List of SAP Tables objects containing

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with /

/ECRS/ADF_S - Additional Fields

/ECRS/CDOBI_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CDOBI

/ECRS/CDOBK_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CDOBK

/ECRS/CDOBT_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CDOBT

/ECRS/CDSRC_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CDSRC

/ECRS/CLASSIFIED_CODE_S - Assigned Comm. Code + Supplementary Unit to Customs Product

/ECRS/CNOBI_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CNOBI

/ECRS/CNOBK_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CNOBK

/ECRS/CNOBT_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CNOBT

/ECRS/CNSRC_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/CNSRC

/ECRS/CNTRY_SAP_ISO_S - Mapping SAP Country Code to ISO Country Code

/ECRS/COMCD_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering Commodity Codes

/ECRS/COMCD_S - GTS Call: Check Commodity Code

/ECRS/CRTTS_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element /ECRS/CRTTS

/ECRS/DVIA - Default Values for Import Worklist

/ECRS/DVIA_ENQ_S - Enqueue Structure for Default Values: Import Worklist

/ECRS/DVIA_FOR_ONE_POI_S - Default Values to Import Worklist for a POIID

/ECRS/DVIA_IMPORT_S - Default Values for Worklist Import - Import from UI

/ECRS/DVIA_K_S - Default Values for Import - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/DVIA_PK_S - Default Values for Import Worklist - Key

/ECRS/DVIA_S - Default Values for Worklist Import - Data

/ECRS/DVI_S - Default Values for Worklist Import - Default Values

/ECRS/ERROR_DVI_S - Structure with Error Messages for Default Values

/ECRS/ERROR_POI_S - Structure with Error Messages for Provider of Information

/ECRS/ERROR_RPHD_S - Structure with Error Messages for Declaration Header

/ECRS/ERROR_RPIT_S - Structure with Error Messages for Declaration Items

/ECRS/ERROR_S - Structure with Error Messages

/ECRS/ETS_S - Administrative Data: Created by, Changed by, Time Stamp

/ECRS/EXT_PARTNER_DATA_S - External and Internal Keys for a Business Partner

/ECRS/EXT_PARTNER_KEY_S - Business Partner's External Key

/ECRS/FILE_HEADER_IT_S - Structure with Header Data for Italian Intrastat File

/ECRS/GDOBI_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/GDOBI

/ECRS/GDOBK_R_S - Range Structure for Data Type /ECRS/GDOBK

/ECRS/GDOBT_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/GDOBT

/ECRS/GDSRC_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/GDSRC

/ECRS/GFLOW_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element /ECRS/GFLOW

/ECRS/GFPTC_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element /ECRS/GFPTC

/ECRS/IC_BAS_S - Correction Item - Basic Data

/ECRS/IC_MAIN_S - Correction Item - Main Basic Data

/ECRS/IDOBI_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/IDOBI

/ECRS/IDOBK_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/IDOBK

/ECRS/IDOBT_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/IDOBT

/ECRS/IDSRC_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/IDSRC

/ECRS/IT_BAS_S - Declaration Item - Basic Data

/ECRS/IT_CHA_S - Declaration Item - Characteristics

/ECRS/IT_KEF_S - Declaration Item - Key Figures

/ECRS/IT_MAIN_S - Declaration Item - Main Basic Data

/ECRS/LOGSYS_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element LOGSYS

/ECRS/MATNR_S - Products from Feeder System

/ECRS/MOTAB_R_S - Range Table for /ECRS/MOTAB

/ECRS/OBIT_CDR_S - Correction: Reference Data

/ECRS/OBIT_CNR_S - Cancellation Document: Reference Data

/ECRS/OBIT_GDR_S - Goods Movement: Reference Data

/ECRS/OBIT_IDR_S - Invoice: Reference Data

/ECRS/OBIT_ODR_S - Order/Purchase Order Document: Reference Data

/ECRS/ODOBK_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/ODOBK

/ECRS/ODOBT_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/ODOBT

/ECRS/ODSRC_R_S - Range Structure for Data Element /ECRS/ODSRC

/ECRS/ORPMO_R_S - Range Table for /ECRS/ORPMO

/ECRS/ORPYE_R_S - Range Table for /ECRS/ORPYE

/ECRS/POIA - Provider of Information

/ECRS/POIAD_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element /ECRS/POIAD

