List of SAP Tables objects containing

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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with p


P1000 - Infotype 1000: Object Name
P1000_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1001 - Infotype 1001: Relationships
P1001_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1001_FIN_ALV - Output Structure in ALV for Financings
P1001_OLD - Infotype 1001 with ADATA Old Length (Rel. 2.2/3.0/3.1) P100...

P1010 - Infotype 1010: Authorities and Resources
P1010_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1011 - Infotype 1011: Work Schedule
P1011HORA - Structure for Work Schedules in P1011
P1011_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1011_FAC - Infotype 1011: Work Schedule P101...

P1020 - Infotype 1020: Demand
P1020_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1021 - Infotype 1021: Costs
P1021_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1022 - Infotype 1022: Schedule
P1022_AF - Additional Query Fields P102...

P1030 - Infotype 1030: Business Event Procedure
P1030_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1031 - Infotype 1031: Additional Business Event Info
P1031_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1032 - Infotype 1032: Mail Addresses
P1032_AF - Additional Query Fields P103...

P1040 - Infotype 1040: Blank Job Requirements Indicator
P1040_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1041 - Infotype 1041
P1041_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1041_EXP - Infotype 1041 expanded
P1042 - Infotype 1042 P104...

P1050 - Infotype 1050: Job Evaluation Results
P1050_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1051 - Infotype 1051: Job Survey
P1051_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1055 - Infotype 1055: Qualification Management
P1055_AF - Additional Query Fields P105...

P1060 - Infotype 1060
P1060_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1060_EXP - Infotype 1060 expanded
P1061 - Infotype 1061
P1061_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1061_EXP - Infotype 1061 Expanded Structure P106...

P1070 - Infotype 1070: XXXX text
P1071 - Infotype 1071: Roster attributes
P1071_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1072 - Infotype 1072: Roster point attributes
P1072_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1080 - Infotype 1080: Classification
P1080_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1081 - Infotype 1081: Position Attributes
P1081_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1082 - Infotype 1082: Organizational Unit Type
P1082_AF - Additional Query Fields P108...

P10AI - US QDRO Attorney Information
P10CI - US QDRO Court Information
P10F1 - Decision fields for feature 10RIF
P10PL - Benefit Repeat Structure for QDRO Plans
P10P_1042SEL - 1042-S report selection screen
P10P_ADR - Address - EEO
P10P_ADR2 - Address - EEO - additional information
P10P_CERT - Certificate and Area
P10P_EEO - EEO - Smart Forms P10P...

P10QDROBEN - US: QDRO Beneficiary (used in IT 0566)
P10QDROPLANS - US: QDRO Plan (used in IT 0566)
P10SC - Structure for PD infotype screen control feature
P10ST - Structure for Features 10STT and 10OSW
P10TA - Tax area/tax authority structure for BSI TaxLocator
P10TE - BSI TaxLocator: Test Structure for Employee
P10TE_10 - BSI TaxLocator: Structure for Employee data
P10TE_70 - BSI TaxLocator: Test Structure for Employee
P10TE_80 - BSI TaxLocator: Test Structure for Employee
P10TE_90 - BSI TaxLocator: Structure for Employee data P10T...

P10W2 - Structure for W-2 information
P10_EEO - Line1 for EEO
P10_HRUSPBS_FAMILY - Public Sector US: Family/related persons
P10_MWR_FIELDS - Tax Reporter DDIC fields for MWR forms
P10_RECON_DATA - Payroll Reconciliation Report Output Table
P10_RECON_DATA_CE - Payroll Reconciliation Report Output Table (CE)
P10_RECON_TOTAL - Payroll Reconciliation Report Totals Table P10_...


P11D - Proxy Structure (generated)
P11DB - Proxy Structure (generated)
P11D_CONV - Conversion of evaluation class 11 to cummulation wage types
P11_ABS_HRERROR_TEXT - Error text transfer table for error handling
P11_ALV_HE - HR-IE: General List output header
P11_EHCS_ACH - EHECS: ALV Structure Analitics Checks
P11_EHCS_CD - EHECS: Report Structure Company Details
P11_EHCS_HDR - EHECS: Report Structure Header
P11_EHCS_KEY - EHECS: Report Structure Keys P11_...


