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ALACVALAID - Alert: global AID of actual value (to be used in MTypedefval
ALAGENTINFO - Information About CCMS Agents
ALAGENTRFCDEST - Details of a CCMS Agent RFC Destination
ALAGGCTRC - Control Data of an Aggregate Request for Performance DB
ALAGGDATA - Result of Aggregate per Time Slot in Performance Database
ALAGGREQ - Request Structure for Aggregate in Performance Database
ALAIDALSTA - Alert: Structure for Alert Status Changes
ALAIDCKEY - Alert Cache: Key Fields
ALAIDKEY - Alert: Global Alert Identifier: Key Structure
ALAIDMARK - Alert: Global Alert Identifier and Selected Indicator
ALAIDMN - Alerts: AID and MTE Name
ALAIDTIDMN - Alerts: AID + Short TID + MTE-Name + Parameters of MTE ALAI...

ALALERTALV - Mon. Arch.: Contains Alert Parameters for ALV Display
ALALERTDB - Alert: alert database (general alert structure, raw message)
ALALERTRAW - Alert: general alert structure (raw message Text)
ALALERTRC - Alert: general alert structure plus RC
ALALERTX - CCMS Monitoring: Cache for Alerts Already Read
ALALRAWRC - Alert: general alert structure (raw message line)plus RC ALAL...

ALAPSRVALV - Mon.Arch.: ALV Display Structure for Appl.Server Information
ALARC_PAR1 - Archive parameters for transfer for storing using SAPspool
ALATGRF4 - Alerts: Structure for F4 Processing of Attribute Groups
ALAVALSYSTEMS - Monitoring Structure for Configuring Central Autoreaction
ALAVCNTRL - Control Structure for Configuring Availability Monitoring
ALAVLAGENT - Combine CCMSPING Agents into Groups
ALAVLCNTL - CCMS: Control Structure for Availability Configuration
ALAVLCTRL - CCMSPING Push Technology: Current State of Worklists
ALAVLGCNTL - CCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group ALAV...


ALBACHDA - Alert: Data for the Bar Chart MiniApp
ALBGMKOBJ - Action Log Change Documents Warranty Assignment
ALBTCMON - Table for Batch Monitoring


ALCACHECNF - Configuration of the SALC Cache
ALCAIDKEY - Alert: Current AID: Key Structure
ALCCMCUST - Customizing settings for CCMS
ALCCMCUSTP - Value table for CCMS Customizing Parameters
ALCCMCUSTT - Text table for customizing settings
ALCCMCUSTV - Value table for possible values of parameters
ALCCMSPING_TRACE - CCMSPING-Trace-Tabelle - über ALAVLCTRL angeschaltet
ALCCTIDAID - Alert: Global TID plus Global AID ALCC...

ALCENINFO - CCMS: Agent Information About a Central System (CEN)
ALCLASS - Alert: Name of MTE Class (CUSGRPNAME)
ALCLASTOOL - Alert: Assignment of tools to object class
ALCLUSKEY - Structure of Database Key of Cluster in ALPERFDB
ALCOMP - Components of Stored Documents
ALCONSEG - Alert: Context/segment assignment
ALCONSG45B - Version of the ALCONSEG Used up to 4.5B
ALCSMCONF - Configuration for CCMS Agents
ALCSMCONF_LOC - User/Client Info for Local CSMCONF for J2EE Add-Ins
ALCUSGRPRC - Alert: customizing group name and returncode
ALCUSRECOM - Alert: MT Customize Recommendation
ALCUSTGRP - Alert: only Customizing group name
ALCUSTSET - Alert: Monitoring Properties Variants
ALC_JV_LI - JV-Allocation: Communication Structure Line-Item-Check


ALDAENTB - Alerts: Output Structure for the Data Environment
ALDBOUT - Multi-purpose output fields for selection screen environment
ALDBSCTX - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Contexts
ALDBSMSEG - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Segments
ALDBSMTE - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: General MTE Data
ALDBSPERF - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Performance MTE
ALDBSSMES - CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Status AttributeMTE ALDB...

