List of SAP Tables objects containing

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with /

/IBMTWS/XAPPL - IBM TWS for Apps external applications

/IBS/CRB_ARBBEST - RBD: Assignment of Conditions for Planned Record Creation

/IBS/CRB_BALANCE - RBD Balancing Rules

/IBS/CRB_BA_NRKR - RBD: Number Range Assignment

/IBS/CRB_BA_SRT - RBD: Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_BA_SRTP - RBD: Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_BA_SRTT - RBD: Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_BCRPBAL - RBD: Define Derivation of Risk Provision Positions (ECF)

/IBS/CRB_BENORD - RBD Authorization Employee Assignment

/IBS/CRB_BEWME_P - RBD Valuation Method

/IBS/CRB_BEWME_T - RBD Valuation Methods (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_BTCML_P - RBD Flow Category of CML Flow Type Excluded from Selection

/IBS/CRB_BTCML_T - RBD Selection Excluded Flow Category for CML Flow Type (Text

/IBS/CRB_BVC_P - RBD: Define Book Value Components

/IBS/CRB_BVC_T - RBD: Define Book Value Components (Text)

/IBS/CRB_BWTXT_P - RBD: Different Description for Risk Provision Position

/IBS/CRB_BWTXT_T - RBD: Different Description for Risk Provision Position Texts

/IBS/CRB_CFTYP_P - RBD: Cash Flow Category

/IBS/CRB_CFTYP_T - RBD: Cash Flow Category (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_CF_ZUL - RBD: Permitted Cashflow Categories for RBD Account Dialog

/IBS/CRB_COLTY_P - RBD: Define Collateral Type

/IBS/CRB_COLTY_T - RBD: Define Collateral Type (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_CONBVC - RBD: Assignment of Bk Val. Component to Risk Prov.Pos. (ECF)

/IBS/CRB_CONFST - RBD Position Generation Rules for Value Adjustments in RBD

/IBS/CRB_CSG - RBD Collateral Types Encumbrances

/IBS/CRB_CTRLMAN - RBD: Function Control ECF Valuation Sheet

/IBS/CRB_DUEPO - RBD: Define Relevant Date for Data Selection


/IBS/CRB_ECFGLB - RBD: General Settings ECF

/IBS/CRB_ECKON - RBD: Acc. Assignment Ref. for Man. Contract Management ECF

/IBS/CRB_ECKON_T - RBD: Acc. Assignmt Ref. for Man. Contract Management - Texts

/IBS/CRB_ECLCTRL - RBD: Define Loss Processing for ECF Logic

/IBS/CRB_ECLIB_P - RBD: Supplying Acc. Unit for Manual Contract Management

/IBS/CRB_ECLIB_T - RBD: Suppl. Acc. Unit for Man. Contract Management - Texts

/IBS/CRB_ECMOD - RBD ECF: Source Systems for Manual Contract Management

/IBS/CRB_ECMOD_T - RBD: Component ID for Manual Contract Mgmt - Text Table

/IBS/CRB_ECMPROD - RBD: Define Product Types for Manual Contract Mgmt (ECF)

/IBS/CRB_FCON - RBD: Field Control at Row Level (ECF)

/IBS/CRB_FPERIOD - RBD: Define Settlement Period Change

/IBS/CRB_FUPDATE - RBD Resubmission Date

/IBS/CRB_FVARISK - RBD Valuation Basis for Flat-Rate Value Adjustment Procedure

/IBS/CRB_GATE - RBD: Assignment of RBD Gate to RBD Flow Types

/IBS/CRB_GLOBAL - RBD: Global Settings for RBD Tool

/IBS/CRB_IASACC - RBD Provision Valuation per IAS

/IBS/CRB_IASBEWE - RBD Relevant Legacy System Flows IAS / IFRS Gate Fill

/IBS/CRB_IASCOL - RBD Collateral Valuation per IAS

/IBS/CRB_IASCON - RBD Contract Valuation per IAS

/IBS/CRB_IASHDG - RBD Hedge Valuation per IAS

/IBS/CRB_KLS_P - RBD: Obsolete RBD Class

/IBS/CRB_KLS_T - Obsolete


/IBS/CRB_KTART_T - RBD RBD Account Type (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_KTOFI - RBD Account Determination for RBD Flow Types


