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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with m


ME59_OUTTAB - Output Structure for ME59
ME59_S_ITEM - Item Data for ME59
ME59_S_TODO - List with Data and Logs for ME59


ME80FN_EINT - Structure ME80FN_EINT for Schedule Lines
ME80FN_HIST - Structure for ME80FN
ME83_S_LOG - Message Log for ME83
ME83_S_TODO - Work Structure for ME83


MEA1 - Internal Management of EANs for Material: Direct Input
MEA1_TMP - File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
MEA1_UEB - Data Transfer: EANs
MEA2 - Internal Management of EANs for Material: ALE Retail
MEACCADD - Supplement to Account Assignment in Purchasing
MEACCDATA - Further Data for Account Assignment Check
MEACCT1000 - Account Assignment View SAPLMEACCTVIEWS 1000
MEACCT1100 - Account Assignment View SAPLMEACCTVIEWS 1100
MEACCT1200 - Header Data: Account Assignment View
MEACCT1300 - Box: Repeat Insertion of Account Assignments MEAC...

MEALERTS - Table for Client Alert Information for CCMS
MEALERTS_CONF - Configuration for Alerts monitored by CCMS
MEALERTS_RES - Results of ME Alerts
MEALERTS_SAVE - Table for Client Alert Information for CCMS
MEAN - International Article Numbers (EANs) for Material
MEANI - Internal Management of EANs for Material
MEANI_F - EAN with Management Information (Full Key)
MEANU - Internal Table for Posting MEAN Entries
MEAN_UEB - Data Transfer: EANs
MEAPO_PO_HISTORY - Purchase Order History for RFC/APO
MEAPPLICATION_INTERFACE - List of Mobile Device Applications
MEAPUORCUS - Structure to Populate CIFPUORCUS in Purchasing
MEASURE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
MEASUREMENTMETHOD - List of EV measurement methods
MEASURE_UNIT_CODE_CONTEXT_ELEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
MEAVVE - Transfer Struct.: Order Acc./Compl. Confirms. - Vendor Eval.


MEBANF_QUERY_FIELDS - Structure for Selection Fields in Query MEBANF
MEBBPINBOX_MSG_H_EXP - Inbox Folder Contents
MEBBPINBOX_SYNC_PARAMS - Meta Syncparameters
MEBBPPLANT_ORD_C_EXP - WAF: Export Structure Order Component MEBB...


MECAT_FIELDMAP - Assignment: Catalog Fields <-> Item Fields
MECCP_DOCFLOW - Document Flow for Cross-Company-Code Procurement
MECCP_TPO_PRICE - Condition Value: Stock Transport Order
MECD2_BUYER - Buyer Approval: View Data
MECDGRID - Change Documents: Purchasing: ALV Display Structure
MECDTDELTA - Delta Text Structure
MECDT_S_WORDS - Structure of Word Differences
MECD_UNDO - MM Change Item for Undo
MECHCMP - Structure for Table Control in Screen 'Create Char.'
MECHDTEL - Description of Data Elements
MECHEXTRAC - Auxiliary Structure for Screen 'Create Characteristic'
MECHMSD - ROMSDIOBJ for 'Display Characteristic'
MECH_LOG - Log Structure for Consistency Check of Metadata
MECLCOMPO - Client Component
MECLIENTCOMP - Components from Client for CCMS
MECLIENTLOG - CCMS: Log Entries of Clients
MECLIENTTRACE - CCMS: Trace Entries of the Clients
MECLIENT_ANALYSIS - Screen Structure
MECLIENT_USER - Structure for Client User Name MECL...

MECONFIG - General Customizing Table for MI
MECONFIG_J2EE - Host Name and Port of J2EE Engine for MI
MECONF_BAPI_HEADER - Confirmation Header Information
MECONF_BAPI_ITEM - Confirmation Item for Confirmation API
MECONF_DETAIL - Confirmation Detail Data MECO...

