List of SAP Tables objects containing

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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with W

WSGCINFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGCINFO2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ACCESS_POINT_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ACCESS_POINT_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ACTIVE_COMPONENTS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ACTIVE_COMPONENTS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_AGENT_CONFIG_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ALERTS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ALERTS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ALERT_TREE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ALERT_TREE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_AS400POOL_ALL_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_AS400POOL_ALL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_AS400POOL_DATA_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_AS400POOL_DATA_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_AS400POOL_HISTORY_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_AS400POOL_HISTORY_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_CONFIGURATION_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_CPU_CONSUMPTION_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_CPU_CONSUMPTION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_CPU_HISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_CPU_HISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_DISK_HISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_DISK_HISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_DISK_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_DISK_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ENVIRONMENT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_ENVIRONMENT_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_FILESYSTEM_HIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_FILESYSTEM_HIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_FILESYSTEM_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_FILESYSTEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)





WSGET_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_LANHISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_LANHISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_LANREQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_LANRESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_LIST_OF_MA_BY_CUS_GRP_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_LIST_OF_MA_BY_CUS_GRP_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MC_IN_LOCAL_MS_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MC_IN_LOCAL_MS_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MEMORY_HISTORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MEMORY_HISTORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MEMORY_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MEMORY_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MTES_BY_REQUEST_TABLE_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MTES_BY_REQUEST_TABLE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MT_LIST_BY_MTCLASS_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_MT_LIST_BY_MTCLASS_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_NETWORK_ID_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_NETWORK_ID_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390ADDRESS_SPACE_RESO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390ADDR_SPACE_RSRCE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390COLLECTOR_DETAILS_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390COLLECTOR_DETAIL_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTIVITY3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390CPUPAGING_ACTVTY_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390STORAGE_RESOURCE_H1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390STORAGE_RESOURCE_R1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390STOR_RESOURCE_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390STOR_RSRCE_HIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390WLMDATA_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_OS390WLMDATA_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)



WSGET_PROCESS_LIST_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_PROCESS_LIST_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_PROCESS_PARAMETER_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_PROCESS_PARAMETER_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_PROC_PATTERN_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_PROC_PATTERN_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_QUEUE_STATISTIC_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_QUEUE_STATISTIC_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_RESULT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_RESULT_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_SEC_NETWORK_ID_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_SEC_NETWORK_ID_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_SINGLE_CPU_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_SINGLE_CPU_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_START_PROFILE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_START_PROFILE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_SYSTEM_INSTANCE_LIST_RQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_SYSTEM_INSTANCE_LIST_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_TOP_CPUPROCESSES_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_TOP_CPUPROCESSES_RS - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_TRACE_FILE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_TRACE_FILE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_VERSION_INFO_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_VERSION_INFO_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_VERSION_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGET_VERSION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSGM_ATTR_MVT_TYPE - Retail Store GM/GR: Movement Type-Dependent Field Attributes

WSGM_BUS_TRANS_VAL_HLP - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Business Trans.Value List

WSGM_BUTTON - SAP Retail Store GM: Structure for Various Buttons

WSGM_BUTTON_CODES - Retail Store GM: Function Key Codes for Buttons

WSGM_BUTTON_SC - SAP Retail Store GM: Buttons - Attributes

WSGM_DLGCALL - SAP Retail Store: Interface for Material Document Dialog

WSGM_ENTRY_SH - SAP Retail Store GR: Entry Screen Addit. Data - Search Helps

WSGM_ENTRY_SH_SC - SAP Retail Store GR: Entry Screen Addit. Field Attributes

WSGM_GM_DOC_HEAD - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Header Data

WSGM_GM_DOC_HEAD_SC - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Header Data - Screen Attrib.

WSGM_GM_DOC_ITEM - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Data

WSGM_GM_DOC_ITEM_LINE_SC - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Table - Screen

WSGM_GM_DOC_ITEM_SC - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Data - Screen Attrib.

