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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with U

UCS000C - Task Categories

UCS000T - Task Categories: Text

UCS0010 - Tasks: Time Stamp of Status-relevant Customizing Settings

UCS0100 - Tasks: Method

UCS0101 - Tasks: Document Type

UCS0102 - Tasks: CU-Dependency of Method Assignment

UCS0103 - Tasks: Elimination of IU P/L in Inventory

UCS0104 - Tasks: Validation

UCS0105 - Tasks: Cons Frequency

UCS0106 - Tasks: Posting Levels

UCS0107 - Tasks: Processing Type

UCS0108 - Tasks: Data Streams for Copy Task

UCS0109 - Tasks: Copy Task

UCS010C - Tasks

UCS010S - Tasks

UCS010T - Tasks: Text

UCS0110 - Tasks: Preceding Tasks

UCS0120 - Tasks: Status-bearing Cons Groups

UCS01A0 - Tasks: Settings for Log Display

UCS01A1 - Tasks: Log Layout: Custom Layouts

UCS01A2 - Tasks: Log Layout: Sequence, Active/Inactive

UCS01A3 - Tasks: IPA or CVA

UCS01A4 - Tasks: Cons Group Selection

UCS01A5 - Tasks: Balance Carryforward Task

UCS01A6 - Tasks: Workflow Variant

UCS01A7 - Measures: Workflow_variant for Sign-Off Task

UCS01A8 - Measures: Selection ID for repunit and repgroup

UCS01A9 - Measures: Query

UCS01AA - Tasks: Reclassification

UCS01AB - Tasks: Consolidation Group Change

UCS01AC - Tasks: Data Transfer

UCS01AD0 - Tasks: Sign-Off (Matrix Dimension)

UCS01AD1 - Tasks: Sign-Off

UCS01AE - Tasks: Reconciliations

UCS01L1 - Tasks: Suppress Messages in Logs

UCS020C - Task Groups

UCS020S - Task Groups

UCS020T - Task Groups: Text

UCS0300 - Cycle: Consolidation Frequency

UCS0301 - Cycle: Version

UCS030C - Cycle

UCS030T - Cycle: Text

UCS0400 - Statusbearing Rep.Groups for Interunit Level 10



UCSSCR00 - Assignments of Cons Area to Generated Report Programs

UCSSCR10 - Assignments of Cons Area + Task Category to Sel. Screen

UCSSCR15 - Assignments of Cons Area + Task Type to Sel. Screen

UCSSCR20 - Assignment of Cons Area to Generated Programs/Screens

UCSSCR25 - Assignment of Data Stream to Generated Screens (Source DBs)

UCSSCR30 - Screen Directory for Printing Master Data Characteristics

UCSSCR35 - Assignment of Data Basis to Generated Programs/Screens

UCSSCR40 - Asgt of Cons Area + Method Category and Program + Sel.Screen

UCST000 - SEM-BCS: Status of Performance Statistics

UCST001 - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics


UCS_SEL_EXT - Enhanced Selection Structure for Screen Generation

UCS_SX_AUTH_REPUNIT - SEM-BCS: Authorization for Tasks: Consolidation Unit

UCS_SX_COPY_ST - Gener.Template: Copy Task: Source and Target

UCS_SX_HRY_STAT_TREE - Cons Hierarchy Tree with Status Info

UCS_SX_PAIR_CG_DONE - Two-sided Status: Processed Groups

UCS_SX_PAIR_CG_TODO - Two-sided Status: Groups to Process

UCS_SX_PAIR_CU_CG_DONE - Two-sided Status: Processed Groups and Units

UCS_SX_PAIR_LOCK - Two-sided Status

UCS_SX_RESTR_CG - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_SIGNOFF_PROP - Sign-Off Task: Attributes

UCS_SX_STAT_NODE - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Node

UCS_SX_STM_AGGR - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_ALL_LEAFS - SIDs of All Leaves for a Characteristic

UCS_SX_STM_AUTOMATON - Automaton of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_CG_LEAFS - SIDs of Successors of Groups

UCS_SX_STM_CG_STATUS_MAP - Status-bearing Groups for Level 10 Processing

UCS_SX_STM_COMBI - FIN Master Data: Combination Field

UCS_SX_STM_CONTENT_DATA_1 - Period-dependent Assignment BottomUp Index StatusAggregation