ALDENVCO - Alerts: The Column Description in the Data Environment
ALDENVRO - Alerts: The Row Description in the Data Environment
ALDESTIREQ - CCMS Monitoring: Table Destination ==> Requests
ALDTSCACHE - SDTS: Current/Next Downtimes for CCMS Systems/Instances
ALDTSCTRL - Control Table for CCMS Evaluated Data Service
ALDTSMAP - SDTS: Cache Table for CCMS Downtime Mapping
ALDWNTIME - Downtime of systems for availability calculations


ALEMNOTIF - CCMS Mon. Arch.: Type for Table of MarketSet Specto Events
ALEMRESULT - CCMS Mon. Architecture: SPECTO Single Result (ALMSRESULTS)
ALEQUI - Fields Relevant for Change Documents for Equip. (Action Log)
ALESETS - Change Pointer for Sets
ALESUMMARY - Structure of alert sum record
ALEVENT - Alert: Event Type
ALEVQUEUE - Alert: Event Queue for a CCMS Event Listener
ALEVTREG - Alert: Event Registration
ALEVTVCP - Alerts: EventListener + Table of Events of Interest
ALE_ACCOUNTS - Shows if ALE Is Active w. Mess.Type FIDCMT, FIDCC1 or FIDCC2
ALE_BATCHES_RECP - Received Batches
ALE_DWM_EXCL_USR - USER to be excluded in connection with dec. WM
ALE_MCHA_OBJECT - Batches to be distributed from dec. WM


ALF1DEFLT - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Default Description Texts
ALFA1_FMFG - US Federal Government Vendor Master Data Additional Fields
ALFA1_PSO - Local Authority Additional Fields (Address)
ALFB1_FMFG - PS fields for company code-specific master data field
ALFB1_PSO - IS-PS: Data Appendix Vendor Master Record (Company Code)
ALFBK_PSO - Bank Details Dependent on Time and Account Holder


ALGAIDRC - Alert: Global Aid plus RC (Return Code)
ALGENALERT - Alert: general alert structure (expanded message text)
ALGLOBAID - Alert: Global Alert Identifier
ALGLOBEID - Alert: Global Event ID
ALGLOBSYSLGFIL - Central System Log Filter Definition
ALGLOBTID - Alert: global monitoring type identifier
ALGPARAM - Alerts: Global Parameter + Monitor Value
ALGRLGND - Alerts: Legend Entry for Performance Graphic
ALGRPCUSGE - Alert: General Customizing for MTE classes
ALGRPCUSMC - Alert: Message container Customizing for Cust. groups
ALGRPCUSMG - Alert: Group Customizing data single message class
ALGRPCUSPF - Alert: Group Customizing data performance class
ALGRPMCFIL - Alert: Message container filter for Cust. groups ALGR...

ALGTID3RC - Alert: Glob. TID plus ObjName plus AttrName plus MTE plus RC
ALGTIDGAID - Alert: Global TID plus Global AID
ALGTIDLNRC - Alert: Global Tid plus Long Name plus RC
ALGTIDRC - Alert: Global TID plus RC (ReturnCode)
ALGTIDSMO - Alert: Global Tid plus ALPERFSMO plus RC
ALGTIDSTAT - Alert: Global TID plus MT Status: WarmingUp, Enabled,Disable ALGT...


ALHIALINFO - Information describing a High alert


ALIASINCL1 - Include Structure for Alias (Alias Name)
ALIASINCL2 - Include Structure for Alias (Direction, Area, Search Field)
ALIFLO - Action log change documents functional location
ALIINCL - Test for mass activation, table with include
ALILOA - ILOA Fields Relevant for Changes (Action Log)
ALIMCDATA - Alerts: ABAP-Shared-Buffer for IMC Communication
ALIMCDTKEY - Alerts: Data Keys for IMC Communication
ALIMCRR - Alerts: IMC Request/Response Headers
ALINK_ACT - Runtime Documents
ALINK_KI - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field of Length 72
ALINK_KN - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_NODE + TEXT Field of Length 30
ALINOUT - Input Structure Action Log
ALITSINPUT - Input init. of ITS perf matrix
ALITSOUT - output ITS perf matrix tids and attributename


ALLAZYMT - ALERTS NEXT GEN: Whole Database Monitoring Tree Infrastr.
ALLAZYMT2 - ALERTS NEXT GEN: NEW (>=4.6A) Database Monitoring Tree
ALLAZYMTST - Reference structure for lazy fubas ...
ALLC - Subnet allocations
ALLC_SGTXT - Allocation: Access structure COEP/COEJ-SGTXT
ALLGSBADR - RE: Partner - Address of Administrator and Addit.Fields
ALLINKTID - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: TID of Linked MTE
ALLNAMERC - Alert: Long Name plus RC
ALLOCATIONS - Allocations
ALLOCATION_CLASSES - Class with Assignment Basic Data Without Object
ALLOCD - Dialog table for allocation structure
ALLOCDB - Document table structure for network allocation
ALLOCSTAT - sysdba.allocatorstatistic
ALLONGJOB_CTRL - Control Table for CCMS Monitoring of Jobs by Runtime ALLO...