WSGM_GM_HI_DOC_HEAD - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Header Data RFC

WSGM_GM_HI_DOC_ITEM - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Data - RFC

WSGM_GR_BUTTON - SAP Retail Store GM: Structure for Various Buttons

WSGM_GR_BUTTON_CODES - Retail Store GR: Function Key Codes for Buttons

WSGM_GR_BUTTON_SC - SAP Retail Store GM: Buttons - Attributes

WSGM_GR_DOC_HANDLING_UNIT - Retail Store GR: Handling Unit Data

WSGM_GR_DOC_HEAD - Retail Store GR: Goods Receipt - Header Data

WSGM_GR_DOC_HEAD_SC - Retail Store GR: Goods Receipt - Header Data - Attributes

WSGM_GR_DOC_HU_ITEM - Retail Store GR: Handling Unit Items

WSGM_GR_DOC_ITEM - Retail Store GR: Goods Receipt - Item Data

WSGM_GR_DOC_ITEM_LINE_SC - Retail Store GR: Goods Receipt Item Line - Attributes

WSGM_GR_DOC_ITEM_SC - Retail Store GR: Goods Receipt - Item Data - Attributes

WSGM_GR_HI_DOC_HEAD - Mobile Goods Receipt - Header Data

WSGM_GR_HI_DOC_ITEM - Mobile Goods Receipt - Item Data

WSGM_GR_HI_REF_SHDOC_CR - Mobile Goods Receipt: Search Criteria for Reference

WSGM_GR_HI_REF_SHDOC_RH - Mobile Goods Receipt: Search Results for Reference Docs

WSGM_GR_REF_SHDOC_CR - Retail Store GR: Search Criteria for Reference Documents

WSGM_GR_REF_SHDOC_CR_SC - Retail Store GR: Search Criteria Attributes

WSGM_GR_REF_SHDOC_RH - Retail Store GR: Search Results for Reference Documents

WSGM_GR_REF_SHDOC_RH_SC - Retail Store GR: Search Results - Attributes

WSGM_GR_REF_SHDOC_RI - Retail Store GR: Search Result - Reference Documents Items

WSGM_HEAD - SAP Retail Store: Material Document Header

WSGM_HEAD_DB_TMP - SRS GM: Temporary Persistence for Header Data

WSGM_ITALL - SAP Retail Store: Goods Movement Item Totals

WSGM_ITEM - SAP Retail Store: Material Document Items

WSGM_ITEM_DB_TMP - SRS GM: Temporary Persistence for Item Data

WSGM_MKPF_XTR - SAP Retail Store GM: Extract from MKPF for Search

WSGM_MOVE_REAS_F4 - SAP Retail Store GM: Selection Box - Movement Reason

WSGM_MSEG_XTR - SAP Retail Store GM: Extract from MSEG for Search

WSGM_OPEN_GR_SHDOC_CR - SAP Retail Store GM: Open Goods Receipts Search Criteria

WSGM_OPEN_GR_SHDOC_RH - SAP Retail Store GM: Open Goods Receipts Search Result

WSGM_OPEN_GR_SHDOC_RI - SAP Retail Store GM: Search Result Item Data Open GR

WSGM_REF_ID_F4 - SAP Retail Store GM: Selection Box Reference Document ID

WSGM_RFC_GM_DOC_HEAD - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Header Data RFC

WSGM_RFC_GM_DOC_HEAD_SC - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Header Data - Screen Attrib.

WSGM_RFC_GM_DOC_ITEM - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Data - RFC

WSGM_RFC_GM_DOC_ITEM_LINE_SC - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Table - Screen

WSGM_RFC_GM_DOC_ITEM_SC - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Data - Screen Attrib.

WSGM_RFC_GR_DOC_HEAD - Retail Store GR: RFC Goods Receipt - Header Data

WSGM_RFC_GR_DOC_HEAD_SC - Retail Store GR: RFC Goods Receipt - Header Data Attributes

WSGM_RFC_GR_DOC_ITEM - Retail Store GR: RFC Goods Receipt - Item Data

WSGM_RFC_GR_DOC_ITEM_LINE_SC - Retail Store GR: RFC Item Line - Attributes

WSGM_RFC_GR_DOC_ITEM_SC - Retail Store GR: RFC Goods Receipt Item Attributes

WSGM_RFC_GR_REF_SHDOC_CR - Retail Store GR: RFC Search Criteria for Reference Docs.

