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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with D


DB2ACCDL - Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCDL
DB2ACCDS - Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCDS
DB2ACCJF - Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCJF
DB2ACCJP - Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCJP
DB2ACCJS - Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCJS
DB2ACCMO - Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCMO DB2AC...

DB2ALERT - DB2/390: Alert Tree: Single Messages
DB2ALERTSLIMITS - Table needed for collecting data for DB2 limits alert monit.
DB2APPSERVERS - Name of the application server
DB2ASUTIL - Performance Values for OS/390 Address Spaces


DB2BACKUP - DB2/390: Backup Needed
DB2BASETAB - structure with base and aux table
DB2BPACT - structure for Bufferpools- Bufferpool Activity
DB2BPCTRL - Buffer Pool Table Control
DB2BPDEFAULTS - Defaults for Bufferpools
DB2BPTUNE - DB2/390: Buffer Pool Tuning Settings
DB2BPTUNE1 - DB2/390: Buffer Pool Tuning


DB2CATINX - Info on Indexes from DB2 Catalog Table SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES
DB2CATTAB - Info on Tables from DB2 Catalog Table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES
DB2CCACCOR - Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCOR
DB2CCACCOX - Parameters stored procedure DSNACCOX
DB2CCDAILY - List of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOR Daily)
DB2CCDAILYX - List of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOX Daily)
DB2CCDLOUT - Output List of CC/390 Stored Procedure DSNACCDL
DB2CCDL_OUTTS - DSNACCDL: History of output table DB2CC...

DB2CHAR18 - Structure for typing internal tables with one column CHAR18
DB2CHAR8 - Structure for typing internal tables with one column CHAR8
DB2CONDESCR - DB2: Description of a database connection
DB2CONGROUPS - Groups of DB2 connections
DB2CONINI - represents the connect.ini file
DB2CONTEND - Structure for ALV grid (History Content end time)
DB2CONTENT - Structure for list of history content
DB2CONTSTR - Structure for ALV grid (History Content start time) DB2CO...

DB2CPYTSC - DB2/390: COPY Parameters for Control Center Stored Procedure
DB2CPYTSP - DB2/390: COPY parameters
DB2CQDBPC - Buffer Manager Dynamic Pool Attributes


DB2DATASET - info on datasets
DB2DATETIME - structure for date & time
DB2DB02CONTROL - Control table for information in DB02
DB2DB02EXTENTS - Tx DB02: Data for DB02's Extent Monitor
DB2DB02HISRG - DB02: Time Range of History, used for FuMo interface
DB2DB02IXDYN - Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of indexes
DB2DB02IXSIZE - Tx DB02: List of indexspace datasets
DB2DB02IX_SUM - Tx DB02: Summary of Index info. Partitions are summed up DB2DB...

DB2DEADLK - RFC - Deadlock Structure
DB2DEADLKC - RFC - Deadlock Structure
DB2DEADRS - RFC - Deadlock Structure Resources, Holder and Waiter
DB2DEADRSC - RFC - Deadlock Structure Resources, Holder and Waiter
DB2DEFCON - Defined DB2 connections (in connect.ini)
DB2DSCFILTER - Statement Cache Filter
DB2DSCHDR - Header for statement cache statistics
DB2DSINFO - Storage and Catalog Information on DB2 Datasets
DB2DSMEM - Information concerning a DB2 data sharing group member
DB2DSNUC - Control Center stored procedures parameters
DB2DSNUP - DB2/390: Parameters Passed to DSNUTILS Stored Procedure DB2DS...


DB2EXTMON - DB2/390: Structure for DB02's Extent Monitor
DB2EXTMONT - DB2/390: Table Control Structure for DB02's Extent Monitor


DB2FREESPACE - structure for obj Information concerning freespace


DB2GET_CONNECTION_URL_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
DB2GET_CONNECTION_URL_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
DB2GET_DB_CONNECTIONS_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
DB2GET_DB_CONNECTIONS_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
DB2GET_DB_PROPERTY_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
DB2GET_DB_PROPERTY_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated) DB2GE...

