List of SAP Tables objects containing

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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with d

DCACTSTRUC - DD: General reference structure in ABAP/4 DD (activation)

DCADD_RESULT - DD: Additional Information for Structure Change

DCAPPENDS - Appends for a table

DCASTATMSG - DD: Message about curr. statistics for DOMA/DTEL/TTYP

DCAUFV_ST - Work Center Header Data

DCBOASSCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a BO Structure

DCBOCHK - DD: Check Bar for BO Structure Checks

DCBODBTBCHK - DD: Checks for database tables for a BO node

DCBOGET - DD: Result when reading a DDIC BO

DCBOHDCHK - DD: Checks for header of a BO structure

DCBONDCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a BO Structure

DCBONDLISTCHK - DD: Checks for node list of a BO structure

DCCHECKRES - ABAP Dict.: Check result for element of an indexed set

DCCHKAUTH - DD: Control structure for authority check

DCDATATYPE - DD: Check string for a data type

DCDDLCHK - DD: DDL checks - for example, used names

DCDDLSACTCTRL - DD: Controls the activation of a DDIC BO

DCDDOBJ - DD: DD objects and their type

DCDELDEPTB - DD: For dependencies during mass-deletion

DCDELTB - DD: Objects to be deleted in the mass activation program

DCDEPSHORT - DD: Names of Dependent Objects

DCDEPTAB - Table of dep. objects incl. addtl. info. (DOMA,DTEL,TTYP)

DCDEPTB - DD: Dependencies between DD objects

DCDEPTYPES - Dependent types (table types and structures)

DCDODTRMSG - ABAP Dict.: Result message for the act. of a domain/data el.

DCDODTSMSG - ABAP Dict.: Start message for activating a domain/data elem.

DCDOHDATTR - Header Attributes of DOMA Changed by Input Checks

DCDOMAACT - DD: Control String for Domain Activation Program

DCDOMAACTP - DD: Control Parameter String for Domain Activation Program

DCDOMACHK - DD: Check string for domain activation program

DCDOMACHKI - DD: Check string for domain activ. prog. (inner consistency)

DCDOMACHKR - DD: Check string for dom.act.prog. (referential correctness)


DCDOMAFVAL - DD: Check string for the checks regarding the values

DCDOMAGET - Reference Structure for Function Module DD_DOMA_GET

DCDOMAMNT - DD: Fields in the domain maintenance screen

DCDOMAPUT - Control string for DD_DOMA_PUT

DCDOMAVTAB - DD: Check string for the checks regarding a value table

DCDOOUTPUT - DD: Checks for Output Attributes of Domains

DCDOVTGET - ABAP/4 Dic: Read status of data for the domain value tables

DCDTDOATTR - Attributes of DTEL with DOMA Changed by the Input Checks

DCDTEDATTR - Attributes of DTEL Changed by the Input Checks

DCDTEDCHK - Check String for Input Checks in Data Element Maintenance

DCDTELACT - Control String for DTEL Activation Program

DCDTELACTP - DD: Control parameter string for data element activator

DCDTELCHK - DD: Control String for Data Element Header Tests

DCDTELCTRL - DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator

DCDTELFLAG - DD: Checks for Flags in Data Element

DCDTELGET - DD: Control String for DD_DTEL_GET

DCDTELPUT - Control String for DD_DTEL_PUT

DCDTELTXT - DD: Status of the Data Element Text in a Language

DCDTGET - DD: Control string for reading data element information

DCDTHDATTR - Header Attribute for DTEL Changed by Input Checks

DCDTREFOBJ - DD: Checks for Objects Referenced in Data Element

DCDTSHCHK - DD: Search help checks in the data element activator

DCDTSHGET - DD: Control string for reading a search help

DCDTTXATTR - Texts for DTEL Changed by Input Checks

DCDTTXCHK - DD: Control String for Data Element Text Tests

DCDTX030L - DD: Text for Nametab Representation (Header) for DTEL

DCDTX031L - DD: Nametab Fields with Expanded Flags for DTEL

DCEIACTCHK - Control String for Checks of an External Index

DCEIACTDET - Control String for Activation Program Actions for Ext. Index

DCEIACTRES - Contains Results of Activation of an Ext. Index

DCEIACTSTP - Computed Steps for Activating an External Index

DCEIDATCHK - Control String for External Index: Definition Data Selection

DCEIPHYCHK - Control String for External Index: Physical Definition

DCEISYNCHK - Control String for External Index: Synchronization

DCENACTCHK - Control string for checking the lock object activation prog.

