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PD1203 - Addition to HRS1203

PD3DBAN - HR-DDU: Address Data Module

PD3DBEU - HR-DDU: Data Module - European Insurance Number

PD3DBGB - HR-DDU: Data Module - Birth Details

PD3DBKS - HR-DDU: Data Module - Miners'/Sailors' Insurance

PD3DBKV - DEUEV: Data Module Health Insurance

PD3DBME - HR-DDU: Reporting Facts Data Module

PD3DBNA - HR-DDU: Name Data Module

PD3DBSO - HR-DDU: Immediate Notification Data Module

PD3DBSV - HR-DDU: Social Insurance Card Data Module

PD3DBUV - DEUEV: Data Module DBUV - Accident Insurance

PD3DBUV_DAT - DEUEV AI Data for Module DBUV - Accident Insurance

PD3DSAP - HR-DDU: Administration Record for Notifications

PD3DSME - HR-DDU: Data Record Notfication

PD3FLAG - HR-DDU: Notifications Indicator

PD3HIST - Status History Management for DEUEV Notifications

PDA01 - Internal struct. for PP pair formation/determ. of act. times

PDACT_HIDE - Internal Act_hide Structure for SEUT Display

PDASSIGN - Assignment of Persons to Job/Organizational Unit per Date



PDATE - Supplies the WBS Dates Determined in the Network

PDAVLT - Data for Valuation Assignment

PDAVOEA - PD Order: Operation Data as I/O Table

PDAVRT - Result Table: Data for Future Pension Rights



PDBCA - Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition Accumulated Accdg to Types

PDBCD - Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition Accumulatd on Daily Basis

PDBCI - Shift Planning: Reqmts Def. Accumulated on Interval Basis

PDBCW - Shift Planning: Reqmts Def. Accumulated in Weekly Overview

PDBD1 - Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition

PDBD2 - Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition

PDBD3 - Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition

PDBDA - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition According to Types

PDBDD - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition on Daily Basis

PDBDI - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition on Interval Basis

PDBDW - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition in Weekly Overview

PDBEC - Shift Planning: Accumulated Requirements Definition

PDBED - Shift Planning: Job-Related Requirements Definition

PDBEDO - Reqmts Adjustmnt: Jobs Required for Each Shift per Org. Unit

PDBES - Screen Fields for RHSBES00

PDBKAD - CI: Social Fund Procedure: Records Management

PDBKAN - Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: ANMEL Data Records

PDBKAU - Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: AUMEL Data Records

PDBKBE - Constr. Ind. Social Fund Procedure: BEMEL (PerNo) Records

PDBKBESUM - Constr. Ind. Social Fund Procedure: BEMEL Records (Total)

PDBKLO - Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: LOMEL Data Records

PDBKNE - Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: NEMEL Data Records

PDBKNW - Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: Employee Statement

PDBKRA - Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: RAMEL Data Records

PDBKUR - Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: URMEL Data Records

PDC04 - Reference Table Structure

PDC06 - Status of Pair Formation

PDC07 - Table of Days to Be Recalculated

PDC09 - Table with Pointer To Incorrect PDC Messages

PDC10 - Cluster B1: Key

PDC11 - Cluster B1: Version Administration

PDC12 - Extract from Infotype 0001 for Cluster B1

PDC13 - Extract from Infoype 0007 for Cluster B1

PDC14 - Extract from Infotype 0050 for Cluster B1

PDC15 - Interface Table: PDC Interface Table

PDC30 - Quasi-Key of a PDC Message

PDC31 - Account Assignment of PDC Time Ticket

PDC31_APL - Different Payment (for Time Tickets)

PDC31_REF - FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Tickets)