/ECRS/POIA_ADR_S - Provider of Information - Address Data

/ECRS/POIA_COR_S - Provider of Information - Basic Data

/ECRS/POIA_CPE_S - Provider of Information - Contact Person

/ECRS/POIA_ENQ_S - Enqueue Structure for Provider of Information

/ECRS/POIA_K_S - Provider of Information - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/POIA_PK_S - Provider of Information - Key

/ECRS/POIA_S - Provider of Information - Data

/ECRS/POIA_VAR_S - Provider of Information - Variable Data

/ECRS/POI_CHD_S - Modifiable Data for a Provider of Information

/ECRS/RETFL_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element /ECRS/RETFL

/ECRS/ROUNDED_FIELDS_S - Rounded Fields: Declaration Item

/ECRS/RPAC - Aggregated Correction Item

/ECRS/RPAC_K_S - Aggregated Correction Item - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPAC_PK_S - Aggregated Correction Item - Key

/ECRS/RPAC_S - Aggregated Correction Item - Data

/ECRS/RPAC_TD_UI_S - Aggregated Correction Item Data for Transfer to UI

/ECRS/RPAC_UI_S - Aggregated Correction Item Data for Transfer to UI

/ECRS/RPAI - Aggregated Declaration Item

/ECRS/RPAI_K_S - Aggregated Declaration Item - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPAI_PK_S - Aggregated Declaration Item - Key

/ECRS/RPAI_S - Aggregated Declaration Item - Data

/ECRS/RPAI_TD_UI_S - Aggregated Declaration Item Data in the UI

/ECRS/RPAI_UI_S - Aggregated Declaration Item Data for Transfer to UI

/ECRS/RPCF - Control Field: Declaration Item

/ECRS/RPCF_K_S - Declaration Item Control Field - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPCF_PK_S - Declaration Item Control Field - Key

/ECRS/RPCF_S - Declaration Item Control Field - Data

/ECRS/RPCH - Field Control: Declaration Header

/ECRS/RPCH_FIELD_S - Declaration Header Field Control - Without GUID

/ECRS/RPCH_K_S - Declaration Header Field Control - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPCH_PK_S - Declaration Header Field Control - Key

/ECRS/RPCH_S - Declaration Header Field Control - Data

/ECRS/RPCM - Special Case Determination: Declaration Item

/ECRS/RPCM_K_S - Special Case Determination for Decl. Item - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPCM_PK_S - Special Case Determination for Declaration Item - Key

/ECRS/RPCM_S - Special Case Determination for Declaration Item - Data

/ECRS/RPCS - Field Control: Declaration Item

/ECRS/RPCS_K_S - Declaration Item Field Control - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPCS_PK_S - Declaration Item Field Control - Key

/ECRS/RPCS_S - Declaration Item Field Control - Data

/ECRS/RPCTI_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element /ECRS/RPCTI

/ECRS/RPC_FC_FIELDS_S - Field Control for Items

/ECRS/RPC_FIELDS_S - Field Control for Items

/ECRS/RPHD - Intrastat Declaration Header Data

/ECRS/RPHD_BADI_DATA_S - Header Data for BAdI

/ECRS/RPHD_CR_ENQ_S - Enqueue Structure for Creating an Intrastat Declaration

/ECRS/RPHD_ENQ_S - Enqueue Structure for Intrastat Declaration

/ECRS/RPHD_GFD_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Data for Decl. File

/ECRS/RPHD_K_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPHD_OPEN_S - Structure with Header Data to Open Intrastat Declarations

