List of SAP Tables objects containing

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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with T


TIV00 - Field status definitions for Real Estate object mgmt
TIV01 - External usage types of rental unit
TIV01_APP - Usage Type (TIV01): Append Fields
TIV02 - Debit types
TIV03 - Country-specific tenancy law
TIV04 - Repr.list of rents surcharge/reductions features
TIV05 - Definition of Service Charge Keys
TIV05Z - Assignment of Vendor Service Charge Keys to Customer
TIV06 - Service Charge Key Attributes for each Tenancy Law
TIV07 - Apportionment unit ID
TIV07Z - Additional Attributes of Settlement Unit
TIV08 - Area types
TIV09 - Room Types
TIV0A - RU Usage type ID's
TIV0C - Description of country-specific tenancy law
TIV0G - Settlement factor name
TIV0H - Texts for TIV08 Area types
TIV0I - Texts for TIV09 Room types


TIV10 - Bus. entity location
TIV100 - Real Estate direct input: Non-transferable fields
TIV11 - Adjustment Method for Rent Adjustments
TIV12 - Parts of building
TIV13 - Internal usage types for rental unit
TIV14 - Reasons for Adjustment Blocks
TIV15 - Regional management - no longer used
TIV16 - Maintenance district
TIV17 - Darwin Real Estate: Storey names and storeys
TIV18 - Security deposit types
TIV19 - Repres.list of rents size classes
TIV1A - Text Table for TIV11 (Adjustment Method for Rent Adjustment)
TIV1B - Texts for building parts table (TIV12)
TIV1C - Internal usage types for rental unit: Texts
TIV1D - Reasons for adjustment blocks: Texts
TIV1R - Language table for security deposit types view


TIV20 - Rep.list of rents master data
TIV21 - Building age classes
TIV22 - Representative list of rents location classes
TIV23 - Fixtures/Fittings Categories
TIV24 - Surch./Reduct. for each Charact.Category and Area Interval
TIV25 - Value table / Representative list of rents
TIV25_ALV - ALV Structure for TIV25
TIV26 - Real Estate Contract Type (Entities)
TIV26_APP - Contract Type: Append Fields
TIV27 - Value Table for Lease-Out Adjustment Type
TIV28 - Corporate group type - Table no longer used
TIV29 - Combination of adjustment type - usage cat./ext. usage type
TIV2B - Location classes of representative list of rents - texts
TIV2C - Characteristics classes - Names
TIV2F - Text table for Real Estate Contract Type (table TIV26)
TIV2G - Text Table for Lease-Out Adjustment Type (TIV27)
TIV2J - Representative list of rents master texts
TIV2T - Text table for debit types


TIV30 - Tenant service in a company
TIV31 - Occupancy obligation
TIV32 - Elevator installation types for rental units-no longer used
TIV33 - Type of media reception
TIV34 - Water mains connection types
TIV35 - Regional locations
TIV36 - Main Usage Types
TIV37 - Floor
TIV38 - Location on Floor
TIV39 - Reason for notice
TIV3A - Occupancy commitment texts
TIV3B - Texts for table TIV32: Types of elevator installation in RU
TIV3C - Out-of-date texts for TIV33: Media reception
TIV3D - Texts for TIV34: Water mains connection types
TIV3F - Predominant usage types texts
TIV3G - Language table for floors (TIV37)
TIV3H - Location in storey - Texts
TIV3I - Reason for notice texts


TIV40 - Asset class assignment - Main usage type
TIV41 - Lease-out notice rejection reason
TIV42 - Rental agreement offer status
TIV43 - Reasons for reduced percentage rate increase
TIV44 - Transport connections
TIV45 - District Location
TIV46 - Tax code for administration costs surcharge on IEA
TIV47 - Posting rules for owner settlement
TIV48 - Allocation of condition types to settlement factors
TIV4A - Rental agreement notice rejection reason texts
TIV4B - Rental agreement offer status texts
TIV4C - Texts for TIV43: Reasons for reduced percent. rate increase
TIV4D - Traffic links - Texts
TIV4E - Site texts


