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TCO01 - Sequence/operations control in logicstics orders

TCO03 - CIM order: Texts for TCO01, Description of order categories

TCO04 - Table for controlling the screen sequence group

TCO05 - CUA status depending on panel, trans. type, funct. type etc.

TCO06 - Exclusive functions for PP orders

TCO09 - CIM order: Text IDs of objects in orders

TCO10 - Valuation variant for order costing

TCO11 - Control table for production orders - availability check

TCO12 - Control table production orders - stock determination

TCO36 - PP orders: Control table for calling up pop-up windows

TCO41 - CIM order: Default values for generating operations

TCO43 - PP-SFC Order Profile

TCO43T - Description of production scheduler profile

TCO47 - Change profile for Order Change Management

TCO47T - Description of change profile for PP/PS

TCO47_PS - Change profile Project System

TCO48 - Total change profile for order change management

TCO48T - Description of total change profile

TCO60 - Sequence keys for input facility and verification

TCO61 - Sequence key for PP orders

TCO62 - Defining screen sequences for input facility and verificatn.

TCO63 - Sequence of detail screens when maintaining components

TCOA - Overall profile for order information system

TCOA40 - Process order information system

TCOAD - Object profile - detail list - order information system

TCOADT - Texts for object profile - order information system

TCOAF - Profile order progress report

TCOAFT - Texts for order progress report

TCOAO - Order info system: Object type table reporting structures

TCOAOB - Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objects

TCOAOBF - Selection str. for diplayed fields in order progress report

TCOAOBT - Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objs (Text)

TCOAOT - Texts for Object Type Table Structures in Order Info System

TCOAT - Texts for Overall Profile in Order Information System

TCOA_DAG - Enhancement Structure for TCOA for New Customizing COISN

TCOA_DSP - Helf structure for object selection order information system

TCOB - Configuration: Configurable Objects

TCOBA - Coding Block: Customer Subscreens (Header)

TCOBALE - Coding Block: Replicated Fields

TCOBB - Coding Block: Customer Subscreens (Text)

TCOBC - Coding Block: Customer Subscreens (Fields)

TCOBD - Coding Block: Field Name BSEG/COBL, if not the same

TCOBF - Coding Block: Assignment of Modif and Field Names from COBL

TCOBFIELDS - Coding Block: Field Characteristics

TCOBJ - Help table for optimization reports (INTERNAL USE ONLY!)

TCOBK - Coding Block: Components per Field

TCOBL - Coding Block: Include Screens Selection Table

TCOBM - Coding Block: Modification Numbers

TCOBN - Coding Block: Customer Fields

TCOBT - Configuration: Configurable Objects -Texts-

TCOBX - Coding Block: Assignment of Field Properties

TCOCOF4 - F4 Values for Customizing

TCOCOMAP - Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM

TCOCOMAP2 - Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM

TCOCOMAPTYPES - Mapping: Type Remote System <--> Object Type SEM

TCOCORFC - RFC Destinations for Concurrent Costing

TCODB - Database fields development class CO per order category

TCODE_MOD - Transaction codes to upgrade the Profile Generator

TCOF - Profile for missing parts info system

TCOFF - Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields

TCOFFT - Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields

TCOFG - Profile for missing parts info system: criteria for grouping

TCOFGT - Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Criteria for Grouping

TCOFK - Texts for functions in milestones/trigger points

TCOFP - FORM subscreen for functions in milestone/trigger point

TCOFS - Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria

TCOFST - Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria

TCOFT - Texts for Missing Parts Info System

TCOINF - Displaying Info. in Message Monitor / Ctrl Recipe Monitor

TCOIS - Structure table logical database IOC

TCOKO - Constants for PP orders

TCOKT - Account assignment categories for order

TCOLL - Configuration: Data collection for performance monitoring

TCOM - Definition of Commodities

TCOMA - Assignment of Material Number to Commodity

TCOMPNMR - Monitoring Dates Subitems

TCOMPREPS - Reports for Monitoring Dates Evaluations

TCOMPREPST - Language-Dependent Description for TCOMPREPS

TCOMT - Commodity Description

TCONT - Timestamp for context buffer

TCONUSE - Usage of condition types

TCONV_ADR - Conversion of Old Address Fields to CAM Address Fields

TCOOPC_APPL_ID - OPC: Control Table for Application IDs

TCOOPC_APPL_IDT - OPC: Text Table for Application IDs

TCOOPC_CBUSER - OPC: Callback User

TCOOPC_EVTSD - OPC: Event Subscription Definition

TCOOPC_EVTSDA - OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Areas)