/ECRS/RPHD_PK_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Key

/ECRS/RPHD_RLS_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Data for Declar. Release

/ECRS/RPHD_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Data

/ECRS/RPHD_SK_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Secondary Key

/ECRS/RPHD_SUM_S - Intrastat Declaration: Header Data - Totals Fields

/ECRS/RPHD_UI_GRD_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Basic Data for UI

/ECRS/RPHD_UI_S - Intrastat Declaration: Header Data - Data for UI

/ECRS/RPHD_VAR_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Variable Data

/ECRS/RPIC - Correction Item

/ECRS/RPIC_CDATA_S - Structure to Change a Correction Item

/ECRS/RPIC_CORRECTION_REF_S - Correction Reference Fields

/ECRS/RPIC_DATA_S - Structure: Characteristics, Key Figures, Units of Corr. Item

/ECRS/RPIC_K_S - Correction Item - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPIC_PK_S - Correction Item - Key

/ECRS/RPIC_S - Correction Item - Data

/ECRS/RPIC_TD_UI_S - Declaration Item Data for Transfer to UI

/ECRS/RPIC_UI_S - Declaration Item Data for Transfer to UI

/ECRS/RPIT - Declaration Item

/ECRS/RPIT_CDATA_S - Structure to Change a Declaration Item

/ECRS/RPIT_DATA_S - Structure: Characteristics, Key Figures, Units of Decl. Item

/ECRS/RPIT_K_S - Declaration Item - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPIT_PK_S - Declaration Item - Key

/ECRS/RPIT_S - Declaration Item - Data

/ECRS/RPIT_TD_UI_S - Declaration Item Data in the UI

/ECRS/RPIT_UI_S - Declaration Item Data for Transfer to UI

/ECRS/RPLEV_R_S - Range Table Type for Data Element /ECRS/RPLEV

/ECRS/RPLH - Log Header Import from Worklist

/ECRS/RPLH_K_S - Log: Import Worklist Header - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/RPLH_PK_S - Log: Import Header from Worklist - Key

/ECRS/RPLH_S - Log Header: Import from Worklist - Data

/ECRS/RPLH_UI_S - Import Log Header from Worklist - Data in the UI

/ECRS/RPLI - Log Item Import from Worklist

/ECRS/RPLI_K_S - Import Log Items - Key without Client

/ECRS/RPLI_PK_S - Log: Import Items from Worklist - Key

/ECRS/RPLI_S - Log Items: Import from Worklist - Data

/ECRS/RPMON_R_S - Range Structure for Month

/ECRS/RP_CREATE_DATA_S - Header Data to Create a Declaration

/ECRS/RP_FC_CFIELDS_S - Control Fields: Intrastat Declaration

/ECRS/RP_FC_UPDATE_SEL_S - Data Selection to Update Field Control of a Declaration

/ECRS/RP_GOV_FILE_C_ITEM_S - Structure for Correction Items to Generate File

/ECRS/RP_GOV_FILE_DATA_S - Structure for Data in Declaration File

/ECRS/RP_GOV_FILE_HDR_S - Structure for Header Data to Generate Declaration File

/ECRS/RP_GOV_FILE_ITEM_S - Structure for Items to Create a Declaration File

/ECRS/RP_LI_WL_S - Log Item Data and Worklist Data

/ECRS/RP_LI_WL_UI_S - Log Item Data and Worklist Data - Data in the UI

/ECRS/SPUOM3_S - Customs Tariff Number - 3 Dimensions

/ECRS/T005_BUFF_S - Buffering of T005 Data

/ECRS/T006_BUFF_S - Structure for Buffering T006 Data

/ECRS/TBTT - Business Transaction Type (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TBTTT - Business Transaction Type (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TBTTT_K_S - Name of Business Trans. Type (Intrastat) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TBTTT_PK_S - Business Transaction Type (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TBTTT_S - Business Transaction Type (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TBTT_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering /ECRS/TBTT