TIV50 - Heating Costs / Heating Systems Settlement Company
TIV51 - Cost elements according to accountancy firm/ heating systems
TIV52 - Key conversion accountancy firm <-> partner cost elements
TIV53 - Accountancy firm fuel types
TIV54 - Fuel type + incidental expenses key as well (internal)
TIV55 - Key conversion fuel type DARWIN <-> Accountancy firm
TIV56 - Property types
TIV57 - Quality of property location
TIV58 - Property ground type
TIV59 - Overall condition of property
TIV5A - Classification of real estate objects
TIV5B - Cost elements text table TIV51
TIV5D - Accountancy firms fuel types - Texts
TIV5E - Texts for fuel types (Darwin)
TIV5F - Text table for property types
TIV5G - Texts for the quality of property location
TIV5H - Property ground type texts
TIV5I - Texts for overall condition of property
TIV5T - Classification of real estate objects (Text for TIV5A)


TIV60 - Real estate tax indicator
TIV61 - Source of credit information - Institution providing info.
TIV62 - Credit standing for real estate application
TIV63 - Reasons for input tax option
TIV64 - Periods of notice - replaced by TIVKUE2 and TIVKUE3
TIV65 - Non-Deductible Input Tax Acct Assignment
TIV66 - Surcharge/reduction reasons for expert opinion
TIV67 - Flow Types for Service Charge Key
TIV68 - Flow types/SCKey for vacancy with tenant serv. charge sett.
TIV69 - %-rates for index forwarding(depend.on tenancy law and loc.)
TIV6A - Names of institutions supplying credit information
TIV6B - Credit standing of real estate applicant - Texts
TIV6C - Reasons for input tax opting text table
TIV6F - Surcharge/reduction types for expert report texts
TIV6T - TIV60 Names


TIV70 - Surcharge/reduction categories
TIV70T - Surch./reduction classes - Texts language-dep.
TIV71 - Fixtures and fittings characteristics
TIV72 - Fixtures and fittings objects
TIV73 - Characteristics of fixtures/fittings objects
TIV74 - Groups of fixture and fittings objects
TIV75 - Usage of heating days for heating costs settlement
TIV76 - Area types for each external usage type
TIV77 - Additional info. from SAP PS component per object type
TIV78 - Additional info. from SAP PM component per object type
TIV79 - Allocation of input tax correction accts in chart of accts
TIV7A - Fixture and fitting feature texts
TIV7B - Names of fixtures and fittings objects
TIV7C - Descriptions of fixture and fitting object characteristics
TIV7D - Names of fixture and fitting object groups


TIV80 - Allocation of clearing accounts to cost accounts
TIV81 - Real estate object type - Status profile allocation
TIV82 - Allocate Cost Element Sets to RW Report Groups
TIV83 - Condition of a real estate object
TIV84 - Alloc.of non-ded.inp tax rev.acct to net rev.acct (SCS)
TIV85 - G/L acct/transaction category alloc. for down pmnts made
TIV86 - Allocation of periodic fee types to condition types
TIV87 - Allocation of calculation base for select.type/admin.cntrct
TIV88 - no longer used
TIV89 - CH Rent adjustment: Adjustment to changed mortgage rate int.
TIV8A - Assignment Cost Type - Flow Type Directly Assigned Costs
TIV8C - Condition of a real estate object, texts
TIV8Z - Allocate Events Management Contract to Fee Types


TIV90 - Default-condition types for adjustment type
TIV91 - Internal fee types
TIV92 - External fee types
TIV93 - Calculation types for calculating fees
TIV94 - Calculation base for calculating fees
TIV95 - Selection types for calculating fees
TIV96 - Calculation forms for management contracts
TIV97 - Events For Management Contract
TIV98 - Default values for business entities
TIV99 - Allocation of Event-Oriented Fees to Transaction Types
TIV9A - Text table for internal fee types
TIV9B - Text table for external fee types
TIV9C - Text table for calculation types
TIV9D - Text table for calculation bases
TIV9E - Text table for selection types
TIV9F - Text table for calculation forms
TIV9G - Events for administration contracts text table
TIV9H - Default Value Texts for Business Entities
TIV9I - RE: Owner POR Data (Switzerland)
TIV9J - RE: Control Data for POR Clearing Entries (Switzerland)


