List of SAP Tables objects containing

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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with M

MBQSS - Interface between QM and goods receipt posting

MBQSSK - Interface structure for insp. lot account assignment

MBQSSZ - Assignment table for the item number

MCQADDON - Interface for add-ons

MCQALS - Insp.lot: interface to QIS

MCQALSADD - Additional structure: insp.lot

MCQALSB - QIS: communication structure for insp.lot

MCQALSB_BW - Inspection lot with cancellation flag

MCQALSUSR - User structure: insp.lot

MCQALSX - Inspection lot

MCQALS_ADMIN - Comm structure: Inspection lot: Local timestamp

MCQALS_CH - QMIS charac. data-inspection results

MCQALS_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - characteristics

MCQALS_CHAR_CUST - Comm. structure: Inspection lots - char. on customer

MCQALS_CHAR_INT - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - char. internal reference

MCQALS_CHAR_MAT - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - char. on material

MCQALS_CHAR_SUPL - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - char. on vendor

MCQALS_CTRL - Comm. structure: Inspection lots - controlling data

MCQALS_KFG - Interface structure for inspection lot extraction: Key figs

MCQALS_SYSTEM - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - system

MCQALTB_BW - Comm. structure: Part lot with cancellation flag

MCQALTX - Comm. structure: Part lot

MCQALT_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection lots - characteristics

MCQAPO - Insp. operation: Communication structure

MCQAPOB - Insp. operation: Communication structure

MCQAPOB_BW - Inspection operation

MCQAPOX - Insp. operation: Communication structure

MCQAPO_CH - Insp. operation: Summarization characs.

MCQAPP - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPPB - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPPB_BW - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPPX - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPP_CH - Insp. point: Summarization characs.

MCQAPP_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection point - characteristics

MCQAQR - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Communication structure

MCQAQRB - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Communication structure

MCQAQRB_BW - Comm. structure: Inspection results with cancellation flag

MCQAQRX - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Communication structure

MCQAQR_CH - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Summarization characs.

MCQAQR_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection results - characteristics

MCQAQR_EX1 - Structure enhancement for QMIS

MCQAQR_FG - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Scores

MCQAQR_KYF - Comm. structure: Inspection results - key figures

MCQAVE - Usage decision: interface to QIS

MCQAVEADD - Additional structure

MCQAVEB - QIS: communication structure for the usage decision

MCQAVEB_BW - Usage decision with cancellation indicator

MCQAVEUSR - User structure: usage decision

MCQAVEX - Usage decision

MCQAVEX_KFG - Interface structure usage decision: Key figures

MCQKENNZ - QMIS: field attributes key figures (inspection lot)

MCQKENNZ1 - QMIS field attributes indicators (Q notifications/defects)

MCQKENNZ2 - QMIS field attributes-scores (insp. results)

MCQKUSR - PMIS: Customer-specific fields for field catalogs/update

MCQLOS - Interface for inspection lot list

MCQMEL - Notification

MCQMELB - Communication Structure: Notification

MCQMEL_ADMIN - Communication Structure: Notif. Structure: Local Time Stamp

MCQMEL_CHAR - Communication Structure: Notification - Characteristics

MCQMEL_CHAR_CUST - Comm. Structure: Notifs - Characteristics w/ Ref. Customer

MCQMEL_CHAR_INT - Communication Structure: Notification - Internal Characs

MCQMEL_CHAR_MAT - Communication Structure: Notification - Chars Ref. to Matl

MCQMEL_CHAR_PMCS - Communication Structure: Notif.- Chars Reference to Service

MCQMEL_CHAR_SUPL - Communication Structure: Notif.- Chars Reference to Vendor

MCQMEL_KYF - Communication Structure: Notification - Key Figures

MCQMEL_SYSTEM - Communication Structure: Notification - System Time Stamp

MCQMERKM - Charac. structure-insp. results aggregation

MCQMFE - Notification item

MCQMFEB - Communication Structure: Notification Item

MCQMIH_DATE - Comm Structure: Message -Breakdowns

MCQMMA - Notification Activity

MCQMMAB - Communication Structure: Notification Activities

MCQMSM - Notification Tasks

MCQMSMB - Communication Structure: Notification Tasks

MCQMUR - Notification Cause

MCQMURB - Communication Structure: Notification Causes

MCQQFADD - QMIS field attributes indicators (Q notifications/defects)