MECP1000 - Communication Structure Commitment Plan
MECP1100 - Communication Structure Commitment Plan Item
MECP1100GRID - Commitment Plan: Communication Structure Grid
MECP1200 - Communication Structure Commitment Plan Account Assignment
MECP1200GRID - Commitment Plan: Communication Structure Grid Account Assgt
MECP_CP_DATA - Item Data Commitment Plan and Account Assignment MECP...

MEC_ISI_EXIT_SAPLMSP_40 - ME&C Ext. Structure - Customer Exit FB Import. Parameter


MEDCMT_GRID - Text Versions: Grid Structure
MEDEPLCONV - Structure to pass deployment information and conversation ID
MEDEVICE_CONFIG_INTERFACE - Device Profile Interface for Mobile Device Class
MEDICAL_CLAIM - Medical claim structure
MEDICAL_EXAM - Medical examination structure
MEDIUM_NAME3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
MEDIUM_NAME4 - Proxy Structure (generated)


MEFSMAP1 - Structure for Screen Layout


MEGUI_MASSCH_ALLOWED_FIELDS - Field for Fast Change, Enjoy Purchase Order
MEGUI_RANGE - Selection of Objects for Fast Change


MEICO - Transfer Structure, Purchasing Info Record
MEICR - Return Structure, Purchasing Info Record
MEIK - Make-to-Order Stock for Customer Order
MEINSTALL_FILE_INTERFACE - Interface for Installation Files
MEINSTALL_SEQUENCE - Structure for Installation Sequence
MEITEMS - ME: Online/Offline DemoItems


MEKET - Transfer Structure: Schedule Lines for Function Module


MELDU - Forecast Procedural and Error Messages
MELD_EQUI - Structure with Order No. and Equipment No.
MELOG_S_EVENT_CONFIG - Configuration: Event Type
MELOG_S_HANDLER_CONFIG - Configuration: Message Handler


MEMALLOC - Memory class allocation
MEMAPPDEST - RFC Destination for Mobile Engine Mapping
MEMBERREF - Object Relationship Service object identifier with reference
MEMEI - Units of Measure for Info Record
MEMGMT_AGENT_DESCRIPTION - Device Management Agent with Parameter and Value
MEMGMT_APPLICATIONS_EXT_STR - ME: Applications structure(extended)
MEMGMT_APPLICATIONS_STR - ME: Applications structure
MEMGMT_ASSIGNMENT_OVERVIEW - Overview of Assignments in the Web Console
MEMGMT_AUTH - Auth. Groups with Description for Device Configurations
MEMGMT_AUTH_GRP - Authorization Groups for Device Configuration MEMG...

MEMHIST - SAP Memory Statistics: History
MEMMODETAB - External and internal modes of a user
MEMOACT - Data on applicant action
MEMOCLUST - Structure for Connection of CO Area Cluster / BOR
MEMON_QUEUE_RESULT_STR - ME:Generic Sync Monitor Get list result
MEMON_QUEUE_RETURN_DETAIL_STR - MI: Monitor Generic Sync Queue line type
MEMON_QUEUE_RETURN_POS_STR - MI: Monitor Generic Sync Queue line type GetPos
MEMON_QUEUE_RETURN_STR - ME:Generic Sync Monitor Get list result MEMO...

MEMPADELIM - Delimiters for Message
MEMPAMONITOR - Alert ID: Reply Details for MPA
MEMPARAMTR - Memory management parameters
MEMPARAMTX - Memory Management Parameter DEC15
MEMPARAMTY - Memory Management Parameter DEC15
MEMSD - Mobile Solution Descriptor: Main Table
MEMSD_APPLTYPE - MI-MSD: Values for Applications
MEMSD_CUST - Mobile Solution Descriptor: Customizing Table
MEMSD_CUSTATT - Mobile Solution Descriptor: Customizing Attributes
MEMSD_CUST_INTERFACE - Mobile Solution Descriptor: Customizing Data for Interface
MEMSD_DEP - Mobile Solution Descriptor: Dependencies MEMS...