DB2GLOTIME - DB2 global times with V8
DB2GRPCONS - Logical connections of a group


DB2HEADER - Misc. data relevant for the common header area
DB2HISTGRD - DB2 for OS/390: Structure for grid history processing


DB2ICLISRV - DB2/390: ICLI Server Information
DB2IFI313 - DB2/390: Structure for Long-Running Units of Recovery
DB2IFI313C - DB2/390: Structure for Long-Running Units of Recovery
DB2IFIDBTI - DB2/390: IFI DB Trace
DB2IFIDBTR - DB2/390: IFI DB Trace
DB2IFIDEST - Parameters for DB2 IFI destinations
DB2IFITRC - DB2/390: IFI Server Information DB2IF...

DB2INDSTOR - Index parameter for DB2/MVS
DB2INT02 - Test Structure for Integer 2
DB2INT2C - Test Structure for Integer 2
DB2IREORG - Information for Database Reorgcheck: Indexes
DB2IXBACK - List of indexes that need a backup
DB2IXDETL - Detailed Information on a DB2 Index
DB2IXDETLP - Detailed Information on a Partition of a DB2 Index
DB2IXDYN - Dynamics of the Size of Indexes
DB2IXDYNT - Template for List Output: Dynamics of Size of Indexes
DB2IXHIS - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Indexes DB2IX...


DB2J2EECONS - Groups of DB2 connections
DB2JCLSS - Types of JCL Submission Services
DB2JCLSTAT - Status of JCL utilities
DB2JOB - JCL Jobs for OS/390
DB2JOBIDMAP - Maps JCL Job ID for backwards compatibility with FTP JES ID
DB2JOBPROFILE - JCL job profiles
DB2JSINF - Header Table of JCL Administration
DB2JSTATUS - Status of Submitted JCL Jobs
DB2JU - TSO User on OS/390


DB2KPIIX - Index Info
DB2KPITABS - DB02 Table List
DB2KPI_FREESPACE - structure for obj Information concerning freespace
DB2KPI_IXLIMITS - structure with infos on ix near DB2 limits
DB2KPI_IXLIST - Index Info
DB2KPI_LARGIX - Info on largest IX DB2KP...


DB2LOBS - DB02 structure for LOBs
DB2LOCKESCAL - DB2 alert for lock escalations
DB2LOCKESCPROC - DB2 for z/OS: Postprocessed lock escalations (IFCID 337)
DB2LOCKRES - Resources locked by a thread
DB2LOCKS - Locked DB2-Resources and their Holders and Waiters
DB2LOCKSC - Locked Resources for a Thread DB2LO...

DB2LRUR - RFC - Long Running URs
DB2LRURI - RFC - Long Running URs with ICLI Alert Router
DB2LSCONFIG - DB2 Landscape Tool Configuration


DB2MCPTSP - DB2/390: MERGECOPY Parameters
DB2MISC - Miscellaneous CCMS on DB2 for z/OS settings and properties
DB2MON - DB2/390 Monitor Table
DB2MONIKEY - Key for Access to Table MONI
DB2MULTITS_INFO - info on ts


DB2NETSTATS - Contains network statistics collected by DB2 Connect
DB2NETSTATS_FILTER - view structure for network statistics
DB2NETSTATS_MINMAX - structure for min and max values of db2 network statistics
DB2NETSTATS_SAMPLES - values for min / avg / max samples
DB2NETSTR - Structure for network statistics collected by DB2 Connect
DB2NETWSTATS - structure for db2 network statistics - backend class DB2NE...

DB2NORUN - Exclude table spaces from RUNSTATS ALL
DB2NQW03 - Number of Waiters and Holders on a Resource
DB2NQW03C - Number of Waiters and Holders on a Resource


DB2PARAMETER - db2 system parameter
DB2PARTS - structure for partition info
DB2PINPR - Page-ins per pages read
DB2PROF - Profile parameters for stored procedure SAPCL
DB2PROTOCOL - structure used for DB2 CCMS protocol in function modules


DB2Q3ST - accumulated statistics for SSSS and SSAM resource manager
DB2Q3STC - accumulated statistics for SSSS and SSAM resource manager
DB2Q9ST - command statistical counters
DB2Q9STC - command statistical counters
DB2QALRTLOAD - Load table for alert router part of DB2 IFI collector
DB2QBAC - Buffer Pool Statistics Data
DB2QBACC - Buffer Pool Statistics Data
DB2QBGA - DB2/390: Group Buffer Pool for Given Thread
DB2QBGAC - DB2/390: Group Buffer Pool for Given Thread
DB2QBGAT - DB2MONI: thread details DB2QB...

