List of SAP Tables objects containing

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with T


T770A - Day Segments
T770AF - HR Query: Function Modules for Customer's Additional Fields
T770B - Assignment of Day Segments to Day Schedules
T770C - Restrictions
T770P - Infotypes with Repeat Field Groups for RP Query
T770Q - Additional Fields and Table Fields HR Query
T770R - Table Accesses for HR Query
T770S - Module Calls for HR Query
T770T - Function modules providing texts for special fields
T770U - Text field information on table fields


T772S - Subtypes of Infotype 1002 with SAPscript


T777A - Building Addresses
T777ACTION - Activities for special personnel actions
T777B - Appraisal Types
T777BIRTH - Exrend relationship maintenance until birthday
T777C - Texts Restrictions
T777D - Infotypes - Dialog/Database Assignment
T777DITCLASS - HRBAS Infotype Logic and Infotype Container Classes
T777DITOPER - HRBAS: Infotype Operations
T777DIT_GEN_BL - Generic Business Logic
T777E - Allowed Relationships
T777F - Function Code Assignment to Planning Status
T777G - Health Examinations
T777GUID1 - HR: Global Object ID for HR Objects
T777H - Object Type Hierarchy
T777I - Infotypes per Object Type
T777IBO - Allowed Business Object Types per Object Type/Infotype/Subt.
T777IFPROPC - HRBAS: Infotype Field Properties
T777IFPROPS - HRBAS: Infotype Field Properties
T777L - Conversion Factors
T777M - Definition of Actions
T777N - Name Format
T777NAME1 - HR Namespace: Table Entries
T777NAME2 - HR Namespace: Table Entries from Non-SAP Systems
T777NAME2C - HR Namespace: Software Components of the Systems
T777NAME2P - HR Namespace: New Table Entries
T777NAME2S - HR Namespace: Required Entries for Systems T777N...

T777O - Object Type Texts
T777P - Plan Versions
T777Q - Proficiency Texts
T777R - Request - Server - Table
T777S - Planning Status
T777SESTREX - Search Engine Service/TREX for PDOTYPES
T777T - Infotypes
T777U - Subtype Texts
T777V - Relationship Texts
T777W - Authorities/Resources Texts
T777X - Reasons Texts
T777Z - Infotype Time Constraint


T778A - Evaluation Paths
T778B - Appraisal Types
T778C - Restrictions
T778G - Health Examinations
T778L - Languages Supported in HR-PD
T778M - Actions
T778O - Object Types
T778P - Plan Versions
T778P2 - Plan versions
T778Q - Characteristic Values
T778S - Planning Status
T778T - Infotypes
T778U - Subtypes
T778V - Relationships
T778W - Authorities/Resources
T778X - Reasons


T7791 - Assignment to SAP Organizational Object Type
T7799B_IRM01 - Archiving Group Method
T7799B_IRM01C - Archiving Group Method Overrides
T7799B_IRM02 - Reference Date Types
T7799B_IRM02C - Reference Date Types Overrides
T7799B_IRM03 - Reference Dates
T7799B_SUBTY - Subtype Characteristics T7799...

T779M - Matrix Types
T779O - Object Types Allowed for Rule Resolution
T779T - Texts for Matrix Types
T779W - HR-CA: Event Linkage
T779X - HR-CA: Event Linkage for Customer


T77AB - Day Schedule Texts
T77ACOL - Column Framework: Columns in a Column Group
T77ACOLC - Column Framework: Columns in a Column Group
T77ACOLINI - Intial Settings for Array Type Column
T77AD - DB Tables for Additional Data
T77ALECOMB - HR: Distributable Relationship Between Orig. and Replication
T77ALERELA - HR: Distributable Relationship Direction
T77ALESIN - HR Master Data Distribution: Serialization in ALE Inbound
T77ALESOUT - HR Master Data Distribution: Serialization in ALE Outbound
T77ALE_DEF - Interface Characteristics
T77ALE_FILTER1 - HR Master Data Distribution:Filter 1 T77AL...