P1201 - Infotype 1201: Object Methods
P1201_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1205 - Infotype 1205: WF Process to be Executed
P1205_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1206 - Infotype 1206: WF Work Item Text
P1206_AF - Additional Query Fields P120...

P1210 - Infotype 1210
P1210_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1210_EXP - Infotype 1210 Expanded
P1211 - Infotype 1211
P1211_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1211_EXP - Infotype 1211 Expanded P121...

P1220 - Infotype 1220: Activity Classes
P1220_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1220_EXP - Infotype 1220 Expanded
P1221 - Infotype 1221: Excluded Activities
P1221_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1221_EXP - Infotype 1221 Expanded P122...

P1230 - Infotype 1230: Clerk Determination
P1240 - Infotype 1240: Existence Dependency
P1240_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1250 - Infotype 1250: Profile generator: Authorizations
P1250_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1250_EXP - Infotype 1250 Expanded
P1251 - Infotype 1251: Profile generator: Fields
P1251_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1251_EXP - Infotype 1251 Expanded P125...

P1260 - Infotype 1260: CIC Profile
P1261 - Infotype 1261: IC WebClient Profile
P1261_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1262 - Infotype 1262: IC Manager Profile
P1262_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1263 - Infotype 1263: Business Role P126...

P1270 - Info Type 1270: CO Group Allocation
P1271 - Infotype 1271: Composite Survey Results
P1271_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1280 - Work Item Basic Data
P1281 - Work Item Schedule Data
P1282 - Event Type Linkage
P1283 - Work Item Return Data
P1291 - Infotype 1291: EIC: Assignment of Levels
P1291_AF - Additional Query Fields
P12AL01_NATPER_2012Q2 - Natural person (90017)
P12AL01_SERVICE_DATE - SRD Service Data (90279)
P12AL01_T_NATPER_2012Q2 - Natural Person (90017)
P12AL01_T_SERVICE_DATE - SRD Service Data (90279)
P12BEVL_S_ASSA - BEEVL: Additional Scale Salary
P12BEVL_S_OPSD - BEEVL: Occupation Public Service Data
P12BEVL_S_SCSA - BEEVL: Scale Salary
P12BOWA_TY_DECL_PERIODS - BOWA Declarations periods INTERNAL type
P12BOWM_DCLS_1 - Declarations in monthly Belcotax Declaration
P12BOWM_DECL_1 - Single Declaration monthly Belcotax Declaration P12B...

P12DIM000 - DIMONA declaration record 000: ID of electronic carrier
P12DIM001 - DIMONA declaration record 001: Address of the sender
P12DIM002 - DIMONA declaration record 002: Contact
P12DIM100 - DIMONA declaration record 100: Identification of Employer
P12DIM101 - DIMONA declaration record 101: ID of natural person P12D...

P12EGOV_DAQ_S_0735_2010 - EGOV : Key fields from infotype 0735 - Dimona Decalaration
P12EGOV_DAQ_S_0735_2011_Q4 - EGOV : Key fields from infotype 0735 - Dimona Decalaration
P12EGOV_DAQ_S_ACIN_2010 - EGOV : DAQ Anomaly Complementary Information
P12EGOV_DAQ_S_ADDR_2010 - EGOV : DAQ Address Structure
P12EGOV_DAQ_S_ADSP_2010 - EGOV : DAQ Address Structure
P12EGOV_DAQ_S_ADUS_2010 - EGOV : DAQ Address Structure for Using Employer P12E...

P12MODELG - Model G data
P12NOVL_DAQ_S_EMPLOYEE_2012 - Notification Viewer Log: EMPLOYEE 2012
P12NOVL_DAQ_S_ERROR_2012 - Notification Viewer Log: Error 2012
P12NOVL_DAQ_S_FORM_2012 - Notification Viewer Log: Form 2012
P12NOVL_DAQ_S_PATH_2012 - Notification Viewer Log: Path 2012
P12NOVL_DAQ_S_STAT_2012 - Notification Viewer Log: Statistics 2012
P12NOVL_DAQ_T_EMPLOYEE_2012 - Notification Viewer Log: EMPLOYEE 2012 P12N...