MCQQFADD_M - Additional structure to QMIS notifications: characteristics

MCQQFUSR - QMIS user fields Q notifications/defects (items)

MCQQMADD - QMIS field attributes indicators (Q notifications/defects)

MCQQMUSR - QMIS user data Q notifications/defects

MCQQQFADD - QMIS Field Attributes Indicators (Q Notifications/Defects)

MCQ_EVENT - Event for which updating should take place

MDQM - Generated Table for View

MEQUERYBESTANALYSE - Auxiliary Structure for Order Analysis Query

MEQUERYEKKOEKPO - Auxiliary Structure for Query Data Transport

MEQU_AFPO - Structure for Update AFPO from Revision of Quota Arrangement

MSQ10RANGE - MS SQL Server range with CHAR 10


MSQBACKSET - MS SQL server backup list

MSQBAKFILE - Sqlserver Backup file information

MSQBLOLCKS - MS SQL server blocked locks

MSQBLOPROS - MS SQL server blocked processes

MSQC1RANGE - MS SQL Server range with CHAR 1

MSQC4RANGE - MS SQL Server range with CHAR 4 for DBSTATTMSQ

MSQC5RANGE - MS SQL Server range with CHAR 5

MSQCCMSJOB - MS SQL server list of CCMS planned tasks

MSQCCMSTSK - MS SQL server list of CCMS planned tasks

MSQCOLLIST - MS SQL server - table column and type list

MSQCONFIGU - MS SQL server - structure of sp_configure

MSQCONFPAR - MS SQL server - configuration options

MSQDBASES - MS SQL server databases ( as from sysdatabases )

MSQDBASESZ - MS SQL server Database size details

MSQDBCCRES - MS SQL server dbcc output result set

MSQDBDETAS - MS SQL server database space statistics

MSQDBLIST - MS SQL server list of database names

MSQDBLOGSZ - MS SQL server - log file space status

MSQDBOPTS - MS SQL server database options

MSQDBUSERS - MS SQL server user information etc.,

MSQDEVLIST - MS SQL server Backup device List.

MSQDNSITY - Table density information

MSQERROUT - Structure to hold SQLServer errorlog output

MSQEXPLAIN - MS SQL server - sql statement execution plan options

MSQEXPORT - MS SQL server - structure to hold export parameters

MSQFILELIST - List of files

MSQHISSTEP - Sql Server Job History Steps

MSQIDXDETS - MS SQL server - Index details & statistics

MSQIMPORT - MS SQL server - structure to hold import parameters

MSQJBSHIS - MS SQL server Job History ( from msdb..sysjobhistory (7.0)

MSQJOBHDR - MS SQL server job header information

MSQJOBHIS - MS SQL server job history ( as from msdb..sysjobhistory )

MSQJOBMESS - MS SQL server Job Message (from msdb..sysjobhistory)

MSQJOBSTEP - MS SQL server jobsteps ( as from msdb..sysjobsteps)

MSQLOCKINF - MS sql server lock info information for blockers and waiters

MSQLOGLIST - MS SQL Server database log list

MSQLOGSZ - MS SQL server - log size

MSQMSSTSUM - MS SQL Server: Stored Procedure Statistics Summary


MSQOBJECTS - MS SQL server system objects ( as from sysobjects )

MSQPFINFO - MS SQL Server Profiler on: trace info directory

MSQPFLIST - MS SQL Server Profiler list

MSQPFON - MS SQL Server Profiler on: trace info

MSQPFOPS - MS SQL Server profiler operator

MSQPFPLAN - MS SQL Server Profiler: explain plan

MSQPFTRCID - MS SQL Server profiler trace ID list

MSQPROCACH - MS SQL server procedure cache activity

MSQPROCESS - MS SQL server processes ( as from sysprocesses )

MSQPROCINF - MS SQL server - processes informations

MSQRANGE14 - MS SQL Server range with CHAR 14

MSQREFHLP - MS SQL Server Reference help fields

MSQSAPLCKS - MS SQL server sap locks (as from sap_locks)

MSQSAPSULK - MS SQL server - list of locks from sap_summary_locks

MSQSCHEDUL - MS SQL server jobschedules ( as from msdb..sysjobschedules)

MSQSDBABI - INTTAB for Backup Scheduling

MSQSDBAHI - Internal Table for SDBA Results (Logs, Return Codes)