TIVA1 - Allocat.of rounding differences from incid.exp. sttlmnt
TIVA2 - Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days
TIVA3 - Tenancy law-dependent data
TIVA4 - Heating Value Days for Heating Expenses Settlement
TIVA5 - REst. objects for IMKEY (as from Rel.3.0) client-independant
TIVA6 - Table No Longer Used (Replaced by T001R)
TIVA7 - Definition of correspondence applications
TIVA7_CUST_FUNC - Corresp.Applic.: Assigned FMs for Differ. Characteristics
TIVA7_HELP_INFO - Definition of Correspondence Applications
TIVA7_SAP_FUNC - Corresp.Applic.: Assigned FMs for Differ. Characteristics
TIVA8 - Correspondence/Letter assignment
TIVA9 - Land Register Sect. II Type of Charges and Restrictions
TIVAB - Regional Location Key- Heating Value Days - Texts
TIVAE - Real est. objects for IMKEY, texts
TIVAF - Correspondence area texts
TIVAG - RE authorization groups
TIVAGT - Text Table for TIVAG (RE Authorization Groups)
TIVAI - Text reg. Sect.II Type of charges and restrictions
TIVAJADJMCTRL - Adjustment Control
TIVAJADJMVAR - Variable for Adjustment Control
TIVAJADJMVART - Variable for Adjustment Control (Text)
TIVAJATCOSTSGRP - Costs Item Group for Adjustment Rule TASK
TIVAJATEXPGRP - Expense Item Group for Adjustment Rule TASK
TIVAJATFINGRP - Financing Item Group for Adjustment Rule TASK TIVAJ...

TIVAR01 - RE: REse@rch - Object Category
TIVAR01T - RE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR01
TIVAR02 - RE: REse@rch - Group of a Rental Object
TIVAR02T - RE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR02
TIVAR03 - RE: REse@rch - Characteristics
TIVAR03T - RE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR03 TIVAR...


TIVB1 - Day shift
TIVB2 - Correspondence application - Correspondence activity alloc.
TIVB3 - Usage Types acc. to Development plan
TIVB4 - Print control classes fix./fitting charact.
TIVB5 - Default Values for Selection acc. to Status of Object
TIVB7 - Priority for accommodation entitlement certificate
TIVB8 - Accomm.entitlemnt certif.: Special groups of people
TIVB9 - Additional information for accomm.entitlemnt certif.
TIVBA - Day shift (text for TIVB1)
TIVBC - Usage type per development plan (texts)
TIVBD - Print control classes fix./fitting charact. (texts)
TIVBDAOIDPART - Generation Rule for AOID
TIVBDARFSTATUS - Field Status per Architectural Object Type
TIVBDARFSTATUS_KEY - Field Status of Object Types of Architecture: Key
TIVBDARFSTATUS_TAB - Field Status of Object Types of Architecture: Attributes
TIVBDARFUNC - Function per Arch. Object Type TIVBD...


TIVBFCR - Registration of Classes to Be Generated
TIVBFCRFLD - Fields to be Excluded from Detail Comparison
TIVBFCRTABFLD - Access Methods for Fields
TIVBFCRTMPL - Template Classes for Generation
TIVBFCRTMPLT - Template Classes for Generation (Text)
TIVBFCR_BUFACC - Class Rule: Field Information for Buffered Access TIVBF...

TIVBG - Level of priority for certificate of entitlement - texts
TIVBH - Accomm.entitlement cert.: Special groups of people - Texts
TIVBI - Additional information for accomm.entitlement certificate
TIVBOLLO - Parameters Imposta di Bollo
TIVBPCHECK - Assignment: 'Calling Application' BP for Dataset (see Docu)
TIVBPGRPCC - Business Partner Grouping per Company Code
TIVBPOBJROLE - Allowed Role per Object Type
TIVBPSUBROLET - Role Type (Text)
TIVBPVENDORCMP - Vendor Preassignment (CoCd Data) TIVBP...