/IBS/CRB_MODID_P - RBD Component ID Source System

/IBS/CRB_MODID_T - RBD Component ID Source System (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_M_DISC - RBD: Define General Discount Rates (ECF)

/IBS/CRB_ORGEIN - RBD Authorization Organizational Unit

/IBS/CRB_PARSY_P - RBD: Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_PARSY_T - RBD: Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_PERIO - RBD Define Time Periods for Valuation Areas

/IBS/CRB_PRCB - RBD Setting Priority of Valuation Status Indicator

/IBS/CRB_PRIOTYP - RBD: Priority (Ranking Order) of RBD Flow Types

/IBS/CRB_PROCA_P - RBD Processing Type IAS

/IBS/CRB_PROCE_P - ECF Cust: Processing Type

/IBS/CRB_PROCE_T - ECF Cust: Processing Types (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_PROC_P - Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_PROC_T - RBD Processing Types (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_PRODA_P - RBD RBD Product Types

/IBS/CRB_PRODA_T - RBD RBD Product Types (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_PWVKK - RBD Valuation Basis for Flat-Rate Value Adjustment Procedure

/IBS/CRB_RANKTYP - RBD: Rank of RBD Flow Types for Value Adjustment Creation

/IBS/CRB_RBAA - RBD Loss Flow Types


/IBS/CRB_RBDBW_T - RBD RBD Flow Types (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_RBDSB - RBD RBD Administrators


/IBS/CRB_RBD_T - RBD RBD Area (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_RECLAS - RBD: Determination of Reclassification Flow


/IBS/CRB_RFCXTRA - RBD RFC Table for Extractors for External Systems

/IBS/CRB_RKAPB - Obsolete


/IBS/CRB_RKLS_T - RBD RBD Class (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_RKLUE - RBD Transfer Risk Classes per RBD Account Category

/IBS/CRB_RKL_P - RBD RBD Risk Classes

/IBS/CRB_RKL_T - RBD RBD Risk Classes (Texts)

/IBS/CRB_RS_PROP - RBD: Definition Usage Probability Provisions

/IBS/CRB_SAPRE_P - RBD: Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_SAPRE_T - RBD: Obsolete

/IBS/CRB_TREVENT - ECF: Transaction Events

/IBS/CRB_ZAR - RBD Assign Aggregation Level SVA to RBD Area

/IBS/CRB_ZBEVWW - RBD:Assignmt FT Line Item Sce Syst. Crcy Chge (Capital Only)

/IBS/CRB_ZBR - RBD Assignment Valuation Methods to RBD Area

/IBS/CRB_ZBWARVB - RBD: Assignment of Source System Flow to RiskProv.Pos.(ECF)

/IBS/CRB_ZGPAP - RBD Permitted SAP BP Roles for Aggregation Level Partners

/IBS/CRB_ZGPDAVS - RBD Assignment BP Role to Product Type Source System

/IBS/CRB_ZKK - RBD: Obsolete RBD Assignment RBD Class - RBD Acct Category

/IBS/CRB_ZKRBW - RBD Assignment Capital Source System RBD Flow Type

/IBS/CRB_ZMR - RBD Assignment Component ID Source System to RBD Area

/IBS/CRB_ZPROCCA - Assignment of Processing Type to Processing Category

/IBS/CRB_ZPROC_E - ECF Cust: Assignment of Processing Type to Processing Cat.

/IBS/CRB_ZPVRP - RBD Assignment Product Type Source Syst. to RBD Product Type

/IBS/CRB_ZRBWA - RBD RBD Flow Type Determination

/IBS/CRB_ZRKV - RBD: Obsolete Assignment RBD Class to Acct Assmt Ref. SrcSys

/IBS/CRB_ZRLIB - RBD Assignment RBD Area to Accounting Unit Source System

/IBS/CRB_ZSICRVB - RBD: Assignment of Collateral Type to Risk Prov. Position

/IBS/CRB_ZVSK - RBD: Assignment Source System to RBD Class

/IBS/SRB_ACCOUNTIDENT - RBD: AM Account Identification, Structure for BAPI Call

/IBS/SRB_ACCSCR_STATEMENT - RBD: Structure for Flow Data for Account Statement RBD