TCOOPC_EVTSDC - OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Category)

TCOOPC_EVTSDS - OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Sources)

TCOOPC_EVTSDT - OPC: Language-Dependent Texts for Event Subscriptions

TCOOPC_ITEM - OPC: Plant-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Item Definition

TCOOPC_ITEMT - OPC: Plant-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Item Definition

TCOOPC_SERVER - OPC: Plant-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Server Definition

TCOOPC_SERVERT - OPC: Language-Dependent OPC Server Short Text

TCOP - Field selection profile

TCOPC - Application-Specific Passwords

TCOPMDTRG - Table for opmode switch trigger

TCOPODIST - Control of Distribution of Production Orders to an MES

TCOPS - Field selection profile

TCOPSFI - Ranges for Fields in Table TCOPS

TCOPT - Description of Profile for Field Selection

TCORC_ALOWED_BPG - (Obsolete)Allowed BP Groups for Deal Corr.activities

TCORC_ARCHIVE - Minimum retention period per company code for archiving

TCORC_BUSGRP - Treasury correspondence: Business group definition

TCORC_BUSGRP_T - Business partner group id - text table

TCORC_BUS_ATTR - Business attributes

TCORC_CO_CREATE - Treasury Correspondence: Fields Relevant for Correspondence

TCORC_DEAL_ACTVT - Correspondence Deal's activity assignment

TCORC_INB_FUNC - Inbound correspondence function

TCORC_INT_REC - Internal Recipients

TCORC_INT_REC_T - Text table for Internal Recepients

TCORC_MATCH - Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition

TCORC_MATCH_BU - Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition

TCORC_SECAC_ALRT - Customizing Alert for CO of security account

TCORD - Table for field-dependent check routines

TCORFC_CHN_ASG - Assignment of Channel to Profile and Service

TCORFC_CONFIG - Dynamic Configuration: Settings

TCORFC_FORMT_ASG - Format Assignment

TCORFC_FORM_ASG - (Obsolete) Format assignment to Service and Channel

TCORFC_FUNCTION - Correspondence Classes

TCORFC_FUNCTIONT - Correspondence Classes - Text table

TCORFC_META_ASG - Format Metatypes for Profiles and Channels

TCORFC_PART_BIC - (Obsolete) Recipient mapping for BIC8 codes

TCORFC_PROFILE - Communication Profiles

TCORFC_PROFILE_T - Correspondence Profiles - Text Table

TCORFC_RECTYP_T - Recipient Types - Text Table

TCORFC_REC_TYPE - Recipient Types

TCORFS_CHANNEL_KEY - Key fields of channel-dependent tables

TCORFS_CONTENT - Content structure

TCORFS_CONTENT_INFO - Content information

TCORFS_CO_DOC - Correspondence object and belonging DMS document

TCORFS_DESCRIPTION - Language-dependent description

TCORFS_FIELD_VALUE - A name-value pair of a field

TCORFS_FILTER - Filtered value of source field

TCORFS_FORMAT_KEY - Key fields of format-dependent tables

TCORFS_FUNCTION - range structur for Correspondence Class

TCORFS_FUNCTION_KEY - Key fields of function dependent tables

TCORFS_MAPPING_TREE - Mapping tree control

TCORFS_MESSAGE - Message in Log

TCORFS_META_KEY - Key fields of meta-type assignment

TCORFS_PARAMETER - Parameter of a service call

TCORFS_PROFILE_KEY - Key fields of profile dependent tables

TCORFS_RECIPIENT_TYPE - range structur for Recipient/Sender Type

TCORFS_SEQUENCE - Sequence in a mapping object

TCORFS_SHLP_MAPPING_DEFINITION - Structure for mapping definitions in search helps