TIVBW01 - RE: Settings for Extracting Imminent Vacancies


TIVC1 - Rental Request: Processing Indicator
TIVC2 - Rental Request: Preselection Indicator
TIVC3 - Rental Request Processing Status
TIVC4 - Usage Type acc. to Area Usage Plan
TIVC5 - RE: Determine Factors for Account Determination
TIVC6 - Account Determination Key 4 for Lease-Out Accnt Determ.
TIVC7 - Accnt determination key for management ctrct accnt determ.
TIVC8 - Definition of bank procedure for tenant
TIVC9 - Bank procedure
TIVC9T - Bank procedure
TIVCA - Application: Processing indicator (text table)
TIVCAABLESTEPS - Executable Process Step
TIVCAAPPL - (Sub)application for RE-FX That Can Be Activated
TIVCAAPPLADDON - Activation of (Sub)application for RE-FX
TIVCAAPPLREQ - Required Subfunctions
TIVCAAPPLT - (Sub)application for RE-FX That Can Be Activated (Texts) TIVCA...

TIVCB - Application: Preselection indicator (text table)
TIVCC - Application: Preselection indicator (text table)
TIVCD - Usage type acc. to area usage plan (text)
TIVCDCALCEXT - External Calculation Formula
TIVCDCALCEXTT - External Calculation Formula (Text)
TIVCDCALCINT - Internal Calculation Formula
TIVCDCALCINTT - Internal Calculation Formula (Text)
TIVCDCHGREAS - Reason for Change TIVCD...

TIVCF - Accnt Determ. Key 4 for Lease-Out Accnt Det. - Texts
TIVCG - Accnt determ. key 2 for mgt contract accnt det. - Texts
TIVCN01 - Resubmission Rules
TIVCN01T - Resubmission - Text Table for TIVCN01
TIVCN02 - Resubmission - Signatory Definition of a Rule
TIVCN02T - Resubmission - Text Table for TIVCN02
TIVCN03 - Resubmission - Reasons for Resubmission
TIVCN03T - Resubmission - Text Table for TIVCN03 TIVCN...

TIVCORRGRP - Definition of Correspondence Group
TIVCORRGRPDTLS - Corresp.Group: Assignment of Corr.Applic. and Corr.Activity
TIVCORRGRPT - Correspondence Group Name
TIVCPBS - Basic Settings
TIVCPBSLA - Basic Settings: Supported Language
TIVCPCA - Correspondence Application
TIVCPCABS - Correspondence Application: Basic Settings
TIVCPCACT - CorrApplication: DiffC/CorrActivity
TIVCPCAT - Corr.Application (Text) TIVCP...


TIVDIREC - Transfer/Retirement


TIVEXCNTYPE - Funds Management Settings for Contract Type
TIVEXCOMEASKYF - Assignment of Measurement to Statistical Key Figure
TIVEXCOSEPROF - Default Settlement Profile per Object Type
TIVEXDARTEXTR - DART: Assignment of Segment Structure to Extractor
TIVEXFI - Other Company-Code-Dependent FI Settings
TIVEXFIACCPROP - Properties of FI Account TIVEX...




TIVFI - Revenue elements for RE debit-side advance payments


TIVG1 - Municipality Key
TIVG2 - Local Subdistrict
TIVGA - Municipality Key
TIVGB - Local Subdistrict




TIVISPF - Report Profile
TIVISPFCOND - Report Profile for Conditions
TIVISPFCONDREL - Report Profile for Conditions: Properties
TIVISPFCONDT - Report Profile for Conditions (Text)
TIVISPFMEAS - Report Profile for Measurements
TIVISPFMEASREL - Report Profile for Measurements: Properties TIVIS...

TIVITDSORSRC - Source Option Rate for Input Tax Distribution
TIVITOPTMETH - Method for Option Rate Determination
TIVITOPTMETHT - Method for Option Rate Determination (Text)
TIVITOPTMETH_TAB - Option Rate Method: Attributes for Method
TIVITTCACCTXCD - Assignment of Tax Code for Correction Posting
TIVITTCASSCL - Input Tax Correction: Asset Classes to Consider TIVIT...