ALLPERNR - Allowed personnel numbers
ALLSERVICES - Contains all Service and Contract Information for a PoD
ALL_ARTNR_FLDAPP - Append Structure for Field ALL_ARTNR (IS2ERP)
ALL_NOTES - All SAP_Notes for the Corresponding Object
ALL_OFFICES - Sales Office ID
ALL_PROFILES - Structure for Display of Profile Values/Versions
ALL_SERVICES - All Services for Purchase Order Items or Entry Sheets
ALL_SITES - Generated Table for View ALL_SITES ALL_...


ALMATTRIBS - Alerts: Monitor Display Attributes
ALMATTRROW - Alerts: Generate Storage Location for Monitor Attribute
ALMBCADM - CCMS Monitoring Cache: Administration of 'MTEs of one Class'
ALMBCDATA - CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for 'MTEs of one Class'
ALMBCREQST - CCMS Monitoring Cache: MTEs of one Class: Query Structure
ALMBCRESLT - CCMS Monitoring Cache: MTEs of one Class: Result Structure
ALMBRDATA - CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for 'MTEs of one Class' ALMB...

ALMCCREAT2 - Alert: Monitoring Context: Create Structure (Second Version)
ALMCCREATE - Alert: Monitoring Context: Create
ALMCDEST - Alert: Table of Context destinations
ALMCNAMESY - Alert: Table of SysId and Moni. Ctxt Names (key of alconseg)
ALMCRESULT - Alert: Monitoring Ctxt: gen. result (MCName, TID, Owner, RC)
ALMDCPR - Alerts: Log Entry for Check of an XML Monitor Definition
ALMDEDFLGS - Alerts: Control Indicators for Monitor Definition Editor
ALMDEFNODE - Alerts: Nodes of a Monitor Definition
ALMDFV1 - Alerts: Monitor Definition Node 4.6D for XML Upload/Download
ALMDRLDSC - Alerts: Language-dependent rule description
ALMDRULES - Alerts: Rules for rule nodes of a monitor definition ALMD...

ALMELD - Fields Relevant for Change Documents - Notifications
ALMENUENT - Alerts: Menu Entry
ALMKMTE - Alerts: Selected Monitor MTEs (TIDs)
ALMNDSPLC - Alerts: Display Options of a Monitor
ALMONCTX - Alert: Monitoring context (Root ID + owner)
ALMONCTX2 - Alert: Monitoring Context (Second Extended Version)
ALMONCTX3 - Alert: Monitoring Context (Third Extended Version)
ALMONDEF - Alerts: Definition of a 5.0A Monitor
ALMONIDEF - Alerts: Description of Monitor Definition Nodes
ALMONINAME - Alert: Full Name of Monitor ALMO...

ALMPRNODE - Alerts: Monitor Presentation Nodes (Release > 4.6C)
ALMRLPARAM - Alerts: Rule Parameter Description
ALMRULES - Alerts: Rule Descriptions for Monitor Definitions (V3)
ALMSCALV - Alerts: Output Table for Log Viewer in Visual Framework
ALMSCCUS - Alert: Message container Customizing
ALMSCCUSW - Alert: Message container write Customizing
ALMSCFILTR - Alert: Message container filter definition
ALMSCLINE - Alert: Message container line, raw + expanded message line

ALMTALINFO - High alert and current status information of an MT
ALMTATVAL - Alert: structure to hold MT tree, attribute current value
ALMTCREATE - Alert: Structure for MT Create (Parent, Numrange, uid, name)
ALMTCRERES - Alert: Structure for MT Create Result
ALMTCUSGEN - Alert: MT-specific Customizing Class-independent
ALMTCUSMSC - Alert: MTE-specific Customizing: message container ALMT...