PDC32 - PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity

PDC32_2 - PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity

PDC32_OLD - PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity

PDC53 - Quasi-Temporary Table of Logged-on Employees

PDC54 - Daily Status Administration

PDC56 - Quasi-Temporary Fields for Group Work

PDC59 - Quasi-Key of PDC Message for Group Premium

PDC60 - HR Mini-Master Record Including Selected Transaction Data

PDC61 - Screen fields for KK1

PDCAD - Structure of Absence Types

PDCIFT - Interface Table for PDC Time Tickets

PDCIFT_APL - Different Payment (for Time Tickets)

PDCLS - Job Including One Person

PDCMT - Time Recording Data

PDCMT2 - Time Event

PDCMT_APL - Different Payment (CC1 Time Events)

PDCO1 - RHCOPY10 Screen and Work Fields

PDCOM - Input Structure for Analysis Module

PDCOP - RHCOPY10 Screen Fields

PDCP1 - Upload Individual and Group Confirmations from DASS

PDCP2 - Upload Processing and Setup Confirmations from DASS

PDCP3 - Upload Control/Maintenance/Interruption from DASS

PDCP4 - Upload Free Record Classes from DASS

PDCPT - Time Event Pairs

PDCWST - PDC Time Tickets

PDCWST_OLD - PDC Time Tickets

PDC_APL - Different Payment (for Time Tickets)

PDC_FUND - Fund Accounting

PDC_REF - FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Tickets)

PDDATASET - Structure for Data Transfer of PD Data


PDDT_REQUEST - Input Data: Product Determination

PDDT_RESULT - Product Determination Result

PDDT_TABL_000 - Include for Condition Tables (KOTD001) - Prod. Determination

PDEPBSVASEN_FSPA - Assessed Employment Periods

PDEPBSVASEN_FSPB - Assessed Employment Periods with Their Selection Class

PDEPBSVASEN_SIPA - Simulated Employment Periods

PDEPBSVASEN_SIPB - Simulated Employment Periods with Their Selection Class

PDEPBS_AVKAT_F4 - Feature Structure for Insurance Category

PDEPBS_AVZUGBN_F4 - Feature Structure for Insurance Category

PDEPBS_AVZUG_F4 - Feature Structure for Insurance Category

PDERR - Error Table for Subsystem Confirmation

PDEVE - Time Event Data for Input Interface to Analysis Module

PDEXI - RHEXIST0 Screen Fields

PDE_PBSVAVG_P69DA4_DAUER - EP of PS Emp. Acc. to Sect. 69d, Para. 4

PDE_PBSVAVG_P69DA4_DAUER_CAL - EP of PS Emp. Acc. to Sect. 69d, Para. 4

PDE_PBSVAVG_REAK_P13A1_DAUER - Total Actual Time for Previous Assessment

PDE_PBSVAVG_REAK_P13A1_DAUER_Z - Additional Allocation Period Due to Previous Pension

PDF_FOOTER - Batch Log PDF: Data Footer Line

PDF_HEADER - Batch Log PDF: Header Data

PDGUID - GUIDs for Project Definition

PDGUIDBT - Document Table for GUIDs for Project Definition

PDHIT - Hit List of Persons (sorted according to suitability)

PDINF - Structure with Info Type for Function Module Call

PDMAINT_STLAN_STR - Selection for BOM Type

PDMAINT_STLAN_V - Generated Table for View PDMAINT_STLAN_V

PDMATCHUP - Assign Person to Cover Requirements of the Period

PDMSG - PD: Structure for Function Module RH_DOCU_IN_LIST

PDM_BASELINE - Baseline data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_BILLOFCUS - Order BOM Header Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_BILLOFDOC - Document Structure Header Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_BILLOFEQI - Equipment BOM Header Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_BILLOFFLC - Flo BOM Header Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_BILLOFMAT - Material BOM Header Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_BILLOFPRJ - Project BOM header data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_BOMITEM - BOM item data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_BROWSEREXTENSION_KEYFIELDS - Object Key Fields in Object Browser

PDM_CHARACT - Characteristics Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_CI_STKO - Customer include for BOM header in browser

PDM_CI_STPO - Customer Include for BOM Items in Browser

PDM_CONV_OBJECT_2_OBJECT - Replacement of objects in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_DOCLINK - Document Data <-> Document Link in Browser