DB2QCLDBT - IFI Collector Table
DB2QCLREQ - DB2 CL - Interface
DB2QCLREQE - Extensions to table DB2QCLREQ
DB2QCLTRC - DB2 IF trace
DB2QDBP - Buffer Manager Dynamic Pool Attributes
DB2QDBPC - Buffer Manager Dynamic Pool Attributes
DB2QDBPT1 - DB2 for z/OS buffer pool settings
DB2QDSCCONT - Structure describing content of dynamic statement cache
DB2QDSCCONT_V10 - Structure describing content of dynamic statement cache
DB2QDSCHIST - Content of dynamic statement cache history DB2QD...

DB2QGLOTIME - New Global Times (IFI 369)
DB2QISE - EDM Pool Statistics
DB2QISEC - EDM Pool Statistics
DB2QISJ - DB2 star join pool statistics
DB2QIST - DB2/390 Datamanager Statistics
DB2QISTC - DB2/390 Datamanager Statistics
DB2QJST - log manager statitics block
DB2QJSTC - log manager statitics block
DB2QLODLK - RFC - Deadlock Table
DB2QLODRS - RFC - Deadlock Resources
DB2QLOGS - RFC - Active Log Shortage
DB2QLOTHW - RFC - Timeout Waiter and Holder
DB2QLOTRS - RFC - Timeout Resources
DB2QLRUR - RFC - Long Running URs DB2QL...

DB2QPLANHIST - History plan table
DB2QPROF - Profile parameters for stored procedure SAPCL
DB2QR4H - DB2 for OS/390: Structure for history processing status
DB2QSST - DB2 Perf. Manag. Data: Storage Manager Data
DB2QSTC - Structure for Statement Trace
DB2QSTCC - Structure for Statement Trace
DB2QSYSW1 - Table holding different DB2 IFI statistics values
DB2QSYSW2 - DB2 statistics (part 2)
DB2QTBLX - RFC - Table Extents
DB2QTGA - DB2/390: Data Sharing Locking for Given Thread
DB2QTGAC - DB2/390: Data Sharing Locking for Given Thread
DB2QTGS - DB2/390: Statistics Global Locking
DB2QTGSC - DB2/390: Statistics Global Locking
DB2QTHDDSC - content dynamic statement cache DB2QT...

DB2QVLS - Statistics record latch manager
DB2QVLSSEC - Statistics record latch manager: Per Second
DB2QVLSTAB - Statistics record latch manager: table reference
DB2QW0199 - Structure for Data Set Statistics
DB2QW0225 - DB2 IFCID 225 - DBM1 virtual storage monitoring
DB2QW0225_V10 - DB2 IFCID 225 - DBM1 virtual storage monitoring
DB2QW0254 - Statistics CF Cache Structure Data
DB2QW0316 - Structure for Statement Trace
DB2QW0317 - dynamic statement cache: SQL STATEMENT DB2QW...

DB2QXSC - statement cache statistics
DB2QXST - RDS Statistics Block
DB2QXSTC - RDS Statistics Block


DB2RDI - SQL Statement Data
DB2RDIC - SQL Statement Data
DB2REMOTECON - Remote Connections
DB2REOIX - REORG of Indexes
DB2REOTS - REORG of Tablespaces DB2RE...

DB2RFCCONN - RFC - Connection
DB2RSTLIST - List of tablespaces on which RUNSTATS is to be run
DB2RUNST - DB2/390: Runstats Needed


DB2SAPSYS - SAP systems located in one DB2 subsystem
DB2SDBAHI - Internal Table for sdba Results used for RFC purposes
DB2SELCHAR - Structure for character field selection
DB2SELDB - Structure for database selection
DB2SELTB - Structure for table selection
DB2SELTS - Structure for tablespace selection
DB2SET_CONNECTION_URL_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
DB2SET_CONNECTION_URL_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated) DB2SE...

