List of SAP Tables objects containing

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ECAMIOPRACC - IS-U: Pre-entry Document: Contract Account Data
ECAMIOPRACC_AU - IS-U Parking: Automation Data for Contract Account
ECAMIOPRACC_D - IS-U Parking: Screen Data for Contract Account
ECAMIOPRACC_MID - IS-U Parking: Screen Data for Contract Account (Move-In)
ECAMIOPRACC_MOD - IS-U Parking: Screen Data for Contract Account (Move-Out)
ECAMIOPRACC_P - ECAMIOPRACC: Parameter for Calling Master Data Generator ECAM...

ECARDDATA - Business Partner - Concession Card - Header Data
ECARDHDATA - Time Slice of BP Concession Card: Date Fields (w/o Key)
ECARDHKEY - Time Slice of Business Partner Concession Card: Key
ECARDKEY - Business Partner Concession Card: Key
ECATTGET_CITIES_BY_COUNTRY_SO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ECATTGET_CITIES_BY_COUNTRY_SOA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ECATTGET_WEATHER_SOAP_IN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ECATTGET_WEATHER_SOAP_OUT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ECATTTEST_DB1 - Test Table for eCATT
ECATT_ARRAY_OF_WEATHER_DATA2 - Proxy Structure (Generated) ECAT...


ECBOOKINGDATA - eCATT Demonstration: Structure for Customer Data
ECBOOKINGSUMMARY - eCATT Demo: Booking Overview
ECBP2TEP - Assign Conditional Billing Program to TOU Exception Program
ECBPRG - Conditional Billing Program
ECBPRGT - Conditional Billing Program Texts
ECBP_LOGIKZW - Assign Logical Register to Conditional Billing Program
ECBR_NODE - SHI3 ECBR/ECBO - Node Table for eCATT Browser Nodes
ECBR_NODER - SHI3 ECBR/ECBO - Node References
ECBR_NODET - SHI3 ECBR/ECBO - Names of Nodes for eCATT Browser


ECCN - Legal Control: Foreign Percentages
ECCOMP - eCATT: Software Components
ECCOMP_TXT - eCATT: Software Component Texts
ECCPCALLBACKRV - Reasons for callback
ECCPCALLBACKRVT - Reasons for callback (texts)
ECCPRECEIVE - Configuration of office-recipient for workflow start
ECCPRECEIVET - Configuration of office-recipient for workflow start (texts)
ECCSDAT - Data Structure for CS Validation
ECCSEQV - Equivalency Structure for CS Validation
ECCSPAR - Parameter Structure in Cons Validations
ECCS_AUTHA - EC-CS: Structure for authorization fields in Consolidation
ECCS_T884 - SAP Cons.: Extension of T884
ECCUST - eCATT Customizing
ECCUSTOM - eCATT: Customizing
ECCUSTOMERDATA - eCATT Demonstration: Structure for Customer Data
ECCUST_ET - Customizing Table for External Test Tools
ECCUST_TIPS - eCATT - Tips and Tricks - Content
ECCVERS - eCATT: Software Component Releases


ECD0D - Screen Structure for Function Group ECD0
ECDBG_USER - User-Specific Debug Data
ECDEMONODESTRUCTURE - eCATT Tutorial: Structure for Table Node
ECD_CLASS_ID - Change Document Display: Change Document Object with ID
ECD_CLASS_ID_BPCT - Change Document Display: Change Document Object with ID
ECD_EBASL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
ECD_ETTIFB - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
ECD_EVST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
ECD_ISU_OPHIST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000 ECD_...