DCENACTDET - Control string for the actions of the lock object act. prog.

DCENACTRES - Contains results of lock object activation

DCENBTCHK - Control String for Checks of Base Tables of a Lock Object

DCENFDCHK - Control String for the Field Checks of Lock Objects

DCENFDNAM - Control String for Name Checks of Lock Parameters

DCENFKCHK - Control String for Foreign Key Checks of Lock Objects

DCENFKFOF - Control String for Foreign Key Field Checks for Lock Objects

DCENGPCHK - Control string for Granularity Check of Lock Objects

DCENHDCHK - Control String for Header Checks for Lock Objects

DCENQGRBEG - Prefix of a lock granularity

DCENQUGET - Control structure for DD_ENQU_GET.

DCENQUPUT - Control string for function module DD_ENQU_PUT



DCEXIXGET - Control Structure for DD_EXIX_GET

DCEXIXPUT - Control Structure for Function Module DD_EXIX_PUT

DCFIELDDAT - Structure for Describing a Field with Contents

DCFIELDINL - Description of a field in a field list

DCFLC_BO - Decoupling: Business Object (Entity)

DCFLC_BOT - Decoupling: Business Object (Texttable)

DCFLC_BO_OPERAT - Decoupling: Used Variant for BO and used Structures for BO

DCFLC_BO_STEP - Decoupling: Implementation of steps for each BO

DCFLC_STEP - Decoupling: Step (Entity)

DCFLC_STEPT - Decoupling: Step (Texttable)

DCFLC_STEP_IF - Decoupling: Interfaces for Steps

DCFLC_STEP_VAR - Decoupling: Step Variants with steps

DCFLC_VARIANT - Decoupling: Step Variants (Entity)

DCFLC_VARIANTT - Decoupling: Step Variants (Texttable)

DCFLDCHG - Possible Changes to Fields

DCFLS_ACCIT - Decoupling: Accounting Interface: Item Information

DCFLS_ACC_ASSIGN - Account assignments

DCFLS_ACC_ASSIGN_RT - Account assignments

DCFLS_DATES - Dates in decoupling

DCFLS_DIFF_DATA - Preprocessor Test: Attributes with deviant Values

DCFLS_DM07M_DIFF - Decoupling: DM07M, Attributes changed in MB Modules

DCFLS_EBELN_LONG_EBELN - ebeln_long and ebeln


DCFLS_FIN_PREPPOST_ACC - Decoupling: Structure with RWIN tables

DCFLS_MIRO_MULTIVEN - structure for screen 6232 in MIRO (MR1M)

DCFLS_MIRO_RM08M - Decoupling FI/LO: Selection fields for invoice verification

DCFLS_MOCK_ACCOUNT_DET - Decoupling: Mocking Structure Standard Account Determination

DCFLS_MOCK_ACCOUNT_DET_KEY - Decoupling: Mocking Structure Standard Acc Determination-Key



DCFLS_MOCK_DETERMINE_GSBER - Decoupling: Mocking Structure Determination of Business Area

DCFLS_MOCK_DETERMINE_GSBER_KEY - Decoupling: Mocking Structure Determination of Bus. Area-Key

DCFLS_MOCK_EBAN_KEY - Decoupling: Key Parameter for Mocking Structure EBAN


DCFLS_MOCK_EQUIPMENT_READ_KEY - Decoupling: Mocking Strcuture Key for EQUIPMENT_READ