/IBS/SRB_ACC_BALANCE - RBD: Structure for


/IBS/SRB_ACC_PLAN - RBD: Structure for Flow Data for Account Statement RBD


/IBS/SRB_ACC_STATEMENT - RBD: Structure for Flow Data for Account Statement RBD


/IBS/SRB_ALVKTO_T - RBD: Output Structure RBD Account With Text Field

/IBS/SRB_ALVUE - RBD: ALV Structure for Individual Documents

/IBS/SRB_ALVUE_T - Display Individual Documents Including Text Descriptions

/IBS/SRB_ALVUI - RBD: ALV Structure for Actual Records

/IBS/SRB_ALVUI_T - RBD: ALV Structure for Actual Records

/IBS/SRB_ALVUP - RBD: ALV Structure for Planned Records

/IBS/SRB_ALVUP_T - RBD: ALV Structure for Planned Records

/IBS/SRB_ALV_BUCHUNGEN - ALV Display Structure Postings

/IBS/SRB_ALV_ENTW_VERTV - ALV Display Structure Development per Source System Contract

/IBS/SRB_ALV_MAN_PLAN - RBD: Planned Change

/IBS/SRB_ALV_RATE - RBD: ALV Structure for Interest Rates Contract Data 0510

/IBS/SRB_ALV_RS_BD - RBD: Display Structure Provision Requirement

/IBS/SRB_AMACCCONT - RBD: AM Contract Data, Structure for BAPI Call

/IBS/SRB_AMACCINFO - RBD: AM Account Information, Structure for BAPI Call

/IBS/SRB_AMACCTRANS - RBD: AM Account Data General Ledger Update - BAPI

/IBS/SRB_AMBALIST - RBD: AM Account Balances, Structure for BAPI Call


/IBS/SRB_AMBUPA - RBD: AM-Wide Business Partners - BAPI

/IBS/SRB_AMGPDATA - RBD: AM Business Partner Data Structure for BAPI Call

/IBS/SRB_AM_GET_LIST_IMPORT - RBD: AM Account Extraction Selection Structure BAPI

/IBS/SRB_ASSIGN_CO - RBD: Assign Administrator

/IBS/SRB_BALANCE - RBD: Structure for

/IBS/SRB_BELOBJ - RBD: Interface Collateral Object Data CML

/IBS/SRB_BLWOB - RBD: CML Collateral Values

/IBS/SRB_BUPER - RBD: Structure for Posting Period of General Ledger

/IBS/SRB_CAPITAL_SALDO - RBD: Structure for RBD Capital Balances

/IBS/SRB_CHNGDOC - Structure for ALV Output in Change Documents

/IBS/SRB_CHNGDOC_KVV - ALV Output for KVV Change Documents

/IBS/SRB_CMS_SICBEW - RBD: Interface CMS Collateral Valuation

/IBS/SRB_CMS_SICVER - RBD: Interface CMS Collateral Agreement

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_ANL_COVERAGE - RBD: Coverage Gap for Receivables



/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_AST_MAS_CALC - RBD: Calculation Results for Main Asset

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_AST_REQD_DATA - RBD: Required Data for Asset Retrieval

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_AST_SYS_STAT - RBD: System Status for Asset


/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_CAG_ASMT_VAL - RBD: Value to be Set for Agreement

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_CAG_BASIC_GET - RBD: Basic Data for Collateral Agreements

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_CAG_CALC_GET - RBD: Agreement-Specific Calculated Values

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_CAG_CHG_GET - RBD: Charges on Collateral Agreement

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_CAG_DIST_GET - RBD: Distributed Collateral Value

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_CAG_REQD_DATA - RBD: Data for Collateral Agreement

/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_CAG_SKY_GET - RBD: Semantic Key for Collateral Agreements


/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_IR_REQD_DATA - RBD: Data That Needs To Be Collected for Receivable


/IBS/SRB_CMS_STR_RBL_SKY_2 - RBD: Semantic Key for CMS_RBL

/IBS/SRB_CMS_VERMWD - RBD: Interface CMS Asset Data

/IBS/SRB_DISWRITEUP - RBD Display Structure Dialog Control

/IBS/SRB_ECD_PCF - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Provision Cash Flow

/IBS/SRB_ECD_PCO - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Provision Collateral

/IBS/SRB_ECD_PUT - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Provision Utilization

/IBS/SRB_ECD_VCF - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Value Adjustment Cash Flow

/IBS/SRB_ECD_VCO - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Value Adjustment Collateral

/IBS/SRB_ECF_ACC_CREATE - RBD: Structure for Output of Automatic Account Creation