ECERTIF - Deregulation: certification
ECERT_DEV - Structure: Devices to be Certified (in Background)
ECERT_DEVERR - Errors in Certification (in Background)
ECERT_REGDATA - Structure: Register Readings of Devices to Certified
ECET_ARGS - Table for Storing Test Partner Argument Container
ECET_ARTMP - Table for Storing Argument Container Template of BLOB
ECET_BLOBS - Table for Storing Test Partner Scripts as BLOBs
ECET_BLOBS_EN - Extended Table for Storage BLOBs of External Tools
ECET_LOG - Table for Storing Test Partner Logs
ECET_SDC_BUFFER - Buffer Table for SDC Names ECET...

ECEVT_DAT - OBSOLETE - Table for Transfer of GUI Event Data
ECEXTUI_INSTLN - Internal Structure for Move-In/Out


ECGUI_STA - Table of Started GUIs


ECHANGE_SERVICE - Change Service Database
ECHCTRL - Consumption History Control Table
ECHC_ADDOBJ - Additional Objects for Editing Payloads
ECHC_ENCRYPTION - FEH: Encryption of the FEH Component
ECHC_PLA_ATTRIB - Definition of Attributes for Payload Analysis
ECHC_PLA_ATTRIBT - Definition of Attributes for Payload Analysis
ECHC_PLA_EXTRACT - Extraction Paths of Attributes for Payload Analysis ECHC...

ECHDISP - Consumption History Display Format
ECHDISPT - Consumption History Display Format Text
ECHEVG - Consumption History Evaluation Group
ECHEVG_BPSEG - Evaluation group: usage history for GP segmentation
ECHEVG_BPSEGT - Evaluation group: Usage history for GP segmentation (text)
ECHO_BINARY_ARRAY_AS_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
ECHO_BINARY_ARRAY_AS_STRING - Proxy Structure (generated)
ECHO_BINARY_ARRAY_AS_STRING_AR - Proxy Structure (generated)
ECHO_BINARY_AS_STRING - Proxy Structure (generated)
ECHO_BINARY_AS_STRING_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
ECHO_BINARY_AS_STRING_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated) ECHO...

ECHS_DEFLTRESOL - SAP Default Resolution Strategy
ECHS_PP_PROCESS - SAP Postprocessing (Bijection ECH <-> PPO)
ECHS_PROCESSES - SAP Business Process and Assgmt of Action Persistence Notif.
ECHS_PROCESSES_T - Text - SAP Business Process
ECHVC_ENCRYPTION - Generated Table for View
ECHVC_PLA_ATTRIB - Generated Table for View
ECHVC_PP_PROCESS - Generated Table for View
ECHVC_PROCESSES - Generated Table for View
ECHV_PP_PROCESS - Generated Table for View
ECHV_PROCESS - Generated Table for View ECHV...

ECH_AENV_API01_S - Fields of table AENV that can be changed externally via API
ECH_ALT_DATE_S - structure for ECH_ALT_DATE
ECH_BOM_KEY_S - key for bom
ECH_DOC_STORE_LOCK_4_AUTHORITY - For Dummy Lock Object for Authority Check During HTTP Access
ECH_ECO_BY_ID_QUERY - Read EngineeringChangeOrder by ID
ECH_ECO_BY_ID_RESPONSE - Response: Read EngineeringChangeOrder by ID ECH_...


ECICACC - CIC Auto Activity Component
ECICACCACT - CIC Auto Activity Component: Activity
ECICACCCOND - CIC Auto Activity Component: Conditions
ECICACCT - CIC Auto Activity Component: Texts
ECICBPSD - Profile for IS-U Business Partner Component of CIC
ECICCONTHIST - CIC Profile: Contact History ECIC...

ECI_OBJECTSTORE - Save ECI Object (Cluster Variant)
ECI_REXPROTO - ECI Table Prototype/Columns are Prototype for new Columns
ECI_S_GUID - Return ECI Guid
ECI_S_OBJECT_LOAD - Content Integrator: Return Object
ECI_S_OBJECT_LOAD_CHAR - Return ECI Object (Character Fixed Variant)
ECI_S_OBJECT_LOAD_REQUEST - Content Integrator: Request Object ECI_...