UCS_SX_STM_CONTENT_DATA_2 - Period-dependent Assignment Task Sequence/Tasks

UCS_SX_STM_CONTENT_DATA_3 - Period-dependent Assignment BottomUp Index StatusAggregation

UCS_SX_STM_CONV_SIDS - Structure for Multiconversion SIDs

UCS_SX_STM_FIELD - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_CHECK - Gen. Template: Structure with Status-rel.Char, Status Check

UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_CHECK_MSG - Gener. Template: Structure w/Status-rel.Char,Check,Message

UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_HRY - Hierarchy as Flat Table

UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_UPDATE - Gen. Template: Structure with Status-rel.Char, Status Update

UCS_SX_STM_HIERARCHY - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_HRY - Hierarchy Information

UCS_SX_STM_INDEX - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_MATRIX - Transformation Matrix of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_PRODUCT - Structure for Buffering in Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_REQ_STATUS - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_SID_TARGET - Structure Status Mgmt CU Combination: Target Tasks

UCS_SX_STM_SOURCE_INFOS - Structure with Info on Source Versions/Currencies

UCS_SX_STM_SOURCE_TARGET_INFOS - Structure with Info on Sources and Targets

UCS_SX_STM_TARGET_INFOS - Structure with Info on Sources and Targets

UCS_SX_STM_TASK - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_STM_UPD_STATUS - Structure of Status Management

UCS_SX_STREAM - Additional Financial Data I/O Streams

UCS_SX_TASK_DATA - Task Properties (for Parallel Processing)

UCS_SX_TASK_FISCTIME_SEL - Task/Fiscal Date/Selection Condition

UCS_SX_TASK_PACKAGE - Packaging of Tasks

UCS_SX_TASK_SEL_REPGROUP - Gen.Template: Task: Cons Group Selection

UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_BUFFER - Tasks: Shared Memory: Buffer

UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_BUFFER_METH - Tasks: Shared Memory: Buffer: Methods

UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_BUFFER_TASK - Tasks: Shared Memory: Buffer: Tasks

UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_FSFREQUENCY - Tasks: Shared Memory: Consolidation Frequency

UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_METH_CROSSUNIT - Tasks: Shared Memory: Cross-Unit Method: Characteristics

UCS_SX_TOTALS_DOC - Gener.Template: Structure for Transaction Data, Doc.No./Line

UCS_S_AREA_LP - Area Customizing : List Processor

UCS_S_AUTHORIZATION_FIELD - Authorization Check for Tasks - Assigned Characteristics

UCS_S_AUTHORIZED_VALUE - Authorization Check for Tasks: Authorized Values

UCS_S_BOTUP_COMBINATION - Assigned Cons Unit or Cons Group

UCS_S_BOTUP_INDX_NM - Structure Bottom-Up Index, Non-Matrix

UCS_S_CHPROP - SEM-BCS: Structure with Key Fields for a Characteristic

UCS_S_CTR_METHOD - Currency translation method with rounding method

UCS_S_DOCREFRESH - Repetition of Automatically Posted Document Types

UCS_S_DOCTYPESEM - Semantics of Doc.Types in Context of Task Execution


UCS_S_FISCTIME_TASK_PREC - Preceding Task at Fiscal Date

UCS_S_MESSAGE_PARAMETER - Structure for Messages

UCS_S_NTOS - Row Mapping Table: Cons HY Tree with Status

UCS_S_PAIR_CGT_TODO - Two-sided Status: Groups and Units to be Processed

UCS_S_REPGROUP_STATUS_MAP - Assignment of Cons Units to Status-bearing Cons Groups

UCS_S_REPGROUP_VALUE - Reporting Groups

UCS_S_REPUNITS_METHOD - Gener.Template: Cons Units: Methods for a Task

UCS_S_REPUNIT_VALUE - Reporting Units

UCS_S_SIGNOFF_TASKGRP - Sign-Off for Task Group

UCS_S_STATUSINFO - Information for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU1 - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU2 - Internal Processing Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU3 - Structure with Globally Defined Characteristics

UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU4 - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CG_1 - Internal Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CG_2 - Internal Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CG_3 - Internal Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CU_1 - Internal Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CU_2 - Internal Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_CU_3 - Internal Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STATUS_INFO - Status Information - Task Status