PDM_DOCREVISION - Document Revision Level Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_DOCUMENT - Document Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_ECM - Change Master Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_EQUIPMENT - Equipment Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_EXP_OBJECTS - Exported objects from the Product Structure Browser

PDM_EXT_OBJLINK - Link for Extensions Within Product Structure Browser

PDM_FIELDCATALOG - Field Catalog for Display in Product Structure Browser

PDM_FLG_CMLCHN - Display Posting Date(Yes/No)

PDM_FUNCLOCAT - Functional Location Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_IMP_OBJECTS - Objects imported to the product structure browser

PDM_INSPCHAR - Inspection char. data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_IPPEALTERNATIVE - Alternatives in Product Structure Browser

PDM_IPPEDEPENDENCY - Dependency in Product Structure Browser

PDM_IPPENODE - iPPE Nodes in Product Structure Browser

PDM_MATERIAL - Material Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_MATERIALSPEC - Material specification data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_MATREVISION - Material Revision Level Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_MCDOKOB - Key Fields for Objects Linked to Documents

PDM_NOTIFICATION - Message data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_OBJCLASS - Object Class Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_OBJECTFOLDER - Object Folder Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_OBJECTS - Objects in Product Structure Browser that are not Classes

PDM_OPERATION - Routing operation data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_POSVARIANT - Component Variants in Product Structure Browser

PDM_PRODUCT - Product data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_PROD_FOLDER - Product folder data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_QMINSPCHARACT - Master check char. data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_ROUTING - Routing data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_SEQUENCE - Successor data in the Product Structure Browser

PDM_STEP_DATA - STEP Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_TEXT - Text Item Data in Product Structure Browser

PDM_TREE - Structure of Tree in Product Structure Browser

PDM_TREE_ITEM - Item Structure for TREE OCX in Product Structure Browser

PDNAV - RHNAVIG0 Screen Fields

PDN_MAP_HEADER - Product Designer: Mapping Table for Headers

PDN_MAP_ITEM - Product Designer: Mapping Table for Items

PDORDU15 - Confirmation Structure for LCOCIU15

PDORDU18 - Confirmation Structure for LCOCIU18

PDORG - Shift Planning: Organizational Unit Data

PDORG_SAPO - Relate Structure for PD Object with SAP Org.Object

PDORQ - Qualifikation Requirement in Order

PDOWFD_VER - Versions of WF Definitions of WF Task

PDPBSDNEUG_UEB - Carried Over to DNeuG: General HR Master Record

PDPBSDNEUG_UEB_T - Carried Over to DNeuG: Personnel Pay Scale Information

PDPBSTVOED_UEB - Transfer to TVoeD: Personnel Master Record Before Transfer

PDPBSTVOED_UEB_ALV - Structure for Output of TVoeD Transfer Table

PDPBSZV363 - Estimated Tax-Free Contributions (Acc. to Sec.3 No.63)

PDPBSZVABM - Dereg. from Compulsory Insurance (Record Type 40), ZVE-PBS

PDPBSZVABS - Periods (Record Type 60), ZVE-PBS

PDPBSZVADM - Administration Table for ZVE-PBS Notification Procedure

PDPBSZVADM_R - SPI Confirmation: Administration Table

PDPBSZVADR - Address (Record Type 81), ZVE-PBS

PDPBSZVANM - Reg. for Compulsory Insurance (Record Type 30), ZVE-PBS

PDPBSZVANM_R - SPI Confirmation: Registration (Record Type 30)

PDPBSZVDCARRIERS - ZVE-PBS Notification Procedure for Data Medium Admin.

