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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with k

KK1UPTEVEN - Structure for Uploading Time Events

KKA0100 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAA-0100 and SAPMKKAC Screens

KKA1000 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAA-1000

KKA2000 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAA-2000

KKA3000 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAA-3000

KKAABGR - Results Analysis Data Cumulative to Date

KKAACAL - Interface for transfer of determ. of capitalization value

KKAAPOS - Interface: View Table from CO Line Items

KKAB100 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAB-0100

KKAB200 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAB-0200

KKACLKKA - Collect Structure for Interface to Function Mod. of Grp KKAG

KKADATEN - Interface: Data for Credit Results Analysis

KKADYEXSHOW - Display Data of Customer Enhancement 1 in Transaction KKA1-3

KKADYEXSHOW1 - Display Data of Customer Enhancement 1 in Transaction KKA1-3

KKAEPOS - Interface: View Table from CO Line Items

KKAE_KONTEN - Account List for Results Analysis

KKAE_MESSAGE - Saves Message with Non-Object-Dependent Information

KKAE_OBJECT - Object Data for Collective Processing in Results Analysis

KKAE_OBJECT_MASTER_DATA - Selected Master Data for an Object (Order, Project, etc.)

KKAE_OBJEKT - Object for Results Analysis

KKAE_OBJEKT_STAMM - Master Data for Object

KKAE_ORDER - Selected Master Data for an Order

KKAE_PARAM - Reference Structure for Collective Processing Parameters

KKAE_PERIODE - Period for Results Analysis

KKAE_SALES_ORDER_ITEM - Selected Master Data for a Sales Order Item

KKAE_SAVED_MSGS_HANDLE - Access Information for Saved Messages from Dinkel

KKAE_STEUERUNG - Control of Results Analysis - Collective Processing

KKAE_WBS - Selected Master Data for a WBS Element

KKAG_RAMDZ - CO Subkey Structure in COSB

KKAG_VEKTOR_RAMDZ - Vector for Dynamic Lines ID

KKAG_ZID_RAMDZ - Assignment of Dynamic Line IDs to Characteristics

KKAH2000 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAA-2000

KKAH3000 - Structure for Screen SAPMKKAA-3000

KKAKEY1 - Key Fields for Internal Table ZIDKATAB

KKAKEY2 - Key Fields for Internal Table ZIDKATOT

KKAKEY3 - Key Fields for Internal Table with Structure KKDATEN

KKAKEY4 - Key for internal tables with structure KKAABGR

KKAKY3000 - Key Structure for KKA3000

KKAKYAPOS - Key Structure for KKAAPOS

KKAKYEPOS - Key Structure for KKAEPOS

KKAKYOPOS - Key Structure for KKAOPOS

KKALADK0 - Composite structure for interface to FunctModule of grp ADKO

KKALKKAG - Collect Structure for Interface to Function Mod. of Grp KKAG

KKAL_KKAB - Collect Structure for Interface for Fnctn Mod. of Grp KKAB

KKAMNG0 - Quantity Fields 01 to 16 (statistical)

KKAMNG1 - Quantity Fields for Field String with Counter Fields

KKAOBJ - Interface: Table with Object Numbers for Res. Analysis Obj.

KKAOBJK - Interface: Table with Objects for Credit/Debit Results Anal.

KKAOPOS - Interface: View Table from CO Line Items

KKAPARA_FA - Table with Faulty Orders of RFC FM with Parallel WIP Calc.

KKAPARA_IN - Input Parameters for RFC Func. Module for Parallel WIP Calc.

KKAPARA_TA - Table w/order pack. for RFC func.mod. for parallel WIP calc.

KKAPARA_VS - Table with RA versions for RFC FM for parallel WIP calc.

KKAPFAKOBJ - Interface: Table with Billing Items for Results Analysis Obj

KKAPROJOBJ - Interface: Table with Object Numbers for Res. Analysis Obj.