P12P1_FORM_SENIORITY_CALC - Form of seniority calculation for Public Sector Belgium
P12P1_SENC_FTRISE_LINE - Seniority calc. Public Sector Belgium: future pay rise line
P12P1_SENC_PERSDATA - Seniority calculation Public Sector Belgium: personal data
P12P1_SENC_SENIORITY - Seniority calculation Public Sector Belgium: seniority data
P12P_SENLOGFILE - Belgian Public Sector seniority : logfile
P12RED - Reductions for Social Insurance Belgium
P12SB00_DAQ_S_DECL_BODY_2009 - Social Balance SB00: DAQ DECLARATION CODES Structure 2009
P12SB00_DAQ_S_DECL_BODY_2013 - Social Balance SB00: DAQ DECLARATION CODES Structure 2013
P12SB00_DAQ_S_DECL_FRAME1_2009 - Social Balance SB00: DAQ DECLARATION Codes Frame 1 2009
P12SB00_DAQ_S_DECL_FRAME1_2013 - Social Balance SB00: DAQ DECLARATION Codes Frame 1 2013
P12SB00_DAQ_S_DECL_FRAME2_2009 - Social Balance SB00: DAQ DECLARATION Codes Frame 2 2009
P12SB00_DAQ_S_DECL_FRAME3_2009 - Social Balance SB00: DAQ DECLARATION Codes Frame 3 2009 P12S...

P12UN05_CLOSING_PERIOD - Closing period
P12UN05_COLLECT_CLOSING - Collective Closing
P12UN05_DEPARTMENT - Department
P12UN05_DEPARTMENT_2012Q1 - Department
P12UN05_FORMID - Identification of Social Risk Declaration
P12UN05_MTUHOURS - Month. Decl. Temp. Unempl. Hrs P12U...

P12VS_PR_TAB_RECORD - Output structure for Universal Evaluation RPLPKSB0
P12VS_PR_TAB_RECORD_PDF - Display Structure for PC Universal Evaluation (PDF)
P12_BHOLP_SVEVL_EXTENDED - New Holiday Pay - SVEVL Extended for evaluation
P12_BHOL_RESULT_ALV - Holiday Pay : Table for the ALV result
P12_CCAR_CALENDAR - Actual calendar info
P12_CCAR_DETAILS - Company Car: Calculate Monthly Tax Amount
P12_CI_CALC - Complementary Indemnity: Calculation for CI payments struc.
P12_CI_CALC_TEXT - Complementary Indemnity: Calculation for CI payments texts P12_...


P13P1_AGEST_ALV - Structure fo PIF interface ALV list
P13P1_PIF_ALV - Structure fo PIF interface ALV list
P13_ABS_TAB - Structure for Absence table IT0573
P13_L2006X_ADJ - Structure for L2006X_ADJ for IT0573
P13_P0011 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0011 (Ext.Bank Transfers)
P13_P0023L - HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Previous Employment)
P13_P0188 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0188 (Tax Australia)
P13_P0220 - Super Annation Infotype 0220 AU P13_...


P1403 - Infotype 1403
P1403_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1404 - Infotype 1404: Task-related exposures
P1404_AF - Additional Query Fields
P14_EA_EXIT - BADI Structure for Section B in EC form
P14_EA_SECF_EXIT - BADI Structure for Section F in EA form
P14_EC_EXIT - Badi Structure for Section B in EC form


P1500 - Infotype 1500: Budget Administration
P15001 - Type 1 record DM10 tape
P15002 - Record 2 structure for DM10/M on magnetic medium
P15003 - Record 3 structure for DM10/M on magnetic medium
P15005 - Table structure
P1500_AF - Additional Fields: Query Infotype 1500 P150...

P1511 - Infotype 1511: Altertive Valuations
P1511_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1512 - Infotype 1512: Attributes of Personnel Budget Plan
P1512_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1513 - Infotype 1513: Job Title
P1513_AF - Additional Query Fields P151...