/IBS/SRB_ECF_BVC_ALV - Display Structure of Book Value Components

/IBS/SRB_ECF_CF_CREATE - RBD: Create Transfer Structure for Cash Flow Series

/IBS/SRB_ECF_HD - Structure for ECF - Value Adjustment Header Data

/IBS/SRB_ECF_PBAL_G1 - RBD: Display Structure ECF Positions Prov. GAAP1

/IBS/SRB_ECF_PBAL_G2 - RBD: Display Structure ECF Positions Prov. GAAP1

/IBS/SRB_ECF_PCF - Structure for ECF - Provision Cash Flow

/IBS/SRB_ECF_PCO - Structure for ECF - Provision Collateral

/IBS/SRB_ECF_PHD - Structure for ECF - Provision Header Data

/IBS/SRB_ECF_PSUM - Structure for ECF - Provision Totals Memory

/IBS/SRB_ECF_PUT - Structure for ECF - Provision Utilization

/IBS/SRB_ECF_SUM - Structure for ECF - Totals Memory

/IBS/SRB_ECF_VBAL_G1 - RBD: Display Structure ECF Positions VA GAAP1

/IBS/SRB_ECF_VBAL_G2 - RBD: Display Structure ECF Positions VA GAAP2

/IBS/SRB_ECF_VCF - Structure for ECF - Value Adjustment Cash Flow

/IBS/SRB_ECF_VCF_ADDON - RBD ECF - Item Data of a Sheet Plus Enhancements

/IBS/SRB_ECF_VCO - Structure for ECF - Value Adjustment Collateral

/IBS/SRB_ECF_VSUM - Structure for ECF - Value Adjustment Totals Memory

/IBS/SRB_EC_PLBA_STR - Structure for GAAP Balance Decision Template

/IBS/SRB_EC_PLC - Structure for RBD Decision Template: IVA Reqmt ECF

/IBS/SRB_EC_PLC2 - Structure for RBD Decision Template: ECF Prov.

/IBS/SRB_EC_PLC2_STR - Structure for RBD Decision Template: Prov. Reqmt ECF

/IBS/SRB_EC_PLC_STR - Structure for RBD Decision Template: VA Reqmt ECF

/IBS/SRB_EC_PRPS - Structure for RBD Decision Template ECF

/IBS/SRB_EC_PRPS_STR - RBD: Decision Template ECF

/IBS/SRB_GRPFR - RBD: Interface Encumbrances Source System

/IBS/SRB_GRPFR23 - RBD: Interface Encumbrances Source System (CURR23)

/IBS/SRB_HGB_PLCH - Structure for RBD Decision Template GCC

/IBS/SRB_HGB_PLCH_STR - RBD: Decision Template GCC

/IBS/SRB_HGB_PROP - Structure for RBD Decision Template GCC

/IBS/SRB_HGB_PROP_STR - RBD: Decision Template GCC

/IBS/SRB_INTERVALL - Selection Structure Interval Limits

/IBS/SRB_IS_DEVEL - RBD: Structure for RBD Development List (IS)

/IBS/SRB_IS_SALDO - RBD: Structure for RBD Balances Information System (IS)

/IBS/SRB_KONTO_SALDO - RBD: Structure for Evaluation of Balances for a RBD Account

/IBS/SRB_KONTREF - RBD: Account Assignment Reference of Source System

/IBS/SRB_KTOVAL - RBD: Delivery Structure Account Data

/IBS/SRB_KVV - RBD: Assignment RBD Account - Contract Source System

/IBS/SRB_KVV_GUID - RBD: Structure Contract Data Indentification

/IBS/SRB_KVV_REALLOCATE - RBD: Target Contracts for Reallocation

/IBS/SRB_KVV_SRC_ALV - RBD: Selected Source System Contracts for Reallocation

/IBS/SRB_MESG - RBD: RB_BA Message Structure

/IBS/SRB_PLCHANG - Structure for RBD Decision Template: IVA Requirement

/IBS/SRB_PLCHANG_STR - Structure for RBD Decision Template: Value Adjustment Reqmnt

/IBS/SRB_PLCHANG_STR2 - Structure for RBD Decision Template: Provision Requirement 2

/IBS/SRB_PLCHNG2 - Structure for RBD Decision Template: Provision Requirement

/IBS/SRB_PPF_ECFUPD_KTO - Selection Structure ECF Update (PPF) - Multi ACC

/IBS/SRB_PPF_IASPOST - RBD: Selection Structure IAS/IFRS Posting (PPF)

