12654 SAP OSS Note - Generation error in update program

SAP OSS Note 12654 version 0009 contains details of a know issue related to Generation error in update program . This includes any associated symptoms and instructions on how to fix it, see below for full details. Also check out the comments section to view/add related contributions, questions or screen shots, based on real life experience of this oss note and problem.

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Note 12654 Details:

When does this problem occur

Key word: Termination

The update program terminates with message
Error 061: Error generating program RMCX...
E 078 "UPDATE DBTAB SET F = +/- V" is only allowed for ...

Cause of the problem and Pre-requisites

The high-performance ABAP/4 command "UPDATE DBTAB SET .." is used in the

generated update source code to update the data in the inform

ation structure.

This command does not allow the cumulative UPDATE of fields defined with
type NUMC or CHAR, date, time in the ABAP/4 Data Dictionary.

Solution instructions

1. "Cumulative update" cannot be used for fields with data type CHAR;

only "data transport".

2. For fields with data type NUMC ..

Normally, when info structures are generated, the
technical characteristics of the source fields are copied for the new

fields in the info structure. Data type NUMC of the source field,

however, is not allowed for the subsequent definition of the update.

               By specifying a reference field in the field catalog that

differs from the source field, you enable differing technical

 characteristics (including the data type) to be used.

Using a new reference field with data type CURR, QUAN,

. will solve the problem.               Example: You want the "Number of

shipping units" field (source field MCLIKP-ANZPK) in deliveri

es to be updated to an info structure. However, the source field in the

delivery header is of type NUMC. If you use the "cumulative up

date" method, the above error occurs when generation is carried out. To

get round this problem, you must use a different key figure in

 the information structure.               WHAT TO DO:

Define a new key figure for the "number of shipping units"

and ens
ure that its field has different technical characteristics than source

field MCLIKP-ANZPK. You can use the number fields (number of or

der items, number of returns items, ...) in structure MCVKENNZ1 as a

reference for defining the field in the ABAP/4 Data Dictionary. S

tore the newly defined field in the field catalog as a reference field

for the key figure "Number of shipping units". Fo

r instructions on how to define and use a reference field, see the

Implementation Guide for Logistics Controlling under "Field catalog

s" in "Data retrieval". As of Release 3.0, the documentation can be

found in the Implementation Guide under "Logistics - General --> L

ogistics Information System (LIS) --> Logistics Data Warehouse --> Data

Basis --> Field Catalogs". After having changed

the field catalog, you also have to change the info structure. First,

delete the old key figure "Number of shipping units" from the in

fo structure. Second, choose the key figure again from the changed field

catalog. The new reference field with the correct technical c

haracteristics is now used to generate the info structure. Once you have

generated the info structure, you must modify the update defi

nition. For this purpose, delete the update rule for the key figure

"Number of shipping units" and then create it again using the "Res

tore" function. Once the update rules have been defined, the update

generation will no longer cause any errors.

Implement the attached corrections in Releases 3.1I through 4.6C.

Description of problem

M2078, M2, 078, UPDATE, dbtab, SET

Solution instructions

Please import the corrections attached to this OSS note into your SAP system using SNOTE.

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From here you can just enter the note number 12654 and press execute. If the note already exists it's details will be displayed. See here for full step by step instructions on how to check if an SAP note has been downloaded and is valid for your system.

If note 12654 does not exist on your system you will receive the message "Unable to find SAP Note that meets specified criteria"
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If this is the case you will need to download the note to you SAP system also using transaction SNOTE. For further details see Download note using SNOTE. Even if it does exist you may still want to check if you have downloaded the latest version of the note.

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