KKAPROT - Explanation Supplement in Log from Customer Enhancements

KKAPROT1 - Explanation Supplement in Log from Customer Enhancements

KKATAB0 - Structure for Internal Table MENGTAB

KKATAB1 - Structure for Internal Table ZIDKATAB

KKATAB2 - Structure for Internal Table ZIDKATOT

KKATAB3 - Structure for Internal Table SONSTWK

KKATAB4 - Structure for Internal Table ABGR

KKATAB5 - Structure for Internal Table FORMEL

KKATAB6 - Structure for Internal Table MENGTOT

KKATAB7 - Structure for Internal Table SONSTWK

KKATATEN - Interface: Data for Debit Results Analysis

KKATB0W - Value Fields of Structure KKATAB0

KKATB1W - Value Fields for Structure KKATAB1

KKAVFPER - Interface: Table with Prev. and Following Period per CO Area

KKAWRT0 - Period Fields 01 to 16 (Local Currency)

KKAWRT1 - Total Value Fields (Local Currency)

KKAWRT2 - Value Fields (Local Currency) for Struct. with Calc. Fields

KKAWRT3 - Value Fields (Local Currency) for Struct. with Calc. Fields

KKAWRT4 - Value Fields (Local Currency) for Struct. with Calc. Fields

KKAWRT5 - Value Fields (Local Currency) for Struct. with Calc. Fields

KKAWRT6 - Structure for KKADATEN

KKAWRT7 - Structure for KKADATEN

KKA_ABGR_FIBU - Results Analysis Data Cumulated to Period

KKA_ASSIGN_FMSU - Assignment of FMSU Entries to a Dummy Cost Element

KKA_BEW_REF_PER - Different Reference Periods for Valuation

KKA_CHECK_TKKAP_BEW - Structure for Comparison of TKKAP Entries Corresp. Val.

KKA_COSB - Key Portions of COSBA Record

KKA_DATES_PER_PERIOD_METHOD - Method for Determining the Number of Days per Period

KKA_EB01 - Structure for Results Analysis with Dynamic Items

KKA_EB02 - Structure for Results Analysis with Dynamic Items

KKA_FIBU - Interface for a Function Module of Group KKAA

KKA_HOLE_DATEN - Structure for Function Module KKA_ABGR_HOLE_DATEN

KKA_IST - Actual Data, Cumulative to Period

KKA_LKKAA - Coll. Structure for Interface to Funct. Module of Group KKAA

KKA_MSG_AO - Object for Message Handler - Order

KKA_MSG_ASO - Subobject for Message Handler - Order

KKA_MSG_KO - Object for Message Handler - Sales Order

KKA_MSG_KSO - Subobject for Message Handler - Sales Order

KKA_MSG_PO - Object for Message Handler - WBS Element

KKA_MSG_PSO - Subobject for Message Handler - WBS Element

KKA_SAPKKA08 - Structure for Parameter Display

KKA_SAPKKA17 - Structure for Parameter Display

KKA_SAPKKA18 - Structure for Parameter Display

KKA_SEL_ABKAT - Selection Option for Results Analysis Category

KKA_SEL_FIPOS - Selection Option for Commitment Items

KKA_SEL_OBJNR - Selection Option for Object Number

KKA_SEL_VORGA - Selection Option for CO Transactions

KKA_SZ01 - Output Structure for Simulation Assignment

KKA_SZ02 - Input Structure for Simulation Assignment

KKA_TAX - Additional Tax Calculation

KKA_VERSN - Interface for a Function Module of Group KKAA

KKA_XKAVIST - Change in Actual Data for Export from Function Module

KKB0 - Reporting Screen Fields for Costing

KKB1 - Table for Select Options

KKB2 - Table with Report Parameters

KKB3 - Value Table for Field

KKB4 - Report Parameter Fields

KKBC - Report Table for Cost Object Controlling CO Object

KKBC1 - GRID Cost Element Report: Communication Structure

KKBCQ - Controlling Object from CM View (Quantities Manufactured)

KKBCS - Controlling Object frm CM View (Costs and Input Quantities)

KKBCS_CHAR - KKBCS: General Characteristics

KKBCS_ORIG - KKBCS: Origin Fields

KKBCS_OUT - Output Table KKBCS

KKBCS_OUT_KEY - Output Table KKBCS Key

KKBCS_SREP - Structure for generated infoset for program /KYK/IS_COPC_ORD




KKBCT - Texts for Characteristics of Controlling Object

KKBCZ - Additional Table for KKBCZ

KKBE - Cost Component Report Table

KKBGL - Global value of a report group

KKBJB - Data for a Report Group

KKBKENNZ - Figures for the Object Records (Plus Characteristic GJPER)