ALM_DOE_ABCINDIC - ABC Indicator in report selection
ALM_DOE_ACTIVITY_TYPE - Activity type data in report selection
ALM_DOE_ASSEMBLY - Assembly data in report selection
ALM_DOE_ASSET - Asset data in report selection
ALM_DOE_AUTH_GRP - Authorization group data for report selection
ALM_DOE_BATCH - Batch data for report selection ALM_...


ALNAMEDUSERS - Customizing Settings for CCMS Named Used Data Collector
ALNAMESPLT - Alert: Structure for ALNGiNameSplit
ALNODEKEY - MTEKEY to node mapping


ALOB - Structure for ALOB (Ascii Large OBject)
ALOBJ - ArchiveLink Objects
ALOBJMETH - Alert: Object and Method (for '...GET_POSSIBLE_METHODS')
ALOBJSET - Alerts: An Object Set
ALORDER - Field Selection Change Documents Order


ALPARAMS - Alert: Dummy structure to hold parameter definitions
ALPARANAME - Parameter Name & Reference to Parameter Instance
ALPARENTID - Alert: for MT Create Parents global TID
ALPCUSRECM - Alert: Performance MT Write Customization
ALPDBSYS - Name of actual system or logical system group
ALPDBTRULE - PFDB: Abstract rule or representation for date range
ALPDBUIALV - For ALV specific display (ALV out table)
ALPDBUIJOB - PFDB: UI structure to collect job periodicity
ALPDBUIRST - PFDB: Overall result and request information from UI display
ALPDBUIRVE - Report Variant Editor Displayed fields (IO fields) ALPD...

ALPERFCL - Monitoring Architecture: Perf. DB: Cluster Structure: FMRepr
ALPERFCL_D - Mon. Arch.: PerfDB Cluster for Day Average of ONE Day
ALPERFCL_I - Monitoring Arch.: Perf. DB: Cluster Structure in ALPERFDB
ALPERFCL_M - Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for minute average of ONE day
ALPERFCL_Q - Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for quarter hour avg of ONE day
ALPERFCO - Mon. Arch.: Perf. DB Object: Part for Perf. DB Entry ALPE...

ALPFASSIGN - Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (New Version)
ALPFASSIGNSHRT - Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (Short Vers.)
ALPFASSIGN_UI - Structure for PerfDB Reorganization Schema Assignment
ALPFAUTOREPORT - List of PerfDB Report to Be Executed Automatically
ALPFCAST - Data Structure to Pass Performance Forecast Data
ALPFCOLLREORGSCH - Collection/Reorganization Schemata for PerfDB ALPF...

ALPINGDEST - RFC Destinations for CCMSPING Agents
ALPRALDATA - Alerts: Alert Data for a Monitor Node (Release > 4.6C)
ALPRCVDATA - Alerts: Current Status Data of Monitor Node
ALPRGENDAT - Alerts: General Data of a Monitor Node (Release > 4.6C)
ALPROTROW - Alerts: Line of Error Log
ALPRTLDATA - Alerts: Tool Data for Monitor Presentation Node
ALPSCTX - Alerts: Sample Context for Performance MTEs
ALPSDAT - Alerts: Sample Description of a Performance MTE
ALPSVAL - Alerts: Sample Performance MTE
ALPTIDKEY - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Global Parents (Short/Key) TID


ALQRFCMON - Define Additional Message Container for qRFC Queue Mon.
ALQRFCMONA - Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs
ALQRFCMONO - Owner of the Active Queue Group Settings for RZ20
ALQRFCMONQ - Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs
ALQRFCMTC - List of CCMS Monitoring Architecture MTE Classes (QRFC Mon)
ALQRFCQOUT - Duplicate of QSENDDEST for Compatibility with Older qRFCs ALQR...


ALRCTABLE - Alert: Common Table of return codes for Monitoring Infrastr.
ALREQDESTI - CCMS Monitoring RFC Destination and Some Flags
ALREQTARGET - CCMS Monitoring: Request Target: SIDs and Flags
ALREQUESTCUC - CCMS Monitoring: Request for Class Under Class
ALRESULTCUC - CCMS Monitoring: Request for Class Under Class
ALRFCAID - Alert: RFC Destination plus global Aid plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCALSTA - Alert: RFC destination plus ALAIDALSTA plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCERRORS - Table with RFC Errors During Processing of Monitors
ALRFCLNAME - Alert: RFC destination plus long name plus ALCONSEG
ALRFCMCCRE - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMCCREATE
ALRFCMSCCR - Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCACHER plus ALCONSEG ALRF...