MEM_ALL - Accumulated data for each memory
MEM_SRV - Communication Structure for BI ALE-Distributed Contracts
MEM_SUM - Accumulated data for each memory
MEM_SUM_EX - Accumulated Data for Each Memory, Extended


MENAMEVALUE - Name-Value Pair of Strings
MENG2 - Material Master View: Units of Measure
MENGE - Material Master View: Alternative Quantity of Material
MENMIGPROT - Log Structure for Menu Migration
MENTAB - Structure for Transferring the Menus
MENTREE1 - Menu Maintenance Table
MENTREE1T - Text Table for Menus
MENTRMIG - Menu Structure for the Menu Migration
MENTRMIGT - Structure for Menu Migration Texts
MENU_ATT_GUI - Structure for GUI
MENU_RELE - Release stamp table
MENU_TCODE - Transaction Code for Area Menus
MEN_EXITS - Definition of exits for the menu load event


MEORDERS - Mobile Engine: Online Offline Demo
MEOUT1250 - Fields for Screen 1250
MEOUT1410 - Fields for Screen 1410
MEOUT1410GRID - Grid Control Structure für Out ALV Grid
MEOUT1410GRID_DATA - Grid Control Struktur für OUT ALV Grid: Datenteil
MEOUT1419 - Item Details: Material Data
MEOUT1420 - Plant conditions for Central Contract UI MEOU...


MEPI_EBAN - Buffer requisition structure for SAPLMEPI
MEPI_PO - Buffer Purchase Order Structure for SAPLMEPI
MEPLATFORM_DEV - Contains the Values of the Device with Native Components
MEPLATFORM_INTERFACE - Interface for the Platform
MEPLATFORM_TEXT - Long Text Assignment
MEPO1110 - Fields for Purchase Order Header
MEPO1210 - Fields for Purchase Order Item Overview
MEPO1210_DATA - Data Fields for Screen 9120
MEPO1210_FOREIGN - Item Fields not Included in Table Control
MEPO1210_TECH - Fields for Screen 9120
MEPO1211 - Fields for Purchase Order Item Overview MEPO...

MEPRCK - Input for Price Simulation in Purchasing for PPC
MEPRI - Input for Price Simulation in Purchasing
MEPRO - Output of Price Simulation in Purchasing
MEPROCDOC_PROG_SCREEN - Auxiliary Structure for UI Enhancements for Purchasing Docs
MEPROCDOC_T_SUBSCRIBER - Structure Depth for UI Enhancements for Purchasing Documents
MEPRTAB - Price Elements for Product Costing MEPR...


MEQUERYBESTANALYSE - Auxiliary Structure for Order Analysis Query
MEQUERYEKKOEKPO - Auxiliary Structure for Query Data Transport
MEQU_AFPO - Structure for Update AFPO from Revision of Quota Arrangement


MEREL_S_CODE - Release Code
MEREL_S_CODE_DESC - Description of Release Code
MEREL_S_DATA - Rel. Procedure for Purchasing Docs: Fields Subj. to Release
MEREL_S_FINAL - Final Release
MEREL_S_GRID1 - Display Release Info: Grid
MEREL_S_GRID2 - Display Release Info: Grid 2 MERE...

MERGECLIL - Command File Input for Merger
MERGECLIL_CHK - Command File Input for Merger - Exceptions
MERGEDIR - Merge - Control Table
MERGEH - Request List of the Transport Merger (Header)
MERGEHRESULT - merge result
MERGEMAPS - Header Information for Merge Maps MERG...

MERKMABS - Sales plan, characteristics planning
MERKMALE - Characteristics for a class
MERKMBED - Planned independent requirement, characteristics planning
MERKTAB - Navigation note table
MERRDAT - DI: Structure for Returning Error Messages
MERRDAT_F - DI: Structure for Returning Error Messages (Retail)
MERRDAT_OLD - DI: Structure for Returning Error Messages in 3.x Format
MERRDAT_TMP - File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input


MESAT - Structure for Single Activity Tracing
MESBETS - PO History Totals Structure for APOMS Scheduling Agreements
MESCR_STP_HDR - Header Structure for Display of Forecast Delivery Schedules
MESCR_S_DISPO - Number of Stopped SA Releases per MRP Controller
MESCR_S_VENDOR - Address Key
MESCR_V_PARTNER - Generated Table for View
MESCR_V_SC_PART - Generated Table for View
MESEC_STORAGE - Link beween device and symmetric key
MESG - Message collector
MESIFIELDS - Fields for Sub-Items in Purchasing
MESMINFO - Info Structure Smart Sync ABAP Stack
MESSA - Message field list - availability check
MESSAGE - Message Line for CAD Dialog Interface
MESSAGES - Log Interface Messages
MESSAGE_BODY - Proxy Structure (generated)
MESSAGE_BODY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
MESSAGE_CONTEXT - Context Data for a Message MESS...