T77AM - Time Schedule
T77ANAKPIMD - KPI Metadata
T77ANAKPIMD_T - KPI Metadata (Texts)
T77AP - Aspects
T77AR - Additional Data on Relationships
T77ARCH - Archiving Subobjects
T77ARCHLINE - Definition of Archiving Subobjects
T77ARCH_T - Archiving Subobjects
T77ARRAYTP - Column Framework: Definition of Column Groups
T77ARRAYTT - Text Table for t77arraytp T77AR...

T77AS - Aspects
T77AT - Evaluation Path Texts
T77AU - Bottom-Up
T77AW - Definition of Evaluation Paths
T77AW_SCEN - Assignment of Eval. Paths (MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (Customer)
T77AW_SCEN_SYST - Assignment of Eval. Paths (from MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (SAP)


T77BA - Appraisals
T77BB - Appraisal Criteria Texts
T77BENPLANGRP - Benefits Plan Archiving Object Subgroup
T77BF - PA-PD: Form of Appraisal
T77BG - PA-PD: Form of Appraisal (Possible Relationships)
T77BK - Appraisal Criteria
T77BR - Criterion Values
T77BT - Criterion Values
T77BW - Development Plans: State Keys
T77BWT - Development Plans: State Key Texts
T77BX - Further Processing of Development Plans
T77BY - Texts for Development Plan States
T77BZ - Development Plan States


T77CAR - Reason for Cancellation of Attendance
T77CART - Reason for Cancellation of Attendance
T77CCE_WT_GROUP - Wage Type Grouping
T77CD - Infotypes - Customer-Specific Settings
T77CDOC - Management of Change Doc. Object Class for Infotypes
T77CDOC_CUST - Activate Change Documents
T77CNODORD - Scenario-Specific Definition of Nodes in Search Range
T77CNODO_T - Text Table for Table T77CNODORD
T77CNOD_EX - Excluding Nodes from Search Range
T77CO - User Interface
T77COL - Column Framework: Definition of Columns
T77COLFIELD - Translation of Column Name(Column Concept)/Field Name/Query
T77COLHEAD - Column Framework: Composite Definition for Column Headers
T77COLHTYP - Column Framework: Defining Column Header Types
T77COLH_C - HR-OM: Customer-Specific Overwriting of Column Headers T77CO...

T77CR - Reasons for Cancellation of Business Event
T77CREATED_QUERY - OM: Queries Already Generated in the System (Local)
T77CRT - Reasons for Cancellation of Business Event
T77CS - Suitability Ranges for Career and Succession Planning
T77CSEATGB - Scenario-Specific Definition of Search Range
T77CSEATTO - Text Table for T77CSEAT_O
T77CSEAT_E - Exclude Search Tools from Search Range
T77CSEAT_O - Scenario-Specific Definition of Search Range


T77DB - Shift Groups for Organizational Units
T77DCT_OPTION - HR Declustering Tools General Settings
T77DCT_REG - Declustering Registry: Tables To Be Declustered
T77DT - Texts for Shift Groups


T77EB - Shift Planning: Entry Profile Texts for Table T77EP
T77EC - Shift Planning: Definition of Profiles
T77ED - Shift Planning: Definition of Shifts
T77EDAYCUST - Select Subscreens from Detail Dialog Box
T77EDAYCUST_E - Entity Table for Tab Pages in Detail Dialog Box
T77EDAYCUST_T - Text for Subscreen Selection from Detail Dialog Box
T77ED_MORE - Add'l Transfer Structure for T77ED w/ Texts and Indicators
T77EH - Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for Assignments
T77EHT - Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for T77EH Text Table
T77EI - Contents of Info Column for Shift Planning
T77EIRNLTGRTYPE - Electronic Illness Reporting NL: Trigger Types
T77EIRNLTGRTYPET - Electronic Illness Reporting (NL): Trigger Types Text
T77EIRNL_BCKPRXN - Electronic Illness Reporting NL: Association Backend & Proxy
T77EIRNL_BCK_PRX - Electronic Illness Reporting NL: Association Backend & Proxy
T77EIRNL_MSGFLD - Electronic Illness Reporting NL: Fields per Message T77EI...