TIVJUMP01 - REMD Direct Entry: Transaction Determination
TIVJUMP02 - REMD Direct Entry: OK Code Determination


TIVKATE - Definition of Categories
TIVKATET - Definition of Categories: Text Tables
TIVKATE_D - Structure for TIVKATE
TIVKUE1 - Basic table for periods of notice
TIVKUE2 - Period regulation - periods of notice
TIVKUE2V - Notice Periods for Period Regulation - Tenant View
TIVKUE3 - Deadline regulation - periods of notice
TIVKUE3V - Notice Periods for Deadline Regulation - Tenant View


TIVLDSELIDDEF - Default Status Selection per Object Type
TIVLDSTRAT - Strategy for Accessing Search Help Index Logical DB
TIVLICAD - ICI Calculation coefficient for D-Building
TIVLICAG - ICI County Rate
TIVLICAH - ICI County Rate
TIVLICAL - ICI County rate
TIVLICLA - ICI Class codes
TIVLICLX - ICI Class codes texts TIVLI...

TIVLMCN - LUM Settings per Contract Type
TIVLMENCTYPE - Rights and Easements (Encumbrance Type)
TIVLMENCTYPET - Rights and Easements (Encumbrance Type) - Texts
TIVLMLRDIST - Land Register District
TIVLMLRTYPE - Land Register Type
TIVLMLRTYPET - Land Register Type - Texts TIVLM...



TIVM1 - RA: Rent Adjustment Reasons
TIVM2 - RA: Permitted Adjustment Methods for Each LO Adjustment Type
TIVM3 - RA: Permitted Condition Types for Each Adjustment Method
TIVM4 - RADJ: Reservations for Rent Adjustment Approval
TIVM4T - RA: Text Table for TIVM4
TIVM5 - RA: Reasons for Rejecting a Rent Adjustment
TIVM5T - RA: Text Tables for TIVM5
TIVM6 - RA: Rent Adjustment Reminder - CA for Reminder Proc./Level
TIVM7 - RA: Reminder Procedure for Rent Adjustment
TIVM7T - RA: Text Table for TIVM7
TIVM8 - Logical Database Select Options Used
TIVMA - RA: Text Table for TIVM1
TIVMA01 - RE: Rent Adj. - Assignment Index Series -> Forecast Series
TIVMIADDON - Add-On Settings
TIVMIBODEL - Business Objects That Should Be Deleted in RE-FX
TIVMICLEXCEPT - Exception List for Classic RE Transactions
TIVMIGROUP - Grouping of Tables to Be Migrated
TIVMIGROUPT - Grouping of Tables to Be Migrated (Text) TIVMI...

TIVMMMNSET - Settings Dependent on Mandate Type


TIVN1 - Defaults for Settlement Participation of Service Charge Key
TIVN2 - Defaults for Settlement Participation of Condition Type


TIVO1 - Rent Adjustment: Variables for RLR Control Table
TIVO1T - Rent Adjustment: Variables for RRL Substitution (Texts)
TIVO2 - Rent Adjustment: Control Table for RRP Adjustment
TIVORAEC - Accommodation Entitlement Certificate
TIVORAECINFO - Additional Info for Accommodation Entitlement Certificate
TIVORAECINFOT - Additional Info for Accom. Entitlement Certificate (Texts)
TIVORAECPERSON - Person Group for Accommodation Entitlement Certificate
TIVORAECPERSONT - Person Group for Accom. Entitlement Certificate (Texts)
TIVORAECPRIO - Priority for Accommodation Entitlement Certificate TIVOR...


TIVP1 - Acquisition From Where (Application, Rental Agreement)
TIVP1T - Source of Prospect
TIVP2 - Acquisition Reason (Application, Rental Agreement)
TIVP2T - Acquisition Reason (Text Table)
TIVP3 - Partner Acquisition: Why?
TIVP3T - Partner Acquisition: Why? (Text Table)
TIVPF - RE default settlement profile per object type


TIVRAACCDET - Account Determination
TIVRAACCPROP - RE-Specific Account Properties
TIVRAACCPROPT - RE-Specific Account Properties (Text)
TIVRAACCSYMB - Accnt symbol
TIVRAACCSYMBT - Account Symbol (Text)
TIVRAACCSYSTEM - Accounting System TIVRA...