/ECRS/TBTT_K_S - Business Transaction Type (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TBTT_PK_S - Business Transaction Type (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TCCE - Collection Center (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TCCET - Collection Center (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TCCET_K_S - Collection Center (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TCCET_PK_S - Collection Center (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TCCET_S - Collection Center (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TCCE_K_S - Collection Center (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TCCE_PK_S - Collection Center (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TCIF - Control Field: Declaration Item

/ECRS/TCIF_PK_S - Declaration Item Control Field - Key

/ECRS/TCIF_S - Declaration Item Control Field - Data

/ECRS/TCIM - Special Case Determination: Declaration Item

/ECRS/TCIM_PK_S - Special Case Determination for Declaration Item - Key

/ECRS/TCIM_S - Special Case Determination for Declaration Item - Data

/ECRS/TCIS - Field Control: Declaration Item

/ECRS/TCIS_PK_S - Declaration Item Field Control - Key

/ECRS/TCIS_S - Declaration Item Field Control - Data

/ECRS/TCOO - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TCOOT - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TCOOT_K_S - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TCOOT_PK_S - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TCOOT_S - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TCOO_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering /ECRS/TCOO

/ECRS/TCOO_K_S - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TCOO_PK_S - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TCPC - Foreign Currency in Partner Country

/ECRS/TCPC_K_S - Foreign Currency in Partner Country - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TCPC_PK_S - Foreign Currency in Partner Country - Key

/ECRS/TCPC_S - Foreign Currency in Partner Country - Data

/ECRS/TERE - Exclusion of Regions from Intrastat

/ECRS/TERE_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering Data

/ECRS/TERE_K_S - Exclusion of Regions - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TERE_PK_S - Exclusion of Regions from Intrastat - Key

/ECRS/TFCH - Field Control: Declaration Header

/ECRS/TFCH_PK_S - Declaration Header Field Control - Key

/ECRS/TFCH_S - Declaration Header Field Control - Data

/ECRS/TFCP - Field Control: Provider of Information

/ECRS/TFCP_PK_S - Provider of Information Field Control - Key

/ECRS/TFCP_S - Provider of Information Field Control - Data

/ECRS/TGFC - Format of Declaration File

/ECRS/TGFCT - Format of Declaration File - Name

/ECRS/TGFCT_PK_S - Format of Declaration File: Name - Key

/ECRS/TGFCT_S - Format of Declaration File Name - Data

/ECRS/TGFC_PK_S - Format of Declaration File - Key

/ECRS/TGFC_S - Format of Declaration File - Data

/ECRS/TINC - Incoterms (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TINCT - Incoterms (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TINCT_K_S - Incoterms (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TINCT_PK_S - Incoterms (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TINCT_S - Incoterms (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TINC_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering /ECRS/TINC

/ECRS/TINC_K_S - Incoterms (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TINC_PK_S - Incoterms (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TMCO - Exceptions for Mapping to Country of Origin

/ECRS/TMCO_BUFF_S - Buffering of Data for /ECRS/TMCO

/ECRS/TMCO_K_S - Exceptions for Mapping Country of Origin - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TMCO_PK_S - Exceptions for Mapping for Country of Origin - Key

/ECRS/TMCO_S - Exceptions for Mapping for Country of Origin - Data

/ECRS/TMOT - Mode of Transport at the Border (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TMOTT - Mode of Transport at the Border (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TMOTT_K_S - Mode of Transport (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TMOTT_PK_S - Mode of Transport (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TMOTT_S - Mode of Transport (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TMOT_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering /ECRS/TMOT

/ECRS/TMOT_CRIS_S - Selection Criteria for /ECRS/TMOT

/ECRS/TMOT_K_S - Mode of Transport (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TMOT_PK_S - Mode of Transport at the Border (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TMPC - Exceptions for Mapping to Partner Country

/ECRS/TMPC_BUF_S - Buffering of /ECRS/TMPC

/ECRS/TMPC_K_S - Exceptions for Mapping Partner Country - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TMPC_PK_S - Exceptions for Mapping for Partner Country - Key