MSQSERTIME - MS SQL server - startup time

MSQSERVER - MS SQL server information

MSQSHCONTG - Displays fragmentation info for data and indexes of a table

MSQSNAP - MS SQL Server: Database performance snapshot

MSQSPHPIDX - MS SQL server - Sp_helpindex structure results

MSQSPMONI - MS SQL server - SP monitor statistics values

MSQSPPARAM - MS SQL server stored procedure parameter structure

MSQSPWHO - MS SQL server on line user status

MSQSQLCODE - MS SQL server structure to get the sp text

MSQSQLRES - MS SQL server - sql command output

MSQSTMTINF - SMS SQL server created stored procedure information

MSQSTPRTXT - MS SQL server - stored procedure text

MSQSYCHOBJ - The data from syscacheobjects

MSQSYCHST - The data from syscacheobjects

MSQSYCONFI - MS SQL server configuration options ( as from sysconfigures)

MSQSYSDEV - MS SQL server dump devices (as from sysdevices)

MSQSYSIDX - MS SQL Server: Index Details ( As From Sysindexes )

MSQSYSJOBS - MS SQL server list of jobs ( as from msdb..sysjobs)

MSQTABLST - List of table names.

MSQTABOPT - MS SQL Server - Table

MSQTABSTAT - MS SQL server table statistics

MSQTOPLARG - MS SQL server largest tables in database

MSQTOPMODI - MS SQL server top modified tables in db since last startup

MSQVTLFLS - MS SQL Server Information from ::fn_virtualfilestats

MSQWAITS - MS SQL Server DBCC Wait Statistics

MSQ_DBCNFG - Contains the SQL server parameter values

MSQ_DBDATA - Contains information on a database

MSQ_DYSERV - contains performance measures since sqlserver's last start

MSQ_FILES - Data about operating system files which make up a db

MSQ_JOBS - MS SQL SERVER JOB description (as from msdb..sysjobs)


MSQ_LSTAT - SQL Server structure to hold stats on error or agent logs

MSQ_PACCES - Contains data from sysperfinfo on accesses physical&logical

MSQ_PDBMGR - Contains data from the performance object Databases.

MSQ_PERSEC - Data structure to present per second changes in perf data

MSQ_PFCACH - Contains data from the performance object cache manager

MSQ_PLOCKS - Contains data from the performance object lock manager

MSQ_PMEM - Contains data from sysperfinfo on memory

MSQ_PROCES - Data on the processes connected SQL Server

MSQ_STSERV - data about sqlserver and the host its running on

MSQ_VERDAT - structure to return release date of function group smss

MTQSS - Material master view: QM

M_QALSA - Generated Table for View

M_QALSD - Generated Table for View

M_QALSK - Generated Table for View

M_QALSM - Generated Table for View

M_QALSO - Generated Table for View

M_QALSS - Generated Table for View

M_QALST - Generated Table for View

M_QALSV - Generated Table for View

M_QCVKF - Generated Table for View

M_QCVKS - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

M_QMASS - Generated Table for View

M_QMELB - Generated Table for View

M_QMELCANO - Generated Table for View

M_QMELE - Generated Table for View

M_QMELE2 - Generated Table for View

M_QMELESM - Generated Table for View

M_QMELK - Generated Table for View

M_QMELK2 - Generated Table for View

M_QMELKSM - Generated Table for View

M_QMELM - Generated Table for View

M_QMELM2 - Generated Table for View

M_QMELMSM - Generated Table for View

M_QMELP - Generated Table for View

M_QMELP2 - Generated Table for View

M_QMELPSM - Generated Table for View

M_QMELQ - Generated Table for View

M_QMELR - Generated Table for View

M_QMELR2 - Generated Table for View

M_QMELRSM - Generated Table for View

M_QMELT - Generated Table for View

M_QMELT2 - Generated Table for View

M_QMELTSM - Generated Table for View

M_QMEPQ - Generated Table for View

M_QMEPT - Generated Table for View

M_QMESK - Generated Table for View

M_QMEST - Generated Table for View

M_QMTBS - Generated Table for View

M_QPMKS - Generated Table for View

M_QPRNM - Generated Table for View M_QPRNM

M_QVDMB - Generated Table for View

M_QVDMC - Generated Table for View

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