ALRLPARDSC - Alerts: Rule Parameter Description (Visual Format)
ALRLPARF4 - Alerts: Structure for F4 processing of rule parameters
ALRLPARROW - Rule Parameter With Corresponding Value
ALRLPDROW - Alerts: Rule Parameter Description (Database Format)
ALRLRSNODE - Alerts: Result Nodes of Rule
ALRSLTCUC_L - CCMS Monitoring: Result for CLASS UNDER CLASS (Long Version)
ALRULE - Alerts: Rule Description (Runtime Format)
ALRULEPAR - Alert: Contains Name/Value Pair for Rule Parameters
ALRULEPARS - Alert: Contains Name/Value Pair for Rule Parameters
ALRVARATS0 - PFDB: Attribute with individual setting info (version 0)
ALRVARATSE - PFDB: Attribute with individual setting info included
ALRVARATT0 - PFDB: Information of an attribute (version 0)
ALRVARATTR - PFDB: Information of an attrib. in a report variant
ALRVARCDE0 - PFDB: Content Definition of a report variant
ALRVARCDEF - PFDB: Content Definition of a report variant ALRV...


ALSCUSRECM - Alert: Single Message Type Customize Recommendation
ALSEGINFO - Alerts: Information About a Monitoring Segment
ALSELITEM - Alerts: Describes a Selected Item
ALSFTAGGRE - Stru. returning sft aggre. + return code
ALSFTPOLID - PFDB: ID name & description of shift policy
ALSHTRCU - Alert: Configuration MT tree/detail display (version 1)
ALSHTRCUV2 - Alert: Configuration of MTE tree/detailed display (version2)
ALSHUFFCAT - Shuffler Selection Description
ALSHUFFCAT_WAO - Shuffler Selections Description (Web Add-On)
ALSHUFFDAT - Shuffler Selection Data
ALSHUFFDAT_WAO - Shuffler Selection Data (Web Add-On) ALSH...

ALSLDCTRL - CCMS Access to Standard SLD - X Not Possible, 0 Possible
ALSLDUPD - CCMS SCR SLD Comparison: Delet. and DSR Registration Actions
ALSLOGMAP - CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Syslog mapping to cat. and val
ALSMESALV - Monit. Arch. Contains Status Message Parameter for ALV Disp.
ALSMEX_TABLINE - Rows for Table with Excel Data
ALSMSGCUS - Alert: Single Message Type Customization
ALSMSGCUSW - Alert: Single Message Type Write Customization
ALSMSGRAWT - Alert: Single Message Type (wirh raw xmi message) + Rc
ALSMSGRAWV - Alert: Single Message Type Value (raw XMI message data) ALSM...

ALSTATITEM - Statistical Data About Individual SAP Tables + Host + RC
ALSTREF - Alerts: Reference to Child Node of Monitor Subtree
ALSYINFALV - Monitoring Arch. Contains System Status Info for ALV Display
ALSYSAL - Instance Table for BOR Object SYALERT (for Use with WFs)
ALSYSCTX - Alert: Monitor System ID and Context
ALSYSDEST - Monitoring Architecture: System ID and RFC destination
ALSYSGRPC - Monitoring Arch.: Defines a System Group / System Pair
ALSYSGRPS - Alerts: Definition of R/3 System Groups ALSY...


ALTACREATE - MonI: Structure for Txt.attr ceate: MO, name, text, NR, uid
ALTASKLIST - CCMS Monitoring: Task Management for Asynchronous RFC
ALTBL1024 - Buffer Table for Storing Table Data up to Length 1024
ALTD - Asset Accounting: Interface for Legacy Data Transfer
ALTDEFRC - Alert: MT Type Def plus RC (ReturnCode)
ALTEMPLND - Alert: Describes a Node in a Monitor Template
ALTERNATIVE_COMPETENCIES - Alternative Qualifications
ALTEXTASSIGN - Assignments of Text collection schemas to MTE classes
ALTEXTATTR - Alert: Text Attribute type + Rc
ALTEXTDB - History Database for text, status, and message nodes
ALTEXTHIST - Generated Table for View ALTE...