/ECRS/TMPC_S - Exceptions for Mapping for Partner Country - Data

/ECRS/TMRE - Region Mapping

/ECRS/TMRE_BUF_S - Buffering of /ECRS/TMRE

/ECRS/TMRE_K_S - Mapping Regions - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TMRE_PK_S - Region Mapping - Key

/ECRS/TMRE_S - Region Mapping - Data

/ECRS/TPCI - Partner Country (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TPCIT - Partner Country (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TPCIT_K_S - Partner Country (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TPCIT_PK_S - Partner Country (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TPCIT_S - Partner Country (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TPCI_K_S - Partner Country (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TPCI_PK_S - Partner Country (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TPRC - Procedure (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TPRCT - Procedure (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TPRCT_K_S - Procedure (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TPRCT_PK_S - Procedure (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TPRCT_S - Procedure (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TPRC_BUF_S - Buffering for /ECRS/TPRC

/ECRS/TPRC_K_S - Procedure (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TPRC_PK_S - Procedure (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TPRT - Port/Airport (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TPRTT - Port/Airport (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TPRTT_K_S - Port/Airport (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TPRTT_PK_S - Port/Airport (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TPRTT_S - Port/Airport (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TPRT_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering /ECRS/TPRT

/ECRS/TPRT_K_S - Port/Airport (Intrastat Code) - Key Without Client

/ECRS/TPRT_PK_S - Port/Airport (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TRAP - Partner Country Assignment (Intrastat Code) to Ctry of Decl.

/ECRS/TRAP_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering /ECRS/TRAP

/ECRS/TRAP_K_S - Assignment of Partner Ctry->Ctry of Decl. - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TRAP_PK_S - Assignment: Partner Country to Country of Declaration - Key

/ECRS/TRCO - Country of Origin (Intrastat Code) Assignm. to Ctry of Decl.

/ECRS/TRCO_K_S - Assignment: Partner Country to Ctry of Decl.- Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TRCO_PK_S - Assignment: Country of Origin to Ctry of Declaration - Key

/ECRS/TRFL - Rounding of Intrastat Fields

/ECRS/TRFL_PK_S - Rounding of Intrastat Fields - Key

/ECRS/TRFL_S - Rounding of Intrastat Fields - Data

/ECRS/TRGI - Region (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TRGIT - Region (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TRGIT_K_S - Region (Intrastat Code) Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TRGIT_PK_S - Region (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TRGIT_S - Region (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TRGI_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering /ECRS/TRGI

/ECRS/TRGI_K_S - Region (Intrastat Code) - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TRGI_PK_S - Region (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TRGI_S - Region (Intrastat Code) - Data

/ECRS/TRPC - Country of Declaration (ISO Code)

/ECRS/TRPCT - Country of Declaration (ISO Code) Name

/ECRS/TRPCT_PK_S - Country of Declaration (ISO Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TRPCT_S - Country of Declaration (ISO Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TRPC_PK_S - Country of Declaration (ISO Code) - Key

/ECRS/TRPC_S - Country of Declaration (ISO Code) - Data

/ECRS/TRPL - Declaration Level

/ECRS/TRPLT - Declaration Level Name

/ECRS/TRPLT_PK_S - Declaration Level Name - Key

/ECRS/TRPLT_S - Declaration Level Name - Data

/ECRS/TRPL_PK_S - Declaration Level - Key

/ECRS/TRRU - Rounding Rule

/ECRS/TRRUT - Rounding Rule Name

/ECRS/TRRUT_PK_S - Rounding Rule Name - Key

/ECRS/TRRUT_S - Rounding Rule Name - Data

/ECRS/TRRU_PK_S - Rounding Rule - Key

/ECRS/TRRU_S - Rounding Rule - Data

/ECRS/TSMC - Special Movement Code (Intrastat Code)