WSGM_RFC_GR_REF_SHDOC_CR_SC - Retail Store GR: RFC Search Criteria Attributes

WSGM_RFC_GR_REF_SHDOC_RH - Retail Store GR: RFC Search Results for Reference Documents

WSGM_RFC_GR_REF_SHDOC_RH_SC - Retail Store GR: RFC Search Results - Attributes

WSGM_SHDOC_CR - SAP Retail Store GM: Search Criteria Material Document

WSGM_SHDOC_CRE - SAP Retail Store GM: Extended Search Criteria

WSGM_SHDOC_CR_DARK - SAP Retail Store GM: Dark Search Criteria Material Document

WSGM_SHDOC_CR_SC - SAP Retail Store GM: Search Criteria Mat. Doc. Field Attrib.

WSGM_SHDOC_RH - SAP Retail Store GM: Search Result Material Document Headers

WSGM_SHDOC_RH_SC - SAP Retail Store GM: Srch Res. Mat. Doc. Headers - Fld Attr.

WSGM_SHDOC_RI - SAP Retail Store GM: Search Result Item Data

WSGM_SHDOC_RI_SC - SAP Retail Store GM: Search Result Item Data - Fld Attribute

WSGM_STLOC_VAL_HLP - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Value List for Stor.Loctns.

WSGM_WD_FOA_GR_DOC - Retail Store GR: Data type used for doc related FOA action

WSGM_WD_FOA_MAT_DOC - Retail Store GM: Data type used for doc related FOA action

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_HEAD - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Header Data (Web dynpro)

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_HEAD_SC_RO - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Header Data(WD) - Read only

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_HEAD_SC_VIS - SRS Goods Movement -Header Data(WD) Visibility

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_HEAD_SC_VQ - SRS Goods Movement - Header Data (WD) required

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_ITEM - Retail Store: Goods Movements - Item Data (Web dynpro)

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_ITEM_SC_RO - Retail Store: Goods Movement - Item Data (WD) read Only

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_ITEM_VALUE_SET - Retail Store: Goods Movement - Item Data(WD) ATTR Value Set

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_ITM_FUNCTIONS - Function elements in ALV Item table and detail view

WSGM_WD_GM_DOC_STAT - State of goods movement document

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_HEAD - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Header Data

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_HEAD_SC - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Header Data - Attributes

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_HEAD_SC_LBL - Retail Store WD UI: Header Data - Label

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_HEAD_SC_REQ - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Header Data - State

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_HEAD_SC_RO - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Header Data - Attributes

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_HEAD_SC_VIS - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Header Data - Visibilty

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_HU - Retail Store WD: GR - Handling Unit Data

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_ITEM - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Item Data

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_ITEM_CELL_VRNT - InStore MIM WD UI: Goods Receipt - Item ALV Cell Variants

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_ITEM_SC - Retail Store WD UI: GR - Item Visibilty Attributes

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_ITEM_SC_RO - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Item Data Attribute

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_ITEM_TAB_TBAR - Retail Store GR: Buttons/Controls in Item List ALV

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_ITEM_VALUE_SET - Retail Store WD UI: Goods Receipt - Item Value Sets

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_ITM_DET_BTN - Function elements item etail view

WSGM_WD_GR_DOC_STAT - State of goods receipt document

WSGM_WD_GR_REF_SHDOC_CR - Retail Store WD:GR - Search Criteria for Reference Documents

WSGM_WD_GR_REF_SHDOC_RH - Retail Store WD: GR -Search Results for Reference Documents

WSGM_WD_GR_REF_SHDOC_RI - Retail Store WD: GR - Search Result Ref. Documents Items

WSGM_WD_GR_REF_SRCH_CNTRL - Retail Store GR: Buttons/Controls in Result List ALV

WSGR_HEAD_DB_TMP - SRS GM: Temporary Persistence for Header Data

WSGR_ITEM_DB_TMP - SRS GR: Temporary Persistence for Item Data

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