UCS_S_STATUS_LOG - Status Log Information - Task Status

UCS_S_STATUS_PERIOD - Status Information - Period Status

UCS_S_STATUS_PERIOD_LOG - Status Log Information - Period Status

UCS_S_STATUS_REQUEST - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management (Query)

UCS_S_STATUS_UPDATE - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management (Update)

UCS_S_STAT_001 - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Output

UCS_S_STAT_ATTRIB - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Attribute Value

UCS_S_STAT_ATTRIB_TXT - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics

UCS_S_STAT_ATTR_SETTINGS - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Attribute Settings

UCS_S_STAT_EXTRACT - Extractor Structure f. SEM-BCS Statistics

UCS_S_STAT_FLAT - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics

UCS_S_STAT_HRY - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Hierarchy

UCS_S_STAT_MAP - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Mapping

UCS_S_STAT_NODE_ATTRIB - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Node and Attribute

UCS_S_STAT_NODE_SETTINGS - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Node Settings

UCS_S_STAT_NODE_TXT - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics

UCS_S_STM_ARV_LOG - Log Information for Status Archiving

UCS_S_STM_ARV_LOG_DISP - Log of Status Archiving (List)

UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDEX_CG - Bottom-Up Index for Status Aggregation (Cons Groups)

UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDEX_CU - Bottom-Up Index for Status Aggregation (Cons Units)

UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CG_CU - Index for Assignment of Cons Units to Cons Groups

UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CG_CU2 - Flat Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CG_CU_NM - Structure Bottom-Up Index, Non-Matrix


UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CU_NM - Structure of Cons Units

UCS_S_STM_CG - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_CG_PROP - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_CHAR - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_CHECK - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_COMBINATIONS - Data Set of Valid Combinations

UCS_S_STM_COMB_ERROR_WARNG - Structure for Errors/Warnings During Status Update

UCS_S_STM_COMB_STATUS - Tupel of Valid Combinations with Status Info

UCS_S_STM_CU - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_CU_PROP - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_EXCEPT - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_EXEC_PARAM - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_FIELD - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_FIELDS - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_HIER_ITEM - Structure for Item Table

UCS_S_STM_MAPPING_FIELDS - Structure with Characteristics to be Mapped

UCS_S_STM_METH_INFO - Method Information

UCS_S_STM_NID_MAP - Structure

UCS_S_STM_NODEID - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management

UCS_S_STM_ORG - Special Structure for Status Query of Individual Org Units

UCS_S_STM_PAIR_CG - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PERIOD_STATUS_AGGR - Aggregated Status Information for Tasks

UCS_S_STM_PERSTATUS_CG - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PERSTATUS_CU - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PER_INFO - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PER_STATUS_INFO - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PER_TASK - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PER_TASKGRP - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PREV_TASK - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_PSTATUS_INFO - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_REFRESH_BUF - Flags for Refresh Buffers for Status Management

UCS_S_STM_REQ_STATUS_WC - Structure: Status Info for Work Center

UCS_S_STM_SEL_PARAM - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_SEND_RECV - Assignment Sender - Receiver

UCS_S_STM_SID - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_SID2 - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_SID_EXEC - Structure Status Management - SID Combination Executable

UCS_S_STM_SID_SOURCE - Structure Status Mgmt: CU Combination: Source Version/GC

UCS_S_STM_SID_VDY - Structure for Assignment of Characteristic SIDs - Validity

UCS_S_STM_SOURCE - Structure Status Mgmt: Source Versions and Group Currency

UCS_S_STM_SOURCES - Structure with Source Information

UCS_S_STM_STATES - State of Status Transformation

UCS_S_STM_STATUS - Structure for Getting Aggregate Status

UCS_S_STM_STATUS_INFO - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_STATUS_INFO2 - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_STATUS_INV - Structure for Mapping Internal (Automaton) Status <-> Status

UCS_S_STM_STATUS_MAP - Structure f. Mapping Status <-> Internal (Automaton)Status

UCS_S_STM_SVERS_TVERS - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_TAB - Structure for Internal Processing Tables

UCS_S_STM_TARGET - Structure Status Mgmt: Target Tasks

UCS_S_STM_TASK - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_TASKGRP - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_TASK_PROP - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_TASK_STASK - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_TASK_STATUS_AGGR - Aggregated Status Information for Tasks

UCS_S_STM_TASK_STATUS_TSTMP - Time Stamp: Status Update: Tasks

UCS_S_STM_TIME - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_UPD_STATUS_WF - Status Change with Workflow Connectivity