ALTHRESHOLDS - CCMS: Threshold Values for a Performance Attribute
ALTIDAIDRC - Monitoring Architecture: TID + RC + TID/AID Table
ALTIDCVAL - TID and Current Value (SALR)
ALTIDGDA - Monitoring Architecture: General Data for MTW + RC
ALTIDKEY - Alert: global TID as key (w/o INDEX fields)
ALTIDMAXLV - Alert: TID + MaxLevel + VisibleOnUserLevel
ALTIDMN - Alerts: Short TID + MTE Name + Rule Parameter ALTI...

ALTLDESCR - Alert: Method Description - Language-Dependent
ALTLDPENQ - Alerts: Lock Argument for Locks from Method Dispatcher Runs
ALTLDPNM - Alert: Name of a tool dispatcher
ALTLEXDESC - Alert: Description of a tool instance to be executed
ALTLPARAMS - Alert: Parameter definition for a TOOL
ALTMPLNDIF - Alerts: General Info. Container (F1 Help, Error Info.)
ALTOLEXDEF - Alert: TOOLS technical definition of tool executable
ALTOOL - Alert: Tool
ALTOOLASSG - Alert: set Tool (Tid + Toolname + ToolDisp. + new status)
ALTOOLCHEK - Alert: Tools that have been checked as usable
ALTOOLCHST - Alert: Tool Change Status (Tid + WhichTool + New Status)
ALTOOLCTRL - Alert: Tool Control (Tool + Tid + Aid) ALTO...

ALTQ_STRU - Structure for PD Alternative Qualifications
ALTQ_STRUI - Structure for Creating/Deleting Alternative Qualifications
ALTR40BRC - Row Structure for SALC Tree Table
ALTRAMONI - Monitoring Arch.: Table for Transaction-Specific Monitoring
ALTREEINFO - Alerts: TID + Long Name + Corresponding MTE Subtree
ALTSTLOD - Monitoring Arch.: For Report to Measure a Standard Load
ALTXTLCREA - Mon. Arch.: Structure for Test/Link Attribute Create/Attach
ALTXTLNKAT - Alert: Text Attribute Type (Including Link Subtype) + RC
ALTXTPROP - Alert: Text Attribute Properties
ALTYPES - Alert: Data types for use in RFC funct. module


ALVBUFTEST - ALV Test Structure for Buffer
ALVCDIR - Alerts: Directory of Visueller Components in a Framework
ALVCMPDIR - Alerts: Directory of Visueller Components in a Framework
ALVDYNP - ALV dialog screen fields
ALVFDFBR - Alerts: Parameters for Component CL_CCMS_AL_DEFINITION_BAR
ALVFOBJECT - Alerts: Object in the Visual Framework
ALVFOBMO - Alerts: Association Between Object Type and Monitor Set
ALVFOBPR - Alerts: Describes the Properties of an Object
ALVFOBTY - Alerts: List of Supported Object Types
ALVFOBVI - Alerts: Parameters for Component CL_CCMS_AL_OBJECT_VIEWER ALVF...

ALVHD - ALV Header for Stock Overview of Handling Units
ALVIEWWSET - Alerts: Worklist for the Alert Viewer (AIDs / TIDs)
ALVISALDAT - Alert: Visual Line in Alert Viewer
ALVIT - ALV Item for Stock Overview of Handling Units
ALVLOUT - Alerts: Visual Layout of a Monitor Framework
ALVXML_S_CELL2 - Cell Structure for XML Output
ALVXML_S_COL2 - Column Structure for XML Output
ALVXML_S_LAYO2 - ALV XML Structure Layout
ALVXML_S_ROW2 - Row Structure for XML Output
ALV_ASSIGN_LDGRP_AREAS - Assignment of Ledger Group to Areas for ALV Display
ALV_AUTO_TEXT_S - ALV Grid: Automatic Long Text Determination
ALV_BUFF - ALV Buffering Test
ALV_CHCK - Check Table for ALV_T_T2
ALV_CO_CODE_STY - Output Structure (ALV) FG WR15 - Company Code data
ALV_CUR - Check Table for ALV_T_T2 ALV_...


ALXMBALERT - Persistence Table for XMB Alert IDs
ALXMBEMAIL - CCMS: Registration of E-Mail Recipients for Alerts
ALXMBINHERITKEY - Inheritance Hierarchy for XI Monitor Nodes
ALXMBMGUID_ENTRY - CCMS: XMB Message Key Entry for Analysis Tool
ALXMBPFALERT - Exchange Infrastructure: Performance Alerts for XI Messages
ALXMBPFMSGPROC - Exchange Infrastructure: Message Processing Times ALXM...

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