T77EJ - Info Column: Pre-sets
T77EO - External Object Types
T77EOPT - Shift Planning: Assignment Options Setting
T77EP - Shift Planning: Entry Profiles
T77ER - Substitution Types in Shift Plans
T77ES - Selection ID for Shift Planning Profile
T77ESS_FEED - Customizing Table for Subscription Feeds in ESS
T77ESS_FEEDINF - Subscription Info
T77ET - Shift Planning: Descriptions of Shift Abbreviations
T77EV - External Relationships
T77EVOPT - Shift Planning: Proposal Determination Options
T77EVOPTT - Texts for Assignment Strategies
T77EVOPT_DEF - Default Assignment Strategy for Shift Group
T77EZOPT - Shift Planning: Assignment Options
T77EZOPT_T - Shift Planning: Assignment Options Texts


T77FAR - Reason for Course Failed
T77FART - Texts: Reason for Course Failed
T77FB - Forms of Further Training (France)
T77FC - PD Function Codes
T77FD - PD Function Code Texts
T77FL - Logical Function Codes
T77FLC - Allowed Logical Function Codes per Object-/Info-/Subtype
T77FLT - Name: Logical Function Code
T77FNODORD - Scenario-Specific Definition of Nodes in Search Range
T77FNODORT - Text Table for T77FNODORD
T77FOBJMAN - Definition of Object Manager Scenario
T77FRIEND - Column Framework: Definition of Coherence Relationships
T77FRIENDT - HR-OM: Text on Column Groupings
T77FSEAA - Definition of Interaction Tools
T77FSEAN - Description of Search Node in Search Range
T77FSEANT - Text table for T77FSEAN
T77FSEAS - Definition of Search Tools
T77FSEAST - Text table for T77FSEAS
T77FSEAT - Scenario-Specific Definition of Search Range T77FS...

T77FUNC - Functions
T77FUNC_TEXT - Function Texts


T77GA - Design description (status-oriented)
T77GB - Toolbox Description
T77GC - Contexts for Graphics Applications
T77GD - Data Set Description (Objects)
T77GE - Tool groups
T77GF - Definition of Object Data
T77GG - Designs for Graphical Structure Display
T77GI - Data Sets for Graphical Structure Display
T77GL - Design Description (Type-Oriented/Relationships)
T77GMFO - Generic Role Manager: Object Type-Specific Functions
T77GMFS - Generic Role Manager: Function Codes
T77GMFSC - Generic Role Manager: Function Codes
T77GMLSRFC - Generic Role Manager: Logical System -> RFC Destination
T77GMOTYPE - Generic Role Manager: Object Type Icons
T77GMOTYPT - Generic Role Manager: Object Type Texts T77GM...

T77GO - Toolboxes for Graphical Structure Maintenance
T77GR - Data Set Description (Relationships)
T77GS - Tool Set Description
T77GT - Definition of Tools
T77GU - User-Specific Graphical Editing
T77GV - Definition of Relationship Data
T77GX - Design Description (Type-Oriented/Objects)


T77HAP - Development: Add-On for Appraisal Documents
T77HAP_ASSIGN - External Objectes Assigned to Template Elements
T77HAP_BUT - Status Flow Pushbuttons
T77HAP_BUT_A - Status Flow Pushbuttons - Previous Status
T77HAP_BUT_B - Status Flow Pushbuttons - Subsequent Status
T77HAP_BUT_T - Status Flow Pushbuttons (Texts) T77HA...

T77HCP_ADCI - Additional Cost Items
T77HCP_CIKF - Determination of Statistical Key Figure
T77HCP_CISA - Assignment of Symbolic Accounts to Cost Items
T77HCP_CITM - Cost Items Personnel Cost Planning
T77HCP_CITM_CNTX - Cost Items Pers. Cost Plan: Editable Depending on Context
T77HCP_CITM_T - Cost Item Texts T77HC...

T77HIERATC - Column Framework: Hierarchical Column Groups
T77HIERATP - Column Framework: Hierarchical Column Groups
T77HRFONL_BLK - Payslip: Definition of Block entries
T77HRFONL_BLK_T - Payslip: text for Blocks
T77HRFONL_CWT - Payslip: Cumulative Wage Type with Evalclass02 Values
T77HRFONL_CWTC - Cumulative Wage Type with Evalclass02 (customer table)
T77HRFONL_LGART - Output for wagetypes
T77HRFONL_SECTIO - Payslip: Definition of Section entries T77HR...