TCORFS_SHLP_MAPPING_OPERATION - Structure for mapping operations in search helps

TCORFS_SHLP_MAPPING_RULE - Structure for mapping rules in search helps

TCORFTS_CHANNEL - Correspondence Channels

TCORFTS_CHANNELT - Correspondence Channels - Text Table

TCORFTS_CONFIG - Configuration Control

TCORFTS_CONFIG_T - Configuration Control - Text table


TCORFTS_FORMAT_T - Format Assignment to Service and Channel

TCORFTS_MAP_COND - Mapping Condition

TCORFTS_MAP_FLD - Field Groups in Mapping

TCORFTS_MAP_OBJ - Mapping Objects

TCORFTS_MAP_PRM - Parameter Groups in Mapping

TCORFTS_MAP_RULE - Mapping Rules

TCORFTS_MAP_TEXT - Mapping operations description

TCORFTS_META - Format Metatypes

TCORFTS_META_T - Format Metatypes - Text table

TCORFTS_RECTYP_T - (Obsolete) Recipient Types - Text Table

TCORFTS_REC_TYPE - (Obsolete) Recipient Types

TCORFT_FRAGMENT - Parsed generic objects from fragments of inbound messages

TCORFT_HEADER - Header Information of Outgoing Messages

TCORFT_MESSAGE - Correspondence Messaging Interface: Messages

TCORFV_MAP_OBJ - Generated Table for View

TCORFV_PART_BIC - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

TCORFV_REC_TYPE - Generated Table for View

TCORIC_EMAIL - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of FAX

TCORIC_EMAIL1 - Channel Dependent Attributes for Channel EMAIL

TCORIC_FAX - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of FAX

TCORIC_FILE - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of File Adapter


TCORIC_PRINT - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of PRINT

TCORIC_SWIFT_FRM - Format-dependent attributes for SWIFT message types

TCORIS_CORRDATA_FORM - All VTB structures ,AT80 & correspondence address

TCORIS_FILE_DATA - File details

TCORIS_SWIFT_STATEMENT_KEY - Key of depot statements

TCORITS_CHK_COND - Check Framework: Rule conditions

TCORITS_CHK_FLD - Check Framework: Fields

TCORITS_CHK_FLDT - Check Framework: Fields - Text table

TCORITS_CHK_RULE - Check Framework: Validation rules

TCORITS_CHK_SEQ - Check Framework: Sequences

TCORITS_CHK_SEQT - Check Framework: Sequences - Text table

TCORITS_MT_START - Treasury: Start field and code for MT messages

TCORIT_FILES - Treasury: Uploaded files

TCORIT_SWIFT_PG - SWIFT MT535 depot statement pages - fragment administration

TCORIT_SWIFT_PGN - SWIFT MT535 depot statement pages - fragment adm. with CoCod

TCORIT_SWIFT_ST - SWIFT MT535 depot statements - fragment administration

TCORIT_SWIFT_STN - SWIFT MT535 depot statements - fragment administration CoCod

TCORS_ALERT_CORRES - Correspondence required alert

TCORS_BP_INFO - General Information of BP for Form usage

TCORS_CODATA - Treasury correspondence object data

TCORS_CODATA_ADDNL - Additinal Correspondence object data

TCORS_CODATA_ALL - TCO: Correspondence object data (ALL)

TCORS_CODCOFO_INCL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Formulas (->LDB)

TCORS_CODCO_ALL - TCO: Deal's conditions data (ALL)

TCORS_CODCO_INCL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Conditions (-> LDB)

TCORS_CODCPA_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Commodity Price Adjustment (-> LDB)

TCORS_CODDP_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Dividend plan data (-> LDB)

TCORS_CODFL_INCL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Flow Data (-> LDB)

TCORS_CODIA_INCL - TR: Transaction Reporting, Int. Rate Adjustment Data(-> LDB)

TCORS_CODMD_ALL - TCO: Deal main data (ALL)

TCORS_CODMD_INCL - Deal Main data

TCORS_CODPI_INCL - Correspondence Object: Deal Payment Information

TCORS_CODRP_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Rollover plan data (-> LDB)