ECKMLLAHD - Lock Table: ML Activity Type Header Record


ECLOG_AIDX - Table for Log Archive Index
ECLOG_AIDX_SPLIT - Table for Log Archive Index Split
ECLOG_CALL - Hierarchical Caller Information for Log
ECLOG_CONF - Table for Log Entries of the Test Configuration
ECLOG_DATA - Table with Logged Runtime Data from Script
ECLOG_EXEC - Executed Configuration, Variant, Script, Version ECLO...

ECLSTAMPS - Table of All Existing Stamps for ECL Viewer
ECLSTCATS - Categories of Redlining Stamps for 2D ECL Viewer
ECLUSERS - Linking Users and Stamps of the ECL Viewer


ECMADMC - Administrative Information About Creation
ECMADMM - Administrative Information About Change
ECMADMR - Administrative Information About Release
ECMCA - SAP Cons.: Journal Entry Table (Actual)
ECMCC - SAP Cons.: Object Table Movement Attributes
ECMCGRAPH - Internal Change Graph
ECMCHAR600 - CIF: ECM Validity
ECMCO - SAP Cons.: Object Table Assignment Fields (Object/Partner)
ECMCT - SAP Cons.: Totals Table ECMC...

ECMDATE - Include Date Specification and Parameter Effectivity
ECMDATEINT - Time Interval
ECMDATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ECMEVAL_LOCVAL - Engineering Change Management: Local Validity for Object
ECMEVAL_RESULT - Result of Validity Evaluation
ECMOBJDATEINT - Time Interval for Object
ECMPRE_BSP_ATTR - PC UI Attributes for Predecessor Change Number
ECMPRE_UI_ATTR - UI Attributes for Predecessor Change Number
ECMSG_COLL - Collecting Messages for eCATT SAPGUI
ECMUNDO_BAL_CONTEXT - Additional Fields for Application Log
ECMVAL_ORD_CTXT - Keys for Order and Context
ECM_ADM - Administrative Data
ECM_ADM_DATA - General Administrative Data
ECM_BSP_ATTR - PC UI Attributes for Change Number
ECM_CITEM_RANGE - Compensation Review Item Range
ECM_COST - Estimated-Costs Table
ECM_CTXT - Context ECM_...


ECNCONF - IS-U Navigator: Configuration
ECNCONFD - Structure for IS-U Navigator Customizing
ECNCONFT - IS-U Navigator: Text Table for Configurations
ECNCONNECT - IS-U Nav.: Obj. Type Relationships
ECND - IS-U Navigator: Screen Struct.
ECNFIND - IS-U Navigator: Configuration Determination
ECNID_EXT - External Description for the Change Number in iPPE
ECNOBJECT - IS-U Navigator Object Structure
ECNQUERY - IS-U Navigator: Query
ECNSTRUC - IS-U Navigator: Structures
ECNSTRUCD - Screen Structure for Table ECNSTRC
ECN_CLASS_SEL - Selection structure for change number attributes


ECOBJUSE - Where-Used Lists of WB Objects in eCATT Objects
ECOMCONTR - IS-T Processing Control
ECOMCONTROL - Communication Control Based on Service Types
ECOMCONTROLEX - Communication Control: Exceptions at Point of Delivery Level
ECOMCONTROLSP - Communication Control Based on Service Providers
ECOMEVENT - Communication Events
ECOMEVENTA - Activate Events ECOM...

ECONCARD - Business Partner: Concession Card
ECONCARDD - Screen Fields: Business Partner Concession Card
ECONCARDH - Business Partner - Concession Card: Time Slice
ECONCARDH_D - Time Slices of Business Partner's Concession Card
ECONCARDH_DI - Time Slice of Business Partner's Conc. Card (Direct Input)
ECONCARD_D - Business Partner: Concession Card ECON...