/IBS/SRB_PPF_IASPOST_KTO - RBD: Selection Structure IAS/IFRS Posting (PPF)- Multi ACC

/IBS/SRB_PPF_IASUPD - Selection Structure IAS/IFRS Update (PPF)

/IBS/SRB_PPF_IASUPD_KTO - Selection Structure IAS/IFRS Update (PPF) - Multi ACC

/IBS/SRB_PPF_PWVSEL - RBD: Selection Structure FVA Processing (PPF)

/IBS/SRB_PROPRES - RBD: Decision Template IAS

/IBS/SRB_PROPRES_STR - RBD: Decision Template IAS

/IBS/SRB_P_ECF_PCF - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Provision Cash Flow Item

/IBS/SRB_P_ECF_PCO - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Provision Collateral

/IBS/SRB_P_ECF_PUT - Structure for ECF - Dialog for Provision Utilization

/IBS/SRB_RBDINFO - RBD: Interface RBD Source System Data Repository

/IBS/SRB_RS_SHCOL_R - Structure for RBD IAS - Dialog Provision Collaterals

/IBS/SRB_RS_SHEET_I - Structure for RBD IAS - Dialog Provision Utilization

/IBS/SRB_RS_SHEET_R - Structure for RBD IAS - Dialog Provision Cashflow Position

/IBS/SRB_SALDO - RBD: Structure for RBD Balances

/IBS/SRB_SBEWVS - RBD: Interface Flow Data Source System

/IBS/SRB_SBFAI - RBD: Interface Flow Data Fair Value

/IBS/SRB_SELBKR - RBD: Selection Option Company Code

/IBS/SRB_SELECTION_SCREEN - Structure for Selection Screen

/IBS/SRB_SELGSART - RBD: Selection Option Product Type CML

/IBS/SRB_SELLIBUE - RBD: Selection Option Source Accounting Unit

/IBS/SRB_SELMAHNS - RBD: Selection Option Dunning Level CML

/IBS/SRB_SELPAV - iBS RBD Selection Option Product Type CML

/IBS/SRB_SELRANL - RBD: Selection Option Contract Number CML

/IBS/SRB_SELRKLAMMER - RBD: Selection Option Finance Project Number CML

/IBS/SRB_SELSANLF - RBD: Selection Option Creation Form CML

/IBS/SRB_SELSSTATI - RBD: Selection Option Contract Status CML

/IBS/SRB_SELSTITEL - RBD: Selction Option Loan Type CML

/IBS/SRB_SELSWHR - RBD: Selection Option Currency CML

/IBS/SRB_SELVBEWA - RBD: Selection Option Flow Type CML (from BSID)

/IBS/SRB_SHCOL - Structure for RBD IAS - Expected Collateral in Sheet

/IBS/SRB_SHCOL_R - Structure for RBD IAS - Provision Collaterals

/IBS/SRB_SHEET - Structure for RBD IAS - Position Data in Sheet

/IBS/SRB_SHEETH - Structure for RBD IAS - Header Data of Sheet

/IBS/SRB_SHEETH_RS - Structure for RBD Provisions IAS - Header Data of Sheet

/IBS/SRB_SHEET_ADDON - RBD IAS - Position Data of Sheets Plus Enhancements

/IBS/SRB_SHEET_I - Structure for RBD IAS - Provision Utilization

/IBS/SRB_SHEET_R - Structure for RBD IAS - Provision Cashflow Positions

/IBS/SRB_SICVS - RBD: Interface Collateral Source System

/IBS/SRB_SKAPV - RBD: Interface Effective Capital Contract Source System

/IBS/SRB_SSBUEH - RBD: Interface Accounting Unit Source System

/IBS/SRB_SUM_SHEET - Structure for RBD IAS - Totals Memory for Sheets

/IBS/SRB_SUM_SHEET_RS - Structure for RBD Provision IAS - Totals Memory for Sheets

/IBS/SRB_S_ADROLL - RBD Selection Structure for Address Role Field

/IBS/SRB_S_AGEWB - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Aggregation Level Field

/IBS/SRB_S_AWAERS - RBD: Selection Structure for Display Currency Field RBDActC

/IBS/SRB_S_BEDING - RBD: Selection Structure for Condition Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BELNR - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD FI Document Number Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BEWEV - RBD: Selection Structure for Flow Line Item Sce Syst. Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BEWME - RBD: Selection Structure for Valuation Method Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BUDAT - RBD: Selection Structure Posting Date