PDPBSZVDIF - Difference (Record Type 70), ZVE-PBS

PDPBSZVLOG - Log Table for ZVE-PBS Notification Procedure

PDPBSZVLOG_R - SPI Confirmation: Log Table

PDPBSZVMDCARRS - Grouped Data Medium Administration, SP Reporting

PDPBSZVNAM - Name (Record Type 80), ZVE-PBS

PDPBSZVNAM_R - SPI Confirmation: Name (Record Type 80)

PDPBSZVSUM - Totals Record (Record Type 90), SPI

PDPBSZV_PA0051 - ZVMP Employer to Be Overridden in IT0051 (Before ZVMP)

PDPERNRUSR - Structure: Users per Personnel Number

PDPERS - Persons for the Shift Plan

PDPERSORG - Organizational/Anticipated Assignment of Persons

PDPLA - Shift Planning: Structure of Target and Actual Shift Plan

PDPLC5_PC - PLC5 key for Cluster ID PC

PDPNR - Structure with Personnel Number for Function Module Call

PDPSP - Pers. Shift Plan w/Absences/Attendances/On-call duty, etc.

PDQPR - HR PLAN Report RHQPROF0 Screen 2000 'Qualifications Profile'

PDQTR - HR PLANNING Screen: New Position Assignment for Person

PDRA1 - Auxiliary Structure for Room Reservation Management

PDRCA - Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition for Internal Calendar

PDREQ - Shift Planning: Requirements Matchup

PDRHCI - Screen Fields for Infotype Copier

PDRHCOSTC_READ - Structure for Screen Fields of FuGr RHCOST_READ

PDRHCT - Input and Screen Fields for Function Group RHCT

PDRHGB - Input and Screen Fields for Function Group RHGB

PDRHGC - Structure for Function Group RHGC Screens

PDRHPB - Structure for Function Group RHPB

PDRHSI - Structure for Function Group RHSI Screens

PDRHUM - Structure for Screen Fields

PDRQ1 - Requirements Editing: Requirements Specifications

PDRQ2 - Requirements Processin: Entries 5000 + Subscreen 5100

PDRQ3 - Requirements Editing: Select Reqmts Accrdng to Org. Assgnmnt

PDRQ4 - Requirements Processing: Qualifications

PDRQ5 - Requirements Processing: Settings

PDRQ6 - Requirements View: Select Reqmts Accrdng to Org. Assignmnt

PDRQ7 - Requirements Processing: Requirements Attributes

PDRQ8 - Requirements Processing: Requirements Attributes

PDRQ9 - Requirements Processing: Req. Specs Details

PDSEL - Definition of Conditions for Accessing Objects

PDSMAINT_BUNIT_V - Generated Table for View

PDSMAINT_COMP_STR - Structure for Database Tables

PDSMAINT_EINA_STR - Structure for Info Record Information

PDSMAINT_EINE_STR - Data Structure for Info Records

PDSMAINT_HEAD_STR - Structure for Saving Header Data for PDS

PDSMAINT_KAP - Names for Capacity


PDSMAINT_LOGSYS_RNG - Logical System Ranges


PDSMAINT_MATNR_RNG - Material Ranges

PDSMAINT_MKAL_KEY_STR - Key Table for Production Versions


PDSMAINT_SEL - Selection

PDSMAINT_SOS_NAME_BOM_STR - Name for BOM Source of Supply

PDSMAINT_SOS_NAME_STR - Name of PDS Source of Supply in SCM

PDSMAINT_STKO_STR - Structure for Managing BOM Header Data

PDSMAINT_TAB - PDS Maintenance: Tab Information

PDSMAINT_VERID_RNG - Ranges for Production Versions

PDSMAINT_WC - Work Center Assignment to ID

PDSMAINT_WERK_RNG - Range Structure for Plant Data

PDSNR - Sequential Number for PDC Messages

PDSNR_PRE - SS structure for prefetch with PDSNR

PDSPADMIN - Shift Planning: General Attributes

PDSPDAY - Shift Planning: Shift Plan Day View

PDSPL - Shift Planning: Screen Structure (Assignment View)