ECOP_DOMAINS2OBJ - Domains of an Organizational Unit
ECOP_EXCEPTION2DOMAIN - Exceptions for a Domain
ECOP_IMG_ACTIVITY - ECOP: IMG Activities Structure
ECOP_ITEM - ECOP Item Structure
ECOP_NRDATA_DYNP_FLDS - Number Range Information Screen Fields ECOP...

ECOVDICT - IS-U customer information : dictionary for data export


ECPASSENGERDATA - eCATT Tutorial: Data for Single Passengers
ECPCA_DOC_KEY - Key Fields in the Profit Center Document
ECP_ACTIVITY_KEY - Activity key
ECP_ACT_KEY - E&C portal: Structure for 'activity' key list
ECP_ACT_LIST - Output fields for project status iView
ECP_ACT_LIST_AFKO - Network header information I
ECP_ACT_LIST_AFVC - Network activity information I
ECP_ACT_LIST_AFVV - Network activity information II ECP_...


ECRC_ENR_DROP - Rate Categories for Supplier Change and Drop
ECRESULTDETAIL - Level of Detail for Results
ECRMCONT - CrminContainer
ECRMCONTRINFO - Internal Structure for Move-In/Out
ECRMCONTRINFOCONR - CRM Control Data: IS-U Replication
ECRMCONTRINFO_EX - Internal Structure for Move-In/Out
ECRMCONTROL - Basic Settings for IS-U/CRM Integration
ECRMERRORCONR - Error Occured in CRM -> Mapping ECRM...

ECROSSREFNO - Reference Number for IDoc
ECR_MM_R3_S - Additional Attributes for MM
ECR_OBJECT - Transfer Structure for Objects in Change Order


ECSCR_ARG - NOT USED - Assign Command Parameters to eCATT Parameters
ECSCR_BF - SFW Business Functions Used in eCatt Test Script
ECSCR_BF_VER - Dependency eCatt Version on SFW Business Function
ECSCR_CMD - NOT USED - Table with eCATT Script Commands
ECSCR_DATA - Values for eCATT Script Parameters
ECSCR_LINE - eCATT Script Lines as Entered in Editor ECSC...

ECSD_DEF - Table for Defining System Data Containers
ECSD_SYS - System Data Container Contents
ECSD_VIEW - Generated Table for View
ECSNO_NON_SPLITTABLE - CSNO for Cond. Rate with Non-Splittable TOU Exception Prog.
ECSP_DEF - Table for eCATT Start Profiles (eCATT Core)
ECSP_PAR - Definition of eCATT Test Run Parameters and Variables
ECSP_PAR_DATA - Values for eCATT Test Run Data Parameters
ECSP_PAR_VAR - Vvariant defination Test Run Data
ECSP_PAR_XML - Definition/Data for Structured Param. - Test Run Data
ECSP_PAR_XML_STR - Definition/Data of Structured Param. of TRD (XML) STRING ECSP...

ECSTAT_FGROUP - List of eCATT Drivers
ECSTAT_FGROUPT - Descriptions for Test Drivers
ECSTAT_FUNC - Assigning Command to Test Drivers
ECSTAT_LOC - Overview of Distribution LoC Acc. to Packages and App. Comp.
ECSTAT_MAIN - Overview of Numbers of eCATT Objects in System
ECSTAT_OBJECT - Overview of eCATT Objects Acc. to Package and AC ECST...

ECSYS_COMP - eCATT Software Component Dependency
ECSYS_REL - eCATT Software Component Release Dependency
ECS_MESGKEY_IND - ECS Mandate: Maintenance of Customizing messages
ECS_MESG_IND - ECS Mandate: Maintenance of Customizing messages


ECTAT_CC_COMP_TP - Comparison Types
ECTAT_CC_DATA - Serialized Expected Values
ECTC_ATTACH - External Documents linked to eCATT Objects
ECTC_DATA - Assignment of TD Parameters to eCATT Interface
ECTC_DEF - Table for Defining Test Configurations
ECTC_TD - Link Between Test Configuration and Test Data Container
ECTC_TDW_ASS_PAR - Table to store list of TDC parameters mapped to TC parameter
ECTC_TDW_ASS_VAR - Table to store list of TDC variant's assignment ECTC...