T77I1 - Views with Grouping
T77I2 - Areas Texts
T77I3 - Task Functions
T77I4 - Data Collection
T77I5 - Task Function Texts
T77I6 - Views
T77I7 - View Texts
T77I8 - Assignment of Users to User Groups
T77I9 - User Groups for HRIS
T77IA - Areas per View
T77IB - Areas
T77IC - Data Views with Grouping
T77ID - Infotypes: Enhancements to T777D
T77INT - Flagged for Master Data Integration
T77ITEX - Hierarchy Framework: Copy Object: Exclude Infotypes
T77ITEX_C - Hierarchy Framework: Copy Object: Exclude Infotypes
T77IV - Number Assignment


T77KA - Incompatible Attendances/Absences
T77KB - Cost Items
T77KC - Texts for Cost Items
T77KD - Admin.of Cost Planning Scenarios in Personnel Cost Planning
T77KE - Assignment of Cost Planning Scenarios to CO Plan Versions
T77KF - Transfer of Business Event Costs to Controlling
T77KL - Wage Elements in Personnel Cost Planning
T77KM - Business Event Notifications
T77KT - Plan Scenario Texts for Personnel Cost Planning
T77KU - User Groups for Correspondence
T77KV - Attendance Procedure


T77LA - Address Types with Long Addresses
T77LC - Application Context Names
T77LE - Tool Set Names
T77LF - Names for Object Data
T77LG - Design Names
T77LI - Names for Data Sets
T77LO - Tool Box Names
T77LT - Tool Names
T77LV - Texts for Relationship Data


T77MB - Action Texts
T77MC - Restrictions Related to Object Type in Search Function
T77MT - Cross-Module Texts
T77MWBBWS - BW System Data for Manager's Desktop
T77MWBD - Evaluation Paths in Manager's Desktop Framework
T77MWBDT - Texts for Evaluation Paths in Manager's Desktop Application
T77MWBDTC - Customer-Specific Texts for Evaluation Paths in MDT
T77MWBFCC - Customer-Specific Override for Manager's DT Function Codes
T77MWBFCD - Function Codes for Manager's Desktop T77MW...


T77NI - Country-Specific Infotypes
T77NT - HRMS-TEM: Notes for Infotypes


T77OA - Object Types and Infotypes per Aspect
T77OBJDEF - OM: Definition of Interface Objects
T77OBJSER - Definition of Service of an Interface Object
T77OC - Catalogs
T77OCTABST - Adjust Tab Page Texts Customer-Specifically
T77OCTABUS - Scenario-Specific Tab Page Usage
T77OD - Catalog Definition
T77OF - Editing Functions for Catalogs
T77OMAHQ_FUNCAR - OM-Search Function 'Free Search': Obj. Type InfoSet (Cust.)
T77OMAHQ_FUNCARS - OM-Search Function 'Free Search': Obj. Type InfoSet (Std.)
T77OMAHQ_GARBAGE - Table with Selections/Queries to be Deleted
T77OMATDIR - General Attribute Maintenance: Change Information
T77OMATGT - Attributes of General Tree-Overview Object
T77OMATGTC - Attributes of General Tree-Overview Object T77OM...

T77OS - Structure Search
T77OS_EXT - Structure search
T77OS_TRX - Advanced Structure Search per Transaction
T77OT - Catalog Texts
T77OVIS_APP_ID - Application Definition
T77OVIS_APP_ID_T - Text Table for Application ID
T77OVIS_MAP_C - Mapping table for Application Definition
T77OVIS_OTYDFN - Object Type Definition
T77OVIS_OTYDFN_T - Object Type definition texts
T77OVIS_STRUC - Structure Definition T77OV...


T77PA - Plan Versions per Aspect
T77PAARC_SUBTY - Subtypes for Infotype 0283 and Infotype 3246
T77PAD00_AOCLC - Customer: Assignment AO/Subobj. to Class (Override)
T77PAD00_AOCLD - SAP or Default: Assignment AO/Subobj. to Classes
T77PAD00_AOCLS - Obsolete: Subtype Not Required But Cannot Be Deleted in SP
T77PADERD_FLDS - Remove Fields from Employee Information T77PA...