/ECRS/TSMCT - Special Movement Code (Intrastat Code) Name

/ECRS/TSMCT_K_S - Special Movement Code Name - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/TSMCT_PK_S - Special Movement Code (Intrastat Code) Name - Key

/ECRS/TSMCT_S - Special Movement Code (Intrastat Code) Name - Data

/ECRS/TSMC_BUF_S - Buffering of /ECRS/TSMC

/ECRS/TSMC_K_S - Special Movement Code (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/TSMC_PK_S - Special Movement Code (Intrastat Code) - Key

/ECRS/UI_EDIT_POI_DETAIL_S - Provider of Information: Detailed Data

/ECRS/UI_EDIT_POI_OVERVIEW_S - UI: Edit Providers of Information: Overview

/ECRS/UI_MD_DW_100_S - Overview of Providers of Information

/ECRS/UI_MD_DW_150_S - Change Default Values for Import: Overview

/ECRS/UI_MD_DW_200_S - Display/Change Default Values for Import: Overview

/ECRS/UI_MD_DW_300_S - Create/Display/Change Default Values for Import: Detail

/ECRS/UI_RPHD_S - Intrastat Declaration Header Data - Data

/ECRS/UI_TD_RP_100_S - Edit Intrastat Declarations: Overview

/ECRS/UI_TD_RP_200_S - Intrastat Declaration: Data for Creation

/ECRS/UI_TD_RP_300_S - ECR Intrastat Declaration: Structure for Screen 300

/ECRS/UI_TD_RP_310_S - Create / Change / Display Intrastat Declaration: Item

/ECRS/UI_TD_RP_311_S - Intrastat Declaration: Data for Currency Translation

/ECRS/UI_TD_RP_340_S - Create / Change / Display Intrastat Declaration: Mass Change

/ECRS/UI_TD_RP_400_S - Create/Change/Display Intrastat Declaration: Header Data

/ECRS/UI_TD_SL_720_S - ECR: Display Worklist: Structure for Screen 720

/ECRS/UI_TD_SL_730_S - Display Worklist: Structure for Screen 730

/ECRS/UI_WLEN_S - Worklist for Intrastat Declaration - Data in the UI

/ECRS/VAT_BUF_S - Structure for Buffering the VAT Registration Number

/ECRS/V_TBTT - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCCE - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCIF1 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCIF2 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCIM1 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCIM2 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCIS1 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCIS2 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCOO - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TCPC - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TERE - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TFCH - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TFCP - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TGFC - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TINC - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TMCO - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TMOT - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TMPC - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TMRE - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TPCI - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TPRC - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TPRT - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRAP - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRAP_F4 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRCO - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRCO_F4 - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRFL - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRGI - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRPC - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRPL - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TRRU - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/V_TSMC - Generated Table for View

/ECRS/WLEN - Worklist for Intrastat Declaration

/ECRS/WLEN_ADD_S - Worklist for Intrastat Declaration - Data to Create

/ECRS/WLEN_CHA_S - Worklist - Characteristics

/ECRS/WLEN_EXT_ERP_S - External Structure for Creating Worklist Entries

/ECRS/WLEN_EXT_S - External Structure for Creating Worklist Entries

/ECRS/WLEN_FS_S - Structure for Determining Additional Data for WL Transfer

/ECRS/WLEN_GFL_S - Worklist - Flow of Goods

/ECRS/WLEN_KEF_S - Worklist - Key Figures

/ECRS/WLEN_K_S - Worklist for Intrastat Declaration - Key w/o Client

/ECRS/WLEN_PK_S - Worklist for Intrastat Declaration - Key

/ECRS/WLEN_POI_S - Worklist - Provider of Information

/ECRS/WLEN_PRD_S - Worklist - Product Data

/ECRS/WLEN_S - Worklist for Intrastat Declaration - Data

/ECRS/WLEN_UI_S - Transfer to UI: Worklist for Intrastat Declaration - Data

/ECRS/WLEN_VFL_S - Worklist - Value Flow

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