P1520 - Infotype 1520: Budget Definition
P1520_AF - Additional Fields: Query Infotype 1520
P15FE - Field String for Feature in T549B
P15I1 - Structure for infotype 158 reading - Italy only
P15I8 - Structure for the payroll log
P15M1 - Structure for 101 form management via Sapscript
P15R2 - Record 2 structure for DM10/M on magnetic medium
P15R3 - Record 3 structure for DM10/M on magnetic medium
P15R6 - Record structure 6 for DM10/M on magnetic disk
P15R8 - Record structure 8 for DM10/M on magnetic disk
P15_548_UI_ALV_OUT - Data unification 548
P15_730_UI_ALV_OUT - Data entry from CAF
P15_730_UI_ALV_OUT_2012 - Data entry from CAF
P15_770TTOT - Structure Type for 770 (Totals)
P15_770_GENERAL_REC - General Record
P15_770_GENERAL_TEXT - General Text P15_...


P1600 - Infotype 1600: Organizer ID (F)
P1600_AF - Additional Fields Query
P1601 - Infotype 1601: statutory requirements (F)
P1601_AF - Additional Fields Query
P1610 - Infotype 1610: US EEO / AAP Categories
P1610_AF -
P1611 - Infotype 1611: US EEO / VETS Reporting Unit
P1611_AF -
P1612 - Infotype 1612: US WC State / WC Code
P1612_AF - P161...

P1620 - Infotype 1620: Job Attributes Germany
P1620_AF - Additional query fields
P1630 - Infotype 1630: NQF Unit standard
P1631 - Infotype 1631: NQF Qualifications
P1632 - Infotype 1632: NQF Outcomes
P1633 - Infotype 1633: Equity Attributes (ZA)
P1633_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1640 - Infotype 1640: Special Labour Conditions
P1640_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1641 - Infotype 1641: US WC State / WC Code on JOB
P1643 - Infotype 1643: Job Classification
P1643_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1650 -
P1650_AF -
P1651 - Infotype 1651:Grades
P1652 - Infotype 1652: Occupational categories
P1652_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1653 - Infotype 1653: Retirement Age P165...

P1660 - Infotype 1660: US Fed Pos Attributes
P1660_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1661 - Infotype 1661: US Federal Job Attributes
P1661_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1670 -
P1670_AF -
P1671 -
P1671_AF -
P1675 - Infotype 1675: SIADAP - Object nature
P1675_AF - Additional Query Fields P167...

P1680 - Infotype 1680
P1680_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1680_EXP - Infotype 1680 expanded structures
P1681 - Infotype 1681
P1681_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1681_EXP - Infotype 1681 expanded structures P168...

P1690 - Infotype 1690: TNM attributes
P1690_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1691 - Infotype 1691
P1691_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1691_EXP - Infotype 1691 expanded structures
P16_DECOD - SARS Deductions Codes
P16_EE_DETAILS - IRP5 Employee Details
P16_GOSKEY1 - GOS Key for Lab.Rel. (ZA)
P16_INCOD - SARS Income Codes
P16_ORGTAB - Organization Table - Tax Reference No./UIF Reference No.
P16_P3202_K - Clearing structure for infotype 3202 P16_...


P1701 - Infotype 1701: Status Attributes
P1701_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1702 - Infotype 1702: Personal Data
P1702_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1703 - Infotype 1703 (Challenge)
P1703_AF - Additional Query Fields P170...

P1710 - Infotype 1710: Academic Scales
P1710_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1711 - Infotype 1711: Residency
P1711_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1712 - Infotype 1712: Visa/Registration
P1712_AF - Additional Query Fields P171...

P1721 - Infotype 1721
P1721_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1721_EXP - Infotype 1721 (Expanded Structure)
P1722 - Infotype 1722: Academic Event Info
P1722_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1723 - Infotype 1723: Calculation Rules P172...

P1730 - Infotype 1730: Program Data
P1730_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1731 - Infotype 1731: Category
P1731_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1732 - Infotype 1732: Fee Calculation Data
P1732_AF - Additional Query Fields P173...

P1741 - Infotype 1741: Academic Credit
P1741_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1742 - Infotype 1742: Fee Calculation Data
P1742_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1743 - Infotype 1743: Business Event Packages
P1743_AF - Additional Query Fields P174...