DCFLS_MOCK_K_COBL_CHECK_EXP - Decoupling: Mocking Structure K_COBL_CHECK

DCFLS_MOCK_K_COBL_CHECK_KEY - Decoupling: Key Mocking Structure K_COBL_CHECK



DCFLS_MOCK_MB_CALCULATE_VA_EXP - Decoupling: Exporting Mocking Structure MB_CALCULATE_VALUES


DCFLS_MOCK_MB_UPDATE_VALUE_EXP - Decoupling: Exporting Mocking Structure MB_UPDATE_VALUE_ENQU

DCFLS_MOCK_MB_VALUATION_MO_EXP - Decoupling: Exporting Mocking Structure MB_CALCULATE_VALUES




DCFLS_MOCK_ME_READ_HEADER_EXP - Decoupling: Exporting Mocking Structure ME_READ_HEADER_GOODS

DCFLS_MOCK_ME_READ_HEADER_KEY - Decoupling: Key Mocking Structure for ME_READ_HEADER_GOODS_R

DCFLS_MOCK_ME_READ_INFOREC_EXP - Decoupling: Exporting Mocking Structure MR_READ_INFORECORD

DCFLS_MOCK_ME_READ_INFOREC_KEY - Decoupling: KeyParameter Mocking Structur ME_READ_INFORECORD

DCFLS_MOCK_ME_READ_ITEM_G_EXP - Decoupling: Exporting Mocking Structure ME_READ_ITEM_GOODS_R

DCFLS_MOCK_ME_READ_ITEM_G_KEY - Decoupling: Key Mocking Structure for MB_CALCULATE_VALUES


DCFLS_MOCK_T156S_KEY - Decoupling: Key Mocking Structure for MB_CONTROL_MOVETYPE_

DCFLS_MSG_COMMON_KEY - Comon key for message

DCFLS_ORIGINAL_DOC_DATA - Technical data from original document

DCFLS_PREPROC - Decoupling: Preprocessor

DCFLS_PREPROC_CR - Currency information

DCFLS_PREPROC_INT_MSG - Decoupling: internal message structure

DCFLS_PREPROC_IT - Decoupling: Preprocessor item

DCFLS_PREPROC_MESSAGE_OBJ_IDX - Decoupling: Error-Message-Object with (SOA)message-number

DCFLS_PREPROC_PROC_REF - Decoupling: Object references

DCFLS_PREPROC_ROOT - Decoupling: Preprocessor root

DCFLS_RELATED_OBJECT - Decoupling: object that is related to an error

DCFLS_RELATED_OBJECT_W_MAIN - Decoupling: object that is related to an error with main obj

DCFLS_RM08RL82 - Field catalogue for report RM08RL82

DCFLS_RUNTIME_DATA - DCFL: Preprocessor - Runtime Data

DCFLS_VM07M_DIFF - Decoupling: DM07M, Attributes changed in MB Modules

DCFLV_BO - Generated Table for View

DCFLV_BO_OPERAT - Generated Table for View

DCFLV_BO_STEP - Generated Table for View

DCFLV_STEP - Generated Table for View

DCFLV_STEP_IF - Generated Table for View

DCFLV_STEP_VAR - Generated Table for View

DCFLV_VARIANT - Generated Table for View

DCFL_CFG_BO - Structures for each BO (DCFLC_BO)

DCFL_CFG_BO_OPERAT - Structures for each BO and Operation (DCFLC_BO_OPERAT)

DCFL_CFG_BO_OPERAT_X - Structures for each BO and Operation and Additional Fields (

DCFL_CFG_BO_X - Structures for each BO and Additional Fields (DCFLC_BO)

DCFL_CFG_STEP_VAR - Structures for each BO and Operation (DCFLC_STEP_VAR)

DCFL_CFG_STEP_VAR_X - Structures for each BO and Operation and Additional Fields (

DCFUNSTRUC - Function module structure

DCGENTAB - DD: Mass activation and deletion

DCGENTB - DD: Objects to be activated in the mass activation program

DCIMPDD - DD: Handle actions following DD import

DCINSPCHK - Control Structure for Code Inspector

DCINVDEPTB - DD: Dependencies between DD objects (inverse)

