List of SAP Tables objects containing

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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with M

MSS65BACK - MS SQL Server: Backup history overview

MSSA - Total Customer Orders on Hand

MSSAH - Total Sales Order Stocks: History

MSSALLLOCKS - Lock information from list of all locks on the server

MSSAPPSERVER - MSS Information about an appserver

MSSASSYSTRUC - Plan guide information

MSSA_EXT - Stock Fields that are not in MSSA

MSSBACKHIS - MS SQL Server: Backup history information

MSSBDEVLST - MS SQL Server: Backup device name list

MSSBLOCKINGLOCKHIER - Blocking lock hierarchy display


MSSCCMSSNGLJB - Information on a single job

MSSCHEMAS - MS SQL Server schema overview data

MSSCHGPAHI - MS SQL Server: PAHI parameter changes

MSSCNTDDLT - Cumulated deadlock statistics data for display only

MSSCNTDEAD - Cumulated deadlock statistics data

MSSCOLLCNTR - MSSQL DBCOLL : Counter Definitions

MSSCOLLCOUNTERS - Collection of key performance counters displayed in ST04

MSSCOLLODESC - MSSQL DBCOLL : Definition of a Statistic


MSSCOLLRESI - MSSQL DBCOLL : Statistics Output Structure


MSSCOLLSERIEGRID - structure for snapshot collecotr display

MSSCONFIGU - Structure for sp_configure

MSSCONNDATA - MSSQL multi-connect : Complete connection information

MSSCONNUSER - MSSQL multi-connect : Session specific connection info

MSSD15RANGE - MS SQL Server range with DEC 15

MSSDATABASE - Name + access permission

MSSDBCCOUT - DBCC command output

MSSDBCOLL - MS SQL Server DB collector display structure

MSSDBFILES - MS SQL Server: Database space history files

MSSDBHIST - MS SQL Server: Database space history

MSSDBLIST - MS SQL Server: List of database names

MSSDBLOCKS - structure returned about blocking db locks for SQL Server

MSSDBLOCKS_SNAP - DB Locks snapshot - includes handles

MSSDBLOCKS_WP - MS SQL Server lock monitor

MSSDBLOGSZ - MS SQL Server: Database log size

MSSDBOPTS - MS SQL Server: Database options

MSSDBPROP - Contains property settings of a SQL Server DB for display

MSSDBSCHTAB - Database, schema, tablename to pass to det tabanalyze

MSSDBSIZE - MS SQL Server: Database size

MSSDBSIZEINFO - Database size information

MSSDBSNAPSHOTSTRUC - Snapshot database information

MSSDBSTATT - Table statistics for MS SQL Server

MSSDBSTATT_V - Generated Table for View MSSDBSTATT_V

MSSDBSZINF - MS SQL Server: Database Size Information

MSSDEADLCK - Database Deadlock Information for MSSQL Server

MSSDENSITY - Table density information

MSSDISPINDINFOCOLL - Structure only used to display index and statistics details

MSSDLTAB - Table Control: Download Table Contents

MSSDWDLLS - Holds records on the dlls in the disp+work

MSSDYNSUM - MS SQL Server table statistics history delta changes

MSSELTAB - Structure for Selection of Standard Service Catalog Item No.

MSSERRORLOG - structure returned from error log 9.0 and 10.0

MSSEXESTMTS - MS SQL server structure to get the executed statements text

MSSFILELINE - Lines in a text file

MSSFILES - MS SQL Server: Database File List

MSSG_RET - Transfer Structure for System Messages

MSSG_RET_ERR - Structure for detailed log for creating JIT calls


MSSHELP - Structure for Data Elements Holding F1 Help Documentation

MSSHISTOGRAM - Output from running dbcc show_statistics with histogram

MSSI4RANGE - MS SQL Server range with INT 4

MSSIDXOPSTATS - Index operational stats output from MSS_GET_INDEX_OP_STATS

MSSIDXRECOMMEND - Index recommendations from sap_index_recommend

MSSIDXUSAGESTATS - Index usage stats output from MSS_GET_INDEX_USE_STATS

MSSINDCOL - Index Column Description

MSSINDEXLIST - List of index/statistics names

MSSINDINFOCOLL - Collection of index information

MSSINDMISC - Misc. index information

MSSINDMISCINFO - Index name + misc. index information

MSSINDSTOR - Index Storage Parameters


MSSIS - Storage Parameters for MS SQL Server Indexes

MSSKEYVALUEPAIRS - MSS key value pairs

MSSL - Total Special Stocks with Vendor

MSSLINKEDSRVSTRUC - Linked server information - output of sp_linkedservers

MSSLOCK7 - MS SQL Server lock monitor

MSSLOCKINF - MS SQL-Server: Lock Information

MSSMAPPING - MSSQL : Mapping of RAT Columns to the Target Table

MSSMSSTSUM - MS SQL Server: Stored Procedure Statistics Summary

MSSMSTATSUM - SQL Server: Stored Procedure Statistics Summary in DEC

MSSMULTICON - MSSQL : Multi-connect structure (DBCON + extensions)