/IBS/SRB_S_BUSOP - RBD: Selection Structure for Business Operation Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BVC - RBD: Selection Structure for Book Value Component Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BWAGR - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Flow Type Group Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BWART - RBD: Selection Structure for Flow Type Field

/IBS/SRB_S_BWTYP - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Flow Category Field

/IBS/SRB_S_CASHT - RBD: Selection Structure for Target Value/Corrected Val. Fld

/IBS/SRB_S_CMLBSK - RBD: Selection Structure for CML Valuation Status Ind. Field

/IBS/SRB_S_CMLBTYP - RBD: Selection Structure for the Flow Category Field CML

/IBS/SRB_S_CMLSTAMM - RBD: CML Data for Partner, Finance Project and Contract

/IBS/SRB_S_CONCUR - RBD: Structure for Currency Conversion

/IBS/SRB_S_DTRANS - RBD: Selection Structure for Transaction Date Field

/IBS/SRB_S_FBEZ - RBD: Selection Structure for Field Label Field

/IBS/SRB_S_FIBUK - RBD: Selection Structure for Company Code Field

/IBS/SRB_S_FIDAT - RBD: Selection Structure for Posting Date Field

/IBS/SRB_S_FINRV - RBD: Sel. Structure for Contract Number Sce System Field

/IBS/SRB_S_FKAUS - RBD: Sel. Structure for Function Selection Linked Syst Field

/IBS/SRB_S_GABDA - RBD: Selection Structure for Valif -from Date Field

/IBS/SRB_S_GBIDA - RBD: Selection Structure for Valid-To Date Field

/IBS/SRB_S_GJAHR - RBD: Selection Structure for Fiscal Year Field

/IBS/SRB_S_GUID - RBD: Selection Structure for Field GUID

/IBS/SRB_S_KTOART - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Account Type Field

/IBS/SRB_S_KTTYP - RBD: Selection Structure for Account Category Field

/IBS/SRB_S_KZSH - RBD: Selection Structure for Debit / Credit Indicator Field

/IBS/SRB_S_KZSTV - RBD: Selection Structure for Reversal Ind. Sce Syst. Field

/IBS/SRB_S_KZVJ - RBD: Selection Structure for Previous Year Indicator Field

/IBS/SRB_S_LIBUE - RBD: Selection Structure for Supplying Accounting Unit Field

/IBS/SRB_S_MAHNS - RBD: Selection Structure for Dunning Level Source Syst. Fld

/IBS/SRB_S_MODID - RBD: Selection Structure for Component ID Sce System Field

/IBS/SRB_S_NTRANS - RBD: Selection Structure for Sequential No. Transact. Field

/IBS/SRB_S_ORGEIN - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Number Field

/IBS/SRB_S_PARTSTEU - RBD: CML Data for Partners and Object Data

/IBS/SRB_S_PARTV - RBD: Selection Structure for Partner Number Source Syst. Fld

/IBS/SRB_S_PDAVS - RBD: Selection Structure for Product Type Sce System Field

/IBS/SRB_S_PROCTYPE - Selection Structure Processing Type

/IBS/SRB_S_PRODA - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Product Types Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RANG - RBD: Selection Structure for Ranking Order Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RBDBN - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Document Number Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RBDID - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Area Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RBDKL - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Class Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RBDNR - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Number Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RBDST - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Account Status Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RBD_GROUP - RBD: Selection Structure for Risk Provision Group Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RBSNA - RBD: Selection Structure for Logon Name Administrator Field

/IBS/SRB_S_REFNR - RBD: Selection Structure for Reference Numbers

/IBS/SRB_S_RGBWA - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Offsetting Flow Type Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RISKC - RBD: Selection Structure for RBD Risk Class Field

/IBS/SRB_S_RLTYP - RBD: Selection Structure for SAP BP Partner Role Field

/IBS/SRB_S_SALDO - RBD: Sel. Structure for Balance for Risk Assesment Field

/IBS/SRB_S_SDATE - RBD: Selection Structure for Fair Value Key Date Field

/IBS/SRB_S_SHEETNR - RBD: Selection Structure for Fair Value Sheet Field

/IBS/SRB_S_SSICH - RBD: Selection Structure for CML Collateral Types Field

/IBS/SRB_S_STIDA - RBD: Selection Structure for Fair Value Key Date Field

/IBS/SRB_S_SWKW - RBD: Selection Structure for Cash Category Field

/IBS/SRB_S_TIMESTAMP - RBD: Selection Structure for Timestamp Field for Ind. Docs