DCIX030L - Nametab header, database structure DDNTT & exp. flag byte

DCIX031L - Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF

DCLCHANGE - Information on last changer

DCMATCHCTR - Field description for proposal for matching

DCMATCHRES - Match between two fields

DCMCIDGET - Control structure for DD_MCID_GET

DCMCIDPUT - Control string for function module DD_MCID_PUT

DCMCOBGET - Control structure for DD_MCOB_GET

DCMCOBPUT - Control string for function module DD_MCOB_PUT

DCMESSAGE - Structure for Storing a Message

DCMSGPARAM - DD: Parameter string for messages

DCMXACTION - DB: result of TNMAP analysis (multiplexing)

DCMXACTRES - DB: return structure for multiplex activation

DCMXVIEWS - DD: Relationship multiplex table <-> global view

DCNAME - DD: Checks for Object Name (TTYP, DTEL, DOMA)

DCNAMEDINC - DD: Control Checks for Named Includes

DCNTABGEN - DD: Control string for nametab generation

DCNTDELTB - DD: Information about Nametab to be Deleted

DCOBACTDET - Control string for actions of search help activator

DCOBJBEZ - Name of a DDIC object

DCOBJDEF - Name of a DDIC object with status

DCOBJDEP - Structure for describing a dependency in DDIC

DCOBJDUPTR - DD: For DD Objects with Occurrence in Several Trs (MrgAct)

DCOBJIF - Interface for DDIC objects

DCOBJINDX - DD: Object with Index from E071

DCOBJNAPA - Reference Structure for Dict. Objects with Package

DCONTAINERINFO - Generated Table for View

DCOPCONTRL - Interface Structure for RADBTDDO

DCOUTPUT - DD: Checks for Output Attributes of Data Element

DCPOTRCHK - ABAP/4 Dict.: check list for checks pool -> transparent

DCRANGETT - Check String of Special Attributes of a RANGES Table Type

DCROWTYPE - DD: Control Bar for Tests of Type Definition by Row Type

DCRTOBDEF - DD: Origin of the runtime object at conversion

DCRTYPCHK - DD: Checks of line type of a table type

DCSACTCTRL - DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator

DCSHACTCHK - Control string for checks of search help object

DCSHACTDET - Control string for actions of search help activator

DCSHACTRES - Contains results of a search help activation

DCSHATCHG - DD: changes to search help header

DCSHATCHK - Control string for param. assignments for s.h. inclusions

DCSHATDIR - Control string for checks of direct par. assignm.

DCSHCOCHG - DD: changes to search help header

DCSHCOCHK - Control string for checks of search help inclusions

DCSHFDCHG - DD: Changes to Search Help Parameters

DCSHFDCHK - Control string for checks of fields of search help

DCSHFDDEF - Check default value for search help parameters

DCSHFDSEL - Checks of assignments search help field - selection field

DCSHFDSIN - Control string for checks of a search help field

DCSHHDCHG - DD: changes to search help header

DCSHHDCHK - Control string for header checks of search helps

DCSHLPGET - Control structure for DD_SHLP_GET

DCSHLPPUT - Control structure for function module DD_SHLP_PUT

DCSHSHCHK - DD: search help checks for search help changes

DCSOBJACTCTRL - DD: Controls the activation of a DDIC BO

DCSOBJASSCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a BO Structure

DCSOBJCHK - DD: Checklist for Checks of a Structured Object

DCSOBJDBTBCHK - DD: Checks for Database Tables of a SOBJ Node

DCSOBJGET - DD: Result when reading a DDIC BO

DCSOBJGOTSTATE - DD: Result of Read of a Structured Object

DCSOBJHDCHK - DD: Checks for Header of a Structured Object

DCSOBJNDCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a Structured Object