DB2SPREBIX - REBUILD INDEX Parameters for Stored Procedures
DB2SPRUNTS - RUNSTATS Parameters for Stored Procedures
DB2SPTAB - Structure for space tables that can hold name and partition
DB2SQLLONG - Contains long SQL statement texts
DB2SQLLONGT - Structure to read data from SAPCL table DB2SQLLONG
DB2STATDEC - DB2/390: Buffer Pool Tuning: Table Categorisation
DB2SUSCRN - Fields for DB2 for OS/390 Performance Monitor Subscreen
DB2SUSCRNC - Fields for DB2 for OS/390 Performance Monitor Subscreen
DB2SWPARM - Summary Structure for System-Wide Parameters
DB2SWPARMC - Summary Structure for System-Wide Parameters
DB2SYSPARC - Derived DB2 System Parameters
DB2SYSPARM - Derived DB2 System Parameters
DB2SYSPRNT - DB2/390: Structure of table SYSIBM.SYSPRINT


DB2TABHIST - DB02 Table History
DB2TABIXS - info on index structure
DB2TABLIST - DB02 Table List
DB2TABONL - DB2/390: Screen for Online Space Info on a Table (DB15)
DB2TABSTAT - DB2/390: Screen for Statistical Space Info on a Table (DB15)
DB2TABSTOR - Table parameters for DB2/MVS DB2TA...

DB2TBCOLS - DB2/390: Column Definition of a Database Table
DB2TBDETL - Detailed Information on a Table from the DB2 Catalog
DB2TBIXSUM - DB2/390: Initial Screen for Table and Index Monitor (DB02)
DB2TBLIST - DB2/390: List of Tables
DB2TBLX - RFC - Table Extents
DB2TBTAB - Structure for tables that hold tablespace information DB2TB...

DB2TDUMMY - Dummy Structure for Internal Use
DB2THREADC - DB2 Performance Monitor: Thread List
DB2THREADS - DB2 Performance Monitor: Thread List
DB2TIMEG - DB2 for OS/390 Times over all Threads
DB2TIMEGC - DB2 for OS/390 Times over all Threads
DB2TIMES - DB2 Times
DB2TIMESC1 - DB2 Times
DB2TIMESD - Thread Activity: Times Distribution DB2TI...

DB2TREORG - Information for Database reorgcheck: Tables
DB2TSBACK - List of tablespaces that need a backup
DB2TSBACKN - Generated Table for View
DB2TSDETL - Detailed Information on a DB2 Tablespace
DB2TSDETLP - Detailed Information on a Partition of a DB2 Tablespace
DB2TSDYN - Dynamics of the Size of Tablespaces
DB2TSDYNO - Dynamics of the size of tablespaces DB2TS...

DB2TTLTMS - DB2 for OS/390: Stucture for System Times


DB2UTILS_OUT - History of output table for DB13 jobs executed via DSNUTILS
DB2UTILS_PARMS - History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs via DSNUTILS
DB2UTPARM - DB2/390: Parameters for DB2 Utilities


DB2VCATTAB - DB2/390: List of VCAT Names
DB2VOLLST - List of Volumes on which R/3 Objects Reside
DB2VOLLSTF - Free Space on OS/390 DASD


DB2WHERE_S - Line in WHERE Clause
DB2WPDBH - Work process / database handle / connection name mapping


DB2XPLCOLDIST - Internal Structure for DB2 Column Distributions


DB2ZPARMCHECK - structure for inst param check
DB2ZPARMCONFIG - ZPARM Configuration Table
DB2ZPARMS - zParms


DB2_ACCOX_PROFILE - Structure to store input parameter of DB2 SP DSNACCOX
DB2_BACKUP_HISTORY - Used to show DB2 Backup History
DB2_BACKUP_RECOMM - DB2 Backup Recommendation Entry
DB2_BACKUP_STATUS - DB2 Backup Status Entry
DB2_CATALOGSTMT - Catalog Statistic Patch SQL Statement
DB2_CHAR255 - Structure for CHAR255
DB2_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION - DB2 z/Os: Column description of a DB Table
DB2_COL_PROFILE - DB2 SAP Collector Profile to store the Config of db2qprof
DB2_COMP_VERS - component versions
DB2_CONENV - DB2: Structure of CONENV entry DB2_C...