P1750 - Infotype 1750
P1750_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1751 - Infotype 1751 (Offering Patterns)
P1751_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1752 - Infotype 1752
P1752_AF - Additional Query Fields P175...

P1760 - Infotype 1760: External Subject Data
P1760_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1761 - Infotype 1761: Graduation
P1761_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1762 - Infotype 1762: Requirement Profile Templates
P1762_AF - Additional Fields for Query P176...

P1770 - Infotype 1770: General Data
P1770_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1771 - Infotype 1771: Registration/Re-registration
P1771_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1772 - Infotype 1772 (Progression)
P1772_AF - Additional Query Fields P177...

P1780 - Infotype 1780 (Graduation)
P1780_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1782 - Infotype 1782: HESA/UCAS Data (GB)
P1782_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1783 - Infotype 1783
P1783_AF - Additional Query Fields P178...

P1790 - Infotype 1790: Identification Numbers
P1790_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1791 - Infotype 1791: ES: Module Data
P1791_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1792 - Infotype 1792: ES: Cohort Data
P1792_AF - Additional Query Fields P179...


P1800 - InfoType 1800: Industry
P1800_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1801 - InfoType 1801: Account Assignment
P1801_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1802 - InfoType 1802: Relevance
P1802_AF - Additional Fields: Query P180...

P1810 - Infotype 1810: Risk Control Type
P1810_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1811 - Infotype 1811: Settings: Process
P1811_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1812 - Infotype 1812: Settings: Process Group
P1812_AF - Additional Fields: Query P181...

P1820 - Infotype 1820
P1820_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1820_EXP - Infotype 1820 Expanded Structure
P1821 - Infotype 1821: Risk Impact
P1821_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1822 - Infotype 1822: Chart of Accounts P182...

P1844 - Infotype 1844: KRI template attributes
P1844_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1845 - Infotype 1845: OU Currency & Risk Appt
P1845_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1846 - Infotype 1846
P1846_AF - Additional Query Fields P184...

P1850 - Infotype 1850: KRI Instance attr
P1850_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1851 - Infotype 1851: KRI Selection Attr
P1851_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1852 - Infotype 1852: Role Assignment
P1852_AF - Additional Query Fields P185...

P1880 - Infotype 1880
P1880_AF - Additional Fields for Query
P1880_EXP - Infotype 1880 Expanded Structure
P1881 - Infotype 1881: Type of Instruction
P1881_AF - Additional Fields for Query
P1882 - Infotype 1882: Description P188...

P1890 - Infotype 1890: Payment Details - NL
P1890_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1890_EXP - Infotype 1891 expanded structures
P1891 - Infotype 1891
P1891_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1891_EXP - Infotype 1891 expanded structures P189...

P18_01 - RGDIR with ID of period (for reports)
P18_02 - Structure for function Employee status CZ
P18_03 -
P18_04 - Structure of table 2RT (copy of PC207)
P18_05 - Structure for error messages in CZMSG
P18_06 - P18_...


P1930 - Infotype 1930: Risk Type
P1930_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1933 - Infotype 1933: Applicant Refree Details
P1933_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1934 - Infotype 1934
P1934_AF - Additional Query Fields P193...

P1950 - Infotype 1950: Force Properties
P1950_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1950_DYNP - Additional Screen Fields for Infotype 1950
P1951 - Infotype 1951: Force Readiness
P1951_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1952 - Infotype 1952: Force Addresses P195...

P1980 - Infotype 1980
P1980_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1980_EXP - Infotype 1980: Expanded Structure
P1981 - Infotype 1981
P1981_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1981_EXP - Infotype 1981 Expanded Structure P198...

P1990 - Infotype 1990: NATO Information
P1990_AF - Additional Fields for Query
P19ES_COMP - Employee Summary - company header
P19ES_COMP_U - Employee Summary - company header (union list)
P19ES_EMP - Employee Summary - employee header
P19TAX_ANO - Tax - year
P19TAX_DECLARANTE - Tax - declarant
P19TAX_DECTYP - Tax - declaration type
P19TAX_EMPLOYEE - Employee line - worker record
P19TAX_EMPLOYEE18 - Employee line - worker record
P19TAX_EMPLOYEE19 - Employee line - worker record P19T...

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