MSSNEUSTRUC - MSSQL : 7.10 Structure of the RAT Output Field Structure

MSSOBJECTS - Structure for displaying object counts/sizes in db02

MSSOBJPERSCHEMA - objects per schema for SQL Server

MSSOPUSESTATS - Combined index operational and use statistics

MSSPARTDIST - Partition distribution information for a partitioned table

MSSPARTFUNCSTRUC - Information Structure for SQL Server Partioning Function

MSSPARTINFO - Partition information for a partitioned table

MSSPARTITIONSTRUC - Information Structure for Partitioned Table

MSSPARTLISTSTRUC - List of All Partitions Including Interval Values

MSSPARTSCHEMESTRUC - Information Structure for SQL Server Partition Schema

MSSPARTSUMSTRUC - Information Sructure for Partitioning List

MSSPARTTAB - Table partition name list

MSSPBMPOLICY - Policy in the Policy Based Management framework

MSSPERFMEM - Display MSQSNAP table: Memory

MSSPFALSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Allocation statistics

MSSPFCNSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Connection statistics

MSSPFDBALL - Display MSQSNAP table: Database space allocation

MSSPFDKSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Disk statistics

MSSPFLIST - MS SQL Server Profiler list: ALV display

MSSPFMEUSG - Display MSQSNAP table: Internal memory usage

MSSPFNTOPS - Display MSQSNAP table: Server set

MSSPFNTSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Network statistics

MSSPFSTATS - Display MSQSNAP table: Statistics

MSSPHYSIDXSTATS - Physical index statistics

MSSPLANATTR - Query plan attributes

MSSPLANGUIDESTRUC - Plan guide information

MSSPPACK - MSSQL : list of DB performance snapshots

MSSPRCINF7 - MS SQL Server: Process Monitor

MSSPROCINF - MS SQL-Server: Process Information

MSSPROCS - MS SQL Server: Stored Procedures

MSSPROFTRINFO - Profiler trace info

MSSQ - Project Stock Total

MSSQH - Total Project Stocks: History

MSSQRYSTATSFROMDB - Statistical info returned from sap_sys_dm_exec_query_stats

MSSQUERYSTATS - Statistical information related to CPU time/memory for query

MSSQUERYSTATSOUT - Query statistics on ALV in SQL Statements (sql >=9.0)

MSSQ_EXT - Stock Fields that are not in MSSQ

MSSRANGES - MS SQL Server ranges for deadlock monitor

MSSRATPARA - MSSQL RAT : Input parameter structure

MSSRATSRC - MSSQL: Source Code Line of Automatically Generated RAT Prog.