DB2_DB02_GENERAL_DATA - general data for VIEW_DATA of DB2_ACTION_DB02_Overview
DB2_DB02_HISTORY - DB02: Structure for history of a system
DB2_DB02_HISTORY_STRUCTURE - structure for SAP System Overview history tab
DB2_DB02_IX_DETAILS - DB02: Detail Index Information
DB2_DB02_IX_GEN - general data for indexes
DB2_DB02_IX_HIST - DB02: structure for history of indexes DB2_D...

DB2_EXCLUDE_TAB - exclude table for function codes in GUI status
DB2_EXT_AL - DB2/390 Alert: Too Many Extents
DB2_FAILOVER_ALV_AFFINITY_LIST - Line type for displaying Affiinity list in selection box
DB2_FAILOVER_ALV_CLIENT_LINE - Line for displaying a client in an ALV
DB2_FAILOVER_ALV_SERVER - Line type for db2 member alv
DB2_FAILOVER_CLIENT - DB2: Failover Configuration: Stucture for a client (AS)
DB2_FAILOVER_DB - DB2: Failover Configuration: Structure for different DBs
DB2_FAILOVER_DSN_ELEMENT - DB2: Failover Configuration: Structure for an DSN element DB2_F...

DB2_GLOTIME - structure for global times - tree (snapshot)
DB2_GLOTIME_HIERARCHY - hierarchy structure for snapshot display
DB2_IDX_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION - DB2 z/Os: Column description of a DB Index
DB2_INDEX_RUNSTATS_OPTIONS - Index Runstats Option
DB2_IX_LIMITS - structure with infos on objects near DB2 limits
DB2_JES_OUTPUT_LIST - Stucture forshowing JES print output under ALV
DB2_JOBPROFILE_DATA - DB2: structure for DB2_Action_Jobprofile all Screen Data
DB2_JOB_CONTROL_JOBS - structure for editing job alv
DB2_KEYVALPAIR - Key-Value Pair
DB2_KEY_DESCR - structure for numeric key - charlike description pairs
DB2_KPI_QBGB - groupbufferpool config data
DB2_KPI_QBGL - groupbufferpool activity data
DB2_KPI_QBST - bufferpool activity data
DB2_KPI_QDBP - Bufferpool config data DB2_K...

DB2_LPAR_INFO_ZOS - DB2: LPAR information for z/OS
DB2_LPAR_NAME_STRUC - Structure wrapping an LPAR Name
DB2_MESSAGE_TAB - Structure for dynpro header in DB6PLAN --> JCL interface
DB2_MOST_PARTITIONS - structure with information on obj. with most partitions
DB2_MSG_LOG - View data for cl_db2_action_db2_msg
DB2_NEAR_LIMITS - structure with infos on objects near DB2 limits
DB2_OBJ_EXCEPTIONS - DB2 z/OS Objects to be excluded for maintenance jobs
DB2_REORG_EXCEPTION - DB2 z/OS List of excluded partitions from REORG utility
DB2_RSDB2MEPL - Structure for Diagnose Display MEPL
DB2_RUNSTATS_OPTIONS - BW Table Runstats Options
DB2_SHOW_SYSTEM_PARAMETER - Expected and Found Values of DB2 installation Parameters
DB2_SHOW_SYSTEM_PARM_LONG - Output Structure for Dynpro 0100 of Program RSDB2CKRD
DB2_SNODETEXT - DB2 Deadlocks Output Structure for Display of Details
DB2_SQL_EDITOR_HIST - stmt History for SQL editor
DB2_SUBSYSTEM_DETAILS_TAB - detail structure for VIEW_DATA of DB2_ACTION_DB02_Overview
DB2_SUBSYSTEM_VIEW - DB2: Subsystem View for DB02 (Space) DB2_S...

DB2_TABLESPECL - DB2 Table Identifier (Creator + Tablename)
DB2_TABPART - Table Name withassociated Partitions
DB2_TABPROFILE - DB2 Table Profile Structure
DB2_TSIX - DB2 z/OS Tablespace/Indexspace and Database Names
DB2_TSLIST - Structure for typing int. tables to identify tablespaces
DB2_VIEW_BP - DB2: view data for bufferpools
DB2_VIEW_BP_DET - view data for BP Activity Details DB2_V...

DB2_XCHG_LPAR - Exchange data (Sysplex_Monitor -> Sysplex_History)

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