TIVRCTYPCORRGRP - Default Correspondence Group for Rental Agreement Type
TIVROZ01 - IPD: Classification of participant
TIVROZ02 - IPD: Ownership structure
TIVROZ03 - IPD: Type of retail trade object
TIVROZ04 - IPD: Region (only for usage type office > 50%)
TIVROZ05 - IPD: Office type
TIVROZ06 - IPD: Commercial object type TIVRO...

TIVRSM - Resubmission Rules
TIVRSMT - Resubmission Rules - Texts


TIVS1 - Validation dates / logical field groups
TIVSA - Name of logical field groups (Real Estate)
TIVSB - Substitution for Real Estate Management / Company code
TIVSCACCFIRM - Settlement Company: Settings
TIVSCAJSCKATTR - Attributes of Adjustment of SCS Advance Pmnt per SC Key
TIVSCAJSPEC - Additional Data for SCS Adjustment Rule
TIVSCAJSPEC_TAB - Add. Data for SCS Adjustment Procedure (Non-Key Fields)
TIVSCCHRGCN - Calculation of Surcharges Dependent on Contract
TIVSCCHRGRO - Calculation of Surcharges Dependent on Rental Object TIVSC...

TIVSKZ2UE - Conversion of Statistical Key Figures for Apportionment Unit
TIVSRRHT - Type of Frequency
TIVSRRHTT - Type of Frequency (Text)
TIVSRRPTT - Sales ID (Text)
TIVSRSETTLPARAM - Settlement Parameters
TIVSRSETTLPARAMT - Settlement Parameter (Text) TIVSR...


TIVT033 - Validat.Table for Acct Determin. 'for Acct to be Replaced'
TIVT5 - Incidental expenses key text
TIVTAX - Assignment of Acquisition Tax Indicator
TIVTAXSCS_CZ - Tax Code for SSC Receivable Dependent on Cost Element (CZ)
TIVTMNTPROC - Notice Procedure
TIVTMNTPROCREL - Notice Procedure: Assignment of Rules
TIVTMNTPROCT - Notice Procedure (Text)
TIVTMNTRULE - Notice rule
TIVTMNTRULEDR - Notice Rule: Deadline Regulation
TIVTMNTRULEPR - Notice Rule: Period Regulation TIVTM...


TIVVA - Validation for Real Esate Management / Company code


TIVWA1 - Status of Apartment Inspection
TIVWA1T - Status of Apartment Inspection

TIVWEB01 - RE: Web Link - Buttons/Link for Navigation Bars
TIVWEB01T - RE: Web Link - Text Table for TIVWEB01
TIVWEB02 - RE: Web Link - Control F1Bs for Program


TIVXABDCNACCT - FI-CA: Contract Acct Category per Contract and Partner Role
TIVXABILLDOCTYPE - Document Types for Which Billing Document Is Created
TIVXACDREVTYPREL - Assign Revenue Type to Condition Type
TIVXACDRVTYPREL - Assign Revenue Type to Condition Type
TIVXAFCTRANSDET - FI-CA: Main and Subtransaction for Transaction Type
TIVXCAJCH01LOC - Location: Assignment of Adj. Rule, Off.Language, Correspond.
TIVXCAJCH01MGR - Pass On Rates for Mortgage Rate Increase
TIVXCAJSPECH01 - Adjustment Rule CH01
TIVXCCHACTIVE - Localization Switzerland: GWR Land Register Active
TIVXCCHCOND - Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Condition
TIVXCCHCONDT - Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Condition Text TIVXC...


TIVYCCAMFLAG - CAM Relevant flag
TIVYCCOND2EXP - Advance Payment Condition to Expence Types
TIVYCCOST2EXP - Cost Element to Expense Type
TIVYCDENMETHOD - External - Denominator Method in CAM
TIVYCDENMETHODT - External - Denominator Method in CAM
TIVYCEXP - Expense Type TIVYC...


TIVZW - Incoming payment method attributes


TIV_OB_SETTINGS - Settings for RE Object Browser
TIV_OB_WORKLIST - Table for Saving the List with Work Lists

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