DCSOBJNDLISTCHK - DD: Checks for Node List of a Structured Object

DCSQCLFDCK - Tests Special Attributes of a Table Cluster

DCSQLTCHK - Dictionary: Checks for Table Pools or Table Clusters

DCSQLTCTRL - Control of a Table Pool/Cluster Activation/Check

DCSQLTGET - Reference structure for DD_SQLT_GET

DCSQLTPUT - DD: Control string for DD_SQLT_PUT

DCSQLTSTRU - Dictionary: Contains Types for SQLT Checks/Activation

DCSQPOFDCK - Dictionary: Special Checks for a Table Pool

DCSTRTYPNW - DD: Checks for newly added structured types

DCS_COM - Communication work area - Function group v50z

DCTABDGET - Control Structure for DD_TABD_GET

DCTABDPUT - Control String for Function Module DD_TABD_PUT

DCTABLACT - ABAP/4 Dictionary: Control Structure for Activation Program

DCTABLACTE - Contains target values for DCTABLACT

DCTABLCMP - Reference Structure for Function Module DD_TABL_WA_CMP

DCTABLCTRL - DD: Contains Additional Info for Activator (Input Structure)

DCTABLGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_TABL

DCTABLMRS - DD: Return Structure for Table Mass Activation

DCTABLPART - Control string for treating the components of a table

DCTABLPUT - Control Structure for Function Module

DCTABLRES - ABAP/4 Dictionary: Additional Info for Table Activation

DCTABLTEXT - Control string for treating the text components of a table

DCTABTACT - Check list for activating program for technical settings

DCTABTCHK - Control String for Checks on Technical Settings

DCTABTGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_TABT

DCTBACTRES - DD: Contains results of table activation

DCTBACTSEN - Structure to be locked for target/actual adjustment

DCTBACTSIT - Describes a call situation of the table activation program

DCTBDDCHK - Control Structure for Table Checks (User-Specific)

DCTBEXPCHK - Control string for expanding substructures

DCTBFDCHG - DD: Changes in Table Fields

DCTBFDCHK - Control Structure for Table Checks (Fields)

DCTBFDCHKE - Contains target entries of DCTBFDCHK

DCTBFDGET - Control structure for DD_TBFD_GET

DCTBFDRES - DD: Structure for Table Restrictions

DCTBFKCHK - Control Structure: Foreign Key Checks in Tabl. Activ. Progr.

DCTBFKCHKE - Contains target values of DCTBFKCHK

DCTBFKGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_FORK

DCTBHDCHG - DD: Changes in table header

DCTBHDCHK - Control String for Table Checks (Header)

DCTBHDCHKE - Contains target entries of DCTBFDCHK

DCTBHDGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_TABL_HEADER

DCTBIXACT - Control Structure for Controlling the Index Activ. Program

DCTBIXACTE - Contains target entries of DCTBIXACT

DCTBIXCHK - Control String for the Index Checks

DCTBIXGET - Control Structure for Function Module DD_TBIX_GET

DCTBSAPCHK - Check structure for table checks (system-dependent)

DCTBSHCHK - Control structure: search help checks in table activator

DCTBTTCHG - DD: Changes to Technical Settings

DCTBVICHK - DD: Control String for View Checks for Table Changes

DCTBVIDEP - DD: For views dependent on changed tables

DCTEXTLEN - DD: Checks for Texts for Data Element

DCTMPCRE - DD: Control structure for creating temporary tables

DCTRIGCRE - Control structure for creating logging triggers

DCTRTB - DD: Assignment of Tr Number to Transport (Mrg. Act.)