T77PC - Structural Graphics: PD Object Data Control (old)
T77PD - SAP Structural Graphics: PD Profiles
T77PH - HR-PD: Profile Maintenance - Header Data
T77POSBUD - Basic Data for Quota Planning
T77POSBUD_EXT - Enhancement of Contingent Planning Attributes
T77PP - HR-PD: Profile Maintenance - Sub-profile Names
T77PP_HEAD - PA-PD: Profile - Header
T77PP_HEADT_WWW - Advanced HR: Profile Maintenance->Configure Obj. Header Text
T77PP_HEAD_TEXT - PA-PD: Profile - Header (Name)
T77PP_HEAD_WWW - Advanced HR: Profile Maintenance -> Configure Object Header
T77PP_PART - PA-PD: Profile - Subprofiles T77PP...

T77PQ - Authorization Profiles
T77PR - Definition of Authorization Profiles
T77PRNL_ADDLPD - Pension Return: Additional Legal Person Data
T77PRNL_BEGREL - Pension Return: Determination of Pension Rel. Start Date
T77PRNL_EMK - Pension Return AGP: External Marital Status Key
T77PRNL_EMKT - Pension Return AGP: External Marital Status Key
T77PRNL_FILL - Pension Return: Fill Table APG T77PR...

T77PS - Authorization Profile Texts
T77PYARCOFFSET - Archiving Index Table for PA_CALC1 and PA_TIME
T77PYORULES - Rules to generate start date in payroll schedule
T77PYORULEST - Text table for rules
T77PYOSCHTY - Payroll Schedule Type
T77PYOSCHTYT - Text table for schedule type
T77PYOSTEPS - Steps used in payroll schedule T77PY...


T77QA - Qualifications Catalog Structure
T77QB - Qualifications Catalog Texts
T77QC_VIEW - View of Qualifications Catalog
T77QC_VIEW_ID - View of Qualifications Catalog
T77QC_VIEW_TEXT - View of Qualifications Catalog (Name)
T77QP - HR-PD: Selection Criteria for Employees and Applicants
T77QUERY_FIELDS - OM: Desired Output Fields of a Query (Transportable)


T77R1 - Room Reservation Type
T77R2 - Lunch Times
T77R3 - Attendee Type Control
T77R4 - Check Path Individual Attendee - Attendee
T77R5 - Name Tags
T77RB - Requirement Types per Shift Group of Organizational Unit
T77RCFBRANCHCOMP - Assignment of Branches to Companies
T77RCF_ACT2ANASM - Semantic Meaning of Activities
T77RCF_ACT2CRSN - Assignment of Activities to Confirmations and Reasons
T77RCF_ACT2FORM - Assignment of Forms to Activity Types
T77RCF_ACT2OTYPE - Assignment of Activity Type to HR Object Types
T77RCF_ACT2PROC - Assignment of Activity Types to Processes T77RC...

T77RD - Shift Planning: Requirements Types for Reqmnts Definition
T77REFDOC - Reference Document Table: Training and Event Management
T77RO - Definition of Proxy Profiles
T77RP - Substitute Profile
T77RQ - Text for Substitute Profile
T77RQ_ICON - Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup - Shift Planning
T77RQ_ICON_T - Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup - Status Text
T77RT - Requirements Type Description for Requirements Definition


T77S0 - System Table
T77S0_BASICPAY - Generated Table for View T77S0_BASICPAY
T77S1 - Menu: Functions
T77S2 - Menu: Services
T77S3 - Menu: Screen Modifications
T77S4 - Menu: Dynamic Menu Texts
T77S5 - Menu: Dynamic Menu Functions
T77SC - Customizing: Grouping Entries in T77S0
T77SCENQY - Queries per scenario and object type (customer)
T77SCENQY_SYST - Queries per Scenario and Object Type (SAP)
T77SCEN_AW - Default scenario for Org. chart data retrieval (customer)
T77SCEN_AW_SYST - Default Scenarios for Org. Chart Data Retrieval (SAP)
T77SFI_COMP_EXFD - Fields for export of compensation data to SFSF
T77SFI_COMP_EXFS - Field Set IDs for export of compensation data to SFSF
T77SFI_COMP_EXFT - Field Set IDs for export of compensation data to SFSF
T77SFI_COMP_IMFS - Field Sets for import of compensation data from SFSF
T77SFI_COMP_IMFT - Field Set IDs for export of compensation data to SFSF
T77SFI_COMP_IMMP - Assigment of field mappings to import field sets T77SF...