KKBKLMERK - Classification Characteristics for Object Records

KKBLI - Library Data

KKBML - Drilldown Structure Material Ledger/Actual Costing

KKBMM - Characteristic Assignment for Selection Screens for Ord. Sel

KKBOB - KKB: Object Records

KKBOBJMERK - Reference Characteristics for Object Records

KKBPKOSA - Product cost collector

KKBSB - Selection Screens for Order Selection

KKBSBT - Text Table for Selection Screens

KKBSBTALL - Selection Screen with Text

KKBU - Report Table for Unit Costing

KKBUD - Screen Fields for Tree Handling

KKBU_EXTENSION - For BADI Interface for Extension of KKBU

KKBU_STRUC - Itemization BADI

KKBWA - Credit Management Work Structure

KKBW_ACT_IS1 - CO-PC-ACT InfoSource 1: ML Data (Movement Data)

KKBW_CCS_DS - DataSource for Actual Cost Component Split CO-PC-ACT

KKBW_CLEVEL_IND_TEXT - Text Extractor Interface

KKBW_ITEM - Price Structure from Itemization for Extraction

KKBW_ITEM_PRICE - Price Structure from Itemization for Extraction

KKBW_PCP1 - PCP Extractor Structure 1: Any Calculations

KKBW_PCP2 - PCP Extractor Structure 2: Released Calculations

KKBW_PCP_CHAR - Central Characteristics WBS

KKBW_PCP_CHAR_CK - Characteristics for Costing Key

KKBW_PCP_CHAR_EL - Characteristics for Def. of Split


KKBW_PCP_CHAR_VA - Characteristics for Currency/Valuation


KKBW_PCP_KEYF - Key Figures

KKBW_PCP_SREP_10 - Product Cost Analysis: Overview

KKBW_PCP_SREP_20 - Product Cost Analysis: Cost Elements

KKBW_XBEW_IS1 - Material Valuation: Inventory Values

KKBW_XBEW_IS2 - Material Valuation: Inventory Values - Sales Order Stocks

KKBW_XBEW_IS3 - Material Valuation: Inventory Values - Project Stocks

KKBW_XBEW_IS4 - Material Valuation: Prices

KKBW_XBEW_IS5 - Material Valuation: Prices - Sales Order Stocks

KKBW_XBEW_IS6 - Material Valuation: Prices - Project Stocks

KKB_ABGRENZUNG - Results Analysis

KKB_ABGRENZUNG_KW - Results Analysis Key Figures in Controlling Area Currency

KKB_ABGRENZUNG_OW - Results Analysis Key Figures in Object Currency

KKB_ABGRENZUNG_WERTE - Key Figures of Results Analysis

KKB_ANWSB - Screen Fields for Appliction Selection Screen

KKB_AUFLOESUNG - Quantity Structure Control Itemization

KKB_BG - Structure Explosion: Top Cost Estimate

KKB_BOM_STATUS - Status Variables for Costed Multilevel BOM

KKB_CBL - Output Line Costing BOM Line

KKB_CBL_EGROUP - Cost Component Groups for Costing BOM Line

KKB_CBL_FLAGS - Costing BOM Line Flags

KKB_CBL_KEKO_FIELDS - KEKO Fields of a Costing BOM Line



KKB_CBL_TEXTS - Costing BOM Line Texts

KKB_CBL_VALUES - Values Costing BOM Line

KKB_DIPRO - KKB : Fields for Screens

KKB_DOKU - Help Structure for Technical Writers

KKB_DRKK_SREP - Cost Object Controlling Analysis

KKB_DUMM - Dummy Structure Documentation

KKB_EINHEIT - Help Structure for Screen with Unit of Measure, etc.