DCTTACTRS - ABAP/4 Dict.: return status for technical settings

DCTTDIRTYP - DD: Activator checks for direct type entry

DCTTEDCHK - Check String for Input Checks in Table Type Maintenance

DCTTKFIELD - DD: Checks of key fields

DCTTSVSUM - DD: Overall result of act. technical settings

DCTTTRCNV - DD: Overall result for conversion via TRANSPFLAG

DCTTX030L - DD: Text for Nametab Representation (Header) for TTYP

DCTTX031L1 - DD: Nametab Fields with Expanded Flags for TTYP

DCTTX031L2 - DD: Nametab Fields with Expand. Flags for TTYP with Dir. Key

DCTTYPACT - Control String for Table Type Activator

DCTTYPACTP - DD: Control Parameter String for Table Type Activator

DCTTYPCHK - DD: Check String for Table Type Activator

DCTTYPCTRL - DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator

DCTTYPFLAG - DD: Check string for flags in table types

DCTTYPGET - Control structure for DD_TTYP_GET

DCTTYPPUT - Control structure for function module DD_TTYP_PUT

DCTX030L - DD: Nametab header with expanded flag byte

DCTX031L - DD: Nametab fields with expanded flags

DCTXTDESCR - Structure of a Table with General Texts

DCUAST - Interface between ABAP and kernel help

DCUNITGET - Control structure for DD_TABL_UNI_GET

DCUSEDTYPE - DD: Control Bar for Tests of Type Definition for Data Elem.

DCVALTAB - DD: Checks for Value Table

DCVIBTCHG - DD: Changes in Table Fields

DCVIBTCHK - Control String for Base Table Checks

DCVIDEP - Structure for describing a dependency in DDIC

DCVIDEPTAB - DD: Handing of view dependencies

DCVIEWACT - Control String for Execution of View Activation Program

DCVIEWACTM - Control (Mode) for View Activation

DCVIEWGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_VIEW

DCVIEWPUT - Control String for Function Module DD_VIEW_PUT

DCVIFDCHG - DD: Changes in View Fields

DCVIFDCHK - Control String for View Activator Field Checks

DCVIGENCTR - Control String for View Activator Generation

DCVIHDCHG - DD: Changes in View Header

DCVIHDCHK - Control String for View Header Checks

DCVIJNCHK - Control String for Join Condition Checks

DCVISCCHK - Control String for Selection Condition Checks

DCVISHCHK - DD: Control String for View Checks for Table Changes

DCVIVICHK - DD: Control String for View Checks for Table Changes

DCXMLBAGCL - Control Structure for Displaying BAPIs in XML

DCXMLBAPID - Description of a BAPI for the IFR

DCXMLBASCL - Control Structure for Displaying BAPI as an XML Schema

DCXMLBATCL - Control Structure for Displaying BAPIs as an XML Template

DCXMLDDRCL - Control Structure for Displaying a Type in XML

DCXMLDDSCL - Control Structure for Displaying Type as an XML Schema

DCXMLDDTCL - Control Structure for Displaying a Type as an XML Template

DCXMLDESCL - Control Structure for Controlling the XML-ABAP Mapping

DCXMLFUBAD - Description of a Function Module for Conversion to XML

DCXMLFUGCL - Control Structure for Displaying Function Modules in XML

DCXMLFUNC - Description of a Function Module

DCXMLFUNCT - Short Description of a Function Module

DCXMLFUPAR - Description of Func. Module Parameter for Conversion to XML

DCXMLFUSCL - Control Structure for Displaying Func. Module as XML Schema

DCXMLFUTCL - Control Structure for Displaying FMs as an XML Template

DCXMLIDGCL - Control Structure for Displaying IDOC Types in XML

DCXMLIDOCD - Description of an IDOC Type for Conversion to XML

DCXMLIDSCL - Control Structure for Displaying IDoc as an XML Schema

DCXMLIDTCL - Control Structure for Displaying FMs as an XML Template

DCXMLPRBL - Problems Parsing an XML Document

DCXMLPRER - Error Transferring from XML to ABAP

DCXMLPRWA - Warnings When Transferring from XML->ABAP

DCXMLREPCL - Control Structure for Displaying Metadata in XML

DCXMLSCHCL - Control Structure for Generating an XML Schema

DCXMLSERCL - Control Structure for Controlling ABAP to XML Mapping

DCXMLTTXT - Texts for Types for Description in XML

DCXMLTYPCL - Control Structure for Mapping the Type to XML

DCXMLTYPNM - Name of the Dictionary Type for Description in XML

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