MESTXH - Text Header for Direct Input
MESTXL - Text Line for Direct Input
MESTYPESIF - Possible message types for an object
MESWP_ALERT_COUNT_STR - Aggregated alert info
MESWP_ALERT_STR - Structure with Alerts for SIC
MESWP_APO_ALERT_COUNT_STR - Aggregated alert info
MESWP_APO_ALERT_STR - Structure with Alerts for SIC

MESYBODY - WAF: Body of Synchronization Container
MESYBODYC - Body for Synchronisation Container
MESYGENBODY - Mobile Engine: Generic Sync Bodies
MESYHEAD - Mobile Engine: Header for Synchronization Container
MESYHEADC - Header for Synchronization Container MESY...


METADATA_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
METADATA_SECTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
METADATA_SECTION_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
METAL_DATA - Data for METAL - ME Transaction Launcher
METECH_MON_OIP_STR - ME:Technical Monitor - OIP structure
METERREADING_MV_DS - Maintenance Structure for Attribute METERR
METERREADING_MV_S - Maintenance Structure for Attribute METERR
METERREADING_S - Meter Readings for Service Billing Simulation
METER_SLCT - Struct. for Dev. Selection
METEXTLINE - Text Line (for Table Type ME_TEXTLINES) METE...

METHODCALL - Structure for a method call (SE60)
METHODTR - STATUS: Method Execution
METHOD_LOG - Log: method with object and indicator to messages
METHOD_T - Methods
METHRETURN - Return parameters of methods in Personnel Administration
METH_INFO - Structure of Methods Table METH...

METLINE - Meta Data of Documents: Attribute - Value Pair
METRACESET - Client Trace Settings
METRACE_SYNC - Netweaver MI:Enable Tracing for SyncService
METREE - Structure for tree control item
METUP - Structure for Material/Plant Tupel in Source List


MEUQDYN - Screen Structure
MEUSER - Mobile Device User
MEUSERS - Mobile Client User
MEUSER_LIST - System Measurement: Mobile Engine User List
MEUSVALUES - Authorizations per Client User
MEUTCTIME - Structure for Display and Conversion of Time


MEVEREV - Auxil. Structure: Cancellation of Notif.: Vendor Evaluation
MEV_C_CCODE - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing
MEV_C_CCODE_MM - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing MM
MEV_C_CCODE_SD - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing SD
MEV_C_GENCUST_MM - Period-End Valuation: General Customizing MM
MEV_D_AD_ITEM - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item
MEV_D_AD_ITEM_MM - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item MM MEV_...


MEWFCON - Generated Table for View


MEXFT - Auxiliary fields, Purchasing, for parameter transfer
MEXH_OUTTAB_EINA - Output Structure for F4 Help for Table EINA
MEXH_OUTTAB_EKPO - Output Structure for F4 Help for Table EKPO
MEXH_OUTTAB_T006_3 - Output Structure for F4 Help for Table T006
MEXH_OUTTAB_T006_6 - Output Structure for F4 Help for Table T006
MEXH_OUTTAB_T163G - Output Structure for F4 Help for Table T163G
MEXH_OUTTAB_TPRG - Output Structure for F4 Help for Table TPRG MEXH...

MEXTAB - Functions that Are Activated or Deactivated Dynamically


ME_EBUB_RESCHED - Generated Table for View
ME_EKUB_RESCHED - Generated Table for View
ME_HVIEW_T100 - Generated Table for View
ME_HVIEW_T100T - Generated Table for View
ME_VIEW_T100T - Generated Table for View

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