KKB_EINHEITEN - Currency Units/Units of Measure

KKB_ETAB - Excluding String for Global Calculation


KKB_HEAD - Header for KKBCS

KKB_HKTYP_SREP - Texts on Origin Type

KKB_IS1_PA - CO-PC Infosource 1: Transaction Data Product Drilldown

KKB_IS2_VA - CO-PC Infosource 2: Variances Product Drilldown

KKB_IS2_VA_SREP - Production Costs Anaylsis

KKB_ISS_CK13_1 - Structure for generated infoset for program /SREP/IS_COPC_MA

KKB_ISS_CK13_11 - Einzelnachweis

KKB_ISTERLOESE - Actual Costs Revenue Key Figures

KKB_ISTERLOESE_K - Actual Revenues in Controlling Area Currency

KKB_ISTERLOESE_O - Actual Revenues in Object Currency

KKB_ISTKENNZ - Actual Key Figures

KKB_ISTKOMP - Actual quantities

KKB_ISTMENGEN - Actual Quantities

KKB_ISTWERTE - Actual Values

KKB_ISTWERTE_KW - Actual Values in Controlling Area Currency

KKB_ISTWERTE_OW - Actual Values in Object Currency

KKB_KENNZ - General CO-PC Key Figure Structure

KKB_KONTKOMP - Control Quantities


KKB_LOOP2 - Loop Fields for View Assignment

KKB_LOOP3 - Fields for Assigning Characteristics to Selection Screens

KKB_MITTELBINDUNG - Funds Commitment

KKB_ML - Procurement Alternative from Information System Perspective

KKB_ML_POS - Information System ML/Actual Costing: Settlement Schema

KKB_PARTNER_SPLIT - Partner Cst Comp. Split in Company Code/CO Area Currency

KKB_PARTNER_SPLIT_OUT - Output Table for Partner Cost Component Split

KKB_PIVOT - Control Parameters KKBCS

KKB_PLANERLOESE - Planned Revenue Key Figures

KKB_PLANERLOESE_K - Plan Revenues in Controlling Area Currency

KKB_PLANERLOESE_O - Plan Revenues in Object Currency

KKB_PLANKENNZ - Planned Key Figures

KKB_PLANKOMP - Plan Quantities

KKB_PLANMENGEN - Plan Quantities

KKB_PLANWERTE - Planned values

KKB_PLANWERTE_KW - Plan Values in Controlling Area Currency

KKB_PLANWERTE_OW - Plan Values in Object Currency

KKB_RKKBPCD1 - Selection Fields for Report RKKBPCD1

KKB_SOLLKOMP - Target Quantities

KKB_SOLL_ABW - Target/variances

KKB_SOLL_ABW_KW - Tgt/Variances Key Figures for Controlling Area Currency

KKB_SOLL_ABW_OW - Target/Variances Key Figures in Object Currency

KKB_SOLL_ABW_WERTE - Target/Variances Key Figures

KKB_SPLIT - Cost Component Split Information System

KKB_STATUS_INFO - Structure for Status Info Output


KKB_SUMM - Output Structure for CO-PC Summarization Reports

KKB_SUMM_CHANM - CO Characteristics

KKB_S_ELEG - Cost Component Groups and Texts

KKB_S_ELEM - Cost Component Views with Text

KKB_S_ELEMENTS - Costed Multilevel BOM: Cost Component List

KKB_S_FCAT - Field Catalog for KKBLO

KKB_S_FILT - Filter Criteria for KKBLO

KKB_S_GRPL - bskdhsf

KKB_S_LAYO - Layout for KKBLO

KKB_S_PRNT - Print Settings for KKBLO

KKB_S_SGRP - Field Groups for KKBLO

KKB_S_SORT - Sort Criteria for KKBLO

KKB_S_TOTO - Totals Options for KKBLO


KKB_VALUES - Key Figures

KKB_VARIAN - Selection by Variances (Threshold Values)

KKB_VERGLEICH - Comparison Key Figures

KKB_VERGLEICH1 - Percentage Comparison Key Figures

KKB_VERGLEICH_ABSOLUT - Comparison Key Figures Absolute Cost Variances

KKB_VERGLEICH_KOMP - Comparison Key Figures for Input Quantities

KKB_VERGLEICH_KW - Comparison Key Figures in Controlling Area Currency

KKB_VERGLEICH_OW - Comparison Key Figures in Object Currency

KKB_VERGLEICH_SONST - Comparison Key Figures Other

KKEA1 - Control Data from Customizing for Unit Costing

KKH01 - Screen fields for product costing/unit costing view maint.

KKH02 - Cost components already defined

KKHIE - General CO-PC Hierarchy Table

KKK01 - Screen fields for customizing costing control

KKNA1 - General Data in Customer Master

KKOP - Historical Balance Audit Trail: Sub-Ledger Account Items

KKOP_DATA - Document Data

KKOP_KEY - Document Key

KKOS - Historical Balance Audit Trail: Subledger Accts Master Rec.