/IBS/SRB_S_TRANS_EVENT - RBD: Selection Structure for Field TRANS_EVENT

/IBS/SRB_S_TTRANS - RBD: Selection Structure for Time of Transaction Field

/IBS/SRB_S_TWAERS - RBD: Selection Structure for Transaction Currency Field

/IBS/SRB_S_UENR - RBD: Selection Structure for Seq. No. Field in Ind. Doc.

/IBS/SRB_S_UINR - RBD: Selection Structure for Field Seq. No. of Actual Record

/IBS/SRB_S_UIREF - RBD: Selection Structure for Field Actual Record Reference

/IBS/SRB_S_UPNR - RBD: Selection Structure for Field Seq. No. Planned Record

/IBS/SRB_S_UPREF - RBD: Selection Structure for Planned Record Reference

/IBS/SRB_S_VAL_FROM - RBD Valid-from Date

/IBS/SRB_S_VERTV - RBD: Sel. Structure for Contract Number Sce System Field

/IBS/SRB_S_VKREF - RBD: Sel. Structure for Acct Assgnmtn Ref. Sce Syst Field

/IBS/SRB_S_WBKNZ - RBD Value Adjustment Indicator

/IBS/SRB_S_ZWBST - RBD: Selection Structure for Assignment Val. Adjut Pos.Field

/IBS/SRB_TCECF - RBD: Table Control Structure for ECF Sheet

/IBS/SRB_TCSHEET - RBD: Table Control Structure for Fair Value Sheet

/IBS/SRB_UE_MAN_POS - RBD: Individual Documents for Manual RBD Accounts

/IBS/SRB_UE_POS - RBD: Posted Individual Documents per Contract

/IBS/SRB_UE_SALDO - RBD Balances of Individual Documents

/IBS/SRB_UMSATZ - RBD: Structure for RBD Records Table (Actual And Planned)

/IBS/SRB_UP_EXTEND - Position Generation: UP Information and Extension

/IBS/SRB_UP_OPQUEUE - Worklist of Planned Records (Internal Processing)

/IBS/SRB_USER - RBD: User Data (Entry / Change)

/IBS/SRB_VDARL_KEY_PWV - RBD: Structure for VDARL Key with Current Dunning Level

/IBS/SRB_VERTOBJ - RBD: Interface Oject Data

/IBS/SRB_VERTOBJSTAM - RBD: Interface Object Master Data

/IBS/SRB_VERTV_ASSIGN_REF - RBD: Help Structure for Contracts with Acct Assignment Ref.

/IBS/SRB_VERTV_CURR_EXCHANGE - RBD: Help Structure for Contracts with Currency Change

/IBS/SRB_WB_SHCOL - Structure for RBD IAS - Dialog Value Adjustment Collaterals

/IBS/SRB_WB_SHEET - Structure for RBD IAS - Dialog Value Adj. Cash Flow Pos.