PDSPMATCH - Requirements Matchup for the Shift Plan

PDSPPERSON - Employees Assigned to Cover Requirements

PDSPPSP - Pers. Shift Plan w/ Absences/Attendances of Less Than 1 Day

PDSPREQ - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition Interface

PDSPTEAM - Shift Team: Editing the Screen Structure

PDSPWORK - Requirements Source for Shift Planning

PDSP_ENTRY - Entry Screen for Shift Planning

PDSP_OBJECTS - Shift Planning: Target and Source Objects Found

PDSP_PERSON - Assignment of Persons to Job/Organizational Unit per Date

PDSP_PRFL - Shift Planning: Profile Structure

PDSP_SHIFTGROUP - Transfer Structure for Shift Groups

PDSP_STATUS - Shift Planning Entry (Status of Shift Plan)

PDSTATE - Status Texts

PDSTR - RHSTRU00 Screen Fields

PDSY1 - FctGr RPDO: Documentation to be Inserted/Imported

PDSY2 - FctGr RPDO: Documentation List Structure

PDSYS - Text Key for DSYS Indexing

PDS_ADMN_DATA - Administration Data

PDS_COMP - Component Data for PDS

PDS_COMP_DISPLAY - Component Data for PDS

PDS_COMP_MAINTAINABLE - Maintainable Fields for PDS Components

PDS_FLAGS_4_CHANGE - Administrative Fields for PDS Maintenance

PDS_HEADER - Header Data for PDS with Changes

PDS_HEADER_4_CHANGE - Header Data for PDS with Changes

PDS_HEADER_DISPLAY - Header Data for PDS with Changes

PDS_KEY - Key Table for PDS Data from PDS Maintenance

PDS_KEY_STR - Key Structure for PDS Data from PDS Maintenance

PDS_OPER - PDS Data for Operations and Dependent Data

PDS_OPER_DISPLAY - PDS Data for Operations and Dependent Data


PDS_OPR_MAPPING - Persistant operation mapping for PDS integration

PDS_RESULT_DISPLAY - Results List Structure - Header Row

PDTASK - Texts for Task Editing

PDTASK_REL - Relate Structure for Task with Agent

PDTASK_TYP - Selection List for Task Type

PDTC - Internal Table for Planned Delivery Time Calculation

PDTC_T_EBELN - Table for Storing Data Temporarily

PDTC_T_MBLNR - Material Document Number

PDTC_T_WE_MA - Table for Storing Data Temporarily

PDTSTR - HR: Structure for Difference Table DT

PDT_HULIST_ITEM - Packing Transaction Packing Proposal: HU and Level

PDT_HURES - Transfer Structure for HURES Records

PDT_PI_QTY - Cumulative Packing Quantity of a Packing Instruction

PDT_PROPHU - Packing Transaction Packing Proposal: Prototype

PDT_PRTHUS - Packing Transaction Packing Proposal: HU Prototypes

PDT_S_DLVRY - Transfer Structure for Deliveries

PDT_S_DLVRY_COMP - Comparison Structure Deliveries / HUs

PDT_S_HUNUM_PI - Provisional HU Number and Packing Instruction

PDT_S_HU_COMP - Comparison Structure HUs / Deliveries

PDT_S_HU_TO_DLV - Pre-Assignment of HUs to Deliveries

PDT_S_LEANWM_HU - Transfer Structure for HUs for TO Confirmation (Lean WM)

PDT_S_STLOC - Structure for Storage Locations

PDT_S_VHUCHGHU - Transfer Structure for HUs for Quantity Changes

PDVER_BW_V - Generated Table for View PDVER_BW_V

PDV_DISTKEY - Distribution Key for Production Version

PDV_LOCKMODE - Lock Mode for Production Version

PDV_LOCPROPOS - Issue Storage Location for Production Version

PDV_LOCRECEIV - Receiving Storage Location for Production Version

PDWFCTASK - Screen Fields for Customer Enhancements of Standard Objects

PDWISTAT - Transfer Structure for Work Item Status

PDWORK - Additional structure for workplaces in the PD order.

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