KKOS_DATA - Balance Audit Trail Data

KKOS_KEY - Balance Audit Trail Key

KKP01 - Screen Fields Customizing for Cost Objects

KKPA - Internal Structure for Function Group KKPA

KKPH_NODE - Process Manufacturing: Hierarchy Object

KKPI_INITIAL_SCREEN_DATA - Batch input: single-level product cost est. add header data

KKPP - Help Fields on Screens for Singel-Level Product Costing

KKPP_REF - Reference Structure of a Material Cost Estimate

KKPZ - Structure for Customer Function KKP_EXIT_SAPLKKPZ_001

KKP_CE - Process Mfg Hierarchy: Single Objects - Internal Structure

KKP_CH - Interface Structure for Cost Object Hierarchy

KKP_CM - Object Specification for Error Analysis in Cost Object Hier.

KKP_HELP - Structure for F1 Help on Report RKKPPGR0

KKRAMERK - General Criteria Fields for Summarization Classes

KKRCOUNT - Counters for database statistics

KKRDHIE - Internal Structure for the Blocked Object: Summ. Hierarchy

KKRDYN00 - General Screen Fields for Summarization (Costing)

KKRKEYF - Key Fields for Summarization (Costing)

KKRMKOR - Reference Characteristics (Orders)

KKRMKPR - Reference characteristics (projects)

KKROBID - Object Identification (CO Classification)

KKROBJ - Object Records for CO-PC-IS

KKROBJCHAR - Reference Characteristic Name (KKBOB Characteristic)

KKROBJDUMM - Dummy Fields for Object Records CO-PC-IS

KKROBJKENN - Characteristics/Key Figs from CO Obj for Obj Recs CO-PC-IS

KKROBJLIST - Object List (Summarization Nodes and Single Objects)

KKROBJSTAM - Characteristic from Master Data for CO-PC Product Drilldown

KKROBJ_LOCK - Lock Table for Parallel Processing in KKRV

KKRTFIELDS - Required Data Elements from FG KKRT (Hierarchy Display)

KKRVDCOOBJ - Internal Structure for CKRCO + CKRCT (Summarized CO Object)

KKRVDIMP1 - Parameters for CO summarization RFC

KKRVDIMP2 - Settings for CO summarization RFC

KKRVDSTR - Node-based parameters for CO summarization RFC

KKRVDSTR1 - Processor data for summarization RFC

KKRVDSTR2 - Node parameters for CO summarization run

KKRVDSTR3 - Tables to be summarized with field groups

KKR_AHIE_STR - Structure for Active Hierarchies

KKR_AHIE_STRALV - Structure for Active Hierarchies

KKR_AKOKRS_STR - Structure for Summarized Controlling Areas

KKR_CHANM_F4HELP - F4 Info for Summarization Characteristic / CO Summarization

KKR_CHANM_INFO - Information on Summarization Characteristic / CO Summarizati

KKR_OBJ_KZ - CO object and indicator

KKR_ORDER_DATA - Grouping of AUFK, AFKO, AFPO, MARA for Order Data

KKR_SD_ORDER_DATA - Grouping of VBAK and VBAP into Sales Order Data

KKS00 - Variance Calculation: Fields Used Everywhere

KKS00A - Variance Calculation: Screen Fields (Objects)

KKS00B - Variance Calculation: Screen Fields (Parameters, Control)

KKS00C - Variance Calculation: Parameters for the List Tool

KKS00D - Variance Calculation: Work Fields (Test, ...)

KKS00E - Variance Calculation: Schedule Manager...

KKS00F - Variance Calculation: New Worklist...

KKS01 - Structure for Saving the Work List (variance, scrap)

KKS01K - Structure for Worklist Key (Variances, Scrap)

KKS02 - Structure for Adminsitration Records (Variances, Scrap)

KKS03 - Structure for System Information (Variances, Scrap)

KKS04 - Variance Calculation: Test Indicator

KKS05 - Variance Calculation: Posting Rules

KKS06 - Variance Calculation: Period Fields

KKS07 - Variance Calculation: Key Figures

KKS07A - Variance Calculation: Key Figures (Calculated, Determined)

KKS07B - Variance Calculation: Key Figures (Counters)

KKS07C - Variance Calculation: Key Figures (Messages)

KKS07D - Variance Calculation: Key Figures (Counter) Worklist

KKS07E - Variance Calculation: Indicator for Worklist

KKS08 - Variance Calculation: Worklist Order/Version

KKS09 - Variance Calculation: Objects to Be Processed


KKV01 - Screen Fields for Customizing Variance Calculation

KKWERKS_RTABLINE - Structured Line for Range Table Plant

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