UCS_S_STM_VAL - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_VALID_COMB - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_VALUE_XY_1 - Structure for Executing Tasks

UCS_S_STM_VALUE_XY_2 - Structure for Blocking/Unblocking Tasks

UCS_S_STM_VALUE_XY_3 - Structure for Status Check of Tasks

UCS_S_STM_VERSION - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_WHERE - Structure of Status Management

UCS_S_STM_X - Structure for X Char., Status Mgmt

UCS_S_STM_Y - Structure for Y Char., Status Mgmt


UCS_S_TASKGRP - Task Group

UCS_S_TASKGRP_SIGNOFF - Task Group, Sign-Off

UCS_S_TASKPR_LP - Consolidation Monitor: List Settings

UCS_S_TASKTYPE_ATTR_SPEC - Task Categories: Specific Attributes

UCS_S_TASKTYPE_DATASTREAMTYPE - Task Category: Data Stream Types

UCS_S_TASKTYPE_SEQUENCE - Task Categories: Sequence

UCS_S_TASKTYPE_SEQUENCE_NEW - Task Categories: Sequence

UCS_S_TASKTYPE_SVERSIONTYPE - Task Categories: Field Type Special Version

UCS_S_TASKTYPE_TASKPROC - Task Categories: Processing Type

UCS_S_TASK_CU_METHOD - Gener.Template: Tasks: Method/Cons Unit

UCS_S_TASK_CU_METHOD_INFO - Gener.Template: Tasks: Method/Cons Unit/Info


UCS_S_TASK_DELAYOUT - Task, incl. Data Entry Layout

UCS_S_TASK_DOCTYPE - Gener.Template: Doc Types for Task

UCS_S_TASK_DOCTYPE_TASK - Gen. Template: Document Types for Task Incl. Task

UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task

UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_CTR - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task

UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_INST - Gener.Template: Method Instances for Task

UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_UPL - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task

UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_UPL_P - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task

UCS_S_TASK_LP - Task Customizing: List Processor

UCS_S_TASK_METHOD - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task

UCS_S_TASK_PLEVEL - Task: Posting Levels

UCS_S_TASK_PREC - Tasks: Preceding Tasks

UCS_S_TASK_PROPERTIES - Tasks: Properties

UCS_S_TASK_QUERY - Query for Measure

UCS_S_TASK_REPGROUP - Tasks: Consolidation Group-dependent Settings

UCS_S_TASK_REPGROUP_GUI - Tasks: Consolidation Group-dependent Settings

UCS_S_TASK_REPGROUP_STATUS - Tasks: Two-sided Processing: Status-bearing Cons Groups

UCS_S_TASK_SEQ - Task Properties

UCS_S_TASK_SEQNR - Tasks (Incl. Sequence)

UCS_S_TASK_SEQUENCE - Tasks: Sequence

UCS_S_TASK_SEQ_FT - Task Properties - Multiperiod Case

UCS_S_TASK_SHM_FIELD_REPUNIT - Tasks: Shared Memory: Cons Unit Characteristics

UCS_S_TASK_SHM_METH_COPY_TS - Tasks: Shared Memory: Copy Method: Source, Target

UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_1CU_METH - Tasks: Shared Memory: Method Assignment

UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_2CU_METH - Tasks: Shared Memory: Method Assignment

UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_FREQUENCY - Tasks: Shared Memory: Consolidation Periods

UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_SID - Tasks: Shared Memory: Task, SID

UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_SOURCE - Tasks: Shared Memory: Source Task

UCS_S_TASK_TSTMP - Assignment of Task to Time Stamp

UCS_S_TASK_WFVARIANT - Workflow Variants for Task

UCS_S_TASK_WFVARIANT_SIGN_OFF - Workflow Variants for Task

UCS_S_TX_DATA_ENQUEUE - Structure for Locking Transaction Data

UCS_S_TX_DATA_ENQUEUE_KEY - Structure for Locking Transaction Data

UCS_S_TX_DATA_ENQUEUE_XKEY - Locking of Transaction Data: Lock Behavior for Initial.Value

UCS_S_TX_DATA_ORGUNIT_SID - Valid Combinations of Status Fields

UCS_S_VERSION_GCKEY - Gener. Template: Versions and Group Currency Keys

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