectionBillOfOperationsERPCreateRequestMessage_sync
QUM_INSPECTION_BILL_OF_OPERAT1 - InspBOOERPBasicDataByElementsResponseMessage_sync
QUM_INSPECTION_BILL_OF_OPERAT3 - InspBOOERPChangeCheckConfirmationMessage_sync
QUM_INSPECTION_BILL_OF_OPERAT4 - InspBOOERPChangeConfirmationMessage_sync QUM...

QUOT03 - Product Allocation: Availability
QUOT04 - Product Allocation: Communication Structure for DB Changes
QUOT05 - Product Allocation: Transfer Structure for Prod. Allocations
QUOTAS_TABTY - Transfer Table Structure for Reporting Quota Types
QUOTA_SCREEN - IAC Online Store: Product List Quotation/Order
QUOTCOR - Product Allocations: Corr. quantities, already conf. qty QUO...


QV001 - Screen Fields for View V001 (Org. Assignment PSG)
QV008 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0008 / View 0230 (Basic Pay)
QV027 - Screen Fields for IT 0027 / View 0238 (Cost Distribution)
QV03V - Availability Check: Interface Product Allocation
QV04V - Availability check: Interface for prod. allocation data
QV052 - Screen Fields for IT 0052 / View 0237 (Wage Maintenance) QV0...

QV512WD - Screen Fields: View V_512W_D
QVDM - QM Info Record - QM Control in SD
QVDM_KEY - Key for table QVDM
QVDM_TKEY - Key for QVDM for texts, documents, change documents...
QVP2V - Prod. allocation: Items and corresponding prod.alloc.proc.
QVP3V - Availability Check: Interface Product Allocation
QVP5V - Availability check: Interface for prod. allocation object


QWERU - Results of Western Electric Rules Check

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