/IBS/SRB_WF_ACC_CREATE - RBD: Structure for Workflow Output


/IBS/TRB_ECF_BAL - RBD ECF - Positions

/IBS/TRB_ECF_BVC - RBD ECF - Book Value Components

/IBS/TRB_ECF_HD - RBD ECF - Value Adjustment Header Data

/IBS/TRB_ECF_PCF - RBD ECF - Provision Cash Flow

/IBS/TRB_ECF_PCO - RBD ECF - Provision Collateral

/IBS/TRB_ECF_PUT - RBD ECF - Provision Utilization

/IBS/TRB_ECF_VCF - RBD ECF - Value Adjustment - Cash Flow

/IBS/TRB_ECF_VCO - RBD ECF - Value Adjustment - Collateral

/IBS/TRB_ECH_BAL - RBD ECF - Positions History

/IBS/TRB_ECH_BVC - RBD ECF - Book Value Components History

/IBS/TRB_ECH_HD - RBD ECF - Value Adjustment History - Header Data

/IBS/TRB_ECH_PCF - RBD ECF - Provision History - Cash Flow

/IBS/TRB_ECH_PCO - RBD ECF - Provision History - Collateral

/IBS/TRB_ECH_PUT - RBD ECF - Provision History - Utilization

/IBS/TRB_ECH_VCF - RBD ECF - Value Adjustment History - Cash Flow

/IBS/TRB_ECH_VCO - RBD ECF - Value Adjustment History - Collateral

/IBS/TRB_ECI_BAL - RBD ECF - Positions Import Table

/IBS/TRB_ECI_BVC - RBD ECF - Book Value Components Import Table

/IBS/TRB_ECI_CF - RBD ECF - Cash Flow Import Table

/IBS/TRB_ECI_CO - RBD ECF - Import Table for Collateral

/IBS/TRB_ECI_HD - RBD ECF - Import Table Header Data

/IBS/TRB_ECM_BAL - RBD ECF: Manual Contract Management - Positions

/IBS/TRB_ECM_BVC - RBD ECF: Manual Contract Management - Book Value Components

/IBS/TRB_ECM_HD - RBD ECF: Manual Contract Management - Header Data

/IBS/TRB_EC_PLBA - RBD: Decision Template ECF - Amounts

/IBS/TRB_EC_PLC - RBD: IVA Requirement ECF

/IBS/TRB_EC_PLC2 - RBD Decision Template: Provision Requirement

/IBS/TRB_EC_PRPS - RBD: Decision Template ECF


/IBS/TRB_GUIDKTO - RBD: GUID Account Identification

/IBS/TRB_GUIDKVV - RBD: GUID Table Key fields of Contract

/IBS/TRB_HG_PLCH - RBD Decision Template GCC

/IBS/TRB_HG_PROP - RBD: Decision Template GCC




/IBS/TRB_IA_PLCH - RBD Decision Template GCC

/IBS/TRB_IA_PROP - RBD: Decision Template IAS

/IBS/TRB_KTO - RBD Account. Master Data

/IBS/TRB_KTODATE - RBD Account Key Date for Valuation Method

/IBS/TRB_KVV - RBD Assignment RBD Account - Contract Source System


/IBS/TRB_PLCHNG2 - RBD Decision Template: Provision Requirement

/IBS/TRB_PROPRES - RBD: Decision Template

/IBS/TRB_RBDGATE - RBD: Universal Data Basis/Worklist

/IBS/TRB_RBDLOSS - RBD Loss Source System

/IBS/TRB_RINTERV - RBD: Interval ALV Display

/IBS/TRB_SCHIST - RBD IAS - History Value Adjustment Collateral

/IBS/TRB_SCHISTR - RBD IAS - History Provision Collaterals

/IBS/TRB_SHCOL - RBD IAS - Value Adjustment Collateral

/IBS/TRB_SHCOL_R - RBD IAS - Provision Collaterals

/IBS/TRB_SHEET - RBD IAS - Value Adjustment Cash Flow Positions

/IBS/TRB_SHEETH - RBD IAS - Header Data of Valuation Sheet

/IBS/TRB_SHEET_I - RBD IAS - Provision Utilization

/IBS/TRB_SHEET_R - RBD IAS - Provision Cash Flow Positions

/IBS/TRB_SHIST - RBD IAS - History Value Adjustment Cash Flow Positions

/IBS/TRB_SHISTH - RBD IAS - History Header Data Valuation Sheet

/IBS/TRB_SHIST_I - RBD IAS - History Provision Utilization

/IBS/TRB_SHIST_R - RBD IAS - History Provision Cash Flow Positions

/IBS/TRB_TTY_BAL - RBD RBD Balances per Flow Type

/IBS/TRB_UE - RBD RBD Individual Documents

/IBS/TRB_UE_HIST - RBD RBD History of Individual Documents

/IBS/TRB_UI - RBD: RBD Record Data Table (Actual)

/IBS/TRB_UP - RBD RBD Record Data Table (PLANNED)

/IBS/TRB_VS_SALD - RBD Individual Document Table

/IBS/VRB_CF_ZUL - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_ECKON_P - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_ECLIB - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_ECLIB_P - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_ECMOD - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_EC_PCAT - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_EC_PTYP - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_F4_KTO - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_MODID - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_MODID_M - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_PROCCAT - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_PROCTYP - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_RBDNR - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_RBDNR1 - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_RKLASSE - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VRB_RKLS - Generated Table for View

/IBS/VTRB_KTODATE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

/IBS/VTRB_KVV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

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