TCORS_CODSRA_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Security Rate Adjustment (-> LDB)

TCORS_CODUL2FL_INCL - Deal's 2nd underlying's flows data

TCORS_CODUL2_ALL - TCO: Deal's 2nd underlying data

TCORS_CODUL2_INCL - Deal's 2nd underlying data

TCORS_CODULCOFO_INCL - Deal's underlying formula data

TCORS_CODULCO_ALL - TCO: Deal's underlying conditions

TCORS_CODULCO_INCL - Conditions of deal's underlying

TCORS_CODULFL_INCL - Deal's underlying flow

TCORS_CODUL_ALL - TCO: Deal underlying data

TCORS_CODUL_INCL - Deal Underlying data

TCORS_COENTRY - Structure for the entry screen to create a manual CO

TCORS_COSAFL_INCL - Securities account flow data

TCORS_COSAPO_INCL - Securities account position data

TCORS_COSA_ALL - TCO: Securities account main data (ALL)

TCORS_COSA_INCL - Securities account main data

TCORS_COSI_DISP - TCOR: Settlement instructions

TCORS_COSI_INCL - TCOR: Settlement instructions

TCORS_COSI_TXT - SI text for buissness partners

TCORS_CO_COMM_ADJ_INCL - TR: Transaction Reporting, Com price Adjustment Data(-> LDB)

TCORS_CO_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: correspondence objects


TCORS_CO_PKY - Primary key for CO table

TCORS_CO_REQD_DATA - Data to be fetched for the CO

TCORS_CO_SEC_ADJ_INCL - TR: Transaction Reporting, Com price Adjustment Data(-> LDB)

TCORS_DEALNUMBER - Key Structure for Transaction

TCORS_DEAL_ACTVT_ALL_BPG - Deal activity with allowed business partner groups

TCORS_DIRN_RANGE - value range table for direction

TCORS_HBANK_DET - House bank details

TCORS_LOG_CONTEXT - Log Context for Correspondence application messages

TCORS_LOW_HIGH_VALUE - Low and high values for any field

TCORS_MASS_APPR_DISP - Display structure for mass approval of co objects


TCORS_MONI_DISP - Display structure for the Treasury correspondence monitor

TCORS_MONI_ICONS - Icons for correspondence monitor

TCORS_MONI_STAT - Structure for the Treasury correspondence monitor CO status

TCORS_MONI_TEXTS - Structure for the Treasury correspondence monitor texts

TCORS_NAME_VAL - TCOR: Generic Structure for Name and Value

TCORS_NODE_CONDITIONS - TCO Data: Deal's conditions data

TCORS_NODE_MAINDATA - TCO Data: Deal Main data

TCORS_NODE_SADATA - TCO Data: Securities account data

TCORS_NODE_UL_CONDITIONS - TCO Data: Conditions of deal's underlying

TCORS_NODE_UNDERLYING - TCO Data: Deal Underlying data

TCORS_NODE_UNDERLYING2ND - TCO Data: Deal's 2nd underlying data

TCORS_RECIPIENT_ADDR - Recipients address fields for various channels

TCORS_RELEASE_RESFUND_ATTR - Reserve fund attribures

TCORS_SAT_ACTVT_ALL_BPG - Corres activity for a SAT with allowed bus partner groups

TCORS_USER_INFO - User information for form usage

TCORTS_MATCH - (Obsolete) Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition

TCORT_BP_ASSIGN - (Obsolete) TCOR: Assignment of Profile & BP Group to BP

TCORT_BP_BIC - BIC Codes/ Account numbers for Business partners

TCORT_CO - Correspondence Administrative Data

TCORT_CODCO - Deal: Conditions

TCORT_CODCOFO - Deal: Condition's Formula

TCORT_CODCPA - Deal: Commodity Price Adjustment

TCORT_CODDP - Deal: Dividend Plan

TCORT_CODFL - Deal: Flows

TCORT_CODIA - Deal: Interest Rate Adjustment

TCORT_CODMD - Deal: Main Data

TCORT_CODOC - Treasury correspondence: Attached documents

TCORT_CODPI - Deal: Payment Information

TCORT_CODRP - Deal: Rollover Plan

TCORT_CODSRA - Deal: Security Rate Adjustment

TCORT_CODUL - Deal: Underlying

TCORT_CODUL2 - Deal: 2nd Underlying

TCORT_CODUL2FL - Deal: 2nd Underlying's Flows

TCORT_CODULCO - Deal : Underlying's Conditions

TCORT_CODULCOFO - Deal: Underlying's Formula

TCORT_CODULFL - Deal: Underlying Flows

TCORT_CONOTES - Treasury correspondence object: Notes

TCORT_COSA - Security Account Transfer: Main Data

TCORT_COSAFL - Security Account Transfer: Flows

TCORT_COSAPO - Security Account Transfer: Positions

TCORT_COSI - Settlement Instructions

TCORT_DISVARIANT - Display variants

TCORT_DISVAR_T - Text table for display variant

TCORT_EXT_ASSIGN - Assignments of Profiles & BP groups to external recipients

TCORT_FUNCMAP - Mapping of buss transaction(Status) to CO functions(Monitor)

TCORT_INB_ASSIGN - BP group assignment for Inbound Correspondence

TCORT_INB_FUNC - Inbound CO function assignment

TCORT_INT_ASSIGN - Assignments of Profiles & BP groups to internal recipients

TCORT_SAT_ACTVT - Correspondence Security account transfer activity assignment

TCORT_SAT_ALLBPG - (Obsolete) Allowed BP Groups for SAT Corresp. activities

TCORT_SI_DERIVE - Settlement Instructions: Derivation table

TCORT_TOLERANCE - Tolerance level for dividend payment

TCORT_USER_VAR - User settings for display variant

TCORT_VAR_ASSGN - Assignment of ALV variants to Display variant

TCORU - Parameters for Order Confirmation

TCORUPBTXT - Customizing Single Screen Entry Confirmat.: Status Interface

TCORUSHVAL - Check Table for Header Screen Customizing SingleScreen Entry

TCORUSSDEF - Customizing for Single Screen Entry of a Confirmation

TCORUSSVAL - Check Table for Detail Screen Customizing SingleScreen Entry

TCORV - Table with Routines for structureing variable loop lines

TCORV_ALOWED_BPG - Generated Table for View

TCORV_ARCHIVE - Generated Table for View

TCORV_BP_ASSIGN - Generated Table for View

TCORV_BP_BIC - Generated Table for View

TCORV_BUSGRP - Generated Table for View

TCORV_BUS_ATTR - Generated Table for View

TCORV_CO_CREATE - Generated Table for View

TCORV_DEALACTVT2 - Generated Table for View

TCORV_DEALACTVT4 - Generated Table for View

TCORV_DEALACTVT5 - Generated Table for View

TCORV_DEALACTVT6 - Generated Table for View


TCORV_INB_FUNC - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

TCORV_INT_REC - Generated Table for View

TCORV_MATCH - Generated Table for View

TCORV_MATCH_BU - Generated Table for View

TCORV_SAT_ACTVT - Generated Table for View

TCORV_SAT_ALLBPG - Generated Table for View

TCORV_SECAC_ALRT - Generated Table for View

TCORV_SI_DERIVE - Generated Table for View

TCORV_TOLERANCE - Generated Table for View

TCORV_VAR_ASSGN - Generated Table for View TCORV_VAR_ASSGN

TCORW - Confirmation: Window Control

TCOR_STR_TRM_COR_RELEASE - Transfer structure for release tool configuration

TCOSERNRCHECK - Serial Number Checks in MES Production Orders

TCOTK - Order information system: Selection table fields

TCOTX - Order Information System: Key Texts for Data Elements

TCO_FIELD_ATTR - Order information system

TCO_FIELD_CHAN - Table with Structures Containing the Changeable Fields

TCO_FIELD_TEXT - Order Information System: Field Texts

TCO_LISTTYPES - Order Information System: Type of Detail List

TCO_LISTTYPEST - Order Information System: Texts for Detail Lists

TCO_VALFUNCT - Order Information System: Valid MB Functions for Lists

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