ECTD_BF - eCatt Test Data Container Dependency SFW Business Functions
ECTD_BF_VER - Dependency eCatt TD Version on SFW Business Function
ECTD_DATA - Values for Test Data Container Parameters
ECTD_DATAX - Values for Parameters of Test Data Containers (AUNIT)
ECTD_DEF - Table for Defining Test Data Containers
ECTD_PAR - Definition of Test Data Container Parameters ECTD...

ECTOLERANZ - OBSOLETE - eCATT - Customizing Test Tolerance Types
ECTP_JOB_DATA - Test Proxy: Data for test executions
ECTP_JOB_LIST - Foreground Scheduler: List of test executions
ECTP_TP_LIST - Test Proxy: Test Proxies registered in the system
ECTRACE - eCATT Recordings
ECTRACE_CONTENT - eCATT Trace - Recordings in the Test Content System
ECTR_ACTIVATE - eCATT Activation Cross-Session Recording
ECTR_ACTIVATE_CS - eCATT Activation Cross-Session Recording - 2
ECTR_ACTIVATE_ES - eCATT Activation Cross-Session Recording - 2 ECTR...

ECTWB_DEST - ecATT Connections to Test Administration Systems


ECURRTRANSF - Structure for Current/Voltage Transformer
ECUST_DOC_IN - Store the reference of the documents provided by customer
ECUST_DOC_TYP - Documents assigned to document category
ECUST_DOC_TYPTXT - Documents assigned to document category
ECUST_DOC_TYP_IN - Documents assigned to document category
ECUST_TYP_IN - Maintain documents based on customer type
ECUST_TYP_INTXT - Maintain Documents based on Customer type ECUS...


ECVCONF - IS-U customer overview: configuration
ECVCONFD - IS-U customer overview: configuration data
ECVCONFT - IS-U customer overview: configuration texts
ECVFIELD - IS-U Customer Information: Configuration Fields
ECVFIELDH - IS-U Customer Inforamation: Header Table Fields
ECVFIELDT - IS-U Customer Inforamation: Header Table Fields
ECVGEN - IS-U Customer Information: All Kinds
ECVHTML - IS-U customer overview: HTML pages
ECVHTMLT - IS-U customer overview: configuration texts
ECVIMOD - IS-U Customer Information: Info Module Allocation
ECVIMODH - IS-U Customer Information: Info Module
ECVIMODT - IS-U Customer Information: Info Module Text
ECVNODE - IS-U customer overview: tree nodes
ECVNODET - IS-U customer overview: configuration texts
ECVO_BUS_MSG - eCATT Table for Validation Object Business Messages
ECVO_DEF - eCATT Table for Definition of Validation Objects
ECVO_VER - eCATT Table for Versions of Validation Objects
ECVTREEITM - IS-U customer infirmation: tree nodes
ECVTREENODE - IS-U customer infirmation: tree nodes


ECWD_APP_TERM - Table of Completed WD Applications During Recording
ECWD_APP_TERM2 - Table of Completed WD Applications During Recording
ECWD_DATA - Table for the Data Section Transfer for Web Dynpro
ECWD_RECORD - Table for Recording Data Transfer to WebDynpro
ECWD_RECORD2 - Table for Recording Data Transfer to WebDynpro
ECWD_RESOURCES - eCATT: Database Table for WD Resources (HTML) ECWD...

ECWSCUSTOMERDATA - Customer Data Structure for eCATT Workshop
ECWSCUSTOMERDATA1 - Customer Data Structure for eCATT Workshop; Extended
ECWS_SECURE - Table for Security Aspects in Web Service

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