MSSRAWDATA - Raw data line

MSSRCF5125 - Infotype 5125: Requisition Information

MSSRCF5126 - Infotype 5126: Job Description

MSSRCF5128 - Infotype 5128: Education Requirements

MSSRCF5134 - Infotype 5134: Attachments

MSSRCF_HELP_VALUE - Structure for Value Helps on Form

MSSRCF_HRI5125 - Requisition Information

MSSRCF_HRI5126 - Job Description

MSSRCF_HRI5128 - Education Requirements

MSSRCF_HRI5134 - Attachments


MSSRCF_SUBST - Substitutes in Recruitment


MSSRCF_S_MDL_UIS_FIELDNAME - Structure: Import Generic Value Help - Internal

MSSRCF_S_MDL_UIS_VALUEHELP - Structure: Export Generic Value Help - Internal

MSSRCF_S_MDL_VH - Structure: Value Help


MSSRCF_S_SE_REQUI_ATTACHMENT - Attachments for Requisition

MSSRCF_S_SE_REQUI_BASIC_INFO - Basic Data for Requisition

MSSRCF_S_SE_REQUI_EDUCATION - Requirements for Applicant




MSSRCF_S_SGR_TXT - Object Support Group with Text

MSSRCF_S_USER_NAME - Assignment of User Name and Personnel Number

MSSREPLTAB - Replicated tables

MSSRESGOVRESPOOL - SQL Server Resource Governor Resource Pool

MSSRESGOVWLGRP - SQL Server Resource Governor Workload Group

MSSRESHIST - MS SQL Server: Database restoration history overview

MSSROWSET - MSSQL : DB performance snapshot data

MSSSCHEMALIST - List of schema names

MSSSCHEMASTATS - MS SQL Server: info on table size for all schemas

MSSSCHJOBS - List of sql agent jobs scheduled for the next X days

MSSSERIA - MSSQL: Serialization Format of RAT Data

MSSSERVER - MS SQL Server: Information

MSSSHOWCONOUT - Output of dbcc showcontig

MSSSLOCKS - MS SQL Server: Single Deadlock Count

MSSSNAPHIS - MS SQL Server MSQSNAP table history list

MSSSOURCE - MS SQL Server: Stored Procedures Source Code

MSSSPNAMES - List of stored procedure names for which to create a summary

MSSSPVERS - MS SQL Server: Database Release and Stored Proc. Revision

MSSSPWHO - MS SQL Server: Online user status

MSSSQLSETUP - Comments returned from sp sap_mon_sqlsetup and then level

MSSSQLSTMT - SQL definition statement text

MSSST04COUNTERS - Collection of key performance counters displayed in ST04

MSSST04LST - MS SQL Server: ST04 Main Screen Display Structure


MSSSTATS1X - MS SQL Server: MSSTATS with Statement Type and Intance

MSSSTATS1XX - SQL Server: MSSTATAS with Statement Type& Instance in DEC

MSSSTORAGE - MSSQL-Specific Storage Parameters for Tables and Indexes

MSSSTRUC - MSSQL: Structure of RAT Output Field String

MSSSUBPARA - MS SQL Server: Table of Substituted Profile Parameters

MSSSUMDEAD - MS SQL Server: Deadlock Summary Statistics (Numbers Only)

MSSSYCHST - The data from syscacheobjects for display fewer columns

MSSSYCHSTX - Syscacheobjects extended by R/3 specific columns

MSSSYSNAMESTRUC - Name of an MS SQL Server Object

MSSTABASORT - Table to display sort options in MSS_RAT_TABANALYZE

MSSTABCOL - Table column properties

MSSTABCOLS - Native SQL Server column names and types

MSSTABGRWN - MS SQL Server Table Grownth

MSSTABHDER - Table control download: table header

MSSTABIDX - Table/Index name pairs

MSSTABLEPROP - MSS SQL Server table properties

MSSTABLESIZELIST - Simple list of various table size values

MSSTABLIST - Object references in an XML showplan

MSSTABREADINFO - Table size information for DB/MSS_TABLE_DATA_READ

MSSTABSIZEDETAIL - Table size detail (only for sql 2005 and later)

MSSTABSIZEINFO - Table size information

MSSTABSTATS - Structure for table history data from sap_tabstats

MSSTABSTOR - Table Memory Parameters

MSSTABSZDELTA - MS SQL Server Table Size delta information

MSSTASK - MS SQL Server task description (as from msdb..systasks)

MSSTASKHIS - MS SQL Server task history (parts from msdb..syshistory)

MSSTATSREC - MS SQL Server $MSST status record

MSSTBJOBSTAT - Table size history job status

MSSTBSHIST - MS SQL Server Table Statistics History


MSSTOPLARGE - Top large tables

MSSTOPLARGEST - Top large tables

MSSTOPMODI - Top modified tables

MSSTOPREPL - A list of the largest tables which are replicated

MSSTOTTABSIZEINFO - Information on the total size of all tables

MSSTR2TRANS - MSSQL : Compressed trace interface table

MSSTREVNT - PROF: List with Event Classes for F4 Help

MSSTRINIT - PROF: Header for trace display

MSSTRLIST - PROF : List of all SQL Profiler Traces

MSSTRSHOW - PROF : SQL Profiler Trace with a short text field

MSSTRTEXT - PROF: Long text field for the trace

MSSTRUTAB - Structure Table: External Services: Master Data

MSSTRXPL - PROF : Explain Rowset

MSSTS - Storage Parameters for MS SQL Server Tables

MSSVTLFLS - MS SQL Server vitual file statistics display

MSSWEEKLIST - Table to display sort options in MSS_RAT_TABANALYZE

MSSXEDEADLCK - Deadlock Information for MSSQL Server from X-Events

MSSXMLOBJREFS - Object references in an XML showplan

MSSXPLPLAN - Structured output from queries when set showplan_all is on.

MSSXPLPROPS - Property structure to display Explain tree node properties.

MSSXPLTREEITM - Tree item for Explain tree control

MSS_ACTIVE_REQUEST - Active SQL Server requests with their connections & sessions


MSS_CONENV - MSS: Connection Attributes

MSS_CONNECTION - sys.dm_exec_connections structure from SQL Server 9.0

MSS_DBCON - MSS: Connection Attributes

MSS_DBDATA - Contains property settings of a SQL Server database

MSS_FILES - MS SQL Server: Database File List for DB02

MSS_INDEX - Base Table Name, Index Name, Index ID

MSS_OBJECT - Object name

MSS_PACCES - Contains data from sysperfinfo on accesses physical&logical

MSS_PFCACH - Contains data from the performance object cache manager

MSS_PLOCKS - Contains data from the performance object lock manager

MSS_PMEM - Contains data from sysperfinfo on memory

MSS_REQUEST - sys.dm_exec_requests structure from SQL Server 9.0


MSS_SESSION - /sys.dm_exec_sessions structure from SQL Server 9.0

MSS_SPS - Stored procedure name list

MSS_STMTHIST - Recorded overview of SQL Statement workload

MSS_STMTHISTDET - History details for an expensive SQL statement

MSS_STSERV - data about sqlserver and the host its running on

MSS_TABLE - Table name

MSS_TRIGGER - Trigger name list

MSS_WAITSTATS - return structure from dbcc sqlperf(waitstats)

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