T77SK - HR-PD: Scales
T77SN - HR-PD: Quantity Scale Proficiencies
T77SO - Structurally-Dependent Object Types
T77SP - HR-PD: Quality Scale Proficiencies
T77SP_CD - Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequence
T77SP_CDT - Shift Planning: Names for Abbreviation Sequence Rules
T77SP_CE - Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequences
T77SP_DAYMARK - Shift Planning: Selection for Special Indicator
T77SP_DESCR - PA-PD: Proficiency Descriptions for a Quality Scale T77SP...

T77ST - System Tables


T77T0 - Profiles for RHDESC20
T77TC - Classification of Tasks
T77TD - Texts for Task Classification
T77TF - PA-PD: Form of Appraisal (Name)
T77TG - HR-PD: Profile Maintenance - Sub-profiles
T77TH - HR-PD: Profile Maintenance - Header Data Names
T77TIM_AQGRP - Absence Quota Groups
T77TIM_AQGRPT - Absence Quota Groups Description
T77TMCAESFIELD - AES Field Customizing
T77TMCAESFLDGR - Groups of AES Fields
T77TMCAESFLDGRT - Description of Areas of Country
T77TMCAES_F_G - Assignments of AES Fields to Field Groups
T77TMCAREAOFCO - Country Zones
T77TMCAREAOFCOT - Description of Areas of Country T77TM...

T77TN - HR-PD: Proficiency Texts for Quantity Scale
T77TNMFR_CA - Cost items attributes
T77TNMFR_FC - TNM/France: mapping table form. type/legal type
T77TNMFR_FS - Forms: Sections
T77TNMFR_LR - TNM: 2483, legal typologies mapping table
T77TNMFR_PC - T77TN...

T77TP - HR-PD: Proficiency Texts for Quality Scale
T77TR - Transport Lock for Infotypes and Subtypes per Object
T77TS - HR-PD: Scale Names
T77TT - Profiles for RHDESC20 Texts


T77UA - User Authorizations
T77UICONVCLASS - PD Conversion Class
T77UICONVTXT - Content of a text fields
T77UICONVTXTC - Content of text fields, Customer Table
T77USPAY_COBASE - Cost distribution base configuration
T77UU - User Table for Batch Input


T77VA - Relationship Characteristics
T77VB - Output Sequence of Text Elements
T77VC - Text Variable Editing
T77VD - Output Control: Correspondence
T77VE - Notification abbreviations
T77VF - Notification Abbreviations
T77VG - Check table: Recipient Group
T77VH - Recipient group texts
T77VI - Assignment: Triggering Activity - Notification Abbreviation
T77VP - Log File: Correspondence in Training and Event Management


T77WAGETYPEGROUP - Wage Type Grouping for Remuneration Archiving Object
T77WS - Person Group/Subgroup per Work Schedule Group
T77WT - Employee Group/Subgroup Assignment to Work Schedule Groups
T77WWW_CD - ESS Country-Specific Services
T77WWW_CDE - ESS Deactivate Catalog and Change Menu Item
T77WWW_CLAGAPA - Associate Approvers to their Group
T77WWW_CLAPRGRP - Approver Group Master Table
T77WWW_CLAPRGRPT - Text Table for Approver Group
T77WWW_CLAPRPRV - Mapping Approver Group with Approver privileges group T77WW...


T77ZA - Additional Conditions for Time Constraint 3
T77ZC - Check Table: Additional Conditions for Time Constraint 3
T77ZR - Infotype 1001 Time Constraint (Target Object Type-Dependent)
T77ZT - Text Table for Additional Conditions - Time Constraint 3
T77ZZ - PD XPRA Control

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